[Music] in compliance with the open public meetings act L 1975 chapter 231 the notice requirements have been satisfied meeting dates for the year are listed in the annual agenda copies are sent to the record suburbanite norn Valley Press posted on the Bolton board in the lobby of the municipal center the notice of this special budget resolution 24-65 has been sent to the overnight and Northern Valley News has been posted on the B board in the lobby of the municipal center and Bor website the first order of business public comments total of 15 minutes has been allocated for this purpose citizens are welcome to address the mayor and Council on any governmental item of concern to them whether it or not it is scheduled on the agenda below citizens must give their names and addresses when recognized to speak large groups are urged to select someone to represent them the public is advised that these meetings are recorded and are subject to open public records okay Omar I don't see any members of the public here in the chambers looking like comments anyone online who would like to make a public comment No Hands okay there's no public comments to be made we're going to close public comment and go right to departmental reviews and we're going to welcome uh isana Benjamin shoy here from the Municipal Court thank you for being here this morning we appreciate your time on a nice Saturday so what's going on on the court these days yes good morning judge beny first of all happy St Patrick's the municipal operating eff actually word operational numb increase um we've had a 8.7 first 10 months get the 10 months first 10 months for every year from 2020 to 2023 operational num [Laughter] Omar can you please mute the zoom participants yeah we have to mute mute the zoom yes go ahead your and so of the the budget for 2022 correct that 2023 was 145 50277 and we requested this year is 1465 93 1465 question made reference to what you take in B ex is that or negative not sure I that there's a revenue expense this is the expense you make reference to a revenue oh oh so so Susan Susan what's the I was that's okay the councilman's asking what is the amount of uh money that the court takes in every year it was on your first page cor sure sure okay so that's for the first 10 months if you look at the full annual picture there'll be about a 100 plus, so on a net cost about $50,000 they asking for 14,000,000 so this These funds that I'm I'm showing you is turnover funds M so when you collect when when we collect from a speeding goes to the state right fortunes are statutorily set and there are fees associated with the process that would be above that so so the net cost of Court operation including the net cost the net cost 16,000 to get you roughly $50 right you're talking about 50 Grand operate cour on a net basis yeah 50505 any other questions more questions um the conference is that are requested there's there's um I guess uh four event number threes and then uh the other three events are all are all eight of those conferences necessary for going to a thing um so I believe they are some are mandatory I'm not entirely sure but some are uh mandatory conferences for uh the administrators to extend uh and they are scheduled events annually for the administrators so the answer is I don't know exactly whether they're mandatory but okay it is a convention for the administration all right you have a vacancy yes I want to address that as well that's that that has been posted but I think there may be some issues with the salaries so that's so um the vacancy just occurred about a month and a half ago um and uh we want to have that person in place uh and so I guess the listing for the job has been postered there are times when like now when the administrator is uh out of the office because of medical reasons or otherwise where we do need uh someone to man the office and that's a part-time position yes so um and it's been advertised before I know we just recently put it on the website and the have have we received applications um right now that's being monitor at the careers at c.net um address so I'm not your honor has the um issue been a lack of applicants or applicants that are looking for full-time versus part-time or that salary Associated insufficient so the salary has been an issue uh and I think one to our prior two uh clerks have left because of salary um and full-time versus part-time of course people are looking fulltime position what is the compensation sorry what does it mean to means there's no physical person sometimes what does that do I'm just curious if I got to spe or something like that I assume I can resolve everything on you can a lot of them but some people come in uh to schedule matters the window some people come in to pay tickets at the window they have questions that they want addressed uh at the window or telephonically that has to be answered so is the person at the window or representative of the Court such as their power to answer those questions in an effective matter or could thatfor to be an online thing where it's actually that to be control in terms of answers are but imagine you create a litigious environment when I answer a question the window I would go to court and say well a person at the window who's more representative will be asked it would seem there's more risk to that than there would be an automated respons in L I think it's a little bit of both a lot of uh the responses can be by email or online uh however there is a personal component as well too um we're here to service the uh residents of tly for users uh and then there is a person to person interaction that is some benefit to that inter train and who can apply to anybody with claric skills I think anybody with clerical skills and there's some on the job training some uh Judiciary training that the person could receive as given that maybe uh if we're having trouble filling it with the league of municipalities posting perhaps we can post it in other areas that it's definitely on our web page as well and the mayor has has guided people two postings in his Friday marage message are corations um so we can take a look at that and we can publicize it a little bit more just to see if we can cast a little wider net Maybe is this a role we can share with another Community also um well there's a couple ways you can look at that you know there are abilities to do share services with courts uh you know usually a municipality if they host a shared service they're they're better are off me there may be an opportunity to see if a smaller Community would be interested in having us become a a shared Service uh to them either one-on-one or and then we have a fulltime it with benefits and then we of would service to someone else so we would have to really cast The Net to see if there's a a um and then you correct me wrong but you can do it as a shared service a shared court or can be done as a joint Municipal Court I don't know the exacts I know there's a regionalization concept that is uh floating around as well too along with Shar Services agreements uh between these municipalities um many of them have been uh unsuccessful um because of the uh home rule uh I guess uh concept that we have here but nonetheless that is being explored uh in this particular situation for us we've had the occasion where uh our administrator was out and we were able to ask for help from our prior employee who's now with a different and she was wanting to come over and she was available to come her to provide services okay yeah I know that she helped you out on Monday right um so we can look at those different Avenues uh that are available and see if if there's a a suor that works um to to the judge's comment the state did pilot legislation in 2021 that would essentially allow County governments to create a a municipal court on a county level um those counties that have state police jurisdiction that that's all they have they automatically become part of accounting court and then the rest would would determine whether they wanted to join that and then what would be the cost of it in term of of a contract or to stay stand alone or with a joint Court the only County out of 21 that actually sort of went head first into doing that was Atlantic County and it's probably the reaction from the judges that it's had significant mixed reviews um that's an interesting statement yeah um the the joint Municipal Court scenario had has been a somewhat of a better model if you have the right partner and Su and everyone's on the same page yes but yeah but if we uh do a joint Court you would need two two separate days it I think that we would have to do some studies to see who The Suitor would be and what their level of um cases are to see if you need to add more days and you would study all that so I think we're we're significantly away from saying yeah do but if the if the judge is open to that we can always keep that possibility uh on our radar and if circumstances align that someone is looking for someone to host their Court we can look at the particulars and take that into consideration yeah I'm wondering why we're not spending a little more time on John's idea of shifting a little more online if we're missing a part time person I mean we I understand that it's everybody's used to seeing somebody in but we're getting more and more used to not seeing somebody you know in person and we're doing it with our taxes and we're doing it with our so many parts of our our lives are going online that for at least a parttime position if someone's not there then they can be kind of ped online instead ofite this is the right this is the website there there is someone there sometimes so because this part-time are they're fundamentally accepting payments and again they're also inputting tickets into the system um they're also uh uh receiving payments and there there's there's a portion of the population that just doesn't have a credit card they don't have online access they're going to pay cash and we have to do daily reconciliations of the cash take physical person probably is there an online option yes oh there is okay there's an there's an online payment option there's an online option to review the uh status of the case uh and you could actually appear virtually uh to resolve the case on many occasions there's guidelines there Judiciary guidelines on what matters may be disposed of virtually versus in person for example a DWI is a matter of consequences involving fines excess of $800 period of incarceration or probation would require a person to be here they have rights they want to be versus uh something like a parking ticket that could be resolved on this is a rare instance in the budget where you have the opportunity to generate Revenue I hate to ask this question they have to right we're talking $150,000 on budet it's not a lot 100,000 so we get to the 50 net can we close that Gap I mean I do see the report every day we pull over 12 people we issue six summons why is it six instead of eight or nine and what is the summons Revenue what you know what are the ways look that's two things right you start to reinforce and enforce some of the rules that we have and you start to put monetary penalties on those people not particularly popular I understand that but it's a small Gap to close are we are we being too lenient in some ways and not charging and not collecting what we could to close that 50,000 so question of enforcement or really direct need to be directed to the police chief which are later today right um the question perhaps is whether the fines we're collecting are consistent with what other communities are doing so at the same ticket of the fine and tenly is $5 on the fine in Carill there's $10 well I'm going to be better off speeding in tenly than right so I mean that's a valid question we can I don't how are those sort of f set is that a state is that op so we don't have op that so state findes are set by stat law there's a that goes states that por goes to municip uh Municipal ordinances are set by you guys right there is a maximum and minimum on many of the offenses there's a a payable that slide for parking tickets set by the municipality so for the for for non-p parking tickets if I understand it correctly the state gives a range for which municipality is allowed to utilize is that correct or no I'm not sure if the state gives that range but I think the the the general ordinance for he is you set the governing body sets the maximum and minimums for the ordinance so John sound so that's like the legislative function not the Judiciary function so that's let's look at that yeah right David yes to see whether we're dealing with 1958 numbers we could very well be yeah cuz Dan do you remember anytime past 15 years I even been looking at that so the CL question just to be clear on this there's um you're operating under the rules of the cords and certain you can't determine that that the the defense is going to become Municipal funds versus State funds it's going to be spelled at the statute except for those that ordinances okay and um and another point to clar is that uh the function of the municipal court is not necessarily the budgetary revenue concerns uh we can't make decisions based upon that our job is to administer Justice right and com who has more questions questions for his honor hi it's Dawn can I interrupt sure of course go ahead I just want I just want to let you know that the Judiciary has not sent out any delinquent time payment notices in four years so there is a can you explain what that means to the council a delinquent notice um most of these people once they come into court since they're not here in person nowadays or put on a time payment plan and a lot of those people have not made their payments as they were ordered to and the Judiciary has not allowed us since the beginning of covid to send out any delinquent notices they're just starting I got a report two weeks ago that they sent out one delinquent notice for the burrow of tenly on a case from 1998 they're going to start sending out more delinquent notices which will hopefully bring in the money that's been sitting there uncollected and uh hopefully the revenue will increase you you youve raised an interesting point so uh Don and thank you so when we look at the um earlier the councilman had a question about how much the burrow collects and uh in fines and things of that nature does the money that are reflected in the budget is that reflected what we've collected or that's what we've collected that's what we've collected so there I understand okay going back couple of years I used to collect over $300,000 a year and turn it over to the town we have not had that in quite a while but so now we're on I'd say about 160 180,000 a year so so H so is there a a balance sheet somewhere that shows how much where the burrow is owned from un owed from unct I I can run a report on that when I get back and what do you think the magnitude of that number is rough just roughly I haven't the slightest idea I haven't looked at it we're not sending out anything right right when you say when you say Judiciary us who is it the state of New Jersey the AOC the Judiciary won't allow us to send out the notes we can't send out delinquent I did for a while there send out some time payment notices stamped past du and I did get a few of those people paying but we can't send out the regular judiciary notices that we send can we do what you just said which is your own this it's actually uh I don't know worse uh that in that in the past prior to co um the policy or the allowance was that I could issue bench Wars for failure to pay for failure to clear so that there would be a bench warn issued if the person interacts with law enforcement be arrested uh and there would be an incentive to pay or get on a new time that incentive is gone there is no means of enforcing the time payment orders that we send out because of judiciary's policy you can't issue a bench warrant not on monetary issues there's something that restricts what I'm hearing is we haven't sent this out since Co CO's over all right so is there something that's currently restricting us on a regulatory legislative basis it says to enforce collections of people that have been convicted and ow the burrow money yeah the state Judiciary is saying it well I'm sorry the legislature also changed the rules so that if someone doesn't pay a ticket nothing happens to them and is that baale reform is that it's part of a um I'm not sure if it's bail reform exactly but it's part of a policy that was instituted around Co time right around that time where not only uh for a bench warrants but in the past you were able to suspend a license and there would be an in you can't do that you can't suspend a license but is that I guess what I'm trying to get is is that a like a permanent rule or issue from the court or is it tied to the governor's emergency orders from it's the legislature who passed that okay so like like they did it's not the court they the leg seems to be restricting the court on a lot of things lately it's the general acceptance of lawlessness that we're dealing with just got sent out so is that one did get just right yes one did so why so I don't know that's question one at a time yeah there's two issues uh the license and bench licenses uh being suspended was a legislative issue bench warrant being issued because of lack of payment was a Judiciary finding and also now the notices daing to Pure notices is a Judiciary policy so that's being changed right okay hopefully so there's nothing that prevents your Revenue to going to zero because I could just walk out of court and like yeah cool thanks appreciate it pay do consequence if you fail to appear oh excuse me if there's an order for you to pay and you fail to pay then there's no consequence no that okay okay so's let's that's what we're dealing with so so so dor that was extremely helpful okay that was extremely helpful D for the Council on the stand if you could uh follow up with uh the B administrator in terms of what that outstanding number is sometime this coming week that'd be helpful to sure I I'll run a delinquent time payment report I think the last time I glanced at it it was like a 60 page report more question all right one at a time John has the floor okay so there's a question for you too can I attach this to your tax bill is there something that yes I can't enforce payment but can I create a lean on no can I create a lean so speed for the next 10 years sell my house and way his car seriously we can't in you have a burrow obligation mandated by a judge and you can leave this town sell your home and we can't encumber any sort of lean on your house is can sign mean I think the municipalities have to talk to the legis this is a conversation with state legislators and pull together and say this is hurting the municipalities I mentioned this last year out there before I got cut off not re our Revenue yeah this is one of those topics where it's it's uh it's kind of under the tape no one's really appreciating I want none of us did right right nobody appreciates the court well you guys understand yeah but right it's the rest of us but and I'm I'm surprised this hasn't been a bigger issue for the municipalities Le League of municipalities especially B County with the smaller municipality good thank you danan this is David I hope you're feeling better yeah I am hopefully I'll be there this week all right we look forward to seeing you okay all any other questions for app who you all right was nice thank you for spending your Saturday morning with us thank you judge thanks bye thank you turn it hey good morning everybody take care have a good day thank you again JP come on in hey you want any breakfast breakfast inside good bagels how's everyone doing new council members new B administrator morning what's going on tell us your story got a lot going on we're busy but busy is good right well your oh so when we talk about busy right like we are talking about like we're not just I mean one of the biggest things that I've done with this department has not just made it the Emergency Services right we're also doing um standby events we're hosting blood drives really so when I say bus good I don't always mean you lost your okay I think we're back up JY how's it going living the [Music] dream is it this is the last day day what no we're gonna do one two more all right go ahead okay um so uh and I work to put down the budget as much as possible um that's that's really I mean our department works very very closely with Finance um Mary youo helps us with all of our and things like that you know uh like go with Susan with what we absolutely need and you know we try not to much um one of the main things is we we tried asking for this year we have been in the past asking for a new first responder vehicle vehicles are getting older we cut that from the capital budget this year because we realized that up C priority um so did uh increase the maintenance line for that just because we have been finding that the one that died on the one that di on Dean is being replaced from last year's money but it's not being replaced until the fall so we still yeah so we still like just because it takes time to be able to that yes multiple times multiple times in the middle middle of responding to yeah that's not good so that was something that we um is that the one that want to the county fixed or yeah so that one I was going to say too so it it was such a problem that the uh company International couldn't even fix it we had to send it to the County DPW to to figure out the problem those dance connections were able to get us um but the amount of money spent figure that um so yeah so update uh up that line um just in case for a little bu the room um we do work very closely with DPW they r as fixing as possible um oil changes quick fixes headlight goes out that kind stuff um and that really saves money on our repair cost but just anticipating how what these vehicles are um they're over 10 years most of them so they there to so increase in that um the other big ones that we increased with the educational and training um you know in order to keep up our certifications we have to recertify our thing um our certificates and um it's every three years that happens um with that process uh we have to do um 48 continuing education units um So that obviously costs money to all of our members to have to go through we recently did a refresher course that does 24 of the 48 it's A4 class and we we already spent 6,000 on that because it was like all of our members went through with it um so just updating that to make sure that we also have uh money left over to our annual blood or sexual harass um the other last big update I would say just walking us through this is um the professional views so um a couple years back uh the state mandated that we started doing electronic charting um we went with EMS charts because that was like the most well known at the time um since it's caused a lot of problems they've been upping their C Without Really communicating that to us um and we found a different PCR system that um does a lot of the other functions that our other apps and things do so in setting it up is going to cost money up front but in the long run it will decrease cost we'll be able to track our inventory be able to schedule people through the system um and just do so GPC yes elic sorry sorry the increase the 8000 just to get it first and then we'll come back down yeah so there's an initial like installation fee so that will be that initial like setting it up on all the systems getting that set up they C like they PID for training it's all included for our members and yeah was is there right now for this year I think we worked on this I just we there's the setup feate and then you still have to pay for the the one that you're using and then you'll have the maintenance fee from the other one so will some of the other maintenance be dropped off yes for for like I think it's like three month period we'll have to pay for both there's no laps in so that number will go down next year this um this new program you're not the only one on it it's barely us no yeah other department in uh the area you said as well it's established yeah and I think what happened was when we first went on electronic charting there was such a time constraint so people just were like let's go with what people hadn't known so we did we actually went out and looked at all the different options currently and based on which one is best and have most features and most important so I have a question yeah why can't we start building for our services why can't we start building for our services yeah collecting only what gets paid by insurance I mean we can is there anything administratively or from licensing or volunteerism that prevents that from happening not not that the the one caveat May is in communities that do that so-called soft Bing it takes them out of the hemisphere being 100% volunteer yeah so the state fund that pays for EMT training would not be accessible in that how much money is that it's like ,000 a year a person for how many people you have like how many do we send a year probably like 15 15 so we're talking about we would lose $30,000,000 so we have 800 calls a year so if we would have Bill $100 a call that's is that $80,000 minus 30 we'd be 50 ahead of the game that we can use towards the department and what what I'm referring to a soft doing is I think where where you were coming from you bill the insurance company you didn't pay when 100% yeah that's we do that for police don't we for the alarm alarm go off charge that's a that's a I'm sorry go that's a fine that's that's a fine that's a whole different one thing if that was going to be the direction it would probably require then hiring a a medical villain so that's going to be part of right we just do the math then yeah I I picked a number of $100 you can't get an aspirin for $100 in a hospital I mean the average the average ambulance bill is like a thou correct me if I'm wrong somewhere between ,000 and $1,200 but the only reason I was saying that is because like you know how like you start bumping into more doctors who say I'm like sking the entire uh insurance and I'm just taking people's payments you know because I don't want to get involved with the whole and you know sending multiple bills to an insurance company so it's just part of your calculation yeah and if I mean we need you can't have an ambulance dying in the middle of Norman Place right so so if we have if we have a potential Revenue Source where that Revenue only goes 100 every penny of it would have to go to benefit Tac whether it's loap whether it's machines whether whatever ever it might be I mean I think I think we need to look at that why would why do we need to to self fund this fabulous organization when how are you records right now JP are you doing if you go on a call are you creating an electronic record or are you doing paper records it's all electronic all El all right so there so then it's there's a database I'm just trying to see what how do you feel about this concept I'm mixed about it so i' I've worked on departments before or um where they have soft build so if that's something that you're interested in I can definitely reach out to those contacts and see like what that process looks like and how we py um one of our selling features is like all of our services are 100% free um so that kind of like gets out of there but I mean if they're just soft billing Insurance then it's not no no money's coming out of pocket if I fall down the steps at home right my wife's not going to well assuming she calls 911 assuming let's assume she calls 911 she's not going to ask you how much how much is this going to cost or whether you're free or not free she just knows the number of people like that's a very small percentage of people that worry about that like there are some people F to motivate blacks they're like I don't want to go because I don't want to pay anything but that's small percentage well there's the soft billing though right you put the bill in the garbage if they can't afford to pay for it are you are you collecting their insurance information when you take them no that would that would be the added fun that would be the but that's that's simple right we ask for their driver license and consistent we're talking about burglars how many calls do you go on that are not rising to the level of Emer a lot a lot and I that's that's I think that's something we talking about with police as well is like the abuse of the 911 system from like County Manor and Bri view like that's our nursing homes and our just living in ten like they call for like having morning like that's a TR seriously I I think I think I think the way JP you might you might want to consider looking at this if you need a new ambulance or you need the bathrooms renovated and you could self fund the conversation is going to be well what color ambulance are you getting right because if if 100 you know we commit to 100% of whatever Revenue you bring in from fees goes towards tack then it's about using the money intelligently to benefit the public right 1,00% and I think most of those PE most of our call volume is those people who are on Medicaid Medicare right and they'll they'll pay the bill and Medicaid's going to write the check and I think I think we really need to look at this I have a question yes like in Mel wood C Lake and park they have Tri barel ambulance right so how does that work I don't know that just um can do is there main am ambulance it's like we since we're figing PR it's like PR be cover their lot or yeah Northern Valley also does something similar right like Demis T claser and power they do like a it's it's like a mutual Aid agreement so like it's like if let's say on Tuesdays we knew we had like people down building you say to presco and Berfield hey we got all three towns um with that though is if you're out in Bergenfield then another call comes out tly or dispatch collect Revenue to do that type of thing another so we get called for Mutual Aid to different towns no I mean you're talking abouts maybe or do something where like Tri officially been created as a shared service they prob pitch in whatever they pitch in each town right like Mutual a it's just I cover to like mutually is different we're going to we're we're going to help we're going to help uh 911 responders oh yeah how how much of your volunteer time is spent on fundraising how successful are isue f um just one question I just want to finish answering that too as well is um the other problem with that is surrounding us are all paid departments so we have angood engood he paid service Bergenfield paid charge well that's it's pretty straightforward yeah and when they when they cover tly for Mutual how do they hand if they're fully paid how are they handling billing of case that they pick the same protocol for be in CC so they're service whever it so that service is going yes get what if you're not collecting on these and you got ambulance this is our second this is our second budget conversation this morning and we've uncovered missing Revenue in both of them so far right I I don't know how we don't do I mean right we want to support the department a world class ambulance and you should have a world class right and if we and if other towns when there's precent for doing it that way and Medicare is going to favor half of the calls that you take at three in the morning that's ridiculous correct correct so so yeah going back to your question about fundraising um similar to the fire department we send out like an anual like feel where it's just male mailer um that's kind of what we do for and what is been your success dollar volume wise um it's depends on the year but around like 30,000 so so in other words if you were go to soft billing there's a good chance that that it could reduce the amount of volunteer hours that you spend on fundraising right L you're doing 30,000 there and you can bring in 80,000 I'm on SO sof so they're volunteer right it's a different Buy I would say like a feel we have volunteer they're much younger you just feel the need to donate rather than a that yeah you don't need that you don't have that good feeling right it's a different feeling that's why I like volunteer better so I can tell you from another town that I experien and they did softwall and that was about and the same kind of numbers in population but it was Ally population 15,000 residents they were they were getting about $80,000 a year in soft was like an ambulance to that's that's a that's three that's two ambulances a year if you're capitalizing right do it right ambulance is a quarter of a million dollars you know and I think the commitment would have to be 100% of whatever the billing number is goes to T Val correct so what do we need to do to so so David Susan JP what do we need to do to get this thing we could take a look at a couple of models and see how they're see how they're creating established I assume you're right now 501 C3 yes so we take a look at that we'll get Wendy involved a little bit to see if these selfing scenarios would affect that designation it's another council members good with this concept everybody's good with it yeah well I just to explore to explore right that's what I'm asking you go with exploring it could we uh just talk about the incentive program which is any questions you want of course sorry because there was an increase in that I was hoping you can tell us about yeah so um the incentive program as you guys know um just you guys um it was this has been like a journey to try to update that system right and DJ with the new ordinance um so this is worst case scenario assuming that all of my members that are eligible for stip in get stip in with that being said with the new ordinance system it better reflects the work we do whereas in the past people were showing up to our monthly meetings and maybe taking free ambulance calls and they were getting full sment because the system was so out that this now requires you to actively be doing the minimum requirements for um membership and then Su and then you get so this increase like it's there in case all the members make it I don't foresee that when we did the um New ordinance we put in calculations to see like Benchmark like that college kid that comes back like every couple of months they might get halfs and they're not g to get full s well then it sounds actually more yes you'll see with this uh we're not we were losing thousands thousand dollars every year yeah it's volunteer but also what that volunteer right like when I joined at 16 years old I wasn't expecting to get cut a check right so like I did it to do volunteer ni but I was exp but if you're committed you're committed yeah okay one at a time Vu has the floor the uniform so it went to zero last year this year what happened so with the uniform ask yeah yeah yeah no no no so what we did is we just combined it right so in the past it was two separate things but it was both an incentive one was just money in the uniform was like to replace any clothing like damaged on Falls now instead of having two lines we just combined it what was [Music] that it was uniform it was a clothing stiens then now there's a clothing in uniform not specifically like the clothing everywh right that it's but that hasn't changed that hasn't changed yeah so it was the so one of them was 37 right the uniform allance we always got up on this it was the uniform allowance which went to zero so in the past what was we would get two checks we would get one for the UN form allowance and one for the incentive but we just combined it in it's so it's it's all so so I have a a thought on on page five of this and um bear with me for a second it's going more an IA for David but okay I noticed you have a vacancy for clerical assistant for 20 hours a week at $122,000 just to thought on that David or Susan perhaps we can combine our part-time needs over with the court and these part-time needs and at least give people more it doesn't have to be a fulltime position but it seems like you we need clerical part- timers in different in different depart on talking about the amb in the court Andy took over the responsibilities of that very yeah that's not funded in 23 oh it's just not funed the person right now in Finance so it dedicated individual last F was 22 Yeah so it's so okay so we don't we should even say it's listed on here because 20 2022 is one of the historical years yeah youy for sure um talking about though um like I guess salary wages so we do have that new medical director that has been started Dr Church off um the one thing that's stopping us from getting him fully like yeah stocking the ambulances is um a Insurance liability um so there I just got a quote from him that it's a $4,140 something to be covered by and you you're working with with I French you guys are all connected together right when we connect a month or so ago yes connected to it that's what this is from so you've added that to this year's budget the 4,000 so no so this was just they just gave us the quote so that's so isop it yes is this a ried to our existing policy uh yes that was all worked out oh yes so so Susan we're gonna need to add that that's so the medical director can do his job yeah that's so he can put EP pens on our ambulances ambulance have line for drugs and Medicine requested 5K recommend for two and so this is something that is above and beyond what GIF would provide so that's why you have to take this Rider right so yeah we looked into our current insurances and it wouldn't cover what his scope what would need to be covered so that's why that would be that okay yeah so this need me to make a copy and give this to you or is this no that's yours that Prof they did in the budget yeah okay um before JP is done uh you know that Council had previously approved a bond ordinance for the purchase of new amance um the the price the price of the new of the new ambulance is about $50,000 more than was anticipated in that Bond ordinance so we'll be presenting to the council supplemental Bond ordinance in order to uh effectuate that purchase we're right now going through the notice period through um we're going to be using one of two uh National cooperates either the Houston galison area Council or Source R um once that is complete that notice period there'll probably be a resolution on your agenda on April 9th to award that under the national cooperative and then we can send the letter of intent to the uh ambulance broker that JP has been working with so that the the unit can be reserved that they're expecting November uh no they were saying now any is August and September okay so that's great so you get in August or September yeah that was a a 2023 budgeted expense 300,000 you you would you would budget 300,000 but the price now is I think 345 or 350 this is this is a good conversation for the of as soon as we say you know as soon as the council decides to buy something that afternoon we should be buying it every day we wait the only thing happens is the price goes up question on that every day did we explore we just had a conversation about joint Services I'm going to go ahead and guess that somewhere in the country someone's made joint services and is divesting themselves of an ambulance that is in excellent work have we looked at that typically for the for the needs of an active very active uh amance Squad the the use Aman would not carry it in a lot of ways you're taking things in a very populated area and you're able to offload them and sell them to a very rural area you consider us to be a very popular and active I think I think we're active I think our Amon Squad is a lot act a lot more active than you know i' say a a county in Tennessee or Arizona and the reason I use it as a as a reference point we have a Police mobile command vehicle that going to be hearing from the chief that we want to auction off there's sheriff's office in Tennessee that will pay us $50,000 so you know we could do a further search but I think with the ambulances if we if we decide to buy one secondhand you're you're get the headaches iage that's what happened with our the that die the that's it wow and that used Dand how long did that last that one last eight started dying yeah and did you have a lot of maintenance cost with the use yes it was out of service for I want to say but to your point to your point counsman I think you know we do those exhaustive search he says to see if there are feasable Alternatives we do sell them and then there are places that so you will get some of that that money but of course it's not gonna completely offset it yeah the other thing um and I think we actually talked about this in Celebrity BS when we were running yes but like I want to look into electric vehicles as well especially for our First Responders especially while they're still offering grants and things like that help me with this problem because this is the second time the first time that came up was for snow you can't have an electric snow remov because you can't explain to people that's sorry we're out of gas sure right you feel like the worst thing that happens is and I own right right yeah I don't want to have like you get a call and you get another call and the thing is running somewhere and you're running out a juice how do you address that right right so I mean there are departments that are currently Patterson access to Electric ambulances what I'm talking about electric at least to start us is like those First Responders those are like getting us like two calls or from home to the building right that's so it's like like just like shooting from here at home yes exactly your range is limited to the per so plugged in here it's zero so JB you're talking about like a command vehicle right exactly command being but how about if the power goes out how about sand we got a multi- power up right now I'm now you're in trouble no of course yeah yeah do you have generator at the station we do have a generator yes yeah so trly if we went down that road to make sure we have the power just in case supp ready to be tied into our building does have a generator so if like we were to connect like the E charger to the like it would back on we do that as well but yeah definitely thought before we taking the incentives when they're offered I think to the mayor's point about buying things when we decide to buy them if we've got incentives now then then this is the time to to Sten right yeah and you said it was Patterson was your you know what completely free they got the ambulance for free which wait a minute what funding it was state and federal funding and that I looked into it and it yeah seriously well well yeah there there are you know Community block RS we're not eligible for it that they are if it wasn't for free do you know a ballpark with the cost of an electric bang Lanes compared to you expect out for this 350 honestly we tried reaching out to the company that and we didn't really get great respon we we can do some research a little more wait for the one currently bu no it's it's not Ford though it's like AET like brand new brain yeah brand new brain so so Circle back to yeah what was your question you just ask you leave no it just said Circle back to David wanted explore it like more burner than so I have a question about the C program yep it just um on page eight it just seem you know so what are we doing in terms of you know every year it goes up a little bit more that sort of thing so it's it's it's because of members what the membership MRE a little bit yeah he doesn't expect it's gonna be that he's just covering in caseone meets it so on that page 98,000 in 19 little increase in 2020 for memberships and no no increase there 2021 a little increase for membership then on 23 is when we rolled in uniform J how many people got the S this year got s last year you anticipate that more than 22 will get it this year um you don't think everyone get so the one that's the tricky thing about this is that there will be more members eligible but with the new system it's going to be our ordinance it's hard to it they be partial 22 was full on yeah 22 22 fulls and then a lot of partials case come back with Summer they won't need full won't be a to pay out as much so 2024 will be the second full year Rel where the uniform Inc right so this would be a good a good barometer to see if the 150 is something consistent he knows it's will cover everyone but he doesn't expect right so I think to your point right with the new system and everything that we'll see how this goes in terms of the future years were there any questions about capital I say that's I have none council members any more questions any more questions for us JP no I think we'll just circle back about the uhing that's a big one we get that under way this conversation is a lot oh yeah you on Zoom okay fing full volunteer um no Waters have PID that voler they yeah I'll look into that with other departments and see yeah that's that's my biggest thing too um and I'll see if there's any requirements that we need to make to make that happen all right thank you thank you very much than you thank you JP fire preventionist next and K our department okay CH Chief you want to come to the table doing today good are you you want to roll off yeah what do you want to do here what you want whatever you want to do first we had scheduled first you want to do Kent first yeah I think this is going to be one two three Kent you want to just give him overview of your budget request all right guys we getting online uh this year's budget is basically the same is what we did last year uh there's no increases uh so basically it's it's pretty simple um I don't know what you expect but we we're running really well we're doing a lot of inspections in house sales but as far as budget we don't need really that much other than what's allocated who who has questions for Ken I have an operational question all right so ask hey Ken it's Mark how you doing thanks for being here pretty good how are you good good just an operational question one of our commercial uh tenants in town um they um they got a CO issued this week and one of the things on the co was they have to schedule their fire inspection that box was checked do they they reach out to you for that uh what kind of business is it it's a it's a it's a retail store yeah normally the SE is the issued by the building department right okay uh we have usually 30 days to get in there and do an inspection so once we know of a business being uh opened we will whatever inspector is uh allocated to that property we'll try to get in there and do an inspection but if they want to call us they can call us and we will schedule an inspection oh so when the co is issued by the building department you get a copy of that and then then you automatically go ahead and do the inspection or the business needs to call you not necessarily usually the the business owner wants to get everything open so they come to us got it to see what is done okay to fill they have to fill out a business registration form which they can get on the website but okay hey K operationally on on your on your smoke detector inspections yes is your staff right now keeping a database uh when the request is made whether it's for owner occupied or or rental no okay so I know Amanda had started a spreadsheet when she was over there would that be something that your staff could pick up to track again yeah but again it's it's that that all all the residential uh where the two multi family users uh rentals should have been documented in the building Department years ago uh because they should have approved whether it's able to be a rental or a owner occupied all right so we'll take that up with Bob Burns because what I'm getting at there's a need to to ensure that we have a good database of those uh uh two family drawings and single family drawings that are rentals because of the lead paint inspection wall is where all the way going right somewhere along the line when Amanda was there she was checking off whether it was a owner occup or a rental somewhere in that spreadsheet uh that check off box has over the years has disappeared so I know Bob came looking for it and Amanda but we weren't able unless you go through each application and a lot of times the person filling out the application isn't putting the tenant checking that off on the tenants ends all right so we don't know okay I I think where we'll head is is to have the Bob's office create that in the Mitchell Humphrey um software solution yeah like I said that should have been done years and years ago so I was just not I was just wanting to not reinvent the wheel and if a database was started somewhere we could pick up on it but if it doesn't exist then we'll create it like I said what we doing is when uh because rentals they get turned over sometimes every year sometimes three times a year depending on the uh the nature of the person renting um so I mean we be repetitive in in stuff on where it the information is but originally they should have been on the building department checked off and or the tax records that's the the tax records should know whether it's a a rental property or it's a owner occupied yeah well it's it's going to be reconciling a number of those databases but thanks though I I just wanted to make sure if you had something already started we could just migrate that over but I know Amanda was doing it years ago and somewhere the spreadsheet that's been doing uh Mary hasn't been doing it for years not even it wasn't on our checksheet she was going to put it back in but it what we give the police doesn't have whether it's an owner or a tenant hey uh Kent the the replacement of the Crown Victoria for $52,000 is that a absolute necessity or can that be can that be like Susan came in a couple weeks ago and asked it probably could be Deferred question so but at some point we need to replace it you know and yeah so maybe not this year but I think we had discussed not when you were here but I think when Al came last year about having um the uh vehicle replaced uh through another department uh I think that was kind of the uh the suggestion I don't know what happened that whether we followed up on that I don't think so but usually if we get a police car they're usually pretty well beat up by the time we would get it and it's we're just putting Band-Aids on the kicking a can down the road here so we're usually just driving you know a mile two miles here or there so you know the fire prevention Vehicles usually last even if they're high the high mileage again but then then the expense of the repairs then you'd have to increase my repair budget to pick up the repairs like the one we have now the 2003 the catalytic converter is is going on it so you I mean I I get that but I think we had discussed last year so as you know somebody said it almost feels like a groundhog g u where we're going over the same thing over and over again you know last year was the suggestion was to move another car into uh prevention so we so is there another car yeah we talked about but is there another car so even if we would decide to do it is there a car available that that's the question we should we're we're refining the Mas list okay Tuesday night we're GNA talk about capital okay fine okay so yeah just all right any more questions for cat all I think we're good thank you you all right thank you very much time this morning all right thank you very much have a good day saw the ambulance Chief I got your email about um the thing tomorrow morning I've got I have a I think it's Monday Monday Monday morning but I I have a conflict Monday morning so I can't think we just throw it out no I appreciate that I didn't I didn't it should be good for the okay good school school all right what's going on Chief all right how about here everything good everything is fabulous in a good mood we don't want to change that either if it's the case but I think it's somewhat simple but it's you have any or I could go over it but all right who has questions for what are the highlights of the capital request that's WR that I guess it's all right to too many people say it's very minor for Capital but that's all right you got a fire truck no we got it I think that's the one that uh no it hasn't arrived yet uh yeah he had arrived no not yet we're still it's not in children yet but we do have you all right let's let's focus on with the got to say about Capital all right so we I mean if anybody got any questions but the sebbas that's the air packs we wear it's actually like the fifth year of a six-year program we spread it out for six years why why is there you guys this way I can take it out you know sometimes I copy the year before you know like above that probably said 205 uh so yeah I mean that's that's definitely um fire hose replacement some some more hose is 30 years old it just has to be replacement as you can tell you know we spread that out a little bit too uh rescue equipment that's just like if you know what the Geor of life for is or now they make battery operated ones so we have some of those already but we're leaning we're getting some more um the one rescue truck we have is 25 years old and it's had it has the old hydraulics on it and couple of the pumps that all the tools they're broken and there you can't get them so we either have to upgrade the whole truck or maybe just switch over to the battery tools see where that's coming from thermal imaging for anybody that doesn't know what they are it's you can see through smoke or you can you know see hot spots in the building unfortunately as you can tell they're pretty expensive that's actually for three of them they're about $8,000 each are they individual units for person no this stays on the truck and then the officer takes it or takes it inside who makes the question um different trucks you know so so each like if there is a fire somebody takes one the other company takes another one and we have some just let you know but they're they're also like 15 to 20 years old how often at the same time um how often it all depends on the type of call so if it sounds like a fire re trucks are definitely going you know but if it's say a fire along sometimes we R run one or two you can't Tru without that's when you get scre right yeah I mean we take different trucks and different trucks have different purposes so to start switching equ equipment around during the fall that makes sense uh the up up fitting is for two vehicles that's the unfortunately like soing lights on a vehicle is pretty expensive 20 $25,000 maybe um and also for radios the radios lost almost $5,000 $8,000 each I remember that you grant for like some equipment we have two grants one we just purchased you know for some turnout gear protective gear but we just received another grant for I think it was $52,000 and that's for gear also and it's also buyer going to take off my $65 dryer dry about 6500 bucks but okay seriously was a turnout be y I mean it's crazy our washer or washing machine which probably I forget what that was very expensive you're in the business right very clearly anything that is fire forget it you know you got 52,000 uh no that's return out year also I think maybe 12,000 would put in there for the gr so I just want to ask you're very clued in or checked into any available grants yeah we try you know and bring to us I mean about this grant I guess Susan would know better but I think the town has to have the $52,000 available I think that's that's how the other Grant work most so they so that that has to be available I think they pay then they get the money but I'm not but if that's the case then 52,000 will have to be added to the budget some uh question for electric car fires I was told that there's a product where it's basically a fireproof blanket you can't you can't spray water on it el v obviously uh you can actually you just have to spray a lot lot like you're there for8 hours you know what I'm saying yeah you could be how many hours hact had one they were there for seven hours yeah if the batteries itself is on fire if it's like a regular fire and just car yeah you know just to degress for a quick second but on this topic it's going to be interesting to see over the next X amount of years the whole practice of parking your car in the garage whether from an insurance stand point it even falls out of favor yeah right yeah with these types of issues the course I beg the course and there's so many of right scoters are a problem scooters are a problem we threw out all of our scooters because of that reason did because of the battery you know the kids don't use them anymore but instead of leaving in the garage for 25 years we you know threw them out right away yeah but getting back to the blanket I've seen that um you still have to cool the battery like it all depends what the problem is if the batter is going out of control and heating up then you have to cool it the blanket won't do that you know and then the blanket would probably initially put the fire out but we have a tremendously High um EV ownership rate in this town you see it every time right every time you're out you see right it's a very good yeah but the water would actually we look into the blanket I mean there everybody's coming up with something you know so you want to wait it I think yeah I think the technology is probably going to get better and but the I mean all smother it you good question what I would like to design is some type of container that you can fill up like a pool and leave the bar in it you're done so if everybody comes up with that you to dryer courses because you don't think we should purchase one one or two just just uh maybe we can look into it you know training did you notice how much they were though uh I think it was under 1500 each 1500 yeah I think so we can look into it and it might even be in like the budget I have if it's only 15 I'll say only 15,500 for blanket right uh so we can look into it you know thank you I mean they make something El pun the battery water I yeah it is I think so uh so far not many uh had a couple scooters but no cars yet and like I said if the car itself is on fire above the battery or whatever then you're okay but the batteries involved I mean the batter is like it's like a whole bar you know technology will improve all right so I've got question for you if you wrote this narrative on page two about the fire department and the DPW I thought we were kind of I thought some of our DPW employees are volunteer fireman um let's see uh there might be one that's a member of our fired dep okay and then there's others that are members of different form so you're you're basic you're essentially asking for us to encourage the DPW members to become members volunteers for the fire department and get trained which they did already in the past so what has happened people have retired and so you have a new propop of people there uh maybe you know you have a new BBW Waring or whatever you want to call whatever and uh he might not be too keen on letting his people go you know so we have to you know we sat down with them once already but I think we have to sit down and just explain to them I mean it's I think it's in the ordinance already okay that they can go all right so David some more conversations a matter balancing it's a balance of course and when we're down we're down six employees over there so even biger principal Morrison P kids leing school all the time hey uh thanks okay go ahead hold on Adam's on go ahead Adam hey chief no no sorry thank you again for everything and awesome for uh for tomorrow it's actually two things probably for Susan I think the first one is uh and these are General things that I'm just seeing here so the first one is we know every time we get a vehicle whether it's police fire Etc there's the uplift for it that we don't take into account so when we purchase a new police car we should be budgeting for the full uplift so we we bought a a ladder truck it's a pretty useless item if you don't have any radios in it or lights we know it's going to happen so we should be planning better when we purchase a vehicle we should also be budgeting at that same time for uh what's gonna come next so if we could just do that going forward you should know the all we should be putting forth the all OST correct but they also they wait for to get in before I think I think the point is and I think from budgeting perspective or Capital planning perspective if if you're going to say the ambulance who'll use the ambulance the ambulance is $350,000 I would suspect they to come back and say you need $40,000 R so we should be looking at two years because it takes months to get it I don't want to borrow put the number put the number in the capital plan when you're doing a capital plan so it doesn't become a surise right so like when you do a vle just like this one next year next year make yeah so that's just one General thing and then the second one and again I've seen it all morning this morning and I'm sure if I look back the there is um we should be looking at are are people spending the budget we have so again I could do this for any of them but if you look at the fire we've been averaging about $300,000 we uh budget 350 and then I mean what is that 15 20% different so we should uh what page are you on now P it's it's it's everyone but if you go to page nine of the report which is just the final from the the the chief I'm saying and we could do I notice this in Tac as well everyone this morning it's a big difference I mean we're we're burdening our residents with a 15 to 20% higher tax when we're not using it I'm all for using it but if we have noticed that over a few years we are not using it we shouldn't burden the tax uh pres town it's partially the incentive well Adam it's partially the incentive bonus for those that may be elig go if you go up to the top portion of this page nine that sort of gives you tell us a story so you're budgeting 1415 across 19 through 24 and then the the usage of it has flowed the highest of which was 2020 at 154,000 so you went over and then last year you were at 101 is this as of November this is current current but we always but we always know if we need to we could always find fund somewhere else and and increase it we know we could do that not for hundred billion dollars but for 10,000 or whatever Surplus Adam I don't know I understand the Surplus perfectly black hole that we don't need I just want you to understand one thing if you cut this budget too thin we're not going to regenerate Surplus and what'll Happ happen is you won't be able to anticipate Surplus to reduce the tax right and and again broader conversation we're talking about a 20% increase that is not a little bit or cutting too thin that's a massive difference so again for us to look at I will tell you just you know I think David one thing that' be helpful is let's look at what the budget is and you know for the past three years and what was spent and again 5% 10% which is still a huge variance I'm okay with 15 or 20% would say that we're not being as Frugal uh as we can be but we could take a look at it all right totally understand the Surplus totally understand the need to put more money in more than we we should be uh but 15 to 20% is a huge number to be off Chief before you go you may want to touch on the uh used ladder and your idea that you've asked by many about the county oh okay yes just going back to what he was speaking about I guess that we had 141 and it's 100,001 right in December we used part of that money for the for the stien so it probably happened already but it's probably not shown here so it's like another another 15,000 is going to be added to that 101 because comes out of the one more month left right one month that always gets carried over also com the point we're going to have two or three maybe even four more members that are going to qualify for this typen so I see that number going up all right so just to explain that part and uh talking about the ladder truck is the older ladder truck uh the county came up to me someone from the county the uh Academy up in uh Mawa and they they are interested in getting the our old ladder truck but they don't want to pay for it of course take it off your hand kind of you know but the only thing with that we've been trying to sell it but now it kind of broke so it's it's probably 10 to $20,000 to fix it so anybody that was kind of interested in maybe buying it and I'm talking about maybe buying it for 20 to 30 now they're noted so now they're not interested may we still have one party that might be interested but they're kind of backing off a little bit so the county came up to us and said you know we wanted to donate it to them they would have it repaired you know so I mean to anybody here their interested we've donated fire trucks in the past 20 30 years ago whatever I trade it for ambulance sides I know you guys been on like auction of other Fire Apartments but have you ever thought about just for the public some kid might want a big fire exactly right I mean people that it would make a nice playground I know but if you if you ever drive around yeah s the ladder out have we actually have we have we ever tried to sell it to some place other than another fire department I just I'll tell you I mean this is a hundred years ago so my college guys hold on wait many people Adam go ahead so complete coincidence my college fraternity and I never understood the the story behind it our mascot is a firet truck or whatever it is and we have thousands of chapters across the country literally the aspiration is for them all to have a fir Tru I swear to God it's pyap Alpha I have no understanding why they do this and they buy fire trucks literally pyap Alpha they buy fire trucks because every chapter wants one obviously it's not a real working fire Tru but they keep it on their property i' look into it that's fine yeah all right so maybe uh David will talk to the county about uh this tracking down fraternities right all right who else has questions for the chief chief any more comments this is a capital question I guess go ahead the one falls under Fire three million line something to talk about which one are you looking this Now's the Time what page one page 12 2027 3.5 million renovation expansion it's in the fire right for 2027 right that's argument is three years from now I mean if you unless I understand that just well because he's planning for the future plan we're running out of space believe it or not and uh the the dryer running out so it's all right one at a time here guys we would look for Grants of course for that you know anything would help but that's like the mayor said is in a fure um I do have one subject it's about maybe having a service come in to the fire department for cleaning U I know the borrow is kind of short with Manpower the cre they have right now to take care of the borrow so it wouldn't be anything crazy it would be maybe have them come in maybe once a month just to do a little bit better I mean we we try to do it but we run out of time also and I know the burrow is like I said short-handed they might hire people but even if they do I think they're still going to be kind of short-handed to do some of that work I know I think the DBW maybe the uh Senior Center maybe uses an outside AG in a while just so we're thinking about that I don't know I should prob my budg this year or outside yes so what would it cost well so I think it's like around 30 something thousand a year around there so we have to be careful we go over the 44 too we got multiple quotes so I don't know how much cleaning we can no I think it would be something like once a month maybe once a month or something and there's like a few bathrooms we could get a quote and see what it would be because uh we just switched oh you did I don't even know if they started yet and who switched the DBW that who is it yeah we uh what happened was we had somebody else and then we just we asked for a new quote for this year and the previous cleaning company was lower than the new cleaning company so we switched back all right so get to contact them and get a price [Music] me so the question on the grand writing application to 12,000 I know that that was added into uh we put the administrator um and you know but I'm not sure there should be the 12,000 it's it's separate for for fire the grant writing is for right so fire specific it's specific but we have lines in our budget um for Grant F right that's and I think did you use uh Millennium the last time who wrote the last brand I'm not sure whoever the B actually uses last March 8 was yeah Millen we put other grant writing in another so V brings up a good point not you know is that is this a sign that we're paying twice for the same service no what we were proposing is to bring it under one control on yeah now separated so that Mak sense so the fire department will get the grant writing they need but no no do we need to is that you know are we putting in too much because for for the fire department they need $12,000 in service not but maybe if we package it in with our stuff it's only like 5,000 you know I think they maybe $500 may all right one one at a time guys so they just got another Grant just so you know for 52,000 that's fabulous yeah so we're going to going to be adding that into the bud so you're going to be combining the grants on one category and then the question becomes is look at whether we need to have the full 12,000 if we're only spending six right then do you do you anticipate more grants this year uh how many we've been doing what maybe four a year or something all right so if you take what $6,000 yeah so maybe we could reduce that but we'll look at how much we spent in total perfect so so just for anybody might be watching publicly well um if you could explain so a few years ago we had funded for a new fire check and you're saying you received so what's the process of oh like when we going to start using it well we're training on it already it had to go back to the deal so we have it now I would say it's probably be in service two weeks and and will you one of those um we're going to maybe do a Muster that is a little bit different than what you were speaking of but we're trying to get the community to come together maybe in June June yeah no because I I I'm I'm not even joking in the sense of like I think it's really important I the community knows that this new going to do it for the last few years ago all right who's got more budget questions for the chief you can bring Chief any more questions for us no no good luck thank you chief for all your work thanks for being here today good luck with my bud oh wel all right police police police are next the police chief here well let's take a let's take a two-minute break while we get the police chief Adam we're taking a two-minute break while we round up the police yeah it's theight but it's also the distance from the building old geometry said about 1030 real looks very high okay yeah come on over in like two or five minutes start half hour we're gonna take like a five minute break she's fine'll oh do you oh good all right yeah that' be nice we have a big screen because we put of our surus the chief is kind of work out right a little bit that right yeah sometimes it works out right good all right take care good luck take care I do have to say it it is I don't want to jinx myself but I like how we are we're out here 11:30 able to to leave Focus we stay focused good what I said the pacing is good yes it's all Julie Julie's keeping us in line what did you say I said Julie is keeping us alive there you go everyone's getting ready for St Patrick's Day yes I'm all good here if you were here I'd make you wear green not purple for you once a year I'm willing to wear green and all purple do it but only one day well it looks like you're wearing yellow today yeah because I'm not seeing anybody this is uh an off day between the two conferences yellow very springy yellow springy I like it yellow is springy can you see me I'm all springy you that Mark and I Mark and I make sure that we wear the same clothes so I received yeah an envelope from the B the administrator in the township of Washington okay inside of it was an envelope from the township of whitea okay and inside that was a letter addressed to from the superior court of hackin saac to the mayor of white but the letter itself was to myself from the police chief so it's all about um uh some technology that's going on from the court that we have to so I want to give I just received that today okay that one a bizarre path Chief how you doing so the chief is gonna need to copy that letter oh know I wish yeah je there's B inside something hey chief and Adam's on online here sorry I'm not there sir that's okay but you are here that's that's you mind go right ahead you missed a good food conference you guys missed out Expo West that must have been fun when you flying back today no I now have an investor conference on Sunday Monday and Tuesday oh that's right got letter coming back just in time for the budget meeting on Tuesday night wonderful I don't think we are you know looking into this but I do know in the towns that that that that unless you guys we considering it but that you guys ready the it's it's electronic parking monitoring it's like using systems to wait what is it is this basically it's not meters what is it this basically might even be also devices where they it's the scanners that are on the side of the cars that's how I interpreted that letter you drive like they have in the city you drive up you know 86 Street and you capture everything we don't have that right so I'm not I'm not really planning do that unless okay when I I got same I wouldn't concerned about it didn't apply to us right all right let's get going Julie who we missing B okay yeah yeah we're waiting for the chief to sit down Saturday morning all right Chief how you doing thanks for being here what's uh what's going on uh not much uh well something I mean something so our our newest recoup started the academy yesterday and N be be rally so that's that's good news so our staffing is coming back uh something so uh only leave us one down right now something then that's that um disciplinary termination proceeding so much I can't talk about now but that's the in process so but um other than am I am I going into my Spiel right now or you're going into your Spiel right now can I ask you to add one thing to your Spiel a little bit yes um the chief and I have had on again off again conversations from requests from residents over the past year or so about the whole issue of uh speed bumps in town and selected areas and there's all kinds of pluses and minuses it's not a clear um but that's just one thing if at some point we talk about that this morning for two minutes I I I did have something to to touch on that yet about you know R calming traffic yeah go ahead Chief all right so hopefully you read my uh memorandum so you know a little snapshot of some the challenge things we experienced in the past and with the common uh occurrences that are going to take place again in the future that that history has shown us from an over overtime standpoint I that was recomend requested what was recommended uh I'm hopeful I'm not going to even go near that number this year because our staffing is coming back and we spend a little B more last year because obviously because of the Staffing because the offic that retired the officer that was discipline that was uh suspended and the officer that left us the en firment so we went down and then also to and then the some family leaves and then also too we did the SRO a littlee of schedule so I pulled someone out of there something so that um but also too we had a couple big events um know with Israel at War and uh having to have more Staffing of security purposes that's that's the X Factor the unknown so um I'm in very um close communication with the teet Chief and they're very very busy fact on a side note they were having that real estate sale and they were supposed to have another one tomorrow and he actually spoke with a coup rabbis and decided to postpone it um because obviously it's just we actually had three people left from penly because we have some people on rapid deployment team rapid Force they were there and support that cost us overtime so uh you know we don't know how this is going to play out but there could be some big events again in the future uh that that we prob to have a lot of personnel on uh on hand but hopefully that doesn't happen but just from a regular standpoint of Staffing the the you guys have been very good and and and uh and responsive in um approving Hing people so you get to takeable organization back to where it is so I believe they're going to have should see some ACR um said told you start the academy uh today there it's great um one project that we that we had you something that was successful this is uh Capital thing but the camera systems so we have uh we have the county has basically what they call the iron ring around the county I have IR ring around the town which is working well for because it just basically tracks far going from town it's only used when we have a reasonable suspicion to look at them not look at look that randomly they have paid off very well in public investigations we haveing arrests and burgies and that great that's just pull them up they're on now but but we're not yeah no we would have the time of we at the county the county but now but now other towns have the have the ability to access it the towns toess access other towns what's happening now is that all communities other states are getting these cameras and then they're interconnected and it's kind of like following when the trail clums you something if you have a car you can kind of follow it to you something then but now a lot of cries unfortunately a lot criminals are committing crimes and stolen vehicles which there's no Nex to the person driving if they s a car but believe it or not we still pretty car no we're pretty good they'll use the same car for multiple clients there is a high defition picture and there are ways something to put some behind that wheel so we do have some successes it's not absolute but the point of of the LTR system is that we have them around town um not so much alpr but just cameras I wrote it in here also too the capital part of it narrative but I think there there's a need for some cameras in the downtown area we' had unfortunately some uh best to place from mint having contact with the owner and her daughter we were involved in that in that business um we had some so two things one is on the alers we talked about you know you're putting it on on on the Town Line basically yes I have that between between Two Towns correct so for example if you're looking at pres pres gets the advantage of of that as well are we sharing that cost in any way between Bergenfield we're not right now so there's something called deconfliction and and town should be communicating or something and we told angle that we had cameras up on South in the town and Ang put cameras up on their North well so that's but but here the thing so so there's an advantage when a town owns and possesses the cameras because the the camera is not actually on the actual border it's a little tucked in like a block because it has to has to be utility post control and there's nothing that really the border is not so precise when a car when when a vehicle's travel on an Ivy Lane and depending on which way it turns you may not get that benefit so there is a there is more of a benefit for us to have our own cameras the cameras we already bought the the monthly costs are are are not all that that exorb so and the other cameras at a great point but no we don't you know something some of the other other towns um AR plus no no so but but that's thing that in the well on a tangent in two years from now year now we have to look to buy a new machine to to to measure the bre the AL cont some breath about a 20,000 machine I've already approached the CH Prest and says hey do you want to come partner he says yes I get another 10 and I'll house it you know something and our drunk driving arest something have actually come down with lift and Uber which is great so I don't see like a major burden of having it here but I'm looking for ways o share across so that's one one um with that specifically how do that work do they take the machine no the machine have to be in a place permanent police comes and actually and they would bring the prisoner here so we have a new facility and it's obviously you know they sou I'm in the processing to go back out so it wouldn't be a problem to the department but I I am very um open to looking at keep our cost down and Sh our cost with others so so okay so that's Al and you're going to talk about the so they don't actually have to be they could just be regular cameras but I believe that there's a need uh we've had a couple examples incidents where a couple flags were uh vandalized couple Ood of Israel um there's been some vandalism what was you if you're the owner of does anything prevent you from putting a ring camera on your uh door your that store owner because I when I I'm a walker and I I always have a joke with my husband I go we're the most recorded couple real jokeing I we like change costume because you know because you go down a street you are recorded the entire way because of everybody's ring canons I guess I would just that's the only I can't control what the mint owner does or doesn't do but I would say that if we were gonna take an action as a governing body I'm not comfortable without opening that up to our population and seeing how they felt about bringing cameras to the downtown like capital city like you know with connected to the police department I think that the population has to know like do we want you know videos downtown it's a it's a different it's a it's a different move and I don't think we should really be like yes or no without bringing that into a larger cause but if I'm a business owner and I'm worried about flag vandalism things like that there's nothing stopping me from having know system right so this is actually I I was waiting for youit but I I I wanted to say exactly the same thing that you know I don't know that we necessarily want already first from businesses but you know but the other thing is yeah I mean you know if particular stor getting hit they have an insurance policy that generally covers effect and effect um you know they and nobody likes to have something like that happen but I don't think at the moment you we're concerned about Public Safety I don't think we're we're seeing sign public safety issues I mean we would be a little behind the curve every other town has them we're just we're kind this is like like Anglewood Bergenfield T they have something basically this this would be more looking down Washington looking down what not not at a specific thing and just and and and I had said you could pull out the alpr license play track and you just have a regular camera that just but but it's not looking at anyone's businesses it's looking at basically for actions for possession to get struck is something that's for suspicious suspicious people just people fall on a sidewalk it's for all those reasons so it's not big brother watching you and it would be no but it is Big Brother watch but you do realize there cameras on on on every seg so I mean I think we had we have residents who have been complaining rightfully so over car thefts over the past few years and they were screaming at us to put cameras up we couldn't get them up fast enough and and how effective has that been extremely effective no in terms of the statistics we you know go ahead chamera ring around yeah yeah the ring around cameras we have that we have it that we we we've arrested several people for for fars and barar know but I mean I'm talking like you know is it 90% or is it is it 5% I can't I can't percentage I you know but how in terms of Effectiveness are we looking at the the higher end of the range or the lower no it's it's it's probably I'm going to probably the lower end you know something be perfectly honest but but some of these investigations are still ongoing something so it takes months sometimes years to C something so would be zero without the cap right so just capturing plates or something and and that we uh we communicate with other department other departments using benefiting from our cameras weting benefiting from other cameras it's a tool but it's it's not an absolute are there signs saying that there surveillance in the family no we need to those requ so I just want to move a pivot a little bit away from what you're talking about but back to what I mean is that so if you want a camera down washing it out um for the purpose of okay you know whatever can happen on I am not comfortable with the six of us saying go or don't go without bringing this issue to the the people for feedback right because but why we didn't do that with the cameras around town because that the purpose of the cameras of making the ring around town as it was always described to me was these are only pulled up when there's an active investigation and there's a we not that the prosecutor says I want to pull from Tuesday at 300 p.m. so it wasn't it's not for the purpose of surveilling us as we drive around town yeah no this wouldn't be either well I'm not sure this goes right to to your downtown and you're saying okay when a person falls and a person this and like it we are going to be recorded as we walk throughout our downtown that's a change from where it's been and I'm not saying anything's preventing a particular off you know business from putting their own ring camera or anything like that but that is a a market change I think that we have to let the people of tenly weigh in on if they say I'm very comfortable go for it then I I just don't think that it's appropriate first to make a big change now and I do remember when Englewood was talking about their first red light camera and it was quite a lot of bruhaha and then I think if I remember correctly and then it got stopped for a while it was unconstitutional there was there was a lot of discussion about that was about a decade or maybe more well my particular opinion on that is that more Rogues than honest men have hiden behind the Fourth Amendment very look but that's but that's the side of the point I want to talk about your budget and talk about a lot of the cameras where we have you know the targeted needs I'm just saying that before we go yay or nay on putting one downtown I I just think that is a dis so I mean we can certainly talk about it and to be considered in a council meeting yeah upcoming council meeting and you know it's it's there for the public to attend then we have an open conversation about it and that's perfectly reasonable and then we decide what to do I'd like the discussion and considered before we consider the budget so added to this Tuesday's council meeting the thir question for you in that context a I'm very much in favor apologetically very much in favor of doing the reportings but I do have a question in support of your argument do you if businesses put rain cameras on do you as law enforcement have a legal right to access those cameras and event that something happened or is that opt in by the person who own it's opt so whenever we have crimes down something over crimes in neighborhood we we canvas the neighborhood and we ask for cameras and sometimes we get some good footage and lot we don't so know obligation no well unless someone unless this is a legal question unless someone shows up with the subpoena different story tell homicide too bad but but small stuff and then second question on that is if you had these Camas downtown what are the complaints that you he resoundingly I may myself cat is could you ticket somebody on the basis of that which could sell F the cam no no no because because you'd have the be capture on a plate and then you have to put a driver behind you ground so these Camas again get up obious when not sell now but we we will not be watching these cameras these cameras will be like we got cameras that are on B Hall and and and and the schools and if someone says oh and we'll go look and we'll look at so yeah yeah it would be captured on a computer on the cloud but um we don't spawn anyone but but we're not settling I can I just say for to be considered that it not be on this Tuesday is to be considered because the agenda was already made up and posted can we put it on when are we voting on The when are we voting on the budget budget's not so what well the budget will be introduced on April 9th okay so when's the next meeting March I'm giving everything to the Auditors oh the meeting's April 9th and the budget introductions April 9th yeah so it can go on April 9th because it could be added then a p that it's not change anything in the budget Susan has to bring in the budget she doesn't want to change it on the FL this would be capital capital this can be I I could do this later this be a separate so it's not an issue it will be an operting we decide to do that's fine yeah April fine moving on yes so so now cars cars is always up on a Hot Topic or something uh in these meetings so with the side PL that I have and the the condition of the extra Duty cars that are really bad shape and you have a hard time even getting respected and things like such uh let I was actually doing well at the fleet when I was getting two two to three cars per year last year I went down to one car and I'm already feeling the uh The Strain uh far in B and something and last the half coming out of the other half coming out of extra right but I only got one I like there no so we only got one so the one and a half I I paid for the upfit Poss but we only got one car last year just how long your cars last it depends depends if they're an adjunct car for a detective buau traffic bu or the ad something last year that been Patrol three to four years before they get transitioned to the outside Duty because I mean they go 247 nonstop heat heat kills them heat so uh so I I put in a request for one in capital but the one in capital I've been for a pickup truck we we've been playing around for quite some time um a lot ofs have that it would be obviously utility vehicle that would be more vehicle that could be used obviously for control purposes but mainly would be in know Traffic Division for signs and barricades and uh and sandbags and things like that and the trailer and the trail yeah I we can p pull the trailer at some of our SUVs but but there's just you something whether we're doing firearms training we have other equip something there is a need to have an open B something so we've never had a pickup truck uh and I think it's time that so you got the for like the electric pickup Tru right with that 300 mile let's call 150 mile range be sufficient for your operation daily operations potentially because I don't see this vehicle being a 247 vehicle potentially yes poti yeah yeah and then I requested car in the operating uh which was cut back a little bit but I'm okay with that because of the outside Duty um fees that have been redirected back into that line so moving the 501 or 2,000 down to 30,000 I'd be have i' be okay with that and then the the fund that we're going to AC throughout the year would obviously give us enough to buy another car and and the up B and I believe also too somewhere here but the money is in the that account I'm you're famili with but when when when a car is out on a detail PG theia Verizon um we're charging $125 per day and that goes back Pur lense right now I think we have almost $30,000 in that account now yeah 30 and they generated over they generate generated $100,000 last year in reimburse so that money in addition some money get something together pays for a call and uh the upfit unfortunately the upfit is so expensive um but actually the pickup truck would be less I don't think that would needan as much in the pickup truck but the the regular patrol car the radar the laptop the partition in the back for prison of Transport all the lights the forn rightly anything in law enforcement and defense in that category yes I have an answer I I just surveyed that and the ranges were 1005 150 and where are we at 125 so we need to go to whatever the max is everybody else is doing why do I care what everybody else is do well good point that's a good point no no no have you done an analysis on the cost of Maintenance of these vehicles and and just the 125 day cover some of these costs or is it a drop of the bucket 125 probably is a little on the Lower Side we've had for quite some time it probably is due for an increase and it buys you the extra car yeah exactly Yeah well yeah how many times a year roughly is a car on outside Duty a lot 180 the next two years I'm sure you're so what coming so this gas upgrade that's basically has has plagued and almost destroyed an an it's coming to 10 o' and it's slowly going to be moving I think they're almost hiring five officers six officers per day I see they so I always you know we can we can anticipate decent amount of money coming in but you know it's not guaranteed but it's it's highly probable yeah so so so my question is generally speaking the this outside the belel for a second aside with d& a a car is it typically used one day a week two days a week three days a week Duty yeah every day every day and they're beat okay they're beat you know and the problem is is that they sit and they just run and and the heat you know something and anden put Auto you know a company something that that uh that maintains OB vend main does a great job you something we try to you know get creative with with Band-Aids on keeping the course a lot keep running but they beat and the way that we uh you know we maintain the fleet is you know I get two cars in two cars go out get cars in I try and keep the numbers up so in and them out I did talk to the recently and and Susan about leasing and leasing is is something that discuss and and that's Point looking into but it seems like smaller departments with smaller fleets have have more success with it the bigger departments and we're kind of in that category when you look at what happens is that when the leasing part what they want you to do is at some point in time you first start you only card at some point fire s and it becomes a big number and that has to come out operate and and Ken looked at it they don't see the the savings angle Wood's trying it with their outside Duty Fleet just a small segment so we're watching them and you know we're always taking notes and do the outside Duty cars have to be upfitted not really something so we do like a little bit of stripping something so all they need is emergency lights and and blue and red emergency lights and that that's all they need do they have to be do they have to be on you know the entire time the lights they do that's the requirement of of utilities but but the but the lights can be independent of the car they're not unfor and I am looking into it's a great Point we've gone to LEDs and it's to low draw Power I'd like to have years ago been around too long 30 years ago we had cars that could lights could run without the car on and then it went to a system where basically batteries were dying or something something so we got away from that but I I want to look into having cars that yes have rest you can turn them off then just have the lights flashing with a low power draw but I sorry these cars have to uh the ones for patrol none of the outside no no no but but usually what we're doing is is again they work they were a patrol vehicle and then when they got two higher miles they get moved if we want to keep the fleet separate by job yes they're different they could be a different type of car right so pickup truck inst I are the pickup trucked maybe I don't want one to beac purp that would be an example of now so cutting the chase for a second with this if we raised $125 $200 we'll will that's $60,000 I mean we could do that by if the council wants to do that you could do that by ordinance right away what's that it's the utilities that are pay yeah yeah yeah I mean what's your percentage of a typical homeowner that would have to pay for extra Dy uh well I'm sorry if a home want to hire the police officer that yeah I mean what part you have that's a one off right yeah what's that rate so so be $95 an hour for minimum what I'm saying is 125 to 200 if they move it to 200 it's mostly impacting oh yeah outside not our resid so we don't get a lot of Resident L job but like in the ordinance you you could build Clause that say do something that res are exempt if they hire we exempt the the house of worship now and schools with with with the admin no admin fee and there's no car fee for for those gr so in the you yeah that's for residence if you want to do not afraid to [Music] charge let's get underway to authorize that to edit this okay remember a couple ago the third meeting we I'm listening to you it's I just course absolutely at okay so we're GNA do go ahead yeah done we're going to prepare the ordinance so the we ended up going I remember came there so now what is the the result of you know increasing to 200 they [Music] now yeah but but the thing is they're not going to just look at it like they're going to look at it as oh we just raised it so now that's more money than we can get um so I don't want to speak I believe there is isn't there isn't there a proposal in to raise the last I don't but all sudden you're R feather bring additional point but they are getting new cars out the mayor earli they don't care about new cars I mean the people the department May but but the officers don't these cars these cars are $100,000 a piece right and we've got to find a way to defay that cost by the time you up them pay ,000 how going say it's probably 75 I mean still lot as long as you're not doing any maintenance and not putting any gas to them but are we opening kora's box that's my point about the idea of now it's just to consider everybody we had a big T we had a discussion we had a discussion about why the increase to the two US no no I get that what I'm saying the officer construction part of the discuss part of the discussion at the time right go ahead when who has the floor no no I don't get all right one one at a time what what's what are we talking about hold on part of the discussion at the time was if you if you increase it it'll there'll be an indirect cost to the residents anyway because they'll be paying higher um uh utility all these things go so indirectly you're hitting the uh the consumer anyway um you know so I think that has to we have to consider all of that before we just put a resolution you're presupposing that P increase but don't just they will absolutely they do it anyway they do anyway no there still controlled by the by utilities you know Department right so they can't just will but if they can show that they cost of increase then they'll they so you puted at 162 I don't know I don't know what the number is I'm just saying we have to well no we have to look at we have to look at what conversation Happ s times yeah right we we have to be careful not to link everything together exactly because we can't control any of it so the other side is I wanted to ask about the S one we're talking about you've already selected somebody they start in De they start in De I don't think we've determine what we're doing well we with the burrow has we had a joint use meeting this week where we reiterated the clarity of the moving to 70% of reim you know their share based on usage okay um and we're going to be hearing from them in the next day or two early this week so now the other part of it I just noticed on the uh the vehicle list there's the two SRO cars are we factoring in any of the additional costs besides just the offic of the cars two of them right those cars their older cars they're black and white conspicuous they're driven to the school shut off they're just they're just for there's not much wear and Care on that Bas here's a police officer and he's in the school what kind of maintenance cost annually in those two parts on Individual Car I I don't because I I think the question is should should the cost of making some those cars be incorporated into the asks from the school board why not you know I mean that's just you know those calls who prives be your normal uh uh by anual service probably El typical like oil change and that kind of thing prosecut office we got the Honda the Honda Pilot that we have yeah no we bought that but that's ours we have in the past we had their test we we tried out a black that was that was that was phenomenal the town watch have electric I said I'll take the electric but uh no that was phenomenal but but so so that the Tesla's you know it's a little lower Center gravity vehicle we do go off road we have be a little bit better and you still really haven't solved the problem of how you fast charge a car I I I I fully believe that in the future you're going to have electric Fleet just not there yet but but but the add Squad could have truck whatever or is that one you're going to look at then the conversation I've started with honestly was wasn't even in my mind but I can so so what we're going to look to see is also to what is uh offer under the Cooperative the state bid so I I don't know if that I'm not sure but I mean obviously way get around it I know the BC just yeah I'm pretty sure they thought and more and and this is not really part of my budget but I'm not sure if you're aware I've been trying to sell my ERT truck yes you just um we get Tennessee count want and and um and you know something I would Tesla I would WRA sh the prosecut office wants something and i' I well obviously there's a a benefit to obviously the county prosec have it's going serve us so I feel bad for Tennessee it's just a timing thing or something but Pro off come to look at it we just have to figure a way of how to right we figure out how to win a transfer T without going through the auction hope they pay us 50,000 for it I believe Tennessee was going to pay us that so if B County wants it they got to at least get that yes so we there's a resolution on Tuesday night's agenda from our previous discussion to authorize an auction for it okay so I well I would submit that we authorize the auction and then we'll do the research to see if we need to new the auction or another process so right we if we can do a transfer without an auction we'll do that but this way the auction would be authorized so so it's just to authorize you don't have to go to auction you don't have to well you would authorize an auction so we have Authority in place to do an a if that's we have to go down should we go Page by page for for this budget um I guess Chief are you done with your presentation and ask for question how with with the operation yes I mean obv I tou on Capital you're not there get that right well I mean should you want to start well before so just maybe you can say again what you're who you lost and how many personel so Sergeant Wayne Hall retired after 30 years and he was replaced by uh Jak uh Jacobson Christian Jacobson which is an a field training officer right now so he's about ready to field training is phenomenal so he is uh obviously committed elect to Bryon so he's on the road now we have Joel Reyes who is graduating at the state County Police Academy uh next Thursday on the 21st pass University I will be there congratulate him so he will be uh now going to field training which is three months and then so he'll be on the road um three months in a week on his own and he replaced um you also that decided to go to Hoboken even the fire and then the other officer uh that start the Acy yesterday which is Nicholas ferelli he is um filling the extra position and the C organization created by a new SRO okay um and and then they still one vacancy well there's not because that determination proceeding and even though be presented to you finding of the hearing offic we to be careful no yeah I'm not going to go any further than that um no he's he's he's still with us until it's speci um on that U so you need to have that backfield or the folks you have in the academy right now comp So when you say extra SRO officer so we only had one previously now we have so so we had one and then the school decided to get one in wanted on the middle school and it was talk about they share the course and then you know Town approved it and I said okay you get one next September because I need to hire someone and it's and then du to the urgency and and and concern that school you know had about filling that that that spot and wanting to get an officer something been in there right away um tell they ask can you do this lat I'm like I can do it a little strain on us but I actually moved someone into that position with then like was a month and a half because the school had to interview that and then I I Then I then had a the vacuum created an open spot so essentially adding that SRO is is creating a need for an additional F like a semi but semy they were now needs the addition the addition the second SRO increased by one person but you're gonna but theoretically you're GNA have a vacancy soon is that vacancy is that vacancy is that potential vacancy going to be attrition or is it going to be back it we need to be back the t flat down but but that's because of the second SRO no no not at all VY second right what no the SRO was an increased role was added to the table of organization so you increase the force 35 account and we have 35 right now we have 35 you always had 34 yes but now9 SRO and now you had to get put another SRO so you're saying when the other officer if you have a vacancy you need to beill it because you moved the SRO over that's exactly what happened yeah we added one person to the table of organization right HED he did hire yeah I'm same yes so 35 that we're talking about that would in two it does yes we have 35 right now 35 you have 35 on your books right they but we're not paying 35 understand a second so you have 35 you're looking to have 35 budgeted right and if there were to be a vacancy see I one of those 35 you need to be backfilled to continue to have 35 right correct we're not looking to go from 35 to 36 stay and then that potential backfill would then be funded in the budget at a at a okay and it would take me a long time to even do it all right okay yeah I just wanted to be clear on where we were heading you are you are by L what's the question anybody have questions on page 10 what's any questions on page 10 I guess there's Mr Mayor I I think there's a broader conversation similar to Adam go ahead I think there's a broader thing that I know we've been discussing in each of the sections and I know David sent out to all the department heads uh before this process started is I don't know if the chief could share with us what efficiencies have we driven have we brought to the the police department similar to how I've asked the same question at the other departments so what have we done you know we were talking about the the the the courts and how we're trying to make more stuff digital so we don't even have to have the costs or what we're doing in the Buildings Department with digitization you know depart you know line by line I don't the chief is way smarter at this than we are we shouldn't be going line by line the chief should be telling us this is what I've reduced because we don't need buggy whips anymore because the most of our police don't use you know horses I don't know if the chief you could share what have we done to drive any efficiencies in the department the reason to go Page by page is so that Susan can get an understand no we can do that too that's fine I'm just saying forever right I'm just saying page so so wa so so Chief Adam has a question on the table so the way that I I try to achieve efficiency um one example is I just the Incorporated uh electronic ticketing um something you know something moving from the paper ticketing or something and that's where few car in the test phases of that and that should also equate to more subes being issued a little bit more Revenue uh the the efficiency something it's little challenging something in this landscape you said with course keep going up as I said earlier anything in the defense or or law enforcement in realm something obviously comes at high cost um I I am I am Frugal when it comes to buying stuff um I I don't like service contracts Adam um counil something so I where I can I like to buy things or something and go go time and materials it a gandle sometimes something but I I the the the service contracts just put the bad case in my mouth so we have some systems that basically just do that again it's that's the shrin of a vendor uh but um you know something I think we're pretty good on equipment and we have an IT person who is very very efficient he comes at a bargain price and he's like kind of a mcgyver and we do so many workarounds uh when it comes to um you know the systems that we have fingerprint systems software systems yeah you know the the companies and vendors want you to you know add components and and and and over build uh I like to basically um get by with basically with the basic needs and still stay up uh in compliance with the requirements of the attorne general guidelines and the needs of the Town um you know cars you know something I mean we we keep cars longer than we should uh you know something if I the the mileage is always a little bit higher you know something I mean ideally I'd like to get we probably could use four cars per year something based upon the number car something so um you know I I I I the guys they complain about the condition of their cars I basically tell them you know something that you know unfort they got to deal with it you know something and and some of them are rough you know something so in in instances like that um I don't really other examples that's all I have right now I mean you know and again anything that we're looking to do in the future you know something again you know we don't always go for the Cadillac we look at what's reasonable yeah you know and and uh you know when it comes to like again I want to talk about a new RMS system that we're getting ready to buy or something and well I I can segue into that right now so what P well that's that's part of a capital thing but it might not need to be Capital let me just touch on it so right now our CAD system which is computer A dispatch also slash an RMS system which is a record records management system that's basically our police you know computer system so we've had it for quite some time our system is called Cody Cody is out of Pennsylvania at one point in time the prosecutor's office had it and a good portion the B portion of the police departments in the county had it we are the last Department to have it so again I'm stingy we went out we look we didn't see anything that was so much better something that make us move but we gotten to the point where um now something called ners I'm going to confuse you with all these new acronyms but federal government makes us through reporting a UCR Uniform Crime Report so basically the federal government gets all the crime stats triples down every local Department we have to provide stuff our Cody system doesn't provide that information well into the the new systems that were required now UCR is going to ners I don't know backer this basically it's reporting our crime stud so for reasons like that for compliance purposes the reasons of there's better systems out there and and better components we are we've been shopping a new system so what a little bit different also now too is the fire department has had a a system very permanent system for their purposes the annual Explorer has also too so we sat down the other day with a new vendor a vendor that is um providing services to other departments cling forces uh the county uses it and a lot of other towns in the county use it there's a component for the Department to use as component for the ambulance Court to use and it it can serve all three Emergency Services units and where do they need training on it to yeah but that's that's not that's nominal but but in the past if you were going to change your record management system there's always a couple hundred, upfront cost to basically take your data and transfer to the new system the reality of it is it can never be done properly something always something that's l other towns have basically just separ ties and said you know something we're just breaking off we're just just starting a new so I got some prices and right now we're paying about $22,000 a year uh to Cody uh the the the transition cost which would probably normally be over proba $200,000 I have I have a quote of $31,000 to actually go to a new system which includes the fire department and the annual score which I think is great and then that's the first year and then it it comes down a little bit for years two and three uh but it it brings us with a new capabilities an overnight parking management system a vacant house like vacation uh surveillance what people call and say my house is vacant that that component if ners is compliant so I'm looking to implement this CAD system that is very necessary at a very reasonable price and and and the way that we think we're going to maintain our old records is that it's a legacy system of the old system so we're basically going to strip it down and for hopefully nominal cost how the old system is a stand alone to be able to go back and get records but we're looking to go with the new system but just to to to to to transfer to it um from just an operational standpoint without the heavy upfront transitional costs so so Adam there's things like that that I'm trying to to accomplish the to bring us up to um today's standards and and and to do at a reasonable cost no it's it it's very helpful thank you Chief and just sorry Julie just go ahead Adam let Adam finish you sorry no I appreciate it Chief and and I think just two things one is this something we should be doing 365 days a year not during budget time and I know you're doing that so thank you for that the other thing just because you mentioned it earlier uh as the mayor said we had a joint use meeting there were two conversations three three conversations uh two that we had you know obviously we're spoke we spoke about how we're paying for the SRO and we all both have to share the burden that would actually obviously help the municipal budget because we're going to get that 70% back the second thing that we discussed was the SRO cars as you mentioned these are the older cars that would just imply literally that they're going to there's going to be more maintenance on the cars right now we the municipality are not getting any of that back from the schools uh we we mentioned that and we have to talk about that and then the third that uh I don't know if we brooch but we do have to talk about and think about I think it's like $350,000 of your budget are school crossing guards right is that you know so three about $350,000 um school crossing guards of which the municipality is burdened with that full cost whereas 100% of the job for the school crossing guards is the school again that that takes away from your Municipal budget of uh protecting us so all three of those would help the budget if I understand it correctly right Chief oh yeah but I I I don't I don't know of any Board of educations that actually cover those costs I mean you could definitely try that uh when it comes to cross also too we did look at get the uh the option of privatizing it that actually something that that is occurring now and and the companies will come in and and train them and and and and schedule them and test them and all that it's more money so again I'm trying to do things on the cheaper but but safely so it's not it's put prohibitive to do that but um I mean yes the the school kids up some bsing guards that would be great that's yeah responsib we did do we did do a survey of some towns none of the we're correct none of the towns are back charge it cost more money to privatize it it does because would you they keep your guards you know at the same salary they take on your I mean I guess through attrition maybe they get new people that come in at the lower cost but and then the company has to obviously profit so then there's the course on top of that I guess where they I get the benefit of town is like I mean it it's a I say it's a full-time job managing that that group of people it's a lot and uh just every day the doctor visits the vacation the equipment Staffing it's a lot of moving Parts but we we manage it through you know obviously our Personnel right now but but like I kind of bridgew with it bigger May a little more money or something and and they have a lot more post and it was just very difficult to to do that with with um I guess the staff and they had some so they did successfully but brid would privatize it yeah but it would cost to borrow more money to do it Julie okay I I can tell that you want to talk about the new system okay and you just a quick question you mentioned about it helps the overnight parking how does it do that so so instead ton of people calling us every night haven't actually talk to them which not a problem a lot of the times I've been doing there's a system and they actually go through and and and they they log in through through the website and and uh they can request and obviously and you can say multiple nights correct said but we're also very conscientious of people that use it have the ability to deny because some people you know and and open night parking some you something basically something is is something that the town want for many many it probably went back to accountability days back in back in the day but you know something that was probably when was probably a two bus per house well now there's four average per kids driving and college what so a lot more cars and some towns have gone by the way side decided not paring anymore some towns which we tried to pitch here but didn't didn't didn't take but is to um not allow overnight over overnight parking from like October to March where it's bad weather and then from like April to September you allow it because people traveling more cars on the street but um people calling every night ask permission so this would allow to do it electronically and it's just more efficient so more efficiency obviously jump in price you but but you're saying not really but what so The Upfront would be would be a little bit more money the first year but but it looks it comes down but this component there a couple components that yeah so so so so again it's a newest system it's going to offer us more it's going to make us more compliance so it's going to be more than the $22,000 pained c i I would say it's probably be like 25 to 26 per year but I think that's that's pretty reasonable with a new system and if if you you get this um you you would actually dedicate time to bringing in the EMS and the fire they're going to be on it they're going to have their own they're going to have their own modules there you go Port modules yeah and and it'll help their efficiency as well because now the Ang for comes after every call they walk to the FL and they give me information Types on me print them out something and then the and they have you know they Park prevention you know lot of information there also too so it's going to become a Clearing House of information for all three personel no no we're just going to make it easier to just you know no we have a cost for the fire for that that so actually or not so so I don't think that they they don't pay anything now I think they have like is a board education it department help them with their curent systems or whatever but uh that that number I gave you is including those two departments they're not going to need it as much as we are but but there there are things for for their own integrated this sounds like a very good idea I question is any part of the cad system maintenance fees or is that that's that's one inclus so now also put in capital I think money for this right what I realized is that well so Cody we pay front so we paid like September October we paid Cody until oer 31st 2024 okay so the Cod cost that I would normally ask for the $222,000 I think can be used for maybe i' done that operation and not go well you could do the software system in capital and then the maintenance was and operate that's what I just did with the building okay you get last did all right one at a time one at a time one at a time all right who's got the next question next question for the chief go ahead go ahead the question in the house can you make more money probably not yeah I I me I mean list I mean have I have I have I um taking some steps actually increase our our motor enforc yes and you will see some but the one thing that I yes and can I force traffic details which I am now and we are now SC is coming back yeah so you'll see some but one thing I cannot do is I cannot put a quote that is so can I in more positions to make to make some right sentences yes but I can't say I need X yeah yeah I age people complaining inly about we are well I tell you what we've been can you line them up for that for 200 bucks and call we've been we've been cracking down something so um yeah violation for me urns on if I come down video casin the I take down I take the left parking lot and I can't turn out is that illegal in what parking there's a parking across from the post office okay yes yes it's ilal what is that illegal that's on ply Road no of course it's illegal it's illegal there's no u-turn signs up okay we get hold on guys we're getting a little off track of budgetary questions here I consider urn and the former judge so pull back out former judge will find that so yeah so this way that go back to the question about budget can you can you put something on shortterm Revenue generat because hey I think people are super upset about so nobody nobody can jusy with the plan I got ticketed for doing we as dep to raise the signs up they got lower than when you put the Christmas decorations put raised them up put the barric another there's a moratorium on collections from the Judiciary and the state legislature but that's a whole another all right next budget question for for the chief go ahead Julie yes so on page 32 you have um nice you know descriptions that would be over here this one yes yes um I just wanted to ask um i' actually had a very positive experience with the radar speed sign by Stillman School am I right that's the one a big kind of the boxy one that you put there Moby yes and are these additional ones because so many neighborhoods in town want them or they replace so so so to councilman Conor's uh question and the mayor's question earlier oned bups so speed bumps so one thing I'm get to I apologize wor so speed bumps are effective right where their right where their position we got wored something the C just be right after you know something and and but but I'm not I'm not not poop you know now now the town has to be prepared when you put them in the re com out saying well why don't you put them on something so but you know you could you could manage that what I'd like to do is in some of these locations where we think they're warranted before we get that it's jassic and the road department doesn't want them you can get around that fire department doesn't want them also to for for their truck you know going this and that I'd like to buy more of these your speed is signs and put them there first and I've talked about it before even myself as a police officer if I get stopped by another police officer probably probably me getting a s probably not high but when I'm driving and I go by one of those signs it's like that stage light is on and it does compel you something to slow down you something and I think they're effective so mobile so the one the one the one excuse me the one Street two on Wood Street those are permanent and they're they're solar powered uh ass so so there's ones in Bur the newer ones you know it's like slow down there your there your speed a flashing light and slow down and if you're going the speed it says thank you in green and a slow in red I think they're very effective I don't think they C that much I'd like to actually buy several of them and put them those are not mobile those are in the budget so so here's the thing we how to go so let me ask you both so so when Max bash was in I believe that you folks through his request had put in for 127,000 in Flash pedestrian signs we never used this is very similar to that I know that sometimes what do you mean it was never used you have it it's sitting out there in a capital account it's still there I didn't I so hold about second David will check that out I I I I know you can you can you can use think capital for similar things that have an Nexus to what this was in a capital account that does have an expend I I believe so okay I I would like to if possible maybe maybe buy use that to buy some more of these sign because this obviously has speed but but but there's see the component to right right if that if that was in the capital because the council already approved it once David confirms it's there you you've already gotten your approval to use that money to use because it goes into a resolution right of course so what about the question of these ones that you're interested you want to buy a few of them several of them if you fund them new if you fund them from the old were those the ones that were on wheels or those were so so so we have a message board it's a trailer that that we use that has that ability but that also has message signs and so that has a but but the one you're referring to is a box that we charge we put on a a sign and we move it around and we we get speed we put that out there for a couple weeks yeah um I could I could look into another one of those but but but we have places that that are our habitual habitual we get well I'm not saying it's habitual speeding but we get um a a lot of conserns in those areas and you're saying you can make these sedentary ones stay there station yeah station kind F road in front of stman school know something we we get lot of planes there uh probably uh Dean drive you know some problems there heint hav coming down the hill something we have a problem with that you don't need going up so I think this location they would really be they're warranted and I think they' be very effective can you change what they say because the J SP 25 miles hour I don't drive 25 miles right so 32 years on going too F right gotta right can you put something can you put something on says that's a $100 ticket yeah show me the show me can you change the messaging on it to be more of a deterrent buy no I don't I don't i' the s that I'm sorry I don't think that would that would even be deal probably somebody cheap though if you go a certain speed they'll have red and blue lights yeah yeah oh I like that that's I like multiple colors you just mentioned very noticeable like it say you're not gonna go down 25 but it get you CL if we're slowing people down that's does that is that you look speed is that we're going to try this but for we'll try this I happen to be I drive through angle all the time through the back streets with the speed bumps I'm forced to slow down I mean it's just every people hate them but it's it's the only thing if you if we put speed bumps on the west side of uh of East Clinton you wouldn't have Speeders there you couldn't I'm sorry I want to put the sign I you try the signs signs are cheap we try the signs uh you that but I want to put one on to ro school that's perfect of course Nick a County Road the Count's approval 35 miles hour and I honestly you probably see speed little if we're see speed to 5 miles hour you're not can you shot somebody at 52 so you got a sign up there so you're going too fast you clearly hit me with radar the ongoing 67 miles an hour on wood and you flash a license correct no no we don't have does it give all right do we have can I ask let me answer up for a second more budget questions for the chief because we're running out of time any more budget questions go ahead chief on the overtime 330,000 is now that you're going to be back up the full compliment of Staffing is is that line going to be able to get reduced or controll as I said early on you know something I I I believe so staff being yes the factor is you know some of these big event then we have to St you know where um Community something and and and to to guard against some big protests but tenderly has been doing a pretty good job staying out of that or something so well because I know it's up 105,000 from last year's budgeted number but it's it's it's actually appropriating works been spent so I I believe you can drop that okay what are you comfortable with 275 okay can the communities like ra privately so like if let's just say the Jewish Community is doing something um can they contribute to so so for the high H things of such they do hire off and they pay the out I'm just talking about the downtown stuff like when there was the Shabbat table or um that's no that's a general community that everyone's invited to that's also that's that's on Town Soil that's a different thing any other questions for the chief or chief any other comments yes I Adam still with us right she's not here ask about pedestrian sence I mean right yeah I have um the the the OEM s so there was a request to possibly increase and I think Susan provided two two print outs one was the existing and one was all right Chief Chief's got the floor go ahead so so the sions for Captain deard Lieutenant gy the the Emergency Management coordinator and the deputy and the cphon coordinator was 3400 and the depy was 1,200 request increas I'm not sure all you know but two of them been really outstanding job over the last couple years especially with uh the hurricane and all the information that the data that had to be collected and the meetings and they spent an exorbitant amount of time on that and uh you know unfortunately I anticipate probably future acts you something they're gonna have to be heavily involved and uh the amount of time something that they put into that um you know um away from the regular duties I think warrants an increase to their siphons not you have the two copies yeah we're gonna be talking about siphons globally on tues this one I believe is wanted yeah this is super that's okay yeah we're going to have a we're going to have a whole Grand conversation Tuesday night I told the master yeah it was uh it was was bringing the 3,400 to 5,000 bring the 12200 to 3,000 so in the last paragraph of his summary very Justified I dou my day job amount of reporting and the amount of specific paperwork and numbers come this is I foresee us having more of these fale related events so I think sure the matter so so just as traffic sign so so I know in town we went right VI engineering about a couple things and I know you're moving toward that I'd like to I like what I hear from them and I like look be proposing you uh so the town is already in the process of getting ready to upgrade traffic lights and you spend a lot of money I just uh and that's great and that probably is wanted sufficient for now but just to bring bring to your attention the traffic lights throughout town on nicob Baka they're ancient and and and uh they're effective but they're they're going to be need a replacement and uh you know our vendor right now is is Gen electric there are traffic signal maintenance vendor of course they always they're always uh doing these inspections and recom recommending upgrades replacement again as I told you I'm stable I'm like just fix it for now you know something and and we can floating it but what you're doing I think is wonderful downtown but eventually you're going to have to get to those because uh they're to your to your point Chief and you gave us this idea if you remember hundred years ago when we take down some of the Lights downtown because we're doing you know some of the changes you had the great idea of reusing those lights in places that are falling apart elsewhere use the word harvesting and I am all in favor of that I think an engineering company is GNA probably tell you don't do that don't do that but you know something you guys you know are the bosses of your Turf certain so you can you know something again I think everyone to including myself we look to we look to make uh a savings and the last I want to talk to you about really not my budget but sometimes I get get confused but they kind Financial Center cameras so I believe so to the end of the year put the cameras in Senior Center we put the cameras in D Johnson put the cameras and I think I I fund the part of that they're great and they serving a great need the last one that wasn't cover was interest he wanted to do that it was some money I don't know if it was out of a capital account but it was about like roughly like $5,000 left over I think their project P probably was like9 or $10,000 of course I didn't proceive with that because there wasn't any funding is that 5,000 still available but basically if not what they what they want and again and have they spoken to you yet yes yeah so it's warranted we do get people going there at night time we do leave animals over there um I I want to say it was like around 101,000 full so just a thing that I I think we we definitely need to do it I think it is such a dangerous situation when we have workers leaving after dark and there is just nothing and they' had you know we've had and people do you I'm not in front of their budget right now but um is that is that coming out I think that was always one of the questions is they weren't budgeting for it we are yeah I mean so is it on your you're adding it on to my operation not reducing it I mean not my the because it's your vendor your consolidating all those outside apartment steers okay yeah incorporate that so so with the cameras so so the cameras and always borrow properties they go back to other town and something we have the ability something to look at them something we very rarely do but we have the ability the senior center we put cameras in that is cameras that go to a CPU there's no internet in the senior center I'm not sure if you're aware of that so we have no ability to get them in their headquarters and we want to go those couns we actually have to go actually go to their CPU so they get their internet through fiber they get their Internet to the Bor fiber but they don't have why is there no internet am I right they're getting internet I apologize back up they're getting their internet through the fiber through the Board of Education we can't get the cameras because the camera software can't be used on the B the B education's fiber system so why don't we just get Verizon it for $125 a month there's a monthly cost of it yeah I don't want to spend other other I can't spend other okay so D we have to have that conversation with M but it wouldn't be a lot right so then we need to confirm that the cameras for the Nature Center are added to your operating project is that what you're saying that what you're talking about okay because all cameras are going to well confirm that that was because what happened a year ago this time is you know we didn't have enough money in it we were busy doing all the other cameras but now at this point if right if it's a burrow camera that feeds back to you you we will consolidate that to your okay it's a standalone camera where it records to the computer in that location that's not going to your oper and so right now Senor Senior Center has cameras already installed there yeah and it's recording it's recording to its own computer not yours but you want it to your you want again well I mean we have every other burrow you know something so for things that happen after hours you know something uh you know something we should have the ability to look at at follow properties like Johnson is reported the school we have access to all the school cameras but by law we can't look inside the scho yeah we have all the exterior cameras but we need an emergency to turn the cameras on inside which ridiculous but we're compliant I mean we one of the most we are the most Department there is I I I I yourself absolutely absolutely and know it's frustrating because because it's counterproductive but we follow the rules any more questions for the chief thank you Chief thank you chief for everything you do thank you thank you all right have a any more comments from Council Members before we adjourn I have a motion to adjourn have a second allv thank you Adam thank you everybody