[Music] longere in compliance with the open public meeting act 1975 chapter 231 the notice requirements have been satisfied the meeting dates for the year are confirmed at the annual meeting are posted on the public bulletin board in the lobby of the municipal center and published in the record within the first 10 Days of the New Year salute to the flag to the flag of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation God indivisible with liberty and justice for all roll Paul please I'm calling R I believe okay all right um councilwoman cair here councilman Menan here council president Michaels present uh councilwoman Dr oconor here councilman Park and councilman perfect and if I can before we start I just wanted to thank uh DPW director Cassidy early this morning driving uh and then uh the whole team did an incredible job it was pretty amazing I was driving down Woodland early this morning beautiful fine and then you know hit a wall it's like oh welcome to Anglewood congratulations to him and his team thank you to everybody um so first uh a uh Pro engineer update Andy you want to come on up thank you good evening I have unless you want an order I have I can okay so we have a couple things for you tonight the 2024 Road program The Rite Cooperative yeah so we sent you the list of roads which I'll highlight for the public uh Colin Lane fport Atwood Avenue Mars Road Hamilton Place Northrop Lane J Street Lawrence Parkway East of angle uh West Clinton tenly Road to Railroad n Road Forest Road Birchwood Place Ridge Road Washington Street bypass which is behind the buildings and Law Court with one exception Ridge Road there is a drainage project we do on that road and Ridge Road is about 300 ft of drainage we have to get that done of this if we don't get it done in time that will not get though we are going to include it in the quantities for the Riverside Cooperative because we have that those in really by this Friday so that that project move forward it's G be bid by end of March with opening bids in April and then award in May so if you're okay these are all roads that have been discussed in this Council over the last three or four years they're all red roads from the old pave list those roads are picked I'll get to my second one I can just divert because PS has a massive project right so PS right now is proposing to excavate five miles so those five miles from a perspective of good and bad just's a lot of disruption so they'll start literally they plan to start 224 they're going to start over by McKay Drive in West Ivy Lane so running edge angle border they will continue the work for the remainder of the year and probably into early next year when they're done they will swap out with us as far as in town so they'll they'll take the width of the trench because they're responsible PVE half the road and they'll take half their roads and pave them in their entire so you'll have two and a half miles of brand new road and are these red roads or yellow they're a mix of all the above there there's there's if if it's a green road they'll pave all of it so it's done the last five years I'll pave the whole thing that's a good thing too when they're done you're going to have two and a half new miles a road plus what you're doing your pavement program then next year's program will be us Paving the remainder of the so we'll pick them up that that's the swap out with if it doesn't cost you any money to do that and you get you'll have five new miles a road plus what you do this year and then you have your next year so that's actually good particularly because we have new Council people but i' be was interested is there a way to come back to us on you know I saw the report a couple years ago that were red yellow green it would be great two things one it would be super awesome to show that I'm making very s number the 25 red roads were down to 10 that would be one thing to celebrate and then the second thing is you know is that like an evergreen how often should we revisit that report and make sure that the Yellow Roads have not become extreme red or it's good point so in this year's Road program so once you decide the roads we're going to give you a proposal this year for our road program it's going to include updated pay manager reports because we're about eight years later from when we first did it wow so now it's time to update it so that include updating the last eight years of Paving you've paved over 40 roads the last eight years which is a lot it's a lot you know more than any town that I know has done so you've done a big hit along with that you've done a lot of Maintenance too so the the way you keep roads from getting the orange and red we have the green yellow orange red is maintenance so one you pay main so you actually done a great job so you'll get a brand new report by like say bay right um just for PSG I know it's on the website but real quick the roads that are affected are Crabtree McKay Malcolm Coleman Leonard Lenley Roberts tenly Road Cherry Clover Evergreen Walnut Willow Hamilton uh harson nicker Bacher Oak Palmer Country Club hin North rip Palmer sand tenil uh Wilkins and Windor so that's a lot of Roads again we all got our letters tooting right and it's going to be and it's going to be going on you're going to have constituents of yours that are going to come to go they dug my road up it's okay to deflect those calls to me so just so I'm super clear then um might have just gone out oh oh it's still there that screen goes out as when the TV starts to kick oh gocha all right we're we're waiting for some weird television to come out um but just so I'm clear when we have a psng dig up the road you're saying you're accounting for that in your in your plan correct you're you're not repairing anything they are going to dig up we are not so the the beauty of the PSN program is they've met with us over a period of six to eight months and we've coordinated our roads with their roads and we've coordinated getting two and a half miles of your roads done when they're gone which I think is a big oh great okay we have another opportunity to discuss on the list and inal for this year so this this is the The Proposal uh depending on coming out of the budget session if there's additional funding that we put to it then Andy would provide us with the additional roads that we did yeah let me explain to you how the river because it's you're new how the Riverside Cooperative works I have to give them a budget let's just say a million right now a million dollar I submit to them a list of roads that usually is around the million dependent on the prices because the asphalt prices change I give them some extra roads when the Riverside Cooperative Awards the master contract which is Northville they'll then send it to you to award your contract at the time of that award you can add or take away roads at that point once you award your contract you're now locked into those roads unless you want to do a change orderout the 20 % if it's going to be more than 20 you want be cost to Cooperative you can do a whole another contract and issue a whole second contract so it depends on how your budget Falls we can adjust it it's very it's written to be very flexible penly takes the most Advantage for all you do yes you do yes um and then when you're you're in a certain way red yellow green I am so if we if we can because the Riverside CER needs to get your bid out and you're the largest town in it I need to get them these rows quantities as long as we can do that then we'll get your a proposal to do our design update the the paper Management program and you'll get a new one but I can send you the last one we have updated so you have I'll send it to council so you we also confirm I don't know which ones are count that may outside of our they're not they're not in our payment prr but they're showing the map so that the county roads are on the map they're not our we we don't rate the good so is there a consensus that these are the right roads okay that sounds great no problem again on P if you get constituents to have issues or call B Hall get those to me we have a person that's coordinating with them on this the whole time so we if there's a complaint an inquiry question if somebody loses gas for a period there we can help don't don't let the residenc out there without feeling help has um PSG already communicated and yes okay yes so we have it on our website PS hangs door knockers on their doors they put a flower in the mailbox and they contact the people go okay PS is a very good communicator when's it all done me it depends on WEA in school how things work because they can't go onto a road and do all their work unless all the residents respond to their it's very important because you're going to be shutting your gas off for next a day or so or over a day you know this is five by the end of the year should be done I would say proba by this pave like we will they'll PVE next year okay move on pick a ball M scort okay so I think that if we could have this shared to the uh to the zoom land ladies this is one of the attack double it looks like that so we have a little background that was here October we talked about the the old skate park at Rosevelt Commons that skate park is not being used for anything right now it's in somewhat of disrepair this old skate items and remove that so it's just an empty space with nothing that is proposed to be repurposed by Council the repurposing was half it to be used for pickle ball half to be used as a multiport c multiport being lined for volleyball four square or whatever I'll work with Jamie whatever she would like on there we could line it it's not a big deal the big deal was half for pick a ball half for multi Court when we were here there was a discussion of two pickleball courts some people talking about more some people being residents that came to the meeting we took it looked at a sketch and we were able to fit three pickle ball courts so I have in your packet tonight and I blew it up to S purpose of showing you this was what was here in October two pickable courts on the school side of the multi use court and then the remainder was multiuse which would be volleyball four square whatever when we looked at it the court is 100 by 120 we can actually fit three Pi safety impact at all no that fits regulation so three ports fit within the regulation for run area safety it beats the and that doesn't change the paid we can't do it's a different game this have you have two and you need a different fence too so the fence around here is going to be we're going continue the G high fence replace it and we'll put it up and it'll be separating points if you're PD almost almost sear this no don't need it do you want pickall really is a we'll call North to South there's some l m not as much as I this would be great this is if they add another I just need you to say because we're submitting a proposal to do this I just need you to say three can pick a ball or two and I'm ready to go is there a consensus I would I would say three that would be my vote yeah versus two if you don't know the tennis courts just to the east side of this the three tennis courts one of those courts also has two St so you actually one you do you have five here which is good yeah yeah told you that was done those cours were done five or six years ago and that those Court L those the only ones will be no unless you I mean it could be in future but right now not the whole thing would be hard hard hard cave and it would be like color cing you can play colors depend on what J wants to do Tim on this uh this we want to be a summer project and it's new Paving so when you do tennis or Co courts that are coed with that sand pain coat you need to really do it like July August the window outside that temperature great okay so we go three course yep um the other thing now the only other thing I had tonight was to talk a little about the swim talk if you want I would like that but I'm also what I'm going to do because I guess it was in the agenda and then out I'm going to forward it to my fellow Council people who didn't grab it before so they can see it here as well um it was supposed to be shared here but we're having you know password issues so um why don't you start and they can look at it on their thing while we talk about it and I don't I don't made a decision tonight I just we're getting to a point where we have to package this and start designing it the project is a the the Project's a 2022 open space Grant which is a match so the project has to be completed by December of this year and closed out means all paperwork submitted and documents for reimbursement ideally for me I would love to have a decision on this no later than mid to end of March so we can do our design in April bid it in May and do our construction like July August IDE so yeah you have time but and there's a couple questions that came up so in just like big picture a grant was submitted in 22 to redo the swim club into a open space and that open space in the Grant had the following it had repurposing the building that's on site the one you kind of walk on on site the sidewalks and or we es heading down towards t I just so you'll you'll be able to pull it up what he's got kind of small where the PO was was supposed to be a skate part when you one pass skateboards a pill supposed to be natural are Overlook Wildlife cling area whatever was left in that area by the pool and that green space it removes some new impious area the two dog parts were going to remain to be modified made a little bigger and there was going to be a raise plan that area do like Community G a current Community guarding that's F this is additional for for people who have are differently able so they can access it with a wheelchairs yeah the whole because open space money every component in the part we can access so the walkway propos be access there be improved access to the partol users the other club us disabili there so you're you're enhancing part for people and you'll see that in the attachments now that I sent you um so if you go if if just to give the background uh Andy so we had received $887,000 from the county of open space funds from them Y and this is the rendering that they accepted or this is the these are the components that H can you explain again like are so this is this one this is a improved version of SM there was a there was a call a much more basic drawing showing you put a coming mon building have a p Garden Wildlife Area skate par over like a wild like Overlook area the dog parts and then the the gardening area the Improvement part people disabilities and also improve that the there is flexibility with inside this the May or not have meeting with the the people who were involved in park today and suggested which is pretty good which was do Park which is on North side of par down here do park access and then move the between [Music] here currently basketball the other dog beign to that walk the left dog parks separate cor so when you right now I Pi you can picture you walk in between and under building in this project to your left that building's coming down the right building will be rehab to have multi two unisex bathrooms and a store and that be the next stage that's not part of the stage but that next stage budg the there's a building in the back left property which is a pump house that's part of this and that's being taken out that's being taken out to this open space can take carc to ex the existing pool is right here that's nowcap and that's going to be over the existing pool we don't we don't uh dig it up it's it's been filmed filled in and it would be overide there was two ideas behind the skate par one was a traditional skate park like we had normal traditional skate pieces there that can be used for different types of abilities Jamie got a Jamie your Recreation you got a second one which is a like a plaza skate park like a city street skate park yeah so that's in your attachment as well we were going to gear this towards a city street so we walk in it wouldn't be f in it would have things like you know a little higher curves we would have some rails that they can they can drag across would have some elements they can jump on and jump back off there' be some plantings inside it then they can look like a street Pap everywhere anybody can sit there be some stairs there they like walk downstairs and it could be us skate par over a general sitting area the only thing I can tell you is it need some signs that say this is a skate par that's first skating if nobody skating sitting this is still be a nice area it's a little like a little PL inside of the entire area consumes almost so we have one catch with this whole project we have to keep in per area less than what was there if we increase it then we need to do a storm detention system below this part in little history you know not far from here is a a project we residential housing which used to be industrial and they have S contamination this site so this site was part of a DP funding site being cleaned up groundw being cleaned up over there it's going to take time so we really don't want to approach it to that area so we don't want to be designing any potential sy so at at the moment the uh impervious coverage is below on this Frame we're significantly less and how much you know how much percentage wise how much are we converting over to peria taking out so on the PO about half the we're gaining back GRE space we're taking the basketball out but was a small one and we're taking half so you're probably gting back you know two or 3,000 feet of Green Street side the paths that we proposed the paths in front will be concrete to get her body really good handicap access back FL hole and then the paths around here will still be handicap accessible was made of a recyc cross Granite that's somewh for that allow capibility so so we heard from that you heard from the uh the dog park Advocates um or at least one of them about switching the uh the raised flower beds with the dog park so that we've got all of our dog parks on one side and the raised flower beds on uh next to the pollinator Garden which moves into the community Plaza I noticed in the pollinator Garden we have about four different benches um I I I know that the raised flower beds were advocated for for actually many years um this actually goes back before Co there we had um the head of the garden at the time her name was Carol Hodges and at the time they were talking about putting the raised flower beds on top of that pool because it didn't have anything else going on I'm not sure if you were part of those discussions um do you know if it Ben like I I don't know that population but does it benefit them to have maybe some more benches by the community garden area where they like can put their stuff down do is there any thing to be said about adding some Ben I as long council's okay to change what I would do is the building is the brown so I would now Slide the poin Gard as far west as I could okay I put the rais flower beds between theary and the building so I be accessible so a person with disabilities has to walk this travel what I'm thinking too right and then I would add these three benches by the fire sobody can sit there and then it allow oh but they would be on the other side though they be be right here right behind this so they could be close to the the bathroom close to the bathroom I'm not a AR or my wife is I'm showing us today she's like you know having to raise find is good cross it's actually good ide no butterfly but you'll attract bird it'll be like like butterfly bushes and things of that nature maybe the back corner maybe some milk on the back side right so it's not like actually looking to have um like bees it's not that it's planting certain types of vegetation which encourages butterflies bees the types of Critters that that pollinate the flowers and hummingbird that would make more sense they to John car where it's like a Botanical Garden I'm just curious I just want to B that we have limited space in the town I just want to make sure we're using this space more sufficiently to to satisfy as many people in the town residents of the town so I'm like that's why I'm confused if we have a we have a place that's a flower you know a garden I would think that that made a little more sense there and then we can use maybe this base something else but so this was a 2022 gr so the grant said in the next month we should have a r design that we can submit yeah because we have to we have to get out the bid because it's a 22 Grant you have to have it done closed out constructed reimbursement like December of 24 could you apply for the extension and change of the item here you can but that's not guaranteed toit because the county is [Music] always I I do I I want to clarify though because like you said 2 gram so right now at this time of year two years ago is when we were banding about ideas for open space 2022 and then was debated we had all these different constituencies coming in we had the teens for the skate park we had the dog park people we had the community garden people and it and then that is ultimately what became and then I guess the storm water management considerations that had to be made and that's what got accepted by the county so now we're running out of time to Institute the plan because of all of the the work that goes into this design so it's basically something as this but but with the tweaks to this plan that make more sense so okay so the idea that we'll move the gardens we'll move the skate park we're going to move the dog park and flush it out year two we're we're going to talk about about getting a nice working ADA Compliant bathroom that's not afforded in year one this but but this has kind of been asked answered and we're tweaking because we have $87,000 that came from the county we don't want to jeopardize so I'm just kind of giving you a whole background of why and but go ahead any par projectt totally passive for some version and this became like two years come this became all three passive couple different kinds active very active skate park very active and dog park of all three so you have you have both large and small dog park and you're making the dog park much bigger now we're de the size you get very active right by the high school right the skating you know we've done a lot of skate parks once you build if you build the right they will come so that's going create a lot too you don't necessarily have a lot of room for another big activity here it's active so then you then you kind of hum down and make the rest kind of pass around so you get all three one spot the site does have again does have some limitations and the site though the site look very big it's not that big explain you why this is a tributary to T from here to this path through the p and like that this is all unusable space so I can't do anything space I can do very passive GRE so I can take an area here and make this screen part it was become skate park it's cool but the area around here is basically useless other than over you we so in here back in 21 we did a environmental assessment property and you could really not build building not a Feld it was there's too much because both Wetlands slug Hazard area apprach areas that really Encompass about half of this site basically you can't dig and you can't go the second part of the Environ restriction so the second the second part is below the ground about two blocks away somebody contaminated around so we have to try as much as we can and not penetrate down or add more there still clear which it will be cleaned up there's no Hazard anybody but that that makes us not want to add impious over here but the problem with adding impervious in area we can we're we're surrounded by Enon so now we have to discharge that to right now we we have to create a discharge point we need a why I see so gotta decide next month why don't you share with David yourselves I love I'd actually like to propose a little tweak to what Adam's saying since you met with the dog park people and you know I asked the and we're talking about a couple things um I do have one more question about fencing because I know on that plan there was like a fence between initially there's a fence between the dog park and then the skate what are your thoughts on fencing and then I'll tell you what my thinking is after you finish so my dog fencing were're modifi a little today by meeting with the dog park folks in that they recommend the six high fence so pretty much like the middle of my forehead they said that there's big dogs that go there jump over the current for high fence so we would fence the dog par at six fo high fence but as you walk in off of BR the park lotet or come from the PO Mark come across you'd be able to walk in the 15 foot wide path that takes you back to the activities that are in there and or go past it and then walk directly into our separate so they would be completely fenced in right now the whole park is Fen in the folks on the adjoining Street against Hamilton is it it's right here Hickory I say Hickory the residents on Hickory currently have a fence between them and all the activi it's only my recommendation they have a an opaque fence it's a wooden stocking fence I would keep that along that side to to kind of keep their separation they had it sure decision whether keep or not not mine once you have that you don't need in my opinion defense on the T anymore it just causes a flood obstruction anyway water and debris gets caught in there the one between the pool and other pool in the parking lot you don't need a fense there either so why waste the money to put mob sa it saves you a lot of you save yourself a few like a thousand F you do so so then this this is what I would S Suggest as an an adjustment to what Adam saying for the next meeting right can you then re forward the updated rendering with these with these kind of feedback I can have a new rendering done in by the next weekend for to because of the dog change and then and then uh like we the fence change absolutely rers there anything else yeah and do we know if uh the community garden people or you know any of those people H might have an objection to making change I have I I I see them on thir I mean I don't they're not going to have a problem moving it across it's it's literally the same thing right now it's next right behind they'll be right behind I think it'll be better the community garden beds so you understand we had to make them AJ accessible so they're about as wide as a table 4 wi and they're about as a little less not quite as high as a table so if you were in a wheelchair you could access and use it and they'll have they'll have partc around this so use they can utilize just like anybody else so I do just want to explain something that I did learn about these raised flower beds is so the idea is that they don't have like an elderly person they're not bending in a flower bed that's the idea right so they're like they're higher and then just one thing I wanted to say because I'm liais on environmental commission is one of the open space uh ideas is the biodiversity you know the goals our biodiversity in our community and I read an article that said monarch butterflies are down to 5% of their original population so this idea of like I guess some milk weed along or or something along far as way to the dog park in my opinion along the area between the parking lot north of you and that like you know because they they said that that'll get repopulated one Garden at a time so I think we we could do our part here with this space uh I think it's exciting and I think it really addresses a lot lot of different constituencies you know as we've in the plan you have with the modification we talked about I don't need to apply for a grant modification so if you you can move things around if you why we take jul advice letes okay so I'll have you a concept plan a Revis plan by next round thank you thank you Recreation friend that Andy as well should we stay heard to talk about the open space 2024 ideas I think that's what Adam was asking right now I think if he doesn't say valuable to Happ dis that was our thoughts sure so as far as the um local Recreation Improvement Grant the DCA Grant I had reached out to Jamie Canon and asked what um projects were in the works or they would like to see in the works and the two that she recommended for the council to consider are submitting grants for would be improvements to the Little League field as or improvements to Sunnyside with the the dugouts and and that area over there as well um so I don't know I know Andy you've done a walk through on the Little League field certainly right I know Sunny Side well so um any any Athletic Field Complex where you can improve the complex and allow especially for tenly allow for better use by folks with dis abilities your Grant goes way up on list when it doesn't allow that the grant goes way down onist so there's been a number of towns we've worked for the last one would be the burrow of male they took an existing Athletic Field like youring field and we installed Synthetic Turf in the infield only so the infield was Synthetic Turf all pre-lined all pre-done the outfi stay natural grass it does a lot of things like enh hand drainage and there things it does but also allows people to disabilities play them so it enhances your Grant they got over two a two-year period they got two of them and they the two Fields were back to back and they now have a brand new complex by getting old space Grant it' be a great Grant the L be great if you wanted to go over to sunny things like improving the dugouts for handicap accessibility putting roofs on for shelters that would all apply also but what they don't fund is maintenance so open space doesn't fund maintenance there was some questions about maintenance are they're not maintenance M they are not maintenance money they're good at they're both good either one so I think it's just the council's thoughts on one of these two are it's a third that Jamie think of but I think we should Jam's looking for feedback from the council a preference to one of these two well for the DCA Grant actually we have a resolution on tonight so we drafted the resolution with the two different projects depending which one you choose and that'll be uh R 24 I think the no no it's improvements to to The Dugout to um bleachers and bading cages when you can I tell just one one thing about you the little L field just on the north side of revelt that's on boarded that proper we actually have a lease for it okay good you have okay a license for the application deadline is February 27 for the DCA Grant yes choose one right either one tell me they're both be GRS I know you have questions yeah U just in terms of um things that you might be talking about there's the correspondence about the uh the Leroy um Street um did we want um Andy here to talk about yeah definely any of the flooding a good point um we'll do that before we do the administration report I can say right that's focusing on this don't with obvious so first off I just want to apologize to everyone I was at a p over in Bridgefield that's why to so we covered everything to be considered and now we're on to administrators report we have to vote on we have to get alignment on theant and we have to get aine space so in in conjunction withs and Comm in general I'm signity field it would be a positive development to the town overall rather than diversifying we can focus on Street Pockets make them well so that in the L Le field so I think go look at it I would tell you you need three things done there you can apply for all three they won't fund all three initially but you can apply for all three you can apply for further grants later Synthetic Turf INF field brand new drout handicap accessable with proper roofs and proper height and then handicap accessable bathrooms rehab that building that that only you could apply for all it's one and then if you don't get it you always apply for Community M Block R they do some sa fun stuff so so I I was interested in Sunny Side um the the one of the reasons is um because the Little League fields with this kind of gray area we're leasing it from the Board of Ed I was also told at the time that there was going to be a lot of fundraising for improving that area and I just think that for it to be cleaner and also like you know I know Sunnyside is super used all the time I just thought that makes sense to go for that grant for sunny sun and it I don't think it's been improved in quite a while anybody situ either or it is an either or but it's not because for tonight we're we're looking for a resolution for the DCA Grant but there's still another Grant opportunity through Bergen County to open space and Comm and that's not that resolution doesn't need to be passed tonight so if it's a bigger project I Andy I'm not sure what the dollar amount is from the Bergen County grants is does one lend itself better I would apply for both they get both funds towards it you can you know Community Development be solely handicap accessible bathroom that building that would be the application make open space could fund that plus the dug to the field so what you're saying is use both the DCA local Improvement Grant and the county for the same site for different parts of it correct and I would just for purposes of council so Sunny Side be a little careful Sunny Side think somebody said something about drainage on this side sunny side has a massive drainage problem yeah know and when that you when you get that storm the water runs right across that field and goes next street any improvements there if you did a bigger Improvement might have to be removed because the whole thing's going to be demoed so I just be a little careful of money you spend there because I don't know if you plan on funding the project to take care of the drainage part I don't I don't that that's a that's a seven figure that's that was gonna say it's over a million dollars oh no it's over a million dollars it's it's a big project it's been looked at a couple of times but if you start replacing dugouts or put B cage there they'd have your if you did the seventh fure projects they're coming out so you have if you got a grand you got what's coming out you'd have to take it out that that that whole improve you'd have to take out to oh yes I will just not that you can't do the project I think the little Le Fields cleaner that just from an engineering perspective it's a it's a very well utilized field that's the only reason I'm so you are you are you kind what I'm hearing is is DCA Grant specifically for the little Le field is that what we're talk for recreation Recreation Brant Jamie director proposed two she asked the council to is one of those I vot onand and I think it's a bigger problem so I I would rather do something do right one time versus having to do something over I just I wanted this is going to be a little bit more of a question for councilman Michaels though so that Little League field that's the one that we that I was you know talk we talked about for a while back about how it was on the board of ed property but that it wouldn't be money from the town because it was going to be that we were going to have a lot of fundraising for that area and the Little League parents were very interested in having a field there so my concern is like what like what's happening with the maintenance of this field because I do remember being I I think absolutely and we could speak to the president there needs to be fundraising that was part of their commitment right I think that fundraising could either offset the you know the match that I be all on board with that or I'm make the number up it's I make up the number it's 300,000 100,000 to you know the town 100,000 to you know a grant and they raise 100, I made up all those numbers but I think the point you and I are lined is there should be some private fundraising that goes along with the development of it sounds like everyone's memory is correct does so M conern just the key one one thing though because you said that the maintenance just wanted to point out Andy already noted that maintenance is not covered by the grant these are improvements yeah so we are going to need so so my my concern given what we just said is that if we're going to take this opportunity put it there in a place where we haven't had convers ations about fundraising yet and we we don't have you know all the parties in one room is we're we're basically saying okay here's here's a lot of money for improving this area and they haven't really yet I'm sure they will they've made that commitment come to the table and we've discussed it so this that's that was my concern about looking at one place versus the other where I'm like okay we were told that they would be I think you and I are ly I think that my expectation is fortunately or unfortunately this is not going to solve all the needs and improvements that are made that are needed for the Little League field and I would happily go with you about you with I would get going on where we do how are we doing on the private fundraising mass that space and there's blocks Lally that happens in sunay too so the money can be right L League raises money for L leue baseball it can be spent at the baseball field Sun side too well this initial thing was because we were gonna start up this this new field that was that concerns some is that the water issues Lally field has problems you know the land isn't the right way the fencing the dug out right they're they're essentially identifiable solvable problems that we can kind of put our finger on if we decide to do new Dugout we build a new Dugout we know what're dealing with it right or we decide not we know what the defense is problems with sunny side are at least in my view this has been like a bottom I mean because of the water issues it's potentially a bottomless pit in terms of how many millions that can you get Field property so i' would be a little concerned with you don't have a full enough story about what has to happen there but here's the problem with that and we we live in that area right here's the problem with that thinking if we're never going to do the big Shang and let's assume no mayor and council is ever going to put that amount of money it was it was built on a swamp SW swamp for that's why we got it for free if if we're never gonna do that are we going to let it just fall into disrepair you know because I walk frequently and I'm like ah you know these benches stink and well I'm sure you all are there and like that's we let it B dis repair I mean you know 15 years ago when we were talking about doing something there one of the problems with raising the field is that we're going to flood all the houses ground of course so that that that whole kind of and the massive price tag additional of course that's so my view is the identifiable issues are easily more successful VI and so until we get a real true story of what the water situation be concerned about getting a grant for which one for Sunnyside okay it's Grant if you were spending your Capital money to like do a dog out there from the engine my my concern goes well and does if you get a grand and then you end up ripping everything out because you got a grant you got to pay the grant back so you're get like 22 sh that area anytime soon now we make a decision between Sun side massive project or what is everyone want just my my concern again is that you know we were talking about fundraising and then it turned into $100,000 of town you need to have that conversation with with Dan Cohen and team well the only thing I would add though is you know little league may have done repairs to The Dugout with fundraising they're not going to make it Ada accessible they're not going to make the those types of accessibility upgrades they're going to do the maintenance upgrades so that's the only thing I would caution is yes yes there was an expectation that that there would be some assistance with this but with the grant you get to do it bigger better good good so where where when is the council decided okay I got my pation over it but to two the open space open space discussion open SP yeah um before we go to that I'm sorry there there's also as long as we have Andy here there is a resolution that we'd like to add to the agenda at the end of the non-consent resolution agenda about a change order Susan do we need Andy's input on that deduction okay I just wanted to make sure that's just the project came in under budget so just you're yeah so we' like to add a resolution if it's okay with the council to decrease your spending by over $30,000 can I bring up an open space ideas we're talking about them now goe okay so because it's a questiony but it was it was related to something last year um when were talking about pickle ball some tennis courts over to pickle ball courts one of the things up the time was that the tennis courts had cracks in them and it was brought up um that those were problematic so that for $300,000 was the um 250 to $300,000 was the cost to repair the cracks for all seven cours when I was reading the open State now whether it is pickle ball or not and it it could just stay a tennis court um the you know the tennis players like this was definitely something on Jamie Canon star I remember at the time councilman Michaels brought up that Jamie should uh pursue the tennis Association gr and I and she did she's doing it now doing it but I was thinking that this would be a good opportunity for a a cost a project that cost so much money for us to be able to use some of that matching funds from the open space gr and when I was reading it doesn't this classify I know you said that they don't do maintenance but the grant it seems like they do Municipal Park Improvement so would would this be an applicable use of that money because if we got if we got the tenis and we got the county then we really could repair all these and it's not a a big cost to us at all in theory for $300,000 that for Poli no apparently it's $900,000 for rep police report $300,000 for to do craft but I'll let I'll let the boss talk about the of the how how the cracks get so yeah the crack with open space you have to if they needed maintenance they won't fun so you have to package up to be like we're improveing that right c b them out so they they saw cut them out reu the back up and then they have this product with rep and covers it down courts the courts have a lot of areas so the crack the crack repair itself over those areas pretty expensive $200,000 to CRA corly and then you have to be can we it's frustrating to that like Andy said these are 5 years old and three years ago we knew their I thought we were inves that the engineers that we used clearly did it wrong they should not be cracking in 2 years where Did We believe that answer that so I tell you that the the courts the way they were done originally was just they just m off a couple inches and rep they never did the reconstructive work so it was never a project of reconstrued course it was to do a little better maintenance but not the full month so they never spent they never spent they never spent the big project number they went for the $200,000 was there a warranty with that no no nothing had one probably had a one year meting when when you're M SP so you need you know the way to do the court if you want to do the big just m off all the the stone identify by Rolling the soft area below excavate out soft there fill that with stone Rec compack that top of man and then put three into the base course I think the crack in know words to rebuild the whole thing probably no no no the uh fix the cracks correct we have we have to call if I'd like to throw that idea out um and if if I might make a suggestion I I've written some grants in my day but if we could combine it with the idea of um a little bit of that ADA compliance just because um people can getting hurt or fall that's at least what we found like they're falling or something so if we could maybe on that instead what always had for so nobody ever ask that pretty expensive those cours that material you put in there is a controll material so I I don't think they're L than courts M they're not but they do require maintenance they require more and we get a comparon [Music] and and probably probably some on data data on the main be main well that was my proposal so sounds so so I had two other ideas one being uh a plan that we discussed last year the year before again we continue to make Rosel Commons better and stronger and we were told you know 850 years ago there used to be the original plan was to actually have an an theater of sorts by the uh by the new statue that we the monument that we just re enhanced my proposal would be let's continue to make Rosel Commons area better we just got a new multi-use area and my idea would be for again Ampitheater so more green than uh than anything else but it's a a place that we could you know whatever lightly covered we can do such that we do have the music concert series and rs we can still listen to the music UT yeah it's as environmentally sensitive as possible yeah sorry go ahead been walking around area AR per to move those conerts over more to run around safer environment not being Street the only thing just about the uh concert series is we do have the band shell uh for the the band itself so they're they're only covered um I don't I don't know how uh when it rains though it's just hard to have them outside regardless of what we're going to do I think the idea is just a think thinking aater of s so how how do we go about investigating that reasonable way coun to discuss it would you we're trying to come consensus about open space ideas right just so Council want to understand and he just needs for all IDE using a one one for the I I need some metrics to it so for instance we're building we're building right now this dis spr theat has area from poetry to Art to have a concert in East can the corner of yeah that project is $1.5 million it has no C $1.5 million it has no cover so it's going to seed a lot of people it is the full how many people will see the end of the day with the you know kind going on the steps which are very green oriented you kinda see wow yeah you go up top and you have the gr too so it's a it was a big idea there over a period of 10 years but I know that's what you want here I need some you say have a con series I wonder sure any you also have to see how much space you have EnV rest I would highlight make the monument a cender point a lot okay you want it as green as possible you want to cover so again I don't know anything I'd like it as green as possible when I say cover on it I mean it's like beautiful white like it's it's open on all three sides of so it's just more yes in a tornado you're not good coner series at a drizzle you absolutely do that's right covering and everything else we have we can do that as well so the the touching the upon requires significant D inut so so if you said me hey can you clean the edges up dredge it I'm going to probably tell you to give me 10 years I can $100,000 it's not they don't let you do much around these funds anymore 10 years ago much easier so so so there's so two ideas on the table the tenant courts repair the amphitheater is there anything else I think yeah so one more is uh if you guys remember um we've already approved the first phase of the traffic study that does the you know the traffic light in etc etc part of that you said they're working in parallel now is the idea of closing off that street you know P Ro The Road to Nowhere type thing yeah so the street in front of Angel right the the train station the test closure yeah yes so that's something again central point of our town right next to another great Park High Park the idea was from an open space again this is heavy on the green is how do you make that road which is not a road anymore whatever we do it then my imagination is more like you know New York city streets so they've closed off the streets and there's picnic benches and stone animals for kids to jump on so it's how do you greenify that and make it a cohesive part between the old train station and it' be a good open space brand yeah so you would you would baller off both ends correct you would rip up all the pavement curves correct and then you'd put a you'd probably use either pavers or por asphalt and create a path through the there that has benches and and you know like we'll call it like lower scape lighting to create a nice night probably could have some string lights across that yeah and you're creating environment that cars will never go down again you're you're bringing it back to green that's that's a great Grant I just want to clarify any are you talking about said I think you're the between hiler and CA Angelique making that that see that would wasn't isn't the pilot program to close it on the where the bus stop is that's another piece of it the first piece is in front ofine piece was in front of the bus stop because this is all going to fact be charging stations that's why I'm asking I don't believe so I double check I believe it's in front Okay so we double check but that okay front of the bus stop yeah there's a bus stop there's a bus stop right here the other no no but the NJ Transit run runs through both so and my whole thing is there's there's also quite a lot of parking I love the idea of making it a pedestrian Plaza all green but there's a lot of parking the EV parking is one is not the the biggest concern it's it there's a lot of a lot of Shopper parking there and of course you'd have to reroute your engine Transit because it does run through that so I think it's just a little more complicated we take a look the rerouting is already happening so again they're testing the but let's confirm which phase it is and then you there might be 10 spots there might be more than 10 we've already got rid of five that and I would love to again right now it's trash space for haveand Le we could work on that actually we can do a whole night I right now feel good about it uh so we've already taken off five spots that we haven't had in two years yeah I know that Wendy thought it was phase one was the other one because we originally had some e charging there and we move che check it out find out sure so that would be those would be so those are three okay any other IDE I think if we can let's confirm that any of these are valid let's write up a one pjer for each and then we could share decide as a team now that the mayor is here just wanted to ask you a little timing thing you said that within a week you'd the updated uh plan for the pool Club Mr Mayor he's I've met I was with you along with the dog park Advocates so so gonna update that and send that to us right so you've had that conference call today right yeah and uh he's gonna get some of that he's gonna get that feedback as long as some as all Su that he heard here before you came for an updated plan and then maybe I I just because I am concerned of it as coming up against the deadline of utilizing this money what what do you think makes sense uh Andy after sending us the plan what do you need from us as far as your um I'm GNA come back with a revised plan by next week give it back to you at your next meeting I just need to say go gotcha good all right thank you okay so just so I know the three open space grants I'm going to write up for you like proposals get some metrics and some cost cracks and redo the tennis courts somewhere near and kind of for and then possibly CL yeah those are the three ideas thank you okay so it sounds like we're completed what to be considered s right I I think so right so one hold on a second just oh oh he oh he had a question no no it's not a question he's stay for the U the next discussion right for correspondence a correspond right now if the council's okay with it I'm going to take a correspondence and move it up right now as as's okay so we received Communications from these two residents about U about Paving the uh putting the sidewalk in questions anybody have concerns or what do what does everybody think of it do we want to inv want to come up and talk about it come on up why don't you come to this microphone please thank you for being here tonight and just give us your name and address and give us a summary of your story okay pleas um my name is Jenna Lon I live at 193 Elm Street and I'm Ariel Lei I live at 100 Leroy so we're here and you you have our letter um major safety concerns so I'm sure you've driven from Anglewood on Leroy Street Alwood Terrace towards Anglewood the curves um even today we are walking to Jump to Smith school and there's you know Bunches of kids in the middle of the street blind curves cars are speeding through and our our biggest concern and we've seen it it's actually happened to a friend of ours um in Anglewood is when sidewalks get put in people wait until somebody gets hurt and we don't want to wait until somebody is hit by a car a child an elderly person walking a dog um and we just here we've been speaking with residents there are 14 there are 14 houses that would be affected by just talking about the the western side yes they know exactly so what it would be It's actually an extension because there is a sidewalk behind Smith School on the western side of the street and then there's a sidewalk on on East Hudson in in Anglewood so it would just be connecting those two um because the sidewalk behind Smith just kind of ends and we' again we've speaking to the residents um we we've they've all had letters the Smith School HSA has been very supportive they sent out numerous um correspondents with with the entire um you know parent body and we've had a lot of really positive responses and so would go from where to where so it would go from where the existing sidewalk behind Smith School which is by Downey and it would basically it would end Ela terrist at the where where angle would inen ofy border right Bliss so it would end on it would no it would end of East Hudson okay yeah exactly I just want to give a little background I know that councilman Park always reminds me of this that if the so while something like this is eligible for that you're probably GNA agree with me something like that is eligible for that uh the funding of safe schools but that apparently that it's not even worth going for because of the amount of like am I right on that like there's grants available through do and fruits of school grants so so they give some metrics to it as far as time frames we received three saf for school grants in the burough of New Providence in Union County the first one is going to construction and the grant was received 12 years ago how 12 years so if I remember correctly the Board of Ed the burrow tried to do this over by St you you gave the grant back gave the grant money back because the engineering costs that the town was required to pay were more than the actual construction of the C right so I just want to I remember this I wanted to throw it out there be fair on that since that time the dot has changed their process now if you use one of their three Consultants they use they will reimburse that money to you so you have to front it and they'll reimburse it to you so if the sidewalk like the new Province sidewalk is a $400,000 sidewalk they putting the first grant which is 10 years almost 12 years old the cost for $400,000 hour was almost $300,000 they get it all back but the project took 12 years to get Shu it's still not done yet still the game broke around so even though they've improved their process you would you say I just wanted to throw it out there because is your suggestion to be like don't think in terms of that well I never want to tell you not to go for free money I don't do that I just the timing is more will decide whether you want to go for so if you say I want this sidewalk in two years that is not the granted F if you say want to De sidewalk kind don't care how long it takes and apply for the money they'll give you they'll give you money so so so can I have a couple questions so first of all thank you for putting this together it's it's a it's a it's such a pleasure when people want to put sidewalks in because usually it's yeah we usually get the other way opposite but what what percentage roughly do you think of the neighbors that will be affected with favor well we put letters in all of their um doors and we have received positive feedback only but we've only received positive feedback for three homes right um otherwise they've been silent um Jenna's also put together an email address on the inbox for folks to send us complaints we haven't heard a single thing so there's there's been ample um notification this is something that we're looking to do we haven't heard anything so so thank you so so Andy what would be just in terms of the process the council wanted to consider of going down this road in terms of getting information about cost process how how does this whole thing work yeah so the that area if I if I go from the school and head south where Z and stay on the west side I have an elevation problem so I have a road that's here in top Cent right so that's going to POS their problem on the properties I'm going have to go usually from the edge of pavement I have to go back to say right and then I have a drop like that first house on Leroy and Downey the bigger house right because that goes right down so that have to be built up somehow right we probably I don't know this for a fact I don't I don't believe you have enough right way to do this enough right of way right way question remember what we did on then what we did on Downey where we actually took part of the road I do remember that yep is that a possibility there or is it the road become too thin so Leroy is not a that big of a street I think you have room but I have to I'd have to the I if I stepped you through the process the first process would be to say Andy we're going to authorize you I I'll have to come up with a number because I do some WR wrting research and I'll some road to do some Concepts so let's say for8 to $10,000 is I can get exact number I got to do some maps together for right away I got to try to Overlay the road onto and see where it falls and then see if I can fit a sidewalk in and what will happen if I do that without a doing any hard engineering I'll just be kind of looking out there and going no I have an eight foot drops on the wall and SL and I can put some cost to it for you I would say just my experience knowing that area sidewalk from that length you're looking at sou that's probably going to be three to 500,000 three to 500,000 so what was that like 1200 it's far but the problem is if it was only a Cy grade it would be $80,000 but I don't have a Cy at grade I'm building walls and it's gonna be it's gonna be a chart you don't right yeah so a couple of things one is is it only 1,200 feet because it looks like it's uh I don't know how far it's pretty far it's it's I think it's probably more than that but but we're talking about probably um um you know seven or eight blocks of you know 13 properties yeah 14 14 it's like 1500 right and then the other question is you know there's the flooding that uh that has been taking place you know going down into Smith school and all that how would that affect um you know this whole so this s was affected because that flooding is coming from above VI Lane down Victoria into the school a little north of where that what they're disconnected from each other so so that's not really an issue for this not for this though what if you didn't have right away what you mentioned before on some of these properties what what happens then you just can't can't do it that's a legal question I know you do but maybe one I'm just I just want to educate myself and and little ahead of ourselves right Sol other Solutions outside side that might achieve the we have to look at that that's something we should open if this is prohibited in terms of cost in terms of you know ownerships same question cre evaluate so we have so it sounds like if the council wants information of sub on this topic you got to think about asking Andy put a vote together explain to us the process he comes back with a number and then we decide whether V and then he'll outline the process so we know what we're talking about and maybe different options to John's point if if sidewalk is untenable Council want to do that I think so what's not included in this letter which is something that I think that we'd like to mention here is in um in addition to the space for walking the street which is it's heavily trafficked with pedestrians and dog walkers is extremely dark um which if we are thinking if you are going to be thinking creatively into how especially in the evening hours and the short days in the winter how to improve the safety that is an opportunity right can I just say one thing I live by stalman school and the chief when I've called him um specifically about how people really speed around the schools it's just stunning to me how people are speeding um he's been able to set up temporarily those uh watch your speed things and that tends to really work to slow people down you know because if it's like oh you're driving this miles per hour you you know if there are things that maybe we could do in the meantime uh you know please let us know and then we could talk to the ahead of our traffic Bureau yeah but the light sounds very creative and it's it's that curve it's right before it's Bliss to eat Hudson there's that that we're thinking about if we can't do that entire area okay if it'san the idea would be that it really connect a sidewalk and you can actually have a sidewalk from Smith's school the entire way to Anglewood I mean it would there's there would be sidewalk the enti Highway people can be walking through Anglewood and have you know tons of sidewalk um but that one stretch of think it's about three houses where there's the blind curve is really that super can you can you mark down then perhaps the particular area she's talking about I know I know that option too if you will yeah know I know it's I know the area it's really to do the right thing for you right you need to spend a little money I need to again tie the right away to the pavement location is you know concept and then show you what your options are whether it's narrowing the street and moving it out taking right I just need I can't build thect you know it's not easy area it's not all right so let's put this proposal together that'll take us to the next step in this process thank you than for organizing appreciate your work thank you very much thank you Andy for saying thanks Andy this is like the longest anything else administr do we have a list okay so Andy I think you're free to go wait wait Andrew did you have a question I think we did right okay walking here come up to the microphone because I know what you're gonna ask got a little bit good night thank thank you L and just give us your please Andrew M Shifty Sher Road and I apologize I usually don't like to uh come to you guys with uh residence issues but there is a safety issue on Sherwood Road uh that I fortunately feel that I need to bring to your attention Sherwood Road was repaved in 2022 I believe and that winter um we've had some icing issues that never happened 24 water basically flowed from side to side and across the pavement in areas we never had an issue so I started taking pictures didn't know exactly what to do about it then by last summer I realized that there's a pavement Paving problem so I contacted the mayor who told me to contact DPW and Andy so sent a whole bunch of pictures IND thees basically what happens is there's water flowing there's other sources it's in a hill there's always water and instead of staying near the C it's so flat that it literally just picks random places to cross the street and by the morning and it's a sheet of black ice no rain no precipitation you don't expect it you work the morning and guess what there's ice 8 10 ft wide R across the world multiple places the to get around these spikes or W some as around around it it's a structure problem so photos you sent me this morning I gave it they sent them all to yeah so what what we how we resolve so we have to we have to put a drain in so we have a drain not too far away from the low point we have to run a drain up across the street there's a secondary problem there's a a home has the sub pump there that pumps 247 and plugs the road all day so we have to connect that to if we put the drain in and connected it go away so it's not a rebuilding the it's not as simple as watching the RO pitching the rad no we can fix it with two drains at the low point on each side connecting to the dra Street and connecting that step and there's a there's storm sewer system on that street red there is how far 50 feet may a little more 50 about 50 feet away 50 property from look so it's not like the the the pavement that was put in there was like icy attracting type of roow you look at all you look at all Aerials if you look at all aals that is very flat there you know it was just a Mill and pave there was no drainage put in you can't take flat spots out in Mill and pave there's nothing you could do it would be a full reconstruct the job was not a reconstruction but we can add if it's a problem for the Neighbors we can add drains in we're going to get a price from The Cooperative to do that the Cooper yes do you want to say something they won't do it in the paving part of theer they what they won't do in the paving they'll do it in the they will not add drainage the Riverside Cooperative has what we call their emergency contract which is not technically emergency use for anything you want you can get a price for drainage so how do we do that I we get that for you and present to you and you can you get that for us and present to can we get that for the next meeting I'm trying I already asked for it last time we had met I asked gu contractor he hasn't been that responsive because since winter time but he's back working okay okay let's find out okay I would have to I have to because part of it is literally it's the W is flowing and then you can see that the pavement has a little bump in it along the Cod so the water just P to the street yeah I mean other than the drains is in full reconstruction I'm not sure you I mean you could do that but I'm not sure you need to okay drain sound like a less of a a l yes a lot less thank you whatever you guys can do the street will appreciate it foring and look we have to find out okay thank you so much thanks now yes I know why Linda is here and she's not an Andy question right take travel back okay administrator's report thank you Mr Mayor uh day number two we had a snowstorm good um yesterday we had uh some collective bargaining uh labor negotiation uh sessions on the administrators report on the agenda there are a number of Grant uh links so I want to uh go through that I think the most pressing uh for tonight is the uh is the local Recreation Grant it has a deadline of February 27th and we'll take the priority order of the grant deadlines sting approach okay so we can get back to you on that I did have an opportunity to attend the team meeting of the Spring Fling uh committee this morning and there are a couple of issues not issues but questions of borrow participation Council um there meeting in two weeks and then probably for the next Council some things such as B from and some of their questions about their license so we'll have that in due course for okay any questions for the administrator at all second day thanks for joining the bar by way and welcome yes thank you welcome okay so we'll go to public comment time now uh audience members wishing to address we'll have a three minute time limit to address the Govern body on any items uh large groups are asked to have a spokesperson represent so who here would like to speak please M and of course we'll need your name and address please good evening my name is Linda trumi I'm a 25e resident um of 29 n Road in tenly I'm I'm here for a second or third time about a year ago I came and asked the committee to or brought to the attention of the committee the fact that I had put in a request to have a few trees cut down because I was trying to put solar power in and the these trees were obstructing my view or obstructing the possibility of making solar effective so you know as time went on I know that there's different committees here that are looking into the solar power but I'm here tonight specifically to ask one question um you know I'm wondering if the tree code allows me to make a formal hardship appeal for the purpose of using solar power so there is an exception um in 26- 1.6 C that enables a hardship appeal in some circumstances but I don't know if you'd consider solar power to be included in that um as a way for me to make a request so I just want to give everyone background so um so I asked Linda to come and ask our town attorney herself so so we could all hear the answer uh I have visited the property but it's it's not about can she or can't she yet it's just about can she follow that procedure the same procedure that we have for other uh hardship appeals where people say you know can I remove this tree and um I was hoping that our our council could could tell you that answer perfect thank you so what do you think that yes yes okay thank you so um the only thing is there's there's timelines by which you're supposed to file the appeal so you may actually have to request a new a permit to remove in order to comply with those timelines in other words reapp in other words new application correct she hadn't done it previously no I had I had put an application Mike looked at them and I hadn't met really any of the any of the seven you know exceptions so proc is make the application get rejected then make the appeal correct okay and I actually there were three trees one I actually do have permission to cut because it does actually meet one of the conditions but there's two remaining trees and you know I hope you'll consider it favorably um but I guess the procedures are still the procedures that are in this uh particular category right M okay so I just have to time it um just quickly I didn't notice time period look under 1.14 1 point I'm sorry what was that again 1.14 1.14 okay so I'll check that later then um okay great thank you very much I appreciate just before I let you go I know you had new neighbors now did you get an opportunity to talk to them um that the newer people moved in next they have no problem I mean if I cut the tree but I do I will have to give them of course official notice because it's close to the Border it's definitely my tree but you know I'll go according to all the normal scenarios um you know within that so so have you discuss this at length at the environment commission yeah we we uh and I've been to her house and we've discussed it um the the environmental commission came down to completely split uh so there were but I I think it was important to visit the property to kind of see what her property looks like how many trees there there are there so we had half of the commission felt that the benefits that you get with getting solar power outweigh you know those three trees that are just tall and thin um but they're very tall uh whereas the other half was looking at the fact that the trees have the benefits a little bit more than solar power but everybody in everybody would I would say collectively in that meaning uh understood that there's there's quite a lot of benefit to having solar panels right um the carbon and the Energy Efficiency some of these things that that are our goals so that was that was meetings previously then I went and visited the property and then I just had suggested for Linda to come and hear the procedure her for herself no exactly because it makes sense for me to you know not waste time in sending at all these notices if it's not even a possibility why wouldn't we ever consider tweaking to allow for solar panels to be installed well it doesn't seem like we really need to do that as of yet she's she's literally the first person come and then so well put you through the ring no that's that's my my you know Mantra I suppose there you go I guess if you put it in the code maybe it would might not have to have mitigation whereas I guess this way it seems that mitigation is required so I don't know if that's depends how they would decide to write it in well that's true right so I'm always hopeful what can I say you know okay very good thank you very much I appreciate it thank you and your perseverance that's what she wants okay are there any anyone else who would like to uh make any public comments here and it doesn't look like there's anyone online who would like to make a public comment right okay so we're close the public comment period then we have a different res we have a resolution that we have to add nonconsent agenda that's already there but there's another resolution for change order that we're adding to the non-consent agenda the number for 24 there 101 it would be 101 yes okay all right can I can I have a motion please to approve r24 91 through r [Music] 2496 I have a second can you please call the RO okay council member Corsair yes council member Menon yes council member Michaels yes council member Dr o Conor yes council member rary yes okay did I have a a motion to approve resolution 2497 so we have a second second please call the rooll council am cair yes council member men yes council member Michaels yes council member Dr o Conor yes council member rer yes have a motion to approve resolution r24 d98 please so move second please call the rooll council member corer yes council member men yes council member Michaels yes council member Dr Conor yes and council member R have a motion to approve resolution March 24- 99 please second please second please council member corer yes council member Menan yes council member Michaels yes council member Dr o Conor yes council member yes have a motion to approve resolution r2400 please um hold on have a question this submission just to make clear this would authorize the Little League field to be the subject matter for the submission okay I have a motion to approve R 24-100 have a second please second okay could you please call the roll council member Corsair yes council member Menon yes council member Michaels yes council member Dr OK Conor yes council member R yes I have a motion to approve resolution r24 d101 please so just to so again um do you need to have that one just to read the title off but it's a savings of just over $30,000 yes right um so it's a change order uh for the NJ doot fiscal year 21 angle Street roadway Improvement project from Hudson to Highwood the total was $47,476 18229 very good I have a motion to uh approve that please have a second second RS council member corer yes council member Menon yes council member Michaels yes council member Dr Okana yes and council member Le yes I get motion to approve the minutes of January 30th 2024 close session and January 30th 2024 mayor and council meeting have a second second all fa oh sorry for um before you do just one I'm doing both of yeah yeah just a question on the um the open one um since Chief Chamberlain is here um in the beginning under presentation uh it said Chief Chamberlain conducted saring in ceremony for the following officers and the officers are not uh mentioned I just thought we should put accuracy so make a change so you're G to list out the officers correct okay okay so could I get a motion to approve the minutes with the names of the offices added to the mayor and Council meeting uh minutes please I have a second second all in favor hi hi any opposed and I skipped old business my apologies does anyone have any old business to bring up we did a lot of old business during Engineers leave the engineer left right okay for the good of the order councilwoman Corsair you want to talk about downtown life yes so one of the main things that was brought up during our campaigning was to improve the curb repeal of the downtown um one um one place where I think there's a lot of potential is downtown lighting light it up especially during the you know the winter months where it gets dark pretty early um the downtown feels pretty dark and desolate so um I spoke to Susan who is amazing and she went through all the back but and she found that we have about $100,000 a little less than $100,000 that is from the American Rescue plan that is specifically for downtown lighting and it has to be used this year or it goes away so um you know I have ideas I have pictures of ideas but I don't know if I could how I could share them here but um about maybe uplighting some trees down town on Washington um that's for Aesthetics and then there's um some safety kind of lighting that we might talk about I don't know if aesco Park falls into the downtown I I don't know what the borders of the downtown are but but it gets very dark and you could want to walk from Municipal Center downtown you know I think we can talk about maybe how to light it up there but I think these are conversations that we need to start having um so we can get that going and get it done you know oh I was um so I was thinking then that um the best way for councilwoman Corsair um to proceed as I I'm very supportive of person encumbering the money so we don't lose it number one but also number two is the safety piece I'm a big Walker and I I like things to be lit so um what do you think about maybe communicating so we get a plan with with the police department so that you know like I mean like how so the way do you see the way to move this forward yeah is the councilwoman sends all your photographs and all your information send it to the clerk to distribute to the council okay for the next meeting put it on to be considered right then we have a whole Council everyone will have an opportunity to book photographs we know that there's x amount of dollars in there should be included and incl Susan and so the council understands where the money's coming from we talk about at the council meeting and then um we decide how would she know like the cost well because we're not there yet she's got a concept she wants to talk about then it's got to go out to bid or the normal process perhaps it goes to the DPW then to take a look at so we can get Cassy the way in along with the police chief and if we could if it's like uplighting cost x per uplight then we could kind of go and say you know these are the plac is that that's what I was to know the cost and then say Oh I'll do top five let's start with the concept coun person before we start getting plus together just a as a matter of kind of information perfect If We Gather but if we gather costs from vendors before it becomes part of the process very often you correct me if I'm wrong those vendors are then excluded from participating in it okay okay so send it to the clerk's office and we'll put it on the next agenda the one question I have is what are the borders of like where this downtown the American re funds would be all right Perfect all right great okay but but before she is wouldn't it be worth also hearing from the chief if there were areas in town that he thought should be lit from that area like Chief it sounds like you're being volunteer come to the next meeting or at least to talk now that we just do like safe said no yeah to throw that in the mix is there some are there some areas where you're like because I know for me as I spoken to councilman of course they like behind this building walking to arasco over that bridge very dark very is there something that is occurring to you that we should grow in the mix I'm not aware of it now but if you want us tool and help out also yeah well me yeah lighting is safety all right we have to balance I think the safety and the oh for sure upcoming meetings so I just want to let the council know that the DP has passed uh requirements to make the storm water rules more stringent for and part of that will be ready uh passed the salt storage shed ordinance that's that's already gone into effect there's going to be the storm water as well as uh looks at the tree ordinance as well to make sure that we're compliant with the new requirements the DP is putting out okay anything else that nope okay that will be coming soon okay all right new um new uh business here introduction of ordinance 2402 Omar would you like to Omar um that Omar uh the would you like to make a motion please uh sure um I move to introduce and pass on first reading ordinance 24- 2 and set to a hearing for March 5th 2024 at 8:00 P.M or as soon thereafter in the tly municipal center um could I have a second please second by you want to read the title of the ordinance yes an ordinance amending chapter 2 Article 2 Section 2.84 of the revised General ordinances to amend the responsibilities of the bur administrator Sarah Sarah yes yes Council Michael Yes councilman o Conor yes and Council Larry yes okay thank you for that okay committee reports we'll start with you counil so the Historic Society um was looking to see if there was any updates on what was going on with the electrical um at Angelique okay so yes there is so we all know the back story to the challenges of getting uh electricians in there we had an electrician who came in look it over would like to do the work Susan why don't you come to the microphone you want to talk about this also a little bit involved so right so this the electrician is a local electrician recommend that we do train station it's called an kind of infrared scan of the building okay uh a vendor comes in does an infrared scan it cost just under $2,000 $1,800 $1,800 and it measures kind of the hotpots in the building and then from those measurements they provide the burrow with a list of you have to fix this Outlet you have to replace that light okay um and we're recommending we're going to go ahead and do that produce that punch list then we'll be able to give it to the electrician to actually get the work done when is that going to happen do we have a date I think they could do it as soon as possible we they submitted all their paperwork we could approve a requisition can go in we could approve the P right think it do wor is just a check so okay so the the railroad station the original plans to where should say the latest large plan to change some of the lighting at the railroad station the recommendations were kind of beyond the scope of just repairs it was all about it was also new lighting go in which meant they had to drill through the Sandstone walls which are 18 in thick I think it is sus right drill through the sandstones put new sconces on the outside the cost that came back uh from the electricians were interested were just astronomical outside the budget and very few wanted to do it over six figures over six figures okay for what is maybe under $10,000 for electrical repairs one of the things we've learned in this process it's very interesting as I mentioned the stone walls are Sandstone so when you drill through Sandstone or electrical wires the heat turns the sand into glass and it becomes exceedingly difficult to actually Grill so most electricians don't want any part of this and it's a historic building which makes it even CH more challenging so we've told the local electricians what we want to do is just do the repairs of the existing structure and that has brought us to creating a punch list so people know how to price the job and we we was recommended we do this infrared thing as being the most you know safest appropriate thing to do so it's all underway it's all imminent at this stage so if I could add you still have a $70,000 Grant on the table matching Grant of$ 35,000 so we are spending almost $44,000 for roof repairs and coup for the train train station and painting that came out of an escrow account so that 70,000 is still on the table and we got an extension of the county of Bergen to extend the grant so that really needs to be spent pretty soon so the electrical work and everything else and the scope of work should be looked at and let's try to get it done and the materials for the roof have already been received by the vendor just waiting for w w so they can start is that it thank you does that answer your question anything else John Adam Julie I just want to encourage everybody to um for the TL Nature Center to uh support the Nature Center by U coming members as well as they have a legacy brunch uh coming up on March 10th and it is from 11:30 to 3 to 2:30 over in cluster at the brasserie um uh tickets are still available I bought my ticket there's going to be an online auction but there's going to be an auction there but you'll see the items in advance of then as well uh so please come out and support anything else I think we're good no um just uh a meeting of the uh Board of adjustment there were two applications um sorry uh two um requests for variance and uh one of them they were both approved one of them was uh multiple um requests for for different things for new a new single family dwelling um and um that was approved um and then another one um for an existing GR garage where they needed to extend kind of make it bigger um so they could accommodate a car uh at the moment it seemed like they they weren't able to accommodate uh even a small car you know so they yeah so they got the approv for that so that's it anything else that's it oh thank you okay May's remarks the only remark I have is that I'm going to uh Point Lieutenant Michael gley to the office of Deputy Emergency Management coordinator then we're going to go into CL session you want to read the uh language please resolution r 24102 at the meeting of the mayor and Council the B of tly County of Bergen state of New Jersey held on February 13 2024 be it resolved that in compliance with njsa 10 col 4-12 the mayor and Council of the B of tenly are going into Clos executive session to discuss the following matters under Personnel Senior Center contract negotiations SRO agreement and dispatchers and real property potential acquisition minutes will be taken of the meeting and released to the public at the time that the matter is resolved I get a motion to go into close please so move I have a second all in favor I thank you everybody thank you thank [Music] you