[Music] long so the open public meetings act statement in compliance with the open public meetings act 1975 chapter 231 the notice requirements have been satisi the dayses for the year are confirmed at the Dan meeting and are posted on the board the L C from the record in the first 10 Days of the New Year salute [Music] stateson C Michaels pres C Dr OK Conor here C Park and now we consider resolution in support of restoring funding for the environmental programs so this one the mayor par not was brought up at the environmental commission the other night and this is a resolution to reinstate funding for both Environmental Education programs cleanups things like that taken out of the 2024 budget so the reason why this is a bit time sensitive the counc and Commission State are pring the state legislature to try toate this funding before the end session which would be late January so um if anybody if there's like consensus here I'd like for the opportunity to this as well and this is a resolution that was developed that is also you know being active on across different communi St last is that correct that would move under item eight I I I agree with this but I just I'm wondering why is it only $60 million you know that's such a small amount yeah it's a really good point C is something that we does so much good in it it probably should be far better funded yeah J I just want to ask just to be clear this is a corporate business tax it's not the tax on the individual H right I this was just for the corporate so right you know I I know that this was something that was cut this time so yeah yeah I don't think that individual I mean obviously for funding open States Farmland hisor ration thank 64 yes and next uh Bergen opposition for assembly build 569 this was requested quickly put on by U ler over W who is your JY coordinator uh it was that's why came her increase in so essentially it's it's increase in contingency amounts that would be payable to attorneys for those who filing prop claims and also the proposed legislation allows for an increase in payment of experts um so you know for increasing it and so the concern of is that by allowing larger amounts to be paid out that the impact municipalities that may be paying these judgments will get bigger to reflect the difference of what's going to the individual versus what's going to The Experts and I think the point of this one the community the township should be consulted right before that one of budget problem the idea the impact needs to be this need to be F off for this so I want to I apologize there's more to just those increases um the legislation I had reviewed was one pie of it when I saw the resolution but yes there's also additional impacts as a result of it sorry the nice thing about this resolution is that it's not actually making a decision it's actually asking for more research and review on the issue and so given that you know this is a workers the labor union bill um they want to make sure that any proposed increase is Justified so I see no reason not to give them the time to do that kind of work you know again this isn't deciding on the underlying issues it's asking for more time for from my understand for review that you understand because the last part of the resolution is about you know impact act on it Cap all that stff and so yeah and the opposition non consent no I'm in favor of giving more to so this becomes 45 six more 4 yes yeah yes administrative report sir thank you very quickly there been any questions about the RFB for the traffic engineering for the downtown REM modernization plan just very quickly the RFB was released in the it's good back on December 20th I contact with both firms they were rece and both stated that they will respond uh filling the business administrator FY we now have 15 resumes the senior bu the senior bu has been on the lot of the uh the agency for an extended period of time uh we finally have finalized what we're trying to purchase we sent the fal mechanic down to the lot today to uh confirm that all of the attributes of the bus that were listed on the invoice are there they are so we've issued the purchase order and we anticipate just a quick question we're talking about the the senior V yes it's it's a retrofitted because it's notar it's a smaller right yeah I mean I think that's what we were originally to distinguish it from this doesn't re the C so we will be able to have John as a driver that's great um train station as we realize the time has passed we working on a roof but that is put off to the spring um we are now doing attempted to do a written quote to replace the electrical panels they're and some of the electrical wiing there obviously for safety reasons need to be addressed we're going to be using the couny a star and trust fund to fund project we're pursuing two grants that were identified by the council at the last meeting the Green Acres Jake La playground Grant as well as the UTA local property acquisition director the playground Grant the deadline is February 7th and if you proceed we've already received the quote from Millennium strategies at close to $2600 naturally that will be done by resolution that Council St forward on that R there has been a lot of talk about putting in um at least in discussion you know the decision hasn't been finalized for inclusive playground equipment so that was something we were looking into there's a lot of great options out there um that's a excellent thought because obviously before you make a gr application you have to identify the specific project and what components will go into that project so yeah yes some decisions have to be made ear on I'm happy to work on some of that I have done a lot of research with Jimmy on different pieces of equipment we brought a couple to councel um some some really nice pieces from uh whatever company that our department get CH fun uh do know Theos amount of all of them are uh what I like the most about they're all like unlimited so they're all matching brands with no uh no ceiling so that's why that was the most attractive part the other part for uh the ones that we spoke about you know sometimes they for I'm making this up distress neighborhoods people that you know like the color purple all those different things these look like they're you know best uh proposal wins I which increases the chance that so Jimmy and I have been working I know I burn up about the section of Walnut Park that is currently vacant there's like a square section behind the main playground we were talking about faking that and inclusive playground we had done some research on some equipment you know we didn't get into the budget this year we had bought the one spinner but I have all that work that Jimmy and I compil so um I think we just have a line on are we going do it then we should TR and then to Kevin Point let's share all the ideas we got we definitely do have a space work though yeah they're all yes sir had something oh okay um and the second Grant the uh deadline for firing has not been established but once it's established then millenum can give us a vot in order application what was that one this is the uh ETA local property acquisition Grant and as councilman Michael stated we're working towards looking at three additional grants that I guess we discussed at the last meeting and hopefully either at the next meeting or into 20124 we will be asking the council to consider renewing the contract with the millennium your Iden appication Services thank you um I I do want to say that um Kevin did the um the DPW meeting which occurred so if anyone has any questions can you just give us for the full Council the update on the salt shed because that was pending and of course any other update from D um primarily with the Sal CH the obvious is that Sal CH has to be addressed exactly we're going to address it um I think has been a ongoing saga and various opinions have been expressed I believe current plan is to remove the roof in order to do a good surve on the foundation Foundation walls as well as the Thor um our DPW director has already been in contact with the na municipalities so that when we start this project if we have salt in the shed we can unload it off to them and then when we're ready to receive it back obviously never how it's going to work um either they have their delivery delivered to us Etc but it will all be worked out between the DPW directors um at the meeting it was it was interesting because we got a little bit of a jab from our her engineer about having the second engineering company come in and get an opinion but regardless they have a plan and that's what's going to be far say to myow counil defon obiously needs to be taken over but this was supposed to get be done already this um Sal shed is already supposed to be taken down and ready for this season um I'm not sure lot col meet we had to quot on it um we know what price we approve the money we approved the money in the February budget and the goal was to do it in stages so that we check the foundation and only maybe possibly have to spend half and again we're now in December none of that work has been done so I'm not sure I'm sorry I miss can we just ask why yeah if we approved as Council the library that's going to complete Library GR has been completed it was reported at the engineering meeting that there were no additional leaks there were leaks well construction actually Le that addressed by the contractor addressed by the engine um I like a report on that did they get to find the location of the Le and they you know identifi that corrected that or was corrected during the construction um and well addressed I did get wind unofficially that we need to look at the roof again to make sure that there are no additional leaks the reason I asked you because I that there were there were and to have that confir I think the um engineering report U they mentioned that the contractor was on the site the we at the November 27th to repair Le um and that we're investigating issue with the alarm system to verify the roof repair impact just one thing Kevin can so I looked at a there's a sustainable New Jersey complete streets technical assistance program um can you please share I read it some just help don't get money but can you just share is it legal please share with the two Engineers that are in the process of doing their RFP type thing but can they leverage this or whoever take a look at the dates I don't want to mess it up but this to me feels like help free help I like free and it fits perfectly with what the traffic engineer going to do so I don't know if you just work with one what is appropriate but I don't want to lose that opportunity it like they provide not money but like I don't know some the state comes and say like it's the what you've already done for certain streets so I would recommend that if you are going to look at this grant that it' be for perhaps expanding the area that wasn't already looked at and yeah so that's a great idea so let's look at I think we have about eight trillion dollars that we you know identifi that first pass so we have agreed and paid for as a council or allocated funds for that first D Street maybe to your point Wendy we don't look at that we look at steps two three and four that we haven't perhaps you another area up in central where it's been somewhat more difficult for the kids to cross to get to the schools this seems like it would be line with that that's good I got one better for Lauren this is my gift for Lauren her favorite River Edge which we identified as an opportunity but we didn't do any work on right that's the median project the median project maybe do that but let's ask Kevin let's ask I love that would you be kind enough to forward that information to me yeah just up is the one that requ that's the one we always it's so expensive just this this Pro you know the Medan alone was going to be significant project that's not a b or it's going to be to your point something that's not it's not local streets like East Clinton which is not a little stre we always run into prises we to get approval with the county maybe that would help okay let's see or even nicker which signicantly Long Street and a lot of kids all right we're gonna move on to public comments let's start with anyone online want to anybody online who wish wish to speak please raise raise your hand I see no hands sorry that that is the the TV so when his hair sounds the um that's saying that there's no sound coming through the TV yeah all right no one's online wishes to speak anyone in the audience here one in the audience all right closing public the comments moving on to correspondence we got a letter from the record board looks like they why this so I let me try to help so they're looking for uh you know the back department when there's kids or whatever there's always events there they want a um there's like a Coffey truck that uh they want to just to have wrong words but available such you guys know it there you go so if you don't do this then every week they're gonna in advance have to fill out the form so this just allows them for the period to if they have an event that could benefit froming they bring thisr called thoughts of concerns you know the same Tru push back local businesses down I mean I always want idea but I just want to be aware that right so I think these two different things close you know that that this is a this is not driving around town this is for when there's event that making this up there was the community on Saturday there was the community play date and I'm making this up they would say can the coffee truck so the problem that I see with Kevin please feel free to jump in but this is a procurement issue because you're giving an exclusive license to somebody to come to all Rec Department event that would need to go through a yeah procurement process that that can't just be the value of what you're giving of that exclusivity um doesn't quite align there it's one thing if you're having community events and it's open and whoever wants to come and it's an application sort of like the event last Saturday um where there was multiple food vendors and that came in through the the partnership with um downtown committee and the Chamber that's a different situation where you're telling one vendor you can come to all of our events are year okay just follow J an easier way and again I don't know if meant for this particular one but is there I think objective is how do we make it better like have an event do a non exclusive similar to what you do with EV Chargers you know it's a procurement that's like a concession agreement somebody's getting the value of the contract to sell coffee on behalf of the bur so instead of us having to be there with your employees selling coffee you you could procure the benefit of that contract to the public let people bid on it and see what the best value is for the residents and for the bur and do it in that man that's fine yeah do it as one spot or you two or three spot no no I'm if that idea be like because I know the procur thing you're like I want one po TR I'm just asking because then that kind of brings it back to that one gu to all 10 12 events which is fine if they won that I think we have Aur expert sitting with I don't have to talk is through you council president um yes procurement is definitely an issue but the bigger issue is we have an ordinance in place and the ordinance is a mobal food and beverage vend and that ordinance PS out specific rules regulations Etc I read it um I'm going to defer to council to determine whether this particular activity Falls in within the gu and Theiss permissiveness of disord my first question I think it does it does I don't see anything in the ordinance actually PR this particular activity as long as it's not in the street par on side I I give the example and may be the wor example in the world but we have a recreational field out here we have a parking parking lot the bur it is number side it is not a business it is not a commercial Zone it is not a private property so I would defer to the recreation department to look at this ordinance and see whether this particular craw truck is going to comply within the guidelines of the there there is also La of sponsor so that would be another mechanism by which it could come in as well since Recreation is is an arm of the burrow itself um but Kevin raises another interesting point as well because we utilize skills from the board of B so it's not always on you know we don't always have the ability you all as the council to approve it or the administrator through special events permit to approve it if it's not on your property maybe we just say repr at but would that meet the needs ofc no but look it's an idea that has been brought forward and there's a mechanism that could have it come to fruition we just have to follow the proper me we have just Jamie and you connect or to see what's best again Jamie's desires meet the needs of the residents and yeah I would recommend that Jenny that Jamie speak with um Kevin about it as well and you to the extent that then the decision is made that they can they have XYZ list of dates that they know they wanted at or or certain identifiable because you need a scope for for procurement you know then certainly it can come back to me but I don't think you really want me to be involved at this early juncture good I'll J tomorrow and then this is a silly question but what was the difference between the coffee truck and the ice cream truck thats to all of our sport events it's licensed under differents that's right we cut out for ice cre truck ice cream trucks existed before all of it so it it it own and quite frankly with your when you did introduce mobile vendor food and beverage the two different iterations um it was modeled somewhat on the background checks of the ice cream because if you're going to have that already out there then it wasen process that was the starting point for the next okay I love the idea but I want the ma and H Coco thing we all right next correspondent from so I I know this may confuse some people but the reason it's on here is there's a property owner who originally had put in um or the contractor had originally put in for the tree removal permit and there's a tolling of the clock that occurs at the earliest of certain situations which includes his Co the co was issued for the home but the site is still being worked on and it's not conducive to planting trees when you're putting in a new ground pool still so um my CID had already granted under his discretion in your ordinance three month extension but anything beyond that requires Council approval so the council is amenable to the idea then there would be a resolution on for the next agenda that would provide for a continuation of the date for planting until I believe it was June of 2024 and they're intending to correct they actually um sent out to today a actual tree mitigation plan um I apologize that it was only sent today but I only received it today so that was the good faith effort to show that they're truly looking to do it they have a plan they're working with a landscaper they already you know did the due diligence they just need plan sure look they're going to repl all the time not all the time but yeah this will be on the next meeting so this I will have resolution on do we have to get certain time perod or they requested till June based on what their timeline is of their contractor to finish the other construction projects and then obviously couple weeks plan all right now on to the consent agenda any questions on the consent agenda I a motion to approve wait can I just offer um we have the head of our Tac here and we are approving the Performance Based second ask J the direct the T if there's anything say yes selling the clothes just in case I I give respect to the director thank you for being here somebody is in our audience second second D yes Council Michaels yes Council men customer Dr o Conor customer repart yes all right now non consent agenda any questions for3 46 all the way to so let's start with 456 any question just sorry on this first one um does anybody have information on what we're doing here with 52000 right did we get a through you council president they're bonding seven sex bun leer along with a dryer I was told that they have a washing machine who wash the uh uniforms as well as the F GE that they don't have Tri but they literally have to handang things on a launch so the majority of this money is going to go to in and and we I guess it's an application for yesol they have the money they control the Brant of yeah okay thank you motion motion second second okay CER yes CER men CER Michaels yes counc member drer yes C Park [Music] yes7 of FXR fireart Dayton yes yes Michaels yes member Dr o Conor Park yes 48 appr contract for 2024 drug and Al tested agreement C member Dayton Yes coun Men yes C member Michaels yes coun Dr wak yeah C Park yes res resolution 459 approve Amendment right Theon yes Michael am minut yes C Michaels yes pass Dr o Conor yes part yes thank you being resolution 460 s various dedication by so I had a question and I know not a so I me question you know maybe um Deion but we're getting through we're getting rid of some of these smaller trusts that we had actually created with something the welcoming committee um some of these other small committees that has the trust in place in case people wanted to make donations but without the trust that then we eliminate completely that ability from anyone the public who's like I really love your welcoming event let me give a $100 so it's not actually doing that what happened was there's a bunch of little trust and the DCA has asked that instead of having multiple little trusts you have a umbrella trust and then line items under each one so for example you would have one for bough sponsored events uh and then it would be a line item for the the concert series a line item for hopefully October fed for each one of those items that's right this way it just gets cleaned up into a more manageable list for the state to review I figured there was something like that to has worked really hard on this so you guys should give her some thoughts corre me I'm the Catalyst this was that work of the environmental commission but basically Davis Johnson Park and trying to get people to donate that they want to donate part of that so I wish it was the Catalyst unfortunately we probably slowed you down because it had to be done first but it it all is getting Incorporated under the same actions yes right people want to donate so now would be a park trust and then this wayk trust right and for example the mayor had mentioned at the last meeting there was a res that really needed donon a park bench to one particular Park that he had played on with a a certain uh friend who passed away this is the same way that that could get done because you could just give a bench and it wouldn't necessarily have been available if it was just the Davis Johnson now Encompass alls thank you for so we if we know what the umbrella TR is we have to also know we have to De I'm calling some TR but we need the finance department they need to know where to depart to based on how something but I'm saying dep so how would the public know that is something to different so for example the public would if somebody was coming and make a donation they'd say I'd like to make a donation for our maintenance at the Rose Garden Finance would nowh put that if they come in and say I'd like to make a donation for October know what PR and what line item that it gets marked into how that'll be done if we Department that's internal within within the borrow what I'm saying is how does the public know hey there's you know a money gin as opposed to hey there's small littleit part somewhere that we don't have as a line so that's actually what Julie was referring to that the environmental commission is taking a lead on a donation form that could then be put out to the public I don't know if it's on the website or I know but the plan has to put it there and it has check marks where you want it to go the hold of she was talking about is after working on it for so long the dog park donations so I added that line work then I called Susan money have place in that yes but I'm cleaning up without conversation so yes but if we know where the money land then we put it on [Music] some different took it out replaced the original that so that was the tenly carriage based C fund that had a small amount of money in it I believe it got redirected into it was very small so that toot Live May and maybe I mean there are plans to put this [Music] on I'm saying for the different for the different part the different yes and there's a generic other so I'm not sure if I can but can I make a motion for 46 through 463 on the nonconsent we go one by one to allow the opportunity for discussion if it's needed or desired otherwise it would all be consent I'm just [Music] saying remember daon yes yes coun Michaels yes counc Dr W Conor yeah coun Park yes resolution 461 so second Dayton yes V yes coun member Michaels yes coun member Dr o Conor yes coun member Park yes resolution 462 a second second sorry yeah coun member Dayton yes counc member men yes counc member Michaels yes council member Dr wak coner yes counc member Park yes Dayton Yes Men yes Michaels yes Dr o yes Park yes and we have 464 the environmental funding we just funding for environment programs second okay yes C men yes C Michaels yes C Dr o Conor yes C Park yes and now resolution 465 ber and jff opposition to assembly bill 659 soov second C yes C minut yes counc member Michaels yes council member Dr wer yes counc member Park yes moving on to public hearings what does he do Julie you want to need Orin or make a motion for ordinance 2328 sure um I move to pass and adopt on second and final yes the public com title we read the confirmation of publication ordinance and the title of the ordinance sure ordinance number 23-28 is an ordinance published in the Sunday November 26th edition of the record it is an ordinance authorizing the execution of a lease Amendment agreement between the Burl tly and the tenly Nature Center Association um Flo is open for public comments on ordinance 2328 and by way of background and explanation there is an existing lease ready for this area however the the Nature Center received a grant from Green Acres which requires you to update the current GRE neor standards so the uh existing needs would be updated for another 25e term starting again and is would now say Environmental Education instead of just education within the lease because that was one of the flags that re raised thank just a question were there any changes made from the original Le or nothing that would be substantive except for the langage changes that were requested by Green aors and restar A the term so that they know that they're funding a property that is under the control of a nonprofit for coming five years oh I'm sorry and reers has asked us to remove the automatic renals so that that so this is this is for 25 years 25 years and St um and the reason for that is so that then at the end of each term when it gets renewed it always has to go through green agers approval and this way they can incorporate any new changes or updates before it can be red after those one5 years but would say that concerns me just a little because uh in the sense of this Nature Center you know are a promise to the Future and in 25 years theoretically we can Ren not automatic renewal you still can renew it but it's so it's it's it has to be subject to Green Anchor's approval at that to R it right so even right now once you approve there still a 45 day window where Green Acres has oversight to review the approved lease before it becomes active so yes it's and this is property not all of the Nature Center is funded by Green Acres but you the burrow did receive Green Acres funding previously for this portion um which is why it was already subject to their revie and approval so so you have to abide by what they would allow you to do um we can certainly i w I really want to flush it out so hold up um So currently portion of the ten Center is funded under under green there are you know of the 400 Acres um there is one lot that was donated by the Rockefeller Foundation that is outside of the scope of Green Acres and is more restrictive than any of your other areas um there are also other LS top right that were purchased through Federal funding there's lots that were purchased with GRE neighbors funding um which includes the pths and the um a lot of the stuff we the majority right okay you're saying currently for this so you actually two separate leases right to the Nature Center this is only effec and So currently this wasn't let's let's say it was yesterday four Green Acres said P like the way it had been done that they we've always had to go under their review anyway before it moves forward like so for as long as I have worked with Green Acres I don't know from when you initiated the first lease um 70 something but as long as my experience which predates my experience with the B my experience with Green Acres that provision has always been in the rules at least in the last 15 to 15 years let's say and that provision has certainly been in the rules in the last 15 years okay and then now which may actually predate your current lease oh because this one has I believe eight years left on it so it's right around when they change no I don't know that it was changed I just can tell you that I'm familiar for the last 15 years with the rules and as long as my tenure with the rules go it's been there I don't know when it made it in and so they're now saying that we need to do only for 25 year Le they are saying that you can not have automatic renews you could do a fiveyear lease and not automatically Ren yes right so um first of all WHYY thank you for this the maor center's been waiting a long time uh to get this resign so essentially Green Acres um they're not changing the substance here it really is exactly on the mission and continuing with exactly how we're R their TNC now uh we are doing Environmental Education right now so they just literally what the word Environmental Education instead of just the word of Education it's like that kind of um I say fling langu not sub exactly but but the point about the 25 years is that they don't to be establish as greenat they don't just want to say yes greenat forever and all they actually want accountability which is a great thing because we're accountable and we are doing exactly what needs to be done in the Nature Center to remain accountable to greenat the next mon5 what they're saying is we don't want to put out 70 we want you to come back to us and show your Steward the man you're doing the work you're giving Environmental Education so it's actually a good thing I think so my concern is I that I'm pretty cical persons that been around a while with this with this type of stuff and I start you know it gets pretty um that that 25 years they're like oh look at you know we're not renewing it when you're saying are you saying that green ACR won't bring you or that the bur is not going to bring you oh so what if green we own all them right 10 saying that agreement can only last 25 or last but can be Auto renew right you cannot Auto renew because green acers wants to make sure that whoever is the beneficiary of the lease which I don't know if it's really fair to call the ten Association the beneficiary when they take on all the work right so you know this is basically a stewardship agreement where okay I'm just trying to make it I am a pretty FAL person I not state to say no it's not for the state to say no is for the state to make sure that the latest and greatest rules of stewardship are Incorporated every periodically into the so it's really from the opposite side okay question you ever concern that 25 years from now we may have a different Council and they'll say what do we needan maor Center for yeah you know I have a different response so yes that's a possibility a future Council can say we don't need the Nature Center Association as our stewards but here's the catch if you don't have the Nature Center Association as the steward now the Berto is gonna have to take it on because no matter what that land is deed restricted correct you can't build on can't think thank you exactly so then then the bur is going to have to figure out how to manage and maintain that property um as passive Recreation without land stewards and hire people themselves to do it because no matter what the land is restricted both uh at one level or another by state and or federal depending on what part of the land you're standing on all right that that was for the question and I I will say the steward are 400 Acres huge chunk of tenly and again I know we didn't do it this year in open space but I truly believe as we go into the next you go into the next budget season you should consider an automatic percentage of open space for the Nature Center because they come and they beg for every cent and they use it and their budget is incredibly tight and their employees that take care of these 400 acres and do the education are significantly not paid what they should be so I will again request you know you guys take a look at the open space fund and maybe an automatic percentage to be inter but that's not there I'm going to adopt this Le but I just obviously I have the UT respect for the Nature Center this is just because I don't want yeah it will definitely be different five years if my if my kids live here that it didn't become like just a whole bunch more part now you're saying that property cannot it's a trust and the trust of certain conditions it's not a trust it's listed on thetion of the space inventory with the save as well as ferally listed in some portions of it because of funding that we perceive it is conserved for certain uses and in this case happens to be passive Recreation and perpetuity so if you wanted to release any portion of that land from that feed restriction you would have to get approv from State and provide mitigation that could be anywhere from two to one or 10 to one in the ratios of thank you uh people on folks online who would like to partake in public comment are Zoom would like to speak please raise your hand Andrew you're muted I think I'm fine thank you sorry thank you all right I moved to c adop second final reading ordinance 23-28 and that same shall be published according to La second CC Dayton yes CC men yes CC Michaels yesc dror par yes bus anyone's got any sorry um um the first thing I is with the Nature Center we had purchased and excuse me we budgeted and planned for cameras up at the Nature Center um to be connected to our police station this has yet to be done uh it needs to get done they're having some uh issues up there that they'd like to deny on so um I gu that have with follow of St then on the purchase of the Camas they were on a budget in the and the major Center applied for the safety Grant I don't think they I don't think they didn't make our budget what was happening at the time of budget last year was when the chief was presenting we had other their cameras going up and we talked about looping in the Nature Center cameras with like a one or they don't have tax yet right and and I don't that was not occurring that did not occur but what we said at the time is since she'd already done this large kind of report on security that they knew exactly their needs so we talked to him about it he was looking at different areas of maybe where you could get some camera funding from some other things that had already been like open piles of money but it it wasn't something that we budgeted for no but the nature center after that apply for the Safety and Security oh did they get that um I thought they did receive so I would like to check up on this um been reest question cameras on the premise so let's follow through and find out I'll just jump in on that I'll email the chief as well because I had talked in so much about cameras and I had kept bringing that up so I'll also ask perfect thank you um so that's there um I would like to again request that this Council create a committee for a women's museum um again I still would like to see that kind of work um the 19th Amendment committee that we had done in 2019 is beginning to fundraise again um Stanton statue in kler connected with our train station which is now named after her so I just don't want to lose any momentum it's been a couple years but I'm putting that back on the agenda so if anybody wants to take that over on the council please let me know um there was a request this is old request when we met with um Jeff ta ready for this there was a request to update the code for uh and this is request between our tax assessor's office and our police department and actually our senior services that I work with um for unsanitary conditions for hoarding and so there was um sort of a loophole in our ordinances in our right now in which it wasn't clear and we were going to go back and right now what happens is if you're a hoarder and the police people to come and send an outside company to clean going to stop because we have been enforcing those Property Maintenance Cod L than a year ago yes but this was so we don't we're doing it no we have everything that we needed in the ordinance in order to impose a link for the cost to clean up and this Council has actually moved forward with that and done so dur and I'm going to check that off because it an outstanding out of my that definitely is in place okay no I know we did it on the code enforcement side I didn't know if we did on the tax oh no so what happens is any Code Enforcement issue whether it's um you know harboring garbage so that it can harb Road whether it's a dead tree that the property owner refuses to take down that's a hazard to the neighborhood property whatever if it's you know uncut whatever it is the property code violation there's a letter that would go out with a time frame to fix that violation um more often than not a second notice will go out you know but at some point a letter comes out it's going to be generated out of my office no matter who's signing it that CES the code CES the process and notes that if the burrow has to take on this that a lean will be placed on the property P ancep then you will pass a resolution in order to approve that and then it gets Susan's office will place it on as an added good I mean I'm going back through notes so are we doing eight years of noing um the second torod 10or je had requested a new orance I don't think I I couldn't find it I will tell you I did look so this was was um an inability to give a CO and we were holding out cosos for a long time when the house was um you know one or two life buls still having things screwed in so we were going to close that with a substantially completed language I I can follow up with Jeff but I mean you know my practice and understanding has always been that the added assessment for for improvements um I believe is at 75% completion right we were going to change the or to have um either substantially completed or fully enclosed structure and I could find either we had discussed this at find that so I'm just again in my own notes because I want to make sure he's able to reassess or redevelop home we had we had also made and he did a fantastic job in our have notied an inventory of everything that was outstanding and kind of been closed and he has now done the entirety of that list he's done it like a year AG before I just want to thank him but that I did want to check code on that language okay I will follow up with okay that's old you said old business I'm on that construction correct um I that's my and other than that the website website redesign website uh document that were never scanned in for um not PDFs but for live link so our public can go online and do their pet license by doing online or I don't well now it goes to an outside yes but that's still done on behalf of the bur and it's through your website it redirects that's a shared service right it is so um I know the the document but actually spoke speaking of what I spoke to S Plus today about that and um they're still currently working on the documents um I I'm to follow up with them tomorrow to see where we are with the status of the documents because we provided um multiple PDFs from various departments for them to create a fillable form for each of those department so um that that's part of our conversation tomorrow yeah I actually followed up earlier today knew that one's all yours going that's my to [Music] my all right let's do minutes to be approved September 5th minutes it's um motion second and voice motion for the minutes to be approved I second the second I oh second okay and then all in favor all in favor all right uh anything for the good of the order anything for the upcoming meetings um upcoming meetings I believe Omar and I would want to do pass through on the proposed um meeting B on the comments from the last meeting that's the only thing I could think of and obviously the resolution that you all have up V with on the tree extension oh something actually uh Jamie forer actually identified with John and if it doesn't matter it doesn't matter on the consent agenda and schedule for for the uh 44449 it says uh on January 2 2023 which I think happened already so I don't know if it's for legal reasons we have to change the date to 2024 yes that' be great and thank you Jamie and John for identify eiz s o'clock for the early meeting and then 7:30 are we having um CH in B befor yes yes so 6:30 I'm just curious it's my last one I got we we have a uh we have a pretty much just cheese and crackers and a spread from SE cheese that's going to be before the some jelly I have to see if that's part of the that yes yes thank you no problem all right let's move on [Music] to Omar whenever you're ready I'm sorry 2328 20 okay ordinance number 23-29 an ordinance of the Bur fly County of Bergen state of New Jersey amending chapter 2 administration of government to establish article 8 subsection 278 retiree benefits authorizing and directing the payment of premiums for health benefits after retirement for certain employees council member make motion to introduce oh sorry need to read it right Adam up I move to introduce on first reading ordinance 23-29 and said the hearing for December 19 2023 at 8m or as soon therea okay council member Dayton Yes counc Men yes council member Michaels yes dror yes par yes the next ordinance 23-30 Mark sure ordinance number 23-30 an ordinance authorizing the acceptance of the road dedication for a portion of block n block 602 now designated as for court and the bur tly County of Bergen Jersey yes C Min yes coun Michaels yes C Dr o Conor yes CER Park yes next ordinance 23-31 ordinance number 23-31 or of the bur of tly County of Bergen state of New Jersey amending chapter 2 administration of government article two general organization sub section 2-27 Junior Firefighters auxiliary of the revised General ordinances of the burre ten 2004 pleas I move to introduce in first reading ordinance 2331 set the hearing for December 19th 2023 at 8m there I just also want to say this is for the junior figher greatr anyone Junior sure Dayton yes yes C Michaels yes coun member Dr W yes C Park yes or 2332 sure ordinance number 23-32 and the ordinance of the bifi County of Bergen state of New Jersey amending chapter 2 administration of government article one mayor and Council B mayor and B Council of the revised general ordines of the Burly 2004 to intr I to introduce on Le 23-32 and the hearing December 19th 2023 at 8:00 for as soon have a second second oh my God counc dayon yes counc men yes counc M Michaels yes counc member Dr o Conor yes yes we did the same thing with a few years ago I guess I don't know we've done this in the past and there was an issue with garbage pick up and snow you're talking about so public so this is um contemplated this is in this uh enclosed private condo communi or individual homes and the new Street was created to go down to reach those individual homes which previously been one large lot so your DPW will be plowing garbage collecting everything just as any other Public Road in Bur right and I just wanted to make sure that this you know communicated to every yes dates that yeah you're um are they doing it Curr it's already happen the only thing that that hadn't happened was plowing um and hopefully that's in this is in place before that season starts moving on to committee reports start um first I'd like to say over for death on HDC that the meeting is this Thursday and they actually have Val meeting and the first night of contct asking if anyone to go on Thursday this Thursday this Thursday 730 7:30 um that's discuss but um the welcoming committee met um you know I just want to thank Ro committee it's fantastic um committee and and sorry this is your services meeting um took place and I want to thank Lisa ad 11 for her incredible work this year um with our seniors we have one more meeting we are looking again for grant opportunities for more ventes walkability that's a big discussion they had ma 10 spaces in town where seniors would like the option to walk in their Leisure um if consider for a or a budget or2 um met we heard from Kevin on that report um police insire did not meet uh TL Nature Center met uh again this Le with they are planning for um the upcoming season they have a couple winter events and they have already enrollment for next year's summer camp so they are under please go ahead and look to May Center for membership there membership drive and I want to thank them for being our incredible holiday fair this nasty did they mention how the tree planting went did the did they talk about that was sucessful I think they were talking I think they were holding it bigger so you know I I think that as they grow that program hopefully it'll be better but they they were very happy at least some you know some that's okay it's just that we had the th had funded that with the shade treat fund I know they were looking for people to plant them on their big plant weekend but in L planting they offer take donations and get guessing to people get them in the ground so yes that's the 140 trees were set to go there and what their main goal is is to have native trees and so they're trying again for invasive species at a big push right now so they're actually clearing any invasive or nonnative trees and believe it or not even some Maples are nonnative around here um and then they're replenishing maor center with [Music] Native correct our mitigation F yeah so when people don't reach their trees now I know where the funding is going and again if anybody wants trees on own property there is that fund that you can apply to yeah um and there is a push of course for donations for dedicated ventes course in the Nature Center so I know we were just talking about trust um the Nature Center that's a great way for money to go to the Nature Center and raise money yeah and that's my left um just I think the center last mention that they were close to 500 members they now con year will be much more they'll kind of speak and of course that also means that they're putting pressure on us to come to to a decision on what's Happening your centor by the way did you see their Facebook post they were hysterical we need one more who wants to be our last member make 500 very cute and so good job congratulations so that's a senior center and of course they they have events you know coming up Michelle on if you have any questions or or just to do the 51 or whatever they're up this point um zoning uh Board of adjustment um met yesterday and um it was um a an application that was [Music] um they had not they didn't want to proceed with it at the time they making some changes uh they came back made some changes uh since on the Hills Side Avenue and basically they um we looking for a number of variances at the time including access ratio and andage and they removed they came up with a creative idea of removing um the barage or one part of the barage so that they could get rid of the the building structure used the uh that so asking for um two things one is creation uh this coming Tuesday a week from tomorrow December 13th I don't know how he does it but Santa will actually be in town from 4 to 6: PM I know a guy that knows a guy I don't know but it's at peace Plaza next Wednesday the 13th 4 to 6: PM peace Plaza please uh do uh do that and then I can't just I'll help you with the spelling om r o m g okay this past Saturday the uh the Tedy downtown committee and Chamber of Commerce put on just an amazing event I actually heard I'm not confirming this but councilwoman Dr OK Conor may or may not have bought stuff at the actual event I'm not saying it's guarantee I'm just telling you I heard somebody this incredible the music uh if you guys did Miss The Nutcracker the I think it's Bergenfield there must have been 30 kids sorry some of them some of them look like adults one no it was they did ballet like literally legit Nutcracker ballet uh the food was great I may or may not have tried this honey bourbon drink which is pretty amazing thank you to Wendy for allowing us to uh you know drink on premise Omar thank you Omar for allowing but um just an incredible job you know Jenny Jackson jeie Jamie the entire downtown committee and uh and chamber I mean we could do this every single month first of all the it was just so sunny out it was great I took my jacket off halfway through um it was spectacular so huge thanks to DPW as well and Recreation for hooking us up with the calist that worked out perfectly so just congratulations and hopefully our 15,500 res like it can I just say Amanda oh absolutely Amanda Amanda was there so totally hooked us up so thank you I apologize Amanda has been doing everything for us uh so yeah just a huge thank you I'm really and proud of this uh this burrow so thank you I like to say first of all congratulations to downtown and the Chamber of Commerce it was incredibly successful but what I loved about it was so many of our local business people that maybe work through their home like Bakers or Crafters or Artisans were able to actually come to their own town and sell their goods and meet people I picked up business cards and and everything they were handing out left and right um just so I can continue to use them because they're not maybe storefronts here but they are businesses for tenly and I just love that they shown in this holiday holiday fair so thank you for that um do you know when the yes startor Monday this coming Monday left at 700 p.m. at har Park that that actually is me my question was um what does aware we doing the Christmas tree lighting that has like the forest that comes from the school and yeah that should be up already that's the question is up but we've always done uh it was used to be Chamber of Commerce we had Santa drive there and then we ended up at the park the holiday chamber there was no chamber is that and then they would get the high school students with their magicals would sping and there was Coco and is that occurring this year so I was assuming that Saturday EV the fire department had Santa is that a curent that's what I want Let Me I'm having Jamie and the Chamber and the fire see I don't know the answer but I'll thank you that um all right so that all yes so um for environmental commission we uh just passed tonight's resolution to hopefully reinstate funding uh for the upcoming state budget cycle and fingers talk that that'll occur to improve our environmental program through the state uh the second thing with environmental commission we are really encouraging people to sign up for the conquesting pilot program at this point we have 52 families that have signed up and the number of food GS diverted from landfill is at 3,228 pounds of food just in the first two months of the program so it's staggering in a good way of considering that just a handful of and just in month so I really uh important people to go online and we really want to reach that goal of 100 families so please Omar pinned it on our website so please go to ten website confence pilot program it's really quite easy um and you just take your bucket over to the conflict drop off and we're looking to add a few more drop offs in town to make it even easier so um that's about it and I have more mayor's [Laughter] remarks your turn my turn all right so Omar be resolution 46666 meeting of the mayor and Council the B ten County Bing state of New Jersey held on December 5 the mayor counc the tenary to go into close session to discuss certain matters which are Exempted from the public be it resolved in compliance with njsa 10 col 4-12 the mayor and Council the B P are going into close executive session to discuss a non-collective bargaining agreement minutes will be taken of the meeting and released to the public at the time the matter isol I know I know all in favor I don't think anybody ever says that4 2024 sessions the for the meeting you know upcoming year Changs yes um February was changed to one meeting and then in April there were a shift from one week to the other that was second oh no um what I do no no what I do at at the rework meeting you'll see it again and you vote on ask a resolution okay you'll see you'll see the what do you need to see it again you know what I'll just look back on your last I did not write it down at time just um let me pause this really quick I'm sorry CL some public meeting [Music] so