Longs everywhere the compliance with the open public meetings act PL 1975 chapter 231 the notice requirements have been satisfied the meeting dates for the year are confirmed that the annual meeting are posted on the public bowling board in the lobby of the municipal center and published in the record within the first 10 Days of the New Year notice of this meeting be the January 12th 2024 Sunshine notice has been sent to the record suburbanite northern Valley Press and has been posted on the public on the Bolton board and B website for the record the council held their um 6:30 closed session meeting earlier this evening uh salute to the flag please flag United States stand indice omark I have aember Corsair here here Council Michaels president councilor Dr OK Conor yes here counc park counc here here thank you for remembering me all right first item to be consider the fire department incentives fire department coming up here well so you know no no go ahead um but basically I'm just going to set the the stage of that's okay and and I don't know if you'll enjoy it but um so anyway you know a couple of months ago uh the Fire Commission approached the Council yis on me to uh discuss an increase uh to the incentive amount within the budget uh to be allocated to members who meet the quarterly requirements for the incentive um at present the budget Appropriations amount for the Department is 141,000 um that budget amount has not changed according to our records in Edmund since uh 2019 um Fire Commission states that the amount has not increased for the past 12 years um so the fire department has been um and and you know we'll let uh the Fire Commission kind of speak to this but they've been having a more difficult time recruiting into the department um and even to retain current membership and uh they partly attribute this to the deteriorating incentive uh amount um raising it up they believe will help attract younger members and to retain um you know some of the members who might be kind of uh boing a little bit um the incentive amount uh just to give you a little background on this is allocated to fire department members according to to a three tier Compensation Program um tier one member uh earns $1,650 within a quarter or up to $6,600 per year uh tier 2 earns ,100 or up to $400 a year and tier three earns $550 per quarter or up to $2,200 a year according to the uh commission approximately 12 to 18 members uh receive tier one quarterly compens ation tier 2 is rarely given and 6 to 10 members receive the tier three uh quarterly uh so the fires commission has asked for an increase to adjust uh for the uh the rise in the inflation rate over the past 10 years um the amount requested uh represents a nearly 21% increase um according to the guidance given in uh local Finance notice uh 20238 which um that Susan may be able to uh talk about a little more uh the statutory amount is $161,500 higher than the current incentive however there are also certain conditions for the amount uh that the borrower can appropriate um as I understand there's not more than a 50% cap uh on the incentive amount relative to the borrows annual appropriation for the purchase of uh Fire Equipment materials and supplies so given this limitation this is not kind of a conversation necessarily you know it's a a conversation for the budget period uh but U given this limitation U I would recommend that during the uh upcoming budget period uh we consider increasing the incentive appropriation amount to the maximum amount uh possible under U you know the conditions that were and what is that about $7,800 you said 21% approximately so so it be well so they're asking for a 21% increase which 6600 proba the 6600 but that actually goes up to yeah just come just give mik please give us your name and address step right right into the mic um my name is Michael gley 158 River Road tenly I am a Committee Member for the fire department that deals with our incentive uh I see some very friendly familiar faces and some new ones so nice to meet you um I'm with with me is the president of the fire Association Max vanderen uh who's Sunset Lane um and a 40 forgive me I don't want to 45 years yeah I I knew that he's he's he's uh one of our senior members of the fire department um anyway we uh the numbers that you had just given were were slightly um uh inflated compared to what we're actually looking for um the fire department in essence has looked at what our stipend is and generally speaking we're happy with the stipend um our concern is that we don't have any cost of living adjustments for the stien and so our numbers going back 12 years really kind of looks at in terms of what the compensation was 12 years ago versus what the compensation is today um we have uh also uh akin to our compensation overall compensation um what we try to use to um solicit new members and then retain current members is a low set program which is length of Service uh award program which is in effect a uh like a 401k for firefighters um we uh use both of these as tools to attract new people into the fire department and then keep them here um what we're in essence really looking for is not to go back in time and say we want to have all this extra money for whatever which would amount to what uh councilman men and had offered is 21% really what we're looking for is just a cost of living adjustment per year um the the the uh in essence we're looking to keep the value of the money that we currently have that's all we're really looking for the losap program every year they have a calculation that's put out by the um consumer finance committee of the state and they put out that number uh usually within the first week or two of of January the CPI number for the course of the Year and that adjustment will happen based on inflationary rates and the cost of just living generally speaking here in New Jersey um we just were looking to tie our stiped to that number which is what our lowp is also tied to um so in years when the inflation is is 1% we would that money would go up 1% in years that the inflation might be higher like it is currently I don't I didn't Susan have you seen the new numbers yet I didn't I haven't seen them either um if it's 3% which we're anticipating then this would go up 3% whether you want to make it um let's say happen a year from the time that the announcement is made however it works really with the the fire department generally speaking is looking for is just to have the value of our stien remain we think that it's an attractive piece of coming into our um uh I guess into service in tenly we do though worry because we have an aging population and we're having trouble getting these young kids in um we've opened up programs with uh Cadets kids as young as 14 start to participate in the fire department we try to sell them on that um we have a junior program Once you turn uh 17 you're able to participate as a junior and then have the hopefully a a um kind of a pipeline while that part is being worked on we also have an aging force that unfortunately is putting us all under a lot of strain um so we've seen our numbers kind of steadily decrease in terms of who's actually getting the incentive um we can go back in time and give that information if that's helpful to you um but I can say with certainty that our numbers have have stayed in that kind of ballpark of active membership total active membership we have less than 30 active firefighters we have about 40 people on our roles or 308 people on our roles but really it's less than 30 people that are carrying the weight and burden of the response 24 hours a day seven days a week and you get the idea so U just as a point of clarification we're not looking for 21% increase in the stien I mean if you guys want to give it to us I gladly say yes right but really what we're looking to do is just maintain the value of what we have currently sure you know and thank you for the clarification I I I kind of uh just wanted to um um explain that you know yes I I I know you're you're not looking for the the 21% um but the U you know the inflation adjusted numbers you know from when you first got it uh you know the 6600 comes out to about 1990 per quarter um so you know so that's where the 21% is is coming from so so just be clear that's a projection over 10 years right so what we were looking for is just uh so would be an incremental cost over the course of 10 years so so my my understanding from um from what Susan um our CFO has said and and you know if if you want to come up and just uh kind of clarify the the numbers um is um that um come on there's there's you know a local Finance notice this is you know from the state that uh that kind of talks about the amount um that we can uh appropriate within the budget and so okay so right now the budget from last year was around $33,000 so there is room to increase the incentive um there was a local Finance notice that came out in sented the cap for fire Parts is 161,50 26 but at and we don't give a physical contribution to this is something that's within our budget makes a little bit of a difference because then we do the accounting and keep track of the funds um as a best practice though and what's what's the intent of the local Finance donus is is that the budget that's appropriated annually um 50% of the municipalities annual appropriation should be used for the purchase of Fire Equipment materials and supplies so we be a good practice as you're looking at the in is to look at how much of the budget it is truly for the for for material supply you know and equipment and then right now you're you're very close to that 50% Mark but um I know that I think that you could still get an increase but it should be looked at some couple of things on there I might not really be sure whether it's materials or fire equipment and that's something that we would have to work with you to see what how it's allocated so go ahead oh just one final comment so the the you were talking about the um the inflation adjustment so um they actually the state does do uh a a cola adjustment for U for this number so for example I think it was maybe four years ago it was at 150 so they've increased it over time that's how it got to the 161 526 so every year they they increase this amount and um and I think you know based on what what Susan was saying about the 50% and all that what we can uh give you may not be the 161 but it'll be you know whatever the maximum is is what I'm recommending okay so we're gonna thank you thank you ven we're going to go over we'll be prepared at the budget meeting with the fire department to yeah make a decision talk to m okay good this and going forward because if the budgets remain relatively flat it be harder to do the question living increase over years and C yeah there'll be obviously Susan's going to do all her calculations prior to that the budget meeting and then uh we have the proposed schedule here and then that meeting will all come to terms of make a decision together fair enough thank you for being here thank you all for your time you're W you're welcome to Stage for the rest of the meeting if you want oh okay all right all right um yeah um Susan could you come up to the microphone because we're going to talk about the budget hearing uh schedule you're proposing here hey do you need a copy I've got a copy for you Omar could you give this to Susan unless you have give it to her and she'll give it back to these are these are the meeting dates your proposing yes so so you let try and do this the easy way first is everyone okay with these meeting dates and Susan has okay all right so I try that's okay I mean you guys have to decide what suitable and then I'll rework it okay so who has edits what do you want to do guys let's just start with so when would be when would we be ready to talk is the 9th the earliest just so we set the that that and I just want know the two gold post dates yeah okay so let me explain one thing we have to try to adopt to introduce by April 9th okay so that's one goal that's a local Finance notice was okay sent out from the division that's the end date okay so we still are we still don't have everything that we need for the budget we're still waiting on a capital plan from one of the Departments and once we get that we can determine a couple of things like down payments on capital projects and items like that so I think if you move it up maybe one week because you have to give it sufficient time to roll everything up put the books together and there's a lot of end stuff that goes into this reading the know making sure we didn't miss anything moving money around like one specific so you said I made up a date Monday the 4th you'd be ready moved it up a week give you a little time so yeah just I'll do a week so the seventh is available you would think the seventh is available which is just Thursday March 7 yeah yes I went over the whole schedule with om so if he says you know it's open other meetings guys no no no what is that someone's not on you don't worry about it how long are the sessions they are generally three hours so you so you had put March 9th but I guess it's a um councilman Michael's point if we wanted to do March 7th um because that would be a question because we don't know if it's completely free from burough calendar so is that do do you want to propose March 7th yeah sixth or seventh I one thing we should keep in mind just so you know the Saturday schedules that's are generally who likes to go on a Saturday so I know that might sound a little odd but we always have the police the Fire and Fire Prevention and the judge come in on a Saturday and generally the library um comes in on a Saturday as well so I can move the schedule around but I we should keep that in mind yeah I think the challenge and again I think I just heard he can't do the ninth correct and then I can't do the 16 but again it's just one person and it's not gonna work it's not gonna work I just wanted to open up other dates available I should move the Saturday up is the 2 March 2nd and just start like that like March 2nd and then do March 7th and things like that so I could try to just move the whole thing up I'm available on second people are I'm fine with the schedule with whatever the council wants fine either way no yeah that's fine then okay so we'll start with March 2nd and then the final one then the next date is there anything available the week of the uh the fourth so we have a council meeting on the 5th we do the sixth or seventh we sorry you're saying you need at least two couldn't do no I'm good March no yeah we should have two Satur okay so actually it doesn't matter so John and I can play Rock Paper Scissors so keep it either we got the second and then we just have to between the night 16 yeah so Adam I don't know that we want to do the week of the fourth since we already have a coun meeting like we could no no that's fine I don't think I don't think we need to because it seems out everybody is good on the 12th and 21st so we keep those two dates if they recommend locked in I think the only thing that we have to do is then just select if we're getting the second we have to select between the 9th and the 16th yeah it's one or the other one of those I would do the ninth and keep the 16th open just in case we run up time okay which we will so so Dan it doesn't work too well that was I need to make sure I wrap everything up and get it to the Auditors so if we could try to do a Saturday then oh he's he's helping he's telling you earlier is yes second night so what's on the table the ninth well yeah well if we're gonna I'd rather move the whole thing up because then it gives me more time and end to we're gonna do this not too much of a gap oh yeah you yes that is so you're looking at the second the second and the then then then Saturday the 9th yes and is there any way to have a meeting you want a weekday that would then you have Tuesday to 12 then the 12 but she doesn't want the 21 no no I could do Tuesday to 12 leave those that there it's already there and then what's the meeting after the 9th you 12th well the 12th no the 12th after that one 21st I don't want to go that you don't want to go that no because I have too much time in between to wrap up the budget so how's the could we do 12th and 13th that's up to you guys what' you say 12th and 13th Tuesday and wday people want a Saturday no no The Saturdays are good Saturdays are good we're good on Satur if she wants it kind of done early we could be it could be even Monday of that week 11th and 12th that's fine 11 second 9th 11 you guys want to do two days next to each other I don't want that might be like problem is the Thursdays are always either 91 and 12 back to what about the 18th 18th that's fine 18th Monday the 18th rather than we have someone away on the 18th oh someone's away yeah we're away on the ninth both of us not together but we're allit theth not do 29 12 and then we do something a little after the 12 but you said way on the pi early so go back to the 16th then March 16th so the 24th of f 2 12 16 2 12 16 16 21 we say is there any she doesn't want as late count meeting on the fth that that week is g to be tough for me to do two nights you have a council meeting on the 5th so why can't we do the six the two different you know would we be okay with that or the seventh maybe maybe the seventh not two days in a row that that one that you're trying to schedule and split it in half and just do an hour before your regular meetings instead hour to bang out some of them split them s you're already here yeah we can do thatth how about if you guys could tell me what dates you're not available then I could try to work long list yeah um so Susan you didn't want it as late as the 21st not if we're moving this up because then I have too much of a gap and I can get it in to the Auditors all so my understanding is the ninth is is not good because we're going to be missing two Council Fe but we need two Saturdays so it's it is the 2 and the 16th two Saturdays those are locked in okay because the ninth is it's just a game of numbers because two versus one missing so that's if we do the Saturdays it's the second and the 16th how does that work it doesn't work for Adam on the 16th all right I'm just one of six you can't he's not available on the 16th yeah but then two are not available on the ninth oh and you didn't want to go as late as 23rd no it's not good it is what it is it is what it is so 2 and 16th are our Saturdays okay those are locked in good all right locked in yes okay now we're working the weekday situation we had how many hours do we need left you need three hours for each of those so can we do them an hour and a half early at each council meeting come in at six o'clock good and I'll buy dinner both nights but we did that's an incentive but we did we did have the 12th I think worked for everybody right did the 12th work for everybody for one of the date I think so yeah so that was a six to n on the 12th is fine so now you're just making up three more hours which is one day or split I would ideally the week of the fourth and again totally fine with an hour and a half before and after the council meeting oh I have an idea if you want to do if you like to do Capital we could do well we shouldn't do too late you know what I mean maybe before meeting have to be before too tired too late doing a capital maybe on the 19th when you have that meeting yes you could start and do that last session of the capital okay on the 19th yes for an hour you could start at 6:30 and then the clerk ad me and finance will try to find another spot for it but the fifth you can also to to the mayor's point the 5ifth and the 19th are our two Council meetings that month so do you want me to put it out hour and before each meeting six o'clock on the 5th and six o'clock on the 19th and we all heard so that's recording so we could do the clerk admin and finance or three of these I have to talk to all the Departments now before the 5th and then on the last coun the March 19th council meeting do capital okay this is we need temporary done well the temporary was is going to be done before this we have to yes if you could be so kind tomorrow or the day after just recirculate this to the gang and the team excuse me and we will be locked in okay and then I'll check with all the department think you got the show Always Sunny in Philadelphia love that best okay thank you Susan okay thank you everyone uh administrator's report in the absence of administrator's report um we're just going to um myself and Susan Omar if the council has any questions about any topics we'd be happy to address them okay we'll move on um public comment time audience members wishing to speak will have a three minute time limit to address the governing body uh any items on the agenda large groups are asked to have a spokesperson represent them Omar is there anyone in the council chambers from the public who looks like they appear they want to speak no one in council chambers anybody can you please raise your hand if you wish to speak if you're on Zoom please let us know if you'd like to speak or just speak up okay Omar doesn't look like there's anyone on Zoom who wants to speak correct you're correct me okay I'm going to close public comment time uh and we're going to go to col respondence the first item on the agenda is the historic preservation commission the tenly railroad station dedication ceremony um and just I want to make a a comment about the historic preservation commission uh Thorin tra is now the chair of historic preservation and Mike Baron who was the previous most recent chair has retired from that role and uh he's moving on to other things so we I just wanted to thank Mike for his years of service uh and his time as chair of historic preservation so thank you Mike Baron and U good luck to Rob to Thoren we appreciate your service and commitment okay so who wants to talk about this particular uh correspondence hopefully everyone will be able to attend yeah looks like that'll right yes right we're going to have a dedication ceremony on May 18th okay date on the yeah yep Omar if we can find out what it doesn't say what time on the 18th I think okay if we can find that out from historic preservation and circulate that to the council so we can all go okay yes all right Perfect all right next item is Senior Services committee the community challenge okay um that was presented to me by Risa our sen services coordinator um she wanted to see if the government body wishes to um proceed with um this AR AARP Grant opportunity um U she provided me the details um via email and um what you would you see on the back end um of your agenda so if the governing body wishes to move forward with um the application process um we need permission so what is she uh proposing are they going to is she going to take care of the Grant application to my knowledge yes and what is the cost uh there's no cost there is no cost yes so there's no cost to and the senior services committee will take care of the application yes so how does the council feel about this go ahead V we did this last year right I believe I thought it was the same thing yeah it was the same thing I remember yes I don't see any reason not to she she'll take care of it I think okay any objections to this grant no okay please please communicate that yes the council is fully in support of it okay we do thank you okay consent agenda we're going to break this up okay could I have a motion to please uh approve resolution 2441 through 24- 46 uh excuse me mayor um the temporary budget uh I'd like to pull that out separately and and maybe uh Susan can talk about that Susan before we have a vote do you have any comments about the temporary budget so there's a statute that we have to comply with and in the temp budget we can um allocate 2 6.25% um in the first 30 days of the month of January any questions for Susan and so just the uh you know maybe you can just explain um you know what what the 26 million refers to what the Six Million refers to okay so the 26.5% is of the proceeding years budget and I do is I P the data in it's automatic data uh load and then I look at every line item to say I think I'm going to need money um of the items I put was traffic engineer so know we're going to be for that it a new item um there's things that are excluded such as the debt Capital Improvement fund pension you know all of those items are excluded I add it back in so I can make sure I can cover these items that at um efrs um we can amend the temporary budget as we go on if we see that we need more money okay any other questions from Council Members okay all right thank you Susan thank you so I'd like to request a motion to approve resolution 2441 through 2446 so Mo I have a second second Omar could you please call the role sure council member Corsair yes as minut sorry are we this is 2 2441 to 4 no councilman you're absolutely correct it's r24 d41 through r24 d45 can I have a motion please repeat that so Mo second second please call the rooll counc member Corsair yes council member Min yes coun Michaels yes coun Dr o Conor yes coun member Park yes coun member rry yes okay the next group of resolutions we're going to go down the list individually uh first one could I have a motion to approve R2 24- 47 4 a motion 46 46 you know what it is the way this is separated here okay R 2446 please that a second second Omar could you please call the rooll coun M Corsair yes c m men all yes C Michaels yes C Dr OK Conor yes custom Park yes now is she now gonna get the Au of office because we just yes right okay so council member R Larry you can just sign right yes let's move the meeting oh yes you just sign it okay uh can I have a motion to approve R 24- 47 please all moved have a second second please call the rooll C PIR yes C minut yes counc member Michaels yes council member Dr o Conor yes council member Park yes council member R Larry yes okay just making sure everything is okay have a motion to approve resolution R 24-48 please so moved I have a second second Omar please call the roll coun member Corsair yes coun member men yes c m Michaels yes C member Dr o Conor yes coun member Park yes coun M rarry yes I have a motion to approve resolution r24 d49 please just a question um so on any of these there's no amounts uh you know what the uh so I can answer that one so these resolutions are making the appointments at the next meeting you'll be authorizing contracts the contract authorization resolution will have the amounts thank you has one more question about that um so are are all of them one year contracts or are some of them longer so all are one year except for burough engineer which in accordance with statute and your ordinance is three years oh because it says three one year for the engineer it have you updated yours oh maybe not got it okay okay so Soul moved me so moved so moved so we're going to do a roll call for r24 d49 correct yes go ahead I need a second second okay Corsair Yes Men yes Michaels yes member Dr W Conor yes power Park yes C member BR Larry yes okay could I have a motion to approve resolution R 24-50 please moved I have a second second please Omar counc member porer yes council member Min council member Michaels yes coun M Dr o Conor yeah coun M Park yes coun m r yes I have a motion to approve resolution r24 d51 please second oh Mark could you please call the rooll C I mean customer Corsair yes council member Min yes counc M Michaels yes council member Dr o Conor yes council member Park yes Council memberry yes can I have a question about this next one the that's the millennial strategy that's correct correct we're gonna see like you said in the next meeting the terms of the contract correct correct all right I have a motion to approve resolution r2452 so moved have a second please second Omar please call the RO coun member yes coun Min yes counc member Michaels yes counc member Dr o Conor yes coun member Park yes counc member yes okay I have a motion to approve R 24- 53 please I have a second secondar please call the coun member Corsair coun men yes coun M Michaels yes council member Dr Conor yes counc member Park yes council member Ro Clary yes okay could I have a motion to approve all 24 54 please a second second please callair yes men yes yes council member Michaels yes council member Dr o Conor yes council member Park yes council member V yes okay so I have a motion to approve resolution r24 D 55 please so moved have a secondar please call the rooll coun M Corsair Yes coun Men yes counc M Michaels yes council member Dr o Conor yes council member Park yes coun member R Larry yes I have a motion to approve resolution r24 d56 please so moved have a second second Omar please call the counc member Corsair yes council member men yes council member Michaels yes council member Dr o Conor yes C member Park yes coun member rural area yes okay can I have a motion to approve resolution r2457 please so move I have a second second pleas call counc member Corsair counc member men yes C member Michaels yes council member Dr o Conor yes counc member Park yes counc member R Larry yes do I have a motion for was there a question on the next one okay can I have a motion to approve resolution r24 - 58 please I have a question oh go ahead um so saw the 88500 um why is there an additional 10,000 I doesn't that come with a um with a change order or something like that I mean why is there an automatic increase because there's an expectation a realistic expectation that we'll have additional meetings with them so we're provided with the council with an estimate of what we believe that those meeting costs will be rather than come back later and say by the way we have to have meetings that we knew about when you approve a resolution and the 88500 didn't include that so the 88500 would have been for the scope of Services of the work um and then both of the engineers that that uh were appointed as Traffic Engineers for the bureau so were asked to provide quotes for this particular uh scope of services would have an hourly rate Beyond that so those meetings are are coming to the the council meetings or for public sessions whatever those meetings may be um and I apologize I wasn't involved with it so I'm not exactly sure what the number of meetings are uh but that they would be based on an hourly rate and so Kevin would have calculated it based on how long he would anticipate them having to attend a meeting and how many times based on an hourly rate but that wouldn't have been included in the bid uh that's it would have been a cost number that would have been given as part of the the rates in the bid right so each each engineer would have given their hourly rate beyond their engineering work so to speak is this a Max you're setting a Max at 10,000 over right I mean it it's p as build or is just a flat rate of 10 not to exceed to exed so time is build not to exceed 10 correct right okay could I have a motion to approve resolution all 24-58 please so moved I have a second secondar please call the rooll Corsair Yes Men yes Michaels yes member Dr o Conor yes Park yes member R Larry yes I have a motion to approve resolution you have a question Council yeah 24- 59 um so I just wanted to know if if the chief of police because I think we had discussed this at another time this is something different okay and he's well I know it is but I just wanted to double check if if the chief and are they happy with the agreement with the pramis uh Public Safety answering Point yeah he hasn't expressed any if he had any reservations he we would he would be here telling us about it absolutely so so let me just I have a motion to approve resolution R 2459 please so moved do I have a second please second Mark can you please call the r that's Corsair yes counc mil yes counc member Michaels yes council member Dr Conor yes counc member Park yes R yes okay uh can I have a motion to approve resolution Mar can I ask a question on 60 please number 60 yes uh I believe in a pread we saw something this is repairing both fire vehicles and police is this just limited to fire in this in the scope of this 60 see here maintenance repair fire department vehicle service in 2024 I don't say as mentions other vehicles what page are you on I'm just looking at so it's repair of vehic Les okay so on page two of six that's $150 an hour right for the repair of vehic there's no limitation to the type of vehicle so just it's all vehicles including motorcycles we have one the burel owns a motorcycle okay question even include and I'm sorry wor just a question on that did we consider using a local entity for that as opposed to Outsourcing it to paramis so we use pamis fire and these type of equipments because they have the lift that picks up a fire so that that's it's not all of our we have a local that had responded to an RFP for maintenance on on other vehicles as well okay I think additional right so just in terms of Valero I believe does the oil changes on the police cars but if you can if you've been in like any of the the service stations around here like if you had an ambulance like Valero yeah thank you you're welcome so resolution 24-6 could I have a motion to approve please moved I have a second Omar please call the rooll C Corsair yes C men yes counc member Michaels yes council member Dr o Conor yes council member Park yes council member Larry yes okay item of old business that I put on the agenda which was an item we started discussing last year um and we've made some some updates to the suggested ordinance that we'll present to the council for the next for the next meeting uh and and this is the issue with we have garages in town probably 200 to 300 of them where the garage is effectively in the basement of the house and the grade goes the driveway goes from the street down into the basement um with basically two walls of landscaping or whatever concrete block on the side most of these typically all I think the maximum we hit was about 200 flooded during Ida um and so the proposed ordinance that you'll see in a couple of weeks will give the owner of those homes only the ability if they choose to basically if they're experiencing flooding concrete block up the wall they fill the land back in so they have a grave that goes goes towards the street rather than to the bottom of their basement and they would park their cars in their driveway without a requirement for them to have a garage and so the ordinance is being the draft ordinance is being tweaked so that it specifically applies only in these particular situations for houses that are built prior to the ordinance going into effect so it won't apply to any new house that's choosing to build that particular way it's only going to build that particular way um the ones with the well there's a lot of disincentives to that I thought I thought that i' seen less of it I knew a lot of work on so okay dis okay so we'll we'll see that ordinance in about two weeks or so right okay for the council Lookout okay can I have motion to approve the Amendments of January 2nd 2024 the recess meeting and January 2nd 2024 uh the reor meeting mayor yes I I don't have any of those attached there now so moved have a second a second just uh Omar please call the RO Voice vote Voice vote all in favor any any opposed okay you're obain does anyone uh have anything for the go of the order any topics for upcoming meetings Okay um so uh introduction of ordinance 2401 I typically start from my left so Jamie you're on so do you have a copy of the 241 in front of you click on the hyperlink CLI on the hyperlink new business yeah you're G to make a motion no I right right okay you have it in front of you okay you see the third line where you I'm y y go ahead I'm to introduce on the first reading orance 2401 and heing for January 30th 2024 at 8m or soon thereafter have a second please second omark could you please read the title of the ordinance and conduct the Roll Call sure ordinance number 24-1 is an ordinance of the bur tly County of Bergen state of New Jersey established in chapter 27 storm water control new section 27-16 privately owned salt storage of the revised Jour ordinances of the bur 105 2004 thank council member Corsair yes C men yes C Michaels yes coun member Dr OK Conor yes coun member Mar yes customer R yes okay committee reports danan none yet new um yeah just a second um yes yeah what happen to my box of tissues the whole thing disappeared um I just figured you know uh the the planning board uh which also part of uh so basically an application came before the planning board uh last year in February and um the the planning board had its fourth follow-up meeting uh this the last week on this and approved the application so just a little bit on the uh about the application uh the property consists of two adjoining uh Lots on Central Avenue on the corner with um a Railroad Avenue um and each with a house on the respective Lots um the applicant intended to raise the houses and build a a three-story uh 40ft building housing of business on the first floor and 10 apartments on the second and third floors um it was brought down from what was four stories and and uh you know a higher building um so ultimately there were four variances that were approved and um this included a 13 foot front yard setback on Central Avenue where uh 30 feet is required and and that's basically because the uh Central Avenue is a very wide uh street so you know the the uh rationale was that uh you know it can support a 13 foot rather than uh needing the 30 foot um and uh since it's a corner property there are two front yards uh there was a request for another front yard variance uh on on the other side uh at the corner for 15 feet where 20 ft is required um there was also approval of a request for five parking space spaces in the front yard where uh normally parking is not permitted um and finally there was an exception allowed for uh 24ot minimum Drive aisle width where 25 ft uh was required um they they thought that the request was di Minimus and um you know the the other variances were approved accordingly so uh so the intent is uh in in the future you're going to see a a three-story building on one of the corners of Central Avenue um that will have 10 10 Apartments so that was a planning board um anything else uh zoning board sorry real quick so two applications at the at the board of adjustment of which one was moved to the next meeting uh but the one that uh went through there was a request for construction of a new single family house on Norman uh with a minimum required sidey yard of 15 ft on each side um and they requested a a 10- foot sidey yard on each H side and um because of the the narrow lot there are a lot of uh narrow lot homes on on Norman um the application was approved um so the other one is a is a swimming pool that'll be at at the next meeting I think uh um and then the senior center the you know the usual thing they have all the uh the activities coming up and you know reach out to Michelle H uh you know for for further details but there'll be um um you know shows uh Broadway shows and and trips to all kinds of places so that that's it on that I think that that's it okay thank you thank you Julie it's i g to report on the board of health um so uh tly is a healthy Community uh in the reports of the health Officer Jim Fedor that the reports he supplied that there were only 265 uh covid cases in the last year but just to caveat to brat only if a person goes to a doctor or a clinic are those reported not a home test uh regarding Co the state shows Medium Hospital ation rates right now RSV cases are decreasing uh and the flu is high throughout the state flu Seasons started off late this last year because of uh the temperatures uh for the upcoming budget our um harp which stands for health awareness Regional program they perform our health services uh and the mid Bergen Regional Health commission contract those two things they're going to see a slight increase uh however the uh heart contract will be completely reimbursed because of the enhancing Public Health infrastructure Grant which was already obtained so they'll be getting that back uh and I just want on the last part I want to highlight uh this this thing called contrapest so especially for area council members so the council last year in response to concerns from the ten ofline Nature Center they decided to fund contrapest um and this was to reduce the SG in town so SGS are a poison that passes from rats onto scavenger animals such as Raptors and so that's why the Nature Center and a number of environmental groups are against these black boxes that have this this poison called SGS Contra pest is actually a birth control so it it doesn't uh kill and uh for this upcoming year there's going to be no cost increase for the Contra pest that's asked for in the budget so that's great but also great is it seems to be a real success because um both Jim uh and fedoraco as well as Ruby our health inspector uh said that they've had no complaints of rats or rodents whereas uh they have received complaints in previous years so it seems that contrapest is a bit of a win-win uh environmentally and as far as ethicacy so I just want to pass that along as we're going into budget okay thank you Adam nothing to speak John Jamie okay all right thank you all for that committee reports mayor's remarks okay so my only remarks tonight are I'm appointing as first ultimate uh Peter Casio uh to the historic preservation commission to fill out the unexpired tral term because he's moving up U to a full appointment uh replacing Mike bone okay and we're going to go to close session actually Mr Mayor once second the risk of being hypocritical for each of uh my fellow Council people I have given out Robert's Rules of Order I would like to mention we're finishing the meeting in an hour and a half this might be a record to this counil there still post session why would you jinx it yeah councilwoman Corsair yeah and I uh councilman rary um I think it's great I want to really continue to be even more efficient I do vote more people join um so yes so congratulations Council people council members council members okay all right very good so we're going to read the close the Clos session language please yep resolution r24 d61 at a meeting of the mayor and Council of the Bro tenly County of Bergen Cate of New Jersey held on January 16 2024 be it resolved in compliance with njsa 10 4-12 the mayor and Council the B of tempy are going into closed executive session to discuss the following matters under Personnel exemption there's discussions on the senior center Administration and finance department and under the real property exemption there's discussion of a burrow property as well as potential acquisition minutes will be taken of the meeting and released to the public at the time that the matter is resolved have a motion to go into close please I'll move second okay we're in close we're going right back to the W room [Music] please