Into order Can we please have the roll call? Miss Turner present M rich present. Mr Burris here. Grossman. Mister Wood. Mr Fuchs is in the Audience. Alright. Thank you so much, So our first order of business is election of officers . Do we have any nominations for chair? Can you We have discussion. Um. Well, I think what we do is we'll have nomination and then that will. Once we have the nominations on the table, then you will have the floor open for discussion. Oh, OK. I would like to make nomination or like to nominate you for chairperson and Joanne for it. Do you the and miss Rich? OK? Any other nominations. I have a nomination of Miss Rich for chair. How to shake things up, man. Um and so discussion, Mr Grossman. Um Yeah, they they think that my opinion is, um you know, if the folks that are doing the job now Are doing a good job and they have the seniority they've been here. That they should continue to do the jobs. I think you two are doing a great job, great team. And uh so I would think that that would continue in my opinion. Well, thank you, sir. Agree. OK, well, goodness me. Um, so it's unanimous. We. Um So , uh, what we have a nomination, two nominations for chair. How do we do that? Right Well, actually, before you gave your nomination, there was a second to the first nomination, which I believe was being treated by successful, then it stands. If not, then you would go to your nomination. Um and I do believe, um, that your term expires this October. And so that would mean that in October, your vice chair would then rise up and become chair and they would all and for the remainder of that session. Then we would, um, have somebody else nominated for vice chair at that time, So in October, you could nominate a vice chair correct to replace Miss Rich after she becomes chair upon the cons next February. That we'll do this again. OK? Yeah. OK, so we have a motion and a second for Current chair. Jackie Turner . Sounds strange talking about yourself in the third person, Um , for chair Do do we have a roll call? Sorry. Um, Mr Wood. Yes. Mr Grossman. Yes Mr Burris? Yes, Rich? Yes. Miss Turner. I feel very strange saying yes, it seems very selfish and odd in a It's just a very strange It's like you. Yes. So do we have a nomination for vice chair? That was a combined. That was that was a combined. Yes. So you're good to go. Thank you. See I can't even get this straight. You trust me at this goodness. Well, congratulations. Thank you very much. I. I do enjoy it. You know, working with everyone here. It's um Always a learning experience. So thank you. Um so our next item is our quasi judicial announcements and soaring out of speakers. If we can have our attorney lead us Thank you, Madam Chair. The matters before the city of Tarpon Springs Board of Adjustment or quasi judicial in nature and a quasi judicial proceeding. The board's function is to make findings of fact, based upon the evidence presented at the hearing and apply those findings of fact to previously established criteria contained in the city of Tarpon Springs coat of ordinances. This is a legal decision regarding the application before the board , the board may only consider evidence that the law considers competent, substantial and relevant to the issues arising from the application and the applicable code sections if the evidence demonstrates that the application meets the criteria contained in the code of ordinances, then the board is required by law to grant the applicant's request. If the evidence demonstrates that the application does not meet the code criteria, then the board is required to deny the applicant's request and all persons providing testimony at this hearing are required to do so under oath. All persons testifying at this hearing was give their name, address and mis indicate whether or not they have been sworn for the record prior to proceeding with their testimony. All testimony in questioning at this hearing must have just matters that are relevant and material to the application pending before the city's board of Adjustment. Any board members who have disclosures such as ex parte communications or conflicts of interest. Please make your disclosures at the beginning of the relevant hearing. The following is the established procedure, which will be followed at tonight's quasi judicial hearings. Staff will present the testimony and evidence regarding the application and the applicant will be given the opportunity to ask questions and cross examine city staff in any city witnesses . Then the applicant will have the opportunity to present it, their witnesses and evidence and the city will have the opportunity to cross examine the applicant and any of the applicant's witnesses, then members of the public opposing and in support of the application will be given the opportunity to provide testimony and evidence and then the applicant and the city will be given the opportunity for a closing. Statement and rebuttal. Um prior to the board's consideration of this matter at this time, anyone who's going to testify Please stand and raise your right hand. Video. Mm. Do you swear to tell the truth on the matters before the city of Tarpon Springs Board of Adjustment here this evening? I do OK when you come up to speak, Please make sure you state your name address and indicate for the record that you've received the app. I don't know if we have a technical. Um I went to sleep. And I shew. While we're waiting. I have a notification I have to make So, uh, I personally live in the area of notification of this property. So I received a letter of notification, uh, to be able to object to the property or not. I do not know any of the Uh , owners or anybody attached to this, Um, application at all. But I physically geographically my home is in the area of notification. And for the record will your decision on this application and year to year private? Um Or loss. Well, your decision on this application a year to either your private gain or loss? No. And can you still be independent and impartial with respect to your consideration of the testimony and evidence that's presented at this evening's hearing? Yes. All right. Thank you. Thank you. Got my hearing AIDS in too. Right. So thank you all for your patience as We work through these things. I had to do that. Here. Postcard. So as as that's happening. Um, I. Will speak slowly. Which is not my skill set either to say that we are Going to hear application number 23-158, which is a variance to allow a non conforming lot of record to be built upon for the purpose of constructing a single family home. The property is located at the east side of Peninsula Avenue, approximately 210 ft north of the riverside Drive intersection. So Miss Kean will make her presentation as soon as technology permits. I thought. For consideration for the board and our applicant and those present, um, seeing as how we do have this one. Application in front of us and we all have. Oh, never mind. OK Thank you. Mark Mark, OK? Um. Alec Ken planning and zoning, principal planner. Uh, the subject property is outlined in red here on the screen. It's located off a Peninsula Avenue. Uh, this property is located within the R 100 zoning district. Um, which is a single family zoning district. There is some R 100. A uh, zoning, another single family zoning district to the east of the site. The applicants are here today, requesting variant approval to allow a non conforming lot of record, which is lot six here to the south. Um, that was under common ownership with an adjacent property to the North. Lot five to be considered a separate buildable lot. Uh, the land development code states that if at any time, the owner of a non conforming lot of record owns adjoining land that the lot shall be combined to meet the minimum lot requirements, Uh, the R 100 zoning district requires a minimum lot area of 10,000 square feet and a minimum block width of 75 ft. The subject property again. Lot six here to the South has a lot area just under 8000 square feet and only 68 ft in width, so it's not conforming in both area and width. Uh, this slide here is just going over the full history of the property. It was originally plotted back in 1925 as a part of the Sunset Hills Second edition subdivision. Uh this was predating our first Land Development code, which went into effect in 1944. At that time it was placed into the R one a zoning district, and it did comply with the lot standards at that time, So it was compliant, Uh, in 1956, a new land development code went into effect. It placed the property into the R 18 district. Um and again, it still was compliant with the minimum lot area in lot with standards for that district. Ah, in 1974. The existing home on Lot five was constructed and this was in compliance with the setbacks that were in place at that time, they required a minimum setback of 7.5 ft in the existing home has an approximately 8 ft of, um, side setbacks. In 1976. The next Land development code went into fact, and that's when this property was placed into the R 100 zoning district, and, um, it required the minimum lot area of 10,000 Square feet, minimum lot width of 75 ft. And this is when the property became non conforming with the zoning standards. Um and then it's the same requirements that we have today. Uh, which the land development code. Our current one went two back in 1990. In regards to common ownership. Lots five and six have been under common ownership since as early as 1975 but based on the available records on the Pinellas County Property Appraisers website, Um it's unknown whether or not the lots were in common ownership. When the house was built in 1974. It is assumed that they were under common ownership at that time. Uh, but as I mentioned Previously the home did meet the minimum setbacks as if it was a stand alone a stand alone lot So it was not, uh, reliant on the subject property in order to develop And then as of 2021, these lots are no longer under common ownership. The applicant provided a proposed site plan just, uh, demonstrating that they are able to meet the minimum required, uh, setbacks for the R 100 zoning district as they're shown here, Um, so there's no need for a Vance for setbacks, even though the law is non conforming. And they also provided some proposed elevations of the home. And these are your review standards for the non conforming lot, and I'm happy to answer any questions. Thank you, Ms King. Are there any questions for the city staff? Mr Grossman? So the property is. In compliance with all the set pack. Uh, setbacks and side. Setbacks and everything. It's just not square foot is not big enough. So um, based off of the site plan they provided to us they can build a house to meet the minimum required setbacks for the R 100 district. Um what's non conforming is the property itself is too small, an area and not wide enough along the street , but it can comply with the setbacks. OK, thank you. Any other questions for Ms Kane. Thank you so much for providing 99 years of history on this property. Always thorough. Um as as you always are, Um, so there are no concerns with, um the setbacks for lot the home on lot five because I see where when it was constructed. It met the requirements of this of the side Setbacks of 7.5 ft. You said it's about 8.5. But now we have the 10 with the um 25. Com So. For each side. Any impact for that home so based off of the criteria and the code it talks about for that home the existing home to be developed. Did it need the adjacent property to develop and compliance with the code? That was in effect? Um, so at that time the home did comply because the setback was only 7.5 . Ft Um, although these setbacks are have changed since then, and now they would require at least 10 ft. On that side. Um the lot configuration is not changing. This is a historic lay. Um so there really was no effect on the adjacent property. But as we mentioned the future home on this lot would have to comply with today's standards so they wouldn't be having any smaller than at least 10 FT. Right with the 10 FT, either side minimum would be combined. 25 Got it. OK Thank you, Um, any other questions? Um Oh, well, miss Miss Rich and then Mr Boris Good. Thank you, Ms. Kean Um, you had mentioned in your report about not being able to determine if there was combined ownership at the time The 75 house was built is that Put a factor on this. So from SAS's perspective, no, um especially because our current code went into effect in 1990. We can date it back as far as the records can allow us to date it back. Um so we basically looked at it. You know, when the house was actually constructed, we know it was in 1974. We know the standards that were in place at that time It was compliant. So we were able to, um, get to our recommendation from there. And it's currently two different owners. Yes, Mhm. Mr Boris? Yes You mentioned that, Uh, we have to decide on a minimum lot area. Don't we have to decide on a minimum LAT width. So you don't necessarily have to decide on the actual lot area and lot width. The you're deciding whether or not it's a non conforming lot that meets the review criteria. Oops! Sorry but the this is the size of the property, So that's what it is, Um, that's how it's non conforming. It's required to be those, but this is the size, So you're just determining whether or not it complies with these Three criteria. OK, cool. You're welcome. Thank you Any other questions? Right if we may have the applicant step forward to, um Present and please state your name and you were sworn in name and address. Yes My name is Peter Pasok. The address is 1462 Duberry Drive. Done by Florida. Yeah, it's Is there any information that, um Miss Kane has not presented or addressed that you feel would be pertinent for us to know this evening. I guess the only thing I would add, is maybe just the fact that that lot is consistent. Uh, with the size of the lot in that area. It's so pretty much every lot in that area has a frontage of about, I think 60 ft. On that street, so it it is consistent. It's not that it's smaller than anything else. It was just plotted at the time when all the Lords in that Development neighborhood. Um Where size that way. Right? 99 years ago. We did things differently. That is correct. Yeah. Any questions for the applicant. OK Um, I, I did want to state I did notice and thank you so much for having such a thorough application. Um with your proposed elevations, and I believe what was a proposed, um Um Lay out for the property itself. Um. That shows where you would be in compliance with the Front and rear and side setbacks. Just wanted to make a point of record that, um, if the plans were to change, you know that that that slide there, um, that this board would once again invite you to come before us to discuss any potential variances that may be necessary. If you're , um construction plans take a different direction. Our intent is to comply with current cards so Think We were fine with the setbacks the way they are. OK, Thank you. Thank you. OK? So any no other questions for our applicant. Alright if there's any public comment regarding this application. Miss Keane. Was there any submissions for against email phone? No, We did not receive anything, OK? So at this time, we will close public comment and bring the matter back to the board. Thank you very much for your time, sir. So any other comments or questions before we move forward for a motion? Okay, seeing none. Do we have a motion on this item make a motion to approve. Do you have a second? A second motion and 2nd. May we have roll call? Mister Wood. Yes Mr Grossman. Yes Mr Burris? Yes Miss Rich? Yes, Miss Turner? Yes. Congratulations. Happy building. And so the next item on our agenda is approval of the minutes from our meeting on December 20th 2023. Any points that we want to review before making a motion. It's like none. Do we have a motion to approve? I'll make a motion to approve. Do we have a second a second? We have a motion and a 2nd. May we have roll call? Mister Wood. Yes. Mr Grossman? Yes, Mr Burris? Yes. Miss Rich? Yes. Miss Turner? Yes. OK? So staff comments. Do we have any notifications from the city? Uh, the only thing I wanted to bring up as you may have noticed that we have a fun new tool at the city. Um, we are not using civic clerk for all of our agendas, and it makes not only our life super easy, but it also is really great for the public. Um so I wanted to make sure that everyone was able to access the agenda, whether it's through the board portal or the public facing Portal. Um doesn't matter which way you look at it, but it was everyone able to get on there. And look at everything I was. I thought it was great. Awesome Um others have some thumbs up. Congratulations automatically bookmarks everything and it's gonna help Kim with minutes so she can do it directly almost at, you know, live with the meeting. Um so I think it's gonna be good for the public as well. But yeah, good. I'm glad you guys were able to get on to it. Did anyone try to use the board portal? I didn't I. I set my password. And I did all of that. And then Moved on with other job stuff, but I did go on to the, um the city one. OK, so you got at least a notifications. OK so I got the notifications. It was great. I love hearing about efficiency. So Talking about our board portal? Yes Actually, it was good, easy, quick, And I was able to print this out without it coming out like perfect. Yeah, it makes me look for us. And I had an error in the beginning, so I couldn't get in. So I reset a password. But then it got me in perfect. OK good. And like I said, I You know, it's just your preference. The one benefit of using the board portal is if you're looking at something, and you want to take notes on an application has a notes feature. Um I personally think the public portal is really great to use. I use it. The you know, print everything off for you, but, um, we just wanna make sure you guys got on there. And, um, I think the intent is to use this for all of our our boards. The only thing I would point out about that is if you're gonna take notes in that system, it would then constitute a public record. Oh, yeah. OK Well, thank you very much. That is a very, very, very important point of notice. So make nice notes. Yes So be conscious of the fact that any notes in there is public record. Thank you. No, congrats. Um Kim was showing me some of the features and just the efficiency for her, You know, work environment, So that's wonderful that just the thought of not having to put together a 200 page PDF is excellent, right? It does it for us. Awesome Yep, That's all I have. So do we have, uh, application for our meeting in March. There is one on the agenda. Yes. You have one application. OK thank you. And I don't believe we have any holidays hitting us that will impact for quite some time meeting dates. I don't think so. All right. Do we have any board comments? No. Right So it's thrilling that we have. Um Mr Wood is our alternate. And we now have, um you know, Mr. Is it P? Feuds I'm I'm so sorry that that alter two alternates. I mean, we are very fortunate now. This is fantastic. So we can, um . Best serve our community. So thank you all so much. And thank you again for entrusting me with sharing our our group here. Um, So if we don't have any other comments, um I will call for adjournment at 654.