not requirements have been satisfied the meeting dates for the year are confirmed at the annual meeting are posted on the public bulleon board in the lobby of the municipal center and published in the record within the first 10 Days of the New Year notice of this meeting via the March 1st 2024 Sunshine notice has been sent to the record suburbanite northern Valley Press and has been posted on the Bolton board and borrow website and published in the record within the first 10 days of the new year we'll start with a salute to the flag please flag United statesis just so everyone's aware we're getting started a few minutes late tonight because we had a budget hearing and a Clos session prior to this meeting okay Omar have a roll call please C cair here C here C Michaels president C Dr here C Park here C here okay first item on the agenda is the tenly swim club concept plan Mr Mayor can I ask just speaking to the microphone apologies um I was just going to ask if maybe would be able to project the concept plan that the engineer is showing us I think there's some people online okay so for the people in the audience you can probably see it on the TV screen I two sided tonight what I made it two sided tonight see this isn't working yet huh this is that would be nice we give Omar a second here so we see so I made two side can see it also we start it's a not projecting as as he's project he's trying to get up just getting the attachment how you doing tonight Andy yeah good we finally got some rain today we got some I was say probably most of your travels to different towns are in rain all the time lately it's terrible last 18 plus months seen by far we go okay and we're good and we're good okay there it is up on the screen so Andy why don't you take us through what's going on here and Council will have questions and comments I will so we had a lot of comments last meeting we've had a number of times been here so we modified this plan and I'll just I'll work from the right side of the plan or where the bu AR is I'll kind of work myself counter clockwise around it so you'd be able to come off the upper side of this is this Swim Club parking lot private club also the school parks there High School parks there you'd be able to park there and walk into the site the area that's hatched it looks like cross pattern is being removed the area is dark our brand new walkways there was also a parking across street across the road park on the other side so the center would still be the center so where you walk under the two buildings would still be the center entrance to the whole park down plan or South that the building the half the building on the South Side be removed the building on the upper side would be refurbished will that be next phase that will be this phase so we just clean it up and leave it the way it is all the grayers are walkway as you come into this site everything to your left side will be dog park and it's all in like an orange color the dog park is all orange all orange that's going to be fencing area and the PE gravel surface that's friendly for go feet everything to the the upper side of the walkway is all Green Space there's planter Gardens there for people gardening both people with disabilities and people don't have disabilities there is a butter Butterfly Garden or like a a wildlife Garden that you can walk through it also has some accessibility for um people with disabilities and that area is all environmentally restricted so that's an area we can't really build anything in the walkways will be all impervious it's all encumbered by either Wetland offer extreme production areas it is currently Disturbed believe start stay that way as you travel back that's where the main big buol was as proposed we're putting a skate park in there but we're going to put in Plaza St Parts what's that mean look like a street plaza like your skate park temp the fence around no fence around it there'll be areas of landscape in the middle areas for skaters to kind of scratch across walls that are a couple feet high there'll be some rails in there there'll be stairs in there it's kind of Street skating environment for skaters that area is kind of isolated by itself you do to that area but people can go and use it to just hang on what they want we would have to sign it that says if somebody comes escate they have priorties somebody can just sit the area and then there's a walk around the whole the can areas are perious walkways so there perious walk struck in they be handicap accessible it would take you to the back where there like kind a natural Wildlife VI back there with plantings back there you looked at putting probably annual plants in there different powering plants and things like that you come around a large grass area and then move back to the dog park again in the last meeting there's a few comments those comments led us to kind of stretch out the green area up top and take that up where dog park and wild that there that that impervious area was the old swimm pool is K pool up there so we're going to remove that bring it back to green and move the dog parks down next to each other so the big dog park and little dog park will now be together there'll be a six foot high fence around the dog parks the area that runs along the pathway between the dog park and the walk will have some Shrubbery that's R there so we to throw something like something like a box one there kind of Shield the walk away from the B interaction a little bit and we would try to have a separate walkway to the dog park from the main walkway so people with dogs can have some separation if they want so you can go straight into the dog park without going into the rest of the park correct good we weren't planning on putting an access point from the main access so we're g make that access a separate access right is the so do you still have small dog area and large dog area correct yes the small dog area we can see on plan very good that's the front so the front quarter has a small dog last say when you first walk in there'll be kind of an Alleyway that gets you easy with your dog and then you pick do I go in the large dark Park area the small dark Park area so you're you're lock yourself in you're in and but the majority of it's for larger dogs but small dogs have small dog I would imagine and that's expand it actually that's all Park is big was originally there proposed with the two before now it's biger area um it's a little longer so a men ones this park will have fountains for drinking for people okay they'll have bottle fillers because that's more popular than Fountain so it be a bottle filler Fountain the dog park will have a b bottle filler Fountain and a bottom fountain for dogs so they make a dog water fountain a person press their foot putot on and water comes out okay question for that area then John south of the original building all that concrete's coming back out correct yeah I as I as I just know Daniel weren't here I apologize the idea at the park is is to bring the park more back to the Natural I'm not having to put some massive drainage system in so we're taking out more back so there needs to be no money spent on drainage it's going back to more natural but it has active areas in so to build off that question on the north side where the light green is for the Ada uh Garden y that what's that material going to be on the ground the Ada so in the Ada Garden area we're going to use like a perious area there so a lot of the Ada Gardens we use maybe like the open stone or Cinder walkway that wheelchairs can roll on but allow water through so that's not grass that's because a wheelchair needs to be it is it'll be some some it'll be some area that's a heart fever some right right that's what we were W it's Ada approv stuff that you part of this grant was to have correct correct John so excited to see it happen do so appreciate the work for sure question about the skate Mark as it relates to putting in steps and cliffs and curbs and everything else a town liability standpoint how do we manage and measure that injury liability I mean you're welcoming invited potential how that I just jump in for go sounds like the attorney to respons by so we would do is what you do in every town is the design will be formalized as soon as you approve this and we would give it to either Jamie or to hav SP just from work you know the normal rule of thumb is four feets to Max side badly poses a restriction proced so we' probably be at that there are specific guidelines that Jeffrey fire so as long as we have scam plans and they're Meeting those guidelines we get cover these elements are probably two feet maybe it's it's GNA be something you can sit there while you can sit on a lot a lot of our two feet it's a little novice what about skting across jumping up you know a gring across using steps the rails that yep yep and then um to build off that is this rectangle shape just a placeholder or just place so the footprint of the current concrete that t-shape is is perfect so Andy um I think when we spoke last time you said that there was going to be a separate entrance that would lead directly into the um into the skate park area if that's so so you come the main entrance coming into the park know this gray area it will go all way back and take you right into the skate park right you didn't want to go in the skate park you go left or right and then go around I mean originally said that there was going to be one uh like if you look directly down on the on the chart directly down from it yeah so an entrance over no direct no so I have no we right now we have no proposed entrance from okay hickies the spark right now there is we added here was I didn't I didn't cover this really question along Hickory along the whole Southern Property Line we're putting up a new Final Fence six that's what you have there now put new one up the rest of the F on the S coming down so there is only one entrance and gotcha everything will come off a gr design is to come off dep paring gotcha gotcha Jamie or John um the first that um you bring a bite decision that's that's a policy decision bikes can use it just like skaters no that's great some skate pars don't like that I'm sorry j I had two questions is I just know that recreational space are limited you know I just want to make sure we're looking at every um development and space adding as much Recreation as possible for our community without you know overcrowding or you know still making something enjoyable so I think I you at some point talk adding something else to this P to add Recreation um when we did talk about two things about heading a volleyball course in the back which you think might that weed this to the par and a possible um honey read to the front so I just thought we can talk about that you know another activity for our community to have in this SP right so I looked at I looked at this beach volleyball school wasle player circuit down the shore it's a pretty ACC so you have fours or twos depend on what you play you can play sixes it's wor the balls flying over play this is not the right especially with the skate park there just not the right useing I is actually very so that where the where the dog park is I have room as you see on this side I have room on this side to slide the dog park over keep de sides the biggest it is I can slide over and in front of the site around where they come in I can create a nice um you can do a synthetic T Pik requires maintenance you can put in I would do a series of three or four either three four holes or or six or eight or nine holes can number them if people go around and play the we so that's most country I mean I I I think you could always fit anything into anything somehow but I think uh what happens is you know there's always this temptation of when there's an open space uh to somehow fill it and and I think we have to kind of move away from that U uh mindset because this is this is meant as passive space you know there will be other opportunities there are plenty of other opportunities uh to add Active Space we're doing work on the Roosevelt Monument side uh with with a lot of Active Space um you know so I we don't need to fill every space in my you know the way I look at it um with with everything uh you know and and honestly I mean you know we're providing the um the residents with quite a a lot of activity here to begin with so I I personally I'd like to keep that uh space kind of you know U without any additional items in there uh you know including beach volleyball ining a putting green because I think once you get a a putting green I mean you know we're not trying to make this into an entertainment center it's not Disneyland it's not you know uh something like that so I I think we when I when I've spoken to I'm I'm liaison to the senior center when I've spoken to a lot of the seniors they they love the idea of having um some open space where they can you know walk around and and sit and do things you know so I think they're they're pretty happy about that we have a very large uh senior cons constituent in this uh in the town um you know and I think uh we have to listen to them as well question on the material you said for the flooding green what is it I was a Constructor putting I make it a Synthetic Turf right like your your field back here but it's made for putting just like that real the foam mat basically it's like the stuff you see at the when talking to your microphone down when you go poster or whatever that that material and each whole boxed up but wood it's made it's made there's an entire industry behind making private synthetic are yep yep and it would be that that type of stuff so it would look very greens you could do it but you don't it's up you don't c um well I'm gonna Circle back to that but um Council woman Corsair mentioned about the can bikes use the uh this Skate Plaza does that depend on the features because I I was always under the impression it would be a place for bikes roller blades uh roller skating skateboarding is how do we ensure that it would have the most utility that area is that the features that we choose to put in the design so so your skate pars will only be dictated by the US ah understood they decide if you can jump off adults that don't skate are not that so they'll they where they want to go don't want to go this is more geared towards the street skating skaters like to skate Street their roller BL fol like the skate streets it's it's an interesting way it's different than the normal jumps and stuff the bikers do like bigger areas and more areas they can accelerate better I'm not sure it's would be it's not quite big enough for bikers but a biker could use them but I don't think you'd attract a lot of bikers I don't I don't know if I you guys have kids BMX still a thing BMX bikes with pegs is it um so so two things on number one I'd like to have a further discussion around seniors and dogs and skates I think that this is a place that is more active than you know seniors might particularly uh you know like if we're incorporating a skate park and dogs uh I don't see any harm in in a putting green but we should talk about that number two I think that the worst thing we could do is to design a beautiful inside Park which I think this will ultimately end up being without addressing the outside the face that faces grow Street I believe it is is there a plan in there and I don't see it in here in terms of what that Landscaping rework looks like to make this look like somewhere you want to go so on this plan everything on this planet is in color is we read so I I we have the specific Design Elements for the various landscaping and the lighting it's green it's if it's see green it's going to be done so the only thing I'll I'll highlight is the stuff that's in the white Checkers coming out so that's going to leave opportunity for either the green or more landscape in those areas the idea behind the grant was to bring a lot of this Landscaping back to its original or at least instituted so it's never felt to anything else but green so that's that part's a big part of it so it'll be yeah this whole front will be completely next the only thing that's not getting done in phase one again unless you're budgeted is the rehab that building so rehab that building stat too you're have to that for Budget year you have could be few hundred th000 it could be half a million doll deps on you spend what you want to do it's just two bathrooms will be a lot cheaper it's two bathroom plus something El get expens but the footprint will be that brown footprint so Julie um so some of the residents have just uh I think this goes a little bit to council's question have had questions to me about signage um so if you could just speak uh you know to the people that we have um there's going to be security cameras lights uh signage talk about that issue of you know the yeah so the idea is the idea the lighting would be enough for security but not any attention unless you tell me so there be lightting go down the main path for security we'd have probably let's say in this site probably six lights maybe 12 or 14 foot high poles at least three of those poles have security cameras on them one near the front one near the middle by the skate park and one near back by one in the middle by dog park one in the back of the skate park so you pleas Mar it's not really the nighttime par but needs to have security lighting and security Champs and gu we have the same curfew as with all of our other Town Parks you Chang this to have your same Cur okay because that would be probably a question from the people around they just want to make sure kids adults kids you can't go in at one in a morning to that Park as far as signage not a big fan of over signing a park I that takes away from the natural beauty of it but there need to be some sign in the dog park to get some rules dog use the microphone oh sorry um I'm not a big fan of over signing overs signing a park but on this park you need a few signs you need something where you enter a dog park about you know the rules of the dog park and then the dogs are only allowed offleash inside the dog park area you would need some signed by the skate park that says when skaters are present it's for skating not for just general use other than that you don't need much unless you want to put some type of dedication pack for the overall park or some type of like this is called this park you can do that too but you don't need much what's that you know I would recommend not doing that so see if they have any questions sure so with different communities different towns um can you please just give us uh your expertise regarding um what you find in other communities what is your impression about uh this design how will do you find it'll be well utilized or what you've experienced what are your thoughts we do a lot of these so whether whether it's one of these or the gigantic field or multiple Fields with a lot of other space we do a lot of these and we do them all over the place we do them multiple States what we find is people try to pack a lot of stuff in one place I think you have a lot of different uses here I think they mix okay the skate park being a plaza skate park doesn't is not over intrusive in here again you have activity here with the two little dog parks so I think you're okay you're protecting your green space that's required which is another good element you're giving a lot of places for people to come that want to passive but if somebody wants to be a little active they can be a little active again the idea of adding a green I think it's not a bad idea a green is like in between passive and active I could come with my my putter while my dog's running around the dog park or my kids skating I can put around it's actually it's actually a pretty good use and it's green it's it doesn't add any imper here which I like the refurbishment of the building I think think a key component because you need this is kind of a remote Park having a you know like two multi-use bathrooms as a big de in my opinion so I think that's something you should move on in you know one of the biggest components here it's why you got your Grant you're making it fully accessible so what I see in my business is a lot of parts that are not fully accessible and that's sad because it doesn't take a lot to do that so just because somebody has a disability doesn't mean they shouldn't be able to use the part absolutely right you TFI has and continues to upgrade their parts to allow for people with disability use me you've done a great job and this is another example of it you've got a lot of money to do that so that's a great example you can see comment you see it at Walmart Park you you've done great so this is another example that so I think I think even if you had the green I don't think you're overusing it as I said ear I think the be volleyball here is just overuse I think you got a good mix you will need some more money for that but we can get it as an alternate and then you can decide later on you only need decide now do you have a guesstimate of what that would cost to put in a a a putting green or hole be one green with holes in it so you know greens the traditional standard you know a lot of a lot of complexes we work for that are multihousing apartment complex put a green put a putting ingredient and put ingredients can go for anywhere from like 25,000 to as much as like $75,000 depending on size so depending on what size I put in here you're in that range again I wouldn't at least for now I wouldn't go crazy worry about the budget rout bid it and see what it comes in at you have money in your open space you can always allocate at the time so your your base bid is already funded so you don't have to speaking of bit sorry this is going out to bit this year right so what I'm hoping is that you're GNA let me leave tonight and just get my job done I this out to bid and awarded by May yeah I need to construct this as as this right as here just adding a green for an alter in the front tonight's tonight and you you constructed this summer is that the idea is had this on construction this summer be shut down for about 90 days you come back in 90 days which be the fall You' see a building that be secure locked off and youd see everything else construed and done and ready to use on that building schedule just sign off on hold on Dan has the floor first and then John then we're gonna ask your build schedule is it can you for see let's say you do the dog park first and because it's separated you can the dog park will be open and while you're working no I would not do that so so so 0 here's the disaster for me if you say to me it's going to cost your money not not with me with the contractor hey keep part of the park open and close Park they's going to charge more money to extend their thing I don't I think just get it done get out of there machines and people dogs UND understood joh has the dog park committee signed off on this is are people happy with this has it been vetted through I'm about to ask for the public to come up and speak so you're hear that it's bigger than what they have there now to answer that yes this is their ID the do Park committee's original plan any members of the public like to come up and make some comments on this particular topic only the uh renovation of this park please come on up just come to a microphone name address micone other one sh 156 Stone has strive on a fly first of all I want to say thank you mayor and Council for finally moving on this I mean we've been seeing this sitting there for over two years and and I'm so glad you guys are going to make a decision tonight that's fantastic what I've been seeing of this I think you've you find the perfect medium for everything it's mixed use you have the dog park you have the skate area you have the pollinator Garden I'm most excited about the uh the community garden uh because I'm a member of the community garden myself it's wonderful that we're going to be able to have an ad accessible Garden and and the and this and the sort of the portion where the back of it which is going to be uh for Passive Recreation if midst age I can come I can bring them BL kids they can and the F had a dog definitely my dog and it could be like a perfect s for everybody so please all I'm going to say is this is a perfect plan please move on it thank you thank you you should get a dog just just as the next person's coming up for people to recognize we did receive County uh grant money for this so this is a in part so I do want people to realize that you know this thank you know thank you to the surrogates for all they're putting a big dollar value with this and they give you grants for a lot of your projects so great job great job sh and the rest of good evening everyone you hear me yes good I'm not used to this um I think it looks awesome we're so excited Alisa to 25 Woodhill Road we're so excited for this it looks so beautiful I think everyone in the back has one question thank you it is everything Orange the whole this whole side now they want it to go here now this this and then so I can't it can't cross that path so we're gon we're gonna move it we can slide it over a little we we can squeeze a little bit of space here we probably make it ttin bit bigger it's not a problem make as big as we can one side put on the other side not we'll make it as big as we can okay what were the orinal dimensions um it's bigger than what you saw in the first one Max BOS 148 Magnolia Avenue uh first of all I want to tell you that sh's wrong when said this is in front of the council for two years this is in front of the council for seven years since I was in Council we're talking about the dog park the the swimming club and everything else and we had a plan at that time and we went to get funds from the state from the county from everything finally we got a plan and it's a very good plan we got uh what we wanted basically a place for people to grow their vegetables the vegetable Carden we have the dog park we have a passive area where we can have you know butterflies and whatever else you know uh birds and whatever and uh it's very good because that area is a such a sensitive area we know that that area is flooding we know that it's basically close to a brook we know that that area has a poisonous type uh chemicals underneath because of the penaton and when we started six seven years ago this one we took into consideration all those factors and uh I guess that became the best plan we can have Also regarding the pting green or whatever basketball whatever uh our teny uh weather would not allow a pting green or whatever to be utilized for the entire years because in the winter you cannot use it in the summer it's okay but in the spring if it's rains you can do that and in the fall when it's raining you cannot do it so will become a very limited type of uh activities on top of that both of these pting greens or basketball or volleyball court will require continuous maintenance you're going to have to make sure that the sand is basically re rearranged somebody has to uh brush the potting Breen every day instead of being an area where people will be able to relax and everything else will be an nment for the town making sure that they have it somebody always continuously continues maintaining that area so I think that this is a very good plan uh whatever you guys decided is going to be good because this is something that we were looking for for such a long time and I'm glad that we can achieve it to that thank you Andy could you comment on the green construction just to clarify the council yeah the party going to be I'll call it fake going to be fake it's synthetic grass so there's no maintenance all once you put it in you can play on all year round as long as it's not snow on if you want play Snow you can play on a lot of again a lot of country clubs are putting these in because you use them all the time there's no mainten at all I'm not a fan of them not a big fan you you play golf a lot right yeah it's just the wear and tear on it it's super fast like all right who else in the public you like to speak if you can give us be kind to give us your name and address good evening my name is Kevin M I'm a 51 Monro um good evening mayor C thank you for all your time that you devote here the wonderful wonderful town we live in um very briefly I'd like the plan um I am one also would like to see the dog par slightly bigger on the side of it only CL we have some larer dogs that like to run right now they have free rain in the park so we kind of like that we know we're going to lose that that's okay they understand but the some big gos really like to off so if you can if you can do anything to make it slightly longer I would appreciate it the other thing I'd like to say is I was on the recommission when we put the first skate park in nice I was all for it there was a lot of contention back and forth we got the park built it went into disrepair and it's gone it was a real waste of money have you had any kind of thought as to maintaining it and and you know what the attendance is going to be and who's going to monitor it or whatever I'm just wor that happen again and good very good question Andy could you just describe a little bit about the old Park versus what we're doing here I can so the the old park was the traditional I buying element bolted to the ground and there's a bunch of the fens the kids have toal immunity and access there and they do what they want gotcha this is going to be like a street style Plaza style not fenced in it's going to be maintain it's have curbs and stairs and railings and it's be maintained like any other places in tenly they can't just take it over and own it but they can go there and skate and have a lot of fun right and so DBW will go in there every day like they do whatever else they'll clean it up if there's it's a much more maintainable area like that so so the old park there was a fair when by the time it was reaching the end of its life there was a fair amount of wood and things like that do you have concrete this is all concrete concrete metal rounds so it doesn't be much mainten at all thank you and it's any other questions from the public go ahead please come up to the microphone please give us your name I the2 place um I'm thrilled that we're finally doing this we've talked about this for a couple years already it is too small I I know that we're all saying that but in addition to the dogs running back and forth there has to be places to sit and to get out of the dog's way I will tell you I had a concussion I know what it's like they come at you you got to sit some we got to have some places for them to sit in addition to that you might have mentioned this earlier what will the grounds look like right now it's uh is there going to be some kind of dog turf or grass or bushes Dy want you theg yeah in the dog park so we were going to stick with the PE gravel in the dog park I wasn't going to put Turf in there but you could put Turf in there like like they have K9 there's can yeah I that's up to you it's just a difference in calls yeah the commit look into that so this so what you're saying it's going to be basically maintenance it's going to be like pebbles rounded like PE gravel then we're sticking with that there's certain things that get in the dog's Paws that uh I don't know what's called but I think if you can go to some kind of a tur or some kind I I need to detail so we're putting this discussion offline just tell me what to put there okay the other thing is I've never been to one of these meetings before I will tell you that you I would suggest that perhaps you have like a a a a what's it called power point on the wall so we can see it you're talking to this poster I have no I can't hear what and I have nothing wrong with me but I you know you're talking it's hard to get to the mic and I don't know what you're looking at what you're talking at I me the back there doesn't do us very much good trying to get everybody see it so it kind of gets lost in in in in you know in what's going on and the only thing I would caution you I as I think it's wonderful for everybody to have all these activities but I would think that you have to you know maximize what you have and not put so much of everything it's really uh utilized to the extent constituencies so there you go this is just perfect for you but that's why I say even with with the flowers and all this stuff just lovely but the dogs there's a reality you want to put the flowers where they will thve and people will enjoy the same thing with the dog part you have to put the dog part where the dogs could be healthy and Thrive and people can go and be safe and enjoy both okay so I'm going to say no to the um hting green okay thank you all right are there any members any other members of the public here who would like to speak to this all right Omar is there anyone online with their hand up who would like to speak on this topic only any like to speak on please raise your name anyone Omar see okay all right so we're going to move on from public comment so and what do you need from the council so we can move forward finally I think based on the history I I think she has v on to move forward with this with the idea that we do an alternate for this putting and Tim for the putting okay so did you want to say something to no I was just gonna say I I would um say that we go ahead with this plan as in a boat on the plan so it sounds like um you're suggesting just plan with an alternate in case the council decides to do the ultimate right so here and need dog even B because that seems to be the priority yes then let's then I think that maybe Maxim yeah yeah I can add more feet a lot more feet so I could probably add like another 30 40 feet I would go a littleit both directions so I go I go this way and that way so limiting from the fence line where it is currently on the pool side y from that pool to the new demolished building where you going to the sidewalk so the fence line okay that was Adam Julie oh yes yes okay Mr please give me a minute okay um for for a while this particular uh site has been subject to just a lot of attention and I want to say it's very uh CH look at a town and say okay well this group only cares about their own need and that group only cares about their own need but the beauty of this space always was the fact that we're really making something intergenerational and having an active and passive uh you know space where it works for everybody I just want to say that it just was a shame to me over time that sometimes people were almost looking at the entire area in a negative light when in fact it it's one of the crown jewels of the town and I I just want to to say that it's I think it's going to be great agree okay thank you anything else from need on this topic so just for mayor and Council see schedule design now bid bidding inward will be like May June construction be August May part September so somewhere between like Jun to September this park will be shut down and then open back up for the fall which is perfect it's time for the skaters all right do we meet Andy for anything else yeah you for which month oh yeah of course yeah you're not going any yet thank you for being thank you Andie for your work you've met with a lot of constituencies inde okay thank you Andy okay item to be considered item a the 10 spring uh Spring Fling we're looking if we need to question about the Spring Fling is the Spring Fling going to be similar to what the holiday fair was or is it going to be more like the October event is it like vendors or is it all or combined of vendors along with Community places you know what I'm asking it's both so there's going to be a lot more food like a lot more food uh vendors drink venders ET etol one no probably the local we invited all locals we've tried to get as many locals and then whatever extra we get is that and then there's some more rides we got a I think we got a carousel some rides as well so yes closer to the October I think both of them had it's all out you know it's all outside we do have a possible rain you know it's not GNA happen but in case there's rain we have a indoor solution but yes that's alcohol yes um yes Michael Yes customer Dr o Conor yes customer Park yes customer R yes okay thank you everyone that can we talk to the microphone again you want to speak about the surfacing just the next it's just the next Grant so you did you did the other section is 2022 this is this is the next section anything so you got two two we going from W Street to W Street off the top of your head is this angle yes Highwood maybe yeah that makes sense we Ed Highwood right that's it this is Highwood to East Clint yeah Highwood to East M the last one any questions we so uh now this is part of the 500,000 that we usually get so do we are we getting $500,000 248 and and 361 um 361 is with the the curb cutouts and all that correct um so we're only getting 248 why didn't we get the other two or we're getting 500 and we're no you get you're you fall into the same plan every other town does State like so just picks a number to give you you you every year in this town get somewhere between two to 250s oh okay that's your that's your allocation from the state so then we just have to set aside 500 can match it right okay any other questions on that topic no so let's go to the next engineering topic is the Reser common Sport Court improvements um Andy has given us col is giving us the uh proposal to move forward on this it's for three we're able to fit three pickle ball courts inside the existing area with a multiports court on the back side it would be a complete redo all new fencing all new Surface three CS yep new striping everything and the three cords fit so it's just a matter of you authorizing us to start we have a consensus on this issue one thing I remember initially about when we talked about pickle ball pickle ball players um they they have a lot to say about the where the sun is coming I just want to make sure that they that they're facing the right way I know we talked this is this follows the same uh North South as the tennis court so you're fine you only face pickle East West we're not okay so it's the sun will be fine or we'll just move the sun making it's at least I got one most try to make dance [Music] so any other questions on that topic and to go on to the next one the RO Street sidewalk just a quick um I wasn't here last meeting sorry um the footprint of that area was environmentally constrainted yeah so you can't add any prary we're g to work inside the existing paved area but that whole area is just constraint you're right next to the I think I tried I tried when is construction start good we'll probably I mean we have to construct something like that in the summertime so we'll follow the same schedule as the swim club we're going go if you authorize it tonight it'll be same schedule needs to be more okay the next item the installation of this side work on WE and Al so Andy I've got a question here in terms of you know this the number to start putting concept plans together it almost seems like this is step two like is there a more basic like all issues with rights of way and do we have any idea how do we yeah so I could before we spend 10 grand let me try let me try let me try give you little guidance you tell me if you want to spend the money okay everybody listen this after you were here last week I went and looked at it a sidewalk from the school all the way to the Eng border I'm being nice and saying it's gonna be difficult be way worse than difficult oh yeah there's there's grading issues there's RightWay issues there's issues where I come to the intersection that are going to cause me to put in some significant ramping for handicap accessibility a sidewalk in this area could cost you as low as $250,000 to as much as a half a million dollars so you have a you have a a big Commitment if you want the big commitment you're going to need to spend the money to to actually find out what it is but in any case this is not on your undering it's a big commitment because you're those residents there's like I think I want to say there's 14 hous that count there's about 14 houses who are have major disruptions in their yards did you when you were there did you have the opportunity to think of any alternatives what do you mean by that like so it's a safety issue right so you went walk the site is there any alternative to building a sidewalk that might have struck you on site the alternative you have would have would be to allow them to walk in the street we have used this alternative in some towns and it can be popular and it can be not H there because they involve striping the street yeah so what happens is you narrow the road with with Shadow right we we use Shadow lines which are the white lines you see on on like roadways and you bring narrow the road into maybe 22 fetish and you leave room on one side or both sides to allow if somebody want to walk on a shoulder they can walk on a shoulder so so on that thought why wouldn't we then okay so instead of building everything why wouldn't we do what we did with the sidewalk on down in other words we ex we went into the street when we came around that curve going east from dowy we had the Corner House there on the house next to we actually just went into the street and created 4 feet of sidewalk and a foot of gr that was a non-curing area that was there was no curbing in that area so we we had a construct the curbing so we did take away a little pavement but we didn't jump four the shoet on on this area I think that's the difference between a sidewall constructive handicap say really a road which a stripe on it the road is what it is so the road's there it's existing whatever successfully route is it is I'm not saying it's a sidewalk I'm not saying it's not if you want to walk on a shoulder as a pring you can do that when I construct a sidewalk I now have to make it generally handicap accessible it can follow the road inste 20% the SL me 20% when I get to the intersection across I have to flatten out the L person was a wheelchair to get across so it it poses a lot of issues that those intersections I cross down by Downey and lero much very flat Road very very few if no issues with putting in handicap ramps they were all performing I don't have that issue over here it's it's an expensive sidewalk in your opinion is it a reasonable alternative to stripe it appropriately and allow for egress across the street it is but I would cave out that would I would never do that without getting police input sure the police have a lot if you have a school in the area get their input from the school I could just tell you from experience and getting a lot of darts on my back when I put stripes in front of somebody's houses who doesn't have them they don't necessarily look at that as a benefit to their value their properties most people come out as a detriment I now have stripes in front of my house my house value I'm not saying that's true but that's what happens when you do that so it does require some public Outreach I would just be careful before you do I would almost recommend to the council with you know is that we reach out to all the residents potentially affected and try to have you know have a to be considered council meeting and have everyone come and before we start spending money let's start talking about what everyone's real feelings are in terms of the res yes I one more thing yeah un Municipal roads not a County Road not a municipal through street so like anual there made to have people walk on the edge of the road they what if they're made they're wide enough to allow people to walk on the edge of the road the problem we have in 2024 and this is a kind of a more current problem last 10 years cars don't seem to care about pedestrians as much as they used to I don't know I don't why said this a nation like in our world we're talking about we're going why don't cars look for people so it used to be back in the old days my mom would take me in a carriage and they walked right down the side street and is fine nowadays there's way more cars the speed's way up and causing the conflict and that's why we want things like striping and sidewalking pedestrians out that's what's caused that so yeah I just caution you if you have an area where where you have a lot of Walkers and you want to put stripe up don't let that trans like hey we need Stripes all to all over town you not you do not need that all right right Dan so to theoretically follow up let's say we did go with the sidewalk and we chase that grand safe the school one the Safe Streets to school or something you we turned it down last time in front of Stillman because of the prohibitive cost what is the number where it makes sense to use that Grant a project size number so a project a project that approaches the half million dollar Mark sense even a million Doll Market makes sense because remember that the engineering and it wouldn't you wouldn't be me which I'm okay with that you use a DOT engineer correct so you would get back the design is part of it you have to authorize a contract for if it's a $500,000 job you'd be authorizing about $200,000 engineer and that would like blow your money like why am I doing that because State requires them they pay it back you would also be authorizing a project that takes eight to 10 years so the project is not like a one year so what happens is in my example is a project in your Providence they're just going to go to construction on a safe vus school project was about $800,000 why because it just do environmental review historic review and surveys and you have to meet every resident there's there's a lot you have to do the state requires these this purpose just the value got can I stick to the mayor's point about having a forum it almost sounds like there that there isn't as much of an appetite for doing a um this $10,000 study um because the end result might just be so uh untenable with with that you said that going be difficult my point is that we should get all the residents in here send them certified letters to let them know this has become a conversation they need to be a part of it to figure out where we're going with it before we start translate into be a sidewalk there or it could be anything right let's see where it goes doesn't make any sense no not doesn't make any sense for yeah all right I think Andy you're free to go I would get out as soon as you can thank thank you that's not we're not we're not there we're still Gathering data the that's not for tonight no we're Gathering data we're really could have to stay all night move correspondence no I we need all right resolution on opposing assembly bill number four Senate bill number 50 um you want to lead us through this a little bit um I certainly can uh so as you're all aware or most of you aware that were here during the the third round and last year with the amendment of your third round plan um COA ceased to function which was the Council on affordable housing um decades ago really and so third round rules were never adopted and everybody ended up having to do declaratory judgment actions in court in order to get what's called uh immunity from Builder remedy litigation so it's it's how you would get approval for your affordable housing plan and your fair plan which is part of every Town's master plan that that actually participates um so the legislators are trying to to do something about this because nobody has been appointed to COA so COA still doesn't function as an administrative agency um and while they are trying and and credit to the the assembly that passed a bill already and it's before the Senate now those of us that work in the world still find a lot of questions that are unresolved in the language of this the statute that is being proposed uh and so there is a movement to ask municipalities to show that we're still confused and we need more help with this and this isn't the right version to be adopted and so before you is a proposed resolution basically asking the legislature to slow down and consider all of the other items that are still not quite where we would want them to be want to make any comments was recommended to us this was recommended by your I'm just offering so this resolution was actually recommended by the affordable housing attorney for the planning board um and they've asked for you all to consider it I didn't draft it yeah have questions or comments from the council we want them to slow down a DAT so are people in favor of it against resolution suggestion okay yes I guess one question is what is do we know what the impact will be you know on our requirements or that still I there's there there's projections out there based on what people think the interpretation might be but there's still some ambiguity that it's hard to Det determine that um I I still couldn't tell you exactly what you'd have to consider in your vacant land analysis because as we all know the burrow is fully built out right you already have overlay zoning most of your commercial area allows for residential on the second and third floor I'm not entirely certain what more but they could potentially say well if it didn't convert to housing then you might need to add three or four floors up you know we just don't know because it's the length is still a little unclear as to what it it is requiring you to do if something hasn't already developed in that area I think the last line last sent last two lines of this thing way that imposes achievable obligations so we to the point of what Wendy said numbers that we understand a little better well so to the extent that I mean every town is struggling with this you know especially e County where it's a lot more uh concentrated uh but you know what kind of so just to give the public an idea um and and I don't know how much of this were allowed to to state but you know what is uh how deficient are we in terms of like how what percentage of the third round numbers do we have we satisfied I don't think anybody knows the answer to that in the entire no from the third round you have actually been doing a an enormous job trying to create opportunities and creating opportunities but you're probably if you actually produced 25% of what of what we're required perhaps okay so so that we we know it's not 70% or keeping in mind the way that you have been able to achieve so many units is because the municipality the buau is sponsoring 100% afford housing so you're not having to also put that other 80% of Market rates together with it in every situation um because keep in mind for for every one unit of affordable housing it's projecting five Market rates okay so everyone's good with this you need we have a consensus as looks like okay um I'm asking the council's Indulgence we have one person here with correspondence who would like to speak with the council so I'm just going to um ask her to come up now rather and jump ahead of the administrator's report so if want don't you come on up please okay add um I'm Sophia alari and my address is 58 bton road okay so you you sent us an email whatever a week or so ago for an event for this coming Saturday correct yes okay so you're right there you okay oh oh um so go ahead and tell us what's going on please all right so obviously you know I'm here regarding the uh event this Saturday it's a a welcome Ramadan event and a little background a little history is that this really all began last year um in Bergen County when around 30 towns for the first time decided to host these um events these Crescent lighting events and teni was one of them um so yeah last year was Ten's first event and I'm hoping to keep the momentum going this year to have another successful year of um hosting the event and uh basically it's we'll start off with like the speeches and then we'll all gather around to light the Crescent um and then after that everyone will be free to like eat the the sweets drink the refreshments uh meet new people and um yeah I just think this event is a great way not only to like create more Muslim representation because it's an often overlooked community in tanif but also to bring everyone together not just Muslims but all like residents of teni um create new relationships meet new people and to um basically just better understand those around us and yeah thank you questions from the council I I remember last year you had uh invitations out to different Faith leaders I saw there at the time is that you're planning to do the same thing this year yes I'm planning to do the same um invite other people um I know I didn't get to attend the event last year but I know the person who um Zaki Zaki um he invited a rabbi he invited many people and uh I plan to do like the same he just basically bring everyone together because I think it's very important yeah yes definitely and you're already in touch with the B cler's office with all the paperwork stuff he needed to do and everything I'm sorry in touch with with yeah ific of insurance I've spoken with the chief of police and the director of Public Works and we're ready for so we're ready to rock and roll okay any other questions wonderful thank you all right um I do have one question is it possible if the Department of Public Works can like set up the Cresent like in the ground in okay so those the details um Mike Cassidy was talking to me about that a little bit he has questions for you so why don't you reach out to Michael or the the administrator directly they're going to work out all the details the same Crescent that was your last year yeah it is okay perfect because that's the question he had because he has things that were he had to modify to uh to host it last year so if it's the same Crescent I think we're good to go yeah it's the exact same all right yeah and um can we get like a table or two I don't know if you guys could provide that but that's a question possible yes so that's let's have that conversation with Cassidy because we did that last year okay yes yeah so you've been talking with Amy I think in my office so she'll be in touch either by email back to with you we'll give you a call tomorrow all right thank you all right thank you very much thanks for waiting all right let's go back to the administrator's report please Okay I uh issued a a memo with the agenda on Friday um with the traffic engineer I have a meeting set with great view for Tuesday at two o'clock to get an update on where we are with the uh with the improvements and the in the traffic signal and we'll report that back to you the senior van was delivered on uh Wednesday February 13 2024 the um train station the infrared that was approved at the last council meeting is scheduled uh to be scanned on Tuesday at 8 o'clock in the morning wonderful um the grants the L the LG grant for the L League field was submitted on the 29th of February um the state had uh uh pushed back the due date but we submitted ours we had it ready so we're good to go there this Thursday is the deadline for the FEMA firefighter Grant and that Millennium has worked that out with uh the fire department and that should be ready to be submitted on Thursday um we're going to be talking about the library roof in closed session uh so we'll hear from from uh the borrow attorney on that the building department completed their training on the new Mitchell Humphrey software a soft roll out uh uh what commenced on Monday of this week is is that software is that addition uh or version going to allow us for the online permits for residents and contractors yes so that's okay great great um you have a budget schedule we have three more session scheduled that's just list them out um I've held two department head meetings thus far and we're going to be having those regularly on a bi-weekly basis um National Employee Appreciation day was celebrated here in the burrow um for our employees on Friday March 1st and we wrote out uh the new working Advantage discount program uh that was emailed to all burrow employees and officials the Personnel policy's manual and employee handbook is in need of an update um the last one officially adopted by the governing body was in 2021 um so we're a little bit out of sync we have to update some things for uh compliance with the GIF there's other uh sections in there that are inconsistent with practice and with your collective bargaining agreements um my goal is to uh develop a work group of department heads to go through this and eventually um we're going to have uh uh Wendy's office basically create a new document that will merge the GIF requirements into some of the updates that we have identified with that we'll bring that that completed draft document back to the council to be considered when it is ready um the fireworks display is scheduled for Saturday July 6 with a rain date of Sunday July 7th uh Spring Fling has been uh talked about and and handled earlier tonight the way finding signs and the parking signs have been ordered uh I'll give you an update when we get an idea of when those signs will be uh received and question here I'm sorry um that those ordered signs is that inclusive of something up on 9W I know that was talked about okay it's a double b so it's yeah go yes all right um summer concerts the plan for the summer concert series is underway and it'll be for Tuesdays and Thursdays in July and August a comment on the summer concerts just so everyone's aware um typically you know um when it was rained out it was rained out the past few years um so um what we're doing this year we made arrangements with the U Board of Education and we'll be able to use the um I think we're using the high school the Acoustics are better and there's air conditioning in there so if it's a rain date the school's letting us use uh the high school or the gym pardon me theater or gym theater so uh just David if you don't mind just jumping back to your Grant section yes I was wondering if you might be able to answer me a question um for the lally complex grant that we already got in uh just want how it connects the budget is that the 400 $100,000 that I saw for Capital because there's open space and said little leag is that because we're encumbering that is that yeah so the the thought is so the the grain application is for a $200,000 project it be $100,000 match and the maximum you would get if awarded the $100,000 um the $400,000 is a placeholder uh until we get the the scope uh done by kers as to what's all going to be included may go up or down the idea there is is that if the governing body wants this project to move forward you do have funding in the open space fund that would be offset if you get the grant you would just reduce that and you have the grant or you can move the project forward with whether you get the grant or not if the improvements to the Little League complex are a priority Okay the reason I asked is well obviously the open space funds aren't um connected to having to be at at the budget time of the year so so if we put in for 200,000 with this Grant and no hoping for 100,000 match why not put in 200 as the placehold because if it's a $400,000 expense and you're getting a $200,000 Grant you have to have the $400,000 to do the project then you get reimbursed for the 200 Oh I thought it was it's the max was 200 ma well the project the project would be a $200,000 project $100,000 from State $100,000 match to meet the grant deadlines I guess I'm just saying theing project was was uh targeted to be a placeholder at $400,000 the $200,000 won cover the project cost you understand my question yeah now I get it yeah yeah so so I I guess I'm just saying is you know I know this get you get rerun them all the time I supposed to councilman Michaels who's already had conversations with the the little league uh constituency about their fundraising I just I was thinking that why don't we keep it in line that the placeholder be what the scope of the project was which was 200 so I think the and I was part of the my assumption is the broader requirements when to make up a number is a million dollars obviously we're not going to do a million dollar a month and even if we were to do all million dollars we're certain I'm certainly not proposing to pay right so 400,000 is part of fam like to make any public comments okay Omar is there anyone online who would like to comment here no hands all right no one here wants to talk okay I'm going to close public comment time we're going to move on to the consent agenda okay can I get a a motion to approve um could you give us some clarification on the spring flame Li lense issue does that have to be the spring the spring the Spring Fling license so there was a um that doesn't it's not required by resolution to approve the spring flying um event to be um to have to sell aloh and B property that was um taking care of going dur the U consider so that's sufficient just to all right so can I get a motion to approve resolution r24 d104 through r24 d117 please have a second second please Corsair yes R yes Mich yes C Dr wer member Park yes C member Larry yes okay thank you is this 118 okay can I get a motion to to approve R 24-18 uh the affordable housing resolution so move I have a second we just tonight that's correct right to approve right to to send the resolution opposing on read theair yes C yes Michael yes C Dr yes C par yes C yes okay we're going to go public hearings General we're moving with ordinance 242 Omar could you please read the confirmation of publication of the ordinance and material sure ordinance number 24-02 it was published in the Sunday February 18th edition of the record there's an is amending chapter 2 Article 2 Section 2.84 of the revised General ordinances to amend the responsibilities of the B administrator uh I'd like to open the floor for any public comment on ordinance 24-02 only any public comments here in the chamber seeing No Hands Omar anyone online I see no hands man okay we CL public comment uh canoun like to make the motion please you have to read you move to pass and adopt on second I move to pass that's my part oh I move to pass and adopt on second and final reading or2 and at notice same shall be published according to law second counc Corsair counc men yes coun Michaels yes counc Dr o Conor yes counc Park yes council member R Larry yes okay thank you councilwoman okay anyone have any old business they'd like to discuss okay I got a motion to approve the minut I have a motion to approve the minutes of February 13th in 2024 closed session so have a second second all in favor any opposed wait sorry I I need to re uh okay for the D of the order I did you want to say something no so I'm gonna abstain because I didn't get this uh in time to read through okay that's fine Mr cler you have that yes I did okay um for the good of the order I have I have two items to bring up here um the library Board of Trustees so as know I sit on the uh Library board and Nicole m is my alternate when I can't make the meetings the library board has asked for a council member to also sit in on the meetings which um I'm perfectly fine with so I would I'm asking for a council member who would like to be beon to the library along with me you like to do it okay your hand went up first so I'm you right everyone took one step back her hand went up first she might had a question okay the second item is so we recently have a business in town who um made applic a commercial business that made an application to put up a sign and the sign uh request was denied the permit was denied by the building department and then that um the business appealed it to the sign committee which is the process now no exactly D no one remembers when we ever had a sign committee because the sign committee either approves or denies um an appeal so I called the B attorney and sure enough there was an ordinance for a sign committee the sign committee is let me correct me if I'm wrong is made up of the mayor two Council people and one chamber member do we Chamber of Commerce member do we know when Miss LS came into being remember I don't think we've ever 1894 something like that because I've never heard of a sign Committee in 15 years it's a good okay okay so we need two I'm asking you two council members who would like to be on the sign committee anybody you want to do it Jamie okay all right help you reach out to Jenny Jackson as the the chamber and then they decide who they're going to send over so it's the three of them I'm not on it okay that's F I'm I'm fine with that sign yeah but just for our business I we you and one council member if you really really wanted to appoint yourself I think it's best council members do it for old business I thought we could talk about the The Swim Club part so if it was me okay okay oh I could have been one okay really wants [Music] um the okay upcoming meetings anyone have anything so so I'm G to appoint them officially when I get to May's remarks okay it'll be jimie and Adam all right new business uh introduction of ordin 2403 okay uh counc would you like to make the motion for this I move to introduce and pass on first reading ordinance 24-3 and set the hearing for March 19th 2024 at 8:00 P.M or as soon thereafter can I have a second please second oh mark could you please read the uh title of the ordinance and conduct the roll call sure ordinance number 24-3 an ordinance authorizing the execution of a lease Amendment agreement between the ball teni and the T kill sprm Club as to 151 gr Street coun yes C yes C member Michaels yes counc member Dr coner yes C par yes counc member yes okay thank you everyone could you let them would you mind letting them know tomorrow no no no I'm talking to Susan to give her a call and let her know that we got the first part of it done okay I think they would appreciate that okay uh committee reports councilman Park C Mets and they are in process of looking for a new chairperson so if anyone's interested in running the the municipal Alliance emailed the mayor pardon me emailed the mayor for the new they're looking for a new chair person okay uh Tac met as well and business is running smoothly there and that's it okay thank you um yeah so the uh Board of adjustment uh met last night and there was just one application uh which was for there were a couple of variances um request Ed steep slope disturbance um variance and a retaining wall height variance um where three feet was is the maximum and uh they were proposing six feet um well uh the um the zoning board board of adjustment uh declined of the uh the application that was on lwood and then there was a meeting of the senior center uh last week and they um they're doing pretty well with membership they've got 400 U and3 paid members of which 105 are 10 of five residents so um you know they were they were very happy with the um incre they they said that the um number of tanly residents has has increased good so they're very very happy about that and uh you know but it's still about 25% um they they were happy with the uh the fact that there's a new senior vent so uh you know they they're not sure what's happening with the bus you know we haven't kind of got into that I guess as a council uh but they um um you know for for now they they have things that they can do with the with the bus as well so um they've uh done other activities uh The Bicycle Club uh dinner was lunch and was a success um they want to plan others um they've had other um things things are sold out you know so the United Nations art tour Grand Central Station that's sold out um doubt coming up in April is sold out um they've got a few spots left for Lancaster so you know things are busy and and they're um they're bursting at the seems they keep reminding us and as the mayor knows we're very well for that yeah so so you know I've told them that we are you know it's not being forgotten and we are you know discussing so that's that's about it okay thank you Dr Conor yes the t maor s h up and um again I just want to really encourage people to buy tickets to the brunch uh that is this Sunday there are still tickets available there's also going to be an auction there um so there's really a lot of nice opportunities uh to to buy cool stuff there there's also a book like like a commemorative book where if people want to still get some sort of advertisement in I'm sure they're still time um this is the first time we're experimenting with doing a brunch rather than the dinner that they had done at nicala Country Club so um you know want to make sure it's a success so that would be March 10th it's is Sunday it is this Sunday I'll be there yeah I'll be there L be there so you can sit with us you come um yes please come um also the environmental commission uh where next uh event will be the Hill line trash ofon which is going to be on April 28th and we're going to start seeing that promoted so please um it's a great day where we clim up the community and uh please participate in that and uh the compost program which we're calling it a pilot program because we are able to just you know keep it going as long as we have the residents um we are trying to promote it more uh we are expanding sites so uh please anybody who is interested in the compost power compost program you we now have some places on the website where you can find it more easily and if anyone has any questions please just you know reach out to Miss Smith uh as the oning and commission um so I think a lot of exciting things happening and I'm looking forward to this com so thanks wonderful council president nothing this week Council nothing this week Council woman nothing unless you have an update with what's going on know that right so why don't you just recap so the info red scan is scheduled for Tuesday 8 o'clock in the morning so once that gets done that'll give us that'll inform us of of next steps or what we have and and the electrician is going to be there yes during the infrared to take off panels and things like that and then he'll most lik will be the individual who also does the repairs okay all right wonderful um okay mayor's mayor's remarks let's talk about mayor's remarks okay Omar so I'm going to appoint um the councilwoman jery Corsair as the council Le on to the library I believe their next meeting is March 11th I'll send you um Nicole sent me a text message about that earli today I'll forward that to you okay and then and going to appoint um councilwoman cor and Council council president Michaels to the sign committee okay and I will reach out to the chamber to determine who from the chamber will be their member um and I also have the first set the first application on my desk on the office inside okay with all the details okay I can give that to you tonight all right um you want to read the CL session thank you soar this is 119 right yes resolution r24 1119 at a meeting of the mayor and Council of the bur of ten County of Bergen state of New Jersey held on March 5th 2024 be it resolved in compliance with njsa 10 4-12 the mayor and council with the B tly are going into Clos executive session to discuss the following matters real property uh both Municipal property and potential property acquisition minutes will be taken to the meeting and released to the public at the time that the matter is resolved uh could I have a motion to go into close please I have a second second all in favor all thank you everybody good thank you a