##VIDEO ID:DfHJulwAVmk## pray father we thank you again we bless your holy name for your goodness and mercy we thank you Father for this day thank you for this hour and this opportunity bless your name now because you're May worthy to be blessed father we do ask your presence as we try to do the things which is right for our citizens we thank you again father ask you to bless this country you know our needs our wants father you know what you have designed for us and let us be able to receive and accept those things we cannot change father give us the wisdom to know the difference between right and wrong we thank you we bless you in Jesus name I pray Amen to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic one God indivisible andice all like to welcome everyone to our meeting 2024 2025 budget Workshop it's Monday July 22nd 2024 we have a conference line set up number there is 1 1917 91022 access code 323 347b this is not a toll-free number and you may be subject to long distance charges according to your long distance plan when the chair person opens the meeting for public comment please follow the below instructions if you wish to speak please by star five the moderator will unmute your live and it's your turn to speak and notify you by announcing the last four digits of your telephone number please announce your name and address you'll be allowed to speak for 3 minutes any person wishing to address the board regarding agenda item will be giving three minutes for comment a comment may only speak one time for each agenda item there's a workshop so there's no approval of the agenda uh we will move on to number item four the board to hold budget workshops discuss all aspects of fiscal year 2024 2025 budget priorities uh to that's up to yall we have um provided um some information about Sig annually payout um policy comparison and we included all the Constitutional officers and also the State of Florida um so we could compare each agency which is what we would said we would do on Thursday we also updated the capital Improvement on request to prioritize high medium low and within those sections number 1 2 3 4 Etc and then also we provided some information about the small County surtax which includes um just a definition of the use of funds just so we're all on the same page and a couple of different options for Capital Improvement expenditures and operational expenditure options and then um County finance provided the estimated Revenue um and what it would look like with the different potential allocations which one do we want to start we want to start on the uh and then I'm sorry Daniel has information about minimum wage as well and the impact um for getting to 50 you want to go over that first that okay so I don't have an actual amount but just to let the board know currently everyone is um at $13 an hour which um the Mandate for the $13 an hour is to be there by September of 2024 so everybody is already there because of the board G the $2 this year so we don't to um get anywhere until September 2025 um so I know that it was mentioned Thursday about bumping bumping either to 14 or 15 so right now you have there's eight full-time employees between that's making 13 to 14 you have 46 part time between 13 and 14 and then including that to get to 15 you have full and 4 that again you would have repeat it all okay so you have eight full time that is currently making between 13 and 14 and 46 part time that's between 1 14 so in other words they may not need the full dollar correct okay so Daniel if you if you took this um 54 people I think that's what it is if you took the 54 people and you raise them to $15 an hour what would that cost I would have to calculate it because it's not just them have to do because you also have another batch so you also have 18 that make between 14 and 15 yes that includes that eight so you have an additional 10 that make between 14 and 15 and then you have an additional two that make between 14 and 15 part time but the the 18 includes the the original eight you mention yes so that you have an additional 10 that make between 14 15 so we have 18 fulltime that need to move to that would go between 13 and 15 yes so you have some that potentially given them $2 and then 48 part time part time that are between 14 and 15 that between 13 and 15 I'm sorry so if I can ask a question with all this fractionalization then lead to a mandate next year of moving another if you did that you wouldn't have to move anybody like if what you're saying is moving everybody to 15 then you've met the Mandate right and so the way this budget's proposed it includes that that increase for everyone across the board the way the budget is currently prepared it gives everybody a dollar and so it moves everybody would be moved to 14 and that still would be um short of what the voter's mandate is yes you have 2026 to get into that so for right now on on these that you just gave us what's the cost of that to bring these I'll calculate that while yall talk about and and given uh those wages um make us somewhat competitive with our other counties we still having struggle to get folks to apply for our position I Know we' spoken that about firefighters and all of our personnel and I I felt like that we were trying to implement this process so that we were more competitive with other counties so that folks weren't driving from Tay County to Madison County to work for their firefighter agencies so as far as the firefighters I believe when we gave the $2 an hour raise last year that moved all of them up to the 15 which made us more competitive right but other counties are still ahead of us in that schedule great I believe so I can't recall off the top of my head I'm sorry I know that just think I mean the the one County that I can think of that is in close proximity is Madison County and I believe they moved everyone to 15 maybe a year before last I I can't recall exactly but there were some counties that when or some entities when the Mandate came out they moved degland to 15 and as you know this isn't a county but the local school district um the governor um imposed a regulation to move everybody to 15 I believe last year or year before last does that sound familiar here was that year before last mayting if you recall too commissioner Newman um the city U their salary is is significantly more than ours for far figh yes ma'am well I mean I think that's across the board and and a number of the Departments that's that's why if we're looking at the increase as it's proposed in the budget which is doable my support would be to to fund the increase so that we are moving along in the schedule with mandate and we're trying to continue to remain competitive so that we can have quality employ and I I believe that's a good thing so that's what I'm trying to say is I I do recall the past the struggles that we've had in respect to filling positions and looking at the shortfalls and understanding what the competitive schedule is so for me to understand and see what we've got here in this proposal that it it this is included in these proposed budget numbers I would be in support of funding this budget so that we can continue to keep our folks moving along with this place I think that's a good position to have what what we discussed last week and I I I totally understand what you're saying okay U but what we discussed last week when you were not here is you know we've got a mandate that we have to do something and of course that's to meet that minimum minimum wage of $15 so I think that most agreed that you know we know we have to do that and then we got to look at the recurring cost for next year we don't know where we're going to be but it's probably going to be a lot worse than it is this year financially our Revenue so just that into consideration but I I totally get it I get it well I think if we look at the big picture as far as we got our proposals here um with this budget we understand uh the issues that we've had with staff in the past and we are all familiar with the voter mandated increase so um it seems to me like the best path going forward is to obviously handle the issue with the Mandate that's not a choice we've got to be on those schedules and that we also have this issue of providing services and having our firefighters law enforcement all these folks um and you my position is that we see what the budget is we see what these proposals are and I'm in support of this proposed budget that's where I'm at um where are we having problem specifically of not being able to hire people because of the salary can you tell me where we're having that problem that you've had people that said I can't do that because the pay is not adequate I think I know we had the cleaning person over at Courthouse I was in on some of those intervie so that's one and somewhere else have we had a a problem where we could not hire people because of the wage the department that come that kind of jumps to mind is Animal Control um where we struggle to um to hire folks because of the salary that's that's what I've been told is and we don't I mean it's not just because of the salary it's it's that department it's a lot of it specifically I'm I'm looking at where the wages by themselves it turns people away I don't know because those people don't typically apply so what we're not capturing is people that may apply I don't know I I don't know how you know commission said there's a bunch of them that do you know sure I mean well folks that I talk to it's not just in the sense of of starting with the county but the case of retention and so we see and and we we've discussed those things in respect to five in respect to law enforcement respect to a number of our departments whether it's folks inside a courthouse where there are more competitive rates and that's where folks go and given the economy how can you hold that against somebody that can can take the same drive and and they're making more money yeah I'm not trying to create something that's that's out outside of the reach I'm just trying to understand here knowing the the difficulties that we've had with with our salaries and really the struggles because folks can drive to a neighboring County and and may be doing the exact same job and they're making considerably more this week um that there occasionally we'll lose folks to the state out of the public works department just is an example um and I know we have one person out of the public works department that's going to the state and I've heard there may be a second so that's I mean that's just a snapshot I think it depends on on the particular Department what the demsin that okay well what what if we looked at those departments where we we fall short like the firefighters and and maybe the road department and I'm not for across the board U raises for everybody I I I can't get there considering what we're going to be looking at in the future um and you know if we're successful to uh to attract industry and everything and our situation improves everybody every go that we can but I'm just really worry about the recurring expenses I do I do have aot for the people that are are making you know like some in the road department the firefighters I would like to help them out I'm I'm okay with trying to help them but across the board every office worker and everything I can't get there this year looking at where we're going to be and I'm not worried about compression I know that's always something that comes up but as I've talked to other people and other people in Industries they just don't do that as a matter of fact they use Merit uh performance uh raises and I it was brought out La Last Time by someone in the audience that um you know you give everybody the same but you've got and we've got great workers I know but I know we've got some people that are not great that's in every every organization and it just seems you know if you've got somebody that they lay out uh they take their sick leave when they're or whatever or they don't when they're on the job and they just don't perform but yet everybody gets that same amount but the main thing for me are the reoccurring the recurring cost I like to say something about that in the past I've worked for a lot of different companies and years ago a company tried to give part of the group one part a raise and not give the other part a raise and that a mess and that taught us something to learn that if you going to give a raise in company and this is a business and a company you might as well call it this is a business and you just cannot give part of money and not the other part you about draging their feet they sh you something understanding you know the mandates that we have we don't have choice about those things but for the other employees like you're we discussed all these things in the past we understand and know what that does inside the organization as to the culture that it creates or that it more send to so I I don't disagree that's why I'm in support of that understanding what we see with these costs we can we can work through this issue and continue to work through the voter mandate with salaries and and continue to improve inside this organization as to the culture that we're trying to to create or or in some cases not create when we have those folks that that are going to be neglected in that if you fractionalize the increase then it's going to lead to more hardships and troubles and you may have more positions that you have to F you will and you've seen those we' talked about that yeah i' done been there and seen that I understand that he going give money or better not to give anything or give everybody the same I just me that's why I'm in support I tell you what you know we talk about doll down race but hey anual percent give everybody 50 c rais I work for many companies and work for a long time I've had different renal pays and different people doing the same thing getting different amount of money that's so like the so Mill days you know so days you go out there and everybody got to pull the boards off the chain get dollar and half one getting 75 one getting dollar you know there was nothing you could do about it but I think we is uh a board if you going to give everybody a race let you don't have to be a dollar we gave $2 last year if I understand that that's about $80 a week that was pretty nice but you with thing being like it is hey break down the 50 c so give about a $20 weest you know it said that you're doing something so you're you're refering to moving everyone up to just giving them a dollar and thenone yes sir what so what if we if we did not where uh do anything with the compression side of it I mean how how CL is that going bring the gas how close would that BR gap for the for the minimum wage well no I mean if we the dollar and then we didn't to to just the ones below the minimum wage Department bu the dollar didn't you just on those employees and not everyone what's the gap what would be so I I've tried to just so I would have the numbers handy um so I think what just so as an example like with concessions so what you would what you would have is the concession workers their Sal and this is back to 2014 Maybe you know their salary would have almost doubled and no that's a bad example okay so if you just look at the minimum wage mandate what you have in several departments is that the person who is the lead or the supervisor is making the same as someone who is hired in which could you know it could make it difficult for them to take on the added responsibilities and if they feel like they're not being compensated for it and these are part-time positions that's and that's you know a limited number of people but um I think in in several departments you may see that Gap being very very close um Animal Control is one of them where the Coordinator would not be making much more than the officers so what commission not 50 or dollar whatever be anything against increasing the on below minimum to minimum this year look at I don't know what the difference how many 15 maybe look at those next year kind of deal impression that that is that's good in that and I'm not I'm not really I'm not going to argue this this is not arable for me I'll go along or whatever the board decides but to see those people brought to minimum wage up to yeah to the $15 minimum wage but if we sit here and we say okay let's do that and then next year we'll bring the other people up what if we can't next year but that's the same Principle as if we're go ahead and raise them all this year what are we going to do next year and my fear is just this and this is all I'm going to say about it we may get into a situation start laying people off as as you look at the potential with our Revenue that day could come where we lay people off I don't want to see that happen so whatever the board wants us so what I what I've passed out is a draft and it is it is including the dollar um because I didn't I didn't want to under represent um that just shows can't bre that I'm sorry um it just shows the current minimum um midpoint and maximum so in order just to represent our old play pay plan versus what our today's numbers would be it just gives you an idea of the different jobs within the pay grade and what they hourly s is and that's giving everybody a dollar just to try to give y'all an idea of what numbers we're looking at and of course you know something that we do need to take into consideration is our fulltime people have very rich benefits and I don't want to overlook that or you know give that um the credit it deserves our full-time folks have I think 11 or 1 they have vacation time they have sick time they have very very good insurance so that you know we we can't Overlook that as a benefit when we're talking about fulltime positions there's also you know adjustment to that insurance and this proposed budget is that true yes so and that was an effort to lower those costs for yes and I think we captured I think the savings were about $177,000 I believe so what the insurance um committee recommended was changing the deductible from 500 to 1,000 the out of pocket max from 4 to 4,000 to 5,000 for individual family was 8 to was 2,000 for deductable for family and for the outer pocket I apologize I can't remember but the adjustment for the deductibles was savings as far as the cost for it was and the out of pocket max as well and doesn't impact as many people because everyone in the in the insurance plan is not going to have a need to pay that deductible so that is you know minimal impact the same I mean it's Maximum Impact for the people who are affected but as far as as the members affected it's it's a low impact and the same for the out of pocket max you have to have you know surgery or or you know an illness to reach those numbers and then we ALS we also recommended that as far as the um the dependent contribution that everyone um PID 20% and the the board pay 80 the members pay or the employees pay 20% and that is still extremely rich that's that's a very very rich benefit so leanda you and Gary you know this budget you know more about this budget than any of us up here I'll admit that and so y'all know what the future looks like so your recommendation is important because you know more about the budget and you know what's going to probably happen next year and the year after so I'm kind of looking to you two for Goin I mean I can sit here and say yeah I want everybody to have a raise and I do and I do but looking strictly at the financial part I'm looking for you too because you know where where we're at you know where we're going so I'm looking for y'all's recommendation in terms of the budget for this year next year and the year after year after that what can we do and stay safe and not put oursel in a position where we're going to have to lay people off yeah I mean I don't know that anybody you know really has that cryst ball I mean I think we I think we I think we do have to prepar for a big impact next year I think it's coming my opinion I think it's coming but you know I me that's the challenges that we have is that you know we need to provide services we need to take care of our employees we need to take care of our citizens and we got to do it with the amount of money we got to do it with so that's that's just a challenge we have I don't you know that's just that's just the balance there is to stay safe what is your best recommendation L and Gary because I what best recommendation that we're not going to we've talked about this in Insurance committee I think that you know if you talk to our folks who are the lowest paid folks in the organization and you talk to them about their health insurance they'll probably all say it's nice but it doesn't pay the bills so what we may want and I don't think we'll have a choice I think next year you know certainly going to have to look at our health insurance benefits and as much as I hate to say it because I think we have to keep our workers healthy if we want them to come to work and I I know that our demographics um we have some you know just typically I think um rural government has maybe older folks who need to go to the doctor they need medical care I don't want people to put off medical care until they have something catastrophic because that have an adverse effect to our rates but I think if people really had to choose they' probably choose a higher salary over health insurance benefits I don't know what Gary what your thoughts are I mean there there will be people who would be unhappy but Rich health insurance does not pay the bills so um and I do agree that the board has been very very generous the last few years I certainly appreciate that um and if you wanted to meet in the middle which I think um if I'm if I'm figuring it right in my head which is kind of dangerous but if everyone got 50 50 cents an hour if if that's something you want to consider that would just about cover their or it would contribute to their out of pocket their increase out of pocket if you know if you if you agree to take the insurance committee's recommendation on reducing the benefits Su in the health insurance plan but I certainly think that next year we'll have to make a drastic I hate it but I think we'll have to make a drastic change to our health insurance benefits in order to stay aflo I I just I I fear that we would have to start laying people off I don't want to be there have to make a drastic change a lot but I mean I know Newman said obviously the money is there in the budget to make the increases that this year but that don't mean you have to get back increase but the increase then we're going to run in the next year commission says is start redin stuff that's the last thing do we may have to do that anyway I mean I don't know that that that could be any know in a perfect world would give everybody two3 everybody but we're not in a perfect world right now I just be clear about the issue of the funding you know the issue in the funding is is not because the money is there the is in the funding is because of the needs and and what's had to been worked through in the past with retainment and what the voters have mandated with minimum wage and there's a number of evidence that are going on inside of that formula it it's really past the point of what a preferred position is and one of the Necessities what are going to help us retain employees what are going to deal with the insurance costs and what can't be avoided we can't avoid what's been mandated by voters so that's what's pushing me to this place in respect to what do you consider if that's the the greatest affordability with inside of this budget for 50 Cent an hour for the employees I do agree with commissioner DS that is an increase and so maybe that is the best position but just to be totally transparent it's it's past the point of what a personal preference or desire is into this is what's mandated by the voters in the State of Florida this is what we've been dealing with as a board the whole time I've been on this board as far as competitive U rates and wages and employees that we continue to have um greater and greater expectations and and let's not forget about what those employees continue to work through whether it be the pandemic to the hurricane to response to clean up and all the rest so that's what has driven my focus on this issue it's not just hey the money's here let's go and expend per you not at all not in any consideration but that understanding in total what we've had to navigate through we've been blessed to be able to give the increase we did last year if that's the lesser amount this year it's still an effort to address and deal with all these elements in total and I don't I do agree continually with what commissioner Moody says in respect to creating more friction inside the organization I don't think that's help we don't need a friction if we don't can't give a 50 c I'm fine with that too I want you know I want to give them something but you know we whatever we do we need to be across the board with everybody I mean that's just past experience not the thing I want to do with people Word of Mouth gets around in about five minutes if we did is that going to put that's not to put every 14 I at end of the day we got next year's the last budget session to get the minimum wage to where we only do 50 until September 26% then those that are below for just over 13 still going to probably have them under 14 you're going to have to go that much more to follow I'm just say in that respect next year we have to give some a125 so what y'all are saying across the board we got to give everybody a125 I mean you may not be able to do that I'm just saying that's what that's what we're being told that's right but I just to make the 15 you say well I mean if we got somebody that's at 1325 you give them 50 Cent you going to have at 1375 and what y'all are saying I across the board next year you want to give everybody a do25 because that's the right thing to do that's true and that year the year we won't be able to afford it can now next year worse than this year don't understand business and I mean the strategy that you chose was to get to a dollar an hour but you also didn't know that we Revenue made that decision so it was a good strategy that you chose but you know you don't have to do anything I'm sorry sorry go ahead until you don't have to do anything until next year I don't say we need to wait not do anything at this moment I me I don't think we need to be trying to go find close to $2 for every employ next year's budget at all well what we're doing is you know we're trying to balance this is a business okay first and foremost this is a business then our emotional side says well they go out and they work in hurricanes and they do this and do do that and and yes that's part of their job whatever if they they have a day where they have to go out and and you know work a hurricane or they have a day it's raining and they sit there and do something else you know what I'm saying and it's all important but we got to still keep in mind the business part of it where are we going to be you hear people you hear Gary saying revenue is going to be lower next year so whatever we do this year we either have to may have to take it back or lay people off that's kind of where we're between the Rock and the hard place you know all the emotional stuff sounds touches my heart too but then the business side of it that's our responsibility is to look at the business side people are always going to get mad no matter what you do and if you goty that if they don't get as much as the next and they decide they're not going to work a good a good department head will fire them because there's other people waiting for that good job with good insurance that that's not shouldn't be tolerated well i' I've got an attitude I didn't get as much as that person so I'm not going to do my job get rid of them I now there is a second up commun nothing everybody's getting too much I don't go along with that but I do go along with this if you go give want to race and I'm telling you I've been in a situation where some get a dollar some get 50 Cent some get nothing the employee that you give a dollar he might not be the best employee but he might be the favorite employee of somebody's waiting for I've seen that too we all got to understand if you do it the same thing for everybody that shows no favoritism and if you don't if you do something for different ones even though some might think he's more important or she's more important but that is the perception of the eyes that looking at it but if you give them all 50 c that's $1,000 the year you can't say that you didn't wasn't thinking about them as a ho but go give them this one a dollar that one 75 and that one a dollar and half and you going see what happened it makes a difference every time he go to the store he going to pay the same price you pay for that Lo Breck but if you give him all $1,000 a year do whatever way he need what he need to do with it and you can't say that that was a Pap is in play that's a Lev play I would uh I would say I'm not in that world that in my world I'm not in that world everyone get the same across the board yeah I mean everybody in our office don't make the same mly but go ahead I can understand what commissioner D is saying but you also got to look at the other side when the guy that gets the rais that's doing all the work and he carrying the guys that he's working with cuz they're dragging butt and they're not showing up all the time showing up late it gives him to add the the opposite feeling of how that work well I'm getting the same amount he is but I'm doing the extra work and I'm going the extra mile why should I do that because this guy ain't half of what I am at this work and he's getting the same amount ey this is going to be something this County's got to face all the time because of the way y'all doing your faes if you and I know you just like you just said everybody at your office makes different money you know why because you got different jobs and some perform different than others where you used to work Mr Moody y'all had to go in what you had to do your levels if you couldn't pass that level you didn't get raised y'all all made different money at different times you hired in you had to work your way up just about every everybody up here except the people that's always work for this County if you work for somebody else you get paid for for how you perform and what you did and how you showed up and that if y'all don't do something about it this is something yall going to fight all the time next year is going to be the same thing well we got to get $15 now just like you said well now we got to raise everybody two a125 3 years from now it goes up $20 hour I mean where you going to be now you got to try to step people up if you start doing inhouse make your department heads do evaluations bring if they got to bring the evaluations to y'all to leand to somebody they got to prove that they there that they're working their attendance is right give them razors and separate them out weed out the bad then you have good people working and if you if they get mad because they got they didn't get a rave well you know what you need to perform better you need to start showing up you need to quit using your sick Le when you're not sick if you're sick that's fine but come to work and work while you're here if you leaned up on that shovel when you should be digging and the gu's digging and doing both parts that guy needs a raise you need to be fired you need go somewhere else McDonald respectfully part of the issues we've been working through is folks aren't applying for jobs we have open we can't F so your logic doesn't necessarily meet the balance because when you don't have applicants you can't fill positions yeah but you're wasting money if you're filling positions with nobody that's standing there we're not seeking to waste money at all we have to provide a service and given a mandate by the voters in this state we have to do it at a certain level and that's what we're trying to work to there's a combination it's not just because of emotions or because of preference but it's because of the mandates and the services that have to be provided and that's what we're working to try I can tell you this different rates I would rather be shorthanded and my guys double up that's true but guy stand on my job and not do nothing he's not going to do working in private sector because my guys we have to provide these Services we can't say to the Sheriff's Office don't fill the positions we don't have to provide the service we have to provide those and that's what we're exactly but when you start weeding out the bad and then bring in better people going to work and the ways that you we them out and once you bring up the P employes if you bring up the pay of your department heads a little bit when they when they see the people and you got a guy making $13 an hour and this guy right here is working good he's making 14 1450 because he performs better sure then they're going to see hey if I work better I'm going to get a little bit more money but we talk this across the board stuff going it's going to break the county doing that every time right so there's there's a way that we can do that and some of that's mandated it's not a choice it's mandated by the voters not by this board not by the Sheriff's Office not by the car Court that's what the voters said we're going to do so but it's not mandated to raise everybody the same it's 15 the reality is we're talking about trying to have a culture inside organization to retain good workers and when we send messages of fractionalized RA wages and rates then we're saying two different things we say in word we want to keep good employees and then we say indeed but we're going to do it at a depressed rate and I think we can see the results of what that is we have opening that we can't fill that's part of the problem so we are trying to have quality employees that we can retain but we have to compete with off surrounding counties and when those folks are at different places and where Tor count is at we've seen it work through the issues and problems that been created and these things haven't just started they've been going on here for a decade because those rates have been different for a decade but we're not in those same places any longer we're in a place where we can't compete so in the issue of folks that that are not the most motivated employees we can deal with those issues we have mechanisms that we can work through to get to that point but at this place this is budget session and we need to focus on these numbers that are within reach to put forth the greatest effort so that we can go forward and retain the greatest employees that we can and that's the period you know I I want to say this and I think you're going to have disgruntled employees you're going to have employees with with bad attitudes no matter what if you give everybody the same amount then you've got the guy saying okay he's not doing as much as me and he doesn't show up I do all the work but yet he gets the same pay they're justr and then then um no matter what you do they're going to be disgruntled either way give everybody the same they're going to be mad but if you go to that um performance he if you don't do the job then be mad leave we we'll help you leave you're going to do anything you need to raise the ones up and get them towards the minimum wage cuz if you don't you're going to battle this all the time then worry about the compression level later you can you can kind of pick them up a little bit later if you need to so you know have to save a lot of money if you get 50 Cent you set yourself up potentially up to give a do25 or I don't know what the number would be but over a dollar next year so like clerk said we made a plan a dollar an hour you know was a good good plan I think this year we probably should for the employees under 15 we should stay divorce probably at the dollar an hour and next year uh next year you know we we could potentially not have to go quite a dollar an hour you know that's probably going to take everyone above 14 at least and if we want to look at the the employee that's over 15 them 50 Cent this year a dollar for these guys we're trying to we got to reach a number based on the voters and if we want to give the ones over 15 50 cents to help with the compression then I by all means but next year when we look at this budget it might not really be a dollar for these guys it may be hey we're trying sorry but the voters said we got to hit this number by 2026 so you know it may be 50 Cent for this one so you know so what you're saying let me make sure I understand so what you're saying is that for everyone under 15 a dollar give them a dollar and the the 15 give them 50 cents that's what I that's I'm one because we have to get to 14 next year right you have to be at 14 by September 25 so you be there you'll be there at the dollar hour this year right we're already there that that was why I was asking so you so but you're saying so we have people now at 13 so you're saying give them a dollar to get them to 14 now and that but and we'll be a year ahead of schedule if we do that I mean I would closer that's fine and then anyone over anyone over the 14 give them the 50 cents or the 15 over 15 over 15 anybody under 15 gets the dollar anybody over 15 gets one okay yeah but if you've got somebody making $14 and uh 40 Cent or 50 you give them a dollar they're over 15 you see what I'm saying does everybody make exactly 13 or exactly 14 you've got somewhere in between there so if you get a dollar on some cases you're going to be Beyond 15 so it needs to be whatever it takes that's to get you to $15 maybe this person uh if you want to divide it up between two years maybe if you give 50 cents this year or a dollar next year you're going to have to look at each one so that you don't go over 15 you see what I'm saying I do see what you're saying but you get end putting people at the same level of that one of pay I understand we're trying to reach a number but then we do have a job that and you do get you get back Endy I'm making the same money with this one I've been here x amount of time so I just hey you a dollar even if they was it 14 20 25 a dollar that willing the board anyone over 15 and then next few are you saying you want to get them to you want to just try to get everyone as close to 15 as possible I'm just saying a dollar I'm just saying a dollar for Anybody Everybody under 14 that's all I say okay I anyone under 14 not 15 I mean that was our plan was a dollar up to get you everyone till till we got to that threshold that W I understand what commissioner F say for sure I do understand what she saying but that's you go to picking them apart and trying to give this one this one 75 cent and get you to 15 give this one 50 c gets you to 15 then you do you get a bunch of people at the same level and then you kind you could create some friction in there so anyone under 15 anyone who's currently making over 15 50 cents that's across the board 50 cents is at the whe of the board I mean I'm saying okay that's we got five board members I just don't know with if you're making over $14 but not 15 and you get a dollar that's going to throw you over what we have to do it is not please understand y'all it's not that I don't want these employes to have a good wage and give them all we can I'm strictly looking at the business side I'm trying to take the emotions out of my decision and look at the business side we're charged with a lot of make it we're charged of keeping this County going you're right what we charge with keeping this County going to look at each one as an individual I said before 50% we give everybody the same thing you go for local bread Insurance buying cars pay home marges all this is in that play and I work through the Sawmill I went watch I work Bucky and I've seen this all this time the people be showing up go get us sometime not nothing but go get us of mou one you get closest to the to the PO he ate the most I can understand if if this was a perfect world where everybody was created equally and you do what you need to do and everybody was heard and seen we all know that sometime going happen you know if I ra into class with Jim Moody and you know and I was working with Jim Jim saw me as being person I need to be old J BL they doing the same thing just as productive because in some production L if you don't do your job it affect the person ahead of you and the front and and and behind but if everybody doing the same thing the chain is running smooth you cannot pay G 15 me12 and M13 that 10 just so what are we consider 50 cents for everybody this year then it sounds like to me that from from listening to the majority of this board the majority of this board wants to give everybody the same thing whether it's 50 cents $2 whether you make 17 or 13 or or whatever so if and I'm seeing that the majority wants to give everybody the same thing so why don't we look at giving everybody 50 cents next year when we have to say Okay this person is going to have to have more than s they're going to have to have this much and we'll see how much we'll see where our revenue is next year and if we're good we can give everybody the same if not then next year we may have to give just the ones that we're mandated but this year if we can do it since I see the majority of the board wants to do that that's what we need to do not that I agree with it but that's what we need to do I'll go along with that the average employee don't know anything about that mandate bus oh they do too I mean if they talk it in their meetings that night but here's the thing they they'll say well Joe over there he got a dollar and I got 50 it's going to make a big difference on it's going it's going to affect them but they don't understand the $15 what I'm saying the what we've got to get to maybe next year we won't be able to afford to give them anything well how do we give the ones that's not making I can promise you they know that $15 an hour oh yeah I can promise you they know we got two Bill closur and they know that this county is going to be everybody realiz that's promise you they know the hard time is coming I've talked to several of them it's not any secret that we got what we got coming down the P I'm like f I'm all if we got money to I mean I want everybody make $20 an hour 25 an hour but reality is that we need to get as much as we can we need to give as much as we can like say next year we can give we could split it up this year we need to we about to give 50 c an hour so potentially put somebody at 1350 I'm just going to say we do this next year I'm not going to be in favor at a150 across the board we won't be able to have toon be able to the figures said get everybody f s and then next year we'll deal with it I got to say though we know it's coming and we want to wait until the last hour potentially get C keep we know what we've got to do so we do this now don't don't have to find a home for it it's going we have it but you know so that the will of the 50 c across the board that's fine with me for this year I'll work with that long as we give everybody the same Mr chairperson and then obviously sometime between next now and in the near future I'll do some research as far as the performance um based pay raises because I know that we've that in the past that we have we did that and there was a reason it stopped I don't know why but I'll certainly research it and bring that back to the board yeah we we cannot continue giving everybody the same thing we cannot continue and it'll show next year you'll see but we'll have to argue about it next year will we because it'll be right here in this budget numbers and then we'll be really limited to what we can do we don't have to argue about it then anyway when you're out of money you're out when it's gone it's gone you don't have more so so the draft you have in front of you is not accurate I'll I'll change it to because that reflects a dollar an hour increase so I will change that so that the minimum is is raised to just by 50 Cents if that's yeah that's fine and remember we don't have to do anything this year no but you know an effort not to be caught next year and having to make up the total difference next year but yeah I like for you to look at the performance base that that's a good idea as long as you got the people that are in charge that are really looking at those I know used to do that and then for some and I was not here when it was changed so I'm having to try to gather information but for some reason it was changed and I will as much as I I can tell you why the FSA changed it for the Florida sheriff's exactly what Pam just said because your supervisor don't want to say something bad about their employees so they give them all these good remarks every year they're getting these good remarks that goes into their pay file or into their personnel file and then when something really bad happens and you need to terminate an employee you can't because they got all these nice performance evaluations that ran up exactly I can you give a a go down and I've seen that people go straight down and just Mark excellent ex excellent excellent they never make any comments they just say I like that person so they go all the way down but that's that's why FSA recommended the sheriff not to use performance EV valuations anymore you know but you you got to not do that that's not a fair to the company it's not fair to the employee cuz like you say you need to terminate them they go back the their laot look at here all their this he's been an outstanding employee except for this one time you got to have department heads that are doing the right thing doing a true evaluation not just sometimes it's just a a a lazy thing let me just go down and Mark all these inside the end of it can't do that I'll fix from here well what I tried to do is just give give y'all a comparison of what different entities within the county do um just to just to give you some idea of what the Constitutional officers and the state does so presently for the board and I and we captured SI leave and annual leave so you have some idea of the potential of payout upon separation so we'll start with the board um the total so um this policy was changed in 2009 to um not pay out um existing ACR sickly except for folks that were hired before January 1st 1999 and I I vaguely remember at the time that it was a financial concern and that's why the policy was changed do not pull our SI leave it's there if you need it if you don't need it then it goes away when you separate um for annual leave um there's a total of 480 hours that can be rolled over so for um folks that earn 200 hours a year then the maximum payout upon separation would be 680 hours um the clerk I think the clerk already discussed his policy and that's a Max of 7,500 hours upon separation $7500 what $7500 what did I say I'm sorry $7,500 um the Sheriff's Office it looks like the SI time is 25% up to 480 hours which is the same policy of the state their annual leave is not to exceed 360 hours so you have a total um potential of 840 hours right Marty yes but there's one of the caveat if you have not been employed for 5 years you're not in to a payout okay and I think that's probably about this I mean it takes a while to to acrew that type of hour so that's after five years than for explaining that tax collector is um let's see looks like there is no payout for sick leave and no payout for annual leave it must be taken it looks like um supervisor of elections maximum payout is 160 hours hours in excess were forfeited maximum annually payout is 160 hours anything in excess is forfeited so um you have a small um a smaller amount upon separation in some of the other entities property appraiser no cash value no payout for S leave um no cash value no payoff for annually it just must be taken so I'm assuming what folks do is after they know they're going to separate maybe they they take their leave and then they separate I'm assuming I don't know um the State of Florida is um the payout for sick leave is with at Le so folks with at least 10 years of service is 25% of unused sick Le credits up to 480 hours and um the annual Le payout uh time of separation is limited to a lifetime cap of 240 hours is what it looks like so there's not a lot of consistency in the Le payout what um Kenneth is suggesting is for the sick leave is that for folks who are um once they reach 500 hours that upon separation the payout of 500 hours is at sorry is at 50% over 500 up to 750 75% 750 to 1,000 100% um 1,000 to 1250 hours so when I calculated and again this is just if everybody separated today which obviously they're not going to but I don't I don't really know how to plan for that except look at the the you know a snapshot um you know it look like the maximum amount if everyone like I said who is entitled to this separated today it would be about $100,000 and that's spread over several funds that's obviously not going to happen so it could just vary from year to year so if the board chose to do this then I think we would just need to set aside um you know a certain amount of money in a reserve like we do for uncomp or add that to the uncompensated absences um do y'all remember how much we have set aside for that now each f is different based on the amount of res you have okay so there is some funds available for that uh sick leave is given to employees as a benefit okay if they're really sick and they're out they get paid we all know that that's abused in many many many cases um but the people just like Kenneth for instance you know that's been here he's probably worked when he was sick because he had a lot of work to do and he showed up anyway and so I understand um his point of view where he's been here and other people took a day a week off or whatever it took to keep that sickly used up if we went to the PTO then it wouldn't differentiate between sick and vacation it's your days off whatever you want to go do a doctor's appointment or goish or if you're sick now what a lot of companies do with the with the PTO you can only carry over so much each year say for instance you can only carry over 40 hours every year so then when they separate um the most they could have would be 40 hours because they're required to use it up to me that seems like a more sensible way to go then you don't have to you know worry about the people that make sure they're going to use up their sickly but if they know they're going to be living they're sure going to lose up that use up that sickly we know that so as of right now though we don't have PTO we've got this problem uh but I think in the real soon that this is just my opinion we need to look at PTO to eliminate Gary uses it works out fine um but for right this minute um I understand if somebody's worked and been here even when they're sick and they leave and they lose all that when everybody else or not everybody but when other people use theirs what is what do y'all think about going to PTO what's the what's the temperature of the board about that if it's an easier management practice it's time employees can use at their discretion I I don't disagree that I mean I see several constitutional officers that it's basically use it or lose it kind of set up I think that is easier to manage I think it's communicated there's no confusion to employees to pre and that might be a way to address the future but in respect to this consideration there's really no mechanism that's afforded to you to be able to budget or propose what these expenses may be if there's a change is that true well there's no way to predict who's going to be sick or how sick they're going to be or you know once folks enter drop they have I think eight years I mean I there's no mechanism like I said if I mean I can tell you if everyone who is entitled to this proposed policy you know if they separate tomorrow I know what the payout would be but that will from year to year because we just don't know I mean we can look at it on a on a yearly basis but we don't really plan for worst case scenario for other uncompensated absences right Gary that's just a percentage so the way things are currently structured is there an accurate projection that can be given with a separation no and but there's not an accurate projection for annual leave either because I don't know who's going to separate when I mean that's that's a moving Target I all I can but it's it's a cap number it's not something that's continuing to span correct so you have a way to know to a certain extent so flirt as to what that cost is going to be maybe not when it's going to be expensed right but you know that it would be no greater than x amount of dollars and and I think I've ccul the worst case scenario for for now but again you know somebody could hit 500 hours next month and you know the the payout would be small if it's you know 500 hours um I mean that's just not a lot of money where you get into the maximum payout is folks that have accumulated you know more than 750 hours and depending on what their hourly salary is so I would you know just talking through this if I had to guess I would say the folks who are um at the higher end of the of our pay plan are typically the ones who don't use a lot of sick time because of their workload and and just to be brutally honest you know it it seems like you work anyway whether you're sick or not or if you're on vacation or not so I think they're just not in a habit of missing a lot of work and they know it's going to be waiting for them when they get back I don't typically take time off because it's just it's just not worth it for me right I'm I'm I'm in agreement with Kenneth's plan for right now until perhaps this board decides that we want to start with a PTO plan then that eliminates all of this I'm not in agreement with changing policy to to a amount that you can't project and to an amount that's going to be so my suggestion is to continue to maintain the policy that's in place and at said point we can look at a PTO plan but that's not going to affect those employees regardless is that true because they were hired at this certain date under these guid well I would think you wouldn't want to take time away from people so you would want to grandfather those folks in to whatever the conditions that they were hired at and this would be moving forward which would not I mean we have the employees that have the most service are the ones who would keep so it wouldn't have a big Financial impact I mean you you so yes you wouldn't want to take that away from them is what I'm trying to say so the policy could be maintained as is and that would address the issues or concerns of the current employees it would be the same policy well I'm sorry the employes understand as to the agreement that came into effect at this date that this is what the sickly policy and the separation guidance is I think if your question is if people existing employees understand the sickly policy yes that there is no payout upon separation okay Le and what other Le do we have we have annual leave annual leave right okay what's the cap on Le is the amount that you can roll over is 480 hours so so the maximum payout if someone someone was planning to retire or they're planning to leave if they wait until after their anniversary date and get you know say they're entitled to 200 hours then that maximum payout would be 680 hours which is what we have been paying out historically if they enter drop and they wish to um you know defer compensation or get the pay out um upon entering drop well they have to give it get it before they enter drop that maximum is 500 hours because that's the maximum allowed by F FRS and then at that point their maximum payout would be 180 hours and that's to so you don't pay out vacation twice or annually twice okay annually 680 hours that's three months right Max now for the SI be you're talking about how much can you accumulate and they pay So currently you can accumulate an unlimited amount ofly I think there's a cap on it and I don't believe so and then if you don't utilize it upon separation you don't get any payout so it's it's use it or lose it we do not allow pooling of sick leave so um we don't allow employees to donate their sick leave to another employee either so you know and it's a great benefit to people who you know become very ill obviously and I believe the acral is eight hours a month for sick leave right so so once you so every employee once they get through their appr probationary period or is that the end of the year they they approve eight hours a month for sick we fourth month thank you turn to memorize fourth month fourth month you started accumulating eight hours a month so you get one day a month sickly and um and it's use it or lose it but then if people use all their sick Le and they you know and they don't come to work we we have a mechanism in place to address that as well I think that's what the proposal is is so that they can AC sick Le thinking that it would potentially keep F that versus taking the day because they're going to lose it anyway have EMP they're going to lose it they're going to be out at least one day I think that's the made I think they should be a cap on all of this if the soill if you don't take you don't work you don't get no there there is yeah three months that be 680 hours is three months which is generous pay now the five the other thing you talked about that five years you in what is it uh after you in something four or five years what did you call that drop drop drop yeah right so upon so employees who who wish to have a payout of their annually upon entering drop what that does is they can either they can take that amount and it will be reflected in their the amount of their retirement so it raises their annual annual salary which is a benefit to employees or they can place it in a defer compensation account compensation government got be Tres all you have to do is sit down there and figure out what you want I'm not say down or anybody else though for the smarter ones comes out with the best end the one that not quite as smart he gets lucky to make now I I am for PID the 680 hours and D someone been dedicated to us has stayed so long as on the sickly side I'm for helping him too but now if we had 10 people at $100,000 a year no sir what I'm saying is that the 100 possibility right I I don't where but where would it come from how would we do that how would we save this kind of money are we in that kind of business what I'm saying is is when I to took a snapshot of everyone who had over 500 hours of sick Le accumulated and I did the calculations for kenis calculations which may be a little complicated um that I came up with a total amount possibly that would be around $100,000 which is what same as it was last year so because it doesn't affect that many employees I mean first of all you have to through that many hours and it's going to take years to get to that point anyway so it it would take 5 years you know to get to that point of not taking any SI time so right now the process is not broken this is just an in oh well believe it as it is look like what we looking at down the road next year we might need 100,000 I going save two people and and I don't know that the pay the pay off any given may be $25,000 it could be 10 I just there's no way for me to predict it I just look I don't know why we working with that right now what we got coming two Mills down Bucky Geor Pacific and S Mill down and then we got people coming here wanting raises on their little money that we giv them hey we just sat right here and said that we ain't got money to give people you know raises for what I don't understand how we talking about some more money somebody else other thing I know we talking about we discuss I hope we inting without discussion but I think we need to hold line sck IE want to hold where we are so will make changes how long would it take to convert to PTO what would that process be like just do it I think we could I could bring if if you'll give me a little bit of time what I can do is um just bring a a draft policy to the board and but I would need some type of idea of what you would want that cap to look like um if you want it simar the Caps that we have in place now and grandfather um the employees that are are you know say anyone hired after such and such a date this would be our new policy is that what you're considering or just convert everyone to PTO now and keep the C the same and change the payoff I I don't I don't know yet okay I mean I'd like to us to entertain sure the uh PTO I I can't get into all the specifics right there well small thing just change everything to PTO yeah but let's let's at least start thinking about that and maybe actively work toward that and then we don't have to worry about all this but I would I don't want the people like even like yourself you know you've been here work sick a lot of times and um so if if you were decid you didn't want this job then you would lose all that when you work SI when you could have took that day off so I I'm you know I'm I'm in tune with that I'm sure we can we can bring something to the bo that would be maybe a happy meeting or minut um you know another agency is is the does the board agree with that is anybody against doing that I think it's more consideration believe over the improvements so yes um so what we did was we went back to the Departments and and um asked them to prioritize um Department their priority um which is in front of you so we ask them to rank low medium high and then if they had numerous high priority items to number them um accordingly so obviously um and then outside funding is all Pi one because that that funding is there and um anything that is a lease payment would be a high one priority because you don't really have choice this is a lot of stuff that sit here and try to read and also listen to what's going on yes um I would like to be able to take this home and and look at this this is a lot of information and I don't think anybody can sit here and comprehend all of this and listen to what's going on and make a good decision we do that Thursday is um what I would suggest take it home look at it read it think about it and consider that on Thursday do it are there considerations for elimination are we willing to move forward on these priority rankings um well that's up to y' OB I mean a number of these are Grant funded and I think that's why you said said they're high priority move on leads yeah anything that's Grant funded is obviously Grant funded it's in the budget all of these items were included in the proposed budget um but that again that's at the W of the board we provide you know a capital list every year um within the budget and also in a separate report so y'all can see every item that was placed within the budget well it's I don't common to take all the requests and say okay this is what we got this year let's go ahead and do that a lot of times it's a fiveyear forecast and we may not want to do all of this this year we may want to postpone some of it that's not as high a priority yes um to me that's the prudent way to do it I mean I think we got several on the high prior just a few on the high priority I mean it's we want to go through those or just sit on it until Thursday you want to consider those that aren't high priority go ahead and go through those because aren't the aren't these listings part part of the capital plan the 5e existing plan I consider the high priority that's the high priority that's what needs to be done that's what I mean that's what the wishes are that's come back we want to go through them now or we want to wait till Thursday are any of these that are high priority are they um I understand it's a priority does that mean they need them right now or it's a high priority that they can wait what what is you know what are they saying I haven't had time to read their justification so well let's do this if y'all want to wait until Thursday we will finalize our 5year CIP and bring that all back to the board you want to do that that sounds good okay let's do that we weren't able to get it all updated will that give us time okay because we've already been assembling that um we just switched tracks a little bit so I can we can bring the fiveyear to the board okay and then that way you'll see over the next five years what the requests are yes I got a question about the budget many also reserves for Capital Improvements is what is that is that any of those for anything you talking about in the general f yeah the um it's already been reduced to reflect the request out of the general fund so if anything is taken off of this it'll just increase so what's in the reserve that's not designated at this point in the J yes I've already reduced it to reflect it so it's not going to change the budget it's just going to move it am it'll just increase the reserves it'll put it back into the reserves and the same for the ones that sales tax so these items have already been budgeted and it will just move it from the operation from the Department budget to reserves Mr chair you know as I this is a good document thank you thank you for doing this and I think this is something that we need to continue to do every year about the same token last week you know we talked about the on that c and we were all going to take a few days to to you know to to go through that and and and you know come up with some good ideas for the ones that sell St that as of last Thursday board members that were here the four of us it seems like to me felt like that the county should take control of 100% of the sales tax but what we didn't know last Thursday is exactly how we were going to do that okay so I thought about it over over the weekend a lot I talked to some other people also just to get some outside opinions um and I think using this same document with these Capital requests if you had um the hospital and the sheriff's department if they had the same kind of list and they came and presented it with their budget every year instead of saying okay we're going to give the whole 25% or whatever to each one and they can spend it as they want and it's for Capital Improvement let them present their needs at the budget and then we'll decide out of those what we what we're willing to do instead of saying just here do what you want to do it this way they have to ask for what they want they have to justify it so that you know have to thinking about it a long time that's what that's what I came up with and I also um think that we should um do the same thing for the tcda because that is vital for our community to keep looking for industry and jobs of this Revenue that is going to go down down down we have have to do something there we we have to with tcba and economic development I think that's fair I think that's fair can can I say something about that the only so 90% of what we buy in the Sheriff's Office out of capit outl is vehicle replacement and right now it is really hard to find commercial vehicles that are law enforcement Vehicles so if you do that we don't know at the beginning of the year how many vehicles is going to be available we know how many fleet vehicles are that are going to be available it really hinders Us in the purchase of those vehicles and those Vehicles whether you like it or you don't it has to be replaced either out a capital outlay or it has to be replaced out of the 1-cent sales tax replacing it out of 1-cent sales tax is the fairest way for the entire County because people who buy Goods here are helping to pay for those Vehicles not just the people who are paying property taxes or things like that out of the capital outlay fund so if you take away our ability to to to grab those vehicles and sometimes they'll run specials on them or sometimes they'll do that and we got to come to the board every single time no I'm not talking about coming all through the year every time I'm talking about use it as a budget request um and I understand what you're saying and the sales tax is a fairway and I've been suppor of that um and then if if what you're saying they run specials throughout the year does that mean that okay this is a special we're going to go ahead and get it and instead of waiting until okay I need this and I need to request this just because it's a special I'm sure you don't just run out and say oh I'm going to take advantage of this no but if if I know we're going to have to replace 10 vehicles or we're going to have to replace five vehicles and I can get the vehicle for because they had somebody ordered too many fleet vehicles that somebody didn't pick up and they have an exess like right now there's 47 Ford Explorers available and they're 10 $10,000 discounted each one so yeah I would I would buy my 10 Vehicles then while they're $10,000 off versus waiting you know until the rollover and got to pay another $110,000 pieace for Mr chairman if you I would be in support of of continuing another year for this time ability with the Sheriff's Office understanding they have been utilizing that in their Capital outl trying to maintain the efforts that they're they're going age with that so from my perspective in respect to the 1% money I I would extend for this year for the sheriff's office that percentage so that they are able to continue these savings so what I would ask is I mean Danielle can give you the figures I don't think we use all of the 25% every every year so whatever the I mean if we are only using 18% then give us 18% or 12% or 15% I mean we're we're okay okay with that we just need that pot of money available that when we find what we can get we can get it and we still have to follow the County's purchasing policy and it's not that I call them up and you know order 10 vehicles and I think that's what commission F probably say heard you guys in your budget you know to you guys have been doing this long enough probably to know kind of when what what kind of deals are going to come around but budget that amount of dollars for your uh vehicle purchases I mean you guys probably spend I I don't know exactly what you spend well we were up until these last couple of years when the vehicle prices have went drastically up so but budget like you said now you prob buy 10 Vehicles out there $10,000 discount if you budgeted for yeah you wouldn't budget I guess for 10 vehicles but I mean I think you would you budget for $200,000 and you could use $200,000 to buy what you can and replace what you can that and I'm just using $200,000 I'm not saying it might be 250 or 150 but just it won't be 150 I promise you sir but I mean our our our goal is we we we try to replace at least six Fe Vehicles a year I mean once they get over the $100,000 Mark these tahos or anything else that we're buying we started buying tahos because the Crown Vic went away nobody I mean they don't manufacture it anymore they're not selling the Taurus anymore so you either buy an explore or you buy a Tahoe well for a while the Tahoe was cheaper now the tourist I mean the Explorers seems to be a little bit more economical um but those are the pursuit vehicles that and a pickup truck both of them make a Pursuit pickup um we don't buy Pursuit rated vehicles for administrative people because I mean even though you may get into Pursuit it's you need a mark unit up there anyway so only the markk patrol units are Pursuit rated they they cost a little bit more so you know when we taught last week the four of us and we're talking about you know keeping the keeping the sales tax um because we don't know what's going to happen and I know as I pointed out we've got Capital needs that we don't don't get and it may come a time where we have to have more than the 50% it may come a time where we have to change it to operations and for me if I'm here that would be I mean we would have to be in D streets for me to change it to use it for operations we have to already everybody would had couldn't do everything they had to do and it would be an emergency type situation to use it for operations but this way it doesn't tie up all the money uh and like you said uh commission M we need to we need to take charge of the money need to take charge of it but I don't want to cut sheriff department or Hospital short in any kind of way I mean that you got to have a hospital you got to have Sheriff Department yeah and they bring their requests to us just like everybody else brings them to us and they don't say they're not going to get that but there's a request it's the it's the business way to do it taking control of it completely be fine but we need to be able to not overdo it in any direction we need to you know if they know they get 25% they going to really tighten their budget down to trying to stay in that 25% you know I mean if you know they they got a figure they got to go to they going like you said they going to look for they going to look for a sale on the vehic you know instead of just going out there and buy so I mean it gives them to they know how much money they got to spend how much is in their pocket they're not going to go over with you know and and they're not the hospital or the sheriff either one I've never seen them waste any money in no Direction myself you know I've never and and and the other thing too is we we talked about from from here on out since the most they do produce two Patrol um pickup trucks now Ford produces a patrol rated vehicle that's a pickup Chevrolet produces a patrol rated pickup we started buying more pickup trucks obviously we have County dirt roads but the other reason is is that when when it reaches the mileage for us that we don't feel safe running 130 M hour down the road in it then we transfer it to the road department so you're getting more and more use out of it's not like we're just trying to waste the money I mean but it does it does hinder us if we don't have a pot of money that we can use that when we find these things that we can we can submit it so Commission have you changed your mindsets last Thursday is that what I'm hearing or you still County I'm just I just don't want to put them in a position where they cut coners I want us you know it's wored as long as it has I think the 25% they're not going to waste the money just got it in poet I don't never EI either I just rather keep it the way it is you know so you changed your mind since okay I would agree I don't want to put a limitation to be able to save that funding understanding the availability we can commit it for this year if there's a need for operations to change we'll consider that at the point that's not been proposed anywhere that I've seen in this budget is there that kind of need I'm sorry what is there any kind of need for the use of this funding in operations currently No so at this point we can make that commitment to the hospital or and the sheriff's office for this fiscal year so that we can have the opportunity to save that money on these vehicles or whatever expenses and have that availability and it also gives us a chance now to because we didn't prepare it that way because we've been doing it with the 25% money it gives us a chance to prepare you for next year's budget a budget of how much or what our Capital outlay will be if that's how you want to manage it there going forward we could commit this year the 25% to give you all the opportunity to plan next year for any kind of different adjustment or necessary mve yes well what we've done is we've we went to a one year so when you put that in your budget you didn't know you were going to get it right what's that when you put the when you say that you have counted on the 25% for next year you were assuming that you were going to get it right even though we said last year we extended it for one year so you didn't really have a guarantee that after this year you would get don't remember that that was a year limitation on it last year we did it one year last year we said we're going to do it for one year so either you assume that this is going to continue every year or you say well the board will have to decide we better not we better not plan on that 25% just in case the board changes their mind um again commissioner the replacement has to take place so we can plan it and I can add it to the budget for General Revenue or we can continue doing it out you know so we assume that you would probably want to finance it out of the 25% either that or I got to revise a General Revenue budget to add purchase of vehicles in there your your budget was built because of the way that's spread across has been spread across yes and it's it's more fairly distributed across the board it's not just coming out of the general fund out of the tayor county taxpayer correct correct Mr shers if I may if y'all want to look on at your desk there is a breakdown of the of the projected small County Sur tax for next year so um that Danielle prepared so the estimated revenue is $2.5 million if the distribution stays the same 25% would be $625,000 to dmh 25% to the sheriff which would be 625 which was not included in your budget so this would be additional the EMS allocation is 485116 for the current ordinance so the remaining balance to fund County capital is 841 484 now if you go to the estimated or what was discussed on Thursday and and look at it a little differ L um the estimated revenue is still $2.5 million 50% to the county would be 1.250 million and the EMS allocation would be 408 516 which would mean the remaining balance to allocator keep would be 841 484 so it' be swapping the current allocation and I believe the board just wanted to see these numbers and then um there's some there's another page attached that just gives some potential options if you wanted to if you wanted to change the ordinance for not well you know my big concern is tcda that's important to this County it's just as important as what we're the the what we're talking about here we have to actively look for industry our town is about to close up with a with a closure of two businesses we have to look to the Future and not just for next year and the next year but for I'm talking about 10 15 20 years we have to work to try to get jobs in here we have to do that so to do that we're going to have to fun put up the funds that's needed for the tcda to do that to me that's critical so whether we take if if the board decides to go ahead and and and allocate a certain percent to each one then we need to reduce it a little bit and give that to the tcda or we need to find more funding out of our general fund hold on just a minute we need to find uh funding out of our general fund to put in a reserve account either way we have to look for the future of Economic Development here is critical for us right now and and there's funding available um either way either way you look at it if you look at the um allocating it a little bit differently within one cent sales tax now that would take an ordinance change we discussed that last week um and or you could set up a line item Reserve in your general fund for economic development if that's what you wish yeah but that comes out of the general fund not the sales tax correct and so what I'm thinking is that instead of allocating more money out of the general fund when we know that general fund is going to decrease that perhaps The Prudent thing to do would be to look at the sales tax so it doesn't affect it doesn't affect our our general you know the the general Funda what was the projected for the 25% 620 um 625 625 so take 120,000 of it and give it to tcda we'll take the 500,000 and we'll work with that for our budget well if we took 125 and 12 25 that would be 250 um that would certainly certainly help that would help a lot help me commissioner don't you sit on the tcda I do and you're aware of the financials that were turned in I am very much aware of it and I do know that in three years if there's no changes that money will be gone and then they're sitting at zero and we have to plan for years and years and years to keep that going so you have a contingency that will operate for 3 years maybe no ma'am that's the projection we should see a big change in three years if they going I hope so I hope so and in that there's no guarantee plus or minus as to grant funding or help from Commerce or our state Partners is that true there's no guarantee saying hey there's going to be these grants in year 25 year 26 or year 27 but what we do have is a reserve for contingency with the agency that's continually running a reserve and we're try trying to compete or take away from the Sheriff's Office and their operations that's that's not that's not reasonable now I'm not against helping the tcda but they just came before this board and they brought forth their financials and I appreciate that that's certainly an improvement we do have a new group that's working together in in a cohesive way that's great but they've also told us I believe they have a 5-year plan and three years of those five years they' proposed that they can take care of their budget so I understand 100,000 with the 100,000 from this year and that they're also proposed to receive a grant I believe for 100 or 125,000 with that isn't that true that's true and so what I'm saying is I see and understand how the sheriff is continuing the budget with these uh committed funds and at this point given the reserve and the proposal that's from the tcda I do believe that we can operate without changing the ordinance currently or removing this committed funding and that's where I'm at with it now Marty has and thank you thank you for making that offer I think that was the thank you and we've got the hospital that's uh been sitting on a million dollars and used it so the thing is I want to keep funding I want to keep the tcda healthy because if something happens in the next year two years or whatever and they get a lot of uh contacts and they need one of them needs to fly to San Francisco or New York that or fly somebody here that could that could go into their their funds and break them I just want to make sure that there's money available and that we don't wait and let them go broke in 3 years and then all of a sudden they have zero where are we going to come up with a substantial amount of money for that operation to continue uh if the if the sheriff if y'all could do without 125 and certainly the hospital is sitting on a lot of money that they've not use we could probably even reduce theirs even more and then if the need comes up later that they you know that we could change it but we have to look after the future of this County it's just as important as the Sheriff's Office it's just as important as the hospital commissioner fig I think I know you not nobody here want the hurt sh nobody nobody y'all do a great job nobody don't take yall do a great job nobody HT the hospital but I just want you just said that last part is planning for the future we have changes coming down and and and and it's not to hold that the money say oh we just going to take money away I mean the money is still there I think she it's just it's it's about controls having controls you know I give the average cost of a just say average cost of vehicle use $75,000 and replacing six vehicles and that's rly 400,000 that's then that's just the vehicle that's not the Emergency Equipment that goes in the vehicle yeah so uh and and and trying to plan for the future I mean just if that's what we do 125 the shff give back you know 125 in the hospital got $250,000 I'll say what I said last week just because we have an additional $250,000 don't mean we have to have a home I mean I do think it's a great plan for this board to control the money I do but we do still want to keep these guys whole in what in their operations and what they've got going on I agree with you and you know I anticipated the sheriff's department to be here I anticipated the hospital to be here and they're going to put up and I would too if I was there I'd come and i' I'd plead and I'd give all the reasons why we need to keep doing that but we we have to look at we want to we want to give them what they need in the hospital but we need to really be careful we need to control the the finances I I will say again we we do still have to follow your purchasing policy so and and to dtail off that I will you know I will take some responsibility for the hospital not spending all their money at once because our staff has to has to process purchase orders that takes a lot of Mara's time because she processes every request for the Sheriff's Office and for the hospital so if they were to bring her a million dollars worth of request and especially if they're expensive items and we have to go through the RP process it it is very time consuming so I did ask them not to bring everything all at once so they just keep a steady um request and I just want to be completely Fair um about that it doesn't slow the sheriff's office down but your requests are much simpler because we can purchase them off State contract and don't have to go through the the bid process for those we try to always make our purchases either come off of the Florida Sheriff bid list or if it's a local and here lately we've had a couple of the local dealers meet the bid list price and if they meet the bid list price we'll buy them locally well the past year I look what we spent for the hospital we bought some much iMed equipment I don't think we was going to adequated uh but we know the hospital is 20 years old uh we know the sheriff department that we all want to go to sleep at night and wake up safe the next day I heard Marty talking about uh maybe $500,000 and we also talking about maybe thepit $125,000 250 we might need to put it in the capital reserve for economic development and I believe we had another somebody said I believe the elderly can you know we give them $25,000 it is somebody mentioned five in our budget already uh I think we probably could do some of that and and we control that budget out that $250,000 I mentioned 30,000 to the senior Senor but I don't know that that would be any of this one money but regardless that's that's well again You' have to change the ordinance for that you know that's that burner there they do that okay 30,000 for the senior citizen we have to change the ORD to get that if 25 that uh $125,000 no the the ordinance change only needed if you were using the funding for any operations other than EMS okay so the simplest if you want to um allocate $330,000 to the Senior Citizens Center then that's something that you can you can set up a you already have a department for them or no is it just I do in the general fund in the general fund correct so is it going to be for operations if it's for operations you have to change the ordin well hold on just a minute then is it the EMS operations yes but we changed the y'all changed the ordinance yeah so we could we could easily change the ordinance we've already done that for EMS right and that's listed as one of the choices you can change the ordinance for any for any of these operational expenditures that you wish to allocate funding for yeah if we if we and I forgot about the senior C thank you for bringing that up I'm going to say this I don't think we need to we need to do a whole lot of changes right now what what I see if we can get $125,000 off the share $125,000 off the hospital we need to put that money somewhere that we can save it at and and then if tcda now with the $250,000 they got in their budget next year they won't run out we'll be back here next year doing the same thing it's time then that we make them hard decision what we need to do for tcda I love tcda that's our run in this County was get something in this County we can keep our local people here and our young people specially they can make a de now that's our that's our responsibility we need to do that commissioner if if are you saying I'm just trying to understand are you saying that if we put the 250 in a a Special Reserve for the tcda not only tcda right now my question is do do they have to come and ask us when they want to dip into that 250 is that is that kind of where you're leading to we that they got $250,000 operated this year if they need some more than that next year if they come to us and that's okay and so so but if we get the 125 and the 125 speci that goes into a special account and if they need it they have to come ask for it what's the difference in that and I'm okay with that but what's the difference in that of them having to come ask us for any these other entities to use the same process come ask us when you need I mean I'm just asking I'm not well I think all them need to come ask for what I can understand and everywhere I go they're Haring know in the light of what's happened already I was in a form Friday uh wasn't it Friday night and and the light of what happened already what Would You Do Well I wouldn't spit everything I got if I had to unless I have so with that being said I think we need to put in a special G and we hold to that now and the one that need the most greas that's where we go if it's tcda to bring some company in that's doing well and going do well in some problem that's what we do this all the remaining uh County Capital funding is that all allocated not it's in reserves and the 841 goes to the reserve I'm sorry now the current transfer to fund the capital for the county that's budgeted is 1,37 935 so if you'll look the balance of fun County capital is $841,000 so that difference comes out of reserves one cent sales tax the Sal and we have we have how much in do you remember um after I did the reduction to balance there's 2.7 million in reses and is there not a way for potential expenses for tcda to be expens out of that Reserve if you yes you just have to change the ordinance so if it comes out of the the county you could you wouldn't use it out of this County Capital fund corg why could it come out of the general fund oh yeah if you could allocate funds in the general fund for the Senior Citizens Center and for the tcda so if they had an expense because of Industry that was coming to town they could appear before the board and request the reimbursement for those expenses you could do it I either way I think commissioner FAL prefer the on sales tracks yeah because I don't want to take away from our general fund because knowing what's going to happen everything that we can use out of the 1 cent sales tax that's what we need to do we don't need to obligate our St anymore this is an easy way to do it that's that's the only I'm just coming from the business standpoint either one of the groups come to us and with a a requirement or a need to need some money we going to come we going to try to come up with the money anyway we're not going to let them do without you know a major piece of equipment at the hospital broke and they had the haveit to keep running we would you know like air conditioner or something like that or a B we've always come up with the money for them sink sink this year sink this year but the thing is we're not going to leave them running short anyway we're not going to leave Sheriff Department running short if he comes in here with with a need he's got to have we going to work with them one way or another right to the end I mean we're not going to cut them short so I mean it doesn't matter if you got the money in one pocket or the other we're still going to spend it if they need it if they come up legitimate reason to that day we going that's true I agree with that we're just trying to to figure out what pocket we're going to take it from we're going to take it from sales taxes we're going to take it from our uh general fund and and my perspective is take it out of the sales tax and not affect our general fund but yeah I agree with you we're going to we're not going to let them you know we're going to take care of them you know they fix them have to put a roof on the hospital and a lot of things I mean you know at the hospital it's going to be a bunch of money that's right I agree they got to have it fixed finally got to handle on all the mechanical Parts out there they've got some new supervision out there running running Boulders and stuff and they really where I think they need to be with that I I just want to say one quick thing I don't want anybody to leave here or anybody that hears this to think that I'm trying to take something away from that hospital or the sheriff I want to make it real clear I am not trying to do that okay it it kind of sounds like you know it might be thought that I'm trying to take away I don't want to take away from I'm exactly where you're at I'm just trying to look at what what pocket we take it out of and to me the best pocket to take it out of is the sales tax Mr chairperson can I just ask the question G do you recall the amount of Economic Development Reserve that we had 37 okay I know years ago there was a line item set aside this has been many years ago and then at one point it was it was put back into the general fund reserves about 273,000 and it was rolled into capital in 2018 173,000 was on the commission when they done that they after to play L and TC wasn't a fa live of the count commission back that's what I was trying to recall historically sir in the general fund yes sir it was but we didn't have the 1 cent sales di fund at that time we didn't so but that was the amount that was funded in the past for something very and I think at that time the tcda may have been receiving a larger allocation than they receive now they were and I remember you know I I was here when they still had that that erve and I remember when we were so tight and we couldn't there was a couple of years or so or maybe more than that we could not give our employees a dime we couldn't give raises and so when we were looking to what what can we do and that was one of the things that we took away because we had to but um we're in a different spot now we've lost our major employers we in are in a different spot now so a we at Point too that um people look at what the tcda has done in the past with that $100,000 and I've heard I've had constituents complain about where did that money go what did they spend no jobs were created you know and it kind of gets you know constituents say I mean we give them $100,000 and give $100,000 but they don't ever come up with nothing but now maybe hopefully it's going to turn in a different direction group we've got now can make some things happen and I know that yeah and I've heard that and I've even questioned that even you know and I've been there I've seen I know and it's been very discouraging two years ago I wouldn't be where I'm at now with trying to you know but now that we've lost these two industries and now that things uh commissioner Moody things are really different over there now and that's about to say that even though we've got the best people possible that I think that can be there it doesn't mean that next year they're going to bring in a a big Manufacturing Company D like Dan said the Dan Simmons said the other day the average time is about three years so you know and you you can't expect just because we got good people we're going to land something right now but you got to keep working at it and it takes money it takes money to hire that person that has the expertise that can go out and identify these people and go meet with them or bring them here and most companies they're trying to relocate they bring them in they fly them in and and they take them and they show them so I just want to make sure that that that the the funding is there if that happens we don't want to miss an opportunity we can't miss an opportunity that's what that's what the money pays for the opportunities to come to this community it's like it's not saying they're going to break ground here but if you see any opportunities come it's kind of like throwing that right against the wall eventually stick let me say something the one one time there was some money out there at the airport and that was a building it belonged to tcda and belong to the airport whatever happened to that it was 200 something I believe that the if we're talking about the same the sale of that building is reflected in the tcda reserves at one point in time it was obligated and then there was I think and I'm just shooting off the head what I recall they they held it in a separate Reserve just to give it some time and work through the process with the FAA and now that is is available to them and I believe I think that's part of the res it wasn't spent because someone raised the question that that it was not done right by selling that building so it tied the money up you know what I'm talking about but I'm saying again now when uh this last company before left super pu SL SN Lance not land here with a a binding on that Clause this building will never be used for a salty product again now in light of how we feel about whoever was there that got changed and it didn't get changed because the count of Commissioners done it it got changed because somebody else done it and went to those SN L and that SN L lift that that's right writing so we could get uh that's super pu in there I was on the board would that happen so now another reason we wasn't particular about all this uh Dr fat Dum and happy we said we don't want nothing else to come now whoever was responsible for that saying that it was said several times go to the county line stumble off and explode right in the gut I've heard that remark too but we got to understand that some of them people we had in for tcda and the directors and what not they were told we only would accept certain things coming now one that was the uh white folks house it was shut down for 3 years ago somebody told about the prank now that happened it wasn't me I don't know who it was but anyway it happened now you know so we have to be about how we what we say what we do and how we get there now we need somebody we almost uh but we need to keep our whatever we bringing here sa our people too so that need to be some environmental concerns on that you know there's a lot of stuff out there that probably would come this way but is it safe for us to have people so we hoping the people there now be thinking above community and the county what the benefits yeah I was just going to mention the money that commissioner was talked about that when the TCA sold the property they had in the past that hasn't been a part of the audit that's probably question to be asked was it a part of that audit they presented this week or do they have another account money I can ask that question I can contact just make sure so get back to the uh one set money is that 500,000 of that fair for you yes sir work with we can work with that I just need to know how you want us to use the the purchasing we going to continue purchasing it the way we've been yeah okay that is that fair for the board 500,000 that starts on the October the 1 budget year take 125 and 125 allocate it to the tcda I wouldn't I just want to make sure that we have at least 500,000 to work with so I would say tcda I would say we have additional funds out there I mean I'm not it's not the tcda not saying they can't get any of it but I wouldn't say hey we're going to have $250,000 out ccda right now because next year and we do understand they're going they've got I want to say it's $300 something th000 I believe is what they have I wouldn't see them spending $300,000 in a year but next year I know they're going to come back and they're going to make a budget request so do you want to hold the $250,000 in a reserve or do you want to allocate some of that for the Senior Citizen Center is that where the senior citizens money is going to come from well that's it normally comes out of that would come from the general fund right it the the last or the current year it was funded out of the general fund well I want to put 250 I mean if if a reserve I don't want I don't want to find it a home where we're sitting up here and say we're just sitting a regular Reserve yeah say that money we got money already sitting in places that you know for the going to say the old hospitals got probably got money sitting out there in it it could be in but we don't even look at it because it's just but I don't want to say it's for something okay so do you okay so you want the 250 and a line item reserve for a future operational cost because then you'll have to change again I mean that's fine you can allocate it but in order to expend it you have to change the ordinance I can't I just put it in a why can't we just put it in a reserve and not say it for anything at this moment that's up to you isn't there there is a reserve isn't there already Reserve already a reserve there's already a current reserve for capital projects is how it's listed so is there also the need this year because of the shortage to pull from the reserve so if there's this 250 wouldn't that eliminate that need you would have to take from reserve the balance and the capital expenses for the county you already have that Reserve you wouldn't be pulling from your reserve from contingency you'd be funding the county Capital needs we'd still have to but not at the same amounts yeah the net would be you still have 250,000 more left in the reserve would be it's not designated to sit in the reserve concy in that but we've already got money sitting in reserves like you said we've got the old hospital we've got some lens sales or something we still got that I I'd like to see it I'd like to see it dedicated so whoever it is they say we know we've got that if we need it now if you put it a 250,000 in a reserve every Tom Dick and Harry will be here asking for some of that money historically the board has never said no to anybody so you got to be careful that you're not going to open up a door there that anybody can come for and it's difficult to say no when we know that we the best use would be toward economic development now the senior CER I I Lord God we I know that they need help and I'm on sure of that is that something that we have to do compared to like tcda that's we've got to do because we've got to have industry and I I want to give the seniors but I'm just making that comparison it's important it to them to allocate money for economic development why couldn't we take that money out of the out of the money from the old hospital if you give it to the senior sener give some of it I would give it all and I'm okay with that some of it not all of it need am and it comes from old hospital you know what I mean but in L to what your comparison I mean we don't have to do anything either but for the kids but for me the kids the senior center hand in hand we we pour into the sports complex for our kids to have to make it a good experience a better experience kids here every year same would like to keep doing for this sener Center is giv them a place to go with activities and meals and Etc and I agree we don't have to do that but we want to do that if we can do that I am all for that absolutely to me they're just as important as the kids just I'm just saying for the money if we designate it to tcda then that's where we always lie we won't have the option to do anything else well we've got some other reserves you know just like the money from the hospital and we've got others and then um we got that sale of that property the beach that's what I'm saying you know if tcda needed that money we we got we got to give to them you you don't want to dedicate to the TC head I don't want I want I don't want to dedicate it to them I want us to have we need control over it we don't need to go to dedicating it where we ain't got no more let control of all of it the 100% like we talked last Thursday then's do it all that's what I'm here we doing it anyway that way we we got control of it either way it go I think you know next year in the hospital come back they their budget have a request a specific just like just like the Count's doing a specific Capital request outl you know I mean it's just kind of last minutes I mean trying to help these guys and keep them and agreed that back out 125 the same the hospital next this are a part of their budget and we have control that's that's I'm all for that it would be simple to if you want to take the old the sale of the hospital funding which is over $300,000 if you want to change that for to set it aside for economic development that's simple doesn't take an ordinance change and or you could take the property sale on Marina Road that's $100,000 which whichever y want to do but it's fairly simple to just change the reserve from sale of you know the sale of the old hospital to Economic Development and you don't have to commit that you don't you can still expense that at a number of different ways without it being committed you could but now and that's the way it currently I was just it is I was just offering some options I'm read I'm not read $15,000 a sh V Texas next year from GP sir do I read $115 million would be a shelf fall in taxes for AI that might be the value where there's a short that was the value this year okay the value decrease this year was 115 for for for that but it was offset by increase in real property so it's kind of like wash and at the end of the day we still have a surplus which will be more now if you change the amount of the employee remember the the proposed salary increase for employees was a dollar an hour now that's spread over numerous funds but if you change that to 50 cents that's going to cut that amount in half and you'll have that additional Revenue as well so you can just allocate $30,000 out of that revenue for the Senior Citizens Center and or the the tcda whichever you want I like the idea of this of the senior center I'm okay with that just but I don't want anybody to think that we're going to do that every year we can do it if we can but I'm I'm having trouble I'm try I'm I'm trying to wrap my head around why it's okay to dedicate a specific amount to the hospital and it's okay to dedicate a specific amount to the sheriff but it's not okay dedicate a specific amount to tcda who is Future in our hands we've already give them $100,000 $100,000 is nothing you got $300,000 Surplus they do but I'm looking for the future right but the future is funded they've got a $300,000 Surplus they said they can operate for 3 years there's a potential $125,000 Grant and I I say for my sake I'm I appreciate the tcda and I'm encouraged by the new group that's working there but I will say I never called the tcda when I had an issue with a hurricane and I don't call them when I had an emergency and I don't call them when I need a hospital or an operation and that's my justification for saying because of understanding the way that they budgeted understanding the needs that they continue to have that's how I'm going to support these groups and that's where I'm at and that's where I'm going to continue to be right and I'll tell you uh when you don't have your family can't find a job because we have not provided for that well those things I understand I understand let me finish and then you can talk okay but I understand your rhetoric and it's emotional and it's emotional and I understand I want to be able to have that support from the sheriff and them I don't take away from that at all but I do I've got sense enough to know that we have got to get jobs or we're not going to have that money to give to them because our sales tax is going to go down our general fund is going to go down we have to look for the future it's just as important and I know you get all emotional wi I want to be able to call and I want to help in the hurricane and that's good but we also need to ensure that our children and anybody right now has opportunity for a job and we have lost jobs and we've got to get them back I I'd agree with you I'm in support of sheriff I'm support of the hospital I'm in support of the tcba I'm also in support of uh planning for the future and the this um control in this money offer so sounds like we're going to move forward with 500,000 to the sheriff 500,000 to the hospital there's 250,000 there where we going to put it that's what that's where we I did we decide where we're going to put it you don't want it whereever Tom Dick Harry organization can come and beg and plead and they can they can present to us like they can't live another day without it you hadn't been here when they've done that I we've said and then your money and then your money's gone when you really need it to try to get jobs in here stand right behind there and we've not done a thing so I me I have been here Not only would you have for sure but I have been here and I have saw matter Mr chairman my suggestion is that the remaining funds go into the remaining balance to fund the county capital and it moves forward we have a need in the future we have there that we can utilize and we're not creating new line items we have this funding that's been moved from the East two line items and it can move down into Fun the county C Mr chair my my suggestion would be that we uh take the 125 that was graciously offered to us take 125 from the hospital we take that 250 and we do dedicate it to TC da for economic development that's that's where I am so you take saying now take 375 say again so you're saying now take 375 I'm saying take 125 and 125 and that's 250 take that 250 dedicated to tcda let's don't just put it there for anybody to come get it let's put it there for economic development well they're not going to waste it I promise you they are not going to waste it I'm not saying they are but at the same time we're worried about somebody coming up and asking for money and we're worried about saying no I guess that's the point where you just see how pH you are and we all are in being able to say no they could have a general fund if they come if they got to have it take it out the general not saying I'm not saying you have to say yes I'm telling youall if they have to have it if they have to have so uh I would be in support of the reserves tcda is going to come back next year they're going to make a request I mean just like the sheriff's going to come make a request the hospital going to come make a request if they request is $200,000 versus $100,000 and guess what it's either we can do the $200,000 or hey we can do this it's just like the rest of them they're coming they're going to come back and ask for money and you have the control and you have the opportunity to say yes or no out here you know what economic development me you know what jobs means to us I'm not saying any of that that that's not me saying jobs don't mean anything that's not what I'm saying I'm saying control the money and that's like this Hospital money is sitting over there it's just City man let's control it all then let's control let's control 100% of it and whoever needs to come and ask for I think that's what we're doing right if you're dedicating 25% to one and 25% to other they got that they've got it dedicating 500 to one 500 to the other point next year they're going to come and they're going to make a proposal just like everyone understand as what whatever theard was do I understand and then 30,000 for the Senior Citizens Center you wanted added to the proposed budget for next year yes I mean it's just for us and if we can do it we can do it we can be able to do it so where are we going to bring that from this year we have additional Revenue have you yes just bring out generaly I just need a clarification so for next year we're earmarking 500,000 now is a 1 cent sales tax for the shares to to purchase the capital outlay following the same purchasing policy we use right now sending it through that's clarification that's what I hear think now what happens if if for some reason this projected sales tax do come through and we're committed to 500 and 500 what we're going to do then instead of going percent wise I'm just making a point that's all asking a question if you if you dedicate a specific amount and it doesn't come in what are we going to do what are we going to do so if you if you just do the same 25% you've been doing I I don't think we've used the whole 25% any year I mean whatever is there just rolls back over to you I mean it rolls back over to ever it's allocated to it does roll over to us right now but again I mean you you don't have to roll it back to us after the 25% I mean it can roll back over to wherever and they can't expend it until it's there yeah we can't expend it until it's there we receive monthly that's not how budget is set up no budget is set up that way I thought you they didn't spend it unless we received it no budget is set up that way your budgeted $100,000 in that budget you can spend $100,000 October one for for any budget then why do you track the Sheriff's Office the revenue I thought I track the sheriff's office because I have to True up at the end of the year for the sheriff and dmh because they're allocated the 25% so we continue to get revenue for the one sent through November so the fiscal year ends September 30th but we get that Revenue through November because do is two months behind on revenue and we pay for the payables through the first board meeting in November so we could be paying for fiscal year this fiscal year something that they bought in September with that first pay that first board meeting in November so I have to I track it in a spreadsheet and then I amend the budget for dmh and the sheriff with that revenue and I amend the counties carry forward also because I'm estimating 2 and a half million it could be three milon that we get and so I have to adjust the um Carry forward what if what if you know with the loss of these jobs and everybody that that we've experienced that people cut back on their spending and this sales tax money goes down I can see a scenario where it decreased instead of increase given our economic situation here and I think a lot of people are beginning to think more about their purchases I think that's what's nice about the 1 cent sales taxes it doesn't depend on just the citizens that live here it depends on the citizens that are coming in on the weekends to go scalloping it depends I mean all those people pay that 1 cent sales tax when they buy Goods so it's not just the residents the second thing I want to say is I never ever make a purchase until I email Danielle to find out what is available but Marty if and I totally see what you're saying and hopefully we'll continue to have those people that come in cuz they spend a lot of money they do but if the local people cut way back that's still going to have an impact it's still going to have an impact um I'm just you know I'm just concerned about that it words if we say we took 20 I'm just drawing numbers out now if we took 20% and 20% and 10% and then whatever that equates to we know we're going to be able to cut I'm good with 20% if you guys need to cut it to 20% I'm I'm good with that and then we work off of that 20% I'm just saying that for us we again I don't make any purchases until I check with Danielle anyway on what the balance is so I know what we can purchase and we we split it up I mean I don't buy them all in the same quarter I may buy three this quarter three this quarter depending on what is unencumbered in the 1-cent sales tax and and so I mean we've probably got I think there's 80 something, that's un that is encumbered that we haven't paid a vendor because they haven't gotten the Emergency Equipment right yet and until they get it right we're not paying them and so but but that's encumbered so it's not part of the the the figure that she gives me that we have available and so but again we don't so if you want to make it at 20% then just say 20% and then well see if we did that if we did a 20 and a 20 and a 10 then we don't have to worry about how much or more or how much less sales tax we get hopefully it'll be more and at least that way we're not committed okay we've told y'all 500,000 and we'll work within those pares if you want to make it 500 yeah we're we're we'll work within the parameters I mean if it's 20% we're working within that parameter thank you apprciate that so what that it really does make it easier for y'all and it makes it easier for Danielle to figure the percentages rather than it is if we did 20% 20% and then took the other 10% allocated in but I apologize I do have something else I have to do and and the sheriff is at he's doing his recertification stuff at the conference so I mean um if you need anything else from me please ask me now tomorrow night I have a conflict with y'all's board meeting and another board meeting and we do have an agenda item tomorrow night and it's just the um the same thing that we've done every time it's a budget amendment for what we've paid out for Grants and that grant money is back plus the money that the state sends us for Equalization of pay for the officers and and and and then then course Gary has that we have something on there about from the from the prior year budget that that's that's not us asking that's the auditor saying we got but the other one is US asking just to to amend our budget to reflect those well Marty I want to say thank you to you because this what it's all about is you know you're trying to help us and we're trying to help you and and working together to achieve that so that that's what we should be doing instead of taking a hard line no I want 25% I won't take less and that is it but you understand the other needs that we have and so that's what it that's what these these uh me these workshops are about to try to work work together to come out so that everybody is our needs are taken care of and I thank you for that yes and and like I said we're perfectly perfectly fine with working within the parameters of a 20% on the 1 cent sales tax versus a Hardline $500,000 or or whatever we we'll work within the parameters thank you I just need to know that we're going to work the same way I'm going to issue I'm going to get the information from Danielle I'm going to ask leanda and Mar to make sure we're following within the County Purchasing policy and then they issue the PO and then we make the order that for another year I don't mind to you know go a year at the time and and you know each year we're going to have to re-evaluate everything yeah but I'm okay with that and if you're okay and if the board agrees to go with 20% that that's that's a good compromise we're fine the sheriff will be fine with that isn't that still the same number 500,000 it'll be close right now and what we're saying is though is if you don't meet the budget Pro if you don't meet the one C sales tax projection then we'll just have to work within the parameters of that you're not holding a hard line of 500,000 which we don't know we won't know until the end of the year and it could and it could go over the 500,000 I mean and and if if we don't need it then obviously we're not going to spend it the only thing is I I again 90% of our stuff goes to emergency vehicles and that's the the Avenue in which our officers get to where they have to go to help people so 10% of that goes to other type purchases but when I say Vehicles I'm including that 90% of it goes to the purchase of the vehicle and the equipment that goes in the vehicle I'm okay with the process for the next year and I'm also okay if y'all are okay and if the board agrees 20% Then that that actually would be probably less money than the 250 that we were talking about but that's okay it's a good compromise okay all right if y'all need anything else from me you got my number y'all call me and I'll come back or whatever but thank you sir thank so what y think about that 20 he said he just said we can get by we'll be okay with 20% so that's not cutting them out of anything they need the sales tax the estimated revenue is 2.5 and So 20% of that is 500,000 is how much 500,000 that works out and if it goes up then they get everybody gets more if it goes down we're not obligated to meet our commitment of the general fund so then 500 back to 500 same deal 500 to the then are we still at the stance of they bring a budget to us next year that's what he said he'd be working towards what's that he said they would be working towards put in their budget next year and then I guess if we say 10% I think I heard 10% to allate to the T yeah not that what we that's important to us that's extremely important U I think I think the what we can ask the sheriff to do for next year is when he submits his budget submit a capital on what is capital be at the same time and you can make a decision about how you going to fund that Capital whether you use one cent or whether you going to use that's exactly right general f or whatever but you'll have that number decision as of right now you know you're just giving amount of money that they so on the 250 if we say it's going to be TCP we've obvious got a super result before we go just draw that money out but they're not going to have immediate results you have to understand that is a very difficult competitive process and if we don't fund that for them to try we're going to get absolutely nothing we know that for sure they got $300,000 if they get if they spend $250,000 of that money and they get running they know they running short and need something else we going to work with them it ain't like we going to just throw them down but don't tell me why why do you not want a dedicator just tell me why you don't want a de I do not want that money tied up in case the hospital and the shift department needs it I want us to I want us to have it in general fun we could do something with it in a hurry could be operations be number I'm say for the hospital orance Department we allocated their money too or we're going to allocate their money oper but it could be something else that another need to I just don't want to dedicate it you know where we can't get it back I don't want to well we they that give them they give them $525,000 I mean $425,000 they know they got it we would have to pull it back from I mean you know yeah and said we're not saying hey they have $300,000 work with for a year we're not saying next year we might not pay 10% of that money may go to next year they might not spend that money not saying it's not so are we a lot of people and fly a lot of places for $300,000 I mean you got salaries and and things like that too but do what you want to do all right so that the other 250 or the other I guess the 10% we're talking on percentage now so the the other 10% going in reserve that I would say the county Capital needs for the county going to reserve so what what are we doing next so I do have something new and I apologize for um bringing this up at the last minute um it was just that I was not prepared when we prepared the budget but I would like the board to consider funding recruitment services for our County for our engineer position our County not we have two different positions so for our engineering position I did um I just have some bigger than a bread boob figures um we have not received quotes we haven't gotten that far into the process I want to just speak with you first but our County engineer has announced that he will be retiring soon I do not have a date we have a lot of projects because we are fortunate enough to have received um a large amount of grant funding but that takes his time um we have been recruiting for an engineer for years and have not been successful so I would like the boards to you know consider putting money aside for recruiting Services um that person would be able to um go outside of the region and possibly help us with our search for an engineer one reason we have not been able to get an engineer because they don't make enough of money commissioner Newman was talking about we're not getting these positions filled because the salary that is one why Kenneth Dudley has stayed here with what he with the education and the knowledge and the experiences he's got for making nothing almost that is one area where that salary has to be looked at no wonder even if you've got a recruiter they're not going to get an engineer to come in here and work for nothing and that's a problem so we need to look at that salary if we had the salary at the right rate we might we might have already filled that position so um I I don't want to waste money trying to get somebody to come in here and work for so they can go anywhere and make more money they make here an engineer makes good money they don't work for less than a 100,000 nowhere unless it's Kenneth ding the only reason he did it because he was born and raised here and he loves being here but believe me nobody else is going to work an engineer for that little bit of money unless they don't have food on the table as soon as they get some groceries they'll leave well without somebody I heard getting somebody looking you know working on get get engineer we going to be one day when he leaves he can leave tomorrow and what would we be he got a lot of pro started up there somebody's got to get get in there and follow up with raise that salary get a recruiter and get somebody in here well well we need to we need to get a recruiter working on it and we need to raise the salary that's right are we not getting any do we have the salary posted we that could be I got you that could what I would say is that it is within the board's discretion if if we had a candidate to present to the board if the candidate wanted outside of that midpoint salary range the board could approve that that that's that's a lot of them like you said they don't even apply remember you just said that at the first of this meeting they don't even apply because they look at that salary range so now you're saying we've got discretion so that's kind of like at both sides of your mouth and not being disrespectful I'm just I'm you know I'm just making a point we can't have it one you know you can't say well we don't get anybody that even come here and look at the job because of the salary and then you say well if they want to come we can adjust this hour we got to make it attractive so they want to come and then you got to hire somebody to find them what's the cost for the recruitment services so the total cost from what I could tell um and this is I hav done formal quotes but if you wanted to set funding aside I would set aside $30,000 to cover the the services and travel contingencies you know things like that if that's what you wish to do I'm okay with that but I just think we've got to look at that salary you're not going to get a good person an engineer to come in here for that little bit of salary what could you check around with other counties and see what they payer engineers and let's let's get into the same scale that other counties in the surrounding area is payers and we might get a a better chance to get one you know a lot of money to one person if I get I said that's a lot of that's a lot of money for someone to hire one person if I can get a four or five County to buy off into that I'm in T money to make money and I will say that I did have a discussion with one recruiter and and they said that they they this is someone out of tasse and she told me they don't even accept um what you know requests from outside entities for engineers because then that Lo that is a smaller pool for local government it is very difficult to find Engineers now and it's not just here it's it's all of the it's difficult to find an engineer did you tell her what what we pay no I did not she may change her mind when she sees little well part of the issue is not I mean it's not necessarily an issue but what we've been recrui what we've been advertising is the engineer which and that salary is substantially lower than the County engineer position so but we haven't advertised for the County engineer position because I don't have a date certain of when Mr Dudley will be retiring so so you know there would be potentially a possibility for that person to to move into his shoes once he does retire but that that's an unknown at this time it is but you know Kenneth is backed up and we use outside sources because Kenneth doesn't have time so and we've been advertising for an additional engineer so if we could land a one in addition to Kenneth that would help us that's why we're delayed on so many projects because Ken he only has so many hours a day right well and he gets involved in so many other so many things he doesn't just work on projects and so when we pull him from one thing to the other and a perfect example is this opportunity for the hmgp funding which is millions and millions and millions of dollars well he was an integral part of that application process because that's information that is not readily available to to anybody but them and so in order to try to be successful for those applications we you know he had to help us well that puts the projects that he was working on on the back burner it's not anything intentional or malicious it's just the way it works sometimes because he is so knowledgeable and um is so I mean he's just such a big part of this of County operations so yes it would it would help if we could find an engineer to work with them and when I first came here we had two engineers and sometimes used an outside source and then when we lost that one just put it a love it on Kenneth like you saying um and now if Kenneth leaves before we find somebody then we're going to be forced to use outside Services which is going to cost a fortune because they don't work free they do not and I believe now I'm just shooting off the hip so please don't hold me to this but I want to say that when I was talking to one of the firms it was I mean it could be $1,000 a day it was very expensive and now we do have engineering firms under contract but those are only for road projects um that we cannot use for or I would have already asked them to help us with some other projects um but that's limited to road projects so I can't utilize those firms for other design projects or anything else that we have that's waiting for Kenneth to finish now is a good time to get one with all these people from across the country moving in Florida now is the time to be advertised and get us a good engineer that's that's right now time so so it's up to the board if you would like to pursue that we can certainly ask for quotes for for these services and I can bring a you know I can bring a proposal back to the board and we can start that process but I just know the funding is not I did not include the funding for next year because just was didn't have all the information at the time so would we be saying uh what is this hour range for the engineer yeah what is it that's so are we going to say that this is our sour range butt let them know that it's negotiable because I don't think you're going to have many takes at that so an engineer one is 6155 is that the right one yeah to 89 191 that's is that the position we looking the field the 350 engineer one yes what is the difference 350 and 380 um so 380 is a little bit higher it's just about so if you look at entry the minimum it would be a difference and these are these are off a little bit but it would be a difference of 7 or $8,000 a year it looks like if you look at the minimum now according to our policy manual I can authorize up to midpoint of the salary range which would be for the engineer one 75 360 which isn't I mean I'm sure it's less private sector but then anything over the midpoint the board would so say if if if we do the 50 if y'all authorize 50 cents an hour that would be around $74,000 a year would be m point and then anything over that I would have to bring to the board for approval I think you entainment from for less than 9,000 that's a very low I'd say at least 100 and I don't think would look at it for 100 I may be wrong but I just know how much they make and you can authorize that if that's what you wish to do if you had a candidate that you wish to consider for over you know for outside of that that's that's at your dis discuss that flexibility with the recruiter and if they are successful with a candidate then the board could approve final way yes yes let me ask a question are we looking for civils chical engine it's not and it's very specific and the only reason I know this is because I worked in HR before I did this position um a regular civil engineer will not have the specialty for the roads so there are certain Specialties that when we pull in those applications and resumes that he's looking to make sure that that person has the um I guess the qualifications for the road construction which is most of what what we have here they're pees they're engineers in the PE which that's a higher yeah PE mean that he professional engineer right but what we ask for is is experience in in road construction I just need to know if you want to include it in next year's budget yes we can we have both salaries budgeted just so you know and we have had them so um so obviously what we do not if I need to um if if we're successful in having in bring agreement to the board we have some funding this year we could utilize because we do not have that second position filled all right go back for just a second though when when Kenneth leaves and if we are lucky enough to get one engineer right away then when Kenneth leaves we really should continue try to get that second one right uh if we can yes and then um you know Kenneth has been here a long long time somebody moving in from out of town they may or may not stay for a long time I know the average time for most of them on a job is about two years they don't most of them don't don't stay long they move on because of the the opportunities there so all we have left is the capital request and clear talk about On th the capital is any of this budgeted now it's all it's all for next year that is in the budget budget we're talking about the 5 year that stuff is not in the budget I mean we're just looking to see pull anything out of we even see ourselves pull anything out of it right now I mean I didn't see anything that seemed unnecessary I saw the pr and I would think you could always make that decision something decid project decid to do reduce that so it can be approved but contingent on necessary reductions as they well okay so do you want if do you if you want to leave it all in the budget then could could I maybe bring a fiveyear CIP to the board at the next Workshop the next regular Workshop sure or do want to what what or wait till a regular meeting I think that's sufficient work okay I don't have anything to do Thursday so I can be here if so the only you know the only thing is is at Tuesday at 6 o' we're advertising a special meeting to approve the ten Mill R tomorrow next week 30 30 so that's all that's on the agenda right now is for you to approve that so that won't be able to change you know the same this talk about so it be you you would adopt that rate on 30 you will not be able to increase that at that point go down military discuss at that Workshop afterwards you know you're probably not going to change anyway so I mean that's whatever the workshop what's the I've said workshop I've seen these ratings rankings I don't see anything that seems discussion is if there's a need for Thursday's Workshop or to move to a regular board Workshop I don't fine with it if yall what y'all come up with so it's to to approve the capital expenses that were presented as they are and if there's a need to reduce those we can reduce that at a later time it will be approved Curr you okay to do it at a workshop one of our regular workshops or Thursday be fine be fine if do okay y'all want to do it 30 what's I think work I I think a workshop fine it's all in the budget already that if we need we could always make a change at one of our regular workshops if we needed to our next Workshop go me either now I don't work this is my job M too so you tell me when to be here I'll be here I can be here but I mean yeah but if if it's not pressing and you said the 30th is when we set the N we can come under but not go over what we regular work but we'll bring a proposed 5e c um to the board and that way if you right yes that's the same CIP we've been seeing at each of these workshops didn't we just receive one of those this would be the five year five years yes we we recently got that updated spreadsheet I don't think so I believe so it had indication to program Road funding and such he talk about master project L um but we did we did start it for that she has have that finish we'll bring it to the we'll bring the that would start with next fiscal year to the next Workshop the regular Workshop if that's what youall want to do I'm here every day on the five year though is the first year yes this is included everything of the first year of the capital Improvement is on this list yes so then it would be starting at year two going forward no it'll be starting at year one so what we'll bring is the fiveyear capital Improvement plan that starts next fiscal year which is which is what you're which is what is on this yes that that would be year one so as it would you would think it would work that each year you would you would allocate funding for whatever is requested each year as long as we've got money that's the way we've been doing it yes okay we got to meet tomorrow night 6:00 yes all right Jus yeah I L you all right back there yeah how you good I think I can take a cup of coffee want something to go always for something to go [Music] y'all have a good day too I can't think [Music] [Music] you