[Music] in compliance with the open public meetings at pl1 197531 the notice requirements have been satisfied meeting dates of the year are listed in the annual agenda copies are sent to the record Sub in Northern Valley Press posted on the B board in the lobby of the municipal center the notice of the special budget meeting resolution 24-65 has been sent to the record suburbanite and Northern Valley News has been posted on the B board in the lobby of the municipal center and bar website public comment is the first item a total of 15 minutes have been allocated for this purpose citizens are welcome to address the mayor and Counsel on any governmental item of concern to them whether or not is scheduled on the agenda below citizens must give their names and addresses when recognized to speak large groups are urged to select someone to represent them public is advised that these meetings are reported and are subject the public record type any members of the public in the chamber here in the meeting room see no hands okay are there any members of the public online I see no hands okay so we're going to close the comment section and go right into departmental budget reviews starting with the clerk's office okay do you need me said over here or I think you fine just fine right there okay so um office um our budget pretty much um Remains the Same outside of our election budget line item um that's due to the planting of the uh ballots because it's a presidential election that's coming up and also we also have um this upcoming 2024 the uh County committee elections so um that is the reason for the increase in that line that that makes like extra printing your St another year yes and that again by law so like for instance the county committee uh yes is that by law we have to do that or why we can't email that to people oh no this is the prining of the bence the actual bence oh just the balance but but like when you do like you always have printouts of like the the full packet and stuff yeah can we not do that and I'm well I'm just trying to save TR yeah I I I get that um it's available on the county clerk's website that information um I do it as more so as a courtesy to both committees the Republican committee and also to the I mean why don't I mean unless yeah I I don't know what you guys think again I'm just Dr think of what exactly so there are those very thick packets that you get that you know all the forms and everything oh for count for anything for any of the El what I'm saying is do we can we just have again people want to do it they can do it but just saves us truth it's legal of course imag do anything they we you know we have the budget books I don't know Municipal level well Municipal level it's um again it's more so of courtesy right so let's just do this if it's not legal a legal requirement I agree with Council of men let's just not print out all of them and then of course if people need it you link them to it if they say I don't have a computer we could do it but it's more the exception than the rule to go back to that point about computer um the the chairperson for the Republican count I believe have computer so um that's you know to keep things on a even level I if they come in you're talking about theop of thetion not not the ballot yeah that I think is just a courtesy courtesy sorry so let's just try to do it again save a tree less paper everybody WI advertis I'm not sure that advertising so advertising is um remember in 2020 we did electronic FS or was that that was 2020 yes I can reach out to the count to see where they are I think the state that one it was a state mandate but you know they had the connection but go back to the advertising budget oh okay so the advertising budget that is when um there's an ordinance or any uh notices that need to be print in a newspaper required by law and um that line item allows you to be able to publish it with bur record perfect so uh I no you said that the uh elections was increased I saw the admin recommendation so and we go 9000 because it's presidential yes every four years the elections it's in the election return it to 9,000 because there may be additional hours historically we spent 7500 yeah so on first brush we back toy so 2020 is this rep yes right so yes so with that we raise it okay thank you what happens so we get reimbursed by account so we see the negative here where's the positive is in the revenu page we're getting reimbursed for the entire cost ofy yes so how does that so sometimes we coner back into the line so you go into the line with it so it doesn't show up anywhere won't show up generating a surface okay but if we know so if it's a guarantee that the government pays us back for it you're you're having so going up to 9,000 is that my point is we just take out the 9,000 Al together if we know we're getting r you don't know when and you if it comes in after the budget is done we put it into Miss L not anticip has to be in the budget for the money to be appropriate us to spend it and then it gets Reed a later so it could back goes into that abyss of surplus well well that's not that's important Sur we can we can draw back to the line but you can't you wouldn't be able to expend the 9,000 without coration it's back for it comes in after the year Surplus good any have questions I'm good with it well done sorry to not ask you really hard question Mr Mayor do you have any questions do you have any questions for Omar see I'm gonna ask one question just talk about what how how does it work I'm just looking at the compensation line of a couple of employees here and how does it how does this dealt with like are are the receptionist the assistant anybody in a non-represented you know a uh bargaining unit or what like your wagees a flat year year so with genies and sioban I should contract all right everybody everybody let's focus all out of contract so we have to leave it flat unless somebody's getting longevity during the year and then we are capturing this in a reserve line later in bud so say that again I I heard what you said and I was interested in those last two lines s okay so when we don't when everybody's out of contract or some of these individuals are non-represented what we do is is we keep the budget flat and we estimate an amount in the payroll reserve line that we anticipate would be our potential increases have you done that right yes so this so let's just pick a number let's say the final contract is 2% you've already got that money set aside for all these employees yes including Omar well is he not represented at all he's not represented well it's estimated right now as we get closer to the end the question is do you have in that whole number you have I have you have a reserve for the % right what what I believe to be the reserve now as we get towards the end of this closer to one we're going to adopt some of these numbers could be tweaked when I look at it with a auditor but it's close to whatever it's going to so you have a reserve for all the employees on the page I have a reserve for all employees out of contract that work non represent yes what talk yeah no no no I'm just talking about the cler's office so for Omar and all these people I just want to be clear everyone's included okay the only and I was goingon to ask this question it's a huge payroll adjustment and we need but but we're all sitting around and I'll I'll take I'll just speak to myself we're all sitting around being feeling good with ourselves that our numbers are in line and you're actually increasing the salaries by three full percentage Yeah how much is the reserve number $4,000 yeah and that may have to go up some of that discussion we may want to have in CL o' you're in public session right now and you don't want to tip your hand to those that well for that anyway so that pretty easy uh okay do that yeah we should wait can I ask a question okay so Omar I know that you have been the one who's updated the website with different uh messages and stuff did I miss in here is is the website under your perview is that the costes out that comes out of okay so I guess then um right now it's just we have a situation where when things need to be updated Omar's the one that's contacted and I just I want to know if maybe that's going to be considered as a a process issue when we are um budgeting for website uh you know funding is is that still going to be the understanding like so for example the mayor and I were talking about promoting the composting program and it was like okay it's it's Omar who does it but is it should it be a different person or a different company is it I speak delates also a g yeah oh okay all right so I have um jie and Cara my office delate that t so this is stilled the way to do it you know we'll just with whatever we appropriate for the website still go to you I mean un unless all more if someone else thinks there's an issue working so I when we uh started the work on the on the website there was nobody in the uh in the borrow that could handle that um and Omar was on all the calls with us so Omar this is one of his uh you know part of his job description he took it on as an outside thing you know his office but it was housed in the our administrators uh Department because we thought the responsibility should Li with the minister but at this point it it's up to our administrator to decide you know if that still should be ongoing but you know just to let uh or should it be housed in the but no no I mean right now it's housed in the it was originally housed in the clerk's uh Department move to the admin's department and then U you know but the question and with the clerk having responsibility over this but it was kind of a an unfunded responsibility so so the money that we paid for the website is ADD of the admin but the function is performed in clerk so you ever wanted to move we could move that line item into the cler's office and get dat out of the cler's office or remain and the ad want the duties perform right and also I well go either way may want could be a time doesn't matter you're talking about expense for say right and a certain amount of that does get delegated out to the the other department so like ABW you know they have somebody there that but some of the other departments will will ask is there any site or salary considerations Associated for any of your staff with website y apologies being question talking $400,000 adjustment that was my only question questions the office Omar you want say um no has been doing a very excellent job in my estimation you know um know pretty much most P the burrow and um you know we aim to you know Ser residence there B I think doing a very good job I agree when when you do request where is that first of all I'm guessing that now you know the number of over request come down to well over it pretty much remained the same throughout my sen maybe throughout year on aage so but I I would say a good 90% of the open requests I received are um building department related so they're looking for open permits closed permits um sometimes you may sneak in there from the tax assessor's office looking for the property reference card and every so often a list of taxes paid on the property and then you know there of course there's the outlier request for you know certain information and you know had to be more of a DI okay any other questions for the CL all right wonderful thank you all thank you thank you let's move on to the administration okay I um together a summary for you by just for quickly um some of the the devotes uh for the Department of administration one I would like to develop a performance management system uh that provide strategic efficiencies tracking enhancing public online capabilities seemly provide services in advanced CI I've been looking at a couple of different platforms uh that were getting some demonstrations on and some pricing I do have a faceh holding number in the budget that I think is a is a reasonable number right now 30,000 yes that's that's that would be a combination something for tracking of of resources as well as this rep management um right now we have a lot of silos that are are performing commissions with the Departments and the reporting up is not there's not an electronic version of being able to have a dashboard the goal would be is to have all of this reporting sort of um visually uh ready for for the governing body and for administration to have a snapshot at any point in time as to where we are proceeding with our goals and are we on track off track under budget over budget um and uh rather than having Council have to wait and ask at a meeting you know what is the or S there will be certain information that would be bu up into that that would give you a visual and you would hover over it and drill down into details if you want to drill into the weeds of everything it would be there as well um so that you could find some of this stuff and then ask important questions as to what is need um so I would just ask for that consideration being put into the budget and then as we dive into the various platforms we'll roll that out as what the options would be and what differences could be different the next would be um and in that is going be a priority placed on tracking the data on Resident request uh which are also inform registration govern value on investing in Services facilities and programs adapting to the data sered so if we're not if we're not having a measurement tool and constantly seeing what we are we're not going to we're sort of Shing in the dark as to what we're what we're providing invest um getting to resources is that you get to the first two items yes you're thinking standard Lo programs applications or like number two a GIS well a couple of the programs that we're looking at would be a moving everything to one platform or at least feeding into that platform um and really we're going to be getting a a risking out in the cost of all the ious software programs that everybody is using some are going to be statutorily or regulator required uh some could be moved out of silos for it like pet licensing for an example that contract was off that hasn't been performing as well as more would like it to be so this would be a solution to that did um hopefully we'll be able the system will get files and and data in puted from Edmond our financial management system so we get budget snapshot to see but yeah so we incorporate all of that GIS tracking one of the platforms is called Bel pilot they have uh over 200 modules that you can participate some of them are segmented a little bit too narrow so that you add on a bunch of modules so we'll talk with them if that's if that's the solution there's also Clearo strategies and this that we're taking look at plus with Civic plus Civic plus does have some modules U they they haven't been as responsive I think that as so reaching out to them see if there was some reason whether it makes sense to expand on that or just have Civic plus simply do the website boting so a lot of this would be on the back end on the website be user friendly click for some reason we decide that's viable you know and you want to scrap it would you suggest scrapping it or would you suggest I think for the website hosting I think we would keep it we just invested in that and there's been a lot of training and orientation and I think Omar and his staff have a pretty good science um they've given me access to it so I just have to make sure sure I'm not disrupting something that gets posted so I'm very careful with that so I don't cause Omar to get gray hair um uh so getting into the jior resources function you go first just one more if we could work into you mentioned a number of uh things we could do with this software the the one that I know you and I have spoken about is uh the scheduling of the candus room yes seems to be very popular so so with autate wage and me we want to have you know our Parks whatever yeah yeah parks to all that could be they this platform so you I know parks and re has a system so we need to see what what they need from that system and they move over to another system uh construction C enforcement just now I think went live Monday for the Mitchell Humphrey software so obviously we're not going to take all that investment in training that they just did and say we're hit that to the new it would be taking that feeding feeding that data into and not duplicating the cost of wasting so my comment because we were talking about the website Julie mentioned it a minut ago uh we put an updated link to um composting there and one of the things so I went on there to search for it was there but I really couldn't find it and so my point is is what we're updating the website or anyone's making suggestions to put on the website whatever's going on we have to always think about it in terms of we know too much like I know who family composting 99.9% of the residents have no clue nor do they care nor do they want to care they like want to go to maybe public works and then see composting in alphabetical order because logically alphabetical order is where it so we always have to remember that the website is that nobody knows what we know so therefore it has to be written in a way that they can find it very very easily that's my monologue can I ask or I'm sorry you were going about to go Human Resources I can I'll wait till after go um okay so I just my question had to do with um um I just had seen under the area where you talk about the Engineering Services and the engineering professional Fe I was just curious um why storm water expenses were separate from engineering um and like why are they separate like what what are they we tracking it we are tracking it so engineer said to put it I think it was 35,000 yeah 35,000 water expense yeah separate and what is that made of the stor water what is that is that what he's like doing the CT mapping is that like what that's a so so Julie just brought up the the cobbert mapping okay that's $150,000 project and Andy has recommended that we start um doing that at about 50 ,000 a year know the storm order is coming or has become a more and more major issue so so should that be is this that I just didn't it with this and's going to make a presentation he's one of the things discuss tonight um so we can certainly you know add it to it later once Council OPP to talk about it we hadn't used any in 2023 uh we had used all of it in 2022 so I just that's why was asking okay so we might have to ask Andy kills have been submitted as well okay 11 increase I'm curious you're welcome to ask the question P6 has a 14% overall increase corre the administration yeah yeah that but that's also combining or eliminating of HR so you got to go a couple Pages afterwards yeah we had in the past we've had separate inle we combine the two so if you take the HR budget which is at zero right now one net savings are 40 increase I flat yeah it would be flat so it's n increase in the in the administration department 30 of that 40 was for the Performance Management soltion so you're going add 30 to that and and 40 to this budget as it relates to HR expensive and that'll eliminate on the other side and that's before you include the fact that the HR software doesn't get paid pension benefits to healthare which yeah and on the HR function why while that why that is part of one of the solutions that we're looking at is the entire HR process it's 100% paper and see Pap that um and uh you know it's a fact of you know we have departments keeping their own Personnel files which really gets to some Advance there should be one file the exception of that is the police department for a number of reasons the police need to have their personnel files separately but right now uh DPW keeps all of their personnel file it's there it's not centrally located and you know if we Face litigation or EPL things in the future we need to have a reliable source of here's the official one what uh so you know leave request uh a lot of the M question so you know if we do this electronically that's going to save on staff resources time plus trats um so that would be a you know there would be the expense of the $30,000 but then there would be an annual cost and that's what we'll delve into which system is best system to get us there um on the human resources side a it's called form that we're looking at but it's not the and that would also in theory take the Human Resources office physically that's down the other end H and it's fing and storage and stuff that would that to what take a look at one more I don't know which whatsoever take a look at one called track star okay that's one that I just got introduced to okay the thing I like and again I bet LDS do the same thing and it's included so nothing free but my favorite my day job is there's learning uh modules you could learn a language or this that I think that'd be a cool value ad for 160 employees right there's cool trainings also do payroll and everything else I don't know about P but it's all yeah so definitely look at it um because we're not married learning um one of the things that that we spend a lot of Staff time on when we get to this in Susan's budget she has a lot of FTE that are really focusing on payroll you know taking a lot of that interpreting contracts and and timing attendance so there may be like ation to move toward Works electronic typ that would super and and I know that that gets you know regarded as Big Brother looking but it's really helps the employee as well as the employers we have it I mean your point of litigation and everything else data Access Data you know immediacy and accuracy no question whether this should all be on that would be you put all the rules from your contracts into this and it really does a lot of the ftu work for Susan's department and she utilize some of those FS more so under the Le under the stigma free committee uh there's no over at page 18 no problem with um cutting that budget from five to two because we did have an activity but it did not cost is close to five so I don't think we're going to have a problem on that if we needed more we'd let you know we I think two is fine my question actually had to do with because I want to make sure I can go back to the committee and tell them what I learned if we skip ahead of page 22 there seems to be a signify Grant and I just want to know that we hadn't spent last year is that Grant still um valid like is that something that we could SP I just wanted to kind of know when I'm going back and telling that yeah so I I have to get information on that look at the grant requirements and the deadlines see what's been done okay great um and then generally with with all of these um sub areas like the S free I basically just went and looked at the Historical and you know put a number in that was was relative to that so if there is something like the postage for uh for the election if there something that you think we need to keep up to a higher amount we can do that but the recommendation is really purely based on the historical average so can I get back to the human resource time attendance thing yes so I do that for a living for the count because it should be easy here because there's only five more contracts I do 25 right yeah day today 25 contract and they're all different all every single um there are to combine both their thoughts their programs out there State contract and whatever I do both human resources and time attendance some of them have gr or evening in doing fingerprints on Performance Management not yet just just time system when you using right now we are using unicorn hro on the fence about Rec or something this small it would be great my job Su they just not the count is just too complex we pay custom sense was another really good one they were not they were in the running but they couldn't handle our health benefit uh they they all have time management grow areas they they work with Chronos Keepers simp super clean you said captures all the Shi differents all the employees to shoot out my system speaks it to is the ADP system also biometric so is the time keep syst okay or the time the pay pronos right is the time keep system so if you clock on your computer or fingerprint or whatever you choose that's fits out a Excel file to 8 hours regular 8 hours OT all employee number 10 his salary 8 hours this and I and I know some organizations that had some results Kronos is physical clock the guys who make that software Kronos is and it also allows you to utilize device the clock Wii so we have employees who work on the golf course there was there was a software called time trap which is a little bit more rudiment would basically just in it's a different world out there that could feed into Edmonds but um you know that we want to get the best scenario that we can to save your whatever program you pick uh the chief tells the company that wents pass these out get the time sheet from every officer every F so when we it's the culture shock that gets everyone and when we went with the chef sh s while the P export I did absolutely nothing but yell captains who then got trapped from Lieutenant sergeants we like no Captain's job Captain yell at your sergeant and liutenant don't know how you operate I don't care on you they got wrong got underpaid overid about PR PL because I been hearing a lot of stuff were pretty good they really could have handle our Contra well we're super rare C mods were manys something size all of them should work love all of them whatever so so actually Dan reminds me um on page 15 we're GNA have to make a different C the environmental commission so um they had wanted Susan you might remember this with the the chair coming to you they had wanted 10 this year rather than five oh yeah do remember okay and and the reason is they're going to be supplementing the compost program for you know the next year plus they've been giving some of that budget over to the Green Team for the maintenance of the flower so that that really can't be cut we were actually asking for increase but that as you know um Susan that we were looking to to do that question it was five to go she wanted it to go to 10 where are you seeing the five page page 15 was the 23 appropriation was [Music] 5,000 oh you about the total the total I don't exact know exactly like if it goes in on professional feed or supplies and maintenance or something but um she had we wanted that to go to 10 because the composting program for it to sustain and make sure we don't if we dip underneath the families and we expand it out um we wanted the buffer for CH so not to U I'm not to 10 I just have a question um not not off hand there's these that one of our for like St New Jersey and that's like a small Grant and she's applying for like GE applying that one but and we use yeah we lose that one all the time why do we so anyway but that I just wanted to convey that she wanted to go from five to 10 for who she Olga Olga and we had as you see there in last year and I'm not sure if all those bills came in but Susan you probably remember this they were um you you see that well that's 3400 was actually appropriated but I know that she end we ended up getting the wood for the flower B because you always having this issue of you were trying to reimburse individual gardeners and it was a big nightmare so you said let's just yeah we take it okay but so so that's the deal if we we'd like to request 10 so it's just for the well it's well 10 for the environmental commission but environmental commission um had paid uh purchase order over the comp mik I don't where you want to put that all right so you're going to something else the website um there's a website spent for 20,000 do we know what that um what that's about whether it should go up or down Ian I think that's our contract hosting for probably okay and then um um two things one of the the legal services uh every year it looks like what page you want before we go there are we are is there a consensus to move that environmental commission I'm happy with it go ahead no I think in order for me to update the budget document I have to make sure I don't miss anything so we're flipping around and we might I might Mis page it and then I won't know if it's been discussed or so how do you want to handle I want just go through like go through you want to start what page you want to start well start from yeah make sure that you guys are on the same page she yes so I didn't have a question about um the increase in salary for these essentially um this is for the HR duties yes and so you're kind of saying that between you and the assistant to the G the two can handle all T related to yes it's your function um now say 30 I saw the 5,200 could in the HR is that so what is what is that that was VA right that was the statement that was P but it's still in there it okay January not Contin that's it January February okay so I'm fin with page question about the gr writing we have a grant writer is this just in there um you know just in case I mean it's specific for the fire department you know we already have just something on tonight's agenda grant writing I don't believe we don't have David like a simple chart that says in 2023 we apply we spent this much money applying grants and we got this many grants that were directly related to that we I don't believe dis agree we should do that is so was Millennium was they was the 20 Millennium got paid for Grants you know we do that on a monthly subscription basis and then our engineers get some money for Grants occasionally not engineering budget right but but we still need we do we need to know how much do we spend on grants and did it result in anything we know we got grants we know we spent money we never done the side by side so I just wasn't sure I want to get back to you what was what was encumbered that 7,000 well that's one question and then the other question is the 12,000 where it includes the increase includes gr 12000 for the fireart yeah so was that was that expense in fire by itself and we comb yeah the fire department requested $122,000 to be added into their department but I put it into your so for for sake of just to throw it out there as an example right we got about $150,000 Grant but the uh old swim club right was about 150 or 160 right it was 90,000 87 87 did Millennium do that Grant no that's that's the one we do in house we did it in house County one okay County Eng so Jimmy did that basically yes okay all right so I get it we'll I'll come back with that information you want to see if you if you're getting any of course you know maybe we should be increasing the grand dollar spend or maybe we should be we can't say right now and I think we should just and I don't know if this wor up was going there should just be one bucket of grant money right and and we use it efficiently you know operations management like one pile is better than having 407 right well I mean I'm just saying if if within the um the way we operate we have to do it as separate buckets that's that's one thing but if if we can combine them or if you know so and so en at the brands that's for everybody else they can also do for the fire department P that's this is for all departments except for the grants that the engineer is Right engineering one is under okay so so other professional fees this this 801 line is all Grant doll well I'd have to see if there's anything else other than grant writing and other professional fees okay okay right yeah AUD and see okay so it is all well no there's engineering is not except for engineer every time we ask for we should keep moving because we're running out of time guys anybody have anything on page eight wait you better all agree to this because it's fine okay anything on page eight n there was the question about the website expenses so you can just okay let us know what that is anything on nine I have a question we know that page n question on N we have 125 ,000 in network expenses so we're talking about $10,000 a month for Network expenses yeah that's that's the shared services ofo shared services of school school district well we pay the school district for services $10,000 a month for what Wii email seems egregiously high and if you add to it we also see and Jamie discussed previously there an $888,000 number in here for K so that would put you at over 200,000 or 15 18,000 a month phones and network well and one of the things that we we want to look at they the school it people have a proposal into us they want us to move from Microsoft U to Google and and you know Google may be the good a good platform for schools I'm not so sure it's a good platform for mpal I work for the man who invented Google Chrome for classrooms use it that work it's fabulous for class an abominable that was literally work for the men to created I'm thinking that um we want to get to a point where we can evaluate what server what what programs we have on servers that they're maintaining and the goal to reduce this I think is to eliminate servers and go cloudbased things that we can BR course and it directly to your point I think we did this last year but please remind me we did try to see what it would cost if we did it ourselves there was a lot more than yeah if you have your own we looked at this last year but you coup with the phones so I would separate that so so this the phones again in my old company we got rid of phones all together we did everything through voice over I again this is the perfect example of back in the you know 1500 yes I have to get back to you as what's right let's do take a step further and say we got rid of phones and we pay employees $30 a month for their use of their cell phone be careful but definitely everything should be over the Internet the price the last leg of that is the last leg of that is going the Verizon is taking the copper out so this name number go over to and one thing you could do you want to look at is again we actually got rid of telephones on our we didn't have telephones on our desk you did it all the headset on your computer everybody has a computer absolutely that could be where you're paying for 88,000 I think we already own the equip the shortel equipment so Susan would you know how old that is monthly fee or leasing or I don't really know how I'll take a look at that he less than four those F yeah less than four less than four years oh [Music] perhaps all right we're running out of time so let's not page 10 what's up who has com page 10 so the uh Legal Services it went from 100 to and is that just contractual it's cuz the retainer went up slightly and so I factored that in eng now every year uh you know we've had that you know 25 I guess it's just but uh 100 we we were spending 136 100 we were spending 146 you know so I I'd like to see that you know kind of just kept down to the one I think it'll change this year but it's like it's like if there's less problems legal will go down I think it was dependence right I think it was more dependence what do you mean oh oh I see of certain people calling the attorney too much I think once that changes I think and there could be call the attorney too much there could be some control on that so if if the if the dialogue could go through essential points and not having a of people make calls that typically typically what happens is the B administrator and the mayor try to do the funneling for sort of keep track just so you all know my contract is such that I either take direction from the group at the day or it has to be approved by the administrator or the mayor for me to do so that's how the contract and phone calls are under retainer so that's said right but you you track the retainer as as youring soer runs out there's items under the retainer items outside of the retainer if I get you know there's 30 hours now on the retainer was adjusted to do for certain number of hours versus just back down um if it goes over I okay okay anything on page 11 page 12 well 11 just the question was going to be to find out why the storm water was te out separate that that was corre we got get more detail from Andy on that quick question engineering go ahead I assume that everything we discussed relates to engineering fees in uh in Open Session that's C is that what these are these are the engineering fees that are things we previously in other words so there's two types of engineering fees generally one for very specific projects right so going to build a building for $300,000 we'll probably have you know nine or 10% of engineering fees for that project right Susan I assume that gets buil to that project right there's fees and the first line for other professional fees is where recording the grants the second line is any work that they're doing like proposals and general engineering so what happens is the council will ask her we want we need to do X we have a water problem we need to solve it so the engineers have to draw up a plan for that and it cost x amount of dollars to do that there's no real project yet right so it goes into our general engineering piece is it may not come to anything or it may but these are pre these are pre-ordained things that we know we're doing it this money or is this a available to us for those to it's really it's available to us because we don't know what we might be doing exactly six months from now separate engagements conversation you exp apologies last question and why is it it doubles for 2024 are we anticipating incremental discretionary project spend go from 36 to 7 so you spent 62,000 22 and 62,000 23 I'm looking at engineering and 36 across the board so that's appropriated versus actual right below in the last two years you so we're we're budgeting based on the realistic right page 12 anything on 13 well traic again sear said something else anything on 13 also 14 page 15 16 clerk 17 or 18 the 15 you had gotten the request for where are you make don't what page John 16 seems very you have a line item Mental Health Center very bad look that a zero here no it's 7,000 and then the bud cont all that I think Omar don't you put that through I'm sorry Advantage is advantage or is the county Advantage no that's not the county Advantage all right 17 by the way while you know for the two two new council members then then the new head of Flor you know so sometimes we have residents with through various Communications neighbors family members that just need help and so we have people we call whether there through the senior center the advantage to go out and help people looked like a zero to me 17 the Nature Center we're now putting that in under capital is that open space we' been using open space for that correct so it's no longer appearing in our operating budget the last year it did was a 21 and and that is 50,000 for for this year what did we budget last year I I think it was 50,000 but that would be discussed when the nature the nature right we're not making that decision okay page 18 so are we okay with the with the reduction in the S fre that's fine um then my only question was because in a few more pages there is a signif grant and that was we look into right yeah I know that welcome committee requested an incre did they get it I this say requested 65 recommended 65 so let me uh does a great job no I remember roxan saying something about um they did more events and do more printing and stuff so I can Circle back and just answer let's get come back to the team with with 65 or not yeah right now it's at the same level as it's last year 65 okay let me we got to keep going because we're running out of time page 21 what is an alliance gr why that go which one what is an alliance municip Alliance that's Municipal Alliance the cap what page 21 it went down because we had AUM and we disbanded it and now it's just us which we're getting our fair share should 22 23 24 hold on back 233 well actually I think we I think the police and uh someone I don't know who yet or David and IA have to talk about this there there should be some reporting and decision made by the governing body on how we're going to utilize this so This reflects we we have an opposite Revenue number to reflect this grant number that you feel we're going to get this year yeah so this is really a placeholder because we don't know what we're going to do with this money right but we have to make a decision because I think some reporting has to be done with this so so I guess David I think unless I'm mistaken we need the council and I we need guidance as to what can we use that money for how do you put it towards good use so now that we have 100% right I we use T right we just need to have some direction mayor I think the issue is we don't know education part I went to a seminar with it and I think Captain here too okay so somebody has to monit right okay we'll get there all right page 24 same issues the contractual here right right page 2 5 26 27 28 and 29 all right 31 no questions 33 perfect we're done oh where Administration where yes what kind out of time yeah the council meeting so so we'll do that let's do David let's take that up first thing Saturday morning ask question just ask a question yeah sorry wrong I mean me I'm I've got my wrong Saturday all right you GNA read it okay we need everybody's attention we're going to go into closed session the clerk needs to read something into the record at a meeting of the mayor council Ro temply County of Burgen of New Jersey held on March 5th 2024 the resolved in compliance with njfa 10 4-12 the mayor and Council the btif according to Executive session to discuss the following matters a contract negotiation PBA police dispur DPW driver labor Min will be taken of the meeting and released to the public at the time that that matter is resoled have a motion to go into close please second all in favor [Music]