[Music] in compliance with the open public meetings act pl1 1975 chapter 231 the notice requirements have been satisfied meeting dates of the year are listed in the annual agenda copies are sent to the record subur night Northern Valley Press posted by the B board the lobby of Municipal Center the notice of this special budget meeting resolution number 24-65 has sent to the record suburbanized northern Valley News has posted on the B board the lobby of the municipal center and for website the first order of business is U public comment U total of 15 minutes has been allocated for this purpose citizens are welcome to address the mayor and councel on any governmental item of concern to them whether or not it is scheduled on the agenda below citizens must give their names and addresses when recognized to speak large groups are urged to select someone to represent them public is advised that these meetings are reported and are subject to the open public records act so we're going to start with public comment it doesn't appear that there's any me see but there's no members of the public in the Wilston room here so we're going to go to zoom om AR any hands up any members of the public on Zoom would like to speak you're welcome to do so now see no hands there no hands Okay so we're going to close public comment time and we have two departmental reviews tonight and we're going to start with uh Finance please hi everyone hello say your name for the record anyway so this year well last year we reorganized my department and by doing so we reduced our budget this year by 1.1% from salary and wages um also in reorganizing in we lowered some of the titles so that there's room for growth later um also doing succession planning uh the money the savings is actually higher than 1.1% though just so you know because I Pro I probated a salary last year as well instead of putting full salary into the budget uh let's see actually that's just super quick that's awesome you just said succession planning which is really brilliant are we doing that holistically across the organization that's what the plan is going to be to focus on um so uh I'm going to have some recommendations as we move forward to how we can incorporate some of that success great really well done thank you uh some of the items that I'm looking forward to do this year is looking for I saw some uh programs for escro I was at the uh league and gfoa seminars um right now there's a little bit of a manual effort like we have to call or the bank that we utilize for estro to get a block of numbers as are some programs where we can assign the numbers and take it for going to save time as far as the purchasing goes uh we have a presentation I did one I think like four or five years ago I've enhanced the presentation to that it includes uh more of what's expected to that it could be scanned into Edmonds and we're looking forward to having our departments put in Conta conts resolutions uh documentation quotes uh and documentation to eliminate the paper and so also so that when what is one the documentation is at the auditor's fingertips and we don't have to go searching around where at bus we added a fourth approval this this year so that before the documentation gets to our administrator um we are proactively ensuring compliance because sometimes uh before we we get the documentation as we were trying to get the PO through we're stopping them if the if the if the um purchase orders are not compliant they're not going uh lastly we're going we already had one training session on Pro positive pay positive pay is a prevention tool so do you know okay so that we can minimize check for losses um and that we did one training we're set up for another training in uh April um and our presentation to the employees after arranges for actually um will be done in April as well um then let's see uh we have we continue to provide the oversight and we putting spending evaluations and clients with the American Rescue plan uh also known as the Corona virus State local fisal recovery funds this is mandated by the United States Department of the treasury and there's compliance reporting that we have to do um and we have to comply with all the rules as set forth by the Office of the State Controller uh we as indicated in my report here all funds must be encumbered by the end of this year and spent by December 31 2026 uh we have continued to work with the police department by gathering P submitting all tropical stor it dollar St so that we can anticipate uh FEA reimbursements I believe we got one read um we we have continued to increase our AC direct withdrawal and with payments this is on my mind uh so we keep growing those functions uh we also continually provide uh training we help other departments with spreadsheets if they need help um we're big on compliance sometimes I guess were deemed as a pain but in all all goodness of this is that less white Finance so and we are consistently looking for cost savings methods in the procurement of goods and services and basically my job here is to support mayor the governing body or admin strator all the department heads the employees on all Finance Tax purchasing and compliance matters and we were constantly looking to streamline and improve efficiencies we pride ourselves on doing that um since I just wanted to add since I've been here and actually in the corporate world that was one of the functions I was tased with was streamlining and improving efficiencies that was part of my job and um i' I've consistently looked for that like I developed a lot of well my department does standard operating procedures I don't know if that's something that other departments do but we have probably around 50 by now in addition to all the manuals that we use but we find two who test them and basically if someone leaves we we have a good training for other individuals to to use um we also some of the big things that we've done since we've been here like we also have no cash policy that we mandated by ordinance Which tax payment of taxes for that but by doing that we were bringing in a lot of the taxpayers that were paying with large amounts of of cash and we used to have to have a police escort so we eliminated saved time from the police saving productivity and um last year right we did the fsj which will save the Barrow over a million dollars in equipment that was think by Consulting with other CFOs and administrators you know I constantly consult with them to see what their towns are doing um survey some things that you guys asked and uh by doing so and going to the workshops by by gener can learn a lot take it with me and bring it here oh the PE cards you just ask about that so yeah we just I just was involved with setting with the peard program previous engagement so I talked to Susan about it we're see what purchasing oh for you oh no I did that already so let's let's talk about that then pay Fe right well what happened is we were doing the credit cards and um what took place with the credit cards is it it's if the tax pairs there's print that says it's a $1.95 if you pay by debit but if an AC but there's 2.95% on the amount so they were getting charged more than what they thought they'd get in points and then they were disputing their taxes so I eliminated that because it's not Ben so no more taxes by credit card no it's not a or com in with checks yes we had too many disputes online super easy it is like a dollar that was another Savings of time we used to have another program where it took us 20 minutes to download yeah the payment and then we switched this program and it takes us literally seconds right that's what I do B just got an email and says we're take the money out your account right that's something I implemented since I've been here to where's the administrative go to do it it go it's not to us it goes to the that does okay thing with the over here the credit card problem is uh you know the credit card problem we don't take the credit cards also because of the interchange fees because then we get discount you know we our money is discounted yeah right if everybody paid by credit cards and the fee is 2.9% we'd have to raise all the taxes by 2.9% to cover it unless you let me pay my full year taxes in advance in which case you're loan the flo at more than half% not brought up yet weird hey man I mean I've always all three guy gets paid bonuses right so you pay your tax advance because the statute states that a taxpayer can accept any funds in in advance yeah but there's other rules that come with estimated tax we don't do we do estimated taxes now but if somebody's going away I'm not going to refuse people go I walk in here yeah we will accept I think there's two things one if you really want to pay up front you can totally do that the second that's done the second thing is we can decide as a if you want to inent that yeah and give a discount that's less than the money we make on having that that GL corre yeah there the first one you can do right now the second one is we gotta we looked into that already I think we looked yeah the question is is that legal right well there's well there are the discount partes but the first one everyone so if I allow you to pay an advance for credit I expectedly accepted it this AC May let's I think I already looked into that I'll back okay so there was some things I just want to quickly go over that we didn't go over in previous discussions so um and these are some changes there I in mented today um I just wanted everybody to know that welcome committee um I increased by $500 because there was a Meo that bring them to $7,000 for other professional fees I looked at the grants you asked me to look at that and I was able to reduce that by $5,000 because I looked at the audit Trails for that was in your budget and I pulled out some expenses that were really onetime expenses and I think it's allocated probably about 30,000 um yeah we could go there it's under Administration if you want to look at that um then for environmental um at the last meeting um everyone here agreed that that would be up to $10,000 and I added a line for composting for 5,000 because you had discussed that 10K 10kk or 10K 10K total uh let's see I increased elections because it's a presidential um year so we increased that by, 1500 I took down fire prevention based on I just did another review because their conferences were a lot less than um what the budget showed a higher number than what they presented in their meeting with us so there's an adequate funding there took that down by 1,150 uh planning board went down by, 1500 because there's some um items are not going to be charged because we moved over to building uh lee over time uh after I left the last meeting Dave had informed me that we can decrease that by 55,000 275 now 33 the O stien I increased by 3,400 that was based on the uh the last meeting I made an adjustment to the recycling tonnage Grant which was uh just a minus of $618 um Recreation we took out uh $10,000 from a swim c r which I think may or may not have to be discussed in the future um recycling center other contractual I had to add $100,000 for um the re composting how much did you we 100,000 but wasn't that already in there put4 they requested 224 so we we put 124 then you could have different options you don't have the full answers to the options so this will allow for the appropriation of the whole ask of the 224 with the int of finding a much more economical way um but we won't have cers won't have the information for it'll be here on May 7 for op we really think it's going to be 224 or well that's the the 224 would be is if we trucked out everything that we could in without doing any grind in in so that's coming in and shipping out shipping but we know that we're going to find some sort of well we hope but without having the answers to it we didn't want to leave we didn't want to have a surprise it's just hard that we're going to tax our residents that's full 224 if we know that the there's an 80% chance that it's 20 224 multiply 80 by 224 and put 200 the challenge is just for that full amount do we have a solution we identifi a solution any Merit not yet that's looking for solution worst case scenario worst case scenario 220 who D that exact mik Cassy check with area towns what dirt Trucking costs are between 11 and 14s Tru and then we did the math of how many Le how many yard the division that's how we arve it so it was a ration process to get the number um I may have an adjustment to salaries salaries and wages down contined upon close session no um insurance I brought put in money for the medical director uh I added to revenue a firefighter Grant but that's offset is in expenses it was $52,000 but you have to also appropriate for the expense uh for note principal I spoke to Paul about some all this actually to um the note princip ible uh we had to add 35,000 because part of that we thought would be funded by Grant it's not um we're going to put $300,000 from Capital Surplus into revenue and the offset will be in our debt I'm funded to pay down some debt and I had to add based on numbers another 175,000 to pay one Reserve one comment coule sorry 575 uh and we also need to go over some more I'm trying to go quick then you could ask the questions okay question do you have a question okay so the numbers are numbers that we crunched today um they're based on estimates that we believe are really going to happen and uh you know the numbers are they are I just wanted everybody to know that the Surplus over the last few years have been on a downward Trend so we're not regenerating it um you know and we have to be careful with that going based on everything you see right now will the cir be this year so we're not it's not a firm number but I'd say it's about we're our fund balance will be around 5.4 million even with the monies that we made on interest in Investments which was a went walk so that'll go toward Surplus so we're putting 775,000 well we're going to be using more than 50% of that on this year's budget which is also a trend that is um not favorable to us because we used to use about 42 43 we're going up over the 50% so just so you you're you're aware of that do you do you have any uh I didn't ask you this earlier so so you might not have it that's fine do we know what our current um well our current FTE versus what they were a previous period with five years ago 10 years ago well we could we could get that together yeah that would be it just say on a high level basis okay the total ft 10 years ago versus where we are today in terms of budgeted FTE yeah I could look through I have to compile that right but I would just say that's that's half the that's a great question that you should look at but that's half of it because of the acceleration of which we increase the salaries if you kep if you traditionally look at it flat you'd say oh we're great correct but in reality we're far from great that's just one the second thing is I would hope and it's a mentality that we should all have is that again we should be driving a level of Automation and efficiency such that you know my company had seven people cutting chicken two weeks ago right and now we have one person running a machine right yeah that's awesome and now those people could go do better more high value agreed my my question is about I mean instinctively we're not you know we don't sit around and add let's add X number more bodies to this particular right we don't do that right um so we should be pretty flat um well with the contractual obligations you keep going up in percentage I'm not talking about money I'm talking about head count yeah I think that the size of the Town hasn't increased we haven't built new roads are we Del you know the same we have more people in town right so it'll just it'll be an interesting analysis to see if we're flat with people over the past 10 years right that's a good thing the next the better thing is what Adam is saying obviously that'll be interesting to know we have a lot of vacancies right now well that's why I'm asking for Budget numbers because we have a we have like we probably have 12 vacancies in the whole organ ation you know socre population over the past 10 years has gone from 14 and a half to 15 and a half thousand for personal service well the gross number of FTE you know 10 decade over decade you know then we'd actually be run running the operation terms of what is the cost per citizen is potentially dropping right but that's know it's just a management process uh management analysis not a financial analysis salaries are up 10% in the past year so from 22 we have a great here thank you uh under three million to 3.3 million from 22 to 23 so that's a 10% increase 3.3 the salaries are talking about the incre salaries are far more 3.3 million no the bottom number you're not looking at right now they got sor sorry yes they're probably around 12 right that's for the statutory as right yeah so Under 12 to so 12 to 13 from we didn't really go up that much right what's the percentage there eight eight and a half no 3.6% oh what were the numbers so 23 it was a little under 12 million and the introduced budget is a little over 13 million okay it's up a million dollars okay so just so that we make sure we go through this this the rest of the budget I made a list of the items that we didn't look at it the all so some of them I spoke about already but if you go to your insurance tab if anybody has any questions already to drive put in the money for the for the medical director 4150 and um everything else is pretty much I think you should just look through if anybody has a question but the Workman C was something that we have to put in there because the J gives us these numbers and you know our insurance the numbers so that the health benefits is at 2.6 million so that's a that's a pretty tight number um we have to put on Employment Insurance say and it's really got that section the grou the 2.6 yeah we only raised in 50,000 it's pretty stable didn't want like as plus every time you raise it up the employees have to well they pay more towards the contribution and their salaries uh then the utilities basically tried to keep them the same as they were that's the next tab we didn't discuss any items about U John had a question yeah about the phones $88,000 is the number remember we spend on phone that hard to that that's the contract with Horizon I think you said we were gonna look into voice over IP so just do everything at your phone at your desk through your computer you need a phone you need a andet that would have to be I don't know so let me ask a question about that because there $888,000 in a budget right whatever whatever all of a sudden we do our homework and it turns out this new system voice over IP is only going to cost us $220,000 we can go Surplus right right change anytime in the middle of the year and on the contract okay that that over there has anyone ever pick up that pH remember we have a twoyear budget like for those that don't know it's not like corporate I was a corporate for 25 years too shop right so yeah was big so uh the budget cycle is two years so we will be lapsing 22 into 20 into the SE to 24 we could still charge back to this year to 23 F you know to the mayor's point we proactively change over we can have a surplus prevent us from changing yeah we will but hopefully we regenerate some so uh statutory let's talk about that so the utilities so if it's statutory The Big Numbers really are police pension we went for 1.7 69 1.32 and uh the other allocation for pensions is uh we went from 775 to 784 for the Barrow Bo we charge it's actually more than that but we charge a portion of it to the libraries for there employees that um have pension that are entitled to eligible for pension uh debt so we have a few Bond issues is out right now yeah I would really love to see what our debt schedule looks like in terms of what the bond issuances are when they were issued when they mature what the rates are on them yeah I give that Poss and and also like to see what cash balance on average we carry of course you're ping on these salaries at up a million dollars in salary you're also 500 basis points in interest how much of that is being all set on the by the interest income and how are we achieving so and we have to be careful too with the debt we did incur quite B debt more and um when I first started we used to um bond for about our Capital plan was generally around 2.53 million and now well last year we had six million work down to four Y and uh this year I just ch the numbers I don't as a municipality reiring $4 million of debt right now we have over 133 million in notes okay and about there definitely Al together we our debt is around 30 million i' love to see if what and that's 2.7 mil yeah okay good so oh yeah put that together s but this doesn't so this show see he wants to see the schedule yeah which I have yeah a and I'll be able to show you when the next Bond drop off is what I like to do is try to keep the budget neutral but right um John right now so you know the B the bond anticipation notes um this we can roll them up to 10 years but on the third anniversary date we have to pay principals we only have to so for three years three years L yeah and the 10 year legal B 10 years I don't know mon 10 years of rolling entries only yeah third anniversary date you have to pay principal and for the next years we would we've never gone 10 years out we Tred to bond when there's a drop off in principal of bonds well you should be trying to roll those bonds at month 34 so you don't never have to princip right we always have to pay the principal and the interest on the bonds but on the notes right you just pay interest on 30 anniversary so you should TR roll the notes every 34 months so you never pay principal on the notes right but we're not doing that now we're paying right now so you could look at that that's what I'm okay John is volunteered to hang out with you over myod yeah add little value at that's why I can there you go yeah so come and let's see what else Julie also offered to bring in the Backes let's see what in unclassified so we know the leases you're Ates so we you said we can't we can't anticipate that because we don't have any history of it right so it'll be on if you do get some Revenue David and I started working on that unanticipated for this year um not anticipated but it will this is the revenue for the parking yeah for the parking on perer Miles may I ask an absolutely ludicrous question those are the most interesting ones typically when I'm reading here are General Obligations of the I once did an analysis to try and rate a bond back by Lottery lottery receival are not General Obligations of the state or the issue which is fascinating but they deemed to be the highest because the town or whever issues that makes the most money on them right because are the highest return because you only a lottery says you your $100 a tickets you pay out 50 right the rest goes to the person administering so any world in which we could have a burrow based kind of laot I don't know if that's a legal question I I would be super curious because it is the number one Revenue generator for states which is why it's least likely obligation they'll ever defa but it's not a Geo of the state itself you just get a lower rate you'd have to pay a lower 50 cents in a right so you do it all day and that's before taxes when you get to taxes it's like 87% but that's another I love I mean is there any pro having a I we can ask Wendy that question when she comes out we should talk to bond count about some of these question we just met yesterday good question fun I do it would be interesting so um okay so now if we go to you know what well we're talk I'm just going to jump in because we're talking about Revenue you know Dan and I were talking about this the other day about the whole uh Canabis Parks Park yeah burrow made a million dollar off of that tax and what's the tax rate that the 2% so I mean million is flowing through yeah that's the one thing a can pass you can no I understand yeah it's awesome right I'm for Le that's that's a separate legal Dan and I we Shar an email together also about an organization that wants to do another presentation did you get that did you get yeah yeah but they far past yeah so there's all different types of Revenue get from them so and our plan would be not to for like a pop shops so so maybe we need to uh reinstate our cannabis committee sounds like Dan's in charge so who else all right serious question so um Dan who else would being on that committee John anybody else I think we already have it but we didn't appoint it this year okay I'm not so Dan and John okay and Jamie it okay all right so yes please so uh so now we're in the section of unclassified uh which includes like things like postage photo copies I just want to make sure I mean if you looked at it fine in that section is also just so I can speak since there is two things I one is um reserve for tax appeals uh the AFS I think is nearly done the I planat they will be looking at our reserves to make sure that that number is sufficient the other item is uh that I looked at was uh terminal Le so you don't know what terminal terminal Le is for our burrow is based on years of service and many of the contracts or employees that are even unrepresented been still public have based on the years of service they get a certain amount of money when they retire when they retire and when they resign if they so so let's let's talk a little bit more about it hold on second so everybody understands the same thing about 10 years ago was about 10 years ago okay was it more maybe it was 13 years ago Dan we did this right just pred this is from Elric so so it does it predate I was there for it does it predate you 12 yeah okay so so I was on the council with the other members of course and what we did was terminal leave was grandfathered in I want to say 2011 or 12 right around there we grandfathered in so so anyone hired on January 1st of for sake of argument 2012 was no longer eligible for terminal leave okay everyone who was here prior to that we abide by whatever the deal was made because that was that's fair to those employees right and so and we estimated based on the new hiring situation it would take 20 to 25 years for the borrow to have no more terminal leave at all okay and we're about 13 years into that 20 25 so just so you know we we raised through taxation funds for the terminal so we could put it into a reserve okay last year we had a lot of retirements and we do a lot of that reserve and this year we we have some more um monies we paying out because I tried to um split it out right I it was in the Personnel manual that you could pay out the terminal me for up to three years and um so I do that I ask our retirees you know if you want to most of them would like to spread it out because it affects their taxes if they don't they're making their earnings that year then they're going to add to it um so that's what we're doing but we we really need to rebuild that Reserve we we we didn't do any of it in 2022 it or 202 right and we had a lot of retirements in said so so it up the Reserve I put 150 and it may not be enough with the Auditors when they look at there's another thing hopefully it's not another great uh learning to be 75% that's negligence that we've been putting zero in last few years because now you have to put a huge amount learnes I know it's likeing our own with this Reserve is there a cost of living increase and that's it's the highest last Sal it's in the contract the amount that they get and how many years but I just want to talk about ter just for one more second one thing then let's see if we have question Capital it's very important to understand terminally because the Office of the State C PO is is really coming down on lots of barrels and I went to um at the league I questioned this with the officer of the controll because they were there and a lot of barrows are going to be in mess because their terminal leave is based on sick time and the sick time is being paid out in the hundreds of thousands of dollars our terminal is not we're not going to have any problems with our employees because ours is based on length of service so I just want to make sure that's clear in case you hear anything about it so and it will go away eventually so we might well it's going to start to yeah yeah it's going to start to so we we have a lot of place around the 25 year mark right now so the ORD is may ask me what that number is tomorrow and that we need to account for more I'll just have to let everybody all right any more questions on finance specim then we're going to move up to Capital okay okay we're good oh can I just add one with me so I brought into the budget some of the um ARP funds now be offset um in another area of the budget put that neutral to um the budget uh and I did print add a new revenue and uh right now our tax increase is at yeah P thank you this is if there's any tweaks this it's going to be very minor um so the amount to be raised by taxation um yeah it's go up to 2. trying to be 2.2 yeah so just so you know I had a conversation with a that the cost of living inflation is going up like 5% um our spending is increasing by like 5% and our taxes are only increasing by8 eventually catches up and that's I have before we move on to we don't know what the school the school last year their budget portion was about 70 why is our cable franchise fee gone down uh let me see 163 163 and 22 146 yeah so that's the check I just got so that's a real real number I don't know why it should be along the telephon I mean it just be I mean a year ago we canceled our cable and cut our bill in half and went to bios yeah I wondering why are we are we charging fos for the to be in in the B as well it's only for the cable services that so you only have the franchise for basic cable serves so and just so the new council members now um when you do Revenue you cannot anticipate more than what you realized in the previous year and the only one that um and the receipts from Del taxes is the calculation so these numbers are I'd say a little aggressive but okay can we sell our tax ples the wings yeah we only have a handful but are delinquent interest is um 8% on the first 1500 18% on 1500 Sol they are they go quickly yes that people show up and oh yeah I'll be there they can get arguments the highest one I had was 305,000 had 18% in a premium we go the premiums if they don't foreclose within five years get it's cheap to usually they they do close or the mean property Cas usually they pay me but some of the investors don't care about the interest not looking to get you should come to tax sell we'll be very curious to see that I think it's F really quick the uh the total assessment valuation right so it went up U about 30 28 million yeah about 30 the U that's that's all new construction right you have to ask Jeff because I don't know if it's all new construction but it probably is it's not reassessments it's all probably is Right unless somebody [Music] that where are you number nine rental property but3 it actually oh okay I can budget if I know the number I can't budget for more than what realiz I should have added that but if I know what the actual number is then I3 you know that for 2023 said 130 was the actual number and well I probably did because it was if I had the actual number I put in in if I didn't have the actual number you put in yes hotel tax is an interesting one which one hotel tax so we get a town cut of taxes PL hotels as well that number is half of what it used to be yeah it is yeah and that's because Clinton is in disrepair because the because of the vacancy rate there yes we didn't tax we drop tax remember yeah that's to do the fs and everything else there's not we would have years we didn't really you talking about yeah it's a five years emergency it's in it's in there $40,000 a year three more years also because of that we exam the capital plan is going to be one plan it's not going to be a temporary and if you guys all agree the next meeting April that's yes da yeah we're the first on the list yeah we're fine so I have a Susan David CH Capal okay so in terms of uh Susan yes what was budgeted Capital purchases last year okay I have to back and I don't mean like a new copy machine I mean equipment every whatever uh I have to get my Capital no no no no that's not you don't need it for list so my point is is that like we've had hold over stuff that takes us x amount of months after the budget passes we talked about this right and so my question is generally you have in a sense of how much money is out there 23 where was appropriated that we haven't actually written the board is to buy whatever it is we buy dump trucks cars right right so we're trying to get the department heads to look at what they have out there and spend the money that's what we' been working on there is a really they have to get quotes and put there if there's like a fire engine they have to Specs together then we will help them to know where they could purchase it from it's National Coop or things like that usually they they pretty much know it doesn't really have a to your life but they don't like us to carry for a long amount of time because you shouldn't be um putting it in your plan and we tell this to if you're not going to spend the money because then we're borrowing well so and that gets to my next question right I'm just going to pick on this particular topic like there's a dump truck in here we're going to buy right for $300,000 of change did we buy all the dump trucks we were supposed to buy last year because if we didn't buy them yet why do we have a new one in the capital budget well I could get my Capital let's let's I have St on I don't no there's three trucks what two there three this is the time now this is not the last time this is the last to take and what we do is table wee yeah so I'm GNA run a capital report and then you'll have all your answers okay okay with that just we know right just look at this yeah we take a two-minute break while Susan's getting so Susan doesn't get a break sure you canst because we're so Jamie you see the the Sub sub total column right so the public knows we took a five minute break we're back in Action again oh okay so I'm gonna pull the it's not out of order so that's how so you wanted to know in 20 gray and there is some items in pastur as well in 20 see what we have this we have like items oh no I looked for that oh I know that I know we have like items that we haven't ordered that's in our budget this year we should take that out this year Well we did I did good I looked for that um okay so that around is it just one copy of just one copy okay so tell us a little story okay so in 23 uh let's see you spent money for the Riverside CL the roads we still didn't do curve repairs that's 50,000 right 75 75 that's a separate problem I explain go ahead repairs and cleaning we have 150 still into that Co coverts by the do Park 30,000 that's not done um okay now that that was a temporary plan but have budgeting plan and then for the the ordinance that we did right after um the multi-purpose ordance this was just things that were these were the things that we needed right away that we do right away okay so now um in the multi-purpose ordinance we have flooring in the building department $9,000 we have painting in for the quarter doors and Frames 2500 not done but maybe because we don't have what are the bigger numbers though oh okay big numbers um vehicle for the building part which we're supplementing 10,000 have enough I thought we were going to first look at all the vehicles we have buy well this one's already in there and and you don't have enough money for him to buy the vehicle another so as you've taught me if we have another vehicle in two years that money down well this is a little different when you okay so this is an ordinance and people buy or bonds so whatever stage we should try to buy we should try to do it this is different I don't think we needed the car to begin with now we're adding another 10,000 to it because and again I think Julie said that she just bought an exact car for $2,000 less than that $40,000 so what I would say going forward is to look at the fleet and if you think there's cars that can be eliminated going forward don't buy it okay but then let's not put in short 10,000 well I remember the disc the discussion just at the time was and I I hear you look I'm I was pretty um surprised that we were having the discussion a year later and and a car wasn't bought you know given that year before we allocated that uh he was saying he was having trouble because of the idea that it had to be on the U the co-op his State Co-Op and he was having and he seemed to run into a problems that he said then that um given that uh he needed 10,000 more uh to do that so let probably outside the co-op for less money if we decide we need it you have to do plus savings and if we can find that we C it usually end it's usually not chall is we always say next year well that's my point is so my point is why don't we so this is kind of a side conversation but like this $440,000 for this car that we managed to survive with out for a year like why don't you just cancel that I'm making a suggestion obviously right it's up to the council to cancel that ordinance and just uh pay down $40,000 wor de and not buy the car at all cancel the project cancel that project that's what I mean so I mean we could look at this outside of this meeting yeah because you cancel the project week from now we will we're not counseling things just so you know you will be but not, yeah well I don't I don't I think that you really have to figure that out okay because we're going to be doing this what is the project of requir 10,000 so okay so we're going to take the 10,000 out Su will do her magic cancel that project okay so no because that's kind of the point if if we if we if we if the council decides to buy a car and then we don't buy for a year we really didn't need that car actually I have another idea that might be helpful you learn in operations management the problem is we have cars and we give them to individual people building department all these different places you all know that if you just put a bunch of keys in somewhere at any given time someone's got drive whatever the first Keys you grab that you save efficiency by by not having all right so we're gonna get off and lose crack Susan Susan's going to cancel that project take the 10,000 out who's got the next question okay let me want me keep going keep going okay so uh let's see so we have uh 40,000 fora foxes at the recycling center nobody bought those we have can I get my pen back I'm sorry thank you okay um you have a dump truck was it purchased how much 80,000 and and we've got a dump truck in this year's budget you have a real Packer truck 315,000 not so then I think the question behooves us why AR we canceling that 40,000 or why are we buying one for $300,000 $40,000 one for two but it doesn't sound like we need both right you know you did these ordinances I think we should see what's here and then maybe we could cancel these projects at any time just so you know oh well that's right but my my point my point just the general point of if we if we pick the same item last year we haven't bought it why are we buying the second one this year doesn't let me see about the P any opportunity we can to cut the cost in there yeah truck pack 50 there's two trucks haer and the we have to make sure it's on the same truck there's two trucks it say it in his for recycling service no no that we don't know what we're doing all right so check that offline but you understand what we're talking about oh yeah yeah let's check that offline so okay this one I have to check had one one thing was called the Sterling dump truck which we gonna do another was a Mac Truck Packer which she are keeping well that's a question there's a big difference between a packer and a dump truck right a dunk truck dump truck concrete guy used it the Packer is like a garbage truck dunk truck he took off basically himself then one near L was the top Ki right that's what was his first prior then it was the the Mac Truck pack Packer second which we were questioning because it's for lead collection so we were saying we don't know what we're doing Le except I have one comment about that right there is we do know that we're still collecting the leaves from the street which is when you use the Packer truck the question about how we're going to do operationally once the leaves are at the site we don't use the Packer truck at the site that's for the streets in front of your house we were okaying both but I but obviously so I'll find out about if this is a different track so if it is they're backlog then that's why I did bu good me what on yeah but the point is if it's if it's not a different truck we got to take it out yeah okay what about the top kick that stay landscapers just trying to I hear you just trying to talk just trying to be like [Music] we that for that yes that was right so let's ask Susan that question about what is okay so then you have the roll off boxes I don't know what they are roll off boxes so you see uh the containers that are in people's front yards that the construction guys throw garbage oh yeah they roll off the back of the truck and they're probably 30 to 40 yard containers all right so he has four of those not purchased yeah is four I don't know if that's the right What's the total cost there 40,000 yeah 10,000 8 to 10,000 where you dump your recycl that may come in handy for the leads yeah that is useful that's true yeah I know he he need this the Sewer Lateral inspection came yeah so that was 885,000 but that was can I just make these are all last things she talked the department heads what's going on then come back and then come back to I just want to make they can't get the supply know then it should be canell and used to pay down the debt but but then and then if if that's what we're gonna do what Dan just suggested can we include the $40,000 that we approved a year ago for the car that wasn't B within the year also in that discussion and just go we already decided that she's going to cancel that project no no not to cancel it but to go to these department heads question question yeah that's what we're gonna do yeah okay so all right so so everybody knows the cancelling of these things are kind I'm G to find out but we really should go through this so I can put it to the capital and then I'll also find out about that any projects that we can so we'll go to pay down the debt right and we could take it from there but this should be a little separate from this the whole different project okay all right let's get back to our Capital plan okay curious sorry about this but curious about down usually if we REM the Deb is financed correctly you might make more money not paying it down but keeping it in cash is that a possibility so I have something about that so we might have what they call arbitrary so right now we're making a lot of money on money that we have and and your debts costed l so you're arbing the no let her finish there may be a situation where I think we have to um Pang on this you're not allow there's whole bunch of rules about oh yeah want share with that so prudent fiscal management is penalized at the state level 100% excellent yeah all right so let's another topic for another day let's focus on the budget on go ahead who's got questions for Susan well okay so let's let's go to the one that I had as the temporary just look at that the ambulance the captain of the ambulance department said he cannot get the ambulance for 300,000 anym he needs another 50 okay so that's good then I today I found out based on something I saw from col years that the 2023 do was not put in I added it 500,000 what I don't know it not in so we're g to get reimbursed we're gonna have a0 something thousand Grant okay for that so we have to put that in okay okay SK we're putting in we're putting in mind for something that happened last year no it didn't happen yet didn't happen it's for right but didn't we put it in the budget last year it wasn't in I looked through my work papers it was out maybe I didn't have a number by then I have to verify that number with I look I back and one year Andy didn't give me do until the foll year too all right yeah so the million dollars for Riverside C the roads have been selected so that's in 500,000 for 23 550 for 24 yeah how heart set are we on that I think you guys already decided how hard set are we on that million how much do you want to raise no I'm all on the ra side do you have a number Dan you want to say right now we're at three total my personal op my my official opinion is before we lower any money on the roads we start canceling dunk trucks because the roads where people want that's like a d That's like direct resident facing thing that's also the thing that gos the in last well we neglected it for 20 years and we're paying the price the rate is higher then yes yes than the last previous five 10 years y but is that right rate of growth what is it the right rate of growth if we were at 500 five years ago the Hut is a million the right number well we used to PVE two or three roads a year and the roads full and it's terrible district and now we're Paving 12 to 14 year ask this cor price of oil also up would you like to call a question or something and then we could go around so just so everyone knows when I go through the whole Capital we're going to be looking at a lot of stuff this year have a first time to make sure everything's paid I'm meeting with the engineer on Thursday I want to make sure that all of our direct quests have been paid for then we're going to be looking at projects to be cancelled and then uh we could look at more but this plan you have to go go ahead so far you park at zero far you park listed here with a zero oh that's because we're going to take that out of open space okay so it's happen yeah okay so we we're out 10 for the utility the buildings and didn't we say maor Center is 60,000 broken space right oh yeah that's going to go up so 60 for that and frogy park I think is on the next page okay then excuse me should it should B um uh Ridge Road storm drain repairs I mean this is all stuff I think that Mike have brought up yep the 15,000 for the thermoplastic line striping 50,000 I don't know how much curb repair we need but it seems like there's a lot of Cur there's a lot of curb repairs so there was last year's Cur repair this year you were going to go into that yes because the last year's Cur pay a dollar 50 to 75 $75,000 wasn't literally wasn't enough to get a contractor interested in it because what happens is the curve repairs are you don't plop down in the middle of the street and do the project and leave this is $1,000 here $2,000 a work there this side of town so the cost was astronomical double to get people to come to do this stuff so now if we have a $100,000 budget someone will do the job correct and and do do we know and you can't to that and my I'll just add this my natural question was why can't you just get like a local contractor to do it and the engineer and um Michael had said that because the local you know small contractor doesn't have the level of equipment necessary in the manpower to pull off what needs to get done so now we have we're to go to the the next page okay so the bonding costs are built into the [Music] ordinance okay so now we're on this is going to be one big plan um so automated license plate the keeps been putting those in each year so that's 30,000 where did those get used the corner like all around so someone's running out of town then you have this I don't know what this is but it's a sounds loer articulated loader is if you can imagine a um we trust you Center front loader that instead of the front wheel turning the center of the unit actually turns like this bu okay you go okay now I think this is enough for cameras I mean I hope this covers the Nature Center too but we have 20,000 for uh cameras 40, well cameras and yeah well I have 37 I know 3000 must have had cles I think that all came from him yes them out all right keep moving Susan Chargers for electric responders that was that State uh charting s where you already told the captain of tath that was good defibrillators let me see if we have that um I found money in a different ordinance for 21,000 uh and we have the dryer which we all know we talked about that 7500 for the h taking that out you got that $52,000 gr that they buy well we did put the grant money in because we are going to be get money he said that he got it ,000 gr okay did you for clothing for there were a few things in there one of them was dryer we just check oh if the dryer's including it I can take it out call them tomorrow check because I I did put the 52,000 for the grant and the offset in the budget interesting time we have like three or four material items three of them arew well yeah they talked about the three good you have to find that we're still talking about a million do right but keep in mind John the middle 300,000 for the replac Sterling dump truck has been taken off it was asked for but you see the recommended column is zero okay so do you got if you if the government B like maybe we should just go and look like there's 75 I'm going to say the numbers follow me please then stop me when you want to talk about or take out something last of time so there's 7500 I'm not going to say what it is please look 2500 4500 zero or well the golf court well should we put that in there and then if find one then we worry about it next gon find d right so the try mean that may not which means should we keep it in this year if he finds it then we canel I would not put it in any then you know why because you're trying to look to and then if you can find it right if you can't you can always figure it out time all right let's go on to the next item 6,000 6,000 15,000 oh this is for the mobile computers for the course uh 6,000 Dash can sorry my only question on the mobile computers for the vehicles video recorders so historically wasn't a rule they took all the PS money and they said I'm going to buy myself this car why don't this year instead of doing that why don't we just use some of the PS money for the computers and Reps because the line the money that we get for the use of the vehicles Contra is back which means I reimburse the line in the budget for purchase for vehicles [Music] yeah you want cop car A four cop car it's got come and this is a capital item you don't put that in the operating budget Capital items are going Capital but there is a utility for the police ,000 let not let's not do that one it's two two but we Bud for one we don't need only one well actually we budgeted I think 30,000 in the operating but this year I reimbursed about 100,000 and last year they didn't bu in capital for for a vehicle so they were able to buy look and you guys do the same thing I do at any hour of the day pick any hour that you want go past the the trees here's a dozen cars there on top of those dozen cars go into the burrow complex and there's another dozen cars on the right hand side it's a great thing I don't know out take it out the to operation yeah I don't think you need all the cars again the same okay so let's say we take some of these things out and we find later in the year even though I don't like to do this that we need these things we could always do an ordinance to fund these let's give it a shot and see what happens take it out yeah we're taking out the the vehicle for the police and what about the upd because that up no you might need that that's vehicle already bought this is the up is for the last cars it takes a long time to get but we only got one last year we might have got two but no one he said remember he specifically said that there was only trally wants to but only one all right so then maybe we'll make okay then the chief the fire department said that he was putting in $80,000 for vehicle up B CL and L1 it's for L1 and yeah so you need it for the new million dollar lad truck you need to have very both the police and the fire pick up truck well not the police aren't getting just get a pickup truck fire already got up this is the up this is FY lights on top we bought last sus which line are we on so did we look at the 70,000 for rescue yeah 75b SCBA and then there's a little bit than 285 oh the chief add that for uh the chief added I had to move that up he got quotes it wasn't 25 285 for the tasers for getting tasers right what that's what they may have to do that's what I right not from all right what line are we on now we're on thermal imaging thermal imaging cameras for 25,000 for the fire department right we covered that and you said to take out the utility vehicle for the police for both well you already took it out okay so we're taking that out um yeah we already did take that out and then you want the upfi cost reduced to 25 just cheap yeah I'm gonna ask him yeah okay and then you say then I know we took out the field Tri because it's just I just say take it out here took about the 400,000 the little Le field what did we decide on that you have to budget for that in order to get a gr right budg that one come out of open space the good news is the open space items are not part of you can turn it on or off anything so we can do that at you know after we introd we should do all right let's go to the next page what the old skateboard is the 306 and um next page yeah that was Ed and just so everyone knows I just looked at the municipal space we have almost three million old skate park though we got the that's how didn't get we won yes we this there last year we didn't appropriate we didn't appropriate any funding source for that so that come out of space that's you all yeah we'll back um now I added downtown lighting and Alley enhancements we had that in one of our ordinances and 100,000 for lighting we're adding another 60 I added 25 for the alley enhancements [Music] umt Alle CBS the library also like right here what else I think I need to know what's the senior center site plan Fe don't we have a proposal I think we should just call it site plan feed you don't need say Senior Center safe plan Fe well I have to know what they're for municipal site well is it going to beor I don't think we need the full4 happen I think that it would be hopeful for us to have site plans for throughout the B was was this the thing that we were asking plenty look no it's Rel I mean but I don't think my is that we don't have to spend any of it because I'm sorry your question is is this something we have Pro in terms of what potential possibility I think it's too high correct you call site we're going to change the name of it we're taking it out change the name of it I would just call it site PL let's call it burrow site PL yeah we're putting 50,000 so we don't want to be in as well we need an engineering money to do things with all these different projects we need to be able to access something so Susan we don't let me just finish said we don't want it like we bond for it and then all of a sudden we can't use it because it a senior sent you don't want it to be too specific corre I don't know what you're gonna be using engineering site but engineering okay um but why is it in capital because you can't put it there engering well if you're G to do a future project for a project it's like a study study of in other words it's not we're not we're not using it to uh one over time yeah yeah I'm going go over visit the podcast he has a problem but I I would just take it out actually you would just do it out of you know as part of the project whatever project is we don't can't you have to have the engineering before you have project yeah but this is you know additional engineering cost over what's in the operating already we should have just talking about we're talking about I mean if the council wants to put it in the operating budget no long as it's somewhere if it's a study it should be now you study it then you determine whether you're going to do the project or not but it's not just for that project just be clear we may in we may explore several things throughout the well I understand the idea of you know of kind of moving thing moving the the needles see um but you know I I think if we're uh if we've got engineering fees in our operation we should just added into that if we those are more specific right this is a this is a we don't even know what the project came well you I'm gonna talk to the bond C far and what I'll do is I'll ask him if the if we could put in a generic site plan fees or if it has to be specific so ask that question and if it has to be specific then what are we going to cooperate why find out the first answer to your question I mean because it's to me like it's when when you're allocating it for one why the recommendation has been not to put it as Senior Center no I would say I would say just the opposite you know we we shouldn't include in put it in operating then we should have a discussion of whether the operating budget is the right amount so so right whether it's in capital or operating doesn't matter as so no no no no those are not specific to let me find all right it might I it sorry there's three more that I want to make sure oh go ahead and painting the garage okay go ahead so you said others that I think we've talking for a month or two now it's in ARP great is the Pont Road stuff so we have the engineers looking at what we're doing with the two way at actually and the but there's no money to paint the strike down midd oh yeah I want to talk to you about this okay because I all the and I think confused about exactly what so if you could follow up so again three things I just want to full Council to three things let me just make sure so we had allocated already uh okay so let's go again I'm going to add 60,000 with here for br lighting yep then there's 50,000 that will be and just so the whole governing body know yeah will be allocated from open space for Street States that's what is that yeah we need to have a discussion on that I mean you know we can't just throw things in that's why I'm bringing it up so that there can be a discussion among the entire body so what is that so that's all the uh benches that's all the uh the trash cans downtown that's the flowers downtown this is again this is old stuff from the original downtown plan phase one phase two phase three phase four where is it this is the first phase one phase one yes okay um I have I think we still you know this the capital plan is not in stone so I think we have to have a disc totally so we have we would introduce and then you could always amend Capital plan if there's something in there okay and then uh what was the three items that you have there Street SC was first the Pont road so again that's the engineer already doing the engineering work but they're going to say you pain the you know yellow and down oh so that's 55,000 okay so so I have in one again some of this makes be we must havep money no our Arps well allocate but I want to make sure we didn't spend all the money in the first ordinance so I have in one of the first ordinances I have striping signage Pont Tyler East Clinton 25,000 that's cool if we haven't spent it then we haven't spent it that's great so then we only need 30 so you need 30 more for that what you just 25 what's this 30 yeah you got look at that too I didn't get there yet oh so if you have 30 20 oh then that's the 55 if that's what yeah that's why I you're I you understand that so so we've already approved it we just haven't spent it encumbered it yet there's nothing to encumber I don't have any quotes or anything okay so that's great right that's from John that's so that's 25 30 no it's exactly coincidentally the exact same number 25 revitalization wait 25 and 30 so you have third and then the third is the River Edge median for the council to decide okay I don't have that that's uh the other project of remember the road diet putting trees down the middle and bike paths on that so that's an idea but I don't we can decide as a council that's that's why that that does not have to be done related to this or anything this year right well that's what we want to do Ian that's what I'm proposing to put into how much is I think what my memory on that is that the chief was not the chief was not on board with that when Council woman Dayton brought that up and it was not a road that it was gonna happen on I think it's something worth looking at but if we don't I do think we can look I think we can get those in I just don't think it's gonna happen I think it was how much is money is it for it was 80,000 for a medium project I remember Chief there were a lot of details about it right and we couldn't talk about it to get it in that again I don't think it it was not back to what you which one access for that's always G to be yeah I remember that's always an issue like George Street it's a thin Street the only thing yeah none of these are making it this already this is two already okay so yeah as long as we put that into I mean but not if anything that's what I want to do yeah but I want to put it on just like real6 for the skk else is what we you're marking for Open Spaces no no that that's the only ear mark because we've got that counting BL that's why that's there or the 75 for the field term again this is our list of what we want to do this year some of it is for Capital and some of it's for open States well we we can talk about that issue though another time which is what do you me this issue money there right so you know enough on a to be considered we can get all the talking about the open space projects out street Scapes Street Scapes you already have the open I thought you said the street SK is the open space yes that's what we were saying oh so when we do the ordinance for the open space we'll just do big ordinance different we consider okay so if we want to be again I want so the to be considered for next uh so for the for streetscapes Adam specifically yeah so be consider for the April April 9th and this is all the stuff that we no no the streetcape is again it's putting new trash cans on washingt remember we're not talking about we not died we could talk about it and we could decide not to do it 55,000 there C striking it was covering between now between now and the 9th so we're going to introduce on the n9th we're going to introduce the capital plan and we're going to introduce the budget on April 9th so if the council decides to make a change on the 9th to anything take something away oread something can they do that on the nth um you should let me know before that before okay fine okay so probably you should let me know if any let's look at the calendar because actually I'm sending the bond counil because you know I'm not going to be here next week I'm sending the bond Council everything by Thursday try to get it to him tomorrow he needs that this week he needs to look at he's brand new Bond counsel so let's look at the calendar just in case we make a last me to change because I already told them you could give it to us the week before the council so let me see the count then we need to so in April over let me know if this is good for you yeah you should have this ordinance no later than April 3rd correct yes so by the first and the second we should make sure then if I have to tweak something I can tell all right I have a motion to close the budget hearing have a second second all in [Music] favor