Called the meeting. To order. This is the February 26 regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board for the city of Tarpon Springs. Uh, Mr Vessey, would you lead us in the pledge in the invocation, please? To the play. One nation. Literally. Judgment. I. I came prepared today for an invocation. I'm sure that all of us noticed how lovely the weather was. It appears that spring is here. Also judging from the amount of oak pollen in my pool Spring. Also brings the season of Easter. And in the season of Easter, it also brings Lent. And of course with our special community of Orthodox. L would bring Sort of costs. The Which is fasting. It's also a period of Self denial. Self examination. Giving. And maybe personal reflection. I believe that We all could use some personal reflection. Especially as we move into this new year. Mhm. Thank you. All right, before we get into the per and mission. Uh, there's a couple Little things first to welcome our new members. Susan Swenson, who is over here. Uh, we're happy to have you with us and look forward to your contributions. Uh, Also, staff would like to comment on the new agenda Portal access system that that we're all being forced to use tonight. Um just wanted to find out was everybody able to access the portal? OK? I didn't have access to a computer. I'm having some trouble with the Internet, and I do have a couple of hard copies of somebody really needs one tonight. Um but if you do need assistance on that we can we can you know if anybody wants like a, um Oh, well, screenshot tutorial. Anything to walk you through that we can assist you with that going forward. This is our first. Uh Try. We think you're really gonna like it. We like it , Uh, you'll be able to just pull up the individual documents that will be very, very fantastic for the public because instead of this big PDF You, You know 300 page PDF. And they're gonna be able to click on documents. Look at the stuff and I really think it will be great. So hopefully Um, If everybody has a available, I'll go ahead and give, uh Mr KK to a paper. Copy. Anybody else want a paper copy? I'm having some issues. Thanks. All right. And since we have a number of Members of the public here. Uh, briefly go through our purpose and mission. Uh thank everyone for attending the Tarpon Springs Planning and zoning board. The purpose of the planning and zoning board is to conduct public meetings on the items that come before it. The planning and zoning board has reviewed the evidence in the agenda packet for each item on the agenda this evening. Including the application materials in the staff report, the board will consider that evidence along with any new evidence or testimony that's provided at the public hearing. The board will consider all the information provided to us at this hearing in accordance with the quasi judicial procedures by which we're bound I will ask the city attorney to explain these quasi judicial procedures at the appropriate time. This board uses these procedures to judge whether the application meets the intent of the city's adopted comprehensive plan, future land use map and whether the application conforms to the city's currently adopted land development code in zoning Atlas. The board will render a decision on each item in the form of a recommendation to the board of Commissioners, who will take the final action on the item. The general hearing procedure for each item called by the chair is as follows staff presentation first, followed by applicant presentation affected party presentation. Should there be any public input staff and applicant rebuttal and finally, board motion discussion and vote? Uh, can we have a roll call, please? Mr Seamen. You. Mr S Kudos. Mr Vey here. Mister Zembla. Frey. Here, Mr Rock, we is early. Here, Miss Swenson here. All right. Uh that brings us to a brief announcement of the change in the agenda application 22-1 12 Ordinance 20 24-01. Which was an amendment to the land development. Neighborhood conservation overlay is deferred to a date to be read advertised. So that one won't be addressed tonight. That brings us to the approval of minutes of previous meetings tonight we're addressing the May 15th 2023. Minutes. Uh, I need Uh, A, uh, motion in a second and then we can discuss if we need to. I'll go ahead and motion to approve the minutes. That something that Or is there any discussion that anyone has on that item? I just have a quick question for counsel. If I could. I was not present physically for that meeting, but I did have the opportunity to review it The day after Should I abstain or no, You should still vote on the item. And you can always do that. Even if you're absent for the meeting that it pertains to because you're approving it as a public record of the city. Thank you. All right. Uh, if there's no further discussion, can we have a roll call? Just Miss Swanson. Miss early? Yes Mister Rockline? Yes Yes, Mr Ves? Yes Mr Su? Yes. All right. That brings us to item number five. They're trying to make me say, quasi judicial more times than ever before. Without screwing it up. Uh, K judicial announcement and swearing of speakers. Uh, You Mr Chairman. The matters before the city of Tarpon Springs Planning and Zoning board are quasi judicial in nature and a quasi quasi judicial proceeding. The board's function is to make findings of fact, based upon the evidence presented at the hearing and apply those findings of fact to previously established criteria contained in the city of Tarpon Springs Code of Ordinances. This is a legal decision regarding the application before the board , the board may only consider evidence that the law considers competent, substantial and relevant to the issues arising from the application and the applicable code sections. If the evidence demonstrates that the application meets the criteria contained in the code of ordinances, then the board is required by law to grant the applicant's request. If the evidence demonstrates that the application does not meet the code criteria, then the board is required to deny the applicant's request. Any and all persons providing testimony at this hearing are required to do so under oath. All persons testifying at this hearing must give their name, address and mis indicate whether or not they have been sworn for the record prior to proceeding with their testimony, all testimony in questioning at this hearing To address matters that are relevant and material to the application pending before the city's planning and zoning board. Any board members who have disclosures such as ex parte communications or conflicts of interest. Please make your disclosures at the beginning of the hearing. The following is established procedure which will will be followed at this quasi judicial hearing. First staff will present its testimony and evidence regarding the application and the applicant will have the opportunity to ask questions and cross examine city staff in any city witnesses. The applicant will then have the opportunity to present their witnesses and evidence and the city will have the opportunity to cross examine the applic. And any of the applicants, witnesses , then members of the public opposing and in support of the application will be given the opportunity to provide their testimony and evidence. Finally the applicant and then the city may present any rebuttal testimony and evidence in a closing statement for summary, then the board will close the public hearing for consideration and a decision at this time. Anyone who's going to be speaking at this hearing, please stand to receive the oath. Raise your right hand. Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth on the matters here before the city of Tarpon Springs Planning and zoning board this evening? Please remember to state your name address and indicate that you've been sworn prior to proceeding with your testimony. All right, Uh, and it does mention down here about the speaker. Time limits. I think we've We've got enough going on tonight. We do need to Stick with those time limits. Yes, those will be four minutes each. All right. That brings us to item number six on our agenda application. 23 1 22 and 23 1 23. And resolution 2024 06. It's a conditional use approval and site plan approval for property located at 5, 12 5, 14, 5, 15, 5 , 16 and 520 Island Drive and 520 Hill Street and this is a quasi judicial item. Uh, Does the staff have to make announcement before the presentation? Um I have represented the applicant in and other matters. Not in this particular matter. Um, I don't know if that would, uh Put me in a position of disqualify me. On this particular case. Um. In accordance with the Florida bar rules. Um, would there be any conflict of interest with respect to the current matter? I've since I've not been participated in in any of these discussions or development with this, Um I don't think it would put me in conflict with regard to this, but I will leave it. You know, the optics are that that I've represented, uh Uh, Turtle Cove, the space and other matters so. With the respect to those other matters would anything regarding a vote on this one way or the other and near to your financial benefit or loss? And did any of your representation pertain to this particular parcel or parcels in any way, shape or form? Except what he purchased them in many, many years ago, But that has nothing to do with the with the intended use is. Just the original underlying purchase. Just to be clear. Um. I'm of the purchase was the zoning and Land use at issue. No. Are you still able to make a fair and impartial decision based on the testimony and evidence? That's Going to be presented here today. I believe I can. Other than a review of the sale documents. Would there be any For full. I've not looked at any of the applicant application presentation that's been submitted until just now. OK? All right, but you can still make a fair and impartial decision based on the testimony and evidence that's presented here today. I believe I can I represent a lot of people in this community who appeared before this board and it has not dissuaded me one way or another and my decision making and at the time you represented Were you on this board? Fine. All right. Uh because the staff have a presentation for us. Uh yes. Ali Ken, principal planner with the planning and zoning department. Uh, this application is again a conditional use in site Plan Review. Um under resolution number 20 24-06. The property in includes several different parcels on both the north and south Sides of Island Drive, um, totaling about 1.3 acres in size. The current future land use of this property is CRD, which is the commercial redevelopment district. This particular land use is the land use designated for all of the properties within the city. Special area plan. Uh, specifically, this property is located within the sponge docks Character district of the Special area plan. Uh, the zoning of the property. It falls under the regulations of the Smart Code. So it is in the S DC Marine Industrial Commercial Transect Zone. The applicants are requesting conditional use approval to allow a seasonal short term rental facility. Specifically this is a boutique motor coach resort or an RV park on the subject property. Um according to the definition of the smart code, it falls under that category of a seasonal, short term rental facility. And the big distinguishing factor of that is the maximum amount of, um, stay for a particular unit on that, um, property under a seasonal short term, Uh, rental definition is six weeks or less. They are proposing a total of 16 RV parking pads or lodging units . Um the site improvements include a drop off area on island drive, landscaping, fencing and other site improvements. Uh, the facility will be managed and overseen by the existing Turtle Cove Marina offices, Um, and the general manager will handle any sort of guest issues that arise during a guest stay. Uh, staff will assist all guests with check in and out parking, as well as setup of their vehicles. Uh, the property will be gated, so they'll only be accessed by guests and staff. The subject properties are shown here outlined in yellow again. It encompasses several different parcels, um, in this area on the north and south side of Island drive, Um it is within the S DC transect zone. Um the special area plan boundary is the red data dotted line you see here outside of the special area plan is the Turtle Cove Marina, which is in the WD one. A Waterfront development district. And then across is the stamas yachts. Um uh, facility in the WD two Waterfront development district. This is a look at the existing, uh, future land use within the area again. All properties within the special area plan fall within the CRD. Which is this very light blue area, um, future land use category, Um, outside of the special area plan is the CGF commercial General fishing district and in the IG Industrial General District. This is a look at the current conditions on the property The site does include or encompasses the existing Turtle Cove clubhouse here as well as the pool and a portion of the parking lot. Um all of those facilities and amenities will be available to guests that stay at this facility. Um there is an existing single family home. Still I believe on this parcel in this parcel. The um former single family residences on these two parcels have been demolished over the years. Um those two homes would be removed in order to develop the facility. And just for some context, the Turtle Cove Marina is located just here to the South. This is a look at the site plan. It's kind of small here on the screen, so I'll try to walk you through it. Um a bit. All of the improvements will take place on the parcels to the north here and to the South, the existing clubhouse and parking lot and pool will remain, as is it's just again being utilized by guests of the facility. There will be eight parking, um, places on the North side as well as eight on the South side, um of the facility. They are proposing to have a drop off area on island Drive. This is where guests um, will come and pull off the roads. They do not Any sort of traffic circulation on island drive, and staff members will assist them to get set up. Um at the resort. They are also proposing to fully fence in the entire facility with a black wrought iron aluminum fencing. Um, and they're also being incorporating some landscaping. Um, shown here on the landscaping plan meets all of the required standards of the smart code, which includes landscaping along the frontages around the perimeter. Um, they're utilizing a mixture of different shade trees and palm trees as well as hedges. And then I got to mention they also are required and are installing sidewalks along island drive on both sides of the street. The applicants did provide an exhibit within their site. Plan application. Uh, package showing site circulation. This is just showing that, um the various sizes of motor coaches can circulate safely, Um, in and out of the site. Um so this shows the circulation patterns and how they can maneuver without impeding the right of way as well as other parking, um, pads in the facility. The site plan. Uh, request comes with two warrant requests by the applicant. The first is in regards to parking. Uh, Typically, the smart code requires one parking on site parking space per lodging unit again. They're proposing 16 units so they would technically need 16 parking spaces on site. The applicants are proposing a total of 13 dedicated on site parking spaces, and that will encompass, um, eight parking pads here that will be extended so they could accommodate a motor coach that has a tow behind vehicle and they're also proposing to, um dedicate five spaces in the existing parking lot at the clubhouse, Um, that would be signed and specifically for the use of the UM, resort facility. Uh during the review of this staff does believe that this is kind of a unique lodging. Uh, use in one. One parking space per lodging unit is probably not typical or needed. Um Many of the customers according to the applicant, do not provide or bring any, uh, personal vehicle with them. Um but another consideration was the existing parking lot for the clubhouse has additional parking above the required amount for the existing clubhouse in Marina and with a five spaces so for ever needed additional parking for this facility could be accommodated on site. The second , uh, warrant request is in regards to a street street screen. Uh, the smart code requires a street screen to be installed along the Frontages of Island Drive here and a street screen must be a wall unless a fence or hedgerows approved by warrant. Uh, the applicants are requesting to use a hedgerow and trees along the frontage with a combination of a 3 ft. Tall wrought iron fence. Um, staff does believe that this proposed screen does meet the overall intent of the smart Um, and additionally, by having an an a non opaque, uh, screening with the fence as opposed to a wall, it could help improve visibility and circulation along the street as well as on an in and out of the site. There are a few considerations that we looked at during the review of this application. Uh, first is in regards to context as you all are aware this is a mixed use area. There is retail restaurants, marine related industrial uses parking and residential uses all within a very close proximity. Uh, this particular site is buffered from nearby residential uses by the existing, uh, Turtle Cove clubhouse as well as the marina. This site is also located off of the main thoroughfare of Dodane, Uh, but it is within walking distance to the tourist destinations of the sponge docks . So it does not neces necessitate guests to get a personal vehicle to go to the destinations that they're here to visit to go See? The next was trip generation in circulation, according to the ITE manual for trip Generation. This use generates very, very low trip, uh, volume as well as very few peak hour trips. It's less than one trip per occupied campsite. Um and again, the location minimizes the need for guests to use their separate personal vehicle to go to the destinations. They're here to see. Um the outlet has also demonstrated that the RVs are able to safely navigate to and maneuver in and out of the proposed project site. Next is the sponge docks Character district again. This is within the special area plan, and that character district is primarily comprised of tourist oriented commercial businesses, restaurants and industrial waterfront uses. There is a specific objective within the special area plan that states that we should be providing tourist accommodation options such as hotels, motels, inns and other short stay lodging within walking distance of the tourist destinations of the sponge docks . So although this is proposed project is not your typical, logical, um Facility. It is a type of use that provides necessary short stay accommodations and a relatively small scale, um, within walking distance of those destinations. Uh, the last item is in regards to future development. Uh, this particular project does not necessitate significant site improvements. Um so therefore, in the future, it could really be easily redeveloped into something more, uh, permanent if necessary. The applicant provided with their application. A few example photos. This is a similar facility elsewhere in the state of Florida just to give you an idea of what they're looking to do. There's some more photos provided. Um looking at your conditional use criteria. Staff does believe that all these criteria have been met. I'll quickly read through those, um one. The project does conform with the applicable standards of the smart code. Uh the project is compatible with mixed use area and supports the overall intent of the sponge talks. It also provides the short stay accommodations to support the existing businesses of the sponge docks. Uh, the use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Special Area plan. Uh the project is not proposed on an environmentally sensitive site. It's not located within the historic district or The Greek town National Register district, traditional cultural property. Uh, the general area is mixed use, and the site is buffered from nearby residential by existing developments. We do not believe that it will adversely affect adjoining property values. The proposed use will not impact nor exceed the capacity of the city to provide public facilities in the area. Um the proposed project is developing, um, some underutilized parcels within a developed area. In the there are existing utilities to serve the proposed use, and, lastly, the proposed project is not expected to adversely impact the general health safety and welfare. With regard to the site plan. These are your, uh, four criteria to review Uh, the site plan was reviewed by the technical review Committee and on several occasions, um and has been found compliant with all of our applicable codes and standards, including Storm water review. Um and all the details for these criteria are provided in your staff report. With that S A does recommend approval of resolution 20 24-06 of both the conditional use and site plan. Um including the warrant requested. I went over previously. Uh, we do have a few conditions. The first is in ties to the conditional use request, and that is the total number of RV parking pads or lodging units is limited to 16 based off the size of the property. They could accommodate a few additional units. However staff believes that 16 is sufficient for that particular, UM, area and project site. And then the site plan. We have our typical two conditions, which the construction plans had to be consistent with the site plan approval and the site plan will expire six months from the effective data for the building permit is not obtained. With that I would be happy to answer any questions. I have a I have a couple questions. Um is this location inside or outside? The uh, the Greek town his? It's outside of it. Yes it's just on the border. OK, And what is what's the nearest Short term RV Park. Uh, Or do we even have one? In our city. Do we have an actual RV park within the city limits? Uh, short term, like like. Or as a KO A. Is that the one? Yeah, KO A is probably the most similar. But that's a much grander scale. Is that within our city limits or I don't think so. They're might be one. But I can't come up with one. So there's really not one It's just over and within our city limits. I mean, if you don't know to see Yeah, I'm not. I'm not sure if there's one within the city boundaries. There are ones in nearby a Jason jurisdictions. Yes. I have a question. Slightly are they held to the example photos? Because those photos are great. So I walkways in the grass. So these they're provided as a part of the application. So this is giving you a recollection of what is to be seen on site. Um it doesn't have to be exactly that. But substantially, uh, similar if they came through with something that was substantially different , we would say was inconsistent with their site Plan package they brought forward. Mm. Um I have a question and I just I just might be confused. I thought this was short term. Short term. Correct Yes, but then I saw they're doing on Page nine. They're providing extended parking pads. Am I looking at this The wrong way? Yeah So the extended parking. They're just longer correct because I at length. Yes, Um. I have more questions, but they can wait. I have a few questions. Um. Just wanted to verify the notices that went out. Um unfamiliar with the smart code has any more requirements, Because although we've gone through the whole comprehensive code we since I've been on the staff or the board, we haven't touched the smart code. So is the requirement for the 500 ft. The same Yes, it's the same. And how many notices went out for this? Um, I can look that number up for you. I have it. I'd like to know that for the suit. Yes, I'll I'll grab it when the applicant is up, and I requested this before that that that number be. Be ready because I've asked that in almost every every meeting, so it's really important that everyone's notified. Make sure that they're here so Um, I just wanted to verify were there. Um any concerns that the staff had about anything in this? Application. Well the things that that went over the consideration the conditions Uh, well, the considerations that we went over we looked at this project holistically. Uh, through the review. We've been working with the applicant for several several months. They've gone to the technical review committee several times to address all sorts of items ranging from meeting code standards, as well as meeting the storm water requirements. We talked about traffic circulation the generation we wanted to ensure that the RVS were able to safely maneuver in and out of the site without being on island drive remaining concerns. I'm sorry. Was there any remaining concerns that are articulated in the No. But what's in the staff report? Um covers our review, and there are no outstanding concerns aside from eliminating it to the 16 units, so there are no concerns about the, um The warrants for parking is addressed by the 16. Correct correct? Yes Uh, no concerns about the street screening. No. Um no concerns about the anticipated Travel route from the For the RVs that to take do to ks from a live oak. Around the roundabout to Roosevelt to island drive. Correct There are no concerns about that. And um, our public works. Folks reviewed the application as well. And we talked about the anticipated travel route. Um the applicant will be communicating to their guests. Um if they need to adjust that route for any certain reason, Um, staff's perspective is there are large delivery trucks. There are coach buses. There are RVS now that access that property and access to Deane so in the roundabout size to accommodate those larger vehicles. We don't have concerns. Um And I'd like to know how the, um The factors that were considered in number four. The conditional use Will not result in significant adverse impacts to the environmental or historical resources. Um, what factors? Did you evaluate the staff evaluate to come to that conclusion? So the well the environmentally sensitive sites typically is for like wetlands and areas of those nature. This is not on a mapped, environmentally sensitive site, so it does not address that is also outside of our mapped local historic district. It's also outside the boundary of the Greek town district. Um so it does not have that impact. Um I we believe that it has significant buffering from existing development along that area provides some protection and also the sheer nature of what's being developed is again in the future. Could be something more permanent were to go into place. That could happen without major, um, improvements being made because this is really just accurate improvements. Um, under the smart code again. I'm not familiar with it because we haven't touched it. Um are there any concerns for adversely affecting any commercial property values? No no. This particular use from stats perspective is providing a place for guest accommodations for overnight stays that can Essentially benefit the businesses in the area. Can you remind me? When was the last time the smart code was updated? The smart code has been periodically updated over the several years for the last. Um I would say it was 20. Was it 2022 ? We did updates following the hotel discussion adjusting some of the heights? Um, but the smart code was adopted in 2011. It's significant more Her. It's been it's significantly newer than our land development code that was in 1990. What were the updates that were made in 2022? They were specific to the hotel heights limitations. There is more specificity provided for above a certain height limit was a conditional use requirement, as opposed to like an automatic allowance. Were you at the um historic Greek town meeting at Rusty Belly's? Yes, OK. I just wanted to, you know, point out that there were some discussions . Um granted, they were provided by the consultant to The workshops at various tables. Mr Space is actually sitting next to me at that, Um, in some of the options for the, um Interested, affected parties to look at and evaluate if they were interested in was Maybe eliminating curves. At the sponge docks. Maybe even You know, taking streets away and you know, I understand that sometimes there are is communication issues between separate committees and boards within the city, but This application, as you said, has been going through TRC. So it has definitely been You know? The stuff has been aware of this application. And these RVS and this being their anticipated route, which you don't have any concerns about, Um, you know, and it it's just concerning to me being at that meeting two weeks ago, listening to a consultant in front of our staff propose. Eliminating curbs. While also a couple weeks later listening to an application, saying that RVS luxury RVS which are like the Mac Daddy RVS. Coming down do to ks with Simply no curves. It's very It's extremely concerning that these Different types of factors are not necessarily, um, you know, being considered by the staff together. Um so I. I would say that that's not that's not an accurate portrayal. So yes, I would say that it is so these are these all are considerations . So yes. At the Greek town meeting, there was discussions over. I'm going to correct you on that. It's an accurate portrayal. I was at the meeting, so don't Please don't let's let the record of that meeting speak for itself. There is no record. It wasn't money yet, but that's OK. Well, let me just I'll. I'll try to answer your question. Or at least provide a response to your question. Um but in regards to say if anything were to change on odes, traffic circulation wise, then this area , as you all know, has there are several streets. It is a grid system. There are other avenues to access the property, and there's other ways for a vehicle to get to this location. So it wasn't disregarding. My next question was, I would think that there should be a traffic study because it's anticipated route. Um, is first of all it it it one anticipated about it. There's no guarantee. I don't know how you would ever insure that I don't know how the applicant could ensure that and I can guarantee you those that the RV could not make those turns on the other road, so I would I would hope that the staff could do a traffic study. I saw the squiggly lines on the site plan that you showed before and it just was not really convincing. These are engineered again. Let's try so a traffic study so I would. That's just my recommendation. I'm just just I'm Any questions? Um I would. You know again, I'm concerned about the impact on dodo ks of just the actual roads. The These huge RVS, which will all have at least one car because they're do you know how close the nearest grocery store is? Public SP to see there are several. I know how close is it to this location ? 2 2.5 Miles, so they're going to How do you anticipate that they're going to travel there? Most of them will only will not have a vehicle. I. I can't answer that question. And then the six week stay, and this could be a question for the applicant. Um do you does the Stephanie idea how that would be enforced? So that's the that's the definition of short term seasonal rental. If there is a complaint that there is an RV there that's extending that stay. Then the code enforcement could be involved. I know in discussions with the applicant he's also talked about putting it in their, um, documents for these days of maximum lengths of stay, But that is how they could operate. If they are someone there, parked there for several months at a time that's not permit permissible under this use, and they would have to code enforcement. It would be a problem it it could be, yes. That's all the questions I have. Thank you, And the number of postcards was 47. Thank you. Because that's Pat. I'm sorry. 47 postcards. No, thank you. Thank you. For the record, you have been sworn as well Correct. Mm. You've been sworn Oh, I'm sorry. Yes. OK, Thank you. I assume the drainage has to be blessed or or maybe has already been blessed by, uh, either DEP or the water management District . Whichever one has jurisdiction in this Yes, Yes. So um, the site plan was fully reviewed by our stormwater consultants and it is compliant with our requirements and they'll be required to obtain all of their, uh, necessary documents from the water management district. And that's double verified in the permitting stage. Right, so that . That hasn't been completed yet , but it would have to before they pull the actual building. The storm Water management review has been completed. Um we verify once they submit construction plans that it's still compliant. So there were no changes made in between. Um so that takes place like the permitting stage and then they have to provide their swift mud. Um, which is the modern man management District. Um, documentations at that time. Yes. I join her concern about These massive RVS. Going up and down, Go to K and making that roundabout and obviously You know, I don't I've never driven an RV, but it seems Careless to me, and there's so much foot traffic. Particularly down in that roundabout. Um. I. It's very concerning to me and I guess I have another question. About these RVS and I. I don't know RVS so If it's summer time. In an RV is placed there. And they Have they wanna run their AC? Is the engine running or is that totally separate? Do you know I? I don't know. I. I would defer to the applicant. Um on how those operations work. Um I'd also defer the applicant to maybe expand on the actual circulation and getting to the site. Um, he provided us his his assumed route that they would take. But there's other avenues. Um and again like when staff was reviewing this. We looked at what operates. You know, there are. There are trucks. There's coach buses. There's all different types of things. So yes, there is. There's lots of people. There's lots of activity on The street. Um, but in addition to You know, accommodating the size of the vehicles. Perspective was also that it's a small facility that would have minimal traffic, minimal trips throughout the day . One of the concern actually that I was thinking about as well was the diesel fuels the diesel fuels? OK if you have 16 Big luxury RVs running their AC off of diesel. All day all night. It's 90 degrees. These are diesel fumes. I mean, That's a concern and I don't know how they work. They do they do plug into shore power. OK so it's electric or land power? Yes they have 50. Or 100 AMP. Services just like a house does but and keep quieter than your neighbors. And then. But again, I'll I'll go back to the diesel fumes because there is nothing worse than being behind a bus and all these people walking up and down Dodo Kis. It's more diesel fumes, okay? I have. I have a couple questions right now. I don't know if you're done, Um There are currently there are some commercial warehousing, commercial manufacturing, whether it's and do they not, or do you know whether or not they get semi trucks that come and go and deliver, whether it's uh uh uh, Hela Bakery? Uh uh, the fish market. They come and go and also, uh, FAA large semis that come and deliver to the restaurants down at the span dos. Yes, And they they particularly have to manage Doda Kines because there that's the route that they come down. Um So Would it be fair that there is already Seiss that come and go up and down Dota Kines that serve as not just the restaurants, the gift shops. The uh uh uh. Rusty Bellies Fish Market Hela Bakery. And whatever else that may be going on down there. Would that be a fair statement? A fuel trucks that come and drop, Uh, fuel off at the fuel depots. So do Cadiz is used. By just boarding cars. Thank you. Yes. Sorry. Yes. And my question would also be how many of these RVs have tag along cars behind them because they're not running these RVS all the time. Some of these are large enough where they have a car. They get in and they zip around to all these grocery stores and Yeah, And I think the out because you kind of talk about you know the tendencies or, um, the typical behavior of these types of guests. Um but, um, under our review, it was explained to us that not not everyone to a vehicle. Um some do. Um but really the, um reason for this particular location is because of its walk to destinations so that the car is not as necessary. Um yes. You may need it to go to other places, but the primary destinations are within a few footsteps. I have a quick question, Ellie. If I could I know in the material. There was a ton of stuff about stormwater management. But as part of the, uh, technical review committee, what did you feel? Or was? It examined that there's adequate potable water supply and sanitary drainage provisions to accommodate what could be 32 or 64 people, you know, at one time at on the site, theoretically, yes. Um they are required to provide their facilities impact. So the amount of water and sewage and all that, um, used for this facility. Um, those are reviewed by our utilities folks, and they are found to be sufficient. If I could follow up on him a little bit. I looked at the renderings the You know of what it would look like I finished and I saw a lot of real pretty grass. Uh, A RE They going to get reclaimed water? How? Who's gonna Just gonna water these trees or this grass. They're required to have irrigation. I don't know. I don't believe that There's reclaimed water in this location in this area, um, so they'd be required to irrigate. With potable water. If there's no reclaimed, available or it can be extended to that site, yes. Um Thank you. There may be. One more question and then a follow up. Um Is it? Your understanding, or I guess in Is part of the narrative here that the short term six week RV People, and I'm gonna clarify that statement in a second are here. Is tourists for the sponge dogs, and that's where they will be frequenting for six weeks. So the short term definition gives a time frame so short to be a short term rental facility or unit. It's six weeks or less. That gives you your time. Um after speaking with the applicant, the typical stay length of stay for these residents are usually 3 to 4 days at a time. Um and they're here to visit the locations that are nearby. So, yes, Some people may stay longer or less, but they cannot stay longer than six weeks. But I just wanna clarify. And this has come up in our comp plan. Um In, uh, wanna revisit it. And I because of this issue because I think there's a distinction between Visitors. And tourists. And it's a great site for other reasons than the sponge dogs. I mean, it's on the water there. I mean, obviously, we know that this there's multiple reasons why people wanna stay there. We've had these discussions about Hey, the sponge dogs is a is a half a day destination to one day destination. Whatever one of people say about that. It's definitely not a six week destination, and that's why obviously, you know, I think that came into your the staff's evaluation as far as the cars situation as far that because that wouldn't be reasonable if people are going to have a With them on all of these, um RVS, So I just think that there's a distinction between visitors and tourists. And I think that this this lodging this special lodging it should be considered because I mean when there was a hotel, which would bring tourists we had, you know, the Merchants Association here and I don't see them tonight, so there's definitely a distinction between visitors and this is not a critique or a negative, but I think that that is a distinction that should be realized by the by the board. As well as the visitors and tourists. Are not the same. Type of individuals. There's other reasons to visit the area, but we do have to consider. I think as a board the impact on the tourism industry. As well. Not to say that that that they're not entitled to their visitors as well, but we have to look at the same because they are in close proximity. And that should be taken into consideration. OK? Yes. Further questions for staff. That is, everybody else asked all the questions. Miss keen so good to see you. How are you today? I'm good. How are you? So under the Application in the short term lodging that this would be provided by Would it be possible? That the owner Were at some point in the future. To purchase and park Their own. RVs on these pads. And let them out. Or short term stays. Um. In more of an Airbnb or a verbal or, however, that's done and kind of in a way. Using this kind of like a food truck service. So was that some is that a provision that could happen Or would there be any built in guard rails against that so applied, I would say based off of the application that's being presented today. It's intended for people to bring their personal RVS to location and to take those away not to have ones permanently there. If it were to change into something, or there's something permanently at the site, I think they would likely have to come back through a process. OK so that that's my question, which is, I understand the intent of the Today, but I could see Easily. And in fact, I kind of see it that way that the ideal situation would be to buy four fiber of my own. They're for sale right now and park it on those extended pads or allow a some other owner to park theirs for a continued And then sublet that out and turn those into just mini air. BN BS. So do we have any constraints as written into this application or within our smart code that would make sure that the intent and the spirit is actually enforced by law? So again, my our interpretation of the application is that it's for personal VRVS who come and go to the site. Um I the board could put a condition that's very clear. Um to attach the conditional use if you felt that was necessary, just to really, uh, enforce that. Um, but I would say the interpretation was being presented today is they're not permanent vehicles parked on the site and that was a concern of staff as well. That's we really talked about. You know, there was a six week time limit. What happens? Um you know that is your cut off. It's intended for short term stay now, if they wanted to come back in the future and You know, go through a process to build little tiny homes on those pads to have more permanent places where people can come and do air BB at air BNB. They would have to come through this process again because it's a different application than what's presented to you today, agree because in RV is a tiny home a wonderful one. So if hypothetically what verbiage would we include so that we just nipped that right now and made sure that all of the page were always By by non owners and were never allowed to be sublet. So um, ultimately you can't do that There is an industry that does rent RVS. So you know, I I'll use myself as an example. I don't have an RV. But if I wanted to, I could go and rent an RV the same way that I could rent a car and then go and put it there. Ultimately because of the way that your ordinance is drafted with the six week limitation and The, um If any vehicle were parked there for more and because they are all registered, So that's an easy thing for code enforcement to track, you know, and if there were any vehicle that were parked there for more than six weeks, it would be flagged and it would be it would result in a code enforcement action. You wouldn't have to actually be reported. Um or I mean, that would help, obviously, But it would. I'm sorry. No that That was my question. My question Done. Thank you very much. But in order to maybe, uh, as a condition Uh, that the Reynolds required that the rental agreement. Make specific reference that the that the stays are limited. Six week specific reference to towns or to the city's ordinance you if you wanted that would be a condition a condition that that they're the whatever rental agreement they have in place reference the six weeks requirement. OK, but then you you could say something to the to the point of no vehicle. In addition to that no vehicle may be allowed to stay in one of the spaces more than The six weeks and Because, as it is. The people could change but not the vehicle. But if you address by address it by saying no vehicle can stay longer than that. You've kind of caught it both ways. I think so. Um I. I don't know if there's any more board questions. I actually had a question. Uh, so when I looked at this the first time I actually mistakenly made the assumption That the Turtle Cove. LLC and the SNN Tarpon Enterprises Inc were the same. Or related entities. But in looking at At SUNBIZ and all that. It appears that they are not. They are actually separate entities. So my question is with respect to the parking agreement. You're essentially giving them the five off-site parking agreements. Do we have a recorded easement for those five parking spaces or an easement that would be recorded Assuming that this, um application were to be approved? Um, we don't have separate easement agreement . We could request that as a condition to be provided with the permit. Um Yeah, because. Believe the property owner, he he's tied to both properties. But we can get an easement agreement just to make sure it's very clear I. I actually am looking at and unless I have it wrong. I did not see that there was a relationship between the individual company owners now that that obviously that would be nice if the there is a relationship that that could be cleared up, but because it is very clear on the property Appraisers website that one that that actually you know, there's three parcels and I was kind of curious as to why there's not going to be a unity like I also they would all He has one in the property owners, particularly where we're doing a site plan. That's come, you know, based on a combination of all these properties, but the, um particularly what I was I was interested in is the aspect where you have an off site parking. Allowance but that has to be memorialized in some sort of easement agreement that does get recorded. With respect to these properties in order for it to be considered. To meet that requirement. Yes, we can request that we can add it as a condition. And attorney Kardashian. I'm not sure if you on your research on SUNBIZ if you found that Tarpon Turtle Cove condominium association as well, because I was a little confused. Did I did see that that were neighboring. Those were neighboring properties that did not appear to have a relationship to this application . Um I did, though, and part of the reason I probably thought that they were a related entity is because isn't the leasing office. In the Tarpon Cove clubhouse. Isn't that what I read? It's Yes, they're they're all they all operate together. OK, um I. I would like some clarity on the record, particularly if the business entities no longer exist than you have a site here that would no longer have a leasing office on site, if whatever relationship between these two different entities no longer exists. OK the property owner is here so he can probably provide a little bit of information, but we can definitely add conditions for whatever type of documentation that you need. OK, Thank you. Any further questions for staff. Since we have none, uh, with the applicant like to make a presentation. So approach the microphone state your Name and address. And you're welcome to rebut anything that anyone has said or just make your presentation. Fair enough. Edward Spath 847 Roosevelt Boulevard. Uh, Tarpon Springs and yes, I've been sworn in, Um I'm more than happy to answer all of your questions your concerns, and I'd like to kind of clarify this whole project a little bit. Um and give everybody a better understanding of what this really is. So um, I do own Turtle Cove Marina. I do own the clubhouse. As well as all the SNN tarpon Enterprise properties. Um I purchased those many, many years back. Um I've had four different people approach me about building restaurants. I've had people approach me about building hotels. Quite candidly. That property is sat there for vacant for many, many years, and I've looked To try to find something to do with it. Um I've sat down with people. I'm not a developer . I'm a marina guy. I've looked at, uh, people to build town homes on it, Um, different things and with flood insurance, hurricanes and all of this stuff here, it's gotta come to a point to where I sell the land, which I've had the land up for sale for probably six years, and I think we all are fine in this down here in tarpon, um, especially on the sponge docks, if something that would end up happening to a building or a structure down there we have Very expensive pieces of property that somebody needs to be able to and build something on. I took the approach. Two years ago. Uh, during covid to buy a motor coach and start traveling with my wife, I've visited many, many high end motor coach parks. I can answer questions about toe behind vehicles. Fifth Wheels trucks. I'm gonna go through the whole gamut of this and any of your concerns. I'll be more than happy to answer. So, with that being said Um, I did approach staff about it to say, Would this be something that would be potentially Doable down there. The way I looked at it is as being a large land owner on the sponge docks. A walk. Ability of the sponge docks is huge. People love to see the waterfront. Citizens don't want the waterfront blocked. So if I were to build town homes or something on there. It would block the view. These are concrete or pavers, Pa. Pa pads I'm undecided on which I'm gonna do at the moment. Um pavers are a maintenance nightmare. Um they will settle over time. You'll get weeds growing through them so more than likely it's gonna be concrete pads. As far as what the overall facility is going to look like. I've got one opportunity building a boutique motor coach Park. To make an aim. And have people return. If they have a bad experience. My business is done like in anybody's business. If you have a small business if I don't treat those people right, and they don't have a good time here, and they don't have first class amenities, which is why I'm using the clubhouse or swimming pool, which has not been open for 3.5 years now because of Covid. Nobody wants to come in and do anything. People have approached me about building a restaurant. I don't wanna be in the restaurant business. My wife would kill me if I got in the restaurant business. I don't want to be in the restaurant business, but I do know that my marina patrons Who are local and non local people that come here and use their boat. Use the sponge docks and the way I view this is it's no different than a transient boater coming and visiting my marina or coming and visiting. The city's marina and getting off of their boat and walking the sponge docks. People coming by boat. Maybe we'll stay three days. Four days. People coming in. These motor coaches are going to stay three or four days, The rule of the thumb and the industry out there right now is these people travel with this motto of 333? And that stands. For They don't wanna drive any more than three hours to their next destination. They wanna stay three days. And they wanna arrive by three o'clock. The majority of these people that have these RVs that we're talking about. Or older people they have discretionary income. They enjoy doing stuff. My wife and I have a big diesel motor boat. I mean, uh, a motor coach. We don't pull it hard. When we go somewhere we've been to Saint Augustine. We've been all the way up to Washington, DC to see Maryland. I meet a lot of people. We go, we uber or we'll catch a rail system going in and out of towns or doing something so to some concerns about grocery stores and all of this stuff. These whether it's 1/5 wheel or it's a, uh, luxury motor coach. They have full size refrigerators. They have washers . They have dryers. They have microwaves. They have ovens. They have heated floors. They plug in. They plug in. We are going to have shore power Pedestals. 50 AMP. There are sewer dumps that come right out that go in. So nothing is going anywhere. These are luxury items that people are traveling in today. Because people. Are more embraced in family and doing things as well as people. When they go to these certain locations. They have families or they have friends that maybe went to college or somewhere. These are going to be people that are gonna come down here and they're gonna walk in every restaurant and every shop and they're going to spend their money and they're gonna go. I've driven as I said. As far as Washington DC. In a 43 ft. Motor coach, a diesel pusher. Tag axle. These. Turn and drive like a car. It's not the old school. Uh what you know, uh, that RV movie with? Uh I don't know who the guy is, Whatever. But these. These these are not the these. These are. These are machines today. It's like getting a boat. Believe me, I have almost 500 Boers at my marina. And They may be able to afford a boat, but a lot of them may not be able to drive them sometimes. But today with technology you have systems on a boat that you can basically steer it with a joystick. These buses have 15 cameras on them. They have guidance avoidance. They have everything you would want on them. I also thought about coming to my location. I drive. Up and down that sponge docks and I have for 22 years when I came to this town and developed the marina. I drive it every day. We all drive by GPS today. And we listen when we drive and it's saying Go, go, go, Go, go, go when I drive the sponge docks. I break Stop break stop only because there are other vehicles that are slowing the traffic flow to get to my location. These buses are these Fifth wheels have GPS and it's gonna say continue here. 300 Ft. 400 ft. Make a left. It's gonna pull you in there so as far as as traffic going up and down It's not gonna be any different than anybody else was 16 coaches or RVS coming in. We are talking more realistically, 1 to 2 a day. That is it. That's all that's going to travel that sponge dock area. Also with The flooding issue down there. Between Roosevelt Boulevard when it was paved in front of the marina going around the island. My customers right now are driving very, very expensive. High end sports cars SUVS as soon as you turn off Roosevelt Boulevard and you go down an island drive, you're in water at high tide. Like I said, I have one opportunity to do it right. I've already talked to the city and the staff. I'm paving that road in raising it out of my pocket to make sure that I don't have a million dollar bus going into salt water anymore, and my customers don't have to drive their expensive cars in there. I'm a very Particular businessman, and I want things done, right? So I'm gonna do it right? The six week stay. That is beyond what I even That was brought to me. It is going to cost somebody Roughly $4200 to $4500 a month to stay on one of those paths. If you go to the KO a up here it's 100 and $40 a night. If you want to sit on the water down here, you're gonna spend 100 and $90 a night. Or would you rather stay here or here? It's like anything out there today. That facility will stay busy. It will bring people into the restaurants that will bring people into the shops. They're gonna let people know if I do it right? And we're gonna have a lot of people down here. Scallop and has become a big issue down here right now. You know all of a sudden we can scallop here That would be a great venue for somebody to bring their motor coach or something they can talk about at the marina. They can go out with their family. They can stay the weekend we have the festivals down here You have the arts Festival. You have the seafood festival. These people travel They don't live in Pinellas County. They travel from out of the county. They come here and their RVS. You can go down there any given day and I have pictures until the cows come home. Everybody's parking on my property right now. In RVS, they're down there. So as far as them coming down and doing That they're gonna come. Regardless I'm giving them a safe site. To enjoy Tarpon Springs and everything that it has to offer and the history And if I wanna change it one day I can scrape the concrete off and decide to build something. It's a simple way to do something with the property. Clean it up. Because I'm tired of hearing about code enforcement. I need to mow it to be candid. But all I do is mow grass down there right now and pay taxes. So uh, I'd answer any of your questions. I probably rambled on a little bit. I know, but I have a couple of questions that I want to address it first. Um, I I've known you since you you came to town, and I know that when you built the Turtle Cove, you were proactive in dealing with The fire department . Fire marshals about everything . And I remember that distinctively about you. So I and I know you've had that property for a long time. In. I'm glad that you said that I'm unfamiliar with RV traveling in this 33 this thing that you said, and I think That that would have been helpful in it. So what there is in the what From what we have is all the That they have right? So they they have to put you in a category, but there is a an option for a narrative and I don't think that that was necessarily. Maybe that would have helped us understand. I think a little bit better about the actual Proposed use because I said I, I do know that you are. You've had this probably a long time. Wouldn't just Do this all of a sudden, you know, you didn't just come here last year and throwing this out here, so that would have been really helpful, and this is more of a note to staff. Um rather than to try to make what you are trying to do into something that it is not, which is all we have to look off of. So if we can just see the six weeks You know, that's all we're seeing. And that's but is from you're saying is that that's not even how it's gonna be. It's too expensive for these people to say and I understand. You know what you're saying? And honestly, I have no issue with that. My concern, obviously, is still the travel. Thing I don't think is, Mr Cusa said. It's comparable to our trucks that deliver things because those are necessary, and that's always gonna be an issue. They come in the morning. And honestly, to the benefit of all of your, um, if that could be something you just say best to come before noon on any day just for travel in in general for because it sounds like it's not a necessary um, the season. These are seasonal, but not necessarily by a certain season. They're just because I know my clients. A lot of my clients have RVS and travel and that they time is not An issue for them, but they have all the time in the A lot of a lot of them are retired. They they go. It's hard to Um Tell somebody. They can be her at a certain time, though, because if they're if they're leaving Braton or Longboat and you get on 75, or you get on 19, and there's a wreck. They they can't get here. So, um But I mean just is like that. I mean, honestly, I know where the location is it. It is away from everything and I get it. And um, but I again that my only concern really is that I just You know, with getting there and I just to make sure that tho those are addressed that that they're aware of those if they can't come the way that they're supposed to that they are aware of the Other You know, impair like the other roads that that that those are not roads that these big luxury like RVS can turn down. Well it's a situation with with everybody who has a business down their own decks right now, Uh, it it it's not. But no, but what I'm saying is, is tide. I mean, I don't Need my customers coming down here for the very first time. We've never come here and then they turn off or they come across live oak go through the traffic light, and now they're in front of Demetrius and in a foot and a half of water, so The same way we have We have a hump. Right past rusty bellies. When we did a lot of transient business, there was a flat rock there, so we always ask our transient voters who came. What time do you expect to be at the marina, and if it was low tide, we warn them do not come or slow up a little bit. Come in in in two hours earlier or later, speed up Same situation here if there is a situation, and we know in the summertime when high tide is. I'm gonna tell people to basically turn off a 19. Come down Tarpon Ave. Down to the bayou around. They can get back in offer. It's easy to make a left hand turn. It's hard to make a right hand turn. They can make a left hand turn. They can go right down Roosevelt and Poland right past the marina and not even go down the sponge do so again. I don't know. I. I think everybody here If you see salt water, you don't wanna drive through it so but if you have to you live here. It's one thing but to have a guest or somebody come here and wanna repeat And not a bad blog out there. You better put your best foot forward and make sure they don't go through salt water, So I'm gonna be very you know, observant about that and make sure that my staff knows Look, you know, it's like a tide chart . Here. We have it just if these people are checking in on this day, let's make them aware of san them an email and make sure and pick up the phone and call them and say, Hey, listen, you know if you can leave a little later there you can come in earlier. Come in. So I, I understand your concerns. And how large are the parks that you've been going to the last few years? Very small. Um I mean, I mean, excuse me. I mean small. I mean, uh, nothing to the to the size of this. I mean, I've been going to I've been in parks that have been 1500 sites. I've been in parks that have been 3040 nothing. Nothing This small. The only thing I've I've even re remotely. The examples that are in there is a marina called Yacht haven down in Fort Lauderdale, Um, that was purchased by a marina group. Uh, West track, actually, and they're developing that down there, Uh, when I went with my wife and my kids to country Music festival over on Fort Lauderdale, we stayed at that motor Coach Park. Um and when I pulled up and I saw the wooden dock and I saw the waterfront, and I saw the Marina, I was like A light bulb went off. My wife and I were like, Well, we have this right here. We're trying to, you know, shove a square peg in a round hole. It's that's when I came back and said the staff would this be something that would work that would you know be You know, aesthetically pleasing as well as allow me to move forward because my son's running running my marina. Now he graduated college with an MB A. I'm trying to do some other stuff, and I'm looking. He doesn't want me to sell the marina. So I'm like, Well, what am I gonna do with this land if I can't have a restaurant? I gotta do something with it. So that's that's where this just came up about so and yes, I have had the land for probably seven years so Thank you. Yeah. I. I do have a few questions. And um, one of the questions council had addressed was using your your current leasing office at the marina as the leasing office for this, but the clubhouse itself has its own office space. Correct. Correct. So if you had to end up selling Let's say you sold the radar or whatever change a different ownership you out there actually is a place on site. To have a leasing office. On site. Well the actual the marina itself has has its own has its own office. I know so many brought up and mentioned something. I think it was, um yourself regarding Turtle Cove Condominium association. That was the craze and the Rays back in 2006 to 8. I only condo one part of that marina and sold slips there. I'm actually in the process Right now. Everything's already the amendments have been . It's that ton of Mi association is being terminated. It's going away. So I'm still I even though I own the majority of the slips in the condo, I also in the mountains, the Marine and now it's just gonna be totally me. The clubhouse is always me, S and N Tarp Enterprise I bought under a different entity at the time just because it wasn't associated with Turtle Cove. Now the landings at Turtle Cove is gonna be kind of tied in to the to the whole development. It is if you had to. There's office space where there's office space at the marina. It has nothing to do with the There's office space within the clubhouse if you needed to have office space for rental office, correct, necessary, OK, um, on these. These Motor homes because you call this AAA high end. Uh uh. Facility Uh what? What's the average cost of these voters it like, you know, up to a million dollars some of these things that people are driving, um, probably the average out there today. I mean, they are a dime a dozen like boats. OK when Covid. I would say, uh, things range I if you have AAA diesel pusher or something, Um, you're talking 300,000 to 2 million. Um The I. I know. One concern was diesel exhaust fumes. Um My forklifts at the marina, the two that I just purchased and every diesel vehicle Back in the day. You used to be behind a bus or used to be behind a car and he stepped on the gas and you got Hit with soot. Um everything now runs on DEF Diesel exhaust fluid . Um you could literally go to my forklifts or you could go to my diesel truck right now and it can run and you could put your nose right there, and it doesn't smell anymore. So, um They're quiet. You hardly hear the noise levels that these new Engines from comings and things come out there. There As quiet as your car is Um, if you're going down the interstate at 75 Miles an hour. Yeah you do hear it go by because of the turbos. But other than that, when they're just idling, and they're quiet, so they're not. They're not noisy, and they don't You know, produce a lot of soot or don't do anything like that new ones. Well yeah, but the same thing with that I know that staff had had a You know, II. I understand the perception. This is not a RV Park where somebody's gonna come abandon their abandon their RV out. It's the same situation where we don't for what? I charge it at the marina. Nobody's gonna come hide their boat from their bank there. Because it costs too much. And if you read my storage agreements, I don't hold hold boats for bail storage. I mean, Quite candidly. If you don't pay me in the second month, there's already Things in process that are trying to find out where this is the bank. Same situation here. These people are not going to be abandoned in their 300,000 or a million dollar vehicle. Oh, my property, So, but, yeah, I think one of the concerns and it I just know this just from hearing that some people literally live in in their RVS. They live there. They have to. They choose to. They live there. And I think that is a concern. Sure and II. I see that it's limited. Six weeks, short term. And I think part of it. One of the things that we've all been talking about is Policing that Um somebody has to pay attention, and I'm assuming it would be you. Um because you're gonna want that person. Maybe the next person you don't wanna get an ordinance violation a code violation. Excuse me. I Is that you? You would My staff or myself? Yes, I I'm I'm I'm there 34 days a week at the marina, so but But, yes, I mean, it's not a Again. This is this is not there . There are RV parks, and there are A boutique motor Coach Park or there's a high end motor Coach Park. This is what this is. I'm not I. I don't I'm not in in my agreement. Same thing as as at the Marina. If your boat is too old, we don't even take it. We just won't even take it. So the majority of the places that I've visited with my wife if you go in there if you're if your RV or your motor coach is more than 15 years old, they won't even allow you on the property. So we're not gonna be having Uh, Yogi Beron is like little jelly stone coming down the sponge docks and dumping his old air. You know Airstream on that property that the tires are flat on. That's we're not even gonna let him in. We have the right to deny them when they pull over there. If we see something that doesn't fit because Let's let's face it if you're in a million dollar bus and you have something that's offensive or doesn't look good, no different than my marina. There's not a guy that's gonna be sitting in a 65 ft bow and a wet slip and then want some dilapidated boat with a, uh you know a household AC hanging out the side of it. It's just not gonna happen. So you gotta go and believe me, I've thrown many people out of the marina and have been on the phone with the police department and they've had to come down and said, you know, you gotta go. You know, um, well, I don't have anywhere to go. Well you can untie and you can go anchor. It's happened so back to the parking spaces is that are those those are not on your property. They are on my property. They are on your correct. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you. Any other just to clarify. Uh what Darla asked you with respect to it being on your property it Although you own both companies. The properties are titled differently. So the five parking spaces it was. Is that a Yes? The SNN tarp and right now currently Turtle Cove group LLC. Owns the parking lot where the 55 parking spaces are. S and N Tarpon Enterprises is the is the new development part of it, That entity is going to be going away and it's gonna be going into, uh, the landings at Turtle Cove LLC. So as far as if I need to put something that's fine, but I mean, it's unity. I mean, I've done unity and title with the with the city about other other stuff, and that's I don't know what would have to work with that. Here's what I would want for a condition with respect to this. Item is if at the time he applies for his building permits. The properties are titled in the same name. Whether it's the LLC whether it's an individual, whatever it is, but the properties have to be in the same name. If they are not in the same name. Then there has to be an easement recorded. That is a permanent easement for those five parking spaces, OK? And I would just add that the city has Uh, required parking agreements in the past for this kind of situation, So it's not nothing new. 10 of stated this before, But I just have one last question. I know you mentioned that you didn't want a restaurant, but in that you have one shot to make this work, but You have any future plans? It doesn't work out to put a hotel there. No. Not me. Just ask me I had to ask. No I've been approached, Believe me, and, uh, I have no desire now. I mean, no. Nobody wants to pay me what the land's worth. I mean, that's let's let's face it the end of the day, they say, they say they can't make the numbers work. Um it would be the same thing as me coming in and putting $6 million or something in town homes on the waterfront and II. I don't I don't wanna do that. So I'm Gina said. I mean, if somebody fell on your property would be a disaster to sue you. But we were doing so with all those entities. Um I. I do have a actually A question to you kind of got into a little bit about, um, talking about The flooding situation in the area. Um but what would your plans be for the property when there were hurricane evacuation orders? Is that something that you already have written into your lease agreements? It's it will in the at the Marina, we have something that you know 72 hours or, you know, everything's changing. Now the technology is getting way better. We used to not know so. Um All of these people, um they're they're very well tuned to I mean, that's their baby. I mean, so at the end of the day, we're going to notify them that they have to leave. But I'll guarantee if they see an intimate storm coming this way that they're gonna be getting in and they're gonna be going to Ocala or they're gonna be going to Orlando. They're not gonna leave their their their rig sitting down there. They're They're gonna get out of dodge. So Yeah. All right. Any no further questions for The applicant. Uh with that, we'll call for public comments. Then you can be seated for now, Uh, We have any members of the public here wishing to speak in favor of this application. Hey, do we have any members of the public wishing to speak against this application? Neutral. OK OK. You're in the middle. Then state your name and address. Uh, Carl Wfor. I've seen all you guys before. Um member of the friends of the Antelope River. It's been a while since I've been in this room with you. But uh, if you could please give me the, uh, laser pointer so I could use that. Illustration And just for the record, you have been sworn I have been sworn and they live at 98 South Island Avenue unit. 401. Thank you. Um Let me say first that I quite experienced RV er I've been traveling. For the entire summer . Since about 2008, with the exception of two years of, uh Covid. So I have a lot of experience with, uh With not only R Ving, but also towing. There's a term that you you should know called Toad TO AD, which describes whatever vehicle it is that you have hanging off the back of your motor home. In my case, I have told motorcycle on a trailer and a Medium sized SUV. Um. One of the things uh, I . I see some flaws in the design of this, I think, but, uh, I'm gonna try to limit my, uh My criticism to those flaws that are gonna impact the traffic flow. Around the site. I think that's gonna be pretty pretty important. There is a letter in your package from North side engineering. Uh, which in speaks in generalities in general, But in the first sentence more or less it it I quote most customers would not be bringing a vehicle to the site. Having used the motorhome for 16 years that that conflicts with my entire experience if he says most would not be bringing that means it's gotta be 51. That would be most. In my experience. It's more in the order of 20 to 25% of the people Don't Bring vehicles and those that don't are usually traveling in a much smaller unit. Where where it's much easier to get around town, go to shopping centers and so forth. So. Um let me take you through what the process is of, Uh, Arriving at a At an RV park and, uh, getting into it. First thing you've got to do is park your rig, which could include a motorhome and trailer or a big pickup truck and 1/5 wheel trailer. You've got to park it within walking distance of the place that you're going to check into So you go check in. And then the next thing you have to do is If it's a motor home towing something you have to disconnect the, uh, the vehicle from the motor home. And I'm wondering where that's gonna be done. In terms of the, uh There we go. There's a drop off this thing called the Drop off area here that's in the site plan. That I assume is the place where people are supposed to stop check in and then, uh, And then proceed to their site. But the problem is This drop off area is beyond The two entrances on both sides of the road. So the RV park so in order to Access their site. They're going to have to make another loop around Roosevelt and Doe Dese so they can get in this driveway. Or the driveway. Makes it even more difficult when It's 1/5 wheel being towed by a large, uh, pickup truck. Because they're not gonna be able to disconnect it. They're gonna be taking that whole rig. Perhaps 60 ft of it around all these little roads for a second trip. And to what extent is that going to interrupt traffic flow there. The other thing in my experience is there is a usually a check in time for these, uh, parks and typically Uh, there is a line of vehicles waiting to check in. At that time of day. Just like there's a line of vehicles waiting to check out. On their departure date. So. I don't know what the length of this Oops. The. The length of the drop off area is sufficient, but, uh I guess my time is up and I'd like to leave. The owner with one more thought I It's a clever idea. I like the idea of What. All right. Is this within the rules of procedure two minutes, OK? He donates two minutes. Correct for the for the record. Did you get that? Kim Annette Carr, Annette? In the address. Eight. Thank you. I'd like to also point out one of the attractions that I find in whatever park I stay in is to, uh, make sure that there is adequate tree cover that there's a canopy. Over the RVs to prevent the sun from beating down on the roof and turning it into an oven. I haven't seen the landscape plan I don't think with with this project, but I would Um I'd like to see some Some trees in these areas providing shade. Well, I'd like to see it. I think your customers Would like to see the shade. So that they're not burning up all of your electricity. An oven. Right? And, uh, The other thing I'd like to point out is the extra five spaces here. They are separated from. The RV spaces where the RVs are gonna be not only, uh, By the street. But there is a I guess. A translucent, uh, screening so that they're gonna have to walk around like that. The, uh there's a lot of, uh Movement back and forth of equipment and food and various other things between the, uh, the tow vehicle and the RV and I think this would not be a very good solution so I will, uh, thank you for the two minutes and I wish you luck with this. I think it's a great idea because it's al. It's been my concept I used to live in Clearwater Beach that the best use of waterfront property in a coastal high hazard area. Is an RV port because you can roll the hell out of here when the storm is coming, and that might be the future of the sponge docks, 20 or 30 years from now, but Good luck to you on this. Uh, Do we have any other members of the public wishing to speak on this side? Tina Bois 115 Athens Street. I have been sworn in Mhm. I think the applicant really knows what he's doing as a businessman, and I congratulate you for even thinking of raising the road, But I do think there are some problems with this application. Um First of all, I think it's premature there. Uh, we need an independent outside traffic study. Uh to be done, um, the travel route is down a congested street dose with a narrow roundabout and a sharp turn into the lot. RVS and they state. The links are from 20 to 39 ft that are towing another. Something are going to have trouble. Uh, they will have even more trouble when Dodecanese is closed for events or flooded, Uh and they will have trouble on Roosevelt when it is flooded as it frequently does. Um so. I'm not sure frankly, that this is a great place for an RV park, although the applicant certainly does know what he's doing, and I don't want to see those enormous vehicles also trying to get out and cutting through the tiny streets of Greek town, which are essentially like one way streets that they would have trouble getting through without hitting the cars that are already parked. Moreover um the study and report for the Greek town Vision plan is being completed now and there have there were many suggestions at recent meetings. Both meetings I was at both of them for closing Dodecanese at certain times of the day or on certain days and redirecting traffic, so this current proposal is really I think inappropriate until we get that report and I was told by I, I think What was the consultant? But it might have been staff that that report may be coming in as early as March. Um. And I think the Turtle Cove people know this too, because they were at the meeting. Also I want to point out that the site is outside the Greek town Historic district, but it's one block outside the district and it's not And there it is a block or two, depending which way you go from a residential district. Would you like an RV park? A block or two from your house? I mean, it may be a very upscale RV park, but I don't think any of us particularly do want that, especially not when you are a historic district that is trying hard to retain the historical character and is trying to put guidelines in place to do so. I think it's a great idea to do this. I'm not sure if it's the right place. Frankly most RV parks are on the edge of towns not in the middle of towns, and there are all sorts of problems that need to be studied more thoroughly. I think before this can take place. Thank you. Any other members of the public wishing to comment. You lack 514 Ashland Avenue, Tarpon Springs And just for the record, Miss Annie Samaris, uh, has donated two minutes of time. So I can start at six. Sorry T. Thank you. All right. So Carl kinda gave you a you Give your the rest of your address for Miss Creighton, 514, Ashland Avenue, Tarpon Springs and you were sworn correct? Yes, Correct. Thank you, Marco as well. Mrs Marcos, can you give your address for the record to Miss Creighton? All right. So now that all the official signing in stuff can I get reset at six? Thank you, dear. All right. Just wanna follow up a little bit on what Carl spoke. I have been Camping I bought in April 21. We bought a 22.5 ft coachman! Catalina, I pull it with a F 150. And I've had to learn how to pull in and out of parks. Now. One thing about parks. Usually they have a checkout time by 11. No long and then you check in. By two or three and as Carl mentioned You're gonna have somebody waiting there, maybe come in at two o'clock waiting to get checked in. They're sitting there. You got Pelican Point or somebody else wanted to get another truck through. And then you get another RV come behind it. You've got backed up traffic, and he already explained to you some of the issues with regards to that, But I wanna focus on a couple of things that Weren't specifically brought up. When I look at the site plan, I don't see a dump station in Mr Space, said that he's going to have individual dump stations and what that means. At each site. There's gonna be a hole in the ground with a cap. You take the cap off You take your your hose from yours from the bottom of your your trailer or your RV and you run it. Those people who hook up Long term. They stay there and leave it that way. Now, If you're at a place with a dump station, you hold it till you leave and you dump it in one place. Now we talk about flooding. What happens when you got 16? Septic. Tubes running in and then you got a quick Hi King Tide and a rainstorm And then the water floods in you're gonna flood into those Those tanks maybe overflowing. Secondly they're proposing an underground vault system. You're already I think from what I saw on the record, some of the geological only 3 ft. Above the water table. How are you gonna be putting in an underground vault system and a coastal high hazard area? So those are things that really. I believe this is a novel idea can be used, but I also look at it as putting in £10 of potatoes in a £5 bag, and I'm going to explain that a little further to you. I don't know how many of you have an RB of experience in RV, but I've Them and trailer parks or state parks where their RVs and a lot of these big homes is. The gentleman mentioned. It's true they've got pop out slide outs, so when they drive, it's nice and narrow 8 ft. But when they park You can pop out a big section, which has a couch, a dining room table and go out 5 ft. So if you look at the diagrams, you only got 10 ft. Between them. So the way they usually work if you're looking like you're driving this side, you have a canopy this side you gotta pop out. So I you park here and then I parked next to you. I want to put my canopy out. That goes out 5 ft. He puts out his pop out. That's 5. Ft You got canopies and pop outs, hitting I just don't You're just trying to put too much and too too small a space. He's explained that Yeah, there's room in there to make turnarounds. But if you look at the circulation diagram to get you gotta pull away in and then back out, So if you're in the back space, how are you gonna pull way in and then back out, and there is like I said, there's no dump station. There will be electrical hookups, but the other factor. Is really like he's mentioned he's gonna raise the road. So where does that water then? Go to your joining properties, So we're going to have problems with the adjoining properties there. I believe this could be worked. But have been it really needs to be scaled down a little bit more. It would give more room for canopies and trees. When you look at these pictures, and there is kind of hard to get perception of the distances between these places, and they look all nice and manicured and such of that nature But in reality They get used. They get worn. Unless it's really properly maintained and upkeep. You're gonna get dust and dirt from places that Hurry in between these places unless it's properly maintained. But Another factor. Um, really is. Getting in and out of this area. As gentleman mentioned while he's units or GPS, So you're coming down live oak and you get to the deck and easy and then you start going. Then you see? Oh there's water there. We're going to turn on affairs and go up to cedar to go up to Athens or go across to hope, then come back around the Roosevelt to loop back around. How are you going to get these vehicles? To come through there. And, yes, the GPS may tell you to go to Tarpon Avenue and come to spring and come up grand to eventually to Roosevelt and all these jigger jaggery, But you're going to be driving big coach Busses through smaller neighborhoods because. People don't like to be backed up and already there's quite a bit of back up traffic. So if you get somebody delivering, uh Supply. To Laura Soaps or Mykonos. You got another bus behind there, and you've got traffic. I just think it needs to be looked at in a large and a better scale and Maybe reduce some of the impact that's potential because with an underground vault High tides flooding some of those issues. I don't think have been properly addressed. Thank you. You any any further members of the public wishing to comment. Alright, seeing none. We will close public comments. Uh does staff have any rebuttal or closing comments? With the applicant like to make any rebuttal or closing comments. Um so the issue as far as the underground vault system, um, my engineer and I worked with Rick Um Who does the stormwater plan for the city. Um. Initially the way it was designed. Between raising the road and doing what we're doing that vault system and the property is being brought up to the same grade as everything that my clubhouse and everything is so the vault's system and the underground is coming up. So it will work and it does work. So that's the only thing I have to that. Okay Regina. What he's up. Can I ask him a question? What's up there? Okay Um, I did. If you don't mind. Could you respond to Mr Wagon for his point about like the Unloading and offloading is sure. Both of the gentlemen have said they've visited RV parks. Uh um. You could go to a restaurant that has eight seats, or you can go to a restaurant that has 500 seats, 150 seats. I can't comment where they went. Or stayed at As far as a sewer dump. Um Each site. Has a clean out at it. And what that is, is basically at the pad. You take the sewer hose? You unscrew the cap like you do a clean out at your house. If a plumber needs to come He will go in front of your house, and there is a cap that goes in that they can fish and go all the way out to the sewer or wherever they're at Each one of these sites has that there is no sewer dump. Some of these older facilities did not have the underground utilities in place to where The same thing at my marina. Everyone of my wet slips has a pump out. Nozzle at the slip, so you don't have to go. Very few marinas on this river have pump out So I think what I'm saying so as far as the clean out, I think you misunderstood. I'm sorry, checking in and checking checking in checking out so I don't I don't know where they went, Um Again, these the traffic coming into these places. That's why we added that area to the left there. If People driving to drive in to stop. Everybody's got to walk somewhere to an office. No matter where we're at our offices right across. I mean, literally. 100 ft into your site and then just walk to they can. If we know what's going on, there's going to be motorized arms or gates. Okay, they can pull in there. If we know they're coming, they can call. I mean, this is gonna be logistics. I don't think there's what's that Airbnb of apps like, you know, just to because that would be a problem. I understand, but check in remotely. That's what that's what I'm gonna say is what you're asking about the remote checkout capable problem because that could really back traffic. The majority. The majority of these sites, Georgina is When you go to him now, today, it's all at based your 110% And you have to pay for that site prior to getting there. But what they say is when you get there, you still have to go check in and get your packet or whatever. Now, if you happen to come in after hours, a lot of times they leave your package there. They'll give you the code to get through the gate and then you go to the office the following morning. Majority of these places closed down at five o'clock. Our marina closes at five o'clock. These people have to be there before five o'clock, checking in on island Drive and not Roosevelt or will be checking in on that on that off that little area that we added there on island right there, and then they walk over to the clubhouse walk down Roosevelt. Into our clubhouse waiting on Roosevelt, though. No no, no. Just another if when we. Make a motion would less than 16 be something Would it be worth it? Or there's like 16 like If I can't do 16 that it's just not worth it for me, or would something if it's possible with attorney Kardashian like could he started something smaller and then come back for more. Like like 14, or something like that, Because of the well, I guess this would kind of be my question because you know, you may be getting into some industry specific type issues. When you design roads, you know you have minimum road widths that you have to abide by under guidelines that are published in M U T m U T C d, right. So I'm wondering if there's something similar that says this is the minimum with or size for an RV site or if there are some industry standard publication that you may have used to develop this particular plan. This was all done through the engineer, and we right now currently The jolly trolley and everything. Comes down that road. It's no wider than what I'm saying. Is we the road though it's I'm not. I'm not really asking about the roads because I'm assuming the roads were built to the minimum wished that are required under law. Um Um, what I'm asking about is if there is a minimum width for the particular. So the sides where you're putting themselves the sites themselves. Yes some vehicles the majority of new vehicles today they're on the road have slide outs that they come out. Okay? Normally they will be on the driver's side or passenger's side. Some of them have multiple slides on different sides. It's like a boat the whatever the flavors out there is what you buy, if you like it. There is still room to get in between these They do have audience I understand what what they're saying, but these things are not going to be touching each other. I We? We looked at potentially Adding more in there as as based on the land volume. I believe it was up to like 18. I cut it back to 16 because I don't want it that type. So I have already Scale down on what I potentially had drawn up the first time and the back parking lot back there. Or the five parking spaces are that was at one time I was considering on adding a side or two in there, and I and I didn't do that. So at 16 is a viable project for me to make it happen in the work and it flows into works have parking passes. But who the people when they check in? Well, I mean that they will come in and then their cars. It's like it's like her Marina doesn't have parking passes. I mean, so the same situation, but he has plans to possibly do a parking sure, and that's I mean, wouldn't want that too. Fringe because that's part of one of the actual requirements here that it doesn't do, you know, understand public facilities. So we want to make sure that that's not the people are. If we did that parking lot happens for the tourism industry that the visitors are using that and overloading it, You know, so I understand it's the same situation. I mean, we have people come down here and parking lot. Anything like this punch down, just trying to figure it out. I got you. All right. I guess we'll bring it back to the board for consideration, then. I need a motion and a second motion must be in the affirmative, and then we can discuss further. Sure I'd like to make a motion. Like the motion that we approve resolution number 2024 Dachau success submitted with the conditions as specified by attorney card ish regarding the ownership that was already clearly discussed with staff and the conditions put in by the city. As well. As well as a condition stated as a city second. Right Do we have to wait? So there's Two. Parts to this. The first is the conditional use approval and the staff condition. Um referenced is the total number of parking RV pads. Um lodging units shall be limited to 16 was the conditional use approval condition recommended by staff condition with regard to the lease required the six weeks. Under the current statute, and that that is the condition that you're requesting for the conditional use approval additional use as well as The, uh, the added condition with regard to ownership. So the parking that would be for the site plan. That would be for the second part of it. So forgive me. I may have made an air. I only saw one resolution if there were two, I just can't see it on the screen. So would you like us to back up and do two different motions? It's one resolution. Oliver It's one. It's one resolution. But it's two motions because one is the approval of the conditional use for them to use the property in this manner. And then the second part is the site plan approval and the site plan approval. There's two conditions that staff recommended. Um And if you look at the staff report, I'm looking at the very first page just above the current property information with respect to the preliminary staff recommendations. It is one resolution, but two parts. Okay, So I'm going to amend. And I'd like to strike that previous motion, And I'm gonna Like to make my first motion to be approval for 23-1 to 2. That be correct, which is conditional use. That includes the warrants that are requested within that conditional use. Those are what the site plan Of course. Okay You're doing good. Do I need some guidance here and doing good? Covered warrants would be, um, condition so no, the warrants were separate. There was two separate warrants that were requested. Um one warrant was Says. Let me go back, barbecued arrested. One warrant was with respect to the parking and that was for the five off site That would be part of the site plan, which is the second motion right and then also the fence in the hedge. Correct second motion. So with the First motion include the two conditions. That have been carefully discussed. Yes Okay, conditions would be the art, the RV parking pads, lodging limit to 16. And then the Mr Couscous. This is for the that that they, uh Six weeks back. Some will be included in any lease agreement. I have some some Burbage if you'd like me to read that, just for clarity for that second condition, Um, we're recommending rental term shall be for six weeks or less in compliance with the definition of seasonal, short term rental and section section 6.1 of the smart Code. Perfect Yes. In addition to the Condition on the screen. And then I think their third was it the third that the Or that be end of the second motion with regard to ownership of the parking That would be the second one. The other condition you may want to consider is a requirement for, um we kind of discussed it a little bit. Um But I wasn't sure if you wanted to consider, um A condition, uh, with respect to the leasing office being located, um, on an adjacent property. That's optional for the next motion. I would say that that would be part of the conditional use. I'm gonna, I'm actually not going to opt in my motion to include the leasing office verbiage. So at this point the motion to approve the conditional use with the conditions as requested by staff , and then the additional condition by Mr Cusco does Done everything that you've Do we have a 2nd 2nd? All right. Do we have Board discussion. I. Really support the project more now than I did from what I read before. I do have a lot of concerns about the traffic, but I don't think that a traffic study is going to do anything different than what. Engineer. Whoever was already hired does I think that's a problem that we in what? Miss Alice? Addresses is true. It's one block away. And the staff's just It concerns me because it's the steps just Outright. Blind spot of the fact that Oh yeah, it's outside the historic district, but it's like right here, and I understand that that we have to look at everything just the way it is. But then again, we look at something like well, technically, the smart code says this. Smart code. I mean to go outside and try to even deviate from the smart code once you're in it. Is that land ish and then at the same time, pretend that this is a hard line between Historic district and right here , and we're gonna follow that. But then, technically, the smart code says this, but you know what? It's close enough and you can't have it both ways, but that is a city problem. And again. I mean, I would like to put a condition on here for a traffic study, but I don't feel like that would really do anything different. I think they're gonna pass it because Mr Isabella's was here. He would be great to say just because we can do something doesn't mean we should You know there was riding up against people. Um And I'm really not against the project. I mean, I think goes is You know, as it should. I think that it was a good idea. But again, I It's really more of how it was presented to us. And again. I'm glad that you know. Came and spoken like I knew your history with the town. But I'm more disappointed in how it was. It was addressed to us and that's an issue again that we have to fix it with the smart code and everything. Um I mean, as it is, I was supported, but I do have issues and I don't want anyone to think. And I Mr. Wagon forth your concerns in the canopy and all that. I don't know if it's He started with 18, and he went to 16. I believe that he didn't went down to that. I think he's worked with staff. I know. I talked to pat today and he worked with TRC went back a few times. I do have concerns with again being right next to the docks, but I just don't feel like it's something that we can do to say. No to it tonight, so Conditions I think are not to be to dead horse, but I think traffic study would be flawed. To begin with, because how do you remember when they had a traffic study? What they did the apartment. Okay And that was flawed. Okay you know, because when you do the study during season during offseason uh, you know, during the time of day uh so Eddie Traffic study, I think would be flawed. Um, are you know we talked about there was a concern about RVs coming down. Dodecanese People come down with RVs down Dodecanese anyways, in the park in the parking lot when they want to go to the sponge dogs them all the time doing Yeah, So, Yeah, I don't like I know that. I know that, but but now we're telling You know people can't you know if you've got an RV, you shouldn't come down to the knees. Even if you go into a certain specific location. We're not talking about 50 spots We're talking about 16. Probably not coming up 16 people coming all in one day. Um You know, Um, you know, I saw I think it's and like, As I disclosed. I've known Ed for awhile, representative before another matters, But I will tell you this. Um when you look at what he's done in Turtle Cove, where he could have done versus what he did, he could have built a marina that didn't have the curb appeal that it currently has that blend it in that he took. He went over the top when he when he designed it and built it to, uh, have have you know it looked It's nice as he could for the neighborhood. And so that's just chose the quality of what he's done in the past, and there's no reason not to believe that he won't do what's quality moving forward, and I would just comment that the traffic is the most serious concern for sure. And In my mind, that's more of a management issue. And something they're going to have to deal with, because if they get three or four big Busses stacked up out there, waiting in line to get in all hell's gonna break loose and those people are going to leave and they're not ever coming back. Uh, so I mean, the people that drive those things generally know what they're doing. As you said, they're like they're like voters. A few of them don't but generally they do , and generally, they plot exactly how they're going to get where they need to be, because they know they're driving a big vehicle that's worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. And as long as his staff is very supportive and works with them to get them where they need to be when they need to be there so they don't stack up. For the small number of Busses that you've got here. I don't think it will be a problem. Call for the question of a ghost. Yeah Nobody else has comments. Just a quick comment. Chairman if I could, uh, as stated by everyone , the traffic implications and really it's public safety implications, because if somebody gets struck or someone's cause to deviate from the prescribed path of the road, bad things can happen. Traffic studies are very static there. Whatever period of time they conducted whatever conditions and things can change in an hour. Nb very different. Same thing with GPS. They may tell you to go a certain way. This is the shortest this is the quickest Doesn't mean it's the best and I've heard of GPS is running people down railroad tracks and sunshine. What I would ask you to do to be proactive with Is investigating all the possible routes in and out and providing that in advance to the folks saying if this if this is bad here do this don't depend upon artificial intelligence to, you know, direct you per se. You have a good feel for what's here on a daily basis. If you can provide that. And say these are option a option B option. See if there are problems were some sort of condition or or something that prevents that preferred route. Uh it is tight there. The historic district is historic for a reason. Residential district is residential for a reason. It's not commercial in nature, even though the little Strip along the waterfront is Everything else around. It kind of is not with the exception of the kidneys, and that's that can be the traffic night beer that, like I said, turns people off, so anything you can do and provide to your clients. Proactively I think that would solve some problems before they even occur and that that would be my aim. Right Can we have a roll call, please. Miss Swenson. Yes. Early. With conditions I would say yes. And I do want to say this. If nobody minds it's too late. Here's a roll call. Mr Rock Line? Yes with the conditions. Mr Francis. Yes. I see Yes. Mr Cruz Curtis. Yes. Mr Seaman? Yes. Can we take five minutes? You still have any take five minutes. Let's take the site plan because that's kind of the site plan. Okay here. I'd like to motion that we approve application number 23-1 23 site plan. Hold on. I just wanna make sure is the motion with two conditions approving the warrants and then adding the requested condition with respect to the ownership of the property and the five parking spaces. Yes it is, and with staffs conditions with what the two yes. Yes, it is. And I would second that, as stated. Can we have a roll? Call Swanson? Yes. Mr Early Yes, Mr Rock Line? Yes. Mr Francis? Yes Mr Vessey? Yes, Mr Cruz Curtis? Yes? Mr Seaman? Yes. Alright. Now let's And take a five minute break. Back at it. Uh, We've got. Application 23-01 resolution. 20 24-07, a conditional use approval and site plan approval for property located at 38 9 54 US Highway 19 North. Uh, We have a staff presentation. Yes Good evening. Pat McNeice planning supervisor. Um. This is a request, um, for establishment of basically a Bingo hall. Which in your code is called a gaming. Basically a game gaming use, Um And. 38954 US Highway 19 North. This is, um. Relocation of the Belcher Bingo that's in the Olympic Plaza. Over to this site . This is a redevelopment of this site, which was the Los Mexicanos. I think restaurant Mexican restaurant that's been demolished. So that's what this proposal is tonight. This is on 1.3 acres in a commercial general feature. Land use highway business zoning and again the used as game room, which is conditional in highway business. So this is a, um New building expanded to replace the , uh, building that was demolished. And there will be, uh, upgrades to the site with the landscaping, parking lighting. Uh upgrades and of course, the building will be new , and, uh, the storm water and some access facilities are shared with the property next door. So this is the site in highway business zoning. Um just surrounding areas. There is a wetland area, um, here that we'll see in a minute on the future land use, Uh, but basically it's on that commercial strip, of course of US 19. So you've got high we business owning through here, uh, with Mobile Home Park. There Um, This, of course, is Anderson Park across the across the US 19. And, um. Probably closest residential is mobile home over here, Sun Valley Mobile Home Park and then on the north. You've got storage down here. You've got a small shopping center and pub, the public storage facilities, So that's uh, where you are on 19. This is the future land use map again. This is a preservation. Um Wetland area. Um this is commercial general, Um, as much of 19 is and, uh, you have the other surrounding residential and then park open space. This is just an aerial of the site. And this is an oblique of the site taken after the building was demolished. There are a couple of walls still up on two sides of the building. Um we'll see the site plan here in a minute. There's some con old concrete pad. They're gonna be removing from the rear of the property. Obviously the property will be rehabilitated to upgrade. Uh, the facilities. The parcel shares a storm water facility in the back with this mini storage that's next door and they do have a shared access easement. Going down this, um Common property line. So again. This was the site of the previous restaurant. And this is a, um, just an overlay of the survey showing, um This survey was apparently done when the restaurant was still there, showing that they had a port co. Uh, entrance at that restaurant that's now gone, showing the concrete in the back the parking lot that was existing. And the entrance to US 19. This is the proposed site plan showing, um The basically the same entrance with, uh, two way traffic flow here and then they've got someone way traffic, Uh, going, um, on the north side of the property and Some two way, um, access to parking in a couple of other areas. Um we, uh, kind of go through what they're providing for facilities, but basically, um, the building Is, um. Uh, the previous building was about 5900 square feet they are expanding to about 9600 square feet, uh, for the building, adding landscaping, including, uh, backed by the storm Water pond. And add a new, uh three new handicap spaces. Um they have 48 parking spaces, so that's sufficient for their use. Um, this is just a view of elevation view of the US 19 side. Uh, showing what the building will look like. Um this has a seating capacity of 84 seats. The applicant has stated that the usual B 40 to 50 in the applicant is present to address the use. Um so this is just kind of a depiction of the floor plan and what that looks like. So uh, project is, uh, in conformance with the land development code. Um. Let me just say, um, the conditional use of game room I. I feel like I'm not sure the exact history but I feel like that is probably conditional because over the years some of you may remember some of the issues that, um many counties. In fact, the last place I worked had with Internet gambling. We still have. Sometimes people try to bring bring slot machines and open something until they get caught. Uh, you know, G enforcement will regularly uh, you know, see that kind of thing. Try to happen, um, in different shopping centers. So that issue, I think was something that, um probably made this this, um any type of game room or conditional use. Uh, we ended up running the game room at whiskey wings through conditional use. It's the kids game room a few years ago, So that tells you really the kind of proposals that we do get. This is a bingo hall, The Belcher Bingo. It's been operating nine or 10 years. The applicant can address that, Uh, over at Olympic Plaza. Um it is compliant with state law. The applicant has provided that information there is a Penis County Bing. Bingo ordinance that they have to comply with. They also have that license and our compliant with that, so that's that's kind of the conditional use. Uh, the things that are included in in there are pool rooms, arcades and bingo. I mean, uh, game rooms. That's what the conditional use is so Kind of interesting. Um. Older leftover part of our code in my opinion. Um So Um. The land development code. Standards for highway business are found on pages five and six of the staff report, Uh, showing how the property complies with the land development code. They are gonna be, um, reducing impervious surface. Uh as I said , uh, making some improvements to the property, adding the landscaping back in. Basically it was virtually all gone from whatever the Mexican restaurant had. Uh, adding some landscape islands in a parking lot, that sort of thing. So it does conform with the code. Um this isn't appropriate redevelopment site. You all have seen several sites. Um I think that's the most recent have been car washes redeveloping. So this one's, uh, bingo. Hong It's just kind of a different thing, but it's um very compatible with that. Um uh , US 19 Commercial corridor. It's well away from the adjacent uh or the nearby residential sun country. Well probably the closest the applicant has stated they are going to be operating till 10 P.m. I think the Pinellas County Bingo ordinance allows like a, um, operation until 3 a.m. so they're well within that they are well away from, you know any kind of residential at least 600 ft from , uh, at least some country. Uh, so there should be, um, it should be compatible and well suited to the commercial corridor. Um it's consistent with the commercial general feature land use category that it's in. It is not in a historic district. This is a redevelopment of a previously developed site, and we expect upgrades to the site, so there are no environmental impacts. And, um. It Those site upgrades really are, uh, it it's a welcome redevelopment tho. Those are expected to maintain property values along 19 and keep those stable at least Um, the property is served by facilities. So the previous restaurant was served. Um the, um. The entrance is the same. So there will be using that same entrance on US 19, so there won't be any impact there. Um, the Trip generation. At seating capacity of 84 seats I can up with maybe 11 new peak hour trips, so the previous use Was a fast, um, fast casual. Sit down restaurant. Um so they did provide, um, peak hour trips of 40. But they failed to, um acco account for it. The peak hour trips that they were replacing so that that was just something that that they they missed, Um So Yeah, 40. I came up with 41 for, uh, bingo Hall, which the trip generation Emmanuel actually has a specific category for bingo on believe it or not, Um, so they were right on there, but the me but they get credit for the trip generation from the Mexican restaurant. So, um. Like I say at the 40 to 50 usual daily crowd. They're actually going to reduce the drips on 19. Um. So this is expected to continue and orderly development pattern on that commercial strip on 19, and it does comply with the land development code. Um the it's expected to comply with building code and we feel like health safety well for her being observed because this will upgrade really what was a deteriorated site? Uh, for the site plan. Uh, the project has complied with the comprehensive plan. We just, um uh, touched on that. And with the land development code, it is served by facilities and it does comply with Concurrency management system, and it's expected to comply with all city building codes. So we've recommended approval with one condition for the game room use, which is that they need to obtain a local business. Receipt so they will just be able to, um Terminate the one they have now and apply for that, Uh, business tax over at the new address, and then we have 76 conditions. Sorry for site Plan approval. Um. Oh, utilities have need to be verified on site by the applicant. The design standards for the site. Lighting and traffic control. Signage need to be on that final. Uh, set of plans, um, that they bring for a building permit application. Um we advise that a construction permit may be needed from F DOT. These redevelopments have been involving disturbance of the DOT Right of way. Um there have been on and off issues. Um Uh, with uh um working around the F DOT, uh, drainage system existing drainage system, So we want to caution them that they need to coordinate. Uh, their project with the F DOT. Um. They need to be consistent with the site plan with their building permit. And um this application came in before you all, um Adopted the new time frames for development orders. So this falls under that previous code, so they have one year to come in for a building permit. I believe they already actually applied for one and then found out they needed to go through safe plan. So I the applicants here about I expect they, uh, would like to proceed to construction as soon as they can. So that should be fine. And then just a note about public art undervalue the project just to reminder. Um that that would be due with the project goes over a million dollars. Are there any questions on this one? I. I have a couple of questions. Um The current F DOT cut out is that something that will remain? Is that or is that? The current F DOT. Access point. They They will be using that access point as configured, OK, is there gonna be a de cell rain into The right term. No OK, the F DOT would not. I mean, with the new FF DOT requirements they they don't require D cell I when they coordinate with F DOT. We will confirm that, but I doubt it. As I seriously doubt they won't Uh, require a deceleration light in there. OK for the CS OK with regard to the conditional use. Uh, you said the applicant hours of operation will be till 10 P.m. Yes the hours, they stated. Um or 3 P.m. to 10 P.m. OK, So, um To that extent, we can make that they can AAA condition as to the use. Uh, we could. Yes, you can. There's no problem with that. Yeah. You know, was just asking, and they note five days a week. I'm not sure which days so they can answer that. Be swimming, liquor or just beer and wine. Uh they, uh, they can talk about whether they will be applying for that. We have not received any, um Application for any alcohol beverage service, and I don't know if the current facility has that goodness, the applicant M Mcnees. I have a question about the landscaping. Mhm and it Forgive me, but you know, in all of these that we see come before us. I'm starting to. I can't remember when it was we were. We had a lot of discussion about canopy. Maybe it was at one of our workshops and for people to just throw up a palm tree here and there. Do we have any requirements in this particular case that it be? A canopy type. That is planted as landscaping is limited. The required landscaping, um, and tree replacement. Numbers are limited to a total of 25. Palm trees. Now they've proposed all shade trees on this one, but you can't go more than 25% palm trees and you have to group Palm trees and in threes, So if you're gonna put one in You're gonna have to do a group of three. Do you know what I've noticed, though about a lot of new develop? I say a building or a business, they'll plant The plants and the trees. But then they don't water them and they die. We do enforcement on that, and we do have active enforcement cases. Thank you. That's all I have. OK? Any other further questions for staff. Seeing none, with the applicant like to make a presentation. You do have to come up here to the podium, state your name and address, please. My name is Jonathan Kreidler. My address is 72, North Jasmine Avenue, Tarpon Springs. And yes, I've been sworn in Do We have questions of the African. I had some questions about what kind of Food or Um, averages you'd be serving. Um as of right now, our current location does not have a beer and wine license. It's something that we thought about possibly applying for in the future, But they we've talked to somebody, Um, prior with that, and because of how it's a type of gambling nature, they kind of they just said Yeah, you probably won't get approved so we never could set forth and that was back in 2010. There's like vending machines or some kind of. Well we're gonna have a snack bar That's gonna serve, you know, like sandwiches. Um, you know, hot dogs, burgers, stuff like that. It's more just it's quick serve just to just to appease people, whether actually sitting there playing bingo. Would you like a membership or anything like that, or just anybody comes and just open to the public. You know anybody and the current days are five days a week. We're closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. And we've actually been in Tarpon Springs since 2009. So going on 15 years. Any further questions. Seeing none. Uh, you can sit down for now and do any member of the public here. Have comments on this item. OK seeing none will, uh in public comments. And, uh, This staff have any additional comments they wanna make? No, thank you. And the applicant. No further comments. Uh, Then we'll bring the item back to the board for consideration. I need a motion in a second. This is. This is this would be for the conditional use, right? This is like the last one. You have your conditional use approval, with one condition recommended by staff and then the site plan. Approval was six conditions recommended by staff. So I'll make I'll make a motion with regard to the conditional use approval. 20 24-07 S two, the conditions put forth by the city. One second. Is there any board discussion? Seeing none. Can we have a roll call, please? Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. And. I will go ahead and make a motion with regard to the site plan. Approval uh, with the conditions set forth by the city. I would second that. Any discussion. None Can we have a roll? Call Miss Wesson? Yes. Miss early? Yes Mr Rockline? Yes Miss Francis? Yes Mr Bessie? Yes Mr Cous? Yes, Mr Seaman? Yes. All right. That brings us. To Application 2368 resolution. 2024 09 at site plan approval for property located at 332 and Cloak Road. Do we have a staff presentation? Yes. Thank you, Um . This is a site plan approval for a boat storage facility at 332 in road. And, um. This will be an outdoor, uh, storage facility. In the industrial general land use category and the waterfront Marine Industry Development District. A long name. The WD two Um, zoning district. Um, so this would be outdoor boat and trailer storage for use by patrons. It would be a remote. Uh, access, um, type of facility and it includes a boat washed down area. The site is located where ankle road turns turns north there right before, um, bordering Um. Tarpon Key, uh, subdivision there. So it it's this little site here on the corner. And that is again in WD two. There's W DB one B and WD two Across the street. Tarpon Key is residential multifamily, and then you've got some industrial zone property, uh to the north and northeast. I know. Um. The um This is just an aerial of the site. Um include Ales Marina is to the south and there's Tarpan subdivision and this industrial zone land is vacant currently. This is just an oblique of the site. Um there is a note in your staff report. Um There was a, uh, these pictures were taken. Uh January 2023. There were some fleet vehicles parked on the property. But those are No longer there. So this was the site of the JRL Outward and Marine Service. Um that was, uh, a boat repair facility, boat and boat with accessory boat storage. That was there for several years. Um that was approved in the WD two district that was approved as a marina type use. This would also be approved, um or allowed by right as a marina use meeting that Of a marina use. This is the site as it appears now, except that the fleet vehicles are not there, but this is pretty much how it looks, uh, with the entrance. It's uh, fenced currently. And uh, with some opaque, uh, screening on the fence. And this is the survey of the site. The site is basically, um, a lime rock surface with some millings and a couple, uh, sections of concrete where the driveways were for the previous years. Um And this is the site plan. So this is an outdoor storage facility, So it's a pretty basic site plan. Um you've got the parking stops here on the north side where people would come in park their boats. Um and they they, um And, you know, be able to pull out maneuver, uh, in this large area to be able to park, uh, bring a boat over to the wash down to use that, Uh, there are no other facilities on the site, so there's really no reason to stay . Um people will be coming and going, dropping off their boats picking up their boats. Um, basically the applicant. Uh I mean, there's not a whole lot to look at here. But the applicant is, um redeveloping the property and really upgrading and bringing the property into compliance with code and improving the property so they are going to be reducing the impervious surface enhancing the wetland buffer. We'll touch on it in a minute. They're gonna upgrade the site to comply with the current storm water handling requirements, which the previous site did not, uh, the structures that were on that. Which have all been demolished. Uh, the house was from like the forties or twenties. You know, there were. It was an older site that was turned into a Marine repair, so this will be upgraded. Uh, for storm water. There was an on site sewage disposal system that's been abandoned, and, uh, that will be replaced with with sewer service, and we're gonna be reducing the number of access drives. There were four access drives along here. Uh that's gonna be reduced to two. The applicants still needs county approval for that. So that, uh, we've recommended that as a condition, but, um So there there are some significant improvements to the site in this redevelopment. Um. So the project is consistent with the industrial general future land use. Map category in that zoning district. And uh, the application isn't compliance with the land development code. The only thing um. Uh, as far as the buffering, uh, the code requires significant buffer. And if you look at the table on page four, you'll see, um. There The code requires an appropriate different between adjoining non industrial uses. So what you've got over at tarp and key as you've already got a wall over there. Um. On on a longleat road and then the applicant is gonna be doing some landscaping and the opaque fence on this, Uh Um, the applicant will be doing the wetland enhancement, which includes, um some mangroves, removal of Brazilian pepper and vegetating that wetland buffer. So they will be adding that as well. Um. The only thing that is not currently in in compliance on this site plan is the site. There's no sidewalk show. So in cleat Road is in, um. Oh, I'm planning, development and environmental what they call a PD and E study. At uh, Pinellas County. This is a county road. To improving clot road uh, including multimodal. So we expect, uh, sidewalks to be constructed here in probably the . 2025 to 2027 time frame. I'll say if they're doing a PD and E right now, probably construction will be in the 2627 fiscal year for them. That's that's my guess . I think I put 2526 in the report. But that might be a little bit optimistic. Um we can't waive the sidewalk requirement they they would tear up whatever sidewalk the applicant put in in that case and redo it. We can't really waive it, but the applicant can't app. For a variance or pay the in low fee, so that's a condition is that they do one of those 20 that would be recommend. Uh, the project project is, um, compliant with the concurrency management set system. There will be no adverse impacts to city facilities. We have the ability to serve. It's either served or will be served with, um, facilities. Um I've got quite a discussion a little bit of a discussion about the parking there. Um, again, there's really. There. There are sufficient spaces, and there's really no need for extra spaces for a marina because there's no facility there. There's no building to go to. There's nobody to check in. This will be a remote access site. We did recommend a condition that they do have on the sign outside on the gate. The contact number, so if there's a fire if there's vandalism if there's You know any kind of issue the police can call the owner and owner, you know, can have that number handy if they don't if they don't, Uh, remember what it is right away so that that would be something we would suggest, And we do expect the site to be able to meet, uh, city building codes, so we have recommended approval. Uh, with seven conditions. Um, the first is restricting to boat and trailer storage only. Basically, um. The permit that's required from Pinellas County for the road. That would be the for the, uh, sorry. The site access, um, pain in Lou sidewalk fee or getting a variance. Um and then all the other usual conditions We usually do, Uh, site plan consistent with the, uh I mean building permit consistent with the site plan, meeting the code requirements and expiring at one year. Um again. This is one that came in before your code changed, so they have a year to apply for a building permit again. I believe this applicant is ready to proceed. So we expect, uh, the building permit to follow. If this project is improved. Are there any questions on this one? You know me? I have a question. Um. With regard you had mentioned that, uh, the boat wash. Is that gonna be a separate structure? Uh, if it is a strut, separate structure, is there gonna be retention of any oils or or run off or whatever with regard to when you wash a boat? Whatever you know, uh, sometimes if you wash out a motor, etcetera, um how is that gonna be captured? Yeah So if you're gonna ask me the technical And the project engineers here. You could probably explain it better than me. But yeah, there was a bit of discussion back and forth. Um there is a system that utilities , um, has approved without having those building permit details. They will review that to capture that. It also has to be covered. So it is indicated covered so that we don't have rainwater going into that system , so all those standards were required at TRC. This went back. This went to TRC. Oh, probably. Would that be a separate 13 times? Would that be a separate building permit? Um Um, it it can be part of the site work. Um, they may need a separate, um Permit for their meter. They've got to put sewer in. If it's I'm not sure if it's there yet, but, uh, a plumbing permit for their sewer. You know, it could be a simple How do we assure compliance with with that requirement? The when they come in for their building permit. I asked you if they were would require building permit. I don't think Answer was. Yes they they would they had. That's why the question was, Did they do they need a building permit to build a Um Oh. I thought you said a separate building permits so they do need a building permit. It may be, it may be one or more permits. So yeah. I'm sorry. That's all right. I suspect the water management district would want to look at the boat Wash area, too, bro. Yes And they have I believe received. That's in your packet. Um Uh, an exemption from the water management district. So. Um MM, please. I have a quick question. They received an exemption. But yet. If I heard you right because it made me feel better that water with any sulfates or whatever from washing the boats is going to be captured. Into the sewer system or That's right. OK, thank you. And there will be like a grease trap type system. I believe, like I say the engineer may be able to explain it better. But Mm. The system required by by our utilities department When these things go in Thank you. Right? Any other questions. Sidewalk I was a little confused on that. Um, so Pinellas County is Redoing the roads, so they can't put a sidewalk in now because they might tear it up. Is that correct? They will tear it up. Yeah, they're currently is a requirement. They do put one in right. So then why would it say that it in five years they can re Revisit and see if they need one because under the current code, they can't decide if they need it. It's a requirement, right? Yeah And that's a part of this staff report. I should have corrected. Um I. I don't like how they're getting all these people I. I prefer sidewalks they need to pay put in the sidewalk pay in Lou. Or get a waiver. I believe we can ask the applicant but I leave. I believe they will. Uh, apply for the waiver. If they don't get that, then They'll either need to put the sidewalk or pay in lieu. For the building permit before the site can be, Um, Is there a Question. I don't say something about their residential. Um I mean, if you're trying to make it look better. A sidewalk makes everything look a lot. It looks terrible right now. It's called government efficiency. You'll put it a sidewalk just for the county. Come and tear it up. I understand that, but that's that's already in here. But then it's like, but then after that, then it's like now it's up to you. We're currently it's not up to them. They have to do it. I actually when I reviewed this, there's nothing that I could find in your code that allows you to delay it for those five years, so actually And that first that a alternative is removed. So you'd only be looking at B for condition three. Yeah I think I put the corrected. Yeah uh, resolution and conditions. I just didn't change the export of what they had to go to the board of adjustments for that. No I don't think there's a sidewalk across the street. Um. If you recall I'm sorry. Sorry. I say if you recall what they did Tarpon Avenue, the there's other DOT when the DOT was finished, and GTE or whatever it it to come in. Tear it up with with, uh DOT had to do to play, sir, Lines and then they finish And then the city had to come back. Tear back that up, dig it back up so they could put their water lines in. So you know, it's Well, I mean, whoever is paying for it, the residents you know, sidewalks are essential. So II. I agree with the sidewalk, but but I sure would want to pay for one just to have them come up. Turn it up two years, so the cay can put their own their own in. Yeah and it it Ryland Holmes, which is the adjacent residential on the other side, or it was Ryland. Uh it's all built out, but they got a waiver on their sidewalk because there was wetlands there. And, uh and Uh, So there is no sidewalk there. There's no sidewalk along the other side. Uh, Of Enlo Road as you go east from there until you get to my business, And then there is sidewalk just in front of my business, and then there's no other sidewalk anywhere. We say you drop your boat off and then you go and you make a phone call someone to come pick you up, and then you know you're in the side of the road and people are just driving down. I mean, I just every everyone wants to beautify something until they have to do something that benefits a little bit more than beyond themselves. And then find a way to pay it out. And you know, you look on certain sides of the road. You can tell the difference between like Pascoe and Pinella, and it's Sidewalk makes things look nicer. And I've seen these applicants come up to the board of judgments like why you are someone's going to sue me. Well, you know, that's just part of life. I mean, people are gonna fall wherever they are, And that's just part of it. But Want to beautify something until you have to do something that technically helps somebody else and I don't know why we give people these waivers. I just think it makes it look nicer, but. You're not giving him the way we're not giving can apply for it. Yeah, I mean, yeah. Who's the waiver applied to the board of Adjustment, Cooper. Thank you. And you know they're they're south. The county's got You know, plans to do like a multimodal. I think they're gonna Try to do some biking facilities. I'm not sure what the plan is. I mean, it's a kind of a tight road, so it'll be interesting to see what they come up with, but we thought we were being trying to be a little bit proactive to not have a sidewalk go in. That's gonna get torn up to try looking at some significant changes. I think they are so, uh Trying to sit in alignment That's safe is difficult to do at this point. I just don't understand. Like there's like it's just such a small part of the thing yet we have. It's like three. You put two other Subcategories for it, And it's not even the main part part of the project. Just giving all these ways to get out of Doing something. As a I guess it goes to the board of adjustments at this point, so Yeah. Any other questions for staff. Right see none with the applicant like to make a statement. Mm. My John Steel with MJ stuffs Consulting. I'm the owner's agent. Um address is 7702 Cedarhurst Lane. Tampa, Florida 33625. Um And you've been sworn correct. Yes, thank you. So I don't really have a presentation. But I think there were a few questions that there's a value and, uh, just kind of going through here. Um, I think first to the boat Wash area to wood staff, the utility department that that has to be covered to keep the rainwater out. The actual O Wash area is a depressed concrete curbed area, so the boat wash area is gonna be draining into that. Route through an oil water separator before entering the city sewer. So that that covers the compliance with You know the runoff from the boats being cleaned? Um. I think there was that one. The storm water exemption. That cover just because of the reduction in impervious on the site that was the environmental resource permit exemption. We also worked with staff for the storm water to meet the city's code. Um Basically have a Swell routing around the property that captures the runoff. Uh, treats that for water quality. Uh and then you know, just to touch on the sidewalk. The big driver of whether we seek the waiver or a fee in lieu ultimately is because of the construction projects pending. So to build 500 Ft of sidewalk at 15 $20,000 a cost plus the maintenance of traffic in that process. To be torn out in two years and to be paid for Is a difficult thing to swallow where the project went back to TRC two or three times because we were trying to minimize the cost. What we're trying to do here. Which, uh, As Pat had mentioned, Um. Basically the same news previously just cleaned up significantly and code compliance. So um, we're also currently working with the county with the driveway permits. The sidewalk was mentioned by them as well as a requirement. And we were discussing with them about the waiver and the timing of the project, so right now. The reviewers of the driveway permit are communicating with The project managers. For this corridor project. So that's we're actively involved with that as well. And I'm ultimately if we decide not to seek the waiver the fee and Lou is there so that You know we're not fighting it. It's just from a cost standpoint. And even the safety during the construction for users of the roadway. And I think it's important also to notice to note that Immediately east of our property line. There's a bridge that's about Six inches outside of the traveled way in each direction. So the sidewalk even if it goes across the property. There's actually no one nowhere for anyone to go, which is gonna be addressed in that corridor project so Again. Just a little background. Um Uh, whether we seek the waiver, uh Or the feeling on that. Yes. If there's any other questions we Yeah, that's it. OK, thank you. Seeing there is no members of the public here. To comment on this item. Uh I guess we can close public comments also. And, uh, I need a motion in second. So the Board can discuss further if necessary. Sure I'll make a motion. I'd like to motion approval for application 2368. And I'm just gonna do it in one fell swoop with all the special conditions. Now I only see one application on my screen. Is this a twofer? Or is this a one for this one? Just a one so I can say all staff conditions, the top and the second as written. Are included in my motion. Um We have any discussion? I wanna just say one thing because I drive back and forth past it many times a day. Uh, since it's kind of on the other side of the street from my business, and in the last year and a half or so it looks 20 times better than it ever has looked in the past. So so it's already well on its way to being a much better thing than than what it was. Uh, Anyway. There's no other discussion. Can we have a roll call? Miss Winson? Yes. Miss early Yes, Mr Rock, Klein. Is Francis. Yes Mr Bessy? Yes Mr Chris? Yes? Yes. All right. That brings us to application. 23 07. 2024 02. This is the amendment to the land development code that that we ask staff to put together to shorten the time allowable time period for development agreements. Uh the what? The staff have a presentation. Yes I believe this was a discussion item at your last meeting. I think Um. The uh you all had, um, wanted to go forward, uh, as the board to go forward with the change to development agreements, Article. Six And, um, the board did, uh, have a discussion with the planning Director Renee Vincent. Um and they have. Directed staff to go forward with the changes that you all recommended basically on Page two of the, UM , ordinance, the draft ordinance. Um Amending the, um. To have the duration of the development agreement not exceed five years, with one extension by mutual consent of a supermajority of the board of Commissioners. Um there was some discussion. At the board about. Potentially even capping that at less than five years. Obviously you can do that with an individual agreement. It's just you know, it cannot exceed five years. Um. We asked the planners Advisory Committee of, uh, for Pinellas County that we sit on, Uh, as part of the Pella um, you can you can ask questions of the other jurisdictions. We asked. How long? Um people, uh, you know, these different jurisdictions have as their term for development agreement. We got four answers back and this this was, uh, what we got back? Um as we've discussed before, Of course, the state statutes It is 30 years so you can see a couple of jurisdictions go ahead and use that, um, old smart is at five years, so there's an example of one that uses the five year term. But um, I think that was a question and just You know what do other jurisdictions do? So it's there's a variety of terms that they use. So with that, uh, are there any questions? And what would you like to recommend for the court? I think we better this pretty well. And I think what our suggestion regardless of what they do in the county is Five years at an extension with a super majority. Uh, Of the commissioner. I think, uh uh Is any developer. A reason to move forward or you know where they say crap or get off the pot. And uh um and so I and if they wanted an extension, then they need to do a good job of convincing a majority, not a majority. But a super majority of the commissioners that that, uh, extension is justified, So I think we did a good job in in crafting or or or making that That requirement. I would agree and I, I think We had one really good example. Just a few years ago of why it needs to be Five instead of 10. Are you ready for a motion chair? Nobody else wants to discuss chair. I'd like to motion that we approve and. Proval is the action. I do want to roll back just real quick on this because you guys have, um And basically, it's an ordinance in front of you. So hold on, I I'm going to read it by title E, even though it's a legislative item still have to read it by title And then, um If I may be so bold, how come you didn't have to do that for the other ones that also came with the Or were those just with the with the resolutions? Because the way you do your resolutions is by by development order, um to do that , you know you can read it. But all the information on the development order is contained in what's being presented in in your presentations. Thank you. So it's a little bit different. Um but definitely on a straight legislative item. This you you. You wanna do this? So hold on one second. Let me pull up the title. OK Ordinance 20 24-02 an ordinance of the city of Tarpon Springs, Florida, amending the city of Tarpon Springs Code of Ordinances Appendix, a comprehensive zoning and land development code article SE six Development agreements section, 96.00 authority and requirements providing for severability providing for inclusion in the code of ordinances. Of the city of Tarpon Springs, Florida and providing for the effective date of this ordinance. Thank you. I'd like to emotional approval of ordinance 20 Dash. Excuse me, 20 24-02 as carefully read by. Miss Kurdish and just for the record, there's no public hearing because there is no public hearing, so there's nobody to speak on it. And I will second that motion. We have any discussion? And we have a roll call, then. Miss Swanson? Yes. Miss early? Yes. Mister Rockline? Yes Miss Francis? Yes, Mr Vesci? Yes, Mrs. Mr Seaman. Yes. All right. That brings us to staff comments. No comments. I'm sorry it brings US to board comments and board member of SE. As something he'd like to briefly share with us before we close. Um and thank you for your patience. I know it's been a very long evening, but something serendipitous is happening right as we speak, and it there's so many things coming together in common. I thought it was worthy. Try and keep my comments really short. The thrust of it is, I'm gonna refer to something that's happening on cost and road that I think needs to come in front of this board as a regular agenda item of some type. I don't know how to structure that That's right. So here's here's in the first what it ties to is at the last meeting. Mr Ku Kudo, uh, was concerned about, uh, a property that's on Carlton Road. That is, in fact, a preservation area by the county. Coincidentally, There is an adjacent property that is a undeveloped parcel, which is just south of that. And if I was magic, I'd walk over there and I plug in my screen because I've got the map up right now, but mentally go there unless Pat is so fast or Ali over there can pop up there. Um, and it's under, uh So you if you do city of Tarpon Springs zoning map. You can do any zoning map and pop it in that bottom corner. So There's a undeveloped parcel. It's big. It's owned by the school district. It has been for about 20 or 25 years. In their infinite wisdom. The school board decided about four or five years ago that they were just gonna sell this parcel. It is highly coveted as a development parcel. Fine, but currently it's owned by the school district. And currently, as soon as the neighbors found out, they formed a preservation. Uh, LLC, or a board to try and save and purchase this property. This is not anything new. It's happened. It happens all the time. No this is on our periphery because it doesn't appear. Be in Tarpon Springs. But it is on the west End of Closterman Road, the preservation district or the group is called West Closterman Preservation. Um. Um, I happen to live on Clain Road. Now here's some of the other unique things that are coming together. Two months ago, this board saw the last of the review of the Comprehensive Plan, which was parks and rec open. And I just spent part of this meeting reading that program. And literally every. Goal objective and policy. Refers to this piece of land. It's the strangest thing in the world and if you were to read it Now. I think that this board needs to look at that because it is like a choo choo train way off in the distance that's coming at us. And this is our first opportunity to see something in lifetime way in the future that has to do with all these elements that we have been wrestling with over the last five years. The review of our comprehensive plan Parks in the wreck Preservation of Green space needing some of our stuff, annexations Now you'd say Justin. Part of the county. What does this have to do with us? Well what it has to do with us is that if we don't act Or I'm not sure what we would do. And if it is not preserved, and it is sold We are going to see that developer right there. Asking or being told that they have to annex to the city because to the West The city of Tarpon Springs to the east is the city of Tarpon Springs and to the North. It is already the city of Tarpon Springs. It just hasn't been formally annexed. So I would just encourage you all to do your own homework on any way you want. It's called WK There it is. I would like to ask the chair of this board to in an appropriate way. And that includes our council. Ms Kash that we can bring this up as a regular agenda discussion item just almost as a workshop item to look at it more carefully because we are going to see it again. But this is our opportunity to get way out in front. Whatever that might be. OK with that. I know it's been a long night. Um I don't know if they were pointing or she was trying to pull it in. It's an amazing piece of green. And then if anybody else would like to tail and make a comment, please, I do. I do because you know the thing is and I. I appreciate that, because one of the things that that we have to be as proactive And plan. OK and anticipate what the future is gonna hold to this committee. We don't have a mission statement. But we kind of do know what our mission statement is, and it's a difficult balance on this board. To Progress is inevitable, but to have the progress and growth that make Tarpe springs unique as a community. And still maintain its uniqueness. I will tell you as I'm sitting here that everybody I talked to who has moved into this town that have come across the front of my desk. I asked the same question why Tarpon Springs? Why did you just move here? There's any place in Florida to move. Why did you pick Tarp Springs and almost verbatim, they say, because we love the we love the character of this town. We love the charm of this town. Please don't lose your charm. Please don't lose what you have, because they've seen it. You've seen it happen in other places. And Um what? I don't know what we could do is being proactive board members to anticipate. You know, especially enclaves or or or things that we know they are coming are gonna come across us as far as annexation because that's been a hot topic for us. Uh, you know, to some degree, your hands may be tied. Um and I think we that's been mentioned that our hands are tied in that regard. Um and Lester is, uh, a county overlay that that's consistent with what our our You know, future land use is, um, but but, uh I appreciate you being, uh, bringing that forward. Yeah, but I've got a comment. Um, as far as Two parts. People coming into the town, and they say that it's because of What do you expect him to say? They're all going. No I ask you for answer. They're all gonna say that. No, we I know that. But a lot of people are coming here for lots of other reasons, and it's to make money. And of course they're going to say that, um, you know, it's We have to do our due diligence and look, look, people up. I do not take anybody at their word for why they're coming here. There's lots of reasons why they're coming here. They didn't find us by accident. It's been years in the in the planning. The second thing is I have no problem with with doing this, but we need to focus on what is in our city. First I have been asking for weeks to go over the smart code. And I am at my wits End and Pat. I've called you last week, and this week I mentioned it at the Greek heritage. I mentioned it in a meeting here and at a workshop we Are. You cannot worry about what's outside of our city. Until we do work from the inside out. We have the two most important districts downtown in the sponge docks, and we cannot do the entire comprehensive plan and just ignore the smart code and I will not say I I'm going to email the board of commissioners tomorrow until it gets on our agenda. I am done. I know that there are plans in the making. I know that's why it's delayed. I know it's why this went through. I know that there's other things coming through. And you're just like, well, you know, and I I'm not gonna You know, there's no conspiracies. I know how things work, and people want to get their stuff through before that even comes up, but for Renee to mention it at that meeting, and then to just pretend that I haven't been asking for this, and we cannot be stepping outside of our city until we deal with what is inside of it first. And the smart code is too important. It is. You know what affects the city out. Of course it does. Just as I mentioned tonight, Write a block outside of the smart code. We're gonna act like one doesn't affect the other. And yet we're gonna be worrying about. Uh uh, so I mean, that's not even in our city. You know, and I'm I'm glad that we're looking forward, but we need to protect what's inside of our city and we can actually manage first, and I've been asking for this for almost six months, at least. So I have nothing against that. But we have to deal with what we can first and what is right in front of us in the smart code needs to be fixed. I don't I don't think we should have ever had it in the first place. I know we can't get rid of it, so we need to fix it and it it means different things for different areas. It should be more constrictive for the sponge docks. I don't care whatever downtown wants, they can. We can talk with them and have a workshop with them. But we cannot ignore that. That we just went through the whole comp plan and that the same thing that happened with co Hatch can just happen to them again. What does that say to the downtown district? We just did the whole comp plan so that we can change. You know, for the betterment of our city, But we didn't touch you guys, you know, so it's gonna happen again. Just good luck. Oh, but we're gonna worry about this preservation over here and what could happen. You know, Uh, I'm sorry, but I'm not gonna stop on this. I'm gonna continue to ask every meeting until it's on our agenda. That's it. All right. Anybody else have any board comments? He the only other thing I would say is what we just did with regard to the, uh uh The development. Extensions You you may see that the, uh other communities in the county mayor what? We just did What? We just voted on five years with the super majority. Well said, and thank you. Um Thank you staff for listening to us, and we've been talking about that and working on that together. Thank you very much. Appreciate that a quick response to it. Well, we ask. Thank you. Yeah. And. We stand adjourned at 943. You were right. Yeah.