[Music] 231 the notice requirements have been satisfied the meeting dates of the year are confirmed that the annual meeting are posted on the public Bing board in the lobby of the municipal center and published in the record within the first 10 Days of the New Year salute to the flag please pledge to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for it stands One Nation God indivisible andice for homark have a roll call please counc forair present counc Min here counc Michaels yes counc member Dr here counc here here here uh before we get started I just want to um do a shout out thank you to uh the nicb backa Country Club and councilman Roary for making arrangements um for a golf cart that the nicab Baka Country Club donated to the B of tenly for use by the um Recreation Department we picked that up when when did we pick it up Friday we picked it up Friday and I did get a call from the police Str there were two Knuckleheads driving through town on a golf and his wife was escorting us she was uh she was behind us for safety then she got tired went around us and left but thank you that was good work coun all right uh to be considered the 2024 um League of municipalities conference sure so um I was informed by the league of municipalities that the registration is um going to be open on August 1st actually housing is now open for the leag of municipalities so any council member who is interested in attending the the league which is being from November 19th through the 21st please let me know and I'll set you up parations for your hotel and also okay thank you Omar okay next on the agenda the Clinton in Redevelopment um Jeff would you be so kind as to Jeff Zen uh planning board attorney is here he's going to um we're going to do a Q&A in the Clinton and Redevelopment which everyone has uh copies of that agreement and then um since he's here we'll beg his Indulgence because we'll be potentially voting on it later in the evening uh any questions you might have for Jeff about the garage ordinance that has come back from the pl board way the council wanted so Jeff would you like to give us a little summary thank you Mr Mayor so I just want to summarize the revelop terms and first if everyone has it I'm gonna just recite some key timelines because we've been working on this for several years probably going back to 2018 in 2019 Council had authorized the planning board to conduct a study as to whether this area which is in need specifically it's the Clinton in property and the property south of that plan board undertook that study in February 2020 and recommended to the council in the area method qualifications as an area need of development um in March of 2020 the council accepted that recommendation and agreed that in fact designated the area as an area needed Redevelopment and then set about uh preparing a Redevelopment plan sent back to the planning board in July 20122 Council adopted the Redevelopment plan for this property which generally consisted of a rehab of the Clinton and hotel and to the south of that prop this Redevelopment agreement now is the culmination of that document that would agree where where I would enter into with the redeveloper for the construction of the Redevelopment and it specifically and if you want to follow with me it requires the complete renovation of the hotel and the construction of a new assisted living facility in section 2.01 we have some specific R requirements while the buau is not attempting to micromanage anyone's business or to tell people specifically what they must do or what they must not do in terms of the renovation of the hotel there are some specific items that uh we wanted to put a little detail on it rather than just leave it to a complete renovation and leave it as to anyone's surmise as to what that might be the hotel is to be renovated no list than 125 RS the exterior is to be consistent with the concept plan that was shown on the Redevelopment plan that was presented to you back in 2022 interior Renovations within each guest room include new flooring new wo coverings beds Linens Furniture bathrooms updated with new bathroom fixtures bathtubs shall be replaced common areas of the hotel as well as amenity spaces including lobbies hallways banet facilities and fitness center shall be renovated with new floor wall coverings furniture and lighting they must have a banquet facility that she accommodate up to 500 seats with a fully functioning cater and kitchen including Associated equipment systems um in addition the assisted living facility would be an approximately 145 bed brand new building um with 10% of the units set aside as affordable essentially Medicaid beds with no less than 11 of the beds affordable so even if they went down 145 if they went to 100 units 11 would be affordable that's generally the the project section 2.02 we have the timing of it but one thing is very clear and that's at the end of section 2.01 while the project may be developed in phases at the redevelopers option and convenience unless all the phase one work and phase one is the hotel unless all that work is completed and ready for occupancy is evidenced by a certificate of occupancy phase two cannot get a certificate of occupancy meaning the hotel must be renovated completely and full before the redeveloper gets the system fa that's is generally a general ter terms and outline of this obviously this is a very long document but typical of every development agreement and I'm happy to go into more detail or answer any questions you have but that's the general outline of what we have here thank you Jeff who has questions question regarding I think it's a common question but you know question regarding what amenities are going to be made available to Residents regarding restaurants Spas anything what is the uplift seems references made to a courtyard by marott which doesn't seem consistent with our community and so is there an opportunity to make this into something that would be uh you know special for the town well in in terms of there will be many of these part of hotels but those are things that the hotel will pass part of their hotel I mean they won't be open to the public for residents to come to use um I think that was part of the discussion that we had that we had at the beginning which was for us sorry I speak for myself I wanted it to be for the 15,000 residents that we have in town so I think we spent a lot of time please coun please I remember we had multiple conversations around again they might be no there were there were I wasn't on the coun I do remember seeings bars and restaurants like there there were discussions about that um but they never made it into the ultimate Redevelopment plan so they were never things were never set aside for the burrow uh I will say there are certain things in the Redevelopment plan for the Burrow's benefit and that is there are Road improvements drainage improvements and the intersection of Clinton and uh Dean Dean Dean excuse me I um and and contributions to the traffic signalization there and when you said they didn't make into the plan is that they chose not to include it in the plan or well I know we specifically asked for so why wouldn't been in that was part of the part of the ultimate negotiation back when when the plan was adopted that's that's what we discuss so so I guess what is our traditionally that comes to planning board is for us to So the plan was adopted by the council not the plan just that out so can we go back and change stuff in this rment plan or is it pretty much an up or down vote as is so you could amend a Redevelopment plan the way you amend any other zoning plan um but keeping in mind that it was negotiated with the designated redeveloper and any amendments may then make the project fail depending and on saying it will or not it's just this is how it was negotiated but we would negotiate on our side it it came to you all R develop the agreement originally correct who the the plan was done at the council I mean it was negotiated and then brought to the council for approval so at some point you all were we definitely said we want this stuff for the community it would have from what I remember and I wasn't here when it started um but from what I remember there was uh presentations made to the council and then Direction was given back amendments were made before it was ever introduced and it was introduced and adopted um what happened in the background I can't really tell you Jeff may be able to have more recollection of that well that doesn't mean that that me doesn't mean we're prohibited from saying hey we'd like to we' read the plan as it is as of today we'd like to add X personally the last time so for me personally the plan as is and you know go to the extreme worst case scenario the plan is is state of theart most amazing hotel in the entire world that is completely Clos off to everybody but with I'm going to extreme point for me when when I supported the uh the plan it was because we had multiple discussions around again there's a nice restaurant there that I can take my spouse on a Friday night there you know we had a very clear discussion on again you got this has to resonate with you guys we had a very clear discussion on the coolest place in the entire world in TL right now is you know outside the CVS right outside CVS and we specifically said how great yeah how great it would be if the kids could go to a video arcade on the bottom again I know that this is the hotel property and of course the primary focus should be on the hotel guest which but to me this this this as is does not Ensure any benefit to the 15,500 represent 500 resents that we represent je in the in this agreement you reference the blueprints and the plans yeah right and so I don't recall them all details over the top of my head but wasn't there going to be like a rooftop bar yeah Council right I was encouraged to come to a council right so right so my my point is though when it makes reference to those plans all that still in plan correct so we need to take a look again to be clear I'm super supportive of this I was supportive the first time I'm still supportive of it I want to make sure our 15,500 res are I think to to your point though I think we presented twice on the Redevelopment plan the developer was here you know they pushed back they didn't want to have a be committed to a restaurant they've had a failed restaurant there I think that was their concern but to your point though burrow does get some benefits as I talked about the street improvements range improvements traffic improvements but you also have right now a failing hotel that's going to be renovated and hopefully now downtown area your your gateway a lot nicer than what it is current I think that's part of the point right I mean one of the reasons you building hotel is that it has no amen contractions right and so it has no current amen or attractions right resident dollars being spent in a downstairs restaurant or arcade or a rooftop bar or something else are creative to that overall property and at sustenance I think that's one of the key points is that we make sure it's something that can survive because not just Hotel gas want to go there and you're right to point out that there are infrastructure improvements but I think we're also interested in lifestyle improvements for the residents and I think that's an important thing my other question earlier was references made to a Thea our Marriott Courtyard which also doesn't seem particularly consistent with the town necessarily itself so I'm curious if there's room in that or discussion in that or what that means because there was reference in the document to an appending that that was not included so there are no I have no visibility what this looks like so it's very difficult so we we do have the concept plans I know P appendex two and append three were not part of but let's keep let's keep going with questions okay that's otherwise so so we do have those go ahead please so I I know you reference 145 beds uh any idea of how that translates into rooms numbers of rooms or uh I I do not I do not know how many um whether it's just one to one or not and just to be clear it's important that we do it so it's a good project for sure uh you no no doubt that we need to do this it's just important that I don't think we plan do other questions so so kind of the three main takeaways to check are first thing is we're going to make the blueprints available for all the council members so Omar let's get those available and U either it'll be either your office or David's office for the council come in at their Leisure this coming week to take a look okay to see what's going on with different amenities since that's what we're referring to and then Jeff we have the amenities question words is there room to do some fun Community stuff in there that would benefit the community and then the whole issue of the three stars so those are really the two to go back with as I understand let me go ahead let me also address the star why that came so we were negotiating And discussing the renovation of the hotel and I felt like it wasn't enough to say the renovation of the hotel because that different things to different people could be so so that's why I said okay let's put some meat on the boat you know new new beds new lens new W coverings the floor coverings you know bathrooms in in the rooms in in the in the lobbies and then other people felt okay that's good we we have that and they wanted a little higher level of comfor well what are you comparing that to like what what level of renovation is that so that's when the redeveloper I believe offered a three star hotel and there are you knows you know it's again a little bit of a you know hard to tell exactly what the definition you know is a definition but it's hard to pinpoint and that's why we then added so we know what a three star hotel we're talking about is so if you're looking at a a newly renovated for yor that level of quality so that's why I know as question about how did that get in there that's how actually more as a feeling of of a comfort everyone good with that so it wasn't meant to say this is be a courtyard but just the level of [Music] it'll be in in the plans it'll be good to see the plans that's what we're missing is to see what everything looks like what we're missing is what the mayor suggesting is that we get a look at the plant yes that'll usen [Music] but it's not it's not the appointments no back in 2022 they weren't there 2024 not I believe I sent you a red line with the the attached in the Monday so that would have the uh the elevations and the plans so the next step with this looking at plans Jeff goes back to the developer about the two questions the council has we'll put this on the agenda for the meeting in July to continue the conversation think it's important kind of revisit the stuff that was presented to everybody back in the day when everyone started this and kind of those [Music] everybody we just have to be careful I don't think we don't want to go back it right we work on this 50 years I do right and we do need it I think obviously we should share everything that we've done I think it's just more about I don't think we should be talk about the new stuff as much as hold to the stuff that two years ago are included this is what the building should look like and in particular you'll see a very nice hotel rooftop rooftop and those are incorporated into the Redevelopment plan into the Redevelopment agreement excuse they still have liquor license right go ahead there's the ability for liquor license with hotel with apart from the ones the normal not the same as a retail consumption license it's specific to hotels of a certain size so they would likely be able to get one yes but they have one now I think it's still they're still to it yeah yeah okay good okay so good with that all right so Jeff next topic let's go on to the uh see if any council members have questions about the garage ordinance that uh excuse me we already passed one the um the overnight parking Julie yeah um okay H hi Jeff how are how you doing so I was reading the ordinance I just want to make sure I'm clearing a couple things so it says the developer PID 10,000 per parking spot and um that I just want to confirm that's a one off right so then if that property got sold to another person does the town get another 10,000 or is that that that's just was Bill developer paid the certain amount of 10,000s for that spot that's that's the one building and that that building one sh well I believe it it sunsets after 20 years so oh in in 20 years believe that means oh I'm sorry no it's just going to say that and that means that at that time the amount could be different yes from the 10,000 it could be correct 15,000 20 correct so so in 10 in the 20 years even if it was the same developer who like no they had to be a new person no no no we anybody so that working space going with that building right yeah and at the end of the years no matter who the owner is okay those licenses expire and presumably they will come back to the council but the council at that time whoever's sitting in your seats will make determination gotcha now um then in addition to that this is probably not a question for you more for my fellow council members and the mayor is so we this is one part of the fee structure but obviously additionally we were going to be getting these permit fees from the people who are C $1 right and so we still need to ascertain uh you know comparable areas and according to that ordinance is that to amend chapter seven of 10 ofly Municipal Code so when is that gonna be occurring because I know we got to do part A before I can answer that one um's office um would be is the keeper of that type of permit and right now is undergoing a survey of all of the fees from the clerk's office so it would be done together with that and likely following Omar What in in August if not for the July meeting for introduction certainly for the August meeting I would think but we were going to do a lot not necessarily TI into all of the fees of of that this was going to be very specific to so you actually already have on the books an overnight parking permit which is what um the council president was referring to that that is currently at a certain rate all of those fees are already being looked at independently of this ordinance so now it'll get tied in as well as part of this revie personally same SE it should be a different fee yeah this is a different and we have to see exactly what the over Park is but yeah this is a different we say we want to take this out actually what like to focus on this as opposed to all the other restructuring of the fees I see what you're saying you know but like he's his office is going through a whole bunch of Fe I think this this is such an important issue you're still not gonna it's still a parking ordinance right so you still have already um other parking ordinances that are there and there's still a review of those fees that are happening as well for for commuter parking Etc what I'm saying is you already have an ordinance on the book I don't believe it's utilized very much as far as permits being requested but you do already have the structure for overnight parking and it will run concurrently with all the other parking permits at the same time yeah and then were we last we spoke about this there was going to be a study done as to what the appropriate dollars were both for both of these fees go ahead Wendy so as far as the permit fees itself that that I didn't do I did look at other parking and lo payment ordinances that that I'm familiar that other towns have it and they range anywhere from uh 7,000 to 30,000 what period of time eternity it's just a onetime pay and those funds are you but maybe I wasn't me this is and I think Adam you know exactly what I'm saying this discussion it's it's about these fees for the overnight parking for these spots I'm open to also talking about the commuter parking but since this is this needs to be parsed out pulled out and then that was my original question of when are we doing that because I knew that we were doing this research of communities in the area and and and whatnot to get a dollar amount we we all believed it was glaringly low so that so I think I'm hearing that we need to I don't know if August is the right time I I think maybe something in the fall where we can you know we have less people away you know maybe just be a little bit more focused on it but specific because this was this is going to be a big source of of Revenue and that I think that's I agree with you completely and again I think as Council thought this was a good idea what's the right uh right fee for me personally I've said this before I think we put too much um we rely too heavily on property taxes right what is the number 80 90% of all the tax taxes in our town is a function of just property taxes 94% 94% 4% so but that's because we don't have the other things just the other fees I think we've made really nice steps looking at things from a hundred years ago that you know should be 37 cents St counil Hotel taxes I thought what we want to do is we want to find other sources of revenue so our property taxes could either go down or more realistically stay where it is and and let others pay those taxes so when I saw this Council Dr o Conor so what we're talking about is for great opportunity to have the space downtown and now you could add residential which I think is good we're charging $500 a year $10,000 it's about 20 years $500 a year and $150 a year for the that sounds wildly under what the the value of Prim property in uh in in the space right I so I I just would feel maybe better if we get that research really solidified so we can talk about it but you know I I prefer the fall versus the summer so that's under way right now Omar is doing that right Omar's office is looking at the permit program the payment in Loop program I've already looked at like I said they range between 8 and 30 yes I'm sorry no that's different that's a why ourselves Years also why reate years well you don't you do that because you don't want to buy a property know that I think so so I guess my question is you know people are talking about um a lot of money uh from other sources be besides taxes I just wanted other than our propit taxes right other than property taxes right so the question you know how much do you think this will yield in in a year $650 what it is so 20 20,000 for a parking spot times 20 spots uh I mean 20 years is $400,000 which is which is 20 or 10,000 right so so that's the point is you know we're really not going to be no matter what we do whatever plan we do with a partment ordinance like this uh we're not going to be able to um you know subsidize or support uh you know T taxes away from uh property so you're saying it's just not meaningful so it's never going to be meaningful you have to go by forget about the economics just go by you know whether it's something you want to do not uh looking at the economics but so so I I understand that and I I viewed the $10,000 uh allotments the developer is is its own thing but you know Wendy says she's but I was looking at it as okay now we have this resource so 7,000 to 30 8000 8,000 up per year no there were one time fees that are paid into a you're basically buying zoning you're I don't I don't like that structure hold on a second we're mixing no it's two different things the rers have nothing to do with p remember two fees there's the fee that the developer and the fee that the res the renter the rent right and that's the one I'm trying to get grappling with the 10,000 that was asked and answered when they came too L yeah but I mean I just to put perspective justar for one $50,000 again this is over 20 years yeah 50,000 times 20 that's something times 20 spots is a million doll hey look any want a million dollar over 20 years does matter a million doll a million dollars over 20 years is not meaningful no divide that by the 20 years then think about how much you're getting for a specific year and then compareed that to the 31 million or $32 million uh that we're collecting in taxes for the municipal par 28 I am I am all for the developer paying you know more for parking spot and it if not be you know 20 years I'm all for that I just I also am aware that it has to be appetizing enough for a developer to enter I I understand all that I'm just saying right right now look if we could you know counter and say okay pilot but I think this was that's why found Orin like okay tonight is thisin exactly but we talked about it for at different point I'm just saying that part two that renter that Resident that generator of income that's very very very very L I believe we Revisited yes that's may I interrupt just for a moment keep in mind that once this ordinance is adopted the first payment comes with an application for development that needs relief from a parking which will be everybody the monthly or the annual permit however it's set up that won't come till the building's done you have time to figure that out okay all right well there's my answer okay so that the individual parking permits that permit fee that won't be relevant until one of the buildings that gets approval to pay a pileup is constructed and tenants are moving in so you have plenty of time well it's not going to be before September but one necessitates the other so if you've if you've made the decision that you're going to go in this direction you know you're at that point you're you're not GNA it's just a matter of setting the the amount but you've already made the decision so the question is do is should we make the decision based on what we think we can get uh from somebody who's parking there every year but we should also be transparent that again let me tell you a story if we decide as a council that it should be ,000 a month for parking No One's Gonna buy it but we should say that now developer doesn't buy a property know that's the point of why we're here tonight the $10,000 number but that's against what Wendy was saying if the per I think what the council president saying is if the permit fee is so exorbitant to the tenant nobody's going to rent the unit right right well I think we have to obviously have a rental rate monthly that's reasonable and rational and and so but let me put so again let's say what is rational it's $150 a uh a year I think it's $100 a month and and that to me sounds still stupidly lower than again you you own property of sorts in downtown right okay so but again it's not a big deal I just again to everyone's Point that's why we're having this conversation because we want it to be transparent I personally if I were to throw numbers out based on what I'm seeing what you know what we're doing every day I think it's certainly not $500 a year for the developer who's putting Millions plural and is going to make millions plural out I don't know is $50,000 so crazy to uh councilman men's point every years that doesn't sound very crazy to me at $100 a month that doesn't sound very crazy to me I personally believe you will see that in our p&l if you start with 20 things that again 20 just the beginning right if this is successful and we're all successful maybe it's more and look it's one police if we could save $50,000 a month that's that's one car that we could get for our police or or new equipment we could get for our fire department I'd take that just keep in mind the fees actually go into a dedicated fund for certain uses which are related to parking and Roads minut minute I think we pay a couple dollars you be offsetting any P you need to do downtown engineering designs pars downtown if you would like anybody in the audience that likes stuff around downtown anybody anybody if you would like to in the future create a parking lot to be able to sell more spaces this is the money that would not then come from the taxpayer oh my goodness that sounds perfect all right so the $10,000 number where does the council want that number to be right right now you've got a 19 midpoint Wendy I I really I can't believe that that's I I don't know how many around 25 at least quite frankly that's what hackin sack is is uh what their fee no matter how much space they're giving spot that's the that's the for regular that's the 20 years so when when you looked at these things what was the most recent that you saw right you have an average but like yeah was one from the 1800s and one from 2024 she's got hacking sack at 25 I was part of B Brook when they did the 30,000 I will say it's tied strictly to the Redevelopment area because it's along a train how long ago is that right before I started here so about 201 19 years okay it was 30 back then it was and it still is it hasn't been changed but again they have very large Redevelopment along the train Corridor do they have monthly rental fees for the for each spot like we're contemplating um I don't recall okay what about the other two to be honest I did not do that do that because with the rental fees um more towns have permit programs so it would make it would be prudent to look in our area where not all towns have came in the mo parking okay how did 10 get into the ordinance that's the number number so the ordinance the goal is to introduce it tonight so there is no ordinance that was the working number we started with discussing originally okay from the planning board to the council back to the plan and there was always a question about whether that is the right number or not don't anchor that was a made up number we could have written but that's my point is it's it's a there was always a question about whether the right number and as you can see there's different numbers it's really the question I would have on on boundbrook was did Bound Brook have to actually construct those boundbrook was collecting funds to actually construct a parking structure they were they had surface parking but in order to increase the amount of apartments and the abilities then it it would require to your point one of the things that we decided not to prioritize during the ARP disc discussion was we wanted to renovate we know parking lot o is not the most beautiful thing in the world so we wanted to you know I would love to tell you at some point we could renovate which is good if use that money to do that that's but something ju just something to keep in mind is the developer whatever they were paying for the the parking spot they would most likely be able to pass that along in their you know so and the other thing on the monthly or annual fee can be uh you know offset by the landlord offset landord so does anyone have a suggestion for a number as opposed to just discussing whether this is good enough or not yeah yes what's the number 50 thousand you know you say I think we're at least 10,000 better than hockin sa sorry hackin [Laughter] and I would tell you I think from a monthly perspective is a $100 a reasonable number that sounds like well I would just recommend that you look more at annual rather than have to run collections on a monthly amount yeah 100 times 12 is yes I know how to get to 1200 I'm just saying let's talk about it as an annual number versus a monthly you know think of it you all have your own houses you you pay proper tax and and part of what you're doing is you're paying for your own driveway and you know you come now let let me ask this question just just so clear but during the day does this person have exclusive access to this spot okay that's not correct none the parking lots were assigned none of the spots were assigned okay so this is just I can't park there overnight but a payre if you move into that if you move into that building and become a paying tenant you can park overnight in any spot Mich is going to tell me that somebody can park there and on vacation their car there forever and I'll never park there again that's possible yes it's possible yes but keep in mind you all get are designating which parking lots are available for overnight parking it doesn't necessarily have to be the one that's adjacent to a building and how many units of spaces are we talking about the ordinance contemplates 20 spaces total 20 spaces total so that's 10 units no it's no one per unit one per unit one per unit okay that's all that's being reserved specifically right and and the landlord has to provide I 50% of the spaces just so we're not exorbitant like you know was going to charge a thousand a month I they 200 a month is is more than fair for a renters who's gonna rent a place downtown at 50,000 it's more than 200 once you add in 50,000 is getting passed along by the developer is there a way is it appropriate again I want to do stuff with everybody can we share with some of the our businesses I don't know if we have existing I know we have existing downtown uh we have existing designated areas for business employees to park no no I'm sorry sorry what I meant was we have the words on developers landlords we have landlords downtown already there are a couple is it do we have any relationships with with any of them to sure what's the question get their point of view on if we said yeah I think it's possible yeah whatever the numbers so and see what they think and again it's also I don't know who's Trad like a family of four like we came to New Jersey for the space so we we personally wouldn't move there so the but the people that move there that group what is the I was to say these are two bedroom fed Apartments like I I think they're smaller than that we have wait we have to we're not the city we're not looking at selling like we have to understand the people that are buying these we have to make it affordable we have to make it and I don't and I get I think 30 which is the top three number again that's that's that's different that's that's different you have to keep something in mind you know at $50,000 spot know we already have landlords on Washington and railroad that already have deals with other property owners where cars are parking and at $50,000 a spot well for 20 spots 50,000 times 20 is about a million over 20 years no that's not my point for a million dollars you can buy a piece of property and park the cars on it and pay to borrow nothing and but no one guy is going to buy 20 spot no one developer is buying 20 SPS not right but all I'm saying is you're getting close to like so if I if I spend a million and buy a parking lot and charge everybody whatever $200 a month rather than the borrow making the money I'll make the money okay so Wendy you said of just yeah I agree no but that's their option is them deciding how many they choose to uh go for Jeff you have any recommendations or comments well I was goingon to suggest and I think councilman Michael said having a discussion with some developers because the whole point of this parking ordinance is to encourage the development of the downtown we've had this ordinance on the books right these mixed use ordinances for 10 to 15 years of Apartments over the first floor and nothing's happened because the burrow can't provide parking so I think you'd shoot yourself in the foot if you made a too prohibitive and you and you therefore you're not encouraging this so I think it's it's appropriate for discussion and to come to a conclusion that makes sense for the burrow and makes sense to Spur the development I I understand I understand that is an agenda but at the same time a n we also have to safeguard the the town to get the most money possible because you know yes I'm I'm not here just you know to ABS it's it's a good point about not being shortsighted I respect and appreciate that point Wendy I'm gonna go back and ask you you said 35 was hackin sack and or 25 25 and that was in 20 I'm not sure I could few years right so if we look at an inflation adjusted what is today I don't know how long it's been in place and whether they've adjusted it whenever they made the decision and and I think it's important that we have been agitating aggravated by lack of development and so we should be encouraging the development for sure we also have to make sure the burough is treated fairly I think that if we run it at a you know at the number that was most recently printed and if you look at it on an inflation adjusted basis it needs to be defensible to people I would also suggest that perhaps we do something where you have a first mover Advantage maybe the first few spots trade differently than the last few spots to encourage people to be here now there's an advantage to building antenna F there's an advantage to being early and you can get in early at a cheaper rate that number is going to go up inherently later on I would leave room to do that because we do want people doing these things and we've been asking for this so it's a fair point not to to shoot ourselves the annual revisitation of the parking fee so the other fee annual is fine wherever we set that today or anything else it's 12 months who cares to to ven's point it's you know that one in particular is going to be like $852 a year it's it's not that big a deal for the for us right but you know this first one let's use this as a draw in today it's 10 but in a year it's going to 15 and a year after that it's going going to 20 and maybe we revisit that and we can't follow that strategy but get people in and get it started would probably be our best bet now I'm not saying 10's the right number but something like that so what number would you suggest I'm a 20 guy to start and I and I'm I'm 20 grading to 35 why don't we don't have to make it now I think the decision why don't we hear from talk to the developers talk to tenants talk to whatever and and just so let me ask you a question do you want to get this first reading done tonight so we get it moving we get it resolved we can put whatever number we want by the second reading yeah I don't think it's very hard to get dat we would have to have a third reading we just don't know what the the right number is if if there isn't agreement on a number tonight I would recommend not moving forward with introduction I the 10,000 number ship had sailed because of those discussions previously what we're going to learn from the developers is once you get to $225,000 that's the cost of building a new parking spot and parking deck and so that's part spot great I but that that that's that's Theory because there are no parking decks in tenly and there's no land in tenly to build a parking deck they build somewhere else is the problem you can't build somewhere else people live here they're not going to drive 40 minutes more coma town so we can see what the number is again personally $20,000 on on 20 years it's ,000 a year you're building a multi-million dollar but then to um to no I think we just have to find the right number and again let's see I would trade the the time varable over the money hold on one a time one at a time V has the floor so to Mark's Point uh you know if it's cost prohibitive for for someone someone will build a parking uh a parking area and uh do the same thing you're still getting your incentive you're still getting the ability for people built a so so so you can set it at the 50,000 and then take take your chances that somebody might build the build the parking lot D so just building off that time so there was discussion of that on the council a few meetings ago uh before it got sent back to the planning board to review and the idea was if you make for a longer period you're not you don't have to go on collections right this fee has to get done before Co am I right Jee is that how it's it's structured the payment P would yes so it's it's actually a condition of approval so you if if a developer comes in say and and needs four parking spaces and you've already given out 17 so you only have three available developer can only get three right you can't do can't do developer that's a that's a condition of approval until perhaps either one opens up or figures out how to how to resolve it but so it's balancing how do you want to have it I mean if the building is there and somebody got the variance for force spases and doesn't pay on year three what's what's left to do an enforcement you have to go into litigation or or in that scenario if there's 17 and they need three or they they there's only three and they need another eight they can come back to the council and say we want you to increase the number from and Council always has that right I mean I think I mean there's never a right I think the whole intention here is for Council to evaluate how this is working after a period of time and say if it's working the way you anticipate it or if it needs some tweaking I want to your point even if you went 20 years or let's say 10 years I like 10 years like a shorter duration end of 10 years we say you know it's a different charge keep keep something in mind 10 to 20 years from now everyone then 10 to 20 years is going to do what they want to do whatever we do now is going to be relevant in 20 years as it relates to what the fees are going to be for anything we can't find a future Council no I'm all I'm all for uping the fee but I thought the 10,000 was what we discussed in the past but I'm I'm right there for it if that gets up I think we need data to choose something that's responsible that's commercially reasonable that doesn't discourage development but pay more on that yeah and one of the things that we can look at is the cost of uh reconstruction of infrastructure yeah right so you know you're gonna you're GNA float a bond if you're going to do a road painting program and you can Finance asphalt for over 10 year period so we can get some information uh through research on that come up with a number and get back and David I would actually also recommend looking at the value per square foot in town of open land to also from that good okay all right I'm sorry but I have to I have to make one correction to what I said earlier the council ask me question early on and I said it it expires after 20 years which is correct um after that period of time it's in the Burrow's sole discretion to whether they're going to renew or not there was something added and and I apologize there been a lot of back and forth which is to say if the buau does does renew the pilot fee that it shall not exceed the percentage increase in CPI from the date of enactment so in other words with CPI cumulative CPI would be 20 years forward so I forgot to it that was that was a recommendation and the recommendation the thought behind it from the planning board level was so that a business person some has some ability to plan what their projected increases are but I just wanted to point that that is in there if but since we're pulling it anyway though right then I guess that could all be fixed as well I mean CPI makes sense because it basically tracks inflation so it does give a level of comfort of where you go predictability that that was the point yeah of putting it in there all right Jeff thank you very much we'll see you again in four weeks thanks all right with the council's Indulgence I'm going to switch to if it's okay to switch the administrator support with public comment since we have quite a few people here we're going to move into public comment Jean do you want to get your group okay we're gonna do the kids first and then everyone else I think that makes sense yeah yeah I think that Mak makes sense yeah [Music] we're waiting for them where all right okay that's that's another thing in terms of what right the market Val all right who's uh who's coming up to the microphone of course say their names so so bend the microphone down a little bit okay and just give us your names not your addresses okay hello my name is Mia Merlin I am a I am Gabby sco and I am Bella torrin we are recent graduates from Smith Elementary School we are here today to give a presentation on how we can increase safety for you and your pet do you want to protect your pet and yourself if so keep listening imagine this you're driving and get an important message so grab your phone to answer it you're so focused on your phone you do not notice a car pull up in front of you you know what comes next boom when you're walking with pet for example a dog if you're on your phone you probably won't notice that your dog is stretching its leash and goes into the road some say the dog walkers who are on their phones can confuse or frustrate the pet that is on its leash and can put the pet in danger over 5.5 million animals are killed per day worldwide while two billion animals are killed annually by Vehicles most car crashes are caused by phonus they da lead to 1.6 million crashes each year and it is predicted that over 3,000 humans will die because of distracted driving in 2024 some ways you can help is by not texting while driving if you need to text pull over so animals and humans can be safe the town can also put up signs with reminders to stay off the phone while driving and walking that will help people remember to not be on their phone while they are either driving or walking their dog and reduce car accidents another way you can help is by watching the road for Animals while they are crossing the road stop and either wait for them to cross the road or help them you could also put your phone on do not disturb mode this is a mode that makes sure your messages will not make any noise or pop up on your screen also phone calls will not make any noise that was our presentation thank you for listening thank you go ahead did did you want to say anything else no moreon right no more so Dave how does do we have any uh don't go anywhere girls yet that's actually interesting idea do we have any signs in town that say you know no texting or driving or something like that I know I've seen them on highways no I I know that they have text wait for the rest area to text text area on the highways and obviously you're you're not pered to text while you're driving on vehicle a lot of times um like my dad will be driving me to school or something and a lot of times we see people who are like on their phones like walking their dog and like not paying attention and one time we had to like swerve because we almost ran over someone's dog because they weren't paying attention and the dog was like walking into the road you're completely right may I suggest that this goes out as part of a mayor's message that we do a I could do that you want me to include that in my mayor's message this Friday okay please can I just a personal story so I live along tenly Road and my dog she got out of the backyard and ran when she was like a puppy and she ran across the street and someone hit her on tly road they were speeding and they did not even stop and so we rushed her to the Bell animal hospital and luckily she lived but she's got this crooked paw but she looks ridiculous she just f out their crooked paw but uh it it just shows like there's so much speeding you know and uh it's it's dangerous for humans and animals I definitely live that but it's a good point I do the same thing I walk my dog and I'm guilty of being on my phone so I appreciate the uh the awareness I won't do it anymore this is why we really need signs because this happens a lot actually also I believe it would make a safer environment for everybody if people weren't worrying about like running over more animals and you know how there are lots of deer in TR to fly and yes how they're always like crossing the road and they're dumb so they can't really know that cars are coming um I think that we should come up with something to try to um make sure like more animals like deers and turtles are safe because I've seen a lot of roadkill okay all right any other comments from anyone on the Das yeah just to your question about signage the electronic message for in front of the police department every so often there is the no texting and driving sign up we should talk with the we you get a let's talk with the chief you see about the idea of a you know the the the phone with the circle and the cross you know for drivers to see okay well thank you yes go ahead it's also not just while driving because most of the times there are these signs on like highways and stuff but um a lot of times people are texting about walking which is also unsafe cuz um I've seen multiple people texting while walking and you can like get hit by a car if you're not paying attention so yeah okay all right thank you very much very helpful good job great [Applause] job okay so I'm opening the floor to any other public comments just feel free to come up to the microphone please Linda come on up I sow your hand first good night girls if you could just give us your name we no longer give addresses out okay Linda treni T resident is this working it sounds like it's just a little closer maybe raise it up a little bit Yeah Linda trumi is that okay so I am here um just because I happen to get notified by a friend about a May 21st meeting where the topic of an open discussion was bamboo and the part of the discussion was whether the um statute that's currently on the books and tly should be adjusted or you know modified in some way and you know how it should be enforced and when I saw that I wanted to come in and basically let you know it's not just those neighbors sadly I too am the um unfortunate owner of bamboo that has come onto my property and while I'm not here to talk about my property itself you know I did want to put forth my you two cents that I think it's very important to enforce the statute as is or make it stricter and the reason for it is is I'm telling you I've never seen anything that survives like this I have cut it I have pulled out ryom I have put plastic barriers along I have put more um what do you call that stuff that um the things that they tell you to put on the ground the uh Roundup I must have my own little super fund this thing still grows and it is the most invasive thing I've ever seen it's a grass but this this thing is unbelievable I've actually have it coming across my yard now so every every day daily I go out and look at this and try to dig up pieces so it doesn't spread further so you know I think for people who don't have it you know you see it you don't necessarily you know see the impact of it but I can tell you personally I've never had it for 20 of the 25 years I've lived in this town and I think because a house behind me you know was raised and then development happened and the ground was perhaps Disturbed it's the only reason why I think it it perhaps spread and spread onto my property now but I've it really is something that becomes you know the gift that keeps giving and believe me it's not a gift that I certainly want it certainly sounds like the other folks didn't want it either and I do think it's a serious issue around town so you know I wanted people to know at least I'm several blocks away from these other folks it certainly is something that exists in different pockets of town it seems and with all the rain and all the you know humidity Etc it seems to be growing much more intensely than it had before I've actually taken the opportunity to try to put those plastic borders in three feet deep on my property but quite honestly unless neighbors of mine who I'm you know trying to contact to remedy their portion of it unless they do theirs it's going to keep coming toward me or toward other people because it has to be contained in a way which I think our statute is lending you know to try to do or it you can't really solve your own problem because if it can't come Crossways it goes forward it goes backwards and it really prevents you from the enjoyment of your own property um in my particular instance um you know we saw it coming we tried to border it a little bit just to keep it at Bay and it worked for a while but it continues to grow very thickly and extremely tall and the roots of this have choked out my trees which you know we all know we all love our trees it's killed the trees it's caused plants of mine to die it's because the roots just get involved in everything it's twisted around my um my lights you know that I have those lights that try to shine up on trees so it really has a life of its own so you know I just wanted to say I you know I'd be grateful if you do if you do go forward and get other people you know involved in order to you know talk about or experts who talk about the bamboo I'd love to hear about that meeting and come in for that too because I have to tell you in my experience you know it's not something I've wanted it's something i' like my neighbors to get control of right now it's in that tonf foot buffer zone so I'm trying to see if they can control that um I have done my own at my own expense bordering parts of my property but it's not really enough and I do think we need to enforce this statute I would really commend a height restriction too I don't this stuff grows 30 40 feet tall I don't see why anybody needs that amount of privacy and you know for a neighbor that's nearby based on what your position is it actually will kill your grass kill your plants Etc so if we allow it you know I'm not telling other people what to do I think they it should be maintained they should control it they should make sure it doesn't get on other people's property especially those that don't want it and I think that it is important to have you know the containment aspects whether it's 10 feet 20 feet I really wouldn't recommend less than that in my own personal opinion because at least it gives you a running start once it's dug out and under control to see it coming so you can get to it before it starts to invade the rest of your property but uh it's a big issue and you know I say this trying to control it myself from where it's come but you know I think it's something that certainly and it's more than just the people that were on um I can't remember the road they were on a few blocks away from me it certainly is on my property too and I hate to see the statute lessened if anything I would like to see the statute more strict and make sure that it actually is enforced for anybody who needs to you know promptly enforced um so it continues to keep at Bay from people who really don't want this so I appreciate you're listening to it but that was um you know I felt it was important when I heard about it to come in knowing it's not just um people on one street I mean I have it too yes other than the buffer are they doing anything else you know to they're doing nothing and once again I I I'm happy to share it I I didn't want this I'm actually I've tried to reach the neighbor unsuccessfully I've now reached the code person because it really has become unwieldy you know and I tried myself in the process of doing things but I can tell you and once again I'm I'm not even blaming my neighbor because I think until this rule came in a long time ago this existed before this particular neighbor came it was there and but they're not doing anything to contain it one the one conversation I had they like their bamboo that's great I just don't like it I don't want it and for me you know we all know I was here about solar you know it's so tall that it actually does it gets so tight that you get no light coming through it either so has impact on you know a recipient if you will in their case I think they didn't really realize well they like it hopefully now they're aware that you really aren't supposed to have it in this area and it you know it needs to be contained I'm hopeful that's going to happen though nothing has happened yet for my own personal circumstance but um it's something that goes at least 150 feet across the property and it's at least 10 feet deep and it is so thick that nothing gets through this thing I mean it it's really unbelievable I mean it would be a great science experiment because if you need something that's that you know intense I'd say that's it and from having cut down the stocks I mean this stuff is intensely strong you know so it has a real life to it all right Linda thank you app we appreciate your time if for instance if there is something I know meetings sometimes you know the the agendas get posted a day or two before but if somebody knows that there is somebody or you're taking some you know I don't know statutory uh change or whatever I'd love to participate in okay very good you would mind thank you again thanks L who would like to speak next please just your name good evening my name is Robert silur I'm an attorney appearing on behalf of Jeff and Karen Katz also joined by Dave Villa of camberly gardens Dave will be speaking shortly after I just wanted to make a brief presentation on behalf of the CES first hopefully all of you have received the submission that the cats has made they spent a great deal of time to try to educate everybody on their situation as well as the steps they've taken to try to remedy the situation with all the neighbors they have five five or six different property owners are joining their property and more than two years ago I reached out to all six of them to resolve the issue in a neighborly peaceful manner unfortunately as you were made aware two of the neighbors decline the uh invitation to either speak to Mr cavilla speak to myself to try to Fashion a remedy for the situation the purpose tonight is again to encourage the council to revisit the issue in terms of the 10- foot buffer that you have many times when I speak to clients my conversation ends up with what's the goal of the exercise and in this case I think the goal of the exercise is to try to find something that number one protects Property Owners so that they don't have the encroachment of bamboo on their property well at the same time preserving the property interest of the owner who has bamboo on their property not because they planted it but because they basically inherited the bamboo and that's why I think it was important when the cats has made their submission to you could see they would have re they could have remediated the bamboo while they were doing their Landscaping when the house was being constructed unfortunately there was no bamboo ordinance on the books at the time so they worked within what they had they've again approached all the Neighbors on the property after being notified by The Bureau most all of them except the two remaining Property Owners declined their opportunity either to speak to Mr cavilla speak to myself or do anything and instead basically relying on the ordinance that's on the books the ordinance again Mr cavillo can speak to 10 feet is no different than two feet if you properly install a remedial system and properly maintain that that will stop the spread of the bamboo onto neighboring properties and effectively remediates the issue hopefully the council can hear from Mr cavilla this evening and have a better understand understanding of the issue in hopes that the um ordinance in place can be remed can be modified to reflect this again the modification is not going to impact in a negative way the woman who spoke briefly before me nor the neighbors everybody doesn't want to have bamboo spreading onto other properties the question becomes for the council is is what's is what's on the books an appropriate uh remedy to the situation or is it an expansive remedy that unfortunately has a negative byproduct and many times they have the right intention but the impact to it such as what you're asking the Cates to do is basically $100,000 of landscaping remediation when they can put in a system that can control the bamboo limit or re eliminate any spread of the bamboo but not have them take down something that they basically inherited on their property and that's why I'd like to have call Mr cavil of camberly gardens who has extensive experience with the issue to give his input as to what he would suggest that Council moving forward adopt and my clients would be willing to immediately install the system please sure right you're not suggesting that it's an unreasonable position that you know there's a barrier requirement otherwise it's just two versus Absolut Absolut that's absolutely correct and in fact that's what's been installed in all the other properties so you know again I I don't know how extensive you went into the submission they made but all the neighboring properties have had barriers installed successfully stopping the problem again they didn't install it on the two properties because if they did it then you said well that's not good enough it's it should be 10 feet why to spend tens of thousands of dollars doing something we were hoping to get again the consent of the neighbor as the other neighbors had do to a modified agreement that would solve the situ would remedy the problem correct we're not saying by any stretch not to install a system it's just the town ordinance of 10 feet and again not to carpent back to the presentation that the cats has submitted but there is no absolute right number or wrong number but 10 feet does seem to be an excessive number because essentially it's by putting 10t you're saying just remove it entirely as opposed to if the goal is to stop it from spreading 2 feet plus having a system installed in the ground will do that please because you're basically taking away the per the bamboo acts as a very solid shield and again I don't want to take Mr cavill's you know thunder away but it has a very effective way of providing in a shield for both properties if you remove the whole thing you basically have a wide open correct yes correct yeah it's it's it's full removal and full replacement yeah right it's it's a yeah correct it's okay let's just stay focused here with correct cross talk all right I'm sorry would anyone have any questions before I turn it over to Mr oh I'm sorry okay I'm sorry certy own so um just give us your name Mr cats yeah my name is Jeff Katz uh the homeowner at 62 Park Street did everyone have a chance to see uh the submission with all the pictures that we included because I I have copies here you can see what the property looked like before and then how we were able to remediate it and the Bamboo's not spreading so you know let me start by saying we want to resolve this issue as much as anyone okay at the May 21st meeting Mr Goldsmith said he wasn't as concerned with the Bamboo's distance from the property line as he was with its height he also listed several other issues he had from the beginning we try to be reasonable and address Mr Goldsmith missong and Mr Lou's concerns we introduced them to Mr cavilla and proposed a remediation plan specifically Ally tailored to their goals namely one cutting the bamboo back from the property line two installing a roof barrier three controlling its height and four is tying it so it doesn't lean the reasons we've had a delay all this time is we aren't going to go through the headache and expense of removing all of the bamboo from the buffer zone without going through the appeal process which is what we're doing there none of our rec and the second reason for the delay is our recommendations weren't acceptable to the other parties and they weren't responsive we've successfully resolved this issue with three other neighbors to say we're unconcerned or have done nothing is a gross mischaracterization there are several reasons why we object to the ordinance and are appealing it first complying with the unduly complying with it would be unduly onerous tus costing something in the neighborhood of $100,000 as well as disrupting the property second even if we comply with the ordinance as is there's no guarantee that either of our neighbors would be happy with the result for instance if we decided to keep the bamboo it would be more than the 10 feet from the property line but it could be any height we wanted okay if we replace the bamboo with trees the trees will grow taller than the bamboo and make our neighbor's yard starer third the 10 foot buffer zone is arbitrary and unnecessary to prevent the spread of bamboo we've installed a barrier system in our yard and we do not have bamboo spreading past the barrier furthermore I think the ordinance will need to be Rewritten no matter what and it's present form there's no discretion for anyone to approve bamboo in a buffer zone all bamboo within the buffer zone whether neighbors are okay with it or not needs to be removed it would be unfair to only enforce this ordinance on us and not the rest of the town I don't think this was your intention when this was passed I would have hoped that this was something that neighbors could have worked out but we are where we are so thank you thank you I have process question so so is this is this like an appeal process we're no we're in public comment right now we're in public comment okay and just to clarify there is no appeal process in the ordinance okay that's I just because he mentioned an appeal process basically to revisit to so just just to clarify I'm not trying to counter what you're saying but there is an appeal process specifically for tree ordinance that the council is familiar with so I think that's what they were equating with and I want to let them know that that wasn't written in like the tree ordinance there was a discussion amongst the council to revisit making revisions to the ordinance it's those revisions that Mr Cass is discussing and again as Council Le said you know we're not opposing putting in the barriers it's the 10 ft as opposed to a twt setback from the property line and again Mr cavilla who's here this evening can um offer his professional opinion as to the suitability of what we're requesting recommending to Dave just give us your name you don't I'm a town resident been in town since 1979 been in business for 30 years as a landscape contractor I've seen a lot I'm sure there's plenty more to see um so I'm going to give you sort of a different approach because I see both sides of it I planted bamboo don't plant it any longer but I also do a lot of bamboo remediation tenly hwood Richfield Park Leonia these are clients that we work for we've had a a very successful uh method for for basically installing a bamboo root barrier and also managing the existing bamboo that's escaped to neighbor properties um so what we typically do is we install a polyethylene barrier it's about 60 Ms thick it's very very thick you can't break it with your hands you can't cut it with a knife uh it's installed vertically into the ground and we generally have it protrude two four in above grade so we can monitor the barrier which is the most crucial component so by keeping that barrier above grade you can walk through the area you can see whether or not you can oh the barrier itself goes about two feet deep um you have to understand something about bamboo Bamboo is not like a carrot it doesn't grow down into the ground and grow five feet down most of the the biomass is within the first 12 inches of the soil so it's easy easy to remove let me rephrase that um it's much easier to remove than other materials such as Wisteria everybody's familiar with wisteria it's a beautiful Vine you sell it all the time that's not regulated and I can tell you from a job we just did int of fly on Lancaster Mysteria is a whole lot harder than bamboo took my crws four days to remove a small section uh yeah quick question uh the bamboo if now it can go onto a neighbor's yard if there's if it's not regulated or whatever is there the possibility of bamboo kind of going you know going to other parts by just whatever seeds or anything propagating it actually the easiest way to spread bamboo is to cut it up with a piece of machinery and then use and then dispose of it incorrectly so I've got a picture I can show you a piece of bamboo this it's a sprout this long and it can it can regenerate so the key is you have to remove it by hand you've got to play by what we call the rules which is you've got to take it out by hand carefully you've got to monitor the area for a couple of years and if you do that you'll have an effective control as long as you man maintain that barrier and that's what we do and we've done it quite effectively people call us uh for bamboo removal and we work with them H we come in sometimes after other contractors who triy to do the job and we go in and remediate their work that was done incorrectly there's some famous people in the state that sell themselves on that their systems don't work they oftentimes will dig it out of Machinery uh in saying that we've had good results it's not a lot of fun digging out bamboo but it can be maintained I will say a couple things about the plant itself it is a grass it's very aggressive its growth which is its strength and its weakness but the flip side is that it's not browsed by deer as all of you know many of the plant materials that we're used to are no longer available um which leads us to another plant material which is called Green Giant arbite which you probably all heard of like to remind you that GRE GI overis which is the plant dour all across tofly we plant them all the time if you look it up it grows 50 to 60 feet tall Which is far in excessive with the height of the bamboo so you have to think about the the law of unintended consequences of this band boost will be removed it can be done but what will be replaced what will replace it and green Giants are are the go-to because they're deer resistant so you're GNA end up with a taller plant material in that area so I think the point I'm trying to drive is that it can be done as long as you play by the rules and it's a somebody that is willing to pursue the bamboo which is what we had proposed to do which we had said to the the uh we offered to the adjacent neighbors orally when we met with them you have our number you see bamboo you call us we'll come and take care of it that was an ongoing promise to these clients to these neighbors um and there are of the five three of them we um remediated the bamboo issues I haven't gotten any calls back from two of those three one of them had a little bit along the fence line we took care of that but it was an area that that we couldn't get at and now we're pretty shap Mr G are you saying that um the the 10 foot buffer that's currently in the code um you're saying that if it was a two foot buffer is there an advantage or or you're saying it's irrelevant as far as the control I think the only relevance is access if we can get in there we don't need much space to get in between a property assuming there's a fence maybe there's not even a fence we can get in there we can solve the problem but at the end of the day I my Jas neighbor has bamboo he planted after the ordinance was put in place I'm aware of it I'm aware he's got a barrier I don't have a problem with it because it provides privacy for me and if that bamboo jumps the barrier I'll be the first person to be on his case so can I ask you one other question with your expertise um I believe at the time when the ordinance was passed we were looking at other communities that had we were kind of taking our ordinance basing it on those you work in many towns is this the template you do see in most towns or it's to be honest with you it's all over the place um I think they tried to ban ban the sale of bamboo the yellow Gro bamboo or whatever it was so every time we go to we start from scratch and whatever is on the books today may not be on the books tomorrow maybe a change so we really don't know and you know there how many communities are in New Jersey 500 plus um it's Hit or Miss but and you've never SE anything dealing with height uh you know per se like you know do you ever get called in and say okay now trim whether it's bamboo or heri is that is that something that is called upon you know in in your services so in our business we do get calls regarding height all the time and as a contractor um you have to understand a little bit about plant materials you can't top some plant materials effectively you you're basically it's a death sentence for the plants and people have done it for years we did it when we started out because we were just ignorant but people would come in at top hemlocks you probably know Hemlock Hedges they're not as common as they used to be because of a wigen and scale but they would create a giant hedge out of hemlocks and hemlocks are trees they're me to grow 50 70 100 feet tall and what it does is it damages them so when it comes to plant materials like bamboo we have to explain a little bit about how they grow bamboo is a grass and it comes in different what we called cultivars or cultivated varieties cultivars are like people uh people grow taller people grow shorter color hair so on so forth so when you pick of material whether it be a bamboo or an arbor Vite you select for the client's requirements and in the case of green giant Arbor Vite using that as a parallel that grows 50 to 60 feet tall which in many cases is way too large yeah but people don't know that and that's where we're called in professionals are called in we can tell you that there are different cultivar such as steeple chase or Spring Grove that will grow to be 30 feet or 20 feet so that's really the scenario where the plant material is has to be selected carefully there are some bamboos that grow two feet tall three feet tall that's it they will never grow taller they're not genetically capable of doing that any other questions from the council members you asked about the local ordinances I think only 20 to 25% of towns in New Jersey have individual ordinance everyone else falls back on the state ordinance and the state just to correct you though I did see your letter um there is no State Statute the legislation that you referenced was introduced it was never adopted it went to committee it it wasn't adopted so there is no State Statute so there is nothing it's only regulated at the local level okay well so there's still only 20 or 25% all right Dave thank you okay you want to make another comment Linda okay you have to come up to the microphone and give us your name again L triii I would just like to make one other comment and this may relate to more than just the bamboo but once again I'm drawing on my own personal circumstance here but I've lost all my Landscaping in one section where this bamboo was and I think you know what I think is if there's a 10- foot barrier or whatever the amount is it at least gives a chance for some sunlight to come into my property for me to have the plants and trees that I wanted because they're all dead they're all gone now they've all been eaten up by this bamboo so yes I understand understand maybe there's other you know trees that block some of this too but I just think that a neighbor shouldn't be forced to or shouldn't be able to have their own enjoyment of their property because somebody else plants something else so close to the Border that's massive and spreads maybe with the arbiv at least they're not going to have the root system spreading into your you know into your own property maybe if it has to be that way maybe that's a better way but you know I can tell you I wasn't too thrilled to lose some pretty expensive Landscaping that matched everything else along the symmetry of my backyard so it's just something to you know to think about there is something about this height and there is something about um you know the barrier that I think allows some sunlight in the property so it doesn't destroy your own grass and your own item got it thank you thank you all right anyone else here who would like to make a public comment okay do it in the chambers anyone online who wants to make a public comment Omar anyone there raising their hand anyone would like to make public com please raise your hand see no hands mayor no okay so we're going to close public comment time thank you for all your comments this evening okay appreciate it thank you for your time everyone you learned a lot right did yeah okay let's move on to the administrator's report please yes thank you mayor um we've been making some progress as you know with the bid uh uh process for downtown um the bid opening uh was this morning again for the second time round for the interim closure permont Road um we had one bidder uh that was over the engineer's estimate and the second bidder did not um submit their documents correctly so it was a fatal submission and could not be considered so there's resolution on later uh in the agenda to reject those bids and authorize a a rebid for the process a rebid or we going out for a quot um a rebid the the issue is is that it's going to be funded with federal funds so they they going to look very closely for the bid process okay the interim closure of Pont and the timing so what we G do differently defition Satur so this is gonna be the third time right what are we doing differently such that we get a viable bid well the bid for today had separated out the timing as an a bid Alternate which worked well um but there was only the one bid other bid could had to be rejected so we're going to rebid the exact same specifications with the with the U was the bid that rejected potentially a viable bid if they had done their paperwork properly yes okay and it's not something we can do internally to do whatever we're doing the closure closure can we the DPW can't do no no this is this is something that would have to be done by an outside contractor and then part of it is an electrical company that will work with the traffic engineer on the time okay on wh so this goes out and then when does it come back oh you'll be able to take action on this on July 15 yeah the reason why just for everybody is understanding the reason why we're trying to make this work and I'm less than thrilled is we wanted to get this well before the back to school craziness of everyone correct how to drive to to you know new school so that's why there's a little bit of the um the new opening is set for July 10th or July 11th Omar July 11th July 11th so it we'll have the results okay keep pushing forward go ahead okay we have submitted um for the do grant for fiscal year 25 uh with the intention of uh targeting this is the burough Engineers recommendation West Clinton Avenue from riverid road to santly Road um we are uh there's a item on the agenda for the mitigation of the internal water damage at from the library roof um two questions on the uh the grant um is West Clinton one of the streets that uh PS is working on or will they be working on West Clinton well this would be for the fy2 so yeah you would probably be constructing this probably two years from now got it okay and then uh on the library sorry you were but I did have a question go ahead uh I I know one of the uh the resolutions is about the uh mold damage yes and I don't know if this will get into something that we need to talk about in in close session but uh the the mold damage uh obviously is not our fault um we're paying for it now are we getting going to recover that somehow I mean how does that yeah I it probably is a a discussion for a closed session But to answer your your question uh we are tracking all the expenses not only the mold remediation but the additional engineering that we had to put into this and so forth and all that okay we'll work with the council and and the burough attorney on how we how best to proceed uh just a note on the downtown improvements you may have noticed there were a lot of flowers uh that have been planted um the there's repainting on the on the poles and traffic lights power washing and benches is ongoing uh R DPW is is putting aot of effort into it on the old swim club uh there were no bids received uh on the original bid date of June 133 that project was read vertis and the bid opening is this Thursday June 27th so we will have results of that on your July 15th meeting uh hopefully for an award uh to go along with that you we had the the skate park equipment that was going to be a bid alternate on this uh on the base bid that you could choose to uh award or not uh since then we've uh uh engaged a couple of uh vendors as the the original vendor uh identified under sourcewell spawn Ranch is not interested in a part that would be less than $300,000 so um we have contacted some other vendors uh that are also on sourcewell and uh they've recommended a a a park design and I emailed it to uh the council earlier tonight um uh our director of recreation has done some good work with the vendor to get us to this point but basically it would be uh the equipment would be a very durable is the most durable on the market that that is not concrete uh it has a 20year warranty has a steel framework and steel riding service so uh we would get more specifications for that for you for consideration and the the option would be that that would be awarded currently with the with the uh base bid um on July 15 so that project stays uh online question on that so for the skate park B section and you just mentioned all the actual features that is the design part of that yes um yeah so we can redesign as needed yes so that that's all part of the the all in price and and the Target price on this design um was was about 75 80,000 so we expect that it would stay within that $100,000 uh item and reason I can talk about it is its own source well so it's it's it's not jeopardizing a bid scenario sh team sucess of the leue yeah I think I reported that um at the last council meeting but we did get uh the L uh uh award from DCA for the Little League improvements for $67,000 that's great news KY is working on how we're going to phase that or proposal of phasing that design in um as to what we can use that $67,000 for for a certain phase of the improvements and we're also waiting for the Burgen County open space fund to see if we get awarded money for the little leag from that uh that fund as well great tip um and could you also I don't want to cut you off could you also just let everyone know about what you told me with regards to the EV charging yeah so the EV charging is uh uh moving forward actually um the the uh permits were issued and picked up on Thursday of last week so Bob Burns did uh confirm that with me today so uh we should be uh having some of the EV stations uh constructed over the summer um and uh you know probably all of their process should be done by the end of the year anything else that's all I have a question the grant uh the hyperlink to the USDA composting food waste reduction Grant um I shot you an email about it today I was just wondering if um maybe I could um you know send some information if this could possibly be something that we can qualify to supplement what we already have going with a lot of our residents or maybe we could use that to open it up to schools because it's a municipal you know reduction I was just hoping that I could explore that a little bit more to to communicate that to our grant writer maybe they can either set me straight and say no or oh yeah you know you've got something here so so what would I guess way forward with that um what I I see that in 2022 at the town of Newton New Jersey was was awarded a program so we could take a look at what their request was and what they were funded and their success okay use that as a starting point I'll hear from you a little later yes thank you so much okay you all set then yes all right let's move on to the consent agenda non-consent agenda does anyone have any questions for any any of the resolutions on the consent or the non-consent agenda good two things first of all um I I want an opinion from uh from Wendy about the non-consent agenda um about why whether we are required through by Robert's Rules or whatever uh to uh to read each one separately otherwise why not just bring the non-consent agenda into the consent agenda so I believe that great question um mayor was going to suggest that later this evening of the original purpose of how this was set up was to bring Comfort to the council when we moved away from work sessions so items that were not um necessarily weekly on an agenda were were separated into non-consent agenda resolutions um it is not a requirement the definition for consent agenda is for Resolutions that are not contentious in nature um and can be approved in one motion when resolutions are not on a consent agenda however they cannot be approved by one motion so if the council would prefer we can certainly move forward and put all resolutions on the consent agenda and if somebody finds that there is an individual resolution within the consent agenda that you would like to have separate discussion or you wanted to make a separate vote on because perhaps you want to vote Yes on one or abstain on or no on something else else we can just pull those and vote on them separately moving forward but move them all into the consent agenda does that answer the question so so that brings up a question of what uh what we're going to do I mean are we still going to separate them out into consent agenda non-consent agenda I would I would put a motion to put everything on the consent agenda and then by exception right so if everything is listed on the consent agenda ahead of time if there's an item that needs separate consideration you would pull it the consent agenda would get voted on without that item and then that item or items would get reviewed individually and voted on individually um in discussions with uh Administration we we are thinking though of putting a separate uh resolution outside consent on the bill list that's how it's usually done I know tli is always Incorporated in the consent agenda however I would recommend pulling that one out and voting the bill list at a standalone resolution on its own and why is that what's the rational uh it's just something to draw attention to separately it's it's a very large um amount of information that is included in there and just for ease of review I would recommend just setting it up separately on the agenda so that you can review it properly without having a whole list and the bill list is your last review right it's gone through all the requisition processes and approval processes and finance has certified the funds this is the last opportunity before we actually send checks out for there to be any questions or any explanations that that may be solicited yeah but so now in terms of uh discussions about transparency and U you know deliberation of um of the council um I get that you know we uh end up U you know we have the ability to pull out any uh item we want uh for further review um but where does the responsibility for something that is not a normal um item uh get discussion well there are certain things that will never be in the consent agenda for example when you do your budget that will never be in the consent agenda that is always a standalone um there's certain resolutions that require public hearing for grant opportunities those have to be a standalone those will always be separate why is that uh because it requires a public hearing okay so you have to have it separate too it's treated almost like an ordinance but it's okay um so there are situations that cannot be in the consent agenda I don't want to give the impression that everything will always be um but those aren't always on an agenda because no I mean I I you know I'll go with along with whatever the the rest of the council uh suggests but I think uh that we're um getting rid of the work session so there's no opportunity for discussion on on things there um and if we start putting things into a consens agenda and just passing it in Mass uh we're we're actually cheating the the public on um on the ability to discuss or to for them to be aware of what things are coming out that are special that are that are different from the everyday organiz but everything's available for the public right how many people in the public actually look at this or know that that things are on well certainly I would recommend um you have a lot of procurements that are moving forward there's a bit of a back log those procurements were all um approved during your budget process and now it's moving forward those items if nothing else all of the procurements I would suggest moving into consent agenda because you've all discussed it at nauseum during your budget process and as long as there are no differences or changes you know because for example at the last meeting when we had um you know the different equipment that was bought and uh you know they were bought under two or three different resolutions for the same item um you know where it was broken apart and you know one resolution had to do with one you know there were but just to confirm myself we are not allowed or Susan is not her the line always in the report is Susan has approved that this is within the budget and you know has been right there's always that line and that wasn't always being followed in the past that became something that uh she started signing regularly more recently but but and and and that's a good thing which is why job it but which is why at the last meeting I did ask whether Susan signed it because there were some that seemed like they nothing should come I'm asking nothing will come before the council that Susan has you cannot have a resolution approving a contract that exceeds an appropriation that was made in the budget without a change to the budget so yes and what I had stated in the previous uh meeting is that Susan and Omar and I go over the agenda prior to the agenda being formulated so nothing is going to uh get put onto the agenda that requires a certificate of availability funds without one being issued and I'll go one step more because again remember I live we are the the board of directors right we're not running the machine every day so I would hope that Susan and Omar and David if you guys believe it's something that you should bring to the council's attention you have The Authority you should have authority to put that into as well but having said that you know the the state is going to look at um or courts are going to look at who signed uh the resolution which is all of us and and that's why you know we don't just rubber stamp you know I don't think consent or not consent I read every single I take notes sure and and but but the point being that you know you may have that that diligence that doesn't uh mean that every and even not even talking about people on this Council there may be other members of other councils that that don't necessarily they just kind of go through it for spending for spending yeah certain things are spending certain things are other things good just just to to refresh everyone's uh knowledge you you run a full encumbrance system so and that is set up uh you know from an initiator and a department head level and approvals and and finally my approval and then and then Susan's approval and that process so you're not overstepping actually it's four now it's so you're not overspending a budget line right yeah that's and that's what ultimately goes into your bill list it doesn't require a resolution or a special that's on the budgetary items and I I I I understand that that there's there are a lot of controls along the way to make sure that it's being done um there are other things that get put on the uh you know on resolutions that are that are not necessarily Financial that are that are conceptual or you know whatever and uh you know so sometimes those things without discussions at a a work session uh without you know proper vetting and discussion at a uh at a meeting like this um you know I feel like you're sure changing the public in a way that uh you know you're not uh because some of these things you don't know what you don't know until a question is asked or or discussion is had you know it's not just a matter of you sitting no no no I'm saying you may not even know that a specific resolution was objectionable um you know you sitting in your own room reading them and you may not have full knowledge of everything somebody says something it it uh it triggers you know discussion that's the idea behind the work session we don't have that if we don't have something that fully discusses the special items uh you know and I I can agree with you putting in the budget the budgeted items that as long as they're the same things you know I have no objection to that being part of the consent I think that that reduces about yeah in this case in this case there are some last week yeah last week and this week yeah I mean I understand but I'm saying in we're not we're looking at the totality not yeah so what I would recommend pulling out separately is is something that either wasn't put on the agenda after discussion for example here you have something that's a little bit different with your your way finding signage but that has been discussed several times along the way um but something perhaps like quite frankly I would suggest when you have a resolution accepting grant funding you should highlight that and put that separately and vote separately so that the public can absolutely but that but that's that's a positive I'm saying there should also be things for negative meaning you know where the public is made aware of things that are potentially negative that affect their lives everything is on the website correct all the details right the the agenda is posted with all the details the well the hyperlinks I I don't the resolutions are available after the meeting the L they're not posted in advance and certainly an ordinance is posted after introduction right how about to to split the difference for for just currently if if this idea is you shrink these resolutions by uh moving the ones that are budgetary into consent maybe that's the first way to split the baby what do you think well that's I thought what I was saying but thank you for clarifying the everything is budgeted but meaning the others keep it out you know outside as a non-consent agenda where we how we trust to our exes well we do a lot of trusting I I know we should be trusting our professionals but I I'll give you an example and maybe somebody can tell me if I'm wrong what if you look at resolution 282 am I reading this wrong is this a typo or we actually talking about $444,000 what is it's the amendment of a prior resolution that's the last item on the the consent agenda should that be 444 should that be 44 and maybe oh no that's a typo that is typo but but we trust our professionals right this is exactly my point we have to be able to trust people who work for us yes that is a typo no no no you have to be able to trust and then kind of look at it with a with a skep allows us to forward yeah there's nothing that prevented you right now from saying I'd like to get a clarification should that be no I understand but what I'm saying is you don't just uh you know you know completely trust the professional and then to sign up well that's why I asked question about does anyone have questions on specific U resolutions right but I'm just saying that in this particular resolution obviously it's a scriber error but it's it's reflective of of the state local public contracts La so the $44,000 is your bid threshold so we can't change that to 444,000 understood but I'm just saying these you know yeah there may be something that's more uh you know nefarious and I'm not trying to you know paint anybody with a brush but you know where they're they're doing it with for some other reason and well quite frankly I mean I would expect everybody sitting at the day to read ITA packets yeah but you know you're not in full knowledge of everything sitting in your room you're not in full knowledge absolutely at the meeting when the mayor ask does anyone have any questions on resolutions you should absolutely ask that question without doubt and and I I agree and I whether it's a consent agenda or not my point is there are times when you won't know which questions to ask because you don't know that you haven't you know you aren't aware of it you know and that only comes up in discussion well well if you're not aware of something you should ask all right we're going around circles we're starting to going circles okay all right so I'm going to start again does anybody have any questions about any items on the consent or non-consent agenda go ahead okay um so I wanted to ask about the uh benches so this was resolution r24 289 and I was able to confirm um David you said these were made of recycled plastic yes uh Mike Cassidy spoke with the vendor directly to reconfirm that and it is uh the source material is a recycled plastic so my additional and that's great um the additional question I had was are these replacement benches of ones that are already falling apart like we had some ones that were decrepit or are these ones that are going to be in new locations because I didn't that was an area where I think we were still there was a group that made a recommendation saying put them in a lot of places but I don't not 100% sure that well I don't believe we all signed on to putting them in those places just wanted to check what we're talking about the the benches uh that that would be ordered or have not been designated for our location this is just getting the benches ordered in I think it's like a six to8 week U process and so is it good to order them to to have them is this the type of thing like I I think I read in in the PO that it you get a discount when you order it in a bulk or some situation yes I think that there are I think basically there there there's going to be an opportunity to place 12 benches whether they're going to be Replacements or new locations of the council's choosing there's going to be a need for the 12 benches uh some of the benches that looked like they were in disrepair needed to be power washed and we we're evaluating stuff after that but basically the ones around B Hall here were in that category okay they did look a little fixed up right so I was like oh um so then just as a followup will we will will when these come in can then this discussion come back on to the council agenda about where we're putting the benches if we're all yes okay and just on that same question with the benches uh for example the one that's right outside Bor Hall it looks like uh you know slats were replaced uh by you know wooden you know some maybe somebody internally did it but whatever it didn't seem like it was finished wood it seemed like there was splinters that would be coming out you know those aren't the recycled plastic ones you said those yeah these were power but those were just power washed because that that one looked like it needed more than just a power wash yeah it was just power washed okay as far as I know I I know we we didn't purchase a new bench I'll find out from Mike but I don't think no it seemed like it was the original uh sides but but the wood the slots were replaced yeah I'll find out from him if there were any new slots put in but it was basically a power washing process and then the the ones if they were slots that were replaced if we can make sure that they they're finished wood you know kind of if they are wood finished wood where there aren't sa the splinters you know coming off because that one seemed like it had splinters or whatever so just make them safe it's my we'll take a look at it it probably is the setting on the power washer that if they applied the the high remove the finish too we'll take a look at that okay right all right any other questions for the consent I have a few I had two more all right so let John go first I'm back quite honestly you shouldn't feel that you should understand it um this this has not come up before this Council before you have as part of your affordable housing program a rehabilitation program which provides no uh lower no cost um loans to income qualified Property Owners to make certain habitability repairs to their property um and so there this individual this couple that owns a property has such a mortgage to the burrow for repayment of that loan um and they're taking a refinance on their house so you have to approve the subordination agreement in order for the the mortgage to be correct correct we did confirm that there's enough equity in the home though that there would still be available funds and and we've always had this available for any homeowner Yes actually um there's been I believe three since your last court approval in in well during this third round and you were required to have four so this is good stuff and if anyone needs it there is a program online Julie you have a question then do we have the uh date of the October fact not yet we're down to those four dates that I shared with you we're trying to see I shared with the downtown committee what we're trying to do is we've had the events on Saturdays we said you know we like switching things up and so we're trying to do it on Sunday but then we ran into the issues which wheny is looking and say AR that's wonderful we don't have the problem which would be awesome well no so we did look into that um in my office and the I believe that you will are allowed to do it because the blue laws prohibit the normal course of business but this wouldn't be the normal course of business given that that this is outside um and the um no you can no you can because it's it's being outside the normal course of businesses well and they're going to be so so so they're going to be on tables they're not going to be right it's a the the businesses would need to be vendors on the sidewalk it's not opening the normal course of business Stores um otherwise then you would have to limit potentially what people are selling and so long as what they're selling my personal preference would be Sunday to change it up but if we we'll see what the downtown says so keep in mind that historically years and years ago these um events were Saturday and Sunday so certainly there is precedent for having done it on Sunday who had a question all right V then Dan on only what okay um number 284 um for the purchase of uh vehicle for the construction official um Am I Wrong did we didn't we say that we wanted an electric vehicle during the during the budget process there was a request to fund an additional $10,000 for the of a vehicle that was turned down by the council to add money so the vehicle that that the building department could get for less than $40,000 is not an electric vehicle okay um and then yeah 288 was the question about the library and um sure for the next budget can we get the list of vehicles from the state lists that we have have a guide price vehicles that are on state contract mean just as a guide sure other questions the wave five is because he's voling back and forth resolution art 23- 285 the W fairing signs um wave finding signs which one ones are these is this the one theeth to the right field the so um the I remember we talked about the sign at the top of East Clinton did that happen already because I never go up there they're not in yet those are exactly signs that we talking about they're all in and now they're putting the fo so these ones are going to go and tell people where the Nature Center is yep okay so I'm just going to tell them that's going to be like unrolled rolled out yes hopefully I don't know it's on the agenda tonight so if it if this resolution gets adopted I would expect that the the work would be done sometime in the next three to four weeks okay which would be awesome and and the thing that we have some some additional money I think because the only I can guarantee you is someone that's going to be upset about something that we missed some thing to the left and right guaranteed guaranteed and that's great because you know we could do five more when we see so let's just see guarante is that someone's gonna be upset with something okay next four to five weeks okay V please um and I'd like to have uh 294 pulled for a separate vote 294 R 24- 294 that's the okay any other questions comments no okay so could I have a motion please to approve resolutions first we need to amend the agenda so can I get a motion to amend the agenda to pull the non-con agenda resolutions into the consent agenda please I have a second I Omar call the rooll please council member Corsair yes council member Min yes counc member Michaels yes council member Dr o Conor yes counc member Park coun member roler yes okay thank you everyone okay could I please have a motion to approve resolutions r24 d274 through r24 293 at r24 295 through R 24301 I have a second Omar please call the rooll council member Corsair yes counc member minen yes council member Michaels yes council member Dr o Conor yes counc member Park yes council member rier yes thank you could I have a motion to approve resolution r24 294 please can I get a second Omar please call the rooll sure council member Corsair yes council member men no council member Michaels yes council member Dr W coner yeah council member Park yes council member rier yes okay very good thank you um we're going to move on to public hearing um ordinance 24 4-5 to amend police salaries Omar could you please read the confirmation of publication of the ordinance and the title of the ordinance ordinance number 24-15 it was published in the June 16th edition of the record is an ordinance to amend ordinance number 24-11 the salary wage or compensation of the rank of police officers of the police department of the burough tenly in the county of Bergen and state of New Jersey for the calendar years 2023 2024 2025 and 2026 um I'd like to open the floor for public comments on ordinance 24-15 only would anyone like to speak on that Omar doesn't look like there's anyone in the chambers I see no hands May is there anyone online at all whose hands are up right now no hands okay we're going to close public comments on this ordinance um councilwoman cor would you like to make a motion please could I have a second please um Omar could you please conduct a roll call council member Corsair yes council member Min yes council member Michaels yes council member Dr o Conor yes counc member bark yes council member Roary yes all right very good we're going to move on to the um the minutes can I get a motion to approve the minutes of June 11 2024 mayor and council meeting I have a second all in favor any opposed okay I accidentally skipped old business does anyone have any old business go ahead please very timely yeah um Brian eord has had sent uh Dr CH off a link uh several weeks ago so he needs to go on to that and accept it and we can do it as I told the mayor I Brian is going to be here tomorrow for a a unrelated topic so I'll bring this up to him and ask him to call Dr CH off and have him walking through it um you know if it's a matter of the paying in the premium we just need to move the process forward and I also had a communication with JP this evening around 7 o'clock or so and uh asked him to to remind the doctor to um to uh speak to ier and so he said he was going to do that okay all right for the good of the order garbage placements and collections uh councilwoman Dr Okana yes um so this issue has to do I don't know if I if I want to mention a specific property but I it's not like it's a what's the concept secret it's there are um there's property that has stores and because it's a private U lot uh our DPW had garbages garbage cans placed there um stopped servicing them because it is the it it is not the job of our town to do that garbage collection the store has their own um garbage collection of contract but now we're left with uh no garbage collection and so people are littering so it's sorry the recepticles are no longer there the recepticles are no longer there because DPW doesn't do it the the uh landlord if you will I guess says well hey I I pay for the garbage for my back um dumpsters and I don't really need to provide a receptacle in the front and so I don't know if this is something we need to address as an ordinance maybe it's something they're not in compliance but if they're serving food and they're serving takeaway materials and stuff we we're really having a a big littering problem go asked them and they've said height I don't think the town necessarily has asked but they so they know that the the garbage cans got taken away and and their answer is well we don't have to provide is the littering happening on private property and it's a food establishment yes so let's send the health inspector over and start start with that to find out what's going on because because if it creates verman and bugs and rats okay Julia yeah but I think it's to her point I think it's maybe of an a little bit larger of an idea of okay like we we require um places to have these kind of back dumpsters we've done garbage ordinances about the back and keeping them covered but I don't know that we're requiring um garbage cans for uh customers strip centers well so so that's a question when the property we received approvals from the planning board we have to look at the developers agreement yes right so that we'll do all that that's what you had thought of so so what should I do in yeah he had yeah she she had thought of that about looking back on the planning board okay so what if they're not required so let's how about we do this let's find out first okay then we deal with what happens next and in the meanwhile we'll have the health department check out if we've got a health problem over there right because it's all about food we can't have that going on okay okay okay so so for the next council meeting hopefully we'll have the uh developers agreements have been looked at that we'll have an answer okay thank you okay thank you for bringing it up okay um any upcoming meetings any what I I do have something as well that I just wanted to give an update on go ahead um so I had believe I'm not sure if I I mentioned it or not but I know that um councilwoman Corsair had mentioned a desire months ago to look at the sign ordinance for more of a um color scope consistency view for the the downtown zoning areas I just wanted to bring to the attention of the council um and really ask for for approval to move forward with a overall look at the sign ordinance because of some recent case law about content neutrality and signage and um there's certainly revisions that need to be made to your sign ordinance overall in order to be in compliance with these recent cases um Nationwide really so what I would like is to be able to receive the approval to speak with David Novak your planner in order to do a review of the sign ordinance along with the colors consistency ex awnings and looking at that area but looking at how terms are defined for signage in order to be consistent with First Amendment rights questions from anyone everyone good with that than okay put on the library discussion tonight do you have schedule for something I don't have the information to be able to discuss anything yet all right then maybe the next one yep okay upcoming meetings upcoming meetings any know no com all right okay um obviously we pulled the the introduction of the ordinance next so um I'll make a deal I will give up my mayor remarks tonight if we skip committee remarks in the interest of time unless someone has anything that is absolutely essential okay so could tell us about it that is important she's running Thursday night around o' excellent excellent that's fabulous okay um could you please read the closed session language yes it's resolution r24 d302 at a meeting of the mayor and Council of the bur of tenly County of Bergen state of New Jersey held on June 25th 2024 be it resolved in compliance with njsa 10 4-12 the mayor and Council of the burough tenly are going into close executive session to discuss the following matters collective bargaining opu update real property potential property Acquisitions and Personnel non-exempt statutory employees minutes will be taken of the meeting and released to the public the time if the matter is resolved can I get a motion to go into close please have a second all in favor any opposed [Music]