Social. Session of the board of Commissioners of the city of Fco Springs. On Tuesday, February 20th 2024, It's 545 roll call, please. Mayor Betty here, Vice Mayor Eisner here, here here. OK Um uh, You noticed that our city attorney is missing. She's gonna be with us by, um, voice on zoom , and, um, I wanna double check on that. Um Mr Jump is Ms Kardash on board. Good evening, Mayor here. All right. Thank you, Miss Kash. Um. This first, uh, this special session? Actually the way it's gonna work is we're going to, um go through the process of selecting a, uh or appointing an interim commissioner that will take us through. Uh mid August. August 20th is gonna be the election where? Um, we'll, uh In a permanent replacement for vice mayor lt's term that will expire in April of, uh 2026. So that's what we're gonna do this evening. Um, in The meeting that we had on the sixth There was a discussion about, um how to proceed. And um with regard to the timing of this meeting and not running too late because of some Um you know, personal requirements on one of the commissioners. So, um Uh, The other part of it, Of course, is, um, the city manager had asked me Where this should fit in. This particular selection should fit in on the agenda and by experience, and I don't mean this to, uh be, uh uh, Less important is the fact that by the end of the meetings on these important things, everybody's worn out. From all the other stuff, So I asked him if there was some way we could fit this in at the beginning of the meeting, So everybody's fresh up here and With all their senses and ready to go, and, um, we wound up doing this special session because there's no way that we could have voted on something prior to what our rules call for with the consent, special consent and resolutions and ordinances. So this is why why it's structured this evening. Um we tried to, uh, cut back. The, um. Agenda so that it would be shorter, uh, to satisfy the needs of ending this meeting a little sooner and, um, and, uh , I guess we couldn't quite get there. Therefore we've got this meeting at 545. And then as soon as this meeting is over, we'll, uh move into the regular Agenda item and hopefully it will be around 630 or so, but we'll see how it goes. Um. The first order of business for tonight. Is um now I've got these lights on that says Button 12 and three and four so Do you have a question? I have a statement. If you'd like, if it's OK, um let let me get this order of business started, and then the statements on what the process or the No, the statement is, um, just to thank the board for making a conversations. Go ahead. OK Thank you. Um the reason the meeting was moved up was because of accommodating a request that I had, so I wanted to thank the residents for coming in earlier. I want to thank this board for helping to make the decision to meet earlier and I did want to thank the UM, city manager for accommodating. I do have an early flight in the morning, and that's the reason why this was So I just want to thank everybody for, uh, understanding and coming in, So that's it, OK? Um. The first order of business is, um and there's gonna be 22 kind of motions and, um And, um in seconds and then voting on one is going to be the approach that we're going to take. So I'm going to break those out Separate. Um somebody you'd already asked me whether there's going to be public comments. I'm gonna ask for public comments on each of the two items, So the first one is gonna be agreeing on an approach that we should take. Um there were a couple of emails or one email that we got. I think that there was some discussion at the February 6th meeting about how we should approach. Um uh, which was kind of a scoring approach. Email included a second scoring approach and also kind of a hybrid between the two and also at the February 6th meeting was, um some Comments. I think that was led by Commissioner Kano about maybe seeing what we could do about just talking our way through there. Um and seeing whether a an applicant surfaces that would be someone that the commission could support. Um that where they would at least get a majority vote that the commission could support as a as the interim commissioner. So um, let me go to public comments. I know you sent in emails number of you did that. And I thank you for that, Uh, non, really said anything as far as except for the one that we got as far as the process, so if there are any comments concerning the process Um From the public that you would like to share with the commission. Process. Process. The procedure. The approach Thank you. Bela 514 Ashland Avenue. Um as I had emailed y'all earlier. Um, later in the agenda, you'll be Looking at a packet. To prove a contractor where y'all Staff ranks the applicants. So what I had suggested, was each commissioner having interviewed or reviewed resumes. As a ranking. We all know who the five are. You have them on a sheet. You write 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th pick now. First pick its five second 4321. Each person does their own handed to the clerk. They add them up. Whoever has the highest number or if there's a tie, then you can go from there. But this way it's more. Or analytical, more common sense. You're picking from what you have in front of you and what you've learned over the past few weeks. And it doesn't have to get into a. A discussion of A lot of, um. Let's say where things could break down. And I know there was a concern about it being secret, but the point would be that at the end of once, it's been revealed each commissioner's Tabulations would be public. So it's not like you're hiding anything from the public. So after the count, so, Mr Cool, Cool. Uh, Commissioner cuz had such such such such Kiana such such such such commissioner Eisner such such and that's how the totals came out it Could possibly eliminate favoritisms or certain things that may be qualities that some people may see or not. See? But is it also been recommended? Um and as the mayor mentioned in his memorandum about looking at the concerns. You can look at people with experience, but you also have to look at Uh, an option. To broaden your scope. Being that it's just a short time. To allow some openness. And, uh, To the process. Thank you. Thank you. Are there any other public comments? Uh, Mr Jump. Are there any remote access comments concerning the approach that we would take before we go to commission discussion? Anyone online would like to make a public comment. Please raise your hand. You'll be allowed in to talk. We do not have any raised hands at this time. OK then what I'm gonna do is go to the commission and, um, just for everyone's information. Um the way our rules are procedure are laid out, especially on on this item. I will not the mayor. Um because on the chairperson running the meeting, I cannot make a nomination. Of any of the applicants, nor can I second a nomination. If um, I had wanted to do that. Then I would have to turn the gavel over to someone else before the agenda item began. And then also, that person would want to accept it. And if they accept it, they lose their right to nominate and vote . So um, we've got three commissioners up here that are gonna nominate applicants and then, uh, we'll go from there. Uh, but I wanna make my comments first concerning, um the, uh, the process and then I'll I'll let the rest of the commission. Uh uh, weigh in on it. Um first, um, I wanna thank all the applicants for volunteering to help the city. I know. I know. It's uh A lot of effort, uh, to come forward fill out the application. There's also the financial disclosure that you would be facing if you're appointed. And I. I really do. Thank you for that. And, um And. The one thing that, um I'm hoping that. The one example that I would hope that people could, um Would remember. Was when we selected the, um. Consultant for selecting or advertising for a new city manager. That was something that the commission wanted to do. And Ms Lewis, our purchasing director actually stood up there . We filled out forms, but that was just for our benefit. And then we actually she went down what the categories were each on the forms and actually took an accounting. Publicly We didn't turn the forms over to anybody and ask them to do that for us. So it was very open. And um, and then we basically, uh, converged to a, uh, a consultant, but it was by far, uh, weighed in the favor of one. So, um That would be the difference in in tallying up points and then turning them over to, For example, as was suggested Ms Jacobson and then pointing a commissioner and then making the tabulation made known after the appointment has been made, Um We? We want transparency, and that's what we're gonna try and do tonight. I. I think there's a risk of. Um When you go to a point system, it's you usually have to rate somebody on something a criteria. Uh, we don't have that criteria here. We've got What people submitted to this as far as the applications go their resumes, Uh, letters that they've written, and this is what we have. And so, uh, we also have what the needs of the cities are, Uh, for the next five months are very, very specific. Um, they're not. They're not. Um uh far reaching, they're not aspirational. They're very specific things that have to get done in the next five months. So That's a little different. And um, I, I would like to, uh, for me personally trying and Walk our way through this, and I think, um The only thing that if we take that approach Um, it would be something that I would ask the commission to Listen carefully to each of the commissioners says, and maybe kind of get a sense for By the time each commissioner says something That there would be a sense of maybe an applicant or two applicants that may be worth making a nomination for and seeing whether that would be acceptable to the commission as as a, uh, an interim commissioner, so that would be my preference of trying to talk our way through this rather than coming up with, um, a system like we did with choosing a charter revision, which is, uh, commission, which was selecting one person and a second person and then tallying up the Um, the number and then uh, let's say voting on the first two, the highest on that so anyway, that that's my preference. So let me go to Vice Mayor Eisner. I got that one right tonight. So go ahead. Thank you, Mayor. Um. I tend to agree with the, um most of what you said first. Let me thank all of the applicants. I know this is not an easy Adventure for all. Um I do think that everybody has their own qualifications. Um But. I I don't think, I. I think all of the decisions we make up here, some more important than others. Um Every single decision we make goes through a motion in a second. Um sometimes it falls on dead ears and the motion dies. Um before we actually can go through a motion and a second. If it dies, we there's a plan. B plan C Plan D. Um but I'm a firm believer that we should do what we normally do. Up here. Um I really don't need an alternate plan. Um before we do our primary plan, our primary plan is to do what we do all the time. And if we have a disagreement, uh, you know we do what they do in quasi judicial. It's called findings of fact. So I, I would like to keep this as speaking only about the positives of what each person that the commission looks to have up here. And why they, uh, stand behind them Why they want them. Um it's not detrimental. It's not, uh, derogatory to anybody else, but it's their favor. Um, if we can't get to an agreement That we can always come up with something else. But um, I agree with the mayor. I'd like to hear what every other commissioner has to say. We do that all the time. So let's not go into, uh, a plan B before we've done plan A, um. I. I would like to also be in a position where I get to hear the other commissioners. Um, we make very valuable decisions all the time. This is another valuable decision, And I think we're confident enough to be able to make that decision without you know, with even agreeing or disagreeing, but whatever it is, it'll be done that way. And if we have a problem move on, so That's my route. Thank you, Uh, Commissioner C. Thank you, Mayor . I know we had a discussion on how we were gonna go about the voting process. I've had some time to think about it since then. Uh, I don't wanna veer off from a path where in which we nominate one person and we go from there We do a point system. It's almost as if we're sitting on the fence, and that's not what we're here to do. We weren't elected to do that. We're here to make tough decisions. Um Like a candidate and stick to it, and so I've made that decision. I've had the time to look at it. I believe there's only one candidate. Qualified enough to take on the position right now and move forward. And when that time comes We'll talk about all the many reasons but. That that's the route. I wanna go, and I think the residents deserve that. We don't wanna Like I said , sit on the fence. Do this point system. Let's show if I understand what uh, it it would be fine just to Have the discussion rather than a point. Yes, OK. Yes. So uh, as I mentioned, I think there's one candidate ready to move forward. Gonna do well for this city, and, uh, Ready to make that case . Then we'll move forward and have that discussion. So where I stand. Thank you. Commissioner Kano. Um. I agree with Vice Mayor, I think we, um Let's have a conversation. To start with Uh, I'm. I would be. I would like to give two names my first choice and my second choice. If everybody else wants to do a 1st and 2nd choice, we get a sense of Who Um. If in fact we can't come up with all three of us agreeing, at least we can get a sense of what the other people think. Because I think there are probably there are several candidates who are qualified. Um . I mean, if we get stuck And we can't get anything done tonight. Then maybe we could use a point system. If we have to resort to that. We have to make a selection. We have to make a selection tonight, and we can't agree on through the normal process and a point system might be the O the only other option So But that's I agree with the vice mayor. Let's let's try the traditional way first and the conversational way and then Go to a point system if we have to. OK? Um. Ms Kardash. You're there. Do you have any, uh Comments on this approach. Yes Mayor. I do think that you should, um follow first. The procedure that sort of laid out in your, uh, resolution. That says how the nominating process should go, and that the appointment is done by motion after the nominating process. And then if you come to an impasse, make the decision on whether or not you want to use an alternative method of selection. Thank you, Ms Kardash . Um if that's the case, then um , if I can, if I may have a motion to, uh uh, Take this as a point of order. Yes. In all due respect to the city attorney, we can still have conversation in advance of emotion. After that, we can. Still nothing negates a conversation or a discussion amongst them. We do not have to jump to a motion. We can have conversation first. A week ago week ago, we could go Commissioner by commissioner including the mayor, because I want to know what you think as well. Yes, I can comment on that so we could and then let's express Who are favorites are have a conversation. And then have them and then have a motion, so the motion that's made is made. With the most likelihood of prevailing. We're not there yet. I understand. But the answer is yes. And all I'm trying to do because of some is issues to make sure we're, uh, conscientious as far as how the approach that we're taking is that a motion to adopt the method of discussing the applicants and then seeing if we can come up with a decision based on the discussion rather than a point system, So I'm looking simply for a motion to that effect and also a second so we can vote on it. Moved. Second, OK? Um. If there's no further comments, Roll call, please. Mr Kanis? Yes Commissioner? Yes, Vice Mayor Eisner. Yes, Um OK? So the, um. Next item is going to be to have this discussion. Um and then just to clarify, or at least provide some additional information for commissioner, uh , at at least what, Uh, Commissioner Kiano was talking about what we're going to do is, Um um Is basically, uh. Have public comments. The five the four applicants are here. Uh, the only one that's not is, uh former Mayor de Donato and he had an orthopedic procedure that , uh, precludes them from being here this evening. But we do have, uh, former Commissioner Susan Kita, that's here. We have, um Miss Susan. Zotos Suanne Soto. Mr. Lo Loving is here. Um, that's four. And where's the. Oh Mr in the back, of course, Uh, Chris Robbo is on the back, and he's a former board of adjustment. Uh uh. Member So, um. They're here. And um, And then once, so, what we're gonna do now is we received emails, so we're gonna go to public comments before the commission begins. The discussion. And then the way it works. And this is what commissioner Uh Kane is alluding to Is that, oftentimes, um. Commissioners quite aren't there They're they're not quite there yet. But somebody will make a motion and a commissioner may not quite be there yet, but they'll second a motion for discussion. They still may vote against it. But in order to have a discussion that's the way you do it. If you don't have a second to a motion, it dies for lack of second, and sometimes that's probably may not be a fair way to approach things so that I think that's what the motivation was behind that discussion earlier, so let's go to public comments. Uh, any Person. Have any public comments concerning The, um. Any of the applicants as far as, uh uh, support or, uh, anything that you might say. I'd like to also remind everyone that this is an objective discussions. It doesn't get personal. And um and , um, I I'd like for it to be as many of the several of the commissioners said tonight as positive as we can make it as as we can keep it. So Miss McKinney. 1021 Rose Tree Lane. Um. I appreciate you guys for making me feel more comfortable about coming up here and talking because, you know, I've been fairly new with this, but you've never made me feel uncomfortable about it. So here we go. Um today, it will. Over the weekend. I took the time to read all the documentation in the backup about each of the candidates. I don't know any of them personally. So there's that. Um I feel as though um Mr Loving. I appreciate his ambition and we really need seat two filled with someone who can jump right in. I don't know how to say your name Suzanne Soto again, um, similar to Mr Loving. I don't feel as though he has enough current experience with The city. And um, but I would love to see them both get more involved. Maybe get on some boards, you know, get get that experience because we're gonna have elections coming up. Um Mr Donato or D? Donato. Um I'm grateful for his service. Tarpon Springs, but I feel as though he's had his opportunity. Um. Susan, I don't know how to say your last name. Oh, so, Susan, um. She She served nine years and has the experience. She hasn't served, uh, served on any, uh, Local city boards recently. Um, I think she would make a good Person to fill that seat because she has the experience and can jump right in. Mr Chris I'm not gonna try his last name. Uh, Chris has recent experience on city board. He attends every Board of commissioner meeting. He is current with his He is currently with the board's agendas. Chris's passionate in his words at the podium. But when you only have four minutes, you have to be passionate. Um Sometimes his passion scares me. But. At before You guys got elected? I was scared. You and I was scared of you. Up here at the podium because you have to be passionate. You only have four minutes. So don't let Mr Chris' passion scare you Look at his record on the board of adjustment and his willingness to work as a team. And don't let his passion shadow his knowledge. Thank you. Thank you. I don't still scare you, Debbie. Do I OK? Um. Gary par 1140 South Point Lexus Drive, Tarpon Springs. Good evening. It's outstanding to see five carbonite willing to stand up and donate their time and experience to our city. Having watched these proceedings for the past few years, I've concluded that they can only be two reasons why anyone would want to put themselves up on that dais. The you love talking springs or your stark raving mad after perusing the applications that can say conclusively, there are five contenders all fall into the former category. Each has its own set of skills and experience, and each would serve our city. Well The challenges ahead are huge that selecting a charter revision commission development of the fiscal 25 budget update of the strategic plan. To tackle these and numerous other matters top and springs needs a completely independent thinking commissioner and seat number two. Someone unencumbered by long past campaign promises or bygone alliances. We need someone with a proven track record of identifying and calling out corruption, no matter who the perpetrator. We need someone with 10 years experience on the tarp and board of adjustments, including several years as chairman. That applicant is Chris Raboy. I see no private citizen work as hard for the city as Mr Abos. If you observe his interactions on the board of adjustments, you'll see a person who has thoroughly researched every aspect of the situation at hand before speaking. If you observe Mr Robots in here, you'll notice a guy here every Tuesday. You'll see him get up and speak in such an informed and probing fashion that he gets the attention of everyone in attendance. This individual is obviously totally dedicated to the betterment of Tin Springs. And I'd be negligent if I did not point out that nearly everyone on this day is ran on preventing the development of our precious 74 acres on the Anclote River. Mr Abasi has been at the very leading edge of the fight. To stop this dreadful project from ever being set in motion right now, As it stands, this project is far from dead. No one is more equipped to help with this project out of its misery, and Mrs The four Gentlemen on this commission have all claimed to put the environment first. With that in mind, Mr Roboki is the only logical choice. Thank you. Thank you, Mr Cross. Is there. Anyone else? Good evening, gentlemen. Anita Protas 901 Bay Shore Drive. As you know, I've been a commissioner for many years and mayors many years and I worked very closely. With doctor Frank de Donato. His years as commissioner on boards and as mayor. Was nothing but stellar. There were no promises made. He always investigated every issue. And he's done a lot for this community, and he's given a lot of time. He worked very hard with the city and Tallahassee and getting grants to get the, uh, recreation area out behind the cemetery. He worked very hard to help escape the library and where it is now and went with us after we went for grants. He worked extremely hard. When I brought forth the, um Oh, the memorial down at, uh, Craig Park. For the men who gave their lives for our country. And he was nothing but honest on the boards for the pension board the fire police Department. Uh budget wise has great knowledge of the budget. Even now, even though he's not up here with the city. He's very well qualified, and you couldn't ask for a better person to sit in that seat to help bring your up to par. He is greatly respected down County, Pasco County and in Hillsboro County. He can bring friendship and Philip de all back to Tar Springs to help us re recoup our reputation. He's a very good, honest man, and he will be a great help to all of you on the board with his knowledge, Do you un Do not underestimate him because he's been here before. That's what it takes is knowledge. People who have the experience and he has a far and above in this list of candidates. Thank you. Yeah. Thank you. Are there any other comments? P like is 514 Ashland, A. Looking online. If you just look at paper. Seems like couple of obvious choices, Frank. Susan Ketkar, Chris. They've got board experience City experience. Mister Loving. I have to say looking at your resume. It was a you were applying to a chemical company or an engineering company. So to me that you didn't adapt your resume for the purpose of which you submitted it for. You're out for now. Ms Soda. I was highly impressed with your resume. You typed it out. You were very logical. You had facts and gave Benefits to what you can bring to the city. Reminding the board You have a masters of business administration and Other qualities you learned and I. I don't remember all your resume just from my memory. And I think she would be a highly qualified candidate. If you want to bring someone on board with a fresh view. And not any baggage. And I'll say this in regards to two of the candidates who admitted previously that they would like to run for the sea. Is. They were, you know, had that opportunity. So I would say those two candidates. Maybe let them sit aside and would come August. They can run against each other. And Frank seems to be the logical choice. But I saw him the other night and y'all did, too. Because Feeling the effects. Of his life, and I wonder his stamina to be able to handle some of the meetings. And I'm going to also point out some facts. Part of the reason we have WalMart. And C Harbor. Was because of Frank. Many of you don't know it. When he was the mayor of the county came to the city and wanted to purchase that party pro property. And Frank on his own, sent a letter saying, No, we don't need it never brought it to the board. And that became the WalMart. Morgan. Group history. Now. Don't say that necessarily disqualifies him, But I just have to put facts out there now. Another fact and I mentioned it. Back when you all talked about the land use Amendment. His kit. Was on the board in February of 19 when these ordinances were passed And I've seen over the years. I know Miss Kit has devoted trying to do things, but I've also observed her on the board. And if you want someone just to echo what is being talked about whoever said last And be blow in the wind. And that would be your choice right now. And nothing to offend M KK. I know you personally. But that's. How you come across on the board and when you were there on 2019. You went with the flow. And why was it you didn't know what was going on at the time as a good commissioner should have been aware. But you weren't So I don't say it's not an easy decision, but. I think you should look openly at what the pros and cons are of everybody. And see who you wanna sit on that board. As you mentioned, there's a lot of things coming forward. And you want someone who's gonna be able to fill the shoes? As Commissioner Lunt did. He was very thorough. Very investigative. So you know who that person is? And I hope God brings you the wisdom. To decide. Righteously and honestly. Thank you for your time. Yeah. There any other public comments? Um, where we are. A couple of new people came in where we are is public comments on the selection of, uh, an interim city commissioner. Um, any other public comments on anyone in attendance here? Mr. Jumper. Are there any remote access comments? If anyone online would like to speak on this item, Please raise your hand. You'll be allowed in to talk. And we do not have any raised hands at this time, OK? Let's go to the, um Commission and I'm going to give my comments first again. I can't nominate anyone. I can I second anyone, so I'm gonna get mine out of the way and then we'll listen to the rest of the commission. Um I've gone through , uh, each of the, uh, packets that the applicants have submitted and again. I wanna thank them all, uh for, uh, participating, and I also wish to encourage them. No matter how it turns out tonight to, uh, consider running for office, uh, either wanting to be appointed to a board or actually running to run for, uh, Commission seat. Uh the we'll have the election in August 20th. And then again, we have the election in March of 2020. Five. So there is a couple of opportunities there. Um I mentioned earlier that our needs over the next six months are very specific. I put some of those in the memorandum that I provided is backup. Um. So we're not, you know, from from my perspective now these are my comments. You will hear different things from the other commissioners. Um I'm I'm not looking for anybody whose horizon is beyond that. And I'm looking for somebody that, uh, can deal with those, um, in a very, um Uh, knowledgeable way that has gone through those before. And um, to carry us through for the next six months. So um, my choice in this Is and then also the other thing, I. I wanna make it clear and this may be a little different from the other commissioners I. I don't want to A point a commissioner where it's a springboard to running for office in August. 20th are the march 2025 election. I. I don't want to create an environment where there may be some politicking from the Deos that goes on for this August 20th election and that's important to me because we've got in my opinion, and I feel strong about this. We've got some very, um important issues that we need to deal with. Over the six months Um The, um There's a lot at stake. And um, the one My choice of this is gonna be, uh, former Mayor. Uh, Frank D, Donato and the reason why, um, is that I want to share a couple of things with you both I. I was city manager when he was, um, I don't think I was quite seeing manager yet when he was commissioner, and also I worked as uh, a city manager while he was former, Um Uh, while he was mayor, actually , and his his his team of commissioners, uh, took over and that's uh they when I, uh, resigned and went into private practice as, uh, a PE after after about a year. Um notwithstanding that, uh, the one thing that I can say about, uh former Mayor Di Donato is he knows the difference between discussion and argument. It doesn't argue with anyone. He discusses it, and there's if, and I don't agree with him. All the time, and he doesn't agree with me, but we are still what I would consider, um, loose friends. Uh, he doesn't hesitate to call me to get my thoughts on something and share his thoughts on something so Notwithstanding. What Maybe the impression is that he's somewhat dated. He's very up to speed on what goes on in the city. Just because it's his nature. You don't. Uh, you've got a former mayor sitting right there and former commissioner as well. You You can't take that out of a person. When he's done that they have a natural interest in the city, whether they're sitting here or whether they're watching it from home. They have a natural. Uh uh uh, sense of responsibility of what goes on at this city. Um Former mayor. Uh D. Donato has worked with a IC MA trained city manager Carry Smith. He got along with him very well. And um, so he does have that experience of working with an IC MA city manager. When that city manager left. He was also on the commission to, uh hire and also create the process for advertising for a new city manager. He's gone through that process, and we've got that item on the table over the next six months that we actually have to do may not select the city manager, but we actually have to create the process for selecting a city manager and he's been there and he's done That and Know the difference between someone that's IC MA train and someone that you grow your own. So I very much appreciate that insight. Um. He's also gone through charter revision. We've in the in about a month or so. A month or two, we'll be selecting a charter Revision Commission, which is a group of residents that will review the charter to see what Changes have to be made. Over what was done from five years before. And um, that charter Revision Commission interviews each commissioner, and that's gonna be done over the next six months that Those ballots. Those recommended changes have to be in, um So that the ballot is formed for the march 2025 election, which is going to be sometimes I think that because of the process and resolution or I'm sorry ordinances that have to be done. It's probably sometimes in August or early September that those those questions have to be ready for creating a ballot. That would go through the, uh, supervisor elections at the county so he would be interviewed as a, uh, commissioner. Uh, for what he sees as an important to the city and again, I. I believe, contrary to what some people say , because they don't see them here. I do know he's he's up to what is going on in the city, so I feel I feel that's a value. He's also, um Right? He is also the only, um. Elected official that has the potential for being up here that is worked with the strategic plan. When I became a city manager. Actually he was part of creating the first strategic plan back in the nineties. For this city of Tarpon Springs. I inherited that from my predecessor. And it was the predecessor. The M train. Uh, city manager that, actually, uh, put that idea forward and the commission put that together and it was implemented and it was actually worked on and I worked on it. But after, uh my, uh, successor came along after a few years that went away. So, um . Former D Donato has that experience and I always I also found some of the emails that that I received, Um of you know this candidate is good because they work and they know how to make the city grow. Well you know, the point is, I would like to have an email that says the city manager or the You know, th this particular applicant, um Will follow the strategic plan because the plan dictates what has to happen to the city. And it is a growing in population. I can assure you that maybe growing the economy but not growing in population. We've changed our economic development approach in the city. That's again. I feel strongly about that. And then also, he's got, um, tremendous experience in the administration itself, having worked with, um uh, this gentleman sitting to my left, uh, both as city manager and also police chief, Um, he knows the charter. He knows the rules. He knows how he should conduct themselves with, uh, not interfering with the administration and also in this process of selecting a new city manager. Uh, because of this potential of not Finding anybody that's gonna be, uh, qualified. There's gotta be a restructuring of in some way or another. To perhaps create an environment where we can grow our own. And maybe that'll work. Maybe it won't work. But at least that has to be discussed. And I think that Again, the value of, uh Former mayor D Donato plays very strongly in that, so that's my reason of why I would prefer, uh Mayor de Donato, former mayor de Donato on this, um If I recall correctly when he made some comments in February, 6th, Um he was not planning on running for Re-election, which he just wants to help out for the next six months with the knowledge that he's gained over the last 25 years, So that's all I have to say. Um Who wants to be next? I don't see any lights on. Vice Mayor Eisner. You got that? Right? Thank you, Mayor. Um So. I wanted to read this into the record. So I didn't I. That's why I had my light on before as a public comment. Because. I was going to write a speech, and then we received this. So I'm gonna read this into the record. Um, because I kind of agree with it. Um it says Greeting Mayor Vice Mayor commissioner is not knowing the exact structure and format of the upcoming BOC special session and regular sessions this coming Tuesday evening as to where the public comment period will fall in regarding the appointment of an individual to fill the vacancy, I write to share my opinion and thoughts in regards Having sat up in the bleachers for the past three years. As several of you have prior to your election, you're often offers a unique perspective to watch and listen to various persons in the community. Usually leading to learning about the feelings and demeanor of those who choose either active or passive participation. This was my main reasoning and my support for each of you in your respective roles, and that's true. Accordingly I now feel compelled to do the same for Mr Kros, who I believe possessed many qualities like all of you currently serve on the BOC. I think he has a very measured stance on many of the current issues which face our city and much of the business in regards. I see him as a fact seeker prior to forming his opinion. And I often examine the other side of the coin as regards he He examines the other side of the coin in regards I had the opportunity to both view. He watched the presentations given by each of the persons under consideration. As well as review The application information is publicly posted. And while each seems genuine in their desire to serve the city, and each offer some unique experience, which would likely play a positive role in acting as a commissioner, I still arrive at my first choice with Mr Brosky. Being best suited for this position. Regardless of my opinion, I trust that your collective knowledge and of all the candidates far exceeds mine. I'm confident that your choice will both benefit the city and also offer the voters a rare test drive of the person for the upcoming election. Again I thank you for your continuing service to our city, and it was not only Robert Rockland, but it was Patricia Rockland. Both signed these Now, when I read this. I thought to myself. What are the people know? They know a person who comes up to the lectern. Who is very passionate person. And it's not an easy thing to come up to the lectern. Most people I won't say all but most people are nervous. I don't believe Chris Sorovski is nervous when he gets up there. I think he's passionate for a certain number of things that go on in the city. Now. I did wanna thank you , Mayor because you said that you worked with, uh Frank D, Donato. And there's no doubt he has qualifications. I know this. But I worked with Chris Sorovski for 6.5 years on the board of Adjustments. And we went, so we threw some very trying times. He was the president. And I was Spanking new. And after 6.5 years, you get to see whether somebody has the characteristics the knowledge that the intellectual abilities to run aboard and make decisions. And truthfully, I was very impressed. Um my only reasoning for becoming a commissioner in the first place. Was due to Chris Sorovski. He asked me to come in, Um, as a resident. And see what was going on up here. I wasn't impressed. Um. So I decided to change and leave the board of adjustments and become, um, a commissioner and run for it as a commissioner. Uh I'm pretty sure most of the people that know me very well, Um, I was not interested in becoming commissioner. Uh, was not my goal. I came here to retire. And when I saw the decisions that were being made for the city Um, II. I thought there was no other choice. So I was glad that Chris had brought me in. And I Have no agenda. I don't think Chris has any agenda. Um I. I think he's a good candidate. So The other thing that I also want to say is it's not like I have no experience with the other candidates. I do Wanna thank The . Two candidates that have no experience up here and what I'd like to offer you. Is any time you'd like to sit down and work out what you need to do to become a commissioner. What The commissioner faces all of those things. It it is not. What what you see from your side of things . Everybody up here would tell you we get a whole new perspective when we're up here. And I'm happy to share that with you. I'm happy to guide you and help you, um, join a committee and do things But as I said, up here once, and I probably repeat it as many times as need be. I don't think we can have somebody up here for a five month stint and be qualified you It would take you that long to get your feet wet and to be able to make good decisions. So on that part is the part that I. I just can't make that decision. I've worked with Susan in, um Rotary. I've worked with Frank D Donato for six years, also in Rotary. Um, both very nice people. Um. But I also have similar concerns. As as Mr De LA has said, and, uh. When you get up to this lectern to speak. You're speaking with no power, really? You You're kind of speaking to the power as they say. We make the decisions, So you get three or four minutes to speak up there, and I don't judge people being nervous shaking. Speaking loudly speaking passionately. I take that all in a grain of salt. I understand. I've spoken up there myself and I've been nervous. I'll put Mark Laor, our city manager and a tough position. Have you admitted? You've been nervous speaking up there as well. It's a nervous thing. OK so just if you don't if you're not nervous up there all the power to you, but most people are Um, words get mispronounced Titles get mispronounced. Uh some people in the audience will sit there. They won't even speak. I commend the person who's here. Every single meeting almost. I'm not gonna exaggerate almost. He's here. Every single meeting. He's knowledgeable about every item that goes on. When he's not here. He's back watching this on TV. More times than not We agree Um. I. I don't know how much more I could say. I mean, what are we looking for? We're looking. What I wrote down was, we're looking for someone who's best suited to replace Craig Lunt. Craig Lunt was a detail oriented person. He read everything and I have told them on a number of occasions he sorely missed. And I'm a little annoyed because now he's given me the position that I have to read everything. But all kidding aside So does Chris Sorovski read everything. And he's knowledgeable about it. But what some people get a little bit offended about is that he has a very confident and aggressive personality. But if and I don't mean this in a negative way, but Commissioner Kia When he was up there he was in a very aggressive And, and, um uh, personal way and some people didn't like that. OK I know I've been up there and I've said the same thing I've had Mayor AA. Stop me midsentence and try to make me lose my trend of thought . This goes on. I know. Commissioner Cuni has been up there and been very aggressive and personal and we've all said things up there. That Afterwards . We've maybe regret a little bit and say, you know, it's a little nervous. I didn't say it, I. I didn't mean that or or a call came to a commissioner or the mayor and afterwards said, You know, I didn't really mean it like that. But his heart and soul is in all of the decisions that he makes. I have no agenda for what I want from the city except to improve the city. And I believe that's his way as well. Um. So I wrote something here who's best suited to replace Lunt. Someone who's engaged. Someone who's energetic. Reads Everything makes thorough decisions. We can't choose people on popularity. Contest that I leave the choosing popularity to August. By August. Whoever wants to run for office can put their signs can go in front of everybody, and that will be the popularity contest right now. It's not a popularity contest. We're placed in a very difficult situation, and we need somebody who can make think quick and make decisions on his feet. Working with him 6.5 years. I don't think anybody up here has worked within 6.5 years. The experience that we have up here is the lectern. So. Also will tell you there's been comments made that a commissioner can get by working a few hours a week. I can't. I know the mayor works his tail off and I put in probably 67 hours a week reading backup material. So when I come up here I don't have egg on my face. What I say, I know. And that's what these commissioners do, so we need somebody here who's not going to take this as as AAA free ride for five months. That's not what I would like to see here, and I don't think anybody else here wants to see that. Um There have been some very, very negative comments made on Facebook. Unfortunately even the ones I don't see because I'm not happy to see these people, right? Nasty things. People send them to me. A lot of them. Most of them are not true. Facebook, given a whole is not true. So. II. I don't particularly care for those kinds of things. Um. Appear in the lectern. We have a time limit. We don't get a time limit. So. I want somebody who's a quick thinker. Somebody who's sharp. And can think quick enough to go along with the decisions that we have to make up here. When you're on the planning and zoning board, you get planning and zoning stuff. When you're on the board of adjustments, you get quasi judicial. When you're up here. You're like a traffic cop. One minute you're discussing something that could be a legal matter. The next minute you discussing a variance the next minute you're listening to And it is very difficult to switch hats sometimes and everybody up here will tell you that. So I would tell you that that is going to be my choice, and I and I've looked at these resumes again. To the two people who have not had any board experience. I'm not just saying it. I'm happy to walk you through or have anybody walk you through and explain that to you. That's why I'm heavily involved in the citizens Academy. I love this town. I'd love for you to get involved. It's just not an easy thing to step into. It really isn't and I would like to see anybody that's going to get involved in this follow through, which is another thing. If you're gonna get this five months worth of experience In I would like to see somebody. Move forward and run for office and let the residents decide if that is the person who should be in or who shouldn't The other thing in last, but not least I want to quote Commissioner Kass, who said Any person that we bring in here is not going to change the decisions of this board. But. Finish or his retirement will is set in stone. Nobody's here. Gonna do anything to him. Um you know, so that's not for anybody to worry about. Um you know, everything has to be done here, according to three votes. And, uh, I think we have a good board . I think we even even if we disagree on this We have an educated decision that we make on every single thing and I respect everybody's decisions up here whether I agree or I don't agree. I respect your opinion, So that's all I wanna say. Uh, Commissioner Cuyas. Thank you, Mayor. Once again we've come into this special and unique situation here with our city, and, uh, I can't remember the last time there's been a an appointment, but It. It's our job as a board now. Cause. There isn't an election. This is an appointment. Um, Commissioner C, Could you get just a little closer? Please. Thank you. So this isn't an election. This is an appointment. And. As a professional recruiter and Employment agency when we go to fill positions We try to fill positions to create stability. We don't wanna put position. We don't wanna fill positions that Well, in the end, create a high turnover for us. Or Situation of Uninterest. And so as we've looked over these applicants. There's only one clear answer for me. One clear choice. And I want to thank all the applicants. Uh, I wanna thank Mrs Ko for coming up, putting her hat in. Of their prior experience. I wanna thank Mr Frank did Donato as well? All the many years he served for this community. For his interest to want to be involved again. Um The citizens really appreciate it. Mr Owski I. I appreciate you coming up here. Uh, you could definitely hear the sincerity. In your voice when you were speaking. Missis Soto. I wanna thank you as well. Your Your enthusiasm was great. It's nice to know that you've been part of , uh, some of the citizens academies and you're staying involved. And uh, Mister Loving I. I appreciate you coming up here to tell me about how you moved here with your family and Made tarpon Springs your home, and, uh, it's a special thing, so we really appreciate it. So This. And I. I do also wanna bring up Some people keep coming up here and bringing up enlo harbors. That's. That application is pretty much done, and they may not wanna tell you but We need to move forward. And making a decision based off just that one decision. I don't think In the best interests of this community and policy making. And . I'm only going to support Miss Susan Mi Ka. And I have many reasons why I'm going to support her. She's got the most recent Board experience. Having served nine years on the board. She's Been involved with past decisions. Recently. Or accessibility. I believe Will be the best out of all. Five of the candidates. Heavily involved in it in a Many different organizations. Has gone over different items with Uh, Processes and Developments and issues. And You know, we talk about. Intentions on running again, and mayor. I. Completely disagree with with the thought process in which. Why are we gonna select somebody to fill a spot? For five months. That's only 10 meetings. They they can have. The greatest experience in the world. But I if they're not gonna run again, And we create this uncertainty. This instability of. Well, who's gonna wanna run to fill an 18 month term? Another short term. How are we gonna get people interested? If They're not. You know, if they're gonna really only serve half a term we saw with the one year positions it's nobody wants to really get involved to serve a one year term or a year and a half. So why not have a healthy competition? Why not know if someone runs puts in the time and you don't like the way they're making decisions, you can run against them. That's what politics is all about, and the election process. And so For them to sit there and, um Only have 10 meetings. The experience is only gonna be able to take you so far. And I think it's important that That position. There is someone who wants to compete in it. From now let everybody know I That's the type of awareness that we need to have out there. When you try to get more people involved. We need to diversify this board. It'd be nice to have A woman on this board a woman's view at this point I've experienced this last, You know, 18 months or so and, uh I think it'd be great to work with the woman and have their perspective and have their extra reach on people in the town that We don't necessarily have And so it it. It's about Was we appoint people? It's about us. Creating us, Um More accessibility than ever. And The We talk about. Friends and I've worked with them or My key word is neutrality. Neutral neutral. Neutral. I'd like to pick someone. Up here that is neutral from all of us. I found that to be the best way I can work with people. And We've seen sometimes, you know. Friendship can help, you know, bring passionate. Arguments a little bit more than needed. And so. Neutrality is a very great thing to have. It's a very great thing to work with someone on this board. She's been part of. Like I said, We don't wanna create this position of high turnover. A six months is right around the corner. It's only 10 to 12 meetings. Are we gonna get people involved? You know, we wanna experience now. Don't we want experience later? And. But. And so. Here's another good thing as I we brought up in and the mayor brought up some accolades that Mr Di Donato had been part of to, uh, But they were both part of The transition process between. Former city manager Miss Ellen Pao. And currently our current city manager, Mark Lacourse. So we have another opportunity in which Miss kicker understanding that there is a set date. Will help that transition process too. As it as it was done so many years ago. And You know, I. We just want to be able to. Create some neutrality on this board some stability, not uncertainty. You know these these short term positions. Um. When we leave them open just to just to see who's gonna vote and who's not. I don't think it's in the best interest of this community. And so I wanna choose someone who's got The board experience. She's got the accessibility. She's got the diversity. She's got the hometown knowledge. She's got the city staff knowledge. Um. To help fill this spot and if she chooses to run You should be able to run. And go about it, but. There's gonna be mayor as much as much as we try to say there's not There's gonna be some campaign stuff here and there, I it's gonna happen. And I. I know what you mean by it. It can be Little assess obsessive at times. And, uh, I think she's the best candidate right now. And I think she's the only candidate I want to support. For all the many reasons that I brought together. And I think it would open up a whole new Um, accessibility to a lot of people in the community that May be able to access her to that. Are not utilizing us right now. So that's where I'm gonna go for right now and If there's any other arguments, or or Positives to bring up I'd like to do that. But as far as negatives to and II I wanna make sure I don't think this board should go in the route where You know, in six months We don't know of any certain I like that position filled with some certainty that someone's gonna run. Because Competition is healthy and Tarpon Springs And competition needs to happen. In Tarpon Springs. For great things that happen in this community for us all to be able to communicate. And so that's where I'm gonna go with my, uh Selection process. Thank you. Commissioner Kano. Uh, I don't think I'm quite as organized as the rest of you. I don't I didn't make lists, and I don't have pages of thoughts. Uh, I saw I read all the resumes. I've talked to most of the candidates. Uh if I haven't talked to him now I know them from before. Um I think that there's two candidates that are ready to step in. Day one. And understand. Um. Have been on the board of commissioners and I respect the other boards. I was on the planning and zoning. Uh, but it's different here. It It really is. It took me a while to get my bearings. Uh, going from The P and Z here. So I think Board of commissioner experience is, um especially when you have candidates that have it. That's important. So. Um my first choice would be, uh Mayor de Donato. And the reason is That, um. You know, I spoke about when I was, uh, courted. Or an open spot. When, um. Commissioner David Archie. At that time he was commissioner. He had stepped down to run for school board. And Uh, Actually, it was me D Donato that gave me a call and said, Hey, are you interested? And I said, Well, sure. And then I spoke to all the other commissioners that were sat on that board. Um And. They were pretty adamant. Each of them it seemed that I was going to run for the P for the spot. They wanted me to run. Now there wasn't any other announced candidates for that spot, So it was a little bit different when they asked me to run. And I'm not saying that that's either right or wrong. That's just what was asked of me. And that that's what I was trying to say there. Uh The other meeting. Um. Again. My first choice is Frank. Slightly over Susan Kit. I mean, I would be. Please with either candidate to sit with, uh they both have. Ex all the experience that they need to come up and do their job. Uh Frank again when you go to, uh, you know, Mr Owski has expressed that he wants to run. Um. I'm not sure if I if and that's kind of my tiebreaker thing that Not to give a heads up to one can one candidate over the other that we just picked the most reasonable candidate, Uh, that would come up here and then let the citizens decide who gets to stay up here later. Um You know when I think about who's most Lunt like I. I would kind of go with Frank. He's I've known him. For years. He's calm. He's deliberate. Um. Like the mayor said he doesn't get personal. He just Discusses he doesn't argue. Uh And I really, uh, do respect that. You know the word that I'm looking for? Is reasonable. Um. I'm I'm looking for a reasonable candidate. Someone who can come up Uh, And make. Reasonable decisions and be and be a reasonably a reasonable person. And, um. So I again I think either Frank or Susan would It would Meet that, uh That criteria. So. Uh, if I have to make one choice, it would be Frank. But uh if I was given two choices, it would be Frank and Susan. That's kind of where I'm at. All right. Um, I'm gonna I'm I'm gonna allow. One more set of comments. If anybody has anything else, I know, uh, vice Mayor. Uh Eisner has his light on. So I'm gonna, uh, you know if you could make them brief, please OK? It's a difficult word for me to find, but I'll try my best. Um It's interesting when I hear you, Um Commissioner Kiano. Use the words of calm, deliberate and reasonable. Because The funny thing is, I'm the only one who's worked. With Chris Sorovski, and that's exactly who he is for 10 years on the board. The problem is Everybody has a passion. And when you have a passion And it's a one item. Thing that comes before the board of Commissioners. Um. I sat here with most of the 300. Residents when the 74 acre process. Was here and he was here the whole time. And so were most of the residents. I. I don't wanna mention names. There was only one or two people who were for it. Everybody was against it. It ran till over past four o'clock in the morning and slowly but surely everybody seemed to leave. And then the second day more whittled down. By the time the third day came around, they were very few people here. But Chris Broski was still here. I was still here. So I know that there's been comments made that this item is over and done with. That may be true. That may not be true. But calm, deliberate. And reasonable. Is the exact description of Chris Sorovski, and you can clearly go back and watch any of his 10 years on the board of Adjustment. When he comes up to this lectern, though. If we're going to judge how each and every person up here deals with that lectern It's done differently. Many people came up here. And said things Because it's a passion. I use Commissioner Colli. He was here many times. He cannot deny it. There's been times It got even a little bit out of hand. I know. I don't know of anybody as calm as the mayor. And the mayor's lost his cool little bit , even when he was a commissioner with some of the comments that were made, we all have our day. That we could get more passionate. And John. Commissioner Cooly Cian. Sorry I don't wanna mention But there have been. We've all done this. So what I feel Is that there's a description of up There's Chris Brask coming to the lectern and he's He's got that passion. And it's not just up here. I It's been here. Eisner, I'm sorry. You've said that three times if we could just wrap up the, uh I mean, you do have an early flight, right? Say again. You do have an early flight in the morning. Thank you. Um right. The boarding seven in the morning. Not seven. In the evening. Um So my point that I try to make is, you know, I. I think certain things are misjudged. And I'll end it with that. Thank you, Commissioner Kias. I mean, by all means, I I'm not too crazy about the appointment process. I mean, most of us did run A, uh, an election A campaign. You know, we worked for this. So, uh, it's But this has to get done. And, uh, You know, we. In co Harvard keeps bringing him He keeps being bring him back up a lot, and I just want to make it clear A lot of us were involved even back in 2019. So just to single out certain people, it's wrong. It. It's. You keep falling back on AAA land use application that doesn't define Tarpon Springs all in all. And so we have to move forward from that. And so again. We are not looking for the next Craig line. We're looking for the most qualified Most recent board experience most accessible, um Out in the community. Most recent knowledge. Individual With. Certain team wanting to run again so we don't create this unstable government this high turnover government. Of. An 18 month term because who's really gonna wanna run in August? And so. And I and I do wanna bring up again. There's friendships and neutrality. You keep hearing friendships and past experiences and I want to say clear The best working experience is working with those you are neutral with Cause you have All a common goal. Of trying to take care of Tarpon Springs. And you know that's how mark and I work together. We have a really good understanding. And so. I believe that there's only one qualified candidate that could carry us through. August. With the interest in running again in which you residents know if you want to run. You have to run against a veteran. And Veteran experience and so I'd like to be able to make the motion first. Because I truly believe that that is the most qualified candidate. And I like to see something positive happen with diversity in the in this community. And, um Uh, Another reach towards women towards business owners towards, uh, organizations that Is there. And so. I would make my final support again for Miss kick that. Thank you. Um, I. Mr Kis, Do you have anything more? No I. I don't have anything. I was very specific in what I said. And I think I've got I've said is gonna change. Um I still don't, uh, agree with campaigning from at least the potential campaigning from the Deos. We've got a lot of work to do. So, um We've that ends the discussion. Is there a motion for anyone? I make a motion to appoint Ms Susan Mitchell Kipa as interim? Quite silly point of order. Yes Uh, Ms Kardash, please go ahead. So just to be clear the discussion, um that you all had is going to serve as and this is for the record as well. It's going to serve as the formal nominating process is my understanding. Correct. That's correct. OK so I just wanted to make that clear on the record because nobody really used the words. I am nominating this person or I am nominating that person. So I just wanted to make it clear that the discussion that you just had served as that process and you can move forward with the motion. Thank you, Mayor. Thank you, Miss. Um is again Ms Kardash is just for the record, uh, confirming the process that we went through. It's very important from a legal perspective. Uh, Commissioner K, Go ahead and restate your motion . I make a motion to appoint Miss Susan Mitchell kick US interim City Commissioner. OK. Is there a second? I'll second it. OK, Uh, Is there any further discussion? I just think it's she's the most qualified individual. Um, you know, at times you hear about. Another individual having more qualifications. But you know you you talk about nine years of serving compared to 12 years of serving. It's the It's really similar. And, uh, energy does take a factor. And some decisions. And so I think this is a good opportunity once again to diversify this board. Uh, through the appointment process. We all have residents have the right To elect someone, but we as a board are appointing. And so I hope we make this decision. Uh for what's good for Tarpon Springs and, um, getting a lot of involvement, some stability. And, um Let letting, um. Some applications. Take care of her and move forward. So thank you, Mayor. OK Uh, there's no further comments. Roll call, please. Ms Jacobs. Yes. Yes, Vice Mayor Eisner. No. Mayor. No. Um, is there uh, that motion a motion? Uh, we appoint Frank DiDonato. Is there a second to that motion? That motion dies for lack of a second. I'm gonna make a motion for Chris a broski. Is there a second to that motion? That motion dies, Uh, for lack of a second. Is there anybody else that wants to make another motion? Mayor. Can I remake the same motion? MK. I mean, I you stated. As we're we're coming on a fine line right here, and we're we're getting to that point where We're gonna need to make a decision. And. We're talking about six months stability. We're at the point now where we may have that motion Commissioner. I make a motion to A point. Miss Susan Mitchell kick, uh, as interim city commissioner. OK? Is there a second Seconded. OK, There's no further com I I'd like to say, you know. She may not get appointed, but she may use that to run in the future. So whatever that is, or isn't But we're we're stuck in this spot right now where we have one person. One person. We gotta work together to get this done, guys or The governor is going to step in, and that's not what we want so Those are my comments. And thank you. OK? Commissioner Eisner. You have your light on. I do. Thank you, Mayor. Um I took a one oath to, um, keep this very Clean and, um. There's things that I know that I will not say and, um I. I just can't share that and I won't share it. But I will not be voting. Um for anybody else other than, uh, Chris Broski, and it has nothing to do. I know you keep using commissioner coolly as the friendship thing. Um but that is the furthest thing from the truth. There have been many things that have been set up here that were not truthful, and that's one of them. Um when Chris Sorovski and I sat on that board of adjustments, you can go back and look at it. I know it's a little late to look at, but we didn't agree on a lot of things. What my point of view is for His ability to handle the city in a very calm, cool collective manner. He was very he He he You could have been kinder. And I think that this board is looking at him for That lectern and that's it. He has. We need somebody with energy. This is not an easy job. Um Otherwise, they were talking about me, kid can now OK what will we still we need deep. Yes. Yes, Ms Kardashian. I would like to take a moment, um, to make an inquiry. Of Vice Mayor Eisner just to clarify something, he said. On the record when you when you said you took a sworn oath, I am assuming the oath that you were referring to was your oath of office Is that correct? And you did not promise your vote to anybody. Correct Correct. OK I just wanted to make sure that that was clear on the record. Thank you. Thank you, Miss. I clarify that my sworn oath was to make every decision with integrity and honesty to help the residents of this city where people agreed or not. That's what I did. And that's what I'm gonna do with this. This has nothing to do with friendship. That I will tell you, Um But I will not be making that, um I will not be voting. According to what this motion is. Um, Commissioner Kiano. OK if this motion dies Um . We're talking about MKG. If this one is if this, uh just doesn't get more than two votes. Then I think we should Explore. A point system. To at least. It's not going to make you can't make the decision with the point system. But I think you could at least identify Who has the who is the strongest candidate. In In totality using some analytics I that that's what I do for a living. So, um At least give some clarity to this because I think we're just going to get I think we're stuck here. No we're not. Let's just give this motion a chance Finish and you'll have your chance. Once I. I would like to have a say in all of this as well. But but I, I don't think we're stuck. I think that I'm hoping that once we get this out of the way, and if it fails, I've got something to say about this. I look forward to hearing that, OK? Is there that that's. You've got your light on again? Yes marine it And I just wanna as we talk about as I wanted to focus on neutrality. Uh, I do believe in this Cape goes the most neutral person to work with all of us on this board. I think it's that's one of the biggest issue. Uh biggest factors as well, including accessibility. And, uh, that that wasn't and. I mi Eisner. That wasn't a friendship just towards you. I mean, The others. The other commissioners on this board also made statements about friendships and Work in relationships in the past, or you know, so Wasn't a knock on anybody. It's just I understand that it's the most neutral. Um Productive way for us to get Agenda items taken care of, and Six months is going to come around the corner. Um some board experience is needed, and, uh, It would be really disappointing to see this go to the governor. So Thank you. Yeah. There's no. No no, no more. This is a quick one. No, no, none. Let's get this motion out of the way. There's a motion and a second, um, roll call, please. Mr Colinas. What was the motion? It is. I'm serious. It's get go, right? OK? Yes. Commissioner. Yes. Vice Mayor Eisner, No Mayor Vague is no. Um Um. Each of us had a discussion. And we can go to a point system. But we all men other than the people that we would support. We all mentioned as that Frank DiDonato was qualified. He'd make AAA good. Choice. Notwithstanding the first choice You all said that. But yet when we had a motion on Uh, Former mayor de Donato. Nobody seconded that. And we didn't know how the outcome was. So we've gone through Ms Kinka twice. We've gone. We haven't gone through anybody else. Mr Vice Former Mayor, uh, DiDonato. There was a motion on him, but it wasn't seconded. I can't make a second. I can't hand the gavel to somebody, so I don't want to go to a point system. I think that that's going to make a that's gonna demonstrate a failure on the part of this commission. I think you all need to buck up. And if you can't get your first choice, you need to put somebody in there. That's reasonable for the six months you're not gonna be living with this individual at home. This is somebody that's gonna be coming up here every couple of weeks, doing his homework and doing the business of the city and hopefully in a most Calm. Reasonable. And. Uh disciplined manner. That's what I'm hoping for. So I given that. Former mayor Di Donato was the second to all of us. I actually it was my first and he was commissioner Kiano first, but the other two said he was fine. I'd like to hear a motion for Um if Ms Kardash cannot make that request. A motion you can request. Yes you can. You can request I'd like to have another motion for former mayor Did Donato I make a motion to appoint former mayor Is there a second, if not just for discussion. I second it OK? If there are any other, Uh, Commissioner C, you've got your light on her. Uh yes, Mayor and Uh, I just I'm at this impasse where I Our viewpoints about the six months are just a little different, and I I'm trying to understand that. Stability and creating interest in that position is important to me, and I think it's important to the residents I. I don't My concern is Mr Di Donato is gonna come serve 10 meetings. Um, you know, Some of those board talks about ribbon cuttings and going to events and organizations as being a big factor. She also has the ability to do that when we're talking about Comparing qualifications and moving forward. There's not that much of a difference, but what I'm saying is Mayor. Uh, this I feel that. You may think that you know there's much more value within those six months That could be done. But then what? We've created another vacuum of void. You know, I don't think I understand. But this isn't like we're trying to put a man on the moon. We need a commissioner. That's going to do the job for six months. If they want to choose to run. Let them run. If they don't choose, they don't run. We have a former mayor that's probably the most experienced notwithstanding. Anybody else that applied wanting to help for six months? And we're we're harping on, you know, even keeled and calm and all the what about people that have gone through everything that we're going to be dealing with with the next six months? But me. That's a little important. I would suspect that would be important to the residents as well. So, Commissioner Kiano. Instability. Sorry. I'm sorry. Instability is likely to happen anyways, because there's gonna be an election. So regardless of who we choose the residents Can. Vote somebody else in, so we're gonna have that. Possibility anyways. Um, I agree with the mayor. You have a former Two time mayor. Elected twice by the by the city by the residents. They had faith in him. He was elected as a commissioner prior to that. And He wants to help. Again. M Kita has Wants to help as well. But again he is. Just a little more qualified. He just is. And being a mayor is a bigger deal, and he was elected twice by this community. So it's um. And here's a guy who wants to step up and help the community. I agree with you, Mayor. And this is a five month And we don't care. I don't care if they show up to ribbon cuttings or show up to events. That's not what we're looking for. We're looking for somebody to sit in that seat. And help us make good decisions. He's he knows this. I've I've talked to staff Um And they universally Respect. Mayor de Donato. And I'm not gonna name the names cause I'm going to put them on the spot. But I have spoke to A good number of staff. Or Excited about the opportunity to work with. Mayor de Donato again, even if it's only for five months. So I've I've mayor. I've been the most flexible here. I said, I go this way. I go that way. I'm trying. I'm trying. But I, I would agree that Medi Donato is the best choice And if we're gonna, and if we're gonna talk How we get through this. We've got. One candidate who has not gotten a second or As and nobody other than one than one commissioner has mentioned the one person Like the mayor said. He and I have Have him as number one. So you've got one person who. Members up here have as their number one choice. You all have said he's qualified. The one that yours? Uh possibly stuck on hasn't gotten a second. Uh, accolade. And I'm not saying that he's not qualified. But the Ma the mayor, mayor, J Donato, is more qualified. And um, he wants to serve and if we're gonna look at this from, uh uh um uh um, a mathematical and where we are and what we discussed and what we kind of agreed upon at the last meeting that we were gonna have this kind of conversation. We were going to throw a couple people out, See who kind of Ha, whose name came up pretty much with everyone and then try to coalesce so that we could have a show some unity here and that way when that person comes up, they understand that, um That that that they were, um Welcomed by all and, um. I. I think right now we need to pick Mayor de Donato. Thank you, right. You You wanna point of order? None of the motions on the floor. It's already been seconded. It. Was there a sign? Uh there was a second by, uh, yeah. And I wanna make one final. I seconded it. Yes. Community. We we're we're at this impasse. You see where we're at? I don't wanna get put in a spot at this point. The governor steps in We can't do that. You know, so. Mr. Di Donato is gonna get selected. It has to get done for the greater business of this community. We can't sit at this impasse. Um And so Mary when you're ready, have the roll call and Mr Donato. Welcome on board and let's get to work, sir. OK, Thank you. Um Vice Mayor Eisner, You've got your light on Commissioner Kiano. You don't have your light on OK, Vice Mayor E. I'll make this quick. When we spoke about this, Um we spoke about continuity, um, to not just the five months but the continuity to going through August. Only two of the candidates that we're discussing is willing to run in August. That is a big determining factor to me. I do not want to have somebody here for five months and then not even be willing to go through for the August So there I agree with commissioner cuz as far as that goes Um and I'm gonna stick to one point here. Only one candidate has had the stamina to be here every meeting and to have his concern for this city at every meeting from start to finish. And that's gonna be what I'm sticking with. Um, I'm not saying that. Frank in his day, um, was. I understand. You know, I understand I. I just but it isn't gonna help selecting anybody sticking with what you got. I hear you call. Roll call, please. MK is Yes, Commissioner. Cool. Yes, I Eisner's no. About Yes. All right. Thank you. Everybody for your patience. Um we're gonna take a, uh, a 10 minute break. We'll be back here at 735 to begin our, uh, regular session. Mayor don't we? Yes, Ma'am, is that you? Oh, sorry. 67. 724 will be back at 734 thank you. Were reconvening the meeting at 7 37 34 PM, Um Um. We are going to, um Adjourn the special session. Did we already? OK now we're going to call to order for regular session. And so I called to order the regular session of the board of Commissioners of the city of Tarpon Springs on Wednesday Tuesday. February 20th 2024 at 7:35 p.m. roll call, please. Here. Vice Mayor Eisner here, commissioner here, Commissioner Colas here. OK if we can all stand, uh for the, uh , invocation and then remain standing for the pledge of Allegiance. Lord teaches your way that we may be your presence in the world bearing the light of hope in the midst of dark despair, teach us so we may obey , Lord, watch our hearts hear the prayers living in them. Call out to you and wave in ways words. Fail to Amen. But the United States of America and the . For One. The Liber. Um. Do is go to a public comments. Are there any public comments by anyone that's in, uh in attendance here on anything that's not on the agenda. Mr Geddis Go ahead. Good evening, Mayor. Thank you. David Ballard. Gettis Junior. I live on Georgia Avenue in Palm Harbor, The wall of separation was noticed given to Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson was accredited for riding both the Declaration of independence as well as his religious Freedom Act in the year nine in the year 1801. The Danbury Baptists found something incongruent or nefarious with Thomas Jefferson's arithmetic and that Truth her alarm, the Danbury Baptists, wrote a letter to Thomas Jefferson. That letter became known as the wall of Separation. In the first paragraph of Thomas Jefferson's Religious Freedom Act. It appears that Jefferson has chosen to contrast Almighty God with our Lord pivoting using a pronoun it making Then look one in the same when in fact, they are completely distinct and separate in their intent, and in their purpose. Thomas Jefferson's Religious Freedom Act is not a neutral document. It serves as a departure of Almighty God declaring itself in the declaration of Independence to be that of nature's God polarizing itself as an evil in his declaration of independence as a power of the Earth as Cleared seen as a departed predecessor, lacking dignity in federalist paper number 69 In such contrast of Jefferson's convoluted penmanship, contrasting nature's God, Our Lord Almighty God and an evil, declaring that mankind is more disposed to suffer. The Danbury Baptists questioned the hypocrisy of Jefferson's bul. And serving notice, warned Jefferson stating to Jefferson that those who wish to rise to wealth and importance on the subjection and impoverishment of the people. There's not assume such prerogative dares not to make laws to govern the Kingdom of Christ. The 14th amendment does just that the so called naturalizing of water jurisdictions is a direct subjugation and impoverishment of the Christian Population taking liberty, property and life as constituted one reflected against the backdrop of the unwarranted jurisdiction in the declaration of Independence, as reflected from the reclaimed water variant application, stating that the applicant literally owes their religious convictions in defense of Christianity. Such nomenclatures of Jefferson. I called the question Me bringing a question before this board doesn't mean that there is that I am the problem. It means that there is a problem that needs to be addressed. Thank you. Thank you. There any other public comments? M McKinney. As promised. Debbie McKinney 1020 Mike down, Please. Thank you, Ms McKinney. Debbie McKinney, 1021 Rose Tree Lane. Um I again this is, um, I've asked about Putting the opening of distant back on the table for discussion. And a couple of months ago, and since then we've had another large accident, which caused it to come to our attention again. Um And so I wanna say distant is I'm not looking for Belcher. I'm not looking for Belcher to get extended. I'm looking for a 21 lane each way. That would ease the local traffic on Closterman curlew and alternate 19. During the rush hour. It gives us more options for the people south of the barrier to get inside the city, and it gives the police and the fire better access to the south side of the barrier. Curlew and Kerman are the only options to alternate 19 and homes west of alternate 19 opening distant from Closterman to Meares. Is, um would. I'm sorry. I'm all confused here now is the only um We need another westbound. In order to have another westbound sh uh, street. We need distant open. Um it needs to have slowing techniques because it's the neighborhood street. And, um. I just I just want to bring that back up again. Thank you, M McKim. Miss Miles. Good afternoon, Maggie, Miles 433 East Boyer Street. Um, since Black History month is coming to an end, I wanted to just share some black history regarding the city of Tarpon Springs. The celebration of Black History month gives us a voice to the voiceless, Our forefathers who paved the way and made incredible sacrifices. It provides an avenue and a platform to tell the unheard stories and to pay homage to those whose shoulders we now stand on. It gives credence to the many individuals who are heroes of inventions. Um institutions, investments and infrastructure. They were innovative, industrious into insightful and instructors. They were agents of change. National Black History Month means I can be proud of my legacy left by my great grandfather, Willie Richardson. Who came to Tarpon Springs by hook boat from Wola County, some 222 miles away. In the early 1923. Looking for work to provide for his family. The hook boat was used to hook sponges in the Gulf of Mexico and a fisherman were called hookers. Later that year, Willie was hired by the city of Tarpon Springs and the Public Water Works department. When there were only three employees to do a three fold job that consisted of repairing streets, water lines and sewer systems. There was only one small red building. One truck and diesel pumps were used to run the two water wells. We serve the entire area. Will he started working doing the great Depression? And for two years received yellow scripts instead of money because the city was almost broke. He received only $2 a day for a full day's work, even after his retirement if there was a broken water main emergency, the city would call On Willie to find the vows. Willow retired after 42 years of service at the age of 71 and received the key to the city being the oldest city of Tarpon Springs employee Willie Richardson. My great grandfather. Thank you. Thank you, Miss Miles. Is there anyone else? Mrs. Good evening, Peter to like this 514 Ashland Avenue. So the reading, I'm going to read, uh. I didn't have a chance to read it before the meeting previously, but it was what I found to be relevant. Previous discussion, so I still read it and then move on from there. This is from James one. James the servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ to the 12 tribes scattered among the nations. Greetings. And this section is called trials and temptations. Consider it pure joy. My brothers whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God who gives generously to all without finding fault? And it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea. Blown and tossed by the wind. And that man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord. For his double minded man unstable in all he does. So I have to, uh Commend you all for coming to a decision and I have to say thank you, Uh, Commissioner Panayot for Uh, being Willing. To Set aside maybe your personal choices for the betterment of the commission. Now. For the betterment of the commission, which leads me into my main point here. I sent all of y'all an article About Safety harbor in a number of cities, 26 cities actually being involved in a lawsuit filing against The state of Florida and the governor and all them about the F six disclosure and I've asked you all to, uh, potentially sign on. But if nothing else, uh, a resolution in support of it, and also possibly if Ms Kardash is online, she could elaborate, Uh, filing maybe an amicus brief in support of it. So those are options. You all have right on the table right now. And also you have options of Communicating with Tallahassee while they're in session to do something to rectify this particular issue. I've also sent you information about live local . I don't know if you notice in the paper. But in the business observer dated February 9th through the 16th. There was a little blurb that Akara got sold for around 39 million. And if you look at the previous sale, it was 65. So what's going on? What's going on? Are these new people gonna come in now and ask for credits? If Anclote Harbor comes forward, are they going to ask for credits and again? That's not gonna come to you. That's gonna go to the state. For those ship funds and sail funds. Now the thing I have about that issue is it does not really provide affordable housing. All the credits. All the benefits go to developers to build apartments, and it doesn't put people in homeownership. Last year I mentioned it and you, you can go back and look in archives. They approved 700 million for these funds. Give people 50 $75,000 grants to buy a house as a down payment instead of giving developers money to get build multifamily residential where they have captive people for rent, and they tie him up, and they don't generate wealth, part of the biggest way to generate wealth and to uplift our communities. It's always been this way through homeownership. So I would say, Use your platform in Tallahassee to get some of the things these things corrected. Thank you for your time. Thank you. There any other public comments of anyone here on anything that's not on the agenda. Mr Jump. Are there any remote access comments? If anyone online would like to make public comment, please raise your hand and you'll be allowed in to talk, and we do have a raised hand. A lot of the first person in I. If you please state your name and address for the record. Kowski want 602 Gulf Beach Boulevard brings 34689. Let me be the first to congratulate. Uh Mr Frank D, Donato. To the board. Disagree with that decision, however. I understand that it was not an easy decision for any of you to make. Uh And I wanna also thank all of the people who applied. That was a very difficult decision to make. Each applicant . I read the, uh, applications on everybody, and I think we would have done well to have any of us. Uh, Up there, of course. Experience matters. Um And certainly Frank does that I also hope that. Your decisions weren't swayed by any of that nasty stuff. The BA toy stuff that was written online. That was really unfortunate. Hopefully, that did not weigh you. You deliberation. But again, Frank if you're out there Uh, listening. Congratulations. And I really do. Uh, Wish the best for you. And I'm sure um, that she'll do a good job. And once again thank you all. Have a good evening. If I can get back there for the rest of the meeting. OK, Thank you, Mr Owski. Um Mr John, Is there anyone else? And we do not have any other raised hands at this time. OK? Um our rules of procedure call for when the meeting time gets to 730 to start a resolutions and ordinances. It's 750. So we're starting a little late, but we're gonna go to those before we go to the consents in special consent. Um the first one is item 14. It's a second, uh, reading, uh, for the ordinances. And its application 22 89 1125 Worst curlew Place. Um What we're gonna do, Uh, because Ms Kardash is, um On remote She's going to, um if I'm if correct me if I'm mistaken, but you're gonna read the ordinance by title and then go over the quasi judicial procedure. And then Ms Jacobs is gonna swear in the, uh , anybody that is here to provide testimony is that correct? Yes ma'am. OK, so why don't we go ahead and start? With um choose one is, uh, kardash, uh, again. This is the second reading. Uh either ordinance, 20 23-25 or ordinance 20 23-26. Read that by title. Yes, Thank you. Mayor Ordinance 20 23-25, an ordinance of the city of Caron Springs, Florida annexing 0.26 acres, more or less of real property located at 1125 West Curlew Place application 22-89, providing for findings and providing an effective date. This item is quasi judicial. And. A quasi judicial proceeding. The commission's function is to make findings of fact, based upon the evidence presented at the hearing and apply those findings of fact to previously established criteria contained in the city of Tarpon Springs Code of ordinances. This is a legal decision regarding the application before the city The commission may only consider evidence that the law considers competent, substantial and relevant to the issues arising from the application and the applicable code sections. Any and all persons providing testimony at this hearing are required to do so under oath. All persons testifying at this hearing must give their name address and must indicate whether or not they have been sworn for the record prior to proceeding with their testimony. All testimony and questioning at this hearing must address matters that are relevant and material to the issues under consideration based on the criteria establish In the city of Tarpon Springs code of or if any member of the commission has disclosures regarding an application. Please make your disclosures on the record at the beginning of the hearing, and this would include ex parte communications or voting conflicts of interest. Um. With that, Uh, I will have the, uh, city clerk announced when this item was advertised. This ordinance was published in The Tampa Bay Times by Tidal with a map on November 29th and December 6th of 2023. OK And then, uh, we need to swear in our witnesses, and then I'll ask whether there was any ex parte communication among the commissioners. So, uh, is that correct? Ms Kardash? Yes Thank you, Mayor. OK So, um M Jacobs. Why don't we go ahead and swear anyone and here that's going to provide testimony for any of these three items. If there's anyone here to speak on these items, if you could please stand and raise your right hand and repeat after me. Elsewhere and we have no public but elsewhere in the M Vincent, do you promise to tell the truth on the matters before the city of Tarpon Springs Board of Commission meeting this evening? Thank you. OK Uh, hang on. Are there any commissioners have any ex parte communications that you would like to, um Sure. OK, the way we're gonna work. This is, uh The presentation applies to all three items, sub items a B and C. We're going to, um Do it once. Go ahead and follow through the process for ordinance 20 23-25 the one that Ms Kardash just Uh, read by title. We're going to vote on that. And then after that we'll have separate motions. Public comments. If I if I'm correct and I'll I'll work, I'll get to that when we get there on item B and then C as well. So, um, with that. Yes. Please present. Good evening Mayor, Vice Mayor Commissioners, Um Renee Vincent Planning and zoning director again. These are second readings . Um for an annexation application. Uh, 23-89 for property at 1125 West Curlew place. Uh the board did recommend approval of these on first reading. Um on February 6th. There's been no new information to enter into the record. Um uh, The I would enter the previous, uh, presentation staff reporting, um into the record for reference, Um, Ordinance, 20 23-25 is annexing the property from Pinellas County into the city of Tarpon Springs. This is a single family house. Um ordinance 20 23-27 amends the future Land use map designation from the Pinellas County Land Use designation of residential low to the city of Tarpon Springs designation of residential low in Oregon. 20 23-26 amends the zoning atlas from the S County designation of R three to the city of Tarpon Springs. Designation of R 70. A uh, staff recommendation is to approve planning and zoning boards review these previously and recommended approval. And so , uh, these are for now for you for a second reading, And with that'll stop, OK, um For the record is Vincent. The applicant had a conflict and couldn't be here this evening. Correct The applicant had to work this evening and could not attend. So um, let me go to, um, questions from the commission. Do any of you have questions on the second reading? No Miss Vincent, Would you like this item? Uh your report. You've already read it into the record once, But let me go ahead and, uh, ask you whether you'd like to accept it into evidence. Yes. Thank you, OK? The applicants. Not here. Um let's go to, uh, public comments. Are there any public comments on this item? Mr Chomper. Are there any remote access comments on this item? Then it went online would like to make a public comment on this item. Please raise your hand and you'll be allowed in to talk. We do not have any raised hands at this time. OK Ms. Um Vincent, Do you have any summation that you'd like to give No, sir. OK so we're going to close the public hearing. Let's go to, uh, any. Uh uh Let's go to any comments that a commissioner may have any comments on this item. If not, let's have a motion to approve ordinance. 20 23-25 so move in a second. Commission was that second Commission. Juliano, it's OK. Um there's no further comments. Roll call, please. Commissioner Culos Vice Mayor, Mayor quiz. Yes, OK. Um M. Kash Um, Would you like to read the next one by title, please? Yes, Thank you. Mayor Ordinance 20 23-27, an ordinance of the city of HARPIN Springs, Florida, Amending the future land use map for 0.26 acres, more or less of real property located at 1125 West Curley Place from Pinellas County Land use designation RL residential low to city of Tarpon Springs. Land use designation RL residential loan application number 22-89 providing for findings and providing an effective date. This item is legislative in nature. And Madam Clark, would you please announce the advertising dates? Yes. This ordinance was published in The Tampa Bay Times by Tidal with a map on November 29th December 6th of 2023. OK Thank you. Um M, Vincent, Anything you'd add on this. OK, any commission or questions for Ms Vincent? Um. Public comments. Are there any public comments on this item? OK, I'm gonna close the public park. Go to the commission. Are there any commissioner comments on this item? OK Uh, may I have a motion in a second? Um uh, to prove motion to approve Ordinance 2023-27 future land use map amendment. So if there's no further, uh, comments, roll call, please. Commissioner Commissioner. Yes? Yes yes. Um Ms Kardash Ordinance 20 23-26, please, if you could read it by title Yes, Thank you. Mayor Ordinance. 20 23-26, An ordinance of the city of Tarpon Springs, Florida, amending the Official Zoning Act list of the city of Tarpon Springs for 0.26 acres, more or less of real property located at 1125, West Carle Place from Pinellas County Zoning designation R three single family residential to City of Tarpon Springs Zoning designation. R 70, a single family residential application number 22-89, providing for findings and providing an effective date. This item is quasi judicial in nature. Um and all testimony must be under oath . Just like the first one. I would ask that. Um when you make the motion on this, that you also include the motion to adopt the evidence that was presented under ordinance 20 23-25. OK? Is Um Miss Jacobs. This Um, ordinance was published in The Tampa Bay Times by title only with the map on November 29th and December 6th of 2023. Ok, Thank you, Ms Vinson. Anything new Oh, OK. Does the commission have any questions concerning this item? Yeah, I'm gonna go to public comments. Are there any public comments on this item? Anyone in attendance. Mr CH. Are there any remote access comments? If anyone online would like public make a public comment on this item, Please raise your hand and you'll be allowed in to talk. And we do not have any raised hands this time. OK, I'm gonna close the public. Um Part of this meeting in and go to commissioner comments if they have anything on this, Uh, item, which is ordinance 20 23-26 Anything? No, OK. Um may I have a motion to approve ordinance? 20 23-26 on a second, please. Some of Me's got include the evidence as well. Pardon me. It has to include the evidence from 2023-2 speak a little louder. It has to the motion has to be amended to include the evidence that was presented in ordinance 2023-25. You have to move to accept the evidence? Yes OK, so move to that. OK? Do you wanna make a second to that? Commissioner, please? OK. Thank you, Um. If there's no further comments, Roll call, please. Mon K. Yes Commissioner. Yes Vice Mayor. Yes. Um thank you all for that Cross I judicial item. That's the only one that we have on the agenda. We're going to go to item 15 resolution 2024. Dash 10 budget resolution. Uh, C is that time of year when Ron comes with his first resolution, so he's gonna briefly go over that with you and, uh, present Ron here. Oh, good evening, Mayor and commissioners. Ron Herring Finance director. Yes it's our first annual budget resolution for fiscal year. 2024 is bringing forward budgeted items. To physical year 24 from fiscal year 23 that we're still in process As of September, 32,023 the audience to bring forward were approved and budgeted in fiscal year. 2023 the On the cover letter. I've tried to list all the major projects individually over 100,000. The majority projects are ongoing and the construction phase. Or in the or in the engineering design phase after that are some smaller capital and operating items. Then comes our donations that are being carried forward. And if you have any questions, I'd be more than happy to answer them. Thank you, Uh, there any public comments on this item? This is a budget resolution that moves money that's been encumbered from the 2023 budget to the 2024 budget. Mayor We still do have to read the resolution title and you still do have to hold the kardash you wanna You wanna do that? Yes, Thank you. Mayor Resolution. 20 24-10, a resolution of the board of Commissioners of the city of Tarpon Springs, Florida amending the budget for fiscal year 2023 24 be it resolved by the board of Commissioners of the city of Tarpon Springs at the following amendments are made to the fiscal year budget of 2023 24. And then you have the, um, amendments listed there. Uh is there any role for Miss Jacobs in this or is that it? OK? Um. Public comments with any public comments on this item. Gosh! Sorry, everybody. Um. You have to bear with me. I'm not sure how to deal with this new phone. Um Mr Jump. Are there any remote access comments? It went online. I would like to make a public comment on this item. Please raise your hand and you'll be allowed in to talk. And we do not have any raised hands at this time. OK, Thank you, Um. Let's go to commission comments. Any questions by the commissioners on um, on this budget resolution, Um Anybody? No lights on, so I assume none. OK? Um. If there aren't any questions, but I have a MOJ motion or approve. Resolution 2024 to 10. So moved. Second Roll call, please. Mr Kane is Commissioner Cuyas vice mayor is mayors. OK? Um. The last resolution is item 16. Um. Ms Kardash. Could you read that by title, please? Yes. Thank you. Mayor Resolution number 20 24-08 , a resolution of the board of Commissioners of the city of Tarpon Springs, Florida authorizing changes in the Organization of Administrative staffing by the city manager to create a temporary part time staff position of senior administrator and providing for an effective date of March. 7th 2024. OK Thank you, Uh, City management? Of course. Yes And this is a process. Um in conjunction we work with the board of commissioners and myself. This is a process in which we talked about in the future. It's gonna happen. This is the process we're doing. Um this goes along with item 13 So in special consent, so we might just go when we go to special con and just start off with there because they're kind of back to back. Um obviously, we know of a retirement of Paul Smith coming beginning of March. Um. This is put forward for the commission to agree to a temporary part time position. Um again, a temporary part time position has no benefits to it. Just the salary. It's temporary. Um it's for a period of six up to six months is for up to an average of 20 hours a week. And at the end of that time it goes back to the commission. Um if it's to be extended by me or if there's someone in my place who would likely might want to extend it? Um then it's the it goes back to the board. It ends after that period. It would go back to the board, um, for approval, or if it serves its purpose. Um you know, then then it would end. Um So you see the job description? Um, the resolution and again. This is gonna I mean, item 13. Tash you to approve? Um Paul Smith, um, to fill that temporary part time position. Um obviously, for the sake of me, this commission and the public that'll serve us well in the transition and moving forward and everything where I'll be moving forward with the next six months. His assistance, um, will be greatly needed by all of us and be of value to the community. And I wanna thank, um , one of the reasons I know because I talked to Paul This the beginning of the process, and it probably wasn't gonna be, but because of some of you on this board and his dealings with you on the board, um he's kind of changed and accepted this position. So I want to thank the part that this board have because all of you realize the value of Paul and appreciate working with him. For all the qualities you would think, um, in an individual and an employee, So, um Um, that's why he is accepting to do that. I wanna thank you for that. And I hope you approve this resolution. And then when it comes to 13, it is your decision. Um if I put Paul into that position, um And that will be the next item. Does he like us, too? Yeah he does. Yes, He knows it's gonna be a good year. It is a good year, You'll have to answer that. Any public comments on this item? Thank you. Relax. 514 Ashland Avenue. Um Before we speak about. Our beloved Paul here who's been a faithful servant to the city for decades. Um. I understand that aspect of it being temporary part time. But I also would. As the board when budget season comes using this position as a springboard to creating an assistant city manager position. Um We've talked about that having somebody ready there in case of need. And Mark got the job was he was basically Ellen's assistant city manager, even though he didn't have the title. That's how it happened. And just for your education. We didn't put out An RFP. Or go out and do any kind of search. We picked Mark We moved him over the police department and we Promoted. At the time major coaching chief So when it was spoken about earlier experience and selecting a city manager was basically realizing we had someone on board who could handle the job so I would advocate Budget season, looking at creating this or merging it into some assistant city manager position. You cannot replace the institutional knowledge. That. Paul has that he could share with not only Tommy coming in, but potentially in another new city manager. But not only the knowledge But the respect That everybody that I've come across In the city. That has for Paul. And I Truly through the years. Have respected the way he's handled himself. How is taken on positions that weren't necessarily his job. And sustainability came. It fell in his lap, and he took it on and you know, we got a sustainability coordinator and stuff. How he's managed the revitalization of the cemetery. How he's worked hard on. Putting solar panels out at the reverse osmosis plant and trying to Help the city be self sustainable, So I have to thank Paul for all of those efforts, and, uh I hope we can throw him a nice party on March 6th. Thank you. OK, thank you. There any other public comments? Mr Jump. Are there any remote access comments? Anyone online would like to make a public comment on this item. Please raise your hand and you'll be allowed in to talk. And we do not have any raise hands at this time. OK, uh Going to go to commission comments. Vice Mayor Eisner, You've got your light on. Thank you, Mayor. So. I've had quite a few conversations with Mr Smith. And . Pretty much they all end with me, turning him bright red and embarrassed. Because I'm complimenting him on his hard work. His even keeled personality. His work habits is pretty much going down, you know , down the ladder of. A workaholic, someone devoted. Um do you want me to go on for another two hours, Paul? No OK, because you are getting I have a flight and you are getting a little red. Um I know there was some comments made out there of, uh, things that were done on hand. You know, underhandedly. It was not. Um I know that you've made this decision on your own. Um after the threats I made to no, I'm just kidding with that. Um but all kidding aside, I. I hope that those conversations that you and I had Um, helped you to come to this decision. Um I? I got bored when I came down here, and I know I told you that And workaholic just doesn't stop working, and I think that you're making a great decision. But better than that. I think the city is getting The better part of the deal. Um you're invaluable. You're invaluable to the city manager. Um, I also. I'm happy to say that the way the city runs these days, there's so many more moving parts. Um you're always there. You're even keel. You listen to everybody. You respect everybody. You make no judgments you take in all the information you think through, and then you respond to it. Um and you're very versatile guy, So I'm Couldn't be happier. I will definitely say yes to this and I . I just couldn't be happier that you made the decision and I hope You know, when you see this down the road that you'll be just as happy so Thank you. Thank you for willing to stay on. You have anything? Just glad to see this. Glad, uh, Really excited for what's gonna happen, Mr Kiger. I think, uh, it's a good step in and direction for the city, and, uh, Mr Smith has done so much, um, very thankful to see him as a part time role to help both the city manager and the transition process definitely needed. And, uh um That that's what we want with our our staff. Nice smooth transitions, Uh, professional ones and very thankful for it. Thank you. Mr. I I'll get into the sappy stuff. Uh, at the, uh Whenever the final meeting is for But, um no II. I think this is, uh Anything that keeps Paul around a little longer. Is good. For the city. Uh, in any capacity that is And, um Definitely Helps with transition, and, um Uh, having him around? Uh, if in fact when we get to, uh Um. Item special cassette item. Uh, 12 that, uh He will be invaluable to helping The. Future director, uh, be successful, so All in favor. Thank you. OK? Paul I'm not gonna say anything. I'll say something to you. Maybe in September of this year, but, um, thank you for willing to continue with us as a part time position. Um That's all I have is her motion to approve resolution. 20 23-08 So moved. 2nd 2nd OK, Roll call, please. Yes Yes, Yes. Yes, OK, I think you said 2023. You want to say something? Um Yeah, I'd like I'd like to, um I'm in the motion. To Approve. Uh, resolution. 2024-08 establishing position of part time senior administrator You said 2020. That's what we need to do. Yes, we need a We need to approve the resolution. That was not done with the last motion. No, no, he's saying that You used the wrong year. I did. Oh I'm so sorry. I don't No, No, I'm glad you guys between you and Miss Kardash. Y'all are keeping me honest. I don't have a problem with that, either. I'm an old man. Gotta take that into account. At least the president loses at the moment. Thank you. M card. All right. Um, you. A motion to approve resolution 2024-08 establishing position of Part-time senior administrator All right, second. All right, let's roll call, please. PK is. Yes Yes, Yes, yes. I know my wife's gonna get mad at me for referring to myself as an old man. I know I'm going to hear it when I get home. Uh, anyway, um, that's the, uh ordinances and resolutions. Um what we're gonna do is go back to the, um You wanted to start off I got we got. We have to do the consent agenda. Let's go to the consent and go from there. I think everybody will remember what we talked about with Paul. And um, uh, let's go to the consent agenda. And um, I even one his attorney's fees. A person Coen, Mooney Fernandez and Jackson P, a voice 4720 B Johnson Jackson P LLC Invoice 12329 item C. Sales Ma Jensen P invoices 8031080311. Item two is awarded RP number 240021 Disaster Debris monitoring Services Item three is award file number 240025 herbicides, fertilizers and pesticides. Item four is renew file number 200104 Laboratory Analytical Services Item five is increased file number 200076. Chemicals for the reverse osmosis water plant Item six is award file number 240071 single source purchase of public safety health screenings. Item seven is approved. FDEP Grant Amendments for Vulnerability Assessment in Action plan. Does any Commissioner wish to pull any of these items for a separate, uh, cut questions? You want five? Yeah. Okay? Uh, anybody else on anything? OK Um, let's go to public comments on items 1234617 . Is there any public comments on any of those? Be quick. Peter Relax. 514 Ashland Avenue with regards to number three herbicides, fertilizers and pesticides. If you look at the list that's on the backup. It's insecticides, pesticides, herbicides, all these chemicals that it's hard to even pronounce them. And yet on item, 10, we're gonna proceed with purchasing land to help clean the water. So on one side, we're buying all these chemicals. To treat the land that we have as public property. And then on the other side, we're gonna have to buy land to Treat the water that we're polluting. So I'm not sure how necessary all of these are I would hope that staff through direction has. To use the chemicals in the least amount and into the most proper way that it does not affect our water sources because If you read the backup or 10, the nitrates and the phosphates, and that's the only thing they talked about. But there's also these other chemicals in there and then they get into the fish. You fish. We fish. We eat the fish. We get it, too. So let's try to minimize what we put into our water source. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Mayor David Ballard get his junior Georgia Avenue Palm Harbor as some of you know, I. I like to go down to Wall Springs and monitor the water coming out of the spring shed to the water flowing directly out of the aquifer. They treat the outflow area there with a aquatic herbicide. Uh it's primarily a copper dye, but they mix it with other chemical agents. As well. This milkshake of chemical components that they spray into the water. This water is supposed to be some of the cleanest water that that we have , because it it comes directly from the aquifer. Yet they're treating the water that comes from the aquifer so that we don't see a build up of lma algae. Um wiki, watch it. Nani Springs also suffer from, uh and the Rainbow River are suffer. From Aveling algae growth. Um due to the drog, uh, groundwater conditions I feel as though in agreeance the overuse of pesticides and fertilizers. Decade after decade has, um Gotten down into the aquifer, and we do have a crisis situation in the build and thank you for listening to me again. Thank you. There any other public comments? Mr Jump. Are there any remote access comments? If anyone online would like to make a couple of comment , please raise your hand and you'll be allowed to talk. And we do have a raised handle of the first person in. It can play state your name and address for the record. Kowski 160 Gulf Beach Boulevard, Tarpon Springs, 34689. Yes. This item came up in Dunedin some years ago, when I was attending one of their city meetings and, uh One of the employees sort of a whistleblower came out and said that the MS, uh ES Data sheet, Uh, stated that you couldn't spray glyphosate within 30 ft of a body of water. Um So if you've got. Weeds growing up around the bayou or whatever, and you be spraying. Weed killer on there. That would be very bad. Um, so I think that you really do need to take a closer look. At uh, some safety protocols. Now I checked in the most recent data sheet that I could find no longer set that Um. But that doesn't mean it makes it safe just because they changed. The data sheet. Both of the previous speakers talking about something very serious our drinking water. So. Consider Creating some safety protocol. For the future of all. The residents of Park and Springs. Thank you. Thank you. Mister Jump. Another one You said, has our hands up. And we do not have any other race hands at this time. Ok thank you. Um if there does the commission have any comments or questions on, um you don't. So I'm gonna ask for a motion if I do. I do. Yeah, I have my light on. OK You got your light on? Go ahead. I just wanted to do a clarification. The last Speaker Chris used initials of M SDS and for those of you don't know what that is. It's material safety data sheets that comes with every chemical. Every product always has a safety. Um uh, list on there and how it's to be used. So just in case you didn't know what those, uh, that acronym is that was a OK. Uh, Commissioner Kano. Um. At the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council meeting. Um There was a, um. A report that six manatees Uh, were found dead. Um Up in Upper Pasco. Um And they said it was Something, Uh, Something in their in their diet, something Um In their stomach. Um One of them was pregnant. So. Yeah, the these these chemicals do concern me, I. I think what I'd like. Have is, um, is that we have Someone give a report here. To give us a report on how the chemicals are used. So we can get Answers on, you know, are we within so many feet of water and whatever the standards are, it'd be nice to have a presentation. Uh, Just on how our how chemicals are used so Thank you. I think the, uh city managers acknowledging he'll we'll get that presentation up here at the commission meeting. Is that correct? Yes, OK. On. Are there any other? If there's no other comments on items 12346 and seven have a motion to approve said and second, please So moved. Second A roll call, please. Yes Yes, Yes. Yes Um, Item five. Vice Mayor Eisner. You pulled that one? Yes, I, uh, pulled that item. Because I wanted to make the residence. The ones that have not pulled the backup. Material from here. Um Back in 2020. We used, um $41,000. Of, uh, one product. You know, awarded department And now it's four years later. Almost four years later. And uh, that price has gone to 100 and $63,000. That's quadruple slightly on the quadruple. So I. I know many of you have See your water bill go up. Um. This is just one re one small item that goes into us getting water. And I just wanted you to see and me bring it out to you that it's 11 item sub quadruple. And start the electric that not the, uh, salaries. That's not all the other chemicals that go in. It's one item, so I did wanna bring that out. Uh, I'm gonna Vote to approve this, but I just wanted to You know, we get we all get the complaints that the water is expensive. But I wanted to make sure that people see and hear. It's not just that we're making money off this. We're having to spend the money so That's it. Um . Any other commissioner. I'm gonna go to public comments. Um, any other commissioner? Uh public comments. Anybody uh, that's in attendance have a public comment on this item. This chemicals for the RO plant. Mister Trump. Are there any remote access comments? Anyone online would like to make public comment on this item. Please raise your hand and you'll be allowed in to talk. And we do not have any raise hands this time. OK, Thank you. Uh, may I have a motion in the second to approve Item five. Please. So moved. OK? Second those no further comments roll call. Mon gas. Yes Commission Colia? Yes Vice Mayor Eisner? Yes. Um, let's move on to this special consent agenda. Um Sea management course You want to do the two on the public services? Uh first? Yeah we could do that. Let's go ahead. Let's start off with item. 13 appointment of temporary part time Senior Administrator. Um go ahead. Again My recommendation is that this A board? Um approves me, Um , putting Paul Smith into the position that we talked about to serve for a period up to six months in a temporary part time average of 20 hours a week position. Um which, if which, after that time, if it's to be renewed, it's brought back to the board of commissioners for their vote to continue that, so Paul Smith would like to be the one that I put in that position, and I'm seeking Approval to do that, OK? Is there any public comments on this? I think people got up and spoke, uh, on the resolution associated with this Um, Mr Jumper. They're in a remote access comments. Anyone online would like. Make a public comment on this item. Please raise your hand and you'll be allowed to go. I do not have any raised hands at this time. OK Uh , Vice Mayor Eisner, Do you have a comment This time? You need to call me Vice Mayor Lund. What did I say? No no, I'm saying this time you should call me Vice mail, Lunt, because I am taking the job of reading. And I I'm not sure if this is an error or not, but it has his rate of pay will be 62,800 per hour. So I want that job. Uh, no. I think that's what the city manager is asking for. There is $62,000 an hour Ah! Thank you. I'm I'm glad , OK, I'm not as good as Craig. That's correct. It would be corrective. Yeah. OK, thank you for catching that. Because the bottom one What is the bottom? Uh, You see, I see that as I saw it as a comma. No, that's good by, uh, Vice. May Lunt. Thank you. All right. I wanted that job. Is there any other comment on this? Uh, two. Too bad, Paul, we couldn't get that one through for you, Um, anyway, any other commission or comment on this? All right. Uh, may I have a motion to approve in a second, please? Motion to approve. Um. Of temporary part time senior administrator Second. A roll call. Mr Kinas. Yes Yes, Yes, Um, Item. 12 ratify appointment of public Services Director, Uh, City man, of course. Yeah. So after a search process, I'm bringing to you as I'm required to do in the ratification of a department head, Mr Thomas Kiger to fill the position of public services Director, Um you see him and know him from his presentations. You see his background in the backup? Um He's very deserving. And, uh, coming up the ranks and, uh Again. Um he was the one that I chose from the job, um, from the people that we had apply, and I think he'll serve the city. Well I made sure because of something that happened in the past that I spelled out all the terms of employment for you to approve in the background. The one thing that's a little different is I'm asking you up front, um, to give the extension that you're able to do by the charter and confirmed with the city attorney, um, to give him an extra Here for the residency issue I won't go into at night but tonight, but we will be talking when the charter forms that there are some things we have to do with the residency issue. Not only, um, for candidates that probably didn't apply for this, but an employee who's been there in these times of home buying, um, times have changed dramatically. Um but that's an issue that we can deal with. I know I've talked to some of you on this board about your thoughts on it. Um, that's something we'll deal with when we create the charter commission , But But for now, you have the ability is confirmed by the attorney to allow him, uh, that chance because obviously, he's looking for hopefully his one in final home in tarpon in the service, long standing like Paul Smith served us in the community . He's part of this community. Um, it just Don't wanna rush them in the res. I want to find the right place for his family to stay here and these days and times. I think it's very fair to give him that extra year to move into the city. Um and the other terms of the contract that are, you know, in the realms of Having him here and keeping him here in that job. So I propose I propose Thomas Kiger under the terms of employment as I presented, and, uh, hope that the city commission ratifies my appointment. OK? Um let me go to public comments any public comments on this item? LAX is 514 Ashland Avenue at wholeheartedly support. Uh, See Manager of course, is recommendation. Uh part of what we've strived over the years is to build institutional knowledge and if we have people that come in and are willing to grow with us, uh, it's all to our benefit. The only thing I will have to Maybe clarify The word, says residency. Doesn't say. Homeownership, says residency So If there is an issue Thomas and his family can find a nice house to rent or somewhere to live and establish residency. While he allows time to either build equity or the market to change to allow him to purchase a home, So I just wanna remind people that residency doesn't mean you have to buy a house in tarpon. Thank you. Yeah, thank you. There any other public comments on this item? Mr Trump, are there any remote access comments? If anyone would like to make a public comment on this item, please raise your hand and you'll be allowed in stock. And we do not raise hands this time. OK, Commissioner Kiana, you have your light on I'll just make it short. It's um Yeah. Mr Kiger is excellent, You know, And this is this is what You know, we want in in our In our city is To have people that can move their way up. Have and, um especially qualified people. He he's a professional engineer. He's got a master's degree. He's part of the community is raising his family here. He's been trained. By the by the finest guy, Um, and he's gonna have that guy as a resource, so I think we can't lose. Um and Tommy's, um Engaged. Uh, He's um. I. I don't think any of us could ask for any any more accessible and informative person so I'm wholeheartedly in favor of this. Commissioner. Very happy to see the promotion of, uh, Mr Tommy Tiger of, uh, ever since I've gotten involved, Uh, I've seen them heavy, heavily involved with so many different items that that come up, and I think it's great to see, uh His experience and youthfulness coming to the city and do so much and, uh, he's someone like Commissioner POY has said that you see him around public all the time. He's invested in this community. And uh um, When we gonna make the motion will we have to, uh will we stay, including the recommendations one and two given by the city manager? You if you intend to include those conditions. Yes, you do need to specifically have them in the motion. OK, thank you, ma'am. No further comments. OK, Um Vice Mayor Eisner. Uh I'm agreeing with the prior two commissioners just said I know Tommy er very well. Speak to him very often. Um he's very qualified and very happy to have him on board. What I would like to, uh, get a response to is what Mr de Lais said, and it doesn't have to be today, but we do need to clarify and make a determination. What residency is Um. It could mean a rental of a room, so I don't really know. I'd like to know what that is, Um, I'd like to also move forward when it comes time to have a charter committee and readdressing a lot of the things that changed from the time houses here were 100 300,000 to where they are now It's not easy for people to move in here. Uh, interest rates are not at its lowest. So I. I really would like to look in, um to see how we could, um, adjust to have good people working for us, That's all. So I really like to the definition of residency. What that means, Um And. That's pretty much it. I'm looking forward to having him. Uh stay on board and take over your position. Paul and also at the same time have have you there to, uh, coach and do whatever you do best. So thank you. OK? Um. I can answer the vice mayor's question. Go ahead. Residents residency. It's not defined in your charter, and it can be defined in different ways . Under the law. When you look at residency, you usually look at the totality of the circumstances Do they get their mail? There Is that where their driver's license says they live. Um are they registered to vote in that area? Those are usually some of the incidences of residency and, um, while home ownership can be one of those factors It is not the only factor. So yes, rental property can be included. Thank you, I. I appreciate that clarification. Thank you, Ms. Kardash, Um. The only thing I'm going to say is, uh, I It is not only an excellent choice. Mr Ker is the natural choice and I. I think that was a good decision on the city manager's part. So, um, I'm Lucy. Welcome aboard, Um As the new public services director. I know we have to vote first, but I don't think that's gonna be no . Uh anyway, man, I have a motion to approve a second, please. So moved Or second. Second roll call, please mayor may include the recommendation have to include the recommendations. So if I can, unless you Um Vice mayor. If you can amend your motion to include the recommendations, one and two, I'm gonna amend my motion to include, uh one and two OK? Second Roll call, please. Richard Kis. Yes, yes, Vice Mayor. Yes, yes. Right? Uh, let's go back up to a I. I appreciate you all staying on top of all of this tonight, um, item, um, Special consent item. Uh eight. Award Change Order number one. For the cops and Kids Youth Center, Uh, architect Services, Phase two city management course. Yes. Bob Robertson, Can you explain this item? Yes, sir. Bob Robertson, Project Administration Department director. Brief staff report for you for this item. We're requesting the board's approval to proceed with Phase two of the design of the cops and Kids Youth Center with the company suite Sparkman Architects. Last year, the board authorized staff to proceed with the first of two phases for design. The first phase was an alternatives analysis and a conceptual design. It included public input on the concepts and generated budget level construction cost estimates along the way. This architect also supported our grant project initiatives and our state funding requests. We're not ready to proceed with phase two of the design effort, which is the final design work. The work product for this effort will be a bit package with design plans and specifications. Um Finally, the BOC previously approved a total design budget of $600,000 for this project with for both phases of this of this design that's to be funded by the ARPA funds. And I've been able to work with the architect to get their design feed down to match this target budget number. So we're right at that, Uh 600,000 that was previously authorized by the board. Um So with the board's approval, we'll be able to get the design work going right away. And that concludes my staff report, Mr Mayor. Or anything you wanna add? The same manager, OK? Um, chief anything. I just thank you for your continued support of this project. Uh, let's go to public comments. Are there any public comments on, uh, going to phase two on the architectural design of the cops and Kids Center? Mr Jumper, the remote access comments on this item. If anyone would like to make a public comment on this item, please raise your hand and you'll be allowed to install. And we do not have any raised hands at this time. OK, any commissioner comments One thing I wanna. I have two words. I can't wait. That's three. Uh no further comments may have a motion to approve award change Order number one for RFQ 2 3 0 0 3 9 Dash S Dash, JL Cops and kids Youth Center Architect Services Phase two, So O Second OK, Roll call, please. MF Yes, Commissioner. Yes Vice Mayor Eisner. Yes Yes, Um, Item nine award file number 240075. HV AC equipment, installation service, building control systems and related products and services. City manager Of course. Yes this is for the chiller system and the public safety building. We talked about it in the budget. We talked about it in the APA money. Um, we've talked about it several different times of the need, uh, was finally coming to fruition. Um, So Jeff and Scott, um Get that thing so needed and to be replaced before it goes. So this is this is really brought the special the consent because the amount of money um so we're looking forward to the approved that and get going with that installation. OK Uh, Public comments This is for, uh, a new basically a new air conditioning system for the, uh uh, Public safety building. Or any, um Comments on anybody in attendance. OK, remote access comments, Mr Trump anybody. Anyone online would like to make a comment on the site. Please raise your hand and you'll be allowed. Install. And we do not have any raised hands at this time. Vice mirror. Eisner and I hope you're late for your flight tomorrow. Go ahead. Not a chance. But I like your humor. Um. I would need Ron I. I kind of asked about. I think this was the situation where these, um this chiller leaked. Am I correct? Did we ever get any sort of response from the insurance company to pay the bill for some or all of this loss? And that takes precedence over whether I get late there or not. Uh, no, they they came back and said that there was, I think a qualifier for that. Would you be able to get me their response in writing so I could see Again. This is what I did for a living, so I would like to have their determination so that if I don't agree with it, I'm gonna give you a response. Um, I. I just wanna see it in writing. I'm not I'm not questioning you or They always turn it down. And if you don't do battle They accept your turn down. We'll get that for you. Thank you. OK? Um, are there any commissioner questions on this other than Vice Mayor Eisner? Uh, Commissioner Colas? Anything, OK? I may have a motion to approve. Um I'm sorry Award file number 240075 HV AC equipment, installation service, building control systems and related products and services. So moved. Or a 2nd 2nd OK, roll call, please. Mr Kan is. Yes. Yes, Yes. Yes Um, item. 10 is authorization to proceed with purchase of land on more bears Boulevard. Uh, C Major, Of course. Yes This is an item. That's come up. Um, pretty fast. If you wonder why I haven't discussed it with you. It came up fast, and I really want to thank Renee in planning. Karen Lemons, who's been kind of my liaison with the realtor. Um and Mr Sosman for dropping a lot of the things going on. Because this is very time sensitive, Um and we have an opportunity. Um To get a piece of land that Is very important in my mind it it it's up in the level of the Ross property on Florida Avenue about our quality of water and the water. We're putting back in the bayou. This this location, which you you all know, it is the corner of, um, mirrors and Salford that corner on the, um, the North East corner. Um. Is a property that we know from planning and planning. FS called my attention because we know the people who are Who were proposing buying this piece of property and all of it was going there is more storage type lawn equipment trucks, big trucks, more more stories, things that will will hurt. And probably is able to by the code but will hurt that area of water. You have the report. I put the reports in there, um, of the water quality of what we can do. Um this opportunity and we are able to get the realtors attention. I'm hoping to get and what I'm asking for tonight. Um is a two set approval process What I'm trying to do and what your approval night to move forward with is to get their signature on a contract. Um I can assure you the price is going to be under the referendum price. I don't know how much we're putting those final word negotiating those final terms right now, which we hope to get going, But, um, if I can get those terms, I guarantee you'll be under the 3 $349,000 may not be much under but again, um. I'm working on to get that done. Um so asking your approval tonight to try to get that signature on the contract so I can immediately proceed with our tool appraisals and our environmental study of that land that we need a phase one environmental and again. I'm looking at time because they wanna sell this property and there's a lot of things I have to do before we can buy it in the clause that Mr Sauls man has wrote up a similar to some of the ones we wrote before, but the closet in after due diligence after I do the phase Environmental and the two appraisals and stuff. It still comes back to the commission for a final right to approve the purchase of that property. If you don't vote for it, for whatever reason that you see in there, then we get refunded or deposit. We all go our separate ways and move on. So tonight is just authorize me to try to get there their signatures on there for under that price, um to immediately and the timing is because these firms that are doing the phase ones and the appraisals um they're Behind, but I've secured. I've secured some teams for each each, Um, function to move immediately on it. I may not have that in a couple of weeks by the next commission meeting to get people on those things that that's the problem Getting the appraisers our way back. Logged the phase one. So I've got that already secured and we're doing it again from the backup. You can see and stuff to me for us as a commission that environmentally piece of land and what we can do for the water quality if we own it and do it right. And in the future. The dimensions way on mirrors. The stormwater stuff comes first, but maybe a nice entrance way feature. But again, it is vital to the water quality of the water goes to the bayou. We can make a great difference. We have that property and we can keep it from being more storage. More gas. More trucks more of this on that piece of property to add to the add to the water, quality and stuff. So that's why I'm asking for you tonight. Um, to move forward with with your approval. Public comments. Are there any public comments on this item? Beautiful ax 514 Ashland Avenue. With regards to this item. Um it is an important site if you look at your diagram , the second one where it shows the watersheds. Pretty much covers. Everything on the south side of the bayou goes around from this area. Through the landfill area. If you go to the finals trail behind the curry in the hospital, then loops around. Through The golf course. And then there's a big track of land south of the golf course. There's some to the Northwest, which is budding west winds, and it loops around all of this basically, is the bottom basin of where everything From this area accumulates whether it's from the gas stations, the roads, the golf course all this area so it is important to find some way to Emilie ate some of the Influences of pollution. And if fact you're You're Brian from . W S P I guess it is. He says the comparison of the fuel collect data to the expected healthy ecosystem values indicate extensive told nitrogen total phosphorus by 0.84 tons a year and 0.7 tons. If you look in here, there's a whole bunch of data showing all the pollutants, but More importantly, uh. Is how we use this land once we get it. To actually immediately eight or Clean the water that's in the area. You've got areas coming in, so it's mentioned about going to swift mud. There's a study that possibly can help you as far as how you can use this land to best. Filter out some of the pollutants that come into this area so I would highly recommend you go ahead and allow the city manager to proceed. I'm sure the city manager will use all his weight to get the best price that we can knowing that the people on the other side know that this board would have control over what they could do with the property, so maybe their best option is to sell it to the city and recoup what they can from there, But It's a step in the right way going forward, and I hope we can also incorporate not only this, but some other larger water study as we're doing things with the Whitcomb, by which in the spring by you which attaches to that and things that come down the river from Pascoe. Thank you, okay. Any other public comments. Mr Jump any remote access comments? Anyone online like public comment on this item. Please raise your hand and you'll be allowed into talk and we do have a raised handle all the first person in. I'm on Giuliana Day what 13 is awkward Street Talking Springs, Florida. And I want to thank mark for thinking about that land because that man back there to me is the last of the wetlands that's on top and springs. I grew up back there. Um, we used to call it the swamp. But it has a good Rich. Land back there that I think the city would could make a profit off of it and to make a good either park or something, So thank you. Thank you. And we do not have any other race hands at this time. Thank you. Mr Trump Commissioner comments anything from any of the commission. This is just for authorization to negotiate. Yeah finally, never motion to authorize the city manager to pursue this negotiation further moves 2nd 2nd Alright, roll call, please. Sure calling it is yes, Commissioner Elias? Yes Yes , Yes, Um, item, he loving appointment to the library advisory board. Um Miss Jacobs. You want to take this one? Um This is this office has been notified that Mrs Hulu has resigned from the library board. The current alternate number two. Mrs Kelly has been in the position since August of 2020. And has not been moved up to regular position but hasn't expressed an interest. Um That she would like to be moved to a regular member position. And also the colonel. Alternate number one. Sherry Patterson was appointed in her position on July 22nd and 2022 and she's also expressed an interest in being moved in the regular member position. Now why not? The numbers do not mean that alternates are equal. The board could either, um, move alternate number one Sherry Patterson to fill the unexpired term of Mr Sulu, which will expire Um, July 1st 2025. They could choose Number two, which would move the alternate number two to fill the unexpired term of Mrs Hulu with the same expiration date or they can appoint from the two applications below. Um to fill the unexpired term of Mrs Chula, which will expire at the same date. Okay. Thank you. Um let me go to public commentary, public comments on this item. This is a book library board appointment. Yes. Mr Chomp any remote access comments? Anyone online would like to make a public comment on this item. Please raise your hand and you'll be allowed to talk. And we do not have any raise hands at this time. Thank you, Um Commissioner comments vice mere Eisner. So I usually go when there's two alternates. I usually go by the Date of who applied first. Because they have the most experience When you look at these To applicants. There I believe, correct me if I'm wrong, Irene there about a month apart. Um so I would usually go with the first person. What's that was Mrs Patterson was 2022. And Mrs Kelly was 2020. Well, um. But Miss Patterson was a She was in the on his board before correct. Prior I don't know what years or how long she served. I can't tell you. That's what I was under the understanding, though. That she was on this can tell you She was probably on the board before. I just don't know offhand when that was or how long she served. Okay, So, um Well, my could have had her, you know, left and came back because it's showing her appointment data 20. So what I would do is I would nominate Sharon Patterson, um, for the replacement of Valerie Tullow. And I would move. Um I talked to see this. This is so small. Donna Clark into the next alternate position. Would that be correct? Okay. Thank you. Are there any other commissioner comments? Okay, We need a motion. That was my motion. I mean, could you stated you want me to state it again, please record? Sure I want to put Sharon Patterson from alternate one into the, um, unexpired term of Valerie Tullow and I would like to nominate Donna Clark cavity to the next alternate position, right behind Kathleen Kelly. Second Good. Thank you. There any other comments? Roll call, please. Commissioner Landis. Yes Cool. Yas Yes, Yes, Everybody says yes. That ends the agenda. I hope I'm missing something. Okay let's go to board and staff comments. Chief Young. No comment, sir. Uh, Mrs Card ish. Just thank you for letting me be remotely today. I look forward to seeing you next month on March 6th Thank you. And thank you for bearing with us this evening. Thank you. Um City manager. Of course, the only thing I want to bring up and some of the subjects come up tonight. I'd like to propose Tuesday, March March 12th or off meeting on the 12 to do the meeting to discuss to real things. First of all for you for you to be able to talk about this election process work session. Well, if you want this If you want the public to be able to talk, okay? Yes we do Course. Special session kind of works that will probably haven't talked about probably being workstation for them with a special solution so they can talk after Utah. Because what? What you have to talk about is the upcoming process for the city manager And also as it was brought up tonight, there's a lot of different things. I know. I've talked with some of you about talk with the mayor about About internally whether it's a position and acting city manager , minister and services position whether it's another form. We talked about it designated some people as assistance is city manager some training ground issues for people. There's a lot of other issues besides that we can talk about in this meeting, so I'll be able to dual purpose. Talk about the process you want to use for selection in the talk about to have the first conversation of what we might do otherwise. Dealing, especially with in House candidates, either for their training, future promotion or whatever. It's just the whole discussion on those two items. The off 12 of meeting in 12 is what I propose. If it's okay with this commission to hold that meeting, so we wanna to Agenda Item Special session on March 12th. Yes, okay. Is there any conflicts with anybody on that day? I'm good. Okay at 6 36 36 30. Everybody Um sorry. Um Is there anything else? Nope That's a Miss Jacobs. Thank you. Okay. Commissioner Riaz, do you have anything? I'm just very thankful that we came to an agreement during that special session Park. I was a little worried for a little bit, but I think some good things are going to come from this and This board is gonna work together. And we're gonna get some great things done for However long work together, So I have a good feeling about it. So thank you. Thank you. Vice mayor. I snored. Yes. I wanted to thank Miss Regina Carter's for Sticking with it tonight. I know you weren't feeling well and we appreciate you always. I want to thank Frank Di Donato. For his appointment. And uh, I support him even though I didn't vote for him. I want to thank all the residents for all of their Coming in early on on my behalf and Perceptive a safe flight and see my granddaughter and I'll be back with bells on I do have come back on the 27th and on the 28th. I do have this school, Pinellas County School Transportation Safety board, so Okay, just to add one more thing I know. Debbie brought up the beginning brought up the distance that's going to be brought up at forward Penelas as well. So I'll keep you informed and I'll keep the board informed on how that progresses. On the projects that we have there on a completely separate projects that with they're gonna fund help try to fund it. On sidewalks and, yes, that also I'm planning on bringing it update to this board. I've told Miss McKinney and some other people probably going to be in April. I thought maybe the end of March. But again, some of the things move from this meeting to March will probably be careful, but I will be bringing to this board and update, um on distance just from our aspect. I don't know when that meeting is so distant. Have a new court or Yeah. True of all where we've got where we're going through. The public knows the process wherever I think that's an excellent idea. Thank you, Dennis. Yeah I'm looking forward to working with Frank. Um I have to call him. Commissioner I won't call them. Mary Promise. Okay, and, uh. Anyways you know, and governments messy. It's always messy. So um, it's really where we end up the counts. And we got there and That's good. It's good that we did what we did. Okay My turn I The point is, I think everybody is still smiling and then good humor, and I think that's the way it's supposed to work. I want to Commissioner Kuya for coming off his position and working with us to move the city forward. Um And also not have to, um, go to some kind of a point system or anything like that. I think that I mean, that's okay. But I think it worked out for the best All all's well that ends well, I guess as they say, um the, um I really don't have anything to say. I know it's been a busy time. There's still some special event that special events but events that I've got to attend to. We had the, uh Chris browse, Um ST Petersburg Junior College, Chris Browse. Workforce Innovation Center. Um. I would say ribbon cutting today except it wasn't a ribbon cutting. It was is an inaugural, Uh, celebration of that. And, um It's really gonna help us in the sense of the type of economic development that we're doing right now, which is, um um, asset based in cultivating or businesses and the idea behind the center is that some of our young people may not be ready for college, but they center works with employers that have a lot of openings. That Put the word out the fund their training , or at least they fund the program to train the students. And then they can work with that corporation for a while until they decide what they what they want to do, and that's very similar to what we need. We need to, um, basically take care of the businesses that we have already here. And that's very consistent with the strategic plan. And also want to congratulate former mayor DiDonato On his selection. And again. I wish to congratulate this commission and, um With the wisdom and going forward from here. Thank you very much. Meeting adjourned at 905. Yeah.