[Music] with the open public meetings act PL 1975 chapter 231 the notice requirements have been satisfied the meeting dates for the year are confirmed that the annual meeting are posted on the public Bolton board in the lobby of the municipal center and published in the record within the first 10 days salute to the flag [Music] please I pledge aliy to the flag the United States of America the for stands Nation indivisible liy and justice for all Omar please read the role here men here Michaels pres con here park here here um before we get started with their presentations I just want to uh acknowledge U my very much happiness that the uh boys Varity lacrosse won tonight 15-7 and beat pasak Valley wasn't that wonderful and I think the girls won last night right and JV won so that's great news congratulations to all the team members okay the first presentation is uh from our auditor are the Auditors online now right we've got him down for us right do you see him I not see no okay so we will come back Mr Lurch and if we can just make sure I feel the P weed the materials at least somewhat in advance I don't think right he's going talk about that right okay so we'll go on next to the next and we'll come back to the order up the mental health awareness month Paul's on Paul can you hear meit can I no no no put them in your hello let us know when you can hear [Music] us I can hear you guys how you doing I'm doing doing better today can we uh we need to increase your volume a little bit what sweetie is that any [Music] as the volume sound Paul can you say something sure can you guys hear me now not really no say the only thing I could do is dial in with my cell phone I don't know if that's better sorry everyone for the technical difficulties what ful up so Paul can you get closer to your speaker or increase it on your end yeah um I don't know if that's any better the only other thing I'm thinking of is it is a little bit okay okay so we'll all be really quiet why don't you just tell us your story please okay so um so we're here to hopefully adopt the budget for 2024 um the budget was reviewed by the division of local governmental Services uh we have approval to go ahead and go through that adoption um and just give a quick overview as to exactly what's going on um the um and just a quick history of of what happened last year in 20 in 23 um so Surplus increased um in 23 from uh the previous years and um the 23 Surplus at the end of roughly 5.4 million is actually the highest Surplus in the past 10 years so that's very positive that's exactly what we're looking for we're looking for it to continue that growth and then of course we're trying to utilize some of that Surplus because we don't want to retain it all we want to give it back to the tax paays um and we've always been trying to hover around 50% utilization and that's where you're at you're just at 50% of 2.75 so I think from a surplus perspective and the utilization uh I think 23 um was a good year uh I think one thing I want to point out about 23 is why Surplus is up and it's kind of up uh across the board in most municipalities and that's because of the change in the interest rates so the interest rates used to hover somewhere around you know maybe 1% or so obviously um and then in 23 the interest rates increased and so our interest rates went went up to uh which produced over a million dollars more from the previous year's budget hat hold on one second Paul I I think some uh you have just they just went on mute goad Paul yeah they just muted so you know you know even though Surplus is up from 4 point uh 4.9 to 5 .4 million you know a million of it really came from interest rates um and that's not going to happen next year because what we did in the budget is we increased the amount that we anticipated in using of interest rate Revenue so we're not going to generate that million but we are going to generate hopefully a substantial amount of money but I just want everyone to be aware that that's not going to happen you're not going to have that repeat so um hopefully by the end of 24 that we'll be able to sustain the Surplus where we currently are so um I think from that perspective that that big picture is very good um you know I think you k you know you've been trying to hold a line on the Appropriations um and which you have and um so that's certainly positive as well uh one of the other positive things is is that assessed values continue to increase in burrow bur wide you know up um 72 million in the last four years barel wide um and that's really the key to be able to to provide services because cost of living I mean we all understand cost of living is probably somewhere around 4% um Real Cost of Living um and you know assessed values have to keep increasing to allow you to be able to uh provide for those those cost of living increases U 23 was positive again in the sense that there were no emergencies um we you know the only emergency that we still have on the books is really to covid um piece that we still didn't fund we and we are funding that over a fiveyear period we still have 120,000 left on that um i' like to be able to uh uh to fully fund that at some point um hopefully before the statutory requirement to do that um some of the other things when I just start to look a little bit about 23 again looking forward um tax appeals um you know we paid over 217,000 and successful appeals um but in the past three years we've we've paid a total of 1.3 million so that puts a little pressure on us as well because we have to provide for an budget appropriation to to be able to um make those payments we do have a reserve um right now the Reserve balance at the end of 23 was $490,000 for future appeals so you know I think we have an adequate funding there to provide any kind of cash flow issues we might have what on What on okay um so that's certainly uh positive as well with the reserve sitting there 490,000 um and then you know some of the major issues and I major Revenue items of obviously as I said interest is up 550,000 budget budget to budget um state aid is up slightly only because we were given additional state aid last year that came in after after the budget was adopted so there's another $58,000 Surplus was up as I indicated so what did we do you know we used another 115,000 to balance the budget but yet even even in doing that um last year we utilized you know 54% of the Surplus this year we're at 50% of the Surplus so that's positive as well boy um grants are up and that's just budget to budget but it'll also be down on the up on the appropriation side so that's um just an offset uh construction code revenues increased as well so we're up on the budget there of 135,000 and then we just had an accounting issue where we we reduced Capital Surplus down by $125,000 um so overall um and that's that's the major items on the revenue side and then when you look on the spending side really nothing is really um I'm standing out honestly for me uh the biggest item on the appropriation side of the biggest item that we have to deal with on the increases is really dealing with the uh thatb service and it kind of goes hand in hand almost with the interest income coming up because what's happening now when we borrow money we're we're used to paying at a low 1% one and a half percent now we're paying 4% or so so even though we're picking up interest Revenue now we're picking up an interest expense not to the same tune but there is a correlation so total debt service is up 421,000 from the previous years and it's a combination of two things interest is up and also the minimum payment that we need to make on some of the notes outstanding um is also increasing so the combination of those two things was a roughly $400,000 increase um pensions went up dramatically I mean I think $270,000 increase is a big increase for you again um and then we have some of the terminal Eve and payroll adjustment has gone up as well um otherwise for the most part um the remaining items here uh the library is up 100,000 that's a statutory requirement there's nothing you can do with that and then you're just dealing with your normal dayto day cost of living type increases um and so what does that really adds up it adds up to that the Appropriations are up 1, $852,000 that's what your budget's going up in total roughly 5% um your revenues are going up about $1.1 million and that leaves us now a net number of taxation of $758,000 or roughly 2.8% um and what does it mean to an average house it means that the average house is going to have $118 increase or 2.3% okay um and I guess the last thing that I do want to just touch upon is the appropriation and tax levy cap you know as we all know the state does set limitations for us on the tax levy and the appropriation cap um but of course just like everything else there are exceptions to every Rule and um on the appropriation cap um we are still we we're still under the appropriation cap by $315,000 uh $315,000 so still below that but when I look at the tax levy cap um which is really what I think is the most important cap because at the end of the day the appropriation cap is a limit that started um you know way back in the late 70s and and that was the legislator's attempt to to first to try to control spending and taxes in the state of New Jersey um and then they realized well that really didn't have much of an effect because honestly what we really wanted to do is we wanted to limit the amount of taxes being uh imposed Upon Our citizens um and so we have these both of these these caps here one is on spending and one is on taxation um we we are getting close to the Limit I will say on the spending limitations because some of the items that are inside this limitation cap has has really seen dramatic increases especially in the last three or four years with with with again with runaway inflation um and the state now has been providing some um leeway here with with adding some exceptions that wasn't originally written into the law um the other one is a tax levy cap and of course this is the important one can you limit the amount that we're spending um and taxing our our constituents and here we have almost two million we have 1,100 uh 1,918 th000 still available for taxation purposes so when we say that we are going to um um we are going to raise I'll get back to one second we're going to raise in 27 m537 th000 in 24 we could actually increase that by $1.9 million and still be within the statutory cap um which means that overall you're obviously not raising taxes um to the maximum permitted by law um of course it's obvious and I think I think that's why this is the important cap because really I I've never seen a a governing body who wanted to tax their their constituents um you're always looking to try to save money and provide services uh at the best that you can um and also keep taxation down to a reasonable level um so I think I think after you know dealing with all your constract contractual obligations that you have U because the majority of your budget is is set in stone um I would have to say 75 to 80% of your budget um you really don't have much leeway on um and I think most people don't realize that because when you're dealing with the statutory uh um pension numbers compliance numbers your your your PBA contracts and all the other contracts that you have uh the remaining portion at your left with is actually very small so I think overall you're doing a very good job um you know of course we're going to see pressures down the road um and and that pressure is going to be you know hopefully that the assessed values continue to climb and um and that we can somehow clamp down on the inflation component of the budget I don't know if anyone has any questions any thank thank you for that Paul any questions from the council Susan do you have any questions I any questions from Council Members thank you that I'll add and I know we discussed this last year as well I assume we continue because sus is doing a great job you know we AAA rated or quadruple qule pick your number of A's is that correct yes right so I think it's helpful to always understand a rough sense I Paul helped us last time with that is a function of the amount of debt that we have as a bur we should understand roughly how much leeway we're you know there is until the next level and the truth of the matters and if I remember Paul correctly last time it's on a massive difference between AA a and double A obviously there's a big difference between single a or sure triple plus whatever the thing is but it's always just helpful to understand if we need it you know how much room do we have for additional debt so I would just keep an eye on that right and I think I think what I would add that um you know as far as what your statutory limit you know there's a tremendous amount of leeway um on the debt component um but of course that you know as you add debt to it it's just going to add pressure to make those payments and as I said when I looked at this particular budget I think that could be probably an area that we're going to have to really focus on um our increase our one of our biggest line items was really Debt Service and I don't see that number shrinking I see that number only increasing over time um I think and and I believe that the interest rates are going to hold kind of where they are so I don't really see that as an issue it's just when we have to make the additional pay Downs um on the notes and then at some point we're going to have to authorize some more permanent debt um because you know if you look over the last several years we we were doing projects authorizing projects that were exceeding what we're currently paying on a budgetary basis now we have been stepping up the budgetary basis payments um to hopefully get to the point when we do permanently Bond um that we won't see any dramatic increase the only thing you know we're very lucky C Roary you know last year I know we were talking about taking more debt out we knew debt is very cheap right as Paul was just saying that's where we should probably leaned in a little bit more as we get an understanding of what we think's going to happen rates obviously we really knew in Vegas or somewhere here but it is something that's important we should take advantage of when we know rates are lower than they historically been left year should probably a little more I think it's going to be a little bit higher so it's just something that's that proactive nature that we should probably be having any other questions or comments from the council no David anything no Paul is there anything you'd like to add to that no I I think overall as I said before I think I think you know when I go back and I look at fiscal year how did you perform um without getting into the details in 23 I think you had a very successful year I think you you are you are set for hopefully another successful year um you know I'm hoping that the Surplus stays about where it is um and I think it's just trying to control some of the other expenses The Limited amounts that you have and hopefully you'll be able to do that okay so so Paul thank you very much David thank you for all the work on the budget and Susan especially thank you for all the work on the budget this year as always so great job guys okay thank you all right Paul I think you're free to go thank you very much have a great night okay moving on it's 're another presentation of Mental Health Awareness Month Proclamation would one of the council members like to read this I'd like to Mr Mayor you would just bring the microphone closer so we can hear you okay yes as the Le on to the stigma free committee um we're very proud that uh we declar May is mental health awareness month whereas mental health is essential to overall health and well-being and all people experience times of difficulty and stress in their lives and should be comfortable in seeking help and support to manage these times and whereas like physical illness mental illness is a medical condition that can be treated effectively through prevention early detection and early intervention and with effect effective treatment all individuals with mental illness can make progress toward recovery and Lead full productive lives and whereas mental illness affects one in five people in the US and the experience can be devastating for individuals and families with little knowledge or access to Mental Health Services and whereas the covid-19 pandemic has created a multitude of mental health challenges for our community members of all ages and connecting people to care is more important than ever and whereas May is annually recognized throughout the nation as mental health awareness month whereas the buau of tenly declared themselves as a stigma free zone and will continue to support the stigma free initiative whereas stigma free zones aim to inspire public interest and open dialogue that stigma raise awareness on the diseases of mental health and illness and create a culture wherein residents who have the diseases of mental illness feel free to seek treatment for the disease without fear or stigma and whereas local resources are available to treat the disease of mental illness so no one resident feel uh needs to suffer alone or feel hopeless and now therefore be it resolve that the Bure of tenly recognizes the Comm the community needs and continues to support the efforts of the county of Bergen in continuing to be a stigma free zone okay thank you Council appreciate that all right the next um the next uh Proclamation is from U the Elks would anyone like to read that you want to read this one too I was GNA ask if if since you're the sitting elk since I'm an elk yes you're an elk I mean my husband's an elk but you're an El I think you should read so I'll read it John's not here right okay whereas the benevolent and protective order of elks has designated May 1 through 7th as youth week to honor America's Junior citizens for their accomplishments and to give fitting recognition of their services to the Community State and nation and whereas tenly Elks Lodge Number 2271 will sponsor an observance during that week this week in tribute to the junior citizens of this community and whereas no event could be more deserving of our support and participation than one dedicated to these young people who represent the nation's greatest resource and who in the years ahead will assume the responsibility for the advancement of our free society and whereas our youth need the guidance inspiration and encouragement which we alone can give in order to help develop those qualities of character essential for future leadership and go forth to serve America and whereas as to achieve this worthy objective we should demonstrate our partnership with youth our understanding of their hopes and aspirations and a sincere willingness to help them in every way for the responsibilities and opportunities of citizenship now therefore I Mark zenner mayor of the burough of tenly New Jersey to hereby proclaim the first week in May as youth week and urge all Departments of government Civic fraternal and patriotic groups and our citizens generally to participate wholeheartedly in its observance it's a very nice Proclamation all right next we're going to go on to our first public hearing we've got a lot of public hearings par me we have to wait till 8:00 for the public hearing okay because it's in starting at 8 you want to start the administrators report then sure let's do that thank you mayor um starting a uh an update on traffic engineer as I mentioned in our previous meeting we have our our bids uh out on the street that are going to be uh received on may6 for an award potential Award of contract on May 21st um for the first two items uh the plan traffic Improvement on Pont at J uh J J Street the curve buff outs and the inter closure plan uh at Pont Road I did receive an update from the traffic engineer today that he sent the plans to to the county and uh there a waiting for the county to respond dur any comments to the proposed plan um on the purchasing efficiency and process improvements um the keynote here is the priority is going to be placed on encumbering all the ARP funds which will require to Doe by December 31st 2024 uh which will also include the traffic light at Dean Clinton and uh the CFO and I are going to be performing conf ensive review of all previous Bond ordinances and procuring items previously authorized the Pano on the training station C they were supposed to be doing some work today and uh if we can get the rain to hold off I know we're having more rain on Thursday um but we can get the rain to hold off we can get that accomplished they are aware of the May 18th dedication uh ceremony and the goal is to have that completed ahead of May was there any additional carpentry required on the PO yes so they they have to repair some carpentry work before they paint so so I received a call from the contractor yesterday they were planning to site great under grants um uh we did submit our our grant for the Bergen County open space trust fund for the little leag uh that was submitted on Friday May 3rd and uh we were notified that uh the fire department has received $52,000 from the American Rescue Clan firefighter 2024 Grant great patern G boots and a drying cabinet um the library uh roof continues to have weeks and we'll talk more about that in close session and uh our wayfinding signs hopefully will be here uh this week or next and we'll get them installed hopefully by the end of did you say they showed up or I'm sorry go ahead we haven't received them yet they were do the okay but it's on schedule basically okay follow Reas um they were they were manufactured on 15 so shipping process at soai to arrive you have a question whenever you're done okay so about the last uh item the summer concerts um I was talking to a couple of people who have asked if we can we used to do the uh summer concerts not that you would have awareness of this but we did uh concerts on Thursdays in the um um in the garden in the RO not the Rose Garden D Johnson Park um and on Tuesdays we would do them at higher Park and you know somebody was asking because most of the um music these days is focused on on pop Jazz you know things like that um and that's all in the uh in hila Park uh they missed the classical music that was being played in in gavis Johnson so it just wanted to find out if there was any interest in um in bringing that back not this year obviously but so the B the the groups and the talent have all been engaged and there is a pretty wide variety um I don't know whether the class suppos to be moved or not we could uh I Know Rich conv sure please do the tomorrow so yeah I mean it's not necessarily this year for next year but but you know where they would have for every week that and they would have uh the concerts there but if there was rain day you know if there was a rain uh thread of Rin or whatever they they would move it into the Clinton in um I don't know if we have we do have a rain program a rain venue u in case of rain so we're good with that for this year so but yeah just to you know working with the schools on I understood that you know we may only have like one classical music concert but I think they were talking about having it regularly separate thing as a separate thing right right okay yeah we can look at that for next year sure just that'd be awesome any other questions or comments about the administrator's report please okay go ahead speaking there something about the air conditioning yeah just like really might not be that hot down there we're going to wait to start the public hearing till they oh thank you no he's back he just on there okay the first public hearing is the 2024 local Municipal budget um resolution 24-1 190 um Council cors would you please make a motion please yes I move to adopt R 24190 I have a second please second okay Omar could you please uh call the role yes yes yes yes yes yes okay I'd like to open the floor to public comment on the adoption of the 2024 local Municipal budget so this public we're going to have multiple public comment periods tonight so public comment right now is specifically about this resolution only does any anyone like to come in up come up and talk about it no would U would anyone on Zoom like to make comments about the budget only please Omar you seeing any hands there see no hands mayor okay so we're going to uh close public comment we're going to move on to resolution 24-11 um councilman Ro Al would you like to make a motion please have a second please second have a roll call please yes yes Michael yes yes yes yes and Omar just for the sake of making sure I'm not mistaken we don't do another public comment right now because we're covered we did it okay we don't do it a second time okay yes it is the most recent motion okay just for that okay now correspondence did everyone get a chance to uh read this any questions or comments about this getting more and more requests for Speed bumps throughout time on a regular basis are you able to do them on a temporary put them down for a week and have the ones that go across REM so so if the that's really a question to the police chief right so there are temporary things like that but I don't know if there's anybody on the really wants to answer that question really need yeah that's for the police chief would the council like me we are getting a lot of requests for Speed bumps would the council like from the police chief to come in and have a conversation with the Council on this topic he just did he did but I think we need to keep talking about it okay yeah see available please okay all right now we're moving into uh regular open public comment audience members wishing to speak will have a 3 minute time limit to address the go governing body on any items large groups are asked to have a spokesperson represent them so in this public comment period um anyone who likes to can come up to the microphone and talk about any topic they like go ahead your hand was up first why don't should give these to Omar he'll take care of he'll take care of that yeah okay sure thank you okay all right so come up to the microphone give us your name please and your address that microphone this microphone working we don't need your address anymore I'm okay good evening council members May concerns and resid of ten tonight I'm still reeling from a call and a trip to the Pediatric ICU a hacking that is a stuff a parents nurse I was at work on Wednesday April 24th it was a sunny day I picked up some coffees for a meeting we were about to have I see the far School the prek at Nature Center is calling me on my cell phone your son just had a serious fall he's bleeding a lot from his nose he fell onto concrete without putting his hands to break his fall we trying to stop let me pause here for a moment and introduce myself my name is ANUK D I am proud to say that I grew up in ten of license and was seven weeks old a product of this school system from kindergarten through 12th grade I graduated from Burn college and then earned my medical degree from y University I went on to the surgical Subs specialty of Opthalmology and then into industry for many years working as a global safety physician and medical director for international clinical trials at asena my job there was to recognize whether the Rey signals or side effects of the medication and development to effectively pump the breakes when a case came across my desk that indicated some type of danger and to analyze vast amounts of data that suggested anything of safety concern I spoke up when I noticed something that was the system that was the expectation in fact I personally led the charge and one of boards of recognition for pushing regulatory authorities to increase their warning labels on a popular blood pressure medication working directly with the FDA and its European counterpart known as the EMA sometimes all it takes is one case to Halt a study that has millions of on the line a case so compelling in its evidence that there's justification to pull the drug and call it a day it is simply not worth worth the risk to the public this is known as an in index case in Pharm speak as a mother of two beautiful children Elsa 7 alas Ford a physician trained to identify safety signals and a concerned longtime resident of tenly let me be clear tenly you have have a safety issue in our emergency response system aias is your index case according to the Nature Center incident report and timestamps you can see from my own photos I took that terrifying afternoon it took 20 to 25 minutes for an ambulance to arrive after 911 call was placed holding my son as he was pale gasping for breath and losing Consciousness I thought I was witnessing his death with the guidance of my emergency medicine physician friend on FaceTime I placed my son on the ground put him on hiside while I searched for his pulse he began to breathe he had a heartbeat his color returned in his face was his brain bleeding was anything broken is he going to open his eyes the police were there and offered us oxygen was that okay not contraindicated I heard someone say he might have had a seizure so many questions the spiders started to crawl on his limp body I flicked them off so they would not B him where is the ambulance where is it today I'm grateful to stand before you in this town that I love and inform you that my son yes is okay for the moment he was in intensive care at hack andac for 2 days and cleared to go back to school with limitations but there's a road ahead of us in terms of specialist specialist appointments and a major neurosurgery he's facing next we at Coral I'm also here to tell you I'm thankful to the ten flag volunteer ambulance Corps for donating their time and efforts they helped my father several times when he was alive with speed and Grace volunteerism is something I am vastly familiar with and embrace as I personally have spent countless hours volunteering from soup kitchens to hospital settings it brings a community together and offers opportunity to give back for personal growth I am not here to comment on whether we should have a professional volunteer court or not I am here to ask what can we learn from this and what can we do to R reduce ambulance response times my husband Daniel fler is a well-published neuroscientist with a PhD in the field he tells me the most accepted Universal marker of intelligence is to be flexible in your thinking and change your mind in the face of new information we now have information that our ambulance response times might not be what we think they are minutes matter when it comes to Strokes heart attacks and major bleeding to name a few highly times sensitive emergencies in Elias's case like any other you have to call 911 you have to wait for 911 to reach out to the police station or the First Responders that page go up to the Ambulance Corp the Ambulance Corp gets three minutes to respond to the first page there was no response after this first page that's 3 minutes plus however many minutes for 911 and the police the second page went out there was a response however a third page would have gone out otherwise after three nonresponsive pages my understanding is that skill would have then been called to activate their team is this the best we can do minutes stack upon minutes and add of quickly and increase mortality in the examples I just cited the first hour the golden hour known by trauma experts as a critical window to receive the to receive hospital care and the best outcomes in our son's case it took an hour from his fall to when he was rolled into the emergency room he missed his window I hoped beyond anything he was not bleeding internally council members mayor Zena residents of ten here are my questions I expect the council to answer in the near future if not tonight regarding ambulance response times one how many ambulances do we have in 10 do we have enough and where are the ambulances typically kept we'll wait for responses another time there no well typically you'll finish your first where are our ambulance volunteers located when on duty is my understanding that many volunteers are 18-year-old high school students if this is the case can we consider parking the ambulance or ambulances at the high school during those hours when they are on duty to minimize and shave off response time three can we offer the police who do arrive on the scene almost immediately a line to a video tell Health Emergency doctor to help manage serious emergencies four what work has already been done on this topic and for how long do you have access to the experts you need to weigh in on this matter if not how can we ensure you do five what else can we offer tly to improve response times which ultimately improve outcomes six and my final question can we consider partnering with Crill or Bergenfield who have professional EMTs without needing three unanswered pages to do so in conclusion actions shortterm and longterm must be taken to improve ambulance response time to avoid the disaster and liability to which we are surely exposing our residents in town I look forward to improving the safety of our community and being of assistance while we navigate the recovery of a four-year-old son alas thank you for your time how's your son feeling he's better and he um is aware that he is going in forers next week okay good luck with that um just a couple I'm just going to address a couple of basic questions you asked about U um we have two ambulances there station next to the police department right here in the center of downtown um I I don't would not prepar to go into a about response times and there's all kinds of data that we have to have conversations about we recently appointed a medical director um yeah great uh great individual um big uh big help to uh to our our burrow the community and Tac which you know Tac does extraordinarily professional job um so you know we're going to look at this I don't know if the council members have any questions okay just I just wanted to say we of course are praying for your son of course recover I'd like some action okay thank you for your time thank you okay okay um yes you have your hand up come up come up please to the microphone and just give us your name yeah of course JP my name is come up you're next pardon me just want address con after same thank you Mar and council members before you good evening my name is of 37 road an and family are neighbors but have become unofficial family members so we were extremely upset to hear about the's medical emergency and the trauma Ana experienced made excu worse by having to wait so long to help arrive I truly hope that what she and her family had to go through be the Catalyst for change so that no other family inly will ever again find themselves in serious medical crisis at exacerbated by the add traa of a preventable slow Medical Response time I wased to from Mana the ten fly didn't have a dedicated EMT crew on call based at the ambulance station I think most of the residents have no idea that this is the case it is inconceivable and unacceptable that in an affluence Community such as St with a very high property taxes we cannot provide or guarantee a faster Medical Response time from what exist today I don't know the historical origins of having a completely volunteer fire in medicaly department but I do know that what work in the past obviously no longer works in the present it is about time andly steps up to the plate and finally makes much needed changes to the medical emergency response system to meet today's demands that must include having a dedicated em crew based at the UL station it is a known fact that recruitment of new Volunteers in sufficient numbers have been very difficult for many years now and it is clear that this has UND undeniably negatively impacted response times primarily during daytime hours I was clearly demonstrated in's case let me clearly say that I have nothing but the deepest respect and admiration to all the fire and medical emergency volunteers there are selfless Heroes who went call at all hours Dro everything and rush to help their fellow neighbors they told an outstanding job but when an alert goes out it takes time to see who responds and for all the volunteers needed to M the ambulance to CR to the station so precious time pass till everyone arrives and the ambulance is ready to respond to the emergency I understand that finding funds is not the problem with hiring professional EMS but rather the issue lies with the B Council having to appropriate the funds to do so maybe this is because not all of the potential tragic ramification of slow response times were presented before you or because before a missed medical emergency these ramifications were only matical please understand these ramifications are real what happened to this four-year-old son was real you cers have the rare privilege to literally save lives by raising your hands and agreeing to appropriate funds for the hiring professional emps who will be based at the ambulance station in my opinion the funding for hiring EMTs should be appropriation priority to the council I can find no justif justification not to do so councilors you are sitting before me because you were elected by the people of line because they trust and believe that you are serving them to the best of your abilities and always put their best interest first I am also sure that your desire to serve and help our community was why you R all run foric in first place councilors you have the power to make this happen the power to appropriate funds for employ a dedicated EMT crew we call based at the UL station at 24/7 which is optimal or a hybrid of salary sumt crew based at the ambul station during work hours say 6: a.m. to 7 p.m. and with the volunteers and call the night hours please appropriate the funds as soon as possible for the V of all our families this is one of the best ways to can continue to serve a community by first and foremost making sure all the residents of line now have the best medical emergency service possible and ensuring that what an and family went through will never happen to anyone of us again thank you very much and council members thank you thank you thank you JP hi everyone for those of you that don't know me my name is JP pedoto I am the captain of the tly ambulance and I'm not sure if you remember me but I was there that day um who I'm sorry that that happened to and I just want to shed some light on what happened as well as just our our department to give you some more information um so we are a 247 volunteer agency uh we're very proud to do that and to offer our services throughout the town of tenly as well as surrounding towns who need our assistance as well um the work we do goes beyond just responding to Medical emergencies as any of uh residents that go to any of our events throughout town we are on medical standby for all of our events um and we do community service in the town as well as per respond to ambulance's calls um that day um and again I don't wish to fight with you on numbers or anything yeah I think the numbers um are a little confusing because I understand there at 11 minutes I was there um the pictures are time stamps for myones are different um I don't multiple people let's not get into a whole debate about numbers yeah so I don't wish to fight with you I I have different numbers than numbers you have unfortunately the way in which um the police desk gets notified of emergencies is not a perfect system so the Nature Center called and from us receiving our page us being at the Nature Center talk to us up here sorry it's us for was 13 minutes um and I I don't know where you're getting information of our our members punching in I was the one that responded and it only took us one page to respond to this particular call um of course there are situations in which our members cannot gather um but the police department has been instructed to go mutually if no one was punching in after two pages so it's not as though uh members of our community go 20 30 minutes without Emergency Medical Services like some people unfortunately have to do in their cities and things like that um this is something that's a priority of mine is making sure that our members of the community receive uh adequate not just um adequate but appropriate Medical Care at an appropriate time um but I do want to call attention to the fact that no system is perfect um there are neighboring towns that have paid volunteer services such as crestal um and they're not able to fully staff their ambulance 247 and we do end up doing mutually to Crill quite a number of times both during the day and at night um so there is not a perfect system um and also uh Advanced life support paramedics they are paid out of hospitals um they come from Ang hospital we actually arrived on scene before they did and they were paid sitting in their truck when the page was dispatched for for your son's emergency um again I'm sorry that that happened but please I urge people to reach out to to me and my department to discuss these matters rather than um alarming the community that something is wrong with our services I'm not alarming the community anding them I was alarming them I be posting it on Facebook I try to be respectful I absolutely I just want to say one I'm very grateful for the system this is not at all a comment on you guys I'm asking what can we do to reduce times that's what I want to know can we get the ambulance to the high school or wherever the volunteers are that's what this is about this is not personal this is how I'm an mg I've been in this situation how can we help you do your job that's it okay okay thank you J yes sir my name is I neighbors of few very short comments and one is we live in t for 25 years it's the first time we in just just to show you important the subject is second thing is when Ana told us about the length of time took for the ambulance to arrive I was personally shock and then more more so angry because if you would have asked me before that how long do you think it would take ambulance D to arrive with incident I would just throw five minutes I guess I don't know something I never gave any any thought to I just not that you know when there's an emergency the town is not that large it's an affluent town we have a lot of budget hopefully takes a few minutes it's for fire or EMS to arrive so something did make sense and before coming here um I try to do a search and I'm not an expert of course so they take it with a grand s but I try to look at the internet on the internet what what's common for this type of services so I found a a document by an organization called the National Fire Protection Association I guess it's it's the association of all firefighters in the United States and they have what is called the standard 1710 which is a long document that covers all the aspects of the services provided by fire and EMS I guess that in many towns Fire EMS is part of the same organization I'm not sure but among other things they Define their the response time of the services and I was surprised maybe not surprised I'm surprised relative to what happened here to to aliot but they Define the response time is 5 minutes to arrive at the scene it's like one minute to get a response by phone an additional four minutes to arrive on top of that there's a I think a general guidance of the state of New Jersey and they recommend less than 15 minutes but I guess this is an average for all all counties all communities rich and poor and obviously if you go to the poor communities the averages are much much worse so for townly with the assets we have taxes that we paying I would have thought that this is how we should handle it like any other uh service that's been provided I think that if you want to improve what we currently have there should be a discussion about the service level that the town wishes to provide to the residents as far as resp response time of fire and EMS once I'm not saying how much it should be 5 minutes 7 Minutes whatever whatever the town decides to be and then you go backwards and see what kind of assets and the cars and people either hired or volunteers or whatever are needed to perform this level of service like any other service like a call center and another recommendation I would if you're willing to do it is to collect information about actual response time for any any incidents that the town has collected over a period of let's say a year and then publish the the actual response time of the whole year and compare it to your targets so there's some accountability for the town for so the residents can see what you're aiming at what you're aiming for and what you're actually achieving that will also help you to improve what we done okay thank you I appreciate it anyone else in the chamber like to speak is there anyone online who would like make any public comments yeah I have a comment I'd like to make please okay just give us your name please and it's just so everyone knows you're not required to give your address anymore the law has been changed on that so just your name please Alan Tu goad I I'll I'll keep this short I'm not going to make an ask for money but I do think um as someone who has two older uh in-laws who still live in town who had a father who had a stroke you know I I understand the importance of Timeless I wasn't there obviously but I think that something where the the numbers differ between what's being told from one side versus the other at a minimum just begs some kind of a of a postmortem where what happened and you know what can we learn from this at a minimum is is is undertaken and my one question is when a call comes into a 911 dispatch assuming there aren't tons of calls coming in at the same time is it too much to ask that dispatcher to take quote unquote ownership so if then the page goes out to the ambulance crew and there's no response within three five minutes or whatever the the correct time is that a call is then placed to a surrounding town so we alleviate this type of situation going forward um you know thankfully this turned out better than it could have but you know I I think about my family and I think about other people who are my age who have family members in town and would hate to have something not work out well um and I just think that there's something to be learned from this I'll leave it there okay so thank you for your comments um yeah to your first question postmortem we there is always a postmortem that happens and that's you know getting started now so in terms of gathering the data U the second question about dispatching process um is is really a question for our police chief in terms of how those priorities work and uh the chief is going to be here in these Chambers at the next meeting which is dated what date May 2 May 21st he's going to be here to talk about other topics and he'll certainly be happy to if you want to join in um on May 21st to ask those questions he'd be happy to answer them appreciate it mayor and I do want to say I thank the ambulance and everybody else uh for their and and for their they're keeping us safe of course thank you any other comments on Zoom Omar if anyone wish to speak on Zoom can you please raise your hand I see no hands ma' okay all right so thank you everyone for your comments U we're going to close public comment time now um and we're going to go on to U the consent agenda could I get a motion to approve resolution R 24-1 192 through r24 199 please is that you Julie yes can I have a second please second Omar please call the rooll Corsair Yes Men yes Mich yes yes yes yes okay can I get a motion to approve resolution r24 D200 so move have a second second one more please yes yes Mich yes yes yes R yes can I get a motion to approve resolution R 24-22 so moved second please Omar please call the rooll okay so can I finish 202 and then we'll go back to 2011 sure because we're in the middle of sure okay so please call the RO for 202 yes yes yes yes yes yes I get a motion to approve I think I think the numbers just maybe off from okay yeah I skipped one I'm just going to go back to it could I get motion to approve resolution R 24-21 please so moved have a second second please call the rooll Omar yes yes yes can I have a [Music] motion you explain the the light peers on BR Clinton I just wasn't sure what were yes uh Council was uh requested by the property owners to uh they appeal the uh construction official determination because the light light peers were proposed to be built with the Burrows right away the council had asked uh me to get the opinion of the chief of police and DBW to see if the light peers being placed where they were requested would impact our operation they both had no issue with it it's behind the curb so it's not going to interfere with snow plowing and it has no effect on police response okay so this was a followup I remember okay yeah we talked about this last yeah I think it was couple weeks all right so there was no problem but in terms of I mean I think on on the day several of us uh denied the denied it right and and in the discussion we at the conclusion of the discussion we we said we didn't think that it was appropriate to put it there I thought we had a cons yeah we had a consens okay so let's I'm just going to call for a vote and it's going to go up or down whatever it is it is what I want I thought we wanted it out of the right away I still have that that's what I that's what I remember that we didn't want it in the right away was that sorry I missed that sorry righted not anything right no the councilman are right there was a consensus here did not have it in the right way yeah we didn't want it in the right way yeah that's what I still remember okay what about policy RightWay stuff they're all on the RightWay say that one more time I said the sidewalks and driveways are all on the RightWay on the whole street I don't think there're sidewalk on the street should we just pull this my comment was P this was that uh the sidewalks and the driveways of the homes are all in the RightWay public use stuff right this is private this is private driveways aren private no the pillars are I thought we wanted them pushed back take care have a good night yeah we didn't want to set that polic like not policy but precedent right moving forward otherwise everyone up and down the Street's going to come down do more life pillar can we pull this and then you know do it table do it was an open discussion I it was an open discussion that this was a preced move to have it in a certain position and I was come back so let's if if with that much confusion about it let's pull it it was to investigate what the how's how do you if there's too much confusion on it we just huh motion to table is that how it goes I haven't done that in forever we haven't done that in a while yeah so what do we do we it we table it we okay let's pull it please done okay okay I get a motion to approve resolution R 24-204 have a second second more please call roll yes yes yes yes yes can I get a motion to approve resolution ution R 24-25 please so moved I have a second Omar please call the roll yes yes yes yes all right moving right along okay ordinance 24-5 Cola Omar could you please read the confirmation of publication of the ordinance andle ordinance number 24-5 is published in the April 14th Edition of the record year 2024 ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limit and to establish a c bank njsa 48 4-44 okay I'm going to open the floor for any public comments on ordinance 24-5 only is there anyone in the chambers who would like to comment on this ordinance okay is there anyone on Zoom who would like to comment on this ordinance Omar is there anyone s hands okay we're going to close public comment um council president Michaels would you like to make a motion please thank you Mr Mayor I move to pass and adopt on second and final reading ordinance 24-5 and that notice the same shall be published according to law have a second please second omark could you please conduct the roll call pass here yes counc men yes counc Michaels yes counc member Conor yes oh yes yes okay so uh ordinance 24-6 omark could you please read the confirmation of publication of the ordinance and the title sure ordinance number 24-6 is published in the April 14th Edition of the record by an ordinance to authorize the making of various public improvements and the acquisition of additional replacement equipment and Machinery new information technology equipment new communication and Signal system equipment new additional furnishings and new automative Vehicles including original apparatus and equipment in by and for the bural tly in the county of B state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of 3,725 to pay for the cost thereof to make down payment to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and to provide for the issuance of a bond anticipation anticipation of the issuance of such bonds additional $24,000 and bonds or notes of the B to finance the cost thereof okay I'd like to open the floor for any public comment on this ordinance 24-6 only would anyone like to make public comments here in the chambers all right seeing hearing none anyone on Zoom that like to make public comments we seeing anyone Omar okay we're going to close public comment um councilwoman Dr oana would you like to make a motion please I moveed to pass an adopt on second and final reading ordinance 24-6 and that notice of same shall be published according to law that a second please second Mark please conduct the roll callair yes yes Michaels yes Julie Julie yes yesc member okay ordinance number 2408 police dispatches Omar can you please read the confirmation of publication of the ordinance and title of the ordinance number 24-8 was published in the May 1 edition of the record the ordinance to fix the salary wage or compensation of certain management thetive civilian dispatchers and parttime employees for the calendar years 2024 2025 2026 and 2027 I'd like to open the floor for public comments on ordinance 24-8 only is there any anyone in the chamber who would like to make a comment on this ordinance is there anyone online who would like to on Zoom who would like to make a comment homeart you see me okay we're going to close public comments councilman men would you like to make the motion please I move to pass and adopt on second and final reading ordinance 24-8 and that notes of same shall be published according to law have a second please second uh all Marcus please conduct the roll call counc yesc men yes Michaels yes counc member yes yes yes okay um let's move on to ordinance 24-9 um Omar could you please uh read the confirmation of publication of the ordinance and the title ordinance number 24-9 is an ordinance published in the May 1 edition of the record is an ordinance of the b t in the county Bergen New Jersey appropriating 766 766 500 for the general land stewardship cost for the ten for the Nature Center upgrades and repairs to the little field renovations to including multiuse free play and new pickall courts improving improvements to the tly municipal complex complex Municipal field and VES for various locations throughout the B okay I'd like to open the floor for public comments on this ordinance 24-9 only is there anyone in the chambers who would like to make a comment okay seeing and hearing no one let's move on online to zoom Omar any raised hands for public comments I see no hands there we're going to close the public comment time um councilman Park would you like to make a motion please I move to pass and adopt on second and final reading ordinance 2409 and that notice of same shall be published according to law do I have a second please second Omar could you please call the rooll yes yes Mich yes yes yes yes okay um thank you I think this is especially this last ordinance is just for the sake of the public uh I just want to thank the council for all their work on this I mean we're doing work at the Nature Center uh upgrades to the Little League field renovations to the old skate park we're going to have a multi-use play area new pickle ball courts and improvements to the uh to the municipal field and new benches for everyone to sit down around town so it's great work everyone and I think it's really positive for the public that um that that's how we're using the tax F to benefit the public okay let's talk about anyone have old business please this a question it's related to Old business it's about the VES I remember a couple of meetings ago there was like a list of places that people were recommending for benches I just wasn't sure where that was at just I I believe there was a lot of flushing out to see what was private property what wasn't right away I was wondering if there's any update yes the senior services and then the report back was from the chief so talking yeah we have to contact those Property Owners where he had suggested works on the corner and once we order the benches it'll be probably six weeks or so before we receive them we be able to nail down but actually I want to stop you there because I don't think that list was the um Alpha and Omega of what you know the council was that was a recommended that was like a wish list if you will places we wanted benches they wanted benches but I don't think so that really needs to come back to the council for the council's approval I just I just want to make sure that protocol just because we're all the same page that are we yeah what what the ordering of benches that you're referring to is quantity quantity of benches but how do you know how many the money that was put into the open space fund allocated for 12 which is 12 bench we find 12 spots 12 you got to find 12 we have to AG on 12 spots we'll have more than that replacing within that 12 or some of those replacing some of the ones that were falling to disrepair that would be discuss Council we can make those decisions and command of open space yes that already was in this package so I guess the qu the question is I I want to make sure everyone is that it is very U it's not 12 new spots per se we had 12 budgeted right so the bottom line is David you have to come back to the council with the recommended locations the council T and I would probably say have more recommended locations than benches so that if they want to move them around they can in including places of of need of repair that you know in that list of like we have to repair I'm sorry we have five kind of unattractive benches of this should make a list also of where so so in terms of in terms of benches when you start repairing benches you've got you know we've got to talk to DPW because I don't mean I'm sorry I don't mean repair I mean replacing out of the 12 it's not 12 new Spots I'm just saying that for what what David's coming back to us for David just when you're coming back to us it's not okay it's not 12 new it's not a bunch of spots and okay where are we putting the 12 benches within that 12 might be I'm just going to give you a very good example we heard from a resident who said hey the bench in front of the municipal building is in bad shape I I just want to make sure since the benches were ordered um that that is part of that 12 does that make sense like you know just veggies hav been order right we're du in the fun now but it's just a little bit of yes I understand we got a a wish list from you know one group I know that the the chief did his due diligence but it does it still has to come back to us and we all have to be talking about and and uh you know so I'd spoken to you about the uh you know the bench up up front where it's it's really in bad shape um but um in addition you know I think of I've asked a couple of times that it be uh that the benches we order um be the the Recycled uh you know recy plastic benches uh is that something that you're aware of I think I think that number automatically is doing that that that is to confirm yeah yeah so we just need to confirm that the V is going to be procured from the state contract vendor that might choose verify because we've done this you know at the um at Davis Johnson for the co Memorial and just want to make sure that we're you know staying consistent with that so so it all has to come back to us right it's all com back all right thanks all right introduction of ordinances 24-10 hold on a second what stop I'm talking to myself yeah we no no okay anybody else have old business no okay minutes to be approved I get a motion to approve the minutes from April 25th 2024 Clos session in April 25th 2024 mayor and council meeting please so moved have a second second all in favor any opposed okay anything anyone have anything for the good of the order no okay how about upcoming meetings no okay new business uh introduction we're going to introduce uh 24-10 garage is constructed below grade and I'm just going to make another public comment here the whole point of this particular ordinance here is to allow residents who have garages that are effectively in their basements below grade that are consistently getting flooded through these rainstorms so so that they have the option and the relief of closing those garages back filling what was previously the driveway to a level area that drains to the street and not have to build another garage if they choose not to they they don't have space to help alleviate flooding in people's basement okay all right um let's start on the other end with Council woman Corsair would you please make a motion on 24- time I move to introduce on first meeting ordinance 2410 and hearing from May 24 2024 at 8m or as soon thereafter I have is second please so moved um I mean second sorry okay the bur ofi Omar please read the title of the ordinance and conduct the roll call sure ordinance number 24-10 in the ordinance of the B teni County BG and state of New Jersey establishing chapter 35 Land Development regulations new section 35- 84.4 location and Improvement of required parking and loading facilities of the revised ordinances of the B 105 2004 okay um yes yes Mich yes yes Park yes rer yes okay next is ordinance uh thank you everyone for that ordinance 24-11 police salaries uh councilman rier would you like to make a motion please I move to introduce on first orance ordinance 24-11 hearing May 21st 2024 at 8m or soon there after have a second please second Omar could you please read the title of the ordinance and conduct the roll call ordinance number 24-11 an ordinance to amend the salary wage or compensation of the rank of police officers of the police department of the bur tly and the county of beron and state of New Jersey the calendar years 2023 2024 2025 and 2026 counc forair Yes counc Men yes counc M Michaels yes council member dror yes counc Park yes that's my there yes okay U ordinance number 24-12 amending bus stops okay council president Michaels would you like to make the motion please yes I Mo to introduce on first reading ordinance 24-12 said to hearings for May 21st 2024 at 8:00 p.m. or ass soon therea have a second please second Omar could you please read the title of the ordinance and conduct the roll call sure ordinance number 24-12 and ordinance of the B temply County of burgy of Jersey amending chapter 7 traffic of the Revis ordinances of the B 105 2004 to amend bus stops council member corer yes counc member men yes CC Michael Yes council member Dr yes yes yes okay ordinance 24-13 removal of Taxi uh spots councilwoman Dr OK con would you like to make the motion please yeah this is an exciting one we excited no tax sponsor tax doesn't exist let's make the motion I move to introduce first reading ordinance 24-13 and set the hearing for May 21st 2024 8:00 p.m. or a soon there have a second please homark would you please read the title of the ordinance and conduct the roll call ordinance number 24-13 and ordinance of bural T County of Bergen New Jersey amending chapter 7 traffic of the Revis ordinances of the bural 10i 2004 to repeal chapter 7 section 38 C yes yes Mich yes yes yes just super quick Mr Mayor the last two things that we just did with the bus stops it's really exciting this is the reason why we're doing this is in preparation for the traffic uh test that we're doing just next month right the end of next month July AUST so so it's cool so again I know it's never fast enough for 15,500 residents but it's pretty cool that we're testing it out this summer getting traffic lights adjusted so and the real traffic light over on Dean Drive yep so all good stuff Adam could you send to us just what this part of the design that we're trying is going to look like I'm always I try to describe it I'd rather just see it that'd be great thank all right yes and what's really cool is we get updates I feel every other week we're literally getting updates we're really on top of the engineers make progress every single week uh he just uh gave us an update on uh just gave call the other day on speaking with the county so he has great relationships with the county so that's helping us move on the county roads even faster so it's pretty cool that any update on the train status the train line ra right still working that there's there's the goal there's a special term to UHA we want to make the lines inactive passive passive passive right so the CSF they have to get CSF to proove the county and then it allows us to do our things without you know losing control the traffic engineer is indicated that if we can get that accomplished it would take CSX out of the equation and he would only have to deal with New Jersey Transit which is which is what we want yep that's exactly what we want just quickly is the traffic engineer dealing withj Transit on moving of the bus stops yes yeah okay committee reports councilman Park none Council men um coun the um Board of adjustment met last night there was one application uh where the uh the applicant uh this was on S ter um did didn't have an existing garage on the property um and that's a non-conforming uh according to our code um well according to testimony the only place that they could U put the uh garage was at the rear of the property and uh this necessitated a u a long driveway uh from from sis Terrace all the way back uh to the the back of the property alongside the house um and without a garage structure the existing um impervious coverage was already 4,213 Square F feet um on a property that was uh that's 10,796 square feet so uh about 39% with the existing driveway and the additional driveway um this led to uh the garage um leading to the garage it became a combin 180 ft long to get to the the garage at the back and um it added a further 1100 square square feet of impervious coverage making total impervious coverage nearly half the property of 49% and uh you know so it it's just a very unusual uh situation but the property uh you know there was only 55 ft of U of a frontage for the property so it it's a very narrow uh property the house is is 100 years old so you couldn't tear down anything they never had an existing garage and you know putting all this but you know it's it's these sort of things that are coming in uh in the situation of where we're increasing the impervious coverage so much that it it's affecting the the water um why do they want to put the garage up because it's a non-conforming you know so they wanted a a garage they have two two or three cars oh they wanted to use it for cars they that's that's the um the allegation okay was it approved so yes it was approved you know but um again it uh it's not the best of circumstances like in in my mind anything else no that's counceling Dr Conor yes I have two updates one is I'm just going to amplify with them mayor will talk that on his message the Board of Health now has um free tick repellent sprays for for distribution in the lobby of the library so he'll he'll mention that uh on Friday hopefully um so yes uh everybody you're going to send me an email remind me right I did I did and you wrote yes I will should I do another one I have it in my okay okay um and uh so just a warning to everyone is the weather gets warmer you're out more even at your son's game just check do a tick check get you get the free tick repellant Library Lobby um and then from the environmental commission which co- uh sponsored along with the Tena Nature Center the trashon we just wanted to congratulate the over 90 participants of the trash that's great very exciting cleaned up a lot of trash and um very very exciting and in um in June the high school green team is going to work with hack and attack River Keeper to do like a smaller version by the this Brook on the back of the high school so that that'll be like another another trash clean up that we'll do so anyway that's about it thank you thank you C uh first uh a super amazing um Spring Fling this past Saturday huge thank you to uh Jenny Jackson je the entire Chamber of Commerce um our partners Main Street pop so you know first thing is uh you know good weather certainly helps tons of play people out great food lots of fun so I like the food trucks yeah yeah that everyone said they haven't had so much fun with their Community a long time so really excited um excited for the year to come see what how the the chamber and partnership with the downtown committee could could one up themselves so super great there and then the second thing is it was great uh the school board was there the referendum Omar if you can just follow up um the school Bo President we want to see when the next joint news meeting is probably in the June time frame let's they get we'll get a little more information and then uh School Board president asked if they could come she come before the council we thought in July or August once they have all the information just to share um what the school's thinking about doing just so when is the to what September 17 the vote is in sep it is in September they waiting on some uh funding information that's why I do not perhaps we should get them here in July well so they were coming as quickly as they can they don't want to come oh got it okay fa enough fing the heat the heat I'm trying to give them you know an so we follow when joint use then okay okay perfect anything else Council no council I just reminds everybody that the historic preservation committee is going to have a dedication ceremony of the Elizabeth Handy Andy railroad station on um Saturday May 18th at 12 o' at and um if anybody would like to speak on the council I can make that happen so let me know but I think it's G to be a great event and chill hey just any not more or less important but did lacrosse playday yes we do goad I just had you know mayor was there um councilman Park was there uh and Council councilwoman um Corsair for the Arbor Day and uh you know so they they planted what what confused me was a non-native species but they say it's going to be a beautiful uh tree it's a some kind of a Cyprus so um it'll be nice so it's it's in a beautiful spot right on the corner of Foster and and riverge who knew that there was actually you know a spot that you could PL it was beautiful okay I'm not g I made enough mayor's remarks tonight um disappointed I would think so than up so quickly over there all right let's uh could you please read the uh Council the going into Clos session it's resolution r 24206 at a meeting of the mayor and Council the B tag County of Bergen state of New Jersey held on May 7th 2024 be it resolved in compliance with njsa 10-12 the mayor and Council B of tenli are going into a Clos executive session to discuss the following matters collective bargaining DPW driver laborers update potential property acquisition and attorney client privilege T minutes will be taken of the meeting and released to the public at the time that the matter is resolved I get a motion to go close please I get a second second all in favor I okay let's move to close [Music]