##VIDEO ID:2hYomC2milE## help table okay I just no we had a budget amendment on there so I was just yes I just sent an officer out to talk to the guy good evening everybody I went ahead s an off around had a long conversation with the guys well him we got land tomorrow we got to go to the dump tomorrow yeah we got up yeah for that right we'll go ahead and get started if everyone to stand we come again now thanking you for life strength blessing your name father as we try to do for this County this city this state and this country we ask you to be with us and help us thank you for what you're going to do and as we pray for all those things need we pray for the war in Ukraine and wars that we have in the states in our homes and in our County in our city we just pray right now for all different Wars drug wars whatever then we thank for what you're going to do and thank for what you've done that's far and we bless your holy name then we ask you right now father to bless us as we do things unanimously or not be all on one Accord but agreeable to disagree we thank you for that Spirit ask you to help us and help us some more only you can do what you will do we thank you now Jesus name I pray Amen to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with Justice welcome everyone to our meeting this Tuesday September 17 2024 6: p.m. we have a conference line set up number there is 1 1917 91022 access code 32347 this is not a toll free number and you may be subject to long distance charges according to your long distance plan when the chairperson open to the meeting for public comment please follow the below instruction if you wish to speak please star five the moderator will unmute your line let's return to and Noy You by announcing the last four digits of your telephone number please announce your name and address you will be allowed to speak for 3 minutes any person wishing to address the board regarding an agenda item will be giving three minutes for comment a comment may only speak one time for each agenda that said we will move to item three did everyone see the adjustments table in item 19 you had a couple of approval to approve motion to approve the amended agenda everyone had a chance to it public request it 16 Commander discuss B 9225 request for support down Happ to come in then we'll we'll get back up item 17 Don will not be here this evening she just wanted to extend an invitation for the board to come on out to Forest Capital Park this weekend for this m times barbecue Festival it's Friday night from 4: to 8 Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Mark do you have anything to add um uh there will be the uh the professional teams will be competing as they usually are they'll have the U People's Choice I believe they are doing that at 12:30 on Saturday the tickets are $122 this year um believe me it's all you can eat by the time you get through all the competitors um I know one year I don't think I ate again until dinner on Sunday um we had the kids queue I believe there are still openings if you know any youngsters that would like to compete there's two age categories one does hamburgers one does chicken um those flyers are on the website and on Facebook get it from the chamber um a lot of bands playing music on Friday evening and all day Saturday and um from what I've seen on her post on Facebook they've got over 100 vendors so there's going to be a lot of early Christmas shopping um to do if you want to try to do that I believe that's everything I know plus of course vendors food vendors and such what kind of music what kind of band um I was working on that for our um addition for Friday's paper it looks like a lot of um southern rock country um Most of It kind of goes into that line um King Cotton if you're familiar from them from Tallahassee they have not played for a while this is their reunion concert this will be their first time they've played in a number of years and um so this will be their first time playing I believe they're playing Saturday evening to close out all right thank it 18 consider approval ofn Water Authority 2024 2025 you appreciate you guys um me give you a little update got the you guys got a copy of the bu give you little update will be accomplished this year we did we hooked up 143 new sewer customers on C Island area um where we have our new 100 double the sewer plant capacity 100,000 gallon a day plant is up and running so have some things bu of work out on it but is going and we have a u replacement on Riverside Drive of our water main which is going to start probably the end of this year about the same time we're going to start that road project app you good one one question on the second sewer project could you talk a little bit about the funding on that project um that was a a grand funded project um I've got some Engineers that are phenomenal and getting us funding and they just I mean it just keeps on going I don't know you know just was another new project and that was a that was a little over $3 million project so um 100% gra yeah yeah we get I mean there's there's money out there we just need somebody go get it so definitely helping helping our water and that's why we got such know the scals were phenomenal year again so we're trying to keep everything we need tourism is the Taylor County tourism that's all we got we got all we all have to focus on that and try to perfect it not just you know not just see happy and there's one thing um ony chamber and and the the one thing I want to move on is trying to get these Trails um and pull people off the water get them onto some kind of trail system they do it in the national forest and we talked about it but had gone forward with any of it but I think that's another aspect of Tourism that we could do in this area is using these trails that we have on the state land and I think you know we just need to focus on it and get start pushing it I think we get some some of that open and that would be a boom for the whole County I think that's my opinion we're always looking for a way to make make dollars well in reference to those expansions and this proposed budget that's maintaining the current rates yes yeah we haven't raised rates in over 10 years so so those funds in addition to growth and I always say you know and I'm not I don't want to boom me Metropolis down there but we need a little bit of growth to be able to to keep the machine going you know people might say they don't want grow but we need a little bit if you don't somebody's paying for it's people that are sitting there right now so have a little bit every year what is your base uh feet your B um our water is residential is 3175 and waste water is 42 57 basic thank you well you know we we have the ability and I think you know we talk about race um probably need to look at them again we look at them every year but we've been doing financially but but we had growth you know now this last fiscal we you know the Reven were down because of it kind of slowed down a little bit down there but hopefully we'll see what happens is we did we did decrease our revenue on the budget kind of dropped everything because uh I don't foresee the growth we had we had that two years per I mean it was fast what is your Capac how many more cookups are you capable of for sewer or in general I water well water we we could literally do we can pump 900,000 gallons a day we're roughly at 3 to 400,000 we're looking right now into uh a well field or we're doing we're going to do some experimental Wells out in the area try get cuz we're going to you know that's one thing we look forward we're looking always looking ahead if you don't plan it we're going to be stuck so we are looking forward to a new uh well field that's got good quality water we'll see in fact I got a quote on it's stupid money but but we got you know if we don't try it we you know and what happens is if we put forward effort then the fun agency SE that they said these guys are moving forward that they they actually started this process they've invested money of their own so if we do that they're more AP to give us funding so we had those discussions with those Ty potential expansions and and not just that but the efficiencies with the meters project right yeah so there's there's just a number of contributing factors that demonstrate to yeah we did a u $1.3 million meter replacement we replaced all the meters in town for electric electronic read we can the girls can sit in the office and read every meter 247 and that meter has the ability to when your toilet's running I can see it I can we can tell that there's something wrong there and we're diligent and trying to you know conserving water that's a whole another aspect you know that's coming down the pipe where um got to be ahead of the curve otherwise you're not going to get that funding for different like we're doing the and it was funny is when we started the meter project went to the engineer I said I want to replace all the me he said well we're not going to pay for that I say they're not going to pay for that well you know what they paid for it crazy we have to phase it they did do it those efficiencies are also the return of that absolutely absolutely yeah because we're you know it's going to increase your capacity because you're not losing water that's going down the drain so so if someone has a break in their waterline on their property you can we know it help in them it's exactly it's hour to hour it's crazy I mean the technology is just amazing hour to hour and we can see now you'll see that if somebody's using a gallon of water an hour you know you know it's a toilet because it's it's a constant it's typically a toilet now if it's a a h effect some blow the Sun and they blow and know you're looking at 100 gallons a day just crazy how this technology is out there but it's not you a little bit about that conservation and and use as well as that se consumer project in water quality the river itself because of the proximity and how those folks were so supportive that oh yeah yeah well you know we're we're focused we've always focused on the river at this point we're still doing that and we pretty much got everybody that's within you know 20 to 200 ft of that River got on and um that's uh you know a plus for this water quality um and you know as far as as as far as anybody doing any real studies I I hadn't really seen any but I think that's our you know I'm not going to I don't want to speak probably Bad Karma but you know the algae blooms and stuff you know we're fairly fortunate in this area of not having that and I think it's has a lot to do with this the water quality nitrogen in the water just killing everything can't happen can't do it changing not we're not done we got an additional we we had enough money we got enough money right now to do about 20 more out of that initial funding and uh we're going to probably start those in another month we have additional 20 hookups so we get you know out of that money have 160 163 that was again fed yeah sounds like y doing a really good job you know got a good group of people that that help us put it together you know we all like I said you got to look forward you can't can't just wait you got to you got to do things that people say why are you doing you got you got to think ahead you get caught continue on I think those people use your knowledge right now well good you know it's we just uh um you know you see it you know I've been there a while and most of the people the board been there and said I got get money the money is key and you know we you know and same with the you know the county itself has has the ability to get funding you just got to go after think tourism I think govern you know he will help us out on some of this stuff especially with this paper just got to come up with some really good ideas on how to stimulate this place where are these Engineers from uh they're actually out of Panama City now the guy I started with I've known him for over 20 years um he's he's he's an older guy he he kind of retired but he's for some reason he likes me he sticks with it he keeps on going after this fun game it's killing me cuz I'm getting old I I started this my now getting older it's a lot it just keeps going on you think it's going to end and all a sudden he comes up hey we got another one my going to put it we design it and just you know go to the next phase but the Well's the Well's a criteria to me that's one my last efforts I want to do before I'm done is we got to have another Well field then I'll be then I'll do you I do my job I'm to retire so I just need a approval of this budg to appriss Second favor appreciate it guys take care thank you constitutional officers it the board consider approval of annual core contract between the department of and Taylor County Taylor County Commission agender by is not here but I am T is not available today so I don't really have anything prepared but questions I here and it says the Commissioners they want to look at the fees what's what's that about we're um proposing to increase the fee schedule it has not been increased in um five plus years we're trying to align it up um closer with our surrounding counties I adopted and modeled our new fee schedule after what Madison Jefferson has as well as both Franklin counties and those are our closest neighbors that are similar in size the Heth Department stars did they ra the the amounts that we raised are the exact same amounts that they had raised what per I don't know what percent that is but I can find out if that's something You' like know Mr chairperson I don't I don't think I think and some of the fees are the same um it looks like some of the biggest differences are maybe um and some of the some of the office visits um Rachel do you have a do you have a Cofe you might just want to go over page three yeah I can I can go over the r on the office visits with you we did actually increase there's certain lab screenings like on page three that the current Fe was 80 and increase it to the going rate of 110 and that's because we have increased um costs that go to us like the insurance companies they are increasing our cost and we have to increase our cost as well we're keeping the sports um physicals the same those are a really good service to our County our our children already get good use out of those um we did start an uh in hemoglobin and your analysis we increase that from no Fe to $10 in immunization Administration which we've always had an Administration Fe um and then one of them we actually just kind of lowered within the same visit in2 if you're already there on page three um one of the biggest ones that I had noticed is um on page two at the very bottom these fees the $25 current fee was not in line with what we are charged and if you look at the medic house space rate is 138 we are still well below that for self pay on most of those cities and those visits um are based on time usually if you're a new patient um it's a little more expensive if you're established it's it's a little bit less cost do you have a doctor staff we we have a medical director that's out of Columbia County that we work under their protocol he is not on sta but if there ever issue we any questions us other way that can come out and get treat you can't be treated we have an arpn but we do not have a doctor on sta we don't do primary care and we have a thank you app I'll get that information to you the consider execution of certificates of not assessment to approve the 2023 assessment RS for for warrior Creek subdivision ocean Pond subdivision Deerwood at the beaches subdivision Strickland Landing subdivision o Estates unit one subdivision B subdivision Ste acre subdivision G Coast State subdivision and scotlet Bay subdivision and to approve the 2023 Solid Waste assessment role agenda by Mark Wiggins tax collector these are this is we do this every year we approve these he he does these um assessments and roles for each of these subdivisions and for the solid waste and this is um he just needs those approvals for these for you to sign these certifications of these roles so he's just certify these roles to you so we do this every year appr by commission have 21 the board to review and discuss the Pres revie completed by CBR and required for the proposed acquisition of the 3.95 acre SN as using restore act three Grant fund agend by hey everybody heie you got me two kns in her two kns in her all right well we were required to have a review appraisal completed for stream Warrior as part of of the acquisition CB was to we contracted with to complete it and as we discussed before we had a really difficult time getting a review of prer I reached out to um bore Al and they recommended to County because they successfully completed some Acquisitions and and they gave me a list and we were able toare CV R they concurred with the original appraisal of $435,000 they had no issues with the property and again there were no environmental issues no encroachments on the property so um we are good to go on that I just wanted to update you that they did con with the original pral and we are still waiting on approval from the restore Council to move forward with the the county purchasing this for more than a value but we're we're just waiting on that we've completed everything else on our end that we can complete at this time the title search is completed the survey is completed the pH one environmental assessment we are we've done everything we can do I know there's been on the delays but you it's basically beyond the County's control at at this point we're just waiting for ReStore Council I did speak to Mr D on Friday and he indicated that we should have approval in the very near future um an answer um and he's expecting approval and his opinion to move forward with the remainder of things we need to do for the for the potential acquisition did anyone have any questions on the Rev appraisal questions all right no questions no I just needed to give you an update that that you were aware that this was completed in that you know they concurred with the original if the board you know you want to approve anything but at this point I don't need prove on anything unless you no longer want to move forward but it's my understanding we just keep moving forward towards the acquisition that's right okay and and before we move on from this we are adding them to our Canal dredging list as you had requested at a previous board meeting and I'm going to have a um a remote conversation meeting with um our representative on the top one fund to see if we can just change the names of the canals in our nyip and I have talked to Mr G also in reference to that because when we did our SCP Amendment we at the time thought we were going to need money for see hatching and K Beach which since that time we have obtained the funds to brige those canals with Adelia funds and so since we indicated Katon and Ste Hatchy we will have to do a request to the FP Amendment but this will not be a lengthy approval process and we're changing the verbage to Canal on Taylor County Coastline that can provide Public Access that way if we change the the language to that if you want to add something else in the future that we're not aware of we don't have to go through and change the language again we're going to kind of leave it open and that's been a learning experience for all the restore counties like they want they want you to be exact but we're learning how to leave the door open so we don't have to go through an entire SCP Amendment approval process which as you know can take up few years so this will be a quick approval process that way we can use either pot one or pot three funds all right thank you m'am don't get far move on to item 22 Grant staff to provide overview of the wildlife assessment report for ke Beach cust Park completed by SS environmental Consultants that require are the terms of the fla Community Trust Grant agreement which funding theart of the site agenda by the gr this was a requirement of the F contract that we have this wild life Wild Life assessment completed we contracted withn environmental and as you know K Beach Cal Park is 43.4 Acres 30.75 Acres of the site is CL Flatwood and the remainder of the site is considered very Wetland communities we are required to remove anything from the site that considered a basic and when we originally acquired the site within the first 60 days there were quite a few tamper trees we were required to remove and we completed that within that period of time in the survey there were additional caner trees found and one Chinese towel tree which we have to remove as soon as possible from the S the day I received this report back I got in touch with P to see if the road department had time to remove these so we didn't have to expend money on doing that and they are our own um crew will be getting those trees removed so that we are in compliance we were there very fortunate that there was nothing else invasive that required roval at the site either vegetation or animal life so that was really really good for us during the survey they commended us on how we've address the bat issues the type of bat houses we use and where the bat houses are replaced so they really commended us on that they did stress the importance of a cried burn which two years ago we um had intended I'm completing this we knew we needed to do it forry changed management and it slips through the crafts and from April 15th to September 15 we are not allowed to do a burn during that cut season so we are kind of restricted on the period of time we can do it this year we had one scheduled and at the time there was standing water for SP period of time within the park so it kind of be again so we plan on January or February 2025 getting the SPM completed but you know like I said we are restricted on the timelines that we can use because of that that season the survey was conducted both during daylight in nocturnal times they did both site visits in addition to trail cameras and they also used recording um devices that were placed out throughout the par to record bird sound and they use top of the line technical equipment from Corel Corel lab orology department so that they could accurately ID these birds in the database and this information is uploaded in the Florida natural areas inventory system there was not any um protected species that we needed to immediately address there are some protective species on side and there were signs of some protective species but they didn't actually see see the habitat but there weren't signs of those animals so we will keep an eye out on that I do know back when we acquired the site we had to have a um in an assessment completed and there were several endangered species of birds and that's one of the reasons that we put up the W viewing area to um you know promote bird washing at the side we had the typical animals that you would expect there that were signs of of wild hog white ta beer armadillo they did not see bear on site but they said that the potential for fair to be on site is um medium likelihood that there probably is from time to time for the black bear but we it was a a very very good um Wildlife assessment and it was very good from accounting standpoint because we don't have anything that really requires special management or special removal so we're very fortunate on that I did not not expect anything major because there's so much activity in that area but you know how that goes you never know what you're going to find but but we had a great assessment we are required to do educational Workshop throughout the year and um I will pull aside couple subjects that you know I think you all would enjoy I know everybody likes butterflies so probably our next Workshop will or my next Pres ation will probably be on butterfly and probably one of the endangered species of located on after that any questions any questions question the proposed control burn is what acreage would that include I'm assuming just yes yes and we completed that the last time we advertised it well in advance we upack down Flyers we had bo through there we um have it actually professionally done but this time we're going to use four three because they they will do it at no charge to the county but it it will be in the pine Flatwood area and like I said well in advance it will not encroach upon any of the developed area and um last time like I said it was it was very well managed went very well and within a very short period of time the um vegetation was back and very healthy and very Lush but we will we will let you know well in advance in addition we will have like a um contractual agreement with forestry that we will improve before we do anything with that burn take on any kind of smoke f or things of that magude man I am not sure how the contract will read but last time we were very very careful on on that and you know we had a designated like period of time like a couple day period where the weather was best and we adti at that um there was good control on the roads and it will be will like I said in a in a off tourism season um you know when the when the weather is good and it will be very well advertised M I don't recall any issue with drift the last time with with smoke drift or any traffic control issues that we had no we we had you we didn't have any problems at all last time like I said it was extremely well controlled it was um like we adti a Tuesday period just to be sure you know the weather was appropriate for it but I'm sure in the event that it would be some kind of strange weather or wind that would be delayed but it it was extremely it was very very well managed last time is the objective of that control firm just for fuel reduction and habitat Improvement couldn't that also reduce those B of species that's correct and um they feel like fla Community Trust feels like a burn um makes your habitat and your vegetation much healthier and that was for the terms of the gr agreement that we would use two Burns and we did one immediately after acquiring the side and we've got the second one um to be completed and then we will fulfill our obligations as far as that other than the fact the board should decide in the future they want to you know to do their Burns which will depend on Hab theat grows and in vegetation grow and how the board choose to proceed with that okay all right that Chinese is that Chinese Talent Chinese Talent Tre what country is that CH the the Chinese T yeah it it is considered anive species I'm not really sure it's non native I'm not really sure you know how it got there fortunately in this case there was just one Chinese to and there were only about four or five camper trees which the last time there was considerable considerable amount of um camper I will say when we were trying to acquire the steam Hatchy fish market and we had to have the original habitat and vegetation studies completed there were quite a few China Berry trees um across the road from stei Fish Market that we were going to be required to renew immediately so I I'm not EX sure you know how the Chinese T gone in our area but but it is considered invasive and something that if we acquire the s to the Community Trust Fund and I would imagine if you do a land acquisition with anyone probably spr Warrior that may be a requirement to remove anything bases so that you know you have more native all I think that's it we appreciate that thank you and I will like I said we'll do a couple workshops and um this is another step we' completed towards fulfilling everything um and for the Community Trust as you know that BR for perpetuity as well as the reporting but many of our obligations we have a certain period of time to fulfill and other than um we had to put in so many forms of recreation and we still have to put in the horse pit and we are putting in two exercise stations but we have fed all that so we we've done really well to make sure that that we have to the requirement and there were quite a few and and fulfilled all the county county obligation all right thank you ma'am thank you and and before you um let me go commissioner Fel I have answers to all your Aviation questions and I will be I have emailed some of it to miss Wanda and she'll have the remain tomorrow but I have been able to get answers to all your um Aviation questions okay you can copy me with that if you'd like okay okay thank you thank thank you all thank you all for everything thank you m all right moving County Administrator items 23 the board to consider approval of sale of real property located at light L 17 Unit number three ke Beach agenda bya pton County Administrator so this is to um I guess I would say finalize the sale that the board voted on August 27th the sale of a portion of Lot number 17 Kon Beach Unit number three to Joseph Scott in Cynthia L mlan our County attorney prepared the deed is attached um and Mr clerk I'm not sure if you've received the payment or not I'm aware heard I can reach that's the only item I think we haven't finalized said he wasn't didn't want title insurance so that's why all we did was just PID what's called a county deed um pursu to the form is in the have sign so if we can go ahead and execute deed then we won't record it until we receive it make sure that we received $100 make a motion that we approve on money seced by all in favor 24 the to consider Amendment current policy byat the board has discussed and proposed amendment to our s Le policy a couple of times um and just to review what's been discussed the attached policy revision is an effort to consider Financial recognition for employees who consistently choose work over absenteeism this proposed policy would require more than 5 years of unused earned sickly to reach the minimum payout upon separation the goal of such a policy would be to encourage attendance versus absenteeism upon review of curring employees the balance earned Sly um with the maximum payout if all of eligible employees separate at one time is $100,000 total so there's a small number of employees who do not use their sick time um there's no provision to pull sick time basically you use it or you lose it and and that's the way the policy is written our current Sly policy does not require a physician excuse until the third day of consecutive Sly so this would just be an attempt to encourage our employees to stay at work um and I consider foree in the future with the budget changes that we all know are coming that may become more of a challenge to incentivize employees to to stay at work and to show up every day so I have the uh prepared Amendment language for discussion for consideration I think I think it's a good move and it does incentivize employees to be here and we know that when they're out it cost us money and so this way this this with them hopefully won be be here more than what they would have been before um our Ser you know our services will be enhanced because you've got people here to do the jobs otherwise when they're not here things that may need to get done don't get done so I think it's a good plan and I'm all for and I'll make that motion when the time comes it did take me a little while to warm up to it did value because honestly with the budget constraints I know that are coming I had a hard time getting past the fact that this could be an additional expenditure but when I went back to the beginning and you know reviewed what caused the policy to be changed in the first place from what I recall there was a situation where um in the past the board would pay out a portion of the S we um we the county got hit with several people who separated at the same time and it caused um a constraint upon the budget I think the only way to get around that is to um is to plan for that and I know we already Mr clerk we already have um uncompensated absences in a in a line item that we plan for yeah I think we budget 75 I think the liability countywide cost everybody like a million but right 75,000 I believe I had a question is there a way that if it's already budgeted 75,000 aren't we talking about two different perspectives I mean we're already talking about time on so this is already an allocated expense basically is that fair yes I mean it's it's a lot ility the liability is greater than the 75,000 you're just not expecting to pay more than 75,000 out right but given the budget constraints that we're we're discussing and we can understand they coming wouldn't that really be somewhat Al lineing a formula for a perfect stone that we wouldn't have budged well that's why I'm suggesting if we know what the worst case scenario is if everyone separates at the same time as far as adding this in addition to the policy if everyone wanted to leave at the same time I would encourage us to plan for that instead of just you know getting in the same situation we were in before where we didn't plan for it multiple people separated at the same time and then that created a liability for the county um those folks basically put their notice in as they're they're retiring given that option of planone oh they can they can absolutely they can they can not utilize their sck time I think what we're trying to avoid is if people know they have hundreds or over a thousand hours that they have not used in sick time what I'd like to avoid is them you know feeling like they're losing a benefit and start calling into work and not coming to work you know when when the if people if people know they're not going to get that money that most people are going to call in and use that time versus lose it all but you do have a few good employees that have been here and probably been here when they were sick just a minute hold on so you know um maybe they were here when they were sick so I think that it's a good move are is everybody going to leave at one time no that's not going to happen so to think that we're going to all of a sudden be hit with $100,000 at one time it's not going to happen but to be prudent you do need to plan and and you know you might can have an idea when you know people that have been here for a long time and what they have even if they don't tell you you know uh you got a plan for it so we can also have a limit similar to Clerk's limitation on these hours that we wouldn't have this burden that taxpayers would have to absorb that's that's up to the board I I will do whatever the board asks but I would say that if we have current employees who I I know when this policy was changed years and years ago that there were employees who were grandfathered in so if they were you know there was a cut off time and those employees we continue to pay out and we I think we have one employee left that falls under the SLE policy and the others are under the new policy so if you wanted to you know reduce the annual Le payout then or what you know that's not what I'm saying you're thinking but if you want to change the policy I would encourage you to change it moving forward and for people not to lose their time that they they haven't taken I mean I think you know we have paid time off or we have sick leave and and then you know it's it's labeled as such for use for employees we want our folks to be healthy they have vacation so they can maintain that status I mean you know as they see food and they also have sick time I understand that personally so um I know we've discussed this before and and chosen not to just that I don't I'm more in line with the policy that CL has as far as limitations and it's not to be a punishment at all it's actually to be an encouragement it's an encouragement to utilize the time that you have allocated to you during window time discuss that's so that's my position I understand and and I don't I mean you're the policy makers what I foresee though my concern for the future is as we experience budget constraints you know we want to retain the staff that we have and if this is a way to incentivize people to come to work um to cover all the work that needs to be done that's why I'm bringing it to the board to consider yeah let if I may add you know we've got a lot of really good employees in this County and a lot of them don't make a lot of money and and and I think this is just the right thing to do for our employees especially when you think about the ones that are working on the poverty level this is just another benefit for them and if they've been loyal and then here then yes pay them out I don't have a problem with this initiative if someone made a motion to approve it motion to approve a motion by commissioner Fel second by commissioner D to approve this uh s Le policy all in favor item 25 the board consider the appointment of interim director for the mosquito mosquito control program is agenda by the County Administrator so we must have a a formal Mosquito Control director for Taylor County um our former Mosquito Control director resigned last year in the interim I have been the Mosquito Control director I would like to um suggest or request that our mosquito control coordinator Gail Hilson who has received for license as an applicator and is allowed to supervise up 10 employees I would like the board to endorse her as the interim Mosquito Control director and what that does is it starts I'll say the clock cooking she has six months to pass her director's exam which is very difficult from what I understand um but I you know the state has been very patient with us as far as not having a permanent person in place um they work with us very closely I'm very grateful to them but this is basically to remove this additional responsibility for me and and have it in the appropriate Department um myself here ju bolt um will continue to work with Miss hson if the board approves this that I think one of the biggest challenges is the reporting that we have to do it normally takes two or three of us to get the numbers right um I will continue to fill that role until she becomes more comfortable um but this would this would start um this would start the the clock ticking is she the one that's been working to get certified for all the time no ma'am uh she's on she has been with us say about six months oh okay maybe maybe a little bit longer I can't six to nine months so the first um the first thing she had to do was to get her um her advocator license in which she passed that test and then we move forward to the inter director to approve second motion second by commission to approve all6 the board to consider approval of Staff request to place the event parking only side that Forest Capital Hall it has been brought to our attention that there are numerous Vehicles parking at First Capital Park um and unfortunately because of the number of vehicles that are currently parking there it has caused some damage to the to the grass there's um a small two BR road that is there now um and at last count there were I believe over 35 Vehicles parked there in the past few years I'm occas I mean it was not unusual to see a few Vehicles parked there but I've never seen damage from it um so when I reviewed the ordinances the county administrator does not have the authority to restrict parking on County property only rights of way so I would like to request the board to consider um giving us permission to place event parking only signs at Forest Capital Park to encourage folks not to park there and to also empower the Sheriff's Office to help enforce that if people continue to park in that area you need a motion to do that I'll make a motion to do that I've had several people complain about that group that was parked over there the the reason some of them were parking there because they weren't on school property and they couldn't have their vehicle Serv if you know the resource officer that was at the place couldn't go over there and check in people because it wasn't on the school ground so it really needs to be done where people can't part I'm we have a motion commission second that that concerns me you know and Marty was noing his head you know I I think we should probably do this but I just hate it that the county property can't be can't be used obviously it's being abused right but I just hate to say okay this is County property and nobody can park well now unless there's an event going on no they could people could park in the parking lot I don't have an issue with that as long as there's adequate parking for 4 AG clubs and events and I think some people have started parking over at the park itself but um I think again when it was just a few Vehicles it it really didn't bother me I hated to take that away but when there's over 30 Vehicles parked and that causes a lot more damage to the turf and and plus I don't want to create you know ruts that people could trip on or holes people could fall in and when we try when we do try to moow it is an effort um to get people to move their vehicles then we have to get the school resource officer involved and it's a lot more difficult to move 35 vehicles in just a handful I mean I I'm going to support this but I I have reservations but I have to support it because of what allegedly is going on but I don't like telling people they can't proper Park on County property and I I don't disagree um I didn't embrace it at first for that very reason it's public property but this this year since school has started um the D the damage is evident and I don't I don't know anything about searching the vehicles or I mean I understand where that could happen I did try to work with school staff to encourage people not to park on County property and it was not successful is there any kind of barrier or can you put up tape would that do any good well just so can I make a parking at the parking lots over at school maybe administrator down there about it and they said they had plenty of Park maybe you just put signs up it says no student parking we have to go through an exercise where we have to figure out who's driving the vehicle and school can give them a sticker to put on the car yeah I me we could ask the school to do that that they have school I I thought they had that but I think that's the biggest issue here is that students from the from Big to cooperate they abely I think everybody else knows what that place is open for the general public they could par over there if they had to you know for for Advance there and that kind of thing well I know you know a long time ago when I couldn't to buy pine straw I would go out there and rank up pine straw to take home now what if somebody I don't know if they still do that or not can somebody do that I do but I would think as long as that I mean I don't have an issue with that I was just trying to come up with a way where the school resource officer could help us enforce um you know large groups of people parking um I think we're out of pine trees for p we have a motion to approve this approve maybe deci we can we can work through the signage I just I just want to make sure the board endorses the the philosopy that we want toing there V in favor all right 27 the board consider approval of contract insurance so this is an item that was re agenda from our last um meeting the um so hunt has agreed to reduce our premium from 23 to20 to $2,152 which is $1,000 um1 $68 reduction so I was successful in requesting that they do consider that we're fiscally constrained and that's you know we've never filed a claim um as and they did reduce that on our behalf reduction $1,068 same benefits just a lower premium just a lower premium motion to approve to approve second all right item 28 the board consider approval to hire fulltime building official G by County Administrator so I am respectfully requesting approval to hire Mr Lee Ellison as our fulltime building official Mr Allison has over 40 years experience as an electrician his hiring status would be contingent upon approval for a provisional license which he does not have now if approved he would have two years to obtain his building official license um he will be contacting the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation to schedule his appointment to request his provisional license until that time it will be necessary to retain Mr Bobby Johnson as a parttime building official you have to have a a building official um until he gets his obtains his provisional license and those meetings are every other month so ites how long month no I'm hoping it doesn't take more than two but I would say you know there will be a there will be a training period and there will also be a period where he has to go through the process to obtain his provisional license so what I would like is to um is to keep Mr Johnson on the payroll for 16 hours per week so he can do plan review and departmental overs s and and until Mr Ellison is fully trained and licensed a salary for Mr so it will be um I will get that to you the range is 48,000 to 7,911 I cannot go over Midway and I believe that I offered him somewhere between the starting salary and and Midway Okay so can we table this until we know what the salary is I think I it would you I I would rather not table it because the clock is ticking I would like him to start October 1st so he can up so he can immediately reach out to ddpr um to get his license I just don't I don't recall the number off the time yes electrician very nice gentlemen but that's a big job and it's going to take some time and just you know for the board's information while you Mr Johnson is only working three days a week so the remaining departmental oversight paying the bills supervising some of the employees has um Marsha and I have assumed those roles so we're we are um eager I'll make a motion to to hireing we call they got an issue we need to get somebody full time quick as possible she's going to looky Sor she's going just look for the right okay I mean if you want to vote that's salary is an outrageous price right now for a man soon as we can get him on down the road we'll be better off you know because the hourly weight should we pay now it's a lot a lot it's a lot but he's not receiving any other benefits so when you consider the other benefits it's it's not sounds a but I understand what I'm saying is he doing a good job and he he'll help Mr Ellison get into the program and get everything going soon as possible so I'm accept a deposition within the guidelines of the pay scale and i' support it we have a motion on the table do we have a second second by commission all in favor 29 admin so to update the board I know that you've heard um the County engineer and I both um discussing arpa funding um our deadline for encumbering arpa funds is December 31st of 2024 so it's at the end of this year the all the funding must be expended by 1231 2025 so that means we have to any projects that go out to bid they have to be bid they have to be awarded and we have to be under contract with those Farms by December 31st 20124 originally the plan for ARA funding was to wait for the Army Court of Engineers to complete the flood plane management study and then prioritize the original study areas in order to complete the projects staff was aware that the approximately $4 million of arpa funding would not be adequate and has applied for hmgp funding for those areas as well the latest update from the Army Corp is that the study will not be complete in time to encumber the r funds we anticipate a report from them sometime in November I don't know if it's beginning I don't know if it's the end and those are not complete designs so I think it would be impossible to to be able to encumber those funds if we wait for the Army for engineers so that being said our staff proposes for us to extend the ARA funds in the following manner so the 13th Street Central Avenue culbert expansion the Fourth Street and Allen culbert expansion um that would be a good chunk of the money and then the only other shovel ready project that I'm aware of is the San Pedro pile wall and that's 1.1 a little over $1.1 million all of these projects are shovel ready as or close to or will be shovel ready by the end of the calendar year so if the board is an agreement I'm not asking for a vote tonight but what I what we will need to do is bring documents back back especially for the design portion or Ci or whatever we have to do moving forward um on the 24th because we need to we need to move forward as quickly as we can so I understand these projects that have been brought forth but I'm also familiar with bar Ro yes both friends quite job and bringing forth some of those issues that are out there is this project or potential project eligible for this funding it is so given the ongoing issues out there with turn Road couldn't that be a proposed option it it could be except that my understanding is that we cannot have it shovel ready and under contract by the end of December not like we can these other projects because we've been working on them for so long I check back with the engineer as late as this afternoon to confirm that because he would have to final he would have to prepare the construction plans so basically he would have to design it and then the project would have to go out to bid we normally advertise for about a month we would have to receive the bids they'd have to be awarded and I know we can fast TR those things but he believes that it is not a feasible it's not feasible to try to get all of that done before the the calendar year but given the issue for the design couldn't that be contracted so that it could be taken care of in a more streamline fashion I don't know what the timeline would be for that I know that's what we have done with the steam Hatchy projects but I think that is to complete the design because from what I recall the Army Corp had a percentage of the design already complete and I cannot recall if it's 40% or 6 % but that those designs were not complete when we received them so there is an element of completing the design I I don't I don't know how long it would take that's something that we can look at and see if there is any possibility um so it's really the board's preference um I think that the reason staff is leaning towards the Sandpaper Road Project is because it's in the queue it's truly shovel ready um we've already received a bid you know bids for that project and we could move forward just almost immediately um and I know that you know it's all relative I understand that that you know those projects are where they're at but I also understand and I believe all the board members are fully aware of the condition to turn the road and how it continually floods and how it is even currently so you know the point is what it is respectfully regarding uh other locations but you know the fact remains that we have this pave County roadway with these ongoing issues and the potential funding to be delegated at prioritize to eradicate these issues so and you're not you're not incorrect um you know something for the board to consider is that with the the projects just happen to be shovel ready they should total about what we have remaining in our funds I would hope that they don't go over but it's almost the exact amount that we have available so I would not I don't know the cost the potential cost of the Turner Road Project um well and that's you know if we're going to say hey the emphasis has to go on the timing stream then this board can prioritize from the secondary Road pavement option to deal with the issue on turn Road so if we're saying hey we got to use these funds we're going to lose them right and okay we take it and if you say we're absolutely certain we can't design it and and have it awarded so that these funds aren't in Jeopardy then this board then can also say while we understand and respect that we also understand the ongoing condition to turn a road and we understand what the funding is in the secondary Road pavment account and we can can move forward with that so that we're we're communicating to those residents which are contacted I believe every member of this board if I'm not mistaken and and let's just say conveyed their concerns so Gary I I can't recall the balance in the secondary road paving fund off the top of my head um I I think it would take if you're looking at District funds I would probably take a combination of all districts to depend I don't I don't know how much it's going to cost so I it's hard for me to make an estimate but my my other question is could we use on sales tax money for this construction project there's been a lot of back and forth about whether it's a maintenance project if it's a repair or if it's a construction project and um I think the latest um information from the engineer is that he feels like it's a reconstruction project so therefore it's a construction project which would be more aligned with infrastructure do you think this that would be an acceptable use of our once and sales tax fund yeah I we'd have to investigate that more because I know there was a question of whether it is an improvement or whether it is there was a question of whether it was an improvement or whether it was repair a repair right in the midst of having got to a place of moving forward with the world but but our um once in sales tax says Capital right so whether it's repair or not it would still be Capital well that's my question could would it be considered if it's construction would it be considered a capital project or and and it's just a thought I have um if that would qualify if those funds would qualify for that type of project and and we can certainly investigate it but I I can't recall off the top of my head with the balances in our secondary road paving funds um right let say something I want have to look at up and I'm sure enough with those folks out there but if you raise the road the water about 17 when I was up there you raise that rope 17 in that mean you got to p on both sides of the roope right on what about the bed under that roope bed is the roope bed going to be 17 in deep well that's I think I I think I understand what you're asking and that's been part of the challenge so is for that road surface to dry out enough to and and that's why staff feels like that our equipment is not adequate or the conditions not be good for us to try to to attempt a repair or whatever you want to call it under those conditions and and I I don't know when the road is going to dry out enough to try to accomplish this and I I mean we have an entire year to complete the construction but it's very difficult to predict what type of flooding we're going to have next year I have I mean that there's just no way for us to know if we can accomplish this in year and without going into detail I mean don't we have some other entities that may be engaging we do we do and I had a conversation with with Swan I I can tell you that part I had a conversation as recently as today with Swan River they have attempted to engage um army Corp of Engineers at different Emergency Management type division Turner Road is on their mind Jen the hurricane Debbie I took that information to the state I talked to Senator Simon I talked to Swan riverwater management um Emergency Management director and said look you know here's the situation on Turner Road do you have is there anything you can offer um for these people and that's when swy River engaged Army Corp because there is flooding in other counties so this I would say is a regional problem they haven't offered a solution those are twofold in the respect of dealing with drainage in the surrounding area which also involves other land owners but I think the focus of this project is to deal with elevation of the road for access in respect to those residents being able to Ingress eess without having to travel through inundated roadway and not to mention the damage that it causes in those conditions so so I'm not making L of of the other entities and I certainly appreciate the partnership but I also say for years we've we've had this type of Engagement and we're still at this same place and that contributes to this frustration measure and has really um you know I won't say it's come to a Tipping Point but it just is constant it it the condition of the road is constant because these residents our residents are continuing to have to to deal with these type conditions so I can't say Mr Demps about the road itself what I say is I do believe there are structures you can put underneath that road to allow that water to to balance or equalize I don't have an engineering degree I'll confess that right out of the gate but I do know that we can Elevate that roadway so that it isn't in the same state that it is currently and that our residents can make it to their properties on the driveway well I know know that you can't drive a car I thought a couple weeks ago you didn't drive a car through it you get a truck through uh yet I see two spots in that road with there's about there's up to five depending on the r two the two spots are the worst and and we did try to look at funding for elevating those two spots um but it I I believe it's going to be costly to to accomplish that unfortunately and um so I think what you're asking is if there's adequate secondary road paving funds to move forward with that reconstruction project and if that's something you want us to bring back to the board well I mean you know like like consideration is if there's funding within the ARA funds why couldn't it be prioritized to turn the road if we can contract that out so that the design phase can be dealt with to to move this project forward now I understand but if design phase is really going to tell you what the cost of the Project's going to be I get all that but I also understand the fact that these aren't funds that we're talking about may exist these are current existing funds and we have a current existing situation on turn Road Mr chair first of all I've been friends with the Turners for right at 60 years so and I have talked with several of them I do consider them my friends I understand their situation um I know the road is in a mess however San Pedro Bridge is a safety concern this has been going on for several years and for several years I've tried to get something done and the bridge just keeps sinking and sinking and so we had the go studies and the recommendation from these professionals and from our engineer was that we need to fix that because it's a public safety issue a lot of people go across that bridge every day and I am so afraid that that it's going to give and there's going to car be a car that's going to go down and we're going to have a loss of life and that's a possibility the county knows of this safety situation and I think it would be irresponsible for us if we have the funding and then we don't use the funding to fix a safety issue and put it somewhere else and again I I'm very in tune to the Turners I understand where they're coming from they're my friends but I have to look at a safety issue first and put Safety First and I think that's that's the correct thing to do we there would be no additional costs we don't have to hire we don't have to contract another engineering firm and spend more money because this is already shovel ready it's ready to go we don't have to wait spend more money um we're ready to do this and now is the right time we've got the money it's been deteriorating and I'm really afraid that something catastrophic is going to happen we've got homeowners that are right there they're concerned for these sink holes and their property which is right there and I I hope that the board will do the right thing and let's take care of Safety First well I just say Mr chairman um you know when we look at the depth of the water alternative Road that's a that's a certain safety consideration and I would also say if the conditions on San Pedro Road or in such detriment why don't we close the bridge it's that if it's that IM and it's that big of a threat now I will say I believe that that we have reached out and we can reach out and and secure the funding through Florida do when it comes down to this structure on San Pedro Road I certainly believe that I've seen this demonstration with Dot and our staff and I believe that can be successful but I don't believe that Turner Road is going to qualify for Florida DOT assistance in this this instance we have an event situation right now for safety and why would we close the bridge I'm not through for all the people if I'm not close it there's other ways that I'm not saying that you've got to close it but I'm saying if it's that big of a threat and we know that the risk is that Paramount then there should be greater measures taken I can't tell you that you need to close that road I'm not saying that at all I'm saying I know that there's over 20 residents probably closer to 30 to 50 that are continually driving in and out of turn the road that's a safety issue because they're driving through a flooded roadway and they've been doing so and it hasn't just started in the last 6 months or 6 weeks but they continued to do that and you're familiar with that with previous flooded for years it should have been fixed a long time ago it should have never been put the pavement should have never been put in that bottom to start with I don't know how that happened but that terrain out there stays a lot drier in the past than it is now you know there's issue there with the water you know and I I'm but I feel like we need to get them both done whatever it takes they both safety item law enforcement ambulances fire trucks and all that stuff don't need to be running through 17 in of water you know and I'd like to respond to that too and I agree I agree I think both both projects need to be done they're both important it's just a matter of the the one that has the biggest safety issue and I believe that's San Pedro now for the people and it's funny safy issue was funny this chair right here commissioner nobody laughing at you I'm sorry but anyway so anyway if if our fire department and correct me if I'm wrong our fire department has a vehicle that can go in 17 in and even more of 17 in and we've got First Responders we've got firefighter so we've got a way to if push came to shove we had the worst thing to happen on turn the road we've got a way to get to them they're not left out helpless whereas if this bridge Falls in there's probably not going to be a Survivor now in terms of closing in terms of closing this bridge why would we do that when we've got the funds to fix it and you've got all these people that are 5 miles from town that you would close a bridge for an indefinite amount of time because you don't know when you would have this $1.1 million to fix it other than right now but all those people that live back down there would have to go all the way out to 27 past the mill to come back to town when they're two and three miles from town so that makes no sense at all to to close the bridge and hope that one day or one year that we get $1 million when we've got it right now I just say respect to all the projects that you know given the circumstances we do have part the money and a couple of projects that are ready to go and not enough time not seem like we don't really have enough time to know do the analysis on the Turner Road that in respect to all these projects we probably should move forward and extend money on the steam Hatchy project as well as the Bridge Project but also take a deep dive into our road and not let it fall by the wayside and whatever we need to do to I mean that is an issue we've heard the issue just and I just say I think that we we probably not put a a lot of not we have to put a lot of energy into it because we have but I think we've had some other entities that we were hoping to rely on that was we were thinking they were going to come through and maybe that just hasn't happened so now it's even become a greater issue that because we don't have the funding so I think so we don't lose what we have on the AR funds that we should probably move forward with the two projects already and stay on top of Turner if we got to put it at on a so commissioner Newman would you be satisfied if I work with the clerk's office and bring back a balance of our secondary road paving funds that could be considered for this project and also look at our 1 cent sales tax perhaps and see if there's if that is is appropriate would would that be acceptable to you yeah I mean you know I'm not I don't want to jeopardize losing the funding I want to be totally clear I don't think that's real issue but you know we continue to have these discussions we talk about entities we talk about this we talk about that and we're still driving through these roads so um I I continue to share the frustrations with these residence is hasn't just started again it goes years back way back as soon as the P was put out there start to be issues out there so there are other conditions I think that are frustration in this the situation the biggest one is that these residents are continuing to have to deal with these issues I understand and when we see and know we have the funding to to deal with it and then we go another way and we just communicated one more time that there's something else more important and and so I I'm open to the fact of if the funding is there with the and it's and it's an option for the one sales revenue to be absolutely but but let's don't just come back with the funding let's come back with the plan of the design the permitting which I think can be waved I do believe there'll be a permitting you know we've talked with these entities water management and our other partners but too many times it's led into continue talking and it's harder to talk when you're underwater I understand so that's the condition any kind of you know elaborate you know comparison that's the reality of what's going on with turn road and I know people want I know people want results but I will say even during Hurricane Debbie I've reached out to State Emergency Management I reached out to Senator Simon I reached out to to Swan River Water Management and said okay since we're talking about Regional impacts in all these areas of flooding and you have agreed to partner with with army cor Engineers please help us to turn a road and I sent pictures to the state Emergency Management and you recall even before Debbie existed we were working through conditions of areas getting close to be being um you know conducive to the work taking place right and the residents continuing to communicate we've communicated I'm not saying there haven't been efforts that's been put forth and I appreciate those efforts I'm just and on all levels you know but we're still in this this issue and so understanding that and seeing this potential here you know I think that was absolutely be the least we could do and in respect to the one C option Mr Newman I would like to see turn red fixed your constituents and my friends live there and I'm I would if it came to a a boat I'm okay to use the sales tax part of the sales tax money to fix chal Road it needs to be fixed I understand that and I understand what these people go through every day so and I understand your frustration because I've had years of frustration also like commissioner Moody has said cing that can down the road so it's time I'm sorry it's time to fix turn R if we can do it with the on6 sales tax or secondary whatever we do if we could use this money that's before us tonight that has to be spent that we show ready for to fix the safety issue but make sure that we get Turner Road fixed correct so I'm I'm not against ter Road you're that road I'm I'm with you on that I'm with you on that so I know i' put our clerk on the spot but can you and I discuss different possibilities and look at at balances along with our finance director and see if we can identify any local potential funding sources because I know I mean I know resilient Florida funds we could use for that but we're waiting on that inventory to be complete I mean I we've identified funding that may be years down the road but I understand they want a solution now yeah I mean so we we are years down the road I mean we're we're so many years we can talk about when the payment was put there and all the issues that are on you know and it it's not something that I'm saying you know nobody's looked into I'm I'm not at all trying to say that and I can appreciate those efforts I'm just thank you I'm I'm still looking at I know this depressed Road this depressed in many many ways understand so that that's frustration when we talk about the funding that's before us and then then in the same breath or the same conversation we said you know there's funing it maybe a coule two years 5 years 10 when need it 5 years 10 years ago and here we are so if that is there and we can get that designed and let's start moving forward I I'm not a meteorologist or an engineer or a Philadelphia lawyer so I go ahead be on the record for all those things but I I am continuing to share in and see and live that frustration now I'll tell you I don't drive in there every day but I certainly have the compassion for those folks that are forced to do this I I do as well I understand and I know every time we have an event you're reaching out to me I'm sending our fire chief down there to check on the conditions or I'm asking law enforcement to stop by I mean those those folks have always been on our minds we just haven't had a solid answer and I hate that but we will bring back some possibilities for the board okay just one more little tid bit they was telling me about a warrior Creek or something's plugged on there yes so that is what I that we're trying to work with army cor excuse me Water Management um you know that is a concern and I've shared that concern with the appro agencies as well is that perhaps there's a blockage in that Creek System I don't know how much of that could be caused from debris it may have happened years ago there's also been some some changes on private property that is making this situation more difficult and I would say any of the work that would have to be done is all on private property and you know the only the only exception to doing work on private property is during the local state of emergency and there's no way our equipment will stand up there I mean there's just no way so and I had that conversation with water management today we went through the possibilities again and you know I I feel like we just in circles because it it dries up it's no longer a local state of emergency we can't take Pro you know we can't take equipment on private property and it's it's just and I I don't know when that property will be dry enough for for us if we found a way to accomplish that I don't know when it would be dry enough for us to try to do that it could I don't I can't predict that so Mr chair so where are we then so with this funding that we have and the deadline that we have where where are we tonight with with this are we going to with ar funds yeah I think with ar funds we're going to move on with the two with the two projects that are shov already right and turn road right you want to take Turner Road out of the the funds that we're talking about instead of San Pedro is that what you're saying no I think arpa funding is going to be for the steam Hatchy project and the San Pedro Pedro Bridge Okay and we're going to keep pushing this Turner Road issue until we get it fixed yeah and I I don't want us to leave that behind we need to keep right on we fix turn around on every agenda that we we fix we got to do what we have to do we got a bigger issue not just turn the road several districts p district North East of town up here all them Creeks that's been full of trees right now they big around all in them limb stop and them big trees is not going away they blocking all these Creeks you got Woods Creek pimple Creek Spring Creek you got a bunch of defend holway that's blocked we've got to get 20 River and core of engineers to recognize that there's something to be done Dixie County just went through a real big drainage process of draining and they worked on private property too but they had they you know they worked into it got it clear to do it it wasn't you know but it's we've got there some kind of government money out there to get all of these Creek runs cleaned out and and we need to work on that that's the next step we need to make but I'm for doing the bridge down there on her District but I want to make sure his gets done too I mean I don't want I'm just but the big picture is down the road we need to get these prek runs all over Taylor County cleaned out and I had another conversation with Water Management District today the difference about that same topic the difference with Tor County and Dixie County is Dixie County's Dixie County's project was the old WPA dishes and it's not the same as what we're facing in Taylor County but there is some WPA dishes it's holding water right now too that need to be cleaned out in a bunch of them down the Pucket road down on 98 side spring Hampton Springs Road Old WPA dises it's full of trees right now I I want to piggy back off of what you're saying because I'm still getting calls and obviously you are too about the Creeks being stopped up and people's yards and land being flooded now you know how many years have we been talking about the Army Corps of engineer and SW R Water Management coming in here to help us with San Pedro Bay and all these areas that that is flooding I've been hearing that for uh ever since I've been here well now remember that they have they have engaged with this on this flood management study which is after goodness what four years is almost complete so they have done that for it include San Pedro and uh Ellison Road and all John stri all back in there Wilder Creek and spring Warrior or whever you're talking about no these were the areas that the board identified I think there were either nine or 11 areas nine I think nine areas that the board identified I believe East Elison Road was one of them um and that was the original project that Army Corps has been working with us on now In fairness to everyone involved that was preco that slowed the project down tremendously but I'm told that in November sometime we should have a report and then we can move forward and we have applied for hmgp Grant funds once we you know if we can take that by to the elephant and then if the board wishes to prioritize the next project as reaching out to you know for for these create cleanouts I mean we can certainly do that that has been a point of discussion but I don't have a solution for that today okay I I just ask you to stay get on top of that and stay on top of that and see if we can get something done now I think every person in here has these flooded problems in their District so one thing that we might want to consider is just to make sure that every one of us part of our district is in the next plan because we all want I mean you know I want the whole County but I work for district four and and they work for their districts too so maybe we could all get something done but as far as these Creeks stop up there's no plan to unstop these creeks and they're on private land and so it's causing people Downstream problems so could we use part of the American Rescue money to try to get some of these cleaned out so and I can't help but wonder if that's part of your problem I can't say not I mean you know but I think the problem is is you know from the gulf North I think you have debris and trees and all those things that are on the coast in The Creeks I I mean I can't tell you where all of it's at but I continue to be updated as to and I've seen it you know it's an ongoing issue we talked about this a year ago commissioner Moody said it you know as we were trying to deal with debris on the roads the debris and all these waterways is continuing to compound the situation it is and and it's not just that it's from ad Delia but now Debbie came through and everything or anything that was leaning is on top of that and so I do think our state partners are aware of that I just believe we need to um you know continue that communication and and get to that point of know funding consideration and we we've got to be able to start somewhere and and where is that Ian everybody's going to say their own District I get it you know there's a number of factors I think that contribute to that so so I think we can work through it but I do believe it's given the last 12 to 14 months all the extreme weather situations and all the debris whether it's manmade or trees or all the rest that's that's compounded is prob you or Jim or the rest of y'all would y'all been willing to talk about the the American Rescue plan funding that we have that right now as far as I know we don't have anything planned to use that for right that's this $4 million that that's that's what I'm talking that's what we're spending right now that's the americ I'm sorry I didn't realize sorry okay okay and it's going to take all of that then so where could we get funding from to help clean out these ditches and streams and I don't know I I've had several discussions with FEMA you know that has not come to fruition um I had a discussion with water management today and the discussion was that perhaps we would we would try to have a meeting a regional meeting between the affected counties Swan River Water Management District and the Army Corps of Engineers to identify you know to pinpoint these concerns that we have this is just you know it just continues to affect our citizens and and with the weather weather patterns that we have it it just keeps building like commissioner says it's just compounded now that we've had Debbie to come in do we need a task force or what do we need to do to try to get something done I would say let me complete the discussions with Swan River Water Management District I am curious if the resilient Florida funding could perhaps be used for any of this but we can't we cannot get our hands on those funds until that inventory is complete I will have to see where we are with that but if if you'll give me a couple of weeks to see if I can finish the conversation with swany River Water Management District and army Corp of Engineers to to I know Senator Simon's already had a meeting with them let me see if we can take it to the next step and identify if they can if Army Corps can step in and help develop a plan or identify or whatever we need to do and then I will bring that back to the board well see they're they're not in a hurry obvious they're not in a hurry and they don't get the calls that we get what maybe what we should do is get their phone numbers and get all these people to start calling them and and and uh bending their ear they for election this year they're up for election this year years so they should they should be they should be on both well they're not in a hurry I'm just say now Senator Simon has been on the ground I mean I I've got to say this up front he I discussion with him before Debbie and Adell I mean this this hasn't just started with him and everybody else what's he doing well I mean you know the funding that we've received I don't think is is by habat so has all that directly affected the issues we have with our on water not yet but I do know and I've had those conversations and I know our staff has you know uh We've we've got a great representative in Senator Simon He's Not absent and he is absolutely um aware of of what we're having to work through as far as as you know the compounded situation with the debris I do know it does take time for that funding being appropriated so and and through what agency so that's that's I think the key and I think we need to be a bit more patient so that you know they can complete that process and it does make it down here where we need it most it's not because our Senator doesn't know he's been here he knows he's and he and he not just that he knows and it doesn't matter but he knows and he is actively working for results not just a bunch of chatter yeah well my reference was to are we coren oh yes and Swan River and I understand what what you know understand about uh uh Senator but and I guess he's trying to secure some kind of state funding why can't we reach out more to uh uh representative Neil dun and try to get some more Federal help I mean doesn't the Army Corps of Engineers fall under Federal fed it does and he he's aware of the issues with the flood Rick Scott is too I've talked to both of them I mean they they nothing will happen with them or anything after November that's just way to ball bounce right and I understand that and you know and I think we've been very patient I think we've been patient but our people our people are running out of patience that's the only thing we had with just wateren roadway we got saf building complex that we walk 20 million to build it and other counties got the same thing they just built one in Madison and Cy Simon was over there with them doing a ribbon cut my hat my hat's all to it a hard work I probably work myself crazy you don't want s I got I had that to it 30 comments and concern from the public for n agenda items non agenda items we got some people back here they were here for the what we just we just talked about what are yall satisfied with what we're working on I mean what direction we going in I think we've kind of reached an agreement anyone else for non-agenda it anyone on the line I do have the salary for the building official yeah um is $ 54,2 1884 No 5 54 288 okay I go all 31 board informational items Mr F yeah you know we all get caught up in our districts and what we're passionate about and you know we want to represent our districts to the best of our ability and you know we fought for our constituents and and um you know I I feel a little bit of camaraderie right now we you know we' talked through some things I've discussed my position commissioner new has discussed his and we're both passionate about what we believe in but it's a good feeling when I think that we can work through things as a team and and I've been guilty of of of things you know I I have to say that I'm I'm not perfect but the more and I'll try real hard but the more we can work together I think the more things we get done and my my promise for the next is to do my part and and trying to be a team member and working together for the betterment of the county that's my prayer and we all do the best weend for the people that we serve we public servant and we all want to be the best public servant that's all I got to say I you know I went out there C Road and went out there Johnson those people I don't represent but I represent the whole County you heard I heard one can't fall without the other until we get that attitude we might well forget it we all fight at the same C so thank you everybody for your support and for going forward we got to go in the right direction we work everybody work together we can get things done a motion to line muted