hello everyone and happy women's History Month I'm Mary Bates the marketing and communication assistant and today I welcome you to our new series honoring the women of Temple Terrace today we have our special guest Miss Jeanie Barlo hello hello Mary and jeie our goal here today is just to get to know a little bit about you um and I just want to thank you for your time I know you are a very busy woman so yeah are you ready to begin I'm ready let's do this so how long have you been with the city of Temple terce I've been with the city since 2010 so I'm going on 14 years this spring congratulations thank you can you tell me about what your role and responsibilities are here I am the senior executive assistant to the city manager so I work directly for the city manager and try and help him with the day-to-day operations of running the city so whatever he needs help with I'm there to assist I also serve as a communication um liais on between the city manager and all the department directors I try and Foster um you know open communication make sure he knows everything that's going on that's reported to me I also uh oversee the agenda um for the council so everything goes through this office before it goes to the council uh city clerk's office also assists with that but it primarily goes through the city manager's office okay that sounds like a very busy job what do you do in your off time to decompress I spend time with my kids I like to work out I like to read books um just uh you know I'm very family oriented awesome um what do you enjoy most about working with the city I really love um the varied tasks it's never the same thing um every day is a different something different comes up I like working with the people well I think everybody here is basically we're on this same page shooting for the same goal so yeah I've noticed that too just being here only a few short three months like it's so like it even feels like a family oriented Vibe and I've only met nice people here yeah pretty much everybody's pretty nice yes thankfully thankfully um what advice would you give to another woman who wanted to have like a position like yours I would say um um the best advice I would give to someone is step outside of your comfort zone try new things set your sights on a goal and try and get there don't just do the routine stuff do something to make a difference I love that how do you think your perspective as a woman specifically has impacted um your work here with city government I think women generally Foster a collaboration better than men so I I think it's uh bringing departments together I think you get more done when you have a team effort and I think women are really good at working as a team not that men aren't but I think that's a specialty yeah I think we're really good communicators which is nice also I I think empathy empathy plays a role too because um I think females tend to be a little bit more empathetic so um uh you can probably take a more unique approach to problem solving MH if you can have a little empathy yeah for sure what do you think sets Temple Terrace apart from all the other cities that you've been to I think our mayor and Council are very positive I think they they like to work as a unit and there's not a lot of um problems that they can't solve together I think that they they blend well and I think that plays a part it spills down to the rest of us the city manager is wonderful to work for and I think it's just it makes a difference when you have a positive outlook on things right yeah we have really great leadership yes um can you share an experience that you've had that has really made you really proud and you feel gratified well my latest effort which again it's a team effort but it's it's getting the city to make historic preservation of public policy so we're working towards becoming a certified local government it's an effort that's been ongoing for 50 years it's just never we never were able to get there so finally we've taken that step we've adopted a historic preservation ordinance we've created a historic preservation board and now we're working to to become a certified local government you submit the application now that everything is in place and it's just it's I'm very proud of that yeah I think that's great like especially cuz it's happening now like we and you get to be a part of it yes but um this one's kind of a fun question so if you could choose one word to describe yourself what would it be oh my god um probably Dependable I think Dependable I've always been dependable for my family my husband I've been dependable at work I just I try and make that effort to be that person that people can rely upon mhm that's awesome knowing you so far I can definitely agree with that um but yeah thank you so much jeie for your time and um us as a community we definitely honor all your efforts for the city thank you so much it was a pleasure to be here hello everyone and happy women's History Month I'm Mary Bates the marketing and communication city council meeting for March 5th 2024 to order so first I'd like to remind everybody to turn off your cell phones and I'd like to invite council member Gil schisler for the invocation and to lead us in the pledge please stand and and afterwards uh join us in the Pledge of Allegiance heavenly father bless us As We Gather tonight to handle the business of our city we thank you for the many many blessings you bestow upon us each and every day and ask for your guidance on this Council to do the next right thing guide us on the decisions we make both large and small that we will always do what is right and just we ask for your grace on all of the employees of the city and for the protection of our First Responders who Serve and Protect the citizens of our great City we ask these blessings in the many different names that you are known but in your most holy name we pray amen I alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you thank you we have a packed house tonight but for those of you who aren't aware we've been doing historical facts in honor of our upcoming Centennial and this evening the historic fact is going to be done by me and in honor of women's History Month I want wanted to share some information about women serving as elected officials on TI Tera city government and compare it to State and National levels of women's participation in government the first woman to serve on our local government many of you may know was ma Fowler who served as vice mayor meeting minutes aren't on the record until 1940 and for a while they don't give first names of council members so it's really hard to tell if other women served until 1974 when we have a very clear record of a woman serving Council and that was Audrey Turner um she was first a city clerk and later became a council member in 1976 which was our country's Bicentennial and for the bicentennial um the city did a celebration and she designed the flag and I think this flag might be legendary or something because everybody says no one can find it they'd love to see what it looked like but there's maybe she kept it cuz she made it um in 1977 Nancy sver was a council member and that was it until 1990 since 1990 there was somebody there was a a female on Council every single year sometimes just one sometimes two um friend Bradford was um a council member from 1990 to 1997 and she was also the first female mayor from 1998 to 2003 so to put the number of women serving in our local government in context Nationwide for cities with populations greater than 10,000 32% of elected Municipal officials are female and this that's current and in Florida that's 33.5% so we may look like we have a 50/50 gender balance but we actually have a mayor who is male so we're actually about um 40% 60% here in Temple Terrace so I'd like to thank um city clerk Joe Mooney for helping me pull some of this information for our interesting fact tonight so that Segways very well into our first Proclamation which is a proclamation in honor of women's history month so I'd like to call Sergeant Tandra mopolis to the podium have a little bit of information about her to share to begin with this year's National Women's History Month celebrates women throughout the country who understand that for a positive future we need to eliminate bias and discrimination from our lives and institutions this year the city is recognizing a woman who is committed to embracing everyone and excluding no one um no one in our request for freedom and opportunity this particular individual knows that people can change with help and guidance and that young people in particular need to learn the value of hearing from different voices and different points of view as they grow and develop into adulthood sergeant Tandra mopolis will be accepting the women's History Month Proclamation with over 20 years of cumulative law enforcement experience Sergeant mopolis credits her mother's wisdom guidance support and undying love as being the fundamental keys to all of her personal and professional accomplishments as well as her inherent ability to overcome the various roadblocks and disappointments that she has encountered along the way Sergeant mopolis cites resilience as being the one word that encapsulates the essence of what she has developed over time and what it has taken to make it to this point in her career through it all Sergeant mopolis has policed with fairness honesty and compassion us utilizing her status as a sworn law enforcement officer to change the attitudes of our youth and community members about policing while at the same time working diligently to get her fellow officers to understand the importance of becoming more personally involved with our most challenged youth by becoming fully engaged with our community Sergeant mopolis has taken the care and concern for the homeless those suffering from mental health issues and safety well-being and personal development to our children to new heights of professionalism and service welcome Sergeant thank you thank you for being here today I also have a proclamation to read they gave me a lot to read today that's make sure I have the right one okay whereas the US Congress proclaimed the month of March as women's History Month in 1987 and has proclaimed the observance each year since and whereas American women of every race class and ethnic background have made historic contributions to the growth and strength of our nation in countless recorded and unrecorded ways and whereas women have played and continue to play critical economic cultural and social roles in every sphere of Life by cons constituting a significant portion of the labor force and whereas for centuries socioeconomic forces have challenged women's progress however despite these obstacles America boasts a rich history of courageous women who defied the odds and whereas the city of Temple Terrace has been home to many Dynamic and great women leaders Community servants and entrepreneurs and business professionals Educators and more who have made their influence felt and have constructed a path to ensure that the Temple Terrace Community continues to thrive now therefore I Meredith by virtue of authority vested in me as vice mayor of the city of Temple Terrace designate March 2024 as women's History Month do you have a few words to say usually this is not my setting I do very well with kids as everybody knows so I am just very blessed and thankful to be able to have this moment that to be acknowledged for everything that I've done within the last s almost 17 years of my career here here um it's just nice to be able to serve your purpose so I realized my purpose a long time ago so I was blessed with with that so I am very thankful and honored to be able to accept this well we're very grateful for you [Applause] so all right three two one and one more for good luck thank you can I get one more cell phone mobile one one two three got thank you thank you our next Proclamation this evening is in honor of bike month I'd like to invite Jan rash chairperson of the bicycle pedestrian advisory committee and bpac members whoever is here from the bpac can also join her at the podium good evening good evening thank you vice mayor Abel council members I'm joined by one of our other committee members tonight and want to thank you for issuing this Proclamation and inviting us to be here many of us who serve on this committee do so because bicycling is important to us personally for recreation or as a means of transportation and as noted in the proclamation that you will be reading there are a lot of good reasons to support bicycling in our city but it's worth worth mentioning also that beyond the health and environmental benefits some bike friendly communities have also reported economic benefits that include positive impact on property values on Homes located in walkable B bicycle areas as one expert has put it Realtors sell not just houses they sell communities and communities that support and promote safe cycling offer a quality of life and lifestyle that's attractive to a lot of people so as we celebrate Florida bicycle month bike month here in the city of Temple Terrace our hope is that the community members will get out their bikes we encourage them to take a ride with their kids to their favorite park or maybe check out a few city parks they've never been to before take a ride to the library or with our Centennial year approaching perhaps explore some of our historic neighborhoods and finally we encourage residents to join mayor Ross and many others for bike with the mayor on Friday March 22nd starting at 7:30 a.m. at the rec center so on behalf of our committee thank you again for issuing this Proclamation for highlighting the important role that bicycling plays in our city and for supporting efforts to make Temple terrorism more bike friendly Community thank you thank you very much and uh we're very grateful for the work that the bpac has been doing and I also have something to read you whereas for more than a century the bicycle has been a utilitarian economical environmentally sound and effective means of personal Transportation Recreation and fitness and whereas the city of Temple Terrace encourages the use of bicycles as a means of transportation and recognizing recognizes bicyclists as legitimate roadway users and whereas the city of Temple Terrace encourages the increased use of bicycles benefiting all citizens by improving the air quality reducing traffic congestion and noise decreasing the use of and dependence upon finite energy sources and fostering exercise and whereas the city of Temple Terrace promotes safe and responsible bicycling and is committed to incorporating the development of bicycle facilities in the vision for revitalizing the city and now therefore I Meredith a by virtue of the authority vested in me as vice mayor of the city of Temple Terrace Florida do hereby Proclaim March 2024 as bike month will you join me for all right three two one and one more thank you the next item on the agenda is consideration of minutes from previous meetings to approve second um so all in favor I I I any opposed motion passes the next item on the agenda is persons wishing to be heard on items not listed on the agenda or items on the consent agenda if anyone hasn't filled out a form yet they're in the back um Council has agreed to a 30 minute time limit for public comment if it goes beyond that 30 minutes you still get to speak it's just going to be at the end of the meeting because there's people here who have to conduct business um but please be sure to know that we take your comments seriously and they will be followed up upon um the first person I have is um Benny Harris uh good evening council members thank you uh for taking a few moments to hear me uh basically uh my wife and I we purchase a home in a uh 2000 and uh at the time uh we purchased a home everything was existing the previous homeowners they did conduct some Home Improvements uh they also added a separate detached garage at the time that the garage was added it was conforming uh my wife and I now we want to consider doing some new improvements and I want to uh expand the garage uh to the east cuz I have 24 ft uh between the East property line and the Curr in the existing garage and so I know that rules have changed over time the council members you know that you make rule changes and so now my garage is nonconforming and I would like to ask the city counsel uh to consider the rules that they have implemented or regarding non-conforming structures uh there is a way when it comes to making Home Improvements uh there is the best way the most practical way and probably I would say the best way to uh add on to your house because you don't want it look in any kind of way and I can understand the city U making Ru changes because you want everything done in an orderly faction uh you want things to look presentable and then look nice as well and so at this point uh for our time as far as like with the Home Improvements the garage expansion is on delay because my garage is considered non-conform and I would really like the city council members to reconsider the rules that they have implemented uh because if I attach the garage to the house it would not be practical it would be more uh expensive uh and on top of that it would not really look right as far as like with tying into the existing structure of the home and then making it basically a Breezeway or walkway uh it's really not convenient it wouldn't look right as well so I really like the city to reconsider the N conforming uh structure rules thank you thank you Mr Harris the next person I have is uh Nicholas am good evening um good evening I am Nicholas Amaya and this is my teammate Nicholas and my other teammate Adeline and I live in Temple Terrace my friends and I are on the Temple Terrace tennis team we wanted to inform the city council of about our recent successes in the fall eight of us played for the city of Temple Terrace in the Hillsboro County division of the US Tennis Association junior team tennis program we played against the local teams of Hunters Green and the Tampa Bay Yacht and country club we had a great season then in December four te members went on to represent the city of Temple ter Temple Terrace at the US Tennant associ Association Junior Team T Junior team State Tournament in Daytona Beach in which teams all around the State of Florida competed we placed third out of five teams in our flight and we played against teams from Miami Tampa Treasure Island and Daytona we played well and and were proud of to represent the city of Temple Terrace we want to thank our great coach Peter Adler the the tennis pro here at the recreation center for training and preparing us for these competitions tennis is fun and we are lucky to have a great coach we would like to thank the the Temple Terrace City leadership for providing the wonderful tennis facilities here and allowing the tennis program here to thrive the city's tennis program is making a positive and lasting impact on kids and families thank you thank you and congratulations on your success representing the city well the next person I have is uh Charles lob good evening good evening good evening everybody my name is Charles lobe I live in lineb Avenue lineba and Temple in Tampa I wanted to follow up on what I was talking about last time because it's rather important one figure I did not mention about the ratio from 810 to 10 to 50 25 to 25 like was in Miami when I was living there is a difference in money uh on a 2.5 billion project like they were talking about and in Orlando the work that was done was $2.3 billion the money that had to come up uh in Miami would have been $625 million locally within the Three Counties and 625 million for the state in an 81010 ratio you're talking about $250 million locally and $250 million from the state uh they already do have one dedicated funding source because they are pushing toll Ling so that would be some money too also I was noticing in the New York Times And even in your ride guide over here that the brid line is committed to coming over here and uh it will take a little bit but but the sooner we get the money and I don't want to see the community lose the opportunity to do this I did go down to Hart I did talk to them about that I found out the Commissioners are on the what is now called the Topo as opposed to the no and I'm trying to get them pushing real hard because it's a$ 375 million difference in money uh both to the state and to the um both to the state and to uh locally uh the uh also talked some local business to Heart uh you know I'm going to talk to councilman schisler about it after the meeting he's agreed to do that and one other thing that she mentioned to me I felt was kind of interesting and particularly justce to uh councilman Chambers and that is that they're going to have that there it's going to be a big National League of cities meeting uh that's being hosted by Tampa come this November and I was thinking about that and I was thinking so GE you know it's a great opportunity for you all you could get if you have a plan in mind for the Centennial Celebration you might be able to get a lot of dignitaries from other cities if you have something ready put together you have till November to do that so I wish you luck in doing that I hope you can get a lot of people here and have a great Centennial year and I thank you thank you Mr L and that's all I have for items that are not on the agenda I oh you have one too okay yes sir I'm Dave backer 11721 primz Lane Temple Terrace 33637 it's on the agenda no I was going to talk about the bike oh bike month sorry go ahead we have a new bike path along moris Bridge Road from IHOP going all the way around up to 127 nobody wants to take care of it nobody really wants to it's apparently in no man's land apparently it's in a RightWay it's do since it's bike month why not to let City Temple terrrace Annex it and get into the city it's a beautiful bike path it's fun to ride and being its bike month you know look at it I appreciate it thank you right thank you Mr oh yes please I selling and I'll fill out my form later but um I just wanted to give an update um I talked at a meeting maybe a month month ago about Delta 8 THC in a bill that's been going through so first I just wanted to show I have to show and tell something but this is one of the posters that we have that has products on it that we use like in the schools to teach parents and students about some of these products because we find that many are just not aware of it especially the parents and so I'm part of the Hillsboro County anti-drug Lins and we are glad to go out and educate anyone who's interested um and we have a lot of resources online at hc.com so these products are ranging we had the Skittles which is um 250 milligrams of THC and these are regular Skittles which you can see they look almost exactly the same so it'd be really hard for any child or person to tell the difference and then we have flying monkey 150 milligrams thco 850 milligrams in a package and then ttles 500 milligrams in a package and all of these I purchased in Temple terorist and they are legal right now so the bill that is going through right now is SB 1698 and SB 1698 went through every single senate committee and actually passed unanimously it was almost unheard of like so Democrats Republicans all agreed that it should pass and it was 2 milligrams THC per serving and 10 milligrams THC per package of Delta 9 THC which is the THC found in marijuana all of the synthetics are illegal in this bill so that means THC um Delta 8 thcp all those different synthetics would be illegal so in the house went through every single committee today um an amendment was added so they increasing the serving size to 5 milligrams per serving and 50 milligrams per package in order to get enough votes to pass it but it's still a very good bill and many of these products they basically after October 1st will no longer be legal and it will really protect our children so I just wanted to again thank you all for your support over this time and we're hoping by the end of the week that the bill will be passed completely thank you thank you for the update Miss [Applause] ning and um just so everybody knows um we're so happy to have everybody here but if your item has passed you don't have to stay all night if you don't want to it's not rude to get up and leave if you want to our next item is the con consent agenda do we have a motion to approve approve the consent agenda second we have a motion in the second all in favor I I opposed motion carries the next item on the agenda is public hearings ordinances and resolutions the first is a first public hearing and first reading of an ordinance vacating the 15 ft uh drainage easement on the rear of the property located at 6725 drifting SS Road first I'll open the public hearing and utilities director Troy tench will explain he good evening your honorable vice mayor city council so I'm before you this evening to uh request the vacation of a 15t drainage easement it's located along the rear lot line of 672 grifting Sands Road U this if I could have the um figure pulled up please thank you so the the area I'm speaking of is that there's a red dotted line and beyond that point you'll see a solid black line so the easement actually is located within that area that's the 15 ft that they're asking to the property owner asking to vacate or or release if you would and so City staff looked at this um we feel that it meets with other requests that have taken place within the same area um in addition we do not believe that vacating this easement the strange easement represents any detrimental issues related to either the city or the surrounding Community or or Neighbors in this case um in addition the U this is related to an eventual sale of 25 ft of additional property that's also located on that uh survey as you can see the additional property was initially agreed upon by City staff back in the late 90s they identified this specific neighborhood along drifting Sands and said that the neighbors were eligible to purchase an additional 25 ft of property behind our homes which was basically 25 fo feet of the old railroad grade RightWay within that area that the city had purchased back in the early 70s so this is kind of the first step in the process U he's looking to vacate this easement and what this will allow him to do is to utilize that parcel of land um really kind of unencumbered there won't be the regulations you would typically see regarding vacation or regarding placement of items within easeman area so this is kind of the predecessor um as it goes through to the eventual uh sale of the property that's located behind him so with that staff recommend city council adopt this uh ordinance in first reading and schedule the second reading and public hearing for March 19th 2024 I'll stand for any questions thank you Mr tinch first um I'll open it up to public comment would anyone like to speak on this item seeing none Council questions council member Fernandez U well I have a question for you so the easement is a drainage easement correct so so my question really has to do with how does that impact the water either flow or retention or drainage from that property and other properties so the original drain ement was established to allow flow along the back side of all those properties really South there's a storm water Pond located about Midway of drifting Sands so it was allowing for water flow to either go towards that stormwater Pond or go to towards the stormwater pond that's actually located there at the intersection of white way and North River Hills if you've seen that larger Pond but we we made a determination that over time the Swale is kind of flattened out so there's just a natural gradual flow over the property and there's not any kind of defined ditch within that area so we believe that uh allowing that vacation or allowing this vacation is warranted and and would not be detrimental again to the surrounding neighborhood okay so then so where before there was a defined Swale that actually did have a drainage purpose the land has evened out so it wouldn't be an issue because I I could imagine that if if I had this property I would want to fill the Swale if it was a Swale or even it out or or level it in some way so as long as that I I don't have an issue with this but just as long is that doesn't have a detriment to water retention in the area uh and maybe encouraging any some kind of flooding or something I I don't absolutely so a little bit of backround too about that area it's the soils are very Sandy so there's a lot of percolation so there's not a lot of actual flow even during Heavy Rain events but when there is flow there's there's adequate are space left outside of the existing easement for that flow to travel to years of the corresponding storm waterer ponds councilman BR yeah how many other joining properties are impacted by the by the same easement or easement so the property located directly to the north has already purchased the additional property so that easement is now gone the property to the South the easement actually ends right behind this property that is requesting it 6725 the property directly to the south of them is the one that's on the corner they have drifting Sands and North River Hills so they're they're right behind them is the storm waterer pond so there's a uh drainage easement over the pond itself but as far as the the easement that traversed along the back of the property this is the last property to the South the other the others would all have been vacated earlier previously okay thank you so I'll close the public hearing and ask the clerk to read the title of the ordinance an ordinance of the city of Temple Terrace Florida vacating the 15t drainage eement along the cly line of lot 13 block one of Andrew subdivision as recorded in plat book 49 page three of the official records of the Hillsboro County Florida establishing conditions precedent to Vacation directing for the recordation of this ordinance in the official records of Hillsboro County providing for severability repealing all ordinances or pots of ordinances in Conflict her with and providing an effective date if the ordinance is acceptable I'll entertain a motion to approve the ordinance vacating the 15ft drainage e on the rear of the property located at 6725 drifting Sands Road move to approve on first reading ordinance vacating the 15t EAS drainage easement the rear drainage easement on the rear of the property located at 6725 dting Sands road with a second um public hearing scheduled for um March 19th 2024 second we have a motion and a second all in favor I I wait I'm sorry I forgot to ask if the council had any comments no none hearing none um all in favor I I opposed the motion passes thanks for your patience all right next item is first public hearing this is continued um from February 6 2024 and first reading of an ordinance partially vacating highin drive I'm not going to open it because it's still open from last time um city engineer Brian McCarthy will explain good evening honorable vice mayor city council Brian McCarthy city engineer and I'm here tonight to present a um request to vacate um the public rideway along Hy Avenue um just to give a little bit of timeline uh background behind this uh petition to vacate so in 2016 the petition came from Annette andral Alva n um requesting to vacate highis Avenue uh also in 2016 City staff had an opportunity to review the petition however they decided to hold off on bringing it to city council at the time because there was a ft project in design um along Morris Bridge Road for a safety Improvement project uh in 22 fdot completes their Safety project and the petitioner um ask us to continue with the petition and so here in 24 we're bringing this item back to city council um and so what we did was we kind of reviewed this petition based upon uh the city code 12- 330 which deals with the vacation of public and private streets or rideways and there's a few items that I bolded and underlined um such as the street is um currently unneeded for any existing or future vehicular bicycle or pedestrian access um it's also unimproved it's currently just a um pervious surface grass area um the area is also significantly changed since when it was originally dedicated back in the 1925 1920s um and then lastly the location in terms of utilities and drainage patterns um will not be adversely affected by this vacation because the uh city is recommending a uh utility easement over the uh um public RightWay so just uh this is the 1920s plat um kind of shaded in red is where the uh uh request to vacate is it's between uh the blocks seven and 10 uh high and drive and in the second figure is kind of what the current situation looks like with the original um vacate request which was just behind the property um belonging to the applicant along Primrose Prim Primrose Lane um so during our review process here in 23 and 24 we decided to extend the vacate request further east towards morrisbb Road and I'll show another figure um kind of highlighting that area and then we're also following the 2016 recommendation based upon the existing utilities that they identified that we would continue with the uh proposing a util utility easement over the vacated area and so going back to our figure um kind of highlighted in yellow um which is the small section behind uh 8611 Oleander Drive um is a small section and from a maintenance standpoint we decided that it wasn't um necessary for the city to continue to maintain this small area so we decided to incorporate into this vacate request uh this is a picture of the site standing on the Eastern side from morrisbb Road looking West and this is on the western side looking East from uh Primrose Avenue Primrose Lane so some of the questions that we received um during our um I guess since we opened up the public hearing um well the first question was about if this vacate was approved uh would the space become a parcel or would the adjacent Property Owners receive any um additional aage unfortunately staff isn't qualified to answer this question this is something that should be determined by a land attorney or a title attorney that would determine uh what would happen the second question was about if this vacate was approved could a property owner split the lot and build additional homes so both properties would obtain additional acreage however it would kind of be dependent upon how the property owner decided to um lay out the buildings so to speak if they wanted to increase the amount of homes it would would more than likely need to go through some type of resoning application or through some type of a building permit process to um allow that further use of the properties and the last question was uh can a restriction or condition be added to the Deeds that would prevent any future lot splits um we've seen deed restrictions as it relates to storm water and utility um facilities but in terms of excuse me uh property owners are typically compensated for those types of restrictions so at this time with respect to a lot split restriction um it's not a recommended action um so kind of just to recap the area that um we're requesting to vacate along highest and drive is that uh section highlighted in red um staff has reviewed the petition and found it consistent with the city code um unfortunately today the applicant wasn't able to attend uh tonight's city council meeting so they provided us with a written statement uh this morning and we provided it to the city clerk who printed out copies of her written statement to uh the council members here and with that I stand for any available questions thank you Mr McCarthy first I'll open it up for public comment would anyone like to speak on this issue yes sir can you put that one picture back up of the plot Dave bucker 1172 1 Primrose temp Terrace Florida 33637 that one right there that would be good see first my request is again I've been up here and I've lived in this neighborhood about 36 years a little bit of History I'm one also that walked the petition around to get this area annexed and there's a lot of controversy about that but we were Annex and very happy to get the water and sewer and we're happy to have be in simple Terrace first thing I'm asking is that you deny the petition leave it as it is she's already taken care of the property owner is already being maintained City doesn't do anything with the property and just deny it and let it be what we're concerned about let me get my real notes is what she could the land owner could basically this is a 50t by 200t roughly easement that the city is going to vacate she could re the property owner could eventually replot the property 70 foot lot I think is a minimum siiz lot in Temple terce or you again replot it and then you know possibly increase the density of the neighborhood by building a house or whatever on the property the area is just seen the density just explode with all the new apartments up around 127th in Telecom Drive we don't believe that the city should just give the property away either it it should be sold and really there cannot be any restrictions put on them as far as you know what can happen to the property once it's been deeded over to her it's her property and she can sub you know replot it and make a buildable lot out of it if the city's going to give it away and again probably not going to like neighbors going to say about this or I'm what I'm saying is donate it to an organization to a veterans organization build a tiny house on there for a disabled veteran you know we've already increased the density again the writing's on the wall it's going to get plotted back over to her and then she's going to increase the density of the neighborhood and so we're saying you know the city's done it before giving property to or organizations let's give it to a veterans organization build a tidy home on it because it's going to happen anyway that's those are our basically objections again I don't have a lot of support from the neighbors but everybody's busy these days but I would feel that really the property should just be left as is and you know the writing is on the wall we will probably eventually down the road and if not this landowner it wouldn't possibly be the next landowner you know see that they have available property 70ft lot or 50ft lot whatever the city cuz there is already a 50ft lot you know in the in the neighborhood that was built on so I'm up I'm done thank you thank you Mr Becker I I have a point of order yes um Mr Sean do we need to re renew the expar comments at this since it's a public hearing and there's been a delay or been the continence do we need to re establish that I don't have that this is down here as a quas Judicial hearing okay all right okay okay so um so no okay okay thank you did anyone else want to speak um public comment okay then I'll pass it over to council to see if you have questions I do council member shler um the Safety project is that the is that the trail that we were talking about earlier yes is that does that is just I know it's not really is that City prop is that city property or is that County it is do property do proper okay all right uh second um with can you go back to the the the current plot where there okay um just to the what would that be just to the south of Primrose Lane the red area that little triangle is that a no man's land or is that just is that all part of Primrose Lane property that little that little pie shape um oh I understand what you're saying so the one that that's unaddressed south of the high and drive vacate area yes so that is a a parcel and that property is currently owned by the petitioner so it's owned by the property owner to the north but technically don't they own the red area also no because it's a it's a considered a public right of way public right of way okay all right okay not not exactly um a right of way is we have exactly what it says we have a right of way to construct H Asin Drive however it is very possible depending on what dedications existed and how the land was conveyed and how the area was created it is very possible that the abing property owners already own the underlying fee so it may already belong to them we just have a right to use the area for a road within this ordinance even though we are vacating the right way we are retaining an easement a utility easement there so therefore and the area described as the utility easement area is pretty much the right of way itself and by retaining the easement for utilities nobody should be building anything on top of it because it reserves an access to that area we there's an access over it through it and underneath it um if somebody Builds on top of it it could be subject to being removed at their expense so I don't know depending on how they would fit something there I don't know whether that would prevent them it would possibly prevent them from building another house there okay well to that point then you the the slide earlier slide you were talking about um subdividing go back a couple this was the I don't remember which one it was now we were talking specifically about having U uh land attorneys come in and and decide whether the it could be parceled out or whatever what's your what what is our legal dep our legal Department's opinion on that issue I have not examined the early original records for that property so I cannot give you an opinion as a t person or a land attorney on this I have not examined all of the documents pertaining to this piece of property since it's creation and dedication um with regard to having the right of way for the road okay um but the city the city does not own that property we only have a right of way at this time and it seems to be only for the purpose of putting in the road so it's like we have rights of way in front of many houses here to put sidewalks in and to build roads but often times the underlying fee to the middle of the road is owned by the people who have houses on either [Applause] side so do you concur with you when you say staff recommends doing it does that include legal Department's recommendation or is that just your staff that was just staff I did not give an opinion uh they determined whether we have a use for that and apparently staff has determined that the city does not have a use for that property we do not intend obviously to ever build H Asin Drive running through there okay all right that's thank you thank you is that all I'm good okay questions I do Chambers um could you go back to the slide where there's the two colors the with the yellow in there okay who owns the property at uh 8611 um a gentleman that was here earlier but uh he has left since then okay so that since you're going to vacate that part the yellow part he's requested that or that would be part of the title attorney um portion of it where again as our City attorney mentioned where it's decided where half of the vacate goes to the north Northern properties and half of it goes to the southern properties then 8611 would essentially gain that Northern portion of it okay and if we could go back to that slide again please thanks on the 11 uh 705 property it shows two gray areas I assume those are structures um yes I would believe that they're buildings I know for sure at least the northernmost one I'm not sure about the the southernmost one when they did these like satellite building Aerials okay so that's not another house that's not necessarily thank you FES so when you um City attorney noted that it's possible that the property owner actually owns the land beneath the right of way how would we know that we would have to we would have to um probably have a title search done to determine who is the owner and that would go back as far as the beginning of the dedication so having a title search done would be the best way to discover who owned it okay so when I look at the original platting clearly Morris Bridge Road was not in that platting because obviously it's it's expected to be laid out differently so that's one of the significant changes that has happened since this property was plotted and I see that it would it would make sense that we we would not need a road there so right now if you look at um 8611 Oleander Drive uh so they they actually come in off of Oleander Drive to access their property correct yes nobody at this moment comes in off of Morris Bridge Road to access these properties that's correct and the expectation is then that at this moment 8611 olander Drive their their property essentially ends at this line where lack of a better description the the yellow hashtag start okay and with 11705 Prim Primrose Lane they own the prop property that's above the red line and and they own the property below the Red Line south of that we don't necessarily know who owns the property that's that we're discussing vacating um so I mean I I think I would like to know that because I would I would like to know if we're U if it's a property that if if it's land that the city actually does own before we no no we we know we don't own it okay so somebody we know we don't own it so all we have is a right to use it okay that well that was one of my questions then so if we were to to give up the right to use this property as a street how aside from the potential of of a future possibility of maybe subdividing it how else would that affect the current properties nearby they don't they don't access anything through that space correct that's correct okay so the main concern that we've heard expressed is the possibility that just adding this usable space could in the future end up making this buildable for two separate properties is that that's the concern that's the only concern we've heard that's my understanding of the concern yes however there is if we propose if we move forward with our proposed utility easement the applicant a future applicant would need to return in order to build on top of that utility easement they would have to vacate then the utility easement in order to build okay that's it good okay so I'll close the public hearing and ask the clerk to read the title of the ordinance an ordinance of the city of Temple terce Florida providing for the partial vacation closure discontinuance and abandonment of highin Drive located north of Temple Terrace Highway south of oand Drive East of primose Avenue in west of Davis Road with the Primrose Gardens plat in the city of Temple Terrace Hillsboro County Florida subject to the reservation of a non-exclusive public utility easement providing for conditions of vacation providing for rec recordation providing for repeal of all ordinances or parts of ordinances in Conflict here with and providing an effective date if the ordinance is acceptable I'll entertain a motion to approve the ordinance partially vacating highin drive to approve on first reading of the ordinance partially vacating the um uh highest and drive highest and drive when would be the second reading March 19th March okay March 19th second I have a motion in a second is there discussion on the motion hearing none all in favor I opposed the motion carries if approved this ordinance will appear for second reading on Tuesday March 19th 2024 the next item on the agenda is first public hearing and first reading of an ordinance annexing approximately 4.18 Acres from unincorporated Hillsboro County to the city of Temple Terrace I'll open the public hearing and city planner Miranda annah will explain good evening good evening vice mayor and good even Castle okay yes as you mentioned this is the first reading first public hearing of an of the annexation in act 2301 for 100024 Davis Road this is one of three L use actions for tonight uh submitted by the applicant uh the first will be the annexation the second will be the comprehensive plan Amendment and last would be the rezoning amendment okay this is an aerial map of the uh surrounding area to the north south and the East is single family residences and Temple Terrace owns the parcel to the West the applicant is requesting to Annex 4.1 Acres uh there is an existing mobile home on the subject property and the applicant would like to demolish the home and uh Place 32 single family homes on the 4.18 Acres the uh property has an existing future land use of res 6 which is in Hillsboro County and it has an existing land use of AC asc1 which is agricultural single family conventional uh the property is located in the Temple Terrace utility service area and the owner also that owns the property to the north which would be discussed in the later applications Florida statute requires uh properties to be annexed to meet certain criteria um the applicant has demonstrated that they will meet the criteria and staff has reviewed that as well there is a comprehensive plan policy to support this annexation it reads continue to process voluntary annexations for non-residential and Residential Properties at the request of the property owner we have received no objections from Hillsboro County the Planning Commission staff has reviewed the application and recommends approval also the development Review Committee has no objections to this proposal staff finds positive findings and uh we recommend city council approve the first reading and first public hearing of this ordinance and we would like to schedule the second hearing and reading for March 19th 2024 thank you Miss Nia so I'd like to ask if there is there any public comment on this item yes sir I'm sorry please approach your name in your city state your name in your city Jeff Hower uh Temple terce I live at 8655 Navajo Avenue which is the uh the neighborhood north of the property that we're speaking about um we have a few issues with a couple of the things she's going to speak about today our biggest question we don't really have a problem with the property being annexed in the Temple Terrace our concerns are more about if this property is annexed to Temple Terrace is there going to be any adjustments to the road which is Davis Road which is now Hillsboro County owned we've lived there for many years and this road is deteriorating Hillsboro County doesn't want to seem to do anything about it so we're asking Temple Terrace if we're going to keep annexing properties into Temple Terrace that we move to Annex Davis Road into Temple Terrace as well so that we can take care of the road that all these homes are are having to be used for thank you Mr Hower good evening please state your name and city of residence Uh Kevin RI uh with Turner Miller for the applicant office at 401 East Jackson Street um this application that we're talking on now is just for the annexation and I just briefly want to say that we can for staff the the main concerns with an annexation are being uh Compact and contiguous uh and not creating any enclaves and this is a rectangle that borders the property on two sides so um you know we believe that it meets all the straight criteria thank you thank you you youve uh the applicant does have time for rebuttal so we want to make sure that everybody who is here to for just general public comment that they come up first and then you have a chance to come up again to respond to whatever they say if you're representing the applicant okay uh that's fine um I mean I we're going to be hearing the three items and I don't I don't think I'll have anything else to say on the annexation itself okay thank you so we have anybody else who's here for public comment on the annexation ordinance only yes hello I'm Ralph jordano I live at 8716 West land wide Drive which is one of the cue saacs that is directly across the street from these properties it's um it's got several reasons not to come into Temple Terrace you don't want that property it's just that simple cuz that road is a disaster um there are already multiple problems out on Davis Road and another development and I don't really care whose name it's under you know whether it's under the city or whether it's County County's already washed their hands of it they seem to just hand it over like it's nothing so okay so be it that doesn't really bother me what bothers me is when we get to the zoning phase and I know I'm at a think with this but they want to put R9 how big are the lots in an R9 Community does anyone know anyone you're in real estate don't you know I'm not in real estate well you know what I mean you're the lawyer person the best person to ask is our city staff person who's sitting right here okay City staff person how big are we talking about these Lots sir please finish your your comments and okay so my comments are that I think that this property will be incompatible with the area and if the city steps in they're going to have a lot of trouble with the rest of the residents in the area wanting upgrades because we've already been hit by Amazon we've already got um huge trucks coming up and down we've got all the traffic from Amazon and then we've got a new development along Temple Terrace Highway with R9 where the houses are huge and 10 ft apart 5T on this side of the line 5 feet on that sub of line that's just too much for Davis Road as it is all of those people come to Davis Road to get down to the interstate to do business our little road is literally falling apart from under our vehicles we've got trucks we've got buses and the amount of traffic is unbelievable I can't even get out of my street on some occasions so I would like some consideration here for the city to give this some really good thought if you want to deal with the traffic nightmare that will happen thank you sir would anyone else like to speak on the n ation um of the 4.18 Acres okay seeing none I'd like to um that would be rebuttal right or staff um if if the applicant does want to come up again he can If he if he doesn't want to speak again on this he doesn't have to Sir would you like to address any of the comments again for the record Kevin RI um I'm I'm not going to add anything to the record just to point out that the annexation is the the state statute is focused on the the shape and uh uh contiguity of the of the property not not necessarily the road that is adjacent to thank you the road that's ridiculously um council members qu no I just want to clarify that sorry just a second I can't hear you close the public hearing oh I need to close the public hearing council members questions council members just just wanted to verify this is to the west of Davis right yes where is he yes okay that's all I had just a ver I want to verify that council members well I just when an annexation comes in front of us with regard to accepting it or not accepting it isn't our requirement to follow the state statutes and the criteria that is laid out for us as a as a decision whether to Annex the property or not Annex the property the state statute there is one on annexation it it provides all of the conditions and requirements for a voluntary annexation and staff here uh it's up to you to make the finding it's part of the ordinance that the um criteria has been met for annexation now you're not required to Annex something into the city um the council has the right to decide whether they want to make the city larger or not make the city larger but um staff has indicated that the criteria under statute has been met for this voluntary annexation okay I'll ask the clerk then to read the title of the ordinance an ordinance of the city of Temple Terrace Florida providing for the voluntary indexation of one parcel of certain real property located south of East fer Avenue and west of Davis Road addressed as 100024 Davis Road in total in 4.18 plusus acres lying within the unincorporated area of Hillsboro County legally described an exhibit a attached here to directing that this ordinance be recorded with the clerk of the Circuit Court of Hillsboro County directing that the corporate boundaries of the city be redefined to include the annexed area providing for severability providing for correction of typographical errors repealing all ordinances or pots of ordinances in Conflict here withth providing for an effective date if the ordinance is acceptable I'll entertain a motion to approve the ordinance approving annexing approximately 4.18 Acres from unincorporated Hillsboro County to the city of Temple terce move to approve on first public hearing and first public hearing public reading ordance anex approximately 4.18 4.18 Acres um into the city of Temple terce with a second hearing and uh reading scheduled for March 19th 2024 second I have a motion in a second is there any discussion on the motion my comment is that uh as this is just for the annexation there'll be plenty of opportunities to discuss the impact to the city and to the to the local um for any changes would it be made so I I'm made the motion I'm in favor of of the annexation that's my comment I have some comments and I'm going to pick on you for a little bit council member schisler because you made the motion but so why is it that You' feel you'd like to Annex um this property well we have no reason a to to to um it's not like we went out to to specifically Annex this piece of pro property um it was a voluntary annexation by by the petitioner by the owner and uh it'll help to smooth out the the city boundaries as one issue okay um it'll get rid of some of this cookie cutter stuff that we have going on um on our on our on our boundary um and we just I see no reason not to I see no reason not to so we have a motion and the second all in favor I I opposed no n the motion carries um if approved the ordinance will appear for a second reading and public hearing on Tuesday March 19th 2024 the next item on the agenda is first public hearing and first reading of an ordinance adopting a comprehensive plan future land use map Amendment for folio 0375 34- 000000 and addressed as 1 24 Davis Road I'll open the public hearing city planner Miranda anniah will explain hey there again um yes this is the first reading and first public hearing for the comprehensive plan Amendment for 100024 Davis Road um this is a second Lan use action by the applicant tonight um the proposed property uh is currently um has a l use District of red 6 in Hillsboro County they proposed to go to R9 and Temple Terrace and here's an aerial map of the subject property it's the same property that was in the previous landing section for the annexation property is approximately 4.18 Acres there's a currently a mobile home a carport and a metal Barn located on the property uh as far as concurrency goes um like I stated this uh property is located in the Temple Terrace utility service area um we have confirmed with utilities that there is capacity and they'll be required to connect to Central Water and Sewer um we also confirmed with Public Works uh that there is capacity and availability for solid waste um the applicant didn't address storm water but it is depicted on their master plan this photo is the uh future land use map of the surrounding area you can see here that it's uh R uh res uh 6 sorry and this is what it would look like if it goes to R9 this chart here depicts the difference between the R6 and R9 standards uh they're familiar in their range of allowable uses uh the non-residential development is the same for as far as uh floor area ratio and uh it is an increase in the uh density R6 stands for 6 units per acre and R9 is 9 units per acre this slide shows the uh depiction and description of the comprehensive plan it uh generally states that R I won't read the whole thing but it generally states that R9 is for uh maybe neighborhood commercial but it's primarily used for single family attached and detached and uh this is uh the future land use map of just Temple Terrace you can see on this map I did hear the concerns about the neighbors but if you did look at the map you can see that in this general area um where the subject property is it is zoned R9 to the north to the west and in the other areas uh that are in the jurisdiction of Temple Terrace okay I did also uh on this slide it also shows some comprehensive plan amendments that are consistent with this application I won't read everything I just want to read a couple um objective 2.1 States continue to maintain adequate land designated for residential uses including multifamily and mixed use residential which can accommodate the projected population and provide safe decent sanitary and affordable housing opportunities for the current and future citizens of Temple Terrace and uh provide opportunities for the private sector to provide 7,435 new dwelling units of various types sizes and cost by 2040 to meet projected growth in the number of City households and include housing opportunities for affordable low and moderate income households uh the Planning Commission did provide more policies as well as the applian and that should be a packet agenda uh relating to the Strategic plan we do have a goal an objective goal 9 objective 9e expand and improve affordable housing options throughout the City by improving the quality of existing housing stock to support neighborhood stability through owner occupancy uh the state uh Florida commerce which was previously Department of Economic Opportunity does not have to review this application because it's less than 50 acres in size uh public comments have been received and should be included in your packet on December 11th the Hillsboro County City County Planning Commission held a public hearing and uh for this application and recommended approval and uh staff staff finds the application consistent with the comprehensive plan and we're recommending approval and would like to schedule a second hearing and reading uh for the ordinance for CPA 230 to for March 19 2024 thank you Mr Nia I'd like to open it up for public comment I already have um one request from Mr Hower and this is specifically on the comprehensive plan future land use map Amendment I'm going to have her bring the map up for me real quick yes sir this one or the one with Hillsboro as well yeah go the one for that one's fine okay I can use that one that's proposed here's existing okay can you just thank you again my name is Jeff Hower um I didn't mention the first time that I am the President of Tod's Terrace HOA uh which is representing uh a lot of the people here today um one thing I'd like to point out is that um Miss Anaya said that a lot of the development properties around here is already R9 that is false um if you look our neighborhood is zoned R seven which which is Navajo um to the north can you guys see that on your oh yeah on the west side of Davis on Navajo that is all that is R seven the property which is another property that I believe they're going to be that if they purchase as well is the property to the north so that's between our neighborhood and the one that is highlighted there is already zoned R7 currently according to Hillsboro County all the properties to the East over here on Navajo Elmdale and landway are all zoned R six so where she seeing that the properties adjacent to this are all R9 I don't know cuz even to the west of Navajo as well too which is on Allen Brook Street that is all also zoned R seven what we are asking is that this property stay R seven instead of getting well I guess currently right now it's R six some is agricultural R six to R9 but R9 does not represent what is around this surrounding area our job is we would like to keep the neighborhood the same and not overcrowd the density you've already heard reports of Davis Road and how terrible the road is um but our concern obviously too is with our land value of our homes um but just in keeping coordinance with what is already there our seven is what's there and that is what we' recommend to the city that if property is annexed in the Temple Terrace which we don't have a problem with the annexation because the property to the north is already annexed in the Temple Terrace we would just recommend that it stay R seven thank you Mr Hower would anyone else like to speak on this item which is the comprehensive plan and future land use map Amendment no else Mr L this is really my business but I'm going to say it anyway I'm kind of curious about not mentioning about impact fees obviously I don't have to be a genius to figure out that there's going to be an impact on the neighborhood in Davis Road particularly I was wondering if about impact fees or talk or about a discussion about impact to the neighborhood that's already over there I do think the developments needed but I also think that the that the impact uh you know should be taken care of too first thank you thank you Mr L uh yes ma'am my name is Mary Jane Brock I live on 8709 West landway Drive my problem is not that you're going to put it in Temple Terrace that's fine it's okay with us problem is that a lot of the streets on D that go up to Davis Road are dead end streets we only have one way out of our street and there's a lot of streets the same way and a lot of single houses AJ to Davis Road they only have one way out too so you're going to put that property that you just owned this property and all those houses that you're going to put there that you want to do what did you say R9 that's a lot of people we'll never get out of our street and there's no way for us to get out there's a drainage hole behind us and besid that's the interstate so that's what we have the problem with is the density of what you want to do do with it put houses there somebody's going to do something with the land the cows are gone uh but that's the problem that I have and you're taking down some awfully beautiful oak trees thank you thank you Miss Brock um yes sir good evening CC members uh my name is Louis Gonzalez I live on Mr River Court one of the neighborhoods to the south of the property uh being spoken about today and I just wanted on record I want to Second what the gentleman and the lady here um have witnessed and you know talked about today about the density of the neighborhood and how bad Davis Road has gotten uh I've been living there close to 10 years and um on the 10 years there's been an Amazon warehouse being built in there there's been a VA Hospital the golf range has turned into a big ass I'm sorry about my language um big neighborhood over there and uh my exactly and uh that um the traffic in the area has gotten bad I mean uh I leave my house in the afternoons to uh to go to the gym on Fowler Avenue and when I try to get on Fowler from Davis Road right now the traffic backs up all the way almost to where they live if you go the other way you got to deal with all the all the traffic going on Temple Terrace Highway plus the new light that was installed that was going to be going on live soon in front of the VA hospital so basically basically that adds time to all of our commutes wherever we were trying to go and we love living in this side of town so I mean I don't go down to Del mavy anywhere down that side of town because I don't like the traffic there I love it here and I pretty much uh don't have a problem with um them uh you know with the annexation part of it you know welcomeing into Temple Terrace but please do consider um keeping it R six or r s to where the density is you know controllable and if you can please do something about that road it's gotten bad there's potholes everywhere and uh when it rains water does puddle there's big puddles on both sides of the road so when you're trafficking through the area when it's raining it's almost like a game of chicken like people are coming over and then you got to either Dodge the the the thing or just stop wait for the person and go around the pole so thank you thank you sir would anyone else like to speak on this item okay seeing none um now he's staff would like to say something okay I just I wanted to address one of the comments real quick I think there might be a little bit of confusion between the L use districts and the zoning districts those are two separate things for Temple Terrace uh we can get the slides back up for in Temple Terrace our future L use districts are R4 R9 and r18 if so that's the current zoning let's go to this map here so the Orange is R9 we only have four 9 and 18 Hillsboro County has six we don't have an equivalent of six I just wanted to to make sure that was thank you for that clarification and the applicant would you like to address this uh yes again for the record Kevin R with Stern Miller at 401 East Jackson Street in Tampa um the I was going to point out the same thing that staff pointed out that there's some conflation between zoning and future land use um if the property is annexed in it it has to be given a future land use for the city because it has a future L use for the county now um and the options are um uh four and it jumps all the way to nine um it's not before you for this item but we'll talk about density in the next item six would have been fine for us um but the the entire area is actually uh R9 in the city the portions that are shown as R six those those are the county areas um the the next closest property to here in the city is actually an even higher designation um where you all get to control what density actually gets put there if you don't want to see something at uh an an R9 density is that the the zoning and the uh PD process which which is separate from this but with all the adjacent property in the city being our n r n is the most appropriate and that's why staff and the Planning Commission both um support this thank you thank you so Council questions council member Fernandez so mine has to do with the land use versus zoning and that is if we were so right now it's got a county designation of R six if we approve in this ordinance in the first reading I know but uh an R9 designation in Temple Terrace how does that affect city councils if that's a land use that's allowed how then does that affect our ability to uh encourage maybe less density because of the the area the comprehensive plan does regulate density so if you approve uh 9 units per acre would be 9 times the um the acreage which is 4.18 but um later on you would see that there are including the parcel to the north which is designated R9 right now so it regulates then so I don't know if this is the right time to ask this because if we if we went with the R9 and how does that because we also have a building code that says lots have to to be a certain size per the square footage of the homes built there and right now we're looking at saying okay this is an appropriate land use but I don't even know if if this property the size specifically could be divided into lots that meet the building code that would align with uh with nine units per acre for the comprehensive plan you're looking at compatibility with the surrounding in area and the future land use map I uh had shown earlier um this is the first reading and first public hearing so it will be shown again on the 19th um they are separate land use actions but obviously related so um but comprehensive plan it regulates the density and you're looking at compatibility with the future Lous smell I don't know if that I know you won't be able to see it till later on but well I guess it it where I'm coming from my concern is that if I say um R9 and I get it we we have we jump from R4 to R9 we don't have anything in between but if I say okay R9 is an acceptable land use it does match what is around the property but they're already developed so they don't well we're talking land use not zoning so so but they're already developed okay so they've already been platted and and they're done it's a known entity if I'm looking at at land use and I'm saying R9 is acceptable then it hasn't been platted or developed I guess what I'm saying is it to me it seems like I might be agreeing to something and saying R9 is an acceptable density but then I actually don't believe that R9 that nine units per acre is an acceptable density for this area and the the street right now so I don't want to put I don't want to agree to something that I actually don't think would work I will say that the property to the north what the applicant also owns um that's the 2.4 Acres that was um pulled from Hillsboro County into Temple Terrace in 2011 and the same thing happened um they had a a comprehensive plan amendment to go to R9 and that hasn't been developed yet um but I understand your concerns I just wanted to what you know that Mr Sherman i' had something to add I want to make one comment so the R9 future lanus map category is the maximum density allowed in the R9 future lanus 9 units per acre is the maximum density allowed it's a policy call if yall if the council wants to go up to 9 units per acre they can approve less than 9 units per acre gross density as well nine units is the maximum density allowed in that future l map category okay that that answers what El thank you council members questions yes Mr thank you um uh where did in the comprehensive plan where did the number 7,435 come from yes that is a policy is that our policy or County policy that is Temple terce so between now and 2050 we're put another 7,000 2040 240 that's H uh SG objective 1.1 that's what I I thought I thought you had said that um yeah it's I just I I want to risk make not making a comment just ask questions at this point so uh now that that was the only question I had as as far as that goes um but I will have comments um does anybody know the difference in the number of homes theoretically since we don't have an r r six but if an R six was there compared to an R9 what would be the difference in number of homes if somebody can just give me a ballpark go back to the chart 12 what's the difference is 12 or the the difference okay per acre I think that'd be total total okay is that including the land of the north that you already have no no okay so what would be the total number and someone answering has to come to the podium um so if it were to be R9 and you build the R9 which we don't know that yet but that what would be the number of homes so uh and your question is for both pieces or for just the piece we're discussing here because the the the future land use change is only for the piece being annexed and I I'll answer both if you want but I just want to make the distinction I'm just trying to get a a handle on the difference between what's currently there even though it's County R six if it stayed the same compared to what you want uh what could be done I don't know what you want you haven't told us yet um so that difference would be about 12 uh units the acre and I mean uh you know what's being discussed here the R9 12 to the acre sorry I'm sorry uh 12 total it's it's a difference of three per acre and it's a little over 4 Acres so you can't round up so you have to round down so if we're a little over 4 Acres 4 * 3 is is your 12 okay um and then the extra acreage you know would be water under the bridge so to speak um now again with this with the future L use approval that's the maximum the zoning approval is where you all decide how much you want to see there got it okay thank you that answered it thank you very good okay so I'll close the public hearing and I'll ask the clerk to read the title of the ordinance an ordinance of the city of Temple terce Florida amending the imagined 2040 Temple ter Terrace comprehensive plan future land use map for one parcel of land located south of East fer Avenue and west of Davis Road addressed as one24 Davis Road in totaling 4.18 plus minus Acres line within the unincorporated area of Hillsboro County legally described an exhibit a attached here to by changing the future land use designation on said property from residential 6 Hillsboro County to residential 9 Temple Terrace for CPA 23-2 providing for Amendment of the official future land use map of the city providing for severability providing for correction of typographical errors repealing all ordinances of parts of ordinances in Conflict here with in providing for an effective date if the ordinance is acceptable I'll entertain a motion to approve the ordinance approving a comprehensive plan future land use map Amendment for folio 03753 4- 00 and addressed as 100024 Davis Road okay uh move to approve on first public hearing and first reading of an the ordinance adopting a comprehensive plan future use map future land use map Amendment for folio 03753 4- 000000 and addressed as one24 Davis Road with the second reading to be scheduled March 19th I have a motion is there a second second is there a discussion on the motion council member schisler okay um to to your point that that council member Fernandez said that um this is for the land uh Land Development or comprehensive plan only the maximum it could be used for is 9 per acre okay we can modify that I believe if I'm understanding that correctly we can require that to be much less but that's not this that's not this ordinance um um and just just so the public knows that that's that's another discussion we're going to have in in a couple of minutes so um I have I to have Reser I drive Davis Road every day and I too have reservations but I also stood up when the um uh river River end or whatever the project is for for the golf course and CH and challenged the uh the Traffic Engineers at that point and they did we we got changes made we had things done to make it a safer environment so uh I'm going to support the ordinance I'm support this first reading but uh um it's going to have some work to do to get the the the the next step but so I just wanted to make that comment on on the the general status of it council members comments okay have a motion and second um all in favor I I opposed no n the motion carries um are we on what are we on uh okay item e first public hearing and first reading of an ordinance adopting a rezoning of folio number 0375 34- with an address of 100024 Davis Road and unknown address folio number 0375 31-5 first I'll open the public hearing and anyone who intends to speak on this matter we need you to please stand for the oath administered by the city clerk right way to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so I'll you God thank you and now I need to request the City attorney to make an inquiry on expart communication on this matter um this is the time where anyone on city council should State whether they have received any expart communication concerning this matter if you have received anything in writing then you need to and I believe there was one thing there may be more that I I don't not aware of um if there's something that you received in writing then it needs to be made uh available to the city clerk for the record and you need to State the uh who you received that from and the sum and substance of the content of that message as well as the date on which you received it um if there was an oral communication you also need to provide the same information with regard to that communication um for the record there was I know um a written communication that was received and um responded to by the mayor um I believe you have copies of that particular one the clerk also has that and I had provided a copy of that same one to the applicant um if you've received anything else you need to State what that is I don't have anything else I have nothing else just the one mentioned that's all I have nothing beyond the one mentioned thank you and if you could just if somebody would just State who that was received from I know the mayor's comment is in there but who was the original the it was from it was from Russ Patterson and Jeff Hower thanks thank you okay um next uh city planner Miranda annaya will explain time out time out I have I have something yes um cuzz I thought this was what you were talking about but today I received a an email from the city clerk that was comments from uh uh that came from the board of County Commission thing that's different than what you're talking about correct so I received that today all the council members okay and and who was that from um it was from the Planning Commission from yica Mills I I think what might have happened is is that the comment from the um that you mentioned from U Mr Patterson um went to the county first um apparently an error and then they sent it to us so it's it is the same one okay thank you if there's any question from the applicant okay thank you uh city planner annia okay so this is uh the first reading and first public hearing for rzp 2302 this is the last Lan use action requested by the applicant that's the old one that's the old one yeah okay here's a areial of the subject property it's approximately 6.7 Acres the applicant is requesting to propose a zoning for uh to go to PD plan development for 32 single family homes the current Zoning for the northern parcel is R7 Temple Terrace and the southern parcel is zoned A1 Hillsboro County which stands for agricultural single family conventional um one unit perre uh the existing uh uses are uh uh single family residents on the Northern parcel and the southern parcel okay that one here are some photos uh to the southwest east and north of the septic property um the West photograph is taken internally you can see that there is some vegetation on the property this is a zoning map of the surrounding area um for residential Temple Terrace it cons consist of mostly PD and R7 zoning districts here's these uh survey submitted by the applicant and here's the latest master plan submitted by the applicant February 16 2024 um originally the applicant had submitted for 36 single family homes after speaking with Hillsboro County they had to uh relocate the driveway apron which brought them down to 34 units and uh staff originally had concerns with uh some of the Lots having less than 40 ft on the road Frontage so they did redesign the site and um they made improvements uh the last subid which is uh the midle on the screen proposes 32 single family lots and they each have 40 feet at the road the PD requirement state that you have to base your bulk standards off of the closest zoning District which in this case will be R seven however modifications can be made if it's in the best interest of the PD in the city um standard single family lots less than 70 ft have to be a PD um because it goes by zoning District R seven has to be 70t wide uh 7,000 ft so um we jump uh that's the lowest um zoning District so anything less than 70 ft has to be PD of course there's exceptions if you're annexed in or not um but those are the requirements for uh vacant lots that are developed in Temple Terrace as I mentioned PD does allow for flexibility the applicant is requesting uh small uh smaller area uh lot sizes and area width compared to R seven um upon researching the city has approved a few subdivisions that are 40ft wide Lots I know that was a concern with um a lot of the uh public and um staff the applicant is keeping the rest of the bulk standards like required yards and building coverage the same and here's a typical elevation that was submitted by the applicant they are requesting for onecar garages um this is a typical in my proposed uh conditions I do have a condition that states that it has to be substantially similar to this elevation so that way there's not too many deviations from what is shown here the Planning Commission did review the sooning application and recommends approval uh the DRC had no objections and staff recommends city council approve the first reading and first ordinance uh uh first reading sorry and first public hearing of rzp 2307 uh public comments have been received um there are a few outstanding uh questions that staff has as far as regarding whether the um the proposed roadway would be public or private and what amenities would be in the park um other than that uh the last slide is the suggested conditions I won't read any um uh I won't read them unless um you would like me to but um I can go into further detail with any of these proposed conditions uh there are nine that's thank you um open it up for a public comment now Mr Hower uh first I'd like to apologize to the council members uh for not knowing the difference between the land use and the residential zoning I'm not a land attorney so that stuff is you know getting to to know all that here is is well known uh we also want to make it known too that we are not trying to prohibit the applicant from from building like having the uh the property developed is is great you know it's been sitting there unused and if it can be used we think that's that's good for our community like I said our biggest concern is with the zoning um Navajo Avenue 70 foot Lots uh Navajo to the East 70 foot Lots Elmdale 90 foot lots landway 95t lots wi we just want to see it stay what it is I know they keep telling that there yes there are some plan developments to the south on Davis Road but if we keep packing in these homes and plan developments on Davis Road it's not even going to be usable um so we are really appreciative for someone wanting to develop this land but our recommendation to the city is since the land future land use is R9 we recommend that the zoning stay R seven which is what their property that they actually own now to the north um that two acres is already zoned R seven and that's what we would like to see it not set to a plane development cuz once you set it to a plan development if they decide to pull out of their project then someone else can come in and say they want to build however many 30 40 homes on their lot if you look at the one map that showed their U I don't know how to get back to it uh that showed their Lots um it showed that on the one side of the street there's 21 Lots that's as many homes as our whole neighborhood which is about the same acreage as what they have and they're trying to put that many homes just on one side of the street that's just way too much density for our area street is not going to be able to handle that um so we're just asking that we keep in coordinates of what's already there R seven is already zoned we feel that that the other four acres should be zoned R seven and make it like the rest of the neighborhood thank you Mr Hower uh yes sir please state your name and city of residence good evening my name is Carl Johnson I am from Navajo Avenue 8647 forgive where I'm dressed I came straight from work cuz I'm a little dirty anyhow I will like this I concur with what my fellow friends had to say regarding the density and I like to say I like the city to take a holistic approach at development in Temple terce we've been trying to do a downtown and we've been trying to get Safety Harbor celebration you know I'm just kind of repeating the words that the mayor has said and nobody wants to build in tempar at the same time I agree we would like housing there we would like more green spaces but the idea of comp parting people into a small area like I had to say like 10 fish in the sarden can it really doesn't necessarily embody the vision of Temple terce and what the C council members I hope that Temple terce can become we we agree that affordable housing is very important and we agree that that should happen in Temple Terrace but at the same time we would like to measure the approach and not just go to 60 houses in a tiny area parking people in where people don't even have a sense of community we're trying to as I said let's look have a holistic approach and take our time deciding whether this should be zone for the capacity that um our friends are looking for I am thinking that is and we I think you all agree that the density is really more than what I think is acceptable and can be encompassed right now on on Davis Road you know again we lost some green space with the golf course driving range is gone you know we have a dog partk just to the to the to the south or west I can't remember directions right now but I just said let's us slow down and really look is this capacity really what Temple wants and do we want to continue doing it we have enough Apartments we have enough um single duplex homes I look at what um habitat of humanity did over by over by um the IHOP you know what I mean and that's low-income housing this actually they put the space in there is large we're not asking for that same size space but we're not asking for another break for do at the same time so that's all I have to say thank you very much for your time thank you um when else care to speak on this Mr Patterson hi I'm Russ Patterson I live at 8701 Elmdale place in Tampa unincorporated Hillsboro I prefer to see the proposed development off Davis Road to be a little bit less dense the Lots planned for these houses are much smaller than those on Temple Terrace roads of Navajo uh Coral Dawn Trevor Oaks and uh Queen Brooks and also the Hillsboro County Roads of Elmdale place lway and M River they're all right by the by that area the density of this development will change the character of the neighborhoods in the immediate area I don't ose the idea of affordable housing although what's affordable nowadays sure doesn't seem very affordable why can't the development be more like the development that uh is on sweet Daisy Lane over there by IHOP those are those are nice houses and they would fit right in to our our neighborhood it'd be idea if the developer would would reduce the number of houses I would we would very much appreciate that or if the council has to demand that their developer would do the houses on a personal note I know you can and have voted down applications and recommendations by your city staff the council denied my application to be annexed voluntarily even though the Temple Terrace uh City staff recommended approval so uh I'm not going to be here for the March 19th meeting as I'll be with my 99 year old mom in Texas and that doesn't since I'm not going to be here that doesn't mean I'm giving up thank you thank you Mr P patteron would anyone else like to speak on this item yes sir well we seem to have that's Ralph jordano once again uh 8716 West landway I would like to thank each and every one of you for paying such close attention to what we've been saying it's it's just an issue of having a good life fighting to get out of your street is not on that list um it's a very difficult thing to see open land where Wildlife once roamed going down doesn't matter who's going to build on it whether it's Temple Terrace just as soon the reason that I cautioned earlier is that it's just not going to be an easy ride because that road is a major stumbling block to this development and any other future developments along Davis Road you don't seem to have a partner in Hillsboro County I tried to uh speak with the County Commissioners I uh emailed them and asked them to consider it watch my head decision was already made oh yeah we're just going to turn this over to them it's now your problem as far as the County Commission is concerned so if you could at least cut down the uh uh the amount of uh homes that are going to be in there uh because it's a quality of life issue um and you know yeah yeah yeah I know all the property along there different sizes and stuff we've been in that area for almost 50 years there was no Interstate when we bought our property so that's how long we've been there we've watched it change from sleepy backwood to it's a daily commuter route for thousands of people if they've ever done a road count on Davis I bet they would find that so anyway we'd like some consideration at bare minimum of taking it easy on the lot size okay at least instead of making us have 65 homes in there would it be so awful to have 40 or 50 they're still going to make a ton of money haven't they seen the prices they want to give me a half a million dollars for my $20,000 house what are you nuts and then where am I going to go so anyway thank you for being so patient and kind and I certainly hope that you will consider that this property is across the street from you and do you want all of this traffic on a dilapidated Road like Davis thank you thank you would anyone else like to speak on this yes sir did everyone get one yes they they did well we may may well hand a little humor in this so your name and I uh been knowing many sir can I have your name in friends with many mayor your name your name name please tell us your name oh uh Jack gay I live on Lake elale thank you uh anyway I've been knowing many mayors and city councilman Temple tears they always want to upgrade their Community we we made projects before and they failed and we wish we have went a little better well I feel like this is a project that needs to be kept R seven to keep with upgrade of Temple terce so I mean it's added to many traffic I lived there 50 51 years you believe so anyway uh I'd like to keep the traffic down as much as we can and I know it's hard so appreciate it thank you would anyone else like to speak on this item yes Miss scale oh one second sir you're next uh my name is Candy Gil I live at 8701 Elmdale place right on Lake Elmdale if you ever drive down Davis on a rainy day you can see Lake Elmdale in my front yard but my comment is I I almost want to say don't let the houses come in at all this part of Temple Terrace there's no parks of any kind for the people there you know you go around Temple Terrace and in inside the proper on the other side of the river you have a lot of little parks and places of things to do on Davis Road there's nothing for the children or the people to have any kind of recreation I just want to throw that out thank you thank you um yes sir meari I live on 8632 Navajo and I second what my neighbors are saying uh the biggest thing is you're talking 40 foot wide Lots that's I think what they've agreed upon um like we said none of the other lots are like that and and the biggest problem is the traffic that's it's going to bring I'm the neighborhood Runner I run up and down Davis all the time and it's already a hazard as it is you know I and so there's no room for sidewalk improvements sidewalks are falling apart so we're annexing all this property but we should really be out so annexing the road so that you can make not just the neighborhood but just the overall neighborhood um so I'll just try to move to see if if we can get these fewer Lots there and try to make do something about the road I mean I think like you mentioned you drive on a daily basis I drive it on a daily basis I run it on a daily basis and it's it's really a safety hazard you're going to wait for a kid or someone to get hurt out there before we do something about it I think we need to do something now so thank you for your thank you Mr Rosario would anyone else like to speak on this issue yes sir my name is Harry Todd I reside at uh 8605 Navajo Avenue and I just want to say uh we are pleased that uh the motion to be annexed in the temple terrorist pass because we feel good dealing with our small city rather than the large Hillsboro County and we trust that you'll investigate this and do the right thing with everything we are a neighborhood there that has all 70ft Lots all the lots are nice and spacious the streets are landscaped we have excellent lighting side walks and we have a lovely neighborhood and we just want to be sure this annexation has a lovely neighborhood when we're finished thank you very much thank you any more public comment I I apologize I need to go back to expart communication um city manager brought to my attention a um an email that was from Mr jordano sent to the County Commissioners on the 2nd of March is that the one um CH that you were talking about okay um that probably was seen by the rest of council and um it basically it was asking the County Commissioners for their support uh to reject the proposed plan to increase land use residential density so that was it did did you want to that that's basically the gist of it I can show this to you do you have a um does the clerk have a copy the clerk has a copy of that um Ian I think that's pretty consistent with the public comment we're hearing today so I I think that than do you have anything you'd like to say um yeah we so I don't have a presentation but I do have a packet with some some pictures if I may approach and and hand these out I have some for the clerk too so you can keep the record thank you thank [Applause] you um so again for the record Kevin R with uh Stern Zer Miller land use um Law Firm at 401 East Jackson Street in Tampa um you know the these slides are mostly mostly images um and I you know forgive me I'll do my best to describe what's on here but I promise it's it's nothing particularly Earth shattering um and uh it's similar to what we saw with the staff's presentation the first slide just generally shows where this is on a city scale slide number two the numbers on the bottom left um and you know you all know where it is so that's not that important but the second slide has the same information and shows um where the property is uh when you look a little bit more closely and the property is 6.7 Acres uh in this map for the property appraiser records you can see that uh a couple of concerns that the the public made with the development in the area well there are lots uh uh in the range of 70 ft but there are are lots that are 40 ft uh and the other concern with how much more can Davis Road take there there's really not a lot left to be built out for this uh most of the area is plaed subdivision if not it's uh it's County uh unplatted homes and so you know there really is we really are coming to a built out uh point in this area uh on the fourth page is just another picture of the future land use map you all saw that in detail before Oh I um oh great you you all can see this up top um the zoning proposed here of course is PD you know PD being the purple it it doesn't really show how we're meeting compatibility by a map because the colors are so different um so for the project overview I I think that even though we're dealing with um 40ft Lots you know the residents are looking at that site plan and seeing 40 foot lots and thinking that there's a lot of incompatibility and thinking nothing's been done to create compatibility but there actually was some thought put into this and I'm going to try and go over some of those things um first of all we're only proposing 32 homes here so that's a density of 4.78 the larger area is anywhere from you know from the mid 3S to um the the mid F not mid fives I'm sorry mid fours so right we're we're we're right in the range that three to five range for the density of the larger area um and yes we are proposing 40 foot lots and that's why we're using um the PD application because the the R7 standard for that 70ft watt that doesn't work for an affordable housing development and that's the the goal here um I'll the the applicant will speak a little bit uh in a minute but their goal typically is affordable housing and um they're often trying to serve veterans uh they work with uh funding sources like I won't go into it too much but they'll explain that and so you have to have a smaller product and a smaller lot to make that work and so what we have done here is we've agreed to a single story house and the rest of the r seven standards so while the the lot size and the lot width is less we're still meeting the building footprint so it's not it's not a two-story building you know right up to those lines where um you know you're you're maximizing that density and maximizing how much how many people can live there and how many can fit in there instead it's to try and offer a different product type for affordable housing instead of an apartment these people get their own uh single story home it's still only about 1100 square feet and by make by limiting to that uh building footprint and limiting to that single story even though we have 40ft lots we think it's a compatible product given the general area and the density and the fact that there are 40ft lots with twostory homes that are that are built to the the Max uh in the the greater area uh it has garages sidewalks and there will be a playground area near the uh in the open space near the front of the development it'll have you know basic a basic playground uh for kids to play with slide and and things to climb on we don't we don't have the exact unit picked out but it'll be something with those amenities um on the next slide it's the site plan which um staff already showed you and the changes that were done here is first the the road is curved that's the county requiring that they want this road to line up with the road across Davis to prevent conflicts and prevent danger with intersections when when cars are turning going the wrong direction and so when they did that the site plan had to be redesigned to um to have that and and some lots lots were lost there and then staff said we understand that you're meeting the code with a 40ft lot on some of these curves but we don't really think that's compatible with the area so we want you to make it a 40ft frontage so the average lot is is bigger than a 40ft lot so the smallest lots are the ones that are the rectangles anything on a curve is actually going to be bigger than what the standard 44 40t lot would be um the again I mentioned how the height limit and the building footprint limit helps ensure compatibility um and then the concern that this could be flipped on you uh with a PD what's interesting about the PD zoning process is you know we're asking for something special the 40 foot Frontage but in return for that we're agreeing to limit that height and limit the building footprint consistent with the RS7 standards and that can't change if someone else was to purchase the property if something fell apart and this business uh uh you know wasn't able to develop and someone wanted to build something different they would have to come back to you either that or they have to build what's here um so you know you do hold that control and again with the density uh at 4 point um about 4.7 it is in the character of the area so traffic this one I hope um we can try and see I'll try and Center it so the the portion you have here circled in blue we have a transportation engineer here who has studied in the area and worked in the area that's the result of his uh study I'm going to try and translate that and if you all have questions we'll bring him up but I want to paraphrase it the best and be the goet here so the red circle there is the peak hour trips what that means is that the busiest part of the day this is how many trips we think are going to come and go from the property based on the engineering practice they use and that number is 35 the county has a limit and we're accessing in the county road as everyone talked about of 50 trips to require a bigger study now fortunately we were able to do some intersection counts to get an idea of what is happening on Davis but this this doesn't even meet the County's di Minimus requirement which is to say it generates so little traffic that they don't want it studied in order to get our rightaway permit they're more worried about where that roadway is and if you're going to put sidewalks along the road than they are about the number of trips because while the perception is 32 hones would create a lot of trips it's actually uh single family detach creates um you know a pretty small number of trips and uh there small units at that now some of the residents talked about the VA or and Amazon those are totally different things that create lots of trips so let's put this into something that's more digestible um at the peak hour so the busy part of the day in the afternoon it's estimated that there' be more than a minute and a half between a car coming or going from this subdivision now of course it doesn't work perfectly on an average you may have three go back toback but then you might have five minutes with nothing so a minute and a half think about a a a long traffic light a long traffic light is longer than that and that's what's predicted here um over the day there's an average of less than one car every 3 minutes leaving the property so that's a a long Gap the perception of all the trips that are created by this type of development um are are just a little bit uh you know people are conflating what might come from a commercial development with what happens at a single family development the bar graph on the right from top to bottom that's the capacity of Davis Road the blue is the current counts that's the current number of trips that are measured on Davis Road and then the red shows what this project would do in the peak hour the green represents everything from an engineering perspective that's available capacity in the road and so there are two things here one you can see the development is a very small impact but two you can see there's a lot of excess capacity here the testimony we heard tonight that there are problems with Davis Road and that may be true but that's what impact fees are for uh this project will pay impact fees and importantly um have a very small impact on the number of trips for the road um with that I'd like David Smith to come up he's a a planner in our office and he's going to talk about some more of the compatibility ility from a from an expert perspective no problem uh David Smith Sterns Weaver Miller director of development and Zoning you leave this here they can see it you can talk I have a little little less than 50 years of experience in zoning and land development in Hillsboro County temple terce in the surrounding area in looking at this particular project uh the res n land use just as stated earlier provides the umbrella up to nine units could be considered here for various product types what the development that's proposed here proposes is 4.78 units per acre a plan development um that is designed to be an affordable product affordable product today uh means land cost are high infrastructure cost are high so if you can spread them over more units that brings down the price of the product and if you have a smaller product that results in a lower cost so looking at your goals objectives and policies in the city of Temple Terrace comprehensive plan clearly 4.78 units is consistent with the R9 designation which is the most comparable designation to the R6 that was at the County uh that's available to you the PD proposes uses consistent with the R9 single family detached units it furthers the policies on the housing element which provide for affordable housing developments and that doesn't necessarily mean what people get concerned about subsidized housing we're talking about housing that's affordable uh to the average person today with the housing prices as you've mentioned they're going through the roof we also provide how it provides in the comp plan provide affordable housing options the options are smaller house smaller lot less cost this provides a variety of housing types I lived in Temple Terrace for probably off and on for 16 years I lived in small Lots I lived in Big Lots in Teresa Harbor and the variety of housing types is what makes the community work you can't have all one type and expect everything to just be perfect for the community you have to have a variety to deal with the service workers the firemen the rich people middle income all those people uh make the community work when you look again further it says provide private sector opportunities really what we're asking for here at this development is a private sector opportunity to provide a housing option uh at a price point and a size uh that makes it reasonably affordable provide diversity of housing type this checks the Box um higher density and newly annexed areas we're not really getting higher density we're giving you the average density essentially that's throughout the area at about 4.78 units per acre um 1.7.4 says by proposing smaller lot sizes and providing greater choice that is what this development proposes to do and pro by proposing smaller lots and lot configurations promoted promoted by the policy that ass provides consistency with the comprehensive plan essentially from a land planning perspective um this project is uh not only uh consistent with the comp plan but when you look at compatibility when you look at the ab budding property one we have undeveloped property to the South we have ASC zoning to the to the north which is County zoning and we have uh the subdivision that many residents are from uh which are just to the north that are that that been discussed as the R7 when you look at the graphic we only have three lots that back up to one house and it's the sidey yard of one house in that Community we have 52t of setback from the rear lot line to the sidey lot line of the adjacent property and we have from house to lot line on the adjacent property over 72 ft so we designed this and set these houses back providing buffers to the larger Lots um provides a transition and provides for compatibility um it's my professional opinion having done this for a long time that this project is consistent with Comprehensive plan of the city of Temple Terrace uh it's compatible um under the standards as we said we've only asked for smaller lot sizes and um square footage of lots meeting R seven standards everywhere else 'll be glad to answer any questions and appreciate your time thank you hi um Michael Shu with Rebuilding Together uh 3914 us301 just to give a little understanding of who Rebuilding Together is we've been serving Tampa for 23 years last year we uh I think 1,00 homes we uh rehabbed for people that can't afford uh repairs on their homes and uh we continue to keep doing that this is an affordable housing development because as you all know housing isn't affordable anymore and uh to the Navajo uh homes I mean if you were to look at purchasing one of those homes right now you're looking at $500 to $700,000 I mean who can afford 5 to $700,000 right now to purchase a home yeah you got those num okay on his side that's they're 5 to 700,000 sir you can continue I'm sorry so you know we're trying to provide a product for people that are trying to start themselves off to get a home to provide themselves a safe environment for them their children that can't afford these high uh prices we're trying to provide a small home that gives them the Comfort the safety to feel I own something I have a home I have I have Equity that I'm starting off off with and we want to put them in an environment that they can then you know continue to keep growing from so as a nonprofit as someone that enjoys serving the community that you know we've been serving for over 20 years we just want the opportunity to provide what people really need and that's affordable housing uh it's just it's a need right now and it's it's so unavailable to so many people that they're being stuck in apartments and we could easily throw a bunch of tow houses in this and not even reach the uh the maximum plateau of what our density is we're not trying to do that we're trying to provide something for somebody to feel like this is my home this is somewhere for me to start or this is somewhere for a place for me to have and raise my family in thank you thank you so Council um question I was just say I don't have anything that but we do have our transportation engineer if you did want to ask questions of of him thank you thank you okay um Council questions to close anything or uh not until after yeah okay um mayor yes council member questions um how many 40 foot lot complexes are in the area if you if you don't know you don't know that's fine I don't care know the exact but I did find at least three I know that um the last one that I could find that was approved was I believe sagebrook which is off of Morris Bridge and that was approved in 2019 for 40 foot wide Lots I also found on Davis Road is um I can't find out the oh bridgford Oaks sagebrook I wrote down and orange River Orange River Estates they're 40ft wide Lots but I'm sure they're there's more I think there's actually a 30t wide uh subdivision for single family detached um but I didn't take a look at the plot but there are there are some iner states they would be the the um uh Villas they wouldn't they wouldn't be the detached homes I live there I yeah they're more than 40 ft okay um to the developer will there be a homeowners association yes will it be voluntary will it be voluntary or compulsory that'll be voluntary voluntary okay So eventually you'll move out and if who's going to take care of that if the if the Home Association falls apart it'll be a resident if it's voluntary we're going to PL it's there's going be PLA and sold so um so the the maintenance requirements would be per per code okay um how many back back back no no stay don't go far don't go far the houses on um uh up behind IHOP um up in Primrose area the um Habitat for Humanity Da Sweet Daisy that's s how big are they do you know I don't know off thep okay how about the ones over on over look the Habitat for Humanity on Overlook recently improved think of it off the top of my head I can get you those answers Brian do you know I don't know okay all right the reason I the reason I bring that up is probably is is that um they had tried to I understand you're trying to maximize your pro your your your your your profitability based upon the land that you got to deal with well he wanted five they wanted five houses in there and we finally approved four okay my question as far as the um uh the overall layout the overall plotting is a 50 or a 60 foot wide plot workable in your model if if we had to go 50 or 60 ft we would end up having to do Town Homes um and that would be the the if 50 or 60 ft is going to force us to do a much larger home which is going to be two stories and it's going to take it out of affordability uh you know so you have a choice it's either build a larger home and charge more for it or build a smaller home and charge less for it uh that's you know so what we're trying to do is we're trying to maximize the amount of homes that we can put somewhere to provide as many affordable houses opportunities as we possibly can you know we work with a lot of organizations so we're serving veterans we're serving lwi income medium income and we're trying to do the best that we can to provide something for everyone uh you know I could follow the Navajo on the opposite side of where we are but the comps to that are $5 to $700,000 and it's just impossible for I mean we can get out of it I mean it would be another developer that would come in we would hand it over them and they would come in put 60t or 70ft lots and put $5 to $700,000 brand new homes and that would be great I mean if that's what you guys are looking for I mean but it's our understanding that the comp plan is in need of affordable housing I mean it's something that the city of Temple Terrace is looking for and you know us as a nonprofit we're not looking to maximize our profits we're a nonprofit organization all we're trying to do is feed the community and the people that are living and serving in this community with a home that they can afford where they're not you know upside down going to the grocery store and we all know every I mean interest rates are out of the roof construction costs are out of the roof everything is just going higher and higher we need an opportunity to give people that want to own a home an opportunity to own a home in a place where they don't have to spend 500 to 700,000 on a new home I mean if you look at what's going on over the DR Horton uh where they're talking about the uh the the driving range they start at 450 and they go up who can afford that these days there's just there's single mothers that have children that are in need of housing that we see on a daily basis that we know are in need of a house that they can raise their kids in that have safety and the space that they need to feel comfortable growing up and that's all we're trying to do I mean it's we're not a major developer trying to maximize our profits we're serving the community and we're trying to do it in the best way that we possibly can I do have some more questions regarding traffic so you have traffic your traffic dude is available okay how many projected vehicles are there going to be these These are going to be you in your studies you assuming two cars per per household I Michael Yates with palm traffic uh so we use it uh trip generation to estimate what the trip generation is for the project so it is a national compendium of traffic studies that were done at subdivisions and whatever type of land use it was and that they build the National Database and that's what is nationally accepted for estimating trip generation so to answer your question it is 27 a.m. peak hour trips so that is the highest hour between 7 and 9:00 a.m. and then it was 35 5 p.m peak hour trips which is the highest hour between 400 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. you're assuming one car per household essentially yes okay so I I don't know many houses that have just one house one car per household and that's but please please please guys and that's correct so that's not saying that there's only one car per household this is how many trips are entering or leaving the subdivision in an hour so that that means like if the person has two cars in the household on average they would come in at different times of the day so one may come home at 4:00 the other may come home at 5:00 those would be two trips coming to the same household but they would be in two different hours of the peak out so that's why it's only one essentially one per household over the course of the peak hour I'm not so much worried about them coming in I'm more concerned with them going out in the morning you're going to have assuming people go to work between seven and nine you have 30 some cars trying to get out onto Davis Road that's already very highly congested okay so I I I you know I'm not I can't I'm not a traffic engineer I'm a bean counter so I can't argue with you know with with the with the uh stats that you're using the the criteria from was it the um it um but uh um you know there's some serious concerns by the rest the local residents and I as a council member um again I have concerns it's it's only going to take one bad accident and some a whole family get wiped out on Davis Road and you know we it's it's it's it's not a good thing the second question is can I answer that question H can I answer that question question but okay so uh I did meet with the County engineer uh so obviously Davis Road is a county roadway and I know during the presentation it was uh discussed briefly about the realignment so that the entry Road aligns with El Elmdale to the East and so the purpose of that is to what you were describing is so that the project driveway aligns with El Elmdale so you relieve that potential for misalign me Vehicles crashing into each other leaving at different locations so that was discussed uh with the County engineer and the alignment and the traffic generation for that so that is obviously a big concern but given the counts we did out there we did actually at the intersection with elale we actually went out and did turning movement counts at that intersection to get the volumes that you saw in the presentation so with those volumes s the estimated traffic from the project it is going to be as safe as possible for a intersection occurring you've re you've aligned it to align with another driveway the volumes are relatively low from a traffic perspective I understand everyone's going to have an opinion of what that is but when you look at it from a traffic professional perspective the volumes are relatively low for the capacity of the roadway was a discussion with the county county staff regarding a potential traffic signal at that intersection since it's been realigned I no no so uh for a traffic signal you need 53 cars per hour for eight hours of the day making a left from the side street so extremely high volumes like for example I worked on the VA Center and so we ended up doing a signal at on temp Terrace Highway and so that was barely meeting traffic signals for the VA followup question is number of children anticipated in in that in that block say you get 32 houses you can put 32 houses in there affordable housing there's going to be multiple children I would imagine they're not all going to be grown adults um my counts there's five or six bus stops all along Davis Road you're going to definitely add another one to handle the potential children that that are going students are going to be living there um has anybody anybody spoken with the school district on on what happens with with a with a an influx of 60 80 kids in that area I'll have to refer to the team but I know I have not I have I've seen those I see it every Monday Wednesday and Friday morning driving down there at school times kids running across Davis Road trying to catch buses okay so that that has me very concerned with the that to me is a a significant density issue okay especially if it's going to be quote unquote affordable ho houses single parents whatever whatever be the combination we're going to have a significant increase in number of school age children going through there and that's that's that to me is a is is a is a a a an important responsibility that we have to consider in in discussing how the the houses get laid out in my opinion yeah and I will address at least part of that from the perspective of the connection and how that's going to function um since Davis Road is a Hillsboro County facility Hillsboro County has what they call substandard road so that is basically where you have to go through and evaluate the condition of the road sidewalks pavement width you know all those types of functions to the roadway that make up what the county considers a standard roadway so we are going to need to go through that process as part of our permitting for the driveway connection with Hillsboro County so that may mean sidewalks that may mean midblock crosswalks it could be a bunch of different things related to that but that will be part of the mitting process of the driveway connection with thoseo County would that be just the frontage of the property or would that be the entire Davis Road it could be various parts of Davis Road um typically for the size of the project it would not be all of Davis Road but it could be segments of Davis Road or it could be a component of it but that would be done at time of Permitting okay that's all I have for now sorry council member Chambers thank you I've got uh four questions um for anybody so uh in the presentation it was mentioned that uh the road it wasn't clear whether it was a private road or going to be a public road is that correct in the presentation uh that was in for the record kin real that was in staff's presentation um this could be uh private or public uh if you all did not want it to be public which is preferred because of utilities then when you when you have the right of way um for the water and Sewer if it was to be private then you know the the uh property would probably have to have a mandatory HOA and um you ensure that gets maintained so it would change wouldn't change the plotting wouldn't necessarily change the development but it would change the way that the um organization is structured okay and when we talk about maintenance uh and I know you said it but the two Park areas uh that would be maintained by whom so that's something that I hadn't talked with the applicant about before whether it be mandatory or um uh voluntary HOA um if it's going to be um voluntary HOA then someone's going to have to have that maintenance responsibility so either it it would have to be a um it would either have to be an HOA that's mandatory that would have the responsibility to collect fees to do that maintenance um or it would have to be something worked out with the city um it can't be left to to not be maintained that's right okay uh in the presentation impact fees were mentioned uh what would those impact fees be and who gets it so the I'll let staff answer but or conf do you want you want to take that one well so you're going to have Mobility fees to deal with Transportation issues you're going to have school impact fees uh School impact fees go to the school board um they're based on the type of unit and the size of unit um the mobility fees are based on the type of unit and then you have your Water and Sewer connection fees which are regulated by city ordinance so whatever the connection fee and the impact fee is included in um in the permitting process to connect to the sewer and the water okay so the mobility fees would go to the city or the county uh those go to the county because because it goes for the County's Road okay and my last no oh I'm sorry I to okay Mobility fees go to the city yes okay so the count wouldn't really get any impact P good evening uh Brian McCarthy city engineer um since this is within the city limits even though it's a County Road it'll go the city Mobility fees will apply okay right thank you and my last question to somebody what happens if we do not approve item AE uh this is the first uh this is the first uh reading and public hearing so if you don't want to approve this agenda item um but you want to approve the comp plan then they would still have the comprehensive plan of R9 um then you're kind of leaving it open if you approve R9 then they can have a residential density of up to uh 9 units per acre the PD actually is the one that's limiting uh PD um it's it's a limitation of the development so if you approve the comprehensive plan they can do up to 9 units per acre the PD actually confines the limits of that development something to keep in mind well that in the again and some somebody said that would uh could be Town Homes could be multiple story homes I mentioned it in my uh uh comprehensive plan presentation but there's actually even some neighborhood commercial that can be done so the alternative is yeah if you even in the r six Hillsboro County even if we didn't Annex it allows for some uh neighborhood commercial if it meets location criteria so the alternative whether you want the single family detached or something higher like town homes or neighborhood commercial that's the alternative okay thank you I've answered it council member Fernandez so I have some traffic questions um so right now just visually a lot of residents feel like they're sitting on the road they they're waiting to exit their neighborhoods longer than they have been in the past and it's so can you explain how it the count says that we have excess capacity but when you're driving on the road it does not appear to be excess capacity it appears to be very well traveled yeah and I mean I think it's it's always that challenge of perception of capacity and so from a traffic engineering perspective that capacity is what the road can handle before it just completely breaks so as long as you're able to pull out of your subdivision and then they have like it's they have different time periods that they view like level of service for a driveway connection so like if you have to wait more than 54 seconds that's kind of the maximum side of D which is the acceptable level of service so if you're sitting at your subdivision waiting to turn left for 54 seconds you're going to feel like you're there forever so it's a perception issue but based on engineering standards that are applied throughout the city county state and the country the road operates at acceptable level of service it and almost half the capacity of the roadway and that the delays coming out of subdivisions like the proposed project driveway would be minimal and with the acceptable standards probably in the B B to C range so it's a perception but I I understand the issue of that perception I guess what I'm concerned about is a lot of the the neighborhoods that are along this road don't necessarily have another form of egress they they they all need to use this road I know some of them open onto Morris Bridge but um so it's just anecdotally and Visually it does seem like there's quite a bit of traffic um so can you go back over what you actually did the the steps that you did to actually test and record the traffic counts yeah yeah so what we use we use a third-party data collection company called India yes they're a national data collection company they actually go out and do video data collection so we look at turning movement counts that's typically the real focus of what we're doing that's how the vehicles are turning at an intersection but what they do is they set up a camera basically on a pole that videos the intersection and then does the count from that video so you actually have video evidence of what that count is and it's much more accurate than the way you used to do it when I was going through school you would go out there with the pen and paper and actually hand count or got really complex with a board but it actually does video so you actually have the video evidence and it's about 99% accurate and so I've done test on the video data collection to make sure that they actually do count accurately and that they're a reliable company that does data collection so with that that kind of tells you what the volume of the roadway is so they counted from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and then 400 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and so we got those highest volumes within that period so we picked the 1 hour so it could be 4:15 to 5:15 so you actually take the highest Hour That You observe and that's the peak hour volume set you saw in the presentation so it's reliable that it's done by a third party it's not someone going out there and trying to count it and messing up or anything like that it's actually video data collection of that information did that fully answer your question yeah without getting to no well so so the count you you have physical eyes on that space for those peak times what would be considered a road or I don't want to say a failing road because we're not talking about uh outside of the peak times but what would be considered a traffic pattern or counts that are excessive I I mean um the one that obviously comes to mind is Bruce Beed all before it got widened uh you know it was a two-lane roadway out there with you know Hunters Green and particularly north of the interstate there where Hunters Green and all those are that was a failing roadway and when you looked at the volumes it was clearly failing and you could see the failures and you could see particularly when you did turning movement counts you could see what was causing those failures that and that's the benefit of the Turning movement counts it h the the problems in the roadway are not when you can continue on straight it's when people are stopped making left turns making right turns it's those movements that cause a lot of the delays to the roadway so that's why we always focus on those turning movement counts to give you the full picture not just what is the volume of the roadway but even with Bruce BS and I do remember it when it was a I lived out there for a while but even even with that road and coming out of Hunters Green or Tampa Palms they had lights correct to to at least stop traffic at a certain point so they could get on or off the road and Davis Road doesn't have any lights so how does that factor into your traffic analysis and that goes to what the volumes are both on the roadway and then what the volumes are coming in and out of the subdivision and like amale across the street that's what helps you determine is there a capacity issue are there movement issues that are causing problem s so part of the other part of this is turn lanes and so Hillsboro County has standards for turn lanes for left turn Lanes right turn lanes and so that kind of tells you when you're reaching a volume that would need a turn lane that is that threshold and so Hillsboro County is a little lower on the threshold than some agencies but we we are below the volumes for turn lane warrants both left and right turn lanes and so that helps guide you in telling you that the volumes are low enough that there is not an operational issue as long as the through volumes are not excessively high so in in this analysis because we have added some usage in the vicinity um have you did you see any traffic incre it's hard to say increase you weren't looking at it before that but did you see a a high volume of traffic coming out of some of the usages that have been added in that area such as the Amazon or the VA I so um the VA was open when we did the counts uh but they again we counted for that um and the benefit to the va's facility being that they did not have access to Davis Road so when we were doing the VA they were originally trying to get access to Davis Road and through discussions with the county and trying to figure out the traffic patterns all that traffic was focused on Temple Terrace Highway and to the signalized intersection is how that was designed so again I think we accounted for and then the Amazon facility has been open for a while and they were also part of the count so all those were really included we did not go back and look at the Historical volumes that have occurred out there okay so I guess my question maybe is for City staff and that is we know that we know that traffic has increased on Davis Road just because there are houses there that weren't there when that road was built so I mean over time it's increased but what is our so well this particular development might only add 35 trips which it's probably not it's probably more than 35 trips realistically but it may not be but it's incremental and what the city doesn't own the road you know what can we do as a city because we're hearing from residents that it's very high in traffic and that's one of the concerns that has been expressed about you know developing this property and we're hearing that the traffic analysis says that everything's fine but I mean we know it has a lot of traffic on it so you know what can we do as a city to try to get the county to make some improvements so um M mam council member I think this is the same kind of conversation that we've had uh with the county not just for this area but for Temple Terrace Highway even we've had the same conversation asking the county and and I don't mean to disparage the county the staff's been great they're just struggling with a lack of resources and so they hav for example repaved Temple Terrace Highway we drive down that road today it's falling apart uh Davis Road I I I've driven this road I peak hour and I can totally commiserate What the residents are saying in fact I questioned the chart that was presented here with the capacity numbers that all that green for PM Peak or it says Peak I I'll give it that I don't know if this is PM Peak or some sort of an average but because if you're there PM it's it's pretty tough I mean it's tough that intersection up at Morris Bridge at the other the sort of the Northern end it's impossible people start making u-turns back so I I don't want us to be uh under any misunderstanding that there is not a problem there um staff has had conversations with the county about Davis Road I'd actually ask Mr either Mr tinch or Mr uh McCarthy to come up and see give us the latest of those conversations if he could if there's any plans or direction that he may have gotten from the uh from the county uh it is a it is definitely a uh a challenge for sure so City staff has requested through the TPO the transportation planning Organization for Davis Road to have like a a complete Street field um right now that's just on their priority list I would have to double check where it falls I do know Bullard Parkway our project on there is ranked higher than our Davis Road um request right now that's where we are in terms of uh City staff asking for help from the county may may I yes Mr McCarthy can you so knowing Davis for the way you do is there how wide right away is there excess right away right now that this the county could come through if they if they had the resources and widen the road to address any kind of capacity concern or or signalize Intersection For example at the end of it yeah I believe the RightWay is pretty constrained where the last conversation I had with the county I believe they're probably going to be looking for like right away dedication towards any any future projects would probably have to donate some property towards them for any type of expansion of Davis Road thank you okay so I just have one more question for City staff so under under this so let's say if it's R seven not plan development what would be the number of units that would be allowable on this property um that is regulated by the comprehensive plan so you need to go back to the comp plan for the density but uh the R7 states you have to have 7,000 ft lot size and and 70 ft wide Lots that's what they're asking a deviation from is to go to 40 and 4,400 uh square feet so well I'm just curious about uh what the previous zoning in Hillsboro County the density that would have been allowed under that zoning as compared to what we're looking at oh uh the current zoning in Hillsboro County is um agricultural single family conventional so that's uh one unit per lot it's for agricultural piece but they understand in their comprehensive planet is in an urban area so that's bound to change okay that's it and uh Council memb just had a follow-up question yes thank you um two two qu two questions regarding the um PD can we can we mandate or dictate lot sizes within a PD now at this point for the for this development or would it be open for interpretation in the future um if you can uh ask the applicant to come back with a different proposal is that what you're well I guess I guess you know I don't like a 40ft lot 40 foot width I mean it's too small all right so can we say yes we can we'll approve the resoning this to a PD with a 60 foot lot minimum is that within our purview uh I would not recommend that because the PD you're going to change the the zoning to PD but it's tied to a Master Plan and the master plan shows the 40ft lots and then you also have the proposed conditions with it so um if you did want to see 60 or 50 foot Lots I would recommend they come back because you don't want an incompatible master plan with the PD zoning okay so the master plan is what we just did PR the master plan is the the site plan that shows all the the lots and the lot width wait a minute so when you Zone to PD you're supposed to have a master plan and conditions okay we haven't approved a master plan yet have we no it will be part of the PD uh part of the ordinance it'll be that's this is this is what we're working on right now it's the master plan for that correct okay so now is the time if we want changes made to make a change to that right I would just state that if you are requesting changes as far as especially the lot withd that they come back and show that to you cuz now I if if if you regulate 50 or 60 foot Lots but your master plan chose 40 or 50 that's going to create a nightmare at permitting well that's that's why I'm asking that's what I'm saying I would have them come back okay so so we can do that we can we can say this PD has to be 4542 50 60 whatever be the number okay oh I see uh yeah this is a PD so they're asking for the deviations Council has the right to um it's a negotiation honestly for PD zoning so um you okay so we we have the we have you have the right to suggest different okay we have we have that ability okay um just can I make right I have I have other comments to made to so no more questions right I hope not no U I did hear your comment earlier about the school board the school board is aware of the comprehensive plan Amendment so they are aware some type of development is uh is looking to come to this area okay okay good thank you so with no more um questions from Council I'll close the public hearing and I'm hearing some requests for a a brief break so um what's the procedure for pausing a meeting and taking a brief break you can take a you can take a short recess so we will be taking a short recess please come back in 5 minutes that's uh 8:52 I need it here I need to go to I'm freezing closed the public hearing and now I'll ask the clerk to read the title of the ordinance before it can we ask not really more questions but before we read the ordinance can Mike sorry before before we read the ordinance it would be appropriate to have a a discussion as to the the overall complexities of the lot sizes transportation of this nature would we be out of line do it at this point or should we read the ordinance first um if you're if you have questions to ask of anybody then this would be the time once the or once the ordinance is read and the motion is made then public hearing is closed and now it would be time just for your discussion okay all right so in in light of that I I I'd like to ask the applicant one further one additional question if we would if we could would the would would you guys be willing to modify the overall footprint I don't want it I don't want the perception of where that I'm that me personally I'm against the affordable housing concept I'm not okay in fact uh one of my first uh votes during my my initial uh tenure on Council was bucking uh the system in in affordable housing over by uh the library area okay to which I got taken to task for it quite viciously uh in the public my point is my concern is that the density in that area is going to be so high that that it's it's just unsafe conditions and I believe that we could that that a 50 55 50 foot uh lot size okay would you guys be willing to review view it and if you have to come back come back to us with that the the impact and and and I just have a lot of concerns that safety issues packing that many people into that many houses into there um I I I don't necessarily buy the traffic um counts uh if we expand the roads for turning lane turning lane is going to go through Mr Patterson's front yard for for his front door BBE you know it's going to go right up next to his house this type of thing so uh on Elmdale I I just have some concerns that uh um we need to to to look deeper at this um if we if at all possible can I ask you a question I mean I do I do just um I I do worry we've gone a little bit off the rails with the quad judal judicial process here though because the only competent substantial evidence related to Traffic was actually what was presented by our transportation engineer today and that worries me because state law says that you have to be an expert to app on traffic and we've had a lot of pontification on what people perceive as the traffic impact the expert testimony is that it's compatible the Planning Commission our expert planner and the um your your planning staff all said that we have compatibility and we have an expert engineer saying that the perception is not the reality for the safety that the realignment of the road and the um with with the intersection and the capacity of the road doesn't warrant a turn lane doesn't warrant a signal and so I I do want to just put that on the record that that concerns me I'm we we're happy to take another look at it but it's not going to be an affordable project then so we we're talking about a nonprofit that's here that's trying to to do uh this type of project and that requires reduced lots and reduce units and the the the scale of the units is what creates the compatibility and the concerns that I'm hearing we have professional testimony that says that those those are not what the concern should be and so um we're happy to take another look we'll take a continuance if that's what the the city council would like what and and we can work with staff and we can see what that number would be I hesitate to say that it'd be 50 foot Lots because I don't I don't think that would work um but but yes of course we're happy we're happy to take another look but I I do want to focus on what that expert testimony is saying because um you know that that has to be what drives the quad judicial process um so if what you're suggesting is a continuance um you know we we would welcome that and work with staff um but I just I don't know that we're going to be able to get all the way to a 50ft lot okay thank you thank you thank you for and and as this Council has gone through before in other uh cases of rezoning what what the uh citizens in the neighborhood can testify to are things that they have experienced and observed but unless one of them provides their own qualifications they are not traffic experts and I I'll remind Council what coun what applicant has just said is that the only expert testimony that we've received tonight has been from the applicants um representative on traffic so the the citizens are not experts on traffic so so I think where we are is I'm asking the clerk to read the title of the ordinance an ordinance of the city of Temple teris Florida resoning two Parcels of land located south of East fall Avenue and west of Davis Road addressed as 100024 Davis Road in totaling 6.7 plus minus Acres lying within the unincorporated area of Hillsboro County legally described an exhibit a attached here to by changing the zoning atlas map designation on said property from zoning classification agricultural single family conventional in Hillsboro County to residential 7 Temple Terrace to plan development PD and Temple Terrace for rzp 23- 02 providing for Amendment of the official zoning atlas map of the city providing for severability providing for correction of typographical errors repealing all ordinances or pots of ordinances in Conflict here with and providing for an effective date if the ordinance is acceptable I'll entertain a motion to approve the ordinance rezoning folio number 03753 4- 000000 with an address of 100024 Davis Road and unknown address folio number 03753 1-5 z0 um well I I'll move to approve the ordinance adopting a resoning of folio number 03753 4- 000000 with an address of 100024 Davis Road and unknown address folio number 037 531-5000 on first reading you have a motion is there a second okay second okay have a motion in a second is there discussion on the motion yes uh a comment and discussion I am concerned with the 40 foot wide Lots uh myself we we had some other developments that we've had them change too we do have 40 foot lot developments uh I'm not concerned with traffic I am cuz traffic is very bad but expert testimony showed uh nothing and I have not commented on traffic uh whatever comes in there is going to add cars so something's going to be built there uh I'm just personally concerned with the 40ft wide Lots coun um I uh uh I too am concerned with the 40ft lot um I believe it's too small and uh um we have affordable housing units throughout the city that are larger than 40 foot and I I would prefer to I can't support the the the the um motion for the ordinance change at this point I'd like to see it reviewed re-reviewed well I do think that the number of units is not necess necessarily a bad thing I do have a concern about the 40 foot lot just as the general nature of the city and development in the city but I'm I'm also trying to figure out how to balance the need for affordable housing with the desire for slightly larger Lots because I mean we're we are a suburban community we're not seminal Heights or or something that is has a lot more density in the construction so our generally speaking the people who have moved to this area are moving here and in fact we have a lot of people that move from a place like seol heights come here specifically because they want a little bit larger lot a little bit more space around their house between neighbors so I I'm concerned about the 40 foot width that's my comment well it sounds like I have I have more comments on that please please um again I'm all for affordable housing uh I'm I'm just concerned with the 40 foot Lots just just because of that uh my calculations I'm thinking it's five or six homes if you go to let's say a 50-ft lot and I know there's no guarantee on that you're going to lose five or six homes and that would make a difference in your profit margin even though you're a nonprofit but you have to be able to build it that I understand that uh if we approve this on first reading tonight and the applicant gets a chance to go back and maybe reconsider some things but if not we can not approve it on second reading how would that work this is essentially a considered a reading no no test testimony or even action needs to be taken here this could just be first reading so if you you can pass it on first reading but really the second reading is the one that is the final action and if you don't pass it at the second reading then it fails so if we vote on this and it doesn't pass on first reading then what happens right now you can you you're just really moving it to Second reading so if you you vote to you vote you can vote to approve and move it to a second reading because Florida law requires two two readings um and as I said the the essentially the clerk could just have read the ordinance and then we move on but we we generally in this city have hearings at both readings so you can um you can vote no and not move it on to the second reading and then it's done or you can vote to approve it and move it to Second reading then you you'll have the hearing you can have the hearing again and if you can vote no on second reading thank you so Council clearly has some concerns about um some of this proposed project and um moving it forward to a second reading allows us more time to consider and um when we bring it back for second reading we can see how our concerns are addressed and discuss it further at that point so any more discussion on the motion okay all those in favor I I opposed no okay we have your vote oh um I okay the motion carries and the ordinance will appear for second reading and public hearing on Tuesday March 19th 2024 I would ask to extend that date I don't think that's enough time for the applicant to Res um can we do we need to get a date certain to extend it that be up to the applicant yes it would be better to do that and so you're going to need to make another motion you you've already made and passed a motion for a certain date you're somebody's going to need to make another another motion to move it to a different date can we get a motion to maybe get some input from the applicant too as to so I did advertise it for Yeah March 19th so I just read advertised it yeah believe the applicant is asking for continuance to the second meeting in April that should give us enough time to re advertise with the right dates and uh for him for staff and the applicant to work on the revised master plan what's the date for the second meeting in April April 16th sounds right 16 I will be out of town I will not be at this meeting I'm April 16 April 16 if a council member wouldn't be in attendance at that time does does that um yeah I'm I'm not in town on that date they I've already put in I'm missing that meeting a while ago the matter can still go forward on that date but if for some reason either the applicant or city does not want to have this issue heard without a full Bank of councel then you can take that into consideration and pick a different date it's up to the applicant I think if I may price mayor yes please um we we could take a a date in the first meeting in in May if we could have a full board that'd be or Council that'd be great and that'll give us another because we are going to have to modify the plan and run the pro fora to see what we can the maximum we can do so is the mayor here then I mean he's not here now mayor's here yeah okay can I get a motion Mo to continue the uh allow the applicant to continue to the May 7th meeting for the second reading second I have a motion and I have a second is there discussion on the motion yes what about the first two items we just approved are they still on for the second meeting in March yes yeah I'll leave that the discussion to council I'm happy to come and appear for those items I think that those items have a more clear uh record so that's at your discretion and they've already been advertised for them okay okay so motion and second no more discussion on the motion all those in favor signify with i i i opposed the motion carries unanimously I'm I'm sorry um so you're keeping the the 19th for the first two and then just moving so a e is the only one moving but a c and d are second 19 still the next item we have is Council business so carryover Council business none no okay I have a board report okay next new business and board report council member Fernandez looking for um I just wanted to announce that the cultural asset committee for Hillsboro County has changed their deadline they they changed the pro they changed the process a little bit and went back in front of County Commission to get the grants funded and so if somebody has a cultural artistic uh Community event that uh I encourage anyone in the city to apply for the grant to go on the Hillsboro County website um it can't be a fundraiser but an event designed to bring the community together focusing on art and history and culture um there are grants that will be available and that window of application is opening uh very soon thank you any other carryover Council business council member report um it's on the same thing the Hillsburg County Arts Council same thing their Grant deadlines have been pushed later because of uh funding issues with the County Commission so artists out there it'll be coming but just not now thank you yes I don't have a board report but I do have uh two two pieces of information two pieces of one's a question one's information um um city manager the individual that was here earlier I I didn't catch his name he he I I didn't write it down regarding the detached garage or the non-conforming garage and maybe that's my question has he been invi has he been advised to go to the um uh Board of adjustment okay so we met with Mr Harris today yeah um and his property like he said is a legal non-conforming use okay the board of adjustments gives variances to setbacks to Heights to bulk standards things like that they don't give a variance to the answer no because the code says you cannot do it so what he's asking is that that section of the code be changed but but by going through the I remember tenure in the board of adjustment we could re we could kick at the council for review he can't but the board of adjustment could I thought if I remember correctly for a few for a potential change I'm not I'm just saying for for for us to mitigate the issue or to adjudicate is the board of adjust can they can make such recommendations but it doesn't have to come from them I mean if they keep running across a a same problem that multiple property owners are having that would be the logical thing to do is to say Council should probably look at this but he's the only one that I'm aware of okay and and so but it doesn't stop you from considering a change in the ordinance and that would be something that would come up with probably the Land Development regulations that are being worked on now and that you've heard some of so far okay my second I know you want to talk about that but the second comment about um there was discussion made earlier regarding um uh traffic truck traffic coming out of Amazon and so forth um there'll be a presentation made sometime in April or May by the uh uh TPO to our Council and one of the items that's going to come up is that they're going to on their list of projects is a a entrance ramp to the interstate off of hary off off in that area so it'll that's coming down the pipe I don't know how quickly it's coming but that's on the list to be done so anyway I just thought just just so council's aware of that um council member Chambers right back to the uh non-conforming you said legal non-conforming I don't really know what that could be but U it is a legal non-conforming use so the Mr the previous owner also named Mr Harris got a permit I think like in 83 early 80s the code was changed shortly after that that said detached structures cannot be in the sidey yard of a house or of a property they have to be in the rear so his was permitted legally then the rules change so that makes him a legal this would be nothing that would be changed with what we met last week on Land Development changing that ordinance because it's in the sidey yard correct we've not CH so um we talked about adus and we one of the discussions in ad uses do we want to allow them in the sidey yard or would they be regulated to the back right now they'd be regulated to the back so the code could be written where you can allow adus in the yard sidey yard or you can allow all accessory structures in the sidey yard that's not what we proposed at this point though so because he wants to make some changes uh is why he's would be denied the permit I mean we're not going to tell him to knock it down now that's correct so he so our code and this is paraphrasing says you cannot enlarge you cannot expand you cannot increase non-conforming uses non-conforming structures you can do general maintenance like he could put a certain amount say the roof needed to be repaired provided that he didn't do enough improvements over 50% of the value of the structure at that point he'd have to conform to all new codes um so he can maintain that structure and our code recognizes that and allows him to do that but C says you can't expand it yeah most communities have that same thing if you have something that's non-conforming they don't want you to make something that's non-conforming bigger so that's why okay okay we good yep all right next item is a city manager's report Mr B thank you madam vice mayor uh members of council uh the uh the report on the purchases between 35,000 and 5,000 for the months of January and February is included in your backup uh there are two three four five purchases that were made um in basically uh three divisions uh if you have any questions about those I'm happy to answer those good and that's all I have thank you a city attorney's report I have nothing right well this meeting is adjourned good job [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] --------- hello everyone and happy women's History Month I'm Mary Bates the marketing and communication assistant and today I welcome you to our new series honoring the women of Temple Terrace today we have our special guest Miss Jeanie Barlo hello hello Mary and jeie our goal here today is just to get to know a little bit about you um and I just want to thank you for your time I know you are a very busy woman so yeah are you ready to begin I'm ready let's do this so how long have you been with the city of Temple Terrace I've been with the city since 2010 so I'm going on 14 years this spring congratulations thank you can you tell me about what your role and responsibilities are here I am the senior executive assistant to the city manager so I work directly for the city manager and try and help him with the day-to-day operations of running the city so whatever he needs help with I'm there to assist I also serve as a communication uh liaison between the city manager and all the department directors I try and Foster um you know open communication make sure he knows everything that's going on that's reported to me I also uh oversee the agenda um for the council so everything goes through this office before it goes to the council uh city clerk's office also assists with that but it primarily goes through the city manager's office okay that sounds like a very busy job what do you do in your off time to decompress I spend time with my kids I like to work out I like to read books um just uh you know I'm very family oriented awesome um what do you enjoy most about working with the city I really love um the varied tasks it's never the same thing um every day is a different something different comes up I like working with the people I think everybody here is basically we're on this same page shooting for the same goal so yeah I've noticed that too just being here only a few short three months like it's so like it even feels like a family oriented Vibe and I've only met nice people here pretty much everybody's pretty nice yes thankfully thankfully um what advice would you give to another woman who wanted to have like a position like yours I would say um the best advice I would give to someone is step outside of your comfort zone try new things set your sights on a goal and and try and get there don't just do the routine stuff do something to make a difference I love that how do you think your perspective as a woman specifically has impacted um your work here with city government I think women generally Foster a collaboration better than men so I think it's uh bringing departments together I think you get more done when you have a team effort and I think women are really good at working as a team not that men aren't but I think that's a specialty yeah I think we're really good communicators which is nice also I I think empathy empathy plays a role too because um I think females tend to be a little bit more empathetic so uh you can probably take a more unique approach to problem solving mhm if you can have a little empathy yeah for sure what do you think sets Temple Terrace apart from all the other cities that you've been to I think our mayor and Council are very positive I think they they like to work as a unit and there's not a lot of um problems that they can't solve together I think that they they blend well and I think that plays a part it spills down to the rest of us the city manager is wonderful to work for and I think it's just it makes a difference when you have a positive outlook on things right yeah we have really great leadership yes um can you share an experience that you've had that has really made you really proud and you feel gratified well my latest effort which again it's a team effort but it's it's getting the city to make historic preservation of public policy so we're working towards becoming a certified local government it's an effort that's been ongoing for 50 years it's just never we never were able to get there so finally we've taken that step we've adopted a historic preservation ordinance we've created a historic preservation board and now we're working to become a certified local government you submit the application now that everything is in place and it's just it's I'm very proud of that yeah I think that's great like especially cuz it's happening now like we and you get to be a part of it yes but um this one's kind of a fun question so if you could choose one word to describe yourself what would it be oh my god um probably Dependable I think Dependable I've always been dependable for my family my husband I've been dependable at work I just I try and make that effort to be that person that people can rely upon mhm that's awesome knowing you so far I can definitely agree with that um but yeah thank you so much Genie for your time and um us as a community we definitely honor all your efforts for the city thank you so much it was a pleasure to be here hello everyone and happy at Women's History Month I'm Mary Bates the marketing and communication city council meeting for March 5th 2024 to order so first I'd like to remind everybody to turn off your cell phones and I'd like to invite council member Gil schisler for the invitation and to lead us in the pledge please stand and and afterwards uh join us in the Pledge of Allegiance heavenly father bless us As We Gather tonight to handle the business of our city we thank you for the many many blessings you bestow upon us each and every day and ask for your guidance on this Council to do the next right thing guide us on the decisions we make make both large and small that we will always do what is right and just we ask for your grace on all of the employees of the city and for the protection of our First Responders who Serve and Protect the citizens of our great City we ask these blessings in the many different names that you are known but in your most holy name we pray amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with libery and justice for all thank you thank you we have a packed house tonight but for those of you who aren't aware we've been doing historical facts in honor of our upcoming Centennial and this evening the historic fact is going to be done by me and in honor of women's History Month I wanted to share some information about women serving as elected officials on titera city government and compare it to State and National levels of women's participation in government the first woman to serve on our local government many of you may know was ma Fowler who served as vice mayor meeting minutes aren't on the record until 1940 and for a while they don't give first names of council members so it's really hard to tell if other women served until 1974 when we have a very clear record of a woman serving on Council and that was Audrey Turner um she was first a city clerk and later became a council member in 1976 which was our country's Bicentennial and for the bicentennial um the city did a celebration and she designed the flag and I think this flag might be legendary or something because everybody says no one can find it they'd love to see what it looked like but there's maybe she kept it cuz she made it um in 1977 Nancy sver was a council member and that was it until 1990 since 1990 there was somebody there was a a female on Council every single year sometimes just one sometimes two um friend Bradford was um a council member from 1990 to 1997 and she was also the first female mayor from 1998 to 2003 so to put the number of women serving in our local government in context Nationwide for cities with populations greater than 10,000 32% of of elected Municipal officials are female and this that's current and in Florida that's 33.5% so we may look like we have a 5050 gender balance but we actually have a mayor who is male so we're actually about um 40% 60% here in Temple Terrace so I'd like to thank um City cler Joe Mooney for helping me pull some of this information for our interesting fact tonight so that Segways very well into our first Proclamation which is a proclamation in honor honor of women's history month so I'd like to call Sergeant Tandra mopolis to the podium have a little bit of information about her to share to begin with this year's National Women's History Month celebrates women throughout the country who understand that for a positive future we need to eliminate bias and discrimination from our lives and institutions this year the city is recognizing a woman who is committed to embracing everyone and excluding no one um no one in our request for freedom and opportunity this particular individual knows that people can change with help and guidance and that young people in particular need to learn the value of hearing from different voices and different points of view as they grow and develop into adulthood Sergeant Tandra mopolis will be accepting the women's History Month Proclamation with over 20 years of cumulative law enforcement experience Sergeant mopolis credits her mother's wisdom guidance support and undying love as being the fundamental keys to all of her personal and professional accomplishments as well as her inherent ability to overcome the various roadblocks and disappointments that she has encountered along the way Sergeant mopolis cites resilience as being the one word that encapsulates the essence of what she has developed over time and what it has taken to make it to this point in her career through it all Sergeant mopolis has policed with fairness honesty and compassion us utilizing her status as a sworn law enforcement officer to change the attitudes of our youth and community members about policing while at the same time working diligently to get her fellow officers to understand the importance of becoming more personally involved with our most challenged youth by becoming fully engaged with our community Sergeant mopolis has taken the care and concern for the homeless those suffering from mental health issues and safety well-being and personal development to our children to new heights of professionalism and service welcome Sergeant thank [Applause] you thank you for being here today I also have a proclamation to read they gave me a lot to read today that's make sure I have the right one okay whereas the US Congress proclaimed the month of March as women's History Month in 1987 and has proclaimed the observance each year since and whereas American women of every race class and ethnic background have made historic contributions to the growth and strength of our nation and countless recorded and unrecorded ways and whereas women have played and continue to play critical economic cultural and social roles in every sphere of Life by cons constituting a significant portion of the labor force and whereas for centuries socioeconomic forces have challenged women's progress however despite these obstacles America boasts a rich history of courageous women women who defied the odds and whereas the city of Temple Terrace has been home to many Dynamic and great women leaders Community servants and entrepreneurs and business professionals Educators and more who have made their influence felt and have constructed a path to ensure that the Temple Terrace Community continues to thrive now therefore I Meredith Abel by virtue of authority vested in me as vice mayor of the city of Temple Terrace designate March 2024 as women's History Month do you have a few words to say usually this is not my setting I do very well with kids as everybody knows so I am just very blessed and thankful to be able to have this moment that to be acknowledged for everything that I've done within the last seven almost 17 years of my career here um it's just nice to be able to serve your purpose so I realized my purpose a long time ago so I was blessed with with that so so I am very thankful and honored to be able to accept this well we're very grateful for you [Applause] so all right three two one and one more for good luck thank you can I get one more cell phone mobile one one two three got thank you thank [Applause] you our next Proclamation this evening is in honor of bike month I'd like to invite J R chairperson of the bicycle pedestrian advisory committee and bpac members whoever is here from the bpac can also join her at the podium good evening good evening thank you vice mayor Abel council members I'm joined by one of our other committee members tonight and want to thank you for issuing this Proclamation and inviting us to be here many of us who serve on this committee do so because bicycling is important to us personally for either Recreation or as a means of transportation and as noted in the proclamation that you will be reading there are a lot of good reasons to support bicycling in our city but it's worth worth mentioning also that beyond the health and environmental benefits some bike friendly communities have also reported economic benefits that include positive impact on property values on Homes located in walkable B bicycle areas as one expert has put it realators sell not just houses they sell communities and communities that support and promote safe cycling offer a quality of life and lifestyle that's attractive to a lot of people so as we celebrate Florida bicycle month bike month here in the city of Temple Terrace our hope is that the community members will get out their bikes we encourage them to take a ride with their kids to their favorite park or maybe check out a few city parks they've never been to before take a ride to the library or with our Centennial year approach perhaps explore some of our historic neighborhoods and finally we encourage residents to join mayor Ross and many others for bike with the mayor on Friday March 22nd starting at 7:30 a.m. at the rec center so on behalf of our committee thank you again for issuing this Proclamation for highlighting the important role that bicycling plays in our city and for supporting efforts to make Temple Terrace a more bike friendly Community thank you [Applause] thank you very much and uh we're very grateful for the work that the bpac has been doing and I also have something to read you whereas for more than a century the bicycle has been a utilitarian economical environmentally sound and effective means of personal Transportation Recreation and fitness and whereas the city of Temple Terrace encourages the use of bicycles as a means of transportation and recognizing recognizes bicyclists as legitimate roadway users and whereas the city of Temple Terrace encourages the increased use of bicycles benefiting all citizens by improving the air quality reducing traffic congestion and noise decreasing the use of and dependence upon finite energy sources and fostering exercise and whereas the city of Temple Terrace promotes safe and responsible bicycling and is committed to incorporating the development of bicycle facilities in the vision for revitalizing the city and now therefore I Meredith Able by virtue of the authority vested in me as vice mayor of the city of Temple Terrace Florida do hereby Proclaim March 2024 as bike month will you join me [Applause] for all right three two one and one more thank you [Applause] the next item on the agenda is consideration of minutes from previous meetings move to approve second um so Mo all in favor hi I I any opposed motion passes the next item on the agenda is persons wishing to be heard on items not listed on the agenda or items on the consent agenda if anyone hasn't filled out a form yet they're in the back um Council has agreed to a 30 minute time limit for public comment if it goes beyond that 30 minutes you still get to speak it's just going to be at the end of the meeting because there's people here who have to conduct business um but please be sure to know that we take your comments seriously and they will be followed up upon um the first person I have is um Benny Harris uh good evening council members thank you uh for taking a few moments to hear me uh basically uh my wife and I we purchased a home in uh 2000 and uh at the time uh we purchased a home everything was existing the previous homeowners they did conduct some Home Improvements uh they also added a separate detached garage at the time that the garage was added it was conforming uh my wife and I now we want to consider doing some new improvements and I want to uh expand the garage uh to the east CU I have 24 ft uh between the East property line and the Cur and the existing garage and so I know that rules have changed over time the council members you know that you make ru changes and so now my garage is non-conforming and I would like to ask the city counsel uh to consider the rules that they have implemented regarding non-conforming structures uh there is a way when it comes to making Home Improvements uh there is the best way the most practical way and probably I would say the best way to uh add on to your house because you don't want it look in any kind of way and I can understand the city uh making rule changes because you want everything done in an orderly faction uh you want things to look look presentable and they look nice as well and so at this point uh for our time as far as like with the Home Improvements the garage expansion is on delay because my garage is considered non-conform and I would really like the city council members to reconsider the rules that they have implemented uh because if I attach the garage to the house it would not be practical it would be more uh expensive uh and on top of that it would not really look right as for like with tying into the existing structure of the home and then making it basically a Breezeway or walkway uh it's really not convenient it wouldn't look right as well so I really like the city to reconsider the Nom conforming structure rotes thank you thank you Mr Harris the next person I have is uh Nicholas Amaya good evening um good evening I am Nicholas Amaya and this is my teammate Nicholas and my other teammate Adeline and I live in tble Terrace my friends and I are on the Temple Terrace tennis team we wanted to inform the city council about our recent successes in the fall eight of us played for the city of Temple Terrace in the Hillsboro County division of the US Tennis Association junior team tennis program we played against the local teams of Hunters Green and the Tampa Bay Yacht and country club we had a great season then in December 14 te members went on to represent the city of Temple ter Temple Terrace at the US Tennis Association Junior Team T Junior team State Tournament in Daytona Beach in which teams all around the State of Florida competed we placed third out of five teams in our flight and we played against teams from Miami Tampa Treasure Island and Daytona we played well and and were proud of to represent the city of Temple Terrace we want to thank our great coach Peter Adler the tennis pro here at the recreation center for training and preparing us for these competitions tennis is fun and we are lucky to have a great coach we would like to thank the the Temple Terrace City leadership for providing the wonderful tennis facilities here and allowing the tennis program here to thrive the city's tennis program is making a positive and lasting impact on kids and families thank you thank you and congratulations on your success representing the city well the next person I have is a Charles lobe good evening good evening good evening everybody my name is Charles lobe I live in LBA Avenue lineb and Temple in Tampa I wanted to follow up on what I was talking about last time because it's rather important one figure I did not mention about the ratio from 810 to 10 to 5025 to 25 like was in Miami when I was living there is a difference in money uh on a 2.5 billion project like they were talking about and in Orlando the work that was done was $2.3 billion the money that had to come up uh in Miami would have been $625 million locally within the Three Counties and 625 million for the state in an 81010 ratio you're talking about $250 million local Al in $250 million from the state uh they already do have one dedicated funding source because they are pushing tolling so that would be some money too also I was noticing in the New York Times And even in your ride guide over here that the brid line is committed to coming over here and uh it will take a little bit but the sooner we get the money and I don't want to see the community lose the opportunity to do this I did go down to Har I did talk to them about that found out the Commissioners are on the what is now called the TP as opposed to the no and I'm trying to get them pushing real hard because it's a 375 million difference in money uh both to the state and to the um both to the state and to uh locally uh the uh also talked some local business to Hart um you know I'm going to talk to councilman sisler about it after the meeting he's agreed to do that and one other thing that she mentioned me I felt was kind of interesting and particularly Justice to councilman Chambers and that is that they're going to have that there is going to be a big National League of cities meeting uh that's being hosted by Tampa come this November and I was thinking about that and I was thinking I said you know it's a great opportunity for you all you could get if you have a plan in mind for the Centennial Celebration you might be able to get a lot of dignitaries from other cities if you have something ready put together you have till November to do that so I wish you luck in doing that I hope you can get a lot of people here and have a great Centennial year and I thank you thank you Mr Lo and that's all I have for items that are not on the agenda I oh you have one too okay yes sir I'm Dave backer 11721 primz Lane Temple Terrace 33637 this on the agenda no I was going to talk about the bike oh yes mon sorry go ahead we have a new bike path along moris Bridge Road from IHOP going all the way around up to 127 nobody wants to take care of it nobody really wants to it's apparently in no man's land apparently it's in a RightWay it's do since it's bike month why not to let City Temple Terrace Annex it and get it into the city it's a beautiful bike path it's fun to ride and being its bike month you know look at it I appreciate it thank you right thank you Mr um oh yes please ell selling and I'll fill out my form later but um I just wanted to give an update um I talked at a meeting maybe a month ago about Delta a THC and a bill that's been going through so first I just wanted to show I have to show and tell something but this this is one of the posters that we have that has products on it that we use like in the schools to teach parents and students about some of these products because we find that many are just not aware of it especially the parents and so I'm part of the Hillsboro County anti-drug Alliance and we are glad to go out and educate anyone who's interested um and we have a lot of resources online at HC a.com so these products are ranging we had the Skittles which is um 250 milligrams of THC and these are regular Skittles which you can see they look almost exactly the same so it'd be really hard for any child or person to tell the difference and then we have flying monkey 150 milligrams thco 850 milligram in a package and then ttles 500 milligrams in a package and all of these I purchased in Temple Terrace and they are legal right now so the bill that is going through right now is SB 1698 and S SP 1698 went through every single senate committee and actually passed unanimously it was almost unheard of like so Democrats Republicans all agreed that it should pass and it was 2 milligrams THC per serving and 10 milligrams THC per package of Delta 9 THC which is the THC found in marijuana all of the synthetics are illegal in this bill so that means THC um Delta 8 thcp all those different synthetics would be illegal so in the house went through every single committee today um an amendment was added so they're increasing the serving size to 5 milligrams per serving and 50 milligrams per package in order to get enough votes to pass it but it's still a very good bill and many of these products they basically after October 1st will no longer be legal and it will really protect our children so I just wanted to again thank you all for your support over this time and we're hoping by the end of the week that the bill will be passed completely thank you thank you for the update [Applause] Miss and um just so everybody knows um we're so happy to have everybody here but if your item has passed you don't have to stay all night if you don't want to it's not rude to get up and leave if you want to our next item is the con consent agend do we have a motion to approve approve the consent agenda second we have a motion in the second all in favor I I opposed motion carries the next item on the agenda is public hearings ordinances and resolutions the first is uh first public hearing and first reading of an ordinance vacating the 15 ft uh drainage easement on the rear of the property located at 6725 drifting SS Ro Road first I'll open the public hearing and utilities director Troy tench will explain he good evening your honorable vice mayor city council so I'm before you this evening to uh request the vacation of a 15ot drainage easement it's located along the rear lot line of 6725 grifting Sands Road U this if I could have the um figure pulled up please thank you so the the area I'm speaking of is that there's a red dotted line and beyond that point you'll see a solid black line so the easement actually is located within that area that's the 15 ft that they're asking to the property owner asking to vacate or or release if you would and so City staff looked at this um we feel that it meets with other requests that have taken place within the same area um in addition we do not believe that vacating this ease the strange eement represents any detrimental issues related to either the city or the surrounding Community or or neighbor in this case um in addition the U this is related to an eventual sale of 25 ft of additional property that's also located on that uh survey as you can see the additional property was initially agreed upon by City staff AC in the late '90s they identified this specific neighborhood along drifting Sands and said that the neighbors were eligible to purchase an additional 25 ft of property behind our homes which was basically 25 feet of the old railroad grade right away within that area that the city had purchased back in the early 70s so this is kind of the first step in the process U he's looking to vacate this easement and what this will allow him to do is to utilize that parcel of land um really kind of unencumbered there won't be the regulations you would typically see regarding vacation or regarding placement of items within easement area so this is kind of the predecessor um as it goes through to the eventual uh sale of the property that's located behind him so with that staff recommended city council adopt this uh ordinance in first reading and schedule the second reading and public hearing for March 19th 2024 I'll stand for any questions thank you Mr tinch first um I'll open it up to a public comment would anyone like to speak on this item seeing none Council questions council member Fernandez uh well I have a question for you so the easement is a drainage easement correct so so my question really has to do with how does that impact the water either flow or retention or drainage from that property and other properties so the original drain ement was established to allow flow along the backs side of all those properties really South there's a storm waterer Pond located about Midway of drifting Sands so was allowing for water flow to either go towards that storm water Pond or G to towards the stormw pond that's actually located there at the intersection of white way and North River Hills if you've seen that larger Pond but we we made a determination that over time the Swale is kind of flattened out so there's just a natural gradual flow over the property and there's not any kind of defined ditch within that area so we believe that uh allowing that vacation or allowing this vacation is warranted and and would not be detrimental again to the surrounding neighborhood okay so then so where before there was a defined Swale that actually did have a a drainage purpose the land has evened out so it wouldn't be an issue because I I could imagine that if if I had this property I would want to fill the Swale if it was a Swale or even it out or or level it in some way so as long as that I I don't have an issue with this but just as long as that doesn't have a detriment to water retention in the area uh and in maybe encouraging any some kind of flooding or something I I don't absolutely so a little bit of backround too about that area it's the soils are very Sandy so there's a lot of percolation so there's not a lot of actual flow even during Heavy Rain events but when there is flow there's there's adequate area space left outside of the existing easement for that flow to travel to either the corresponding storm water ponds councilman BR yeah how many other joining properties are impacted by the by the same easement or easement so the property located directly to the north has already purchased the additional property so that easement is now gone the property to the South the easement actually ends right behind this property that is requesting it 6725 the property directly to the south of them is the one that's on the corner they have drifting Sands and North River Hills so they're they're right behind them is the storm waterer pond so there's a uh drainage easement over the pond itself but as far as the the easement that traversed along the back of the property this is the last property to the sou the others the others would all have been vacated earlier previously okay thank you so I'll close the public hearing and ask the clerk to read the title of the ordinance an ordinance of the city of Temple Terrace Florida vacating the 15ot drainage easement along the cly line of lot 13 block one of Andrew subdivision as recorded in plat book 49 p page three of the official records of the Hillsboro County Florida establishing conditions precedent to Vacation directing for the recordation of this ordinance in the official records of Hillsboro County providing for severability repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in Conflict her with and providing an effective date if the ordinance is acceptable I'll entertain a motion to approve the ordinance vacating the 15ft drainage eement on the rear of the property located at 6725 drifting Sands road to approve on first reading ordinance vacating the 15t east drainage easement the rear drainage easement on the rear of the property located at 6725 drifting Sands road with a second um public hearing scheduled for um March 19th 2024 second we have a motion and a second all in favor I I wait I'm sorry I forgot to ask if the council had any comments none hearing none um all in favor I I opposed the motion passes thanks for your patience all right next item is first public hearing this is continued um from February 6 2024 and first reading of an ordinance partially vacating hin drive I'm not going to open it because it's still open from last time um city engineer Brian McCarthy will explain good evening honorable vice mayor and city council Brian McCarthy city engineer and I'm here tonight to present a um request to vacate um the public RightWay along highy Avenue um just to give a little bit of timeline uh background behind this uh petition to vacate so in 2016 the petition came from Annette andral Alva n um requesting to vacate highis Avenue uh also in 2016 City staff had an opportunity to review the petition however they decided to hold off on bringing it to city council at the time because there was a ft project in design um along Morris Bridge Road for a safety Improvement project uh in 22 fdot completes their Safety project and the petitioner um ask us to continue with the petition and so here in 24 we're bringing this item back to city council um and so what we did was we kind of reviewed this petition based upon uh the city code 12-33 which deals with the vacation of public and private streets or rideways and there's a few items that I bolded and underlined um such as the street is um currently unneeded for any existing or future vehicular bicycle or pedestrian access um it's also unimproved it's currently just a um perious surface grass area um the area is also significantly changed since when it was originally dedicated back in the 1925 1920s um and then lastly the location in terms of utilities and drainage patterns um will not be adversely affected by this vacation because the uh city is recommending a uh utility easement over the uh um public rway so just uh this is the 1920s plat um kind of shaded in red is where the uh request to vacate is it's between uh the blocks s and 10 uh high in Drive um and in the second figure is kind of what the current situation looks like with the original um vacate request which was just behind the property um belonging to the applicant along Primrose Prim Primrose Lane um so during our review process here in 23 and 24 we decided to extend the vacate request further east towards Morris Bridge Road and I'll show another figure um kind of highlighting that area and then we're also following the 2016 recommendation based upon the existing utilities that they identified that we would continue with the uh proposing a util utility easement over the vacated area and so going back to our figure um kind of highlighted in yellow um which is the small section behind uh 8611 Oleander Drive um is a small section from a maintenance standpoint we decided that it wasn't um necessary for the city to continue to maintain this small area so we decided to incorporate into this vacate request uh this is a picture of the site standing on the Eastern side from morrisbb Road looking West and this is on the western side looking East from uh Primrose Avenue perose Lane so some of the question questions that we received um during our um I guess since we opened up the public hearing um well the first question was about if this vacate was approved uh would the space become a parcel or would the adjacent Property Owners receive any um additional acreage unfortunately staff isn't qualified to answer this question this is something that should be determined by a land attorney or a title attorney that would determine uh what would happen the second question was about if this vacate was approved could a property owner split the lot and build additional homes so both properties would obtain additional acreage however it would kind of be dependent upon how the property owner decided to um lay out the buildings so to speak if they wanted to increase the amount of homes it would more than likely need to go through some type of resoning application or through some type of a building permit process to um allow that further use use of the properties and the last question was uh can a restriction or condition be added to the Deeds that would prevent any future lot splits um we've seen deed restrictions as it relates to storm water and utility um facilities but in terms of excuse me uh property owners are typically compensated for those types of deed restrictions so at this time with respect to a lot split restriction um it's not a recommended action um so kind of just to recap the area that um we're requesting to vacate along highest and drive is that uh section highlighted in red um staff has reviewed the petition and found it consistent with the city code um unfortunately today the applicant wasn't able to attend uh tonight's city council meeting so they provided us with a written statement uh this morning and we provided it to the city cleric who printed out copy I of her written statement to uh the council members here and with that I stand for any available questions thank you Mr McCarthy first I'll open it up for public comment would anyone like to speak on this issue yes sir can you put that one picture back up of the plot Dave bucker 11721 Primrose tunnel terce Florida 33637 that one right there that would be good see first my request is again I've been up here and I've lived in this neighborhood about 36 years a little bit of History I'm one also that walked the petition around to get this area annexed and there's a lot of controversy about that but we were Annex and very happy to get the water and sewer and we're happy to have being in simple terrorist first thing I'm asking is that you deny the petition leave it as it is she's already taken care of the property owner is already being maintained maintain City doesn't do anything with the property and just deny it and let it be what we're concerned about let me get my real notes is what she could the landowner could basically this is a 50ft x 200t roughly easement that the city is going to vacate she could re the property owner could eventually replot the property so foot lot I think is a minimum siiz lot in Temple terce or you know again replot it and then you know possibly increase the density of the neighborhood by building a house or whatever on the property the area is we just seen the density just explode with all the new apartments up around 127th in Telecom drive we don't believe that the city should just give the property away either it it should be sold and really there cannot be any restrictions put on them as far as you know what can happen to the property once it's been deeded over to her it's her property and she can sub you know replot it and make a buildable lot out of it if the city's going to give it away and again probably not going to like neighbors going to say about this or I'm what I'm saying is donate it to an organization to a veterans organization build a tiny house on there for a disabled veteran you know we've already increased the density again writing's on the wall it's going to get plotted back over to her and then she's going to increase the density of the neighborhood and so we're saying you know the city's done it before giving property to organizations let's give it to a veterans organization build a tidy home on it because it's going to happen anyway that's those are basically objections again I don't have a lot of support from the neighbors but everybody's busy these days but I would feel that really that proper property should just be left as is and you know the writing is on the wall we will probably eventually down the road if not this landowner it wouldn't possibly be the next landowner you know see that they have available property 70ft lot or a 50ft lot whatever the city because there is already a 50ft lot you know in the in the neighborhood that was built on so I'm up I'm done thank you thank you Mr Becker I I have a point of order yes um Mr Sean do we need to re renew the expar comments at this since it's a public hearing and there's been a delay or been the continuous do we need to re establish that I don't have that this is down here as a quas Judicial hearing okay all right okay so um so no okay okay thank you did anyone else want to speak uh public comment okay then I'll pass it over to council to see if you have questions I do council member shisler um the Safety project is that the is that the trail that we were talking about earlier yes is that does that is just I know it's not Rel is that City prop is that city property or is that County it is do property do property okay all right uh second um with can you go back to the the the current plot where there okay um just to the what would that be just to the south of Primrose Lane the red area that little triangle is that a no man's land or is that just is that all part of Primrose Lane property that little that little pie shape um oh I understand what you're saying so the one that's unaddressed yes south of the high drive vacate area yes so that is a a parcel and that property is currently owned by the petitioner so it's owned by the property owner to the north but technically don't they own the red area also no because it's a it's a considered a public right of way public right of way okay all right okay not not exactly um a right of way is we have exactly what it says we have a right of way to construct hin Drive however it is very possible depending on what dedic existed and how the land was conveyed and how the area was created it is very possible that the abing property owners already own the underlying fee so it may already belong to them we just have a right to use the area for a road within this ordinance even though we are vacating the right of way we are retaining an easement a utility easement there so therefore and the area described as the utility easement area is pretty much the right of way itself and by retaining the easement for utilities nobody should be building anything on top of it because it reserves an access to that area we there's an access over it through it and underneath it um if somebody Builds on top of it it could be subject to being removed at their expense so so I don't know depending on how they would fit something there I don't know whether that would prevent them it would possibly prevent them from building another house there okay well to that point then you the the slide earlier slide you were talking about um subdividing go back a couple this was the I don't remember which one it was now we were talking specifically about having um uh land attorneys come in and and decide whether the it could be parceled out or whatever what's your what what is our legal dep our legal Department's opinion on that issue I have not examined the early original records for that property so I cannot give you an opinion as a title person or a land attorney on this I have not examined all of the documents pertaining to this piece of property since its creation and dedication um with regard to having the right of way for the road um but the city the city does not own that property we only have a right of way at this time and it seems to be only for the purpose of putting in the road so it's like we have rights of way in front of many houses here to put sidewalks in and to build roads but often times the underlying Fe to the middle of the road is owned by the people who have houses on either [Applause] side so do you concur with you when you say staff recommends doing it does that include legal Department's recommendation or is that just your staff that was just staff I did not give an opinion uh they determined whether we have a use for that and apparently staff has determined that the city does not have a use for that property we do not intend obviously to ever build highin Drive running through there okay all right thank you thank you is that all I'm good okay questions I do Chambers um could you go back to the slide where there's the two colors the with the yellow in there okay who owns the property at uh 8611 um a gentleman that was here earlier but uh he has left since then okay so that since you're going to vacate that part the yellow part he's requested that or that would be part of the title attorney um portion of it where again as our City attorney mentioned where if it's decided where half of the vacate goes to the northern properties and half of it goes to the southern properties then 8611 would essentially gain that Northern portion of it okay and if we could go back to that slide again please thanks on the 11 uh 705 property it shows two gray areas I assume those are structures um yes I would believe that they're buildings I know for sure at least the northernmost one I'm not sure about the the southernmost one when they did these like satellite building Aerials okay so that's not another house that's not necessarily thank you all I council member Fernandes so when you um City attorney noted that it's possible that the property owner actually owns the land beneath the right of way how would we know that we would have to we would have to um probably have a title search done to determine who is the owner and that would go back as far is the beginning of the dedication so having a title search done would be the best way to discover who owned it okay so when I look at the original platting clearly Morris Bridge Road was not in that platting because obviously it's it's expected to be laid out differently so that's one of the significant changes that has happened since this property was ploted and I see that it would it would make sense that we we would not need a road there so right now if you look at um 8611 Oleander Drive uh so they they actually come in off of Oleander Drive to access their property correct yes nobody at this moment comes in off of Morris Bridge Road to access these properties that's correct and the expectation is then that at this moment 8611 o Ander Drive their their property essentially ends at this line where lack of a better description the the yellow hashtag start okay and with 11705 Prim Primrose Lane they own the property that's above the red line and and they own the property below the Red Line south of that we don't necessarily know who owns the property that's that we're discussing vacating um so I mean I I think I would like to know that because I would I would like to know if we're um if it's a property that if if it's land that the city actually does own before we no no we we know we don't own it okay so somebody we know we don't own it so all we have is a right to use it okay that well that was one of my questions then so if we were to to give up the right to use this property as a street how aside from the potential of of a future possibility of maybe subdividing it how else would that affect the current properties near nearby they don't they don't access anything through that space correct that's correct okay so the main concern that we've heard expressed is the possibility that just adding this usable space could in the future end up making this lot buildable for two separate properties is that that's the concern that's the only concern we've heard understanding of the concern yes however there is if we propose if we move forward with our proposed utility easement the applicant a future applicant would need to return in order to build on top of that utility easement they would have to vacate then the utility easement in order to build okay it good okay so I'll close the public hearing and ask the clerk to read the title of the ordinance an ordinance of the city of Temple teris Florida Prov providing for the partial vacation closure discontinuance and abandonment of highin Drive located north of Temple Terrace Highway south of oand Drive East of Primrose Avenue and west of Davis Road with the Primrose Gardens plaid in the city of Temple Terrace Hillsboro County Florida subject to the reservation of a non-exclusive public utility easement providing for conditions of vacation providing for rec recordation providing for repeal of all ordinances or parts of ordinances in Conflict here with and providing an effective date if the ordinance is acceptable entertain a motion to approve the ordinance partially vacating highin drive to approve on first reading of the ordinance partially vacating the um uh highest and drive highest and drive when would be the second reading March 19th March okay March 19th second I have a motion and a second is there discussion on the motion hearing none all in favor I opposed the motion carries if approved this ordinance will appear for second reading on Tuesday March 19th 2024 the next item on the agenda is first public hearing and first reading of an ordinance annexing approximately 4.18 Acres from unincorporated Hillsboro County to the city of Temple Terrace I'll open the public hearing and city planner Miranda annah will explain good evening good evening vice mayor and good Castle okay yes as you mentioned this is the first reading first public hearing of an of the annexation an act 2301 for 100024 Davis Road this is one of three L use actions for tonight uh submitted by the applicant uh the first will be the annexation the second will be the comprehensive plan Amendment and last would be the resoning amendment okay this is an aerial map of the uh surrounding area to the north south and the East is single family residences and Temple terce owns the parcel to the West the applicant is requesting to Annex 4.1 Acres uh there is an existing mobile home on the subject property and the applicant would like to demolish the home and uh Place 32 single family homes on the 4.18 Acres the uh property has an existing future land use of res 6 which is in Hillsboro County and it has an existing land use of AC asc1 which is agricultural single family conventional uh the property is located in the Temple Terrace utility service area and the owner also owns the property to the north which would be discussed in the later applications Florida statute requires uh properties to be annexed to meet certain criteria um the applicant has demonstrated that they will meet the criteria and staff has reviewed that as well there is a comprehensive plan policy to support this annexation it reads continue to process voluntary annexations for non-residential and Residential Properties at the request of the property owner we have received no objections from Hillsboro County the Planning Commission St St has reviewed the application and recommends approval also the development Review Committee has no objections to this proposal staff finds positive findings and uh we recommend city council approve the first reading and first public hearing of this ordinance and we would like to schedule the second hearing and reading for March 19th 2024 thank you Miss Ana so I'd like to ask if there is there any public comment on this item yes sir I'm sorry please approach your name in your Cate your name in your city Jeff Hower uh Temple Terrace I live at 8655 Navajo Avenue which is the uh the neighborhood north of the property that we're speaking about um we have a few issues with a couple of the things she's going to speak about today our biggest question we don't really have a problem with the property being annexed in the Temple Terrace our concerns are more about if this property is annexed to Temple Terrace is there going to be any adjustments to the road which is Davis Road which is now hillsbor County owned we've lived there for many years and this road is deteriorating Hillsboro County doesn't want to seem to do anything about it so we're asking Temple Terrace if we're going to keep annexing properties into Temple Terrace that we move to Annex Davis Road into Temple Terrace as well so that we can take care of the road that all these homes are are having to be used for thank you Mr Hower good evening please state your name and city of residence Uh Kevin RI uh with Turner Miller for the applicant office at 401 East Jackson Street um this application that we're talking on now is just for the annexation and I just briefly want to say that we concur with staff the the main concerns within annexation are being uh Compact and contiguous uh and not creating any enclaves and this is a rectangle that borders the property on two sides so um you know we believe that it meets all the straight criteria thank you thank you you you uh the applicant does have time for rebuttal so we want to make sure that everybody who is here to for just general public comment that they come up first and then you have a chance to come up again to respond to whatever they say if you're representing the applicant okay uh that's fine um I mean I we're going to be hearing the three items and I don't I don't think I'll have anything else to say on the annexation itself okay thank you so we have anybody else who's here for public comment on the annexation ordinance only yes hello I'm Ralph jordano I live at 8716 West Land wide Drive which is one of the CU the saacs that is directly across the street from these properties it's um it's got several reasons not to come into Temple Terrace you don't want that property it's just that simple because that road is a disaster um there are already multiple problems out on Davis Road and another development and I don't really care whose name it's under you know whether it's under the city or whether it's County County's already washed their hands of it they seem to just hand it over like it's nothing so okay so be it that doesn't really bother me what bothers me is when we get to the zoning phase and I know I'm out of sync with this but they want to put R9 how big are the lots in an R9 Community does anyone know anyone you're in real estate don't you know I'm not in real estate well you know what I mean you're the lawyer person the best person to ask is our city staff person who's sitting right here okay City staff person how big are we talking about these Lots sir please finish your your comments and okay so my comments are that I think that this property will be incompatible with the area and if the city steps in they're going to have a lot of trouble with the rest of the residents in the area wanting upgrades because we've already been hit by Amazon we've already got um huge trucks coming up and down we've got all the traffic from Amazon and then we've got a new development along Temple Terrace Highway with R9 where the houses are huge and 10 ft apart 5T on this side of the line 5T on that side of line that's just too much for Davis Road as it is all of those people come to Davis Road to get down to the interstate to do business our little road is literally falling apart from under our vehicles we've got trucks we've got buses and and the amount of traffic is unbelievable I can't even get out of my street on some occasions so I would like some consideration here for the city to give this some really good thought if you want to deal with the traffic night mayor that will happen thank you sir would anyone else like to speak on the annexation um of the 4.18 Acres okay seeing none I'd like to um that would be rebuttal right or staff um if the applicant does want to come up again he can If he if he doesn't want to speak again on this he doesn't have to Sir would you like to address any of the comments again for the record Kevin RI um I'm I'm not going to add anything to the record just to point out that the annexation is the the state statute is focused on the the shape and uh uh contiguity of the of the property not not necessarily the road that is adjacent to thank you the road that's ridiculous um council members question I just want to clarify this sorry just a second I can't hear you close the public hearing oh I need to close the public hearing council members questions Council memb shley just wanted to verify this is to the west of Davis right yes where is he yes okay that's all I had a verif I going to verify that council members well I just when an annexation comes in front of us with regard to accepting it or not accepting it isn't our requirement to follow the state statutes and the criteria that is laid out for us as a as a decision whether to Annex the property or not Annex the property the state statute there is one on annexation it it provides all of the conditions and requirements for a voluntary annexation and staff here uh it's up to you to make the finding it's part of the ordinance that the um criteria has been met for annexation now you're not required to an something into the city um the council has the right to decide whether they want to make the city larger or not make the city larger but um staff has indicated that the criteria under statute has been met for this voluntary annexation okay I'll ask the clerk then to read the title of the ordinance an ordinance of the city of Temple Terrace Florida providing for the voluntary annexation of one parcel of certain real property located south of East fer Avenue and west of Davis Road addressed as 100024 Davis Road in total in 4.18 plusus acres lying within the unincorporated area of Hillsboro County legally described an exhibit a attached here to directing that this ordinance be recorded with the clerk of the Circuit Court of Hillsboro County directing that the corporate boundaries of the city be redefined to include the annexed area providing for several ability providing for correction of typographical errors repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in Conflict here with providing for an effective date if the ordinance is acceptable I'll entertain a motion to approve the ordinance approving annexing approximately 4.18 Acres from unincorporated Hillsboro County to the city of Temple Terrace move to approve on first public hearing and first public hearing public reading the ordinance andic C approximately 4.18 4.18 Acres um into the city of Temple Terrace with a second hearing and reading scheduled for March 19th 2024 second I have a motion in a second is there any discussion on the motion my comment is that uh as this is just for the annexation there'll be plenty of opportunities to discuss the impact to the city and to the to the local um for any changes would to be made so I I'm made the motion I'm in favor of of the annexation that's my comment I have some comments and I'm going to pick on you for a little bit council member schisler because you made the motion but so why is it that you feel you'd like to Annex um this property well we have no reason a to to to um it's not like we went out to to specifically Annex a piece of property um it was a voluntary annexation by by the petitioner by the owner and uh it'll help to smooth smooth out the the city boundaries as one issue okay um it'll get rid of some of this cookie cutter stuff that we have going on on um on our on our on our boundary um and we just I see no reason not to I see no reason not to so we have a motion in the second all in favor I I opposed no n the motion carries um if approved the ordinance will appear for a second reading and public hearing on Tuesday March 19th 2024 the next item on the agenda is first public hearing and first reading of an ordinance adopting a comprehensive plan future land use map Amendment for folio 0375 34- 000000 and addressed is 100024 Davis Road I'll open the public hearing city planner Miranda annah will explain hey there again um yes this is the first reading and first public hearing for the comprehensive plan Amendment for 100024 Davis Road um this is a second Lan use action by the applicant tonight um the proposed property uh is currently um has a l use District of res 6 in Hillsboro County and they proposed to go to R9 in Temple Terrace and here's a aerial map of the subject property it's the same property that was in the previous landing action for the annexation property is approximately 4.18 Acres there's a currently a mobile home a carport and a metal Barn located on the property uh as far as concurrency goes um like I stated this uh property is located in the Temple Terrace utility service area um we have confirmed with utilities that there is capacity and they'll be required to connect to Central Water and Sewer um we also confirmed with Public Works uh that there is capacity and availability for solid waste um the applicant didn't address storm water but it is depicted on their master plan this photo is the uh future land use map of the surrounding area you can see here that it's R uh res uh six sorry and this is what it would look like if it goes to [Music] R9 this chart here depicts the difference between the r R6 and R9 standards uh they're familiar in the range of allowable uses uh the non-residential development is the same for as far as uh floor area ratio and uh it is an increase in the uh density R6 stands for 6 units per acre and R9 is 9 units per acre this slide shows the uh depiction and description of the comprehensive plan it uh generally states that R I won't read the whole thing but it generally states that R9 is for uh maybe neighborhood commercial but it's primarily used for single family attached and detached and uh this is uh the future land use map of just Temple Terrace you can see on this map I did hear the concerns about the neighbors but if you did look at the map you can see that in this general area um where the subject property is it is zoned R9 to the north to the west and in the other areas uh that are in the jurisdiction of Temple Terrace okay I did also uh on this slide it also shows same comprehensive plan amendments that are consistent with this application I won't read everything I just want to read a couple um objective 2.1 States continue to maintain adequate land designated for residential uses including multifamily and mixed use residential which can accommodate the projected population and provide safe decent sanitary and affordable housing opportunities for the current and future citizens in Temple Terrace and uh provide opportunities for the private sector to provide 7,435 new dwelling units of various types sizes and costs by 2040 to meet projected growth of the number of City households and include housing opportunities for affordable low and moderate income households uh the Planning Commission did provide more policies as well as the applean and that should be an packet agenda uh relating to the Strategic plan we do have a goal an objective goal 9 objective 9e expanding and improve affordable housing options throughout the City by improving the quality of existing housing stock to support neighborhood stability through owner occupancy uh the state uh Forida Commerce which was previously Department of Economic Opportunity does not have to review this application because it's less than 50 acres in size a public comments have been received and should be included in your packet on December 11th the Hillsboro County City County Planning Commission held a public hearing and uh for this application and recommended approval and uh staff staff finds the application consistent with the comprehensive plan and we are recommending approval and would like to schedule a second hearing and reading uh for the ordinance for CPA 2302 for March 19 2024 thank you Mr Nia I'd like to open it up for public comment I already have um one request from Mr Hower and this is specifically on the comprehensive plan future land use map Amendment I'm G to have her bring the map up for me real quick yes sir this one or the one with Hillsboro as well go the one that one's fine I can use that one that's proposed here's existing okay and you just SW thank you again my name is Jeff Hower um I didn't mention the first time that I am the President of Tod's Terrace HOA uh which is representing uh a lot of the people here today um one thing I'd like to point out is that um Miss Anaya said that a lot of the development properties around here is already R9 that is false um if you look our neighborhood is zoned R seven which is Navajo um to the north can you guys see that on your oh yeah on the west side of Davis on Navajo that is all that is R seven the property which is another property that I believe they're going to be that if they purchased as well is the property to the north so that's between our neighborhood and the one that is highlighted there is already zoned R7 currently according to Hillsboro County all the properties to the east over here on Navajo Elmdale and landway are all zoned R six so where she seeing that the properties adjacent to this are all R9 I don't know cuz even to the west of Navajo as well too which is on Allen Brook Street that is all also zoned r s what we are asking is that this property stay R seven instead of getting well I guess currently right now it's R six some is agricultural R six to R9 but R9 does not represent what is around this surrounding area area our job is we would like to keep the neighborhood the same and not overcrowd the dens and you've already heard reports of Davis Road and how terrible the road is um but our concern obviously too is with our land value of our homes um but just in keeping coordinance with what is already there our seven is what's there and that is what we' recommend to the city that if the property is annexed in the Temple Terrace which we don't have a problem with the annexation because the property to the north is already annexed in the Temple Terrace we would just recommend that it stay R seven thank you Mr Hower would anyone else like to speak on this item which is the comprehensive plan and future land use map Amendment Noone else Mr L this is really my business but I'm G to say it anyway I'm kind of curious about not mentioning about impact fees obviously I don't have to be a genius to figure out that there's going to be an impact on the neighborhood in Davis Road particularly I was wondering if that impact fees or talk or about a discussion about impact to the neighborhood that's already over there I do think the development is needed but I also think that the that the impact uh you know should be taken care of too first thank you thank you Mr Lo uh yes ma'am my name is Mary Jane Brock I live on 8709 West landway drive my problem is not that you're going to put it in Temple Terrace that's fine it's okay with us problem is that a lot of the streets on D that go up to Davis Road are dead end streets we only have one way out of our street and there's a lot of streets the same way and a lot of single houses adjacent to Davis Road they only have one way out too so you're going to put that property that you just owned this property and all those houses that you're going to put there that you want to do what did you say R9 that's a lot of people we'll never get out of our street and there's no way for us to get out there's a drainage hole behind us and Bes that the interstate so that's what we have the problem with is the density of what you want to do with it put houses there somebody's going to do something with the land the cows are gone uh but that's the problem that I have and you're taking down some awfully beautiful oak trees thank you thank you Miss Brock yes sir good evening CC members uh my name is Luis Gonzalez I live on Mr River Court one of the neighborhoods to the sou of the property uh being spoken about today and I just wanted on record I want a second what the gentleman and the lady here um have witnessed and you know talked about today about the density of the neighborhood and how bad Davis Road has gotten uh I've been living there close to 10 years and um on the 10 years there's been an Amazon warehouse being built in there there's been a VA Hospital the golf Ranch has turned into a big ass uh I'm sorry about my language um big neighborhood over there and uh exactly and uh that um the traffic in the area has gotten bad I mean uh I leave my house in the afternoons to uh to go to the gym on Fowler Avenue and when I try to get on Fowler from Davis Road right now the traffic backs up all the way almost to where they live if you go the other way you got to deal with all the all the traffic going on Temple Terrace Highway plus the new light that was installed that was going to be going on live soon in front of the VA hospital so basically that adds time to all of our commutes wherever we were trying to go and we love living in this side of town so I mean I mean I don't go down to Del ma anywhere down that side of town cuz I don't like the traffic there I love it here and I pretty much uh don't have a problem with um them uh you know with the annexation part of it you know welcomeing into Temple Terrace but please do consider um keeping it R six or R7 to where the density is you know controllable and if you can please do something about that road it's gotten bad there's potholes everywhere and uh when it rains water does puddle there's big puddles on both sides of the road so when you're trafficing to the area when it's raining it's almost like a game of chicken like people are coming over and then you got to either Dodge the the the thing or just stop wait for the person and go around the pole so thank you thank you sir would anyone else like to speak on this item okay seeing none um now he's staff would would like to say something okay I just I wanted to address one of the comments real quick I think there might be a little bit of confusion between the land use districts and the zoning districts those are two separate things for Temple Terrace uh if we can get the slides back up for in Temple Terrace our future land use districts are R4 R9 and r18 if so that's the current zoning let's go to this map here so the Orange is our nine we only have four 9 and 18 Hillsboro County has six we don't have an equivalent of six I just wanted to to make sure that was there thank you for that clarification and the applicant would you like to address this yes again for the record Kevin R with Stern Miller at 401 East Jackson Street in Tampa um the I was going to point out the same thing that staff pointed out that there's some conflation between zoning and future land use if property is annexed ined it has to be given a future land use for the city because it has a future land use for the county now um and the options are um uh four and it jumps all the way to nine um it's not before you for this item but we'll talk about density in the next item six would have been fine for us um but the the entire area is actually uh R9 in the city the portions that are shown as R six those those are the county areas um the the next closest property to here in the city is actually an even higher designation um where you all get to control what density actually gets put there if you don't want to see something at uh on an R9 density is at the the zoning and the uh PD process which which is separate from this but with all the adjacent property in the city being R N9 R9 is the most appropriate and that's why staff and the Planning Commission both um support this thank you thank you so Council questions council member Fernandez so mine has to do with the land use versus zoning and that is if we were so right now it's got a county designation of R six if we approve in this ordinance in the first reading I know but uh R9 designation in Temple Terrace has how does that affect city council's if that's a land use that's allowed how then does that affect our ability to uh encourage maybe less density because of the the area the comprehensive plan does regulate density so if you approve uh nine units per acre would be 9 times the um the acreage which is 4.18 but um later on you would see that there are including the parcel to the north which is designated R9 right now so it regulates then so I don't know if this is the right time to ask this because if we if we went with the R9 and how does that because we also have a building code that says lots have to be a certain size per the square footage of the homes built there and right now we're looking at saying okay this is an appropriate land use but I don't even know if if this property the size specifically could be divided into lots that meet the building code that would align with uh with nine units per acre for the comprehensive plan you're looking at compatibility with the surrounding area and the future land use map I uh had shown earlier um this is the first reading in first public hearing so it will be shown again on the 19th um they are separate land use actions but obviously related so um but comprehensive plan it regulates the density and you're looking at compatibility with the future Lous map I don't know if that I know you won't be able to see it till later on but well I guess it it where I'm coming from my concern is that if I say um R9 and I get it we we have we jump from R4 to R 9 we don't have anything in between but if I say okay R9 is an acceptable land use it does match what is around the property but they're already developed so they don't H well we're talking land use not zoning so so but they're already developed okay so they've already been platted and and they're done it's a known entity if I'm looking at at land use and I'm saying R9 is acceptable then when it hasn't been platted or developed I guess what I'm saying is it to me it seems like I might be agreeing to something and saying R9 is an acceptable density but then I actually don't believe that R9 that N9 units per acre is an acceptable density for this area and the the street right now so I don't want to put I don't want to agree to something that I actually don't think would work I will say that the property to the north what the applicant also owns um that's the 2.4 Acres that was um pulled from Hillsboro County into Temple Terrace in 2011 and the same thing happened um they had uh a comprehensive plan amendment to go to R9 and that hasn't been developed yet um but I understand your concerns I just wanted to what you know that Mr Sherman i' had something to add I want to make one one comment so the R9 future lanus map category is the maximum density allowed in the R9 future 9 units per acre is the maximum density allowed it's a policy call if yall if the council wants to go up to 9 units per acre they can approve less than nine units per acre gross density as well nine units is the maximum density allowed in that future lenus map category okay that that answers what El thank you council members questions yes Mr thank you um uh where did in the comprehensive plan where did the number 7,435 come from yes that is a policy is that our policy or County policy that is Temple Terrace so between now and 2050 we're put another 7,000 20404 that's H uh SG objective 1.1 that's what I I thought I thought you had said that um yeah it's I just I I want to risk make not making a comment just ask questions at this point so uh now that that was the only question I had as as far as that goes um but I will have comments um does anybody know the difference in the number of homes theoretically since we don't have an r r six but if an R six was there compared to an R9 what would be the difference in number of homes if somebody can just give me a ballpark go back to the chart 12 what the difference is 12 or the differ okay per acre I think that'd be total total okay is that including the land of the north that you already have no no okay so what would be the total number and someone answering has to come to the podium um so if it were to be R9 and you build the R9 which we don't know that yet but that what would be the number of homes so your question here is for both pieces or for just the piece we're discussing here because the the the future land use change is only for the piece being annexed and I I'll answer both if you want but I just want to make the distinction I'm just trying to get a handle on the difference between what's currently there even though it's County R six if it stayed the same compared to what you want uh what could be done I don't know what you want you haven't told us yet um so that difference would be about 12 uh units to the acre and I mean uh you know what's being discussed here the R9 12 to the acre sorry I'm sorry uh 12 total is a it's a difference of three per acre okay and it's a little over four acres so you can't round up so you have to round down so if we're a little over four acres four * 3 is is your 12 okay um and then the extra acreage you know would be water under the bridge so to speak um now again with this with the future Lage approval that's the maximum the zoning approval is where you all decide how much you want to see there got it okay thank you that answered it thank you very good okay so I'll close the public hearing and I'll ask the clerk to read the title of the ordinance an ordinance of the city of Temple terce Florida amending the imagined 2040 Temple ter Terrace comprehensive plan future land use map for one parcel of land located south of East fer Avenue and west of Davis Road addressed as one24 Davis Road in totaling 4.18 plus minus Acres lying within the unincorporated area of Hillsboro County legally described an exhibit a attached here to by changing the future land use designation on said property from residential six Hillsboro County to residential 9 Temple Terrace for CPA 23- 02 providing for Amendment of the official future land use map of the city providing for severability providing for correction of typographical errors repealing all ordinances of parts of ordinances in Conflict here with in providing for an effective date if the ordinance is acceptable I'll entertain a motion to approve the ordinance approving a comprehensive plan future land use map Amendment for folio 03753 4- 0000 and addressed as 100024 Davis Road okay uh move to approve on first public hearing and first reading of an the ordinance adopting a comprehensive plan future use map future land use map Amendment for folio 03753 4- 000000 and addressed as 100024 Davis Road with the second reading to be scheduled March 19th have a motion is there a second second is there discussion on the motion council member schisler okay um to to your point that that council member Fernandez said that um this is for the land uh Land Development or comprehensive plan only the maximum could be used for is nine per acre okay we can modify that I believe if I'm understanding that correctly we can require that to be much less but that not this that's not this ordinance um um and just just so the public knows that that's that's another discussion we're going to have in in in a couple of minutes so um I have I to have Reser I drive Davis Road every day and I two have reservations but I also stood up when the um uh river River end or whatever the project is where for the golf course and CH and challenge the uh the Traffic Engineers at that point and they we we got changes made we had things done to make it a safer environment so uh I'm going to support the ordinance and to support this first reading but uh um it's going to have some work to do to get the the the the next step but so I just wanted to make that comment on on the the general status of it memb comments okay have a motion the second um all in favor I I opposed no n the motion carries um are we on what are we on uh okay item e first public hearing and first reading of an ordinance adopting a rezoning of folio number 0375 34 - 000000 with an address of 100024 Davis Road and unknown address folio number 0375 31-5 first I'll open the public hearing and anyone who intends to speak on this matter we need you to please stand for the oath administered by the city clerk you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing about the truth to God thank you you and now I need to request the City attorney to make an inquiry on expart communication on this matter um this is the time where anyone on city council should State whether they have received any expart communication concerning this matter if you have received anything in writing then you need to and I believe there was one thing there may be more that I don't not aware of um if there's something that you received in writing then it needs to be made uh available to the city clerk for the record and you need to State the uh who you received that from and the sum and substance of the content of that message as well as the date on which you received it um if there was an oral communication you also need to provide the same information with regard to that communication um for the record there was I know um a written communication that was received and um responded to by the mayor um I believe you have copies of that particular one the clerk also has that and I had provided a copy of that same one to the applicant um if you've received anything else you need to State what that is a I don't have anything else I have nothing else just the one mentioned that's all I have nothing beyond the one mentioned thank you if you could just if somebody would just State who that was received from I know the mayor's comment is in there but who was the original the clerk it was from it was from Russ Patterson and Jeff Hower than thank you okay um next uh city planner Miranda annaya will explain time out time out I have I had something yes um because I thought this was what you were talking about but today I received a email email from the city clerk that was comments from uh uh that came from the board of County Commission thing that's different than what you're talking about correct so I received that today all the council members okay and and who was that from um it was from the Planning Commission from yena Mills I I think what might have happened is is that the comment from the um that you mentioned from um Mr Patterson um went to the county first um apparently an error and then they sent it to us so it's it is the same one okay thank you if there's any question from the applicant okay thank you as city planner annia okay so this is uh the first reading and first public hearing for rzp 2302 this is the last L use action requested by the applicant that's the old one yeah okay here's a aial of the subject property it's approximately 6.7 Acres the applicant is requesting to propose a zoning for uh to go to PD plan development for 32 single family homes the current Zoning for the northern parcel is R7 Temple Terrace and the southern parcel is zoned asc1 Hillsboro County which stands for agricultural single family conventional um one unit per acre uh the existing uh uses are uh uh single family residences on the Northern parcel and the southern parcel okay that one here are some photos uh to the southwest east and north of the septic property um the West photograph is taken internally you can see that there is some vegetation on the property this is a zoning map of the surrounding area um for residential Temple Terrace it consist of mostly PD and R7 zoning districts here's the uh survey submitted by the applicant and here's the latest master plan submitted by the applicant February 16 2024 um originally the applicant had submitted for 36 single family homes after speaking with Hillsboro County they had to uh relocate the driveway apron which brought them down to 34 units and uh staff originally had concerns with uh some of the Lots having less than 40 ft on the road Frontage so they did redesign the site and um they made improvements uh the last middle which is uh the smid on the screen proposes 32 single family lots and they each have 40 feet at the road the PD requirements state that you have to base your bulk standards off of the closest zoning District which in this case will be R seven however modifications can be made if it's in the best interest of the PD in the city um standard single family lots less than 70 ft have to be a PD um because it goes by zoning District R7 has to be 70t wide uh 7,000 sare ft so um we jump uh that's the lowest um zoning District so anything less than 70 ft has to be PD of course there's exceptions if you're annexed in or not um but those are the requirements for uh vacant lots that are developed Temple Terrace as I mentioned PD does allow for flexibility the applicant is requesting uh small uh smaller area uh lot sizes and area widths compared to R seven um upon researching the city has approved a few subdivisions that are 40 foot wide Lots I know that was a concern with um a lot of the uh public and um staff the applicant is keeping the rest of the bulk standards like required yards and building coverage the same and here's a typical elevation that was submitted by the applicant they are requesting for onecar garages um this is a typical in my proposed uh conditions I do have a condition that states that it has to be substantially similar to this elevation so that way there's not too many deviations from what is shown here the Planning Commission did review the sooning application and recommends approval uh the DRC had no objections and staff recommends city council approve the first reading and first ordinance uh uh first reading sorry and first public hearing of rzp 2307 uh public comments have been received um there are a few outstanding uh questions that staff has as far as regarding whether the um the proposed roadway would be public or private and what amenities would be in the park um other than that that uh the last slide is the suggested conditions I won't read any um uh I won't read them unless um you would like me to but um I can go into further detail with any of these proposed conditions uh there are nine thank you um open it up for a public comment now Mr Houser uh first I'd like to to apologize to the council members uh for not knowing the difference between the land use and the residential zoning I'm not a land attorney so that stuff is you know getting to to know all that here is is well known uh we also want to make it known too that we are not trying to prohibit the applicant from from building like having the uh the property developed is is great you know it's been sitting there unused and if it can be used we think that's that's good for our community like I said our biggest concern is with the zoning um Navajo Avenue 70 foot Lots uh Navajo to the East 70 foot Lots Elmdale 90 foot Lots land weight 95t Lots width we just want to see it stay what it is I know they keep telling that there yes there are some plan developments to the south on Davis Road but if we keep packing in these homes and plan developments on Davis Road it's not even going to be usable um so we are really appreciative for someone wanting to develop this land but our recommendation to the city is since the land future land use is R9 we recommend that the zoning stay R seven which is what their property that they actually own now to the north um the two acres is already zoned R seven and that's what we would like to see it not set to a plane development because once you set it to a plan development if they decide to pull out of their project then someone else can come in and say they want to build however many 30 40 homes on their lot if you look at the one map that showed their I don't know how to get back to it U they showed their Lots um it showed that on the one side of the street there's 21 Lots that's as many homes as our whole neighborhood which is about the same acreage as what they have and they're trying to put that many homes just on one side of the street that's just way too much density for our area that street is not going to be able to handle that um so we're just asking that we keep in coordinates what's already there R seven is already zoned we feel that that the other four acres should be zoned R seven and make it like the rest of the neighborhood thank you Mr Hower uh yes sir please state your name and city of residence good evening my name is Carl Johnson I am from Navajo Avenue 8647 forgive where I'm dressed I came straight from work cuz I'm a little dirty anyhow I would like to I concur with what my fellow friends had to say regarding the deny and I like to say I like the city to take a holistic approach at development in Temple ter we've been trying to do a downtown and we've been trying to get Safety Harbor celebration you know I'm just kind of repeating the words that the mayor has said and nobody wants to build in temp ter at the same time I agree we would like housing there we would like more green spaces but the idea of compacting people into a small area like I had to say like 10 fish in the sard can really doesn't necessarily embody the vision of Temple terce and what the C council members I hope that Temple terce can become we we agree that affordable housing is very important and we agree that that should happen in Temple terce but at the same time we would like to measure the approach and not just go to 60 houses in a tiny area parking people in where people don't even have a sense of community we're trying to as I said let's look have a holistic approach and take our time time deciding whether this should be zon for the capacity that um our friends are looking for I am thinking that is and we I think you all agree that the density is really more than what I think is acceptable and can be encompassed right now on on Davis Road you know again we lost some green space with the golf course driving R is gone you know we have a dog part just to the to the to the south or west can remember directions right now but I just said let's us slow down and really look is this capacity really what Temple wants and do we want to continue doing it we have enough Apartments we have enough um single duplex homes I look at what um habitat of humanity did over by over by um the IHOP you know what I mean and that's low-income housing this actually they put the space in there is large we not asking for that same size space but we're not asking for another bread for those at the same time so that's all I have to say thank you very much for your time thank you anyone else care to speak on this Mr Patterson hi I'm Russ Patterson I live at 8701 elale place in Tampa unincorporated Hillsboro I prefer to see the proposed development off Davis Road to be a little bit less dense the lots plann for these houses are much smaller than those on Temple Terrace roads of Navajo uh Coral Dawn Trevor Oaks and uh Queen Brooks and also the Hillsboro County Roads of Elmdale place lway and Mr River they're all right by the by that area the density of this development will change the character of the neighborhoods in the immediate area I don't oppose the idea of affordable housing although what's affordable nowadays sure doesn't seem very affordable why can't the development be more like the development that uh is on sweet Daisy Lane over there by IHOP those are those are nice houses and they would fit right in to our our neighborhood it' be idea if the developer would would reduce the number of houses that would we would very much appreciate that or if the council has to demand that their develop or reduce the houses on a personal note I know you can and have voted down applications and recommendations by your city staff the council denied my application to be annexed voluntarily even though the Temple Terrace uh City staff recommended approval so uh I'm not going to be here for the March 19th meeting as I'll be with my 99 year old mom in Texas and that doesn't since I'm not going to be here that doesn't mean I'm giving up thank you thank you Mr Patterson would anyone else like to speak on this item yes sir well we seem to have that's Ralph jordano once again uh 8716 West landway I would like to thank each and every one of you for paying such close attention to what we've been saying it's it's just an issue of having a good life fighting to get out of your street is not on that list um it's a very difficult thing to see open land where Wildlife once roamed going down doesn't matter who's going to build on it whether it's Temple Terrace just as soon the reason that I cautioned earlier is that it's just not going to be an easy ride because that road is a major stumbling block to this development and any other future developments along Davis Road you don't seem to have a partner in Hillsboro County I tried to uh speak with the County Commissioners I uh emailed them and asked them to consider it watch my head decision was already made oh yeah we're just going to turn this over to them it's now your problem as far as the County Commission is concerned so if you could at least cut down the uh uh the amount of uh homes that are going to be in there uh because it's a quality of life issue um and you know yeah yeah yeah I know all the property along there different sizes and stuff we've been in that area for almost 50 years there was no Interstate when we bought our property so that's how long we've been there we've watched it change from Sleepy Backwoods to it's a daily commuter route for thousands of people if they've ever done a road count on Davis I bet they would find that so anyway we'd like some consideration at bare minimum of taking it easy on the lot size okay at least instead of making us have 65 homes in there would it be so awful to have 40 or 50 they're still going to make a ton of money haven't they seen the prices they want to give me a half a million dollars for my $20,000 house what are you nuts and then where am I going to go so anyway thank you for being so patient and kind and I certainly hope that you will consider that this property is across the street from you and do you want all of this traffic on a dilapidated Road like Davis thank you thank you would anyone else like to speak on this yes sir did everyone get one yes they they did well we may may will hand a little humor in this so your name and I uh been knowing many sir can I have your name in friends with many mayors your name your name please tell us your name oh Jack G I live on Lake elale thank you uh anyway I've been knowing many mayors and city councilman temper tears they always want to upgrade their Community we we made projects before and they failed and we wish we have went a little better well I feel like this is a project that needs to be kept R seven to keep with upgrade of Temple terus so I mean it's added to many traffic I live there 50 51 years you believe so anyway uh I'd like to keep the traffic down as much as we can and I know it's hard so appreciate it thank you would anyone else like to speak on this item yes Miss scale oh one second sir you're next uh my name is Candy Gail I live at 8701 Elmdale place right on Lake Elmdale if you ever drive down Davis on a rainy day you can see Lake Elmdale in my front yard but my comment is I I almost want to say don't let the houses come in at all this part of Temple Terrace there's no parks of any kind for the people there you know you go around Temple Terrace and in inside the proper on the other side of the river you have a lot of little parks and places of things to do on Davis Road there's nothing for the children or the people to have any kind of recreation I just wanted to throw that out thank you thank you um yes sir me Rari I live on 8632 Navajo and I second what my neighbors are saying uh the biggest thing is you're talking 40 foot wide Lots that's I think what they've agreed upon um like we said none of the other lots are like that and and the biggest problem is the traffic that's it's going to bring I'm the neighborhood Runner I run up and down Davis all the time and it's already a hazard as it is you know I in so there's no room for sidewalk improvements sidewalks are falling apart so we're annexing all this property but we should really be also annexing the road so that you can make not just the neighborhood but just the overall NE neighborhood um so I'll just try to move to see if if we can get these fewer Lots there and try to make do something about the road I mean I think like you mentioned you drive on a daily basis I drive it on a daily basis I run it on a daily basis and it's it's really a safety hazard you're going to wait for a kid or someone to get hurt out there before we do something about it I think we need to do something now so thank you for your time thank you Mr Rosario would anyone else like to speak on this issue yes sir my name is Harry Todd I reside at uh 8605 Navajo Avenue and I just want to say uh we are pleased that uh the motion to be annexed in the temple terce pass because we feel good dealing with our small city rather than the large Hillsboro County and we trust that you will investigate this and do the right thing with everything we are a neighborhood there that has all 70 foot Lots all the lots are nice and spacious the streets are landscaped we have excellent lighting sidewalks and we have a lovely neighborhood and we just want to be sure this annexation has a lovely neighborhood when we're finished thank you very much thank you any more public comment I I apologize I need to go back to expart communication um city manager brought to my attention a um an email that was from Mr jordano sent to the County Commissioners on the 2nd of March is that the one UMC CH that you were talking about okay um that probably was seen by the rest of council and um it basically it was asking the County Commissioners for their support uh to reject the proposed plan to increase land use residential density so that was it did did you want it that that's basically the gist of it I can show this to you do you have a um does the clerk have a copy the clerk has a copy of that um I think that's pretty consistent with the public comment we're hearing today so I I think that okay do you have anything you'd like to say um yes we so I don't have a presentation but I do have a packet with some some pictures if I may approach and and hand these out I have some for the court too so you can keep the record thank you thank you so again for the record Kevin R with uh Stern Miller land use um law firm and for when East Jackson Street in Tampa um you know these slides are mostly mostly images um and you know forgive me I'll do my best to describe what's on here but I promise it's it's nothing particularly Earth shattering um and uh it's similar to what we saw with the stas presentation the first slide just generally shows where this is on a city scale slide number two the numbers on the bottom left um and you know you all know where it is so that's not that important but the second slide has the same information and shows um where the property is uh when you look a little bit more closely and the property is 6.7 Acres uh in this map for the property appraiser records you can see that uh a couple of concerns that the the public made with the development in the area well there are lots uh in the range of 70 feet but there also are lots that are 40 feet uh and the other concern with how much more can Davis Road take there there's really not a lot left to be built out for this uh most of the area is ploted sub Division if not it's uh it's County uh unplatted homes and so you know there really is we really are coming to a built out uh point in this area uh on the fourth page is just another picture of the future land use map you all saw that in detail before Oh I um oh great you you all can see this up top um the zoning proposed here of course is PD uh you know PD being the purple it it doesn't really show uh how we're meeting accountability by a map because the colors are so different um so for the project overview I I think that even though we're dealing with um 40 foot Lots you know the residents are looking at that site plan and seeing 40ft lots and thinking that there's a lot of incompatibility and thinking nothing's been done to create compatibility but there actually was some thought put into this and I'm going to try and go over some of those things um first of all we're only proposing 32 homes here so that's a density of 4.78 the larger area is anywhere from you know from the mid threes to um the the mid F not mid fives I'm sorry mid fours so right we're we're right in the range that 3 to five range for the density of the larger area um and yes we are proposing 40ft lots and that's why we're using um the PD application because the the r s standard for that 70 foot watt that doesn't work for an affordable housing development and that's the the goal here um I'll the the applicant will speak a little bit uh in a minute but their goal typically is affordable housing and um they're often trying to serve veterans uh they work with uh funding sources like I won't go into it too much but they'll explain that and so you have to have a smaller product and a smaller lot to make that work and so what we have done here is we've agreed to a single story house and the rest of the r seven standards so while the the lot size and the lot width is less we're still meeting the building footprint so it's not it's not a two two story building you know right up to those lines where um you know you're you're maximizing that density and maximizing how much how many people can live there and how many can fit in there instead it's to try and offer a different product type for affordable housing instead of an apartment these people get their own uh single story home it's still only about uh 1100 square ft and and by make by limiting to that uh building footprint and limiting to that single story even though we have 40ft lots we think it's a compatible product given the general area and the density and the fact that there are 40ft lots with twostory homes that are that are built to the the Max uh uh in the the greater area uh it has garages sidewalks and there will be a playground area near the uh in the open space near the front of the development it'll have you know basic a basic playground uh for kids to play with slide and and things to climb on we don't we don't have the exact unit picked out but it'll be something with those amenities um on the next slide it's the site plan which um staff already showed you and the changes that were done here is first the the road is curved that's the county requiring that they want this road to line up with the road across Davis to prevent conflicts and prevent danger with intersections when when cars are turning going the wrong direction and so when they did that the site plan had to be redesigned to um to have that curve and and some lots lots were lost there and then staff said we understand that you're meeting the code with a 40 foot lot on some of these curves but we don't really think that's compatible with the area so we want you to make it a 40ft frontage so the average lot is is bigger than a 40ft lot so the smallest lots are the ones that are the rectangles anything on a curve is actually going to be bigger than what the standard 44 40 foot lot would be um the again I mentioned how the height limit and the building footprint limit helps ensure compatibility um and then the concern that this could be flipped on you uh it with a PD what's interesting about the PD zoning process is you know we're asking for something special the 40 foot Frontage but in return for that we're agreeing to limit that height and limit the building footprint consistent with the R7 standards and that can't change if someone else was to purchase the property if something fell apart and this business uh uh you know wasn't able to develop and someone wanted to build something different they would have to come back to you either that or they have to build what's here um so you know you you do hold that control and again with the density at 4 point um about 4.7 it is in the character of the area so traffic this one I hope um we can try and see I'll try and Center it so the the portion you have here circled in blue we have a transportation engineer here who has studied in the area and worked in the area that's the result of his uh study I'm going to try and translate that and if you all have questions we'll bring him up but I want to paraphrase it the best and be the goet here so the red circle there is the peak hour trips what that means is that the busiest part of the day this is how many trips we think are going to come and go from the property based on the engineering practice they use and that number is 35 the county has a limit and we're accessing in the county road is everyone talked about of 50 trips to require a bigger study now fortunately we were able to do some intersection counts to get an idea of what is happening on Davis but this this doesn't even meet the County's di Minimus requirement which is to say it generates so little traffic that they don't want it studied in order to get our rightaway permit they're more worried about where that roadway is and if you're going to put sidewalks along the road then they are about the number of trips because while the perception is 32 homes would create a lot of trips it's actually uh single family detach creates um you know a pretty small number of trips and uh they small units at that now some of the residents talked about the VA or uh and Amazon those are totally different things that create lots of trips so let's put this into something that's more digestible um at the peak hour so the busy part of day in the afternoon it's estimated that there'd be more than a minute and a half between a car coming or going from this subdivision now of course it doesn't work perfectly on an average you may have three go back toback but then you might have five minutes with nothing so a minute and a half think about a a a long traffic light a long traffic light is longer than that and that's what's predicted here um over the day there's an average of less than one car every 3 minutes leaving the property so that's a a long Gap the perception of all the trips that are created by this type of development um are are just a little bit uh you know people are conflating what might come from a commercial development with what happens at a single family devel development the bar graph on the right from top to bottom that's the capacity of Davis Road the blue is the current counts that's the current number of trips that are measured on Davis Road and then the red shows what this project would do in the peak hour the green represents everything from an engineering perspective that's available capacity in the road and so there are two things here one you can see the developments a very small impact but two you can see there's a lot of excess capacity here the testimony we heard tonight that there are problems with Davis Road and that may be true but that's what impact fees are for uh this project will pay impact fees and importantly um have a very small impact on the number of trips for the road um with that I'd like David Smith to come up he's a a planner in our office and he's going to talk about some more of the compatibility from a from an expert perspective no problem uh David Smith Sterns Weaver Miller director of development and Zoning if you leave this here they can see it you can talk I have a little little less than 50 years of experience in zoning and land development in Hillsboro County Temple Terrace and the surrounding area and looking at this particular project uh the res n l use just as stated earlier provides the umbrella up to nine units could be considered here for various product types what the development that's proposed here proposes is 4.78 units per a plan development um that is designed to be an affordable product affordable product today uh means land costs are high infrastructure costs are high so if you can spread them over more units that brings down the price of the product and if you have a smaller product that results in a lower cost so looking at your goals objectives and policies in the city of Temple Terrace comprehensive plan clearly 4.78 units is consistent with the R9 designation which is the most comparable designation to the r six that was at the County uh that's available to you the PD proposes uses consistent with the R9 single family detached units it furthers the policies on the housing element which provide for affordable housing developments and that doesn't necessarily mean what people get concerned about subsidized housing we're talking about housing that's affordable uh to the average person today uh with the housing prices as you've mentioned and they're going through the roof we also provide how it provides in the comp plan provide affordable housing options the options are smaller house smaller lot less cost this provides a variety of housing types I lived in Temple Terrace for probably off and on for 16 years I lived in small Lots I lived in Big Lots in Teresa Arbor and the variety of housing types is what makes the community work you can't have all one type and expect expect everything to just be perfect for the community you have to have a variety to deal with the service workers the firemen the rich people middle income all those people uh make the community work when we look again further it says provide private sector opportunities really what we're asking for here at this development is a private sector opportunity to provide a housing option uh at a price point in a size uh that makes it regiona be affordable provide diversity of housing type this checks the Box um higher density and newly annexed areas we're not really getting higher density we're giving you the average density essentially that's throughout the area at about 4.78 units per acre um 1.7.4 says by proposing smaller lot sizes and providing greater choice that is what this development proposes to do and prop by proposing smaller lots and lot configurations promoted promoted by the policy that asso provides consistency with the comprehensive plan essentially from a land planning perspective um this project is not only consistent with the comp plan but when you look at compatibility when you look at the abing property one we have undeveloped property to the South we have ASC zoning to the to the north which is County zoning and we have uh the subdivision that many residents are from uh which are just to the north that are that that been discussed as the R7 when you look at the graphic we only have three lots that back up to one house and it's the sidey yard of one house in that Community we have 52t of setback from the rear lot line to the sidey lot line of the adjacent property and we have from house to lot line on the adjacent property over 72 ft so we designed this and set these houses back providing buffers to the larger Lots um provides a transition in and provides for compatibility um it's my professional opinion having done this for a long time that this project is consistent with Comprehensive plan of the city of Temple Terrace uh it's compatible um under the standards as we said we've only asked for smaller lot sizes and um square footage of lots meeting our seven standards everywhere else um be glad to answer any questions and appreciate your time thank you hi um Michael Shu with Rebuilding Together uh 3914 us301 just to give a little understanding of who Rebuilding Together is we've been serving Tampa for 23 years last year we uh I think 1100 homes we uh rehabbed for people that can't afford uh repairs on their homes and uh we continue to keep doing that this is an affordable housing development because as you all know housing isn't affordable anymore and uh to the the Navajo uh homes I mean if you were to look at purchasing one of those homes right now you're looking at $500 to $700,000 I mean who can afford 5 to $700,000 right now to purchase a home yeah you continue pleas on his side that's they're 5 to 700,000 sir you can continue I'm sorry so you know we're trying to provide a product for people that are trying to start themselves off to get a home to provide themselves a safe environment for them their children that can't afford these high uh prices we're trying to provide a small home that gives them the Comfort the safety to feel I own something I have a home I have I have Equity that I'm starting off with and we want to put them in an environment that they can then you know continue to keep growing from so as a nonprofit as someone that enjoys serving the community that you know we've been serving for over 20 years we just want the opportunity to provide what people really need and that's affordable housing uh it's just it's a need right now and it's it's so unavailable to so many people that they're being stuck in apartments and we could easily throw a bunch of tow houses in this and not even reach the uh the maximum plateau of of what our density is we're not trying to do that we're trying to provide something for somebody to feel like this is my home this is somewhere for me to start or this is somewhere for a place for me to have and raise my family in thank you thank you so Council um question I was just going say I don't have anything that but we do have our transportation engineer if you did want to ask questions of of him thank you thank you okay um Council questions to close anything or uh not until after yeah okay um May yes council member questions um how many 40 foot lot complexes are in the area if you if you don't know you don't know that's fine I don't um the last one that I could find that was approved was I believe Sage Brook which is off of Morris Bridge and that was approved in 2019 for 40 foot wide Lots I also found on Davis Road is um I can't find it the oh bridgford Oaks sagebrook I wrote down and orange River Orange River Estates they're 40 foot wide Lots but I'm sure there's more I think there's actually a 30 foot wide uh subdivision for single family detach attached um but I didn't take a look at the plot but there are there are some in States they would be the the um uh Villas they wouldn't NE they wouldn't be the detached homes I live there I yeah they're more than 40 ft okay um to the developer will there be a homeowners association yes will it be voluntary will it be voluntary or compulsory it'll be voluntary voluntary okay So eventually you'll move out and if who's going to take care of that if the if the home and Association falls apart it'll be a resident if it's voluntary we're going to it's there's platin sold so um so the maintenance requirements would be per per code okay [Music] um how how many back back back no no stay don't go far don't go far the houses on um uh up behind IHOP um up in Primrose area the um Habitat for Humanity Daisy sweet Daisy that's s how big are they do you know I don't know the okay how about the ones over on Overlook the Habitat for Humanity on overlook improve think of it off the top of my head I can get you those answers Brian do you know I don't know the okay all right the reason I the reason I bring that up is prob me is is that um they had tried to I understand you're trying to maximize your pro your your your your your profitability based upon the land that you got to deal with well he wanted five they wanted five houses in there and we finally approved four okay my question as far as the um uh the overall layout the overall platting is a 50 or a 60 foot wide plot workable in your model if if we had to go 50 or 60 feet we would end up having to do Town Homes um and that would be the the if 50 or 60 Feet's going to force us to do a much larger home which is going to be two stories and it's going to take it out of affordability uh you know so you have a choice it's either build a larger home and charge more for it or build a smaller home and charge less for it uh that's you know so what we're trying to do is we're trying to maximize the amount of homes that we can put somewhere to provide as many affordable housing opportunities as we possibly can you know we work with a lot of organizations so we're serving veterans we're serving low income medium income and we're trying to do the best that we can to provide something for everyone uh you know I could follow the Navajo on the opposite side of where we are but the comps to that are $700,000 and it's just impossible for I mean we can get out of it I mean it would be another developer that would come in we would hand it over to them and they would come in put 60t or 70ft lots and put $ to $700,000 brand new homes and that would be great I mean if that's what you guys are looking for I mean but it's our understanding that the comp plan is in need of affordable housing I mean it's something that the city of Temple Terrace is looking for and you know us as a nonprofit we're not looking to maximize our profits we're a nonprofit organization all we're trying to do is feed the community and the people that are living and serving in this community with a home that they can afford where they're not you know upside down going to the grocery store and we all know every I mean interest rates are out of the roof construction costs are out of the roof everything is just going higher and higher we need an opportunity to give people that want to own a home an opportunity to own a home in a place where they don't have to spend 500 to 700,000 on a new home I mean if you look at what's going on over the DR Horton uh where they're talking about the uh the the driving range they start at 450 and they go up who can afford that these days there's just there's single mothers that have children that are in need of housing that we see on a daily basis that we know are in need of a house that they can raise their kids in that have safety and the space that they need to feel comfortable growing up and that's all we're trying to do I mean it's we're not a major developer trying to maximize our profits we're serving the community and we're trying to do it in the best way that we Poss possibly can I do have some more questions regarding traffic so you have traffic your traffic dude is available okay how many projected vehicles are there going to be these are these are going to be you in your studies you assuming two cars per per household uh Michael Yates with palm traffic uh so we use it uh trip generation to estimate what the trip generation is for the project so it is a national compendium of traffic studies that were done at subdivisions and whatever type of land use it was and that they build the National Database and that's what is nationally accepted for estimating trip generation so to answer your question it is 27 a.m. peak hour trips so that is the highest hour between 7 and 900 a.m. and then it was 35 p.m peak hour trips which is the highest hour between 400 p.m. and 6 p.m. you're assuming one car per household essentially yes okay so I I don't know many houses that are just one house one car per household and that's but please please please guys and that's correct so that's not saying that there's only one car per household this is how many trips are entering or leaving the subdivision in an hour so that that means like if the person has two cars and the house sold on average they would come in at different times of the day so one may come home at 4:00 the other may come home at 5:00 those would be two trips coming to the same household but they would be in two different hours of the peak out so that's why it's only one essentially one per household over the course of the peak hour I'm not so much worried about them coming in I'm more concerned with them going out and in the morning you're going to have assuming people go to work between 7 and 99 you have 30 some cars trying to get out onto Davis Road that's already very highly congested okay so I I I you know I'm not I can't I'm not a traffic engineer I'm a bean counter so I can't argue with you know with with the with the uh stats that you're using the the criteria from was it the um it um but uh um you know there's some serious concerns by the res the local residents and I as a council member um again I have concerns it's it's only going to take one bad accident and some a whole family get wiped out on Davis Road and you know we it's it's it's it's not a good thing the second question is can I answer that question H can I answer that question a question but okay so uh I did meet with the County engineer uh so obviously Davis Road is a county roadway and I know during the presentation it was uh discussed briefly about the realignment so that the entry Road aligns with Al Elmdale to the East and so the purpose of that is to what you were describing is so that the project driveway aligns with El Elmdale so you relieve that potential for misalignment vehicles crashing into each other leaving at different locations so that was discussed uh with the County engineer and the alignment and the traffic generation for that so that is obviously a big concern but given the counts we did out there we did actually at the intersection with elale we actually went out and did turning movement counts at that intersection to get the volumes that you saw in the presentation so with those volumes the estimated traffic from the project it is going to be be as safe as possible for a intersection occurring you've re you've aligned it to align with another driveway the volumes are relatively low from a traffic perspective I understand everyone's going to have an opinion of what that is but when you look at it from a traffic professional perspective the volumes are relatively low for the capacity of the roadway was a discussion with the county county staff regarding a potential traffic signal at that inter section since it's been realigned no no so uh for a traffic signal you need 53 cars per hour for eight hours of the day making a left from the side street so extremely high volumes like for example I worked on the VA Center and so we ended up doing a signal at on temp Terrace Highway and so that was barely meeting traffic signals for the VA for follow-up question is number of children anticipated in in that in that block say you get 32 houses you can put 32 houses in there affordable housing there's going to be multiple children I would imagine they're not all going to be grown adults um my counts there's five or six bus stops all along Davis Road you're going to definitely add another one to handle the potential children that are that are going students are going to be living there um has anybody anybody spoken with the school district on on what happens with with a with a an influx of 60 80 kids in that area I'll have to refer to the team but I know I have not I have I've seen those I see it every Monday Wednesday and Friday morning driving down there at school times kids running across Davis Road trying to catch buses okay so that that has me very concerned with the that to me is a a significant density issue okay especially if it's going to be quote unquote affordable ho houses single parents whatever whatever be the combination we're going to have a significant increase in number of school age children going through there and that's that's that to me is a as is a is a a a an important responsibility that we have to consider in in discussing how the the houses get laid out in my opinion yeah and I will address at least part of that from the perspective of the connection and how that's going to function um since Davis Road is a Hillsboro County facility Hillsboro County has what they call substandard road so that is basically where you have to go through and evaluate the condition of the road sidewalks pavement width you know all those types of functions to the roadway that make up what the county considers a standard roadway so we are going to need to go through that process as part of our permitting for the driveway connection with Hillsboro County so that may mean sidewalks that may mean midblock crosswalks it could be a bunch of different things related to that but that will be part of the permitting process of the driveway connection with HBO County would that be just a Frontage of the property or would that be the entire Davis Road it could be various parts of Davis Road um typically for the size of the project it would not be all of Davis Road but it could be segments of Davis Road or it could be a component of it but that would be done at time of Permitting okay that's all I have for now sorry council member Chambers thank you I've got uh four questions um for anybody so uh in the presentation it was mentioned that uh the road it wasn't clear whether it was a private road or going to be a public road is that correct in the presentation uh that was in for the record K real that was in staff's presentation um this could be uh private or public uh if you all did not want it to be public which is preferred because of utilities then when you when you have the right of way um for the water and sewer if it was to be private then you know the the uh property would probably have to have a mandatory HOA and um you ensure that gets maintained so it would change wouldn't change the platting wouldn't necessarily change the development but it would change the way that the um organization is structured okay and when we talk about maintenance uh and I know you said it but the two Park areas uh that would be maintained by whom so that's something that I hadn't talked with the applicant about before whether it be mandatory or um uh voluntary HOA um if it's going to be um voluntary HOA then someone's going to have to have that meance responsibility so either it it would have to be a um it would either have to be an HOA that's mandatory that would have the responsibility to collect fees to do that maintenance um or there would have to be something worked out with the city um it can't be left to to not be maintained that's right okay uh in the presentation impact fees were mentioned uh what would those impact fees be and who gets it so the I'll let staff answer but or somebody do you want you want to take that one well so you're going to have Mobility fees to deal with Transportation issues you're going to have school impact fees uh School impact fees go to the school board um they're based on the type of unit and the size of unit um the mobility fees are based on the type of unit and then you have your water and sewer connection fees which are regulated by city ordinance so whatever the connection fee and the impact fee is included in um in the permitting process to connect to the Sewer in the water okay so the mobility fees would go to the city or the county uh those go to the county because because it goes for the County's Road okay and my last no wait oh I'm sorry okay Mobility fees go to the city okay so the county wouldn't really get any impact p good evening uh Brian McCarthy city engineer um since this is within the city limits even though it's a County Road it'll go the city Mobility fees will apply okay right thank you and my last question to somebody what happens if we do not approve item AE uh this is the first uh this is the first uh reading and public hearing so if you don't want to approve this agenda item um but you want to approve the comp plan then they would still have the comprehensive plan of R9 um then you're kind of leaving it open if you approve R9 then they can have a residential density of up to uh 9 units per acre the PD actually is the one that's limiting uh PD um it's it's a limitation of the development so if you approve the comprehensive plan they can do up to 9 units per acre the PD actually confines the limits of that development something to keep in mind well that and they again and some somebody said that would uh could be Town Homes could be multiple story homes I mentioned it fit in my uh uh comprehensive plan presentation but there's actually even some neighborhood commercial that can be done so the alternative is yeah if you even in the r six Hillsboro County even if we didn't Annex it allows for some uh neighborhood commercial if it meets location criteria so the alternative whether you want the single family detached or something higher like uh town homes or neighborhood commercial that's the alternative okay thank you I've answered it council member Fernandez so I have some traffic questions um so right now just visually a lot of residents feel like they're sitting on the road there they're waiting to exit their neighborhoods longer than they have been in the past and it's so can you explain how it the count says that we have excess capacity but when you're driving on the road it does not appear to be excess capacity it appears to be very well traveled yeah and I mean I think it's it's always that challenge of perception of capacity and so from a traffic engineering perspective that capacity is what the road can handle before it just completely breaks so as long as you're able bble to pull out of your subdivision and then they have like it's they have different time periods that they view like level of service for a driveway connection so like if you have to wait more than 54 seconds that's kind of the maximum side of D which is the acceptable level of service so if you're sitting at your subdivision waiting to turn left for 54 seconds you're going to feel like you're there forever so it's a perception issue issue but based on engineering standards that are applied throughout the city county state and the country the road operates at acceptable level of service it and almost half the capacity of the roadway and that the delays coming out of subdivisions like the proposed project driveway would be minimal and within the acceptable standards probably in the b b to C range so it's a perception but I I understand the issue of that perception I guess what I'm concerned about is a lot of the the neighborhoods that are along this road don't necessarily have another form of egress they they they all need to use this road I know some of them open onto Morris Bridge but um so it's just an anecdotally and Visually it does seem like there's quite a bit of traffic um so can you go back over what you actually did the the steps that you did to actually test and record the traffic counts yeah yeah so what we use we use a third-party data collection company called NDS they're a national data collection company they actually go out and do video data collection so we look at turning movement counts that's typically the real focus of what we're doing that's how the vehicles are turning at an intersection but what they do is they set up a camera basically on a poll that videos the intersection and then does the count from that video so you actually have video evidence of what that count is and it's much more accurate than the way you used to do it when I was going through school you would go out there with the pen and paper and actually hand count or got really complex with a board but it actually does video so you actually have the video evidence and it's about 99% accurate and so I've done test on the video data collection to make sure that they actually do count accurately and that they're a reliable company that does data collection so with that that kind of tells you what the volume of the roadway is so they counted from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and then 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and so we got those highest volumes within that period so we picked the one hour so it could be 4:15 to 5:15 so you actually take the highest Hour That You observe and that's the peak hour volume set you saw in the presentation so it's reliable that it's done by a third party it's not someone going out there and trying to count it and messing up or anything like that it's actually video data collection of that information did that fully answer your question yeah without getting to no well so so the count you you have physical eyes on that space for those peak times what would be considered a road or I don't want to say a failing road because we're not talking about uh outside of the peak times but what would be considered traffic pattern or counts that are excessive I I mean um the one that obviously comes to mind is Bruce be DS before it got widened uh you know it was a two lane roadway out there with you know Hunters Green and particularly north of the interstate there where Hunters Green and all those are that was a failing roadway and when you looked at the volumes it was clearly failing and you could see the failures and you could see particularly when you did turning movement counts you could see what was causing those failures that and that's the benefit of the Turning movement counts it h the the problems in the roadway are not when you can continue on straight it's when people are stopped making left turns making right turns it's those movements that cause a lot of the delays to the roadway so that's why we always focus on those turning movement counts to give you the full picture not just what is the volume of the roadway but even with Bruce BS and I do remember it when it was a room I lived out there for a while but even even with that road and coming out of Hunters Green or Tampa Palms they had lights correct to to at least stop traffic at a certain point so they could get on or off the road and Davis Road doesn't have any lights so how does that factor into your traffic analysis and that goes to what the volumes are both on the roadway and then what the volumes are coming in and out of the subdivision and like amale across the street that's what helps you determine is there a capacity issue are there movement issues that are causing problems so part of the other part of this is turn lanes and and so Hillsboro County has standards for turn lanes for left turn Lanes right turn lanes and so that kind of tells you when you're reaching a volume that would need a turn lane that is that threshold and so hillsb can is a little lower on the threshold than some agencies but we we are below the volumes for turn lane warrants both left and right turn lanes and so that helps guide you and telling you that the volumes are low enough that there is not an operational issue as long as the through volumes are not excessively high so in in this analysis because we have added some usage in the vicinity um have you did you see any traffic incre it's hard to say increase you weren't looking at it before that but did you see a a high volume of traffic coming out of some of the usages that have been added in that area such as the Amazon or the VA I so um the VA was open when we did the counts uh but they again we counted for that um and the benefit to the va's facility being that they did not have access to Davis Road so when we were doing the VA they were originally trying to get access to Davis Road and through discussions with the county and trying to figure out the traffic patterns all that traffic was focus on Temple Terrace Highway and to the signalized intersection is how that was designed so again I think we accounted for and then the Amazon facil been open for a while and they were also part of the count so all those were really included we did not go back and look at the Historical volumes that have occurred out there okay so I guess my question maybe is for City staff and that is we know that we know that traffic has increased on Davis Road just because there are houses there that weren't there when that road was built so I mean over time it's increased but what is our so well this particular development might only add 35 trips which it's probably not it's probably more than 35 trips realistically but it may not be but it's incremental and what the city doesn't own the road you know what can we do as a city because we're hearing from residents that it's very high and traffic and that's one of the concerns that has been expressed about you know developing this property and we're hearing that the traffic analysis says that everything's fine but I mean we know it has a lot of traffic on it so you know what can we do as a city to try to get the county to make some improvements so um M Madam council member I think this is the same kind of conversation that we've had uh with the county not just for this area but for Temple Terrace Highway even we've had the same conversation ation asking the county and and I don't mean to disparage the county the staff's been great they're just struggling with a lack of resources and so they haven't for example repaved Temple Terrace Highway we drive down that road today it's Fallen apart uh Davis Road I I I've driven this road at peak hour and I can totally commiserate What the residents are saying in fact I question the chart that was presented here with the capacity numbers that all that green for PM Peak or it says Peak I I'll give it that I don't know if this pmpo some sort of an average but because if you're there PM it's it's pretty tough I mean it's tough that intersection up at Morris Bridge at the other the sort of the Northern end it's impossible people start making u-turns back so I I don't want us to be uh under any misunderstanding that there is not a problem there um staff has had conversations with the county about Davis Road I'd actually ask Mr either Mr tinch or Mr um McCarthy to come up and see give us the latest of those conversations if he could if there's any plans or direction that he may have gotten from the uh from the county uh it is uh it is definitely a uh a challenge for sure so City staff has requested through the TPO the transportation planning Organization for Davis Road to have like a complete Street feeli um right now that's just on their priority list I would have to double check where it falls I do know Bullard Parkway our project on there is ranked higher than our Davis Road um request right now that's where we are in terms of uh City staff asking for help from the county may may I yes Mr McCarthy can you so knowing Davis for the way you do is there how wide right away is there excess right away right now that this the county could come through if they if they had the resources and widen the road to address any kind of capacity concern or or signalized Intersection For example at the end of it yeah I believe the RightWay is pretty constrained where the last conversation I had with the county I believe they're probably going to be looking for like right away dedication towards any any future projects would probably have to donate some property towards them for any type of expansion of Davis Road thank you okay so I just have one more question for City staff so under under this so let's say if it's R seven not plann development what would be the number of units that would be allowable on this property um that is regulated by the comprehensive plan so you need to go back to the comp plan for the density but uh the R7 states you have to have 7,000 ft lot size and and 70t wide Lots that's what they're asking a deviation from is to go to 40 and 4,400 uh Square ft so well I'm just curious about uh what the previous zoning in Hillsboro County the density that would have been allowed under that zoning as compared to what we're looking at oh uh the current zoning in Hillsboro County is um agricultural single family conventional so that's uh one unit per lot it's for agricultural piece but they understand in their comprehensive plan it is in an urban area so that's bound to change okay that's it and uh council member shler had a followup question yes thank you um two two qu two questions regarding the um PD can we can we mandate or dictate lot sizes within a PD now at this point for the for the development or would it be open for interpretation in the future um if you can uh ask the applicant to come back with a different proposal is that what you're well I guess I guess you know I don't like a 40 foot lot 40 foot width I mean it's too small all right so can we say yes we can we'll approve the resoning this to a PD with a 60 foot lot minimum is that within our Pur uh I would not recommend that because the PD you're going to change the the zoning to PD but it's tied to a Master Plan and the master plan shows the 40 foot lots and then you also have the proposed conditions with it so um if you did want to see 60 or 50 foot Lots I would recommend they come back because you don't want an incompatible master plan with the PD zoning okay so the master plan is what we just did pre the master plan is the the site plan that shows all the the lots and the lot width wait a minute so when you Zone to PD you're supposed to have a master plan and conditions okay we haven't approved a master plan yet have we no it will be part of the PD uh part of the ordinance it'll be that's this is this is what we're working on right now is the master plan for that correct okay so now is the time if we want changes made to make a change to that right I would just state that if you are requesting changes as far as especially the lot with that they come back and show that to you cuz now I if if if you regulate 50 or 60 foot Lots but your master plan shows 40 or 50 that's going to create a nightmare at permitting well that's that's why I'm asking that's what I'm saying I would have them come back so we do that we can we can say this PD has to be 45 42 50 60 whatever be the number okay oh I see I yeah this is a PD so they're asking for the deviations Council has the right to um it's a negotiation honestly for PD zoning so um you okay so we we have the we have you have the right to suggest different okay we have we have that ability okay um just can I make one I have I have other comments to be made to so no more questions right I hope not now uh I did hear your comment earlier about the school board the school board is aware of the comprehensive plan so they are aware some type of development is uh is looking to come to this area okay okay good thank you so with no more um questions from Council I'll close the public hearing and I'm hearing some requests for a a brief break so um what's the procedure for pausing a meeting and taking a brief break you can take a you can take a short recess so we will be taking a short recess please come back in five minutes that's uh 852 I need it here I need to go to I'm freezing close the public hearing and now I'll ask the clerk to read the title of the ordinance oh before before V it can we ask not really more questions but before we read the ordinance can Mike sorry before before we read the ordinance it would be appropriate to have a a discussion as to the the overall complexities of the lot sizes transportation of this nature would we be out of line doing that at this point or should we read the ordinance first um if you're if you have questions to ask of anybody then this would be the time once the or once the ordinance is read and the motion is made then public hearing is closed and now it would be time just for your discussion okay all right so in in light of that I I I'd like to ask the applicant one further one additional question if we would if we could would the would you guys be willing to modify the overall footprint I don't want it I don't want the perception of where that I'm that me personally I'm against the affordable housing concept I'm not okay in fact uh one of my first uh votes during my my initial uh tenure on Council was bucking uh the system in and affordable housing over by uh the library area okay to which I got taken to task for it quite viciously uh in the public my point is my concern is that the density in that area is going to be so high that that it's it's just unsafe conditions and I believe that we could that that a 50 55 50 foot uh lot size okay would you guys be willing to review it and if you have to come back come back to us with that the the impact and and and and I just have a lot of concerns of safety issues packing that many people into that many houses into there um I I I don't necessarily buy the traffic um counts uh if we expand the roads for turning lane turning lane is going to go through Mr Patterson's front yard for for front door baby you know it's going to go right up next to his house this type of thing so uh on Elm there I I just have some concerns that uh um we need to to to look deeper at this um if we if it all possible can I ask you a question I I do I do just um I I do worry we've gone a little bit off the rails with the quad judicial judicial process here though because the only competent substantial evidence related to Traffic was actually what was presented by our transportation engineer today and that worries me because state law says that you have to be an expert to plan on traffic and we've had a lot of pontification on what people perceive as the traffic impact the expert testimony is that it's compatible the Planning Commission our expert planner and the um your your planning staff all said that we have compatibility and we have an expert Engineers saying that the perception is not the reality for the safety that the realignment of the road and the um with with the intersection and the capacity of the road doesn't warrant a turn lane doesn't warrant a signal and so I I do want to just put that on the record that that concerns me I we we're happy to take another look at it but it's not going to be an affordable project then so we're talking about a nonprofit that's here that's trying to to do uh this type of project and that requires reduced lots and reduce units and the the the scale of the units is what creates the compatibility and the concerns that I'm hearing we have professional testimony that says that those those are not what the concern should be and so um we're happy to take another look we'll take a continuance if that's what the the city council would like what and and we can work with staff and we can see what that number would be I hesitate to say that it'd be 50 foot Lots because I don't I don't think that would work um but but yes of course we're happy we're happy to take another look but I I do want to focus on what that expert testimony is saying because um you know that that has to be what drives the quad judicial process um so if what you're suggesting is a continuance um you know we we would welcome that and work with staff um but I I just I don't know that we're going to be able to get all the way to a 50- foot lot okay thank you thank you thank you for and and a as this Council has gone through before in other uh cases of rezoning what what the uh citizens in the neighborhood can testify to are things that they have experienced and observed but unless one of them provides their own qualifications they are not traffic experts and I I'll remind Council what council what applicant has just said is that the only expert testimony that we've received tonight has been from the applicants um representative on traffic so the the citizens are not experts on traffic so so I think where we are is I'm asking the clerk to read the title of the ordinance an ordinance of the city of Temple Terrace Florida resoning two Parcels of land located south of East Avenue in west of Davis Road addressed as 100024 Davis Road in totaling 6.7 plus minus Acres lying within the unincorporated area of Hillsboro County legally described an exhibit a attached here to by changing the zoning atlas map designation on said property from zoning classification agricultural single family conventional in Hillsboro County to residential 7 Temple Terrace to plan development PD and Temple Terrace for rzp 23-2 providing for Amendment of the official zoning map of the city providing for severability providing for correction of typographical errors repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in Conflict here with and providing for an effective date if the ordinance is acceptable I'll entertain a motion to approve the ordinance resoning folio number 0375 34- 000000 with an address of 100024 Davis Road and unknown address folio number 0375 31-5 um well I I'll move to approve the ordinance adopting a resoning of folio number 03753 4- 000000 with an address of 100024 Davis Road and unknown address folio number 0 37531 d5000 on first reading you have a motion is there a second okay second okay have a motion in a second is there discussion on the motion yes uh a comment and discussion I am concerned with the 40 foot wide Lots uh myself we we had some other developments that we've had them change too we do have 40 foot lot developments uh I'm not concerned with traffic I am cuz traffic is very bad but expert testimony showed uh nothing and I have not commented on traffic uh whatever comes in there is going to add cars so something's going to be built there uh I'm just personally concerned with the 40 foot wide Lots Council um I uh uh I too am concerned with the 40 foot lot um I believe it's too small and uh um we have affordable housing units throughout the city that are larger than 40 foot and I I would prefer to I can't support the the the the um motion for the ordinance change at this point I'd like to see it reviewed re-reviewed while I do think that the number of units is not necessarily a bad thing I do have a concern about the 40ft lot just as the general nature of the city and development in the city but I'm I'm also trying to figure out how to balance the need for affordable housing with the desire for slightly larger Lots because I mean we're we are a suburban community we're not seminal Heights or or or something that is has a lot more density in the construction so our generally speaking the people who have moved to this area are moving here and in fact we have a lot of people that move from a place like seal Heights come here specifically because they want a little bit larger lot a little bit more space around their house between neighbors so I I'm am concerned about the 40ft with that's my comment well it sounds like I have I have more comments on that please please um again I'm all for affordable housing uh I'm I'm just concerned with the 40 foot Lots just just because of that uh my calculations I'm thinking it's five or six homes if you go to let's say a 50ft lot and I know there's no guarantee on that you're going to lose five or six homes and that would make a difference in your profit margin even though you're a nonprofit but you have to be able to build it that I understand that uh if we approve this on first reading tonight and the applicant gets a chance to go back and maybe reconsider some things but if not we can not approve it on second reading how would that work this is essentially of considered a reading no no testimony or even action needs to be taken here this could just be first reading so if you you can pass it on first reading but really the second reading is the one that is the final action and if you don't pass it at the second reading then it fails so if we vote on this and it doesn't pass on first reading then what happens right now you can you you're just really moving it to Second reading so if you you vote to you vote you can vote to approve and move it to a second reading because Florida law requires two two readings um and as I said the the essentially the clerk could just have read the ordinance and then we move on but we we generally in this city have hearings at both readings so you can um you can vote no and not move it on to the second reading and then it's done or you can vote to approve it and move it to Second reading then you you'll have the hearing you can have the hearing again and if you can vote no on second reading thank you so Council clearly has some concerns about um some of this proposed project and um moving it forward to a second reading allows us more time to consider and um when we bring it back for second reading we can see how our concerns are addressed and discuss it further at that point so any more discussion on the motion okay all those in favor I I opposed no okay we have your vote oh um I okay the motion carries and the ordinance will appear for second reading and public hearing on Tuesday March 19th 2024 I would ask to extend that date I don't think that's enough time for the applicant to resit um can we do we need to get a date certain to extend it it that be up to the applicant yes it would be better to do that and so you're going to need to make another motion you you've already made and pass a motion for a certain date you're somebody's going to need to make another motion to move it to a different date can we get a motion to maybe get some input from the applicant too is to so I did advertise it for Yeah March 19th so I just read adverti it yeah believe the applicant is asking for continuance to the second meeting in April that should give us enough time to re advertise with the right dates and uh for him for staff and the applicant to work on the r master plan what's the date for the second meeting in April ail 16th sounds right I will be out of town I will not be at this meeting I'm April 16 April 16 if a council member wouldn't be in attendance at that time does does that um yeah I'm I'm not in town on that date the I've already put in I'm missing that meeting a while ago the matter can still go forward on that date but if for some reason either the applicant or city does not want to have this issue heard without a full Bank of council then you can take that into consideration and pick a different date it's up to the applicant I think if I may vice mayor yes please um we we could take a a date in the first meeting in in May if we could have a full board that'd be or Council that'd be great and that'll give us another because we are going to have to modify the plan and run the pro fora to see what we can the maximum we can do so is the mayor here then and he's not here now mayor here yeah okay can I get a motion Mo to continue the uh allow the applicant to continue to the May 7th meeting for the second reading second I have a motion and I have a second is there discussion on the motion yes what about the first two items we just approved are they still on for the second meeting in March yes yeah I'll leave that the discretion of council I'm happy to come and appear for those items I I think that those items have a more clear uh record so that's at your discretion and they've already been advertised for them okay okay so Motion in a second no more discussion on the motion all those in favor signify with i i i opposed the motion carries unanimously I'm I'm sorry um so you're keeping the the 19th for the first two and then just mov so AE is the only one moving but and D the next item we have is Council business so carryover Council business none no okay I have a board report okay next new business and board reports council member Fernandez looking for um I just wanted to announce that the cultural asset committee for Hillsboro County has changed their deadline they they've changed the pro they changed the process a little bit and went back in front of County Commission to get the grants funded and so if somebody has a cultural artistic uh Community event that uh I encourage anyone in the city to apply for the grant go on the Hillsboro County website um it can't be a fundraiser but an event designed to bring the community together focusing on Art and history and cult culture um there are grants that will be available and that window of application is opening uh very soon thank you any other carryover Council pleases council member board report uh it's on the same thing the Hillsburg County Arts Council same thing their Grant deadlines have been pushed later because of uh funding issues with the County Commission so artists out there it'll be coming but just not now thank you yes I don't have a board report but I do have uh two two pieces of information two pieces of one's a question one's information um um city manager the individual that was here earlier uh I didn't catch his name he he I I didn't write it down regarding the detached garage or the non-conforming garage and maybe that's my question has he been invi has he been advised to go the the um uh Board of adjustment okay so we met with Mr Harris today today yeah um and his property like he said is a legal non-conforming use okay the board of adjustments gives variances to setbacks to Heights to bulk standards things like that they don't give a variance to the answer no because the code says you cannot do it so what he's asking is that that section of the code be changed but but by going through the I remember my tenure in the board of adjustment we could re we could kick at the council for review he can't but the board of adjustment could I thought if I remember correctly for a few for a potential change I'm not I'm just saying for for for us to mitigate the issue or to adjudicate the issue the board of adjust can they can make such recommendations but it doesn't have to come from them I mean if they keep running across a a same problem that multiple property owners are having that would be the logical thing to do is to say Council should probably look at this but he's the only one that I'm aware of okay and and so but it doesn't stop you from considering a change in the ordinance and that would be something that would come up with probably the Land Development regulations that are being worked on now and that you've heard some of so far okay my second I know you want to talk about that but the second comment about um there was discussion made earlier regarding um traffic truck traffic coming out of Amazon and so forth um there'll be a presentation made sometime in April or May by the uh uh TPO to our Council and one of the items that's going to come up is that they're going to on their list of projects is a a entrance ramp to the interstate off of hary off off in that area so it'll that's coming down the pipe I don't know how quickly like it's coming but that's on the list to be done so anyway I just thought just just so council's aware of that um council member Chambers right back to the uh non-conforming you said legal non-conforming I don't really know what that could be but U it is a legal non-conforming use so the Mr the previous owner also named Mr Harris got a permit I think like in 83 early 80s the code was changed shortly after that that said detached structures cannot be in the sidey yard of a house or of a property they have to be in the rear so his was permitted legally then the rules change so that makes him a legal this would be nothing that would be changed with what we met last week on Land Development changing that ordinance because it's in the sidey yard correct we've not CH so um we talked about adus and we one of the discussions in adus is do we want to allow them in the sidey yard or where they'd be regulated to the back right now they'd be regulated to the back so the code could be written where you could allow adus in the yard sidey yard or you could allow all accessory structures in the side yard that's not what we proposed at this point though so because he wants to make some changes uh is why he's would be denied the permit Ian we're not going to tell him to knock it down now that's correct so he so our code and this is paraphrasing says you cannot enlarge you cannot expand you cannot increase non-conforming uses non-conforming structures you can do general maintenance like he could put a certain amount say the roof needed to be repaired provided that he didn't do enough improvements over 50% of the value of the structure at that point he'd have to conform to all new codes um so he can maintain that structure and our code recognizes that and allows him to do that but code says you can't expand it yeah most communities have that same thing if you have something that's non-conforming they don't want you to make something that's non-conforming bigger so that's why okay sense okay we good yep all right next item is a city manager report Mr B thank you madam vice mayor uh members of council the uh the report on the purchases between 35,000 and 50,000 for the months of January and February is included in your backup uh there are two four five purchases that were made um and basically uh three divisions if you have any questions about those I'm happy to answer those good and that's all I have thank you uh City attorney's report I have nothing all right well this meeting is adjourned [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]