[Music] longere in compliance with the open public meetings act PR 1975 chapter 231 the notice requirements have been satisfied the meeting dates for the year are confirmed at the annual meeting are posted on the public Bolton board in the lobby of the municipal center and published in the record within the first 10 Days of the New Year Chief could you be so kind as pleas little to the flly please anyone rise please America your allegiance to the flag United States of America rep stands nation under God indivisible liy Justice Mark you please call the RO Council coair here counc men here counc Michaels pres counc Dr here park here here here okay chief tonight um we're thrilled to be uh appointing three new offices so when you're ready it's all yours I'm ready all right most guilty of getting too far with the microphone right so people at home watching right so I got St on the microphone yes please even everyone Council mayor attendees officers of the department uh tonight is uh is is a wonderful night for the borrow and for the police department it's a night of a new beginning New Beginning for three new officers with that new beginnings obviously there's been the departure of some officers the first uh um ping this evening is to fill uh the separation retirement of a 30-year veteran uh Sergeant Wayne Hall who a decorated officer of this department um who have very big shoes to fill and has a great legacy miss him uh every day uh we thank him for his service that he provided to the burrow the second the second um hiring today um is to replace an officer who was here for a short period of time uh Mr M was a great officer uh providing a great service while I was here in a short time uh but he realized that his calling was the fire service and he moved on to the fire part you something and I you know something uh wish people something to follow their dreams and is's having success over there and uh and we wish him well the third hire tonight is uh to fill the void created by the uh the increase T organization um from uh the position of the school resource officer for the middle school so uh that is to fill that void so what we're going to do and C was G to take some photographs there'll be some pauses here but I would like to have I'm already out of order officer Jacobson come up to to the microphone quick bio and then you so just here Chris Jacobson family of New Brunswick and now Hoboken Bor degree and clal Justice with a minor in Psychology from Ruckers University Christ scored High marks in all the processes that make up the hiring process in the department you then passed a battery of other tests and exams to qualify for employment to be accepted into the police academy on July 6 2023 was swor in in my office and officially became a Bor employee uh he started the Burgen County Police Academy class of what class were you 131 sir 131 uh later that month and graduated in a ceremony at Felician University in L night last week we always measur each othered by classes I was class of 72 so don't don't do any na um during this time the academy here Jacobson earned run up to the iron Man Award which consists of a groom physical fitness contest amongst other few qualifying candidates B Jacobson is currently in field training here in the department on patrol with assigned fto officers the academy teachers a Cadet had to be a police officer in the state of New Jersey but the field training program teaches an officer how to be a police officer in their home jurisdiction uh he should be completing the field training process assignment sometime next month and will be assigned to the Patrol Division under the C member Squad Lieutenant uh we have thr to have him on our team um we don't what to have the family come out something and hold the Bible because the brige his family lives a little bit out of the way so Omar is going to do the elf and I will presting the badge I state your name I Christian Jacobson do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments establishing the United States and the governments of the establishing of the United States and in this state under the authority of the people and in the state under the authority of the people I will Faithfully I will faithfully and partially and partially and justly perform all the duties and justly perform all the duties of the office of probationary police officer on the office of the probationary police officer for the B tly for the B 10i according to my according to the best of my ability according to the best of my abilties so help me God so help me God thank you sir RI please approach J Rees of clipp New Jersey ear a bachelor's degree in chology and chal Justice from will Pon University jelle also scored High marks in our Pro hiring process um in the department having a dispat position open Joel was hired as a police dispatcher for a couple of months prior to the police officer position opening up October 4th 2023 was sworn as a probation police officer with the Department he started the P County Police Academy class of 60 October 12th Joe was halfway through the academy to be graduated in a couple months uh PR is uh is being trained in all require objectives set for the training commission the only difference is that he receiv seeing in Newland County ber who's going to bake he went to bake as a matter of timing um the fact we get some train the F we get them out that service not that we want to rush anything there was really an opportunity and it's actually probably working for him Liv in Clifton so he a shorty Drive um we also on the full training assignment that is describe officer Jacobson doing right now when she successfully graduates the academy uh we thrilled to have Fus uh on our team um she uh office we're going to have uh uhis gar his mom Ral and D Jose presenting the badge St your name j Rees do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in this state under the authority of the people in this state under the authority of the people I will Faithfully I will Faithfully partially and partially and justly perform all the duties and justly perform all the duties of the office of probationary police officer of the office of probationary police officer for the bur of tenly for the bur of tenly according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help so help me go all right Fe right see coach F of Oak and now in West mord New Jersey Nicholas listed in the United States bra Club in 2013 and Roose to the assignment of milit tell police officer from 2019 2021 before being honorly discharged in August of 2021 he attended the American NE University with and college credits for the focus in counterterrorism studies nichas also skyed scored High marks and all the processes that make up having process he in the department having a dispatch position open uh that was F occupied by joal beenal chair for the dispatcher position um he was hired with a dispatcher to fil on December 19th uh he was SW as a prob police office with the Department to fill position a by the T organization the creation of a new Sr position in the middle school we'll be attending the next uh so we'll be attending this the next soon to be starting Poli Academy see bur Pake having WR the paper little bit issues with the academy and so it's either next month or it's going to be uh p uh proficient in dispatching all as he wents to start the academy uh he was getting Head Start Department processes procedures practice and the systems establishing T weally to have him on our team tonight hold will be his uh brother Matt and who is be girlfriend Courtney I stage your name hi Nicholas fi you swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Saint and I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Saint and to the governments established in the United States and to the government's establishing United States and and in this state under authority of the people and in this state under the authority of the people I will Faithfully I will Faithfully partially and partially and justly perform all the duties and justly perform all the duties of the office of probationary police officer of the duties of probationary police officer for B tly for the B tly according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me go all right moving along so now that concludes the hiring portion of the uh of the evening now we're going to hand War promotion for the evening defective could you please approach detective cillo and a boun degree in criminal justice from York College of Pennsylvania tried being hired by the T FL Police Department on July 1st 2005 st's career here in the agency is a police officer serving proximately nine years the Patrol Division before we signed as investiga Department effective be in 2014 during this time in the department Alex served a most respons capacity of a tactical entry person he became a fire as a defensive tactics instructor and has been providing valuable instructions of department members ever since during his time in the detective be detective cillo has proven himself to be an outstanding investigator and successfully identified and arrested dozens of individuals for L of CLS made from robbery Ry theft s narcotics and thr to new some he's he's also the recipient of life saving all service and exceptional Service Awards received the unit citation and a letter of commendation he's relied upon by the members of the department and other agencies for his advice and expertise in the field of Investigations the department and the B are both very foring the benefit from not staying and J the service he provides to the Community techic School exam was on thetion for motion by the selection panel I am confident he will establish himself as a great firstman supervisor um you please do the the his wife did not make something so I hold Bible and I will present his badge I see your name I Alex cordillo do Solly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the con of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Saint and I will bear Fair truth faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in this state under the authority of the people and in this state under the authority of the people I will Faithfully I will Faithfully partially and partially and justly perform all the duties and just to perform all the duties of the office of police sergeant of the office of police sergeant for the bur of tly for the bur of tly according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me gu so help me gu all right that's all the Oaths now going to move on to some awards G me for some of them are little delayed but they are much deserved and I have lieen Sergeant will officer Chadwick uh if you're in attendance approach think officer chck actually I spoke to him he could not make it he has young children and uh his penting duties 10 2022 at 1206 a.m. Poli received a 911 report of motor vehicle crash and 9W 911 operator report five individuals wi inside of a c scre for help uh there were additional reports of the crash uh reports that the crash vehicle have been intentionally rammed off the road never pursuing vehicle patrols r with the PIP unit the first to arrive on scene quickly determined crash cod in Alpine C quickly became chaotic with Val and toy vehicles and Friends of the occup shutting up without hesitation officer chowck along with the PIP officer began caring for passengers that were dangerously positioned under the suspended vehicle Sergeant Nicholas Ru former fire department member Cent ENT arrived shortly after and jumped into the vehicle that was prly wed between some trees to care for the injured officer traic Sergeant n CR police officer all work to free the injured passengers and get them on their way to area hospitals for Urgent critical cure we than really the highest L see assumed SE management responsibilities for ear emergency service functions that were present Opera in one another was shut down and the landing Zone was established for helicopter motorb back count Pro office a fatal accident responded the process the scene which now deted to be a crime scene for that quick response and actions during this traumatic car crash involving five TI Sergeant R and officer tra are are receiving sing award and Lieutenant receiving honorable service one bares I'm sorry S Barnes and Al Adams Ser not here probably r have theong question here on September 2 2022 Sor motor PP Was Heard over the radio that uh that monitors boarding jurisdictions the routin report of a crash quickly escalated to a not routin report of a crash when the pp officer was heard requesting any available units to respond their bodies everywhere without hesitation Sergeant Barnes officer BR Adams and officer respond to the scene to assist words of Sergeant Barnes the scene was very chaotic with several people L grass M between the highways officers were having a difficult time opening doors and coming s requested the T5 fire departy to respond to ass assist dation was sent to close the of the PIP two s also Adam assisted with the care of the Eng passengers outload them into stretchers intoing ambulances Adams was in with manag traffic vehicles for the K investigation in ter of the driving event I explain a medical episode or fell sleep behind the whe theway um killed a few people and injured many and the quick actions that led to uh to inj pass receiving trauma Lev care quicker and assisting in SE safety to Lim further injuries so B service award the next officer couldn't be here tonight again paron duties I talked to him today was officer SM ACC srl this happened when he was our traffic officer on May 24th 2022 officer SM dakis assigned to the Traffic Division observed a 2020 Black Range Rover parked in the B lot of the basketball courtsense plates and checking the VD number the Dash came back invalid upon F inspection the V play appear to be anual that might have been tampered with I check of the VIN number in the door National dasboard number but again was the B smist cressed on having motor vehicle um pretty high IQ of vehicles and rep Parts pressed on and located VIN number located in the compartment and to no surprise was stolen was staying New York City 6 months prior suspecting the vehicle was likely connected to the service station across the street contact with theual vehicle to engine meing review of the documents the carfax report at the Carfax can sell your stor car um text messages uh with the seller the thorough conversation interview with the owner was determine the now owner at purchase a stone vehicle something uh should have hardly raised the own suspicion when we P $65,000 for a current B for $15,000 will say goes by be rare unfortunately the owner had to Forfeit the selling property and the money paid but the rifle owner the vehicle can now know that insurance company that's pay high Insurance exps uh for your for your intuitive investigative techniques applied in this case that return you was not here but you on April officer [Music] Cooper April 1st 2022 I broadcasted on the lookout for Mercedes-Benz one for possible abduction shortly after the B officer Vincent Cooper would just finished check my vir name spotted the vehicle traveling north T FL in t flag on temp closer distance the vehicle accelerated and turned onto a side street to AV Us Cooper fortunately was able to catch up and stop the vehicle the female driver pajamas a b slipper was shaking when she spoke to Cooper she had a small cut above her NE and red smin on her face the now was seen in the passion suit who she could think was a b but she wouldn't provide his name cop continued to reach into de seat shortly after P was joined by the police officers after separating the male and female officer report they he oberved video recording for the male s and the female and subsequent Place arrest small am our under the seat that's where he was actually moving toward the bottom of the seat I'm afraid to think of what would have happened to the female could not spot and stop the call when he did for his astute observations and quick actions off cward service more um Micha this one got a part to April 19 2023 Captain Mike T M noticed what appeared to be masonary work uh being performed on the front stairs over ne's home it was at the same time he recall the contractor's vehicle and Lads for the description of a recent law enforcement bulletin warning about Gypsy naon contractors operating in the area at this time he use Sak as Sur on team to assist on speak to two contractor onse the suspicions were imly heightened by the L's Behavior being exhibited by both contractors the conflicting information they both were providing The Limited information provided about the business they work for couldn't couldn't call their business owner they couldn't they couldn't find his number I was at that point the contract was found to be unlicensed uninsured and working R appointment Michael now arrived to assist in investigation during the investigation was discover the contractors provided a quote to repair the top step in the stairs for 500 $s which the home agreed to Once top with remov the contractor found the the home owner that all the state need to be place and the cost is now $111,000 trust contractor uh and and what he had said the home owners provid a check for $6,000 a couple days earlier um to start the work in fact the V was able to determine the website for the company was in operational there was no record of the distance Department of Treasury and the contract listed an address that came back to a UPS St far at this point there was enough evidence for Rusty contractor for FL for reporting to work for f company a search room was prepared and issued for the pickup truck the following day which revealed a binder estimates with contracts for 12 other potential victims ranging from Bloomfield Oro bfield Westfield sting stattin Island after track them down other 12 or other 12 uh customers or victims we all report the s sales pitch to repair the top step for small fee and then Bally be told St fix for $111,000 all other customers declined they realized it was uh it was fishy except paid $111,000 was to charges for by deception in case of still payment probably be adjudicated anytime soon because the operators have become Ghost they've disappeared however for the quick identification and intervention of the climate progress and for a thorough followup investigation HS were spared pay an addition of $3,500 in unnecessary repairs according ad word of The Honorable service on June 21st 2022 at 416 a.m. patrol office were dispatched to help locate a suicidal M with st the Clinton in the Clinton in staff located in New tied to a shair near a balcony and the man's room living near man's room and route to the area if family member C headquarters reporting they s m Mal cemeter of Dean Drive Ang Police Department was requested to assist uh in the search due to the proximity to the town Builder now in all these other cases I have summarized the events to try and get to the important pieces I don't think I could do I could I could beat what was written here and I want to share this with you this is a letter that we received from the man sister to whom my concerned my name is Naomi and I placed the call on June 21 2022 to ATT FL police after receiving a suicidal message from the younger brother early that night I called the police for help to find my brother who went missing shortly after we received the suicide note now months later in me L hops that it finds the officers that respond that day one officers that led the search for my brother left a tremendous positive impact on my life and I felt compelled to reach out and say thank you that day June 21 after a few hours after searching uh with the help of s police officer we found my brother hiding up in the tree in the cemetery on Dean drive my brother I'm not going to mention his name was very shaken a few hours early he tried taking his own life when he saw police looking for him he went to hideing in sary he was scared and overcome with emotion he went the Le officer reassured that no one would help my brother since since my brother was had his phone on and the W en carment the call my brother and let him know that he's safe and that he'll be okay to come out his hiding place brother answered the phone and we convinced him to come uh we convinced him that the officers here to help slowly he was in hiding and as promis the officer stood back giv a sense of ease to an incredibly difficult situation my brother came crying shaking was visibly distraught and a sudden in Cal it's okay everyone has bad days we also encourage my brother that was who loves him and that help is always available to him for him excuse me even joke with my brother you're probably good at hiding as a kid are we all looking for you are where are you hiding my brother H SM answered the magician Reveals His secrets that day my brother felt compassion and kindness I felt it too it stayed with me since mental illness and mental health are so largely misunderstood and judged by Society uh it's one of the most complex and devastating illnesses even as someone so close to I bar still good times here was someone so healthy in body but suffering in mind my brother went from Happy high functioning building his own business to living his mind year and on that day officer saw something Beyond uh he TR he truly saw another human distress and show compassion for for that for foundation myself this outstanding job he is receiving The Honorable service a for the lasting impact that he left on the sister and for what the connection that he made with that gentleman on that day outstanding again all right folks that the award ceremony and everything that I have I just like to closed out with this is just a small sample of the great acts that the men and women sworn and civilian members of to do day in and day out we could present a whole bunch of other Awards but L is just regular business but there are things amongst ourselves that even we feel deserve recognition and that's what we saw today couple of these cases actually have tears to them that's with First Responders and some things basically fix very quickly but some basically need followup you something we need a thorough um investigation uh that was showcased here the 10 police department is something to go above and beyond and sometimes um you know something that we may fail or we don't bring people to Justice or maybe the the the monies that we recoup small but it's the principle we're going to we're going to try every time you know something and we love serving our community all the credit goes to the men and women so thank you guys that's all I have for thank you Chief I'm gonna take a lot of people out of here is that okay that's whatever you want to do tonight you're all welcome to St for the next three hours if you like let's go two minute break yes let's take a two-minute break please two minute break two minutes what's up there you should be reflected but it's a good question should be so to be count to for your certificate so they said they're going bring it personally they said they gonna take care of me all good so I should have ready for you f yes sir all it's so good let talk it first is that okay imagine okay you guys all ready Omar we back ready rock and roll okay first time to be considered the Bergen County open space grants hey um received um um communication from the the county notifying the bur that um the open space um trust fund grants are now available um the letter intent to apply for um a grant project will be um Friday April 5th um and the application deadlines uh Friday May 3rd so I know um in previous years um um we will go to different um boards and they present or provide the governing body with different um projects or ideas to pursue um certain grants so the grants that's available are the historic preservation program land acquisition program and Municipal Park Improvement program Grant applications so land acquisition and this is due Friday May 3rd April 5th April 5th April 5th that's the letter of intent I propose that we just all send our ideas to our future bur administrator to uh just collect and then whatever you think at the next meeting we just uh narrow it down and at the meeting after that we just take three together but let's start by just getting all of our ideas in fun place did no we do it every year it's great wonderful right we just as a council we have so there's there's just just and just understanding your question sometimes there's grants we won't apply for if we're if 10 is not eligible or the cost of the application is more than the grant so sometimes there are grants and that has happened um so this one we always win this one County this is yeah yeah have a resolution on later it's from last year's application okay um Itor just to be does it make sense so at the next meeting we can take a look at the ideas correct we'll put it back on the agenda absolutely roughly in the 750 range 7 day we usually max out you could read three DAV you can read three pages in a day right I see he agreed okay so it's the same thing with the local Recreation Improvement Grant so with the local Recreation Improvement Grant um the submission deadline is February 27th 2024 so I know in in previous years um Jamie will come with um some Jamie Canon or um Jamie can Department drive us yeah they have a list of things they have to do is going to go off the list yes is there an amount on this one yeah we will take care of that do that okay all right administrative ordinance so that would be from me um there had been previously duties that were taken out of the burough administrator role in your administrative code uh that have now been discussed putting back in as far as the HR element so Omar provided me with the prior ordinance because it predated me and we put it together in order to switch those functions back in what I need direction from the council is are you ready to do this and would you like to repeal the HR manager position or would you like to potentially leave it and just make it a if filled type of position council members yeah I mean you know to the extent that we may not fill that you know at the current time I think we should just hold uh keep the HR um ordinance in place and just keep there in yeah how do that affect the TL say that again how would it affect the table of organization it wouldn't right because it's a budgeted spot or do you call it an FTE and not care about it what whatever the title is right so I would suggest that we amend it to to indicate that this position if it is filled would do XY and z and not leave it as as it is assuming that somebody only that person would be doing those right thinking of like a budget you don't take the FTE out just to put it in later and budget it later right correct right that's then leave it you could leave it there and then you could still leave it in your EST it as a position that but you don't have to F it just to be suin so in other words we would leave the existing ordinance for any future purpose if ever but amend amend the ba ordinance to include HR also I would amend that the HR manager ordinance as well to indicate that almost like you're an assistant ba you have it in your code book you're not required to fill it okay but just so but the baas that ba ordinance would be amended to include correct okay right and that draft was already so so we could have it on for introduction on the 12 so it's the high speed op I'm sorry it's the highest degree of optionality correct unless there's another Vision that you all have on on the HR role whether it's to bring in somebody at a lower level to assist the ba or however it is that it shakes out we can always address that later right but as of right now One Vision at a time any other questions about that topic it sounds like the council's all in agreement but you have another a question I had a question um on letter L um so it's take appropriate dis disciplinary action blah blah blah when necessary suspension or removal of department heads except the borrow Clerk and borrow attorney what why is that why are those that is pre-existing that's already in no no understood why would no but why would just a rationale on why those two think CLK is it's statutory statut it's statutory it's statutory and the uh attorney is statutory through a mayor oral appointment I mean there's others that could be included if we were going to put that the CFO is also statutory or tax collect I mean there's other uh positions again I don't I don't know why no those two were selected so I just I was asking the question so that we could maybe uh change this to uh include statutory employees and and the Bor attorney I don't even know why the borney would be listed because I'm a contractor yeah I'm not an employee in that way um but but I guess there's a there's an impact that you know you want the governing the entire governing body to be able to weigh in on the suspension or yeah I you know what I I'll I'll suggest amendments to it um I would also suggest the bur attorney not be listed at all and include the statutory employees instead yeah but if the burough attorney is not included who uh how would that would just be at the AT Pleasure of the the mayor is that how that work I have a contract so yeah my contract states that you all can cancel it for a reason or no reason right you know it's the same as your you know any other professional that you're awarding contracts to tonight it's the same thing there's no reason I don't know if at some point the burrow attorney was an internal employee I have I I didn't really look to see when the original ordinance was enacted all I could tell you is when you created the HR position what is listed here as Jay was deleted and nothing else had changed right I get that I was just you know looking at going forward you know trying to see what makes sense you know for the future I'll go ahead and is there any any other provision that anyone wants to address or should I just do L okay so what are you going to do make a recommendation for L I'm going to circulate another proposed ordinance which takes out um so instead of the administrator May for Good Cost suspend a department ahead or other employee for up to five working days while recommending more serious discipline actioning to the mayor and councel um the administration by is that the one I'm sorry what which letter L um take appropriate disciplinary action against borrow employees and recommend to the mayor and or borrow Council when when necessary this isn't suspension or removal this oh yeah I'm sorry here it is is except the bro CL in the bureau so you want to remove that no I'm I'm saying add in remove I'm saying attorney and other statutory employees correct well let me make my my sh it stops with other employ I mean there there is discipline that can be done to statutory employees just to be clear it's the removal of statutory employees that cannot happen by the administrator that would take another action depending on who the employee is right I mean and as it's written now the uh you know there are things so so so I G to ask a question though is why would we want to give any B administrator the right to remove our attorney it shouldn't be there yeah we're saying take it out okay taking out the attorney remov and then already accepts explicitly understood but I'm not subject to discipline or removal by the bur admin for the burrow administrator right I'm a contract uh you know under a professional so this doesn't give the B so if we make this change it doesn't give theor the ability to move the attorney just just no actually let me make my position clear we're talking about not the Bor attorney that you can you know come back and explain questions were why no but my point is adding in others you know as a as statutory employees who canot be removed who cannot be removed until we are advised and you know it shouldn't be a unal decision hearings before other parties that have CFO and clerk there's more um the tax tax assessor right code enforement right okay okay all right so you're going to add those in show us your TR yep okay all right are we done with the B administr ordinance any other questions from Council Members okay we move on to the administrat report like we did last meeting does anybody have any questions of Susan or Omar myself or Wendy no okay all right and and to our new incoming administrator I can assure you it will not be that simple in two weeks okay public comment audience members wishing to speak we have a three minute time limit to address the governing body on items on the agenda large groups are asked to have a sales uh a spokesperson represent them Omar anyone here in the chambers who would like to speak do you see yes mayor okay is there anyone out on Zoom that would like to make a public comment raise your hand or let yourself be heard now is your time anyone Omar see no hands mayor okay I'm going to CL this public comment time and we're going to move on to correspondence bear with me a second the one thing we have on correspondence was this letter excuse me an email I received a couple of days ago over the weekend from the resident on this particular Street North wire asking to park a car in the street so of course we circulated to the council for any discussions or would you be willing to consider allowing this I know that this particular neighbor we had an email exchange speaking to some of her neighbors about how people in the neighborhood feel about that so corresponded I brought to the council issues with uh parking on the street overnight uh are are far you know greater discussion but you know I appreciate that it's an inconvenience uh for some but there's positives for example one of the things about not allowing overnight parking in in streets is another safety component you know uh police officers are able to go look and see if that you know if anything's a miss you know um there there's a number of reasons why we don't have overnight parking on our streets I appreciate that she has more cars than fit but you know it's a it's a larger discussion andar there are towns that have overnight parking on the street and they it ends up being a very different uh quality of look she's GNA write us again I'll just as I get Communications from her I'll share it with the council yeah I mean I I agree you know and what happens you know so they just happen to have four cars um you know the um when those two older children are no longer in the house you know you know what happens I mean granting them this provision or this change um you know and forever does it go with the land so to speak or U you know so I think we need we should have had the chief here as well to address the uh the question there's some safety issues but you know any other comments or concerns I think we should look changing the back I get my driver have to call every single day should be a multi-day issuance as opposed to a daily it's going to be an open topic that's discussed we should put something you mean in other words for them to be able to call the chief and say it's going to be their yeah I've been through that experience myself so calling every day is kind of you know convers with someone unnecessary for a short duration sign instance period you know three days some some duration should but that's only we're going to have that conversation sometimes when I called they tell me oh yeah you called yesterday and then I'm like but wait which I know that's you know just a maybe prti something from the police thing all right I'm GNA have some more communication with this resident and then I'll bring whatever it is back to you it's G to be a bigger discussion well I mean to move the more understand that but she's gather I'm just letting you know she's talking to some of her neighbors about it so I'm sure they're going to communicate back with us that's all I'm saying okay is there a preced before any Street never never we only we only did it during Co we did it on Central for a very specific purpose because it's a combined commercial residential Zone it's a different right because we didn't want the commercial customers parking in the residential street because then the residents had nowhere to park right and then Co and then we closed it that was a different thing right we suspended she's also talking about the option of buying a specific per per house no not even purchase no she just wants to modify parking rolls and teni she's asking to modify the parking rolles and teni which open a giant can works all right so we to come on that consent agenda this is the regular consent agenda yes go ahead before we start on the consent agenda you know the um the new um or the positions for uh engineer attorney labor attorney all of those I don't I don't think they should be in the regular consent agenda because they are all you know we've never done this before well so the the reason that they were not the appoint ments were not on consent they were all done individually at the last meeting um since they were already appointed and this is authorizing contracts now which is a part two of an approval that was already given I advised Omar that it should go into consent and if there's an issue with any individual one it can always be pulled for separate discussion that that was my call okay okay I have a motion to approve resolutions r24 d62 through r24 d81 so moved I have a second second please call the roll coun cair Yes counc Men yes counc Michaels yes counc Dr OK Conor yes counc Park yes Council R Larry yes okay any uh any questions on the next set of uh resolutions that we do individually we are we just asking a general question here we're going to do them individually though okay have a motion to approve resolution r482 so moved have a second Omar please call the roll member coair yes C men yes C Michaels yes coun member Dr Wok Conor yes C par yes R yes Okay resolution r24 83 to appoint our new B administrator David vanor I have a motion so moved could I have a second second please call the allil Corsair yesil men yes counil Michaels yes council member Dr o Conor yes council member Park yes council member Ro Larry yes congratulations you're on board are you sure you want to congratulate him what you say are you sure you want to congratulate early suck sucker being actually okay I have a motion to approve resolution R 2484 second second Omar please call the ahead wait one more second this is about the rout control program yes this Al want to say this is the contrapest the fertility control that was taking out some of of those poisonous black boxes in the community that's what I just wanted to tell okay going very well thank you ready for the right yes okay council member Corsair yeah counc men yes coun member Michaels yes council member Dr Conor counc member Park yes council member Okay resolution com motion to approve resolution R2 24-85 please so moved second please second one more please call the RO Corsair Yes Men yes Michaels yes dror yes Park yes BR Larry yes motion to approve resolution 2486 so moved have a second please rep there C men yes C Michaels yes cast Dr o Conor yes C Park yes Larry yes motion to approve resolution 87 please so moved I a second please Corsair Yes Men yes pass Michaels yes Dr Conor yes C Park yes cember Larry yes can I have a motion to approve resolution r24 d88 please excuse me go ahead for again I tried to read it a couple times this is one of our favorite ones right right so rough like 800 billion dollar of engineering discussion talking about space yeah remind me again I discussed last time what's going on correct so we have a salt shed at the um at the recycling excuse me at tpw yard that the D has told us in no uncertain terms about two years ago that um we need to replace this or the fines or 10,000 a day or something and we're still within the the last time we spoke about it was can we fix it or we have to completely put it down you know start and start over again right that was the last time our engineer came to us that was whatever last right and putting a new one in don't no it's it's actually removing the super structure doing looking to see whether the rest doing it in pieace is the way the council wanted right removing the top part first seeing whether the the rest con Foundation the big 54 high again I apologize we all read it together so this is $50,000 to guide us as to a proposal for some going out to B and we need this to go out today evaluation of existing concrete foundation wall someone's got to do all the work on the engineering and all the work on and the bidding process and everything so t task three will only be done if needed after evaluation of the concrete that remains after the Super it's a step evaluation you're paying somebody $50,000 a step evaluation that me stop keep in mind we pay for someone to come the first time to evaluate whether we should do something twice this is this is number three right but this is actually going to bid and doing the work rather than just giving an estimate of whether or not they think that the entirety needs to be um removed replaced or whether it's just outside of the concrete and the concrete's still good so evaluate the concrete walls and Foundation according to the engineering report what happened to the preceding two reports that were painful I remember the second one was terrible that's all I remember was waste of money this person better than second this no this was the first someone else do another estimate to second estimate to call yours and then the second one was the one that everybody felt was unworthy right now it's time to actually replace the shed or are we going to be faced now we're pulling the trigger so to speak $10,000 a day in fines if we this this approval for the 50,000 in terms of a life work not 500 no this is the we're right but we're going out to right so let's be clear right we're going to go out to bid then this will and you correct me if I'm wrong it will ultimate the bid will be opened then the Council has to approve that approve that contract right so you get another bite at the Apple for actually spending the half a million corre right this is only authorizing the process to start actually taking place yeah it's no problem at all okay and I must forgot we actually have to vote on it now okay can I have a motion to approve resolution r24 d88 SU that the second second one please call the RO Corsair Yes Men yes Michaels yes Dr o Conor yes Park yes R Larry yes okay can I have a motion to approve resolution r24 d89 so moved I have a second please second oh Mark you please call the RO that's report there yeah yes C Min yes C Michaels yes ccil Dr Conor yes C Park yes ccil Ro Larry yes okay thank you okay I think last week let me just see we started on the other side okay next is 241 ordinance establishing requirements for the storage of salt and other solid DIC materials on private properties Omar can you please I read the confirmation of publication of the ordinance and the title sure ordinance number 24-1 it was published in the Sunday January 21st edition of the record is an ordinance of the bur tly County of Bergen state of New Jersey establishing in chapter 27 storm water control and new section 27-16 privately owned salt storage of the revised Journal ordinances of the burough 105 2004 okay I'd like to open the for for any public comments on ordinance 24-1 only Omar is anyone attendance in um the audience here S no hands man okay is there anyone on Zoom who would like to make any comments on ordinance 24-1 only anyone Omar No Hands May okay we're fin public comment um councelor par you like to make a motion please I move to pass and adopt on second and final meeting ordinance 21- show one that notice of same shall be published according to law om could excuse me a second please second uhar please con allair Yes Men yes Michaels yes Dr o Conor yeah Park yes C Larry okay um any old business councel would this be a good time to I was going to bring it up with u in my oh so I just wanted to say I might just touch upon it for the environmental commission but old business is uh that it does seem like we have successfully come to an agreement for the electric vehicle charging to be installed uh in town and this is from a request for proposal from uh a good year and a half ago possibly uh and the great news is that it will be uh free to the taxpayers contract is signed contract is signed as way say just want to thank um our town attorney Wendy from wenin for doing a great job uh thanks to council members uh for the RFP and um specifically to uh Dan uh and I who were in a number of meetings to kind of get this to where it is as well so so the hope is to get things moving quickly enough so that at least at some point before the end of summer there could be a ribon cutting yeah and can you give up the uh locations off the top real quick actually so the phasing of the locations uh we're scheduling dates go through um but there will be downtown and we're hoping to have something in this parking lot this the order that it'll come in is I don't have that yet how many uh starting with two doubles uh up to potentially four four doubles yeah but by the end of summer two doubles for free isy well free to the burrow free to the burrow free to the burrow you have to pay when you charge your C yes well that's you know that's reasonable that's Fine's got right for the magic to happen yeah good job with driving you out Julie oh thanks good job coun okay I have a motion to approve the minutes of January 16 2024 the first closed session mayor and council meeting and the second close session of the same Tye so moved I have a second all in favor all right any opposed okay anyone have anything for the good of the order or for upcoming meetings all right committee reports who would like to start first Dan I have none okay V I just have the uh the usual the the senior center um is just uh you know activities to to report um that they have um a play doubt that they're they're going to see their their other activities that they're going to play that goes wrong um a spring lake house tour so um you know if if uh anybody's interested to please reach out to Senior Center to Michelle house um they had a discussion about um um they they um they were looking into um you know discussing how many trustees they should have on their board you know and there was a discussion on that um membership uh anybody uh any seniors out there over 55 uh 55 and above I think um interested in joining the uh senior center it's um they're going through their membership uh period right now so that's it okay thank you V Council Dr Conor um so I'm G to start with the uh environmental commission uh they're fulfilling its a commitment to raise awareness to educate people to help them move away from Leaf blowing and people can expect to see an article about an alternative to leaf removal called mulching waves in the upcoming town newsletter I want to thank the mayor for his contributions to that girl as well that was very helpful uh the compost pilot program is being extended through 2024 in just months we have removed over 6,400 pounds of food scraps from tli waste stream and that is over three tons of organic material from just our 50 participating families and we encourage people to sign up as we grow the program in 2024 you can look out for a third compost shed by the uh Churchill Nature Preserve um there'll be also a soil give back day in April for plants and Gardens and a farm visit to the composting facility so please sign up on the teny website I talked before about the electric vehicles and we're really excited about that um also leaz on to the TL Nature Center uh on Sunday March 10th at 1130 there will be a brunch at I think I'm G to mess up the name because I don't speak French at all but brasser merare in cluster is that okay it's by the moov it's by the movie theater in closer it's in the corner there right corner yeah exactly just say where it is right it's mixed like by the Whole Foods then the corner by the movie theater that place so easy to get to and it's a they're honoring the ten ofl Nature Center lifetime members so please visit ten ofl nature center.org for tickets and please also uh become a member of the tfl Nature Center if you aren't already it's a wonderful feature of tly and our membership helps support its maintenance so uh those are my updates thank you thank you aome uh just the only quick update we had a downtown committee meeting everybody mark your calendars Saturday Susan I don't see you marking your calendar Saturday May 4 we're gonna have a Spring Fling um so music and food I asked specifically for extra food trucks since we all got wiped out last time they they bought everything so really excited Saturday May 4th parking calendars uh for fun in the sun that's all I got May the fourth be with you right nothing okay okay uh that covers committee reports my only May's remarks are going to be about the Bliss Avenue Bridge um has taken another incremental step forward in terms of uh getting our reimbursements from FEMA you know all the residents and the burrow and the engineer everyone's on the same page so that's all good news and our Engineers are in the midst of working with Mike Cassidy at the DPW putting together a maintenance program for that bridge in other words if you look Upstream if you go over to the bridge and look upstream and look in the water you'll see some rocks in the center and brush and twigs and all that sort of craziness and we have to get into a regular maintenance program that that is cleaned quarterly to protect the bridge and to protect the properties around there um and also it's also going to be cleaned just prior to impending storms that we're expecting so we're going to get more details from the engineers on that that's going to cost some money but that's going to be a lot less expensive than uh ever replacing that bridge again okay so we'll see more details on that but that's good news but that's going to be really our official start of getting involved in both of our major streams in town of cleaning them and maintaining them okay 90% reimbursement we got it's 90% in other words it's not they haven't sent this the check yet right Susan but they s up to we can get up to 90% And so far they haven't swayed from that money just crisis is it what is there go forward mon available on that is that just no that's only available if the council at the time acted you know it was the government had a state of emergency okay so Council acted at the time authorizing immediate replacement of the bridge and there were four other roads so therefore it it falls under the Fe emergency qualifications if Council didn't act and we waited two or three years to fix it well it's not an emergency that's how FEA looks at it I saw Senator Gordon Johnson by the hospital last week yeah scoping it out with Anglewood Crews the Anglewood street by the cemetery yeah you know interesting I was talking to he was talking to me last week and telling us that part of that street there they discovered it quite by accident is actually a Federal Road yeah was like whatever a couple hundred feet that's actually a Federal Road left over from whatever like the American Revolution or something what right so the fs will actually help contribute to some of the uh it'll we got Fe money they getting some fed money so we but we we did it right of course we did of course we did we did it immediately we did it immediately years to get yeah it was interesting um so anyway Clos uh closed session right resolution r24 D90 at a meeting of the mayor and Council of The Boro of tenly County of Bergen state of New Jersey held on January 30th 2024 be it resolved that in compliance with njsa 104-1 the mayor and Council of the bough of tly are going into closed executive session to discuss the following matters under contract negotiations the SRO agreement and under real property potential acquisition minutes will be taken at the meeting and released to the public at the time if the matters resolved have a motion to go into close please have a second all in favor any opposed thank you let's go inside the D cover by the thrill know be running