this is the commissioner meeting of July 10th 20124 at 600 p.m. at the Sussex County administrative Center commissioner meeting room one Spring Street Newton New Jersey can I have a roll call please commissioner degr here commissioner Hayden here commissioner shik here director space here deputy director Carney here moment of silence and salute to the [Applause] black I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all four public statement pursuant to the open public meetings at act chapter 231 pl1 1975 adequate notice as defined by section 3D of chapter 231 PL 1975 has been made by regular mail and email such notice being submitted on January 7th 2024 from the administrative center of the county of Sussex located at one Spring Street Newton New Jersey to the following New Jersey Herald and the star lger and is also posted on the bulton board maintained in the administrative Center for Public announcements and and has been submitted to the Sussex County Clerk in compliance with s act at this time please mute all electronic devices number five approval of agenda motion to approve the agenda okay commissioner Hayden and commissioner de second any discussion all in favor I opposed motion carries number six we have no Proclamation certificates and presentations number seven public hearing a final adoption ordinance 24-4 at our regular meeting held on June 26 2024 we introduced for first reading the following ordinance which was advertised from the New Jersey Herald issue of July 3rd 2024 together with a public notice of public hearing stating it would be held at this meeting at 6 p.m. an ordinance of the county of Sussex state of New Jersey authorizing the implmentation of parking meters and fees annual parking passes and fees public parking for electric vehicles and fees located on Sussex County property commonly known as portions of 43 to 47 High Street Newton New Jersey block 5.01 Lot 19 we get a motion that the public hearing be opened okay Comm deputy director Carney and commissioner schik second any discussion all in favor I oppose abstain motion carries is anyone present to be heard regarding this ordinance okay can I get a motion that the public hearing be closed so move okay commissioner degr and a second second okay commissioner Hayden any discussion all in favor opposed all in favor I sorry I was a little fast motion carries trying to get that right I am motion that this ordinance be finally adopted so moved okay deputy director Carney and commission shik any discussion all in favor I opposed abstain motion carries motion that the resolution be finally adopted and authorize the clerk to advertise this resolution as finally adopted and also post the same on the bulletin board in the lobby of the county administr administrative Center okay commissioner Hayden in a second commissioner degr any discussion roll call please commissioner degr yes commissioner Hayden yes commissioner shik yes director space yes deputy director Carney yes B final adoption ordinance 24-5 at our regular meeting held on June 26 2024 we introduced for first reading the following ordinance which was advertised in the New Jersey Herald issue of July 3rd 2024 together with a notice of public hearing stating it would be held at this meeting at 6: p.m. an ordinance of the County of Sussex state of New Jersey authorizing the establishment of metered parking lot definitions parking meter fees permitted parking additional rules and regulations and public parking spaces for charging of electric vehicles located on Sussex County property commonly known as portions of 43 to 47 High Street Newton New Jersey block 5.01 Lot 19 can I get a motion that the public hearing be opened move okay commissioner shik and commissioner Hayden second any discussion all in favor I oppose abstain motion carries is anyone present to be heard regarding this ordinance okay can I get a motion that the public hearing be closed okay commissioner degr in a second uh commissioner Hayden any discussion all in favor I oppos abstain motion carries can I get a motion that this ordinance be finally ADT it still move okay commissioner shik and a second commissioner degu any discussion all in favor I I opposed abstained motion carries can I get a motion that the resolution be finally adopted and authorize the clerk to advertise this resolution as finally adopted and also post the same on the bulletin board in the lobby of the county administrative Center okay deputy director Carney in a second from commissioner Hayden any discussion roll call please commissioner de grou yes commissioner Hayden yes commissioner shik yes director space yes deputy director Cary yes okay number eight public session from the floor this public session is for those wishing to make a comment of 3 minutes or less regarding an agenda item please line up your microphone and state your name municipality an agenda topic for the record can I get a motion to open the floor for public comment still Mo okay deputy director Carney and a second second commissioner shik any discussion all in favor I oppos abstain motion carries uh the floor is open for agenda topics only okay can I get a motion to close the floor for public comment move okay commissioner Hayden and the second commissioner de gr any discussion all in favor I opposed abstain motion carries number nine commissioner's comments we'll start with commissioner Hayden okay so I guess we all know that the Gaze went um unfortunately it was a necessary evil I talked to the police chief and he explained a lot of the problem is that you can't keep re arresting people that they're not going to be held on anything that because of bail reform we're stuck with what we have so as a result there was no better option and as it was pretty much dilapidated moving it elsewhere something I thought we could do that wasn't going to happen so fortunately it is what it is if you're upset with anything look forward look at those who uh pushed the bform who didn't back the police uh because it makes their job tougher according to the chief when I spoke so there's that uh I went to schuma today looked at the dumps and we're good for almost 80 years they think that's a great thing and uh facility is state of the art compared to the rest of what we have in the state and uh Su County Library kicked off at summer reading program and if you go on the website you can find follow that and get involved that's all I have okay can we share the group all right um just some quick updates uh regarding the county seed Library I'm met with snufftown which is a hardon uh Vernon area gardening club uh just to explore educational opportunities that they could offer in phases three and four of our plan which as mentioned a couple meetings ago is the educational portions of everything um but they also introduced me to their contacts from a local company that provides them with seeds uh which the contact also reassured me that they were willing to provide us with seeds as well um something I'll have to mentioning too um but overall it was a productive conversation they mentioned that they would be happy to help Advertiser program as well by spreading the word and distributing Flyers um if that's something you want to explore or need help with um aside from that uh the ACT promotion of our Tri County Route 519 that I spoke about last meeting uh I spoke directly with the majority of Commissioners from H huton County who were supportive of the initiative uh my commissioner colleague from Warren county is introducing the idea to her fellow Commissioners uh on the board of Warren County Commissioners um tonight uh so she'll provide me with an update tomorrow or the next day after um and then as suggested from deputy director um Chris Carney I spoke with the one and only tamy horfield uh who loved the idea she thought it was great and she was willing to um help assist or collaborate in whatever Direction you decided to go um aside from that the division of Health Office of Public Health and nursing uh spotted Lantern fly program the county of sussex's office of mosquito controls participating in the NJ Department Of Agricultural Spart a spotted Lantern fly Grant uh the help control infestations experiened across the county which I know is happening quite a bit up uh in mon wage uh the office of mosquito control is utilizing this grant to purchase and distribute spot Lantern fly traps free spotter Lantern fly traps are still available to all s County residents each resident can receive a maximum of two traps per household residents who have not not received their traps yet or who are interested in the program want to learn more can call the office of mosquito control at 97394 5225 or visit ww. disease testing uh one pool actually from monu Township did test positive for West Nile virus um according to the recent NJ Health Vector Bor surveillance report the state experien above average West n activity in mosquitoes compared to past SE Seasons uh residents should be taking steps to avoid being bitten by infected mosquitoes by using EPA registered insect repellents when Outdoors wearing long sleeves shirts and long par pants and mosquito proofing yards by emptying standing water after a rainfall event uh for more information please visit the mosquito uh website at ww susex nj. us/ mosquito um and then speaking of Manu uh I did attend Manu day uh the council Rec committee and all the individuals uh associated with mon UD day really did a wonderful job they had a great firework uh celebration at night um so yeah that's it nice commissioner shik thanks um director um as reported in our last meeting I've uh been working together with the college on some things and was very excited to introduce that they're uh moving forward with their ROTC program uh Dr Homer is here this evening to tell us later on in our meeting more about it uh to explain to the board as requested by dep director Carney and um and also for the public to hear uh some of the highlights at the college um you know they were four straight years they've in their enrollment numbers have increased they're grand opening of The Culinary Institute happened this year they received the business Innovation award from the Sussex County Chamber of Commerce they also broke ground uh on the addition to the Optics Center uh which was funded by the securing our children's future Bond act lastly um they have a three three in one program between Ram ramle college and themselves that allows students to pursue uh bachelor's degrees while benefiting from substantial savings all of these highlights show what a good job and uh the growth of the community college and their commitment to our community and opportunities for our community students on June 30th I attended the 75th anniversary of the war memorial at the Veterans war memorial at High Point what a celebration and just you know I took so many videos uh it was amazing but the rains came so we all had to run real quick right so a lot of us went home very wet but it was a a a fabulous fabulous abbreviated but fabulous uh celebration uh tomorrow I have a meeting with the suss County Water Management uh and I have a meeting with the board of Jenny's house on Wednesday of next week nice that's all I have deputy director Carney thank you first I want to start with thank uh Bruce scrutin here cuz I got some good information um so all right so s County DPW purchased under arpa projects we got our 24 Elgen Whirlwind sweeper that was purchased through Timber Timberman equipment for the price of $ 37,5 4.81 representatives from Timberland were on site to provide initial training and service procedures to County staff equipment operators and Fleet mechanics the sweeper has been assigned to the Vernon District DPW plac a sweeper in service on July 1st 2024 with the purchase of the sweeper DPW will have one sweeper at every garage that's nice and this is compliance with the County Highway agency storm water permit issued by the NDP requires sweeping of all of our 620 Lane miles of County routs three times per year another mandate that's very hard with uh division of Transportation operations all way implementation of at the intersection of County Route 517 M McAfee Glenwood Road in Lake poong Road in Vernon Township as of engineering study conducted by the Su County division of engineering an always stop has been implemented at the intersection of County Route 517 ma Fe Long Road and Lake poong Road I thought there was another one too didn't we have and Libertyville 650 yes that was Jack's request uh about three years ago two years ago right isn't that that's that was it right the first spoke at our meeting who's this guy now now he's sitting here with us um this is where you want to pay attention a little bit I like giving these reports um this is from District 24 let me actually start here all right I'm going to kind of bounce back and forth a little bit Fantasia assemblywoman Fantasia Farmland prese preservation Bill enacted into law assembly woman D Fantasia Bill funding preservation efforts at five farms in Northwestern New Jersey is now law the bill s279 3 and a 3698 reallocates 1.723% and two and and a 2009 Farmland preservation fund to State a development committee which oversees the state Farmland preservation program the committee will use the money for Grants to help farmers pay for their approved preservation projects preservation from preser preserving Farmland throughout New Jersey and especially the Northwest part of the state ensures a generation of residents will know where their food comes from how livestock is cared for and the permanent value of our ad communities we help we have to help farmers if we want to live up to our Garden State slogan and preserve the way of life cherished in New Jersey Fantasia said I know these Farms will put the funds to good use and deserve the support the grants will go towards preservations at two Still Water two farms in still water in wage townships in CCE County two farms in Delaware and Union townships in hunteran county and a farm in Blairstown and Warren County a nice piece of Bill that went through Senator Parker space um opened uh open space preservation bill was for recreation was also enacted into law it appropriates 101, 69655 from constitutionally dedicated CBT revenues not CBD revenues CBT revenues D for local government open space acquisition and park development Route 15 big mistake today I thought it was open it was a big mistake uh it is not so concerning Route 15 state DOT has another call with legislators another officials tomorrow afternoon work on the bridge is rapidly occurring and from previous indications from the state do they should be on schedule to have the southbound lands and Jefferson reopen July 19th and actually when I made that mistake today uh one of the workers actually said the same thing so I don't know how people got home after July 4th weekend but uh that must have not been good so state budget on Friday June 29th Governor Murphy and a Democrat control legislator enacted the largest state budget in New Jersey's history a whopping 56 6 billion for fiscal year 2025 a 4% or $2.3 billion increase since the last year and a 63% 21.9 billion increase since Governor Christie Senator space and assembly members fantasian ganmore opposed the budget and its tax fee hikes to fund it Fantasia and smoke Fantasia and ort spoke out on the assembly floor opposing the budget and supporting taxpayers yes I have more just one one last thing because um I believe this is an important piece um to our education our school our protection of our kids um suss County Andy mobile Hill was replaced on the State Board of Education Andy was a true champion for parental rights and protect our children from OB material and crazy woke ideas from the Murphy Administration space and almost the entire Republican Senate caucus oppose confirming Mobile H replacement I'm just going to read you Senator space quote uh they're very friendly and I think Andy did a very good job uh in that position and um it's a shame that he got taken out of that position uh so Senator Parker space made the following remarks on the CER floor in opposition to the removal of State Board of Education vice president Annie Mill and encourage his State colleagues to reject the nomination of Dr Claudine Keenan today I rise in the opposition to the removal of any mob Hill from the State Board of Education and encourage my colleagues in this body to reject the nomination of Dr Claude Keenan as his replacement this attempt to remove Mr mobill is yet another example of Governor Murphy's taking action to remove or replace Valu public servants who speak out against and oppose the administration for simply bringing a different voice to the debate is no surprise therefore that only those who have been vocal on a parental rights issue in the State Board of Education have been targeted by Governor Murphy for removal so kudos to Parker Mr Senator space for doing what he did Kudos and thank you to Mr mobile Hill for serving as long as he did and another sad day in Tren it is a shame almost done almost done uh finally the Pia placard is put up in the green so maybe we lost the Gazebo but we got the Pia placard up uh right by the rest of the branch placards that are there although was spray painted the Veterans Memorial I'm hoping the that was taken um fix fixed up by now just another reason why that Gaz Evo had to come down uh you know you were just glutton for punishment with that being there this morning I was at wsus uh doing a commercial uh so at August 3rd Saturday August 3rd at the fair we will be doing a fundraiser for the food pantry so everybody who goes uh to the fair I don't know what tickets are I have no clue but whatever your ticket is if if people could donate $1 that money will come back to the food pantry that's one of uh the fundraisers we're doing besid Ides um Su County day um and then we have a prosecutors meeting I think uh director space will be with me on Friday it was supposed to be on Monday didn't happen kind of go over what we spoke about last time um at at our meeting when they were here uh just to kind of go over some other things and figure some stuff out so we can make a decision on our next meeting and that's all I have and we're also going to have an arpa meeting on Friday for some of the remain of the money that we have from the government federal government okay division of Senior Services senior day at the fair senior day at the New Jersey state fair will be held under the planet Network's Performing Arts tent at the Sussex County Fairgrounds in Augusta on Thursday August 8th 2024 between the hours of 12: and 3 attendees will enjoy Lively entertainment light refreshment store prizes and more the senior of the year will be announced and all nominees will be recognized during the event in addition Skylands ride bus drivers will be recognized for their years of safe driving Sussex County Skylands ride will be providing transportation to the fair those in need of Transportation can call Skylands ride at 97357 n480 Sussex County's 10th Annual veterans picnic the division of Senior Services Municipal Alliance and the veterans committee will host the 11th annual veterans picnic on Saturday August 17th 2024 from noon to 3 at the Hamburg fire department Pavilion located at State Route 23 South in Hamburg the picnic will include live music giveaways tables with veteran service information and a homemade barbecue pre-registration is required for this event by August 12th 2024 for additional information and to RSVP for the picnic please contact the division of senior services at 973 579 0555 extension 1221 um peer support group for Sussex County veterans the division of Senior Services is hosting a peer support group for Sussex County veterans veterans of all ages are welcome to attend this open Forum on the first floor of the Sussex County administrative Center in Newton New Jersey 6 p.m. on Wednesday July 24th 2024 to register please call 973 579 0555 extension 1135 or email Ruru which is RG o w Sussex nj. us and I'm just really pleased to see this idea coming to light and I have to thank Lorraine hence our Deputy Administrator who normally sits over there who's not here today and Rayanne for stepping up to the plate as a veteran herself to get this done um that means a lot to us um and I also attended the 75th annual High Point memorial service with uh commissioner degr and commissioner shik and it was nice to welcome so many veterans up there and it was so windy next time I'm not wearing a dress because it was blowing away and I heard that happened to Dawn Fant too so I will not be wearing a dress next year but I look forward to attending it was a great event um and then like I I say many times um up here sometimes we attend a lot of meetings we just can't discuss them so I had a wonderful meeting yesterday with Board of Elections and uh you know to the me that's that's the word for it yeah well they've had a turnover of their Commissioners there three are appointed by Republicans and three appointed by the Democrats and I want to thank uh commissioner Debbie worths for her 14 years of service um to the Board of Elections and she's decided to retire from it so we're waiting for that appointment um on the Republican side and uh Kate Madison just retired on the Democrat side so they'll have a another appointment too so it's very interesting those meetings are open to the public and you can find out when they are on um the susex County website and that's about all I have today okay number 10 there is no consent agenda number 11 regular meeting minutes of June 26 2024 can we get a motion to approve the minutes from the regular meeting so moved second commissioner shik and a second from commissioner degr any discussion all in favor I oppose abstain okay so motion carries um number 12 we don't have any other ordinances number 13 appointments Andor resignations we have a through e can I get a motion to adopt resolutions a through a so moved okay commissioner shik and a second second okay commissioner degr uh roll call please hold on discussion a discussion yeah I just have a discuss a little bit of a discussion we have um an opening on Tech yes did we put that out for ad yet did we put that out Christina was going to work on getting one out um yeah I was working with Holly um we'll follow up on that pict sure that gets posted the sooner the better yes director yes because they don't have many and it's hard for them to have a quorum especially in the summer yeah so so hopefully how long does that ad have to go for um there's no there's no requirement just got to get it out there what do you uh you want to take like a straw fold can we do that to see how long we have we're going to put it out for can we do it for the next meeting um if if we get if we can get this ad out and get it on get somebody appointed and like because otherwise it's not going to be till August 21st right oh that's our next meeting our next meeting after 24th 21st so if everybody's good with it then we'll put it for the next meeting which gives us two weeks yep that good with you Katie yeah right Works everybody everybody good with that no let's you're looking to appoint somebody at the next meeting yeah cuz it's been vacant for at least a month yes and like you said they need help there so sooner the better so get that ad out yep interested out there too it is a republican seat we have two Republicans two Democrats and the governor's appointment okay so so I would like to see that for the next meeting too okay uh do we have any candidates currently I've had a few submit yeah I have someone interested that I know of then just put the resume S I gave them your email so I could tell okay if all right so we have a few good good stuff there's one roll call please uh commissioner of the group yes commissioner Hayden yes commissioner shik yes director space yes deputy director Carney yes okay resolutions uh motion to adopt resolution a through L move second uh deputy director Carney with a second from commissioner shik any discussion uh I have quick question sure uh on K would the TR uh training with EAS had we expl explored using the department of transportations facility or no no uh getting them scheduled was almost impossible was it oh absolutely this group we've got two versions of this and this company has been very responsive to it and then we're ordering another modular building did they grow down there at the uh office of emergency management same one is this is the um one that we had to cancel the bid on the other one authoriz on the other one okay well then give him the plus while he's asking that where everybody else has it huh we'll give him let give everybody the plus yeah worked out it worked out better it's it's less money it's 200 grand less than the other one it was it was a yes but the re the reason for that is because they wanted us to take possession of it once it leave left that shop so basically it got on a trailer and it was like okay that's yours now well something happened to it local correct so that's why we kicked it back and it worked out in our favor by 200 Grand which is that's a good thing 12 13% savings so yeah so that that money can go back into our discussions now which is good y can I just ask who the motion was and the second on on the resolutions a through L I believe I moved that and I I think I seconded if not that's how it is sorry okay uh roll call please uh commissioner the group yes commissioner Hayden yes commissioner shik yes director space yes deputy director Carney yes number 15 Awards of contract change orders bid the board of County commissioners of the county of Sussex has reviewed the award of contract change orders bids consisting of various proposed resolutions and determined the adap adoption of the said resolutions is in and will further the public interest can I get a motion to adopt resolutions a through e some Comm commissioner Hayden and a second commissioner de grou any discussion roll call please commissioner de grp yes commissioner Hayden yes commissioner Shake yes uh director space yes deputy director Carney yes number 16 Financial uh payment of bills list for July 10th 2024 can I get a motion to pay the bills second okay deputy director Carney and a second from commissioner shik any discussion roll call please commissioner the group abstain commissioner Hayden yes commissioner shik yes director space yes deputy director Carney yes okay 17 uh Personnel uh the Personnel agenda for July 10th 2024 can I get a motion to approve the Personnel agenda some move okay commissioner degu in a second second okay commissioner shik any discussion roll call please commissioner de group yes commissioner Hayden yes commissioner shik yes director space yes deputy director Carney yes okay number 18 Ron administrative report U just real quick I was I'm going to Tagle on to commissioner carne's report about the sweeper um and I know this is not new news but keep everybody up to date particularly with our fellow municipalities is mandatory sweeping is coming to them to your county soon your your town soon another unfunded mandate and you're all going to tier one and that three times a year that's the that's the least of your worries to have the three time a year sweep and all the other requirements up there that are out there on that particular tier one is going to be the hard work getting it together but stay tuned it comes next year so the sweeping part is the easy part but you're going to have that as well um Bridge uh the bridge covering at U in Hampton that went over Parsons that was completed last week we replaced the en to Tire top decking on that so that was that was that was replaced and for fellow municipalities up here I don't know how many are in the state healthc care plan I hope none of you are because the state is estimating that the premium estimate increase for State Healthcare is going to be 16% that's what the word is right now and that's 16 to Here We Go Again guys it's 16% to local government it's 10% to the state workers that's what the proposals are going to be heard for for tomorrow for the increase in the premiums of State Healthcare benefits so that's all I have for tonight number 19 County Council report nothing to report okay number 20 unfinished business I'll ask County Council have we heard back from the AG's office or the US attorney on the information that we offered on our food pantry no okay thank you any other unfinished business um commission RC oh yes uh Dr Homer is here to discuss um information regarding the RTC program in the college uh he is filling in for uh Dr Connelly so um although we've we requested Dr Connelly to come he was not able to be here and was not responsive but Dr Homer is so Dr Homer please we're happy to have you although we're not going to cheer you on like they did at the graduation the students love you app I was impressed I appreciate it um so this evening I just wanted to talk about the grant we're going to be moving forward with the college is planning to submit a grant on Monday July 15th this is part of a trio Grant it's part of the Department of Education that opens once every 5 years so the grant opened at the end of June which is why the timeline seems restrictive for us um so it's a 5-year Grant 27 $272,000 every year for 5 years no matching requirements two I'm sorry 275 for 5 years there's 272 314 every year yep every year so it's like 1 through to round it off you know for 5 years so there was a number of different angles the college could have taken with this um it's for student support services so a lot of folks spend money on this in the United States on disadvantaged students economically but it say there's 18 Awards across the entire nation with this program and we feel that we wanted to Target our military Affiliated students and our veterans with this money and um we feel that we are strategically positioned at the Tri states of Pennsylvania New York and New Jersey here for a Federal grant to bring in a large Federal grant like that as well as having a career in technical education programs for our thats who don't want to transfer for a bachelor's degree they wanted we have a lot of student veterans that go right into welding or electrical line work or Automotive or diesel and that's not a lot of colleges can't offer that and but we can so we have about roughly a 100 student veterans every semester at the college what we are seeing is this a quick side we are seeing a big um uptick of active notary um and reservists uh it's part of the college as well too so we do a lot with the flexibility for that so adding on to um kind of everything we've done for a military Affiliated and our veteran students and I just made it I'm not a big list person and I don't read from notes but I'm going to quick just to make the point here um so the college is you know mov strategically in this direction over the last you know it's 5 S years but the student we have a student veteran learning lounge with the computer printing accessibility for all of our veterans a student veteran emergency fund we fundraised for and so like last year for instance we had a homeless veteran that we paid for a hotel for a week you know we had a veteran we paid their electric bill you know for a month or rent they can't make rent payments these are all things that our veterans would essentially stop going to college to take care of and like any of us would um so we have this fund and we fund raise for that through our spring 5K we do the local Newton VFW we just got a $1,000 check from them today on that that was a great partnership great initiative homegrown it was nice our veteran um our veteran appreciation game our baseball game Every Spring um so we bring in you know 25 to $3,000 through that program and it sits there until a student veteran needs it and we have a process for that um so we have the dedicated student veteran adviser at the college to help lead students through the challenges that they're facing we have the salute National Honor Society for our student veterans so we have eight inductees this year it's a National Honor Society for our student veterans who complete their degree with us we offered last year a free Veterans Day dinner for any veteran and their family that wanted to come for free at the college it was hosted by our Co folks in the Student Center theater um and that was in a partnership with the senior services division last year um and we just signed on to a commitment for the Eight Keys of student veteran success I'm not going to read through the eight keys but if you want to know I um but essentially it is creating a student veteran and Military Affiliated friendly ecosystem at the college and so now all that background here's what the Grant's for so we have all this going on already now we really want to ramp things up we've been in conversations with seen Hall University for the last five years I'd say Sean Hall University holds an Roc program an army Roc program on their campus there's branch campuses at Monclair State University and Ropo University as well too so because SE in Hall holds that that has to be congressionally approved and it's easier if seen Hall holds it rather than the college looking to do this ourselves so we've been in conversations with Lieutenant brag down at Sean Hall and so the grant essentially will be for bringing on an instructor for an RC program to bring an RC program to our College there's nothing in the Northwest here for our students and if they want to go to see an Hall it's over 40 miles from here maybe a little bit further or take um so not only that um this grant will also provide tutors for our student veterans um with math reading specifically for them it'll bring on a mental health counselor for student veterans I mean overseeing the veter student veterans now that's something I've been appal that actually we have one counselor that covers I don't know how many counties and how many cases and with my background being in Clinical Psychology it's abysmal to think that your case load is in the thousands and so what we would like to do is bring on a counselor to specifically support our veterans inhouse right now we have a great program with the Bloomfield um veterans resource center and so we have somebody on campus once a week for our student veterans if they want to meet individually or in groups and then the other P the last piece of this um the last piece of this is for basic Grant support for our students so if they need a calculator if they need books whatever they need essentially to remove as many obstacles and barriers as possible for these students so that's our grant what I'm what we're seeking is just simply a letter of support we don't need a resolution or anything for the grant submission a letter of support from the county just saying that you're supportive of the project and submission we're seeking grants out from seeing letters of support from Sean Hall University that I just received this morning local bws to make it to make it um round out kind of our student veteran ecosystem we're trying to build up the college with that there's any questions I'd be glad to answer sounds good I'm sure we'd love to have a letter drafted and senta yeah they they um they presented a draft so I can resend that to everyone if everyone didn't get it and then as the board is okay sounds good can I ask a question or two or three yes sir this isn't matching right this is not match and what happens if you don't use it all the 275 if I go back goes back we're very good in our Grant Management we don't what I like to hear we don't give anything back you know it's funny what we do actually is when folks do send it back we try to scoop it right back up we're always asking when the second tranches of these grants coming through knowing that folks are going to spend so well I appreciate you coming number one that's important that you do app appreciate what you guys do at the college always uh improving the college uh it's just gone up from when I was younger going not going there but my friends going there um we just make it better and better so I appreciate that thank you thank you for coming thank you you do thank you Doctor any other unfinished business number 21 new business yes we have a resolution that we'd like to I'd like to get a motion tonight to um get approved and it's for a grant for the Sheriff's Office office they are body cameras are going out of life and being able to uh transfer for storage and we have representatives from the sheriff's office that can explain all that but to give you the synopsis of this this is one of these grants that pop up and it catches Us in between meetings we don't have enough time to get everything together because it's due like next week so we couldn't get it on last meeting so it's got to hit this one so it's all for the right reasons it is a matching Grant it's a 91,000 it's a 91,000 Grant it's 91,000 match which the sheriff can take out of his capital budget um and it would be toally replace their body Camas that it's at in life but you guys can tell us the technical side of that but that's the synopsis that we're in right now thank you thank you good everyone I'm under Sheriff Matthew abetti I'm the administrative unders Sheriff at the Sheriff's Office this is my confidential assistant Mark lpusa uh Mark just identified this grant very recently he constantly comes internet looking for grants that do apply to us he was we're lucky enough that he found it when he did uh immediately saw that it was applicable to us uh and he had contacted Millennium uh who would worked with us Katie kotcher and uh she was a great to work with Mark is spearheading this uh any questions that you may have you can probably answer it better than I can uh but uh the operating uh the the funds that you mentioned earlier we actually identified them out of the operating oh you already got them yes we already had sent them to ELA okay still waiting for her impressions on them but basically what we did was uh looked at our Personnel that utiliz body more cameras which are in our office of emergency management the jail and also the sheriff's division of Bure of law enforcement uh and I took from those budgets according to the number of personnel that will be utilizing the cameras uh but this is a program that it was mandated again another unfunded mandate uh it's not going away and I can fore this only growing in in size if you have any questions we'd be happy to answer or Mark if you have anything to say just basically um it's going to change everything that we do from a hard based system to a cloud-based system we'll get cameras upgraded included in our quote every two years so we won't have to come back and keep badgering it's a 5-year run on the contract the grant is for three years and we can reapply again in two to cover the rest of it um it is a matching Grant the total expenditures for the match would be $91,200 and uh it's far less than what we would have to outweigh if we did the whole thing right considering you guys already found the money yes we anything to protect yourselves your officers and the public I'm for it is that live feed no no I'm surprised they don't have live feed not yet said that's far that may very well be something that comes in the future you know what I mean like all of a sudden you see something happen it's instead of respon spor or an officer goes down it's like I saw that go you know I saw him go down or her go down we got to get problem with that is you have to have somebody watching that right on every officer at the same time so the the good news the news on this is they're going to have to replace them anyway right so we get a grant that all sets half of that that's a good day and they already have found the money in their operating budget so again kudos to you guys job I certainly can't say no to that okay okay we app so what do what do we need here do we need a motion to accept the application of the of the motion yes a motion to for the uh the resolution a motion to approve the res to approve the resolution for the submission of the grant right okay can I get a motion to approve the resolution for the submission of the grant for the body cameras for the sheriff and still moved deputy director Carney and commissioner Hayden a second any discussion ni catch roll commissioner degr yes commissioner Hayden yes commissioner shik yes director space yes d uh deputy director Carney yes again thank you guys uh number 22 public session from the floor this public session is for those wishing to make General comments of 3 minutes or less on non-agenda topics please line up at the microphone and state your name and municipality for the record can I get a motion to open the floor for public comment okay uh Commission shik and a deputy deputy director Carney second any discussion all in favor I clain floor is open good evening everyone I'm Gail just uh I live in Leon I have two things to discuss this evening first of all after the election and there were a million signs out there for the election for the different candidates many were picked up the very next day um but there several that were still out there two weeks later I counted 19 kovic rusnik signs between Sandston uh monteu Sandston Frankfurt and Lafayette there was 18 or 19 signs there was only three chick signs to this date there are still five kovic signs out there and one of your signs is which you probably don't know where it is it's on Route 15 after the traffic light headed north but before the end of the property there by the Lafayette Village it's on the right hand side where that gry house is there's still one of your signs there okay yeah so there should be something county level state level Town level whatever that these signs must be picked up within a certain amount of time cuz they're a pain in the ass to look at they are I think there is you put them all out there so let's pick them all back that's number one the second one I'm still looking for the DD214 for Mr Hayden um but I have wonderful news since he sued the uh the the commission and myself we received a notice of tour which is now past the 90 days um I sued him in court back in May uh for the $100 that I gave him as a uh donation for his campaign we went to court two different days on the second day we went to court oh the best part was when he came through the um the sheriff's officer he was singing the song if you remember back in the 80s it's she's a man eater remember that song one minute huh one minute oh um who would sing that song coming through the uh the security coming to the court anyway I I thought it was quite comical anyway at that Court uh hearing uh at the beginning of it I had re I had served him with this subpoena to prove to show us his DD214 but at the beginning of Court he said I just want to get rid of this I want to pay her off I'm going to give her back $100 so I did not get the required money that I was looking for I was looking for four I was looking for a th000 450 for Wounded Warriors 450 for tunnels to towers and my $100 back I did get my $100 back so uh that in itself indicates to me that he did serve because the whole point of that um lawsuit was because he is not a veteran he told me he was a veteran and I wanted my money back cuz he lied thank you thank you Kathy Gren andh in Township um I'm here again basically for the same reason uh I still believe that commissioner Hayden needs to be to resign there is nothing proving that he served whatsoever in the military he hasn't provided anything and I'm led to believe that this must be a case of Stolen Valor which is very very serious and really a heinous crime and I think it deserves resignation and if not I believe this should be a recall and I think it's just it's it's a problem for everyone the whole commission the whole County I mean if you go on the internet you see articles about this from all over the place it's all over the Internet everyone knows I realize Mr Hayden likes to be popular and likes to be on the internet but this is not for a good reason this is very a very sad reason and I do not think it's a bit funny and you thinking it's funny commissioner Hayden is very very sad to me thank [Music] you anyone else okay can I get a motion to close the floor for public comment and return to regular business still moved commissioner degr and deputy director Carney seconds any discussion all in favor I oppose abstain motion carries number 23 reminders please check the County's website at [Music] Christina you're number 24 executive session closed session resolution regarding providing for an executive closed session not open to the public in accordance with the provisions of njsa 10 4-12 at SEC whereas the subject matter is about to be discussed may be excluded from the public portion of the meeting by resolution of the board of County Commissioners as an exception to the open public meetings act pursuant to njsa 10 col 412b and whereas it appears necessary for the board of County Commissioners to discuss such matters in executive session now therefore be it resolved that the board of County commissioners of the county of Sussex in accordance with the provisions of njsa 10 4-12 B and njsa 104-113 that the board at this time enter into an executive session from which the public shall be excluded and be it further resolved that the general nature of the subjects to be discussed relate the following items authorized by njs 10 412b as designated below item number seven matters relating to litigation negotiations and the attorney client privilege the jail be had further resolve that that the deliberations conducted in closed session may be disclosed to the public upon the determination of the Sussex County Board of County Commissioners or provided by law that the public interest will no longer be served by such confidentiality and be it further resolved that upon completion of the business for which the board has entered into the executive session the board shall reconvene and resume its meeting open to the public and be it further resolved that the board does not uh expect to take formal action after returning from executive session except to adjourn the regular meeting thank you can I get a motion to adopt the executive session resolution and enter into executive session okay commissioner Haven and second commissioner deg group any discussion all in favor I oppose abstain okay can I get a motion to adjourn from executive session and return to regular business okay commissioner Hayden and a second second okay any uh commissioner sh any discussion all in favor I oppos abstain number 25 adjournment can I get a motion to adjourn the meeting move commissioner Hayden makes the motion in a second second uh deputy director Carney any discussion all in favor I motion carries 727