of June 26 2024 at 6: pm at the Sussex County administrative Center commissioner meeting room one Spring Street Newton New Jersey can I have a roll call please deputy director Carney here commissioner degr here commissioner Hayden is absent commissioner shik here director space here number three moment of silence and salute to the flag I pledge of aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all number four public statement pursuant to the open public meetings act chapter 231 p P1 1975 adequate notice as defined by section 3D of chapter 231 pl1 1975 has been made by regular mail and email such notice being submitted on January 7th 2024 from the administrative center of the county of Sussex located at one Spring Street Newton New Jersey to the following New Jersey heral Star Ledger and is also posted on the bulletin board maintained in the administrative Center for Public announcements and has has been submitted to the Sussex County Clerk in compliance with SED act at this time please mute all electronic devices number five approval of agenda we have a couple of changes to tonight's agenda first the ordinance being introduced tonight for the first reading has one change the ordinance will be reducing the charging stations being installed from 4 to 2 with two electric vehicle parking spots being reserved in addition item 14 resolution C is being tabled tonight pending receipt of further information lastly item 17 Personnel agenda will be discussed after executive session can I get a motion to approve the agenda as amended so move okay commissioner shik second and commissioner degr second any discussion all in favor I oppos abstain motion carries number six we have no Proclamation certificates or presentation number seven no public hearing number eight public session from the floor this public session is for those wishing to make a comment of 3 minutes or less regarding an agenda item please line up to the microphone and state your name municipality an agenda topic for the record can I get a motion to open the floor for public comment so move commissioner de second and a second uh deputy director Carney any discussion all in favor I oppose abstain the floor is open for agenda topics only okay can I get a motion to close the floor for public comment okay commissioner shik a second second deputy director Carney any discussion all in favor I oppose abstain motion carries number nine commissioner comments and I will start with commissioner shik okay thank you director um so today attended the senior uh Senior Olympics hosted by the township of Vernon at the map Maple Grange Park uh it was amazing to see all the seniors come out to participate especially in this heat we all know how much I love the heat right so uh I was baking out there but I want to specifically thank lorine hint for the hard work she and her team did uh to put this event on it was a terrific event and the township of Vernon uh for assisting in all their hard work in getting this um this event off the ground a congratulations to all the athletes from haong Sparta Vern and hardest and monteu and the seniors that attended representing the YMCA uh also today I met with Dr Connelly over at susus Community College to Pro he provided me some updates about the college the fire College fire academy and the Veterans Affairs at the college uh the college has expressed uh you know great care regarding the uh veterans uh they have a program called uh veterans eight keys to success and they'll be kicking that off in September um also they offer discounts to the beneficiaries of deceased veterans so family members can attend um there as well at a discounted rate um they've also uh told me today that something I didn't know about which was a emergency relief fund uh for new veterans new um students that may be struggling with their uh cash flow uh and that is just to get them on their feet nothing you know they're not supporting them per se but let's just say they moved here and they're getting ready to start the uh the semester off and they have a problem they're not able to make their rent they have a little bit of um money that they can help that that particular veteran make their rent get stabilized so they can you know be a productive student and and attend um their classes um they will also be attending cesis County day to Showcase um you know what they have to offer uh lastly I was uh talking with the um fire academy director uh Dr U John Dixon I'm sorry not talk to Dixon John Dixon and uh together in collaboration with the fire departments the fire academy and the college are going to host their very first First Responders day at the college uh and what they're hoping Hing to do is create an environment of recruitment since our volunteer recruitment is so low all the volunteer fire and uh EMS uh departments around the county are struggling to get new members so they thought that that would be a great way to uh showcase the uh the apparatus the uh you know the operations and talk about the educational aspects at the fire academy and uh help them get a uh accredited uh education and service in uh training for uh you know firemen so they can actually get college credit and they can get service training so that they can make all of their um required um certification so that they could become a firefighter so uh with that director those are my comments thank you commissioner shik I mean commissioner de gr sorry it's got all um last Monday the County Agricultural Development board met uh I wanted to note that the state cultural development board attended to present uh on the uh present the revision on the state uh wide Farmland preservation appraisal value formula this is the same formula I've been educating people on about my travels you know around the county um on the Farmland preservation revitalization tour uh the discussion was very informative as well as collaborative and focused on how to best utilize the formula within Sussex County so it was really neat to just have an open discussion on uh what us you know uh the agricultural Community would like to see in this formula cuz suss County or soil uh is very unique uh very Rocky as you can imagine uh gardening and digging and everything so uh we expressed our concerns and I appreciate them coming out uh additionally I attended the musk andon Watershed annual meeting executive director Thomas delesie did an excellent job organizing the event presenting uh the past Year's accomplishments as well as introducing the vision plan for the musken on Watershed uh the top three goals really is to protect preserve the Muson River its Headwater Lakes um the target is to restore the water to state standards and reduce stream bank erosion by 25% goal number two was to ensure equal access to clean efficient safe and cost effective water and goal number three was to preserve open space and make it available and accessible to all and preserve Farmland to promote River friendly and regenerative agriculture uh read to read more about the draft for the vision plan for the musk andon Watershed uh you go to www .us on.org uh it's the first thing that shows up so very easy to find uh Additionally the division of Health Office of Public Health and nursing a woman's health screening clinic will be held on Thursday July 11th 2024 from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the office Public Health nursing 2011 wheatsworth Road Hamburg this Clinic offers a variety of Health screenings and education the services available free to uninsured and underinsured County residents who qualify for the New Jersey cancer education and early detection program schedule an appointment call the Office of Public Health nursing at 97357 n570 uh congratulations also division of Senior Services Lorraine and all the county workers for putting on an amazing Senior Olympics this afternoon I attended and all I heard was just like it's you know truly amazing everyone getting together and you really can't put a price tag on just like enjoying so uh you know congratulations uh finally uh deputy director Carney and I had the pleasure of going down to H pacon uh earlier um for Flag Day uh that parade was like astonishing uh just congratulations and thank you to the buau of hop pacan H pacan Els and the mayor for putting on a wonderful event so um that's it uh I do have something for new business but that's all thank you deputy director Carney you sure you're done yeah yeah yeah new business all right um I got a notice for County Route 517 and over Sparta Road gas main instulation instulation of a 6in steel and 8 in plastic gas main residential gas services in and long L PR Valley Road and Andover spart Road locations are as follows County Road 517 Len leny Road and Andover spart Road from G Grist Lane Andover borrow and any near at or near q20 Andover spart Road and Andover estimated construction start will be on about June 24th it's got to be wrong date estimated construction completion will be September construction will require a a daily road closure of County Route 517 expect delays or plan alternate routes um County Route 517 Lake poong Road and Vernon information of an Allway stop intersection intersection of 5117 mcae Glennwood Road and Lake poong Road in Vernon Township as a result as a result of engineering study conducted by the County division of engineering and Allway stop has been implemented at an intersection of County rout 5 17 MCA Glenwood Road in Lake poong Road in Vern Township the inflamation was authorized by the CES County Board of County Commissioners at its May 22nd meeting 20 2024 meeting work was completed by the in-house construction forces of the Cs County Office of bridge and traffic safety were finishing that today saw thatone that's right with that retaining wall is heading to map Grand right yeah um just something a couple things from District 24 I'm not going to read all this uh but various since the mayor here is of um frankfurt's here and councilman from susex borrow I just will cut through to chase when it comes to this mayor susex County municipalities and school districts were awarded local Recreation Improvement Grants from the NJ Department of Community Affairs Frankfurt Township Board of Ed has been approved to receive $70,000 this will provide funds to refurbish existing ball baseball softball and basketball recreation spaces as well as is improved pedestrian and Community Access to spaces Sussex wage Regional School has been approved to receive 72,000 this award will provide funds to enhance the outdoor athletic fields of Sussex Middle School the fields are used in partnership with the local community and recreational programs there's others but I'm not going to bore you with them uh state budget state budget is due to be voted on this Friday by by both the state and assembly Senator space and assembly members fantasian and ganmore are opposed to the spending plan to help fund the increases in spending in the budget there are several taxes which are being proposed to be raised but details are still being worked out the three legislators oppose any increase in state taxes and fees which may come out of the budget deal a full report will be provided for the next commissioner's meeting legislation has been introduced to provide funding for Highlands land owners and to renew the Dual appraisal process to determine property values for properties in Highlands whose owners are pursuing preservation dollars legislation is is numbered at a 4627 and S 3466 our favorite Route 15 which cost me another 30 minutes a day um in their last meeting with the legislators uh and other officials the state DOT says that they are on scheduled to have the South pan lanes and Jefferson reopened on July 19th got that Mr scrutin um and and and they are actually I talked to assembly woman Fantasia last week and she was on the phone with with the mayor of Jefferson and they they were actually a little ahead of schedule but that can change with day by day with weather um as commissioner deg Gro said we attended Flag Day uh two weekends ago almost two weeks ago yeah um and they had about a thousand people over a thousand people there I mean that parade just went on and on and on so kudos to uh mayor gatte and the council for putting that together that was um that was a good job that was a really good job there was lot a lot of people there it was it was it was impressive takes me a lot to be impressed so it was good um I did it two weeks ago to the day I went down to the fleet garage uh I met with them there was a new employee a new mechanic young guy um so I I got to meet with them all their tools were in uh they were very happy it was the first time I actually went to a garage that uh I didn't get any complaints whatsoever it was the is that why you left me out this time it was it was actually on the way home from Bible study Jill you don't go to Bible study so you were there um but it was a it was a good a good visit um so that's all I have for now thank you okay so uh I I have some good news here I see Will Porter from the library here the library director he received a letter today from the state and um they said thank you for supplying documentation describing the proposed change documenting the new new cost and articulating the ways in which the revised project will continue to meet their Pro programmatic intent of the originally approved Project based on the documents you provided and in consultation with the president of Thomas Edison University we find there is good cause to approve a substantial change to Sussex County's construction project pursuant to NJ ac15 24- 4.1 the revised design described in the new documents reduces the square footage of the project to 3750 as a result of this decrease the maximum allowed Grant amount based on the March 20124 revised per square foot cost is $1,572 18815 the New Jersey State library is preparing a grant Amendment with revised maximum Grant amount Award of 1, 15728 155 to document this change the Dennis Library lcba project may continue to move forward as indicated by the substantial change document with Associated attachments and related clarifications that was submitted to the New Jersey State Library between February 14th 2024 and June 25th 2024 so that is good news so thank you will for all your hard work um and then we have another like little brief thing that uh commissioner Hayden would have read but he's not here um Sussex County Library System seeks Community input the Sussex County Library System SCS invites all community members to share their thoughts on Library Services collections programs and spaces through its 2024 Community survey help make your Sussex County Library System the best it can be this is a fantastic opportunity for all members of the community to have their voices heard and help shave the future of the County Library System whether you have suggestions for new programs ideas for improving collections or thoughts on how enhance the buildings the library wants to hear from you the survey is anonymous however participants can enter a drawing to win a $100 Grocery Store gift card upon completion all members of the community are encouraged to participate not just library card holders and uh there's different ways to participate online you can complete the survey at um tiny Ural url.com 33u jc3 um which I imagine that must be online because nobody's going to remember that from me saying okay great great or visit any branch in person um so thank you for that uh I have division of Social Services food drive to help feed Sussex County residents in need shop rate locations in Newton Sparta Franklin and Sussex collected food this past Saturday to benefit the food pantry at the Sussex County division of Social Services iHeart media 103.7 WJ and 102.3 WS us personalities were on location at the Sussex shoppr right to spearhead the drive donations will help replenish the shelves at the Social Services food pantry to assist families and individuals in need in addition to supporting local food pantries the donations will also help provide nutritious meals to children who are home during the summer months if anyone is in need of food for themselves or their family they can stop by the division of Social Services located at 83 Spring Street Newton New Jersey from 8:30 to 4:30 Monday through Friday food or pet donations are accepted during these hours or special Arrangements can be made for after hour donations by calling 973 383-3600 senior Farmers Market nutrition program the senior Farmers Market nutrition program provides financially eligible individuals who are over age 60 and older with a onetime $50 electronic benefit to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables at participating Farm stands in New Jersey this once a year benefit is available at the division of Senior Services Monday through Friday 8:30 to 4:30 p.m. eligible seniors who are disabled and not able to come into the office can have an application and their benefit mailed to them in addition senior services staff will be Distributing the senior Farmers Market nutrition program benefit at the locations below during the beginning of July July 2nd 2024 from 10: to 12 at the Vernon Senior Center Center 21 Church Street Vernon July 2nd from 3: to 4:00 p.m. the Newton Town Center 2:25 Spring Street Newton this benefit will be available from June 1st through September 30th 2024 and must be Redeemed by November 30th 2024 please contact senior services at 973 579 0555 to apply or obtain additional information and I want to Echo the other Commissioners um responses about the senior day today you guys do an excellent job and it is very impressive and we and I think you said it takes like a year of planning so it's not just something that like we just show up you guys do all the planning we can't thank you rayan all you guys do you're you both are looking a little sunburn I will say that um anyway thank you okay director yes uh I just can I add something with the library so so now that we got the approval for the changes to get this moving who's going to take the Reigns on on this I we go you're she already The Next Step yet is we getting in contact with their attorney to complete the closing and and let us take the ownership of the library so we'll close until that happens we're kind of a little stagnant right because the sooner the better like the reason why we're in the predicament that we're in is because obviously inflation so the quicker we get this done the quicker the better yes absolutely so you're going to you're going to follow with that but then who is going to kind of let us know what's going to go on are we going to leave that up to commissioner Hayden since he is liaison this turns into a capital project plan that that's under Keith once we clear the ways that we open he can get the Architects all up to speed and getting the specs done getting the get the bid packages done get the bids out it becomes one of his projects that's on the board you're going to see here in about so so then it will be a facility's report that I'll report reporting on and the only other thing that I'd like to add and we should keep in a loop is Will Porter um going forward he should be obviously I'm sure going be right on it the information because he's the one who's going to I mean once this construction starts and whatnot and people are still going to be asking he needs to have the answers he's the guy in charge there so but to your point commissioner will I don't know I didn't see in the Grant application is there any re um reporting that has to be done during the course of the project I didn't see anything of any updates like that are we 25% complete okay make sure we keep them happy perfect do we have any idea of how long this could take before we start I I I guess I'm like putting the cart before the so for my understanding is um previously we were right at the finish line where we just need to complete closing and there were Communications with their lawyer who I believe is a volunteer um so the communications back to us were a bit slow um so it's really about us applying pressure to get this done so we can move forward now that the grant um has been amended and approved and um hit the ground rolling to Katie's credit she got she found out about this about three hours ago as as I think we all did well the other the other important thing too Katie is while you're doing that and talking to their lawyer there is money in their fund um I don't know if we have that amount I'm sure it's a it's changed what it originally was I don't know I'm sure so that would be nice to find out too cuz that's going to offset this cost M and last time I heard a number it was right around $300,000 that goes along with the building that' be an question for for I thought it was more than that trust fund the trust fund the library trust fund Library trust fund why I don't I'm assuming that's what they call it we don't know they have some work on the building the right so so that's that's important I'm curious to see what that is just so you guys know because you haven't been here that long like when we first were uh going to take on this project in the building there was a a trust fund a library trust fund which they take and maintain the building and whatnot and we were going to inherit that money along with the building and the number at the time was around $300,000 is that offsetting or is that in addition to no it it would offset the offset the so it's a little bonus package so you all know I saw that will bought a new shovel and a hammer he out there pain brush a paint brush so okay number 10 approval of consent agenda there is none number 11 approval of minutes of the regular meeting June 12th 2024 can we get a motion to approve the meetings the regular the minutes from the regular meeting of June 12th so mve sh and commissioner de any discussion all in favor I opposed obain motion carries number 12 is the ordinance a introduction for first reading ordinance 24- 04 an ordinance of the county of Sussex state of New Jersey authorizing the implantation of parking meters and fees annual parking passes and fees public parking for electric vehicles and fees located on Sussex County property commonly known as portions of 43 to 47 High Street Newton New Jersey block 5.01 block 319 motion to adopt this ordinance on first reading and authorize the clerk to advertise this ordinance as introduced for first reading and also post same on the bulletin board in the lobby of the county administrative Center together with the notice of public hearing stating that a hearing will be held on July July 10th 2024 at 6 p.m. prior to final adoption of this ordinance can I get a motion the moved second deputy director caring a second commissioner shik any discussion uh yeah I just I I think I've spoke about this prior at prior meetings but I just want to reiterate um speaking with Keith Nelson our facilities manager uh for people who don't know who he is um the parking garage is in I'm not going to say this repair it needs a lot of repair it's an old facil uh parking garage uh and he's anticipating $3 million in the next 10 years so doing this installing these parking meters basically is charging the people who are parking there um instead of the taxpayer um so if you don't use it you're not paying for it I think it's a very good plan I think it'll bring a lot of money in and uh it will obviously save the taxpayer in a long run and it's the parking garage by the courthouse yes so that's it thanks okay uh roll call please deputy director Carney yes commissioner dgrou yes commissioner Hayden is absent commissioner shik yes director space yes introduction for first reading ordinance 24-5 an ordinance of the county of Sussex state of New Jersey authorizing the establishment of metered parking lot definitions parking meter fees permitted parking additional rules and regulations and public parking spaces for charging of electric vehicles located on Sussex County property commonly known as portions of 43 to 47 High Street Newton New Jersey block 5.01 Lot 19 we need a motion to adopt this ordinance on first reading and authorize the clerk to advertise this ordinance as introduced for first reading and also post same on the bulletin board in the lobby of the county administrative Center together with the notice of public hearing stating that a hearing will be held on July 10th 2024 at 6 p.m. prior to final adoption of this ordinance a motion please so moved second deputy director Carney second from commissioner degr any discussion just uh yes I have one question and I know that we've answered it between ourselves but I just want to be sure that no electric vehicles will be parked on any structure that is above ground yes correct ask that a different way we got we there will be parking when you first come in the driveway and you make the left uh by the sheriff's office is over here first four spots right there you'll have two charging stations and you have two blank stations they won't be in the parking deck so to answer your question there will be there be prohibited parking of electric vehicles within the decking that's exactly what I'm asking so if you have an electric vehicle you can charge but you can only park at the charging station while your car is charging you get a notification for your phone and then you would have to move your car so we that's why we took four charging stations away cuz why have charging stations if we're not going to have any electric vehicle parking spots so we have two charging spots they would have to get in their car and move to another spot over it might sound crazy but if you have an electric car that's how it works when you go places so I'm one of those crazy people that drives an electric car big mistake but I've charged before and I have to get back in my car and move it so that so what we're doing here is nothing different and any electric car owner will understand that that's common if you leave your car in that spot then you can but the meter is going to continue to run and that has happened to me so that's why we we amended it yesterday and that's why it's amend amended in on the ordinance for the electric cars and I think as time progresses too and we have we start raising some money with this meter program um you know we might be able to facilitate facilitate electric cars going forward right so when that parking garage was built we didn't think that there was going to be electric cars you know fire ret Tans for Batteries then yeah so so hopefully we can get to that point at one time so we don't have a lot of spots for electric cars but we will have two besides the two charging spots okay any other discussion on it roll call please deputy director Carney yeah commissioner de gr yes commissioner Hayden is absent commissioner shik yes uh director space yes number 13 appointments Andor resignations we have an appointment of mar oogi as a member of the Board of Commissioners of the Sussex County Municipal Utilities Authority schuma to fill the unexpired term of Robert debonet effective immediately and expire January 31st 2025 I get a motion to adopt resolution a still moved okay uh deputy director Carney and commissioner de and discussion I'll say that Mario is here and he's from Sussex burrow and we're happy to have y on and happy that Sussex buror with all the fees that that your town pays um we'll have a voice on the board so any other discussion no you said and I know how hard you work for Sussex borrow with all your volunteerism and being on the Council and the Historical Society so thank you for all you do for the county roll call please uh deputy director Carney yes commissioner degr yes commissioner Hayden is absent commissioner shik yes director space yes congratulations okay number 14 we have a resolution a through G can I get a motion to adopt resolutions a b and d through G item C have has been tabled so take out item C can I get a motion so move okay second uh commissioner deg gr and a second from commissioner shik any discussion okay roll call please deputy director Carney yes commissioner degr yes commissioner Hayden is absent commissioner schik yes director space yes number 15 Awards of contract change orders bid uh resolution a the board of County commissioners of the county of Sussex has reviewed the award of contract change orders bids consisting of various proposed resolutions and determined that adoption of the said resolutions is and will further the public interest can we get a motion to adopt resolution a still moved okay deputy director Carney in a second second commissioner shik any discussion roll call deputy director Carney yes commissioner degr yes commissioner Hayden is absent commissioner shik yes director space yes number 16 Financial a when we get a motion to pay bills list a for June 26 2024 still moved second deputy director Carney with a second commissioner de gr roll call please discussion okay roll call please deputy director Carney yes commissioner degr yes commissioner Hayden is absent commissioner Sheik yes director space yes uh B uh payment of of bills list B from June 26 2024 can I get a motion to pay bills list Bay so move okay de gr and commissioner shik seconds any discussion roll call please deputy director Carney yes commissioner deg gr yes commissioner Hayden is absent commissioner shik yes director space abstain number 17 Personnel um we are holding this until after our executive session skip past that number 18 administrative report real quick I'll be very quick tonight uh previously uh we mentioned that we had a group of our equipment operators that were going out to get certified to get certification in equipment operating that training has been completed they're back they were very excited about the skills that they picked up the the other the the new guys were really thr because it was it was brand new to him even the senior guys said they came back and brought back additional skills that they didn't have we've had had the machine Rodeo if you will out at schuma where they went out and they practiced again they took some of the newer guys that hadn't been on machines at all that we got him out there got him with the instructors and got them got them up and running on the basics of that and we'll continue to do that what that does it makes our our guys more confident it's less risk they know what they're doing it also opens up a much more fair uh playing field if you will for the younger guys that don't are not at shops that don't have equipment they now have have opportunities to get on a piece of equipment to make them more eligible for equipment operator positions when they come down the road so that was a real real good opportunity it was very well spent and lastly tomorrow uh commissioner Carney myself and bill copena will be attending the project self sufficiency Mosaic award uh they are giving the award to County and Newton for the collaboration of The Rehabilitation of Trinity Street and the implementation of the safe pedestrian walkway that goes down to project C efficiency so we'll be there at 12:30 tomorrow to accept that award that's all I got can you just do me a favor the information that you just gave us can you just pass that along to rayan that way she has that she hasn't have it already yep absolutely sounds good thank you number 19 County Council report um I will save my uh report for executive session okay thank you um number 20 unfinished business any number 21 business you want me to go first you first okay uh three minutes promise um so I just want to introduce an exciting new initiative that I in collaboration with hudan and Warren County have been begin developing uh last week Autumn our very own Ron taen and I held our first meeting with Administration from hudan and Warren counties to discuss the promotion and advertisement of agricultural farms and Agri tourism businesses across our Three Counties um a Tri County service you could think of um this collaboration aims to showcase the beauty and value of our Northwestern New Jersey uh corner to the rest of the state right we're pretty unique all three of us um our primary focus is to promote County Route 519 which is a route that travels through Sussex Warren and huon counties uh please note farms and aggra businesses do not need to be located directly on County Route 519 to participate uh the route will simply serve as the backround of our promotional efforts uh we will provide directions and distance information to guide visit to various destinations off that main route of County Route 519 uh this model uh for this initiative is based on a successful 579 trail from huan County um in our meeting last week we agreed that scaling this model to a tri count level is a promising direction for the you know uh project we've seen something successful and we want to apply it to a Tri County um level uh the rationel for the Tri County initiative is that our Three Counties have a unique and significant agricultural presence Within in New Jersey by enhancing and promoting exist existing farms and a businesses we can attract new customers from across the state uh this would include Mercer Middle sex and Union counties coming to Sussex counties as they'll be directed to travel North on County Route 519 um similarly residents from Sussex paic Morris and even Bergen counties will be encouraged to explore businesses further south to huan starting Sussex head south 519 to get the huon and obviously Warren's right in the middle so they were would receive the benefit from both South Travelers traveling north the north Travelers traveling south um additionally in the meeting Ron just left but uh from Ron's expertise and our discussion it revealed uh it was revealed two potential funding sources um a Tri County leap Grant which Ron could talk a bit more about um but also funding from the highlands Council uh we discussed and there's like specific um funding that you know the highlands Council would really love from this but really Following last last week's meeting my task was to inform the commissioners of Warren and huan counties as well as all of you um about this initiative specifically from you I'm seeking just you know this sounds good you know keep working on this Shack um in addition with me and Ron to continue collaborating on this project with hutan and Warren counties I've already communicated with the Commissioners from huon and Warren counties uh this has been recent so I only got a response from one from each County so one from Warren one from huan and both were positive um but uh yeah so in addition to that I did introduce this at the susus county B of um the other night and presented a potential idea not saying this was going to happen but uh they were you know really thought it was worthwhile um so all in all just wanted to see if this sounded good yeah I do I like it yeah just wanted some feedback all is good hopefully our route 519 will be open uh in Frankfurt before we know oh yeah I know that takes me a lot longer to get to bridge um yeah there are little ways out actually they're just shriv piles actually um the only thing I would ask Jack I like your idea that's good I'm I'm you got my support for sure is to get in touch with Tammy horsefield and just if you haven't done that already I don't know if you have or not we uh me and Autumn have been like talking about like kind of like yeah probably say yeah just get her get in touch with her and just let her know it's better to let her know than find out later and yeah keeps a piece a little bit Yeah because we uh cuz initially this all started um from the four seasons of Agriculture so I don't know if Ron mentioned we we were looking at um updating the site like Christina mention just modernizing it um promoting that as well but uh yeah yeah so I would say if you're really interested check out huon County's 579 Trail um because that's really kind of the model and just think of it as not just hon County but waren and Sussex and mimicking off that very you know just foundational steps um we're meeting sometime in July to you know report back so perfect yeah I'll keep you updated thank you thanks okay so everybody on this board loves our veterans and we love our College the college is embarking on an rooc program and um in today's meeting they surprised me with that information and they knew I would be you know dancing like a a ballerina over that because of my support for our veterans um they've asked us if we would get together I'm asking everyone here to consider uh signing on to a letter of support for their application and their grant funding um they they seem to think that that would be the uh the last item needed to push us across the goal line so that that suss County Community College can indeed have an RC program right here in sus County sounds good to me so um we could talk more about it uh offline but I would I would ask for your consideration with that and secondly um you know with all the talk about the susus County food pantry program and the great work that they do uh there are two young teenage girls that run a weekend bag program during the school year and they and their parents deliver the food themselves they pack the bags and they work for 10 months a year around around all of the school systems they are now in 20 school systems in Sussex County and they are anonymously helping excuse me the people that they're helping remain anonymous so that they couldn't have they won't have any peer pressure about not having enough money to to eat and that kind of thing and I would just like to to recognize them with a proclamation you know and I I just think that when you have two young teenage girls U embarking on this on their own out of their own heart everything is donated from various places um you know I just like to recognize them I support them monetarily so I don't know if that's a conflict or not that I want to do this but uh openly I support them and um our Bible study supports them and I see the work that they do and now they're in 20 schools amaz I just spoke to them at uh Newton day that's the what's it called the weekend we bagam bag program the food pantry delivers on average 1,200 bags every weekend to support that same effort so you know that's I would just like to uh you know put together a proclamation or some sort of uh recognition from us letting them know that how how greatly we appreciate them and their hard work their for their peers in the community sounds good to me thank you okay I just got a I got a question um great for the week back program I was actually with them at the chamber they got an award at the chamber lunch and um great great kids the RO so ROTC I don't know if you want to talk about it now not that I'm against I'm just curious how that that's all going to work you have all that information or is this just I don't have I don't have their specific documentation but in a nutshell that you know they they join with the college uh the students uh get get uh involved in the RC program they have to serve some time once they they finish their schooling to repay the benefits they get from being in the program I can get you a full detail list uh of how the program operates why don't we invite um Dr Connelly and Dr Homer for a brief presentation that would that would be better I just I want to if it's getting all funded by the military there's no offset by the county I just want to be very clear on right so let's let's Christina can invite them for a brief presentation good yeah I don't want to I don't want to spend any any taxpayer money and certainly don't want to take any money out of their budget uh that we're doing but you know this is something that they've applied for and they've they've been working on and they finally been recognized yes I think it I think that sounds great I would love to hear hear what they have to say yeah thanks any other new businesss he number 22 public session from the floor this public session is for those wishing to make General comments of 3 minutes or less on non-agenda topics please line up at the microphone and state your name and municipality for the record can I get a motion to open the floor for public comment still moved sorry deputy director Carney and commissioner de grou any discussion all in favor I oppose abstain motion carries the floor is open I'm back hi um I will keep it short you just say your name in municipality record oh I'm sorry Kathy brenon hands attach thank you um I just came recently from a dentist appointment so my mouth is a little a little wonky at the moment so I will try to keep it short and if I slur my words that's why we got it um again I'm here um because Stolen Valor remains a serious and heinous issue that cannot be just swept under the rug it taints not only the reputation of commissioner Hayden but the whole County I again would call for his resignation I would also question the cost to the county and of course thus being the taxpayers for the lawsuits he has um filed against I guess several of you and also the fees to draw documentation that you have to submit to the state in terms of the food pantry so that you can um document that there's not anything what would you say fishing going on and um I I'm very concerned about that and also I see he is not present again tonight leaving me to question what his participation on this board actually is or how much he's actually participated on this board and other work besides going after the quote unquote food pantry and thank you I can't talk anymore thank you thank you we appreciate it anyone else that was the quickest one we've had all year can I get a motion to close the floor for public comment and return to regular business so move second commissioner degr and a second from commissioner shik any discussion all in favor I oppos same number 23 reminders please check the County's webbsite at www.sex.nj.us804anddate.com 12b and whereas it appears necessary for the board of County Commissioners to discuss such matters in executive session now therefore be it resolved that the board of County commissioners of the county of Sussex in accordance with the provisions of njsa 10 4-12 B and njsa 104-113 that the board at this time enter into an executive session from which the public shall be excluded and be it further resolved that the general nature of the subjects to be discussed relate to the following items authorized by njs 10 412b as designated below number seven matters relating to litigation negotiations and the attorney client privilege prosecutor's office and Board of Elections be it further resolved that the deliberations conducted in closed session may be disclosed to the public upon determination of the Sussex County Board of County Commissioners or provided by law that the public interest will no longer be served by such confidentiality and be it further resolved that upon completion of the business for which the board has entered into the executive session the board shall reconvene and resume its meeting open to the public and be it further resolve that the board expects to possibly possibly take formal action after returning from executive session except uh after returning from executive session can I get a motion to adopt the executive session resolution and enter into executive session some okay commissioner de in a second second uh deputy director Carney any discussion all in favor I opposed abstain motion carries can I get a motion to adjourn from executive session and return to regular business so move commissioner shik and commissioner de seconds any discussion all in favor I oppose abstain number 17 Personnel was held until after executive session uh Personnel agenda of 62624 we are not making any motions we are not taking any not taking any action so number 25 adjournment can I get a motion to adjourn the meeting still move second deputy director Carney and a second from commissioner degr any discussion all in favor I oppose 9:04 p.m.