[Music] with the open public meetings at1 1975 chapter 231 the notice requirements have been satisfied the meeting dates of the year are confirmed at the annual meeting are posted on the public board the lobby of the municipal center and first 10 days roll call please Omar council member Corsair counc M men Michaels pres council member Dr o Conor council member Park counc member Larry here M here I just want noce public we're starting at about a few minutes late 15 minutes late we had a budget hearing this evening that started at 6 that ran over so apologize ofen anymore the public is always welcome public is always encouraged to join the budget hearings just bring plenty of coffee okay next on the agenda to be considered the tenly Spring Fling Banner so this is just uh the count the uh downtown committee and the chamber uh we have um May 4th Spring Fling um so we just wanted to helpot it thank you to the mayor always promoting it in his Friday M any questions about the banner looks great go ahead [Music] um the chamber right okay an approval for the bner te just for us to we always go to the council y okay senior services committee bench request so the senior services committee sent us Communications and they're requesting Banes that these locations and yes we don't have to make a decision on this right today no okay because I think we should study and maybe would you say the chief the chief I don't sorry the chief of police yes the chief of police okay so I just asked we can not not brought in to the meeting but just brought into your so let me ask a question we didn't put uh we put money in the budget of ventes are these are nice requests but Susan when when us settles might be able to see if there's funds that can be encumbered for some of the benches on this list but um we would have to budget for benches and I don't and it's a sizable list I so I'm glad we have the so so I think probably the first person to look at this um because have no idea this go right is to show this list to Mye Cass Cass the DPW to give us talking about a million doll we're talking about $5,000 and we and he knows those vendors was he's been very helpful with getting ventes in different places so that you know issues with the location um you know any safety issues any yes this list Roosevelt comment tenants Court resurfacing I just I remember that col was telling us they needed the money to to make the app um if if this is all right you know people have consensus here does that then get moved to a different part of the agenda so we could say yay or nay because it is everybody with this try Julie's point when does this have to be part of the consent agenda to authorize $6,000 so you'll you'll have to have a resolution at some point to authorize the actual [Music] member but you can have consensus if you have consensus to move forward we can move forward the next meeting yeah we have resolution that's crazy to wait don't say yes tonight okay okay want them sometime to my grandchildren and great grand do you have any idea uh how how much the USDA might um give I thought I saw some I will send you whatever emails I have on it and look at how much anyone have any questions about personel policies May um so I see that he the administrator suggested that we'll we'll get it uh you know after kind of everything has been discussed and to the Bor attorney just wondering if that's the right time so what the time so he's going to so the time I don't know his timeline right so he's going to work on with the department heads and the attorney then give us a draft you know he and I went back and forth I don't know if he discussed it with you we're probably looking at a month from now or so but could we also get the last time this came to us uh basically we had it all days the work can we get before adoption before before adoption on it at the the next council meeting that question do you know when it has to be adopted by the Omar there there's no date that it needs to be adopted by what um bir administrator is looking for is to incorporate some updates that them uh has suggested over the last two years since the last time that that you updated it um Additionally you want to get into put from the department heads to make sure that anything that may have fallen out in the past that is better to be listed even if they princial to past employees that that be addressed so we're looking to my office would be incorporating the updates but we' get the feedback from the burough Prof from the burough staff as to the things that that they would like to see incorporate no the last time I said we we only got two days to we look at a 13 but it sounds like we're not up against the deadline so that won't happen so we should be able to get it within at least a couple of weeks I would see no reason why that would happen but you should it didn't happen last yeah I think we were up against the deadline though last time don't any okay any other questions about the administration board okay let's move on to public comment are there any members audience members wishing to speak we'll have a three minute time limit to address the cant body on any items onor off the agenda large groups are asked to have a spokesperson represent them Andrew M would you like to come along we're starting with inside tonight yeah I was hoping somebody on Zoom you're hoping someone else was here looks like Professor Coleman is on he can be helpful you can pH a friend that's Dr Coleman try to unmute him so I'm here with my not Greenway hat and I'm going to take away Council and Parks committee report a little bit just because I you guys may have some questions on the topic and uh too much um some of you know that the New York state is conducting a study for the palates multi-use P study that's going to connect the George Washington Bridge to the Maroma Bridge or as they look at it the Amic which of George Washington Bridge it's a New York state funded and run study by the New York metropolitan Transportation Council so we are a stakeholder green with stakeholder then fly is a key partner um they've had they're having visioning sessions which is basically open sessioned and uh they as they introduce the topic they give you everything an overview and then they open it up for questions they have some questions of their own tomorrow at noon is a session where they have invited elected officials municipalities school systems and all it's still an open session I hope one day we can get them to actually just have a session just for municipalities face to face but the project is just starting they have some ideas and I hope that a couple of you can join noon tomorrow I think it's important for the borrow to be represented the Green Wave will be there but we repres present all the fors along the way so you represent what all the municipalities are part of the Greenwood but as that applies part of it but it really helps to have elected official there where it's going to be a zoom meeting oh okay so it's at noon to 1:30 they'll do an overview um they'll they have some questions that's just some good technology in generating input and then they'll open it up for where is members of the council New [Music] York I can resend you guys are just send it to counc so it sounds like we're going to have two Council yeah even if just register but say it's not when something comes up it's still good to have 1% uh people register to show that pfly is tracking and you guys are going to be up to date on what's going on all right so we we've been doing a lot of work on all the towns I think District 37 will be represented District 39 will be represented so I want to make sure especially because it's a New York state grun project that I want to make sure New Jersey has equal safe okay thank you very much oh one more thing there is a uh wonderful article that came out about the northern Valley Greenway in the tly magazine unfortunately I don't think we get it I have to talk to them about that I have the online copy it's a great article it was written by a junior at the high school did a amazing job spent couple of hours interviewing Dr colan and I um and did an amazing job just netting it out and coming up with a nice article highly recommend you read it but then you mean notop after it's that good all right thank you very much would any other members of the public in the chambers here like to speak okay any members of the public online would like to speak Omar let us know if anyone's raising their hands anyone online wish to speak please raise your hand see no hands mayor okay we're going to close public comment time thank you everyone thank you Andrew move on to correspondence we have a correspondence um from the song and Park family regarding light pears council members be had a chance to look at this they're appealing a decision by the building department go ahead Julie please um so I did rev youw and I want my first question was because it's you know I will admit I'm not really familiar with what light pairs are but my first thought was that I wasn't sure if the chief of police or rather not the Chiefs but uh our head of our traffic Bureau the person at the police department that deals with um cars and Roads should be looped in it seems like it's a little bit of a larger sphere than just the Buildings Department because she talks about creating light on a street that didn't have much light and so I just wanted to make sure rather than us making a decision that it wasn't also involving the right players just find the right looks likea driveway and depending on the where the house is it could be 10et it could be 5et 15 feet you but it's usually 10 right there yeah I mean it's typically 10 feet so it's the part so you have the curve then you have a little piece of grass before your sidewalk okay that's that's your property but that from that curve 10 ft in is the right way so one day if the town needed to expand the road 100 years from now that's available we need to run sewer lines down there so so we've got a question on the table about let's send it to the police department to look at is the council good with that in terms of one person doesn't like the idea one person wants to study it further preliminarily we can but I I don't I agree with you knowk that you know we should avoid not the right way I mean I don't know why be just beyond the right of way with a brighter light you know or or the light showing somewhere else you know so I don't I mean maybe I don't know enough about the technicality of it but but you know everybody else seems to something manage to do feel like it that's fine I think again if the Buildings Department we can take a look at it but building department says we can't do it that's the rule unless we change the rules I'm a big fan of the rule rules that's right but you're right they had rejected one way or the other I'm just trying to determine team there saying right away right I'm fine with not of the police department it's fine they just want put they just want to put light on there's a reason why we have we keep stuff away then the usefulness of theway goes away you know it's one one house yeah so what why don't we why don't we do this I'm going to recommend it up to the council that we go with j his original thought is at least let's get some information to find out even if it's only to help us with the next person who ask about this because while we have some going on some of us all of us don't really we don't have complete Clarity so we good with that then Council makes decision all right on cons okay can I get a motion to approve on the regular consent agenda resolutions r4120 through r4130 please as m C men yes C Michaels yes coun member Dr o Conor yes counc member Park C member yes we just explanation I mean I get that it's you know repair4 the uh assistant area which way the numbers run 111 111 Dean Drive is the medical building on the corner of West Bel so so the numbers are running North right right so that is somewhere so is it on the east side or the west side of well the okay so you can't quote me on that but the sanitary sanitary storm system you know I don't want I'm not sure whether it's on the east right side of stre so I'm not going to make it up it's on the east side okay so it's on the resident side of the street and this is repairs to their sanitary storm well it's not their it's the burrow sanitary St it's not the sanitary system storm sewage system okay $31,000 sanitary storm it does but resolution re stormm Serv system this a budgeted expense so it is well it has to be budgeted in order for you to have the money to spend it right you had to appropriate that somewhere so money Riverside property emergency contract is coming out of that line so I could her she's reading reading deeper into the databas that's it that's it make we make a motion one we we do one at a time go ahead then my motion let me just start over again so can I have a motion to approve resolution 24- 131 please a second second Omar read the RO please C Corsair yes C men yes C Michaels yes C Dr o Conor C Park yes c m rary yes any questions about resolution 137 okay what no attachment perfect can I have a motion to approve resolution 24132 what's happing is the state the state is requiring all municipalities to start expecting depart how much is it I can't vote on okay so what it is authorizing the procurement process that put out an RFP for lead inspectors so that you're you also have later on the agenda the ordinance to introduce the lead inspection into your code book so that once all of it is in place it would be a pass through with certain administrative fees added on both to sent of state and for the staff and the buau but the idea is instead of having to hire somebody new we go out for our few contractors that can provide those Inspection Services contract need out so the so in the worst case scenario would be a pass through with the burrow that's case scenario scenario we will select Fe On okay but this is just to authorize the RFP it's not it's competitive contrac and so approve have a secondar pleas callair yes yes cember dror yeah C Park Larry yes that's there well the resolution was there it's just there was no need reporting data yeah so on this one um the forh houses on serantine the buron county United Way has requested control with the Demolition of the buildings in advance of submitting planning board approval um so we wouldn't transfer the property into their ownership until we know that the project moving forward but this authorizes a license agreement so that they'll provide the required insurances protections Etc and they can start the demolition in advance of submitting their site plan application to the planning it it's taken a while as there's four single family homes that are empty now on Serpentine cemet that the burough purchased to have converted into new affordable housing site so it's using your affordable housing trustman dollars to purchase those properties and the bur County United Way was designated the developer for that site for now I forget 16 family units 16 veteran which will go towards our Co obligations and on servy where so the neighbors are very upset that the buildings aren down it's next to the cemetery um Coming cemetery and yeah great it's finally here it took a while it took a while but it 21 okay I have a motion to approve resolution R4 133 have a second second on please call the r Corsair yeah minute yes yes counc member Dr oer yeah counc member Park yes counc member rary yes I have a motion to approve the minutes of March 5th 2024 Session One March 5th 2024 close session 2 and March 5 2024 mayor council meeting have a second all in favor any opposed does anyone have anything for the good of the order anyone have anything for upcoming meetings okay with me one second here that okay uh councilman Park would you like to uh introduce uh please at 8m there that a second please second Omar would you please read the title of your ordinance and conduct ordinance number 24-4 ordinance of the B tenly County of Bergen state of New Jersey amending chapter 10 building and housing to establish chapter 10 section 12 inspections let base customer Corsair custom men customer Michaels yes coun Dr o Conor yes C Park yes coun R yes okay thank you Omar committee reports we start with Council woman Court say committee reports um so there was the Historic Society approved um they're going to do a r on property thater that's been really the look of the property but the historic great and then I just would like to understand if there's any movement on the hand electric project so we uh last week we s an infrared team in there we hired an infed team out of Pennsylvania I think they were the Clos vendor they went in I think put about $1,200 they did an infrared heat test um they're going to provide the burrow with um exactly what needs to be repaired even while they were there the electrician that was on site fixed a couple of things that were particularly important and so that has moved forward and uh we'll report back when it's completed great thank you councilman any committee response John uh we have downtown Committee just a reminder for everybody Saturday May 4th we have our Spring Fling uh everybody will be happy to know we also have a rain location just in case but it's not to rain councilman Park promised um also spoke about um the engineering has started for a lot of the traffic uh efficiency work so we have meetings now with the engineers primarily a big one uh with the uh traffic light at 5day so really happy Happ we're actually so the biggest thing that they're working on speak as well the biggest thing they're working on is they're working to get the light course is about 800 years you know they're thinking like nine months so they're trying to actually find other municipalities or other places that maybe have a light coming that we could get it faster that seems like a big part of the bottle that of course there's the engineering work that has to be done as well but procuring the physical light is uh seems to be so we we would ask other communities for getting like that might not need it in time so maybe they cancel something there's something that's already being worked on being buil they reach out to the count they the on with they're reaching out to the count motion sens yes motion sensors text there's a car there that's what we're doing so we are making sure that was one of the things if you remember you still wait 400 hours at 3:00 in the morning know coming these are adaptive is the word that they're using adap so it's great we really are moving forward with this stuff thank you to the council for budgeting years average and the New Jersey average cause of death is heart disease though so everyone should take [Music] April 28 another article Town newsletter Che hiking at the rent Center or certain clothes to prevent Tix next project which excess so please visit the website for more details on very exciting project remind that the T trash fund is Sunday April 28th please participate it's for all ages and HS the community information will be coming soon and you start to see of so pleas participate because it's really great when you clean up the community and um awareness for [Music] just the Senior Center membership is up to 450 members so they very they they're going through interviews for for board other just activities FL is still very successful um they have a um they have a community health uh event uh tomorrow at at 6:m but you know anything that uh the seniors are interested they can reach out to manager and um than report okay thank you mayor remarks the only thing we have may remarks om [Music] canis Council and we had a member of the um the planning [Music] that's remember that that's how we did it last time counil Michael because it was about you know I mean I'm not on that committee this time but I'm just saying [Music] suggestion you guys meet yes so actually I mean the mayor should remember the one of the subcommittees from the planning board uh they include the canis committee that is correct so there is a representative that's so once the cannabist committee has their first meeting and you all agree with this then just know all right just another two more appointments to the downtown committee um very appoint M yes okay that's all that is all of my mayor's remarks um resolution r24 d134 at a meeting of the mayor and Council P County Bering state of New Jersey held on March 19th 2024 be it resolved in compliance with njsa 4-12 the mayor and Council tenly are going to proposed executive session to discuss the following matters contract negotiation talk of bargaining theu and non bargaining thease attorney plan privilege hearing officer findings and potential litigation uh the real property potential acquisition and Lease of burrow property minutes will be taken of the meeting release to the public at the time of the matter is resoled can I get a motion to go into close please some of I have a second faor so can I have a roll call vote please I'm fine right fine come thank you everybody wow all right okay I am ready okay um we're back in Open Session I'd like I'm asking for a motion to approve resolution r 24-135 as discussed in the closed session have a second one more please call the rooll council member quair Yes counc Men yes counc Michaels yes counc member Dr o Conor yes counc Park yes counc yes okay thank you I'd like a motion to close the public meeting have a second second all in favor any [Music] again