we come to you now we give you thanks for all the ways that you seem fit to blessing us ask father for your continual favor and blessings everything that we do father we thank you for this community this County and for the leadership father we ask that you would specially bless this commission as we come to discharge the responsibilities that have been placed on us father help us to make good decisions whatever we accomplish we will give you the honor and the credit Christ name it all IED flag of the United States of America and the stands na indivisible withy andice for allst appr good evening certainly my name is glener I live at 1 19025 Mexico road at deal Beach I have a statement I'd like to read if you don't mind for the record honored Commissioners my name is Glen Center and I leave live at DL Beach my wife and I are property and business owners at Keaton Beach we moved here almost 7 years ago and fell in love with one of the most beautiful spots on Earth we also came to know and appreciate the kind and friendly people of Taylor County we consider this County home those of you who work and associate with us know that we are average law-abiding people we don't cause trouble we don't make waves we're middle of the road folks respect and listen to everybody's ideas and opinions but when we have an opinion that needs to be heard we speak up my wife and I work hard at our business but we also volunteer many hours of our time and spending many thousands of dollars every year in materials talent and money working for and giving back to the community we have become a part of this beautiful area and we want to improve it and help it in any way that we can we my wife especially are extremely active in charitable and social organizations and events we care about the quality of our lives and the quality of the lives of our neighbors and all the citizens of our community as you know we attend most of the public meetings in an effort to stay informed and abast of the changes happening in our community the members of the Taylor Town commission and its staff are some of the most well-educated and dedicated men and women ever to serve this County you spend countless hours working for the betterment the Improvement of the county and its citizens and I commend you all when an opportunity comes our way the appointed boards such as the economic development board the osal committee of the Taylor Taylor Chamber of Commerce work hard to bring in in business for the benefit of the community because we are economically disadvantaged there are some times predatory entities that will try to take advantage of what looks to be a back and uninformed County in the long run some of these offered offered opportunities may not have the best interests of the county the County's environment or the County Citizens at heart we depend on our commissioners to S the wheat from the chaff and make the best informed decision possible that will protect serve and benefit the county citizens of Taylor I attended a recent building and planning meeting I listened to many good points on both sides I'm not an engineer I'm not a scientist so I cannot tell you if the facts that were presented are accur or correct from either perspective my comment about this procedure is that at the end of the opponent's presentation the rutal speaker from the Tec called the opponents and their supporters ignorant I want to say to you that the people of Tor County are not ignorant we may be an economically poor County and we may even be somewhat naive with regard to political and big business matters nevertheless our citizens are intelligent informed and they have good opinions that said I wish to relate to you an incident that Happ happened to my wife and me at the Elks club last month L and I are members of the Taylor County Chamber of Commerce we were invited to attend the presentation on the Magnolia Bay project sponsored by the chamber and the development committee I won't bother you with all the details but the short of it is my wife and I were yelled at bullied and then ejected from this meeting by the developer Chuck Olsen for no reason and in in the most embarrassing way possible I will not try to be and I am not a AAL person and in an effort to avoid more of a scene than what was already happening the that and I left the meeting normally I tried to make light of this sort of thing try to find the humor in it there was no humor in this situation because of the untruths and inaccurate statements that are circulating about the incident I'm must to speak to you in this form to set the record straight my wife and I did absolutely nothing wrong we attended this meeting in good faith we had a written invitation from what I assumed was from the Chamber of Commerce we should have been allowed to be present without any sort of harassment or comment we did not create a scene nor did we offend or confront anyone the reason we rejected from this meeting is because I gave my neighbor Rick Cy a ride to the meeting that is all I do not want to discuss Mr Cy or his part this incident that's for him to do so if he wishes but Mr Cy was not welcome at this meeting because he has an opinion about the project that is not favorable his opinion is based on environmental concerns and possible violation of state and federal laws again my wife and I did not make a big fuss create an incident of any sort we were embarrassed bullied and threatened had I stood on my ground or refused to leave Mr olon would have had us arrested and taken away in handcuffs needless to say we left in my opinion Mr olon had no Authority nor did he have any right to treat us in that fashion we were embarrassed in front of our peers and many of the Business Leaders of our community and many VIPs afterwards I spoke with the director of the Taylor Chamber of Commerce as well as the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and confirmed that we my wife and I had every right to be there and Mr olon had no authority to tell us to leave in fact at my request the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce personally called Mr Olen and asked him to apologize to my wife and me in a public form twice she called him and asked him twice he refused honored Commissioners this incident could have happened to any of our citizens it could have happened to your mothers fathers friends or neighbors to anyone that Mr Olen has perceived to have an opinion different on his own my question for you tonight questions when is it acceptable for developer or business consumer to come into our community and be allowed to bully demean embarrass and threaten the citizens of Taylor County when is it acceptable to require two armed Law Enforcement Officers to attend a community meeting in a local church where Mr Olsson is present to prevent further spontaneous violence when is it acceptable for anyone to to come into our community and call our citizens ignorant Commissioners I ask you are these the kind of business people that we will be proud to tell our children and grandchildren that we supported and endorsed are we sure these are the kinds of people that have the best interest of our County and its citizens at heart are we sure that these are the kind of people that we should do should welcome with open arms honored Commissioners every citizen in this great County and indeed in this great country has a right to an opinion and a constitutional right to voice that opinion no one I don't care how rich or powerful he is no one has the right to silence that voice either by intimidation exclusion or violence honor Commissioners we depend on you to make the right decision in all of our best interest and to stand up for your citizens thank you I want everybody to know C ACC but if you go to taylor.com allc no one no one owes no one owes me apology except for Mr R I just I just wanted it stated for the record thank you FL am each minutes my name is Patty I live at 1 19060 Good Times Drive deckle Beach and I'm only mentioning this because I've heard it and heard it and heard it so I just want to voice my opinion on October the 10th 2006 I was attending a meeting at the Blue Creek Church co-hosted by the Taylor Coastal communities Association and the coastal committee with the topic being seagrasses before the program started CL a asked how many people lived in Taylor County for over 30 years then out of the 30 people less than 25 had lived here for over 30 years most of the people at the meeting were from the Beach's area then he told a story about seagrasses he was out scalloping in a boat toward the seagrasses and he said I have to admit they were from Georgia I take offense at that this is not the only only time I've heard this statement from him just so happens and I don't think it's funny that recently there was a large boat that got stuck in the seagrass bed south of the Katon Channel and The Operators were Taylor countyin and I've got well that's not what you said at the meeting it took two sea boat sea toe boats to remove this boat while carrying up the seagrass beds you can contact the fwcc and get the details my point is that people from from all over make mistakes and many have no excuse for it we've owned a house at dick Beeks for 5 and 1/2 years and that means we've paid high taxes for the last 5 and 1/2 years to Taylor County even though we are from Georgia we decided to retire in Taylor County because we love the area there's no more beautiful land than what is around our house there are birds everywhere fish and jump all the time and there's some very nice people that live there we love to fish and watch the wildlife we realized that living on the coast means higher tax as an insurance but it is worth it it is our choice just like it is everyone else's choice to live where they live remember people that relocated here from Georgia vote in Taylor County and people from Georgia spend a lot of money in Taylor County they're great for the depressed economy in Taylor County I can only assume that living in Taylor County for more than 30 years means something to Clay and it should but it doesn't matter how long you live somewhere you still have the same rights as everyone else we cannot change our birthplace and mine will always be Georgia but our home is now in Taylor County I ask that the commission do their best to treat everyone fairly no matter what their opinions are or where they come from thank you like respond for the public the comment was made we was having a class on seagrass and I was opening that up and I had another lady from Georgia and the comment came across my point was our community Chang changing and if you remember I stated my grandfather taught me how to work a coach and my comment was to say our community is changing we got to have educational classes like this to make sure everybody that's coming here understands our coach and so I was not Ming people from outside I was trying to make the point our community is changing we got to educate people what our ecosystem is about my my grandfather did that to me my grandfather taught me what the ecosystem was I grew up just as any farmer or any fisherman may protect what they have my point was that and I understand how you can take it wrong but that's what I meant was that we're changing we've got to educate the people that's coming here because just like the person that was from Georgia and maybe that the wrong choice of words that's what I see and I'm sorry that you took offense I've been stuck on that Coast I know that Coast I know the ties and I've gotten stuck and so I'm sorry you took offense but it was not be deling people that say that our coastline is changing we have got to educate people com because our coastline is not P City and we don't have deep water 10 ft out we have shallowed water and it's very TI thank I think we need to teach everybody T County and all 65 read by title2 720 standards and rest requ that AC L AC private and with a minimum of 60 accessing ability and eff fa if you address theair do not sission not make person good evening Commissioners uh I promise beg Fleming I'd be here to keep the heat on but personally I want to keep the heat on too uh stain Hatchy has a marquee there when you come in 51 that had the five marinas on it so actually I probably go to jail for taking these off got ideal Mar that's closed golf Woods seab Bridge get closed and west wind has closed of course we're going to have an improve right away there it looks like that we the point is there's five Mariners there's three down we started the boat ramp committee almost two years it's going on two years now they they've already got condos going up the woods concrete's up the walls going up a lot has happened and we still don't have a boat ramp I know we're working on it but time is of the essence Clay is told you this here A month six weeks ago and it really is of the essence I've already heard rumors that River Haven has entertaining and offer stain Hatchy is dead without access to that River period there is there's unless we're going to end up like caribel you go carel you know some history about caribel full of condos got a tax base that can't even afford or can't support restaurants okay what happens is you end up with folks that are part- Tim and maybe it's convenient for the county tax base just to count dollars and not folks but I make my living down there and we really need to push for this I know there's some things in the works right now some things have changed but just to remind you here we are three down there's two left and one is what I hear there there could be some substance to that rumor could be new thank you gentlemen the ter County Land Development code AS amended amended section 42-41 definition 426 deleting ground and size 20 ft in height and 200t in size amending SE 42- 468 offsite Signs by adding the requirement that offsite signs cannot exceed 32t and are lied to one sign per parel or lot and amending section 4265 permit exemptions by adding language that allows small portable signs on non County rway if the sign has relevance to the adjoining property provid cability eff [Music] else to address the board I'd like to address the board my name is R Mor Stein Hatchy Florida I'd like to congratulate Daryl on his upcoming marriage and thank him for his service we appreciate thank you and I want to thank Melody and all of for group for the airport I just came from the airport grand opening and it's very nice thank will read byle [Laughter] ont to slow well go buy you new one no it's me not the an ordinance of Taylor County Florida am the Taylor County development code AS amended amending section 42-48 subsection 9 C 42-48 subsection 11 and 42-48 subsection 12 entitled use groups by amending the definition public service utility by adding railroad RightWay and deleting distribution L serving 69 KV or less and dele right away and track from definition of small scale industrial and deleting electricity subst distribu than 69 from the def of industrial second yes um we have a meeting SCH for October the 25th in tassy to discuss and speak with Valerie I can't remember her last name well we're going to present some stuff and Danny I public did you ever get a chance to come back and look at that north of stuff and see about the roads and see they said we made a mistake po Lane on the road go back and take a look at that we didn't we need to do some prep work for that we got a few things do we ever track down where you know the reason we got into this Quagmire is because DCA asked us to clarify this area north Florida we ever figure out where that came from in the day that was one of the questions not yet got us also got all of the doc DCA sent us I point out we talked about that three every 3 weeks we mow but in the winter months it actually stes you don't mow in the winter month question last meeting up around every month at that point time up the while we're out of a lowing contract I got a call today is there any way how we going to get Janu can we hire somebody temporarily to go do some board we have to how we the senary if we got one not my percep I can do it Poss full crew full to do that let's think about this will the current contractor Mo if we will he extend his contract yeah allow him to do the temporary mowing you know if he we'll do that until we get the RFP back and stuff I'm sure everybody's looked at the motion to approve no noct side I have a motion on the floor a second we are we doing business with Mr Kine on airport now we currently have a contract okay so conflict non what we fuel J fuel what the want me to do is find somebody that J you want the helicop this has been Ono for several months can you do it Contra can you do it with some type of disclosure or I was looking at the you got a I have a motion motion withdra I hear another motion I have a motion for non I hear a second second I have a second all in favor please signify by Don served a long time what will he be able to sure my question would be is Don going to be able to give the time that's required to do it Andel majority of his travel what last I have call for the question all favor please I all oppos motion Carri pass simar to the other item theek 29 your packet um there's an application list areb security motion approve Mr chair before Mr Howard goes I'd like to take the floor please um sorry um for the Public's knowledge back on the June 5th meeting uh the commission pass myself Mr Danny grer Mr Buddy humph Mr Conrad Bishop to work with secret promises to come up with an agreement between Taylor County and part of the reason is because of the magnitude the potential magnitude of this project um there's been a number of meetings held um there have been a number of drafts I've read this contract um more times than my I have fingers on my hands and so I'll probably still miss something in here uh I think this is an important contract due to the fact that uh tayor county has not seen anything of this nature myself I went in to negotiate with two principles one of those principles this this project does not have any impact on the county budget or maybe I should say a negative impact the second principle was not to impact the citizens of Taylor County financially and whenever I say that I'm going to go through a number of things here and try to illustrate those principles to what we did um um so what I'd like to do as is to take the Commissioners through this contract and talk about some of the things that we did um page number one uh is basically we have the introduction and introducing there nothing major there you have recital stated in the first number of pages is and that's basically for informational purposes of my understanding uh when you look at this contract starting on page uh four we have the relevant findings uh that seems to be pretty much straightforward there uh nothing out of the ordinary there uh give more information um public meeting that's basically what we're in today uh starting in section three uh the development of the project here again it's it's still some more informational items and and uh explaining what they're doing starting in item four section four development project permitted um we start getting into some some of the meat there and um talking about some of the things they're doing in the Florida Statutes and infrastructure uh item two the passive recreational uses including you can read that but there's a number of boardwalks and significant um everything there and all that's public domain um there's active recreational facilities there in item three item four the Side Marine Aquarium and research and educational facilities and um and so as you go through that it kind of gives you some more and you can read through that starting on page nine is is where we start getting into where we spent the majority of our time and and actually going through the front part of the contract a lot of the language was changed and to meet our needs the best of my ability and the best of the negotiating team's abilities um item one is was talking about the densities there and utilizing clustering which is in our laws number two Community Development District this is um a area my understanding in the state laws that basically um the secret promises are going to utilize to put in all the infrastructure and it's uh my understanding is access to money for lower interest because it's infrastructure to go in and that would be in the neighborhood of you know in the hundreds of millions is my understanding uh section three we get into there is a in the last meeting um we own jug Island Road there and basically this is just worded so that the public hearing will occur next our next meeting but basically this is a tradeoff here of jug Island Road where a channel will be built out of is my understanding and that we would vacate that and which obviously the county would would um get significant other things for that such as 400 parking spaces and so basically we would take a roadway that the county has if it gets past the public perod and uh my understanding from the developer is that roadway would not be disturbed it's just the set back they need to to do the things that they want to do but in return we would get public access to the marina as well as 400 parking spaces item four talks about potable water and U in that I don't think there's um a lot of PS there item five uh this this was a big uh item of contention and U we probably raised our voice across the table on L one and uh but we we think have wording correctly and basically they were wanting us to accept certain liabilities and we told we can't accept liabilities until we see the total plan and so if you notice here in the last sentence there it says once this analysis is completed uh and that's the developer for fund analysis cost of the county and providing these services county developer will negotiating good faith as cost of services to be reasonable born by each the result of negotiations being set forth in any development order issu for the project and so we' got a number more a number of other contracts that will have to be done and so basically uh we have no liability there and until we figure out what the costs are and then we will go back and and renegotiate those liabilities for fire rescue police and emergency mosquito control um number six uh Waste Water treatment disposable um didn't read all this basically uh it's my understanding that the coastal communities has opted not to provide service for this it's too big for them uh the Sewer District and so basically this is saying that we will make a special Sewer District for this developer um and they will put in that infrastructure and pay for that no cost to us it will just setting of that sewer district is basically what they're asking for there so number seven storm water drainage and management um I think that's pretty good uh just basic stuff there I I'll have to forgive me I've skimmed over this to make my notes to to do this if I missed something solid solid waste collection basically uh saying that that they would use a private contract to pick up the garbage for our ordinances and uh nothing all that is is basically saying that the folks in that development would would rather have they have something to pick up there instead of going to our regular dumpsters Road improvements um probably there's one thing there's two things I'm um quite proud of basically going back to the other two principles that I laid out going and this is one of them and for the constituents out there we just passed a number of ordinances to make sure that we did not burden the taxpayers of this County if you realize what we just did we just actually did some revolutionary things to this County to where taxpayers don't pay for developers and that's what some of those first ordinances are about there's something that's pass in legislature last year that basically that this commission is going to pick up next month it's called the fair share fair share order Facebook says that whenever you come in as a developer you develop and you take 361 which we all know as Beach Road and all of a sudden that Beach Road has to go to four lanes um then the developer only has to pay their fair share and so basically if this development makes us put in four lanes and they only need 20% of that road utilization they only have to pay 20% well that violates one of my principles the negotiating committee's principles and so basically you know I said you can't do that you know my mom and dad is not going to pay your development and and the reason I'm kind of proud of this area here is is basically we negotiated the cost that they would pay the full cost for that even though come December one by state law we've got to have an ordinance in and they can get and utilize that ordinance uh We've negotiated that back but to get them to pay for share basically we have um the um impact fees that we're going to be putting in Lord willing and so any impact fees that are associated with 361 since they pay the full fee for developing 361 they would get that part of the impact fee paid back them down to their proportion fair share so basically this this here is is a big win for the county where the state law puts us in a very bad spot I think but I didn't write that law I understand why that's law is there but um I I felt like that was a win win for us in that area and U we fought hard for that um other utilities basically right away what we typically do for most people Recreation facilities um basically it of 11 the county will not be responsible for constructing any recreational facilities or day-to-day maintenance of recreational facility development project or the public boat ramp basically they're going to the 400 parking spaces the public boat ramp they're going to construct it on their dime and that's basically the vacation of Road uh we talked about the deed um at first the developer had I forget was what it it's called impetu Uh I I I reckon I'm a land owner I want to see a deed and basically once it's instructed the deed transfers to the county but nice thing here is um the developer wanted to be able to have some control over making sure it stays looking nice and so they will pay to maintain it but any uh access fees that County charges they would get to that area but they also take care of that area also Building height um obviously this is one of the big ones in in the agreement and uh this is what the developer has desired uh conservation areas um stating um basically the applicable laws the uh not only do we look at something at this as this development moves forward item 14 gives us something today there's four acres next to the Keaton Beach Boat r that we can develop that would be given to us as this moves forward um would it be paid given to that one was just a land grant a land yeah that one was just a land grant there's another land grant in here just land um so you got that four acres you got item 15 the comprehensive plan and basically that's a notification of this is how they're going to move through their development and using small comp uh plan amendments is the way they're going to do that um de Beach landscape here again they're trying to set a certain tone and and they're wanting to do certain things there item 17 um this is a you know Danny here really pushed this with developer shall be responsible cost of all building infrastructure and St basically what it is project of this magnitude we canot we could staff up then we staff back down there's no way for us to do this type magnitude for inspection so basically here again this is one of those principles that it doesn't change the county budget what they would do is they would have to go out and hire the inspection officers to come in and contract labor basically which you know would report to Danny and make sure that was done basically we would have to change our staffing levels for the time of construction this so um item 18 there's a County Annex and basically a project of this magnitude uh we start off with 10 acres Noti we 30 acres here and basically um we think we have enough property here to put a school in as well as um other Municipal services that might be required or needed and um one of the things we asked for for insurance purposes the chief um buddy went back I think to the Chief and or some of the folks did and the chief said they really need fire station on 361 so we do get Lo Fage there for the fire station so that insurance rates for everybody can be help Mr chairman I I wanted to go through that um we met a number of times I'm sure there's imperfections in there but as as far as the committee um we feel like this is an agreement that's liveable for the county and I'm sure this this board has always done they read carefully and they find those things but I think we can go through it a number of times Conrad you got anything to have buddy you got anything to uh Danny grer buddy humpr Conrad bishop and myself man you got anything to add to change the um Mr chair um I like to first off it was was the board's committee you know and we appreciate all the work that you did on this and and uh we ask as a board that that we do this which is unusual and it's a large development uh and a lot of the reason you do this is uh it's a tremendous amount of of effort and work uh to uh start to lay out a development of this magnitude and to bring some type of organization to all the things that are being done and I I really appreciate Danny and Buddy Conrad and and and Clay's work on this and I think you've done a great job on it uh one of the things that I would uh like to see change to the recital is um we site um SW River Water Management uh permit we site the Army Corps of Engineers I'd like to see this also site in accordance with the tatlor County Land Development regulations uh and our comprehensive plan uh two top of the page I mean it's um it's it's really kind of um you know it's known you know that those uh or you know the Land Development regulations the comp plan apply I just think it' be good to have a sighted in there um to make sure that people understand that this is not um above and beyond the comp plan the uh other thing I've got a question about is the uh recreational facilities uh my understanding is is that they're going to build the recreation facilities uh which are pretty extensive and we appreciate that sounds like it it will be a improve uh quality of life uh for people throughout the community not just down the beaches um we will have a cost for maintenance uh they're going to main they're going to maintain it okay I did not pick that up in the agreement yeah okay so they're actually going to maintain um and what about operational Coster they're going to operate it at on their dime they're only Char section section 11 page 14 the county acknowledge that developer intends to operate Brin of boat ramps navigation F related facilities in the manner that makes them qualify inclusion the county shall not take any action jeopardize meler developer has offered local state okay what if the development um wants to increase fees for use of the maintenance uh use of the recreation faciliated in here okay well what it says consistent consistent with uh maybe it should be consistent with our other recreational fees like if they have you know sports facilities at stuff uh waste treatment disposal um what happens if the do we have any type of protection if something happens to the uh investors something that and we inherit the water system waste treatment system any type of performance bond or we have anything of that nature are we accepting any liability in in that Conrad yeah the wastewater treatment is is and disposal is really the one I was more concerned about than the solid waste it's on page 11 provide ath of treat disp that is comp all laws regulations include Central system service develop develop all disposal service infrastructur for the developer and the developer will provide aable service connection SE able is you're saying sure let's you know sometimes developments don't pan out and you've got half of a development started and um they decid to abandon the the system I I'm I just think it's a point of well it's a point of discussion you I mean I think need you know somehow we need to make it where we're not viable right that's that's perfectly com absolutely sure well it's just just like the um um Road criteria or anything else you know when we have a commission doing point point work and and you know that's like clay said it's it's we all go through it and um put our own spin on it and uh what what about the on page 15 the small plan amendments said I thought I thought we pray for that right before this was supposed to be submitted 65 acres how was that supposed to read Dan says let's see the copy we have says the developer intends to request several small comprehensive plan amendments at total 65 acres per cycle in each of the next two cycles approximately 130 total acres is there any problem with linking small is there any problem linking several small comprehensive plan amendments Danny is a Max so it's consistent with with what DCA allows and and it's consistent with good development okay um should oh on the building building inspections okay and I understand that we're talking about powering a a private entity to do that would there be any problem uh with that going through the RFP process uh to where they're actually we would be hiring we would just they us they would [Music] hire yeah I mean some some way we've got to show that we've got you know who assumes liability for that kind of okay to per INSP and re ask for references on that and the references are not I don't question is is as far as you're to put in that the developer will assume all liabil for those INSP is that right correct that's all I have I have two comments too much hot air flying around here that my first question I guess be know person and and about 1498 units I'm familiar with the concept clusters board put in is the all this big parel property one unit for yes and the parel property about 4,000 div that I come so the check that I'm clear on that now I had met earlier today with Tel and he answered a number of questions that I had on this um I did not know what to expect when I came to this meeting t that public is not going to have any input whatever decision we make over this I call you your attention to part two on page six of this docum which says public meetings required to enter into amend or rev disagreement shall be advertised and held in accordance with all applicable law decision of this magnitude kind of reminds me of the decision this board made reference to Taylor Energy Center we did not notice that we're going to take action and we've been hammered by the fact that you guys did this and we didn't notify everybody and the public did not have a right to come and speak so somewhere in this process let's take our time and do right this time and give notice and let the public speak well the one thing is is this this is advertised in the news I mean this is the agenda itself is in the newspaper um talking about this but still this this this issue ad y but what you're saying Malcolm is um have a public hearing that would be my suggestion is to have a public hearing and that anybody speak for or this doc this Doc is count so I don't have any real problems with me play group has come up with in this do U good document a lot of issues the do would fail to exist if that's a terminology if project is noted if the Bas in the canal is not permitted and the project scope is changed my understanding game right that we have to come back and reate this there's a understand uh there's a there's a place in here and we talk about changes and talking about wording yes they you know basically the way this this is you know it's not my job to tell the developer what he's going to do but if the developer comes and Promises everything what we what he promised and write that down to where the citizens don't you know two years into this they say oh well we didn't really mean that you misunderstood us but we got words here and we're going to be recording matter of fact that's I meant to mention before we got started here let's make sure we record this and keep it because so we know that there's a place in here that we talk about help me find it buddy it was the last time that we talked about if anything changes the public on page six it says all will be heal well yeah they can't get there was somewhere else that we talked about some of the public domain and I'll have to go back and find but we it's in here I thought it was I well and it's basically they can't go change it it's it's number two uh six says public meetings required to enter into amend or revoke this agreement okay so you're going make any changes to it well and also that's that's the reason that we discussed uh the comp plan and the ldrs is you're going to have to do site plans and every bit of that you're going to have have to go through a developmental order you're going to have to and every bit of that has to go through a public hearing process to where um it's advertised they'll have site Maps will be in the paper um they'll have to go through a concurrency study and um this this talk here the way I look at this and um I could be wrong is basically we've laid out this is the the 10,000 m i mean the 10,000 ft perspective of the project there's a lot more public hearings and other things it's got to occur but this is the first general document and basically this is saying that you know the county this is what the count is going this is the citizens and you know here's what what I would tell you is one um I don't think it's required by law because you know like all of our um contracts we go through uh we discuss you know but I think what Malcolm's talking is in abundance of caution and and just to inform the public I mean you know I think that anybody who reads this agreement goes through it um you know whether they're for or against for or against you're going to have to look at this and say that the developer is stepping up and trying to um make it a win-win for the community at the same time they're exercising their developmental rights and you know it's still uh nothing in this precludes um you know the comp plan or having to go through uh all the um you know talks about 20 River Water Management District in here in the Army Corps of engineer they also have to D will be involved DCA uh you know and so there going to be lots of public hearings but I understand what malol saying because that's only I have far me the do talk I'd like see I don't have that but I want to know this is no you know I think the agreement my whole intent I I think there's going to be a lot more hearings on this because the development orders and everything like that so basically this is the the first position and you know this is basically lay in the groundwork of here the puts and takes and what we're getting what they're expecting and so um I think we're almost talking about two different things too well I don't have to go through that kind of what I'm questioning is do I make this is kind of like with um tlor energy where you know we went through and we discussed okay if this is going to happen if it's going to be permitted and stuff uh what are you guys doing for the community and that's that's basically what this is this this is not saying that um you know this doesn't have any now dring this doesn't have any of that that's not our that's that's not the County's business that's what a lot of people are here for you know we here to you know as developers come here the only reason this one was done this way is because not the 20 condos or 50 condos this is a little bit more and there's going to be a more of an impact on our community and so you take a look at the fair share you know whenever I during the negotiations whenever I figured that out that really scared me I don't know we're going get introduced to that but we kind of eliminated that that's that part of it well we we we did and we did they're going to provide the money up front it's still going to be offset at a proportionate rate yeah you know but but I mean you know the impact fees and stuff so it it enhances the ability to develop by doing it that way but this is not saying that the development is going to happen it's what it's saying is is we feel like we have a an agreement that they've stepped forward and said these are the things we want to do for the community and um that we're going to try to um Iron these things out up front in a organized systematic approach rather than dealing with each one of these problems as that come along thank you for the opportunity to speak um ladies and gentlemen I'm really uh surprised we're going into a development agreement when it hasn't even been approved by Swan River Water Management District that's one agency that has to approve these things the latest word that I had was that uh there's out of 150 some OD questions on that permit application oh a document okay yeah it it all right in the document you indicated that uh the uh the abandonment of a County Road a County Road that I use and people use in the county uh that there's a beautiful Road that's been there ever since I remember for 45 years uh and I go down that and a lot of other people do to accommodate a private development uh that's just one I think what uh what was said about not the public not knowing uh you know can be addressed down the road but I think Mr Paige had very good question why are we approving the development now this is not quoting his words it's my words why are we approving a development agreement before the permits haven't been approved uh the major problem that I have okay personally is that it's an environmental problem that I have there are laws about dredging the seagrass beds and that's in that that's in that agreement okay you mentioned about the Basin and those things are going to be done if this is approved but those laws are on the books and they have to be approved and if you approve this document with those items in the document like the Basin and the channel and those items then you're approving a document a development document that has not been approved environmentally how how can you appr that that's my question question St Ridge Way Out of Hatchy when you were negotiating this agreement I heard one comment about fire the fire chief and all did it come up about a ladder truck area ladder truck inting that truck oh that that's that Mr R asked a good question and that's one section five and and this is one of those places that we did have a few red f spots in the negotiations okay and if it's a good negotiation you should have those but uh in public service uh that there's no way to quantify at this point and that's why that's been left open to the development order and so you know if if we got to do the ladder truck and whatever fire services you know obviously we don't have this kind of development in Athena and so the developer that's my SE five in there he's going to have to step up and help with that to to move that forward but yeah that that question is we can't answer that question there I can't answer that question before develop it's got to be answered as he moves along and that's why section POS all right when that question comes up in the Manning of that aerial ladder come up at the same time it's my understanding that it takes five trained in LIC firefighters to manap truck around the clock that that's all going that all that we can't quantify all that and they were wanting us to commit to certain things and I wouldn't buddy buddy this this was Buddy's area here and buddy I think Buddy would have got red face and said going do that you're expecting us and so basically that's got to be this for later clarification but that is one of the subjects and it was okay he did thank you um the other thing i' i' just like to say is even DCA uses what they call for the DCA uses what they call a preliminary development agreement um that starts setting parameters in place before um you know the development as a whole is approved any El speak against the my name is Rick Cy I'd like to address Miss Patterson's concerns about public hearing I agree with her this is a public hearing and the public have opportunity to speak here tonight however it was not advertised in the county of Oregon it was not gotten out to the public unless you had a computer and you went online and check the county agenda and this sort of thing you didn't have an opportunity to review this document uh I've just started reviewing it and believe me there's a lot of stuff in there that I have questions about that I won't go into tonight but I think it is a disservice to the people of the county particularly those who do not have access to computers and internet service to move forward with this without giving them an opportunity to at least resp thank I realize that but how many citizens in this County realize that I mean you you got to understand that a lot of people don't understand the workings of the government that are concerned about it now you know that's just facts you need to make things available and inform the public as to what is going on give them opportunity um one of the things about that is this agreement is probably more available than any other agreement has ever been because it is on line like we talked about is we're trying to make sure that all these documents are put online so that the public can see them and I realize that a lot of people don't don't have computers I can talk right sure and and you know as well as I do a lot of times we advertise public hearings or and we don't have very many people show up but you know I I do think that um you know it was notes in paper it's online um you know and it's it's a developmental agreement that is contingent upon all those steps being followed U I don't know if it should be in contract but you know with that size of that project by the way I was just there the other night looking at that where they wanted to put the base and me and my wife we did pray that that Saw Grass area doesn't get destroyed but we're going to talk about the contract is there it's inevitable here in a day and age like this of construction that the illegal workers are drawn to a project of this size is there going to be anything in any contract that's going to make the developer make sure that there are not illegal workers are doing everything he can without going out in saturating the area with items that don't aren't in the contract such as healthc care you know somebody gets hurt and they illegal the subsidies and all that just want to make sure I didn't know if there's room if there's place in that contract or this is too early for it and and also he is he's you know he's subject to those state and federal laws and um you know you're talking about a magnitude beyond anything that we have seen okay I think like U yeah what ising is that not the will follow the law someone gets hurt those are services that the county if they don't they S at the emergency room you can't turn them away because they illegal Al we try to avoid that to begin with uh okay the other thing is if I'm correct far as the comprehensive land plan we have we would have to change that for this development isn't there a move within the State of Florida government right now to make changes to the comprehensive plan a vote ask go for referendum and there are changes to the comprehensive plan I believe that's there's a signature Gathering right now it's going to the Supreme Court of Florida here this year and if that rule comes out we could be beating I don't know if if we were to pass something prior to that maybe that it doesn't go back I know that the State of Florida is on top of Jack might know about this sure that there changes when you we had our comprehensive plan it was done for a reason now we're going back and we want to change it if it went to the vot of the folks and say say 70% of the folks in the county disagreed with didn't want this develop or didn't want the Basin you know there's this project is so big that you could be for one part of it before the golf course I could be for the for the condo units but I couldn't be for 53 acre Basin of pre salt March in a 2 Mile Canal but I can be for the rest of it but the comprehensive land plan I believe is going to it's very close I think there's not a lot of folks talking about it because it's uh it's it's going to be detrimental to a lot of development and I obviously we need some development but uh I just what Malcolm was saying about uh slow down just a little bit making sure there might be something to follow up on to see if we're going to be working with this at the same time that law comes into effect yeah they've got to go through all the Hoops of DCA you know and if DCA does not approve it that puts out of standstone yeah thing is we're going to have to approve we're going to have to change our comprehensive plan and I think the one gentleman was saying we're all we're going into an agreement prior to it even being okay no we don't that that's very care worded to where we say that we will give that they have to go through the same process that every Tom Dick and Harry has to go through it's just it's just a notice that this is what they're planning to do and that was another one of those areas we cannot commit to you today what we're going to do a year from now I cannot commit the next commission all this is is a statement is and that's why if if you U it's like the road closing I mean the road closing you still have to have a public hearing you're going to listen to it a public hearing but yes but you could have a public hearing you could have a popular movement against it and your commission could still vote for it AB absolutely could or vote against it and so but this new law that I believe is going to go into effect is going to make it a referendum issue it's going to be and I'm not sure what criteria I think it's major land use changes right but I mean right now what we're talking about is one of many laws that are working their way through committee that may or not okay surf glad you know you're you're familiar with it and the other Commissioners right well thank you thank you Jim thank thanks for bringing the signs up I Mr chairman after this one can we take up five minute recess please we're going to have to issue you a larger bladder my name is shley holer I'm a resident of Katon Beach I'm also an officer with Taylor Coastal water and sore district and I'm here to issue a question regarding section five item number six I'm on page 11 the wastewater treatment and Disposal the statement in mid paragraph that the developer May create a new sewer district and sewer plant this is a question that brings a possible conflict to Taylor County ordinance number 20053 that created Taylor Coastal Water and Sewer District giving us the authorization to provide sewer for this area we are heavily involved right now in obtaining funds for phase two which will incorporate sewer Provisions for deal Beach and I am concerned about the wording on this paragraph and how it will impact our plans for phase two that are ongoing all right you want to ask for that or when we were when we were entering into I'm sorry we were entering into negotiations it's my understanding and please correct me if I'm wrong uh that if we could up if you would allow us up be a lot cheaper than creating something develop I've got a I may able to I don't have a letter saying that on April the 1st 2007 know and like gentlemen and ladies up here and Lady sorry I apologize up here has stated this is merely this is merely a I had a bun bunch of pretty words written down but eloquent words don't leave the tips of my tongue very often um this is mely just a this is what the commissioner and the Commissioners up here and everybody that Wasing Mr Conrad this this is what they got for um if we can hook up to your I'm sure this is just in case we don't this is basically a position and you know regardless of what people's opinion are about the development I mean the boat R there Alterna six Lanes by it's just you know talk about off task I need to be I'm sure certain it be my intent my understanding that that you not given they were you not give a definite answer and it's my intent we try to have one sewer one water and but you know that's not what I heard that you guys were not willing to fund it nor to accept their money but they had to have assurances that they could move forward the sewer would not be an issue for them that's why if you're committing to payor SE water you know I think you know we got a camera right above you there we'll be more than happy and and if you would like us toer into talk we have to do that me me now we heard other number did you say 200,000 40,000 was there I I promise that's not not in this grp well okay so do we want it comrad do we want to look at I mean how would the developers feel about the language that if they can't provide utilize it joh the spot I'll write it down right now but but we go back to this same problem with like down you know what Steen Hatchy uh order SE said basically is we will be able to do that by a date certain and I think that's the problem that the developer gets in is can you do it by a date serve thank you buddy okay my name is Jack rudo I'm uh I live in Waka County I am the top end of the uh Big Ben seagrass preserve um we have a uh an organization that depends upon a healthy productive Marine ecosystem and uh this document is a shell as been described but I would like to know since this is going to have catastrophic impacts on the sea grass beds of the wetlands the destruction of a great deal of marine prod productivity that we depend upon the commercial fishermen of wova County Taylor County all these counties depend is there any part in this agreement that would basically compensate them for the years and years of loss I call your attention to that beautiful picture behind you that area I want you to keep that in mind while you're looking at that that was created 10,000 years ago or more through the last melt of the Ice Age that is one of the most productive pieces of land on the face of this Earth along with those seagrass beds this agreement if this is a sort of of a tacet approval in its own right to begin the destruction of that I think you should really consider whether you want to pass an agreement it is going to terminate and Destroy and vastly negatively impact the highly productive area of this this region I I understand that I'm asking the document I'm asking do you have controls in this document do you have promises for the destruction that this is going to do and the loss of productivity all right that's not there are people here in this room that uh have a lot to say about this we've traveled a long way I have been to another meeting at Steen Hatchy I mean at um at Keaton of which I was not able to uh to uh present my disagreements to this project because of um I'm going to ask you to speak to the do all right I was not able to speak to the to the to the issues and apparently the document I see is a flawed document the document has major problems because of the under issues behind my name is Jim how from skin hatching I just have one comment to make I understand that this is a document of a shell and giving the commissioner's guidance so to speak but the perception if you approve this the perception is from the lay people that you support everything that's in that document with the with the exceptions the changes you made therefore the L person is not going to be very happy possibly and the only thing I can say is you need to get out and explain to the L that this document is you do not really support the development address Charlie shinholser from Katon Beach uh in The Recess I've been speaking with Mr Bishop and I do believe that we need to investigate further regarding ordinance 2005-3 and the wording that is in the current agreement as that is suggested for toight to that we speak what I was and what I asked said where in that particular ordance does it say that has exclusive power to deter or to have all sewers that particular and we at section6 and we don't have that it's not it's not does any you want to hear from people we can hear from people um if you don't want to hear from people we're going have the scort stand up U just so you can see who they are um it's up it's up to youall it's the can I first have David bacon he he is a actual land use attorney like me he is actually a genuine land use attorney can he tell you what a what the development agreement is or would you prefer just I'm a baldheaded attorney and just old and fat and he's actually he looks he he's got his stuff so it's up to y'all I'll do whatever you ask you want everybody to speak or you want to stand up and just for yeah I will and I'll be brief my name is David bacon I am from St Petersburg and I know you understand the document I'm not going to translate that in any capacity for you the one comment that the good doctor asked me to explain to you because I do know the concept and this is really for the benefit of your public and your citizens that are concerned because I believe commissioner PA's comments were good ones and the concerns are to make sure that any project of this magnitude has gives the opportunity for your citizens that'll be affected by it to be hurt anything that's going to impact them make sure they understand and you have their input before making any decision I've had to deal with development agreements over the last 28 years all over Florida uh and I understand it's the oftentimes misconceptions of them what I want the public to know that I know you understand and why typically they don't call for public hearings because the public should be involved with the process of words and legal contents that really is left to the attorney and and the council members but nothing by this agreement is asking to take a shortcut nothing is asking for the developer to be excused from any requirement of law nothing is asking for so much as one member of the public to be deprived of the opportunity to ask questions and have them answered to State their objections or concerns and have them addressed or to Simply say they're opposed for whatever personal reasons they may have that day will come we want to make sure the horse stays before the C in a development of this complexity there is involved first of all tremendous expense before even the information can be put on the tabletop for your commission to evaluate your City to evaluate and the public to address and express their concerns that cost a lot of money a developer doesn't do that typically unless he knows that there's a basic concept someone made reference to a road map to know we're heading at least in a Direction Where We can be heard and that can be considered so we're not wasting time and money so all the development agreement does is establish the basic concept and some boundaries and guidelines that will be following as we go forward and do that they we will comply with multiplicity of laws and procedures to make sure every test to the law is meant and satisfied we will have opportunities for the public to address whatever their concerns are whether it be environmental impacts traffic impacts infrastructure impacts such matters as sewer there will be a time and place for that we've got a long way to travel this is just the very first step of that very long journey that's the process that we really do bring uh before you today and I and I really do invite if any of the public or the board if you look at literally the first paragraph on page one of the agreement it states that purpose and it really all the other words of the agreement are made very clear because in starting with the fourth line down this agreement is for the purpose of number one establishing the intent of the developer and going forward not granting your consent final approvals of a development where they can actually start changing a land or building buildings but it's number one to identify the intent of how we're proceeding so that everybody's working on that same road map number two is providing assurances to the developer that upon receip of development orders first thing it has to get a development order and there will be a lengthy process to get that it may proceed in accordance with laws and policies it's the next protection we federal state and County we have to comply with all laws and policies and subject to all conditions of this agreement so there just in the recital alone we have three different protections to the public to make sure health safety and Welfare is protected to make sure that the neighbors both their property rights are protected we do nothing to infringe on their legal rights as a property owner and to make sure we do nothing to impair their property values all of that's going to be addressed as we satisfy those requirements but the next is item three ensuring that the uh to the county that the developer will pay its share for infrastructure and other services related to the project so that you know we're not going to be an economic burden upon so much as the first taxpayer we're going to pay at least our fair share of whatever occurs here and finally the provision of other public facilities such as boat ramps parking wet slips dry storage slips and this is where through negotiation there have been established a variety of amenities and services that are going to be at the expense of the developer made available for the enjoyment of the public what I just recited is is a good summary of exactly what this agreement is we're not asking you to excuse us to shorten the process to deprive anybody of any opportunity to be heard we're just stating the horse should come first you know we need before we start paying the big dollars and doing the big planning and coming back for all these review processes we need to know at least we're we're trying to get to a particular Horizon that everybody understands and that's all we're asking for approval upon so with that concept hopefully that'll make at least our intentions a little more clear what we're asking for this evening uh and if if I raised any questions by that that explanation I'll be happy to try and answer them for you thank my name is Bruce R I live at 5:16 North Orange here per Florida I'm speaking on behalf of our in support M and what we docent on document only and what this document says and what we've done as a county we have went out and pursued industry and tourism come to our County and we are fortunate that we have attracted some of the best and we have attracted the best with Dr Pro we don't have a developer that's coming in here with people and represent I and toward the document okay and we're not representing we don't have someone coming in bringing people but he's actually coming in hisself and being able to support and be part of our community and that's what we'd asked for and with this document we're basically saying okay we've went out we've researched we've advertised we want business to come in and now we have one and what this document is going to say is hey we are receptive to Industry we are set to the tourism and we couldn't get a better neighbor than one we would possibly get with Dr PR so thank you I'm Jerry CN I live on seagrass drive down near the beach area I had a big speech typed up here but with your conditions on our comments that wiped it out but I will say this that based on my belief that uh as far as this document is concerned I'm okay with the county saying yes to this thing you negotiated it it's got in it what you wanted you're getting everything you wanted doesn't cost you anything and based on the fact that this developer now has to go still go through all the prating processes obey all the laws and jump through all the Hoops can't shortcut anything and I'm okay with the county saying disagreement is okay any else you can't ask her in public pick mecking me I just had a little minor I surgery that's all nothing major um I'm asking tonight Sandy Beach I'm asking tonight that y'all support this document I think it's a good thing for Taylor County um and my parents could not be here we own the marina down at Katon Beach um you know you could say that it could have a negative impact on us but we support it completely um okay the document I think is a great thing and I hope that yall support it tonight thank you very much um I um I only want to build this development if the people in this County want the development and uh we have never tried to to uh keep people from expressing their desires we think this is a good document but we need to know for sure that the county wants this done before I spend any more money on on it so far I spent $3 million tonight I have with me five experts who can answer any question anyone wants to ask about the SE grasses the environment laws all of these things um if this gets postponed again I I don't feel like the county really wants this to vote I hope you do but um I'm getting a little discouraged thank you my name is Dr an redo I'm a marine ecologist uh I had a great many things that IID hoped to say tonight but your rules will not allow that so speaking to the document I will urge you to consider this matter from a historical perspective this is not a new issue if you go back to the 3rd Century BC in the Roman Republic and any of you would like to Google the name gaas Tiberius brus and the phrase AER publicus which means public lands you will find a fascinating story of a very similar situation over 2,000 years ago in which the officials that were in charge of being entrusted with the welfare of the public lands had to deal with these same questions so again please look into the question of who was gas Tiberius brus and what were the outer publicus thank you you did you want to pass on few documents okay I appreciate that these documents are emails from Marine scientists all over the United States urging you to be very careful in looking at this project because leg my name is Ken Hutchins I live at F Creek Highway south of Keaton Beach this document that has been presented to the board this evening by magnia Bay is very informative I've enjoyed the discussion I've heard a lot I've learned a lot I would like to remind the board that this is for information purposes a lot of people have learned a lot of things and and I support this document but I remind the board that Dr PR and his his group has went out of their way informational wise more so than many developers in this state would do and this is just another part of it he's given us more and more information we go back a year or two whenever this project first came to light we were given information people have been giv information continually which I think is an answer and this document is just another step in that direction I support this document I ask for you appr do anyone else um EXC my name is Marv Brooks I here on behalf of Citizens Bank of Perry and I believe you received a letter from US basically supporting this project but I just want to speak to say that we do support the agreement and all of the financing that I've done for developments around here I've never seen anybody willing to carry the burden as much as I appr and for that reason I got to give 110% support make a motion that we accept accept the agreement with the changes as stated tonight second motion to AC changes by Commission can one question Dr we made a few changes this agreement and you okay with cont cont that's reaffirming the law that was that was that we don't pay for that any health issues All County regulations the also mention of in Rene I'm sorry they're all leaving here next time thank you all very much got okay while I work best behind the curtain though well thank you very much okay as you know we still have the issue with the sting Hatchy 911 call going to Dixie County h [Music] okay as you know we still have issues with our St Hatchet calls our 911 calls that are placed that go to Dixie County and for a long time we have tried to work with belal and GTC to get them to meet and because they cannot come up with a meat point we try to find other scenarios that might work in sting Hatchy one of the issues that we worked on and if you'll look at your sheet is trying to find a common denominator a common meat point between Bel South and G2 con that common denominator is inar so on the first issue what we're talking about is our 911 calls and sting Hatchy that are placed they go to Bell South Bell South could route them to inbark and inbark can route them to us and this is all of the cost that is going to associate be associated with that um a nonrecurring cost that we would have to pay upfront is $6,650 the monthly cost to go the Embark route is $1,626 now keep in mind some of these rates will go up or down fluctuate but they tell me it's not going to fluctuate that much so that was one of the scenarios that we worked on another scenario that AK come up with said why can't we put a T1 into Dixie County so if you'll look at the second one the T1 to Dixie County is another option that we had come up with until this afternoon B South says they would have to get with the regulatory because they're not sure that they could go straight into Dixie County's P out the public safety insuring point so if we were able to do that route the startup cost is 9,366 with a recurring monthly cost of $1,190 so your recommendation is Mark which okay then the third option that we come up with is to put that T1 in the skhy fire department and from there that call those calls would get routed to Taylor County and it would come to our piece app with all the information that we need the cost the first startup cost for that is $ 7,360 with a monthly recurring cost of $835 now if you'll look further down it has the total cost for the year and the yearly cost total for the first year if we went the Embark route is $1,334 if we went Dixie County which right now we don't know that we could go straight into Dixie County's peace out and it's going to be 20 over $23,000 if we went to sting Hatchy to the fire department and put the T1 directly into there it would cost 17,8 30 or 380 now you factor what we get from Bell South on a year is roughly $7,500 so that brings down our cost to the county to $1,872 $817 to go the Embark route and if we go the sting haty route is 9,862 cost now for the second for the second year cost I apologize I didn't put down I these numbers for the second year are the total cost it does not take into consideration what we get from Bell South so if we looked at just that from what we get from Bell South that second year because we're not going to have that equipment that we have to buy the recurring cost for that second year to Embark is $ 5,233 to the county and through S hatch is $2,570 ask question great great presentation the one question is uh if the inar system goes down what's the turn around time for getting up and uh withar any additional cost for maintenance with inbark they said no that it's not and it actually goes through GTC so it is a turnaround time that I really can't give an answer to now if we went to sting Hatchy our maintenance goes through AK associates they have a two-hour turnaround time and the equipment that we have bought or would have bought and put in sting Hatchy is covered under that maintenance agreement this covers all maintenance yes sir motion to approve of the the now this option that you made most is has is made it goes to Bell South Bell South then comes back to D County what would happen when I say Dixie County I say the public safety Ur form which is their their 911 system in Dixie County what would happen if we went with the 21 it would go to Dixie County they would route it out and it would go into our fire department to the T1 and from there comes over to T County automatic Fe the fire department yes sir with the equipment that'll be installed there's not somebody sitting there power sit on the on the other hand in years and years to come this te had to get so much bigger that we would need a public safety answer point we would have equipment there that would be able to handle that another thing we put additional on there can always find1 for services and stuff might look at provide it's not it's not really a whole lot of seconds um when I ask them they said that it's milliseconds right 5 MP5 five milliseconds so if we go the route with sting hatching I have an updated letter of intent that has to be signed by B sou and the difference in the letter of intent is the um address of where it goes to now they have the stinge fire department listed as a p out but that's the only way that they will do it um it makes no difference to them um because it's going to that T1 it is okay with them but their definition of a p out has to be primary P out they they would not rename it for me I tried to get them to rename it and they wouldn't okay comr any issues there you don't have any problems with it B I can't had a question gave me an estimated estimated 45 to 90 days they have to make sure that the addressing and S hatching is done correctly and then they have to go in through their system and they have to Route all Hatchy out so in other words when your car goes in it knows where it to go otherwise it just Mees it goes to Dixon County so it will take I take Le current situation we don't get the service right now we don't get any of the service if D County does the problem is we' had D County messed up times that's the problem not that they're not trying but it's just 911 yes this system likeo for this year for the first for the first year with the equipment and everything now next year when we don't have to buy the equipment and after we factored in what we can from B is 257 for the month yes it's 835 a month 835 no I'm talking about for the whole year that's what we is over what they sou we get $7500 we get $7500 probably a month or a year from them so we would have to an additional 25 accept to cover all of the cost so it's 835 month right and it's the same people that do our 911 is AK Associates and they they handle all of our 911 equipment and all that we we yes yes because it should you know considered a account yes and we're hoping that we can use that 21 to set up more things for the guys at the fire department as well but that's just um one more issue turns on so we're not bidding this out because it's so source with AK Associates and they would be so if we went through someone else we would have to they would not cover it under our maintenance contract and that's what we were trying to do is to get AK Associates be able to continue to to do the maintenance on this as well because it's going to be equipment that we have was the contract expir you know I'm sorry how long the contract has been in place and when expires I believe it come into effect March we have of this year and we have a 5year contract with them and this where yeah we're going to need okay amend to amend the contract where you come and get that done I want party hats we want blers we've beeny for 10 years oh much longer than 10 years has it been longer than that motion to approve second I got question um what number that 2 28 um the question I have K is where we this is all for the amendment that we passed today this is a but D Tails into the 15 AC Bas allowing where you don't have to put in a paid Road basically whatever you're doing develop the question I have is is the stabilization got already there is that correct that's correct what's you know I Reon the thing how much l we have to put on that that's a fairly open Ed question um it it may be the answer could range from anything from none to you know if you had very weak clay soils uh you have to put five or 6 Ines worth but what you typically find in Taylor County is an lbr ratio that's around the mid 20s if and that's that's very typical you have stronger soils in some areas than others so you may see a need to come through and have an inch of lime rock put in there stabilize that roadway and then shape it for the proper drainage tell me out there and I'm not in wet what's your estimation you're not in a low area I'm not in a I'm not in low area I'm just on time so you have typical Sandy Taylor County Sandy the comments that I just made would be very relevant no as I said tyal Sandy SS is in a mid 20 range mid lbr lbr mid 20s 24 25 somewhere in that neighborhood with just native soils why would we move that my intent was that's basic Road do that places that suffice as as you wind up with the the two rut roadways is what I'm familiar with not the improved ones and even those that have used that have had grading activity on them you wind up finding that those roadways are not are not substantial enough to stand up to repeated traffic levels and that's what we're talking about here is is these roadways that we're going to be using within developments that are being subdivided now we're going to take an increase of traffic over these roadways you're finding that native soils will not stand up to that type of traffic you wind up creating soft spots those soft spots creating potholes those potholes wind up getting knocked out they create water areas and then it becomes problematic and it grows and progresses that's why we've given you a standard that is an lbr 30 that provides sufficient strength and this is on the bottom end of it this is not what I would say is is is the optimum Choice by far this is what we arrived at from trying to go from a hierle approach of saying we know what we want when we're looking at a pave Road standard we know when we peel that first layer off what we want when we look at a lime rock standard there's something less than that that we need to do when we lessen the traffic and the impacts of that quite AK to the density development that you're talking about before where you've got very intense development that requires us pave roads were starting to go down and down and down and be less dense we should follow that same format on the roadways and that's what we've given you here we haven't gone to the fact of use that two r Road blade it off and leave it like it is because we feel that that type of roadway with the traffic that is now going to be brought across there is not substantial enough to take and withstand that repeated traffic load I mean if you want to see an lbr 40 Road you know anytime we have a construction project this what the material is before we place a lime rock on it we put an lvr a 40 requirement very consistent with D's guidelines that type of strength will allow you to drive your truck over you will see the imprint of the tra but you don't see it yielding or giving away under the weight of the vehicles we've taken and backed off from that standard we've gone to a 30 versus keeping it that 40 cuz I would have liked to just said peel a layer peel a layer whatever's left underneath that's where you arrive at well we went one step further and said we're going to have a cost consideration in this we're going to peel these layers off but then we're not going to quite make you go as strong as you would have if you didn't just use the LPR 40 so it was a concession recognizing the fact that we are trying not to overburden the developer who's putting these less dense projects in place with the cost of of RS the what we're trying to do is make sure that at some point in time where you do make improvements to it you've got somewhat of a foundation and we're not getting those calls or y'all getting those calls hey come fix my roadway it's rained and now I can't get through there but for the general public it's not we're trying to serve developers here we just took a glue hole out of T County COD tonight actually we just took it out and we had develop going on probably wasn't p and so what we're doing is we're trying to balance that just for the most FKS it's not that we' done you know we're doing something here for the development we just took a law that's been on our lbr stand for L Excuse me yes sir it's pretty pretty extensive we're we're working on it we're committed that's how we get things done the citizens are involved and we get things [Laughter] I had aent my understanding Adopt A Highway from the state is that they provide trash bags and I think some signage but we have some citizens on our County Road like to get an adopt Road program okay so there is there is a program that get Taylor okay I clean up in front of Myer except mine don't say there a lot more tra my Des is clear matter meeting meeting somebody and us first to the commission take time do look at who got what you know what check but we have no knowledge about what we're actually paying for I want to ask our attorney somehow delegate to the county manager responsibility verifying the invoices are legitimate expend because I vote every time to pay the bills I think this is part of the count government got to pay the bills I'm held account by the ethics commission the invo cage in uh 2005 I had no knowledge about the invoice the context of what it was and I expected as a commissioner go to the's office sit down on finance and read every payment voucher all the line items to make sure my these are in some way we can pass an ordinance or policy to delegate checking all thees and signing off to the county first that's County Administrator I kind of use the term synonymous I know there is a legal distinction I think what got to it but I think what it says is the board of count commission still have to vote contracts and even though I think part of is that your recollection yeah they're right there they sat there and J when are the Bills actually assembled for the it's like a day or two ahead or a day day upill he need to know that particular bill so he doesn't on that resp okay I'm going to know on paying the bills tonight until I've had an opportunity to come it takes 3 days I'm look at every does not have the information on each [Music] this you know basically you want check and balance p i PID a bill I I look at it sometimes and sometimes I don't but my understanding is we have partment signing off of these and and so you know City Tallahasse I'm sure if you're telling me that we have to approve those and and I don't understand why like my job we give auor why do I but I have people in the organization that I give that authority to a delegate because it the citizens I don't think they want me sending my time going through that I I've been charged of doing this for a company literally I'm I'm one of the people that my organization does all this and I don't hardly any of them except for very large Bill and that's all been delegated from my but really what it goes back to is what the statute 125 allow to well that's what I'm asking because to me it's silly I'm not Mr PID I don't have a clue I'm not going to come up here I say buddy the delegate that Andy and maybe Andy delegates Coter but other than that that's what I expect our management team to to spend the money and we sent the direction they spend the money well the problem you get into also though on that is they might not realize that there is a conflict or something that that we have you know like I've got my wife has a business and I don't tell Andy or whoever riew that hey if you buy dog food orer paper clips or whatever from from this place that I own that you know or it's bought under aous name they don't know that so there is AIC bill there's a check in Balance you have you have number one this this is this is a where we should have a enterprise system to where number one you write that you're going to go do something you get somebody to prove that once you get delivery of that somebody acknowledges you got it and then somebody says you to pay that that's syst that's what problem is you don't know question on are you saying that we can buy somebody can go buy something and nobody else see no saying he said Department I just I heard something different than that that's what I expected to he in other words you have somebody you can't go get personally that's what I wanted to hear the purchas you know set up St got Che and balances in it not my concern my concern is I don't have responsibility because I wrote yes to pay the bills that if something is found wrong with a single invoice that we approved a year ago are they available to day off so each of us come office the day offs and you got nothing to do the day of except reviewing right I mean there's nothing else you got going on could we the bill the month after um appreciate the staff and appreciate things yall do at this some crying times last years we had so appreciate what y'all go and really appreciate the folks Mel and and I know I'm leave out Mr s everybody work on Airport made a comment to that it is nice to see a project start accomplished and we did that took several years but uh I appreciate the staff efforts there and support uh budy you hear I know I found out the day after I was wonder if you got I think he's in North Carolina yeah my dad called me he's a blue grass um that's all I have Budd first thing informational item our meeting in November is going to be intensive and long and our reason I say that at the planning board meeting we were at 4 and a half to 5 hours worth of testimony and so I had to make a decision before the paper went out tomorrow which had to be today that we meet at 4:30 on November the 6th November the 6th instead of our regular time of 6:00 to try to get our regular business out of the way before you start hearing the comp plan amendments I don't know that you'll have uh four or five hours of testimony I just suspect you will and Danny and I probably Danny would probably agree with me on that and I just there's no other way to do it we had to adver that actually starts at six the comp amendments on the power plant so when we did the um I mean it is normal procedure to set a timeline on how long people can see and um you know if you look at um we need to be unified at that meeting I mean basically that's light system the light system the red light green light we get a flashlight all the information is on the internet that was handed out every bit of it is on the website they're going to hand out a bunch of information like did the planning board it's public information we put it on our website so you have an opportunity if you wish to read what they handed out sure what we got to make sure we do is all of those documents are on the main page of the website listed under concern citizens submitted documents letters and information and it's mean longer than 3 minutes problem we put everyone that we had in our hand well so that you can R prior to the meting now those are documents from both the opponent and from those represent right now is it going to be 15 minutes to give an overview okay so you're saying just 3 minutes to provide all the information power had an opening and a closing and the people that were against open and right I mean that's that's what that's what you may consider is know I think that's consistent you got to be consistent give you to somebody here's the problem you got if you're going to start wavering you know I mean I think it's say 3 minutes 5 minutes 4 minutes whatever you want to do be consist you start you start saying okay we want to hear a little bit more from you then let time I I Yi my time I Yi my time to but you're still talking about if you got 50 people want to speak in 3 minutes that's a lot of time hey that's what we yeah received a letter from the city of Madison County Commissioner City comment on it I got it I don't want that action over listen I got enough trouble in my own C I would suggest youever to next item you ask for some prices for some Min tell me got it by District want to that money Toes that you you to right District 4 County District that's the intersection that's right that whole mess right you can I guess you're going to do it as individual Commissioners or are you going to do it well it's it's right now you got District fund allocated no not all the district funds are not second maybe be on this next item ask question Dixie Highway road don't my for that that's part of Daryl too the district splits right there so Daryl can get it is too don't District allocation that's all I need to hear second byri the other item last uh meeting um what we look at and we check web people serve alcoh in Ste haty that fall within the 2500 ft of the school and before I took any action I was getting rid of to take action uh Danny said let's just wait and see what we need to do and let you know what's going on take a minute to look at that letter from Danny or that memorandum to Don love and then you look at the map especially the map here the last map attached it actually took in several of our restaurants and other other places that serve liquor that would be in violation me ask question pass this any established restaurant that correct this already passed now this is our this is this is our code right now establish other establishments within 25 200 ft of the school how many others have you identifi well I had identified one which was fidlers and Mr rway identified one more which was River Marina River hav Marina and then hungry housing so you got three neighborh neighborh uh I still feel that way it wasn't to put anybody out of or anything like that because what it's grown to folks may consider VAR Oro to do one of those I would hope that you would consider putting in a penalty Clause similar to if the establishment reaches or four times in a year Al They that would solve the problem in my neighborhood and it would not restaurant were all of those grandfather in River he just Riv Mar they just open hunt great barue is it is it really so the problem is is alcol it's not serving alcohol that really is the problem the serving of the alcohol is what you're using as a tool possibly because they're disturbing the pce you will complaint they're selling alcohol outside the facility you got loud no is going on keeping people away so if they sold alcohol inside and they were quiet would you have a problem with conserving alcohol inside and being quiet probably not nebor so it's breach of peace that is the the true issue that is the okay that's what needs to be addressed but the problem is and we also need to look at the ordinance you know how many other places is this violated do we need to clean up the ordinance in some way Conrad said that it's their grandfather then the problem solved but Danny and I did our research we just didn't know that that that they would have been grandfathered in under the what Jack is saying I thinkway he just wants the problem Sol he wants to be able to sleep at his house and not understand how went and got their alcohol license and good right okay nobody stopped them from getting alcohol license you really don't care whether or not you're serving alcohol as long as you're not harassing the C and setting up a problem the problem that you got is that you're being loud and obnoxious in a residential neighborhood basically it's not Urban right yeah yeah this is something that I would expect our next County Administrator to work on is how we make the next step we like see we we've got to get it where we have Z this is public discussion and that's my job is to enforce the ordinance and has been brought to my attention now I've got to bring it to you and you've got to give me some direction on what you want to do here let's see when originala the same way sure about Grandpa remember remember all right okay got bu I I will tell you that I'm 95% I'm never 100% sure of anything but I will tell you that I'm 95% that 193 as well but you're going to have to deal with both you can't you can't you know what you got to do is you got to find out if you know because you got to complain against the other but if if the other's guilty then you're going to have to do a vote and keep just selectively understand is there penal Clause of the ordinance a i' I want to compliment our website that's really neat I picture I I Su not to play there [Music] notion public consumption what this is deal with yeah I think that would be appropriate sure there's an issue here well how about you know your in violation ordinance what you what you need to do is apply for a variance if you think you have a case well well but what you want to do is just make sure who was grandfathered then who's not grandfathered then if if if they want to operate then they would have to apply for variance that way you capture it you put it in writing you got a WR agreement violate the variance that's what Mr rway wants well he doesn't he doesn't realize that there was leverage and law of the ordinance okay so sure you're not trying to close him down but trying to get some leverage to be good neighbors that's rway isable let's let's send them a letter and they got come to get a VAR then just R we put some do their neighborhood down well they are not us that that wouldn't go before the planning board this would not go before the planning board no this this would come before Bo County think we resar I'll thank you J that was that was a good recommendation make usy Miss fac J or was anybody else judicial uh last night I spent time with those two guys last night down in Ste hat my of water board very pleased the group is really moving along and I probably talk too much the board there really I made Commissioners I would I would like I'd like I'd like bring myera enjoying Commission like know me it's okay than no e e e e [Music]