Scott sammon Township attorney Ron Goodman volunteer cablecaster and Andrew fiser who runs Our IT department for the Publix information we are currently holding a hybrid format meeting we have people in person and on Zoom if our Wi-Fi at the municipal building has an issue where the zoom meeting drops we will aim to retrieve the connection and recontinue the meeting the next televised regular council meeting is being scheduled to take place on Tuesday December 5th correct um and Doug where's that taking place again that's at fdu in Dickinson Hall correct and that's in the Wilson Auditorium and can you and can you give me the time again just to be extra sure s o'clock 7 PM okay thank you and then after quick question we we passed that resolution seven months ago right yes okay just check yes yes in Haack in sack thank you and the next council meeting after that is taking place on December 12th uh 6:30 is the public portion of the meeting and the public portion of that meeting will be at 8:00 p.m. there will be a 1425 t Road information session on December 28th at the library Auditorium from 4 pm to 6 PM there will be a oh we already discussed that sorry about that Township offices will be closed on Thursday November 23rd and Friday November 21st 4th in observance of Thanksgiving councilman enclosed session early this evening to discuss the following DPW update garbage collection fmba negotiations EPA audit council meeting schedule Palisade Avenue pedestrian overpass legal issues and opinions regarding items on the Open Session agenda litigation updates concerning mocha BL and Wayne's puppies and Oprah our first order of business is presentations and first up is a certificate of recognition for the students of the proris Academy of Westwood and the hackensac river Greenway Advisory Board it reads the students of prores Academy of Westwood and the hackensac river Greenway Advisory Board the tal of T thanks you for beautifying Brett Park and helping care for our community I don't think anyone from that board or school is here but we thank them so so very much for everything that they have done and also under presentations is ghd digital Township website renovation Mr clerk is that you m Mr manager do you want to open it up or thank thank you mayor so we have a representative uh tonight from ghd digital we've been working on with the committee and I see Andrew Fischer here and Ron Goodman as well from our Mis Department uh they've been working very hard uh looking at some of the companies for our new website design we had about five or six in total but uh we were very impressed by ghd digital so we do have the rep here tonight and Andrew uh if you want to just come up as well uh with uh the rep from ghd in case there are any questions about our proposed website it's going to take a little time to get it together uh we're looking at probably uh uh spring late spring start date there's still a few things we we need to do but I just wanted to acclimate Council and the public uh with the with the company and a little bit about the company with the rep here tonight and so if we can call him up Doug he's got a small presentation absolutely I have uh s actually as a panelist now from ghd he's on with us so s you're free to un mute um let's get a quick sound check from you testing one two three can you hear me go cloud and clear yes loud and clear Ron maybe you could just turn them up just a couple notches please all right sweet and S do you see your share screen button at the bottom there yeah absolutely all right cool so you're free to go sir good to see you thank you Doug good evening everyone good evening uh Mr Mayor and council members and certainly all the residents of te neck in your distinguished panel this evening uh great to be with you we are excited to to talk about how we can help the township with your website it's been quite a process working with Andrew and his team Doug and a number of other folks over the last uh seven to eight months uh to really understand your goals for the website and how we can help you achieve them all right uh we're gonna have just a brief presentation and then address any questions from the council so feel free to to jop to to drop in with questions at any time um I've been fortunate to work with local government for the last 10 years and have been able to work with about 200 communities based in New Jersey we also have an office in Bridgewater uh and ghd is a very stable uh $2.2 billion dollar company that does some Global Consulting and in my group we work with local government primarily with websites and also in the area of Economic Development and Tourism so some of the goals that we noted from speaking with your team over the years was that you were looking to make your website a little bit more citizen Centric and make it visually engaging so that it can work well for residents and they could find information quickly and easily it was also important that the staff would be able to update it and you wouldn't need to be an IT person to be able to do that so we we made sure that we showed Andrew and the team the backend there were also some goals to make sure that your website is mobile responsive and meets the Ada federal guidelines which it will um during the course of the process the team asked us to come up with a design a mockup design for what the new Teek website could look like and again this is just an idea you don't necessarily have to run with this but it'll give you an idea of our approach and so I'm just going to show you what that uh design would look like um what we decided to do is is to give your resident some room to breathe and had some navigation at the top focused on residents businesses government your community and then how do I uh and since Teck is blessed with some incredible Parks we thought why not showcase one of your parks and this is just a park picture we would obviously get in some local pictures from your Parks there's a big search button in the center as you scroll down further on the page you can highlight departments or upcoming categories you know any any sort of event in this call to action area so we had a recreation a government area in public transport ation but they can all be adjusted based on what's going on in the township the icons are typically in there for repeat things when people come to your website if they want to find an agenda or if they want to report a problem into the township they can do that quickly and easily um there would also be an area where your news and events would be categorized we put this together in June so we were highlighting your Farmers Market but the township could highlight anything currently so you could you know men mention your up upcoming Thanksgiving Day launcher Community Day cleanup on December 3rd if that were something that you wanted to share topically with your residents for for an event to look forward to we reminded your residents that there are other channels that the township puts information out and and also the links to those and then your footer your key information in privacy policy Etc so that's just a look at what the homepage could look like again we can begin from scratch I think what the team really liked about our platform is that you could also build really nice interior Pages for your department so if you wanted to build kind of a nice attractive visually engage engaging page for your Recreation Department you can have some of the upcoming popular programs you could highlight your parks and trails Etc we also did a mockup page for your council members and so you know uh mayor Pagan and your Deputy Mayors Denise and also Hillary Karen and Mark are all highlighted there and then their information would be there as as um you know right behind it if if residents wanted to get a little bit more information on the council members or the mayor um we hope that information is helpful for you guys just to give you a sense of how we would approach the design for the township um and then so some of the questions that might come to mind are why would you consider working with ghd digital well we have a track record of working with local government and really deliver a great online user experience for our clients um we make it easy for your staff and I think what your team liked is you'll have some design autonomy with our with our package in other words you'll be able to build very quickly without any uh technical skills to be able to build a new page For an upcoming event so in the summer when you have your International Film Festival you could easily build a really nice uh land landing page for the International Film Festival and information about that with the films Etc and all the information that you'd want to provide to your residents uh a background on us is that we have 20 years of experience working with local government a little over 600 clients but here's the important thing that 200 of our clients have won awards for their website and I've been fortunate to be in this industry for quite a while and there's nobody that can match that type of record in terms of delivery for their clients so value for T neck in in working with us is you can actually be our first New Jersey client and we're really excited about that we're living in a world of first for us we just had our first Texas client our first Illinois client and we love to work with Tek as our first New Jersey client the question I have for the panel this evening is when is the last time that you failed at something when you are all in and by that I mean if we were to for be fortunate enough to work with you ghd digital would be Allin to make sure that your new website exceeds your goals and is a dynamic and Visually engaging communication platform for Tina um what we like to say is if you remember back when we were kids when we were growing up maybe your parents or a teacher or a mentor said to you you know mayor Pagan Hillary Denise uh Danielle if you're going to do something let's do it well right we take that same approach with your website so we're really excited to work together with your team at tneck and make your new website great um that's just a quick recap of how we approach working with communities like to open it up for any questions from from Council and go from there thank you Mr Deputy Mayor G um I just wanted to hear of of these towns these 200 towns that won all these Awards um can you share a little bit about how they um maintained their content and kept it up to date and what sort of resources those U municipalities had on staff to manage that content because I'm assuming your firm does not do that for all of these municipalities and then my the second question I had is just um in looking at the images I know these were stock images um I think it would be really important that the images we use reflect the diverse um you know T is a very diverse town and we want to make sure that any images we use on the we site reflect that beautiful diversity absolutely couple of great questions there so let's attack the first one first the content one many of our clients are small to large so we have clients as little as a few thousand residents all the way up to a couple hundred thousand residents depending on their staff I think what most of the people found really helpful about our content management system is that it's real easy to make changes you know you don't have to be at Andrews level we can train your team and support your team team and there are resources for the team when they have questions and then we can actually build a kind of a playbook for you going forward so that you have a good understanding of how you want to manage your content so that you don't have redundancy in content but the content management system is going to really help you with that it's going to replace some of the redundancies that you currently have where your team might go into your current website and not know that you have information at three or four different places the new content management system will pull all that information for you and make it easily available for your staff to keep track of so I hope I addressed your question Miss fure um yeah I have a question I it seems like from that that homepage it seemed like things were pretty stagnant as opposed to um free flowing information so um I I know that a lot of times um it's very helpful uh especially with information that's constantly changing and updating within our Township is there any way in which to have somewhat like even like a T tick or tape um reading of news or events or activities within our Township so that when when um people go to the website they don't necessarily have to go to the calendar to see what's happening sure really good question yes you can you can um you can put alerts across the top of your screen you can have multiple pages and pictures that are rotating you put a video on your homepage if you so desire so we just had one picture because it was a mockup but certainly you can make your your homepage more d Dynamic by having you know what most people do or have three or four different pictures per season or a video and then you can certainly move your events up in in our content management system you could really move your events up towards the Top If you so desire so there's some flexibility in in moving those components around so if you have a really big event that residents are focused on you don't want them to have to scroll down to get to that right you want them to be able to see that right at the very top of your page and you can do that easily in our CNS really good correct me if I'm wrong but the events can also have pictures and they can be you know we can rotate events as they come and go kind of like news it doesn't have to just be a a text absolutely yeah you you can have very visual news and and we can show you different layouts that'll that'll work for the Township in that area Miss Goldberg I just have one question from the end user perspective so I guess the residents on the search function I know this was just a picture um does it um compile kind of s similar to Google or what does the search result look like I know a lot of our residents you know we have we do have a lot of seniors that use our website regularly and I want to make sure that the information is easy to find so if they're typing in master plan in the search term it easily comes up like what does that look like for the end user sure it will sort through and give them it'll be able to search your content as well as your PDFs for them and they'll be able to see exactly what they're looking for and then filter it from there it's a really good question Hillary there's also going to be multiple paths because we all process information differently right some folks might go to search others might go to how do I some folks might go to an icon it really no matter which way your residents go we're going to make sure that that experience is really good and quick and easy for them a really good question so there are filters on search for them to go further so they don't get 500 results and are kind of you know lost from there if that makes sense Deputy Mayor G I think you said he had another question yeah I just had one more question can you tell me about the calendar capabilities and um and then I guess the second question is for Doug or Dean how are we planning how like do we have enough resources on staff to keep the calendar up to date to keep you know to make sure we're rotating those sliding um you know prompts or what pages um that's just my concern about we can have the most beautiful website but if we don't have the staff or resources to keep it um Fresh then it's almost worthless I I think between our Mis Department there's three people in Mis uh Ron Andrew is our M coordinator and we have um Addie finkler as well and then of course uh you know Doug and I'm bringing on an executive assistant on January 2nd who will have the capabilities as well so I think between five or six people we should be able to keep everything up to date uh no sorry Mr vaty this is just for Council does anyone else on Council have any questions or our Clerk or our manager or Andrew for Mr orano no Dean I think we're good to go and we'll let Mr orano know correct yes thank you we'll let you we'll let you know very soon s thank you so much thank you thank you everyone and have a wonderful Thanksgiving thank you S have a Happy Thanksgiving be safe good hearing from you we'll be in touch our next our next order of business is a third presentation and it is fdu tck resident garbage and recycling survey who do we have for that Doug we have a couple of students here I think and a professor maybe yes uh fdu oh yeah we have Miss Dylan here I think Dr David zatz is also with us I'll let H Hildy um lead us in the charge here good to see you miss good evening Council and Happy Thanksgiving just a few more days okay uh the environmental Comm commission I'm the vice chair of the environmental commission we have been working in collaboration with um a class at fdu on uh the environmental impact of different types of Municipal garbage collection and Recycling and part of that if you remember this was actually done uh in 2020 and um Hillary who is our liaison on the environmental commission who was here at that time I was not involved with the EC at that time uh we went back and looked at that study and thought that it would be good to re to redo that um and find out what our residents thought uh we still have several vendors going up and down the street in any given week um and people are paying different amounts and so we did we thought it would be good to do an independent study at the same time I just wanted to tell you that sitting on the master plan steering committee we also had a meeting with fdu uh to talk about uh land use at fdu and what came up there is how they would love to collaborate more with the town so when I told them that we were working with this class they were thrilled about that because they would like many more collaborations with the uh the faculty and the students at fdu so we're proud of this project so I'm going to introduce uh Dr David zatz who is the Adent professor of um this team and he will introduce his two students that will talk about the Topline results of the survey that we issued on Election Day um and we closed the survey on November 17th we did it within a short window because we're working within their short semester and so this is when we could we could fit it in and you'll hear that we did get a very good response to the survey so Dr zat he focuses on using research to support change he has experience in employee and customer surveys linkage process mapping and process Consulting and he's work he has work helped many organizations to cut costs while increasing service he speaks at conferences and has published articles in HR magazine quality digest effective executive um many trade Publications and books he's written three books and is currently teaching graduate courses at fairly Dickenson before join joining toolpack Consulting David was a consultant with metris group and he's worked with clients such as the American management association the coast card uh enhanced Vision Mattel santon and the City of New York among many others he holds um a degree in philosophy and a PHD in social and organizational Psychology from Columbia University so Dr zat I'd like to you to come up and um he'll introduce the project and then he'll introduce his two students thanks thank you well can we um get presentation oh all right well the introduction pretty much caught it we um okay so back in December uh sorry back in 20120 uh I was at an environmental commission meeting and they were talking about the need uh they were talking about the their desire to learn more information about the effects of the trash pickup system that we have here where at the time I think that we had more vendors we had eight to 10 vendors I think at the time and so uh I had my class at Fairley Dickens and it's uh the course is analytic methods and decisionmaking it's at The Graduate level in the school of public and Global affairs so that was sort of an ideal project for us if you can go on to the uh page one oh Doug I'm sorry so we volunteered to use this as a class project and the uh it was really a very good deal for both of us because the class got a real life situation to go through a good project and uh the environmental commission got to use their uh time and and their skill so let's uh head on to the next page this is just a very quick look at the findings that they got from talking with other towns so they approached a number of local towns and they discussed garbage pickup and they found in 2020 what other cities were paying so hackin sack with Municipal pickup and Roxbury with single vendor contracts so the town basically entered into a contract with blue diamond to pick up trash for everybody in the town no you know and people paid for it in their taxes they were both $18 per house per month uh Washington Township picked a dual vendor system where people could choose and that raised the price to 23 to $27 a month depending on which vendor you used and then uh there was tck and we found on our survey that we had a median payment of $33 and a mean payment which is you know the more traditional average of $3 4 per house per month for essentially the same service they also uh did an estimate after talking with people at uh various places including uh hackin sack Municipal pickup they estimated how much carbon each year each uh company was spending in tenek and it turned out to be about um sorry I misplay I have a comma there that shouldn't be there 228,000 pounds of carbon per year per vendor 228,000 yeah I know it looks like million yeah yes extra extra comma thank you so uh the environmental commission I was told wanted to update and revisit uh the findings from 2020 so they went to my boss who is the head of The Graduate School of Republican Global Affairs Peter Woolly and Peter woly suggested that we that they use the same class again he approached me and I said that's wonderful because I was trying to figure out what project to assign so uh it turned out that they also had some questions about uh recycling so we split the class into two groups and each group handled one topic uh let's see we outlined our goals we set our goals those are on the next page and at the same time the township issued an RFP to get uh some prices for what it would cost to have a vendor a single vendor pickup trash in the whole town uh can we yeah so that's basically our goals uh for trash collection and for recycling and composting uh on the recycling side a lot of it is just finding new information and on the trash collection side uh there was also the question of following up from 2020 and hopefully getting a lot more participation in this survey let's move on so uh the big caution is that this is a preliminary top sorry an early Topline review so we don't go into much depth we don't go into different types of people and break things down and most of what's missing is answers to open-ended questions uh there were nearly 600 answers that we got uh a lot of people F out the open-ends it's going to take a long time to go through and analyze those properly uh we got some very strong opinions on multiple sides of each question as you can imagine so we did investigate though all the entries that the system highlighted we use qual Trix which is professional software fdu has a license to run the fdu poll which has uh national press coverage so uh the like so it's pretty good at figuring out what might be wrong so uh I say we have investigated all entries uh I've investigated all the entries that it marked as fraudulent suspicious duplicates Etc they were almost all simply people who abandoned the survey after the first couple of questions so uh as far as I can tell there are no duplications and there's nothing funny going on um let's move on so I'm going to yield to Matt leele from the trash collection team let's see okay good evening Council I'm Matt little and Dr Z's student uh my team ah yes the parallels of vertically enhanced um so we uh focused on trash collection uh in tck a survey there too and um in some other towns as well um I apologize for committing the sin of reading PowerPoint but here we go um in 2020 there was a much smaller response to the survey than in uh in 2023 multiple reasons for that as you can see for yourselves um this year uh probably due to the wired publication of the survey um there was a lot better response to that survey uh with very good participation um in answering most or all of the questions and particularly open-ended questions um so we're we're expecting stronger results this year next slide please thank you um so this survey as was mentioned before was run over a relatively short time period it was uh issued on November 7th and it closed on November 17th um today's results as Dr zat mentioned are Topline so it's it's a high Lev overview um no questions on the survey were required people could answer any question that they want or skip any question uh that they didn't want to answer didn't feel comfortable with uh Etc we had um 773 responses but that includes uh surveys that not all or even most of the questions were answered uh we excluded um the 12 respondents who were renting with Central dumpsters because it's not as applicable in that case um two people from out of town were not included I'm not sure why they answered it to begin with um and but most of the questions would have been answered by 575 to 585 of the people next slide please so uh this is a net promoter score um it's it's kind of an average of how people feel uh the current system based on the survey results does does not appear to be particularly well-liked um 75% of the respondents would not recommend the current system um meaning they would probably like something else next slide please okay here this graph is very busy but it's not as as busy as it really seems um this was a question with multiple possible responses one to five um on multiple categories on basically what environmental impact from trash collection are you uh concerned about on a scale of not at all concerned to extremely concerned and if we gather anyone who's moderately too extremely concerned um we can see that the main concern is f uh fuel use and pollution um and then closely followed by noise and traffic and um to degree pavement Weare um then again not insignificant portion are also not concerned at all but the majority do seem to be concerned about the environmental impact of trash collection um with multiple vehicles on the roads thank you um so in terms of what they pay um well as you can see for yourself with the average um about $43 a month median out which is you know the more traditional way to do things $35 a month if we factor in bulk trash pickup if they get bulk trash pickup weekly it's about $44 bi-weekly 36 monthly up again to 40 um Arrangement only 41 and none at all the most expensive at 47 interesting uh we may have more explanation for that with the uh with the full results next slide please So currently there is an RFP out for single vendor um which does specify one bike bulk item per property per month and um Property Owners would need to provide their own trash barrels and pickup would be from 7: am to 4m except on federal holidays so do people want trash pickup in their taxes based on the survey results they do if uh it saves them money or at least guarantees that their costs will not go up 27% do not want a change from the current system under any conditions and 15% don't care if they save money or not they just want it in their taxes um so it would seem the majority do want a change and do want to just pay for it in their taxes provided of course that uh they don't lose money on the deal so wheelie bins uh the the kind of bins that you roll out to the curb and that allow for automated pickup for a truck with the arm on the side that can pick them up uh it seems that the residents really don't want those um with uh as you can see 43% basically said even if it saves me money no matter how much I absolutely do not want wheelie vents so that is factored in and we're not looking at those uh and that is all for my portion of the presentation thank you very much for your time and attention I will now uh turn the presentation over to my fellow student colleague matth Lori thank you not as tall um my name is Matthew Lori uh pleasure to speaking with you tonight our team looked at recycling and compos post um and the town's opinions so next slide we asked them about um the idea of weekly pickup for recycling versus the bi-weekly which we uh are using currently the residents liked the idea of a weekly pickup however um knowing that the cost would rise they are not interested in that tradeoff um is the first thing we saw we talked about how satisfied the residents are with the current system so there is a lot of concern about the types of plastics we're going to see that come up a little bit later as well um there are a lot of uh residents who are satisfied um and mildly satisfied what they generally are not satisfied with is how difficult it is to sort out and avoid cross-contamination so on the next slide we see a lot of the residents is wanting to learn more about the recycling both the current process and then what can be done so we have questions such as where does recycling go does a lot of it go to landfill what happens with cross-contamination um and what are the best ways to uh sort and dispose of their cycling so we see a lot of interest in um more information about recycling itself so we see about 72% wanting to have a little bit more information about how the system works next slide please then we uh start looking at the composting so we asked um simply would they be interested in a composting program in the township we saw a 30 30 split on some that are interested in it some that are not and the other third is people who might be interested they're just not sure what's in involved in it so a lot of the questions came to how do you prevent um Vermin smell um a lot of just kind of questions about the process of it um but only 30% opposed so next slide we talked about whether they would want a compost pickup um we see some yes some no um again a lot of it falls in that middle area and uh the open-ended parts do talk about the fact that they want to know more about what the composting program would look like uh before they gauge their interest so we do uh see some other municipalities in the area doing um various types of composting we have the traditional pickup at the house style and then tenly is introducing a pilot program uh with neighborhood compost where they have a centralized pickup location um so it'll be interesting to see how that works moving forward so our next steps in working with this data is we are looking to finalize it um as Dr zat's talked about we're analyzing the open-ended questions there's a lot to work through we're making sure that any of the surveys that were flagged by the software are removed so they don't pollute the data and um looking into the answers where people said that their trash cross over $100 um to double check to see if those are in fact accurate and we're going to um keep working to uh with local dpws figure out what other places are doing with the mixed Plastics how much they're losing um due to cross-contamination and continue to look at the different options for composting thank you oh there I rock I just want to clarify a couple quick things first of all uh since since this slide was written we did include the final surveys not yet analyzed uh we did investigate surveys flagged by the software so I apologize for not updating the slide and the other thing is that as you might have guessed Matt did actually read through the open ends we just haven't um counted the number of people in each category yet so we're not ready to present those in any sort of depth thank you Dr Zs and thank you to fdu and environmental committee for working on this does anyone on Council have any questions Mr manager sure thank you so much mayor and thank you Mr zatz uh information is very helpful to me as well just to I just want to go over a few things uh with the public and and Council uh we put out an RFP uh in the fall and we did the opening of the bids on November 9th and just so that everyone is aware the lowest bidder did come in at $1.9 million and that's just for solid waste pickup that's equivalent to 3.5 tax points a tax point in ten is roughly 525,000 now this bid we also did an alternate so uh the base bid was for solid waste the alternate was for recycling collection as well uh so the lowest bidder uh came in at 1.9 million again for solid waste and then another 1.15 million for recycling pickup so if you you know you total that that comes to three a little over $3 million to cover Solid Waste and Recycling that's six tax points the town would have to raise a solid waste pickup would be done twice a week uh there would be um uh recycling pickup done every other week and Bol pickup done once a month uh now keep in mind this does not include tipping fees tipping fees right now are $84 per ton uh our Public Works director estimates uh that it would cost us an additional 5 to S million yearly for just for solid waste alone for tipping for solid waste fees and that's equivalent to between another 10 to 14 tax points the town would have to would have to raise in addition uh to the three um um 0.5 tax points we'd have to raise uh for solid waste collection so that that's a lot of taxes the town would have to raise and again Solid Waste pickup would take place twice a week bulk pickup once a month and recycling every other week Miss Goldberg so just to break that out for the residents um so if it was um trash pickup with the Tipping fees that with 12,000 households roughly that comes out to about $50 a month per household which is more than what you're saying in the averages and if we did it with the recycling it comes out to about $70 per month per household um so this would the the RFP comes back that it would be more money for residents which is not what I think any I'm speaking for myself not what any of it I want I don't want to raise tax Mr Schwarz yes and just H first of all for the Miss Goldberg Council Goldberg and the manager for working on this um it is an important document that we have this RFP because people have brought this issue up for years I didn't hear you say just a reminder that also includes more money but also we have to card it out to the side and whatnot we do have a sizable um senior population as well as raccoon and skunk population um so I appreciate if we can and and it's my opinion that we put this in the file and then we move on mayor G um I just wanted to say thank you for to Dr Zat and the students who made that presentation it was really helpful and it it really um makes it clear now having received the results from the RFP and hearing from the the respondents and the survey um about what folks are looking for as it relates to trash pickup so just thank you so much we really appreciate the work Hildy since you're one of the presenters if you want to say something really quickly before we move on to the next order of business can I I would just like to say from the from the EC the environmental commission's perspective and and thank you Dean for for letting us know how the the cost came in the um the DPW is now picking up our recycling which we are paying for in our taxes so I think that that would be um helpful for us to understand what if that's would be more than we pay now for recycling to the town or or the same um and also one of the other things that I think we really need to consider that has been considered in other municipalities is the environmental impact of having these trucks up and down our streets right now it's not the most efficient way to do it um so maybe there's another way to negotiate um it just seems to me I know that I found out through this survey that that the vendor that I'm using which shall remain nameless was the most expensive one which really he blew me away and we will probably change vendors um but there seems to be a real range of what people are paying in town and um right now I'm paying more than that uh so I I think that we we I would not throw it away uh councilman Schwarz I think that we should as we want to be responsible in our Township for our air as well as of course getting removal and also having that cycling removed and utilized as efficiently as possible so I think that we should continue to look into this um I don't think that um at least in my mind we shouldn't just throw throw it away I think we need to dig a little bit deeper and to understand the numbers a little better and I'll leave it there and I'd also like to thank fdu because they really um they were wonderful to work with and uh they still will be working with us one of the things they will be looking at his environmental impact thank you Miss we will take that into consideration thank you so much and again thank you to our presenters moving on to our next order of business is work session items and first up is miscellaneous ises anyone on Council have anything under miscellaneous Deputy Mayor G thank you Mr Mayor all right I'd like to walk on 36 Advisory Board uh nominations so you're making a motion for nominations Deputy Mayor yes I second should I read the um names um so I'd like to nominate and I have this uh Mr clerk you have the spreadsheet in front of you I'm going to skip over number two like we talked about oh you did so are we good to go okay then we're not skipping anything all right so I'm going to um motion that we I'm going to move to nominate 37 applicants to Advisory Board positions and I'm going to read them off um first for the hackin sack River Greenway Advisory Board I'd like to nominate reappoint uh Mary warkey uh as chair and full member with a term from 2023 to 25 second on the hackensac river Greenway Advisory Board Marian McClary who's the fdu rep re appointing her as well for 2023 to 2 Christina Pammy as the pprb rep reappointing her for 23 to2 um and then a new nomination to the Hackensack River Greenway Advisory Board Nadia hosein full member with the term 2023 to 25 next for The Advisory board on community relations I'd like to reappoint Joseph Kaplan for a term of 2023 to2 Ray Goldberg for a term of 23 25 Cheryl Hall for a term of 23 to 25 um Colleen disin who was previously alternate uh number one or two I'm not sure she was an alternate member but like to nominate her as a full member for the term of 23 to 25 I'd like to nominate to The Advisory Board and community relations seven new members first Paula Madison Riner full member for the term of 23 to 25 re McAn full member for the term of 23 to 25 Bonnie Morrow full member for the term of 23 to 24 Yen Le Flores full member for the term of 23 to 24 Laticia Garcia full member for the term of 23 to 24 Eric Seagle alternate member number one for a term of 23 to 24 and Joshua Perez alternate number member number two for the term of 23 to 24 next for the parks playgrounds and Recreation advisor board I'd like to reappoint three members Allison Davis for the term of 23 to 25 sue feein for the term of 23 to 25 and Brian Jacobs for the term of 23 to 2 next for the shade tree Advisory Board I'd like to reappoint Anna CTS as a co-chair and full member for the term of 23 to 25 and then I'd like to nominate three new members to shade trade Advisory Board first Debbie eliahu as a full member with the term 23 to 25 David straight is alternate number one for the term of 23 to 24 and Debbie bear alternate number two for the term 23 to 24 next for the stigma free Advisory Board I'd like to nominate lits as a full member for the term 23 to 25 um and there's a small typo on the spreadsheet just have to edit that Mr clerk for uh number 20 row 23 I accidentally put 23 to 35 can you just change that to 25 thank you all right um next Advisory Board is the Patriotic observance Advisory Board we'd like to nominate two full new members first Moshe Kaplan for the term of 23 to 25 and Lauren Costa for the term of 23 to2 next for the Social Services Advisory Board we'd like to reappoint three members first Joe Joseph Richardson as a full member um Alex surbone who's our social services coordinator uh for the term of 23 to 25 and then Tess tamasi full member for the term of 23 to 25 next for the senior citizens Advisory Board we'd like to reappoint six uh Members First Jane Irwin as chair and full member for the term of 23 to 25 Micky chalain for the term of 23 to 25 as Deputy chair and full member Mimi Simon full member term 23 to 25 Edna dismas full member 23-2 Roosevelt Sills full member 23-2 and Jackie Kates full member 23-2 next for the Youth Advisory Board we'd like to nominate Emanuel Klein as an adult adviser for the term of 23 to 25 finally for the Tek Municipal Alliance on against substance abuse we'd like to reappoint two Members First ammani Godby is a full member 23 to 25 and Alex cbone our social services coordinator for term of 23 to 25 that is all 37 and was second second Mr Schwarz I'd like to I believe there's one empty spot on the um pprb I like to nominate Ken Hoffman to re i' like to nominate and reappoint Ken Hoffman to the PPR don't don't we have to vote on this first procedurally we have to vote on the first one right and then we come back to the hofman thing no no it's okay it's okay right okay for the 37 nominations that I'm definitely not going to repeat we had a motion from Deputy Mayor g a second from councilwoman belshire and we have councilman Schwarz yes councilwoman belshire yes to all councilman Goldberg yes to all with an exstension on 13 Council woman Oregon I'm a no on 10 and 15 a yes on the rest 10 and 15 you said councilwoman yes deput mayor Catz yes to all and twice on 13 you confuse me for a second Debbie May G yes to all mayor Pagan yes to all all right we will see resolutions next meeting and I think Mr Schwarz made a motion I think it was seconded by Deputy Mayor cat correct yes there's an EXT there's an open spot for the reappointment of Ken Hoffman is my motion second time dug so that's the pprb open spot uh councilman Schwarz councilman beler no councilman Goldberg no councilman Oregon yes debie may Catz yes Debbie mayor G abstain mayor Pagan no so what happens procedurally with that Mr attorney without without a majority of the of the council it would it would not go not yeah the nomination would not go forward to the next okay I I have one more nomination there are two additional open spots on the youth Advisory Board I'd like to nominate Maxine Angel Second councilman Schwarz yes councilman beler abstain councilman Goldberg main councilman Oregon yes Deputy Mayor Katz yes deuty mayor G no mayor Pagan stain so procedurally what happens with that Mr attorney it's the same thing it still need it still needs the um majority of the Mr organ I think you said you had a second nomination to make or no so majority of of What U I'm sorry of the quorums which in this case be the entire coun since here all right so are we ready to move on to the next order of business we're still in miscellaneous does anyone have anything from miscellaneous uh I'm sorry Mr clerk go ahead yes with uh The Advisory boards being done I am looking for a council member to hopefully put a motion on the 2024 council meeting schedule that we have been discussing and I will read the dates into the record motion second and this will be adding it to our consent agenda for resolution 299-2020 this evening we had a first from Council Moon Oregon was that a second from I think Mr Schwarz Mark Schwarz all right let me read these dates in and be it resolved by the township Council Township of teen act that in accordance with the open public meetings Act Township Clerk is hereby directed to post the following schedule for the council meetings for 2024 sending copies to the official newspapers and on file in the clerk's office uh we have January 9 and 23rd we have February 13th and 27th for March we will have four budget meetings where action might be taken March 7th 14 21st and 28th a regular council meeting on Tuesday the 19th of March for April we will look at April 2nd and April 16th for may we are looking at May 7th and May 21st for June we are looking at June 18th in July we are looking at July 16th for August we are eyeing up Tuesday the 20th in September Council we are looking at September 10th and 24th for October Tuesday the 15th in November Tuesday the 12th last but not least we are looking at December 10th 2024 to close out our meeting schedule for next year thank thank you Mr clerk so now that we had a first and a second I'm going to call down our role councilman Schwarz yes councilman beler yes to all councilman Goldberg no I think that there should be more meetings and workshops included so I'm a no councilman Oregon yes Debbie mayor Catz y Debbie mayor G yes mayor Pagan while I agree with councilwoman Goldberg I'm a yes okay we will see resolution 299 let me just triple check real quick Council that's going to be our resolution number 299-2020 on the consent agenda in just a little while thank you thank you Mr clerk does anyone have anything else for miscellaneous no moving on to the next order of business old business first up Fields update Mr manager thank you mayor happy to report that four Thorne field is done they completed work today uh field came out beautiful uh next field in line is the Lancer 90 foot field which should begin whether permitting next week and athletic fields of America is starting work on TX Southern Little League the first week of December so everything is moving forward nicely thank you for that that is excellent news and the next order of old business is a leaf removal update sir sure uh on leaf removal uh everything is going as planned some of the equipment that's in used by public work they have eight Packer trucks that are out daily eight front end loaders two rolloff trucks two hooklift trucks uh we're using one leaf vac on loan from tenly everything is in operation Monday through Saturday from 700 a.m. until 500m again the leaf back is okay for uh fresh piles of leaves only you know if there's mixed in branches or the leaves are wet it really doesn't serve a purpose so it does help when the leaves are in piles that are that are fresh and and dry so they are in again Monday through Saturday from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 pm Leaf season is late this year I anticipate uh DPW picking up leaves probably into mid December or until No Leaf is Left Behind as as I say so we will we will get to everything uh I think things are going fairly well but it was a late Leaf season that is good news too thank you for both updates Mr manager next order of business is new business does anyone have anything on new business no next order of business is Communications letter to council North umberland and Penbrook Street yeah goldber that's you yeah Mr Mayor we we all received this letter um so it's a long letter it's in the agenda packet for everybody hold it up so everybody can read the whole letter um but I'm just going to do um the first paragraph and then the ask so we received this letter sorry we received this letter um by by regular mail last month and um one of our residents uh had a one and a half-year-old dog Monae who was um unfortunately killed by a speeding car on North umberland near Pembrook uh the letter says it was just before 8 am on Sunday August 27th Monae was the most joyous Dog full of energy and puppy kisses sadly he also had a strong prey drive and that morning he pulled the leash from clarabelle's hand as they were standing by the front door so he could chase a bunny while we scoured the neighborhood Mye primary concern was that he would run onto Route 4 I never imagined that he would be mowed down by a speeding Durango but tragically that's exactly what happened so first I want to express my condolences to to the owners of Monae the ask in this letter to all of us was about doing um a traffic study on on North umberland by Penbrook um maybe looking into from there could be potentially install some signage um could the police do a traffic study on there and and see what the I don't mean to interrupt this I remember it now I remember speaking to the owner and the neighbor and I think we reached out to either the manager or the deputy manager to ask for just that and I think they were talking to our chief of police we we actually did it the neighbors reached out to me that day and the in the trailer the deputy manager had that there that afternoon the next day the the police department was notified sent them the uh the letter as well they'll conduct whatever traffic surveys need to be made and the traffic Bureau will make recommendation on any changes that may be needed for the area thank you and I just want to stress that you know people really do view their dogs as members of their family so it's really it's really important that we respect that thank you thank you councilen Goldberg and Dean and Tom and Mark next order of business is committee reports by Council leaon Mr Schwarz yes just a few quick updates of upcoming meetings I've had nothing to report on it recently on a mon sorry on Friday December 1st at 8:30 A.M we'll have a zoning subcommittee meeting here on Tuesday December 5th the future of CED will be a full Council Community Workshop meeting forum and Hackensack as you announced prior and on Wednesday December 13th the senior Le Management Group will have their annual holiday party I sent an email out today I hope everyone can stop by and there will be dinner Deputy Mayor cat um that's the most important you should have started with that yes thank you Mr Schwarz Miss beler uh yeah thank you for that uh yeah I just want to uh say that um the um chamber Commerce has been doing some great things uh just recently had a um a great event um their annual fundraiser um stigma free is uh continuing to do some uh really nice initiatives throughout the community um also I just want to thank the historic preservation commission for all their work uh in recent days in um unveiling of markers and preparing language for the various markers throughout town and of course I want to remind our residents of the wonderful ful uh interactive um historic map that we have uh that we should continue to share to U among friends and family um also I just lastly want to thank the township for um having attended uh just this past week the league of municipalities where I attended and really gathered some really great information that I think we can use um from um master plan um to uh our business community in terms of initiatives that are happening and updates in general so I just want to thank the township for sending me to the league of municipalities thank you Miss Bel Miss G so um recapping the last senior citizens Advisory board meeting um a couple of updates um the there will be four special meetings one have has already passed about the senior affordable senior housing coming available on 1425 tneck Road um there will be one on November 28th at 4M at the library on December 6th on Zoom at 10:00 a. and on December 8th at 10: a.m. at the Roa Center so if you know anyone who is interested in affordable housing and it's 62 years old or older this is a good opportunity to learn more I be believe the applications become available in February with a I think a due date in April so if you have any questions or have friends who may have questions I you know will implore you to share that information with them um also just wanted to share that there will be a holiday party at the Roa Center on December 14th from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. any um anyone who's interested in attending can sign up at the uh re Center and at the main office um and then finally there is a project uh uh that Jackie Kates mentioned during the meeting where they're collecting te- neck artifacts so if you know anyone who has something whether it's a magazine or an old Jersey or anything related to T neck um in the last few decades um they are collecting them and would like to send them uh you know send what they have email j119 um and I'm happy to give that to the clerk to put in the minute but looking for Te artifacts artifacts if you have any thank you thank you Miss G just a question Deb mayor and what are they doing with the artifacts I think they plan to do a presentation um in January about historical artifacts in Te I can get you more information just curious also I'll do the mic I'm just curious also like that how hisorical did you need historic I think they're willing to go all the way back whatever you have oh no I was thinking how close is historic oh oh that's a great question I'm not sure what qualifies this Mr Schwarz you I'm not sure if the deputy mayor she's aware pck used to be the home of the Le cast Museum there was actually a museum which is why he's ask on West angle what they it was so that was historical that was hisorical gota be order than 40 years sorry the second thing in this I'm sorry I forgot for my report at the council meeting on December 12th the developers of huba AKA Parks side Lanes um tow houses will be speaking along with potentially our low-income housing provider the reason being is that we have approximately 16 tow houses that will be sold given away it's it's a new structure for tck that we haven't done in the sense that it's not a rental apartment so we're not even familiar with how applicants could pay for this buy it what are the taxes going forward on these low-income um full low-income town homes so that'll be coming up at the December 12th meeting so please spread the word on that as well because there will be some very very lucky multigenerational winners to that Miss Goldberg thank you Mr Mayor first I wanted to also just congratulate uh council member Schwarz on the man of the year for the Chamber of Commerce um so the environmental commission met on November 15th uh December 3rd is tet cleanup day um the the environmental commission unanimously approved the manager's request to collaborate with the DPW for a Township cleanup on December 3rd and approve the flyer and signup sheet for the cleanup um the DPW requested four locations for the cleanup and they're listed on their signup sheet which is on the township website for residents um regarding the ER the environmental commission expects the first draft of the ERI from the New Jersey Land Conservancy by the end of this week and they'll review it at their next meeting um as previously reported at good and Welfare at the environmental commission a few months ago there were discussions by residents about pesticides which sparked a discussion with members of the environmental commission the manager the DPW and the health department um a meeting with the manager the DPW myself um and the environmental commission chair and vice chair um will take place December 1 to meet with Cassandra Worthington from Beyond pesticides and then after that I believe the next step is going to be that um Beyond pesticides will present to us um after DPW hears the full presentation um and lastly the environmental commission unanimously passed two resolutions I sent earlier to everyone today um that they're asking us to pass um I I think we can maybe take a look at it for the December 12th meeting um this is um uh anjac resolution um and they want to present it to the state so the first resolution is protecting open space and Hazard a site cleanup where the governor is proposing cutting $60 million of annual state funding for environment mental programs land preservation and clean up of hazardous polluted sites starting January 24 and in response they're asking environmental commissions and municipalities across the state to continue to support the open space again the environmental commission passed this unanimously um and they're also asking us to pass it as well the second resolution is opposing the expansion of the New Jersey Turnpike um again the governor's office is proposing to send $10 billion in state funds to expand one lane of the turnpike and um the ask is that that money be used um on public transportation Investments instead again the environmental commission passes unanimously um so if with Council support I would like to just put this on the agenda for us to everyone have time to look at it and we can take a vote on it next meeting in December if everyone is okay with that I'm a no on that if there's a vote I haven't had a chance to look at it yet I apologize I I figured we could vote in December that was it was December I sent it earlier Miss G you wanted to add something yeah uh person committee met twice um this month to conduct interviews for all the open positions for the advisory boards which you heard me read into the minutes earlier but um I just want to say thank you to the over 50 residents who came out to interview for roles for volunteer roles on our advisory boards um you know the advisory boards really are the hearts of of the work that we do and we we really rely on them for for advice and guidance and so I just want to say thank you to to the more than 50 people who came out to to talk to us um I know we were only able to offer out 37 roles but um we'll we'll send out notifications to those who were not offered roles on the advisory boards but I just wanted to say thank you for for stepping up we appreciate all of you thank you Miss G Miss goldbert what am I saying sorry Miss organ okay um I want to thank the Patriotic observance Advisory board for a very meaningful program on Veterans Day a week ago Saturday um it is not the first that I've been to but it moves me every year thank you to Colonel Miguel Chris to Scott Pleasants and to Roosevelt SS for for holding down the board and I'm very happy to see that we're going to be filling some seats with um some new energy we have a lot of projects going on and um I'll repeat from now until the construction starts on the library everybody should prepare um we are going to go through a renovation on the library it will probably close for a while um so just so that everybody is aware um and we're working on Alternate planning for that and the friends of the L library has a donor who is willing to match funds for people who would like to make donations for the library for some things that the renovation won't cover um so feel free to reach out to the Friends of the library if you'd like to donate thank you thank you Miss Oregon our next order of business is Council listed items proposed resolution World AIDS day councilwoman Goldberg thanks Mr Mayor um I'm just gonna read it in and um so on December 1st every year is is World AIDS day um so it's it's short I promise um whereas every year on December 1st the world commemorates world AIDS day and people around the world unite to show support for people living with and affected by HIV and to remember those who have lost their lives to AIDS whereas World AIDS day was first observed in 1988 and focused the world's attention on ending the HIV epidemic reducing stigma around HIV and AIDS and increasing awareness and knowledge about transmission and treatment whereas AIDS and HIV disease continues to be a Priority Health concern in the United States with World AIDS St serving as a reminder of the 1.2 million people in the United States living with HIV and AIDS today according to the New Jersey Department of Health approximately 38,1 151 people are currently living with h h HIV AIDS in New Jersey and roughly 275 people in Tek are living with HIV AIDS whereas the Center for Disease Control and prevention has found that HIV related stigma has a significant impact on people living with HIV increases with new infections and delays people from T can't read people seeking testing for HIV whereas stigma shame and fear make people less likely to discuss their sexual health with doctors and often leads to delays in seeking testing or treatment for sexually transmitted infections and HIV which can have serious long-term Health consequences whereas public Outreach and education about HIV and AIDS such as wearing red continues to be a vital tool to bring more awareness about this ongoing Global EP epidemic whereas in the decade since those first wait yes hold on yes whereas in the decad since those first cases within in oh my God Ingenuity leadership research and historic investments in evidence-based practices we have begun to move forward towards an era of resilience and hope because of an of anti- anti- retroviral treatments people living with HIV Who start these therapies early in the course of infection can now expect a near normal lifespan whereas the township of EK recognizes that ending HIV age EP epidemic is within our reach and we are committed to rising to the challenge now therefore be a result that the township Council the township of Teek um recognizes that December 1st 2023 is designated as World AIDS Day within the township of EK and encourages all residents to observe this day and show their support for people affected by HIV and AIDS by wearing red so I would like to make a motion to move this to the consent agenda that was a motion from councilwoman Goldberg in a second from Deputy Mayor Catz councilman Schwarz yes councilman Belcher yes councilman Goldberg councilman Oregan yes debie may cats yes debie may G yes mayor Pagan yes this is going to the consent agenda as resolution 300- 2023 thank you Mr clerk next order business is Township manager report Mr kazinski uh uh thank mayor just a couple of quick announcements I'll go over some project updates uh this Thursday we're having a free Thanksgiving Day lunch and that's going to take place at rain which is at 399 Water Street from 11 am until 1 pm again this is open to everyone especially our seniors our veterans our emergency service workers that are on duty that way that day families friends or anyone that's in need of a warm meal that day so please join us down at rain from 11 11 am to 1M AG friendly tenek is hosting an affordable housing Forum on Tuesday November 28th and that's going to take place in the library Auditorium from 4 to 6: pm and there we're going to discuss the application process for 1425 Teck Road uh the Township's affordable housing administrator will be there as well to answer any questions Mr Frank Patza as councilwoman goldbert said tck townwide cleanup day is going to take place on Sunday December 3rd uh sponsored by the tach in the environmental commission I just want to give a a nice shout out to Travon Romeo Hildy Dylan and yoseph Gill gillers for working with me uh on uh organizing this event on short notice please visit our website to sign up and again DPW will supply all the materials needed for our volunteers uh on Monday December 4th at 6m we're going to do our annual Christmas tree lighting on the municipal green uh I anticipate the arrival of a special guest gu via police escort that night uh this year we're going to have a synthetic ice skating rink set up uh in the South End of the municipal parking lot here that's going to be open free of charge from 5: to 8:00 pm uh ice gates are provided at no cost uh so please come out for the ice skating enthusiasts that night uh that again is on Monday December 4th at 6 p.m uh also join us on Monday December 11th at 5:30 p.m. we're going to do the lighting of the manur as we celebrate the beginning of Hanukkah um just some Pro quick project updates DPW carefully removed 56 trees on cedal Lane and replaced them with 80 European horn beams uh those trees did not Harvest any flowers or fruits uh there's no mess and it's an excellent upright uh tree growing species uh we also planted 123 additional Street trees the genos the Japanese lilacs and the October Glory Maples throughout town we did some in our parks at a fire station the municipal green and a BAL Cyprus was planted in Phelps Park as part of Arbor Day uh sidewalk repairs are all done for the season for the most part various areas we completed along Cedar Lane any areas by our parks and the last few slabs that need to be poured in the area of bookstaber Park so that'll get done shortly uh the fence and irrigation repairs were done at hathorne Al Lance of fields and that was in preparation for the new field Renovations as mentioned the horor baseball field is complete and laner field will Renovations in that field will take place next week and then TX Southern Little League will begin the first week in December uh East Lane is completely done we did the milling and the resurfacing um that was resurfaced from Teck road to Columbus Drive we also just finished Bedford and Arlington as part of part of a cdb project and that was from the extra monies received from the county of almost $200,000 uh we have striping that's scheduled to take place in various areas of town the thermoplastic paint some markings that should take take place very soon uh some appointments uh Council to make you aware of tomorrow I'm going to provide the oath of office to six new firefighters uh Ryan Smith Timothy fance Max o'briant Eric Edelstein Edward Jagger Kevin shade um so we'll do that at 12: noon tomorrow if any council members available please stop by uh also a couple police promotions to that are effective December 1st the detective Sergeant Kevin Brennan GNA be promoted to Lieutenant and detective Zachary Reid is going to be promoted to the rank of Sergeant and those promotions are all due to the retirement of Lieutenant Douglas Alcott on December 1st um just something of interest you know we just recently received the Civil Service Police examination uh result results and we only had seven Township residents pass the exam so uh I'm speaking to my Deputy manager with this and a police chief you know we certainly have to do a better job I think at branding and getting out there to spread the word for uh the next civil service exams for law enforcement officer I'm also very happy and proud to say that the number one scorer on the exam was Karen organ's daughter who scored 92 point I'm sorry 9 9.2 or three so one one of the highest scores in in the state so congratulations yeah and and and we we we've also advertised for a third civilian parking enforcement agent and we're hoping to put that person on within a month and that is really to address some of the parking and traffic concerns on CED Lane and some other areas of town so we can have someone really dedicated to these areas where we're seeing the problems with double parking and some other traffic related issues so we the table of organization calls for three we have two now so we're gonna have we're going to see if we can get someone else on board relatively quickly thank you Mr manager our next order of business is Township attorney's report Mr sammon thank you mayor I just want to give a quick shout out to Doug and Kristen and our clerk's office for the excellent job they have been doing uh with their seemingly infinite number of Oprah requests I believe we've gotten the number of outstanding requests cut in half uh since I came aboard and most of that comes from Doug and Kristen developing some new uh procedures uh and ways of handling Oprah requests that have made I think the department significantly more efficient which helps us get responses back uh to our residents significantly faster so want to mention that thank uh thank both Doug and and Christan for their for their great work and we thank you sir that's all I have thank you Mr Sam and our next order businesses are public hearing and Adoption of ordinances Mr clerk can you please read the title of the ordinances into the record absolutely but before I do that did you want to uh chime in Mr attorney and Mr Mayor I have a quick thing too Mr salmon did you want to chime in and say something before he reads the titles of the ordinances into the record and then I think Miss Goldberg has to speak after you or which one 39 I was going to I was going to mention but okay um so for 39 uh ordinance 39 -223 uh I want that this is the one related to uh the accessory dwelling units uh is up for for second reading adoption I wanted to ask the that the council consider tbling this ordinance at this point um this ordinance for adus was introduced at our last meeting it because it is a involves our zoning and Municipal land use laws it was referred to the planning board uh for their review they reviewed it they have a significant number of comments um and edits uh uh and proposals that they that they wanted the council to consider um that uh we're that we're going to substantially change the uh the nature of the um different parts of the ordinance and so I have not had an opportunity yet to finish going through all those edits and making those changes to the um uh to the ordinance so I would ask the that the council consider tbling so that way have an opportunity to do that and then uh if the council so chooses they can reintroduce it at the next meeting right any future meeting and it can then go through the process again essentially starting starting from from from new but really because these these new edits the the proposals that were made from the planning board introduce yeah I'd like to make a motion that we table it for tonight and reintroduce it for the next meeting second do don't we need to read them in before we table it probably good way to do it yes yeah we do and we let's let's read it in and then we'll then you can make a make your motion yeah understood Mr Mayor wait before um the clerk reads I want to make a motion um on um the field ordinance 41-23 I want to make a motion to make a small change to include include both the recreation department director which was originally included on the list when I spoke about it the first time I spoke about this and the DPW um which was based on feedback from pprb but before I formally make the motion um I want to make a point of order to the attorney can I make the change now or does it need to be um reintroduced and can you also confirm that the ordinance does not change anything regarding scheduling or permitting what's the change exactly I'm sorry to interrupt adding in the recreation department director and DPW director and I'll second that when the time is appropriate okay so uh those changes in you know in my my opinion my personal opinion those changes would not substantially alter the substance of the of the ordinance and that's the standard under njsa 40 uh let check notes 40 col 49-2 as they I think are adding two Representatives um to the board of um which which already is will be filled with similar types of uh Representatives um there is no clear definitive legal guidance on what it exactly it means to substantially alter the substance of an ordinance there's just no one case there no one rule as to what that means there are some lawyers who will say that anything uh Beyond a typographical change like a you know a typo or something like that would uh would would be a substantial alteration that's a you know perfectly valid interpretation um I don't believe that the statute is meant to be read that uh strictly there are a number of cases that say that when you're when you're trying to determine if uh the changes are substantially altering it that you have to look at in the context of the entire ordinance itself and what it's trying to do and that a substantial alteration is one that contradicts or changes or modifies the purpose uh of or one of the the purposes of the ordinance and so my understanding of these these amendments uh the amendment that you're proposing that would just add an additional uh two additional representatives to a board that is consisting of Representatives it that that change would be consistent with the purpose of the um of the ordinance so I don't I don't think it it conflicts but ultimately that's just you know that's just my opinion it's up to the up to the council to decide if they wants to you know reintroduce and start from the beginning or if it wants to move ahead um but you know my my opinion my legal opinion would be that is not something that would require a new introduction and you also asked about the scheduling right was that brought up yeah you I'm sorry you read I just wanted to to confirm that the ordinance does not change anything regarding scheduling or permitting from any prior ordinances that's correct so the field Advisory Board is as the name suggests it is just an Advisory Board all the it is empowered to do is to uh provide recommendations to the council suggestions same as any you know any member of the public can do at uh any public meeting they can provide recommendations same as the field Advisory board but that is all they are empowered to they have no other legal authority to do frankly any thank you and Miss Goldberg I'm second time sorry um so we've made the Minimus changes after a first reading after an introduction before but we've interpreted them in tck as being small minor changes whether it's some in language um spelling uh typos things like that uh to add two Township employees to a board of 12 to make it a board of 14 well I'm not the attorney to me is not the Minimus and and I think procedurally it's taking us to a place that we've never been before and while I understand that you're an attorney who works in other towns and you are new to tenek it is my very strong opinion that we should stick to what we've been doing here um this will still be here next month but every time we take take a step away from what we do we're changing things from the way that we do them in this town and having a new attorney is is not a reason for that I understand that the statute can be interpreted any way you'd like um but also I think it would be very important to find out how it's always been done here um because th this is the township that we're in now and this is the township um where you're sitting as the attorney now so to me I understand why you're making the changes I think it's very important to have a representative from the rec department and certainly a representative from the DPW on a field Advisory board but this was not the ordinance that we introduced last month this is a different ordinance now they were not on it then so a motion table or what is your moot um we didn't well there was a motion to amend so yeah I'll make a motion on the T I'll make a motion to table the motion to amend I'll second that beler um I just want a point of clarification on this ordinance basically uh it does not there no discussion on a motion to table we need I think we need vote on a vote on the motion to they're trying to was that to table the motion or the am just just the amendment okay okay yeah okay so then we need do that vote on that and then if someone else has a comment we can go to that after so for tabling this amendment on ordinance 40 that was a first from councilwoman Oregon correct and a second 41 thank you someone from the crowd that was first from Council Oregon who seconded that that Schwarz thank you councilman Schwarz excellent um ordinance but yes to table councilwoman beler no councilwoman Goldberg no to table councilwoman Oregon yes debie mayor Catz yes debie mayor G no mayor Pagan no motion for that amendment to be table Di and then I think now we vote on the motion that Miss Goldberg made right before the vote can I can I ask yes of course Miss Bel okay just want to be clear um that that in voting in favor of this that it doesn't change any kind of um um preferences for our our in town sports teams that we are basically still supporting our sports team that there's nothing that we should be concerned about our residents should be concerned about no this this ordinance would just create this new Advisory Board you know what what The Advisory Board recommends and what the council ultimately decides to listen to that you know no way of knowing but this ordinance itself all it does is create this this Advisory Board and and that is it it doesn't change any any other U aspects of the Township Code so it was a first from councilwoman Goldberg second from mayor Pagan to include these two employees using the language councilman Schwarz councilman beler yes to include councilman Goldberg yes Council Oregan no Debbie May Catz yes Debbie May G yes mayor Pagan yes all right that'll be included do you know where specifically that's going uh Council Goldberg or I could figure that out with uh with the with the list of members okay and now you get to read the titles of the ordinances into the record right Doug are we um the Drone are we pulling that or we're reading first then we're pulling think yes all right this evening we are hearing Council for the second time ordinance number 36-22 3 um oh thank apologies ordinance number 36223 adopting certain regulations related to the inspection of lead based paint in certain residential dwellings ordinance number 37223 adopting certain regulations relating to drone technology and unmanned aircraft within the Township's parks and playgrounds ordinance number 38223 authorizing a special emergency appropriation in the amount of $965,000 pursuant to njsa 4A 4-53 section H for the payment of contractually required Severance liabilities the township teac we have ordinance number 39223 amending the township code for the township ofac to enact a new section establishing and regulating accessory dwelling units we have ordinance number 40223 amending the township code for the township EK to enact new regulations related to outdoor cafes compliant with State Statute last but not least we have ordinance number 41223 Council amending the township code to Township teac to create a Fields Advisory Board Mr Mayor yes I'd like to make a motion to table 37 2023 the Drone ordinance second can I just get a quick explanation again about the differences between the state ordinance and the township ordinance regarding the outdoor dining uh so the changes to the outdoor dining Cafe uh Orin um there was a state there was a state statute that was passed oh gosh uh two years ago now that expanded uh uh outdoor dining uh for for restaurants to allow them to install tents and canopies and other things like that and suspended the uniform construction code um and certain permits and other things that are they require that restaurants would be required to get um because because of covid for the months of April through November of each year it was originally supposed to expire last year and then it was then expanded uh the state statute was been expanded last year or extended I should say um through November of of next year and so there is a conflict uh in uh in our between the State statue and our Township Code in that the Township Code allows for uh for outdoor dining uh year round and this state statute allows uh also allows for outoor dining uh you know generally year round but specifically exempts these types of structures from being subject to our other requirements for those months and so um the the conflict was that or the the um the modification to our ordinance is just saying there's this state statute that allows for these exemptions during these months we are adopting those those and uh if you follow the if you follow the state statute you are also following the Township Code and just to avoid any conflict between the two of someone being able to say well I'm I'm following the Township Code but that doesn't necessarily comply with the the same exemptions that are under the state statute but do we have to have the compliance between the state and the uh Township meaning I know that we can't be stricter than the state but we could be more laxed than the state and it sounds like this was a more laxed situation given giving more options to Merchants with different uh different types of uh structures well I either way I would I would argue this no matter what the state statute is always going to govern if in you know if there's any conflict between the State statue in the Township Code it's always you always have to default the to the state statute um because of the conflict I know there have been questions I think from some restaurant tours about what they're required to follow can they just ignore the state statute because the Township Code says something different and this is just to clarify no you can't just ignore the state statute also now it also matches the Township Code now this entire section that we're adding is going to be irrelevant as of next uh November end of November 2024 because that's when the state statute expires but just in the meantime it's just clarifying that you know you don't you don't get any additional rights under the the township uh code that you don't get from State Statute so when the state statute expires then this thing that that what we're voting on will also expire it will still it will still technically be in the code but I think if I recall correctly the wording of it say says that essentially says that once the that state statute expires it no longer has any CAS course their fact all right thank yep just 37 correct correct counc and that was seconded by Goldberg thank you to table 37223 our ordinance councilman Schwarz councilman beler councilman Goldberg yes councilman Oregan yes de M cat yes de May G yes Mayan yes tabled sorry dou do we do we also do 39 2023 we need a motion to table that one which we had one earlier from Council Bel and a second from councilman Schwarz this is the table 39 which was the adus councilman Schwarz councilman beler yes councilman Goldberg yes councilman Morgan yes Ste marats yes Ste G yes Mayan yes tabled everybody good I can open up the public hearing yes the public hearing on these ordinances are now open any member of the public wishing to be heard on any of these ordinances and these ordinance only or who wants to ask questions these ordinances can please come forward and state their names for the record comments or questions shall be limited to 3 minutes per person Mr Green hi good evening council members I just want to talk about ordinance number 41 2023 I'm concerned with the scheduling component I'm very happy and very proud to support T neck Jr football they've just been awarded a grant by the sari family I want to make sure that our T neck teams get right of first refusal um there is some vague language in the ordinance I wish it could be more specific so that we know that our kids come first here in EK and at you know other areas because there's a lot floating around out here and the second which I know you tabled as far as the outdoor furniture um and again I'm speaking as a resident now that is a planning board member but we had some concerns with the handicap and mothers with carriages being able to move those carriages and the handicap walking down cuz I believe there's a three foot um space from the curb that you have to have you just want to make sure that this is enforcable and how would the town enforce that because restaurants are open at night who's around to enforce this so that restaurant owners Etc don't follow the cold so that is a concern and then in bad weather if the tents are out there with the heated areas will there still be an area for the handicapp and Wheelchairs and mothers and strollers to pass by those restaurants so that is a concern thank you thank you Mr Green Doug someone on Zoom bringing in Keith please state your name for the record uh sorry I believe that 37 was tabled which is the one I was going to talk about so uh feel free to go to the next next person thank you Mr Kaplan yeah Mr attorney if anyone wants to speak on any of the ordinances that were tabled they don't speak on that right only the ordinances that we're going to consider correct and they can speak on uh at good and Welfare about okay Doug do we have someone else on Zoom since Mr Kaplan is yes sir bringing in Chuck Powers bringing in Chuck Powers Dr Powers can you hear us sir he is converting he's convert there he is please unmute sir whenever you're ready I took my hand down because I was going to speak about the or commend the town okay and the township on the on its table ordinance so I'm um I'll come back in in thank you sir all right Doug we'll do someone in person someone on this side yes ma'am hello good evening my name is Kelly R Sedano I'm a resident here of EK I'm from the soccer league here um this fall I wanted everyone to know that there are approximately 800 children playing soccer on the fields this was one of the best seasons as far as priority usage of the fields this season T Junior Soccer League was given priority of the fields especially the famous V Sports plex a highly sought field from outside organizations tjsl received multiple requests from outside organizations to use the field we denied many of these requests because we were on the field children were on the field playing soccer um the new ordinance 41 2023 I didn't read any language that include that says that t neck is a priority that sport organization that's 100% te residents is a priority so I came to speak on behalf of the children um I volunteer I spend many hours on the soccer field um enjoying looking at the children playing soccer and I just want to make sure that those children are a priority thank you thank you Miss Reyes we we have some children in attendance and it is a school night would you like to come up first young man I am here for uh ordinance 41 hi my name into the mic state your name for the record so the people in the back could hear you hi my name is Sammy beitz I'm an 11-year-old boy and I've lived in Teck my whole life I love using the fields at volti Park for baseball in the spring and soccer in the fall one thing that is missing in our town is a skate park skateboarding is a good exercise and it's a lot of fun this summer I went to a skateboarding camp in Ridgewood did you know that Ridgewood is the closest skate park to Teck it's 20 minutes away my parents can't drive me there all the time when I want to go practice the only way to get good at skateboarding is to practice a lot that's why I think we should have a skate park in Teck it wouldn't even cost a lot of money all you need are a few ramps and rails if the town forms a committee to improve our parks and Fields please remember to include skateboarder and the on the committee thank you and have a good night thank you Sammy thank you Sammy the young man in the back hi I'm here for ordinance number 41 hello my name is yown and I live in tenek I'm 12 years old I love playing all sorts of sports including soccer walk ER and skateboarding T does not have t does not have a skateboarding Park this past summer I had to go all the way to Ridge the skateboard even though I had a great time skateboarding in Ridgewood Ridgewood is really far I think having a skateboarding Park in T is a great idea because skateboarding is something all kids can play without having without having to try out for a team also a skateboarding Park is a great place for tetina kids to play with each other in a fun and exciting environment I really hope that that you consider adding a skateboarding Park in Teck I'm glad that you I'm glad that you want to make our Parks better and that you want the advice from all the Teen teams and want the best way to fix our Parks please also have a parent who is not involved in team sports help decide how to fix our par our Parks this way kids who are not on a team can also have a voice on what fun things they want in our Park thank you and have a good night thank you Doug someone on Zoom bringing in former mayor James dun Ley fre will mute whenever sir whenever you are ready my bad hi Doug thank you very much much good evening everybody good evening Council uh I want to rise to raise my concern over proposed ordinance fun 41 2023 to establish a new field permit Advisory Board because the big question is why why an Advisory Board we already cleaned up the Township Code of advisory boards that were one issue wonders and this proposal is exactly one of those it does not meet The Advisory Board definition but it does meet the definition of a task force that I put into the ordinance uh last year please take a look and think about doing that instead of this why do you use the term related facilities does this include permitting for Roa other Park activities parties this needs to be defined or eliminated I believe the the addition tonight to add the rec department now is a substantial change I do not agree with the attorney as a changes the membership number of the group and affects the Quorum number of the group and I agree with council member Oregon's comments why the representation from The High School athletic director in the Boe why are we giving them a voice in our policies when we have none on theirs are they willing to assist with paying for field upkeep for the privilege of recommending rules to councel and now why 14 people our current ordinance limits our advisory boards from five to nine you haven't made an argument as to why the need of for a higher number we have had that in the past with disastrous effects why did you say council member Goldberg that the reason for all of this was to quote offload permitting burden from the pprb how would you know that it was a burden you never asked them permits are not a pprb burden this is a solution looking for a problem in my opinion why weren't the organizations most affected by this not contacted or have had discussions with them beforehand and they're all opposed to this plan why don't you tell us why the the other ordinances that you me that you allude to in the uh ordinance uh that will be affected or eliminated why aren't they listed here realize they will have profound effect on advisory boards council member Council needs to know that before you vote so Council one has to wonder why what the motive for council member Goldberg has for this who is she representing certainly not the sports organization's most effective does she want increased Boe access to Township fields they already have it or wants reduced or no charges for them perhaps she wants to increase the use of field field time for outside concerns at the expense of our children's time on the fields their parents paid for Council you already have the authority through the current ordinance that is designed to give preference to the 100% teen children Council sponsored Sports organizations why do this Council don't be led down the wrong path vote down or at least poorly written frankly embarrassing proposed ordinance thank you sir Mr Berliner ber resident before I start I'd like to say that I shared a letter earlier today with all the members of council uh like most letters like most letters that have been sent they have never been acknowledged or responded to good evening Council and residents my name is AI Berliner and I'm a member of the playground Parks and Recreation Advisory board our purpose is to advise the Council of respecting the acquisition development maintenance and use of parks and recreational facilities within the township of Tina including recreational programs I'm also the pprv representative to the most Committee in early September councilwoman Goldberg suggested and now recognized to be highly controversial ordinance to create a new Fields Advisory Board as a reflection of the fields Committee in Ridgewood since the first reading we only learn of more issues with the hastily prepared document and rejections by the recreation department and other local organizations with that said the council woman appears to be misinformed the committee in Ridgewood was adopted by resolution and not a municipal ordinance or enacted into the code its primary purpose is to ensure communication between local organizations and facilitate scheduling tenk on the other hand recently implemented a new permitting system and through the efforts of former mayor dun leevy to codify for field use prioritization local teams and organizations have dedicated access to fields and Facilities through effective coordination with the Department of recreation as was discussed in the last two pprb meetings in which councilwoman Goldberg participated the superintendent of recreation explained that scheduling is not and has not been an issue for our recognized teams and organizations in addition the township manager actively communicates with the relevant advisory boards Council Township organizations and citizens on field use maintenance and upgrades I'm curious of the advice questions concerns and feedback from residents and your constituents regarding this proposal was shared with you by our liaison it was not shared here this evening to quote a fellow pprb member who was not here this evening what happened to the updates to the text that we were promised they're still not even they're still not in there the recorded Zoom session is available on the township website the prop the proposed new ordinance describes that the purpose of the board is to advise the council with respect to recommendations for policies and procedures scheduling and maintenance of all athletic fields and related facilities owned by the township of tenek all of the important infrastructure exists and is actively managed it actually appears that the purpose of this new ordinance is not to introduce any new function but rather to hamstring the pprb and potentially punish its members for political purposes some questions to consider why is the rec department in DPW absent from the list of Representatives if a new organization is started will have to be written into the ordinance why does the high school and Board of Ed each get a representative they weren't even consulted before being included does related facilities imply the birthday parties in the park or Roda now require Junior wrestling's approve approval why are seniors not represented how about yog with Carol if they want to use a field pprb reflects diversity across the community including various organizations stakeholder groups and cohorts we not only work closely with the recreation and DPW departments to monitor report document and advise Council of programs and projects to our liaison but many are also active members within organizations as coaches officials board members and parents we volunteer to document plan and tent to fields in order to make sure that our neighbors have safe fields Recreation facilities and leading programming please keep fields and Recreation above politics and thank you and I urge you to vote no on ordinance 41 thank you 2023 Doug someone on Zoom Jesse Leon please unmute good evening I'm calling uh to speak about ordinance number 41 um I wasn't actually gonna say anything because I don't have super strong opinions about this issue I don't know much about it but I was inspired by the public engagement of the two young men asking about a skate park so I would urge that no matter how this vote comes out um the relevant body is Nimble and responsive to the wants of the community especially the community of people who use uh the public space is that issue um and I I fully support their call for a skat Park and I and I hope that uh we get creative voices from all of our residents for uh creative uses to make our town better in the future thank you thank you Mr Leon someone on this side no someone on this side uh sir hi uh my name is Michael Epstein I the current president of tjsl and um just want to say a few words about ordinance 41- 2023 so prior to 2023 as we've heard a few times I'm not going to get overly repetitive here we've had we had many you know big problems with our permitting and that was corrected in 2022 so prior to that when I when uh when our permits were repealed from us for other outside organizations or other things going on we're forced to use the the other fields in tin which are muddy wet and a lot of times we end up canceling our games because our players just simply will go down a couple of inches in the water on the fields so those fields definitely need to be addressed and fixed and um and that has to be dealt with it's been like that for as long as I lived in Tina which is about 22 years now so what what what upset all of of us with this new ordinance and it has to do with section two which talks about which is a a super vague statement that can apply to almost anything basically any any past um ordinances that may conflict and blah blah blah um would would be canceled out and I understand that could be boilerplate language I don't know that's something the attorneys put in there just as a catch all but it's super vague and and we are nervous that that section will eventually somehow in the future can can out the uh the 2022 ordinance that gave tenuk organizations uh Sports organizations priority use of the fields so I I want to bring that to everyone's attention and uh my ask is if this ordinance is going to be voted and go and go forward that something be put in there that reaffirms our access to the pering process on a priority level so that we can use the Sports plex and the Sports plex is the is the the it is the hottest commodity as Kelly said in in tin everybody wants to use it and we want to we want to retain our Priority Access to the Sportsplex during our soccer Seasons we don't want to be fighting with outside organizations who I understand are paying and even if they are paying we have to understand and the council has to understand that it's our tax dollars in the past along with the Greek Green Acres funding that built those fields and and we want to we want to ensure that tenuk residents have full access to those fields that's it thank you thank you Mr Epstein Doug someone on Zoom I have Dr Ken Hoff on when whenever you're ready doc feel free to unmute um I already un loud and clear okay I will not repeat what has already been said um but I want to say three things despite councilwoman Goldbergs and others contention that our field issues have not been addressed by previous Administrations councils pprb and other advisory boards in my 20 years of a as a volunteer in this town I strongly disagree the results may not have been to anyone's liking but issues were addressed within the confines of budgetary constraints and previously set Township priorities two as I have stated in previous pprb and most meetings and in face to face in electronic communications M many times in the last couple weeks it is and was it is and was very difficult to keep up maintenance and have improvements in our field when tck had 0% increases in their budget for the last number of years Additionally the TX school district has now and had in the past no available funds for major Hawthorne field Improvement and in fact the field Improvement as uh Township manager kazinski has said is coming out of our funding where the uh board of education is dealing with irrigation and fencing as a Township we need approximately 10 to 12 million to fix up all the fields something Council and the administration should consider in a near future bond issue however most importantly I am dismayed by the lack of Civility trust and cooperation that has recently occurred between members of council to the administration the ad the the ad boards and the citizenry of te and between the citizens of ten themselves we all need to work together to recapture the magic that made tenek such a great place to live and to raise a family and also I wish everyone a safe and Happy Thanksgiving and please remember that as Teek we should work together to make it a great family place for everybody irrespective of their views it's not personality it's a difference of opinion thank you very much thank you Dr Hoff and Mr vaty uh thank you for being recognized uh once again I'm impressed and standing before you you're a very hardworking Council but you're Town Council that means there's always more work to do and I've collected a few comments here uh one has to do with the meeting we had last night I don't know about anybody else but ordinances Mr just the ordinances this isn't going to well for Mr vasy Mr s did you have your hand up Allan s tck resident I will actually speak about ordinance 41223 um which will will establish a new Fields Advisory Board all of my children played in Township Sports and every one of them at some point played on fields that were substandard my children have all aged out but I still hear from Sports organizations and parents at Council meetings and online complaining about the conditions of fields any Resident with their own eyes can see that many fields are still in terrible shape players still play on substandard fields and parents and coaches are still embarrassed to have visitors come see the story state of our Township fields I've attended hundreds of meetings of the pprb as a resident as a Township council member when residents were kept out I reviewed every set of minutes that was provided over the years I've heard pprb discussion of vacation plans of holiday meals of family occasions and all sorts of other chitchat along with discussions about Recreation year after year the PPA pprb has met but no long-term plan for addressing the deterioration at too many fields has ever been developed the fields have only gotten worse ordinance 41223 provides a clear division of responsibility the pprb will continue to be tasked with a focus on the day-to-day operations of fields while the new Fields Advisory Board will be able to focus on the critical short and long-term capital projects and ensuring that all of the fields are in appropriate shape for every single Sports organization in this Township both boards as their name explicitly states are and remain advisory to council the council will continue to get advice from pprb about the details of recreational operations while the fields Advisory Board will finally recommend how to allocate the limited resources we have to ensure that all Fields used by all organizations are in proper shape to ensure the health safety and Welfare of all Township Sports participants as the township attorney has confirmed on multiple occasions this evening nothing else changes nothing else changes the preferences for Township organizations built into the code are entirely unchanged the existing field assignments and scheduling will not change in any way no fees will be changed by this ordinance pass ordin 41 and this Township will finally see properly maintained fields in every Township Park shame on former mayor dun leevy for making false and baseless accusations section two on conflicting ordinances has been just about every ordinance he approved its boilerplate how can he possibly not know that it is well past time to end the petty turf wars and finally fix our Fields thank you Mr you very much Mr uh Mr Mayor members of council I'll be very brief so with regards to um um ordinance 41223 I just would like to bring to your attention that you are setting a precedent here where you'll allow new ordinance ordinances to actually conflict with other ordinances and then as as such you're going to end up missing up the code so there is a ordinance I believe it's 15 d2020 that regulate advisory boards and then it sets a specific size for it so I'm not I don't have an opinion about the creation of an Advisory Board uh related to um to uh Fields maybe it's a great idea but I just would like not to see um new ordinances that will supersede previous ordinances and as such uh maybe in the future somebody else is going to come up with another ordinance and then we end up with with more conflicts I think what should have been hap what should have happened is you create this this Advisory Board and at the same time you go back to the root uh uh ordinance that regulates advisory boards and then make amendments to it to either not restrict or or Set uh a maximum uh number of members for those advisory boards or or just increase the maximum number of Advisory board members because right now you're at uh 15 d2020 calls for nine regular members and a maximum of two uh alternates this Advisory Board the way it's created I think it's for more than that and I think that's a conflict that's not going to be healthy in the long run thank you thank you anyone else in Chambers want to speak on any of these ordinances no there's no more hands on Zoom this public hearing is closed does anyone on Council want to make a comment am I allowed to ask to table of 41 again or am I allow we that vote failed we can't do it again I'm sorry am I allowed to ask to vote to table 41 again or I cannot that ship sailed no uh how did you vote on it before I voted in favor ofing it tbling it you can only bring it you can only I have to be a changer what that I have to be a CH someone new someone different yeah Miss organ yes so I I was against um a field Advisory Board from the night that it was introduced I understand that we need to work on our fields and we have for the past two three years the manager been working really hard with the funds that we have available and I don't know if anybody has seen the video of of Hawthorne field um but after much negotiation with the Board of Ed um and finding a new company to maintain the fields if you want to go take a look at it it should look great and Lancers is next we were able to fight we're still fighting with Green Acres for the funds to do TX Southern and we're hoping to Turf um we found fields of America we're hoping to Turf another field this year as well with money that's been put away I'm all in favor of a task force to work on fields I'm all in favor of bringing all the stakeholders together that's fine but what an Advisory Board does in my opinion and we said this two months ago when it was introduced or or three months ago is it puts the breakes on everything so there will now be appointments to The Advisory boards and advisory boards will be open to the public and they'll meet once a month and they'll discuss whereas a task force with it could have multiple members of Council on it and the manager can actually move ahead with figuring out which Fields need to be um fixed next and who would be playing on them and I think um while I may not be expressing it well I think this is counterintuitive to what we actually need in the town to work on the field um thank you anyone else you know I'm sorry sorry to interrupt for a second I I'm just as I'm thinking about it Council Schwarz I think if I'm remembering correctly that the uh motion table for was just on the amendment on the amendment so do have the right to introduce a motion to the table on the yeah on the main ordinance itself yes you you can make a motion you make a motion Miss Bel do you did you you raise your hand did you want to say something yeah I just just want to just reiterate what our attorney has uh previously clarified and that is um there this this ordinance has no in no way will restrict our te neck sports teams from having priority or preferences doesn't change anything as it pertains to our sports teams being able to utilize our Fields is is that correct that's correct this ordinance just creates the field Advisory Board uh which is able to recommend whatever you know whatever it wants to the council and then ultimately Council can decide on what what it wants to adopt but this does not change uh any other ordinance and you know that way doesn't doesn't change any priority or preference that that could be given to uhh to Residents thank you m g yeah I just wanted to share that most of the feedback I've heard from this room were concerning around the points that councilman beler just brought up this is not going to change the fee schedule this is not going to take away priority from tck sports tck sports will continue to have priority um and so I'm I'm I'm a little bit disappointed about all the misinformation that was shared um and you know my son plays both of my sons play TX soccer and on our team pages we we getting all this misinformation and so I'm just I I I implore everyone to read the ordinance listen to our um lawyer here and understand that those changes are not going to happen um and then secondly I I want to address the comments I can't recall who made it about whether or not the Board of Ed or the athletic director of the high school should should have should be a stakeholder on this on this board I can't imagine why we wouldn't want the Board of Ed or the athletic director who is in charge of over you know thousands of our students who many of whom play sports to have a seat at the table um this isn't about uh this again is an advisory role right and what we saw over the last couple years is folks feeling like they don't have a seat at the table that Council doesn't have all the information this really is just about giving everyone a seat at the table and we strongly believe that everyone should have a voice that is our goal with this with this um ordinance it's not to take away priority from any teen students it's not to impose any additional fees there are no political you know reasons behind any of these decisions so I just wanted to make sure that that was very clear to everyone thank you Mr Catz well I'm certainly all in favor of having people have a seat at the table but it sounds like this ordinance kind of created another table and didn't tell the people that were sitting at that table that were taking it away from you um you know I was under the impression I was told by a few few people that um members of this Council had direct communication with the um pprb and from what I'm hearing tonight and maybe there's a disconnect there was not that communication that this was going on so I'd really like to get some clarity from the people that said they had communication who' they have the communication with I think it's only fair to their current volunteers that they should kind of know that the table just got pulled away from them anybody have any comment or Mark do you want to make motion yeah um again I think this actually an excellent idea I think the pprb has a lot on their plate and I think focusing on scheduling permitting is very important I'd like to table it specifically so we can clean up a few things get everyone comfortable with it because again I am in favor of this when it's um when it's done and processed right not to say this is completely wrong at all so with that I'd like to make a motion that we table this to the next meeting to clean up a few things thank you for a second Mr M can I get a response from council members that claimed they spoke to the members of the PPR who's the I spoke to members of the pprb and they were good with this yes there was I believe there was four members that signed the letter um one I have been playing phone tag with the other members refuse to sign that letter because they are in support of this and I spoke to them at the pprb meeting okay so they're aware of it there there's a motion was there a second I'll second nober no coun or yep yep no no I make a motion to approve all ordinances uh Mr Mayor I have one question for the manager really really quickly on um ordinance 38 2023 um that's the severance liability Bond I just have a quick question do we know how many how much we're looking at you know left in the future for retirement payouts that's always that's always a difficult question just to update Council we have uh about three police officers at fall uh for hiring pre1 1996 which allows a payout 50% of their sick time um that is generally not a concern to me uh they're capped with Tom time they're capped with uh sick time everyone after 96 um you know the fire department's contract allows them to acrew 156 holiday hours a year we did cap that in their last collective bargaining agreement which will help not right away but it will help uh moving forward those new hires at the fire department will will not be able to acrw Holiday time which uh for our end is is very good um we don't know when people retire the pension board generally wants 90 days notice uh people that are eligible to retire generally give the town notice that they are eligible to retire in the current year uh we've had quite a few uh retirements over the last four to five years which required the severance liability special emergency to um for us to utilize that because we have not put in generally the three4 of a million dollars for severance liability payout uh which has prompted the special emergency payout including this year which is uh I think close to a million dollars uh for 2024 um you know there are you know quite a few police and and fire eligible to retire but I can't tell you you know you're going to have one I can't tell you you're going to have 10 it's just very difficult to say and um we don't have that kind of notice a lot of times from from those retiring sorry um so I looked at the budget so this year we had about $77,000 set aside so we don't know how many retirement payouts are we going to be able to use any money from Surplus or any other budget item to bump that number up so we may we have some or do we don't have to do special emergencies on retirement but not for 2023 um you know if if I'll speak to the CFO after November 1st of course we can transfer monies from different budget accounts you know if there's a way to offset some of that fine but I don't think that's going to be the case I think for this year in 2023 you know we're looking at the total terminal leave payout of about $965,000 thanks I just feel like it's it's a million dollars it's a lot of money so now for the next five years new residents who didn't receive the services from the retirees are going to have to pay their fair share for debt services for services they didn't receive receive so I'm just not comfortable with that yes Miss beler yeah I have a question also for the um manager regarding ordinance 36-20 23 which is um related to the inspection of lead based paint in certain residential dwellings I just wanted to know how um what is the plan in terms of notifying residents that this applies to I believe this this pretty much has to do with multifam um Property Owners rental property and I just wanted to know like by adopting this particular um ordinance how are we notifying um our residents that um they fall under this um this requirement as it pertains to lead based paint our health department is going to handle that you know there was a a timeline of when this really has to be in place this again is I hate to say this another unfunded State mandate that um rests on the tax local taxpayers on their shoulders uh we do have the staff in the health department that will be able to handle the inspections uh the health officer is in the process of coming up with a plan for notifications I believe the inspections have to be done every three years uh or if there's a turnover within that three-year period of time so I I I'll report the council I'll speak to the health officer and I'll send an email just explaining their plan and the process that the health officer will have in place to notify who needs to be notified thank you anyone else no Doug make a motion to approve all ordinances ation mayor second from deputy mayor G sorry councilman Schwarz yes on all 41 great but I wish we can table for now you said that's a no on 41 sir councilwoman beler yes Jo all Council Goldberg yes on 36 yes on 40 yes on 41 no on 38 that's only a no on 38 right correct and councilman Oregon no on 41 yes on the rest Debbie marats uh no on 41 yes on the rest deut mayor G yes on all mayor pan yes to all all adopted thank you Mr clerk our next order of business is good and Welfare any member of the public wishing to be heard at this time can please come forward and state their names for the record comments shall be limited to three minutes per person Mr vaty you're up first sir I'm yes thank you finally okay um yeah this is good and Welfare and I want to bring up some things because it's the end it's coming to to the end of the year I want to remember the I want to remind the council then on December 6th is going to be a Gala for a former Town council member and then assembly member and then state senator and then majority state senator uh Ed ber and I don't hear any mention of it i' I'd like some more enthusiasm and her honor and on her behalf and I hope there's some support by council members to attend it's on December 6 it's at 7 o'clock it's in Fort Lee and uh you'll have to look it up I didn't bring that with me but it's the gala for Loretta warber second uh months ago the people in East Palestine were bathed in toxic material because the Train derailed uh that was in February and we had a meeting was it in August you know in summer and I just wanted a dub date on the progress fortunately nothing has happened on the line but there's no guarantee it can happen and that will change the lives of all of you and all of us if a train derails we are exposed um a small story uh backyard chickens back uh way back in the 90s remember the 90s right back in the 90s I was down in W in Virginia and uh staying with friends who have a farm and I drove back up to find a snowstorm here in Teck and no power the only fresh food I had were the eggs that St gave me and that's what I was able to subsist on eight days were out of power so and uh I would tend to favor backyard chickens with adequate setbacks and conditions as far as the U accessory dwell units I think we need them I think we need them because right now the way we live in tinck is 1950s living 20th century living we in the 21st century how much time I have left 37 seconds 37 seconds and uh we have to think about what's going to happen between now and 2050 and uh we should plan on having a little bit improving density which means less traffic more people walking more people taking non-polluting uh transit to get around in our town you know we have accidents at a rate of about 2,000 traffic accidents a year okay that's a big number used to be 1600 now it's 2,000 so when you go home tonight think about that Mr thank you Mr vasy I'm out of time yes sir thank you Doug someone on Zoom I'm bringing in Adam Weissman Adam Weissman can you hear me yes sir yes SL and clear you have three minutes okay um on October 17th I plan to attend the council meeting to object to the removal of our beautiful Street trees on Cedar Lane when I arrived at Town Hall I was stunned to find dueling protests on an issue far removed from Municipal Teck matters police told me that the meeting was at capacity so I couldn't enter when the protest finally ended I was told that I still could not get in went home and was finally able to join on Zoom hours passed finally the council announced that they were closing good and Welfare with 21 people still waiting to speak it was frustrating on the day tenek was to pass its Arbor Day resolution I was told that my attempt play Lorax would have to wait instead of preserving the council meeting as a space for discussing local issues a council member chose to bring a resolution that needlessly divided our community I was disgusted to hear council members cynically compare the call to acknowledge the pain of our Arab and Muslim neighbors to the racist all lives matter slogan coming days before the commemoration of our black lives matter mural this was a slap in the face not only to Arabs and Muslims but also to Black residents unlike the Muslim and Jewish students at tenek high school who organized a forum to promote dialogue and hearing Council and healing council member Goldberg saw an open wound and thought needs more salt after the meeting she went on to the on the blue Teck Facebook group and claimed that protesters were chanting from The River To The Sea and Gass the Jews unlike council member Goldberg I was stuck outside and had ample opportunity to hear all of the chants people did chant from The River To The Sea I looked into this chant and found two articles from Jewish magazines one called from The River To The Sea doesn't mean what you think it means in forward and another called what does from The River To The Sea really mean that was in Jewish currents and they clarify that the implication that this slogan calls for the extermination of Jews is a racist and islamophobic myth as for the vile and inexcusable gas the Jews chant I heard no one shout such filth uh what I did hear was Arab and Muslims approaching her Jews who joined their protest to say shalom and to thank them for their support finding it hard to believe a council member would lie so audaciously I watched Council M kaplan's nearly 2hour long Facebook live video of the protest and my own Facebook live video to see if our phones picked up something that my ears didn't the only chance that sounded remotely like gas the Jews was shame on you so if council member Goldberg has some other video where someone shouted gas the Jews I'd like to hear her make it public if she can't she should react this horrible accusation apologize to our Arab and Muslim community members and resign from the council for speaking this irresponsible falsehood as a fellow Jew I must ask her to consider the ethics of our actions our Great Sage H asked us to summarize Judaism to a man as he stood on one foot said what is hateful to you do not do to your neighbor given Jews own history as targets of violence inspired by the anti-semitic blood liel council member Goldberg should know the danger of violating the ninth commandment and bearing false witness against her neighbors to hear that such a message was shouted in our community makes Jews feels a and ultimately end dangerous Arabs and Muslims a month ago a six-year-old boy was killed in Illinois by a landlord inflamed by islamophobic rhetoric do we want this kind of horror to bring this kind of horror to Teck thank you sir someone on this side Sher Hall show oh you don't have the one they good evening esteemed uh council members and everyone in the audience and also Wasing watching on TV um you know that's a hard one to go after but everyone deserves their few minutes of time to express their views I want to thank you all for uh having uh faith in me for the reappointment to The Advisory board on community relations I believe that I will uh bring some creative um ideas um and continue uh to work well with others um I also wanted to thank the council for their resolution on world AIDS day that that is an important issue to my Parish seen Anastasia in EK father Joe Dio did a World's a day commemoration um last year and um as uh Catholics we are pro-life people and um lives still continue to be affected um by AIDS and the stigma um and I want to thank everyone for their Enthusiast everyone on the council and the community for their enthusiastic support of the tenek Interfaith friendsgiving potluck that happened this Sunday at St Anastasia um the tenek Interfaith Community we started out with about five congregations to um and five uh Faith leaders today we have 18 Faith leaders coming together um to talk things over and provide um help and um support to to this uh greater te community at that event I asked people to share with me some of their hopes uh and dreams for the Tet community and their gratitudes I got a lot of cards but I'm going to read three to you here in the next minute um one person wrote they are grateful for coming together in a celebration hoping to continue to do so and I couldn't think of anything um other than coming together for a meal um after all that has happened within this community another person wrote I am grateful for my loving family friends and co-workers my home for the community it it my hope for the community is the beginning that we begin the process of self-correcting to be tolerant and respectful to all of God's children and finally My Hope um for the community and um uh also my gratitude I'll share with you part of a poem uh attributed to St Francis of ACE also known as the 11 step prayer Lord Make Me A Channel Of thy peace where there is hatred let me bring love where there is wrong let me bring the spirit of forgiveness where there is Discord let me bring Harmony where there is error may I bring Truth where there is doubt may I bring Faith and despair may I bring hope thank you Cheryl Doug someone on Zoom Sandy silverberg you're free to mute whenever you're ready hi dog you hear me right loud and clear three minutes well good evening Council Mr manager Mr clerk friends and neighbors and I'm actually speaking to all the Teck residents that are there and that are watching on Zoom I'm here tonight to ask you for your help I'm following up on what councilwoman Oregon uh reported earlier one of the most generous residents of K whom most of you know has challenged the friends of the library to raise $10,000 which he will match dollar for dollar for a total of $20,000 to be used to purchase new tables chairs comfortable seating couches shelves etc for our beloved Library which is about to Embark as as councilwoman Oregan said on a renovation which will include by the way among other things a bathroom on the main floor yay can you help the friends everybody meet this challenge we only have about three more weeks to raise the dollar goal of $10,000 can you help put us over the top every $100 every $10 every $1 can help us reach the goal in this season of gratitude wow I'll tell you something I'm grateful for our wonderful Library that's the one Haven in all the rest of everything that happens please send your contributions make out a check to the Friends of the EK public library and mail it to the Friends of the tck public library 840 tck Road tck New Jersey you know the zip or you can leave your contributions at the circulation desk uh and just label the friends send them through PayPal uh if you want to use the friends link it's wwwt friends we are thankful we are grateful for all contributions and you the person giving that dollar will be delighted to feel that you have an ownership a stake in the refurbishment of our beloved Library a thank you in advance to everyone who'll consider doing this I know times are tough sender dollar and I want to wish everybody everybody a peaceful and Happy Thanksgiving in this one most inclusive holiday on the American calendar good night thank you Sandy someone on this side Sir Sir Mr Epstein uh just one follow-up comment to Deputy Mayor J your comment about the emails we sent out um my comment back to that is had we been um consulted or talked to or discussed or anything about this ordinance would have been brought to us um we potentially could have used those emails had we understood everything and we communicated to be an advocate for the ordinance as opposed to um the way we actually came about it which you know and I still stand by I that section to as much as everybody says it is what it is but um um as as our organization should be able to advocate for the benefit of our players and that's what we did and I do stand by how I how I handle that I asked the council in the future if these type of um advisory boards are going to be put together or anything of the similar come talk to us um you know we we meet regularly and we would love to to hear from the council and and um and um Tred to work on these things together that was it thank you thank you Mr EP Doug someone on Zoom omir Sher oh thank you you saw that please unmute state your name for the record can you hear me hello loud and clear please state your name for the record three minutes uh this is Umar Sharif I live at on Bell Avenue um calling with regards to the uh flooding issue um whenever it rains my neighbors and I were extremely stressed out and we you know we have anxiety because uh of how bad the flooding gets over here um the in fact my property is the first property that starts to flood um the uh uh the the water rushing to the drains it gets uh uh w wi and wider until my entire property is engulfed in the water and from the outside it looks like my house is in the middle of a river so um I'm really happy that uh the town is moving forward with the uh resolution to um uh get the detention tanks in place um and uh yeah so I just wanted to offer my um uh support and and appreciate the council for that um and lastly I just wanted to um mention that uh I completely agree with with uh the prior caller on Zoom Adam Weissman what he said with regards to the um uh the the Israel Palestine resolution thank you good evening everybody um Phil Yak I live on Bell Avenue also I know um very well um so first of all I want to thank Dean and the public works for staying U very much on top of the leaf removal on our on our street and and in the entire area to reduce the possibility of storm drains being clogged also our neighborhood now is a probably the safest uh pedestrian neighborhood in tck because virtually every s raay sidewalk has been fixed I want to thank Dean for that the park looks great and uh uh and all the homeowners who fix their sidewalks there a couple that still need to be done um it should be be done all over town it shouldn't just be done in one neighborhood and that I think the council could uh Institute that um and um uh I hope that resolution 295 is passed we need that detention uh tank uh as quickly as possible uh that's the fastest way to get it done is through the lease agreement um this flooding has been going on ever since I live in EK and that's 45 years and uh I understand from my neighbor it's been going on for at least 60 years and finally finally something's been done about it this is great uh so on behalf of all the residents in the Bell Avenue area I want to thank you for that I hope you pass that um I was at the meeting yesterday at the Forum and again the overwhelming sentiment was to not give away and develop apartment buildings on our parking lots the those are our Municipal parking lots and we don't want them to be developed with I I think virtually I would say it was uh almost every single person I spoke to and heard speak and I think that um uh councilwoman Belcher and councilwoman G uh and councilman Schwarz heard that because there was a lot of noise in the room that said I implore you to to abandon the AL settlement agreement I know you don't want to I know why you don't want to I think it was a mistake to begin with I think there's um there's um uh it was done at a time when we were all down in our homes when we were worried about covid when nobody was paying attention uh it was done in a kind of with with conflict of interest and I think you need to really really really think about that and if we have to pay a price we pay a price for that was a bad decision um uh uh we all go to stop and shop it's not an air Stop and Shop is not an area in need of Redevelopment it's a supermarket that we all use I go there every other day um and if if if necessary and possible to resend the ainr and start from scratch listen to the listen to the residents this is what the residents want they don't want um they don't want to have what Margaret Baker is living through we don't want that uh we don't want all of that we we we want we want to start from the beginning so we can have a conversation uh about it thank you thank you Phil oh and yes to chickens give the guys chickens Zoom dou shuk odala your hand is up you are declining to be a panelist please feel free to speak if you'd like good evening evening my name is Shah T resident I was hoping you could provide some insight into the process of selecting advisory members also I initially didn't plan to address this but the previous speaker raised a valid point will councilwoman Goldberg be issuing an apology for her inflammatory remarks against Palestinian residents if not may we inquire about a potential timeline for her resignation thank you um thank you the the lady right there miss I think I saw your hand up yeah good evening um my name is re faky I'm a resident of tenk for the past 25 years I'm a parent of two High School seniors and two graduates of tenk public schools I'm here firstly because I'd like to voice my concern for the safety of our Muslim Students in the school system I initially spoke up in support of our superintendent's neutral letter which promised to assist all of our students and to make sure that they're all safe unfortunately as the days go by I see that this support isn't coming or it's not enough what I am seeing is that they're being silenced in the face of their grief I see that they're told to be aware in a manner that's almost threatening by teachers Deans and even substitutes they don't feel comfortable enough to go to the counselors that are entrusted to their care while they're in the schools it's disheartening to me to see that my children are reliving my past of prejudice and hate that I saw through the 80s when I was told that tenek has such a wonderful history of diversity and desegregation I expected better when I chose tenek to raise my children I lived in South Jersey all my life my parents came here in 1968 they chose New Jersey to raise their children and I Left My Home In Monro Township and moved here to tenek because of its diversity I expected better better and I know that we can do better because I've seen better in tck but I'd also like to speak for a moment if I could about what happened on that evening when we were outside while you were meeting inside we chanted I chanted too I didn't intend to I intended to be inside to speak because I wanted te- neck to remain for Teck for our children that I raised here just as my parents raised me in Monroe to be Jersey Girls my well Jersey Girls I have one daughter and Jersey Boys I have four Sons um I was hurt when I heard councilwoman Goldberg present a resolution that would set us on a path of division we were chanting the word Gaza the way you say it but we say Ita which can very easily through walls be heard gas them we didn't say Gast them I would never allow my children to say gastam that's horrific that's horrifying we would never want to hurt anybody anyway I was there that day because I wanted to ensure as I said that tenek remains the town that I know the one that I chose to raise my children in and I hope that we can return to that I do hope that we get an apology thank you dou someone on Zoom Jesse Leon please I'm mute whenever you're ready can you hear me loud and clear sir okay thank you I'm I'm inspired again tonight by people mentioning chickens without me prompting it at all I wasn't even planning on talking about chickens tonight just the the subtle subliminal messaging um I actually wanted to talk about the uh the adus I was um a little disappointed that you guys did not pass that resolution I would urge you that in whatever revisions happen to the ordinance um you refrain from the urge to burden homeowners who are trying to make their lives easier and more affordable and to decentralize the um what many of us believe is necessary density in this town um away from just a few development sites to the broader Community for people who want again to make their homes uh more affordable for them to make them into places that they can age in um with with uh multi-generational families or or with um just bringing on a tenant to offset costs so I would I again urge you just um pay close attention to whatever changes are coming that the planning board was not super pleased with the the the concept of Adu or they were pleased with it but it they said it violated the master plan the master plan is a decade and a half old and and I thought we're trying to replace it with something new and that actually reflects our vision for the future of tck so um I don't know if that's a critique that you should take super seriously I think that that you can lead U by example uh for the future master plan and for the future of smart growth in this town um including a way to bring everyone the opportunity to use their property the way that they see fit whether that be building an Adu or having chickens in their backyard um and then they can go down to vot park and and enjoy the skate park that you guys are going to build now so uh have a great night and Happy Thanksgiving everybody thank you Jesse someone on this side Mr Schwarz thank you Mr Mayor Ron Schwarz Larch Avenue um I'm speaking tonight as a representative of one town one vote the citizens group that fights for democracy and transparency in local government one time when vote has continued to monitor the public deliberations of the township Council to assure that the business of government is carried out with the Democratic principles and transparency that are Central to good government while one town one vote recognizes that the council has made progress in some areas more transparency and open governance are needed and were in fact promised in the campaign platform of rise for TEEG our Focus here is on Council subcommittees we appreciate that small task forces conducting focused fact finding May improve Council efficiency but subcommittees effectively subvert the spirit of the open public meetings act by putting key deliberations and decision-making behind closed doors a practice legally permitted only because the subcommittee limit of three council members does not constitute a council Quorum Council has now published the minutes of some meetings of two subcommittees published minut should follow all subcommittee meetings but subcommittee minutes will not fulfill the promise of open government other than narrow circumstances such as Personnel decisions and pending litigation there is no justification for excluding the public from observing deliberations regarding key aspects of Civic life including for example cannabis policies as well as Redevelopment and most other land use deliberations one time one vote recognizes that opening subcommittees would require adding the steps needed to inform interesed public about when and where and about what a subcommittee uh is to U what a subcommittee is to meet about the new council's ordinance that reopened advisory boards demonstrates that council could readily identify the procedures needed to open its own subcommittees one toown one vote respectfully requests that the council recognize that subcommittees are in effect many work sessions that should be open to public view if not public input and council's own recent discussion of adding workshops May indicate that Council already recognizes that workshops represent a good path to better decision- making and transparency we ask that you act urgently on providing transparency by opening subcommittees on their discussion to public attendance thank you very much and have a Happy Thanksgiving everybody thank you Mr Schwarz Doug someone on Zoom Shaz please unmute you have three minutes please say your name for the record yes can you hear me loud and clear hi sh Shas just wanted to say about three things that I like to address one is the development plans for cedal l i thank you for the workshop yesterday uh we hope the residents inputs are seriously considered as this is a heavy traffic area I've lived on the street for almost all my life there's two School tools houses of worship grocery store and a lot of residential traffic so please let us know if there are additional workshops and really share some clear next steps um from from yesterday um the second item is um thank you for recognizing World AIDS day as a health care worker I know what that is about and how important that is to to the community I also just want to remind you that yesterday November mber 20th was World children's day to promote awareness among children worldwide and improving children's well welfare sadly in Gaza 5,500 children have been killed 9,000 children have been maimed by air strikes While most of them are currently being denied access to most basic humanitarian Aid including food water and Medicine 177,000 children are uh lost one or both parents the enormity of the impact on children in such a short time is significant and alarming some of the impacted children are direct relatives of New Jersey families and I would like to extend deepest condolences on world Children's Day to all the families who lost the children in this last month third item tinic International Film Festival recognized two tinic high school students Alber Trish and Leora pivan for Building Bridges across the community creating a forum for tough conversations and leading with compassion and empathy during difficult times especially after Tina council's actions on resolutions passed regarding conflict in Middle East these students demonstrated exceptional leadership and I would like to see the council recognized these students for responding to local discourse with great deal of sensitive and sensitivity and maturity and lastly I would like to remind everyone that tdmc is honoring Senator Loretta Weinberg at the Galla on December 6th at Port Le Hilton off Route 4 as you are aware Senator Weinberg has dedicated her life to public service and has been an unwavering advocate for our community her tireless efforts in championing social justice Healthcare reform women's rights and transparency in government have left in an indelible mark on our state and its residents thank you and Happy Thanksgiving thank you Miss ariman Mr El carani Mr Mayor members of council earlier your Tech vendor asked you question when was the last time you failed at something when you were all in the answer is every night since October 17 2023 um over 13,000 Palestinian civilians dead later you still have not properly recognize them I don't know any Muslim in EK who does not agree that you as a council have treated Muslims as second class residents of Tina compared to their Jewish counterparts now not withstanding any efforts you've you've you've made offline any visits or meetings you've had with mosque leaders all the events that Deputy Mayor cast which I will continue to support an advocate for um remind me uh allow me to remind you that what matters is what happens in this in in this room in these meetings through your votes and decisions and if you believe that your offline activities or the Kumbaya resolution you passed last month or appointing two Muslims to advisory boards will serve as a as a means to let the to to let the uh dust settle take disrespectfully you're hallucinating uh the page is not going to be turned unless you offer in your official documents remedy and healing to the Muslim Community of TK by exclusively mourning the Palestinian civilian deaths once you give us that proper closure I will encourage you like I did last time to pass an ordinance that will halt the introduction and uh of all these nonsensical resolutions about International conflict I ENC encourage you to do what is right immediately and as soon as possible because once they reach a ceasefire over there five of you will have to prove that you value Muslim lives and it will be tough to undo the current perception and like the famous Eddie Murphy line goes what have you done for me lately and lately as a counil as a council two of you indicated that they value and care about Muslim lives but none of you has shown that Muslim lives are worth political risk everybody's grabbing a calculator and doing the math if you disagree introduce a resolution that exclusively Mourns Palestinian civilian civilian deaths and let's see who's going to vote against it I don't want to believe that you you you you and you don't think that all lives are equal in rights as in individuals I've known several of you most of you I respect some of you I really really admire but I hope that I'm not wishfully thinking I think for the past month you've been an invertebrate invertebrate Cong uh Council and I encourage you to get a backbone and offer the Muslim Community some proper closure and I hope I'm not wishfully thinking than someone you want to extend the meeting mayor oh yeah can we get a motion to extend the meeting another the motion 45 minutes second second all those in favor please say I thank you Jose Xenon please unmute good evening can you hear me yes L and clear three minutes Jose thank you Doug thank you mayor thank you council member thank you for your service I have just three quick questions one of them is is kind of rehashing is the Christmas lights and T neck I I understand that uh Township um manager Dean addressed it he did a quick assessment of why the light ends on T neck on Tron but every year it just concerned me because my child always brings up the same question why these lights ends on Tryon so I I think we we uh um Township Dean has a great team they can come up with something something that can continue those lights going north on Tryon and and and brighten up some lights and that way just don't go completely dark after TR Tryon because nor the Northeast is also part of Teck so I'm confident that Dean and his team can think of something for next year or maybe the next year or so please the other second thing I'm just curious uh just two quick thing I'm just curious of why we are considering uh the website designer for what I understand they they are from Australia or Canada I know they have Offices here but there's no there's there was no options where we can look at local businesses that can provide the service or in the county or in the state or in the country I'm just curious like why we didn't I I know we went through a bit process and I know Dean and this team did a great job but I'm just curious why are we partnering with a foreign uh entity instead of giving the opportunities here locally and then the last thing in in regards to that maybe there's an opportunity uh councilwoman G brought it up about keeping the maintaining the uh the website fresh one of the best resources we have in website and social media is our youth maybe we can start an apprentice or some type of partnership where we can allow them to work with the township to keep that because that's a 24 seven business as everyone knows social media maybe we can work with them along with the five other few individuals that Dean mentioned to keep our maintain our content because they the best resources when it comes to website and social media so thank you Happy Thanksgiving and I'll yield back my time thank you Mr Zeno Miss Baker Margaret Baker uh pck and I'm back here again I'm still waiting to hear from the council I have come before and voice my concerns and ask questions and I got nothing you put up the bill on average and you didn't even consider talking to the residents I ask don't look like that Mr Schwartz I asked for meetings with all of the residents that were directly affected and I got nothing no four nothing but now all of a sudden the town is beginning to have forums why couldn't you have that with the first group of Neighbors on the cater and tyen which is in Inglewood you have three residents in Tac we don't matter but you wanted to put it up so you could get tax money oh those eight residents don't matter yes we do and I'm it's time for the town to realize that we are residents don't push this aside you had all of your meetings your secret meeting meetings and then you came back and you told what you wanted and I would like to ask the lawyer is there anything in the rules that if a resident asks a question of the council not the new members but if you ask a question of the counil are you entitled to get some kind of response I've got nothing okay all right get it together but something has to be done and uh for Dean I know you did say something about the state and doing something with the traffic well if a traffic study was done before this went of why do we have all of the problems that we have thank you Miss Baker Keith please unmute Keith please unmute state your name for the record Keith Kaplan tneck New Jersey you're ready so you know it it amazes me that so many of our Muslim cousins that spoke tonight not a single one mentioned the hostages that are being held and I mention that because not only is it covering the news will they be released won't they and not that anyone has to but the people that broke the ceasefire that existed on October 6th and there was a ceasefire on October 6 they screamed Allah abbar as they stole children elderly and babies if they did that in my name if they did that in my religion I'd be living I'd be screaming at the people who did this you think Judaism does this that it would not be acceptable I have not heard one person demand that those children be returned what do we hear instead we heard an Imam from your own mosque spreading lials that Israel bombed the hospital I still have not heard it retracted the us Israel half the develop World knew that that was a lie when he said it today we know even more the New York Times itself says it's a lie you expect Council to recognize one more resolution until they ban all resolutions I mean are you nuts I I I seriously have to ask someone gets up and says the river to the Sea does not mean genocide as if like now it needs a decoder ring we know what this stuff means no one needed a decoder ring to figure out you will not replace us when they marched in the South with pitchforks and torches where is the humanity where is the religion of peace that I have sat in your mosque and discussed with you where are my neighbors calling for the return of babies yes every death is a tragedy but not every means of dying is equal this Council called for a resolution on a crime against humanity when someone intends for someone else to die merely because of who they are if you cannot register that someone dying as collateral to war is different I don't know what to tell you it doesn't mean you feel it less it doesn't mean the mother is hurt it doesn't any less it doesn't mean anyone cares less but my God what are you learning about Holocaust studies what are you learning about slavery not everything is the same because someone dies thank you Mr C thank you Mr gentleman in the back my name is jigal gross and I have been a resident of EK for the past eight years I want to first thank the council for its prior resolution supporting Israel and cademic Hamas it was appropriate it was courageous you honored our community by passing it I also want to commend the council for its peace and unity resolution not Kumbaya peace and unity is something we all should want and support and I hope the tenet gets it but we need to be honest peace and unity is not what EK has today and I would submit that we cannot let our hopes obscure reality and at this juncture permit to respectfully but candidly address my Muslim neighbors you had an extraordinary opportunity if ever there was a time to extend your hand and show Grace this was it this should have been easy the intentional targeted killing of over a thousand innocent people at the hands the largest single Slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust at the hands of an internationally recognized terrorist group who lest anyone doubt their depravity televis themselves in the act going house to house murdering people so brutally that even now weeks later they still can't identify all of the bodies kidnapping mothers babies innocent faces that have no place on a hostage sign where were you when a Madman killed 51 innocent Muslims in a mosque on the other side of the world in Christ Church New Zealand we Jews were there we came to your mosques we sat beside you we comforted you we knew you were hurting that you were scared but when it was our turn to grieve you were absent we needed you and you were not there actually you were not absent you were present you're present now but in all the wrong ways when our Council sought to bring Comfort to our community you came to protest you sought to downplay the intentional butchering of civilians as complicated you asked for balance you offered rambling history lessons full of inaccuracies like debunk claims that Israel bombed the hospital you falsely equated the unintentional killing of Palestinians with the intentional targeted killing of Israeli babies you criticize the council's condemnation of Hamas an organization which uses Palestinians their fellow Muslims as human Shields as anti-palestinian and anti-muslim you accuse the Council of causing communal disharmony of being divisive while busing in dozens of protesters from Patterson who would shatter that Harmony in Englewood they launched a fullscale riot but at least they didn't say Gast them thank God for that this is all self-destructive and I say this with a heavy heart this is a tragedy it's a communal failing of Epic Proportions you had the opportunity of a lifetime to demonstrate compassion to show the world that the forces of light can overpower the darkness that there are voices within your community that can work together with us to build a better future I hope those voices surface and that we have riter days ahead thank you sir Doug can you please state your name for the record once more sir I apologize on Zoom Doug town of Ramapo please unmute and state your name for the record uh hi uh good good evening U I think I'm on a a work device my name is Michael katsky um I'm calling in tonight because I'd like to speak about an issue that was discussed earlier tonight A purely Municipal matter here I know many people are talking about U many things that don't really pertain to the council uh there was a presentation tonight regarding uh Recycling and solid waste uh and who does it will the municipality do it can the municipality do it do it how much it costs how much it cost others uh an RFP was issued it was information about RFP was posted on the site you could email the purchasing department for more details if anyone's interested but what what I want really want to talk about is that there was a there was a piece of information a tidbit that was thrown out here that the T tipping fee would end up adding $50 a month to each house on top of the $18 to $20 of what hacken sack pays uh and I think that there is a that was a number thrown out by the Deep by someone who means well who works for the municipality uh and I I I believe that when you go ahead and you look at a report from University there's there's homework that's shown there's information that's shown there are numbers there's data there are sources if if someone is going to solve our Town's biggest one of our biggest problems don't don't tell the public that you should put this on the Shelf without questioning the source of that data when the person who presented the data said that our DPW guy thinks would be 5 to seven million extra dollars that's disingenuous and that's disrespectful to us taxpayers just a little little bit of information from the detailed 2023 budget from the city of hackin saac a city of 45,000 people slightly more than tenek they spend $ 1372 million On Solid Waste pickup on this is located anyone can see this on sheet 15c of their detailed 2023 financial statement their budget on sheet 15E there's a separate line item for their landfill fee which is the Tipping fee their tipping fee had 1 .7 million appropriated in 2022 their actual expenditure was 1.6 million which is informing their 2023 spend and 2024 spend clearly there's something odd with this calculation tipping fees in Bergen County are $80 a ton all the private Carters pay this but they pay it with with sales tax the municipality doesn't pay sales tax so there's something there's some math here that's not adding up I looked at Mars Township I looked at Mars Plains I looked at 50 other municipalities in northern New Jersey that don't include these $5 million tipping fees show us show us data thank you Mr Katy appreciate your time sir Miss oh oh sorry her the young lady hello good evening my name is Leila Graham I was born right across the street raised here in EK and still reside here with my family I am one of the people who protested outside the council chambers on the 17th of October after this Township's elected Council voted on a shamefully biased res resolution this town's this town's attempt at a peace and unity resolution after inciting conflict and outrage in the Tina Community is truly outrageous there is a reason why the Muslims in this town are usually quiet on the issue of Palestine there is vehement intolerance in EK for any pro Palestinian sentiment I have been witnessed and victim to atrocious anti-muslim and anti- Palestinian hate in the last few decades my home has been vandalized and attacked for displaying a Palestinian flag in solidarity support of the indigenous peoples of Palestine with inaction from Ek police and this town's government EK is not the Utopia of peace and diversity it claims to be I have been banned from online public Forums on Facebook groups for challenging anti Palestinian sentiments I have been accosted while shopping on Cedar Lane I have been called an outsider by anti-palestinian residents of this town who take one look at me and assume where I come from and where I belong I don't want to deter from the dialogue on Palestine and the genocide happening there because the atrocities happening there are what I'm here to highlight the resolution that was passed on the 17th of October not only sought to minimize the 75-year occupation and ethnic cleansing perpetuated by the state of Israel that led to the formation of Hamas but also failed to State the facts as they are the following resolution passed on the 30th of October was laughably insufficient in emphasizing the catastrophic impacts of dehum dehumanizing an entire group of people currently as of today and I wrote this statement days weeks ago it was 9,000 people who were dead now there are 19,000 people who are dead in gazda massacred Merc mercely inflicted upon the most densely populated open air prison in the world it is more befitting to call Gaza a concentration camp or a reservation as the state of Israel continues to carpet bomb this city of 2.3 million killing hundreds of innocent civilians per day targeting schools hospitals mosques churches is incredibly insensitive distasteful and inexcusable that elected members of this Council found it befitting to pass a resolution that was so blatantly apathetic to the genocide happening to the Palestinian people I'm actually quite disgusted with the farce of unity and diversity in this town as a black Arab Muslim woman who has grown up so accustomed to being the subject of hate and contempt in own Hometown due to anti-black racism anti-muslim and anti- Palestinian bigotry I feel true kinship with the indigenous people of Palestine thank you and your support of a genocidal military and regime do not represent me S Palestine thank you man' Doug someone on Zoom no Mr Berliner thank you by the way we we agree there is a lack of unity in town I would like to set a number of things straight and I just want to say two words honesty transparency you know youen we don't always see ID ey but I appreciate and I see where you come from and I trust what you say and I know that it comes from a place of passion in other words mention of the letter that only four people signed that I'm going to let out a little secret there are only eight of us currently that sit on pprb there are now going to be two vacan for anyone who wants to apply let me tell you why three of those didn't sign one was unavailable out of 10wn one said they were afraid of putting their name down because of Retribution so when we talk about transparency that is what they fear for themselves and the organization with which they represent they said it to me personally so you don't have to reward that any other way you like the last person did not agree with it so please don't say that they did or represent it as such they had different reasons and the Le and the reasons stated in the letter did not represent their reasons for uh for not wanting to sign on let's just be very clear that four out of eight does not say that four people were for it that is not the case seven six out of eight with one not being available were vehemently opposed with their own reasons not to sign on to that honesty and transparency something that I think we would all like to see more from Council moving forward thank you Mr Brown oh yeah Chris Brown Bell Avenue resident Bell Avenue just here to speak tonight about the resolution approving the lease with Green Acres regarding Sagamore Park um thank you on behalf of myself and uh and residents um I know that each and every one of you on the council um has expressed and has demonstrated support for uh the issues that F Mr Yuck and uh Mr Sharie have expressed with our drainage situation on bav I know that you this is a matter of top priority to you and this resolution tonight um shows that it demonstrates progress and allows us to get started on the detention tanks in Sagamore on a parallel path as the minor diversion with Green Acres so thank you on behalf of uh the residents it's really appreciated um asir mentioned before there's a lot of anxiety every time it rains really heavily um and this is a quality of life issue uh for myself and my neighbors so thank you very much Happy thanks giving and appreciate your support thank you Mr Brown Mr Roven Paula Roven um I'm reading a statement on behalf of the Coalition of neighborhood associations for a better tck uh it's made up of the East VY neighborhood association the Northeast tck block president's Association Northeast Northwest of Cedar Lane neighborhood association and the Southwest tenek neighborhood Association this is uh regarding the uh Redevelopment uh settlement uh around the Stop and Shop area American Legion Drive Garrison uh Avenue um and this is a resolution from that whole area uh Coalition of neighborhood associations one given the importance of involving so as many residents as possible in the process of making decisions about TX development we strongly urge that the November 20th meeting last night's meeting would be the first of several meetings to address relevant issues number two we need to revitalize and plan carefully not only the Cedar Lane business district but all of the business districts in town so that planning around the business districts and in the business district is is coordinated uh we call for no decision regarding development to be finalized prior to the approval of the new master plan so that is our statement on that in my remaining time I have to say that um I am horrified by what's going on in Israel Palestine situation and I'm also horrified by what's going on right here in Te neck some of us have signs that say ceasefire now peace and a two residents have been dropping feces bags of dog feces on the lawn it's on video it's on video it's not like we're making it up that two residents a a man and a woman have been droing in dog thesis next to the signs now there's signs that are pro-israel around town I haven't heard of vandalism and there shouldn't be any vandalism about either of the signs but this is going on and a police report has been filed and so far as we know nothing has happened we know the we have the video the police have the video of the people doing this we also have pictures of our own C former councilmen wearing a very hateful yamaka I'm Jewish wearing a hateful yamaka that says Jews can shoot we need an ordinance prohibiting hate clothing than M PA public buildings we cannot thank you Paula we have to go on to the next speaker now thank you Paula we have to go on to the next speaker hate going on open hatred get to the next speaker thank you Paula Doug you said you had someone on Zoom RMA KH if that is I hope that's you okay hey thank you Doug uh this is rishma Khan long-term resident of tenk I'm trying to uh I'm trying to tune out all of the divisiveness at tonight's Council meetings some of the most abominable words I have heard at tonight's meeting including dragging a respectable Imam of our mask which I know is hate speech uh Tina Council as council members you should immediately stop such hate speech haven't we learned anything from the Hindu radical who attended our council meeting last November okay I also want to give a shout out to the two young boys who came to our council meeting tonight to talk about their passion I think it takes a lot of courage to come and speak at our town council meeting and I'm fully appreciative of them I'm sorry I did not catch their names but kudos to them also a great congratulatory shout out to father Joe deiko and our own Cheryl Hall for her efforts in bringing the town together we had a friends giving portl at St Anastasia several engaged residents were there with Sumptuous dishes both Halal and kosher and every category in between I thank the many friends and neighbors who attended because it was great to just relax in some casual company of our residents and Friends neighbors who were there several Muslim and Jewish friends joined and exchanged beautiful greetings Smiles friendly conversations we were celebrating the barbits of one of our friends uh Sons which happened over the weekend so it was a beautiful location so thank you to everyone who helped organize that especially Cheryl I know I love my Jewish neighbors and they love me regardless of what the council does to divide us which happened here right here in Tink on October 17th unfortunately um yesterday as you all know was World children's day there are two billion children in the world including those children who are being held hostage and facing perilous circumstances right now in Gaza including those one children also who are currently being mutilated in air strikes or braving amputations without anesthesia the international theme for 2023 is for every child every right well that's all fantastic except here in Tek we don't stand for the 1.1 million Palestinian children because even when we passed a peace and unity resolution we could not add or acknowledge the loss of innocent lives in Gaza another event that happened last night where also the council sadly disappointed us the workshop at Roda Center first of all it was badly organized and secondly it seemed like a sham it is hard to believe that even after overwhelming resident input against that development in highly congested CED Del Lane area which is choked during rush hour we are now talking about different building designs and Community benefits possibly of putting up five or six stories building there come on counil you can do better thank you Miss man my name is Eva Leeman and I've been a resident of Teck for almost 65 years um I moved to Teck because I wanted to live in a very diverse Community black white green blue purple and whatever religion there is I wanted to be part of everyone in everything I think because we're such a diverse community that the that the Town Council has to be careful not to take a political stand on issues that do not involve T-Neck directly it's wrong because as you can see we've offended we've offended Jews we've offended Muslims so I think in the future please try to be more neutral no matter what you feel personally as a Town Council do not take a stand on International issues it's not advisable because that divides the town I'm Jewish but I love my non-jewish neighbors I love my black neighbors and I love my m Muslim La neighbors and I want to be part of that as a totality but what you're doing is you're you're separating us and it's wrong so please in the future do not take a political stand on issues that do not involve te neck no matter what you feel personally it's your personal beliefs but for the sake of T neck again please do not take a stand on political issues that do not affect tck thank you thank you man anyone else in Chambers want to speak seeing No Hands good and Welfare is closed do any members of council want to speak Mr Schwarz yes uh thank you very much um just a one or two quick things um first of all I really love hearing about how everyone wants a Sports plex it was a project that worked years on and there was quite a bit of bumps along the way so in some ways it's so good to hear that everyone's fighting for that because we were promised that it would just be a disaster we were um so let's hope we can build more of them and thank you very much Mr manager for getting those fields done um I I just wanted to point one thing out I found the irony um Mr Yu in um concept and maybe maybe maybe it makes sense about how we were lock down during covid and we weren't able to discuss the American Legion Drive um an anr in the meetings and then I was was followed by Mr Schwarz from representing one vote one tinck which was also approved during covid so it was like it was quite a big vote he did a great job getting the vote out so it was just the um the something was contradictory there how we couldn't um talk about one meeting but we did very good job with the one vote one teate getting people out both during covid uh I didn't interrupt you um Mrs Baker um just actually I'm going to address this comment to Mr um to our attorney I know she wanted you to look into something um at every meeting that Mr Baker um comes and speaks I usually go and say the same speech I'll say it again and you can look it up um we actually had meetings with yourself there was three residents of decer specifically after the first building was approved and before the second building the meeting was um upstairs we've also made many visits to your not many three visits to your home as well in trying to speak with you um you're right we didn't meet with the neighbors in taian tan I can't pronounce it it's it's an Englewood Street um they're not my constituents and um they were given notice and they could have come to the meetings um the comment about secret meetings is completely inappropriate between the two buildings between the planning board between the council meetings between the ainr between the site plan there were 19 meetings between both boards and both buildings between both boards about both buildings there was no meetings in secret at every meeting I give you the answers and you're more than welcome to always give me a call at 91792 9303 I believe the manager has spoken to you and written you letters as well there anything you want to discuss please feel free to reach out thank you very much thank you Mr Schwarz Miss Belcher okay uh first off I want to thank my neighbors for coming out for sharing um your your um comments are extremely important um I also want to thank the presidents for coming out for the community forums as it pertains to the master plan uh and and as well as taking the survey because it is vitally important that your voices be heard so what Mrs baker said about things not being done like this previously well this was a campaign promise for us that things be change that we have an opportunity to hear from you who we represent uh we represent uh all of T and it's vitally important that we hear from you so I encourage you to come out to these quorums don't think that that uh they don't matter because they do as we move forward with the master plan we're taking into account many of the things that are being said so I I encourage you to come out also December 5th to the ftu meeting um on C Cedar Lane and that's not the only meeting on on business districts there there you know we go beyond Cedar Lane um I also encourage you to come out uh for the affordable housing information Workshop or sharing that information um I think that is vitally important that people understand that the Adu ordinance is still um on the front burner uh it is important because the fact we just want to get it right we realize that the planning board really uh spent a lot of time really looking at this and quite frankly the reason why we we had to revisit this is because in 2007 when the last master plan was done there wasn't anything known as an Adu so we have to address it from the vantage point of ensuring that things be done correctly so um all I would say is stay tuned because our attorney is working diligently on that lastly I want to say I'm really disheartened to hear that our youth are fearful or any of our residents are fear fearful I I I grew up in in an era where you know what it's like it's not that's not something we want for each other so I would encourage us to figure out a way in which to to work things through I think we can use our youth and I applaud our young people and the high school uh I encourage our youth to lead to lead in a times like this because unfortunately it seems like the adults are having challenges with human understanding and and coming together to to to address major issues so it it's in our best interest to to realize that yes we are we are in pain but we can heal as long as we work together and lastly I want to say Happy Thanksgiving to all my neighbors and happy Native American Heritage day thank you Miss goldbert thank you Mr Mayor um first off I want to say that I would be happy to work with the pprb to bring a skateboarding Park to tck that would fall under their scope I want to thank residents for coming out last night to the American Legion Drive meeting I hope that as we discuss development whether it be American Legion Drive Cedar Lane State Street and our master plan we are able to hear from residents about what they do want for tck whether it be building height senior housing Green Space or mixed use development with lottery tickets thank you to Cheryl Hall for your beautiful Thanksgiving event I was very happy to attend and thank you for making sure that that event was truly beautiful and unifying thank you to Bill or for your incredibly generous donation to the friend of the library and I encourage everyone to donate to this very important asset thank you Mr Schwarz um I agree that there are some topics that should be discussed at workshops and we need more meetings particularly in the workshop format to discuss the kind of things like garbage recycling study or website proposal like we did this evening Mrs Baker you have my phone number and are always able to call me and discuss any concerns and I'm happy to come to your house I stand by my remarks what was said by the protesters outside on October 17th based on the information that was available to me from Teck residents including residents who were in fear walking to their cars that night as reported by The Washington Post I know that we have work to do in rebuilding Bridges I voted in favor of the peace and unity resolution ution introduced by councilwoman beler and Deputy Mayor G on October 30th and I was happy to attend the Thanksgiving event that was organized by Cheryl Hall and start the piece uh the process of reconciliation as everyone knows I'm happy to meet and speak with residents council member Schwarz and I tried to meet with residents on after October 17th but we stood up I'm happy to speak with anyone and I hope that some of the people who spoke this evening will reach out to me directly so that we can arrange to meet in person I wish everyone in tin a Happy Thanksgiving this Thanksgiving I personally pray for all hostages taken by the terrorist group Kamas to be free not just the 50 that are currently being released in exchange for a 4day ceasefire thank you Miss Goldberg I make a motion to extend the meeting till midnight second all those in favor please say I thank you Deputy Mayor G um uh thank you everyone for coming out as usual I know it's late so appreciate your coming out to to advocate for yourselves and listen to all everything that we have to say um wanted to address a couple of points uh is Art basy still here it looks like he left um I will be attending Loretta's Gala I'm very excited to support her she's been such an amazing advocate for T neck and I I look forward to seeing as many of you there um sharuk sharuk asked about um what is the process for two using Advisory board members um so this year uh we started the town uh clerk advertised all the open positions on the website and several people submitted applications the Personnel committee interviewed everyone who we sent out uh interview invitations to anyone who submitted an application those who responded received an interview uh we did interviews in the spring and then we did them again on November 10th and November 17th of those who were interviewed we chose we selected and nominated candidates who we thought were the best fit for each Advisory Board um we many times the liazon to those boards would uh talk to the chair to say what specific skill sets are you looking for on your board what's missing um and we had a lot of those kinds of conversations before we made our final selection so again anyone can submit an application at any time what we're doing is those who were not put on an Advisory board we're keeping them on a pipeline list so that we you know should someone resign or can know need to step down from their role on The Advisory Board we can go back to that list and and invite folks to um to fill in those vacancies as they as they come but I encourage anyone at any time to submit an application the land use boards uh turn over in June the end of June and the uh advisory boards turn over at the end of December um shanaz we would I would personally be happy to recognize R and Leora for the work that they've done to bring our Township together they are amazing to young women I also want to just shout out that both of them are on TX youth Advisory board so you know kudos to that to that board they're doing great things and I'm excited for we just recently nominated someone to serve on that board um I'm excited to see how many more Amazing students we can recruit to serve and see all the amazing things that they'll continue to do um yes seen you know I would have been happy to acknowledge you know the number of lives lost in Gaza with that resolution it was very difficult to you know there were lots of concerns about the numbers changing and and whether or not that would be well received all around but I happy to acknowledge that always um you know all lives are important um it as we approach Thanksgiving my heart is with those the hostages my heart is with those who are losing lives all of all the Teck residents who have brothers and sisters impacted in that area my heart is with all of you um so just want to say Happy Thanksgiving to everyone um it's a time to really think about our families our friends our loved ones our neighbors and um continue to get together share amazing job hosting that friendsgiving we were happy to support and uh continue to look forward to attend at events like that um in the future thank you thank you Deputy Mayor as always I'd like to thank all of our residents who came out tonight for participating and we hear all of you and we acknowledge you and since it's getting late I'm going to ask our manager and our attorney if they want to say anything before we move on to the consent agenda uh just quick I haven't forgot about you Miss Baker We reached out to dot two weeks ago my Deputy manager did because we're still waiting for that stop sign the three-way stop sign the delay is not on our part we've been hounding dot we sent them another reminder uh we sent them the resolution again that the council passed so uh you can never tell with theot but I'm hopeful the sign will be up very shortly to make that a three-way intersection and slow down traffic thank you Dean Mr sammon thank you Mr Mayor I know a few of the council members addressed Miss Baker uh but I also want to resp question as well uh I understand that the question was about whether residents are entitled to answers for members of the council uh for questions asked during meetings um based on the township code and the limits of the of the the time constraints that we have in these meetings the short you know the short legal answer is is no uh that it's not it's not necessarily possible for every resident to get a direct response to every uh comment that's made um but that does not mean that you are in any way you know limited or restricted from reaching out individually to council members after meetings uh uh at any point uh if you don't feel like your question has been answered um and you can and you can and should always pursue it from there um the one thing I do want to say is that you know in my few months here in neck one if I've noticed anything it's that every single time that you have stood up to speak everyone in the room listens so I want to say thank you I appreciate that and I hope you keep participating in all of our meeting thank you Mr Sam and our next order of business is our consent agenda and all matters listed on the consent agenda are considered to be routine in nature by Council and will be enacted by one motion there will be no separate discussion of these items if any discussion is desired by Council that particular item will be removed from the content agenda and will be considered separately Mr clerk can you please read the amount of the bill listens the record absolutely and as a reminder to my Council we got four sets of minutes we have resolutions 278 to 3-22 3 uh 299 and 300 being the schedule that we discussed earlier and the world AIDS event resolution sorry not event World AIDS recognition resolution um and the bill list in the amount of 16 m766 $127.9 Mr Mayor I just want to pull for a quick question 283 2023 which is on herck Park go ahead um I just want to just make sure Mr manager the letter in there says that um the Grant application is pending the Rossy review where are we with the Rossi uh we well first we have to submit that package for herck park by December 13 um I spoke to Kevin Kelly and Scott chime Min if you want as well about the the passing of the uh open Spa open space Recreation plan I believe that is supposed to be on their next agenda on the 30th to get that through that's correct yes you okay councilwoman yes thank you so moved coun Schwarz can the the end Bill L councilman beler yes to all councilman Goldberg okay yes with an abstention on 293 294 and on the bills list I'm recusing on yard Meisner invoice number 37673 which is on Wayne's puy did you abstain on 293 294 abstain on 293 294 and then on the bills list recuse on invoice 37673 by yarda mear because on Wayne's puppies councilwoman Oregon yes to all Deputy Mayor Catz yes with an exstension on the bill list as well as resolutions 279 resolutions 285 and 286 Debbie mayor I'm sorry one more time with those resolutions exstension on the bill list as well as resolutions 279 yes 285 and 286 285 286 thank you sir apologies Deputy Mayor J forgiv yes May Pagan yes to all adopted thank you Mr clerk our next order of business is our introduction of ordinances Mr clerk can you please read the title of the ordinance into the record all right nobody go anywhere we still have this ordinance number 42223 mayor and Council amending the storm water Control Ordinance for the township AAC to regulate privately owned salt storage facilities anyone want to speak if not I'll make a motion to approve second councilman Schwarz yes councilman beler yes councilman Goldberg yes councilman Oregan yes deie mayor Catz yes deie mayor G yes mayor Pagan yes we'll see you at next meeting I make a motion to adjourn second all those in favor please say I thank you everyone for joining us tonight we hope you have a happy thanks