at 6:00 pm at the Sussex County administrative Center commissioner meeting room one Spring Street Newton New Jersey can I have a roll call please commissioner Hayden here commissioner shik here director space here deputy director Carney here commissioner the grp here uh moment of silence and salute to the flag the board would like to observe a moment of silence for Andy borisuk a member of the Sussex County planning board who passed away recently I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with libery and justice for all number four public statement pursuant to the open public meetings act chapter 231 PL 1975 adequate notice as defined by section 3D of chapter 231 PL 1975 has been made by regular mail and email such notice being submitted on January 7th 2024 from the administrative center of the county of Sussex located at one Spring Street Newton New Jersey to the following the New Jersey Herald and the Star Ledger and is also posted on the bulletin board maintained in the administrative Center for Public announcements and has been submitted to the Sussex County Clerk in compliance with set app at this time please mute all electronics and I say it every time if we could just put ours away the other commission okay approval of agenda can I get a motion to approve the agenda still move okay uh commissioner was that you John okay commissioner degr and then deputy director Carney um any discussion all in favor I oppose abstain motion carries number six proclamations certificates and presentation uh today we have a proclamation recognizing May 2024 as mental health awareness month I don't see Gary Kramer oh there you are hi Gary and Christine Florio administrator for the Sussex County Department of Health and Human Services are here to accept this Proclamation and commissioner degu is going to give it Proclamation whereas mental health is an essential part of overall health and wellbeing and whereas mental health is defined by the World Health Organization as a state of wellbe in which every individual realizes his or own potential canope with the normal stresses of Life can work productively and is able to make a contribution to her or his community and whereas mental is a leading cause of suffering and disability that is exacerbated by stigma and discrimination and whereas one in six youth AG six to 17 years and one in five individuals age 18 and over will experience a diagnos withal health disorder each year and whereas increasing awareness of mental health and the importance of mental health prevention intervention and treatment services can encourage those who are suffering to reach out for help and whereas the susus County Board of County Commissioners adopted and supports the campaign to change direction which is a national model to reduce stigma and change the culture of mental health so that all those in need receive the care and support they deserve the campaign supports the inclusion of mental health into overall health and encourages individuals to know the five signs of emal suffering and supports others to reach out for help when needed and whereas May is recognized nationally as mental health awareness F providing opportunity to raise awareness comat stigma and promote Mental Health Resources now therefore be it resolved that upon the recognation of the suss County Mental Health Board the suss County Board of County Commissioners hereby officially designate May 2024 as mental health awareness month in Sussex County by order of the board of County Commissioners [Applause] thank I just want to thank the board um for all your support of mental health and everything we do Under the Department of Health and Human Services and also for allocating arpa funding specifically for mental health services um it's a huge help for our County and I wanted to introduce Gary Kramer he's been on our Mental Health Board for many many years I 10 years at least I don't know if it's that seems like but you've been a great asset Health Board Gary's been very committed to trying to increase access to mental health services so I just want to see Gary want to say some of you may find that I'm on the Mental Health Board somewhat but I have been it's been a rewarding part of of my career and I it's very fitting that the Commissioners designates May mental health U situation has really changed dramatically since I've been directly involved in it it's just been so much more awareness at all levels of government like I see it in the prosecutor's office for example that's what one major thing where um we now have a there's actually a leison from the prosecutor's office who sits on the this Mental Health Board that didn't exist when I became a member and one of the reasons is that nowadays uh for law enforcement purposes there is a recognition by local police departments by the state police by the prosecutor's office that often times there are situations that should not be handled as as straight criminal law enforcement matters that there is a mental health overlay that is involved and more effective to um direct those sorts of situations uh into various programs rather than the traditional law enforcement approach to the court possible some fiction possible sentence stigma for life and I think you heard in that Proclamation which you uh which you issued today that's one of the big focuses is try to El that stigma and there just been great strides that made do appreciate the fact thank you should we get a picture get a picture pict get a picture with you guys pict I got to swing this that's phone here so I oh my God hey do we have Marty Kane with the annual Leo pakong Foundation presentation welcome withen adist my good look on I watch good to see some you and the opportunity again to kind of kind of just brief you up onces this year weeted our now okay um that's always a stressful time at late because a lot bu and all always concerned whe we're going to see that 5 ft of know water return to the lake this year Mother Nature had other uh ideas and we were kind of pass to a full Lake by December and was pretty you know amazing how the lake is filled up so we're to a full season the Lake's over the dam now it's been over the dam for quite a period so polic can say we don't expect problems this year L oy oxygenation so the commission has been working withy Council for the feasibility study of um an oxygenation system for lakeon so that would address the Lakes internal phosphorous load which we believe in 2019 is what allow the U Lake wide har Al toist so um we looked at other Lakes uh in the area and have working with and hyro system and to to install that under a private that's offered by P res moving on to Whitten Park um we're working with the BAU for pacon on a national Fish and Wildlife Foundation Grant um to storm water flowing through a one acre kind of pocket park that's ad to lakeon so uh the idea is that we will manage that storm water before ENT L and address any sedimentation or phos so we were awarded the um planning funds in 2021 we've applied for additional funds for the implementation of that for hopefully those will be awarded in a um we're also doing a socks for dos program in uh H pacon so that sounds funny but um what it is is a biochar which is um a type of material that can absorb nutrients out of the water so what we want to do is work with individual residents to provide biocharge sock that they can hang on their [Music] dock um it's very catchy thek um and what we hope is that it will um get residents thinking about how nutrients are entering the lake um and then we'll be testing some of those socks to see the amount of that will removing um and then hopefully we can open that up to other residents in upcoming years but for this year it program with and as you know because so many people come before you they go what can I do you know you know ation is you know 900 acre big project but what can I personally do this is a you can hang a sock off your dock collect nutrients and then you actually can throw it in your garden as a fertilizer and it doesn't leech back the nutrients it actually just acts as a fertilizer so it's that kind of a nice little project to be able to just do for people um the next on your list there is use Management program so this is the second year that the commission is working with the USDA uh a program in 2023 us 271 eggs so the idea of this program is not really to reduce the population but at least to um hold it stable so we're not seeing a population and the reason we want to do that is because these contribute to the nutrient load in the L dropping so I think statistic is something like three or four um can contribute as much phosph as um as a system so we really want to manage that population least keep it stable um not then yeah that's a it's a project actually in Roxbury the southern part of the lake but it's a really you know um just uh a great trial program for how we could possibly do some dredging at the lake in a positive way and so that it's not super expensive the idea would be is taking the material out and recreating an island that used to be in the lake so you know most of the cost involved with dredging is Trucking the materials right so this would actually allow us to create this or recreate an island that was there use the material and get some of re watered death back in that particular part of the lake um you know the maetrics study showed up to 10 ft of sediment you know because had been some storm water problems part of the lake that have now been fixed but materials already in the lake so it's a good project um still got funding for it but it's looking positive that this one will be able to move forward oh Jefferson okay if you ask the four Mayors and Ron does because he sat through a bunch of these meetings in his prior job what the biggest thing you could do at Lake a p would be have Jefferson get sewers would because where Roxbury took care of it took care of to about 50% or so and continues to like Jefferson never did it they missed that window 20 years ago when the money was around and they have about 40% of the homes on way so it it's a really big deal the Mayors are all really strong on this and um uh the representative for Jefferson is actually in that's in the 11th District It's s only town it's not in and um Mikey Cheryl was able to get some funding for Eric Susan and Jefferson and the project is moving forward so you know and uh I have to say representative King has been really helpful in that also so it's nice example work together for something and the final one police and collaboration this has been a huge fact we just had our annual policing meeting today Jefferson pac's Tak full advantage of this have a police for the first time it's going to be a loan from the uh New Jersey State Park Service um and as you know you get a lot of people on like a pack back too many because you guys you folks get calls sometimes when things don't work well in the H ping side of the lake in myON Co um we can get four to 600 boats More Than This One Co on a nice Saturday or Sunday probably too many and you know you get the noise complaints you get other complaints um the state police and am Mars County sheriff in conjunction with also the Sussex County Sheriff have really been heavily hitting in the last cou years but um hak's idea is to basically just have between 2 and 7 um on Saturdays and Sundays their own police boat in the lake so it frees up um the state police and the sheriff to be able to keep an eye on other parts of the lake and hopefully just the fact that they're there most people will you know respect the fact that the police are sitting in the cove and OPAC has done a really great job with some undercover work too it's you know unfortunate but for the size of the lake which isn't that hug you know getting all the possible you know the fishing the Boating the the paddling um you know all those recreational uses on a busy weekend be a little trying at times during the week it delays all yourself you know all but the re harvesting program is getting started the the boats are in the water or at least two of them are in the water um we are starting a bit earlier this seon add early Lake as know we got no help there we're going to address um our water quality monitoring program um water quality parameters cyanotoxin monitoring which is um how we Monitor aoms and plant surveys um will begin in this month um and that builds on our 30-year continuous data set for the lake so when we apply for grants that data set is really helpful in getting um since carry some of those grants deep he really likes to see data set um we are also working on the Lakes restoration Grant so um that was a million dollar award to the lake commission partnership with the foundation um we have address during the fiveyear draw down we work with municipalities to address um um storm storm water alcol cleanouts so that's where the storm water is coming into the lake untreated that siment uh creates these and if we don't remove that just keeps getting push further and further into so um we work municipalities to remove that siment there we're looking at a fall 2024 Alum treatment so that addresses the same issues as the oxygenation system it's going be 900 acre treatment of Alum to kind of walk in the internal nutrient load so it's not available to the CYO bacteria for harmful um we look at that as a bridge to the oxygenation system have effectiveness of about 5 to seven years and hopefully in that time we will have installed oxygenation system and we have treatment hopefully and have oygen system tool that internal and then we're continuing use bioart and and manufactur treatment devices manufactur treatment devices around the through 202 all under that one gr um and then from the results of our Al or 39 Grant the commission is recommending to the municipalities that they continue the use of biochar as an annual maintenance program um so we're going to be providing information for that to each of the municipalities and hopefully they'll continue to use biochar to filter EAS oxygenation systems or you know much bigger project and the good news with that is biochar very inexpensive so the counts like that part okay yeah uming class um it's been a great success in fact the only thing keeping it down work about 2,000 students this year is just the volunteers we do we're out three days a week right now um it's five counties we hit a lot of towns in Sussex County with that um it's been a hely successful program there's four stops one is like most is the floating classroom actually on the lake and they do some testing and uh I know some of you have been out on it um and uh it just you know we get them into the muskin Kong River you know we get them on a little hike it's a really good program it's been really highly um rated by schools and because it's been so successful we're trying starting a high school program in the fall but they're putting together the curriculum now so we hope to work with a lot of high schools in the area on that particularly if you have like environmental programs uh it'll be great so you know it's a you know we're always shocked how sometimes kids can live a block from the lake and never have been on like a Pack Hunt you know things like that now the goal is to make sure anybody around here at least they get out on classroom they see what the resources shink wrap recycling has been a great success with Sussex has really been hugely helpful in that they have their own shrink WP recycling with uh um a company right across the brid um for years program language because no one would take it for free you had a pay for we finally found someone is taking it um it's been used this year all the marinas are working with us in fact some of the marinas even from places like Lake Mohawk and all have been bringing their down because one it saves some of the money of having it taken away people like the fact that doesn't wind up in the landfill and it gets you know reused um so it's been a very successful Mars County's been involved Sussex County and all four towns uh it's just been a good one and hopefully it'll expand across the entire State um the fountain that's just a little project is right on the border of pong and Roxbury was the um the fountain had been there for years and years it was built as part of the Mars Canal um measure the flow of the lake for the last um 30 plus years it has been silent because maintenance problems and all we got a grant to do the historic work it actually went better than we ever expected and now we actually got a definite date of July 16th 99 years to the date it was first turned on it'll be turned back on again so um we'll be sending those if you want to come down that day we think the commission coming down have a few official we a feel good project and the others are just some dates the native plant that we just completed and that grows every year it's been popular program for us um the Hudson Farm Walk which is you know for those that haven't been to Hudson Farm L an opportunity you don't have to back to take part in it this coming Saturday um just an amazing you know way of seeing their 4,000 you know part of the 4,000 Acres there the BL party comes up the week after that which is you on a decent day if we ever had a day like this we'd probably do 5,000 people we have a history of not the best weather so we to break that this year um so that's on the 18th all four towns participate the Mayors and police all four towns participate as well as the counties veterans cruise is really popular o pakong does it on on River 6 Bridge it's been usually successful where we got a huge amount of people there saluting the veterans and they go through all four towns um it's just something one of our people thought of and Miss lot of cruise boat on the lake is from day one said sure take the boat you can use it however you want community and Lake Loop is is our big that's what kind of really our serious money to do a lot of what we do we do that July 18th it's going to be at the stone water this year and the lake Loop is something we do to celebrate the lake you know usually it's kaying bicycl kind of tweak it a little bit every year and I think the last one is just a little bit on the advocacy um we've actually um have right uh the Senate assembly 876 which is 2105 in the assembly which would bring it's not just like a pack all public lakes in theate and as a result we have a public Lakes Alliance working very closely with um fact includes several lakes in Sussex County like Schwarz wood and cranberry and um it it's been great because what we've been doing is going to visit legislators and you know like when we go down to usually have someone from a lake in Burlington with us so it makes it a lot more personal than us talking about some Lake up in Northwest Jersey away in South Jersey um so that's been good we hope to get it through we're working really hard to get it out we had a great meeting with Senator Smith on the Senate side um uh assembly mckennedy is one of our sponsors he's the environment committee we just got to get it out of committee is here and get it rolling um there's a lot of politics evolved the 24th delegation has been super helpful to us we'll be visiting other delegations on this shortly and um I think we visited at last count something like about um 14 senators and something about like a similar amount of assembly Representatives so um it's just something else we're doing just to try to bring money to public was and like I said that one actually helps across the count not just us um and you know the other thing is is you know we're looking for any ways to bring money toes so you know anything that is out there going to try to work for that's it any your questions I don't think we were as longwinded this year any questions no thank you thank you thank you so much for coming good to see you number seven public hearing there is none number eight public session from the floor this public session is for those wishing to make a comment of 3 minutes or less regarding an agenda item please line up at the microphone and state your name municipality and agenda topic for the record can I get a motion to open the floor for public comment still move deputy director Carney makes a motion and a second second commissioner shik any discussion all in favor I oppose obain the floor is open Agenda topics only anyone can I get a motion to close the floor for public comment still moves deputy director Carney in a second second commissioner shik any discuss discussion all in favor I oppose abstain motion carries number nine commissioner comments we're going to start with me today and then I'm going to move on and then we'll come back to me um first we have a joint press release from sussex's Tech um dated today May 8th 2024 over the past several weeks the Sussex County Board of County Commissioners has received many messages and spoken to numerous parent parents over concerns regarding recently announced cuts by the Sussex County Technical School Commissioners Earl schik and commissioner Jack degu attended the April Board of Education meeting to listen to the families and students firsthand while the board does not have oversight over the day-to-day operations of the Sussex County Technical School there is a portion of the school's annual operating and capital expenditures that is provided by Sussex County and approved by the board of County Commissioners most recently myself director Jill space and deputy director Chris Carney as members of the County's budget committee met with administration at Tech to work collaboratively to address these concerns while the county has already passed our annual budget the board does have the ability to reallocate designated funds at the end of the year as a result of this support by the Sussex County Board of Commissioners the Sussex County Technical School will have the ability to maintain programs that that enrich the educational experience of their students these programs include graphic arts architecture and the drama club in addition while Theater Arts will be sunsetting current Juniors will have the opportunity to complete their senior year in the program should additional funding become available the technical school has pledged to explore F future reinstatement of the program the board of County Commissioners in the Sussex County Technical School remains deeply grateful for their partnership ensuring the ability for every student to have access to the resources is and experiences they need to thrive academically personally and professional remains both the boards and the technical schools top priorities so I'll state that this came about um we've been having the Commissioners and and myself commissioner deg grou and I have met um separately we can only do meetings in groups of two like we always say when we discuss County business so commissioner degr and I have met commissioner shik and de gr have met and commissioner Carney and I have met all in individual meetings with the college and the last meeting that um commissioner shik and I had uh we were with Dr Connelly and Kurt gcki of the Board of Trustees we have not had our Board of school estimate meeting for their budget yet that was supposed to be tonight and unfortunately it got cancelled and it won't be until May 29th but um we had an additional 100,000 that was designated for the county college that um together with the college we've decided that it would be better to move that money and we are able to designate that 100,000 because it was meant for Education um over to sussex's Tech we can't do a transfer until November but um after meeting yesterday commissioner deputy director Carney and I met with um um Gus Moda and Jenny duel yesterday and we had an excellent meeting and they feel that we can save these shops and we're hoping that we can eventually maybe next year in our budget you work better with tech to where we're on the same page like we've been working really well with the college for the last you I would say it's been about six weeks before we actually um have this board of school estimate it's better for us to all be on the same page and for there to be no prizes so also in our meeting yesterday we suggested to Mr MAA that um we would like to see the times of their meetings changed to accommodate the parents more at the school I mean I would love a 4:00 meeting but obviously that doesn't work for the taxpayer so that's why we're at 6 o' um we also discussed and they were very interested to hear from our um Chief of Staff about our grant writer that the county has and to see if maybe they could pursue something like that and I also know although we were not in attendance that the college met um College administration and Tech met and they're going to be having a better working relationship together moving forwards so I see between the county the college the county the college and the technical school I see a much better um relationship which is beneficial to the children the college students and the County residents taxpayers so we were all pretty thrilled with that and anyone wants to attend the board of school estimate meeting that's at 4:00 that's for the college the tech one has already happened um that's for the college on uh May 29th right before our next meeting and that will be commissioner Hayden myself and commissioner schik because it's not the full board that that meets so um that's May 29th in this room oh here this room yes yep and I I have to say that the the college has been very good with listening to our concerns um financially so looking forward to that okay so I'll come back to my other comments director can I just add one one thing um we proposed uh director space and myself proposed that the budget hearings going forward for votch and the and the college will happen a lot sooner that way we things like this don't happen again we're well aware early enough that we can kind of get a grasp on things and put money aside and try to help out as much as we as much as we can obviously without hurting the burdening the tax and I'm going to suggest quarterly meetings with um the Liaisons uh of the of the school which I think is myself and and commissioner shik um moving forwards at least quarterly so and the same with uh the Liaisons for the college which I think is commissioner degr and commissioner shik I think it's better that we have the an open relationship it's better for better for everyone so that's about it anyone any other Commissioners want to comment on that before we move on to other commissioner comments okay uh commissioner Hayden I'm going to go through this and try to do it quick obviously I can't talk well uh sus County Library System celebrates older American month at the C County Library System they have several events that are listed on the C County Library website uh learn Library Workshop computer Basics at the main library these are all for people elderly people wellness program for seniors at the dentist Branch navigating health care costs at the Dennis Branch legal services of the northwest New Jersey presents the power of attorney rules and test again you can find all this on the sus County vents website one other thing I want to bring up um I think we all believe in transparency correct um there's some hearings tomorrow to gut Oprah down in Trenton I don't know if any of us want to try and do any resolution or any but there is Senate eight Senate 2930 and 84045 scheduled and it would gut the ability of people to get information from government and I think that's a bad thing is I ran out transparency that's all okay thank you uh commissioner shank so um the Sussex votch and the Sussex Community College um work that we've done has taken up a considerable amount of our our time so uh director space has made it um pretty clear you know how hard we've been working so I don't need to blager that point um I've met with a number of veterans around the community and they're looking for they're just looking for a little bit more interaction from me as the new as the new commissioner and of course I volunteered myself for that and outside of that really that's that's all I have to report today okay sounds good thank you and commissioner de grp yeah um last week uh the New Jersey Association of counties and Jack uh held its annual conference in Atlantic City I attended uh it was a remarkable opportunity to connect with County Commissioners Statewide and give get insights into the diverse challenges they encounter in their respective uh counties uh throughout the 3-day event I engaged in multiple workshops uh covering a spectrum of topics including artificial intelligence uh America's upcoming 250th anniversary celebration cyber security and growth management uh one notable highlight I did want to mention was from um an artificial intelligence Workshop uh in a quote that I think you know really sums it up in the spoke volume was artificial intelligence is not coming for your job it's coming to help your job uh this quote underscores the transformative potential of artificial intelligence used alongside um County workers any type of workers in business uh and in government um to help optimize Services um but you know from my days in Academia at the University of New Hampshire I do understand uh this is very new technology uh and it requires much research and careful implementation to that matter uh nonetheless I did want to bring before the board uh in New Jersey uh the county surrogates office actually has already integrated artificial intelligence into their operation and website I the honor of speaking to pay County's uh surrogate uh she's really nice and informative uh conversation with her uh so look to looking to have you know further conversation with her um and then you know doing further exploration some research just on the potential benefits of AI uh notably I know commissioner space had brought up uh back in January 1st a re organization meeting uh the goal of revamping our County website uh I know you're working hard on that which is great um I think that uh potentially artificial intelligence could be integrated in that realm uh sort of things but again um a lot of research a lot of exploration I could do that on my end so uh looking to have that conversation um in the future uh besides artificial intelligence at njac uh I do have some comments regarding America's upcoming 250th anniversary uh but I'll bring that up in new business um so that was summary of NJ uh besides that the suss County division of health and Office of Public Health and nursing have some up upcoming health clinics that include a women's health screening Clinic which will be held on Thursday May 9th 2024 from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Office of Public Health nursing 2011 wheatsworth Road Hamburg this Clinic offers a variety of Health screenings and education uh the service is free to uninsured and underinsured County residents who qualify for the New Jersey cancer education and early detection program uh a child health clinic will be held on Tuesday May 28th 2024 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Office of Public Health nursing 2011 wheatsworth Road Hamburg this Clinic offers complete physical exams screenings and age appropriate immunization for children's ages 0 to 5 years old that are without health insurance and finally a health uh check clinic will be held on Tuesday May 28th 2024 from 2: p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Office of Public Health uh nursing once again at 21 we wheatsworth Road Hamburg this Clinic offers vaccines for adults and schoolage children uh there is no fee for vaccines if uninsured or underinsured uh the clinic also offers a variety of Health screenings appointments are requ required and can be scheduled by calling the Office of Public Health nursing at 973 579 0570 extension 1275 um that is all thank you and deputy director Carney thank you um I have a few things to report on I'll start with department of engineering and planning um just to go over some projects that we're doing we're currently Department's active Capital project workf includes an excess of 130 individual Capital project Pro projects tasked valued at 42 million 87 of the 130 capital projects are directly related to the roadway system of the 87 capital projects tasks 43 of the 87 or almost 50% are being completed using in-house courses which is always nice because it saves the taxpayer lots of money including with the capital work Q our 31 roadway Capital project assignments 23 Bridge construction Capital project assignments 19 Traffic Safety Capital project assignments 14 stor water Capital project assignments 21 functional assignments related to Farms seven functional assignments related to Wastewater planning um just some facilities updates uh the Frankford sanitary Force main Sewer District we're working on uh the project has been taken out of hold and the engineers have resumed finalizing the drawing set in tww application awaiting final review for schuma and their letter of recommendation to njd emergency generator repairs completed uh 5.0 three also our Sheriff's transfer station a new building we're building at the OEM that will should be on our agenda next month right Ron for next meeting for resolution uh to for for bid on that that'll take about 90 days to build end the story that turned key package meaning like the sheriff's office will be in that building is the end of August um it's a long time coming so that goes hand in hand with getting rid of the jail the sheriff's officers that are here could spread that rumor um coming from the clerk's office April revenue is up $ 5,275 76 from April 23 total increase revenue from April 23 to 24 is 99,2 2268 document recordings indicates lower sales for dwellings under 500,000 inventory of the 500,000 under price range is down in Sussex as well as the rest of New Jersey individual IND individuals with low fixed rate mortgage mortgages rates are opting to stay in their homes rather than sell the seven properties sold in Sussex County during the month of April total 12, 688,000 21 which supports the observation with the bulk of our revenue is coming from properties that sold for over a million dollars so a lot of lot of heavy sales uh property alert systems um April was a high a high amount was 1881 and to date we're over a th finally uh with the property alert systems the Daniel's law we had 14 register in April and to date we're at 576 a little something from District 24 uh Senator space opposed in the Senate envir environment committee a constitution amendment to ban new fossil fuels plants in New Jersey and that includes plants which produce electric power in whole or in part from the combustion cleaner cleaner burning natural gas this will devastate electric generation in the state this is all part of Murphy's effort to go 100% renewable energy by 2035 affordable housing the legislators opposed a new law to impose more low income housing mandates in the state depending on how this will be implemented it could destroy the rural nature of the county and cause massive property property tax hikes environmental constraints such as Highlands act are supposed to be used in formation of the Town's Fair Share but not again no one really knows but again I'm sorry no one really knows how this was implemented by the state attorneys and experts believe the law over overall increases the amount of low-income housing that each town is supposed to allow to be built as well as shortening timelines for towns to comply uh and Senator space organized a meeting with the County Fire Chiefs the fire academy and the New Jersey supervisor of fire safety discuss volunteer firefighter firefighting training requirements which I've seen myself and are very very hardcore and almost unaccomplished um for somebody who works out a lot I find it very hard for some of the people are going to be able to do it including myself um director space and myself we were at the Chamber of Commerce Taste of the stars um last week I think it was it Thursday after our meeting right the day after our last meeting I was actually nominated for a chairperson of the award of the year did not win did not win came in a good 17th um but it was it was a good event Always by the Chamber of Commerce we also attended um director commissioner schik and myself at the blue star Memorial in Vernon where the highway was I think it's the third one in the state was awarded that up at the flats in Vernon third one in the county third one in the county in the county I'm sorry okay um I also attended a crimes Stoppers fundraiser late last week um with director space um which was another good event which rose raised a good amount of money um I now am a member of the Crim Stoppers tomorrow we have a meeting with the internet providers and I believe we're meeting with at least two as of right now hopefully that'll be more this goes back to what I was I've been talking about with the internet bringing that to Sussex County with the BPU we had another meeting with the BPU last Thursday which I think finally at least for me uh understood what we need to do to get some of this money here to do the infrastructure in the county um so we got a good base meeting with them tomorrow will kind of solidify what information they have to give to us that way we can go out to the Mr pales and they can get out to the people and find out who's served and who's unders served in the county once that gets established we have 90 days um to come up with the our challenge report and basically figure out who is underserved and and even when it comes to sell service who is underserved uh in Internet side and sell service side so that's going to happen and I'm very happy about that um something that we've been needing in sus County for a long time and it's going to come to fruition very shortly one more thing I just big kudos to Christine Florio and the health department I was sick as a dog on uh over the weekend which I never ever get sick but I was sick 8:30 I got a call from a councilwoman in haong I looked at my phone I was like oh boy cuz it wasn't going to be good she wasn't calling me to just talk that's for sure um but I knew there was a problem so basically in a pakong one of our Mexican restaurants suppression system went down um which was the day before CCO Deo big day for them so I called Christine Florio hoping she would answer as always she answered I told her what was going on she made some phone calls they were able to go out after everything was fixed the help Department was able to go out do their inspection and get Lolas and kakang up and running the next day which is probably their biggest day of the year if I had to guess so big kudos to Christine and the health department for doing that that means a lot and and helped out that business so that's all I have thank you thank you um on April 29th a zoom meeting was held with Warren and hun counties to discuss expanding Broadband throughout Northwest New Jersey deputy director Carney was also an attendance on this meeting Warren County explained the process that they went through and discussions were had to perhaps go to shared services to help obtain as much money and grant funding for this area of Northwest New Jersey and then on May 2nd that other meeting that we had um with the BPU District 24 representatives in the municipalities in Sussex County to further understand the process and the steps required to be in a good place to ensure all individuals have access to broadband which deputy director Carney uh already said we have another meeting tomorrow on that um I also attended uh Branchville fire department's annual dinner and it was nice to see um them all come together and you know install their officers uh commissioner Hayden and I attended the planning board meeting on Monday and uh we approved a road entrance right away on road permit on the county road for a for a Starbucks enir fire yep and I also attended a fundraiser for Mavericks Legacy in Frankford and uh My Health Report um division of Health Office of Public Health nursing May is tickborne disease awareness month in New Jersey this month emphasizes the importance of preventing tick bites and tickborne diseases encouraging the public to pursue immediate treatment and to strengthen efforts for outreach and education limes disease is the most prevalent reported tickborne disease in the country and in 2022 there were 5800 reported cases in the state this disease is concentrated in the Northeast the Office of Public Health nursing is providing health education and free tick kits at various locations throughout the county during the month of May recently Public Health nursing has distributed 340 tick removal kits to the community as well as 100 pet tick first aid kits the tick removal kits are as well as tick education and information was provided to the hotel managers and Adventure staff at Minerals Resort and Grand Cascades resort and hotel for the benefit of of their guests tick removal kits as well as tick education and information was also provided to County summer camps in preparation for their youth campers this season to learn more about the health education schedule for tickborne diseases or the various services available through the Office of Public Health nursing please call 973 579 0570 division of Senior Services the Sussex County division of senior services will be recognizing older Americans during its annual older Americans month celebration on Friday May 10th 2024 the event will be held at the Sussex County fairgrounds agriculture Pavilion located at 37 Plains Road in Augusta New Jersey from 9:00 to 2: p.m. seniors will enjoy a great continental breakfast learn new crafts and enjoy a barbecue lunch with door prizes approximately 200 seniors attend this special event each year space is limited registrations received after May 1st 2024 will be $10 per person please contact the Sussex County division of senior services at 973 579 0555 extension 1277 or senior services at Sussex nj. us for additional information and thank you uh Lorraine H for always putting on such a nice event that's all I have for that okay number 10 approval of consent agenda and there is no consent agenda for tonight number 11 approve of the minutes the regular meeting of April 20 April 24 2024 can I get a motion to approve the minutes from the regular meeting stand Mo deputy director Carney makes a motion and commissioner degr seconds any discussion all in favor I oppose abstain motion carries number 12 ordinances there are no ordinances being presented tonight number 13 appointments Andor resignations we have n none for tonight number 14 resolutions can I get a motion to adopt the resolutions a through S move deputy director Carney makes a motion and a second a second commissioner shik makes us second any discussion roll call vote please commissioner Hayden yes commissioner shik yes director space yes deputy director Carney yes commissioner de gr yes number 15 Awards of contract change orders fig the board of County commissioners of the county of Sussex has reviewed the award of contract change orders bids consisting of various proposed resolutions and determined that adoption of the said resolutions is in and will further the public interest can I get a motion to adopt resolutions a a through F still moved okay deputy director Carney makes a motion in a second second commissioner de grou any discussion roll call please commissioner Hayden yes commissioner shik yes uh director space yes deputy director Carney yes commissioner degr yes number 16 Financial a resolution payment of bills list a May 8 2024 can I get a motion to pay bills list a still moved deputy director Carney makes the motion and a second a second commissioner shik seconds any discussion roll call vote commissioner Hayden yes commissioner shik yes director space yes deputy director Carney yes commissioner de gr yes B resolution payment of bills List fee May 8 2024 can I get a motion to pay bills list B so move commissioner degr makes a motion and a second second commissioner shik any discussion roll call please commissioner Hayden yes commissioner schik yes director space abstain uh deputy director Corney yes and commissioner de grou yes number 17 Personnel we have none number 18 administrative report uh yes uh uh commissioner shik yeah with on the bills about was the payment for the electrical bill this is not the air condition is not due to lack of electricity I'll take the conspiracy out of it we blew the controller today in this room and the um compressor in the back for the back half of the building blew today too so welcome to Summer it's a great start anyway uh we have a lot I have a lot of meetings coming up with the Chamber of Commerce uh this Friday we have the meeting with the partnership Trails partnership meeting that we we conduct every year that's about all the the the strategies and maintenance of of the trails that we we have a committee that looks at that next Friday I am participating in a um business education round table at the chamber and it's going to be over here at The Culinary Institute over here with the college and it's a lot of Business Leaders that are getting together and talking to high school kids talking to college students about education and and business needs and the things I'll be there to talk about County government what type of educations can you take become a County employee or a county executive or or those types of things so that'll be next Friday and then May 29th with the chamber is the kickoff meeting for the planning of Sussex County day so that's on the radar as well I don't have an official date for susex County day yet but May 29th is the is the planning date for that mid September is yeah it's about mid September but Tammy starts early on that so uh that's a big event and we do a lot of pre pre-planning on that uh commissioner Carney talked about selling of the jail update on the appraisal of the jail we have a walk through tomorrow with the appraiser he's doing the last walk through and he's really looking for assets he's got the square footage he's got the the boundaries he's going to count up assets you know the the elevator the the kitchen the HVAC system and what potential parking spots can be there if they redesign and Reign it every parking spot has a value to it so he's going to look at the most volume that they can do on the parking spots to go into the appraisal so we'll have that we'll have that wrapped up real soon the engineer that's designing the subdivision line for that is done we're just waiting for the seal of approval for that we get that drawing in that will allow um U Mr steinhardt to put the the the package together so that we can go to Newton for a a presentation to them on the subdivision of of the property and that will get the ball rolling and lastly on the BPU issue one of the issues that we have with the county we didn't have an official FRN number for the county to go and to do challenge loans as of today the County Administration office has its own FRN number we completed that this morning very good so so it's a new number no we took an old it was easier to take one with the help with the OEM and uh the it group out there we went in got into the system it was easier to change it assign it to the administration building my email my contact is on there and we can use that for any of the challenge grants now we just took one and revised it it's automatic it's easier than us trying to apply for a new one that took forever so we're in we got one so that's all I got for tonight good thank you 19 County Council report no report no report nice number 20 unfinished business okay 21 new business you have some yeah you go first I'll go first all uh so at J N Jack uh there's a workshop regarding the celebrating uh America's 250th anniversary Mammoth County was the one in charge in presenting this Workshop um as leaz onto the County Historical Society this stood out to me um because as of recent uh you know the county historian and County Historical Society has been talking about preparing for this in a sense um now I do acknowledge that Mammoth county is different from Sussex County in many different ways uh but I think that um this is yours um but I think that there is some ideas that they presented me that you know I came up with as well uh that can be beneficial um so the first is obviously you know getting this started and establishing a committee to organize and plan for America's 250th anniversary um this is not like something new uh they've been talking about this for a while but I'm looking at at more a county standpoint um and then the next um which um I should say is why I drafted um drafted just a resolution for you guys to look at I'm not putting it in motion or anything um just laying the foundation for you guys to uh understand you know what uh the historical society and I'm looking at um because in addition to organizing and establishing a committee I also looked at establishing a county logo and maybe catchphrase for this you know 250th uh American anniversary um and we could actually you know pull the tech school into this make this a contact uh contest um we could you know look at the graphic design you know program Arts Communications program and put it up to them to see who can create the best you know logo make a catchphrase out of it and just get community engaged um you know going uh and then last but not least um MTH County did mention that there is great communic communication transparency uh between them and the histoical uh historical societies um so I you know looking at proposing uh in preparation for you know July uh 4th 2026 uh we have by annual or just maybe annual quarterly uh meetings when the time comes uh you know to make sure that the the committee is doing what they need to do and uh you know we're helping them as such um so again uh all of you should have copies now uh look at it um I bring this forth too because our County historian bill truan will be coming next meeting to present on this matter so I just you know want everyone to be ahead of the game prepared and at least have some sort of introduction to it so that's good thank you all right um so Jack uh commissioner the group called me last last week and one of our signs uh welcome to Sussex County had a either a paint Mark or tomato St one or the other makes no difference um so I I I met with Ron and and I told Ron I you know I think it happened on a Wednesday and I was in his office on Thursday and I basically said we got to get that fix that's an embarrassment coming to sust County and having that on our sign so as we were we were talking we we called Keith from facilities and basically came up with an idea of let's redo our signs our signs are getting old they're at least 15 years old from what he was told um I when I was a uh in Frankfurt we use clean communities to um uh pay for recycled um plastic which if you ever wrote through uh Frankford welcome to frankfur they they're they're very colorful um they keep their color they're they're they're built really nice so my thought was and I'm kind I'm bringing up to you guys before I go and dig in in in any more of how it's going to get P for and whatnot are you guys going to be good with it um what my my thought was and I talked to Tammy horsefield about it because I always like to get her opinion because obviously she does a lot for susex um ref refresh basically susex not Revitalize refresh susex so basically our logo would stay the same we're not going to look to change that but how the sign looks the green um you know the green and yellow that we have maybe change the color maybe wonder I want to shut that off somebody um I just I can't pay attention when I hear that sorry um maybe if there you know there's about five or six signs maybe each sign is different you know just a little bit different um so something to think about if you guys are good with it I'm going to I'll continue trying to find out how we'll pay for it I think our clink communities are we I'll ask schuma for the money doesn't matter but it goes back to to Jack's Point Tech has that uh creativeness I would would like to and actually Jill came up the idea um send it to the high schools and kind of do a competition and let them get involved another Community kind of Outreach um and kind of do the same thing as what you were just talking about think it'd be a good idea so if you guys are good I'm going to keep pushing the money part and then maybe our next meeting I'll come up with a plan if you guys have any input on it we'll send it out to the schools and we'll do a little little contest we got a little time but I think it's a good idea new sign refresh it's been a while it's time sounds good to me sound good okay other new business no okay 22 public session from the floor this public session is for those wishing to make General comments of 3 minutes or less on non-agenda topics please line up at the microphone and state your name and municipality for the record can I get a motion to open the floor for public comment okay commissioner D makes a motion and a second second deputy director Carney any discussion all in favor I oppose abstain motion carries okay the floor is open hello good evening M I'm president of the County Historical Society and listening to this last part of the discussion about the 250th anniversary obviously with some of the action on board this evening I thank you ever so much for that one of the things that we as the County Historical Society will be doing for our celebrating our is is that education of the fourth grade students for their County History to me that's a critical issue and in terms of our reaching out into the Community Helping to educate the children that is going to be a walking 250 project for us I know that you're a county historian been coming up with some ideas I'm still on the committee with him and so we should take a look at those as well but I just want to say that from our point of view that's where we're going to effort Focus again I thank you very much for your help on that thank you and that fourth grade education is coming from the arpa funds and that was a deputy director Chris Carney that was pushing for that so that's good thank you thank yes very cool Cs and over sorry I'm happy and grateful that you've declared May mental health month is my hope that commissioner Hayden seeks the help he needs his short and sour political career is over his claims that he was a combat veteran or false and his continued refusal to admit what he did wrong and say he is sorry or clear signs that commissioner Hayden would benefit from Mental Health Services hopefully commissioner Hayden will resign and take the time to do the work he needs to get himself right again resigning is what a man of Integrity would do but unfortunately commissioner Hayden has proven himself to have no Integrity whatsoever I also came here this evening hoping that the Sussex County Republican committee would be here with the recall petition promised by Joseph La barara at a previous meeting many meetings ago I came here ready to sign so we can remove the dishonorable commissioner Hayden from the board but I am truly astounded that Joel La Barbara and the Sussex County Republican committee still have not produced their promised petition I'll continue as I said I would to come to these meetings and try to explain why Mr Hayden must resign until he resigns if he would resign I will happily help Mr La Barbara acquire enough signatures to recall commissioner Hayden as soon as possible I'll sit out on that square with the table on the weekends and I'll take signatures all day long if Joe laar Barett does not keep his word and Mr Hayden chooses to run again for this office I will run against him and he will lose and if I run this will be my campaign slogan resign commissioner Hayden and get some help please Cathy brenon H I'm back here again calling for the resignation of Mr hay this Saga just continues continues now at least four members of Congress have called for investigations and resignation an individual has recently won a civil suit to have her campaign contribution returned based on Stolen Valor fraud the Sussex County GOP Facebook page excuses Stolen Valor saying all politicians lie we know which which they have in common with all fellow human beings and that because this was supposedly not in a campaign uh brochure literature whatever yet verbally repeated constantly to other politicians and other con uh con constituents in the county that does not make it okay this is a ridiculous justification regarding such a serious matter as Stolen Valor I again call for an apology and resignation thank thank you thank you I am going to comment on your one comment about the Sussex GOP Facebook page that page no longer belongs to the Sussex County GOP it was stolen from us and I will say commissioner Hayden is an admin on it so that is not the Sussex Republican committee speaking when you see the Sussex GOP it shows up though yeah I mean if you go on Facebook but it's not it's not it does say it it says Sussex GE but it is not the Sussex GOP because that page was was stolen from us thank you hi jennif Bu from first thank you guys for everything you guys have been huge I been huge you Tak your time I saw you guys your meetings and everything um and I love that we can keep the the two shops open keep the drama club at least my daughter will get to graduate um we specifically have it's a safe place for kids right you know how the theater kids get treated in school especially the guys we specifically have a couple students I'm scared for work this is taken away from them I'm sorry and we still don't have answers as to why we don't know he going to do this next year the year after whatever it is so again I really really appreciate it but I just want to know why and again God forbid this kid has to go back to me suing School something happens to him I don't know what I will do to that man nothing about that but it's it's it's scary and I just don't know why and I wish we had some kind of answers I'm sorry that was all I got to say I will say like as a parent as a parent of um you know three graduates from Sussex Tech um I plan to keep seeing what we can do and hopefully maybe next year um we can save it for for longer that's you know I know deputy director Carney and I both felt that way the other day we did have a very good meeting and I will say Mr MLA definitely seems to care and and Jenny duel too um it was it was a heartfelt meeting so you know and I definitely see progress so thank you you want to stare down Barbara holste I'm from mon Township and I'm Here I Am the Sussex County Vice chair of the GOP and I'm here to make a statement on the continuing progress towards a recall effort however I agree with both of the speakers it would be best for the county and the Dignity of the people that you have merched the disrespect you have shown our military by continually refusing to acknowledge that you do not have a DD214 the small claims court was lost because there was no DD214 that's not why it was lost okay so when a DD214 is requested in court under a RIT it was unable to reproduce the reason is I conclude personally it was unable to be reduced is because it doesn't exist which is why the $100 check was handed over that you refer to the challenge of the refall when when I stayed up here before and Mr laar also stated that we were going to do a recall we are going to do a recall however recalls are very difficult and that is because we are recalling the voice of the people with the voice of the people and we are making sure that the te's are cross the eyes are dotted so as Mr parrot has done his due diligence in the office of the clerk he is things that we have to amend this is not uncommon in in in this procedure at all it is a very difficult Challenge and we're going to rise to the challenge because we are going to show you that we are going to speak for the veterans that you have literally I have no words you were a friend one minute you pretended to be a veteran you pretended PTSD you pretended to know what it was like to stand in the shoes of someone who has gone through boot camp active duty combat PTSD you're an absolutely horrible human being and from the moment that I found out about this and then du my own due diligence to determine whether or not what I had been told was true and proven it Beyond A Reasonable Doubt from my own satisfaction here we are 6 months later and publicly denounce and you still do not have the courage to stand up and say I'm sorry I was wrong I am going to leave this position that I was elected to serve in because the people believed in me and believed in my word you are a fraud own it leave and allow us to move on with someone else in that seat who deserves to be there Deborah hard I'm sure most of you see me here what you might not know about me is I'm actually a BSN I work for pitini Arsenal as an army reservist for eight years um I got out in 2016 when my contract was ended I have multiple family members that are military both extended and my immediate family members as a nurse case manager my specialty was TBI and ppsd it was I worked at Fort Dicks for a year on a mobilization and then I had multiple short terms this are my records okay you know what they tell you in the military they tell you to keep your records for a lifetime and you know why they tell you that they tell you that because you have to be able to prove if you want VA benefits that you were deployed so every one of my deployments is in here every one of my uh assessments as an officer both good and bad because I kept both of them and my clearance because I had top secret clearance so I could work on any colel as a nurse I'm very disappointed obviously that there was some people that um didn't do the time but would like to take the credit and I actually liked Mr so I was kind of disheartened to find this out and this information is always at my ready because you never know when you have to prove it to somebody to get VA benefits or get into the VA um your GI so it's not only hard on the soldier but it's part on the with that said someone came out with a recently and saying that they are the Veterans Affair leaon for the county my question is to you as board members or Commission where can I find this appointment and who actually on for Veterans Affairs okay we looked into it and decided that it falls under I spoke to uh senior services and it falls under senior services so it is the Liaisons of Health and Senior Services but we all do things for the veterans because we all like I know is there a specified veterans there is not a specif who the V liaison senior Senior Services would falls under Health and Human Services which I know I'm a liaison to that and I think commissioner deg grou yes so commissioner shik is not we don't we can't address the actual Commissioners but thank thank you thank you for your service too I didn't even know thank you what was your name again Julie I prepared no idea but I like Jen I want to thank you for all your hard work that's keeping the two shops open at Tech we need to figure out a way to bring back the the program because these kids that are in these programs this one specifically they are kids that don't fit in elsewhere these are kids that struggle in other schools these are kids that use the shop where they um they can express themselves in I know te staying on um so I don't know if we can do something as parents I don't know if there's grants we can apply for but we need to bring a shop back and like I FL your e efforts with the other shops but we got to say what one yeah it's not onone yet let's let's hope we can come up with something for the we have a year we have a year my daughter's a junior so thankfully she'll get to graduate out I do have a daughter that's a freshman and culinary so I'm there for a while I'm not going away so we are bringing this shop back so anything you guys can do we've got a year we told we did tell them that we're going to you know with their that we work on our budget come like October that's when we have our budget meetings so it's we run differently than a school because theirs their year is different than ours right so um we will be meeting with them we'll try to be on a closer page coming into next year their budget and there's a lot about that right we got to do it right who're on your side thank you director who is the liaison to Arts and Heritage Jack maybe you could reach out to Arts and Heritage and see if they can help with your program that's what they do you didn't know that I know you didn't know that so I'm telling you I don't think I are you sure uh I think oh you know what it might be it might be commissioner she because was a dawn I'm sorry whoever it is should reach out to them and see if they could unite Tech with them and if they have some funds to help you out I don't think they have funds well then maybe they could get some yeah I don't think they have funds well because they dropped a ball on that but nevertheless we should take a look and see what we can do maybe they can raise some but that's what they're for GR only Junior next year right yeah that fin yeah that I don't know we're g to have to like re revisit that and he also had a meeting today with all the the superintendents from the technical schools and and you know State a might change next year you know they might get $500,000 who who knows only yeah we're really worried and drama ising correct that's what yes drama is saying drama is definitely staying he said which I'm sure that they yeah I'm sure that they'll have a better update on the the 13th but our meeting was really went really well yesterday we were pleased so thank you hello hi excuse um I wanted to before I say anything else thank you all for all your efforts to and you're help those um I wanted to also volunteer um to help with any 250 Year celebrations or anything of that nature if you need volunteers or anything I'll [Laughter] Wendy to anything you want to do any contests that you want to run for signs for such anything I think that's a great idea too uh third thing I heard that there's a possibility that the dentist Library um which is um you know the subject of much discussion U by Mrs whle and me over the last 10 months um you know I understand that you know the grant money is there and that we're going to discuss it and may come up June in June yes and I M June and I'm hopeful that that will be passed and that we can do wonderful things with that building um and I'm grateful to all of you for all your patience with all our yeah so it be our second we have one meeting the next meeting is a meeting and then it would be hopefully the meeting after that I think so we have a lot of people I can't say no it's a public meeting everybody can come have them come around 9 [Laughter] o' pass my bedtime too I had one other thing to say and that was to Mr PT um you have mentioned number Wonder programs at the dentist library and the libraries and the dentist libraries programs were they accessible to all the senior citizens and to all the handicapped and to all the young moms with strollers I saw a young woman the other day trying to get a stroller into the library and she was like her versus the stroller and one minute yeah sorry sorry and in any event she couldn't do it and so as soon as that library is brought up to speed then all those people can celebrate all of those fabulous programs there's no way we can put a temp ramp up that's one of many issues that are there yeah I think we looked into that and there was a there was an issue with that that's one of them we that a few years ago can't go to the bathroom rightful thank you thank you than first of all on behalf of the Crime Stoppers Commissioners thanks for supporting the event I've been involved with the organization probably CL 20 years I'm here tonight to talk about bridges I heard that we're working on 23 of them I took a walk today and I walked from the on lane bridge heading to Middleville to the one lane bridge in front of the's house which you all know about I looked at the surfes of the bridges I looked at the traffic light at that bridge I looked at sight distances to that bridge on the other bridge I walked to the P Road Bridge closed been closed since something before electricity freed recently passed a a resolution indicating a desire to partner with the county to fix the Freedom Road Bridge where they would in essence somehow access advanced funds and then come back to the count for a payment of those funds they seem that seems to not be moving forward they actually hired our's firm to look at it I looked at that bridge today it's a mess but it's been a mess for a very long time it's an illegal culd theack you can't get emergency vehicles in but move on from there we'll go to The Still Water Bridge which was replaced at Great expense in 20 somewhere near 20 years ago falling apart it's listed as Fair on your engineering s Fair that's a bridge that we paid millions of dollars to the place I inspected each of the foundations three of them are shown at vbar I'm seeing screws exposed that are mounting de uh major trusses uh decking protections guard rails been down for over a year on one end so while I appreciate that you're doing capital projects I think this county has a problem with the maintenance side avoidance of capital projects and we have sort of an addiction to capital projects and what we have to do is get ahead of the curve and not be replacing Bridges we need to be maintaining Bridges so what I looked at was just a this is just within you know five seven miles of walking today to see these four Bridges all of which are in disrepair not a good story right so and on behalf of Demetri I cannot understand for the life of me that is there that is an abusive situation it's no different than any of the other one in the county there's other Bridges you can see when you come off 206 uh somewhere up near the propane Place turn down that road there you'll see two onelan Bridges they work just fine everybody seems to get across them okay but somehow we have to have a traffic light there by there's another onel bridge near me I didn't walk through it today down on winter mute Road it's having some guard rail work it's traffic lights again here we are back to traffic lights now it's a new addiction and we have to respect people like Demetri basically Revitalize still singlehanded and is being punished and I just feel that's not right so anyway thank you for your time thank you well make sure your comments get to the division of planning so they can hear them thank you Miss C your time already expired this is another thing sorry it's three minutes per participant okay question um the resolution or the announcement that you made about the county funding um is this coming from 2023 2024 budget for the County College this is coming from the budget of that we have not passed yet for the college which would be their 2024 20255 that's that's what our next uh Board of school estimate meeting is which last year was held in March this year it we were hoping it was supposed to be today and then it got moved to our May 29th meeting I was just a little confused because in the beginning of your comments you mentioned something about funds left over did that refer to unbudgeted funds for this upcoming year no this was funds these were funds that would have been allocated to the college this year as additional monies so it was it was over their it was it was their ask so we're taking away an extra 100,000 that they had um asked for so we are now not giving them that extra 100,000 yes yes and I one other thing I did want to commend Mr copol they had a meeting this morning a technical review committee meeting U which is not open to the public um up to they had my con my concern is their meetings with diip in uh response to their rejection at the County planning board um they had a meeting a technical review meeting in March at which minutes were not kept and I was in contact with him this morning and he said that they would be keeping minutes Mr carne I don't know if you were there as liazon but I might suggest that in the future it's very common for an elected official in fact it's more common for an elected official to attend these types of meetings just so that there isn't the surprise to the constituents the voters one minute when um projects when when um things that come up that are the result of these closed door negotiations or discussion well usually that's that's why I do my report because I'm I am in contact with them but for me to take a day off of work and not get paid so but I didn't even know that they were having a meeting around thank you for that thank you anyone else yes Kevin one more program uh we we don't know we know it's saved for at least one more year and we're hoping that maybe we can get it again so just for the juniors okay and then the Dr yeah that would be we don't have jurisdiction in that so that would be more of a direct question for Sussex Tech thank you we're trying thank you anyone else can I get a motion to close the floor for public comment and return to regular business still move he deputy director Carney in a second please commissioner shik any discussion all in favor I oppose stain motion carries number 23 reminders please check the County's website at 4 p.m. that that day before that meeting um number 24 executive session there is none and number 25 adjournment can I get a motion to adjourn the meeting still moved okay Deputy Carney and a second a second okay commissioner shik any discussion all in favor I oppose abstain and it looks like it is 7:30 on the DOT