[Music] published and the record within the first 10 Days of the New Year salute to the flag please I pled alce to the flag the United States of America stand indice that's that's okay thank you everyone for being here this evening uh the first uh excuse me Omar please can we do a roll call sure counc member Corsair Yes counc Men here counc Michaels pres counc Dr Conor here par here Larry here may here okay we have two presentations first this evening uh the first is the Holiday Festival of Vue Proclamation V would you like to read this councilman I'm happy to do so um I mean I've done this for for a couple of years now so probably um you're probably getting dà from it um but um I'll just get get into it it's a it's a South Indian holiday um from the state of carola um so I'll just get into it uh whereas vishu is a holiday celebrated by people from the South Indian state of Kerala and the worldwide car parite the diaspora to Mark the beginning of the new year whereas uh vishu is on the first day of the Hindu lunar month of maum according to the Hindu lunar calendar and which falls on the 14th day of April according to the gorian calendar and whereas uh vishu corresponds to similar New Year holidays celebrated in other Indian states which are also observed on this day such as POA bisak in Baki in Punjab pandu in Tamil Nadu and vu in Assam whereas in Sanskrit vishu means equal and canotes the Equinox on the day of Mesa sankranti uh whereas vishu marks the beginning of new hopes and aspirations in one's life and is widely celebrated by people from carola whereas three traditional elements of vishu celebrations are the Vish F the vishu Kum and vishu balum whereas it is believed that to have a happy and prosperous year ahead the first site one should see on the morning of vishu is the vishu KY which is a collection of auspicious items such as fruits rice uh vegetables flowers lamps coconut um gold ornaments coins a metal mirror waterfill pot and new clothing all placed on a large uh circular plate or vessel along with an image of Sri Krishna and this is meant to reflect Beauty light and abundance whereas the custom of vishu kyum involves Elders of the family gifting money to children and others to share in the happiness of the day whereas over 600,000 people from the state of Kerala have over past decades migrated to the United States and a significant number of the approximately 500 tenly residents and over 40,000 Bergen County residents of Asian Indian background similarly have their fam's origins in carala and celebrate Vue annually now therefore the burrow of tenly Mayor and councel does hereby recognize the New Year's holiday of fishing and wishes all people from Kerala along with all the res residents in the burrow of tenly a happy vishu or vishu ASO or more recognizably happy Fue okay okay next presentation is the Harbor Day Proclamation Julie or Dan would one of you like to read this go ahead Julie thanks um yeah I got it thanks um so just before I read it to tell you that uh the Arbor Day planting is a probably going to be at McKay this year we always uh pick a school and uh so mark your calendars if anyone's available during the day to qu with McKay for PL whereas the last Friday of April April 26 2024 is designated as National Arbor Day which is a day set aside to promote the planting of trees tree conservancy and appreciation of our environment and whereas the burough of kly has promoted tree conservancy and planting for many years and whereas trees in our community increase property values enhance the economic Vitality of business areas and beautify our bir and whereas The Bu of T ofi has been recognized as Tre City USA by the national arur day foundation and desires to continue its tree planting practices now therefore the mayor and Council of the Bureau of teni do Proclaim April 26 2024 as Arbor Day and urge all citizens to celebrate this day and to support efforts to protect our trees and Woodlands okay thank you very much great job that's my teacher okay first item to be considered is the streetcape up update um coun Michael I believe you were going to talk about this a little bitet you had asked to put it on did you want to talk about I got take my title it's okay skip that we skip that one okay let's talk everything else has been taken care of I think the only one was the river okay yeah okay okay so let's uh move on thank you Adam for that let's move on to all about efficiency let's move on to the uh downtown par parking ordinance all members of the council should have this uh direct ordinance for the planning board in front of them that they approved to put forth to the council as a recommendation uh since that approval of course there's been some conversations about ways of potentially simplifying and streamlining this entire process um which would essentially be uh instead of granting a license to a property owner they would be granted a variance based on the same sort of metrics because okay that you see in this uh in this draft ordinance here and therefore there would be no um what's the best way to say this there there would be no sense that uh property the commercial the uh the property owner is is obtaining any sort of license or rights over any particular burrow property so they'll be getting a relief from their variance instead still again the same metric still required be pay pay what we were calling a license fee it would be a fee for the variance relief the whoever is using the parking spot would still be required uh to pay the annual um rent for that parking space of which both those monies go to all that money goes to the burrow and and so a couple of things on that point just so everyone understands this actually isn't the first time the burrow has done this all along Pont road we have um we have Demis Plaza we have habad um we have lat lats over there all of those organizations reive variances from the planning board the burrow whatever it was 20 25 years ago and part of their variance was they had to rent parking spaces off site okay so it's it's it's I don't want to say literally but virtually the same concept they were granted variances they rented parking spaces off site when they rented the parking space is off site are did they rent them from bur owned properties okay so at that so that those parking spots W Pont on the Eastern side are owned by CSX and the these um the businesses were paying their rent to CSX directly the planning board required in the granting of the variances that they rent parking spots somewhere of course it was across the street that was the obvious place they were going to rent them from now CSX has leased the burrow of ten all that property so um those um those property owners over there will ultimately be paying rent tenly for those parking spaces so go ahead just a a question about that does this then return back to the planning board for discussion right so what the process would be um if we get a consensus from the council tonight about adjusting this it would then go back to the planning board and then the planning board would revise it based on the council's Viewpoint and then the process would come back again to us yeah but purely is it a strict interpretation of what we're sending back to them or or is there does it open up the discussion open up Pandora's Box uh not it's not intended to open up Pandora's Box because the goal is exactly the same but nothing prevents it from being discussed nothing you could open up Pandora's box right now if you want right so nothing prevents that but the planning board is not going to is is is not going to do something that they know the council isn't going to go for yes the planning board doesn't actually adopt the ordinance the council does so ultimately it's your decision what's on there not them sure right they they make the recommendation Dan uh just wanted to propose something for the fee schedule for the fees the fees um I was thinking perhaps we should do a what's it called a schedule or a step so for the first four spots a certain price fee the next four spots another fee and then the next four spots another fee etc etc so just so I have Clarity so in other words a growing scale if someone needs someone is required to have 10 parking spots in one building they're only allowed to get five based on this ordinance the first four cost a particular number that fifth one costs an increased number right why so it doesn't motivate them to ignore their not Jam packing or uh Apartments into a spot rather than your balancing don't they they don't have a choice making this all up by law if they have an apartment they have to have two spots they have five Apartments they have to have or I can build 10 apartments in the same spot if I tried so rather than see what it's a balancing act if I buy two property if I two buy two lots SCH parking I'll pay the burrow it's way easier if you have a growing scale you have to think about it twice okay but long long story short on this is that we are enabling people to build with overnight parking there's a certain allocation however that's paid for of spots per built unit right we are not transferring any property from the b in fact we're just making this an accommodation of a building ordinance and the bur receives the annual rent from each of the tenants collected directly by the buau require a permit for overnight Maring monitored by the ten please right and just to repeat something the concept of a license fee would be stripped from this understood okay the perpetuity rather than bullet pay pardon me it's a perpetuity rather than a bullet payment right you'll pay rent in perpetuity as opposed to pay you don't pay your parking rent you lose it the question then becomes can we George vate licensing Fe that might accommodate park with an upfront licensing fee for when you build a unit you need to acquire that space that is attached to that unit and then we have ongoing fees that are paid by the 10 I like I like I think there should be two fees there's a onetime developer fee X doll and then every month for well that's how this is written and that's how it continue to be written so there's two two sets licing right I look at this as a licensing fee it's an attachment to the unit Fe well no the concept of a licensing fee Grant someone a right to something very specific for for a long time we're saying we don't want to do that we're giving you relief from the zoning requirements which is about that property at that time just so we're all on the same page this fee plus if you're using the spot you're paying the normal overnight parking fees that's okay again nothing there's no new ones is what I'm saying right what I'd love is for Wendy to give us precedent instead about just making up a number just be picking out I would love to better understand I'm make up random numbers now that it's 10,000 $100,000 one time fee for whatever the right words are then it's $100 a month hey sorry the developer pays that xll and then it's $100 a month for right just like when we used to live in the city and I used to pay like $600 a month for for obviously we shouldn't be doing 600 but you know whatever the number is but again instead of us making up numbers I'm sure Wendy could find for us other towns that you know what is it right so you already have a parking permit program in place for different situations you have um commuter parking for residents you have commuter parking for for parking for non-residents um and there is one location where there is overnight parking available as well for certain residents that that come in appli and they they all have to come in for their permits this would be something similar um I will say that you know it is definitely worth looking overall at your parking permit uh program and fee schedule I don't know that it's when the last time that it was looked at as far as the fees it is much lower than other towns that I work in so let's look it all together just like we looked at the building fees just like we looked at the that's what we got to look at and again I I look at this as and I've said this publicly many many times over many many years I don't love the fact that property taxes are what they are but I do believe that like a value added if you want to build a pool if you want to do something that you get to choose that you want to do there should be be associated with that every time we do things like that that in effect lowers our property tax needs because you know it's being offset by other things but it's a voluntary thing you can choose to do these things I look at this as a positive because in effect it lower our property taxes by getting Fe just a question you know and I brought this up with the planning board that uh you know the amount that we were talking about under the previous proposal uh was that we it would cost $10,000 let's say for a spot um and then we're talking about 20year U you know Horizon for that uh before it's reevaluated you know but you're talking about $20,000 which over 20 years is sorry $10,000 over 20 years is $500 for for us you know so the question is what no no no that's one part of the fees you know there's one fee and then there's a the yearly um but you know we're talking about you know to make it worth a while you know that would have to be $100,000 in my because what we're talking about is if you're talking about 20 spots okay $500 times 20 spots that's $10,000 a year okay the $10,000 is a drop in the bucket as far as property taxes are concerned so you know just to finish the thought you know finish the number no I'm saying that no matter what you do at some point it'll be cost prohibitive for the uh for the uh property manager and they'll say you know 50,000 no way I'm not going to do this but you know but we have to make sure that 50,000 actually does have an impact to property uh taxes I I agree and I don't think it will so we we have to see and again that's why I don't want us to make it up I want to come us a president the thing that's important though is just so the the public understands these are not spots you know on Washington next to you know Miller's bakery right these are places that if I asked 10 residents I bet you a dollar that eight of them wouldn't even know that they were parking spots so we're talking about two parking lots one being behind the movie theater extra credi if could find any residents that realize that we do have Pharmacy in there and then the other one is it's not a joke it's called the Boy Scouts uh Christmas tree plot because the only time of year that those spots across from Wells Fargo caddy Corner well was used is when the Boy Scouts thank goodness use it to sell Christmas trees two things one is a you know your your thought about the a that they won't find it will be solved with your wayfinder signs okay so then know exactly where the spots are okay because you know maybe they don't know maybe they haven't been guided to where it goes um you know so that's one and then caty Corner um you know the parment over in L which nobody knows uh actually a lot of people know because we um you know whenever there's concerts in the summer um people park there whenever there's other uh you know large scale events that like the ones you're trying to put put together they they know about it they park there and U and then you know and then yeah occasionally it's used by by The Voice outs but that's my understanding of this is that those those spaces are still available for public parking if they're not used by the overnight tenant at that time at that moment correct right none of these are Reserve spots until a certain hour of the night right which you of it's not by C but by law you're not correct well but during like a concert something like that if somebody's not using that spot it is available for public consumption the the the current proposal proposal you know that's at at hand is to talk about um U you know having the people who get these at the moment licenses to be able to go past the the hours or you know Park during the hours so you know it's it's not for just anyone but but still you're you're taking away parking because those people are not prohibited from parking during the day y so uh I and and actually Mr Mayor I was wondering I know we're not formally taking action in this part of the agenda that I was wondering after we ask our questions if perhaps we could also hear from any residents as well we get consensus ourselves so I had a few questions um so uh these this proposal these would be these permissions would they be linked to a particular renter's car then is that how that goes it's not linked to a certain lot okay so that so so let's take your apartment we got five you live at One 2 three Washington Street yeah okay and your apartment has uh the zoning relief you're you're going to you're able to park in in one of the two lots overnight there's no assigned spaces okay you get a whatever it is a hang tag whatever the burrow is currently issuing you get the hang tag on your car you come home after work and you park your car in one of the two um lots that you're allowed to park in it it's is of that question since the town is the uh person I'm sorry The Entity taking care of those two lots does that mean if it's snowing um that we need to clear that for the uh person to go get their car are we like who they're renting it from right so the Lots would be cleaned based on the way the DPW cleans them down um they would you know whatever in other words what the DPW during snowstorms it all depends on what time snow starts falling right so what's the process they de I first based on timing and they come out with snow flowers as soon as the snow is about 2 inches deep and they cover the whole town with about 12 trucks so and they're covering those parking lots and everything gets done in order of um Senor so in other words uh we'll take care of you know tenly Road nicera Road East Clinton West Clinton River Edge Road and then we go to smaller streets and and then eventually the parking lot so that's how it's done that process would continue the same way we not we might not um putting them to a higher on the no no more than no more than we do if you're like a if you're a homeowner on a um on a caac right so so so all the homeowners are at everyone is equal in terms of that is not contemplate that DPW scheduling would change other it would become totally inefficient and these lots are just another claric this is only a fraction of the lot so it's not like we're not doing a lot for we're not giving up the whole lot x% of the lot a majority of the lot is still public parking uh so then uh that was a jump off to another question I had this is looking at um 20 spots now uh how many apartments more does that allowed for is that 20 more Apartments is that 10 more Apartments so um no it would be the opposite of that so if the ratio is you have to provide 50% of the parking requirements and uh we assign 20 as a number of parking spots that means there would be 40 Apartments can I so just on that uh specific point you know the um nothing uh prevent so if they've built uh apartments that will um that will take over the in the 20 spots let's say it's 40 apartments or whatever right um if they go to 50 then then there is still the option for for the council or the future Council when you know whenever it comes due to re-evaluate that and increase uh the number of spots in that blck that's correct so the so so V is correct correct so in other words the 20 is the council's decision and will continue to be so if the council chooses not to make you know not to go to 25 in the future then so be it and it can go to other Lots as well you can yes and that's already in this is that the council can choose to change the Lots if it chooses downtown right and then uh my last question was so you mentioned currently like habad for example we give them a Varian spending rent from CSX correct okay are there any places in town that we give variances for them to uh take to rent from burrow property on burrow property so I'm going to have to say none that I know of okay I um so M except to the extent now right so by by virtue of the lease while those parking spots aren't borrow property they're we have the right we're paying rent we're the we're the the we're leasing it we sub Lee it out so we're essentially like the uh the property owner in the scenario we would be the property owner and the right on the CSX property so the burrow would collect the rent um and then the burrow pays uh CSX whatever the Master Lease says okay and so my misgiving just so far is because I've heard of from a few Council people about this idea of revisiting things like revisiting fees or um all sorts of things and I was just worried about this idea is if we Grant a variance is there some mechanism we could put into this where we say later on you know we actually do need those lots and those spots and while the Pro the person who built the apartment building they have their variance but now um we are not able any longer to provide the town property for those extra spots you know please find those spots privately like we do with other scenarios um like habad can we revisit this later that's my concern so there are one 2 three four five six public parking spots downtown that that are encased in um Washington Street and Railroad Avenue 100% of it is empty overnight so I guess theoretically in some future date if the town decides to sell off all of its property or build things downtown there'll be no more parking anywhere for anyone and uh I I don't know if that is is something that is very likely to happen because that there be nowhere for Shoppers to park right ter realistically right um and unless somewhere 50 years from now people do things very differently right we can't account for that um issuance of parking I was just pointing out that um so I mentioned earlier that there already is an overnight permit program for limited number of spots uh it's just called the ordinance it's for six spots it's first come first serve and it's for residents whose residence is within the downtown shopping district so this isn't something new the the overnight parking part of it what's new is the idea of allowing for the variant to the developer and increasing the number of those spots available this program or the shell of of what the mayor has been explaining is already in your quote okay um so but that's my question about can you take them back um I think that's uh as as a as a matter of course I'm not a lawyer the lawyer is here we don't take back variances after they're granted right so once those approvals will being perfected they're perfected right um the the permits are are assigned annually so you could take those back right okay so that that that's I'm really drilling down here I'm getting pretty granular we've allowed let's we allow the variances for these apartments buildings if if that's the way the council goes but we don't want to provide the space on the burrow property that's that can't take back a variance obviously can't remove can't remove the floor uh but that's the question right so the answer would be that once the permit's issued for the time period that it's issued I would recommend against that but once the permit expires then yes you could reclaim those spots and not reissue a permit and the permits are to be issued to the residents and how long annually annually annually annual parking PR okay okay okay all right that's that's good information not that it'll happen I just want you know to know and you can always designate a different parking lot if you find that a particular parking lot has a use that is going to be changed um then you can well yeah you can you reserve the right to designate a different area in which permit holders May Park understood V did you have will you done Julie yes V did you have a question yeah just a quick question about uh we're allowing so right now 100% or 100% minus the six spots um doesn't allow for overnight parking um if we what is preventing us from just having the um the resident um without you know assigning it to the the developer property what's preventing us from just having the resident come to us uh and say you know we need a a spot I this could be not just in the downtown but you know anybody with why can't we change the ordinates to to broaden it you know right now the only thing preventing you is the the confines of your existing order which requires a person to live downtown and limits it at six overall spots in uh two different parking lots I believe or six spots total though you know you're asking why we bother taking Fe from the developer well yeah I mean that's one question why why bother theel so let's say I got an apartment downtown and I collect cars that stopping me from getting one for resume okay right but I mean the the question um why not you know just say we're not going to um take anything from the developer just you know the resident can can come and ask for a spot why would you forgo the income yeah well I mean how much are we talking about we don't know yet because because now you're pretty much giving the uh the developer of the property owner uh control over that uh those spots I'm not giving control as I understand we're doing is we're relieving them of the obligation we're providing VAR to it which is in control we're not relishing for once we've given them we've relieved them of the obligation they now have control over those spots uh in perpetuity um you know so that's that's trying to take away that that control their control over I hear you I want to understand what you're saying I think there's a fundamental disagreement I think at the end of the day what we're saying is this is a variance that we're we're providing in for a fee right once you have that variance as Julie just asked we have the right on an annual renewal basis to renew or choose not to R those existing permits so I don't agree that we're relishing control of property I agree that we're doing it on a permit basis for a tener of one year you see it differently are we doing it one a year at a time or well the the parking the parking tags are annual that's what it is now you don't need to renew that's what Julie just asked you don't need to renew that after a year yeah but you know I would would so point I had paid you a fee for the for the area is why it needs to be crafted very you know correctly as a legal matter that this is for the Varan not for a control function as you're suggest I agree with you you don't want to relinquish long foration control or any control in fact what you're doing is you're saying for purposes of building that we're this this accommodates that need and therefore we're going to collect on an annual basis Perman so what is the property manager paying for the variance the variance but you know why does if his uh if his um he's getting the variance for the number of apartments and and the parking but that's parking on his uh his space so he can you know have four spots and he can rent to eight people and you know they can you know those spots go one per res through to has prove a lease walk with a lease that's this property I have one driver one car one terminal Right One Step better is it is possible that we get the money from the developer this all up everybody that lives in the house is 15 and a half years old and doesn't have a driver's license and no but it's true that you don't know exactly the number of not everybody is going to get their take their full card yet we will get that develop so I think there's a lot too yeah so so do we have a consensus to bring this back to the planning board I wanted to hear from the people oh you're right 100% okay do any members do thank you for reminding me do any other the any members of the public like to uh speak on this particular topic only please you're welcome to come to the microphone and no one present here one person come on up Max and please give us your name and address as always [Music] 14 first of all I want to say that this proposal it's a life year ahead of what the planning board has uh basically decided and I want to congratulate you on that the second part is that we still like everything else uh the details in the mar and when you go to the planning board that's a I was over there they worri we shouldn't charge too much a developer over so many years we should leaveit how much money how much we can increase they were worried about the developers they're not worried about the power and it's going to go back to them so be prepared for the same thing uh what I was asking you to do is to make sure that the fee is a fe that is commercially physic for a parking spot in teni or the around teni uh towns and it's not something that is a giveaway and also the fact that we can based on the requirements of the town can increase the fees when these fees become a tool for us to unload the burdens of the specific developers or development there are buring the town I know that there is a complete different approach for the downtown versus the other apartments in town and uh theoretically the planning board cannot take into consideration the taxes but we know that for every apartment the residents TFI have to pay between 10 to 14,000 a year in school taxes that the apartments would not be able to cover a child to be educated it's 17 to $18,000 a year $4,000 in uh basically in the town taxes that makes it 21,000 the most in taxes a uh apartment can get is 10,000 so if you have one child in school U and everybody else have to pay $111,000 extra for those people if you have 10 apartment we have to pay 110,000 and if you have 40 apartment because we're looking at we have to pay 4 400,000 and if you have a child and a half as a of the Studies have shown those apartments have 1.7 times the number of children which means per apartment we are looking around something to 17 to $20,000 a year that we have to cover for the apartment to BR you close to a million doll that the residents in teni will have to pay just for the privilege that the developers can get millions of dollars on their pockets developing things in block but that being said I know that there is a huge push over here to get those developer happy and they paid a lot of money for people to be uny so what I'm trying to make sure Max you've used up your three minutes so thanks we all appreciate no your three minutes are up that's enough okay would anyone else like to speak please yes come up Howie and give us your name and address how side med8 will inly um so I actually like this a little better than what was before the planning board before I felt that the the other option the developers were able to tack on to the the residents and make a huge profit of it so I do like this better um but my question is hearing today mentioning about CSX is that that all part of this deal like in ter in terms of this pocket thing we're talking about no it's a whole separate we talked about that as an example of what's going on over on Pont road so you have those businesses on permont road U lat demeris you know um the restaurant over there and um when they received their variances to open up their businesses there whatever 20 25 years ago part of the Vari variance was that um they required to have renting renting of parking spaces for from CSX as a as a um function of getting their approvals and that's what they've been doing okay no my one question was if the town did take over those lots as you guys are saying I was just curious if CSX ended up selling the line um yeah uh what happens with the town and Department well we have a lease so I assume we have a lease with the organization so the successor interest the successive company would be obligated to abide by the lease okay all right thank you you're welcome anyone else like to uh speak here oh anyone else uh sha go ahead your hand is up uh thank you mayor thank you members of the council first of all I want to say this new Pro uh plan that you're suggesting is way way better than what the planning board had uh suggested and I hope you will continue to make it even better fine-tune what needs to be done and go over all the things I just have one one question there was talk in the planning board about uh it being like a 20year lease and then to make sure that it could only be increased by Consumer Price Index my feeling is that to tie a future Council by limiting them in this way is really not right are you still thinking of something like that thank good question sha no that entire concept would just disappear with this in other words there' be no no license fee no 20year period of time no CPI Ty simply they would pay their fee um to get um to get the variance relief okay and then that's it they would have the variance just like Demis Plaza has their variance from 25 years ago same concept uh in this particular situation though the second fee would be the annual parking fee that would get paid to the burrow for the individual who Parks their car in a spot so what you just were talking about would disappear okay thank you mayor I think this is a much much better plan and I hope you'll all move forward with it you know mayor I spoke to you about this that my my opposition was not to people living in apartments my opposition was to the burrow property not being controlled by the burrow so I'm glad you figured out a way to do that and thank you so much thank you thank you Shaman anyone else out on Zoom who would like to speak or has a question on this topic only please to Mayor if I no Omar you seeing anyone let me just see no hands mayor okay thank you so just because I was listening some people when you say about reg in sensus and that's going back to planning board seems like there's an appetite to drill down a little bit more into these fees how does is that something determined at planning board with our suggestions like back to us and we determine it so the fee is the council's decision so we go back to the planning board with this whatever number is plugged in there we've talked about this number of 10,000 that number will be still in there after everyone slept on it and it comes back to you and the council decides on a different number that'll be the number again as Wendy said it's the council that has to pass the ordinance not the planning board it's a long story short we can set a number in terms of what the initial variance Fe is and then we can do Market rates on an ongoing basis relates to the corre and let's see there's on that okay so I have consensus to bring this back to the planning board for revisions yes okay thank you okay put you through your Paces Mr M I always got a lot of questions pardon me you know I always got a lot of questions that's okay it's all good it's all good all right so next on thank you for that everyone uh next is the basement garage flooding relief Wendy's going to just give us a tiny little update on the status of this yeah just to update everyone it's been a little bit um we do have a proposed form of ordinance that the engineers have put together that's being uh reviewed in my office at the moment and we hope to have something to you all for the next meeting for consideration at least to be considered if not to be introduced uh but the the basic uh function of this ordinance would be to allow persons who have an existing downward sloping garage uh downward from from the road that can provide proofs of flooding of impact Etc of what they can do to retrofit and remove the garage and make it watertight and part of the home and thereby uh not requiring them to have a internal garage space which is otherwise your ordinance at the moment anyone have any questions on that progress no that's pretty good yeah that was good Dan did you want to talk about cannabis a little bit uh no update as of yet no update as of yet we okay working on some details me working out some details who's on that committee again I just I forgot Jamie oh and John got okay next topic is downtown cameras Chief you want to come to the microphone please so the um the thought was the council discuss this uh meeting or two ago and uh we wanted to have an opportunity for anybody who wanted to weigh in on this to come and you know give us their views on it and have you come and speak to the council about this concept of putting a camera on Washington Street and kind of how we got to it yeah so we have some cameras in town for other purposes um the downtown area is a very sensitive location in the it's probably where we have our heaviest concentrations of people applying pedestrians I've been 31 years in town and uh the downtown actually is this place comes crashes is getting hit um flipping falls on borrow property um people using the garbage cans businesses that basically we've had to deal with in the past we have park down there which is borrow control the the downtown area is right away basically it's area that we maintain we have business downtown I want to mention it in the name but it's to bur rice three times in four months which is very very frustrating we also have a couple other businesses down there that add some smashion graphs over rep time thank goodness it's not a lot but we do have a lot of activity down there the cam would be a great tool for investigative purposes um we have a lot of cameras that actually pipe back to head courts now schools JCC some of are synagogues uh other B cameras um there is a great limited ratio about how many monitor look watch at a time it's just all you just can't do it so these cameras may maybe one or two maybe up but don't really looking at them but if something does happen we have the ability to actually look them very quickly make it very um helpful information motion but mainly is for follow investigative purposes where we've had a Burgery we've had a craft fall the borrow it's just it's an invaluable tool businesses do have cameras um but a lot of them basically serve their own business they look kind of at their business and could write down the stoop lot of banks in town you know something but we always go to them for camera footage and always a little always missing a little piece so I think it would be uh lot towns have mag with their whole downtown is um line with the cameras it's been very beneficial for them in the past and just something it would be in the best interest of of the town I think also too in certain The resid Who provide some protection you never know what's going to happen but it's it's a good tool to have um I'm the ones I'm looking to get the approval are relatively inexpensive and uh that's really about you where I came with this um again you know we've had Flags the desecrated burned stolen so we do have some activity people have a tendency to come down and do things that downtown area and we can't do it all time to monitor it so the cameras would be very helpful okay thank thank you Chief who has questions for the chief go ahead Julie yeah um thank you for coming out Chief um so I remember when you were bringing this up during budget and uh I along with a few other Council people had wanted you to just kind of put this out here so everyone can hear the thinking because it's a little bit different than what we have been doing thus far where exactly are you looking to install the cameras that's a good question because we don't have a big utility polls downtown and thankfully so actually something looks very aesthetic so so um that's going to be up to the the experts um the cameras that I think we would like to get I would like to get are the line of sight so basically one looks at another one looks at another one they communicate back to headquarters I don't really have the exact location but I would like to have um you know a view of Washington a view of West r Avenue a view of Highwood a view of Hillside there's Banks down there there's Parks down there just a general view again we're not going to have a lot and you know they have limitations but uh they would be better than not having any that we have now and then um you had mentioned in that other meeting that you that the officers this feeds back to the police station but you're not monitoring them all the time right is it can you explain that and what also happens to footage after it's recorded I believe the ratio is like the average human being can really only process six monitors at one time because it's just overload you just can't you just can't multitask so we have hundreds of C views it's impossible so I just like to have it like basically with the movement of a mouse to look at we got something going on downtown look at it this give information to responding officer but mainly it's for following most of our cameras are for followup investigation we do great job of Investigations and a lot of the crimes that are solved that and that you know we' been charges um to people usually basically fall into it's not immediate so uh as to the um storage part of it so it would be stored um to a database and we probably would have like a 30-day Loop that's time of day I guess over written if nothing nothing is worth it after 30 days yeah yeah there's no there's no you know obviously the uh data has cost money so so we want to if there's no reason to hold it we'll probably write it um and can I while I also have you here I just want to ask I know that um many years ago you can even see it it's currently designated as a police officer um parking spot you know across from the Jeweler that's by the uh across from T BL Diner um do we not have as as many um like police officers downtown as as we used to is this just kind of because I don't usually I know we used to kind of see a police officer park there just kind of a question years ago many years ago be post one uh but obviously job is evolved and quality Vol has evolved so we don't have the permanent person downtown um obviously you know the T table organization only grew actually mization actually shrunk I first came out with 37 officers 35 officers line has gone up so obviously officers are actually respond different areas of town but but we do put an emphasis on patrolling Town um we are right now cracking down on u-turns like crazy and we're going to continue with next soe but that spot there is so can get a spot very quickly because yes you park a police car with flashing lights but if it's not an emergency um can't be um par police got example so that's what that spot is designated for any other question go ahead um will there be is there going to be signage on uh on Washington Street if we put these the cameras up there something that says that there are cameras you know some small signs at a different level probably can't hurt you know something something the are balance but you not going to see them I mean they're going to be um probably D type things up uh obviously High looking down down the road angle down because I I think you mentioned Anglewood has having them I think they they have signs that you know something that probably would have some level of deterrence with some people it can hurt is there a legal requirement to do that I'd have to check actually idea yeah I'm not against it I'm not doing it as much for awareness as much as it could to that's awesome listen there's a lot of signs up in town private properties are no cameras what people think also Mr Mayor since I I thought that maybe he should be here to talk about it I didn't know if maybe you want to open up any sure I have actually I plan to at this one also any other questions for the council first any members of the public want to make a comment about cameras Howe come on up and tell us your name still have I think this is great I think please support in embracing the technology I work PR de over at buron County's Public Safety operations center so I see most of the towns the cameras that they do have there because the feeds are there and you know you can't monitor them all all the time but at a moment's notice they're available dispatcher can bring it up and he can let the officers know because he can see what they're walking into you know it could it could help save the officers um this is just like a winwin and it's just going to help people so I'm glad to see that we might Embrace technology that they need okay I also love that there's a camera on my street I it's out but uh it makes me feel safe at night KN that I'm being perect thank you Howie anyone else here in the chambers like to speak speak about this or have a question anyone Omar anyone online on Zoom who would like to make a comment about cameras downtown see hang mayor No Hands okay any other questions from the council for the chief um so we have consensus to move forward for the chief to expand the program downtown with the cameras put it in the budget I right okay yes okay I think Clarity Susan we'll expand the camera program downtown as a chief Direction okay thank you chief for being here well we'll see you in a little while won't we okay administrator's report um David please thank you mayor um we have had some recent meetings with the traffic engineer who is now prepared to move forward with design and bid specifications for the planed permont road closure plan the test uh period would uh uh is targeted to commence in July and uh go through the end of September um so the uh his preliminary design will be presented at the next council meeting um for review uh the plan traffic Improvement on uh permont at J the curb bump bounce he still has some work to do so that's not uh quite uh ready to uh be moved forward the traffic light at Dean in East Clinton uh is targeted to move to design and bid specifications which we anticipate he should have uh available at some point over the summer um the goal with all of this is that there's ARP funding uh set aside for these projects and we want to uh be in a position to encumber those funds before the deadline of December 31st of this year um the traffic light at Dean and East Clinton the the Manu the equipment to be manufactured has a significant lead time so the sooner we can get out the bid and then get the bid results and award to bid uh we can get that process under way um we are ready to move forward with the always stop at Highwood in J um we were able to tack on to the uh contractor the current contractor that's doing the dot work on Highwood to in fact uh put some of the handicap uh ramp requirements in that will go along with that uh all stop and um so it's all way stop always stop yeah four-way stop always stop and uh the clerk had handed out the uh a draft ordinance uh that the bur attorney wrote um from a recommendation from the chief of police um that is going to be you're going to be asked to introduce this tonight in a new business that would move forward with uh allowing for Highwood and Jay to have stop signs on all approaches um that project uh should be uh bid shortly and um uh I hope to be in a position to award the contract for that work either at the May 7th or May 21st meeting um this brings me to the next uh uh subject of the of purchasing efficiency and process improvements um right now we are relying upon other Professional Services to write the bid specifications our qpa Susan and her staff uh are involved with compliance uh mostly they do not write the bid specific a so what we have proposed is to engage uh Sean canning who is a qpa and he would be appointed as assistant qpa to essentially move forward into an eprocurement process which will streamline our processes and move our time frames up so that uh projects that are authorized either in the ARP funding or in bond ordinances can move forward to being procured and uh that project that that cost would be covered by cost avoidance in those other Professional Services as well as avoiding cost increases for equipment that hasn't been procured uh before prices uh have been realized the train station uh painting was scheduled to take place this past Saturday the um contractor uh went up that there's more problems in the Koopa than what they had first thought and and because of the rain that is scheduled for the bounce of the week uh that that was postponed um yeah and and the the infrared electric uh scan was done our electrician was on site during the scan and was able to make some immediate repairs of of high priority issues and they've issued a a report for recommended um uh improvements in the parts to go along with those recommendations that ordered by the electrician so we are are moving that forward expeditiously so when's the painting happen now well they're going to reschedule it once they get a few days that are and we're still trying for May 18th for the rededication so as yes yes we sort of had 17th it'll be painted the painting deadline we' given a drop de of May 1st okay so that's that's hopefully that there'll be some sunny days in a row between now and M um under yeah just uh Adam's question like comment reminded me with that um dedication you know of that train station on the 18th is that something that the that we're taking an active role in organizing or is that our Historical Society I just wasn't sure who was taking the lead on that I will uh get back to you on thank historical should be taking which is done by Mandy in my office so I'll I'll get an update for her okay I just you know them talking to DPW all that promoting obviously um under grants uh we were able to pursue two grants uh one was uh submitted to Senator Booker for the community project grant for the Ada improvements in trails at the tenly Nature Center um and the Bergen County open space fund Grant intent uh the senator Booker Grant opportunity application uh will be through the Senate Appropriations subcommittee uh for Housing and Urban Development for the community facilities Ada accessible improvements um and the Bergen County open space fund would be for Ada improvements at the little leag complex um the uh first grant was submitted uh on Monday yesterday May the 8th and the letter of intent for the Burton County open space fund was submitted last Friday April 5th and there will be a public hearing before the Council on that um intent on our meeting of April TW of April 25th um I all right so we have also received a an email from Congressman goth Heimer um for the house side of of community uh uh project uh uh applications and his deadline is April 19th so as you uh recall we just were Awards a $1.6 million Grant under his last process um so we should talk about what the council would like to request uh Congressman goth Heimer the amount and project um is it something we want to build upon the 1.6 for to address uh additional water um and then we can have we we put some information together last year right so this is like your is the idea here that we might be able to expand if the council comes to the consensus expand where we're doing that clearing and D snagging because I know that that was kind of first yeah I believe the request for last year's funding was four 4 and half million was what no the the actual request was 2 million and we received the original original was a 4 million it got knocked down to 2 million it's a 20% match which means they're going to come up we're going to get a check from Washington for 1.6 million okay for the cleaning up of the over pet and the Tenant kill okay so whatever we bid on this year can't be you know by the way we want more for the project we were awarded last year it has to be we're looking to do X now that X could be we want to put in $5 million wor the storm drain systems okay because we've got this conceptual issue going on of our under underground system I think that we just keep hearing from residents about how much you know relief they need for the flooding it sounds like it makes sense to go in that focus on that area what does everybody think I'm with it good with that okay just question just question for you the original request for four and then KN down to two was based on an engineer number and the length of the creek and okay so so correct so it was based on you know how many miles of Creek we have what you can get done with a particular amount of money last year we communicated you know between the engineer and myself with uh goheer staff about what was you know what was realistic what was appropriate it negotiated something that had a shot of being successful we actually went to them with four ideas three of which they knocked out immediately um and then um you know we we all came to this number and we were very fortunate that it made its way past his staff past him to the House Appropriations Committee and they voted on it and how much will that cover for that project just the entire town the length of the that will cover the so each of the overpack and the TAC kill are about 2 miles each yeah so it's about half a million of Mile so that with our matching part that will cover the whole thing okay yeah good question okay so it sounds like we've got Clarity we're going to deal with SW okay just one last thing on the the grants I has councilwoman there also I I saw going through all the brands that thank you Omar there's a farmers market promotion Grant you know I like these that are it's half a million dollars maap so I was hoping we just take a quick look we have till April 30th we have another council meeting on April 27th so if we can just take a quick look at it you can speak to other committees actually we can speak to the Garden Club also I don't know why but at half a million dollars it's actually worth looking at if we get some serious money that thank you that anything else you want to report um just on the back page of my um my report um the one thing I would point out is that the workflow technology and FTE report is a working progress um our FTE count is relatively stable from where we were in 2014 and it it's noted that you've added programs and services and assets during that period of time and you have relatively same amount of staff that we had uh a decade ago um what I'm working on right now is to get a perspective of all the workflow processes and then looking to make sure that our technology that we've already purchased and and have on on board is being utilized to the fullest extent of it can be and if there's uh current technology that is not being utilized do we need to get rid of it and not continue to pay for it and then this will all wrap up into the U desire to have the the dashboard the role of dashboard that that we discussed previously so that's a work in progress I'm happy to report that the cyber security coverage um uh offered through the GIF uh we are able to to achieve both the basic and intermediate level which what that means is uh our we would have a $50,000 deductable uh currently uh per incident so gain basic uh coverage will reduce that to 35,000 and once we comply with intermediate coverage it'll bring it down to $20,000 um we will be in a position to certify that uh by miday to the GIF so we will get go from $50,000 deductive over 20,000 uh the next level was Advanced which um there's a cost proposition that we're studying right now to get to a zero deductible but we look at a we would look at a cost of benefit analysis because if that requires us to spend $50,000 a year then we might be satisfied at the intermediate level and stay with the $20,000 um the rest of if there's any questions to my report I could I could answer them but that's the highlights this any questions for David okay thank you David actually just the only thing it's on it's not report but in your section is is there a way and I love your Council on this the um we always get the uh College the engineering report in your section and I'm convinced 98.3% of it is just redundant for the past 47 years I think they just fixed you know you know our house is there a way to create askers their report to create again again chart of sorts that holds helps us understand when the timelines are supposed to hit Swim Club these three phases and this is when we expect to see something versus Swim Club will be good sometime before yeah so I I thank you for bringing it up as as you and I met uh last week we are going to do be creating Gant charts for the downtown projects and the IRP funding so yeah I would request that they create the Gant chart for this so it's easier and once we get into this dashboard process that I'm I've referring all of that would be in a roll up it would be charts and graphs so and then you can drill into the the gr level if you like just need the dat okay thank you we're going to move on to public comment is anyone here in in the uh Chambers would like to make any public comments feel free to come right up if you could be so kind as to give us your name and address please of Aon Shar and I live on a street called Sherwood Drive first time here thank you for making time mayor and Council I'm here to speak on behalf of the residents of this small Street about the safety hazard with the pavement condition um this is a street that does not has pedestrian pavement on the sides and serves sorry what street Sherwood Sherwood Sherwood yeah uh and serves um very community of senior citizens some of them were in their 80s as well as young children that would use that street to go to J defensive Smith School school to Middle School Ten by high school there's been some um minor injuries and um the condition of speed is in this repair um here to discuss that bring that to the attention of the council and see what can be done so that we can expeditiously repay that hopefully this bring right so this is the one that's being done as part of the riv SC right so um our burrow engineer has advised that we're going to do that road this spring um we're doing Paving through the Riverside Cooperative that the burrow uh Aggregates pricing under so it's going to be added to that program will be done this Sprint I don't have a particular date typically the the um the paving will take place in June understood that's reassuring and appreciated I will bring that um to the rest of the community thank you very much thank you thank you for coming in tonight anyone else in the chambers would have has a comment or a question okay is there anyone online who would like to make a comment or have a question Omar you seeing any hands raised No Hands mayor No Hands No Hands okay so we're going to close public comment now and go to the public hearing uh notice of hardship for tree removal come on up please I'm Lind Chi at 29 Road how you doing today Lind I'm very very good feeling good how are you good I'm doing fine I'm doing fine I think everybody has the little hand so I'll just do a quick little rundown of the basic points assuming that's appropriate um but I'm appealing tonight to Mayor and councel in order under the hardship exception to the tree statue to enable me to cut two trees on the Eastern side of my property and the reason for this appeal is I wish to cutc me I wish to put solar panels on my roof and after several companies have come out and I've gotten my CL every single one of them have said without removing at least these two trees I don't produce enough energy to make solar you know panels effective so if my desire to be green you know that's my goal in order to you know do this so right now the tree the town's tree statue doesn't enable me to cut these trees down because I don't need one of the seven listed exceptions solar production is not considered at this point at least a viable you know exception to the tree to cutting trees so um I did put a for the request that was denied since I didn't need exceptions and I was encouraged to appeal under the hardship appeal to see if you would consider my you know mission to cut these two trees in to accomplish that goal so just one thing I'd like to in just intool the materials that provided um one thing i' just like to be clear of for make clear is that you know our property is H trees I have quite a few of them um so Conor has come out and seen them um you know so if I do receive permission to cut the trees that I'm not just cutting a tree for no reason number one I'm cutting it for a green reason and secondly under the statute I have to remediate and plant more trees so I just want everybody to realize I'm not just cutting a tree for number one the reason and number two I'm actually having to remediate more trees back on my property or somewhere else so it's not really a loss of the tree so if anybody would like me to go through my my packet I'm happy to do that but don't so I I I just I just have a question then I'm gonna go to council questions justar all the notice requirements were done everything's good with that so all the technicalities are good I know that's that's why I wasn't 33 of there so they know about this or yes they are that's actually 33 is um on the circle so it's that side of the circle these the two trees you're talking between your house it they agree with it in fact they're doation and they be so I actually just because I wanted to be sure everything and I'm the book kind of G um I did have the property to be 100% positive without any doubt that these are my okay questions from the council I I just I'll provide some insight to my fellow council members um so this is a while back uh Linda came and at the time uh the mayor had asked me as uh liaison the environmental commission to bring it back there and see what the consensus was of the environmental commission and you know just full disclosure um really split down the middle there were you know people there who felt that you know the the trees have you know the additional value uh in addition to you know the the carbon and stuff that they take away but really split because the other half of the environmental commission was saying well the reason is this green reason the solar panels so basically I came back and I say I have no direction or guidance commission and um and basically though there was this idea that obviously for for this particular situation she she's even going for an appeal for for a green reason so I I did get to visit the property her property is full of trees and she does like she say she says have no problem with remediation she values trees and she wants to be able to take advantage of also some of these incentives that are happening now to to have this green energy movement and I have to say that um you know I for one I'm very comfortable with with this hardship at PL being granted uh as I would say the environmental commission understood the value of it as well I one other point make clear my few quick points was that you know we had had because like get quotes from lots of people I just don't get one and as I said many every single one of them said I need to remove some trees several said I need to remove two more trees and I said wait a minute and then I went back three origin well what happened is one was tilted so I was able to get with so that one I could take down but there were two additional ones that several wanted me to take down and I said well can they really get that much so I made them re-evaluate to see how much perent production I would lose if I didn't cut those two and because I really don't want to C trees if I don't have to and we did lose maybe my husband remembers how much percentage but a few percentage points but it was very minor compared to these two trees which is a massive amount of that we would lose so we scrapped that and said well we'll you know that doesn't make sense to us with our goals either and you know we're really asking for just these two so I just want to be clear not trying to go the whole we are trying to be thoughtful what me that do we have other questions from Council Members I appreciate your thoughtfulness thoroughness and patience I to have seen the property there are more trees than probably on my own so thank you for doing what you do did you have a question yeah just how how big are these trees you know well you meaner W or wi yeah in terms of how many would you have maybe the better question is the remed how many trees would you be replacing I think and I'm I can't speak for Mike because M that is my um request but I think it's for tree like that it's at least two very large trees or far smaller trees I think but I'm so 18 [Music] to they really tall okay I mean I was just looking at the uh the ration you know chart and uh you know so if it's two trees that you would have to replace it's 18 to 24 in is the size um the caliber of the the tree and um you know that so it's grown but I I I don't know that it's you know um I guess you know I'm just kind kind of trying to delve into how many trees would be I know from another tree iar he said it was two big trees whatever the exact of and you have space on the property we do and yes we have a space in the back plus um my next door neighbor yesterday just put up a fence for her pool so we're going to need to Rel landscape anyhow so just looking at and things will you know will not get proper sunlight so I have to redo things any so my intention would be them property possible all right any other questions from Council Members okay we need because this is a public he and we're going to open it up to public comment are there any members of the public in the chambers who would like to make a comment or ask a question about this matter only Omar anyone in the chambers asking to speak hands mayor how about online are there any any members of the public online that would like to ask a question or speak about this topic only please see no hands there no hands okay so we're going to close public comment time and it's time to vote now and so I'm going to ask for a motion to approve the removal of these trees based on the um um what's call it going up the uh solar pan solar pan solar panels right exactly can I get a motion please I a second second Omar please call the role Corsair yes minut yes Michaels yes Dr o Conor yes Park yes Ro yes congratul congratulations you're all set your company get called tomorrow yeah so so Omar what what is the next step so they understand it yes so um I'll I'll let Mike Cassidy know um the the progress of which has occurred and then also you get a refund of the $100 check you um if I may just ask though I need to wait for M to send me something so I can actually do I get a regular perm again or does this count as I I'll talk to Mike about that see more than like you had to get another permit yeah so I'm gonna jump in Omar um the the direction from the council will then go to Mike telling him that he can approve the removal of trees he will let you know what the mitigation is in the normal course of of the transaction as if it had originally been a tree that would have fallen under one of the categories that allowed for removal okay and then he'll give me a permit correct correct so it's waiting for Mike to get to me so I can get the it's waiting for Omar to tell Mike so so no knowing that if if a particular period of time passes and you have questions reach out to Omar first okay okay app take care have a good night you okay consent agenda regular consent agenda could I get a motion to approve resolutions 24- 136 what oh you have a question um I don't know if I'm seeing double but uh resolution 149 and 150 they seemed like they were the same what is there a difference between them yes so one is for a 1239 and 1218 special ruling um a 1239 um ruling is because from St when LIC you state Municipal fee and then the 128 is also um it's in Pocket status so to keep it in act status you have to 12 so you have to do two of two of them right so they were two for two terms for the same company yes for the same LLC so the 1218 you said um I I only see the 1239 um so in the in the body of the 149 you'll see 1239 and 1218 and had be advertised newspaper ad thir okay sorry okay that's fine just remind me again I know the anwers probably know this but there's nothing we can do these companies bringing out so there actually is a new law that will change the way this all happen starting in August two yearo period go ahead and for for the extensions they won't be granted by the state the municipality will have the opportunity to onetime extension and then you get to recollect your pocket licenses and bid them out again after two years uh so there's a sliding scale of how long they've been inactive for for past ones yeah um but for anything that is issued at this point yes it would be two years interesting okay could I get a motion to approve resolution r24 d136 through r24 d151 so move second please Omar please call the rooll sure pass yeah minut yes Michaels yes Dr oer yes pass member Park yes pass member yes okay thank you could I get a motion to approve resolution r24 d152 so moved I a second second Omar please call the RO here yes men yes Michael Yes member Dr W Conor yes Park yes member yes thank you can I get a motion to approve resolution R 24-13 so moved I a second Omar please call the rooll minut yes Michaels counc member dror yes Park yes coun member Larry yes thank you can I get a resol excuse me can I get a motion to approve resolution r24 d154 so moved can I get a second second Omar please call the role forair Yes Men yes Michaels yes yes council member Dr Conor yes counc member Park yes council member yes he a motion to approve resolution R 24-15 please so moved I a second second Omar please call the role cor yes CC men yes counc member Michaels yes counc member Dr Conor yes counc Park yes council member R yes can I get a motion to approve resolution r24 D we just do 155 or 156 okay can I get a motion to approve resolution r24 d156 I get a second second Omar please call the rooll yes yes Mich yes counc member yes CC Park yes counc member yes he a motion to approve resolution r24 d157 I get a second secondar please excuse me I was just oh I didn't hear you I'm sorry go ahead I was just wondering if we can just get get anend what this 157 yeah there was uh work that was required on Dean drive to make a a repair so we were able to utilize the emergency contractor from the Riverside cooperative and uh this is basically authorizing that can I get a motion to approve r24 d157 it already oh I'm sorry okay we're on 158 R 24- 158 [Music] have oh there too many people talking to me at once just more please go ahead roll call please council member Corsair yes counc Min yes counc Michaels yes counc member Dr Conor yes CC Park yes council member Ro yes okay thank you everyone okay I get a motion to approve resolution R 24-18 so moved I have a second second Omar call the rooll please yes yes Michaels yes Dr Conor yes Park yes yes thank you can I get a motion to approve resolution R 24-19 so I get a second please second Omar please call the rooll yes minut yes CC Michael Yes CC member D Conor yes C yesc yes can I get a motion to approve resolution R 24-1 160 please I get a second please second roll callair Yes Men yes Michaels yesc yes Park yes R yes could I get a motion on resol ution R 24-1 161 this another one I just wanted you have a question on 161 go ahead explanation of what the project is yeah basically uh the storm drain on on Oak uh there was some work being done by PSG uh contractor in the area and um there was a backup uh at the storm drain and uh ker is inspected as well as M Cassidy and it was a failure in our storm drain line not something caused by the pscg contractor so it turned into a a a repair that we were able to able to use the emergency repair contractor again from the Riverside cooperative and this is for the Engineering Services to oversee work that was done so how much will the uh the engineering cost be uh I think it was 15 I think it was $1,500 know that was the one that we saw before yes the storm yep okay one so wait a minute he asked a question on 161 right so now I need a second right second please who made the motion oh second okay please call the RO R 24-1 161 Yes Men yes Michaels yes c yeah C par yes C there yes okay can I have motion please on R 24-1 162 so move have a second Omar please call the rooll cair yes CC men yes counc Michaels yes counc member Dr o Conor yes counc Park yes coun yes okay we're moving on to the ordinances ordinance 2404 inspections and lead based paint Omar could you please read the confirmation of public of the ordinance and title of the ordinance sure ordinance number 24-4 it was published in the March Sunday March 24th edition of the record is an ordinance of the bur tly County of Bergen state of New Jersey amending chapter 10 building and housing to establish chapter 10 section 12 inspection lead P lead base paint okay I'd like to uh open the floor for any public comments on this ordinance only 2404 anyone in the chambers that would like to comment on this okay anyone out on Zoom that would like to comment on this audience ordinance Omar anyone see no hands okay we're going to close public comment time tonight I'm going to start from the left side of the day you ready to make a motion no I'll do it go ahead I move to pass and adopt on second and final reading coordinates 24-4 and then notice the same shall be published according to law have a second please second Omar could you please conduct the rooll for Council forair Yes counc Men yes counc member Michaels yes council member drer yes counc member Park yes counc member R Larry yes okay wonderful thank you we're going to move on to Old business uh the first item and there will be a quick second item is the Senior Services committee bench request yes so the council would ask me to uh have the chief uh review the request and attached in in your agenda is the the chief's report along with some information that the chief was provided by DPW um there are the number three the River Edge Road at at South Summit Street um he indicates that events could be placed within the right away but it would slightly interfere with vehicle parking vehicle's parking lots so I don't know if you want to take that off the list okay um stop Yes we taking that off would take it off the River Edge corner of South suit you said yes our report private property who gave us this who notes are these these were Cass they were from Mike Cassy that was what Mike had given to the Chief and then the chief went out and inspected these correct um number four the Stop and Shop strip mall that's private property and I apologize so if you're going one by one number one says probably not that's c yeah we could right now we have our bicycle rack and a garbage can there so we would just need to get permission from the CDs we put and I don't I don't think that we would have a problem with getting permission from CS they'll either say yes so they'll say noiss but then they're going to take the bike away not enough room for no that bike RS pretty used I got I I don't have a position so so why don't we let when Michael goes out with his measuring he'll figure it out probably not probably what he's thinking right so so we want both or the bike rack stays I think say okay all right uh number two the river River Edge Road across from Municipal complex can accommodate a a couple of benches so that's a go just a quick question the on Washington Street would we want to consider another uh bench somewhere on was Street I could go back anywhere other than well on the other side even there's no room really on the South Side I don't know it's safe but you put there's tons of space in theway I don't know all right let's let's keep moving David next one let's keep going the Stop and Shop uh is private property all right guys guys Stop and Shop number four we need permission from the property owner to pursue that so we're pursuing that we're going to see sure all right the tenna Road at Westervelt Avenue all four corners have a home budding them the r could accommodate the bench but the chief is suggesting that we get input from the property owners yeah I think that makes sense um Woodland Park driveing Leroy Street the chief advises against that so we would remove that hamilt in place uh the chief indicates the bench could be placed uh there the location is maintained by Boe maintenance staff suggest we get on number eight number seven no going on to number eight number eight um this he's in the school already has several benches so he doesn't think that we so eight is out eight is out number nine again houses occupy all Corners we need get input from the property owners as to where we place the bench um the service road behind the Browning house uh the chief indicates he can't visualize any one six bench in that area so we'll take that off uh Wester Avenue next to Davis Johnson Park the area can accommodate a couple of benches that's yes okay right and then Woodland Street at Churchill again houses occupied both Corners as the T intersection and input from the property owners [Music] okay okay the cost the uh we don't we did um we do have uh uh four I think it's $4,000 that was set aside for the pride bench uh in in a previous Capital ordinance so we will the benches we can get supplied through a state contract or cooperative so I'll get a number on that once we have nailed down the exact locations and number of benches come as well yes so we did we were my office was contacted by The Pride committee asking about the bench um we are trying to find a vendor apparently there was an issue why it wasn't ordered that the owner the vendor that the pride committee had had recommended was from Canada and we were prohibited buying it from there for some purpose we're going to move that forward we did find one on Amazon but the materials are probably not um EV yet basically we're g to go to the typical bench supplier that uses and see if they have a source to okay you have a question just two things one is uh we talked about the Recycled uh plastic benches terx yeah and that's you know one company that you know but I don't know what we used in the um emorial at the co Memorial it would be something similar to that is right so we can probably find out who the vendor was for that that was from Mike he he but the but the other thing is I um had sent you a request about the bench outside of the borrow outside borrow Hall yeah we're going to take a look at the benches and conditions and uh either replace them or or resurface them depending on what the material is and so forth but yeah there's been some I what I think I respond to you that we would like to do sort of a windshield test if you will to take a look at all the benches that we have make sure they're so am I right into interpret this a kind of based a little on John's question that that seeing what the money is after the pride bench is purchased then that would be the money that we determine off that list how many we're able to buy well the pride bench is a little bit separate because that's going to be in the color scheme and in the actual Pride U designation so that's going to be separate so you have $4,000 set aside for that Bond or the the benches that we're talking about they going to be similar to the benches that we currently have they're available on State Contractor through a Cooperative so we'll get a unit price for that um and then I'll give you a total once the number of benches because on this report there are a couple of benches in some areas and then we're taking some VES off so we would say hey we want to do four instead it's possibility I and Susan and I have talked about it and we would probably recommend designating money from the open space fund to buy those benches we shall see perhaps I'm bravely naive in the acquisition of benches with $4,000 sounds like quite a bit should inv we're we're gon investigate that I didn't set the 4,000 previous Bond ordinance I would not want to spend 4,000 if we can get for one leg all the all right are we done with the a bench report now yes we're GNA have another meeting after the meeting all right the second item in Old business is EV charging station so we were approached by the uh vendor and they asked if we're willing to allow them to basically double the size double the number of stations that um uh they'll install at the same locations but instead of putting in two they'll put four whatever the math is um you know we've talked about it extensively in general it sounds like a good idea we're rereading the contract to have a you know a clearer understanding again to determine if and what we're committing the burrow to at the later date if we don't particularly like these in these locations so we're going to review that and so really the question from the council is that if it makes sense do we have a consensus to allow the vendor to do that so just one thing and I trust councilman Dr o Conor on this totally her PA another thing to think of if you put a hundred of these out there similar to sometimes when we put dedicated parking we're taking away if we double the number of spot the the uh stations I assume because it's only appropriate inite you don't park there with your you know F350 right it's an issue right so again just as we think about this and I'm done at is just it does take away a parking spot for everyone we put inal prohibition so no actually actually there will be because when you designate these parking spots because they could potentially you know they're they're there for EV charging and people that plug in are paying to to get that charge um so there will be you will be pass an ordinance that will designate those spots for EV charging and will be a towway zone for someone that's not an EV par so so if I could just uh so I think the mayor is saying then is that I'll just give you the kind of a the big view is what happened is Green Spot just as a reminder for the public so this is no cost to install no uh cost for the operation of it or the maintenance of it so it's a very good deal and we're just we keep revisiting the contract to make sure that that's the situations but that's exciting um we have kept open some places that potentially in the future will be turned into pedestrian plazas for example the highler Park area and that area that has the ten oflight taxi we're not putting them there because those might be pedestrian spots of the three three spots that the company was interested in they were interested in that CVS parking lot and uh the what they call the farmers market parking lot which is the lot on Washington across from the post office and the third place was the municipal line the scope so far has been two spots in each of those lots with the municipal parking lot having two of the spots of a level two charger and two fast charged parking spots which are those level three that they charge people really fast what the vendor came back and asked us is you know they said hey we're good to put in four in the CVS lot four in the farmers lot Market lot and uh six in the uh Municipal lot I felt that the CVS lot is already pretty and we should keep it at two that's my opinion um the farmers market lot I feel can go to four because I see so many EVS around this town all the time that I feel like rather than looking at it taking away a spot I I think people will pull in and actually charge there and I don't feel that it's really um so on the beaten path that it's a a problem that's just my opinion and then the third place is the municipal lot where it was going from two level twos and two level three fast charge uh would go to four level twos and two level three fast charge I'm ambivalent I don't I really have an opinion but that's that's what they had proposed so the the mayor said let's just take it to you all see where you're at revisit to them about what we would say yay or nay they are obviously interested in making money uh at the same time we're getting something because they're like putting in the whole kitten koodle without tting us any M so just something for you to consider but that's that's the specific proposal so if we can get maybe some sort of consensus I you know my opinion in those spots and then that would allow us to go back have to char it is too money in CVS for sure like that lot is super ti so t two two is a lot I think but I think it's appropriate yeah the forers market I think is probably also okay at four the municipal I think it's 200 High I think you read nine right it was two regulars and two fasts yeah and then they wanted to go to four regulars and two fast and two fast so six and the municipal lot is defin as which one here right here I think that's also to because parking in here gets very very congested I'm fully supportive of it I have't charge by car I'm great that's why I said it was a totally neutral yeah I also think the majority of residents here facilities that's part of it um so but we also do have a lot of visitors to this lot too visitors have less interested in terms of accommodating a number like sales right I think that's a lot for EV charging people come to charge their cars um I think we need to be very careful about what we pass in the Regard in terms of you can always stay here for a certain amount of time if you're not charging your charge is up you get charged right that has to be has to be a to just park there because look at me I have an EV and I think we need to the number down to be accommodative of the spaces I think we should look at a percentage allocation potentially although I probably lose that argument because Municipal would support six um but I do think all of our Lots get pretty sugested so we need to be thoughtful on what we do so either I don't know if we're deciding this tonight um but love the initiative love the project just I was on the same page as far as where my thinking was and months and no cuz they they won't come back and they a hold they have to run new electricity and get that's why they were asking for larger na we're we're going to like I said look at the agreements a little more detailed figure out what makes sense clearly it sounds like we don't want to increase anything in the CVS lot and just make sure we have our act together everywhere else yeah since it was just you brought remind me of something you discuss this yes you brought the taxi spots that are in the Middle Island back in the day there used to be taxes everywhere now unfortunately fortunately unfortunately Uber we should take that those signs we using up four spots you're absolutely right they they're empty because people are scared to park in them they says parking those sign should be removed so we should actually what we have to do to get administrator okay so D why don't you look at that get rid of that taxing what we need to take it out of the ordinance or well no what I was going to say is I think the point's going to be moved because it's part of the pilot closure okay but the pilot closure as the chief is thinking right now is it's still going to be used for parking so so so let's find out I do impression anyone's using a tax but I would just say and again I don't know if we need ordinance or anything but the let's vote right now sign get rid of them yeah you want to vote on what getting rid of the tax tax okay so do we know if there's license agreements or anything like that that's that's why I'm recommend council do whatever they think is best I'm recommending we at least find out what and then let's put on the 2 agenda 2th 25th all right let's move on to that's a good idea can I get a motion to approve the minutes of March 19th uh the Clos session in March 19th 2024 mayor and council meeting so move c a second all in favor any opposed okay got do more minutes anybody have anything for the good of the order or upcoming meetings okay we're going to move on to new business oh sorry asy we should mind Little League opening day next Saturday the 20th that's right at uh 8 8:30 is that I think it starts 8:30 9:00 so everybody should uh should come okay out the first pitch my man I think I might be are you warming up the shoulders AB I've been practicing good I go up to the Bronx Yankee Stadium all the time all right um councilman Park would you like the introduction of ordinance 24-5 cup like to make the motion I move to introduce and pass on first reading or orance 2405 and set the hearing from May 7th 2024 at 8:00 P.M or soon thereafter have a second please second Omar could you please read the title of the ordinance and conduct the roll call sure ordinance number 24-5 col 20124 ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appro appropriation limits and to establish a c bank okay can you cond go ahead and conduct the roll C sure C rep here yes C yes Michaels yes Dr Conor yes Park yes C yes okay um Bond ordinance 24 24-6 Council men would you like to make a motion please sure um I move to introduce and pass on first reading ordinance 24-6 and set the hearing for May 7 2024 at 8:00 pm or soon thereafter can I have a second please second Omar could you please read the title of the ordinance and conduct the roll call please ordinance number 24- six Bond ordinance to authorize the making of various public improvements and the acquisition of new additional or replacement equipment and Machinery new information technology equipment new communication and Signal system equipment new additional furnishings and new Auto auto automotive Vehicles including original apparatus and equipment in by and for the burough tenly in the county of Bergen state of New Jersey to appropriate a sum of 3,7 25,500 to pay the cost thereof to make a down payment to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and to provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes and anticipation of the issuance of such bonds a roll call please council member Corsair yeah council member minut yes counc member Michaels yes council member dror yes council member parter yes council member BR yes okay um ordinance R 24-1 163 excuse me oh you want okay right uh introduce this one be 247 2407 okay um ordinance 24-7 um Council woman Dr OK would you like to make the motion please uh I move to introduce and pass on first reading uh ordinance 24-7 and set the hearing for May 7th we can actually have that on April 25th uh April 25th at 8 7:30 8 o' 8 o' uh or as soon thereafter have a second please second omark would you please read the title of the ordinance and conduct a roll call sure ordinance number 24-7 ordinance of the burough tly County of Bergen state of New Jersey amending chapter 7 traffic of the revised General ordinances of the bur tly 2004 to add a four-way stop intersection at Highwood Avenue and J Street hold the rooll please council member porer yes counc M yes counc Michaels yes council member Dr Conor yes counc Park yes member yes resolution 24-1 163 introduction the 2024 Municipal budget um Council council president Michaels would you like to make a motion please yes Mr Mayor I move to adopt resolution 24-1 163 which introduces the 20124 municipal budget and set the hearing for May 7th 2024 at 8:00 or as soon there after in the council chambers of the tenly municipal center for the hearing on the adoption of 2024 Municipal budget I have a second please second second Omar please conduct the role forair Yes coun Men yes coun Michaels yes counc member D Conor yes counc par yes counc member brry yes and uh Susan and David thank you for all the work uh you know I have to say especially uh Susan because it's taken months and months so thank you very much thank you okay next to committee reports I'm going to make a recommendation to the council that we move the committee reports to the next meeting in light of the fact that we have a heavy uh closed session tonight if that's okay with the council second everyone okay with that okay so of course I have some May's remarks tonight but I'll be quick um wow wow wow rearranging wow no just an appointment um but it's an important appointment we're going to appoint Dr Natasha LaVine to the Board of Health um she is a uh doctor at Columbia University the Irvine Medical Center so she'll be joining our Board of Heth we're glad and really uh thankful to have her Omar is there anything else I need to do with that okay thank you all right can we resol we do need a resolution for that okay so put that on for the next meeting next meeting okay that's fine well good um the um can you read the U close session can you please I don't think they want me to say anything else resolution r24 d164 at a mayor meeting Council the B of tlight County of Bergen state of New Jersey held on April 9th 2024 be a resolved and compliance with njsa 10 col 4-12 the mayor and Council B of tly are going into Clos executive session to discuss the following matters real property of both Municipal property and potential property acquisition attorney client privilege litigation uh Personnel Police Department collective bargaining the DPW driver laborers updates minutes will be taken of meeting and release to the public the time that the matter is resolved have a motion to go into close please second have a second all in favor I any opposed okay we're going into close session please thank you everybody thank you this meeting is being recorded are you ready Omar yes okay I'd like to get a motion please to approve resolution R 24-1 165 appointed appointing Dr Natasha LaVine to the Board of Health can I have a motion please I have a second Omar can you read the role has cair yes has yes counc Michaels yes council member Dr o Conor yes counc Park yes counc member yes all right okay thank you very much could I have a motion to to close the council meeting so move have a second all in favor I any opposed all right thank you everyone thank [Music] you