##VIDEO ID:bR_i0Fhf62w## reservation majority the Park area there JT came up with a great idea to the move to the courtroom [Music] [Music] [Laughter] are [Music] good Pro protesting up there prot [Laughter] [Music] I [Laughter] minutes [Music] to that did all right everyone we'll get started come bless your name because your name wor you be bless father right now Serv there's no big eyes and little years we thank you for your goodness and your mercy you all the same in your sight we thank you for what you've done thus far we thank you for what you're going to do in the future and we bless your holy name for that right now father as we come to try to do what is right for all our citizens ask you to be with us and father it's not about us but it is about you and as these blessings and all other blessing I do ask in Jesus name I pray amen amen to the FL of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all like to welcome everyone to our meeting this Tuesday August 27 2024 6 p.m. we have a conference line set up number there is 1 91790 1022 access code 32347 this is not a tollfree number you may be subject to Lo dist charges according to you when the chair person opens the meeting for public comment please follow the below instructions if you wish to speak please star five the moderator will unmute your L your turn to speak and notify you by announcing the last four digits of your telephone number please announce your name and address you will be allowed to speak for three minutes any person wish to address the board regarding an agenda item will be given 3 minutes for comment a commenter may only speak one time for each agend item with that said we going to item three that you all see the revised agenda removal of item 23 all right we'll move on to consent items everyone had a chance to go over your consent items any discussion any questions no discussion any questions a motion to approve public request I will say before we get too too much further you know we probably have a few people that want to come come up and speak tonight on different subjects I just ask everyone to please address the board and do not address anyone in the public or staff please address the board so we'll go on our public request it 17 the long-term Recovery Group present an update thank you um I'm member of a longterm Rec group um chair of the group not here um to this today the longterm recover group long-term Recovery Group is for helping those that are in need from a hurricane basically a game at this time so we have closed out about 60 cases that uh we've been working on we've got 10 right now that we're working on and there's 27 lik in the process but besides that Endeavors which is the group that U help some of the counties and all has about 144 cases that they're working on that they give back to us if they work through them and qualify them and um get to repair our partners are many like Catholic Charities Church of Christ Presbyterian Church the Methodist church Faith responders Red Cross United Way Habitat for Humanity Christian Aid Ministries Lu churches of North America Community Foundation volunteer Florida week of compassion Army that just go on and on and we get um they provide grants in some as some of them provide appliances or furniture or mattresses just different different things that they provide we have [Music] um spent about $300,000 thus far that's mostly you know local um supplies and and to do some repairs you know keeping it here and we have about 200,000 right now left now that number Chang changes constantly as we get other grants in some small some large we get those in the midnight disaster Services is coming back in January through March for three months to help us with some more repairs and when we get them those Volunteers in that means we don't have to come up with the money to actually you know pay for labor but um right now we're using like I say some local project tractors to do that Labor uh hurricane de thank goodness we only had about five calls and they were all toag so you not anything real real significant with that one which that's that's good for us um with the Red Cross we had they had identified nine um needs permanent housing and I think th far they thought War well got Tak care working on the other but um we do need volunteers anybody's willing to volunteer we can figure out a way to that you help us um within the county to try to continue to um help those that are in need and the ones that we have when I said we had like 144 cases with Endeavors that's that's we've identified and they've applied I'm sure there's still a lot out there that we continue to add new you know not by day but we could that's our report any questions and ever is a group that that basically working they were established through um and they they like I say they're they they trained them all at the same time it was the last number I remember was like 30 and that was back when we first started we we have that was a given and there in Madison and Swan they headquarters in yes and and they actually U work on all those all the surrounding counties the correspondence that you have with those folks they're working well with everybody on the local level um the reason I'm asking that as I was told early on that there were some breakdowns Communications just trying to ensure they have been working on it they've had several meetings trying to resolve some issues and U but but I'll follow up with that once I get a better update but they are um working working with our group yes the volunteers that you need do they need a skill set or a certain group that would be more qualified or how does that that work there's probably a need for most anything yes like this morning we we had unload you my truck we need we need help to facilitate that we still looking for some storage space too um we haven't come up with that but um but anyone that wanted to volunteer I think we could find we know there be a way thank thank you thank You' all right we'll move on to 18 public request to address the board regarding letter reive from Tor [Music] County reason here here is 2020 2020 we buil a place down and actually what I did we got to BU on canal side I got these here show you exactly where the fence is and anyway we bu it was there two three years then we had back reason I built that t to start off with is every year we have you know a lot of kids riding do cars up down and I don't really know and I don't think where the rway they got a 15 rway on that road going in and I went up to Sean last week and she said it's actually never has been surveyed out I'm actually getting surve out road 15 years under my tax anyway when I built that fence I put it about [Music] this find out it is on the county this you can see all those pictures about this the only reason I built that road to start off with is 25 50 kids always way riding around Cedar is on Golf Course and there's about five or six palm trees that hangs over the road there and there's a drop off if you look at about 8 or 10 foot straight down and Barnes them had D old head that busted up and rocks and Barnacles and all there and and I put the fence up there for the sole purpose of safety you know one of my grandkids I got six one of them running off in there anybody else's I have not had one person prior to the storm and after the storm complaining about that all one guy you know he just he just whatever anyway and you know I didn't know if you're supposed to have a permit put it on the county r way fo there and I really don't know count right away they got line on uh on the survey showing it in the middle of the road but then you go up to the next curve and it's way over to the right I'm having survey it's only I really don't want to move the fence I'll give the fence you know 30t fence just protecting the kids from going on I'll give the fence to the count my expense or get a permit or whatever it takes I would love to leave the Pence up there for nothing more than safety for all the kids that riding you know SE I know fourth July you were down there July weekend what was it 00 y cars at least sh was down there you know have a big water Bloom F and all that and made me move that fence over one guy that's that's Ric don't tell me what I need to do I'll do it I like to ask our attorney can we accept this fence from him and it become County property instead of him having to Cher it down but you might have to oby [Music] your right away mve it yourself I you you got me to write a letter to somebody else for moving y recall that was it over safety or was it cows or something this is nothing more than keep kids from running on the canal down there I'm just telling them what they told me to do and I didn't want what they told me to do I had got response from it I'm expecting a response on that there was a complaint made now it was a whole lot more supposedly on the right away than what you're talking about you understand what I'm saying um and you know it would be interesting to see um for my clients to see what the survey provides potential that the survey made very well indicate that your fence is on your problem that know that but it's it's this four off in that kind of distance is that within the acceptance of a plus or minus interpretation of a survey it's not that never been surveyed out there the road that's what count said well there's surveys and then there's surveys this is true I mean I know that you've had surveys before and one of them was one way and one of them was another way understand what I'm saying had lawsuits 18 in on the property line my suggestion to y'all would be to um a this and wait for the survey before you take any action that even even at that I mean at the end of the day there are different Dynamics around different situations sure they are and it's a matter of and wrong what you and what you do now survey it out fine but we do have options don't we have an option to to potentially issue uh use RightWay youth perment you have that option now we can issue around the where you put it then that's really just doing nothing but notifying that we know the fence is there I don't think that's going to say that down the road there's aav that may go on through there I'm not sure what they graduate two or three times a year but regardless if if it happen I'm just saying part of the discussion in other fences that hey the 30 I'm I'm on the same page as you if we can work this out and not have him to have to move that fence that's okay with me because this this situation is a little different from the one that came before us a few weeks ago this is a safety issue so I'm I'm okay with if we right way business will work [Music] a little bit while you're waiting on the survey it's not a problem as far as fraction with code enforcement that's the time constraints not going to put you right so I mean I think we we owe it to you and everyone else let's see about the survey see what it say I like say I appreciate you putting it up there for that's m you know it's just something that needed to be done so that is a dangerous intersection you know right there with all the palm tree well you tell about the picture and I put it up against the palm trees I would have put it on the other side of pal Tre but then I had to do this with the pents you know that's this is to County you know you don't do Stu like way then make him go through the expense of paying for a survey he may surve do do surve yeah on the other side see this is so far back now the center part up here you know I going to get that survey but that has nothing to do with this part here they just start more money to come up on the county to do that but the first thing got to be found out is where the county line is and that's they you know don't know we own that land we don't Mr chairperson it's a prescriptive easement so the portion I believe Mr toon is referring to is not something that we routinely maintain so I it doesn't present an issue as far as maintenance on that road we don't grade where the fence is so um and I would have to go in and look at what we what the the width of that road is but it hasn't pres from what I understand it has not presented an issue only in that the fence was built on County property what we believe is County property and um I believe you were sent a letter and ask if you could present a DED that showed that it was on your property which you you don't or a survey which you don't have so this is It's prescript of easement so no I don't there's not a deed in the County's name from what I understand but if the county don't have it why should I have to pay $600 to get County survey done when it's just a little I agree with you and I didn't think the prescriptive is how to ride away is that is that true or Nota well it's considered it's considered a County right of way because it by prescriptive easement it's basic and Conrad you may need to help me it's just as if the the [Music] property how much is that depends on the it depends on the road yes ma'am but I don't believe from what I understand that this fence is interfering with any any maintenance that that goes on certainly doesn't look like it because if you look great is twice a year the the side of it is uh only one person ever had an issue with it's just a little squirmish between us like that F affects that that that road and you all know the definition of perspective easement know use for years plus grading it that's what been recently and all it is is what's left over you know from the greater how do you what do you call that the r got to get name yeah now you may have a notel well you know it doesn't have really have a shoulder or a burn for that purpose you understand what I'm saying you got safety tape on it too I mean on the end I mean and don't look like somebody have to be running up under them bomb trees to get into the fence anyway that's true you know so it looks safe to me so uh in issue in a rway per have a problem doing that but how do we do that how do we issue a RightWay perit on our well our public works right can issue a RightWay use permit it does not require board approval and it could be I believe it could be conditional that if sometime down the road if you know if the fence must be removed if that's what the board wishes then I think that could be included into the RightWay use permit I promise you if you want to pay it I'll move so we don't need any direction we I don't believe so if the board not wish to take action do we doing I mean I can I can just take it up with staff and if there's any complications then we can come back to the board if us okay a motion that she takes it up with staffone want to speak yes we do have someone at least one person who wishes to speak [Music] step back a little bit and we'll finish up I [Music] [Music] I am one of the fulltime resents in town there just for the record we have noer I have only spoken with this gentleman one time in the last four years when he called me after the complaint was started so I don't know where that all comes from I'm here on behalf of several full-time residents of Cedar Island we all know that the county creates and enforces ordinances regarding building codes sometime they make VAR or exceptions to these rules for issues or violations that occur within a property owner's lot lines there are no examples however of private construction items such as fences that are allowed that are being allowed to encroach on government property or public rights of way the fence in question continues off the property owner Southern Edge marked by an electric pole in in a telephone box for approximately 17 ft as the electric and telephone companies are do a good job of placing their boxes and poles up the corners edges of the property lot lines it's pretty easy to see how far the fence actually encroaches out to the roads then the fence turns East continuous 60 ft along Ste Island Road all within the County's RightWay and yes it is a County Road you guys can check the H public or whatever else goes all the way to the end of thisy the prescriptive easement is the circle that is to the north end of this entire we're talking about it's Way Beyond where the fence is to illustrate this the fence the fence actually extends past an old dock concrete footer that Still Remains there today that dock was built by darl Hartsfield who was denied a RightWay use permit and told to remove his dock by this Taylor County Board of Commissioners on August 6 2012 therefore this fence is unquestionably encroaching on County Land and it's in the right of way and is in violation of De County lances while the owner May advocate for the necessity of a fence for child safety this can already be accomplished while keeping the fence on the owner's property um brings up the point of what would happen if this is allowed to to continue and other people all around the various communities uh on the canals if anybody wants to put up a fence for other safety reasons is everybody else going to be also allowed to do the same thing the Taylor County Board has just addressed a very similar defense code violation by another property owner on First Street in steinach who was ordered to remove his fence from the county right away and as this is already set precedent I would expect that this violation would be treated the same and that ter County Board of Commissioners would enforce its ordinances consistently no matter who the property owner is discussion from the board St your name and address I work in animal rescue off off and it's the sanctuary yes our dogs have been abused are you are you referring to the topic we're talking about or are you talking about Animal Control I'm talking about Animal Control we Haven got that we gotten to that topic yet so if you back we'll be on that topic short I'll let you know about anal you're going to get the opportunity to talk but not right now we're on a different topic back and we'll get you back up talk any other discussion from the board on regarding the need a motion I'll make that motion Motion in a second on that side all in [Music] favor all right moving to to General business item 19 you board to consider approval of request to wave 25 but fees for the hooked on Heroes second fishing to be held on October the 5th 2024 Mr chairman I was contacted represent this request this is an on effort to reach out and and benefit our veterans so that I will make that a motion if there no discussion yes sir we have a second yes second all in favor 19a the board F discuss request this item I really put it on to to bring some clarity to our discussion on hampt screams and some misrepresentation by one of our board members via social media as a slander toward myself on Election Day slandering that I'm in some kind of Buddy system with Mr madley as and and and and maybe I'm I'm not taking money to push somebody through making these accusation s challenges the Integrity of myself my parents my grandparents my entire family I don't appreciate it not one b i I don't need nobody to speak for me I can speak for myself if it needs to be done I'm going to take it back and I'm going to go through this Hampton Springs discussion and bring light of just what was taking place discussion I was contacted by Mr Joe M because he can't contact his own commissioner Because of You feelings between both the individuals I was contacted by Mr maddingley he had already spoken to two other Commissioners on this topic and he asked me that he told me he wanted to run something by me he he's interested in expanding his business and he he mentioned potentially buying a portion of hon Springs or all of it in his mind he said hey I I don't mind getting it all I'll probably bring I leave it just as it is add on to my business and make trails to it and and and probably bring more attention to it than it brought to it today through my business I I told Mr mag I said well I said there's probably going to be some red tape to go through GRS that that's tied to some of property so I'll give with staff which I did and there was no issues with moving forward so I told Mr M I said I'll take it to the board I said but I'm one commissioner I said I present both leg but I said I would be more fair to say that that we're not going to get rid of the Hampton Springs portion that there's 38. some OD Acres out there and he just mentioned he was thankful if he could get any just to his business it's not my job I'm here as a commissioner to listen to the citizens to the businesses of this community if I can help them I'll help them if I can't help them and I know we can't do what the request is made I'll let them know if I'm not sure I'll do just exactly what I did in this situation I'll go to staff and I'll ask the staff I'll present it to the staff and we'll do our due diligence and I'll bring it to the board because I was one of five board members and that's exactly what I did I brought it to the board and we we come in this meeting and we we said in this meeting discussing the hampon Springs I didn't make a comment hund something a $100 comment that hey newspaper plased it on the headlines and you know what I hate it that is a point of reference that's not a literal statement shame on anybody that take something such as that as a literal statement that is a point of reference that anybody thinks that I would literally sell or think that $100 is good is is a big deal to the county I said but you know when I go when I put this in front of a in a a citizen or a business what little bit he could bring to his business might not be a big deal to the county but you know what it might be a big deal to that small business and him being able to employ a few people and help people out so social media slandered on social media and to be honest with you the representation to this entire board was was misrepresented on social media commissioner put on social media that we got four she put her arguments of why she was opposed to and and mind you say when I got when we talked about this at this meeting I don't know if y'all got that up to put on the slide and you don't really have to but we have to vote there only four Comm Commissioners at this meeting and commissioner Fel made a motion to move forward made the motion to move [Music] forward with researching this project to potentially help this business out I can't help that all because of a newspaper headline you lack any any Integrity from any outrage by the public she don't she can't talk to them so in turn we turn around and we blame everybody else after you made a motion and then walk behind me and ask me right here how much did you may pay you to bring this to the board kind of garbage is that amen amen I don't get paid by nobody just what I told you I work for the citizens and The Business of this community and I brought this to the board as I as I said I was and and really it's not for me to further discuss I mean it's still kind under research nobody's made no decision of what we're going to do it's still for the for the to be discussed and I just wanted to bring Clarity to just what went on and just what the intent of this board was there was the argument was made by the commissioner and the argument stated what the other po commissioner's argument was guess what it was before it was here po commissioner Moody wasn't even here and his argument was stated on the on social media it wasn't even here so I just wanted to bring Clarity to the Hampton Springs Park and what the intent I'm here to serve the public I'm here to serve people I'm here to serve the businesses and it might not be a big deal to the to the to the county but it could if we to get help the guy out with a few acres to expand this business there's still 30 plus acres out there just put a museum out there put a museum out there and and and WR up the history of the of the Hampton Springs Park get people something to go look at but also work with your local businesses if you're going to sit on this board and you're going to speak on the businesses to this community and you want to help businesses and you get an opportunity to do it then do just that that's all I really had to Clarity to this this brings I'm not trying to Rong our community I'm not trying to take a piece of History I'm you I know a lot of don't go out there I've Spen to the out there to be honest with you get 10 people a week that went by there it don't matter the history of this community is still a piece of history and I'm glad you know what want to bring you expanded business with this piece guess what we brought that piece of property to Serv do something with it now that's right put a museum out there put something out there to put the history out people that's right I I don't have any with with to discuss it any further I just really need to bring clarity made and misrepresentation of this board and this board intent so uh you know there's no other we do the next oh I have a comment so to begin with this was on the agenda I think at the last meeting if I'm not mistaken there was a lot of of dialogue about fly this this land or part of this land if not all of it so different ones said different things whether your comment was a point of reference or not when the whistles blow you came un bullet you said it you own it so whatever it meant I'm glad that you cleared it up tonight I appreciate that um in terms of slander nobody has intended to slander anybody nothing but the facts were told about what happened and what was said and if we if it's said in public then there's a record of what was said easy to go back and look at that so um for me I'm looking out after our history back in the 60s the board of County Commissioners at that time they made a terrible mistake when they decided to tear down our courthouse and to tear down all those and to cut down all the Magnificent oak trees and we lost a part of our history then so here we are again that a board brings it someone brings it up to talk about selling another part of our history and let me just say this last year our job we we lost our jobs our jobs were taken away from us last year and for anybody to think that if you listen to what went on that anybody on this board would ask Advocate to sell any or part of Hampton Springs that's our history we don't want to sell another part of our history not part of it not the back 30 portion whatever it is we want to keep all of Hampton Springs and so I stand by that I stand by what was said was said it's on the record you can go back and listen to it for yourself I don't have anything else I think I just cleared up a situation and just what was discussed I everybody pretty much heard me loud and clear so I can sit here and go back and for this I know where I'm at I get I gave the intent of the board misrepresent representation of this board and that's where I stand on 19 B the bo discuss over the past week I and I'm sure some of you have got many calls and emails and texts from citizens and volunteer groups that have been complaining about the animal shelter and what I like to do is I would like to share with you all just some of the things that have been sent my way and then and I'll give um I'll give my opinion on that but the hearts for HomeTown dogs I got this letter it says after eight years we at hearts for HomeTown dogs are sad to announce that we are no longer volunteering at or assisting Animal Control Taylor County remains out of date no touch with current standards and best practices unless and until animal control and those who overse see it make positive and necessary changes parts for HomeTown dogs will not be there to save the animals it has never been a true Safe Haven but we at hearts for HomeTown dogs did our best to make it one with our presence now it is not not one at all over the years and through multiple staff turnovers our releationship with the shelter became more and more strin in order to save lives we relied on the shelter to work with us we both needed to do our parts to sustain this partnership anma control is not an easy job it is physically and emotionally demanding and we are not minimizing that we needed their help and cooperation on top of their already demanding job and sometimes they would accommodate us and it helped save lives we are grateful for that throughout these years though there have been many instances where staff were not fulfilling their basic duties as animal control officers volunteers would do their best to fill the gaps but volunteers should not have to do their job for them there have been multiple instances where the conditions have been neglectful and generally unacceptable kennels have been filthy where animals had no water dirty water or not enough water we know of times when former employees didn't even feed them and most concerning there have been multiple instances When Animals suffered unnecessarily because they were either denied Medical Care by the shelter the spot are pleased to pay for it because the staff fail to notice it or they failed to inform us of it we often times would only know about these medically needy animals because a volunteer was there to see it additionally volunteers have consistently been treated poorly made to feel unwelcome and been subjected to hostile treatment from staff arbitrary rules have been set in place that bear no logic and actually hinders our efforts the above are only a few instances of the many things wrong with animal control regarding how it is managed and sta there are many more we have addressed our issues and concerns with the County Supervisors but nothing changes there are are only so many conversations you can have before you say enough is enough society as a whole has moved in a more Humane Direction Animal Control associations across the country encourage multiple Municipal shelters to value and incorporate life-saving efforts in addition to their basic duties whether through SCA alone or with Humane organizations like hearts for HomeTown dogs hearts for HomeTown dogs has included the shelter to educate themselves on best practices to follow basic protocols and to implement policies and practices that would better save the serve the community and the animals in it to know of them we thank Animal Control for working with us and serving the community but sincerely hope they take all the necessary steps to do better for the animals under their care and better serve theity another one is from volunteers um at rescue dogs dream it is with great sadness that we are notified of the use that heart for HomeTown dogs have to bre ties with the animal control of your County due to the irresponsible behavior of your county and the buck stops that the leaders of your county that is you they have put their hearts much time and their own money to help the local animals in your county all at zero cost to the county we are not in your we are not in your county but many Taylor County animals are in our County adopted in un loving homes because of Hearts of Hometown dogs they do all the they do all the post on your County's animals to get them exposed evaluate them and transport them again at all at no cost to your county I have found the old saying you can tell the character of a person by how they treat animals this is true Hometown dogs has saved so many animals putting in eight years saving your animals something needs to change in your county animals matter and it's up to the Commissioners to make changes that's what you were elected to do I pray you find a solution to this issue if not so many more healthy wonderful animals will be killed and then I here's another one um I hope dear commissioner figel I hope this message function well I'm writing to express my deep concern about the current state of ter County Animal Control especially in lot of the recent announcement from ARS for HomeTown dogs that they will no longer be volunteering or assisting Animal Control due to ongoing issues while I understand that our community is facing significant challenges including the recent closures of the GP Mill and West Fraser Mill we have caused economic which have caused economic strength it is crucial that we do not allow these challenges to just moral and inhumane compromises the conditions that Alma control has described a heart H and dogs are unacceptable and do not reflect the values of our community and and because I'm pretty much with the same stuff and then I've had um this is a citizen that uh says I haven't felt compelled to write our County Commissioner since we went through the bombing range fiasa but here I am riding to our County Commissioners once again this email is close to my heart and ask that you fix the problem the best way you can our county has caught a few Str animals being better now since moving to Taylor County 24 years ago since Taylor County allows hunting with dogs I believe this is part of the problem our dog was a straight Walker Hound hunting dog that was a banded scared and trying to find food or trying to keep away from people we had to finally trap her to catch her we contacted the owner whose name was on the collar who denied it was his dog said the collar must have been stolen we have Lacy since 2016 providing her with health care and love she was so scared it has taken her years to trust us she was abandoned because she was afraid of gunshots making her useless to them it touches my heart to know that there are other animals abandoned who need love and care and help in finding a new home you our County Commissioners are responsible to the citizens of T County for the animal control our Animal Control is broken and needs got us on hiring good workers to care for the animals using best practices and basic protocols you need to make sure there is input from the community and Humane organizations to save the animals a neighbor volunteered there years ago and was discussed as to the caregiv the animals and I'm sorry to hear that it's still as your county commissioner you signed up for this job and you are responsible to fix the problem I am sure the loss of Revenue has hurting your county but the problem needs to be fixed you need to actively look into the complaints that come back to the county citizens with ways to fix the problem as it is not going to go away any employee that does not do their job should be let go and another one hard to take care of the animal I sure there are people in our County that could use a job reach out to other counties surrounding Taylor and strive to be the best County of all in providing love and care for our stray animals the animals do not cre did not create this problem therefore they should not be punished I'm sure if you put out a call to the citizens of tayor County for help with care food exercise Etc you would receive it the people in Taylor County are loving and caring people has shown through the years they all came together to help one another for example the recent hurricanes please make our Animal Control our County Animal Control the best it is it is your responsibility and like I said I've had a lot of emails and texts and phone calls from concerned citizens and most everybody told me the same thing it was the same story over and over and I didn't know that a few years ago at one time um a group from UF came they came over to help us after the TV stations were here and and reported different findings and things got better for a little while then they returned to the pretty much the same condition and I personally have discussed with staff but with the administrative form of government that we that we have Commissioners cannot get into the daytoday operations of the county we can't tell our administrator who to hire who to fire how to discipline or any that's that's her job the only thing that we can do is make policies so I just want everybody to understand that I know that perhaps we can we can make all the policies in the world but somebody's got to enforce the policies so um I know that we can do better many of you have told me that we can do better and I know that we can um and I know that some of you are have already told me that you're willing to uh be on a committee to help and I I really appreciate y'all volunteering your time once again um I've heard some really good ideas of some things that can be done um and I'm all for it whatever we can do to make our shelter better and to take better care of our of our animals um you get a good committee committee with Hometown dogs they're one of the best committees you could possibly have had who hires the people out there hiring so I think that one not if we can put a task force together or somebody I think is going to come up and speak me they might call it something other than a task force but that may be a a way to start and somebody has to be at that shelter to answer that phone or when y'all leave your messages you deserve a call back it doesn't need to be you call on Friday and it's Monday before you get a call back you deserve a call back the animals deserve a call back and maybe we can help put something in the place that um that will alleviate that problem um I don't want to hear of another dog that's been there for days and then the owner picks it up and the dog is suffering from a heat stroke and has to go straight to the vet's office that shouldn't happen um I don't want to hear again that the volunteers have not been treated with respect and kindness um y'all have been here to help us we appreciate the help that you've given and I'm sure that this board is going to be willing to do what we can to help this situation thank you may ask speak sure if you come up St your name and address okay my name is pis and I Liv here a long time and I know most of the people here the problem we have is the dogs that are vicious last the 13th of this month we have a dog in our neighborhood P Bo there's two of them and that dog was under my car my carboard and I couldn't even come out on my carore it's already killed one neighbor's dog in their yard it's named another dog through the fence in their yard nobody has done anything about that dog they know who longs to the don't know anything about it but I'm going tell you something I I I am all four animals I'm going to give you good news about that animal from the old place I have been over there because I donated to it I've been over there it is the cleanest one around I've been to callah too that's terrible with being cleaner I bought took a do last year that somebody dumped some puppies over there I paid to have It sped all it shots and gave it to a man who couldn't afford to do that and his had been killed but the sad thing about it is this people do not realize how many dogs are over there but I had to caught one that last the 13th of this month I had to call animal control because that dog was under my car on my carboard and I couldn't get out the door it's vicious it's already killed two killed one dog and name another one and nothing's been done about that dog well you they know who it belongs to they a little fell out there I felt sorry for it a little boy I say a boy cuz that's what it was I finally called a deputy to come out there and he came because that but you know what they couldn't catch it it was that vicious they couldn't even catch one of those things my next door it named his dog through the fence now and he had to have five Staples put his head the neighbor that one it killed his lab right there in the yard and that dog was still loose and nothing's done about it now I'm not for you andiz all but I am for one that's like that that dog does not need to be loose something needs to be done about it I called p and I told her how upset I was about it here I am in my house and can't even come out the door because that dog and know belongs to they don't do a thing about it thank you thank you but I will say this thing about our Animal Control I went over there because I was going to volunteer before I had this KNE surgery I went over there that is the cleanest one that place was clean where the dogs was was clean they do the best they can do with what they have to do with and they don't have a lot to do with I can tell you that right now ask you one question did you call them before you went there you went there un what now did they know you was coming when you went over there did anybody know you was coming no I called the sheriff's department because that boy could had a dog and I knew it a immediately did the animal shelter know you were coming to the shelter prior to you coming or did you just pop in he came out there [Music] animal did the animal shelter when you went to the animal shelter did the animal shelter know you were coming prior to you coming no they did not that's what commissioner they did not Thomas because I went over there and pick this man out of dogs he when we had hit a tree fell on his dog and killed it and he couldn't afford all the things that went with it really I couldn't either but I bought him I got one of those dogs and believe it or not it's well bred dog it's [Music] will do something needs to be done about that is he out there now he your neighborhood now the dog in your neighborhood now yes and I'm going to be perfectly honest with you it was under my car and I couldn't shoot it didn't want to shoot my car he got a collar on he nobody looked his name on the cat they can't catch it to do something to it they need to do something to it because I'm going to tell you something not be back at my you go ahead my name is Chris Olen and I'm part of hearts for HomeTown dog my dress is actually in Madison County I've spent a lot of time with the shelter in the last eight years or so working with Manda and all the rest of the animal control people and what I feel really needs to be addressed is a systemic problem you know I don't think you can bling Manda for for not doing this or not doing that we have to have more money from you from the county to hire people for a decent wage nobody wants to work at Animal Control there's a terrible terrible uh compassion fatigue it's a lousy job it's hot it's true all the things that happened there that is true I'm not disputing that at all but I would like to present a solution to this as far as Miss F and saying the shelter is clean it's a lot cleaner than it used to be she might have come on a day when Andrea was there because Andrea drove every day for the last five or six years from valasta to the Taylor County Animal Control and work like a slave now for free she put her money in we've all put our money in to the shelter we need to get a higher level of personnel there that has some compassion the lady's dog that had a heat stroke she called and wanted to come up and get her dog let her get her dog no you got to wait till Monday to get the dog that's ridiculous we need somebody who is a lay on with the community that can promote better relations the dog in the shoulder to begin with he got out but everybody knew whose dog he was he's a 12-year-old lab with a heart condition they knew who the dog belonged to and she called right away to get the dog and the director at the animal control said no you got to wait till Monday morning at 10 o' now that doesn't make sense to me let's have a little cooperation with our community members and the shelter now the shelter is Animal Control it is not a rescue I do agree with that and I understand that and a lot of really good things have happened in the last five or six years but we're very far from where we need to be but it does take money and I realize everybody has a terrible financial crisis but something has to happen happen maybe we should maybe we should change our policy we need to look at our policies maybe we don't need to take everybody's dog that they surrender people need to take some responsibility for their animals they have a litter of puppies and they just dump them now you know this this is wrong totally minutes or what I'm saying let's look at the policies let's change them to be more realistic and have a little bit more control you know leanda is at the mercy of all the community why didn't you come and get these dogs I want to drop these dogs up you know these dogs belong to these people they need to have responsibility for them and take care of them you stay and neuter stay and neuter we at Hearts want to take our our resources which basically come from all these people by the way they donate if you guys ever want to look at our financial financials you need to take a look at it how much money all of you have donated to hearts for HomeTown dogs and for the care and and the love for these animals it it's astounding to do some spay and neuter this is the the bottom of the problem the Crux of it people do not spay in neuter their dogs because they don't have enough money money if we could get something organized I actually am a grant writer and I know you guys have a grant writer the only problem is as a shelter as an entity hearts for HomeTown dogs is a 501c3 but we don't have a physical location and so anybody who is going to grant us any money wants to see a brick and more so the county will have to partner with us in that respect and that begins to get extremely complicated I'd like to simplify those things take away some of these crazy rules and you know I mean we give dog food to people who can't feed their dogs we get donations and we give it to them and I feel like that's what we should do but we've had a lot of push and pull that is that are is that your food or is that the shelter food is that you know let's all work together for the betterment of the shelter I mean this is a a systemic problem we need to get better people you why to can't hire anybody in there nobody wants that job they don't make any money you know this is a serious issue anyway that's my two cents [Applause] worth we got one behind you okay there you go than I have new perspective of the transplant to this area I've only been here for three years yes my name is Wendy horn and I've only been here for three years but I have been very disheartened by what I've seen as far as animal neglect and mistreatment in this town um um and it was pretty bad in Kansas where I moved from but it's actually worse here um and I know a lot of that is cultural and we need education but at a certain point if people don't care about animals they need consequences law enforcement needs to find them severely if they're breeding dogs back to back and dumping the puppies and dumping the mom when they're done selling what puppies can sell and making their money they need to be charged with animal cruelty because that is animal cruelty when I have called a law enforcement in the past and I'm embarrassed to admit I CED more about the property that the dog destroyed on my land than I did about the dog um the officer told me we can't do anything unless the dog is actively attacking him and I told him to try and find who the owner is no they don't do that we only care if the dog is actively attacking somebody and My Views have Chang very much I feel like I was a more selfish person back then um because I've seen such severe animal suffering I mean skeletal dogs roaming this town begging people for food it is a disgrace it is a disgrace it is a holocaust for dogs and I'm going to try not to cry because it's so wrong to see an animal suffering that severely that they have to just roam the town and nobody stops nobody cares nobody picks them up the they'll do is post a picture of the dogss on Facebook and say somebody come get your dogs and it's the same people over and over again on on Facebook that are losing their dogs in other words they're keeping them in a yard that they know the dog can get out and they do it over and over again and then they complain that they're a victim because they lost their dog they're not the victim the dog is they need to keep their dog inside of their house and take it out and walk it on a leash so that the dog is protected and I feel like animals rights are being violated so horrifically in this town and I would like to see law enforcement back this community that cares about animals cuz we're a small community unfortunately we're we're a the minority I think but uh we're willing to get alloud because we're tired of seeing animals suffering and it needs to stop we need you guys to pour money into Spain through programs not just for dogs but for cats cats matter too why are cats always the last priority I have seen starving skeletal cats in this town and the only thing I have heard people say that they're willing to do to help is all come out and shoot them that is a disgrace okay these animals have feelings they have needs they get hungry Like Us yeah they're grouchy and aggressive you would be seeing somebody use you for fighting as a bait dog you would be grouchy too if you were starved every day you'd be grouchy too if you run to houses every day begging for food and no one gives you the food they just shout get get out of my yard I'm no longer that person I'm now the person that will stop and help to feed them because I realize how badly they're suffering and I hope that I'm sorry I'm emotional but these animals matter just as much as the people in this County and that's all I have to say thank you to everybody to let you know I voted to get every one of you here my name's I work for yall the the roll side to just one moment to the older lady that come up here and talked about the doll car well okay well that's a human problem sorry that's a problem that animal control should have been called to go out there and deal with it but most people just want to kill the animal and leave them on the way side now in the past I'm a dog rescue too I have 20 dogs pick them up off the street all the time hunting dogs all the time there's no responsibility for it and these people need to be held accountable yes for mistreating these animals I live on disability and the hours I get from y'all at the rollof site many animals are dropped off many they want to drop them off but no food on the way over here a man asked me why am I wearing an orange shirt and I explain to him why and he told me an address where he called Animal control numerous times a sick dog laying in the yard and nothing's done about it now a couple years ago when they had a younger fellow working there I even explained to him went there met everybody and talked to him because I'm not going to stop to my last bread helping these animals because they are God's creatures and it is everybody's responsibility to do that and it defines you as a person how you treat animals well he would go out there and do nothing he would not do his job and I know what his job is supposed to be and I know Animal Control has a lot on their hand I am going to contact them so I can volunteer and I have enough I have 20 animals that I'm taking care of but I want to volunteer but I can't go into room where they euthanize them I can do everything else and I'm not one to turn my head aside if I see something I will say something because it needs to get right rules are made to be enforced but it's everyone's problem we all need to stop and take the time and help these animals it's so sad I have to take medication because of it because of what I see the Croy with the animals and it breaks my heart and I just want you to know if there's anything I can do but these people I don't got 100% proof I'm working on it there's two fighting rings right here and I've already had a name grown out what's being done about it these people are shipping these dogs to Georgia they got crates of them out in the woods shipping them to Georgia to fight them and come back it's happenening out in Poland this needs to be followed up and investigated we need some good passionate people to work for animal control and I am one of them yes and we really need to screen these people better and I don't know is there cameras up inside of animal control so everybody's held accountable in the kennels do we know that that needs to happen Community needs to see what's going on not to pick on animal control because you've got your hands who I understand that but there's a lot of people on here that want to help but I'm for one I'm not going to stand aside and watch it not pleas was up here earlier kill the dog no owner needs to be held responsible owner needs to go to jail owner bigger finds it's not being done to being slapped on the wrist yeah I'm picking up all these animals and I don't even have funing coming in I work for you so I could feed them I don't have funny coming in and I'm I'm at my I can't even take no more but I still do I still do and I reach out to people to help me help me keep doing what I'm doing and it's very important it really is because a dog spelled backwards is God that means something to me all animals and it's a commandment for us to take care of them it defines us as a human being I thank every one of you for being here listening to us please please let's make some changes for these animals please thank you apprciate thank you for listening to us my name is Lois pageant I've been a volunteer at the animal shelter for over 15 years I have seen an e and flow at the shelter people who come in and are wonderful they really do their jobs and then you have another group that comes in and they're act they not as concerned as the previous event and there's an Evan Flo that goes right now we have a coordinator who has a lot of experience who has a technical train person and I think she can really step up and get things organized and ready to go I'm hopeful that that will happen but I had when you talked about UF coming in they did come in they made a number of changes for us that did not cost a lot of money we were able to implement them but as time went on they seem to fade away and weren't people weren't consistent about keeping up with what's going on when I first started out there and I have gone to work and the animals could not eat their food because of all the Cockroaches and the dish and one of the BET Dr Fletcher and complained to him about it and he had an exterminator come in and do some spraying and take care of it I have worked out there when I picked up dead rats out of the the bin to wash the food and water dishes and Heather got a hold of someone who would come in and put out medication that would just take care of the rats and wasn't harmful to the dogs but it took her a while to get the money to do that even though we were aware of what was going on and she knew what was going she she could not take care of the issue because she couldn't get the money to do the job how much do it cost to have somebody come in and put them out some eradication that would get rid of the rats and we things are better and there is an ev2 with the helps you get someone him you train him and decid that's not what he wants to do or he's not doing his job and he's let go you got have you wait six weeks two months to get somebody hired and that person has to be trained and you can't keep your people who are trained then you're going to lose an effective Personnel thank thank you for listening to what we've had to say and I certainly hope you take it to heart and you can take some [Music] steps my name is I in Georgia I'm aun withs and County control I just wanted to uh introduced it to us and I'm not sure if yall are all familiar with our organization I'm sure you are now um but just wanted to read this right Hometown do is an all volunteer 5013 nonprofit found 2016 toote awareness of animals in County to help coordinate their rescue or adoption and to fundraise sponsorship money to help alleviate the financial burden incurred by resents that take in dogs from tayor County control with hardworks our Miss has s grown significantly we now have our very own rescue van so that we can transport the homeless animals to no no kill rescues around Florida in order to save as many as we can India to space we also pay for heart room tests vaccines and Par test when shelter runs out and emergency or urgent Veterinary visits to stabilize sck or injured animals until the rescue can receive them our volunteers would go to the shelter to do what was necessary to save these lives that included testing which is ensuring that animals are friendly with other people other animals Etc um taking photos and videos to Showcase and promote the animals to increase their chances of getting aded or rescued and taking them out of their kennels to get much needed fresh air and freedom and to provide enrichment to enhance their lives while they're at the shelter our working stop at the shelter from there we would work tirelessly editing photos creating FiOS contacting our rescue partners that we F relationship sh with over the years so that if they have space we can coordinate the transport to drive them down to them and most of those transfer are often multiple hours each way sometimes up to 5 hours each way um we've made a major impact on the community over the last eight years um through our efforts we've saved close to $5,500 in cash from anual control that's not including ones directly from the community that are sometimes surrender basically to us and don't want transport immediately um that also doesn't include you know like adoptions that facilitated kind of directly um today dog has spent $2,428 61 on our efforts as a whole thanks to donations from our wonderful community and supporters um we really couldn't do it without them and we are grateful for the animal mother community and and we would really like to see better for the [Applause] animals you will state your name and address yes sir my name is Anna maray winon I a resident of T Acy my whole life 27 286 usway 27 East I'm I've been there all but five years of my life and I didn't leave until well after I was an [Music] adult this has been I just said for all five years uh I returned to this city in 2022 uh to take care of my grandmother who is currently 93 years old um my parents who more than a few people in this room I'm sure are acquainted with have dedicated my entire life to caring for the people of this County whether that be with fire rescue EMS or when they did their time working at the prison as instructors and medical staff there um I grew up immersed in caring for other people and through my father's mother I also learned to care for our four-legged companions uh recently I got in touch with Andrea to make donations to the animal shelter and through that ended up submitting an application to volunteer and Foster I am not a dog person per se although I do love them I prefer cats I have five kittens from the animal shelter at my house right now four of which I bottle fed from about just shy two weeks old it didn't even have eyes open when I got them um as a native Perry as a native Perry Florida resident who has wanted to work with animals my entire life I cannot suell up into words how utterly appalled and disappointed I am in the evidence being brought against our local animal shelter this evening I ch our commissioners to look me in the eyes and tell me that this is the best our county has to offer not only our residents and citizens but also the animals that live here U who I would like for us to keep in mind are only here because the human members of our community would not or were unable to for various reasons care for them properly our animal shelter is supposed to be their last line of Hope in a world that is otherwise uncaring and it would appear that we have failed them we need to put our money where our mouth is on this issue and remember that the least of these deserves adequate care I do not expect Perfection from any person it's not in our realm of possibility to be perfect or to find immediate or easy or even necessarily cheap solutions we have to work with as somebody else said what we've got um I do know that the current state of affairs is unacceptable if even a fraction of what has being has been said is true is that our capacity to caring in our of community for being able to adapt and change we may find the root of our innate Humanity it is in our ability to be compassionate and in our Collective call to serve our community as the present board members I hope count themselves among my own family has generationally been entrenched in serving this community um the world needs people to care more than ever now and we have a responsibility to be the good guys as this world has enough of the bad ones on behalf of those without a voice that our county has already failed I feel we deserve better and that thank you for our your time from h name I'm sorry Martha [Music] Williams we had already brought together a group to take care of the animal shelter we did basically the same thing that they did they came along they were younger they had more you know more stuff that that held more health and and so you know we just kind of back down H Lois is a member of our group and she volunteers at we but you know I don't want you to feel like we're trying to brate you because we're not we're just trying to get for these these animals it's just you know I'm sorry I love them and and we'll fight for them but we want want y's okay and your help we need money we need a budget thank [Applause] you hello I'm Cecil p i I live at Drive North side of town and um I guess when I saw the Facebook post from hars for HomeTown dogs I was very distressed that we were they were going to pull away from the animal shelter because it's really Animal Control now they have made it to me the volunteers have made it a shelter in a safe haven to get dogs to other dogs and cats to other rescues where they're you they're not euthanized so you know we have a very uh urgent need for hearts hearts for HomeTown dogs to work with animal control I'd like to see us somehow make sure that the on there can happen again that we can work together um two of my best doggies came from Animal Control but I tell you it was tough get getting the animals because you had to go to animal control then you had to go to the courthouse to pay something and then go back and forth it's like why are you making this so hard and I don't know if it's still that way or not but because my dog seem to live long lives I haven't gotten another one other rest but um I know we open in prayer tonight and I just want to bring to your attention Genesis 1:26 gives man dominion over the animals and the land we are to be stewards of our animals and you're not Proverbs 1210 says the righteous care for their animals and exodus 28 208 um the the Sabbath rest God even provided Sabbath rest for our animals so animals matter to God they matter to people and I want us to work in our community together to try to you know resurrect what we've had with hearts for HomeTown dogs and to see the animal control uh runs better than than it is right now I do think we need money to enact that and I don't think I have I don't have the heart to work at animal control because every time I've read the job description it talks about you must be able to euthanize animals I'm like well this job is not for me but um what I'm seen and heard tonight is seems like we got some policy things to work on on different levels like policy about how people treat animals you know writing some policy and making some law enforcement regulations to act legal proceedings against people that are not treating their animal bringing responsibility to up to what you're doing um have enfor toce the law and have animal control and respond and I have been one of those people that have called animal control and nobody answers and volunteers have come to help me you know when I'm seeing animals TI defenses and things like that but I think we do need money for animal control for more employees and just whatever it takes whether it's a workshop or getting youf back in here something you know get a group together to identify things that we can actually do task that we can do and make a difference and I certainly appreciate y us tonight you your [Music] name out there and I love and she's the best and I've been out there and I there one and a dog and a l and the guy come out there and you know and I mean the some of them out there are so rude and my friend has a vents around her yard and her neighbor um and she had pit bus Which pit bulls are my favorite PS and B PS are they just she just had puppies and they were all given away when they were old enough and they took the M the neighb kept calling kept calling and was out there they kept calling they K they ked the little one the baby and because he was aggressive he was taking away from his mom and they euthanized him and I mean I'm not for youing animals mean animals are my world animals you know I I will never I work with animals and I never it's like I never work with hum again I love animals so much I love and I'll do anything I can to help I I volunteer I get off at 2:00 in the afternoon I go in I get off by two I'll walk new dogs and I mean to make sure they're walk they love and I mean we have two chihuahuas two chihuahuas uh boxer and a German shepherd and some German Shepherd Bo mies too and they were very well taken care of and inside and I just want to K I mean it just breaks my heart I can't the you know that's just not for me I where I word that that's their home forever and we don't because they good Lord know they been through and we have 50 something dog when six years when I started out there and I know and um that that's home for we there I mean I want to do whatever I can do and I don't want to see Andre because she's the best one they was out there and I love and Lacy Lacy is another one actually called l SE the other day and talk to her and she said she had been G for a year and she's back and I that was the other day she's still there but that one right back there is everything for the animal I her all the bra and what all she's done driving all the way from B thank you so what hard dogs does is a public service this community has Rel light on us and our presence to animal control as they felt it made it a safer place because they knew we were work hard to get the animals out for adoption and rescue we have also served as a buer between the community and control and we try to keep pets together with their with their owners rather than surrender them to the shelter for example if they need food and some people do have to surrender their pets because they cannot afford to be them and we provide food for them and do anything we can to keep the pets with the owners our volunteers also would post the trayes at animal control on the Facebook and hopes and reunited them with their owners to keep the cels open so there wasn't any EAS on it to shelter our presence has also boosted control's reputation within the community because we always defended an control anytime anybody's criticized them because we know it's a hard thankless job and we thank them for everything that they do we know through experience that we can't say them all but we desperately are trying thank you [Music] I'm Pat Bron and I volunteer with the hearts for HomeTown dogs I just had a question the county can only afford two people to work at the shelter I mean they can't be in the office and answer the phone because they have PR busy cleaning pin stuff like that that's what we would go up there and do is help them answer the phone feed the dogs anything they need but the county they should be able to afford more than just two people y'all had three at one time they have four y have three now we have a vacancy for one position and two fill now so we are budgeted for three full-time positions don't you think it should be more all the trees downtown you don't need those little trees takey I mean they're cute little trees the little bches and all that are cute but if they could save a life couldn't you hire one more amen so the trees and the benches aren't affiliated with the county I understand yeah but I'm just saying take their money and put it there because it just it seems like those people work even when they're off they got to go in and we try to help them as much as we can but if they tell us we can't come in except from 10: to noon because that's when we're allowed in there you can't clean up cat mess in two minutes it takes a lot I'm a cat person I like to clean the cat house they would scoop the litter and reuse it it's not reusable litter you throw it away and put you li that stops them from dying getting diseases viruses that's I just wanted to question why do you have so few people there there's a lot of people I mean the guys from the jeil coming help two why not bring six CH I'm trying not I'm a very bad person people over there worried about lock them in the building let see how it get there my car was park there and it was 120° in my car where those dogs are at there's no air condition there's one big Raggedy fan and that's the most pitiful raggedy fan I've ever SE amen the cat house the cats were in there for two weeks no air conditioner w i collected money to buy an air conditioner and y'all finally bought one but I was ready to buy myself take them cats all the kittens died heat stroke they were cooked but if you had more people some could take care of the cat some take care of the dog someone answer the phone have any of y'all been to the animal shelter yes no I mean the board I know the people Commissioners yeah any of the Commissioners any of the Commissioners I have just relocated to County I have had the opportunity to go to the shelter I have a few dogs um so here's where I Citizen and I'm going to speak for the other citizens in that there needs to be accountability for employees at yes our tax paying dollars yes employee those um people and so we should have a right to say if they you have these people employed and they're not fulfilling their job for instance counsilman women there's a young lady right there in green shirt this is the lady that you guys have hired there now I've been in there twice I've spent countless hours there learning dogs but it wasn't to the county um broadcasting his animals to try to rescue or any of that it was due to the hometown or H for HomeTown dogs so if they're they're taking away they redacting themselves from actual helping she tell the policies that need to be implemented or changed then I the citizen want change as well I want these policies I want these things fixed so that way they say because without them it is not the most Humane place here yes I have viewed other animal shelters not Humane Societies you can go into these Humane Societies you every animal there go into tell them what animal you'd like to see meet they Brin them out they let you talk you know meet with them whatever this animal shelter you cannot do that you cannot go inside there they will not let you walk through there why there's a policy right that they they have a a mission statment they do not follow this mission statement I've seen it I've witnessed things that I shouldn't have witnessed um and also the tension that's in that office um it's very unpleasant I have my children there I have a nine and a seveny old um um our hearts was set on this one dog obviously We rescued him um he was on the Ethan list uh we were being educated for the possibility of heartworm by um the volunteer not by your employees once we received the information um that was shouted across the room while we were in the middle of a conversation that the dog was positive she didn't come out to educate me she didn't come to like disclose any kind of information so we need to also educate okay like I don't have anything about heart wors I've always had my animals on heart room prevention now always go is a whole another story but we had to start somewhere and if we not going to start within the boys or your animal shelter we're not going to give the quality care that they need why are we gonna fund it I feel that don't get it there's no one to work in the shelter nobody wants to work there I I personally would volunteer I I spoke with um miss lwanda it is hot I know it's hot it's hot as hell but I mean you got a building that's full as air condition why can't you put kands in there and see the staff actually come out I've been there for hours and when I was there not one stff number was outside not one so I'll leave it at that thank thank [Music] you cther all Britain I'm a t County resident um I also volunteered out at the animal shelter and the biggest problem I've seen is the whole atmosphere um you've got I don't know how many people that are willing to spend their time not getting paid for anything they're volunteering but when they come out there to volunteer everybody gives them a whole go away we don't want you here kind of v it makes it very difficult to serve the animals because that's what we're there for we're not there to you know serve Animal Control we're there trying to save and care for the animals and they seem to make it incredibly difficult just to do things I mean you've got like I said many people that give up their time just and also the um I don't know where the numbers are as far as how many adoptions are made from the animal shelter because they don't regularly post what animals are there and available they they've got a whole don't even come here Vibe they've got everything locked up tight they don't answer the phones H how do you adopt an animal when you can't even get somebody on the phone to let you in the gate to even see what's there you know I mean just something needs to change this is just getting ridiculous this has been going on for years and nobody seems to care because nothing changes when are we going to stand up for the animals and do something about it thank you of course um most of everything that's been said I would have said myself but I'm just mainly here because of the Facebook post that I shared um it really broke my heart um I'm a huge animal lover along with my brother my entire family um I've Sayed to many on the side of the street I'll be willing to do anything I can to help go down there with water all of my animals get ice and water and it's just sad to me if we just give some help for these people I'll do whatever I can thank [Music] you could I say one other thing oh you go ahead if someone's going to talk I just like to say one other thing that the volunteer process needs to be streamlined it's a little bit complicated the application is the same application that people who are going to work for the county fill out so it's very laborious if we could just stream trim streamline that volunteer application that would help a lot to be able to get people in and if we had some kind of organization at the shelter when people vol they want to come in and do something they don't want to stand around they could say hey could you this is these are the jobs that need to be done today that would help out a lot caller caller Angela hi I'm Angela p in 599 e Flor um I'm animal lover my husband and I are both pet parents and when this issue came up I felt compelled to at least offer um a few comments now I do make my living writing but this is such a a subject close to my heart I turn to him and I said honey you've got to help me with this and he did and he came up with with some words I'd like to share with you P quoted the uh already quoted Mami who said that the greatness of a nation is judged by the way it's animals are treated is expensive from a financial standpoint to operate a compassionate animal shelter and believe me I understand your budget I understand the cuts we're looking at it's difficult to find employees and it's something that most people frankly just prefer to ignore it is necessary these defensive anals didn't let people down they let down by people yes thousands of animals are left pets in forever homes and I can attest to that I have four that's why I'm not allowed to go in the shelter anymore thanks to the hard work of animal control and a lot of volunteers uh we invested our time and our money with hearts from Hometown dogs um and my husband was a driver who helped transport how many animals 300 over he got about 00 but we're not keep to too big of a account but it was the record was for every transport he did we did get a Donald rockol so there is no good reason so like I said than the hard work uh getting these loved animals and forever hes that's the goal there's no good reason for that not to be the objective today which I know you've had a lot brought for you but it's something that together we can work on today and that can we can make it our goal from tomorrow if a committee or task force is put together we are certainly behind uh stepping up and volunteering we want to do more than just come up and say hey fix this we want to be part of this solution thank you for your time thank you for listening to everybody thank you for everybody we came and supported our animals and our volunteers and our shelter because we know it's a thankless job and it's a no one situation but we're here to help so please take advantage of us thank yeah caller 1859 caller 1859 if you will please state your name and address hey Jamie this is Le in Salem Florida and I just wanted to call to speak on behalf of the shelter in actual experence I had um last year we had 4 busy it wasis after nearly a month Animal Control was notified that that pig had been found they did not have to go get it but they did he need help the pig I went up there the conditions of those pin were just as Miss PTI mentioned they were clean this was on a Saturday we did not have to wait until the Monday they had been spray out before we got there the gentleman had unloaded the pig he given the pig he G pig water he had done everything in his power that he could for that pig um I was coming they didn't know we were coming but there was no evidence that they cleaned anything before we got there um so she was correct and saying that it was clean and again I know there's been a lot of talk about what they're not doing and I just the experience I have they went above and beyond out of their way help the child with had been missing that they found and I found the clean and they had to tried to do everything they could for this and return it [Applause] back then caller 1592 caller 1592 if you will state your name and address this is 1968 blame I'll keep this brief but we obviously have a lot of people in this community who care a lot about this situation um who have given a lot of their time and money to assist Animal Control if those people have been made to feel unwelcome at Animal Control either because of personnel or conditions and shelter then the county has an obligation to do whatever we need to do to correct that it's unacceptable to me that bu many people have given their time and resources and have been made to feel this way where they no longer feel welcome in the shelter so I would encourage whoever oversight their action necessary to correct that because we should not be turning away people are so to [Applause] help anyone else any comments from the board okay um for all of y'all that talked about funding um nobody has come to the board and asked for funding no additional funding has been asked for nobody has ask for more employees to be heard so I think that I I think that the board would be receptive to uh providing more funding as when we can um and certainly if we need more employees then we need more employees but I think one of the problems is that the pay scale is very low okay so um and I know since for the last few years I have tried since the State of Florida said we're going to go to $15 an hour I try every budget season to get these employees up to where they're supposed to be we've added a dollar $2 and a little bit here and there the problem is that we have you know some think that we have to give everybody the same race and I think the law said that was intended to raise the people at the lower end up so they have a decent wage and they're not living under the poverty level so that's where I am I would like to see all the people in the county that are below $15 an hour raised to 15 that would help out some hopefully to get people that would stay perhaps um so if you know I'm willing to add a little more funding if we're asked but nobody's been nobody nobody has come no staff has asked us to give more money to animal cont so how do we need to do that what's the process cuz we're asking now well usually it comes from staff and and they come to us during budget season and they they present their budgets each department has a budget and it's presented to us and a lot of departments they ask for increases every year they they L out what they need for their organization and it comes before us so do we deny these needs you know everyone at the school district even our custodians make $15 an hour we need to be doing the same thing now I know that's a hurtful thing for your budget and you guys have a very rich insurance plan which we don't so there's a little bit of give and take there I'm not sure how you can do that are you in charge of sort of the animal control yes and I would ask the board for some money so I will say several years ago actually the budget for animal control was increased sum and that was so that we could Institute a vaccination program because hearts for HomeTown dogs notified us that they would no longer be able or willing to cover the vaccinations so that was placed into the budget and the board did fund that and if if I could speak to some numbers um um and let me back up a little bit I was absolutely blindsided when the Facebook post was shared with me um because during the summer months there were well over 200 texts between myself and some of the hearts for HomeTown dogs volunteers and um so I was I was very disappointed when I learned through a Facebook post that was sent to me the hearts for HomeTown dogs would no longer partner with animal control I was completely unaware of it until then um when the main volunteer sent me her resignation she she then at that time disclosed allegations and I told her that I would investigate it which I did but that was on July 30th um I was not expecting them to um stise and I'm heartbroken because I know what they've done for the shelter I know what they've done for the dogs and cats in Taylor County but that being said I will say that when I look over the past three years of the animal control budget because I know one of the allegations was that vet care was not provided to the animals perhaps and 2022 um $221 was spent for vet care in 2023 it was $129 now keep in mind we get a very good discount from our local vets but in 2024 to current it's $1,127 so I feel like the numbers do speak that we are providing V care um this year to date we have spent $2,200 on supplies which is things like vaccinations um heartworm test carvo test so um and when I look at the unfortunate consequence of of running an Animal Control shelter euthanasia the numbers are stable there has not been an increase in euthanasia they are where they are and I know that is in a large part due to the efforts of hearts for HomeTown dogs um how do you think that number is going to so up now that they're no longer a part of it I did not again I did not find out about this until Friday through a Facebook post um I did reach out to some of the members of Herz for HomeTown dogs and did not get a response so um that happened Friday your numbers though imply 1,000 a little over $1,000 for the year of 2024 I went to a low budget or what what what would be the property name for this low cost to have um my dog treated for heartworms I spent $500 today that was for one treatment the next time he goes back it's going to cost me a grand and he has to stay there three days so do you say that these are high numbers that you're spending I did not say they were high numbers I was just read so let's ask you're you're a person of staff can you not ask the board for help who has our budget what did we spend last year cat from the shelter and paid myself paid Dr Owens to help that cat from the shelter because it was dying and y'all didn't pay for it I did because the shelter we didn't have the money we give a lot to Dr Owens and Dr I wonder what of that V care is paying the Vets to euthanize that's a separate number so it is not how much is that number um it has do you want Mee yeah okay so in 2022 it was $1,700 around 1,700 it was the same number it looks like in around the same number in 2023 and year to date has been about $1,500 Dr sa does it I believe Dr sa provides to the care and he does give us a very um generous discount yes well over the last eight years according to this we've spent almost $60,000 in vet care are that we've gotten from people you all in V care not that's for you know broken leg so and he does give us a very good discount and there's no I'm not denying that um hars has always up to to um take these animals and offer them that type of care can I ask you a question the shelter runs out of shots vaccinations and all all the time they run out do they ask you for more it's not Gary do you want to answer that I don't think it's a budget issue right because we've furnished stuff and all for it because they didn't have it and the puppies needed to be tested and all that and they said it was because y'all wouldn't Supply the stuff they needed that's not my understanding I don't know if that's true but that's what I was I mean I think there is a very bad communication gap here honestly and one of the problems is if you tell a volunteer where you can come in here at 10:00 but you have to leave at 12 that doesn't make sense what do why what why did we ever do that was there a reason I believe that well I'm just kind of shooting Gary do you want to somebody has to be there with them right okay so that may depend on Staffing yeah so we're volunteers like I've been a volunteer there for years Andrew has and a bunch of us but we have to have somebody there from the county now could it be anybody could it be the secretary I mean what do you think we're going to actually do that that's not I mean is that it or is it a liability thing or I mean I'm not getting if the volunteers have to fill out the same application that an employee fills out then where's the problem with a volunteer being there without them being there I mean I see in a way but I do feel like we we have a lot of um we have a a lot of emotional um Bank bank with you guys already you know us you know that we're not going to go in there and do something ridiculous and you know that all summer if you needed anything or anybody else needed anything and I don't blame you at all I responded immediately I know you have a tremendous amount of pressure on you you run this whole County and we're just a little speck well now this is very important it is it is but it's it's a small portion and I I just honestly feel we should change these policies don't let people turn in all their dogs take every single dog that comes in the minute they bring we only have a certain amount of space the minute they bring in a whole litter and a whole bunch of them we got to start euthanizing Andrea is on the phone 24 hours a day try how many miles did we put on our van 200,000 oh yeah I mean we have been all over this state a jillion times so if we could control without people getting mad I mean maybe the taxpayers will get mad and say why want you do it I mean they got to take some responsibility another thing um I'm working with the vet office to have another lowcost vaccination clinic probably looking at October and we're looking at how to handle this in view of the regulations that they have to follow in order to do that so there should be some information coming out in September about when we can do this and how you're going to be able to participate and so all our volunteers need to have or who need it need to have total access to that computer program you guys have because we need to send out the pictures of the dogs we need to get the bios of the dogs we need all this information and we had a big problem this year because somehow we couldn't get in there we didn't have access there was but but that's the only way we can Network these dogs and cats is by letting other shelters know so that is one thing we need to smooth out somehow and I Lacy excuse me they have access to yes they have access but they do not have access to the citizens work good good because I know there were a few times we just didn't and we couldn't seem to get from here to there and I I do know that went on for several weeks but that's something that's been resed yeah okay good and believe me Wanda I appreciate all you've done and I know that you have a heart for this too and I'm not blaming you at all this is this is a systemic problem that you have to deal with the policies that's why I feel like we need to change them is there a way to change the liability so that volunteers can do work teenagers well it would be nice to be able to use students I can I can get answers to this been a lot of comments from all the citizens around theim would it be sufficient to maybe put this on maybe next workshop and maybe a couple of we could come in and give our two cents we certainly will be happy to do that do you want me to bring all the policies to the board and the ordinances for review in September I hate to have the board do that whole thing but I think it could be really narrowed down all those crazy now you probably don't like to hear that Conrad but hey I mean what y'all need to do very simply is make a list of your uh things that need to be done to present to the board in this is what we'd like do that do that I don't want you guys to have to look at all those policies they're ridiculous you can bring that to the September Workshop all right that would be great okay we will try to do that there's other presentations or suggestions and and all that we can come down to well it's wonderful for you guys to listen to us and to hear us I mean it's important and we really thank you for your patience thank everyone for being here but I did hear this mentioned a lot tonight that this animal control starts with the citizens it does our animal group they're basically they're trying to manage a problem created by someone else and there may be some things that we can do as a county to well if we can change some policy and narrow down what the citizens of Taylor County can bring to the shelter willy-nilly and take up all the space and I mean I think there are things that we could do to make it much better and I think other shelters do that I just say with the an control group I work with them in instances where they have come out and retrieve animal oh I agree and to take them back found the owner take them back to the owner for the own I know those owners account are you able to I'm sorry to interrupt but are you able to speak with law enforcement to put pressure on them to be a part of the solution there's no law like that I I would just say we bring it to bring some bullet points to the workshop and may have a couple representatives from your I think everybody has the same go I I could just mention one more time thank you for listening what job do you work at when they don't have cameras we need security cameras in there I think it's important so everybody's held accountable and we can see how our these animals are being treated and it keeps everybody honest it's a protection for everybody thank you so [Music] much thank you about [Laughter] [Music] [Music] I don't mind next month I PL time I know y'all got a lot to do but [Music] [Music] [Music] well it might be a good idea that you do then you can kind of get a feel for what we're talking [Music] about we have some folks here on item 27 commission movement and asked if we can physically move it up guys come from haty and got a little way to travel back so uh it's okay I'll 27 that okay 27 administrator theard consider the appointment of one member to the Big B as you can see there's one opening and there was one application by Mr Lind McKinnon um I did verify through VI water authori that his application was received by the deadline and it was advertised appriss the consider approval County reur agreement W and resurf Industrial Park Drive CR 362 and Adoption of auth resu Drive resolution there is required to read the resolution you want read the resolution title Industrial Park Drive wiing resurfacing small County outreach program project signature authorization in favor the agreement we have a motion to approve the agreement 21 the board consider approval of the county program reimbursement agreement to realign and reconstruct the portion of Beach Road cr61 and Adoption of authorizing resolution agend by this is an additional scop agreement that was forwarded to us by dat this is addressing that segment around dead man curve where we you know already completed the RightWay acquisition this will provide the funding so that we can move forward with that project it resolution requ each Road realignment and reconstruction small County outreach program project signature authorization have motion to approve resol second to approve resolution favor motion to approve the agreement motion motion to approve the agreement second by D all in favor 22 the board to consider approval of the chw proposal to implement the use mitigation measures to address flooding within the Ste community community using American Rescue plan act fund funding so that's the United States Army Corp of Engineers if you recall back sometime in I think it was 20122 when we started this excuse 2020 um the Army Corps of Engineers has partnered with us using the flood plane Management program in order to evaluate different areas throughout the county to try to work on alleviating some of the flooding situations these were the two initial ones that the Army Corps finished their evaluation for um so what we have done is if you recall some time back we were able to receed some AR funds which is the American Resource protection rescue plan excuse me rescue plan act we have $4 million that we have allocated for that the board endorsed us to use that for these storm water programs these are to that um I am trying to push forward because of some of the timing considerations for that RFA funds to be encumbered before the end of the year The Proposal when I pitched it to chw um they are very well aware that the encumbrance is all the way up through encumbering that construction um that Construction contract so they are mindful of that and they believe they are able to work through that um just kind of like an FYI we are not quite done with the balance of the areas with Army Core hopefully that'll come anytime soon I did suggest to chw that if this one was received favorably by the Lord that I would try to pick out a couple more in order to maximize the usage of that those arpa funds prior to the end of the year in the unfortunate event that our demm FL Department emergency management funding um programs you know aren't successful there are some that you know have less opportunities for a BCA BCA has been analysis so you know I try to hit some question will will this take all of this funding that's available how much will be uh well the anticipation is that this is a 300,000 here the anticipation is a potential around the 1.3 million for the 13th and Central project that has the they're regading some re raising of the road a run of Culvert all the way over to the east where it's going to exit into the river and then the other area that's included in this is fourth and Allen and that one's a little over 600,000 so that gets you around say two and a half somewhere in that neighborhood so that leaves about a million and a half and that's why I gave you the FYI that you know depending on how well this goes and how quickly Army Corps is able to get the rest of those projects I'll try to catch whichever gives us the best thing for our bucks out of those mindful of how much money we have available left and the reason I ask is because you know we still have a lot of flooding issues over in the Elon Road area in my district and also even though it's not in my district I've been getting C from turn road I will sent pictures this week and it's it's a mess can any of this be used for Elison road and turnel road Ellison road is one of the original areas that the Army Corps is evaluating they have back and forth and back and forth they do they have a solution uh the solution that is kind of the most effective still involved that if uality of trying to get a drainage easement which is going to be tough they understand the history that has happened out there and we know a successful way to do it the difficulty is trying to obtain that partnership with the local land owners to be able to make that come to fruition uh the Turner Road area was not one of the original 10 uh we are understanding that what has been going on out there for quite some time the kind of stop Gap measure is is the pursuit of raising the profile in the low areas along that stretch of road to as I told someone yesterday it's basically going to give you a dry path to get to and from your property it's not going to address the situation of all the acreage that is flooding out there that's really not going to be solved until there is some means to address the conveyance Downstream through that weev a warrior Creek um you know and that's going to take a lot of effort yeah I don't know if you got the pictures or not but the road is totally covered I drove it two weeks ago so I'm very a couple of days ago that I received this picture and I'm assuming that that was a picture from mail yes ma'am and Han told me earlier today that he's had Scott and I go out there can't remember if he said every day or every week but I know that what was 16 in is down to 7 in today and that's where the covert is at right by Pond um closer to the the Far East End that's turn so that's I I did drive through that a couple weeks ago so I went out physically and I tried to delineate the extent of where the water Rose to we've given I've given a set of the old construction plans to Hank and said go out and ground TR this relative to where I put a mark and let's put that same mark on these plans so that we know that when we finish this we' at least Le achieve that level of dryness so we are working on that outside of this program but you know on this one excuse me because of the timing and the benefit of already having the Army Corps um evaluation which is a planning level it's not full design um and working with my my trust and um familiarity with chw I have confidence and them being able to accomplish this you know it'll just things will have to fall in line for us to able to get all the way to the point of encumbering that contract Mr engineer you recall on turn Ro that we recently proposed the elevation of two of those areas do you not I do remember that Mr commissioner yes sir and what would be the status of that process that was what I just went through where I said I gave the set of original construction plans to Hank last week he has gone out there and trying to late the extent of that inundated areas and transferring that information to the construction plan so that we will have a reasonable uh scope of work in order to prepare a solicitation for when those conditions are conducive to reconstructing that road that we can work on it but we've had conditions where it was acceptable for that kind of work to take place you tell me I don't know sir yes sir it's been dry out there there's been residents that have been very clear about the opportunity for improvement as far as the concave Road and so now instead of that pavement continuing to hold up is continuing to deteriorate and so what I would say is I have talked staff I have been in contact with being certain that emergency services are continue to be available and I'm glad that the residents are continuing to bring forth these pictures of the conditions of this this area let's call because it's not just turn road as you're saying it's inclusive to the area and the lack of the drainage being allowed to go Downstream is that fair statement yeah the fair statement is actually that there have been historical activities agricultural practices vegetation inundation on those Downstream water courses that has contributed tremendously to that area of flooding the way it has for some time the time frame and most recent when there was an effort to try and reconstruct that road through a maintenance effort it was not ready to be done then because you have to understand that when you try to reconstruct a roadway and you do anything to involve the underlying base it can't happen when that base is saturated so we know and like I mentioned to one of the land owners yesterday that when we get to the point that we we have dry asphalt and the water is off that road we will begin that process of the solicitation understanding that we know we'll have somewhere in the neighborhood of a month and a half or so before you actually get to the point of trying to award something and hopes of that would be a time for that water to actually still continue to receive beyond the bottom of that base which is going to be necessary for you to build otherwise you're going to have a mess and not be able to do what you achieve your suggestion is to not have have that in place so that you can move forward on that when you have the weather opportunity and the condition opportunity I don't think I said that you said you wouldn't begin to solicit for a contractor for that work until and it would take you months to get that in place that's exactly what I said yes sir we would not excuse me Mr chairman so our process the way we do this is we actually put an advertisement before the board we request approval to adti once the board gives us that approval we turn around and solicit that for no less than one month we typically receive those results of that bid if we can award it that night we do otherwise we have a bid Review Committee where we come back at the next meeting which is 15 days later so once we do that and we issue a notice of award there is typically a week or two worth before you have a preconstruction conference there is usually at least 14 days to two to three weeks before a contract can actually make it on S that is my reference to the time frame but what I'm saying is I brought to this board this need and I believe you stood at this Podium and said that it really wasn't necessary to be voted upon this typ process is that not true I don't know I I don't know what you're referencing well what I'm referencing is we've brought Turner Road to this board a number of times it's not on the agenda tonight but I don't mind discussing it and I will say I I spoke with staff and in abundance of of caution and and transparency that we brought to this board these needs and that we were looking to the potential of making this this maintenance repair or whatever we want to call it but that we were going to improve the condition of turn a road and then we were understanding that we had the option to do that and I was willing to even utilize District funds if that's necessary to get this process started but then it was discovered that because of the potential bid process that this wouldn't be able to move forward are you aware of any of that Mr chairman first of all this is item that's dealing with a proposal to address the Ste Hatchy areas for the draam second to that yes sir I am aware of that and the problem that happened the last time this was brought up to do this was that it was outside of our purchasing policy that's what was wrong you don't go through and do a maintenance effort for a reconstruction project that has a bidding threshold of 35,000 when the quotes come in at 120 so sir it was inconsistent with the purchasing policy and was not appropriate for it to move forward you don't you don't realize or you don't recall that this same topic came before the board and your recommendation was that there was no action necessary I have any kind of process absolutely not I don't believe that okay so I'm go ahead and bring to discuss that in reference to this item and and looking into the proposal from chw I see a reference here to box cers yes sir and these are they going to be cast in place or are they going to be procured and transported there maybe if you had readed a little bit more closely you would see that it was predicated on a casting place well I read it real closely but I wanted to be sure I didn't misunderstand it but thank you for pointing that out I also want to look here is that there seems to be a reference there I guess from chw have they in the past had an issue with CTS being designed that were considered Bridges do you understand the definition of what a bridge is could you answer my question because I do no they have not had issues with it outside of I got you so First Avenue um we did not have an issue with it being designed correctly to avoid the bridge definition what you saw was that when the contractor issued their submitt they increased the wing the center of bearing walls to a foot and a half which expanded it Beyond 20t which made it a bridge which under the Scot program is not allowed to repair or excuse me replace a bridge you could only repair so yes sir they have they have not had problems with what understanding they can't second they have not had problems understanding the responsibility to design a box cover within the context of it being a cover versus a bridge and my 20 plus years of working with what was the effect because of this technicality for first ad Sir Mr chairman I i' be happy to answer whatever questions he feels is necessary at some point in time truly this item is dealing with haty projects for drainage and the SE this project doesn't have potential to be the like First Avenue has of these box let's uh let's move on and deal with the I can answer this question that's related to this item your question sir the question is does this project have the potential to be delayed because of these pop filers such as first any project that involves design submittal reviews permitting always has a potential for a delay of some sort do we have a time frame on this design is there a tenative time frame and how long it'll take this vendor to perform I'm going fig Mr chair because I do believe it's there but I think no matter what we we understand that this must be um it must have a contractual agreement and be encumbered no later than December 31st and then after that pth I believe we have a year to expend the funds corre okay yes and there the context of their um proposal addresses the understanding ending of the Construction contract incum being an obligation before the end of this year so what I think they actually said was once they get a proposal and start some of the preliminary review or the preliminary analysis that they will be able to provide an additional um it's under letter i on page 11 that chw provide a detail project scheduled on receipt of the notes proceed so they understand the overall context is that they have to achieve that objective of issuing a encumbering of Construction contract before the end of the year they have not provided a it will take X days yet so that will be a part of the task order before it gets issued a motion to approve motion to approve do we have a second second all in favor we have removed 23 we jump down the county 2 County yes sir if I may if yall will recall I came to y'all and told you that we got an order from the judge that we felt like needed to file a motion for reconsideration we file that motion for reconsideration um and as you know you hired Mr Reed to assist on this and he prepared uh I have a motion for reconsideration on August the 15th of 2024 we appeared before his onor Judge Parker and made our arguments with regard to our motion for reconsideration uh the attorney for Pat was there also and argued it the court did not make a ruling on that at that time at Reserve ruling and told each side to prepare uh proposed orders for the judge to to consider gave till about September the 6th to uh send those in uh the other side Cent there's in uh like Friday uh but uh we and Mr um WS is working on that and we're going to send it in when the judge told us to which would be September the 6 we felt like that we made a very good argument uh before the court for our motion for reconsideration the judge did say uh to the effect U have there been any discussions as to settling as y all recall um y'all informed me at the board meeting that you were not real happy with uh everybody trying to get money out of the board and to Mush on and fight it as hard as possible which we have done to this point now then Mr uh the attorney for p guide his name is Steven sers from Quincy Florida uh sent a letter to um me and Mr Reed which uh you know we discussed that um and under know to us his client uh Mr P got Rusty sent an email to each one of y'all with a copy of the letter also with a copy of his proposed order and and also an offer uh to settle the case for an amount of $350,000 I spoke with Mr re and unless y'all have changed your mind um we now our recommendation is not to agree to that okay and secondly in response to his and see he he he said it's got to have it by August the 30th of 2024 it's pretty painly obvious why wants it before August the 30th 2024 because the judge would have not ruled on our motion for reconsideration in that particular point in time do you understand what I'm saying there you understand what I'm saying okay so our response to that would be and we're going to ask y'all uh approval of that to send um Mr sers uh the attorney for p got a proposal for settlement for $110,000 and say well why do that well because if we end up and our motion for reconsideration is granted and we're able to go to jury trial on all these issues that we think uh the court should rule on in our favor and we are very successful then we might be in be in a position to require Mr uh pigot's uh Corporation to pay y'all's attorney's fees so with that in mind um if you have any questions to me I'm going to make a recommendation to you as to two motions anybody have any questions on what I've said so far okay the first motion I would ask you to um do would be to reject the uh offer that this letter of August of 21st 2024 sent to uh me and Mr R be rejected make that motion to reject that offer that offer $350,000 yes all in fav the second motion that I would ask you to uh consider would be a motion to send the uh uh proposal for settlement for $10,000 Senate it's a written proposal for settlement for $10,000 based on Mr Bishops and Mr re Mr re Direction make recommendation second thank you thank y'all very much and we will keep you in um you know been a long time since I've seen where a litigant sends things to my client which yall are I've said you feel like a Philadelphia lawyer from Mississippi for sure thank you comrade for what you're doing I I'll tell you what y'all um I like to have fun y'all know that this ain't been no fun maybe we'll get to some fun than than thatr 25 the more consider approval of a private appraisal for real property located at Lot number 17 Unit number three be if you recall at the last time this I call it the seaw wall property so this is the seaw wall the property that's adjacent to Mr MCL and Beach um he did submit an offer that was rejected by the board uh there was communication between he myself and our attorney um um since then and the recommendation was that a private appraisal be obtained um for this property because Mr mlan um basically disputed the amount that was um fored from our Property Appraiser's office since that time I reached out to a property of appraiser and they actually have um removed that that value um they felt like they really didn't have the tools to um to provide the best number possible U Mr mlan moved forward on his own and obtained a private appro appraisal for this property which is the same company or the same appraiser excuse me that are attorney suggested to be utilized the amount of that appraisal is $5,000 so I am I provided that to the board and I wish to ask for your your steps moving forward now Mara does Mr McAn have his hand raised I don't know if he wishes to speak he's he's on the line you just need make motion to accept well I think that this is twofold I think that um if the board wishes I mean the appraisal is the appraisal but I think the real issue here is what is do you wish to set a minimum price for this property because he in in all you know honestly when we haven't had many of these situations but I do believe that there are times that there is back and forth because you know we think we know where the property's Worth or we haven't obtained an appraisal I I think I don't want to speak for him but I'm assuming his question may be what do you want for the property what are you willing to accept I think we ought to give it to him and the reason I say that is because he took a piece of property that we have not done anything with we're not going to do anything with and he greatly improved it so it helped us out in the meantime so really we shouldn't charge him anything you make that to a motion I will I got some discussion by well I just have a question because his offer of $100 was reject because that was the that was the amount that he offered just just to bring that to the board's attention how much was that $100 he offered $100 if he would pay for the appraisal what was appraisal $5,000 yeah but I'm talking about what did you have to pay the appr he paid for he paid for it he paid for the survey and he he went ahead on his own pH and obtained an appraisal from the same appraiser that Mr Conrad had recommended so Mr Conrad's recommendation is that we provide that to the board and ask for further guidance he did his board I think that's the case and he he needs that piece of property to finish his seaw wall and all and fix that Canal where when they do dredge it it won't be falling in anymore so I'm fine with it says I guess for discussion has he made any suggestion as to what he'd be willing to offer we offer $100 line line would you like to speakly Mr M hello go ahead yes yeah I just uh I was just when the question came up about for the I just want to say you yes that was7 thank I got it okay okay thank you sir so for me like I always say you know we're not in the business we we we try to steer away from just giving the property away but I will say in this case Mr mclan has spent I believe 75 80,000 to enhance the piece of property I think he spent more than that there may be more than that but now that was two or three months ago so he's probably spent more money than that he spent the money on a survey maybe appra say he probably may ask our attorney a question no so 12535 it's a private sale so a sale can be for zero and we would just follow those what my suggestion would be to um y rejected his $100 offer now you can decide to accept his $100 offer I would ask if he if he would you know understand what the the appraisal is would he be what would his offer be currently after he's gotten his apprais that's my question if he wants to answer that yeah did you hear did you hear the discussion you were breaking up there I didn't hear the last uh it was commissioner Newman I let you you to speak the question is so the board rejected a $100 bid for the the parcel what what would you propose to pay after having your appraisal done for this parsel and and Mr mlan uh our attorney Mr Bishop had just mentioned we reminded us that we did reject your $100 offer and he just if we instead of giving and showing that a giveaway we can turn around and accept your $100 offer commissioner n is asking what would you what would you offer at this point for the Pro well based on the fact that now I understand where the original evaluation came from which is based on a whole cured lot um I would prefer it if you would take that oral $100 and see which by the time finish that be about $93,000 now you want your I will amend it then that we um accept the $100 offer I'll amend that have to accept $100 discuss I as far as who you looking at now so I can ask as this quarter to n no I know have you eaten supper okay so I got a smile on my face do closing cost and a case like this which I understand we still have to go through the the process of 12535 but um we've done that this is a private sale you you you've advertised it because was the one he was the person that was adjacent to so all we need to do is um prepare a deed for the chairperson to sign and give it to Mr mlan to record for $100 okay and he needs to he needs to give us a check give Taylor County $100 and then I offer him if he would like Title Insurance that's that's in yeah that's his choice his choice okay I understand thank you satisfied now I still have three more items no no no to this issue I may ask you more questions yes I understand than oh okay along item 26 the board to consider appointment of three members to the T County loing Board there are three um openings on the Taylor County licensing board and there are three applications um the applications we received from Anna King Michael Kinsey and Eric Griff and according to our ordinance there um may be um a citizen um appointment to the board which would be Miss King it's three um the constru the county construction industry licensing board consists of five members three who are familiar with the building and two who shall be so um this consistent yes sir I move have a motion to approve these three members we have a second motion all in favor 27 already to 28 the board discuss Waste Pro contract option to R so the deadline to notify um Pro who is our contractor um if the contract is to be cancelled is October 1st um they have indicated that they would like to renew the contract there are Provisions in the contract for a 5year renewal um they have um they have sent a letter I did not include it I apologize and they also did provide us with the calls that we have asked for which is basically the complaints and um how they were handled basically um representatives from was PR here um I know that one of the questions often times is as far as complaints and calls um I will say just just myself I don't know if Commissioners are receiving complaints but there has been a decrease recently in complaints regarding um Mis service so really I just need um a recommendation from the board or a decision from the board if you wish for us to publish a request for proposals or if you wish to exercise the option to renew I would be in favor of an R PE I would I got a motion and one other thing I have a problem with five years if if if it doesn't work out you're bound to that contract for five years I have a problem with that I'd rather see a shorter period of time and I I don't I don't recall the original contract I know that um with other contracts where it um involves a purchase of equipment especially large purchases were not always successful Nea for 3 years versus five because of the initial investment that they have that they must make but we can certainly um I can ask Conrad to assist with a you know a three-year contract with a a two-year option to renew or something like that if that's what the board wishes I like say I'm very familiar with twoe and threeyear contracts including the purchase of doll of equipment so yes five years is not accepted I'm I'm not I'm not arguing I mean that's we can just simply change the terms of the the RFP and the terms of the contract if that's what you wish years three do you want a twoe optional renewal period so it's it's a three-year contract with an option to renew for two years after that is that acceptable would be okay com do you have a take on that know I I I do know about when folks are in business make big purchases that's why they like wber contract you know because they've got to uh make a finance it with the bank or whoever they finance with for a certain period of time and that's one of the things that that the U contractor or the bidder brings to the table when they're negotia I'm very familiar with that well I would on something if I didn't have the equipment to do it in the first place well I can understand that point to and I don't represent them I represent the board County Commissioners um but I do understand uh that that Commerce uh flood with people I'll tell you what a guy told me a long time ago when I was a young lawyer if you want to make a lot of money use other folks money to make it I'm sure y'all all heard that for 44 years that sounds like a marriage to me it is understand the Contra situation show financial institute that you have this you're getting this contract you use that as collateral this time that's what it is it's used as collateral and uh but three years is sufficient and just for the board's information the contract does not end until the end of January I believe believe so we will you know we will start the process but there is we have plenty of time I actually brought it to the board just a little bit early so we had um in light of everything that we have going on so we had time to prepare the documents and get them back before the board we advertise and go through the the process that we normally do with request for proposal we V did not we have a motion and a second to RFP 32 [Music] 29 the count administrator to discuss informational [Music] items so we did meet with the Florida Department of Transportation today regarding debris removal um they actually started that um Friday I believe that um in the bus routs um but we put out an an informational item today that the deadline to place the debris in the right of way is September [Music] 22nd question on that if they're picking up today my assumption is they're planning on making multiple pass so they prefer that we not use the word pass they they said what they are going to do is after the 22nd they will start checking Road and if they are roads that they previously thought they clear that and there is debris on those roads that they will remove the debris spot check well I asked if they were going to check every road to make sure that that debris that there's a road that's been previously cleared um that they will go back to it um they did confirm with me that they have no contract language that limits the number of passes were limits the number of times that they remove debris on a road so um they were very clear about that got don't I hope so as well um so basically citizens have you know three weeks to get the debris out because I did explain to to them that there are citizens who are waiting for for contractors to come and take trees down it's a two or 3 week wait and my concern was if they started debris removal last week that they were going to think that they had picked it all up and people are still in flooded areas where you cannot get to the trees and they were very receptive to that argument and you know gave us until September 22nd but as of setember 22nd that's that's it so that is the final effort to want to call it a pass no no the 22nd is the deadline to have the debris in the right of way which gives people several weeks um then they will if they've already the way I understand it if they've already removed debris on a particular Road they will go back after the 22nd to ensure that there is no new Dee because that was a major concern that I had so we have that has been published via everbridge that is on social media and if you obviously if you speak with your constituents please encourage them to which we've been doing the whole time get your debr now that's the good news of a good news bad news item the bad news is there has been no resolution regarding removal of Private Road iny so what we did was included in the message that has not been resolved and I don't know when it will be resolved and I understand that that complicates things and I explain that to them but the response I got is that is a message that they got from their leadership so I will pick up the phone tomorrow and I will call the state and see if I can get some type of resolution because what I don't want to do is to have people pay to have debris put on the side of the county road and then you know after the fact realize that they could have put it in their how this conflict with our crew our own crew that we were was being put together it doesn't I mean are we clock ticket on that no not we have um 280 days after they're hired so we're good with that I'm so sorry 280 hours they can work before the time expires or money runs out but we're in that would be great we did is there some sort of state law or something somewhere that says that they cannot pick up on private roads and the reason I I asked that is because and This is Where I Stood all along there's many private roads well on all private roads these people pay taxes the same as the ones that live on a a county maintained Road and when it's open it's a private road and it's still used by the public it's not gated and and it's not used exclusively for that homeowner's um use then there shouldn't be a question they should pick up from private road now is there a law that just they can't do that that was my testimony to the House of Representatives last year there is a law no I I'm saying what you are saying was my exact testimony to them so when I asked that question they my the response was that it's not they they feel like they do not have the statutory authority to remove debris on private roads now obviously it happened last year but it was after much effort and much angst and my concern is if if we pick up that fight again that I don't want citizens to miss the opportunity because I can guarantee you on September 22nd it I anticipate it to be a very quick effort they are not going to be here for months I will I will make that call again but I feel like at some point we're going to run out of time and I don't want citizens to be left with no way of having debris removed if they can get it to a County Road um I don't they can't a lot of these people can't they're they they physically can't do that and a lot of people don't have the money to hire somebody to carry it right just over to a county road we ought not to be doing business with people that refuse to help us on these propit roads where these people pay the same amount of property taxes we do well the only other option we have is not to allow F do I mean we're not doing business with the Florida Department of Transportation I mean I guess we are that were authorized by the governor but if the county wishes to enter you know to um we can't do that okay I mean we we don't have $30 million or 40 whatever it may and so have have you spoken to somebody up the chain at fbot to try to help them realize that these people pay taxes too I testified that exactly but have you told about it they're the making that decision right so what I will tell you is that Senator Simon and Neil dun both assured me that they had spoken with fdot and that they felt like there would not be a problem the the issue is that has not been communicated down to District 2 who is doing our debris removal so I will pick up the phone again I had a meeting with them this afternoon I did not have time to make any calls so I will pick up the phone with Senator Simon tomorrow and ask if there's anything he can do because he was very instrumental previously to be able to provide an answer and direction to fot in our our district to either give us a yes or a no so people know what to do that's in reference to the January meeting that we had with Senator Simon when he was assured that this was just after a hurricane deut right but but the history that goes on there as far as all of the working relationships that the senator has has taken up on our behalf is Monumental and and I am very well aware that he had a a you know integral part in that monster amount that remained on road for six months after ad Delia came through so um I would have confidence in what his indications are well I was somewhat dismayed when it was not resolved by this again I will I will call him tomorrow and ask if what he can do to help us and I will call Dr dun's office as well and ask um for them to step in if they feel like they can be helpful and I I believe there's conversations it just hasn't filtered down to our our region I just don't want to I just don't want to run our district excuse me I just don't want them to run out of time do you don't think there's a potential given you know some of the areas that flooded somewhat start to recede and then the evening rains come back through and and we're right back to the same condition what about those folks I mean they've given a deadline of September 22nd they seemed I don't I don't know if they will extend it but and I don't know how long say you know if there's a special circumstance I mean I I reached out many times the last two degree removals on when I would get calls or texts from Commissioners and say what about this what about this they were very very helpful okay they did say no but I feel like that they will give it their best effort but I cannot answer on their behalf and say that you know it will extend past September 22nd so the deal is if they don't pick it up some of these people are going to put it besides beside their private road so that's going to be on us to come back and and and help these people out they're taxpaying citizens and and it's not right not to help these people well I would say that's a I mean if that's a that would be a board decision to to remove debris on state of emergency Toc because you couldn't get people couldn't get through on the boates one they have been picking up on the bucket Road there side airport vence for the last couple of days and I don't know if they going to come back or not we already know mess they left all the little stuff Pi up and fixed up so what they do is they grab what they came with a grapple which is not all the little stuff and we were assured today because we showed them pictures of h Road um and told them you know we have mowers out we don't want them to run over this debris you know they're going to have to go around it and they assured us that they would you know but but that they would go back and pick up the the small stuff but I would assume that we will have to stay in communication with them because this is to the point now they couldn't move it if they needed to you know thank you around pick up and this is just for future reference with storms and we it's probably never really been discussed because we had really had a storm to that magnitude but all these folks and contractors come in here and they make all this money off of these storms they stage up in our places create damage probably left for us to clean up I've talked to some count and these same typ crew that on a stage charge and that's something we are working um with um I know that there's one entity who wishes to reserve space at the airport and we've already been negotiating with them a dollar amount um because we realize that and we have um broached the subject with other entities this storm it was a little too late for us to to pull the trigger on that but I don't I don't disagree we just s vendors fees to do business on our property so I think it's only that that has that top that discussion has been started question so what would happen if all these um private roads that are really public roads but they're private roads um that we do not maintain what would happen if we identified all these roads as County roads but not maintained so when I when we entered the mission the way that I worded the mission request um I provided a list of all noncount maintained publicly accessible roads that's what they're called non-count maintain publicly accessible roads I have I don't call them private roads because that's what they are so yes we have had that discussion they are publicly accessible and remember after Adelia they did go in and remove debris but they had but if there was a sign that said no trespassing or private property they refused to go down that road if it was gated they would not go down that road because their argument was it is not publicly accessible because there's a gate across it so we have been through that exercise and I agree with that if it's gated or it has a side up no trespassing then you're on your own right nobody's coming in there it's not a public road at that time but we have all the ones that we have that are private that they're cut through roads and the public uses them the school buses go down them that was that was my argument but because they're not labeled County maintain roads that is where fot has basically drawn the line of the sand and said we do not have statutory authority to enter these roads we need to keep working that issue because I don't think that's right I do not either I I do not disagree and I believe the exact word that I used when I testified was disenfranchised which was made me probably not popular but I I believe in my heart that taxpayers who do not receive this benefit are disenfranchised from the same benefit that other taxpayers pay I absolutely agree with that so um Taylor County we have been notified that we have been awarded $1.6 million for a new roof at Do's Memorial Hospital this was solicited by dmh but will be um the agreement will be with the board of County Commissioners as the hospital belongs to Taylor County I will put this on the next agenda I feel like that this was an effort that was um endorsed by state leadership and definitely by Commerce um they are helping make this happen very very quickly so um I will put this on the agenda for next week and and you can make a you wish to um accept these Grant funds coming from Commerce Department of Commerce now um if you recall I I think I told you that we've also been awarded a $50,000 Grant by Department of Commerce and that is for the creation of an economic recovery plan that will be on the next agenda as well um what I will request as a fiscally const county is that they direct pay the the contractors so hopefully if they agree it will not come from our cers but the invoice will be sent directly to Commerce and commerce will pay the entities directly which is what they did with the $75,000 Grant the biding process we will have to the county or the hospital no the county I've been getting a lot of calls well a lot of few calls and yeah I know the hospital you know that property is owned by the county the agreement is for hospital to fund their own repairs so but I do think that it's should be common practice that that the hospital gives local contractors the opportunity I don't think that's been happening what I'm saying so I think we need to make a suggestion recommendation to this to our hospital did boiler repair it did with the boiler repair the boiler repair last year yeah the board repair they paid for that no but they offered to a local contractor yeah they they offered it to a local contractor and the local contractor did it one time before but the last time they didn't they offered it but they didn't the local contractor was not the one that did it last but they had opportunity yeah they had opportunity yeah but the county will be responsible for the process um and um initially upon word of this grant I did have some trepidation because obviously we have multiple projects going on and and um this funding even though is through Commerce is called CBG M which is mitigation Grant it is extremely complicated and I may have turned a different color when they said CG because they immediately said don't worry we will hold your hand through the whole process so there seems to be a great deal of um of of you know Commerce has offered a great deal of support which we honestly will need so um just to because it's a very laborious Grant it's a very laborious process but it's such a huge benefit to the hospital and obviously the hospital is so important as far as economic development and Recovery um I mean it's a huge it's a huge for Taylor County but I just wanted to give you a little bit of good news also I think on the 29th um I sent you an invitation to the BR reopening of the emergency room um if y'all are interested in attending we can put out a public notice it's going to oversee the um new roof the construction of the new roof we will we will be responsible for that I did um I did reach out to Commerce and I reached out to staff and tried to solicit some opinions if we should um ask for funding for Ci or if we need because they said well you can have your building inspector um you know oversee this but I have a little bit of anxiety about that that just seems like a very big project for us to take on so I did um I did speak with with Miss Lauren and um they may have to they may have have to make the scope of the actual construction a little bit smaller in order to allow for the CI but I I think that's the way to go I do because I I just can't see our limited staff being in you know being that involved in the process even though we just may need someone to inspect a roof I don't feel 100% comfortable this is a this is a big project so I did ask that question and that was um it could be other way but you know either way but I feel more comfortable with a [Music] CI it 30 comments and concerns from the public not comments and concerns from the public for non agenda items is hon springs on the list or did I miss it earlier probably did hours I must have been outside and couldn't hear anyone else all right 31 information yes um speaking of Economic Development the the TC board is working very hard uh I think they're making progress we're very thankful for these people that are most of them are working for uh free and um the ones that are being paid are doing an excellent excellent job uh we're very very lucky to have Bob Kate and laa deel on board and I um just believe that we'll see something come along or at least they're going to keep one thing they told me is they're going to keep coming over here they're going to keep this informed of everything that they're doing and and they are working so we don't have to worry that nothing's being done because of is I same Senate that Pam have I believe they doing the best they can and I don't think they have anything concrete yet but they're trying to race some country and they are lucky and we'll be luy I did I had a chance to talk to Mr P today I was impressed got be more impressed when he bring us about job they be done don't do it okay other thing I I want to mention I did get a chance to ride out on FR of turn of the road today water is bad there a lot of water out there I don't see I World those folks me but anyway they are there every place W up there ah only place is dry where they have the houses up and then pushed up dir I've never seen that much water in table time before I've been here all my life well you know except that went across 221 over there I saw hav got back there yet I don't know what happened there somebody let some water loose and somebody open some grains up look like they need to do that got 1500 ACR that being said thank everybody for coming in input I will be content with the next four years very Mr I'd like for us to consider in the future being all this situation with the dog found is brought up for the people to give them more responsibility about their dogs and keeping them and taking care of I wonder if we could have a ordinance where we could make people have a collar on the dog with a name in them and a number on it or get them chipped one of the two go when they go to the pound if they ship or got a caller on they know who to call but you have so many people they just throw the dog out yeah that why up yeah not everybody's going to approach dog just recently I had dog and there's dog out near my home I got out on the road to read a dog tag and the dog grabbing hold of me to buy so I cut it loose but I mean the pound would have a lot better approach for the dogs if they had a call with a name and and a number on it or a ship you know that's what I'm looking at and that would give people little more responsibility if they can afford to feed the dog be put a call and tag on my feeling if we had ordinance to that effect it would help us maybe with the F you know in the future that's sorry I just need to let yall know about something we um me and Selena and leanda have reviewed some software to better manage from the agendas to the minutes and and what it is is it it it stream and it um modernizes the preparing of the agendas and the packets and it getting all that out and streamlining the videos as well as preparing the minutes and having access to the public to the videos and to the minutes and it actually links the items to the vi to the point of the video where it's at so we just feel like it's going to be a real time saving um software from from preparing the agendas to to Preparing the minutes plus all the research when we go to look for something it's going to be real easy to find and so my office is going to be purchasing that so I just want to let y'all know if you see some changes on how we're kind of doing things that's that's going to be the reason why it's because me we're doing that for for better access for um staff and for the public too good thank you nothing else we obtain a motion to a jour any want to go home have a second up here B people go