[Music] for being here this evening we actually we actually have two meetings this evening the first meeting is the uh is the recess meeting which closes the business of the mayoring council and the Bor for 2023 and then we're going to have a a little bit of a break and then the reorganization meeting will begin at um 7:30 okay so we're going to get started in compliance with the public meetings act PL 1975 chapter 231 the notice requirements have been satisfied notice of this meeting by resolution 23449 has been sent to the record the suburbanite the northern Valley Press and has been posted on the public Bon board in the lobby of the municipal center and borrow website lar you need call sure D here men here Michaels present Dr W here rep here may Zen here can I get a motion to approve the consent agenda resolutions r233 490 through R23 499 please so moved so I have a second secondar could you please call the rooll sure c d yes C men yes Michaels yes coun member Dr o Conor yeah C member Park yes okay okay so the next item on the agenda are audience remarks so any member of the public that's here or um on Zoom is welcome to come up to the microphone if they'd like to say something on any topic does anyone like to come up and speak [Music] please Jeff just give us your name and address for the record please uh Jeff Dayton Abby D em d uh we are residents of 15 name and disclosure we also the C through finishing up turn this evening um we're very proud of you it's been a great six years uh first as a resident thank you for everything you've done for our town I've seen how many hours you have put in night days answering phone calls from the bathroom ofby I remember that residents phone calls you talking to them and not even blinking with that so with everything you've done over the past six years uh you have SP int me I'm so to be your husband thank you for everything that you've [Music] done as your husband thank you for being best two daughters I hope to follow footsteps thank you I have seen her spend hours on the phone definitely more um trying to figure out what to do next and how to make the town a better place she has definitely put up with a lot of things that have stood in her way and she is probably the most hardworking person I've ever met I just want to say how proud I am of you and thank you for dedicating time to come to my class and talk to them about being on Council and all the important things that you do I'm very proud of you for these past six years thank you you would any um additional members of the public like to make any comments on any Topic at all okay how you follow that no I have to ask that was great it was great um anyone uh out there in on Zoom Omar who's got their hands raised I see no hands May okay so we're going to close the um we'll close the public comment time uh councilman we have I know with the council I have a presentation to give to you we want to go down there and then sh is here for a member of our state legislature the State Assembly and she's also going to have a presentation for you all right come on down okay well the was presenting you with the thank you six years I can't can't possibly match thank you very much we're um we're going to miss you and but you're going to stay on one of the committee so you'll still be here all right good evening my name is sh I'm the assembly from District 37 which includes 10 but 10 is also my hometown so it's a privilege and an honor to be here on behalf of District 37 to present this resolution recognizing the knowledge your services to terly and thank you so much for your service and I say that not only the member I say that is a resident of 10 thank you so much spech you want to say a few words so go right ahead of course so I've been tasked with talking until the governor comes uh first of all thank you for the opportunity to serve tenly these past six years it has been an honor and privilege to work on behalf of our community and our residents and I did not hold this lightly I took this job very seriously I started this position for my two daughters with the hopes of improving our playgrounds and our Recreation spaces both of which I achieved during my tenure all of our playgrounds have been upgraded Municipal field has been finally turfed and Fister Pond up at the tenly Nature Center has been cleaned and dredged and hopefully preserved for many years to come for our residents during my Council tenure I worked and advocated for many changes to tenly including Drafting and passing our vacant property ordinance to try to fill our down town with stores creating a non-smoking ordinance so that our outdoor dining didn't have smokers on top of them and Drafting and passing a zoning ordinance as soon as I saw the gun store open next to my daughter's Elementary School to ensure that no one could sell guns close to our schools our religious institutions and our public recreational spaces I was fortunate during these past six years to meet will Weir a former resident um and an lgbtq advocate and and upon hearing there was not inclusivity here in tenly created The tenly Pride committee and tenly pride day which is now in the very capable hands of its chair Natalie Kavanaugh in helping to build community I helped invigorate the welcoming committee to help new families adjust to tenly with many languages and resources that I can give them and working closely with the buau I recognized the need for improved human resources to reduce Grievances and I created the position of the human resource director saving taxpayer money and reducing lawsuits during the pandemic I was our councilwoman which was one of the hardest times I could say being amongst us I am proud to have collaborated with the mayor of Leonia z um mayor zler and Anglewood hospital to create our vaccine clinic for our residents we got shots into our res residents arms faster and more effectively than many of the hospital hital surrounding us I never imagined having to make the kind of quick and difficult decisions during the pandemic to keep our town safe but I am proud of the work of Mayor Zenna and the rest of us to do so during that very hard time while I was fortunate to accomplish a lot during my tenure I was still not able to fulfill my goal of creating our community center and I Look to our newest councilman Jamie Corsair and John rugeri which will hopefully hopefully fulfill that goal in my future for the past six years I was fortunate to work with outstanding professionals at every turn I did not do this work alone first and foremost I have to thank our competent and intelligent CFO Susan curado without her I could not have budgeted and forecasted for any of these projects Susan you are indispensable I want to thank our fantastic clerk Omar stoval who filled in all of my questions and many phone calls as I learned how to navigate this and help me do my work each and every time as leaz on to both the fire and the police departments I want to thank uh Chief bpot our fire department and police chief Chamberlain both of whom serve and on serve with integrity and Honor on behalf of our residents I also want to thank JP petto our tly volunteer ambulance director who reformulated our Tac I worked very hard over the past few years to establish the new position of medical director for the ten oflight Tac and tonight one will be appointed for the first time so thank you Dr chof for taking that position I have had the privilege of working and hiring the DPW director Michael Cassidy who every day the DPW crew is out taking care of your town and keeping it clean and wellmaintained so thank you for that I want to also thank a huge thanks to our new Senior Services coordinator Risa agen 11 for her tireless work for our homebound seniors and her advocacy to help us all age in place here in tly all of the outstanding professional employees and Resident volunteers do tireless work throughout the year it is unpaid for many of the volunteers and it's done out of the goodness of their heart the town would not work as well without all of these individuals to run it I've been very lucky to work with two Mayors mayor Peter Rustin mayor Mark Zena both of which worked incredibly hard every day on behalf of you and will'll continue to do so with our new Council I want to thank all of the committee chairs Roxanna Sur for the welcoming committee Natalie Kavanaugh for the pride committee Deborah David at the T Nature Center and Andrew mccash at the northern Valley Greenway I've worked with each one of them and they are working to improve our town I actually am joining the board of the ten ofl Nature Center so I look forward for to seeing each and every one of you at our fundraising events especially our new Council in drafting ordinances and coming up with Solutions I have always relied on our burough attorneys a huge thanks to Wendy Rubenstein for her legal guidance and for stopping some of the crazy uh over the years and I dedicate the remainder of my thanks to Bill McClure our former burough attorney and friend who we lost during the pandemic together this team of professionals works hard to solve problems and create solutions to the residents that are listening I encourage you to participate and attend the council meetings by Zoom or in person raise your voice and be heard the council needs to hear what the residents want and it's not just the seven of us that make the decisions and it truly does take all of us to make our community grade that being said I'm losing my seat tonight not because because I did not spend the last six years tackling the hard challenges but because of our party and ballot system here in New Jersey I hope that our New Jersey residents especially those in tenly will continue to pay attention to the ballot line system where the candidates placement on the ballot line determines the outcome of the election elections must maintain Fair rules transparency and an open process and we do not have that here in New Jersey we need to ensure that your voice is heard and that voters have a meaningful choice for representation I cannot fight this institutionalized and Insider system alone it's going to take votes at the voting box we need to break this Paradigm we have our governor coming here tonight please discuss it with him I was hoping he could hear this I hope to abolish the New Jersey ballot line system here in New Jersey and one day return to serve my residents this has been a wonderful experience for me one that I'm incredibly sad to leave I hope to advocate for a better future here for my family and for yours and I could not have done the work without the support of my friends and family by my side I want to first thank my mother Marilyn con who's in the audience who gave and set the example for always giving back to your community and helping others I want to thank my father Sheldon con who was my Tuesday night babysitter always and was an unbelievable cheer later for me in this position and of course to my immediate family my husband Jeff and my daughters Emily and Abigail who gave me the time and space and let me leave dinner every other Tuesday to be a council woman I did this job to First Make You playgrounds and wound up truly making a difference in many residents lives I'm proud of this service and with the end of the speech my term is done thank you Council appreciate it okay um not here yet sorry here he'll be here shortly um we're about to adjourn before we journ I just want to make one closing comment um that hits very close to home for because we're closing out the business for 2023 um and every day um I think about one of our tenly residents Edon Alexander who is um obviously been uh who's been out of his home uh and in trouble um for for months now and we were all praying for his return and actually in our uh in our kitchen I have uh one of the little cards with a heart on of his that uh little heart on the card that every morning I get my coffee he's the first thing I think of in the morning so we're looking forward for him to be home one day and uh thank you um and with that we're gonna adjourn so can I have a motion to adjin the meeting please so can I have a second second all in favor okay thank you now we yeah there cofffe and snacks outside big then we're going to be back here at 7:30 sharp to start the um reorganization meeting 10 minut Str and while so doing we celebrate our Democratic Republic a Democratic Republic knowing that everything will be all right and I know it's going to be all right in tly because Bergen County had almost a 31% turnout in the last election in TNA fly as it always does at about a 37% turn out and the L so I'd like to begin with the mayor certifying the election this is the certify at the general election held on the 7th Day of November in the year 2023 Mark Zena where is he I didn't say Zena that Zena was reelected to serve as mayor of the V tly for a full ter in Burton County receiving mayor I didn't know you were this popular 2,296 total votes mayor come up this is to certify that it's a general election held on the 7th Day of November New Year 2023 John S R I practiced the all day was elected to serve as a member to tenly council for full term in Burton County receiving 1,817 total votes congratulations and finally this is to certify at the general election held in 7th Day of November in the year 2023 Jamie Corsair elected the Ser res as a serve as a member of the tenly council for f ter in buron County receiving 1,77 votes many people came out to support you thank the town women okay thank youone next will be our councilman Adam Michaels who administer off of office to council elect cair I see your name I see SAR Sol Solly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution State of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear a true faith and allegiance to the same and I will beow our true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the in the United States and to the government established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority people under the authority of the people I will faithfully and partially and justly I will faithfully and partially and justly perform all the duties the office of the council woman perform all the duties of the office of councilwoman for the burrow of tenly for the burrow of tenly according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God I would like to introduce Steve balini to the minister of the office to council elect John rle yeah a long time embarrassing we'll do this repeat after I st your name I John will do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and they be bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States to the governments established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people I will Faithfully imp partially and justly perform I will faithfully and partially and justly perform all of the duties of the office of councilman all the duties of the office of councilman for the bur of tan for the bur of tanly according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me so help me go next I would like to call Senator Gordon johnon to introduce our governor pH [Music] M good evening everyone I have a uh little thing here written out so I shall read it so I won't screw it up but uh but the first sentence I'm happy to be here as always a B T Fly friendly Place well-run well-managed great elected officials great appointed people here just a great community and friendly so very inclusive so give yourselves a hand for that hand that's how I stall for time so I'm happy to be here tonight so GL to be f with the honor of introducing our fearless leader Governor D Murphy a huge thank you to all residents and current and former elected officials who are here tonight this community is upheld by those who serve the staff and volunteers who make this community work so people getting involved and getting interested people doing to ensure that the PE this borrow the people here have a quality of life that they deserve but this is Mark Z second squaring in a reflection of his dedication and hard work but more the more so the results he' been able to deliver on behalf of the people of timfly I've known mark for a long time who were closely together for many years dealing with a multitude of issues impacting this B tly for instance in the herrian Ida left tly Bridges and just repair and desate need of repair it was Mark and this Council who got together and got those bridges repaired almost instantly and the town next door not so much my hometown but anyway you got right on the mark you found the funding and got it open there's no bit of proof of Mar in this caliber when the fact that we are here joined here tonight by Governor Phil Murphy and I can tell you that every mayor in the state has the honor of the governor swearing them men so Mark again this reflects what you've done in this what this town has done last time I stood with the governor here in ten you sign a bill and myself and S W uh sponsored to Ure $135 million of C relief money went to our small businesses and our downtown towns of downtowns in state of New Jersey so a lot of businesses here benefited from that two days after the minimum wage in New Jersey's top 15 M an hour we're now at 1513 an hour thanks to you Governor what you've done over the past five years our Governors has led our state for fiscal insolvency to fiscal stability from division to inclusion from Mass Exodus to an economic Powerhouse that creates jobs investing in education transportation and a nonfossil fuel energy sector so I bring oh one one thing left this out also our governor the anchor program senior freeze stay in J all programs help the middle class of the state and with that I like to bring up our friend our leader Governor Phil L thank you uh I'm incredibly honored to be here I want to talk about Mark in a minute but interestingly enough and Gordon will remember this because it was a perilous time for both of us Gordon was the first elector official in all of New Jersey to endorse my candidacy for governor uh and it was not easy to take that step and I will never forget that Gordon so we won which is I guess uh I guess the only daily provs in the pudding Mark as we say more about you in a minute John and Jamie I congratulate the two of you really well done and uh wish you nothing but the best along with your colleagues uh on Council from this extraordinary Community many folks know this I know the first lady uh Marks here with three of his four children other daughter is in California mom is in the house from the Bronx but long ago in Bergen County uh and I deeply I'm honored to be with all of them how did Mark and I meet you many of you may know this but some of you won't we ran against each other for governor uh and I developed an enormous respect for him and I I hope some of that I believe went the other way and he was always very good humored about it very principled he was an extraordinary candidate frankly uh and that's the beginning as I say in cassablanca that was the beginning of our beautiful relationship uh I was honored to be here last time you were swor in Mark and you invited me back this time and I'm incredibly humbled to be among you dear friend mention also want to give sham oh we have a so Hallmark up there say these Council meetings are really laborious a little bit of wasn't expecting that this is a quential New Jersey Community uh it is incredibly diverse uh and it works as several speakers have already said it works really really well and that begins with the mayor and and Council both both of in both cases outstanding leaders and Mark I would argue the that the job over the past three months almost exactly has been the toughest period um of your time as mayor uh and I've gotten very personally engaged not just with Mark and his family but with the Alexander family whose son is a hostage ad as a hostage um taken by Hamas in October 7 and his mom and dad his brother and sister had become come quite close to my wife and me both at a personal level but also doing everything we can in our small way to try to move the needle and get that blessed lad back safely um and as I say this is a community I've always felt close to but then more so because of that experience so enough of me I'm incredibly honored to be here today I cannot thank you enough we have a lot of members of law enforcement that's give a shout out please God stay safe everybody with that am I bringing you up Mark let's do it let's hear it from May Mark and family thank you manate back away of this some level by the way again Gordon sha and Ellen Parker not here are outstanding legislators who represent the interest of this commun I think you it's always shot the big money ready mom I state your name I Mark Zena do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people I will Faithfully I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of the office all the duties of the office of Mayor of mayor for the burrow of tenly for the burrow of tenly according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God an as Mark knows unfortunately I have to eat run okay so thank you 20 minutes it is it's like watching the movie Omar we ready we are okay Omar could you please call the role of the 2024 mayor and Council cair C yes Michaels present Dr o Conor here park here here here okay so next item on the agenda is election of the council president for 2024 um before we before I ask for motion on that for our two new council members congratulations okay thank you for being here thank you for serving and you're council members now so you start voting right away right away just like you want to go sit back down there not okay oneway stre all right do I do I have any nominations for council president for 2024 yes um I'd like to nominate councilman Adam Michaels to be council president any seconds I'll second that for second any other nominations okay just B cler you've got all that one yes okay you want to call the rooll please sure council member coair Yes counc Men yes counc Michaels yes Council Dr yeah counc Park yes Council okay thank you congratulations Council P okay it's public uh comment time citizens are welcome to address the mayor and Council on any governmental item of concern to them whether or not it is scheduled on the agenda been allotted for all public comments to be presented citizens must give their names and addresses when recognized to speak up here at the microphones large groups are urged to select someone to represent them please be advised that these meetings are recorded and are subject to the open public records act would any members of the public like to come up and speak please come to the microphone John tell us your name and address please Jonathan creger 163 Highwood Avenue uh I just wanted to say on behalf of all members of the chamber and as a resident welcome John Ruger Jamie Corsair congratulations Adam Michaels uh it's an exciting day for me personally but I want to just say that throughout this process in election in this time of turmoil and uncertainty in this country um what happened here in this town is is a ray of light and hope and I'm beyond excited as the president of the chamber to work with all of you to take the town forward uh on behalf of the residents and the business owners of the town so thank you for all of the hard work that you do and will do and uh mayor Zen congratulations thank you John appreciate that i' just like to point out for everyone that sheriff curtain is in is in the house stand Sayo yes Andrew uh Andrew till 125 Oxford Drive um I just want to again congratulations congratulations um I think I can speak on behalf of many people who voted uh we had a pretty good voter turnout uh we're just extremely extremely excited to final uh have a council that will represent us and we'll vote Yes right on important things for our downtown for our town in general moving tofly forward and uh we are so excited to see all the big really big changes that um positive changes uh that are going to happen here in teni um and appreciate all of your hard work um in in advance so thank you and congratulations thank you any other members of the public like to speak on any issues okay Omar is there anyone on Zoom that looks like they have their hand up that would like to speak or they can speak up now I no hands mayor No Hands okay we're GNA continue i g to close public comment time then and we're going to continue okay we're going to start with the mayor's appointments to the planning board and no confirmation is required um myself as mayor as the class one mayor Dan oler John WS as a class two member from the environmental commission and first ultimate Linda baldini okay now we're going to move on to the appointment of the class three member to the planning board from the council those the council have any nominations for this yes Mr Mayor I'd like to nominate councilman then okay do I have a second no second second okay Omar could you please call the role sure counc member Corsair yes counc member men yes council member Michaels yes council member d o coner yes counc member Park yes yes okay mayor's appointments to the board of adjustment no confirmation required uh Joel fredman is being reappointed for a four-year term uh Mitchell liberman to a four-year term first alternate Joan Toro and second alternate Lauren farcus and councilman Menon will be the council representative cor M's appointments to the environmental commission uh Morano three-year term Anor mck nois for three-year term John WS he is also a planning board Class 2 member for three Years first alternate Zenovia pazakis uh Daniel Park is the council representative and Julia OK is the council we aison okay mayor's appointment to the historic preservation commission Michael Baron as a Class C for four years first alternate Thoren tritter and councilwoman Jamie corer is the council representative confirmation to the Board of Health uh CIA Fe 4-year term Teresa bretti as four-year term and Julie oconor as the council representative okay um the appointment as CH medical director Omar do I need a vote on that um to go back the app for the Board of Health we need um a motion and second a vote okay can I have a which one Board of Health oh the Board of Health was also a resolution okay forgive me for that so can I get a motion to approve the appointments for r242 appointments to the Board of Health so moved can I have a second please second Omar could you please call the rooll counc member Corsair yes council member men yes Council Michaels yes coun member Dr W Conor yes coun member Park yes counc member BR yes Okay resolution 243 to confirm the appointment for the TAC medical director uh that's Dr and Andrew cherop could I have a motion please solov can I have a second second Omar could you please call the rooll mar Yes counc Men yes counc Michaels yes Council Dr wak Conor yes counc Park yes yes okay could I have thank you could I have a motion for resolution 24-4 confirming appointments to the library Board of Trustees uh Soon Jung is being reappointed and Nicole Ms as the mayor is Al is also being reappointed a motion please so moved have a second second Omar please call the rooll council member Corsair Yes counc Men yes council member Michaels yes council member Dr OK Conor yes counc member Park yes council member yes Okay resolution 24-5 confirm appointment to the recreation board uh Melissa Garden for threeyear ter uh Chad Coleman and Jeremy Corsair is the council representative could I have a motion please so moved I have a second second Omar could you please call the rooll coun Corsair counc men yes counc member Michaels yes counc member Dr o Conor yes counc member Park yes council member R yes Okay resolution 246 confirm appointments to the access for all committee uh we're appointing uh Jody fredman uh myself as Mayor Rob Burns construction official Jamie Cannon the recreation director Michael Cassidy DPW representative and Julie OK as the council representative could I have a motion please moved I have a second second Omar can you please call the rooll counc member Corsair counc men yes counc Michaels yes council member Dr Conor yes CC part yes council member yes thank you could I have an Point excuse me could I have a motion to approve resolution 247 appointing councilman Dan Park to the 10l municipal Alliance committee so have a second please second Omar please call to roll C member Corsair counc men yes counc Michaels yes council member Dr o Conor yes counc member Park yes Council R yes okay the following appointments um are non-statutory committee and do not require Council confirmation so uh I should read through the the Committees and the names correct yes okay the senior citizens uh Service Commission uh service committee Carol summer Somerville uh councilor ameritus Lauren Dayton Michelle house the manager of the senior center and Gina Chamberlain the assistant to the manager of the senior center the teny welcome committee Katherine khanas Constantine arigas Doren Hawkins Judy Manon and Julia o Conor as the council liaison um the committee to evaluate um B professionals uh myself the mayor council president Michaels and councilman Park The Stig free committee myself as mayor Pam Kulik Phyllis Lynn Tom song Gia Shin Miranda Lee Suzanne Basset Jody benenfeld Rachel Goldberg Hercules and Hercules and victus Jen Rosen Sarah Schultz Gina toding Lynn Weber Simone Zena and Julie okona as the council liaison the dog park committee is Allison sherov Alissa Todd and Dan Park as the councelor liaison the B joint use committee are council members Adam Michaels and Daniel Park tfy Nature Center Council liaison Council jul cify present myself as mayor Alana watski Richard Bara and Sam rosemar with tly pride committee Natalie kavar who is the chair and Julio Conor as the council liaison cifi Chamber of Commerce Adam Michaels as the council leaon the transportation committee myself as mayor Harry siden Rob CH and the police chief Kevin tremble Michael Bishop Alexandra bash botski and councilman of new Menon the northern Valley Greenway committee Andrew mesh Michael koven chai Coleman and Council Dan Park as the council reaon the finance committee Steven sver Gary Gabriel Todd kushman and council president Adam Michaels the downtown Improvement committee Jean Rifkin as co-chair Janny Jackson as co-chair Michelle Ross Sharon nans Daniel zner David Jang Deborah Adler Stephanie Cohen Shephard grinker Alex sakin and council president Adam Michaels as the council liaison the Department of Public Works is myself as mayor councilman Menan and councilman Rari appointments a council of council leaon to the tenly fire department councilman of V men appointment as Council leaon to the tenly senior center councilman venu Menon appointment of the council leis on to the tenant flly volunteer ambulance cor is uh councilman Dan Park as Council liaison appointment of the board of police Commissioners myself as mayor councilman Park and councilman rary appointment of the Emergency Management coordinator is Captain Michael De makata okay um could I have a um motion to approve the consent agenda resolutions 248 through 23-38 so moved could I have a second second okay Omar please call the rooll council Corsair Council M men yes Council Michaels yes council member Dr oer yes council member Park yes council member yes okay um well I'm just going to acknowledge the service of all the new members of the people the citizens who have agreed to join our boards and commissions and the many people who have been serving for years on our commissions we really can't do the job without the citizen volunteers so thank you all of you whoever's here in the room and are not here in the room but they know we're thinking about them I'm sure okay um uh the only uh former councel person that was here today was councilwoman Dayton so I just want to acknowledge her again and then it's time for the mayor state of the borrow address and then we'll be able to return so we have five minutes to like you say no you don't get to vote on that oh that's funny okay good evening and happy New Year I'd like to thank all of you for allowing me the honor and privilege of being reelected as your mayor to continue serving the tenly community experiencing the energy and diversity by residence has been wonderful and I look forward to working together as tenly evolves and moves forward I would like to thank and recognize councilwoman ryen Dayton for her committed service to the people and borrow of tenly it is been a pleas pleasure working with councilwoman Dayton and I thank her for joining the senior citizen service committee so that she can continue her service to the community congratulations to our newly elected council members Jamie Corsair and John R congratulations than I would like to thank our police fire and ambulance Professionals for the outstanding work they perform 24 hours a day to protect the residence of tenly Chief you're here tonight I know some of your offices are here thank you very much thank you the public works department team that maintain our streets restore roads after storms and always perform with the utmost level of professionalism congratulations to Michelle house the manager and the team at the senior center will Senter hit a milestone recently when the 500th active member joined the senior center I think we're actually up to like 512 or something now it's really wonderful thank you also to the teams in the recreation department the Nature Center our library and the entire ball staff who every day are focused on delivering quality services to our rec to our community Susan there you are and know there others here Bob is here so thank you thank you the Board of Education members and the superintendent who continue to deliver outstanding educational programs the council and I look forward to continuing partnering with the board on overlapping goals that benefit our children and residents and thank you to the teni Elks the rotary and the Chamber of Commerce all of whom contribute to the essential fabric of our community here in tenlan and most significantly thank you to all the Resident volunteers that serve on the numerous boards and committees that invest their time improving our community the most important idea to practice when we find our El elected to the roles that we are in is to always serve the public in ways which produces the most direct benefit to their daily lives while also planning for the future Road departments Park unification Recreation opportunities senior services and downtown improvements will continue as priorities in 2024 the initial steps for installing a proper traffic signal at the corner of Dean drive and East Clinton Avenue are finally underway which I'm very Happ happy about I we're all happy about that SW water is a major challenge not just for tfly but the entire Northern Valley region we are engaged with our County and state Partners on a regional level to improve our storm Water Management Systems locally we are working to clean our streams and storm drains where it is most effective and keep our existing storm drains free from debris we have approved the renovation and upscaling of three buildings on West Railroad Avenue a new restaurant recently opened on Washington Street and two new restaurant projects are currently underway we will we will continue to encourage small bird business entrepreneurs to invest in our community coordinating with the police department we are working on pedestrian safety upgrades including reviewing crossing guard locations adding crosswalks and testing the usage of speed bumps as traffic calming measures thank you to Governor Phil Murphy who is here tonight for taking the time to ad Minister the oath of office to me this evening the governor's presence is a demonstration of the state's commitment to our community and the importance of positive working relationships as your mayor I will continue to build relationships for the benefit of our community and because of our relationships with professionals and government funding sources we were able to rebuild storm damaged roads and Bridge faster and less costly than surrounding communities utilizing American Rescue money that tly received from the federal government we have been able to fund the beginning phase of our downtown improvements the council and I encourage you to bring ideas to us join committees and and participate in townwide activities attend Council meetings this is your town and please remember the decisions that are made here are made by the people who show up I would like to wish everyone a prosperous and healthy 2024 thank you and enjoy your evening and thank you for being here and with that I think uh I'll ask for a motion to adjourn please so moved can I have a second second all in favor okay our business is done for the evening thank you everyone about the thrill cuz I know I should be running