oh that's don't accept for m I think we're good to get started stand Le Us in Pray by pledge all in heaven we come again now thanking you for life health and strength we come blessing your name because your name worthy to be blessed we come this morning Father with the humble heart and a mind to listen a mind to reason and we thank you for your goodness and your mercy father knowing condition of our community we just bless you father we ask you to bless this community bless all these that are involved right now help us father we go from one good degree to another we thank you for what you're going to do in P bless your holy name again in Jesus name I pray amen amen to the flag of the United States of America and to [Music] stands right welcome everyone to our 224 2025 budget Thursday July 18 2024 and we have accomplish line set up number there is 1 917 91022 access code 32347 P this is not a tollfree number and you may be subject to long distance charges according to your long distance plan when the chairperson opens the meeting for public comment please follow the below instructions if you wish to speak please D star five the moderator will unmute your line as your turn to speak and notify you by announcing the last four digits of your telephone L please announce your name and address you will be allowed to speak for 3 minutes any person wish to address the board regarding an agenda item be give minutes comment a commenter may only speak one time for each agenda item that said we don't need an approval of the agenda this is a workshop so uh we'll move on to item four the board the whole budget Workshop discuss all aspects of fiscal year 2024 2025 budget priorities so at this we have the sheriff to speak did did you have anything that you got not unless you wanted me to do a review or we could let the sheriff go and then do a I mean it's up to you up to not sure they got things get on with so come on Mr sh thank you sir the audit going come present the audit and I think he's going to be here about 9:30 try to be here about 9:30 we're doing that time thank you for your time having me here our budget I know we got a lot of talk about appreciate y working with office in the past we can work together in the future we get right into it this is our budget every job we have but imported or we wouldn't have it there I know what things come down the P we're going to have some hard times coming on us so we're going to try to address everything we can and try to maintain that's what I'm asking the board to do I'm not trying to had a lot other than just exactly what cost enough everything we deal with gas tires o everything going almost double over the year I know not telling you stuff that you don't already know but anyway the trend is like everything's getting hurt but anyway if we can just somehow another figure out some way to just maintain we will be a blessed people so if you got any questions about what we got WR down here I'll do my best answer and I got under Sheriff Mar with me I have C we can if we can just figure a way to work together and try to maintain we will be a blessed people have any questions for sh I just just I think just over 500,000 last year yes that included Your increase what was the difference the $1 hour total increase how much is that about 108 about 260,000 how 26065 was the additional increase was it well Insurance went up our retirement rate went up like I say everything we deal with gas everything just kind of more less out of the dollar and increases I got you re and the executive salary Sher set by the [Music] legislature ask you something sh how many people you got on uh I no you got three departments you got the jail you got the office is for control and then you [Music] got school resource yeah yeah Mery management yeah how many people you unlo over there we got we 90 um about 88 full time about 96 total people just say 966 88 full time and then total6 you got some part time com in to budget 9 million 465 44 yes sir yes sir dollar [Music] you know you know what's coming [Music] down for sure we know next year I know what you're saying and I do agree and only thing I know to do and I thought about it we studed on it start getting low hanging PR that's what we got it ain't going to be easy because you talking about our Mo cruise that supporta County and we try to do some roll off and try to pick up Pap side of the road keep the sports complex we got people we go start at the bottom when I say the bottom hanging Cru EAS to get we just don't need to pull people out of the jail we don't need to pull offic all go everything just so you if you you'll see a difference in that paper and this that I gave everybody on Monday that's and it's 69,000 that's because if the insurance is approved the insurance reduction is already reflected John gave me that amount and so if the insurance is approved that Gary talked about on Monday and the insurance premiums go down that reduction is what I have reflected that's why there's a small difference yeah in what he gave yeah yeah their insurance reduction 69 is almost $70,000 based on what B on Gary's presentation questions for the sh we work desperately every year to try to return money and you know so far we have but I don't know where we going to be with that like I everything just so expensive seem like I can any other Constitution officer we just look at you know we know that if we have people to leave and we see that we can well we got one I agree I know time we got one piece to go out he's retiring going through his drop try to not replace that one the rest of it like I say just we got three support one of two support support I call that my support County up Road help they do a good job even y hear going these off SES so many people don't TI down when you on these paths to roll off site she find trash I don't have I say tons I don't have many pick up every year but I've seen him with a trailer that they we just heat bags of garbage that they pick up off side of the road I hate to go away with all that call like I said we got to start somewhere we're going to start Lo hang like it going like it I don't know nobody going [Music] like stay in business if I'm not mistaken now within your budget are two contracted correctional officers that we and we use the direct Department of Correction um trustee inmates for for labor so one of them is substantially dedicated to sports complex and the other one is who cleans the parks and the bathrooms and the boat ramps and keeps up with all that on a weekly basis exactly right and then we got what I call stri crew which is my crew right that you know they mow roll off anything for the public they help with the mowing because it's hard to keep up with so and and the benefit of having the two State Crews instead of a jail crew and the state crew and the state inmates is we can mix the state in m so for example if there's you know if we're getting ready for a holiday weekend and we need to divert resources to the parks they they can work there together and you know we can pull the sports complex screw and take them down Hodges and they can all work at the same time if we need to so if we have larger projects come up we can we can um devort more resources to those projects any other questions for I just need to make a clarification come that that this doesn't include any Capital outlay because you still use the 1 cent sales tax that we would ask that that would be allowed to continue because otherwise we're going to have to try to find a way to continue to supply the department with equipment and stuff that we need and to me that is the most fairest way to to buy our Capital outl everybody pay if you stop going through town you buy P you buy anything you pay taxes on it and that spread it out over everybody tourists you know local people people so to me that's the fairest way for everybody to pay some you know what we do on our c yeah thank you I forgot about we would ask youall please keep that going for we took a 3% cut and then that was laid back over we defin need to keep questions for the sh I'd like to say one thing I I appreciate yall Serv all somebody's got to do is look at wednesy paper at the booking desk and see what they go through at the jail and on the road and everything it is amazing and uh they know and and appreciate what y'all keep off the street thank you I appreciate you everything we can we we going to do our part A going be cut is not going to be pretty not going to be easy I appreciate what you did every time I called on you you've been here appreciate that continue that I know you will you know I call on you about Miss B that Miss person I was coming to meet me no yesterday I right and I called sto by the house where that person was when I called youday about the missing person and he was sitting on the Bo he was missing after no I know what yeah he was and I don't know where else he but anyway things like that she helps I can tell you we Pi up that you get some these offices don't get so big but they are not uh people friendly I like that thank you sir we're going to continue to serve the people and try to keep the county safe as we possibly can with what we got to do I promise you that there one thing you can count on I'll do my job y y'all look for any grants for any extra way you can yes sir we got we get every Grant right now we Poss get that's available and you have to be careful about the Grant I hope I explain this right if you get a grant with a resion on this say I'm going just use this for example get a grant hire dty for two years that pay for in two years but you got to keep him five now if you going to hire that and get him out and you you plan on keeping him 5 years you're not doing that man that's not you're not doing him any good we hire to retire but there there is grant that it's available we get what we can what we can get but I don't want to get one with a residual that's going to turn around and cost the county money and then just totally devastate somebody's family return to Nation for reduction for we do get out in ground and know I can say we want it clean and clear when it get to we don't want the county have to turn around and give $150 $200,000 back that's that's what I watch for under underwriting the bottom part of it but I have uh reached out to the governor you know about he help us with our salar he gives us a stop and I have reach talk to him about some of the things maybe come down to see if there's something you know that they can offer us where that's going to get I'm sure that if he can do anything for law enforcement I feel talk he will nothing concrete nothing guaranteed just I see what's coming when when the county our side loses two major employers somewhere along the line it's start I know that's the comple the uh renovation you were doing to jail and expansion how is it coming is it through yeah we finally got through yester we got our inmate what we call a trusty inmate sale operational everything's going everything seems to be doing a lot better uh we got a lot of paint going on a lot of b a lot of clean up uh working on the locks getting everything you know back up 100% yes it's going well yes I'd like to um for you to help us to get more funding for the new EOC building um now when that happens um do you plan to move everything out there are you going to remain in the courthouse I hope have that big enough that we can all move out there so that would free up some space in the courthouse cuz you know we've had conversations about you know trying to consolidate as much as we can I agree BL need to be where we at another topic I know the judges need they both of the judges they need more space they kind of overlap there they yeah scheduling and such so I would even later on you mentioning something along nature we have a good fa to go to everything I got there let him have that that would be a blessing to him I know he need it yeah that's our plan why you got connections with the governor help us to get some more for that he's about business he's a business man I got to tell you that but uh we're going to do our part we're do everything we can support this County any other questions for the shff sheriff we we did receive a grant for um design of a new EOC and then also received funding for the construction of a new new EOC it just wasn't as much as we hoped it would be so we are working through you know trying to look at that I re it timeline on it I guess I think it's five maybe five years five years yeah we have we have some time because we really the the parcel out by the airport that was identified as a potential site for a public safy facility that actually is not going to work from what we can tell because that was part of the FAA stipulated settlement agreement and from what from what we recall that was supposed to be earmarked for economic development so we have had stff staff level discussions about other potential sites for a public safety complex and we're just trying to work through it and and we'll bring something to the board well I have we talk to the sherff y'all about that after there's a location there is a location down in the same area that you have to purchase it but it's uh it would just it' be a good location as well right there close by this this area so maybe we can discuss that it's I didn't say the location I just I it's down on the same end there on the south end of town so I just I think it's you know it's maybe less than a mile from this location we were looking at so maybe we can talk opportun well there's property available behind the hospital there's and there is um if we if we ask the FAA to approve redesignating some of the property at the airport that's a potential but they won't just let us divert that for other uses we would actually have to purchase it from the airport so we do have several potentials we just really need to to walk through um some different plans how much property do you have for your where the jail is 10 acres 10 10 acres right at 9 something right at 10 AC is there potential to expand that wouldn't be big enough we what we have we we tried to look at that you got have big parking lot big yeah we we actually have kind of just talked we I don't think we've talked to you sherff we've um Marty I don't know if you want to chime in but we've looked at the potential of adding a building at that current location just to be be able to use that for um you know if there is a storm and we need to activate and we need a bunch of people there um there be room for that but for what we're talking about on Public Safety facility I don't know this would be strictly for storm response and yeah we may have enough funding for something like that but then we need to get some clarification from F if the funding for the design has to be a completely new facility and and we' just just started talking about the the different Department station one maybe it does um but what we were yeah um we we tried to go through several possibilities because we did not receive $20 million we received a little over two now we are waiting for our to to hear if we received any requests through Neil dun's office um any funding through there and we won't know that for several months so and we have time to to um to come up with a good solid plan when we know how much funding we'll actually receive question for shff all right shff we appreciate you coming and thank you you need get [Music] it's [Music] thank you all for having me um it's a pleasure to present the 2023 fiscal year audit for the county for of County Commissioners the presentation here got a little handout you can see on the screen as well my name is Caleb pea I'm one of the partners at pal own CPA go ahead and go to the first slide which has our audit opinion on it on pages 8 to 10 of the bound report it says that we have conducted an audit of the full financial statements of the county which includes the board and each of the five constitutional officers for the board and that the audit was conducted in accordance with applicable Accounting Standards which include generally accepted auditing standards governmental auditing standards and state single audit standards the objective of the audit is to receive an unmodified or clean audit opinion on your financial statement and the county has this highest level of assurance in our audit report which is a good reflection on the quality of the financial records and internal control procedures of the board and the Constitutional officers next we have managements discussion and Analysis this section of the report on pages 11 to 17 contains certain required overview information for the county and we recommend this as a good place to start reading as it is uh a brief snap shot of the County's financial performance so if you're looking for a place that just kind to do some reading on your own it's a very summarized complex area with that but the financial statements themselves the first important one we're going to cover is the governmental funds balance sheet on page 22 of the report the county maintains 42 governmental funds which includes nine major funds which are listed separately on this statement and 33 non- major funds which are shown separately on pages 89 and 90 but are Consolidated into one to column on this report the balance sheet is a snapshot of a financial uh performance of the financial balances of the county as of September 30th 2023 this shows your assets your liabilities and the difference between those which are your fund balances here is a little snapshot of what your balance sheet looks like we've separately shown your general fund and then the total of all of your governmental funds including the the general fund for your general fund you have total assets of 17 million total liabilities of 1 million and the net of those two is 16.7 million in fund balances which is segregated into three main categories funds that are restricted by external entities such as granting agencies or state statute of 455,000 assigned balances which represents amounts that are set aside by the board or other uh constitutional officers for certain purposes of 700 23,000 and unassigned balances which can be used to meet ongoing obligations and needs of the county a 15.5 million the total for all governmental funds has your assets at 41 million your liability is at 3.8 million and your net unide fund balances of 15.5 million total fund balances of 37.4 million now one Financial measure we always like to look at is what what your unassigned fund balance position is as a percentage of your total expenditures this is basically saying hey if money stopped coming in or cash flow crisis occurred how how long would you have to would you be able to support your operating expenditures as a county and as a percentage is 46% which is 5.5 months which is a pretty solid reserve the government Finance officers of America which is a organization of governmental accountants recommends at least 2.5 months so you're well in excess of five and a half months yep next slide we have your um governmental fund statement of revenues expenditures and changes in fund balances this is for the fiscal year ended September 30th 2023 this basically shows your profit and loss for the year and everything that occurred in that that time period this is on page 23 of the report and in the general fund you had 20 million in revenues expenditures and transfers of1 million resulting in a net increase of 1.2 million this is essentially a 6% profit margin but compared on your revenues for um the governmental funds in a total you had 37 million in revenues 33.7 million in expenditures and transfers resulting in a net increase of $4 million which is about 10.6% as a percentage of profit basically on those funds so you're setting aside enough to cover inflation if you think about it that way because you know some of those funds that you have in reserves and in balances are going to be losing value but you've made enough to compensate for that question what would be the expected percent lower than that or where are we with that no I think you're you're in a good place like I said you know you're at least matching inflation levels so I and I think you're even above that a bit so I say you're putting you're basically setting aside extra at this at this rate which is was a decent rate I think you guys are performing well also I'll make this not you don't want to be like saving 25 30 40% because that would be you know you wouldn't be adequately use utilizing your resources you potentially you know over burdening with taxes and other things like that you're not reinvesting back in your so you obviously you don't want to have a huge Prof a lot of questions will be asked about that okay um so we have some prior year figures below here just for your analysis um you can see um that the percentage of revenues did drop a little bit from the prior year but still in a decent range um your net change in fund balances also um we're about about the same as last year if you look at your total governmental funds went from 4.7 to four so about the same and for Capital outlays you had a substantial increase in capital outlay year over-year you went from 2.9 to 6.5 million in capital outlays so an increase in Grant awards that were expended during the year most of that is okay moving on to the next slide I'm going to discuss your proprietary funds proprietary or Enterprise funds are utilized for counting operations which are intended to fully operate from user charges these are completely separate from the numbers we just looked at these are basically set up like business businesses in your case you have one Enterprise fund which is your Airport Enterprise fund okay this statement of net position for the proprietary fund is on page 25 of the report the net position is similar to the balance sheet we just discussed it provides a financial snapshot and a visual overview of those funds at September 30th 2023 shows your assets your liabilities and the difference between those which are your net position your assets were 235,000 liabilities 21,000 and net position 23,000 for the Year this was segregated into two categories the amounts that are invested in capital assets of 71,000 which can't be used to meet ongoing needs and then your unrestricted portion which is $141,000 for the year which represents 35% per of your annual expenditures which is about 4.2 months once again in excess of theed minimum by the gfoa of 2.5 months next we have our statement of revenues expenses and changes in net position this is kind of like a profit and loss statement for the year it's on page 26 your Airport Enterprise fund had operating revenues of 368,000 operating expenses of 44,000 and a net operating income of a loss of $ 35,5 N9 you also had a change in cash your beginning cash balance was 156,000 and it decreased 29,000 down to 126,000 um just a little synopsis there I think that it's something that needs to be looked at and make sure that the Airport Enterprise fund is is operating profitable in the future just something to kind of keep it tabs on keep an eye on okay but you said the loss is $ 35,000 we didn't conduct enough money yeah so um basically you're you're operating your airport um for a slight loss for the year and so it's you know it's what what you would say like you want to make sure that it's breaking even because it's kind of like a business you know um you you have charges for services or charges for fuel and Ander rentals and things like that that's coming in you want to make sure that you're getting enough Revenue that's going to cover your expenses for operating airport in an ideal situation okay do we know how this year that compares with the year before I don't have that information with you this I can pull it I can pull it and let you know on the next slide we have our Capital assets note which is on page 46 of the report here we have our um assets split out between governmental and business type activities basically your governmental activities are those government Al numbers we talked about first and the business type activities is your Airport Enterprise PL you had total um assets of 190,000 190 million sorry and 109,000 of that represents amounts that have been used up over time which resulted in a net balance for your governmental activities of 81 million the for the assets it can be depreciated so that doesn't include land in certain um construction project project construction in progress projects um it shows that you have 66. 44% depreciated so those assets are a little bit over halfway through their estimated accounting lives now often times you know assets outlive their accounting lives but this is just estimates based on tables that we used for auditing purposes okay but that's the kind of indicator that basically your assets are about half used up and you're replacing them as they're kind of Aging out so pretty good number there and similar for your Airport Enterprise fund at .36% moving on to the next page next one we have our debt management note on page 50 during the year total long-term debt increased by 2.4 million this was primarily the result of a $2.2 million increase in F FRS pension liability so we're required to um use in actuaries numbers for what they think the plan is under overfunded for the future and this is the state plan that almost every government in Florida participates in and so that plan is underwater a little bit and the liability increased and that's mostly got to do with investment performance and other estimates um the total uh outstanding for Capital leases owed of 470,000 and then you had compensated absences which represented 1, 26,00 that's your employees sick vacation leave time balances and then you had your net pension liability of 18.7 million bringing your total amount owed at year end to 20, 285,000 the next page we have our report on internal control and compliance which is Pages 94 and 95 in the report audit procedures required by governmental account standards go beyond Financial issues and include internal control over financial reporting and compliance with laws regulations contracts and related matters this report references any findings we had we had one finding 20 23-1 which is listed in the schedule of findings and question cost which we will review [Applause] shortly next we have our state single audit report which is on pages 9 6 and 97 says that during the year you expended over $750,000 of State financial assistance or grants which required us to complete a single audit on your major State projects as a part of this audit we reviewed your compliance uh and internal controls over compliance for those major projects we issued an unmodified or clean opinion on your major State projects which is good a full listing of all those federal and state Awards can be found on the schedul of expenditures of federal Awards and State financial assistance on page 98 and [Applause] 99 next we have our management letter this is on page 101 and2 management letter is required by chapter 10.55 rules of the auditor general and contains follow up on prior audit findings and a financial condition assessment to determine whether deteriorating Financial conditions exist or whether there was a state of financial emergency for the fiscal year then the followup on prior audit finding section there was a finding 20221 on inmate welfare and individual depositors accounts we noted that this finding was substantially corrected during the current year in the financial condition assessment section of this report um it says that the county was not in a state of financial emergency and was not in a state of deteriorating Financial conditions so overall for the fiscal year being audited everything seemed good financially next we have our independent accountants report which is on page 103 rules of the auditor general require that we perform procedures to verify compliance in certain specified areas these include how you invest public funds e911 Grant compliance clerks Court related budgetary compliance and the clerk's compliance with State Court performance standards We performed the appropriate procedures and had no findings regarding these matters next we have the schedule of findings and question costs on page 104 this schedule identifies the major State projects with the amounts expended and list the findings for both the financial and state single audits the major projects that were selected for single audit testing for your state single audit were csfa number 55116 small County outreach program which was received from the Florida Department of Transportation and csfa number 71.0 73 Taylor County Sheriff's Office jail expansion which was received from the Flor Department of Law Enforcement next we have our state single audit findings section which we had no findings there and then in the financial statement audit finding section we did have one finding related to the sheriff number 20231 accounting software conversion and Staffing I want to go ahead and read this for you the Sheriff's Office implemented a new accounting software by American data group during its implementation there is inadequate training on some of the functions and features of this new system this lack of training caused certain governmental modified acal accounting principles and cut off principles be improperly observed and certain transactions to be Mis posted in the accounting ledgers we recommend additional training on this new accounting software we also noted that the finance team was relatively small were very busy to help increase segregation of Duties and improve the quality and accuracy of accounting Rec and record keeping systems we also recommended that the finance department hire an additional accounting team member or an outsourc CPA or accountant to assist with workload and year and close out and other accounting clean up and review tasks and finally we have the response to the findings on page 105 this response says the Sheriff's Office Finance staff will be working with another County who has more experience in their accounting software for assistance and training to bring it up to the standard expected this will assist in maintaining governmental accounting principles once additional training has been complet completed and processes in place they will uh reassess whether additional Staffing or Consulting is necessary that concludes our report question question I have one so um I know that uh through the audit process you did um make recommendation that we return some money to the sheriff um for previous years and so we haven't presented that to the board yet but we will be presenting to you guys for a budget um Amendment and to return $261,000 to the sheriff so I didn't know you know just wanted to know if you had any comments about that because we'll be presenting to have that to y'all in a meeting to approve what's the reason for that um you want me to little bit Yeah so basically um what happened is there's some certain adjustments that were required to be made to the Sheriff's books which was kind of along the lines of those findings um you know certain things had been dis posted or whatever and so we were able to get those corrected but it ended up being the that there wasn't said of there being a surplus for the year it kind of brought it back down into line and they had already returned funds to the board and so uh and now the board kind of basically has to pay back the money because they had shown in their final close out that they had excess money but they really didn't have excess money if that makes sense so they're returning some of that and then there was a correction for the prior year for some balances as well and so they weren't they had returned money to the board for that year but they really didn't need they really had spent more of that than they had realized so they had to True up for the two years basically but neither of the years was over budget it was just uh some of the exits that had been returned now needs to be returned back once we Balan the books and I believe you already accounted for that so that doesn't affect the budget going forward for next year you've already made that come out well yeah so that's not going to have any effect on the budget that we're working on we've already planned on those returns but you will have to approve that at board meeting agend AG questions thank you sir [Music] all right so what uh forward what we next well if I could just make a comment to address the um the trend of the Enterprise fund the Airport Enterprise fund um if you recall we entered into a contractual agreement with FEMA for a FEMA lease and that will generate um revenue for the airport so that should offset any potential hopefully any potential um any potential um transfers from the airport Enterprise fund and I'm also working with board catering on we're looking at our hanger leases because they have not been changed in many many many years to try to align with other counties because we don't want to lose that Revenue obviously especially now um so we will be bringing that plan to the board and then we're also word is looking at the potential of leasing a fuel truck for the airport because he feels like that is um you know one source of of Revenue generating operations um and that would that would definitely help with with the Airport Enterprise fund so we are looking at several different other options because the FEMA lease is shortterm um we are um working with with other agencies who would like to potentially hold a spot at the airport for storm response that could generate some Revenue so we are looking at several different potentials thought about that a lot and just thinking about I know some other areas just like say you know they have a lot of things going on so you know I would like to see some more activity you know to try to bring something else in to enhance that well I will say that um and I have tried um have looked at several different options but it has to be approved by FAA and that can be a challenge well let's try it and see oh we have and and we we haven't been successful with some of the questions that we've asked but um we continue to to look at different options and again um for the future if we change the airport master plan to remove like the closed Runway from what's considered airport property that would free us up but again the board would have to purchase the property from the airport in order to for it not to be considered airport property and that would help I mean that would stop the restrictions I'm sir I'm would be well no just talking about the Clos Runway um it would be less than that I'll I'll I'll look at that I can't recall right off the top of my head but we have several Parcels that were that we are in discussions with our airport consultant and you know internally to see if there's if we can strategize a way to remove that um like I said from airport property and free us up to do what we'd like to do because anything that belongs to the airport is restricted and we it ties our hand sometimes that's for the E no that is um no not that particular parcel but um the closed Runway the parcel of closed Runway is on because it in order to lease those properties we have to prove to the FAA that we are asking for fair market value and you know we had to go through an appraisal and then we have to justify it's it's quite labor intensive and um they don't always see things the way we do that's what I'll say but we are we are we will be working through that and bringing some different options to the board what they did to us was they took base on airports up like in Kentucky or something like that where they got real good grass and they give $5 for the hay it just look like we were just we weren't getting enough so they wouldn't let us do it I mean it's it's a shame that they can't have enough common sense in them to realize this is poor Sandy it grows you know tactic out there better than it does right and they just don't realize that you know and they and they it was it was quite an ordeal and and so and even when we presented to um some of our partners it with the FAA that if if we're able to lease the property for hay production then we don't have to mow it their response was well that should be part of your maintenance anyway so they would not take into consideration in the formula the amount of money that we saved by not paying somebody to mow and the you know equipment and wear and tears and they just feel like that's the you know that's part of the management of the airport and that's something that we have to pay for so so we've been working through several different options and we'll bring that to the board okay D I thought one time I heard something about uh this thing they just built the 19 and 10 I mean 10 and whole Prime yeah Amon is time but Amazon you know they uses different airports and local airports have they contacted you in no sir not that I'm aware of okay but again we I mean that's one reason we would like to remove some of the airport property to County property so we have more freedom um to consider short-term Lees or even long-term leases totil you know to different entities yeah we want to do an overview yeah I have one thing so in in the budget that's presented um the on the 1 cent sales tax you know that money is included in the budget but is is not designated for the sheriff and you know we you normally approve to do 25% for the sheriff and 25% for the hospital and you do it for a certain amount of time but those times ended or ending in this year and so you know he asked for it a while ago but I just want you guys realize that you know the money is in the budget but it's not designated for the shareff um so or the hospital that don't have it set aside for them so that's that's your discretion you know they can also always come to you and ask for you to use that money and you can or you can do it like you've been doing it which is just giving it to them spend like they want so that's up to y'all but I just want you to know that that's it's not how it is in the budget this year I was I was looking at that last realized that it was ending this this year so in other words we're starting all over again we can start all over again and we can reallocate or we can make changes or whatever right so so I mean they they you could just have the direct the request has come to you as needed and approve them and use that money um you know one of the things that I've stressed to you guys since i' since I've been the clerk is we ever get in a situation where we need to do a bond purchase for something that's the money we're going to need to use and if it's designated then you're not going to have that money so um it's up to you guys we don't have we don't have a need to do a bond right now so I mean we don't we don't have that need right now so just always keep that in mind that that's you know you ever got in that situation that's the money we would use to so do that I didn't realize that so if we needed to bond something and we don't have that you you you got to have you got to have a you got to have a designated Revenue source to pay back that Bond they'll go through all the books and they'll make sure that you got that money to be able to pay it back okay that's how we did the hosit so we use that money for the hospital but we wer using that's what just saying it's designated and it's not available until it becomes where it ain't designated like it is right now and some of it still is designated I think you use 48,000 for the for half of half of the EMS so but I mean you might not need all of it for a Laine you know so it just depends on what you need so if we decided this talk it out loud um if we decided to do the EOC we could bond that and use that I'm not saying saying that's what I want to do or I want to do it's just an example right that's a half cent right you talking about that's one cent whole one cent a quarter of the 1 cent goes we've been going to the Sheriff's Office a quarter goes to the hospital and then we keep hat so say we we have we don't we know every year we don't have to do any of that we hav done it every year we like say this year you don't necessarily have to do it you can hold on to it and let these two entities do come to the board if they needed to make a purchase of capital and request of money from the board right and see what I like that we did last year we did it for one year previously I think we committed for what 3 years I don't want to do that again because of where we might be hated financially um and I just want to go ahead and mention this to y'all and just kind of you know test the war here but you know the tcba I'm I am very very excited about what's going on there now uh that board like I said the other day that board has been meeting weekly they've got contacts that you can't believe and they're they're just moving all the time and and so I'm just wondering you know if we should think about maybe just a little portion of that to help out because I know that in three years if if things remain the same they're going to be out of money they're going to spend what they have now in reserves and then it in three years it'll only be a 100,000 say if we kept doing 100,000 a year they would at 100,000 a year will not support and you know I I have more faith in the tcda now than I ever have and especially with where we are in this County we need someone like this board to keep working not just this year three years from now but this needs to be an ongoing process when they not get anything in three years just like Dan said um you know it it's it's normal to take three years to get a a good industry and so I think it's critical for this community that we do what we have to do to support Economic Development we've lost these these two uh companies and here we are with not a whole lot left so we've really got to look for the future sure I wouldn't have said this a year ago but things are different now and so that might be something just to think about if we want to you know dedicate just a little bit to them I would the current TC tcda group I do feel like there's a good group there together that as you said with do we just want to make sure we get this County gets every opportunity that's not saying you're going to get it that's just same as same as these tournaments these sports complex at our complex the opportunity is there we have a nice complex but we want to make sure that we get every opportunity for any business or industry that wants to come and I do think that we have a group there that's that we're going to they're going to really push to try opport you whatever of the board I mean I wouldn't I wouldn't disagree that think about what we do with some whether we do it this year I'm not saying whether we do it this year but we we we can't wait until their pants down no I don't want to wait we've got to prepare for 3 years from now they're out of money and the good the good thing about this is is we have the eyes and the ears of the Department of Commerce right now um you know with the closure of these Mills and then with the hurricane coming through they they know us and um you know they're I think they're going to be willing to help and um hopefully financially and to help with whoever they whoever the p finds to be the director or whatever they call it that they can work with an Department of Commerce and get these leads and hopefully and it takes money you know if if this director needs to uh go to um Tennessee or needs to go wherever to meet with somebody it takes money it takes money to hop on an airplane but that's part of economic development is going and speaking if you get a good you got to go speak to those people and when they come down here you got to spend money too you know so I just I I just it's just been on my my mind a lot that we really need to keep that on the front page to like you said to do everything we can to bring industry and jobs in here I did here during the TC some of the presentations one of them and I know they probably don't mind but one of mention pulling money out of their own Pockets to go here and there I don't think they need to be doing that they [Music] have money out just if it's going to affect the county positive or even a negative way but if they're working for the county and they're on a volunteer board for the county I volunte time not getting paid to be on the I don't feel like they need to be spending their own money and they haven't asked for anything for their personal expenses but at some point in time they're not going to be they're not going to hop on an airplane and be going places and get out of their own pocket I wouldn't expect them to that's why I would like to dedicate a portion of the sales tax to that entity I say for me as long as I see that we're getting up unities opportunities are being presented to our community I'm I'm all in Opp a lot of money yeah and and this board you know and i' I've asked this many times please come please come here at least quarterly and and let us let theard to see you and and hear what's going on and I think with this court they will do that and I think when they come that um hopefully they'll have um a lot to share at least what they're doing and we know that they are doing something instead of just meeting once a month I think there's a big change in that whole operation now and I'm I'm proud of them for working in the right direction they going they going to make them move they will they will I have a lot of confidence and it sounds like you do too and I think this Bo does let me tell something I served on that board 10 years and if you don't have money to go and to invest and to see about it's pled in water and I think in this area in our lives we need some help they need some help they need some support and every one of us say we are for economic development and I think that's a group up there right now looking for some answers and we don't want to be like Greensville we want to move forward the plane [Music] FES what you said I could care we need to find that money and I think I I agree with some of the things you said more accountability maybe you didn't say that but I think that's what you were I think that's what you were saying I just you know I just think that you know the board can just needs to maintain control over it allocate the money on based on request so to speak yeah I mean that I guess we need we need to decide now as far as the board this money towards the hospital and the sheriff's office that will affect how I budget it like if I need to change something and if and if the board wishes to allocate funding from the on sales tax to tcda for next year just to hold in reserves now you will have to change your ordinance um so it can be used for that and just just a thought for the future if if you're considering at any point using on cense sales tax for operations you can we can just or or y'all can just change that in the ordinance moving forward and do it one time correct Ary it doesn't have to designate which operations I know it was restricted and the last ordinance changed just for EMS but because of our population it can be changed that we use you know whatever portion for I mean I don't think we have to identify that which is which is also another good reason to keep control of that money because if we do get in a situation where we're looking at some pretty big hey cuts and you need to utilize that money for operations I mean you would like to change your ordinance but um we if it's bad then you might need that M yeah I agree I agree with the concept except that for me right now I don't want to change it to to um include use for operating expenses now and I I hear what you say if we do it now we don't have to do it later but I would rather not do that now cuz if it's there um it may not stay so if we wait and see if that time comes that hey we've got to have this money to keep our doors open at that time we can change it then but for right now and I don't know if we want to do it today maybe everybody needs to think about it I don't know of of just what we would how much we would allocate to tcda and how much we would allocate to the other two the hospital and the sheriff but yeah I mean as I look through um as I look through our Capital needs um we have Capital needs and then I'm thinking about um for instance the hospital you know they they all the money that's been going to them they've kept it and not spent it when we when we have needs here on this side too that we're doing without so I think we really need to look close at some of this stuff um and I don't want to cut off uh the sheriff in the hospital by no means but it might be a time to reconsider how we allocated how not saying really cut them off you cut mil do what you wish with it but what what you're doing is you're the gatekeeper of the money and they come if they have a request a need then they come to the board and request the money well and and you know I'm thinking that if we continue to to keep 50% for us and then we keep that other 25 and if we're going to throw the tcba in there that's I would like that to come out of not our 50% but the 25 and the 25 so in other words if we decided to give tcv and I'm just throwing this out if we decided to give 10% then that would be five from one and five from the other and that's just true that's just a number I threw out there and you can look at it that way I mean but if you keep the mind all the one set money is probably in the same pot we can say I guess from side say tcda you put money out for the tcda then they can say yeah this is at that point it's not necessarily allocated to [Music] the and Mr chair to be completely fair I will say that the sheriff's office has pledged um to us that as they as they buy new vehicles because and I don't want to speak for the sheriff's office but the number that sticks in my mind is once their vehicles reach 100,000 miles I believe then they wish to replace them so as they replace Vehicles they will offer to to the board departments um and then we may not have to buy a brand new vehicle but depending on the age of the vehicles and the mileage I'm also hesitant about taking on additional maintenance expenses so that is something that you know we they and they have they they call me if they have a truck available or a car and so so we can add those to our Fleet as needed which has has helped us it does but I mean we don't need so many tropes and cars and some of them um I would not think that we would be putting a lot of miles on um you know so um we would need to change out a lot of vehicles every year I mean that would be nice but is I I'm just wondering course you know is the sheriff's property and and if he sold it then he he would retain the um what he got for him but could he sell in I mean if we didn't need him could he sell think that's the board's that's the board's responsibility I believe I guess he's trading them now that he's doing I I don't you get them is he trading them or I don't believe so and there haven't been that many but there I think I'm trying to recall I mean he has provided several vehicles for the for our department I don't know about any other constition he's given one or two to the property appraiser right so the responsibility of surplus property fall on the board so if there Surplus property it's your job to sell it and get the money back [Music] for he's GI some he G to the airport I appreciate you know I me first of all I want our I want our law enforcement to have safe vehicles to drive I want out there chasing somebody at 100 miles and hour in a g locking so to speak but um um you know I you uh so I mean I I do want them to be safe um I don't want to take take that we need to decide today what we want to do with this or do we have to decide today um I just I need to know before V final and so our first public hearing is in September is um in September I'll give you those dates when we do our um we vote on the millage at the workshop at the special meeting in a couple in what two weeks yeah yeah I don't along the same lines I mean I don't know if this is the proper time to bring it up but I will um I know our senior we allocated some money for the senior center last year I don't remember exactly where we $25,000 and like I said before you know that senior center to me is kind of like the sports complex you know the senior center for the older adults is kind of like the sports complex is to the kids to me Sports Complex enhancements and things we do at the compx allows our kids a place to go and have uh better experiences and and activities and things events that we have out there our senior cator gives our all folks a place to go there's activities and you know things that go on Bill that they [Music] serve pretty close and they've you had to turn folks away cuz you know they don't get enough money from the state and so so I would like to continue allocating money to our senior center at the same level and if not some more if we can well why why couldn't we look at that sales tax and you know give a small portion of that to the seniors I agree 100% with what you're saying some of us may need that place one day I mean there's so many of those folks that sit as they do that that may be widowed they sit at home alone and instead of sitting at home alone they get the opportunity collaborate with folks I mean I think it's just as healthy for just as if kids at the complex you know it's healthy for the seniors to be able to go and have a place to go and collaborate with other folks likewise yeah I agree and they get a good meal they don't get another one they get get a good meal with you that where could we allate you know well again if you change the ordinance um you could allocate funding from the 1 cent sales tax Reserve or you could pull you we have an excess in our budget now of two two so there is an excess currently of 28,9 31 now I do after Dana's presentation Monday it something she said flaged both LA and I and so I questioned Dana on it she did not include the raise in her budget request so I have to so if that is approved but her amount is not significant enough to she would still be she she didn't so so um that leaves an excess of 272 521 so in the general fund right now I the sales notes well you're not going sales tax until the ordinance is changed right that was that was my point that you can you can designate money from the 1 cent sales tax for or tcda or Senior Citizen Center or whomever you wish but the ordinance has to be it takes two months I mean prior to 101 yeah and um also I mean I mean because I think you're talking about operations right just giv it to them to use for operations because you could use the One S Sal tax like it is if it was for Capital yeah but but the other thing is is that it's always been the board's policy that whoever we give money to that we get have an audit and it's expensive to get an audit but we need to work out a way to I think what they were told is because I think you talked to Lori and Lori gets 4 H funds and she because it costs so much for the audit um she doesn't do an actual audit but she does a financial report that she submits and I think that's what was approved for [Music] this how an audit is usually 5 to 7,000 or something like that I think for a financial report it's like aou financial report I'm not sure yes and one time they using some difference a financial detailed the audit report is way more detailed than the than a financial report well if it takes a lot less time if we decide allate to we just make sure that we include enough for the financial report right or whatever so that you know that they know that that's covered might be in favor of allocating 30,000 we 25 last year i' be get $3,000 and given that we do get a financial report from the senior center on this money the on that are are you yeah that's what was going to be my question general fund or we want to make the changes to the on Sal think it's the best for the on sales tax I'm okay to do that what I'd like to do unless somebody convinces me different it's up to y'all but I mean there is a surplus in the dral fund that would be easier let's just do that let's do the well you and still the same with the money is an annual you annual it's not we're saying we're doing it for two years three years or five years it's an annual do it approving it annually so may be a year that we might not be able to do it for whatever reason so I would like to continue I would like to year you can okay I'm I'm just don't know about recurring expense that's on the books versus if we use the sales tax you know and and take it from there and then this I mean I I just I like to have that little extra money talking about and so you know pretty soon that little bit $200,000 is not a lot of money and I kind of would like to keep that and look at the sales tax because that everybody contributes to that we just need to free it up where we can use it where we got to have it that's what I see and I guess we need to I I was I was trying to digest commissioner Moody's comment free what up so we can are you referring we could use it where we needed you know instead of 25 25 in the oh I understand what you're saying okay I would just love to get it set up where we could discrepancy where we can use it where we need it you know that's what I'm that's what I'm that's what [Music] I'm after but if we fre it up uh it would you know that's what we need to do and we need to have it where we can use it we got to have like remember when we helped them with a cooler out at the Senor Center yeah we we give them that money cuz they really need it and that's the kind of thing we need to look at when when people need it we need to help them because that's their sales ta money that's constituent money you know and I want to use it where we where it's needed the best in to the county so do you want me to place on the first agenda in August discussion regarding the changing the ordinance we have a workshop between um Workshop but if we had it freed up where we could use our discrepancy I just feel like it would be and and we in the past we've had to do that 2525 and we had that 50 on side but we could just get it straight where we could handle it and use it for the best for tayl County that' be fine 100% of it 100% you're talking about taking control of the whole I think we need to so how are we going to like for instance with the tcda well if if they show us where they really need the money to get a company to come in here or something we need to work with them you know I mean if it takes a certain amount of money to to work a company into here you so you know and I don't I'm not just reeing with you I'm not disagreeing with you but if for instance if they have a phone call and um says okay we've got ABC company that's very interested in Taylor County and and we need somebody in San Francisco two days from now and we're not able to get together and say okay they need uh $5,000 or 10,000 what it is to go to San Francisco I don't want them to miss an opport waiting on us to have to have a meeting to approve that you see what I'm saying well freed up you know one could could work that just call us up and get how would we something quick like that how we work allocating money to the to the TC we [Music] allocating money there well they they have the legislative appropriation of $125,000 coming at some point I haven't been able to pinpoint how that money will be distributed I haven't seen and that's something I'm working on and then they'll they'll get their 100,000 so they so they do have some depending on how the $125,000 can be used that still will be will be added to their to their account or I I I actually I'm just not sure I haven't seen a grant agreement but if they had additional needs outside of their operating budget I guess the best thing to do is either allocate a portion of the one cent sales tax that's to be used um you know for for identified purposes or they can come to I guess they'd have to come to the board and ask for it but every entity that you that you add you know it needs to be identified I would think with with an ordinance change I don't want to see you know them the when said we're talking about pcda they have to run over here every time they need to fly out somewhere or whatever happens now I understand because you know I understand that right now as soon as they get their their funding from the state all yeah they're going to be fine for right now but you know they're going to it's going to be spent and we got to keep looking down the road you know that's why I would like to go ahead and appropriate a certain percentage to them and then if if if that doesn't get it then then they can come and and see what we could do you know um I think I guess I problem out they might need nothing wrong with they if they can show me where they done spent their $100,000 that we gave them and they fix to be in the red and they need to send somebody somewhere we need to work on to get them you get them the money they need to be accountable for every PNY well of course and the Senor Center and the sheriff and the hospital too you know they all got to be accountable for the money absolutely um so I just want to make it a little easier for the senior center and for you know whoever we allocate money to but um you know maybe you allocate just a certain little percentage and then if they run out and they have something that's critical but then when they come to us we're going to be the ones then to have to make that judgment call okay do you really need this because they're going to present and I say they I'm talking about anybody they can present for you think oh yeah let me give you the money right now you what I'm saying somebody want something they can give a real good presentation so we have to been have to make a judgment call and how many of say N I don't think you need that be the same for Hospital be the same for the hospital that's what I'm [Music] saying Pur [Music] request so the hospital they have approximately a million dollar [Music] remaining is that it's not budgeted for next year for them to be able to expend what they carry forward the hospital right and the Sheriff's Office we don't right now they don't have a carry forward budgeted and so I'll recalculate it after right because they're anticipating to use all their money so just I mean the hospital does still have approximately a million dollars unspent that is carried forward into next year so that that is in the budget for for whatever is remaining I I think and that seems pretty healthy to me yeah back a couple comments about that hospital since we talking about that she did present Monday a $3 million Capital thing so they're looking at 3 million but they have a million so just to right according to what they said on the tcda they presented their audit Monday and they have $287,000 at the end of their so they had 287 we just gave them you're voting Monday or or Tuesday to give them another 100,000 b87 then we budget in another 100,000 for next year now I don't know how quickly they'll spend that or need something else but they got a good start you know they may need more um in 3 years that they're dead broke and then what are we going to do if we give them 100,000 that's not very that's not enough money to operate on I don't think I don't know I'm just thinking we need to be able to for them to move forward and not run out of money and in 3 years I think I'm say okay we need $250,000 where's it going to come from if if we're giving it to them all along and they keep giving us reports how you're spending this money I don't know I'm just I'm talking I'm thinking out loud I say we're keeping the other half sent I don't think we I don't think we every year I don't think we have to go find a home we got 00,000 left over from the half the money that we've been given to the hospital and the Sherice department and so but I don't think just because we keeping it I don't think we got to go find a home for it every year Gary would it be possible to allocate in a reserve account a certain amount to to be held for tcda is is there any reason we can't do that that happened before yeah so when I was when I first started there was a line item in the reserve for econom development there was and then the board decided to not have it anymore and put it back into the reserve so you can do that since I mean we do have a healthy Reserve right now you can sales tax from you could allocate money out of the general fund reserve and for economic development I would just reduce the reserve amount and it would stay in that line item until you needed it and it would carry over for however long you wanted it I mean that is an option if you wanted to do that either way or you know I mean and there is a reserve um there is funding in in in the general fund Reserve Gary help me or Danielle there's over $100,000 from property sales at at the beach and then there's still the sale of the old hospital that is in a separate line item that is that has not been allocated and is there was going to talk about that later and I'm not trying to be argumentative about this I'm just you know just sharing my thoughts but that was just an idea and if you want to set up a reserve from the 1 cent sales tax fund you know balance then that's something you can go ahead and allocate and and you know looking forward several years and you and then you have control over I like I like that I like the reserve account but I like it coming from the sales tax not from because do that you know we need to hang on to every we can you know and so that sales tax 87,000 so not spend that in a year no and they usually come back in every they going to request 100,000 so do what we do what we're doing now and next year they come a So you you're talking res [Music] from the general fund just it's not in reserves it's just from the general fund revenue and um I right just however I mean I just wanted to give youall some options if you want to set up a reserve account and just leave it and that way the money will be there um because next year's next year's budget process is probably going to be different than this year's so um it was just if if you wish to identify a certain amount to put in a line item you certainly can do that I I don't think there'd be any problem with ear marking you know some of that money for economic development you can always move it to wherever you want to you know if you wanted to make sure that you had it there you can do that but same for the senior center for I like to do the same thing for the senior exist yeah I was what he was saying Gary was saying um couldn't they just and like you was just saying they're just now getting where they're up operating this new this new TC tcda yeah why don't you give them time to see they've got plenty money give them time to operate a year see what it's going to be running them to C and then they can come in front of the board if the county keeps that that money that sales tax and they can do just like Gary was saying if the hospital needs something if the sheriff needs something the county still got the money they can come for the board and ask say hey we've Ed you know we've used this this is what it's cost us to operate this year because now that they're functioning and their wheels are turning they'll know a little bit more about how they're going to be running and they can come in front of the board and say Hey you know this year we spent this we need x amount of dollars to keep us rolling that way we don't start depleting all F that makes good sense to me I mean I'm fine with that now um that we want to continue with the 50 that we keep specifically for us and then 50 that will be divided between whoever or do we want to just keep the whole % and not specifically allocate that's that's my question 100% I know we're talking allocating anything I we got 100,000 allocated to the tcda but I was referring to allocating some to the Senor Center and uh but not from the one C but can could we allocate 100 100,000 out of the sales taxing 30,000 or whatever the number is for the senior center and then we have to allocate also for the hospital of the sheriff too go ahead and allocate some for just kind of keep it keep it but they have to come and request it is that what where we're going with I mean I think I mean you would if you keep it I don't know you would allocate you would allocate it based on the request right I think what we're trying to determine unless I'm wrong is is how we first of all how we want to change the Ordinance do we want to identify all these different entities as as far as restricting because now the way the ordinance reads if they're Capital expenditures we can you they can be spent how because that's how the ordinance um identifies expenditures from the 1ent sales tax it's it's capital and then um EMS operations I don't think we need to constrain ourselves I guess if we're going to keep the the other 50% ourselves where we can allocated but then the the ordinance change would need to be simply for operations yeah because the senior center was needed for operations yes ma right that's what that's the only reason I mentioned it before but Commission fle is correct you could be opening a door and so are you going to is there going to be a limit on how much the requests are going to top out at each year well but then if you want to change you have to change the ordinance each year so it's a double-edged sword you know that changing it to operations gives you more immediate control so that if someone comes to you with the need that's not Capital you can make a decision if you wish to use some onent sales tax for operations if you limit it by entity and percentage it's you've got you know very tight control and it would take an ordinance change if if we're talking about one sales stat it's not Capital yeah well I need time to dig the thing is you know this board historically since I've been here with people come and ask for something nor get it okay so next the next meeting remember remember INE Taylor County Strong will be here right the first meeting in August so not the next one oh I thank all them groups really feel like they know that we're going to help them as much as we can and they they feel that way you can see it in they just they know when they come with some legitimate need we always help them we twoed money and we left it we'll discuss it they never got no money well I want to make sure that we're not opening the door where everybody will come because I can see the P of the pet organizations com we funding I can see every organization in town coming we want part of that so I think as far as I'm concerned we don't need to start doing that let's limit that to seniors our economic development is important and and the hospital and the sheriff we decide to you know whatever we decide there about that I know that you know in years years ago we did have a bunch of organizations like we gave money to the board at that time made a decision to give money to the United Way yes and then they requested money from the United Way and that's how the board got out of it yeah well now that's kind of gone away and now everybody starting to come back asking for money so I do think you're going to have a lot of people coming asking for money yeah we need to not be doing that until from the uh not giving the money way going away coming anyway I think you're say anyway so you just understand and you you see I'm saying when I said a cap because like I was telling Wanda like if you have somebody come like dmh come in November and say we have a half a million doll machine we need to buy well then that's not going to leave the X amount of money for the rest of the year unless you pull from the reserves in that sales account for the sheriff so you're gonna you only receive x amount of dollars to begin with we receive it monthly monthly and so and we don't start receiving the New Year money until December so you have to I think you would have to also consider if is there a cap that you're only going to allow them to use so you don't run out and start pulling money out of the reserves because then your reserves will be gone too anybody that's going to come like the sheriff and dmh to come when they come and make their request is it a first come first serve you see what I'm saying so that all the money not sales tax numbers was down from last year so that if that continues and we commit a certain dollar amount and those sales tax don't come in we are and I think that's why we might need to consider a percentage to these and that's your percentage because and and I know back during when everybody was coming everybody was coming asking for money it was the same thing at the city when I was over there and so the city finally decided we're not giving and they don't to this day they don't give time to any organization um even the chamber and so and be very careful the ones of us that was here know what I'm talking about our kids of the community important our seniors are important and our Ecom development got you ain't got no problem all this other just it's could be it's not that we may it would not in front of them it could for these other groups to figure out another Avenue to get the money and until everybody figures out how much County or how much money the county is going to be short tell them people you're going to put them on hold we don't know what we going to have coming you know with with the meal and all leaving so when they come ask say look right now we're facing we don't know what we're facing so we can't hand out money we don't know we have yeah you know you just going put put on the back burner basically and let's see how this first year plays out and and just go from there there's other avenues they can look for government agencies and other people I mean look people down they start a GoFundMe page and they making millions you know them people's got other avenues of making money and just trying not to get money from the county right now if they'll go out search this seems to be like the easiest way to get it come up here and ask y'all they going to be looking y'all in the eyes kind of you know puppy dog look over you know let's give them a little bit of money I think we need to just sit back and wait and and see what we've got coming first see our downfalls or how we going keep up and go I agree with you I said I I don't think we need to wait until we don't need to wait until the last hour just because we if we do decide to keep the other half money we don't have to find where you can control we have some importance that we have identified that we think feel like important to community that if we if we did allocate you know 2% this 5% this so be it but you think about that percentage because that number is close to probably a million dollar between that be very say that that's estimated Revenue total that I have for next year is 2 and a half million well I'm saying so half be about yeah I got a suggestion there I Dani make correct me if I'm wrong but since you're used to doing that so could you take the 48,000 free ms out split the other 5050 50 is what the board normally keeps 50 for other things and just track it that way and then then that way you're not getting it all mixed up together and you can always move it wherever you want to move it that's how I keep up with it and Department well you know and I like doing this only one year at the time not committed for one year but there may come a day when on our side over here that we need more than 50% just for operations if we deci thought we don't know but we got to keep lights on over here so to speak so we may need more than 50% of it so and what I was talking about was you're just kind of designating it for other things but you're not committing it to other things if you wanted to move that that 50% over and increase yours you have you have control over that so you can but you also have a have a plot there that's kind of limited so you don't go over that but I want to know that the total revenue on that is $25 million we go pulling percentage of that it should be off 1.2 2on right and you know what bothers me too but I look at this Capital needs that we have over here and then you've got people sitting on a million dollars that we allocated and when we've got needs here and that just seems not quite right to me so just need to set back figure out what's the best way I'm Lo be the gate us to the board the county to be the gatekeeper funds folks Bas on request course we' got a couple of entities that we know we want to do put some money into so just need to figure out whether it's a dollar amount or whether it's a percentage you know think I've spoken a dollar amount to the senior center I don't you know you talk these percentages you just got to be careful 5%y depending on our receipts right because I trew up at the end of the year what you think I think we need control of the money where we can use it where we need but I don't want to cut share for the hospital out of of their money because if they don't spend it they going to give it back to us anyway you know and and and they know that it's a hard time coming the hospital knows shff Department knows and everybody's going to be they going to be spending their money in the most in the right direction I believe if we need more money to help either one of them or help any other group if we got it we can use it if we don't but we it needs to be to the board decide if it's needed or not you know or it important enough to to put it out there you know I just like when they needed all when they changed where they had to have the new communication system for the sheriff department all I mean we gave them we come up with the money you know and talking changing ordinance you mentioned mentioning different entities does that mean if change ordinance and you you mentioning different entit that's the only entit that we could probably if the ordinance reads that way then that that would those would be the only or the only use for right car yeah I mean if you wanted to make it restrictive right so that you know you can only use it for certain entities versus wi opening that wide open to use for anything but I mean an ordinance change and I think that would probably be wise is to name the entities that we are why don't we do this um for our Workshop why don't why don't you prepare um something for us on paper of options you know and that way you know we've got it on paper here we've already kind of you know some the things we've already talked about and then we can look at that now once this get out I'm telling you we'll have a lot of people here well you know we ask not to cut our 25 we 25 you know here make sure we don't change that prepared on [Music] that need to Now versus too later before it's a m have a little B more m and i' like to keep it to the senior center tcda the hospital and the sheriff we don't need to be adding a lot of other stuff is that saying that that can be come and needed and provide a service for the county you just just don't know what's going to happen and we know right now 30% going to be cut next year those are three things we got to have we got to have Development Authority we got to have hospital we got to have Sheriff depart up em is in that too I think your EMS contract expires in like 18 months so it may increase you good like I said we just controls we get control of that fun we don't have car every year every year that we can some other [Music] get well yeah of course you have other reserves that I mean there there's other sources if someone has a need so we want to of bring some options back at workshop and maybe see if we can di that in at the workshop whether it's ch or maybe set up a separate Reserve or you know I'm open to any of it just whatever kind of best anything else on that well I want to mention something about the not on this subject but as far as the county giv one you know dollar raise across the board whenever it comes time I you do it [Music] now Ian I just have one subject I need to discuss and that's the the C policy okay um so just real quick um Mr Dudley brought forth some proposed changes to the sickly policy um so I I provided a Sly policy that standard six or the adopted six Le policy that does not allow any payout um upon separation um the six Le policy was changed in 2009 and limits any any payout and that's for employees who were hired after January 1st 1999 so we do have a small group of employees that are grandfathered in and there is some sickly payout upon separation I believe we only have a few employees left Who Um can take advantage of that if they have if they have sick Le left um I looked at um Mr Dudley's proposal and from the way I figure if everyone and and this is the only way I could do it I just had to do a snapshot so if everyone who was able to take advantage of any change to the policy all left tomorrow then the um the the total amount across spread across numerous funds would be around $100,000 now that can change almost I mean that can change um rapidly but that and that's about the number the same number I gave you last year um he he also you know referen the state policy so when I looked at the state policy the way they do it is um after 10 years after 10 years of service they are paid 1/4 of unused sick Le credits up to 480 hours but their annual leave policy is not as rich as ours I believe their annual leave payout is limited to 240 hours and ours is much higher than that so um that's completely up to the board the way Kenneth um the way Mr Dudley asked you to consider sickle payout was um 50% payout of those sck Le hours over 500 hours up to 750 75% for those hours over 750 up to 1,000 and 100% for those hours over a th000 up to 1,250 hours so when I took every everyone who had sick leave over 500 hours and and figured it um the liability was around 100,000 and again now that that's just a snapshot that can change that's not that number is not set in stone and it would require everyone to retire at the same time or to separate at the same time so that would not be necessarily an annual liability um I think you know when I look at the most immediate possibility of anyone I know who would be retiring um it's around $29,000 is what it looks like that will be based on Mr Dudley's the suggestion and and if the board wishes to consider you know another policy of course you can that was based upon his suggestion and I you know and I said I would bring you the numbers as I could you know figure so those you was based on his suggestion yes sir and that's that's including the dollar and hour race what would that number based you just gave what would that number be based on today's policy well no not zero because there's one person I know who has AC sick Le that falls under the old policy and that payout is I think around $22,000 no sir no no I'm just talking about sick leave so our current policy does not does not provide for any payout of any sick leave upon separation for employees who were hired after January 1st 1999 we do have a very rich annual leave policy um but if you just want to look at the S Le policy policy that there's there's zero payout so if you don't use it you don't use it and I believe that was his point and in order to encourage people not to use their sick time to allow it to a crew and of course it would take years to get up to 500 hours um but that that would that would be an incentive for folks not to use their sick time unless they have to and then the other thing too is if someone has something happen and they're going to be out of work for 3 months and they have they built up they recruit a lot of that happens have a serious something to happen you don't you don't have sick leave and then there you are and I don't know if we we don't share ours here do we I know the state does they they they share ours if you someone uses all theirs and they more than employees and I know a cancer patient with state that the employees gave some and that that helped that person tremendously but I support what Kenneth is is after here myself because you know people need to be at work unless they really are sick what about school board don't Schoolboard share up positude I do not know I looked at the Constitutional officers and um I believe um this would be very rich compared to to the Constitutional officers and of course every entity has you know control over their policies but I think the clerk's policy they don't have SI time it's all pooled and I think the maximum payout for the clerk's office is $7,500 total um and if you want to I mean if y'all are interested in a policy I mean we can Workshop is it time to do it now or is he just asking it now he's he's asking he's he's asked for um Mr Dudley he's asked for um a couple of Gears I I did we we bravely discussed it last year you know if you if you do have um a policy like y'all have Gary paid time off is call it pay dat off or pay time off pay time off yeah yeah then you know you get you get all your sick and your your vacation everything is come into just hours it's not designated either sick or either vacation so and and the reason I made that change is is you know I worked with someone for many years that that took all their sick leave yeah and I didn't never take no sick leave and they're annual time accured really big and my annual time was low but my sick Le was really big and if I was to have left I wouldn't have got paid for my sick leave but if she' left she'd have got paid for all that time and I just thought that you know why don't we do it that way it seems like we were penalizing the the people that were healthy in there and rewarding the people that were sick I felt like and the way our policy was written so that's one of the reasons I made that change this at the workshop as do you want me to prepare a table of what that since it's you know all you know for the most part this is coming from one pot of money well I say that you know I know some of our offices are fee based but they're all supplemented by by taxpayer dollars do you want me to make a a comparison of each entity and their annual leave and cly pay out upon termination and and or that would be that would be would that be helpful yeah but you know with the with the PTO that um you know that's hours given to you you earn those hours and if you use them you get paid % so I think that if you when you separate those are your hours you should get that money I don't think you should be well you can get half of it or you can that's your hours and your money and you should be able to get that well and and you can change the policy to a you know to a PTO policy rather than separating out annual leave and sick leave um I think one of the reasons the sick Le policy is is isolated is you know there is some accountability for um if you're sick so many days you have to produce the doctor's know but you can do the same I do you have that type of policy yeah we do so but I I will tell you I mean the con of a PTO is is that they use it all for vacation and then they get some kind of illness you know so the employee has to be responsible with their PTO time because you know they use it all up on one thing and then they get sick and they don't have any then they get leave without pay that's the talking about you this and someone just they got to be responsible they would have to be responsible account for that you know they G 700 hours just it's just some of fall back on responsibility of the employ account for the so I've got an employee that's fing to retired it's been her 35 years so she's aced a lot of time so she's only get to get paid out $7500 so she's trying to use her time to so that she doesn't lose it till she gets to that till she gets to that thr that threshold that 75 a lot of people know did that you know they they took off the last three months using all their time of and and I will say are our lead policies are very generous and I know I know folks appreciate them but the longer an employee is is with the board the more time they have built up and the more time they take off because they are limited to the amount they can roll over of annual leave it's 480 hours a year so once they you know I have folks that they take a day off every week so they don't lose their time and if you're a onep person Department that I mean that does have an impact and it is it is a little bit of a struggle for us sometimes because our our you know senior employees have a lot of time built up and and I don't expect them to lose it but I don't necessarily have coverage for their Department um so they take they may take a day off every week so they can still get their work done so we do we do work around um that you know so nobody has to give up anything hopefully but I do have employees who every year they they lose time because they they don't get sick or they don't wish to take their time off because of their positions within the organization so they just give it back that's a you top after the poe a that's all you can roll over and then upon separation what most people do is they stay and acrew their additional hours so their payout could be as much as 680 hours which is which is very generous but then they may give back a th000 hours of sick time that they never took because they didn't get sick so I understand both sides and I I think the intent um from what Mr Dudley is saying is to encourage people not to take their sick time and and he feels like the only way to perhaps do that is to give them some type of financial reward upon separation to encourage them you know not to not to use it but then obviously some people don't have control of that you can't predict when you're going to get sick well you know if you if you don't get sick and you have all these hours and you don't get all you know for dollar um you know then I think people would even if you changed it people would say I'm still like if you say well you're only going to get 7500 or whatever it is well for me I'm going to take a day off where I get 100% if I pay not 75% or 50% or whatever it is well and there's nothing is is fullprof absolutely not and there are you know because of the way our policy reads um people are not expected to produce a a doctor's note until they've been out for 3 days so they could call out sick one day a week and take one week vacation and only work three days a week and that's just the way that that's just the way it is yeah one one other thing I wanted to mention is the reason I put a $7,500 limit on mine is because if I was in a situation where ID pay out $22,000 in my budget I would I don't know how I would do that so I had to put some Financial limit amount on mine just because of the way my budget is and have you know because I don't have any money set aside to do that by doing that you you're sub your budget you already know the next year I'm I'm limiting that like I know I'm about to pay her $7500 and what I'll say is that you know the 22 thou whatever the number is 10,000 20,000 whatever that's only for sick Lea so that person if they've built up that much sick Le then they most likely have a lot of annual Le that we'll have to pay them out as well so you can just double that number in your mind as what the payout will be and that come out your budget out of the budget what does that come from no that comes out of our budget so there are times that we may have if I don't if I haven't if I don't know you know we I may have to come to the board and ask for funding from reserves I know that there is one Department that I'll have to come to the board before the end of the year most likely and ask for funding to cover a payout for a vacation that we had to make because if someone's here 10 20 30 years they they have they have money I mean they have hours that they have not have not used because they they can't get their work done if they take all their vacation and thankful that you've got employees like that absolutely no I'm I'm not begrudging that at all of course um I just want to be clear that when if we're throwing numbers out and we're saying $222,000 or whatever the number is that's not going to be the only payout then that's just for sick Le if you adopt you know this just again it's a snapshot but that that's only one side of the financial liability and I am of course I'm grateful for folks who have put in that amount of time to build up that type of of Reserve [Music] options need maybe we need a number of employes maybe no because I think again now that can change every day I may next month I may have someone who hits that magical 500 hours and then that's that's a then that number would change so that's strictly and you know and and that could change if someone gets sick or it just depends alling [Music] also about maybe you might not be at the workshop we have to you have to vote on the mill that right before that talking about this our regular Workshop the meet the special me V on Mill just right before that Workshop so um may have the number that total said $2 mil have that total number yeah the toen as a business owner and citizen of of Perry tayor County the dollar raise across the board this whole meeting has been about trying to save money all of that no money we F to be short the county needs to run is a business it is a business you got money coming in you got money going out you got employees trust me I know I've run my own business for 20 years why does the county feel that they need to pay every employee across the board dollar if you do that and me and you work side by side Jam I don't show up for work one or two days a week when I'm there I hardly do anything you working right beside me you there every day you'll stay the extra 20 minutes you're over there working hard as you can get you're trying to get ahead when the raise comes out me and you get the same amount of money it's going to me I'm going to be like I ain't done hardly nothing I got ra you going to be saying well this guy out here hadn't done anything I've been busting my tail and he gets rewarded the same as I get rewarded as far as the man is not doing nothing if you don't give him a raise and he sees you get a raise that makes him say hey I need to step up my game I need to be doing what this man's doing I need to come to work every day I need to put in the extra effort and it Mak you when you get that raise you see the difference and it makes you strive to want to do better so you can get another raise paid performance not paid just because you got a job you correct me if I'm wrong but I think our what we're doing with dollar hour increases I mean you're probably familiar with the we got we got quite a few that's under the $15 an hour so we are every year for the last even two two years or so three years we've been given increases to get us these employees to that $15 an hour by 202 16 2026 2026 16 2026 or 2026 yeah that's B but I mean you you're still they said it it's going to cost another $658,000 to raise every employee is what they said Tuesday a dollar that's that's almost 3/4 a million dollar that's what thebody and we're already talking short all of money and and and we don't know this we don't know that but yet I know we got to get to that number get the people that's below minimum wage get them where they need to be and then start implementing you you're going to have to FAS these people out as far as the people that that's going to be retired your Workforce is not going to be the same in a couple years you're not going to have these people that's going to you know pile up all these hours cuz they're not going to do it the workforce is not there the mentality of the workforce is like me I got 11 employees be honest with you I could run off seven or eight when it comes time I have to cut back things slow down I'll cut back because that's a business I had to do it 08 when the economy fa and I had to I had to make adjustments but I have to employ extra people to compensate for the people that don't show up every day cuz there's at least two or three days a week I got one or two guys lay out and that's and everybody's got them but why pay them guys and they they little guys my to they made more minimum wage now but I tell them when you when they when I hire if you lay it out you're on the phone and you're not working and you're not want to learn what we doing you're not going to make no more money you're going to stay right there where you are because that's all you want to do if you want to excel you learn to do what we're doing in in two months you should be here if you're not here you're not getting no money I mean I have to give people I tell them autom make you got driver's license in the car way work yeah all right that's another dollar an hour right there you got your tools if you get them in a week that's another 50 Cent or dollar but just getting everybody across the board just because nobody wants to hurt anybody's feelings or or you just think it's the way to do it that's not the way businesses run look at this C look at the country politicians is run it and look where we are now that's why they don't want Donald Trump back there because he run it like a business and business-minded people make business decisions if you're going to hire people and give give raises you give raises to the people that are benefiting the business here the people's benefiting the county the workers if they're excelling ahead and trying to get more work done they need more money give them a little bit of raise give them some incentive but these is just messing around and wasting eror and wasting tax money don't give them no money make them want to strive to do something different or they need to go and you hire the new guy in that minimum wage you tell him the same thing if you can't if you can't perform and be above Duty you won't be here Pastor your pastor you know your 60-day or whatever the county gives you know I I I agree with what you're saying and what you were talking about is is mandated that you know you got to you got to bring people that are below minimum wage you have to do that yeah okay we have to do that but I never agree with giving everybody the same thing we had a lot of people why about compression and I'm sorry about that but you see what it cost us and I like the Performance Based just like you say if you work hard you're going to get a good race if you don't and you lay out you use up all your sick time one day a week and all that then no you don't deserve the same as the people that are working really hard I agree with your concept I don't I you know I've never worried about the compression thing but there's a lot of whining about it it Let each each department head you know like bu road department or whoever let them guys decide who gets the raise and who don't and and the performance will come up and you will weed out the bad characters with with the good characters increase well then why do they need increase department head cuz evidently he's not doing his job do I have to be in town every morning at 7:00 my business I've got guys I've got guys working no but you know why I I got a successful business these out here nobody watches your money like you watching and if you don't have people watching in them departments what's going on it it's not a successful business you got to have department heads that are willing to base their their performance evaluations on exactly how it is you don't just go down the line and check exceptional on everything for everybody and and a lot of times people are very afraid they're going to make somebody mad if you make one of your employees mad then they go go complain about you and so a lot of people they're not going to they're not going to do that because they don't want anybody mad at them they don't want anybody come complaining about them I don't I don't disagree with you at all they should and performance as long as performance reviews are done Department to do I mean start like a business from us that's not they may have people that's performing great well I mean somebody made the comment in here they was any y'all folks someone made the comment the other day here Tuesday or Monday that can't be run like a business but it is a business and and I mean this is the exact definition of a business and it's got to be run by one you got y y'all are watching over what gets spent it's the same way with your departments they need to stop start having more accountability for their people working for them a them go out there in the field instead of sitting in their offices they need to go out there and see who's working that way they know when it comes time not when it comes time time here we keep saying what might happen What Might what if this happens if we wait just like you said if we wait for what happens here coming we already behind the ball I want to add something to what you're saying yes it needs to be run like a business because is a business but there is a difference between private business and government oh definitely and and and a lot of it has to do with politics because I mentioned that you you may have department heads that they don't want to make anybody mad because somebody's going to go playing to them and then you've got five people sitting here and then you've got five constitutional officers that your job depends on people voting for you and so I I know a lot of times people don't want to you know up here even on this board make tough decisions because of what will happen in the community you may not be reelected we got to get over that I'm 57 years old almost I I I don't need any more friends to be honest with you the ones I got like me and the ones that don't like me probably because they done something they shouldn't have the people that don't like me that used to work for me probably because they got fired because they wasn't doing the job or they stayed on one of these or you know and the job y'all got y'all got plenty of friends y'all all my age older than me except Jamie you can't be you can't you can't have this job and W to have friends make friends you have this job to do something for the community and the county like a good commissioner and Y need to think about that I mean just we need to quit wait don't wait this this is another way you can save some money get people up that need to be above 15 but that's that's almost fre of million dollars right there it's going to get added in the budget $658,000 if y'all do across the board and I know people need raises but I mean it's time to look people in the eye and whether you hurt your feelings or not say hey we can't do it right now or we let's raise the people that need it just as a reminder to the board um we have $2 that we still need to is it if if the board does not approve the salary increases for next year we'll still have to add me Gary we we did the $2 raises you're currently at 13 we're at 13 so we need to get to 15 we need to get by September of 26 then we need to raise those people how many employees not necessarily that everybody gets the same thing and then that's at the discretion of the board and then and and of course just as a reminder that health insurance benefits changes were imple are reflective in the proposed budget for next year how many employees is blow I have to look at that I don't have it off right off my head because I don't know har do you know if all the Constitutional officers are at the 15 now no well we don't have anybody at 13 but no we we we um $2 was implemented this year that 14 but not 13 we do but I don't know about everybody don't identify how many how many that we need to to get that and give them a dollar this year and give a dollar next year then we got them up to the to the 15 or get them to the 15 and then start a paid performance or do what now get the ones that you've got that's not making minimum wage get them to the 15 now and then start doing your paid performance above that that sounds good too I believe another consideration and this is this is just for the board's information um if if everyone was not giving given something every year then we potentially had a situation where we were asking for supervisors of managers to work less than people that hired in and and I do realize that our full-time staff have very rich benefits I'm not discounting that at all but I I think that was another one of the concerns that if you know this this way because you're looking at just as an example folks who were under the $15 an hour um at 14 if we get them to 14 their increase in their salary is 77% with potentially if they if you because they were at 793 with the original pay plan so their hourly rate has almost doubled by the time they get to the 15 and then folks who were at the 15 or above the 15 of course would not get the same percentage and I I understand that the law didn't address that the law said I understand correct so you're correct those folks that was hired in at that lower number they've been here what 20 years not necessarily this well this years but I mean you got to draw a line somewhere in the sand and say look we got to start here right and we got to you know and and cuz if you don't each time next year or two years from now they might say well we want to go to 20 an hour then what you going to do you going to raise everybody at 20 then then you going to be million plus you got to add in so you got to draw a line and say like weate mandated but wasn't compensated that was no compensation from the St un the voters did that it wasn't the state people Ved on that now we're on everyone that's what and then they got they don't realize the what comes with yet everybody wants more money but they don't realize what comes with it in the government part of it it's going they got to pay it back somehow nothing for free I don't give a dam what the people say government or anybody else nothing for free you going to pay for it at the other end taxpayers is going to pay but you got to draw a line in the sand somewhere and say we're going to do this and from here we going we going to make you know we going to we going to give raises where needed and it makes people look and want to strive to be better in the corporation or in the business is the way I I it's just my opinion being a businessman I've seen over here I used to pay minimum wage and just thought that's all I had to do and when I realized best thing me to do is pay my guys well and you know it be less problems I don't I've got guys been with me five or six years now in my business I have people ask all the time in construction how do you keep them guys because they make good money and I don't hire in at minimum wage I'm a dollar you dollar two above and like I say if you do this or you got license or you got this I give them extra money right I understand well I'm I'm interested in get the number of how many people that need to get $5 an hour I'm okay going ahead them $15 an hour I'm not okay with across the board everybody gets the same [Music] you save the county some money this year this year I think we're going this coming year we're going to need it then go from there and start start implementing something same thing go toward people with we become National money you know the seni whatever are they pay what you talking about or they pay some a bunch and some pays nothing so when you go talking about s you you get bu [Music] already can I move on to something else if it's I don't know if it's the proper time or not if it's not let me know I just have one more quick little thing um Emergency Management so we give them a local match um as part of their funding and the local match is based off of a three-year average so it's the current year and the two year in the previous two years for this fiscal year the um the board agreed to go above that I don't know if you remember from last year you agreed to give them $60,000 this year for fiscal year 24 which was more than the than the threeyear average so he's asking for kind of the same thing for fiscal year the next fiscal year so I only put in the budget the actual threeyear average which is the 52311 he's asking for 75,000 so that's a difference of 22689 so I only budgeted what the local match requires by the state the local match requires the threeyear average which is the 52311 in his email he asked for for an additional amount he said that it's because the state grants were reduced also um his email says that the fdm director has informed All State directors that the empg grant funds to each County will be reduced approximately 10% pend and additional cuts are pending for fiscal year 25 at this time our projected cuts for 25 is $5,500 from the empg grant due to these cuts and other possible Grant fund cuts the Sheriff's Office Division of Emergency Management is requesting the amount of $75,000 um over the last two years the department has drastically increased the disaster and emergency response capabilities to the citizens of Taylor County we gave them 60 you gave them 60 for fiscal year 24 um the amount the average would have been 49527 but y'all agreed to give them 60 and so we gave them more than what they asked for well well they asked for 60 but the threeyear average was the 49 the threee average right now is 52 threee average is 52 311 which is what's in the budget because that 60 brought that average of the state so you have to at least F the threee average which is the 5231 which is what is reflected in the budget [Music] allocate or we want to just stick with what requirement is like 5231 ain't that 60 is is a gravy you know and I don't know how much gravy we got now you know everybody wants gravy somebody got a we got a total line to do something thank you any [Music] other I mean I'm not recommending we increase the assessment we budgeted based on the current assessment but but one quick question y was talking about airport yes earlier of the Runway that they're not using is that I I ain't caught up on that is are y'all talking about doing away with that Runway no no sir okay what we're talking about is the potential what I was talking about was the potential of removing that from airport designated property or you know whatever personal I would you know that we could move that into County property which means it would be easier for us to let leases or utilize that property differently all right I just wondering cuz I didn't you know it's something like that when you got something like that you don't want to take some of weight cuz that might be one of our good attributes oh no no no you know to get a a big industry to come here because we've got a good size airport I was not I mean I didn't know I had C up on it that's I was asking what it is is FAA if it's not air related airport related for airplanes or helicopters or whatever they don't really want us to have anything to do with it without asking them you do ask n out of 10 times they're not you nothing thing might consider talking about getting a new putting a new what was Emergency Man building or something what were waning them finding somewhere to put the road department and put it right there where the road department is besid the jail be easy to move that road department we were talking about control that yeah but I mean it's you know iemergency is it around [Music] [Music] okay okay so I look overover the capital Improvement plan okay then on the seven page of this these documents these are capital items and they're they're called new nonrecurring Capital expenses so I looked and I compared this list with the the list on here every one of these of course are over on what I call the main list but on the main list some of the things like the lad truck and the um some of these these other things they're not recurring they're not recurring expenses but they're not showing on this page you see what I'm trying to say I don't understand that this page right here is just the general fund right and so I think that report that you're talking about is their Capital plan is for everything right yes so that's all funds and the fire truck and any anything outside of the general fund is paid with 1 cent sales tax so it wouldn't be on this page okay that's why we try to give you a Consolidated list so from the from from me from the board so it's all so it's all on one document so you don't have to look at different places in the book okay on on this document yes what I would like to see is I'd like to see two more columns okay and I'd like to see where whoever is is requesting this that they set it they set a priority either it's high medium or low on the items that they're asking okay and then for instance if they have 10 items that they identify as as a medium priority then they prioritize those as one 2 3 4 five not that you got 10 that have the same uh priority but that those are also prioritized you see what I'm saying you me and that's within the local funding yes yes yeah and that would help me and a justification the other column as I'd like to see a justification on here that's it's in the big book but but you know instead of going through this book it be prior low and then within that category each item categorized starting with one being the most important and then justification on here can we get that together uh when do you for Monday yeah or for whenever we're going to before we vote on anything I'd like to be able to see I mean you know I want to know how important it is but we'll try to have by Monday before yeah before our next meeting is Monday 9:00 um what we need to well something that I did um pledge to the board was that every year I would I would bring you a a pay plan and so and and I can I mean that doesn't have to be approved in a meeting but I think think um just just so you know if that's something that's you know not decided upon Monday then I will I will just email that to each one of you because I don't want to give you a salary plan that's including the dollar or not including the dollar and then it be a do you know I don't want there to be any confusion about what each you know each position pays okay so in Monday's budget the third budget Workshop there any reason we couldn't go ahead and discuss this one wait 30 we kind of that even thinking about the [Music] hour form we a form you know s to us I like CHS what I'm sorry but do you want well oh you're talking about the different options as far as as as far as the the um um once it sales remember we asked for that and then options on or just tell us if you if you the number of of employees that are not at 15 how many they are and what that cost to us would be I mean I'm just saying unless there's something else I mean we need to you I think we could probably ially with ourd Workshop you end up in two workshops going to be here for this why not we I think we have time to digest the rest instead wait till 30th okay yeah they can get us some information yeah that would be good that sounds good can I ask a couple more questions um on the the remaining budget funded with cash carried forward the second item is that contractor road we going be messing with that contractor road I don't that's different you're talking about this one here yes for 15795 this is um this is Carri forward from years ago I'll have to let me see if can put anything in this budget I'm just wonder why it's still reflected on here you have to I guess but can you do something else with that um that's a Kenneth question I would have to ask him know we're not going to do that do I I don't my only question and this is just a question I mean if we if there's a possibil I mean I know there's nothing there now but um I needed to check with Kenneth we don't have an A off for scrap agreement for that yet do we for yes we do and it's a separate this is separate okay so that's our we're already I'm trying to remember we already have an agreement and it's budgeted for contractor Road okay so that will have to come to the board to to see if we wish to it's already budgeted we need to delete that this is something else this is hold on let me okay then under the um right below that the legally restricted designated and you go down to the third school resource officer donation now that's not legally restricted and I know it's not much money it said designated so that was a donation received from the police department it was given to the board for the Sheriff's Office to use strictly for school resource officer okay and the boat r F that's for right it's for um the yes so is it combined so there are two boat ramp sinking funds on here that's a combination of Katon Beach and illa cuz oilla makes enough Revenue versus their expenditures that it also has a syncing fun every year so that is Katon be and also but we don't have one for Ste it doesn't bring in enough Revenue to cover the expenses you know I wish there was some way we could charge more for this this Bo fees for these out of town people would make a lot more money I understand we can how long this has been going on and then the old hospital funds that weang to I guess we could use that we wanted to 3 that's why I mentioned it yeah that and the $100,000 um from Mar the marina Road um sale it are in separate line items and reserves so if times got hard we could use it for op do we even do we need we to show that hospital I can move it it was just Place separate because that's what the board asked for when we sold it was they asked for it to be shown separately on the reserves but I can I can I can move it topit to I think at the time we just wanted to keep in mind how much that sale was but it's been you know several years and the same with the property sale on Marina Road I think that was separate um just as a just as a reminder really that that money is not obligated and it wasn't in reserves before it's basically um new Revenue so if you wanted to use it for you know whatever whatever you wanted to use it for we we would recall that we had some additional funding just because it's there doesn't mean we got to run find a place to spend it I like holding on to it see something in here somewhere about $500 a year toward the old hospital or we what are we doing there that is just because we do have one um one building I think left on that property that we probably probably need to remove so iol that I know I that's the only reason I left any money in there at all and if once that's finished I mean I reduced it from, 1500 to 500 just because we have something there that I need to I need to do something with and just in case we I just didn't know so to demolish that and save that 500 a year it's so good nobody's going to do anything with it no I will'll address it we had to take the the towers down which we did and we just kind of I I just haven't got to that yet but I will um I just the hospital we add that and discussion about um I spoken to the judges have spoken they would like to if we could and maybe create another courtroom on top of one another and I think was mentioned is it the sheriff in there yeah the sheriff's Sheriff's it's my understanding that when the supervisor elections lost what happened was if I remember correctly is when the supervisor elections left the plan was to expand that courtroom because the courtrooms across the hall to make it like a big a bigger courtroom but I guess because of the layout of the building and everything that that didn't pan out was to create an additional Court would know was to make the other courtroom bigger just close the hallway off like just you going into the wouldn't be a hallway but I don't think that worked or they couldn't figure out a way to do it so or did or nobody's ever done anything and so then the sheriff asked for space so the judge allowed him to put his people in there so he's got it I think pretty full of people now um now I think what the judges or they I think they're asking for another hearing room the discussion I Flor program is not utilized very much don't it's small but I thought their conflict was was with hearing rooms because because they have they have to go into a room and have a hearing and bring attorneys in and stuff and I think I could be wrong I that may have been more what they were refer and they can't use the courtroom that's not or is it on a different floor Ian it's you know it's on it's on a different floor I I don't know about but anyway there's something there they have been asking for stuff and I know that hearings rooms was was a big issue and also because of security and where the jury is and things like like the jury and the inmates are like you know like on the same Hall you know I mean I think they they have asked for some separation some like remod like move things around and kind of remodel to make it more um to work better for and and including that add some additional hearing rooms and things like that so I don't know it's necessarily another courtroom but maybe just a kind of a revamp for what they have if there's any opportunity it sounds like the room now so I don't know thing that should be a priority is trying to figure out how to get the state attorney's office back in the courthouse you know that cost us a lot of money and they were operating okay there until the states attorney the one that his name yeah he came over demanding space [Laughter] [Music] got be careful what you ask fory you learn l ask you so all right so any any other discussions for today that we need to I didn't know if do we want to talk about you how much that how much of the100 million is grants that we have we talked about that yet you know I mean you know I know when people say $100 million they think oh goodness the County's got plenty of money the bud but I just have um just some percentages so of the total budget um 37.4 44% of the proposed budget is Grants um 23% is reserves 12.6% is um the request for the Constitutional officers and that makes up about 73% of the total budget and then the 27 remaining percent is County Personnel operations and the designated and allocated R am give it to us that's sheet of paper we will know yes okay any other how many employees do the County Commission have hold on I have 80 well I don't have it broken down by department but I have we have 80 full-time 11 part-time 21 seasonal and 11 on call 8 11 part time 21 seasonal and 11 on call depending on the season anything else we need to discuss today all right further reading the and we will be back Sunday at: a.m. [Music]