this is the commissioner meeting of February 14th 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Sussex County administrative Center commissioner meeting room one Spring Street Newton New Jersey can I have a roll call please commissioner Hayden is absent uh commissioner shik here director space here deputy director Carney here commissioner deg grou here can I get a moment of silence and a salute to the flag tonight I'd like to have a moment of silence for the three reservists from Georgia killed on last month's drone attack on a US base in Jordan and for the five Marines killed in the helicopter crash in California last [Applause] week I Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for [Applause] all public statement pursuant to the open public meetings act chapter 231 PL 1975 adequate notice as defined by section 3D of chap CH 231 pl1 1975 has been made by regular mail and email such notice being submitted on January 7th 2024 from the administrative center of the county of Sussex located at one Spring Street Newton New Jersey to the following New Jersey Herald and the Star Ledger and is also posted on the bulletin board maintained in the administrative Center for Public announcements and has been submitted to the Sussex County Clerk in compliance with set act at this time please mute all electronic devices director before we proceed um I would just like you know your last comment was at this time please mute all electronic devices obviously that's for the public I also think that needs to be for us up here at the Das uh I'd like to just propose that everybody takes their phone off the Das puts them in their pocket unless it's an emergency I agree I find it very rude um that we're on our phones while we're conducting business here so moving forward if we could just keep that the same um or give it to Christina marks she could hold it if you feel like a you know family member somebody important is going to call you she can let you know I agree thank you deputy director okay uh approval of agenda can I get a motion to approve the agenda that moved okay deputy director Carney and commissioner Dee any discussion all in favor I I any opposed abstain motion carries Proclamation certificate presentations none public hearing final adoption resolution at our regular meeting held on January 24th 2024 we introduced for the first reading the following resolution which was advertised in the New Jersey Herald issue of January 30th 2024 together with the notice of public hearing stating it would be held at this meeting at 6:00 p.m. resolution authorizing cap to limit County budget appropriation increase in Cy 2024 County budget to 3.5% over the previous year's final Appropriations subject to certain exceptions and to establish an appropriation cap Bank can I uh get a motion that the public hearing be opened still Mo okay deputy director Carney in a second second uh commissioner shik any discussion all in favor I I any opposed abstain motion carries is anyone present to be heard regarding this resolution can I get a motion that the public hear oh sorry about that I jumped the gun anyone is anyone present to be heard regarding this motion anyone no okay can I get a public can I get a motion that the public hearing be closed still moved okay deputy director Carney a second commissioner deg gr any discussion all in favor I I opposed abstained motion carried excuse me uh director can you just go over this again for the public with the 3 and a half% that way people don't think the raising taxes by that yes we are not raising taxes by 3 and a half% that no Al you want to take it this time or since you're here yeah sure so this resolution authorizes um the county to increase their budget to 3.5% over the previous year however the more important part of this resolution is to be able to cap that amount for future use had there be emergencies we have no intention in this year's budget that was in our last Workshop to increase the budget to 3.5% it just it's a state thing that's done every year for Good Financial Planning thank you um can I get a motion that this resolution be finally adopted so moved okay deputy director Carney and a second second uh commissioner shik any discussion can I get a roll call please commissioner Hayden is absent commissioner shik yes director space yes deputy director Carney yes commissioner degr yes okay a motion to authorize the clerk to advertise this resolution as finally adopted and also post the same on the bulletin board in the lobby of the county administrative Center um can I get a motion okay deputy director Carney and commissioner degr any discussion all in favor I I opposed abstain motion carried a public session from the floor this public session is for those wishing to make a comment of 3 minutes or less regarding an agenda item please line up at the microphone and state your name municipality an agenda topic for the record can I get a motion to open the floor for public comments still moved deputy director Carney and commissioner de seconds any discussion all in favor I opposed abstain motion carries anyone okay can I get a motion to close the floor for public comment say mov okay deputy director Carney in a second second uh commissioner shik any discussion all in favor I opposed abstain motion carries uh commissioner comments I'm going to start with commissioner de cor uh first and foremost uh Happy Valentine's Day um but on a serious note to begin uh Farmland preservation revitalization tour has continued um myself I'm engaging and traveling to the various municipalities I spoke about before um since our last meeting I visited greens agricultural committee Hampton's and Still Waters uh Township's Council Frankfurt and bm's open space committee as well as far's environmental Commission um all the Committees and councils really provided know positive feedback towards the initiative specifically frankfurt's open space and greets agricultural committee assured me they plan on directly doing Outreach um in some way uh shape or form um to the local you know interested Farmers um as far as environmental commission actually is going through and uh revitalizing and I guess redoing their preservation plan so uh you know really great things and feedbacks from the council um with the nine total stops so far um I continue to look out and I'm actually looking looking now to follow up with them and see you know what kind of um direct Outreach they are doing so um really great stuff and you know here again to provide you with the updates uh second moving from Farmland preservation to open space uh myself and the open space committee had our first meeting on the uh of the year on January 25th it was great uh to acquaint myself with the board and immerse myself in the board school so have stewardship um in addition on February 8th some of the members conducted a site visit for an open space acquisition in Frankford Lake Wasa um this was conducted uh in February 8th so just you know last week um regrettably I couldn't actually participate because I ruptured my eard drone last meeting if you guys remember uh but we're all okay now we're getting better um nonetheless I heard that everything on the site visit really went well and it would be a really nice acquisition for us uh there will be a formal presentation for the acquisition by the applicant in February's open space meeting so provide that you know update to the council division of Health and Human Services sus Count's division of health is offering covid-19 vaccinations with Spike back bya 12 years and older only covid-19 vaccinations will be available on a walk-in basis in conjunction with flu vaccines on the following date and times at the location outline below which is the Office of Public Health and nursing 2011 weeks Road Hamburg New Jersey 07419 um and this will be conducted Wednesday February 21st 2024 from 12: to 2: p.m. Public Health Nur nursing continues to provide home BAC inations as requested and uh the most recent for influenza and FL respiratory illnesses uh most recent New Jersey Department of Health influenza activity level report as of the week ending February 3rd 2024 which was my birthday um indicates the uh influenza activity level is high Statewide so please you know practice healthy um sanitary conditions um lastly I'm almost done I had my first trip to Trenton uh for mjx reorganization meeting it was an honor to be sworn in and and Jack's board of directors as a liaison for susus County I really want to thank my fellow Commissioners on this board for trusting me in this role I really deeply appreciate appreciate it and for contacts uh for any of you that don't know uh NJ is in New Jersey Association of counties um we're committed to advocating for legislation regulation and policy directives that Empower County government governments to operate more effectively and efficiently and Jack is committed to advancing Innovative programs and initiatives that enhance the level of County Services provided and safe taxpayer dollars um really look forward to collaborating with fell County Commissioners all across the state um thank you God bless that's it thank you Jack and I want to welcome our newest commissioner commissioner Earl schik III and you can go next oh thank you that's um it's humbling uh I've had a very busy week this week um being introduced to everybody at the county sitting with Ela and going over the budget with the fine tooth comb bringing me up to speed and um just really excited about what you guys have in store for me here on on the board thank you thank you okay deputy director Carney thank you I have a lot today um but I want to start by congratulating you welcome welcome aboard welcome to the show um with that being said I will read my reports from the DPW planning and Engineering uh we have replacement of x48 which carries mudtown Road over clob Brook in Township of wage the project will involve the construction of full replacement structure incorporating current design standards and improved Deck with designer Boswell engineering uh grade construction is the contractor uh and the amount was 1,440 1,446 37244 uh with the grant being $800,000 the two grants um totaling 1 1 $1.5 million Capital funding was $296 37244 cents and a construction is expected in 24 I don't have a month yet but I will get that to you when I receive that myself um Farmland preservation Jack will like this uh acquisition was to to preserve 94.67% uh gross preservation acreage was like I said 9 4.67 except exception of 6.77 Acres net preservation 87.9 7 Acres tillable Acres 40 acres which is 46% Woodlands Wetlands acreage 46 Acres 54% soil support of a 40 acres that's a big farm um so two Market appraisal has been done appraisal report submitted to sadc for certification of appraisal value certified value received from sadc an official offer submitted to the land owner so hopefully we'll see that progress soon put that in your your checklist uh DPW Frankford crew completed work to repair a failed asphalt pavement box and wearing on Surface County Road 521 the failure of asphalt was due to a weak roadway sub subgrade impacted by recent freeze thaw Cycles uh the work included excavation of of the failed asphalt and subgrade installed new DJ subgrade and new asphalt pavement with that being said we continue Jill and I continue our DPW tour I'll take that word from Jack I like that um going into different garages we did hit a Wantage garage which uh entailed BR Vernon there um learning different things you know what what they're what they're up against what their concerns are um so we're going to continue doing that and trying to help out as much as possible um kudos to them too I know we had in Frankfurt where I live we probably had around 133 in I know that VAR throughout the county but as always they do a great job cleaning up um really really do a good job and I'm sure they were up I don't even know how long but I could imagine anywhere from 24 to you know 48 hours all said and done to clean up and make sure we're safe we have safe roads um there was something that came up at a last DPW garage and I honestly I I dropped that I dropped that ball but there was a man that worked and do we have his name by the way I had do you Ron do you remember his name I had it Stein Ernie yes Ernie how do you say that uh you're asking the wrong one all right well we'll have to get back you said it goodas so so you know this man has worked for suex County for 50 years in a DPW and no one ever gave him any acknowledgement and and that's something that needs to change there was a woman who worked at the library um she retired I believe it was last year and they did a little something for her and we we acknowledged her and it was brought to our attention but you know this that can't happen you know you work for somebody for that long you literally I mean longer than I've been alive times two with Jack's been alive um you know so so going forward and and and I'm looking for support from the board uh you know we should be acknowledging these people who've worked here for a long time and I don't know if you guys want to start at 20 years or 25 years but every five years after that you know they should have some acknowledgement and when you work for 50 years when you have a milestone like that I mean should be a proclamation for these people um so what I'm proposing as long as you guys are all in favor for is acknowledging people um you know and even coming up with some pins you know we all wear pins you got a flag you got a county here um I know in even with in my job there's 20y year pins 25e pins so I believe we need to start doing something like that and it it wouldn't even be a bad idea putting a board outside by our pictures you know this is the commissioner Board of recognition you know you've been here for a long time you know thank you for your service those people have been here longer than we're going to be here that's for sure I think we start at 5 I do for a board yeah five yeah for a have to talk about but it's something that we need to consider and I as long as you guys aren on board with that then we could all come you know work work on that with with Christina and and but these people need to be acknowledged they really really do and you know I was just taken back and I know Jill was too you worked here for 50 years and no one gave you a pat on the back I mean just it's not too late to bring him in is it no no and and again the other question I have for you is I would like he's still working here so so at our next meeting I would like to have a proclamation for this man bring him in here and acknowledge the 50 years and then and then include that in putting a board up and and having pins so as long as you guys are good with that I'll work with Christina and the rest of you guys uh individually and and see where you guys want to be are we good Yes sounds good um Ron you're going to be meeting with the we talked about the parking garage he's going to be meeting with the the meter um contractor 23 the 23rd I won't be here for for that I I set up a meeting um with District 24 they're working uh with God Hammer's office I think I brought this up at the last meeting with Broadband the BPU um that meeting is going to take place on March 8th so you know there's money set aside as I said in the last meeting for broadband we have an issue with Broadband I want to see that money where's that money so we're going to and actually District 23 too I'm sorry uh uh Senator steinhardt I believe you'll be involved in that as well um and the commissioner board as well or just right so so it's kind of a joint venture P per say with District 23 24 commissioner Board of Warren County and susex County to get some of money and start using it uh where we need to those promises being made and they're just not they're not just not happening know two two years ago Murphy came here and he said there was money I haven't seen any I don't know if you guys have um and then there's one more thing this is a press release again being a liaison to District 24 this is a press press release um it's something that I strongly believe in when it comes to U materials that are being taught in schools um so this is a press release by space Fantasia and ganore opposing bills allowing distribution of obscene materials to Children this is also backed um by our susus County GOP chairman Joe laaa he sent me an email today uh so I'm just going to read this to you um and this is something that I'm hoping that you guys will be behind as well um for a resolution for our next meeting um and we'll put something together and you we'll have time to to look it over before our next meeting but I'm going to read this to you for for the public and and the Commissioners because you have not seen this yet Senator Parker space assembly woman da fantasian assemblymen Michael and ganore all Republicans from Sussex moris and Warren today voice their strong opposition to Senate Bill 2421 and assembly Bill 3446 the new legislation gives affirmative defense to a prosecution for Distributing OBS materials to minors if the person Distributing the OBS material is a teacher teaching staff member School librarian or staff member of a public library performing their job duties this bill is nothing more than a big government mandating and ideological agenda in our school said space who is both a parent and grandparent served for over 10 years in the assembly before his election in the state senate last year we should respect parents and local school officials enough for them to decide what is appropriate when deciding what educational materials should be available to students period the bill includes eight new mandates that strip School boards of their decision-making power in favor of the state government first and foremost this legislation is an effort to parents and taxpayers by I don't even know what that word is what is that word usurping usurping uh more control away from local education and giving it to the faceless bureaucrats in Trenton said Fantasia that's because it's Dawn's word a professional educator and mother of three adult children Provisions in the bill silence the public into submission and handcuffed local school boards by by the special legal protection afforded certain Educators and Librarians if they decide to keep obscene materials on bookshelves since the shutdowns of our Public Schools due to the pandemic concerned parents have been advocating for more transparency and more oversight and what the educational materials are being disseminated to their children this has sparked Statewide outrage at the several inappropriateness of sum of the curriculum and material being used in our schools and libraries there is no place for obscene sexual explicit materials in classrooms no matter who is Distributing it said in ganore if father of three so also remember that most teachers and Librarians don't want to be put in this position in the first place we'll strongly oppose a legislation protect our kids first and foremost and to defend the Integrity of the teaching profession too S2 421 and 834 46 have been referred to the respecful education committees in a senate and general assembly although no further legislation action has been taken to the date the legislators Express their vigilance and keeping on top of the issue to fight for the interest of parents in their Community by way of a brief update it was pulled to the education committee scheduled for tomorrow late this afternoon even better even better so at this point then we really don't need to do anything uh this just got to my desk give me heads up this got to my email uh a couple few hours ago really so I didn't read it hence I didn't know that word so sorry for that um but this is the kind of stuff that you know we need to have a voice for this is what our constituents you know don't want and want us to protect you know there's certain resolutions that we we do for I don't know what reason sometimes but um you know there's certain ones that we need to believe in and and protect our constituents um and you know going forward I'm going to do that so I believe as long wind as I was that's all I have thank you am I the new dawn yeah you're just trying to make my meetings a little longer that thank you on that note thank you I just want to thank uh rayan guaru for attending the DT DPW meeting with Chris and I last week um we meet them at 7:00 a.m. so she is the CWA president president right vice president vice president so for her to get up and go to a meeting that Chris and I schedule at 700 a.m. so willingly um you know I really want to thank her it was very helpful for um the DPW employees and for uh deputy director car and I to have have her there um it's been three weeks since our last meeting and uh which I think Jack probably forgot that we attended a chamber meeting together with uh Tammy horfield and she is planning an expo for the farmers so we're eagerly eagerly looking forward to seeing more information on that coming up soon and Ron and I had an economic development partnership reorganization meeting um and that was very good to hear all the different things that uh are being in the planning processes here in the county um there things that were not allowed to like bring up and um talk about until they're approved but it's there's some exciting things coming to the county repurposing um buildings that are vacant is like the most important thing um I also attended my very first planning board meeting ever and uh that was also very interesting and uh the four Commissioners and I here we also attended the schuma reorg okay and um I have one thing that was sent to me and this is from the homeless veterans in New Jersey if they have nowhere to go um there's a reminder that the emergency hotel stays are available for homeless Sussex County veterans through the Catholic Charities NJ SOS vets welcome home vets of New Jersey new initiative um when it's snowing they're here they give a place or if it's cold they will put a veteran a homeless veteran in a warm hotel for 3 Days followed with a ssvf casew worker it's a simple process if a Street Homeless veteran is found in the Sussex in Sussex County call 855 289 8527 they take referral up to 9:00 p.m. and on weekends they need our help um they wanted us to share this with our First Responders warming centers and any County agencies so I figured I would read that into the record and anyone can contact David Pearson from Catholic Charities dases of Patterson veteran services at 973 818 361 uh division of Health lime Crest update the New Jersey Department of Health njd recently received documents indicating that the sale of the line press to a new owner has been finalized NJ do also received notification from the Medicaid fraud division of the office of state comproller that the following the sale they have lifted the suspension of the facility from Medicaid NJ dooh has informed the administrator that the directed plan of Correction curtailment of Admissions and the Department's summary suspension have been lifted Office of Public Health nursing a women's health screening clinic will be held on Thursday February 22nd 2024 from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. and at the Office of Public Health nursing 2011 wheatsworth Road Hamburg this Clinic offers a variety of Health screenings and education this service is free to uninsured and underinsured County residents who qualify for the New Jersey cancer education and early detection NJ seed program to make an appointment ointment call the Office of Public Health nursing at 97357 n570 extension1 1246 environmental health radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that is a DK product of uranium New Jersey has particularly high levels of radon due to its uranium Rich natural environment radon gas can accumulate in enclosed places such as homes or other buildings however its presence can only be detected by testing specifically for Radon because the gas is invisible and has no odor all homeowners are encouraged to test their homes for Radon because long-term exposure to the gas has been linked to lung cancer Sussex County residents are eligible to receive one free Ron testing kit per household through a joint effort by the Sussex County division of health and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection D radon section A limited Supply of test kits will be available for distribution on a first come first sered basis at the Sussex County division of health located at 2011 wheatsworth Road hardest in New Jersey 07419 for more information on radon and the testing kits please call Julia Uriel at Sussex County division of Health 97357 n370 extension 1243 you can also contact the njde radon section at 800 open computer lab at Sussex County Community College the center for lifelong learning at Sussex County Community College is offering an open computer lab to Sussex County seniors during the spring semester to enhance their computer literacy skills the lab is free and is available to seniors in the college library for additional information please contact the division of senior services at 973 579 0555 extension 1 2 77 and before this meeting we had our uh budget meeting with Ela yter our CFO and uh we had the the first um introduction of it and our budget right now is looking very healthy at a 0.889 per. so um like I said in that last meeting I think that um all the department heads and um our CFO and her staff have and you know Ron and the whole board have done a very good job getting it to that considering that inflation is right now covering around 4.5% so we will be bringing that up for at our next meeting first reading will be at our next uh commissioner meeting and then I will have something during new business but at this point we will move on okay so approval of consent agenda there is none approval of minutes the approval of the regular meeting minutes January 4th 2023 can I get a motion to approve the minutes first okay uh commissioner degu and a second second uh deputy director Carney any discussion um Earl you weren't here so you will probably be an exstension um all in favor I anyone opposed abstain okay motion carried um ordinances we have none appointments and or resignations um I'm going to do all three of these together unless anyone requests to have it separated um resolution a acknowledging appointment of Herbert Yardley as a member of the Sussex County Community College Board of Trustees said term to expire December 31st 2026 resolution B appointment of Lisa Morello to the Sussex County Mental Health Board for a term of 3 years effective immediately and expiring June 30th 2026 uh resolution C reappointment of Jennifer kville Diane d rerio Deborah barryton and ingred V Valerio as members of the Sussex County Youth Services Commission for a term to begin immediately and expire on December 31st 2025 can I get a motion to adopt resolutions a through six St mooved deputy director Carney motion and a second second uh commissioner shik seconds any discussion uh roll call please commissioner Hayden is absent uh commissioner shik yes director space yes deputy director Carney yes commissioner deg grp yes okay number number 14 we have resolutions a through resolutions a through e can I get a motion to adopt resolutions a through e e still moved okay deputy director Carney in a second uh commissioner shik any discussion uh roll call please commissioner Hayden is absent commissioner schik yes director space yes deputy director Carney yes commissioner deou yes okay Awards of contract change bids order uh resolutions a through G can I uh the board of County commissioners of the county of Sussex has reviewed the award contract change orders bids consisting of various proposed resolutions and determined that adoption of the said resolution is in and will further the public interest can I get a motion to adopt resolutions a through G still moved okay deputy director Carney makes the motion and commissioner degr seconds do we have any discussion being none roll call please uh commissioner Hayden is absent uh commissioner shik yes director space yes deputy director Carney yes commissioner degr yes okay Financial uh payment of bills list a February 14th 2024 can I get a motion to pay the bills list still moved okay deputy director Carney makes the motion and a second I'll second there you go p a bills bills any discussion none uh roll call please uh commissioner Hayden is absent commissioner shik yes director space yes deputy director Carney yes commissioner deg grp yes okay Personnel uh resolution a Personnel agenda a of jun3 2024 can I get a motion to approve Personnel agenda a okay commissioner de gr makes a motion can I get a second second uh deputy director Carney second any discussion can I get a roll call please commissioner Hayden is absent commissioner shik yes director space yes deputy director Carney yes commissioner de grp yes uh resolution B Personnel agenda B of February 14th 2024 can I get a motion to approve Personal Agenda B still moved okay deputy director car makes a motion and commissioner de grou seconds it can I get a discuss any discussion no can I get a roll call please commissioner Hayden is absent commissioner shik yes director space yes deputy director Carney yes commissioner deg grou yes okay uh resolution Personnel agenda C of February 14th 2024 can I get a motion to approve Personnel agenda C still moved okay deputy director Carney makes a motion and a second a second uh commissioner ship any discussion roll call please commissioner Hayden is absent commissioner shik yes director space yes deputy director Arne yes commissioner the group yes okay 18 administrative report thank you um to the public again I apologize for the mess outside we are still sprucing the place up as you can tell it's getting a little nicer in here we're continuing out throughout the rest of the building um we'll be going all through all the step all the stairway stairwells and the main lobby there will be done as you can see it's being prepped I apologize for the mess but it's going to look a lot better when it's done um the budget again Ela thank you uh for your staff I'm very blessed to have a group of people all them the department heads all the staff that was supportive and worked very hard in this budget it was a lot of grinding of the teeth and and and you know it's not easy asking for things saying no but you're going through the process of what you need what you don't need and what you like to have and uh we go through that pretty pretty well I think and again thank you so much um this past week uh was at the Statewide uh joint Insurance meeting where I was um appointed at the executive committee and have now that susus county has a seat at that chair is a is a good thing but at that meeting we were awarded an award of of implementing best practices we were five entities out of 91 that got an award for this and and basically what that boils down to we were we were recognized for our efforts of implementing good practices good procedures good training and that Rel that just Dives into I know I talk about this a lot but it means a lot the last meeting I com I commented that we had 14 brand new tra drivers on the road nine of them had never been snowplowing before we had no issues whatsoever with those drivers no incidents no accidents the reason you get there is because you put good practices ahead if we had bad numbers and we didn't have good practices we know have no hope of getting better so this is just a testament that the that the fund recognizes as well that not only are we doing the right things for our employees that we got practices and principles in place that maintain that so it's was very proud to accept that award for the county um lastly on inj as commission Gro said I'm also a member of inj and this week I was appointed to the legislative committee review uh group and the nominating committee group so we got two more seats at AJ in Jack that we can um put our motions in and help support the constituents of Sussex County lastly we talked a little bit last week about the negotiations with corrections I've I've been um another update we are we have a draft of anou going to the sheriff this week I was suspected I'll be prepared to present anou uh for that unit to the board probably middle of next week for your review so we're moving along very well with that that all I got for tonight okay thank you County Council report only one brief item uh we I have with me the New Jersey library construction Bond act substantial change request for the application's effectively done we're missing two pieces uh in order to file it one uh is uh whether the governing body of the library has approved the changes to the project I'm told that the county or excuse me that the library does not have an independent board which would therefore suggest to me that the governing b as the County Commissioners want to verify that that's the case in fact that's the case we'll need a quick resolution from you guys to upend to this thing to submit with it uh we can effectively do that the next meeting but uh I just want to do a little bit more digging cuz I didn't quite understand how that could not be the case uh the second one is we need some cost estimates and some source of fund estimates there are templates included within the application that requires some Financial numbers to be plugged in that I don't have so I will meet with Ela so I can make sure we can fill those in uh but once those two pieces are done it can be filed uh so uh the only outstanding item I think you might need to act on if I can't figure out another way would be a resolution approving the entire package once you see what the funding is which I'll work on getting over the course of the next week or so but that'll be yet and be done and be ready to be end everything else is complete okay I do have a question for Council um regarding the jail I know we were in the midst of the appraisal from what uh Ron told me that the PO is ready to go out with that being said just to expedite this sale um we have to put this explain to me again and and the public uh as well explain to me how that has to go out this this is an auction silent auction yeah so it has to it has to be a public auction uh so once we get our once we get our our appraisal back uh it'll give us the financial parameters of what the project what's the property's potentially worth uh then it has to be publicly auctioned off uh and we put a minimum is that how we would start you can we can affix certain parameters uh you know minimums can be among them but obviously if you don't have a minimum bid then um if we don't have a successful bidder we're then able to negotiate with individual purchasers uh but you have to check that first box first it has to be offered for public bid by Statute uh once that's done if we're either unsatisfied we have the ability to reject all bids for whatever reason um and uh if we don't have a bidder or we don't have a successful bidder then we're able to negotiate for a purchase with a purchase price the purpose of the appraisal is to make sure that if it does either come to an auction or if we end up negotiating the public that just transparency The public's aware that you know whatever the negotiated price is at least they understand what the assets worth uh Mike hon gave us a pretty comprehensive um overview of how to arrive at that cuz there's so many different moving Parts based on the jail and what one what what it's used for uh what its parts are are potentially worth what it's worth with parking without parking Etc so uh it's it's somewhat complex but he did a pretty good job of pulling all the movie pieces together so what you'll see when he's done uh is not a singular appraisal it's going to be appraisal with a bunch of sub parts okay there's really really no reason to go forward until obviously we have that number I can't write anything up until that time yeah but I Al I'll started doing I've done the outline though so I know exactly what we need to do once that's done so we won't waste a lot of time so when the time comes we have a number the Commissioners will agree on it and then we go we'll get it on the agenda we'll agree to release the the information that we have uh we'll be able to put it out for bid we'll be able to have an auction uh we just there director in relatively short ORD just just a point um I guess it's the it's the horse or the car we still have to go in front of the mutant planning board with a subdivision distinction over there because that's one big piece of property so we're going to carve that out do we do that after the auction or before the auction cuz we we can plan to do that sooner than not we need to do that before we can't sell something that's not subdivided right um yeah we can start the application process at almost any time uh I'll be up here Tuesday of next week maybe we can sit down and go over that talk to uh engineering and make sure that we have what we need from them um and it's a as you as you're aware it's it's a it's a u cursory review it's cursory I again just got to check the box I get that but we got to check the box yeah I think if we can do that in the interim of putting that PO out that would be good that way we're ready to go and we come up with that number got it good perfect thank you I have a question is the uh auction going to be for the total property or is it going to be separate auctions for some parts that's going to be a decision that you guys are going to have to make um and you know I I I think what ultimately is going to happen is you're going to you're going to put it out the bid in in sub parts somebody May bid on the whole thing somebody May bid on bits and pieces you'll have to decide what of it you want to do uh and if you don't get a bid that you're satisfied with or not for what you want to get rid of then you'll be able to enter into the private negotiations thank you of course okay do we have any unfinished business I do okay want a rule um so Frankford put out we talked about the forest Main last meeting um the laterals which basically for people who don't understand the lateral or Force main it's a sewer system that uh we have to put in ASA County that'll run up run through Frankfurt uh I talked to them I met with them to put in a uh a sewer service area they put out a survey of residents I just want to let you guys know what they came back with uh there was 10 residents that were good with it there was three that were no uh there were two that were unsure um I did talk to the clerk I I did meet her lastek week um so some people called and and they just they didn't want to be forced into anything and and from what my understanding is and I wish the mayor was here it could explain more um from Frankfurt that you know some people just put a new septic in so my understanding where Frankfurt is not looking to force anybody to do it which I agree with um it's they won't get another septic permit if they need um to do so um septics are around $40,000 uh my my estimates that I got to hook up these laterals into uh this regard the old septic is around $5,000 to hook up so even with your I think the fees are around $200 $300 a quarter you're talking 30 years before that um pays itself off uh and sewers are more desirable obviously than septics from people who don't live uh in area so that was done their next step is to make that a dedicated sewer service area um they have to apply with the DP and so on and so forth I don't know if we want to have that hold up the design I guess that's a question how much more time and money would it have us uh to just design the laterals where these houses are that's a question I can come back and ask you know to uh engineering and if it's not that much I would probably go ahead and doing it I I I don't I don't listen D is a pain so I don't know what they're ever going to say but uh I still think this can't hold us up is my point but I hate to run this the Force main without putting the laterals in um and lose out on that Revenue there was actually another and there was a farm there I forgot to say there was a farm that was very interested they have a bunch of land I don't know if it's seros or not um they have a big tree farm there that they were interested in you know one day that might be developed who knows which will we can ENC car a lot more um Force if you will so that's where we are with the unfinished business with that I'll keep you up to date um and I will inquire about the cost to run the laterals way we have it and we can decide we want to get held up do we want not want to do it so all right that's all I have okay new business I do have some new business um I will be honest this one has not been easy for me um January I had hoped commissioner Hayden would be here but he left on January 29th I want to I want to bring this on the record to the board on January 29th commissioner Hayden had had a Facebook post that referred to a female elected official and something that she had done when she was married and that is not me um but under that post he had a comment and this is the comment that he had that does affect me worse is the one where guy threatens to go shoot up an opponent house yeah he has a lot to lose so come to find out um it has been brought to my husband's attention that that house that commissioner Hayden is talking about was my house that someone had threatened to shoot apparently called commissioner Hayden up in the middle of the night and had threatened to shoot up my house and he was asked on the phone who it was and commissioner Hayden stated who it was and the the person on the phone said um you mean they want to go after the spaces and he said yes and he chuckled it was it was funny to commissioner Hayden I personally find it appalling that he did not hang up the phone call the authorities call County Council call me call my husband call anyone for the last two weeks I've been in my own home I'm a wife a grandmother a mother I have my grandson in my house sometimes and have had to sleep in my house with one eye open wondering if this person was going to come shoot up my home well I'm not going to State who that person is but it has been brought to the authorities and I just want to say my utter disgust with commissioner Hayden for deciding to keep that to himself in this world where people are crazy no one should have to sleep and worry about that and there are many other things and I bring to this board tonight A res resolution that I had made where I would like to see this board censure commissioner Hayden and here's the the resolution that has been drafted and I'm hoping I was hoping that he would be here so that I could face him and have this this done but here is um what um I have come up with uh whereas commissioner Bill Hayden serves currently as a duly elected member of the board of County commissioners of the county of Sussex state of New Jersey and whereas commissioner Hayden has demonstrated a pattern of behavior actions and inaction that are com consistent with the responsibilities and expectations of his office and whereas commissioner Hayden has violated the trust of the citizens of Sussex County by and through his harassing inflammatory spurious cititi and other calculated actions and inaction including but not limiting to failing to disclose to law enforcement County officials his commissioner colleagues or the individuals the subject thereof threats of physical violence against other elected officials and their family while serpe tiously discussing same with others two violating section two of the employee handbook engaging in a relationship with a subordinate employee while an elected official of Sussex County thereby exposing the county of Sussex to claims of workplace misconduct retaliation hostile work envir environment and sexual harassment three disclosing to others not entitled to such information and prior to its disclosure to the public privileged executive session content in violation of his oath of office and the trust of his office for disseminating false and misleading information about among other things the cessation and discontinuation of the county weekend bag program which provides no cost bag lunches to qualified Sussex County Children whereas these actions have caused harm to the reputation of the county and County Commissioners and undermined the Integrity of the board of County Commissioners there now therefore be it resolved that we the underside members of the board of County commissioners of the county of Sussex do hereby express our grave concern and censure with regard to the actions in action and behavior of commissioner Hayden and be it further resolved that we call upon commissioner Hayden to make Amendment to the board and be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be recorded upon the minutes of the board of County commissioners of the county of Sussex and that a copy be presented to commissioner haded certified as a true copy of the resolution adopted by the board on the 14th day of February 2024 okay and we do have a tight vot there should be in the one phrase that I read uh commissioner Hayden has demonstrated a pattern of behavior actions and inaction that are inconsistent with the responsibilities and expectations of his office and I say this freely and I also know that the consequences to me will be that um and I'm going to say this at the meeting commissioner Hayden's consultant who is not the person that um he stated wanted to shoot up my house but he will definitely be writing about me and I'm good because words don't hurt so um I'm fine with that but I would like to just uh see if my colleagues would like to have any discussion uh anyone have any discussion well I do I don't know if you want to make a motion first but nor here nor there the only thing that I would like to uh ask is for Council to um define censure by way everybody here at the Das including the public would like to understand what censure means um um if he could do that I would appreciate that sure it's it's a verbal admonishment uh it's an expression by the board uh that is memorialized in this particular case in a resolution of uh a determination by the board that one's conduct is inconsistent uh with the oath and responsibilities of the office uh it doesn't deprive a person of their elected office you can't do that you can't take their seat away doesn't deprive them uh of their ability to vote or have an opinion uh but it does is an expression by this board uh of uh a determination uh by the remaining members or the voting members of it that would that support such a resolution uh that you have determined that uh one of your colleagues um actions or inaction uh are inconsistent with their responsibilities as an elected official as an elected member of this board okay thank you um I'd like to make the motion myself personally can I get a second please second okay uh director space makes a motion deputy director Carney seconds it I'm going to open it up for discussion now yes discussion uh I just want to State you know I firmly believe that actions carry consequences especially for those Us in positions of the public trust right uh we as elected official are held to a higher standard like it or not um but we ask to be in these seats it's a true p PR privilege to be in the seats um you know we actively sof these roles and with them carry the duty to adhere to the laws codes and regulations that Governor conduct uh serving as a commissioner as I said is not just you know a role it's both a privilege and a profound honor um commissioner Hayden will be in my PRS thank you a roll call please uh commissioner Hayden is absent commissioner schik yes director space yes deputy director Carney yes commissioner degu yes thank you motion carries okay any other new business I just just to be clear before to uh we will go ahead and and write a resolution in support of of District 24 I know Doug said it's off the table but as you know he also said that uh we should be prepared and send our voice down to Trenton yeah I wouldn't think it's not going to come back commissioner you're right no yes you're right so we'll have something for everybody to look um hopefully as soon as Monday I'll work on that with uh Christina and you guys could look at that for our next meeting and get that out as soon as possible that sounds good that's that's all thank you a public session from the floor this public session is for those wishing to make General comments of 3 minutes or less on non-agenda topic please line up at the microphone and state your name and municipality for the record can I get a motion to open the floor for public comment still moved deputy director Carney and a second from commissioner degr okay uh uh all in favor I I I oppose abstain motion carries the floor is open to the public for comment Sandy hul from late in New Jersey um thank you for the opportunity to address the board you may remember that the Delaware River National Park and Len Fe preserve Alliance has put forth a plan to change the designation of the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area to a national park and preserve copies of the revised proposal and comments were provided to each commissioner in October of last year uh I have that same information available for commissioner degr and commissioner schik so you all can know what we're talking about thank you for that uh I'm also providing each commissioner with copies of our newsletter from the Delaware Water Gap defense fund uh and information about our public meeting on March 9th in sandon Township of course you are all welcome to attend listen and or make a statement at that time and a zoom link to that meeting will be available shortly I will present revised proposal and comments to the susex County planning board at the March 4th meeting during a conversation today with Miss sylvestri I advised her some of the concerns in The Proposal that could have a negative impact on Sussex County and that the planning board should be aware of those issues specifically of course as the far as the field conversion and the negative impact could have on Timber degradation soil erosion uh and all the things that are listed in that proposal I want to thank you for your continued support for our efforts to defeat this designation proposal and I thank you tonight for your time and your consideration and I have all the information for the question thank you so much s apprciate you have the zoom and all that other stuff pardon me you'll have that Zoom information everything will it's Zoom isn't set yet but it will be shortly you you would mind maybe one day in the next couple weeks you and I sit down and have coffee so I can I know you only have 3 minutes here I'd like to spend a little bit more time with you and kind of get a little bit more grass on the planning and I'd like to sit with you a little absolutely thank you so much appreciate sounds good thank you uh anyone else Michelle vanan hardest in Township um I would first like to welcome Mr schik as appointed commissioner Mr as uh a very young voice on this board which is needed in the Sussex County area and and we appreciate that you're you were elected um commissioner face opposite sides of the a maybe but no one should feel threatened in their own home I agree and I'm sorry to hear about that thank you um censoring uh your explanation is so here we are what happens after that I mean how how badly does someone have to continue to screw up before they're asked to step down or uh the county can petition for someone to be removed because his behavior uh represented that before he was elected in my opinion and now here he is for all the county to see that he is not behaving appropriately so I don't know where it goes from there perhaps you can Enlighten the audience as to what could happen from here out because Mr Hayden's um behavior is not acceptable so you tell us um I also wanted to ask Mr cnei um what you read earlier about is that a proposed resolution that you spoke about from laa it not NE coming from it this was a press it was a press release what I read it was a press release what is he asking of the of the it's again was a support of chairman laa supported this no one asked me to do anything this is what I'm asking asking the Commissioners to support of supporting I took it upon myself okay for the resolution so I'll end it at at this we'll write a resolution it'll be on the agenda for next next meeting and then everybody can read it then and your resolution would be that you're going to ask for censorship in libraries I will you'll read it at their next meeting he'll be prepared okay because I just I just want to make Clarity that um we're when a libr is hired in the school she is uh usually a master's degree in her field his or her field and they know what they're supposed to bring in and not bring in and if there is a book in a library that a particular parent does not want their child to look at that parent doesn't have to let their child read that book you can't ask five or 600 kids to not be able to have that ability because one parent disagrees and if you're putting forth a resolution for Sussex County which would be for libraries throughout the county and within the school syst system I think that needs to be reviewed if the this is not a you know a brand new issue so um this will be presented at the next meeting as long as everybody's on board yes I will have it ready for next meeting okay and public and that wouldn't be approved it's public um can also have a discussion on it when you bring of course okay it'll be on the agenda and you you'll have your public comment great thank you for your time you got it thank you anyone else I apologize for answering director Johnson understand excuse me I'm going through a resolution 14c that's about the branch fi with the commodity res I just don't understand what that mean oh that is um that's a in short terms is a shared service Branchville now can buy fuel from the county they get bobs for their trucks and they pay us back for the use of the of the of the fuel so it's a it's a commodity but we call it commodity so the commodi is fuel from count yeah right thank you you're welc thank you anyone else I think we did that a little bit with our salt too we do you have do salt we got others board to try to save the the municipalities money by you know buying large amounts we bigger obviously to municipalities and we can save them some money okay anyone else okay being that there is no one else can I get a motion to close the floor for public comment and return to regular business still moved okay deputy director Carney and a second please second uh commissioner shik all in favor I I opposed abstain motion carries 23 reminders please check the County's website at 6. nj. us for meeting schedules and we are going to adjourn the meeting can I get a motion to adjourn the meeting moved okay second second motion and uh deputy director Carney seconds any discussion uh all in favor iOS um motion carries and it is 702