[Music] in compliance with the open public meetings act PL 1975 chapter 231 the notice requirements have been satisfied the meeting dates for the year are confirmed at the annual meeting are posted on the public bulletin board in the lobby of the municipal center and published in the record within the first 10 Days of the New Year salute to the flag I pledge allegiance to the flag the United St of America to the rep for it stands one nation God indivisible andice for roll call please councilwoman corer here councilman Menan here councilman Michaels president councilwoman Dr o Conor here councilman Park here councilman rary here bring us by zoom and the mayor first under two be considered the 2024 Road program Jamie from callers thank you everyone Jance engineer Andy apologize could be here so the 2024 Road program uh borrows portion of the riv side callop is $879,000 Bridge Road is one of the roads that were that's on that list we're going to move that off there's some snorm that need to be done there's also a couple roads uh that are on PS list that are slated for main replacement preliminary estimates are eight roads so what we're going to do is work with public works and the administration in taking those roads out of the program so PS and G can come do their work and then move over to either include other roads or just hold off for a portion of that uh fund this year that's to be determined psng will be replacing the road after they're done with that work so the way it works is PSG will come in if the road is under a moratorium then they will pave curb to curb okay which means it's been paid or reserved in the last five years so we've done an analysis of that there's approximately 20 roads that could be impacted as a result of that uh then what happens is if it hasn't been Reser in the past five years they would paid halfway what we've done half with so center lines curve on the side that that they're working on what we've done in the past and and and ends up working out very well to burrow is we would ask PSC and to do a fullwidth pavement on some of those roads and then we would do the balance of them under the Riverside Coop or some other Cooper and it's a cost benefit to the burn so um that will be for the Riverside Coop angle street is also uh currently under design that's a DOT Grant and Highwood Avenue we're uh preparing actually undergoing storm sewer repair started today uh there's one other location that is scheduled to be done on the angle do you remember the start and finish point because Count's coming into Westerville it's high East Clinton Clinton is the only remaining yeah they're going angle down Wester do we have the list of roads that we could uh and is there rough timing for when the roads are going to be done sure give first question angle is high Hudson okay through the LA okay perfect so and as far as list I'm sorry I'm sorry would the Hudson been done Highwood to Hudson has been done I believe it's Highwood to East Clinton is what you mean is that cor correct uh I'll have to double check my list what I have oh yes I with the Hudson was this is the completed site you're right it is still not the county side it's on the U the ones that are not part of the moratorium the fiveyear if they do any work what they what happens there PSC would pay from the curve to the center line of the road okay so basically you know as in the past they come in they run their main they leave it for a period of time so the trench settles out then they'll come back in fill it and then do the half that's on their schedule coordinated coordination streets and the timing for the for the PS to Follows phase two for the the our road program okay so we would need to get an updated list Jamie I have the list right here I could read the streets off we don't have a schedule at this point okay so no need to read it off but when it's get the so just get that over to me and I'll get it to the council um for the council to note that the 2024 Road program was part of the bond ordinance that we just passed so the stoppable period for that Bond ordinance is June 6 uh there's an item on your agenda that will approve a resolution or consider resolution for approval that will make it effective on that date so we don't have to wait till June 11 to get the ball Y and oh I'm sorry okay so you were fixing the mic U that would be it for for uh the road program for 202 any other questions perfect um do we want to the skate park okay skate park is the second item yes so the skate park is currently out to bid uh bids will be received on June 13th we're going through the E procurement uh process on that the skate park we have taken basically the state element the new design standards that are required by joining Insurance Fund require offense I'm not sure if any went over this with the council so as part of the skate park requirements short through the J you need to have preferably a 10t bell except an 8ot high fence around the entire skate park uh so that it can be closed off at night there signage that has to go up they require the design to be uh prepared by a qualified designer so you have Wall free zones between the element and fence distance between the different elements spawn branch is uh we've been Consulting with doing the so what we've done is in our bid specifications that we prepare we have a base bid which includes the removal of one building the dog parks butterfly garden and the pl and then as in Walter head we have the skate park uh which includes the fence the DGA the curves go around and then the second alternate on that would be for a qualified installer through the co-op to um install those elements we're not talking a simple railing going down steps this is a half pipe qu pipes Lees a number of rails is a significant structure that will be going in there for the benefit so when you're talking about alternate bids yes when you're when you're referring to that you really mean that from taking this project and breaking it up for allowing for different people to bid on pieces it what we're doing is because when we start taking into cost considerations when we're designing something we can take certain elements and the burrow has the option to either award it or not award it and then issue a separate contract at a different time under different ordinance for budgetary purposes or if things change in the economy so it offers the flexibility for the borrow to be able to do that that's what it is the burrow has the option either award W base and wal or just base have you guys seen the whatever this plan looks like with the fence and everything now no we have can we see that just because I I thought I'm GNA get this wrong the original intention of the skate park area was you could also sit there during the day so correct I got a phone call on Friday because of the GIF standards correct me when I go off if I'm way off because of the GIF standards we have to have a 8ft fence to call it a skate park secondly all the elements inside that Park have to be like he said cert like a certified skate feature it can't just be a bench that skater can jump on like I would have when I was a kid is that all accurate yes and it has to be locked off at night which is the fence part yeah so it was the original the original concept was to corre at night for safety but but not not the fence with inside the property that's that's where it's different we just get a design at least just know what they're talking about so yep so one of the things that has come up I just received an update at the cost estimate from the engineers today and the costs are um significantly higher than what we had allocated um there was a a total cost of $398,000 previously um appropriated and then there was an anticipation of the $887,000 reimbursed in County open space so the base bid that Jamie is talking about is estimated to be $55,200 that does not include the skate park equipment um what's that number again 505 203 so the bids will be open on June 13th so it will either approve or uh disapprove the estimate and we can take an action at our following meeting on that the the issue that we have the the fencing that's required by the GIF is estimated to be $46,000 so that's nominal but the the real issue that we have going on is the cost of the skate park equipment uh Jamie canon in previous years had proposed a design that was that she had um forecast to be $300,000 that uh is not has not been appropriated either in a bond openings or from the open space fund at this point the the cost estimate for the um design that was selected is $500,000 which would bring the total project to 1, 151,000 283 as opposed to $400,000 how is that so I mean that's um can I can I ask though is that is that a bit of a is that a bit of a wish list like top skate park I I remember talking to Dan about this it's almost like Topline skate park type of idea the 350 was the original Plaza at the old skate park the Jamie number so where we're getting 500 um regardless of the design and everything the big question is why is the number so different right so my understanding is that number was preo as we know postco numbers have changed and speaking with the uh designer they had given us a rough price of $80 square foot the skate park when they were designing for the other understand is that that that estimate was preco no no no but the design of we're talking about that no no the preco uh cost we're talking about is for the the one at Roosevelt comment correct that's right but so as far as so we're talking apples and oranges at this point I believe we maintain the elements that were from from the original design right so so we we're talking can I I actually remember something on I want to talk because to drill down on on the thing with the skate park when Andy put in the bid for the skate park he was his estimate was not the Jamie Canon skate park that so I so I I want to get to ven's Point the Apples to Apples what Andy had uh put in that was the 398,000 Allin was not that type of skap you're correct so so could you elaborate a bit on that so initially why are we switching to fan that was that was the direction that we were providing to go was was these elements as part based upon I believe Andy's discussions with Jamie oh okay so perhaps there's just a a communication thing is because I think Jamie is still thinking of it as the skate elements that she had in the original plan in Roosevelt Commons and I know that councilman Park and I spoke this plan that Andy put together it it is it was not supposed to be that Top Line top skate park designer Uber expensive thing well well that's not but that's not the question which design went out big they all three what they did they took the base they added uping then they added see half million doll no that's not my question is what design of the skate no no that's that's not my question okay Julie is raising the point that maybe this communication so I'm trying to establish which design actually went in the packet to the bids not of what's here the design includes a half pipe which is nope nope keep Sorry probably four or five lges I actually have a color rendering of it with me from the uh okay just to make sure so just between us we had you know when it was originally proposed you know for the commons area um we had I phone Branch park or whatever was was the top of the line and then we also got bids on a couple of the others um a couple of other proposals and these uh two or three the reason why we never agreed to something is because we thought this was uh too expensive phone wrench and and a couple of the others were a little more reasonable but you know we never got to yes we never got to planning stage allocation stage we never got to this stage correctly half half pip should have never made it quarter pipe should have never made it jie Jamie been talking just make sure Jamie [Music] K so I think I think I drill up yes so I think we all understand that the base has raised okay you know with all this excavation and before got not not dou where the other piece which was a skate park which was far less than this $500,000 is the thing that's what we're zeroing in on a bit so I would say if if this is some stuff that we didn't want to go to bed where can we how do we get that done okay that was EX this isn't what we want to today and I think councilman Park might be the best suited to um because he so this this part is the is a bid automate uh that would confirm or deny the 500,000 so we could we can open the bids and verify base bid and whether or not we we go through def fence and then we could do a process right let's say the bids come in we get the prices and everything can we let's say it goes from 80 square feet down it averages to 70 60 whatever it is can we work with the the fender who wins the B who has a good bid to redesign start that the original basic question is why didn't the other design go out with B we got the wrong design this one right there was no this is the first one for the pool area well I I know what the mayor's saying when when uh Andy put the package together it that it included a skate park that had some skate features and he didn't make up the numbers he had so part part of the issue I think Jamie that we need to have answer if I could in the administrator files there was a letter from May 3rd 2023 Jimmy hamy from Andy and basically it was proposing the improvements to the swim club property at $400,000 total approximately $400,000 total and the proposed improvements would include a skate park adaa raised flower beds renovation of bathrooms walkways pollinator Garden Wildlife viewing area fencing site amenities including water fountains benches Etc security cameras demolition the existing Pump House demolition the existing Kitty pole and uh restoration uh because on-site structures will be demolished as part of the project scope and assessment of presence of speci Etc we have so I think the question really is how do we get from the $400,000 well well a little bit more drilled down on the question is I I think everyone accepts that there's some inflation and this will be raised and I I don't think that's making anyone B it's the skate park which was I want to say if I remember correctly it's too short8 $80,000 maybe was what was allocated for the skate park I remember you thinking that was a little low at the time I remember you seeing that Council Park it's aasm between this is the so from what from what I understand wasn't the original design so from what I understand this feature looks like a flower just flower pot plot right it's got to be certified skate approved now from what I understand is that correct that is also part of the price increase so in addition to the differences in the actual features the the features themselves no matter what features you select because of the because of the discussions with the insurance they have to now be certified parts or whatnot so that price the the gif's is this there's a bulletin that I can pass out that they updated in January they basically are looking for the burrow to have an outside contractor professional but they want to offset my build right so basically any professional engineer licensed could design the skate park but they they're suggesting that we get one with experience in skate parks because they're assuming the professional liability but is it only in the design or is it also in the materials the well they in the design they would spe out the Mater the materials are there there are specific requirements you can use wood anything that would create a laceration there's a bment requ rails rail concrete right so in the interested time though because if understanding everybody I feel this way and we want to get this done in the while the park is closed that was the whole idea is we don't we want to close the park and get it done this summer and everyone's buling at this price why because I think clearly we had people talking to people that weren't uh go back second before that it's not about we're not walking at the price this isn't Design This is not the design Yeah well yeah no what I'm saying what what to propose I have a propos solution we can scale down the design and presumably Andy has the the scale Down original version right um and we can issue an addendum to the bid okay we have time to issue an addendum so that the addendum to bid alternate number one will be received on June 13 we can even extend that because by the virtue of the date you're not going to take action on this until June 25th okay so if we need to add a week extra week to allow for the addendum in that process we can do that and we can move the dates I'm I don't I don't want to waste the time in the sense of you know the skape park that went out is incorrect it has to be so we'll issue an addendum and do you have a a a estimate for the scale down version Jamie or you don't have that no you don't have that okay in conversations with Andy you could what he told me you can get a very scaled down version for between 80 and 100,000 right and then you go up from there so and I would just say though also in the interest of the correct people talking to cor it would be good to bring in our Recreation director however she's not the decision maker as to what all all all we need to do is all the L design that's the design we want that's what the council approv it goes to the the conceptual design Andy last year and that should have been what how your s all right yeah Jamie Cannon did not just to be clear on this Jamie Canon did not change [Music] can you guys hear me okay I have a question do we have a number in mind that we're committed to spending on this this is a ludicrous 250% Delta on what we signed up for and I'm curious can't hear is it to see you can make your side a little louder yeah you may need to turn the microphone off all the way this is this is is this at all better I'm I'm actually trying to connect it through my phone now because you couldn't hear me earlier but unless I was just being unceremoniously ignored which I would applaud you for uh I'm I'm curious do we have a number that we're willing to spend on this initiative we are going from 400,000 to over a million dollars in this conversation that is a massive Delta did we approve a number are we operating toward a number that we can deliver on and should we be backing into that as to what can we achieve with the dollars that we've approved rather than going in circles and having this go out to bid multiple iterations where we could up be over a million dollars on a project that I'm quite confident we didn't approve a million dollars for it well John I'm not sure if you heard but yes that's exactly what we're talking about is what seemed to have effectively doubled the project was the price of the skate park and that's what we are going to amend and reduced significantly because that's what exploded the project the discussion of the project so and yeah I appreciate that and that makes sense but it's a massive Delta and it's one that we really can't oper a reasonable budget with but I also don't want to get in a position where we deliver an incredibly inferior product right because if we do that then it's a it's it's as much a waste of money as spending to do it right right I think as a council we need to do things when we commit to them to doing them right so if the delivery is going to be sub far or embarrassingly cheap then we should reconsider kind of what we're doing I hate to say that but I think that's an important thing to put on the table I I completely agree I think it's like it's a sweet spot but we also don't want to be um you know charged for for something we didn't all agree to either that's all right so you have you have copies you have copies of the site plan as counil skate park last meeting yes we all have our we're not interested in changing that right that's what should be included in theage and we we understand Mark before you got here we now need to include fense uh because yeah if if the council's interested I can send the the butin from the J so you understand where it's coming from but um that's the only the aesthetic uh detraction if you will concept okay so I think we could stay sort of on target for action on June 25th and just one more request if we can get price tags on each item give or take whatever that's a good idea what's that price tags on each item like is a half pipe 50 Grand and a quarter pipe's 25 something that so you know there's an El and the other good part is the spawn Ranch services and and the equipment are under the Burkin County cooperative so that would be sort of a subset within the overall bid so um that should be very easily identified Council Park as to what the cost that is yours this is your copy oh thank you thank you no I was just wondering so with the outside dining you all may recall back during the co days um the state had had put out regulations that basically Exempted our ordinances from prohibiting um the any kind of umbrella or tents or whatnot during outside dining um That Was Then codified for another two-year extension through till December 1st of 2024 so what we're looking for is either for you guys to put it on your mindset right now to know that this summer it's still under the the state exemption so to speak because normally we wouldn't allow tempting unless it was a special event so David and I need some direction if you would like to amend the referral code in order to provide any other instances that would allow for tenting Beyond December 1st of 2024 or if you wanted to go ahead and expire at that time that is okay too but just putting it out there so you all can consider whether or not you would like to change your zoning to match anything different tenting first are you talking about tenting or outside dining and tenting as a separate issues so you already have uh the ability and you have a resolution on the agenda tonight to approve um outside dining seating there is a permit program for that already um the only thing with the outside dining that is governed by the statute that you don't already allow is extended use of a tent you allow umbrellas you allow tables tents are used by 130 Club Axia and Cafe uh yes is private or public property is public so you are not required to allow it on on public property unless you're allowing the outside dining to be on public property only through this statute which is going to expire in December so for example AIA who has the tent over their own parking lot would no longer be able to do that next spring summer unless we amend our burrow code so the question is do you want to amend the B code to allow for or can we do it one off every year just like we do the opposite side you no because they're outside of the state statute that put it till 2024 they your building and fire code officials can't approve it you they have no authority to approve it okay so just not to speak for out no to rephrase this question can if the council so decided could they amend the code that requires say someone who applies for the permit to do that it's a one-year permit and every year they have to come oh yes yes yes sure he always says it more articul he just knows how I think better it's under uniform construction code yes and then to double back is this private or public property permits so right now State I guess you could put it into to limited or to particular colors if you wanted to sure but you can't get into the construction because that's all about the construction I'm talking about color can control the typ or theity we can certainly look into that I don't want to say specifically yes just yet but we can certainly look into that yes um and then back to a Dan's question I'm sorry public or private or both if the burrow has granted use of the public space then it would be on public as well um or it could be on private only the only thing I would would just make clear is right now you allow outside dining on public sidewalks so long as ad8 compliance Comm be that in other conditions it it is highly unlikely to fit a tent that is going to be able to to keep compliance and everything that else on sidewalks uh but you don't you wouldn't be required to give up the street parking as during the co days when when you're granting parallel parking spots you don't have to do that unless you wish to so it's just something to keep in mind you don't have to give me an answer today because again we're covered by the statute for the summer for the summer correct or until December 1st of 2022 2024 excuse me they wanted to so that's sufficient direction for the building department and the fire department for this year yes for this year yes and you can relay that to that so I'm going to ask a question though what is the consensus of the council because the end of this year is going to be honest very quickly does the council have a consensus to have the Bor attorney draft some edits to the ordinance that the council can review about allowing the outside I like the idea of annually renewing good thing something want yes so I just have I love the I think it makes it great our community however I do think that the Evangel tent being it's a solid color blocks the whole downtown we into it so I think we should maybe consider doing having some kind of where it has to be a clear tent or some kind of specifications all of the tents are white in it doesn't have to but but sounds like Julie well um you know I'm not sure that we uh you know this I think we need to think about 100% this is just just we just want see if we want the B attorney to make some suggested edits every start reading and stud I mean it's fine you know she can start that process but but as far as uh you know tempting in general I agree with you know I think that ends up being a light on on the community uh when it's when it's at Cafe Angeline that you don't necessarily have that same issue with with an Axia where it's you know on their private so maybe it should be a public size restrictions size restrictions for public size restrictions yeah they shouldn't yeah size you okay our attorney's going to do a little work on that come back to us with some I appreciate her input on the matter fully supportive yesly support thank youbody comments is is it going to be um she's going to bring um potential changes to the code or just right it would be it would um well ideas on paper you know what I would recommend is looking at the section where we have our current outside dining permit and then adding in the ability for tenting under certain circumstances I would also um put out there that you don't have to necessarily allow it from May to December like the state statute was it could be a shorter term Memorial dat of Labor Day or something of that nature that's up in the air as well I mean the only reason I'm asking is maybe instead of having it done on a you know from a legal point of view maybe we can have D David as the bar administrator uh look to options so that we have certain ideas and and you know how we could do this and then and if we do this on an annual basis we should set an annual fee Yeah well yeah your Revenue opportunity the the current outside dining has an annual fee but I believe the clerk's office is looking into all of their fees at the moment so it'll be researched anyway so so we'll have David okay okay all right good with that let's go to the downtown murals bring to the downtown so um IED make it affordable at the Art Studio well which is downtown and art studio for their students to do the art project for us cost um we' selected a couple of locations that we thought were interesting downtown at Art um at one would be one place in this Municipal area one of the walls um another one would be kind of the alleyway by CBS where a lot and on Newar which is very Comm discuss BR part and culture um our community downtown so I thought that would add a lot of um a lot to it now I you refresh the agenda I kind of had the BART teacher put together like pencil drawings of some kind of things that about our one would be culture diversity another one would be history history and and then the school the tiger would be another kind of thing to highlight where people can add art in our community and and then all we would be responsible for would be the pains they would do all of the murals and get all the equipment and would they have something say like done or developed by the Bon it's all student it's all student a student stud So you you're talking about the alleyway by CVS yes and you're talking about thear sidewall side wall where everybody walks by and then one of the walls in this area like that wall theary the library like in that outly way by the [Music] LI you're saying or or and all three or okay well I I I personally like our like I think that communities I like seeing yours in communities I do so you just mentioned that some are on private property though Mr Mayor so last two on private property and I ow S phone call anyway over [Music] CBS it she was open the idea my son did the the mural that's on the the Juma and they do a lot of video in front of it and it's really added a lot to the town there was an article in this last kind of newspaper about the murals that have been done by local artist so I think it's sure which mural is proposed for is that the race car guy that's one over by the area that wall there I would think I I would AER one might be here about the history and one or one for our property yeah yeah good the tig over there okay Railroad and and so what do we have to do to make that happen so I think when you probably need some kind of an agreement authorizing us to put this in place on the private property and then we would maintain it and in the en keep it fles what would the school students maintain it project right I mean ideally have that would be the IDE should be responsible for so then with that being said we would um officially recognize the the art students as volunteers so they would be covered by the B Insurance something would be uh would happen and then there's there's money available specifically for this project in the ARP funding which we're looking to ensure that we encumber and spend down before the end of the year communicate how how much money left fund um there's quite a lot of money left uh we have 84,000 uh associated with traffic issues um we did receive some bids and there's some action night we that we did those two projects um and the lon share of that would be for the traffic light at East Clinton and Dean um and then there's a couple of separate ordinances I think one for 290,000 I'll get you a complete accounting of it and what the categor before and then there were some additional funds put into the most recent bond issue to add that' be goodp yeah so the borrow would buy the supplies you know whatever they would be ordered we probably want it to be some kind of long lasting type paint for the outside you some epoxy or something of that nature but great thing let's move on to the ladder One update yes so this is the old ladder that is parked outside by the firehouse um it currently is in non-working order uh it would cost about $30,000 to make it usable to then put it for sale um the burrow fire chief in my office had received a call from the Bergen County Fire Academy requesting the burrow uh to donate the truck to the fire academy and that the county would then take on the expense of repairing the truck what is the truck worth today truck nonrepaired is probably worth about $15,000 and what is it worth repair between between 40 and so why would we waste our time preparing I mean that objective question in other words so then we would do a resolution to the next meeting to the county count resolution it praz milon Truck those miles are rough wish I could tell understand I actually David while you're talking to the powers of regarding this that's because the well Council just reminded us you know we have this new truck and I've mentioned it budget times you know about when is this is it's officially rolled out I've seen it around town I I know they used to do something called a wet down when you had a new truck come to a community and I was wondering if you could follow up that that is something that we all paid for and I wanted have a good birthday I'll F I'll follow with the fire chief but I would imagine they're having an open house we're having an open house but this is that's where new truck specific and usually they don't volunteer fire companies don't miss the opportunity to showcase their okay if Youk important okay next item on the agenda is the bamboo ordinance okay um so back in uh 2021 we passed a bamboo ordinance to limit the spread of bamboo throughout Town um mostly at the request of of residents who didn't want bamboo spreading on their property one of the things frankly we didn't consider was that there seems to be just as many residents who like bamboo on their own property and we've got this 10 foot buffer zone and the question becomes really the question becomes is is the 10 foot the right distance or should it be one foot should it be two foot with the metal in the ground to protect you from growing but I'm no expert on bamboo and I'm not sure any of us up here are experts on bamboo and I'm wondering whether we should get someone in here um a landscaper or someone who's in that business to explain to us how bad BL spreads how it can be contained and controlled so that um perhaps we can consider altering this coordinates to allow the people actually want to have it's invasive impossible to kill and extreme it spreads extremely fast 10 foot is probably too little the what 10 foot is probably too little well so that's the question because I'm hearing multiple sides of that story that it's not the distance it's the barriers you could be an inch away and it won't grow past the barrier 100 ft away from the barrier and it's growing to the barrier so that's why I'm suggesting we bring somebody in really prances we we make TOS off other towns I was going say 2021 this was copying other towns yeah so this that's what it was done at the time that this ordinance was brought to council this is the indry standard yeah it's we don't want to be we don't want to be nicer with bamboo we want to be stricter on it well the question becomes so I used to have bamboo on my property it's gone and with the metal with the metal in the ground it didn't grow past that right so the 10 foot buffer is a relatively as I understand my own experience is just an arit number yeah but it's all about how you contain it it's good on paper it's good on paper up to you guys I don't I don't think nobody wants to change it consider do it's an invasive spe it's bring someone to talk about it to us the 10 foot buer I believe if I remember correctly don't because my memory the last weeks but it may have also been based on in the residential Zone what was the smallest I think that's where here's part of the issue here's part of the issue right so we have people who already have bamb up grandfather and so are they grandfathered in and they don't have to put the temp buffer so it's grandfathered in um but they can't plant a new and they should be taking efforts to not allow it to run to the neighbor's property so if it's grandfathered in there they don't have to have a 10 buffer but they do have to have well they need to cut it in the buffer area so the smallest buffer area being potentially 10t but you you're trying to encourage people to remove the invas they're running they can happen in their own backyard so when you say it's grandfather in does that mean they people who grandfather don't have to they be within that 10 Fe you're playing a lawyer because I'm getting these questions from residents for lawyers right right um practically speaking there was no way to do a survey of the entirety of the buau to know what was here and what wasn't right so there had to be a provision included to allow for some kind of grandfathering in but at the same time you also wanted to protect folks who didn't want it to run across to their property and so again the buffer zone was selected as being the minimum of 10 ft it might be more because it's not allowed in any buffer zone with the minimum being 10 ft so if you did have it and you wanted it to stay and you were grandfathered in there was the provision for putting the the metal sheeting in order to keep it on your proper so the metal sheeting is what people who would Grant didn't have to do it's two things it's metal sheeting and not allowing it within a bu so there's two two things that make sure it doesn't correct successfully containing it right now so Mark I guess I guess the idea of what grandfather in means we're not making you take it out everywhere under property but in effect it was making them take it out within the 10 right in order to try to limit it from running and encroaching on somebody else's property that that was where the council came at the time that's you know through the review of different ordinances that's what we had found seemed to be the most consistent um the the buffers obviously are different when you go town to town right what a buffer zone is but if I'm not mistaken most of our zones minimum re yard construction purposes was and side Ys was was around 10t I would like to know if that's like people that are are they morning into trouble that doesn't matter the buffer zone it's still getting into their yard or that is that an effective no so buffer zone doesn't stop B from gr into unless you put the only thing that's going to stop is putting maching and sufficient dep because it's called Running bamboo what we're actually trying to liveit and it's you know I don't know if we don't like it's not even late yet okay so I think more conversation is going to come about the so grandfathering topic and I'm certainly not an expert I'm happy if you'd like to get an expert to get better guidance as to where it can go um but to council president's point this is what came out of a survey of other towns in B County okay so let's see if we can find someone to talk to us about that who's in the B business okay all right next topic speed bumps on Leroy street so the chief of police was invited to come tonight and he and the captains are at The JCC they're being honored in an event there he was hoping to be here by 8 o' obviously later we defer this we best how are you [Laughter] appuse I just came from the JCC meeting and they words thank uh so Roy so uh Whenever there is a complaint concerns about speeding the department uh CH Bureau has a device it is a speed data uh collection device um in a box attach it to a pole or a tree and what it does is it leads car counts cars and leads their speeds and come Direction uh coming Direction One Direction two and we'll put it out for a period of two weeks or so and not that we dis complaints know people they see they see Rel to us but what is the averag what is really the activity there uh I hold in my hand enforcement evaluator the results I copy of this um and it's for a 10day period and in that 10day period two different directions 13,000 cars 9 days 13,000 cars pass through there and it breaks it down increments of uh speeds Steed rackets 25 to 21 to 25 26 to 30 30 to 35 and the vast majority of vehicles are traveling uh 5,000 of that number is within 26 to 30 mil hour 2500 almost 2600 or within 31 36 miles hour and then it drops off dramatically with uh with vehicles obviously over 36 and it just a lot less as we go up this so the vast majority of people are actually driving the speed Li driving perfectly to the neighborhood you always do have the outliners um you have people that basically are well sometimes they're us some the Box creting us we're into a call um but we have in the are we do have fleing criminals that are D traveling and then you also have some people that are just traveling too fast it's not a significant number um and you know this is to me this is always the town dat with that so based upon the the the data it doesn't appear to the wind uh the traffic Sant traffic did do detail over there recently stop a couple cars some from angular resend to more enforcement there also to stop people um but that's that's the data says right now now we do have other tools that our disposal we are moving toward stop here with the capital anding to get some speed limits speed Li sign is I think this probably be a very good location for that I think that would be very helpful in that location we could do a lot of different marking if we haven't done some already signs and things of such and and when it comes to speed bumps we haven't committed to them as a town something and I've come to you talked that many times and not against it uh I know that the road department I I they have issues with it for for snow plowing the fire department has issues with it about they app um years ago we did have and we had probably really this long time agoo appropriate for they want for parking lots in streets but there are there are ones that we can and and if the town wishes try them I I would be want to may buy the qu ones I like to talk to traffic engineer obviously the fast R and maybe we we apply them we apply them there we see how how it works and we'll speed data again maybe if we Improvement maybe that rounds for permanent we don't maybe them up put somewhere else if you know you talk about the portable ones well thank you for coming first of all Chief um the uh we if you have the portable Ones Will that solve the problem of it won't solve the problem of like the emergency vehicles going to an emergency but for DPW with the snow is that easy enough to remove when they uh they need to do something so if they're portable you know that's consider you bring it so maybe they remov or something around the order winter time so that's consideration the technology changed the ones that we had C had a stick Rubber and they would kind of adhere to the roadway now I think it's something they have some kind of fashion to the road probably something like that place uh but probably you know remove repair those those holes but uh I could look into you want wish wish you to do so I can look into a portable devices you want to go that route it would be interesed to know two things one with the portable device course yes number two if we test it out on a street you recommend based on the totality of all these conversations we've had over the past couple years with request for Speed BS and speed I know we have our our sit set on 10i road by still in the school that that's always been a problem you something and I and I I know that yeah and and that's one location that I want to put though is your speed limit sign your speed is speed SI and your speed isn't you slow down going too fast than if you're going the right speed I I I told you before we all have a tendency a little bit over and when the spotlight is on you and it's flashing it does have I think that other beneficial it does slow you down you don't want to have that thing signaling you out I is it going to Sol the problem completely no but reduce obviously have value but we're looking we just Pro that few few sets for those deploy and they're permanent and they we have the one that move around that is temporary these be permanent U similar to the one that we have in wood and it's going to have a solar pan solar panel um charger and uh so 10 Road uh East Clint East Clint coming down not going out doesn't really have the data that that's the thing so but there's there's a few streets okay that West AV and West coming down the hill also too obviously you have problem coming down the hill and more narrow as you're coming down toward froggy bar and uh and that are be very valuable there also too so I think they're going to have a positive effect okay would you like question I was just wondering if if we're done with the the discussion maybe we could just I think there are a couple of people here in the audience who may have an interest in bringing something okay sure okay [Music] so speed bumps things Chief here coun park and I have received a couple comments from businesses on Washington I'm tot up but it's now currently 2our parking it's it's always okay so one thing we want to see if talk fly around different ideas does this make sense it's it's a bit long so it's happening is a lot of stuff we want to do on Washington railroad is more in picking up flowers you know pick up food within two hours it's quite a while I don't know what would happen if again an hour 59 minutes 1 hour one minute whatever the right time ises so I think that's so so you know the institutional knowledge comes around a long time it don't answer don't answer don't answer so so it was changed I'm not there's a lot of salons in and I think one of the issues was that longer than an hour to go you know for those Services prob other also c as um the council the Sint and you have have classes now the hot yoga the meditation so what could you could you have a mix could you have one hour as there's no safety issues I'll speak don't want everyone hours equally important bring your attention is if the answer is out can not be able to manage it enforce anyway it makes no sense to it out there but I appreciate by doing this we would need enforce we enforce AG you know we we enforce it enough to keep people on their toes we can enforce that decision comes from you you want three hours you want a half hour thing you decide something for yeah so I had another question um it's related to uh for forier court uh across from nicker Bacher yes um I wanted to ask I I know there's a psng issue with regards to you know lighting poles however I believe you were working with the county to determine the crosswalk striping schedule they are it's coming and talking to Mike Cassidy director DW and he's been around he's KX deputy director and he's very Savvy with these agreement and that and and he saw floor he thought how written and that something that we would have from the painting and the contractor wouldn't um but we be in contact with the county and they are getting that contract thing and there's a vendor and we only held off because p p supposed to come in and rip up a certain part of the road and they th plastic expensive and put it up how to replace it but we found out that we're actually going to be just north of that and not affecting so I I think within a couple weeks it's gonna it's going to be up with signs so so you would have it with signs that's our part and this lighting project for PSN is going to be a little bit north of that doesn't you're not going to wait on that the lighting thing I have nothing to do with but that's on the street though right on the court that's on forier court okay there's three foundations that have already been installed by the build P has ordered the lights they take a ridiculous amount of time to come in and then we're waiting for psd's lights to come in oh that's totally nothing do with you you think this will happen within a couple weeks yes stop signs and striping yes awesome I'm sure and we're not paying for it which is good okay thank you thank you yes so so Chief you'll put together um a little uh little thing for us on where you going to recommend speed pump will be at the temporary speed pump and the general okay can you wait here a few minutes we're going to do public comments time now we may have people have questions so with the council's Indulgence I'm going to switch administr report public comment okay we'll go do public comment first for disable the residents some time this evening okay public comment time audience members wishing to speak will have a three minute time limit to address the governing body on any items on off the agenda large groups are asked to have a spokesperson represent them okay would anyone like to speak from the public please come on if you could be so kind as to just give us your name please sure I um if you can talk to the mic please sure when you're ready um my name is jeffi I live at 10 Brook Road inly um unfortunately I'm up here to talk to you guys today about what was the funniest thing of the night bamb seemed like it was the funniest thing tonight to talk about and I have some stuff if you wouldn't mind if I can pass up to you go ahead 10 Brook Road thank you uh so I just wanted to try to get this three minutes kind of quickly go ahead I'm here we're here to discuss the buffer zone of bambo I think it's important that we understand two thing two things um that are at play here the actual buffer zone and the details around that and equally or more important is the enforcement or lack thereof of whatever decision or code the council comes to um please refer to the timeline I provided in those documents uh we've been dealing with bamboo on our property from a neighboring property uh since June of 22 2022 here we are uh approaching two years later and nothing has been done um I'd like to stress I'm not opposed to coming to a logical agreement for all invol involved property owner border and neighbors I think it's critical though that any and all possible burdens that may occur do not fall to the neighbors it's the property owners that are ultimately responsible for any and all in cost fair and upkeep of whatever agreement code is set forth or determined by you guys just like a fence think of a fence it's installed at the property line the homeowner that's stalling the fence he doesn't get the attractive side of the fence he gets the unattractive side of the fence um when you're dealing with anything if it falls if it RS anything to home the homeowner is responsible for the care of it the buffer zone we talked about the buffer zone a lot the width is up to the bait the most recent code that you guys decided was 10 ft in voted in by the council in the spirit of working together I don't necessarily think a 10-ft buffer zone is necessary I would say five 5et for a starting point wide enough to fit a skid steer a small tractor for those of you who don't know what a skid steer is to fit in and dig out what needs to come out before manual labor gets in to hand dig and track rise zones which are the roots of bambo to the end point less than 5 feet would entail almost all manual labor drastically increasing the cost and the burden for people that can't afford it creating more hardship for those people aside from the width of the buffer the most important thing that no one's discussed here tonight is the height of the bambo which is immensely important allowing bambo at whatever with you decide the buffer zone is to grow to a current height of 70t 80 ft 100 ft which is on my property right now makes zero sense it topples under all sorts of conditions rain wind snow it's just physics limiting the height of the bamboo to say 25 ft drastically reduces its chances in the sense of coming together again Tru to work together living the hi allows trees bushes on neighboring properties the chance to thrive currently our trees have no have no chance Sun air water everything creditable to Life trees and bushes are void by the infestation of bambo the next thing I want to just quickly speak about is enforcement of whatever code is eventually improved how it is it how is it enforced how is it dealt with when B Falls cracks wilts on the owner's property the landscaper cleans it up the owner sees it and the landscaper cleans it up when it does that on a neighboring property the landscaper of the owner does not see it only we see it do we the neighbors have the burden of contacting the property owner the code enforcement team they landscaper or do we have it addressed by our landscapers and then Bild the homeowner appropriately at the end of the excuse me at the end of the day no matter what buffer is improved it is pound out that height monthly seasonally quarterly checks and assessments are done to ensure that the aesthe aesthetically beautiful side of the homeowner is equal if not better for the neighbors neighbors should not and cannot bear the burden time headache of having to consistently deal with what is not theirs pictures and words cannot express the magnitude of what is happening I invite any and all of you to come see the gravity of what is happening to my own properly and thoughtfully planning seeking advice from professionals Cambridge landscapers Hall Keys others before a formal change is made to current ordinance will only lead us without doing that will only lead us back here debating the same topics meanwhile two years in absolutely nothing has been done at my property or my neighbors at 14 Brook Road JB and Yan's property please see the included photo I believe he would like to speak one thing I would like to point out is on uh pictures number one 64 Park Street that is one neighboring property of um the property that has the bambo they agreed to a three-foot buffer zone you can see in the pictures Mark number one that is what a 3-foot buffer zone looks like if this was your property and you agreed to a three-foot buffer zone do you want to go out in your backyard have a barbecue have neighbors have family and look at that bamboo is falling the fence is falling apart the width of the buffer zone is not as critical as as the height of the bamboo allowing the height of the bamboo and as you guys said I think you said metal or aluminum barrier I believe within uh your ordinance it's specifically says a type of barrier poly poly I don't know what it is you can read it puted in there and enforcing if you're keeping uh if you're allowing people to keep their bamboo at say a five foot buffer zone ensuring that what they're putting in there is done properly almost like uh a new home you have the fire department come in and say yes this is approved because otherwise as you can see from the other pictures uh Roots bamboo we have bamboo on our property we have bamboo going on our property we have sheets everywhere JB and Yan's property they have a pool it's growing up to the um the deck the patio these bamboo shoots coming up everywhere why are we bearing the burden of something that they want to have aesthetically pleasing on their side please walk their property it's beautiful walk our property it's a night oh I think I think uh you're right about one particularly important point is uh it's when we pass this ordinance like you bring up this issue of the height I don't think we ever consider the height as as a topic to concern ourselves with so we I mean you and I are in agreement we need to bring someone in to give us some more advice on how we deal with this situation so sure and I know Paul Keys have spoken with Paul Keys have spoken with some other landscapers T there's more work to be done on this mayor pictures those are clearly though much closer than the the 10 feet buffer when he brought enforcement seems like it's non enforced right the removal 10 no and and just to your point was that we uh we declined The Proposal that they proposed to us there was a little bit of a lack of trust on our side of what was going to be in force so we we declined it we he said no we're going to go by the code we want you've made the rules it says 10ft buffer zone that's what we want code enforcement issued the homeowners the letter okay registered mail they had 10 days to remove it okay as you can see on the emails that I had attached there I reached out to them that was in July I reached out to them in August nothing was done I reached out to them in October nothing was done this is 2022 this is two years later nothing was enforced so whatever code we end up agreeing to how do we ensure that it's enforc and the burden doesn't fall upon the homeowner it's not it's not on our property that does it's not your member correct fair enough thank you for your time thanks for that education could you come up and just give us your name address not required anymore Robert Sil um I've been a lifelong resent as well as an attorney and I'm here in both capacities having represented the homeowner who was the subject of the comments just made I'm happy that this prior speaker mentioned that my clients had reached out that I have reached out on behalf of my to try to resolve this issue so a lot of his presentation was no one's done anything I haven't heard from anybody and at the end he mentioned oh I did receive notification yes I wrote to him as I wrote to every other property owner giving them what we're trying to do with a professional person to install barriers Dave Cavill my spent thousands of dollars with every other neighbor but the gentleman just spoke and his neighbor and remediated all the situations and they have been remediated we offered to do most of the things he asked for he wanted to cut down he never called me back I reached out to him I wrote a letter town was was aware and the code enforcement which is why nothing's doing because we were trying to resolve it as neighbors would resolve the issues when someone doesn't respond to you or rebuffs your attempts it's rather pituitous to come here and say oh no one's done anything and they haven't enforcement he tried to do exactly what he was discussing we would have been stole bage we still we would trim down the the concerns that the speaker prior speaker raised could have been addressed hadly called me back or spoken to my clients he said he do have trust he mentioned da vill my clients didn't do the work my clients employed a person who I and I fully support the mayor's uh suggestion of bringing in expert I'm not a bamboo expert but I do know and I spoke to Mr cavilla at length at the property of what can be done to remediate this issue and it can be reated it can be controlled if people want to that's why every other neighbor on the property had these systems installed and they've been very successful being inst I don't know in terms of the prior speaker what can be done to remedy his situation because I candidly I don't think he wants to remedy the situation I think he just wants to have a personality issue with my client so therefore not but I do welcome the council's involvement to try to uh address the issue and again if he would like to return like Paul I'm more than happy to resolve this matter with him I think that neighbors should try to resolve these kind of issues and not necessarily have to reserve for for ordinances I understand if people don't listen to don't abide by them or or don't uh disregard them that's one thing but in this particular case my clients have done everything possible to try to address each of the concerns of all their neighbors again the majority of the neighbors have had new systems installed and no complaints have done my clients agree to maintain the uh issues and also do the necessary work on both sides of the property so the suggestion that my clients will going to neglect the other side that's not true we specifically had agreement with the neighbors that we would be responsible to do the maintenance should anything go on to the other properties and Mr cavilla has been hired to do that thank you thank you you who else would like to speak come right good evening if you could just give us your name you don't have to give us your address so I understand thank you for I forgot what take it off so uh mver mentioned July 2022 we receive the letter about invention so I have a copy of the here and then on 9 2022 we submit a to the borrow is our decision we strongly recommend the actually the same before we submit the letter my wife have a text and the document text send parent all right just you could just address the council at some point we notify them our AG we really want to work this out and n personal we appreciate their effort trying to preserve it try to make it work but we feel that if we already have this ordinance why not justfor it so we did some research here and there and as all most of the c c woman pointed out 10 ft actually is on very very low side of the normal recommendation they recom 20 to Ser again I'm not expert but that's it they call running or walking bamboo for a good week it's not just a bamboo but also it kills others the tree my tree is a Di and so what should I do should I call cut the tree and also my springler system near the fence are not working so when me try to turn on it's gone now I have bamboo always kind like a point out by my food so what should we do so really collect begging you guys I hope you guys will do the right thing and try to reinforce it enforce this whole thing please and now it's already I say 8 to 10t in my property line very soon probably my my my yard and bamb will P out from the grass yeah I think the one thing we all agree on is of us fully understand how to control and manage bamboo which is what we want to get to the bottom line how to deal with that and so to people about this is that yes you can contain but no matter what you do any any bar you use have a l when it run or bre through the cement metal all just a slow hum what you do and cut a little bit keep there and keep it there beautiful okay 5T and now we have the falling on our side F we have to thing to PO support the will our so I think je show some the picture and from our okay thank you thank you thank you thank you very much yes who else would like to speak thank you foro I do I do okay if you could just speak into the mic I can give it your name please course my name is I at my husband speaking with I guess my biggest concern is the lack of reinforcement because when the cats when they send the letter we really I called multiple um tree people just to count in P tree car here and other a few others were there I think everybody's got this you know I listen to the professionals I think they look good they provide privacy otherwise I think their have look into my B but not without Goods but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to take I don't get purose it's okay because you all saw the effect of the bambo on our properties imagine sitting in your in the morning coffee and then realize something suddenly wasn't there the day before and who can go really fast it wasn't there the day before and then oh where she from and you look around oh where did you come from you know that lack of enforcement is again what I was trying to say is when we don't agree with their proposal we send a letter to the to the B to say that we don't agree please enforce that should have triggered their action the borrowers action to say that hey you talk to the neighbor they don't agree please you know take care of as the code says but we don't agree what treatment do we get because nothing nothing was done you know when other people agreed to a buer z theirs were taken care of we won't be when we don't agree and this is what we thought we've been very patient it's been two years so I think you can agree on our patients we want to give the owners time you know okay it's winter you don't do that okay it's the first scen it's now the second scen pass already it's you know pretty much summer there's nothing done and now they want to do something different I don't know exactly what means you know they want to do but I think they should have done what they were asked I ask you all of you please consider that all right thank you who else would like to speak yes please come up if you could speak into them I can give us your name pleas either one hi my name is Jenna Li um have questions I was here before about this sidewalk on Lio [Applause] [Music] Street the safety of the children walking on that street I live at the top of el Street um everyone walks to school to um to Smith School I've been I've been going to Smith school now that it's been nice out to kind of figure out how many people are walking in Direction and there's significant number of parents walking their kids to school and speak parents they don't they don't feel safe their their fifth graders walk by themselves because of the the Curves in the street specifically the area between um it's closer to to the angled area by pH their Curves in that area it's incredibly incredibly dangerous there are always cars parked there you have to jump I literally to jump onto the grass where get hit by a car so it might not be the speed that's actually happening although I do see cars speeding all the time but it's the nature of the actual Road and I think about Where the Sidewalk Ends you're at Smith school and the sidewalk literally ends and then the side picks up again on El Terrace in mwood and I know heard that it's you know very expensive to build the sidewalk um but something has to be done for the safety and for the the walkability of of our community and I second that I go to tly um a different part of tenly at that time in my first house a lot more walkable than the area that I'm in right now people want to walk people want to be able to be safe walking their dogs and with their kids and it really doesn't feel like a walkable area can can I ask can I ask you a question where did we leave this weren't you going to come back to us with uh a sense from the neighbors of where we are was that already done yeah you would have only had uh you said there were 14 property owners and you heard from three of them so have you heard from so we've been reaching out to every not one person has given us any negative feedb so we only receive from every single person us on the street put a sidewalk on on all the way from Smith School to on Leroy from smth towood as the engineer to look into into the Alternatives because of the elevation changes in the road and we actually talked about putting the sidewalk into the street right right so I believe Annie was correct doing the traditional sidewalk was somewhat cost prohibited because of the different elevation changes yeah there was a there was a conceptual cost of about $750,000 for because the retaining wall and and um right away may be needed to be bought as well um we talked briefly about a SE safe to school's Grant application so if we were to go down this road we probably ought to explore that um where we left it is the the the engineer had proposed a $10,000 fee just to investigate this I got to interrupt you just for a second Jamie go ahead then I want to make a comment before I was just wondering what the um effect that you found like a bike or walking with a pain line versus a side you know lanes and Lanes do you think that be a solution thats don't go into andet that's markings and all of those things do have a value um but you're still on the road but you're not she looking for the the safe haven yes but that that is a possibility um to try and channel and keep them off of that sidewalk something we install some of the other places uh but I I was I was impressed at Andy Hipp the engineer knew the elevation issue it is drastic I don't know how you solve so when we expanded the sidewalks on Downey drive on the Eastern side of Smith School by the entrance instead of there's a curve there when you're driving east onto the El making that right turn East okay instead of chopping up the person's War there we actually extended the curve four feet and then took over four feet of the street to create the sidewalk we should consider that for Leroy I don't know what the width of Leroy is off the top of my head but instead of doing all this Excavating work taking all this grass up just it's put a curve four feet to the east of it concrete it and call it a sidewalk all the way down the street are you referring to the curve section of Leroy the curve section is actually upward Terrace no talking about Leroy right lero right no I'm saying straight from Smith School yes instead of putting the sidewalk what we naturally do on people's property okay it's because it's within the right way and you have all the elevation issues avoid the elevation issues and put the side walk in the street right now you know the sidewalk is 4 feet wide plus you have a foot of grass you take 5T and put a curb in and instead of worrying about the elevation it's already flat and then you take it all the way down to Output solves the speeding problem if you narrow the street too what's that say that again you you naturally drive slower on a you drive slower on a thinner Street y like spitballing ideas when the chief mentioned that we're going to be purchasing these temporary I'm going to look into them are you're looking into purchasing so then I think the question was where where best to put them it is this with Le since we do have very um interested residents from Leroy is that a place that might be a place to expl you know to do it maybe first out I mean I know we're going into summer to keep in [Music] mind it's a topic SE dogs elderly people it's anyone trying to get in the area I I I can tell that something is going to happen and I'm worried that that's why we put them in on Johny Drive yeah I to school that way in terms of being a green Town also more kids walking to school instead of them driving on an area I also was observing you know cars turning around you right by that entrance to that Backle School get out and they get out there I spoke to the crossing guard he's seen many issues that have happened almost getting by cars because cars are just you know speeding down dropping their kids off well that's why I was wondering also that speed component I just if if we are getting speed bumps that assist the speed but it's the Narrow Street it's the Cur and I wonder how wide that St is any other questions mention oh go ahead I'm sorry I happen to have the road road information and it's foro street it's um it's mostly 29 feet um and then some areas it's 35 from Bliss to Elm it's 3 what's the road have to be 25's what's the and one last if you go through this School gr I listen to the school gr as well that would we've got get great feedback on that it's like 00 years to get that money for out of our getting that until it's a big enough project I have a I have a question question for the council thank you thank you um should we ask our traffic engineer a Bright View to just give us an in other words have the B administrator explain the situation have him give us an estimate of what it would cost for him to investigate this with that why not that I just put side Andy came back to us with a $10,000 to start the study so let's find out from the traffic engineer with the Traffic Engineers this is the guy that's help and you'd want to have him weigh in on a pedestrian circulation plan you know typically a street would be 20 feet wide for two-way traffic uh so we could probably narrow it somewh maybe you can give us a conceptual in a cost you'll you'll share that I'll report back to the can you include from Bliss to Howard that way we know the length of it and the the so we're talking about from Elkwood though to Englewood at Bliss okay yeah she was saying that the sidewalk goes up to the school but then you don't have a sidewalk all the way angle yes that's another so the summary of it is we're going to have our traffic engineer bre take a look at two options you know of course what is it all going to cost but one extending extending the sidewalk into the existing street without having to deal with the elevation issues and looking at it what would it be to do with the elevation issues okay Street that's for the traffic he'll they'll look they'll look at okay all right thank you very much all right any other would anyone we're still in public comment would anybody else like to speak again one of course you're of course I just wanted to make a comment after their attorney uh Rob silver I believe is his name was uh he intimated that that I have uh a problem with the neighbors and this was personal like I said to we start there's nothing personal I've lived in this town for over 20 something years my son went through a high school program here uh I've lived at uh 23 old Smith Road I've lived on uh 82 Park Street and now I reside at 10 Brook Road my neighbors are some of my best friends they continue to be I have nothing uh no ill will towards my neighbors fair enough we're not we're not taking any of this personally at any level whatsoever but he in that I did and I just wanted to sponge that and just to his point uh there is because they're on a flag lot their their lot um nine properties touch their property of the N properties that touch their property only three of the properties have a bamboo issue um myself JB who spoke and the one property that I provided the pictures um that they they did do the three-foot buffer zone these pictures proving what a 3ot buffer zone actually ends up looking like for the neighbor so when he was said that he worked with other neighbors and they figured it out one neighbor she's a very nice woman she's in her late 80s we help her sometimes with her dog I don't think she's a full mind of what's going on she agreed but that's it work with any okay no I appreciate that very much thank you for have a good evening thank you is there anyone here else in the chamber who would like to speak public comment is there anyone else out there on Zoom who would like to make any public comments do see anyone with hands raised No Hands okay so we're going to close public comment time and uh just revert back to the administrators U the very brief administrators [Music] rep he's gonna stay mayor I'll be very I'll be very brief we had some computer issues that's why you don't have a written report tonight but I'll email that out tomorrow to you uh the highlight of the report is really uh directing to a memorandum from the CFO in reference to our bond anticipation note sale um the results of which we had a a five bids and it was very competitive uh so we the the bond anticipation was 16.9 million uh the closing date will be uh May 23rd with the maturity date of May 22nd of 2025 so our our net interest cost would be $625,500 and a percentage rate of 37981 per. it's incredible congratulations to Susan and her team that's good job Su retire govern come to my office all right and um we are moving forward uh with some of the public facing U uh seem internet experience uh We've concluded that Edmonds which is our financial management software company has modules that fit our purposes so we're going to be engaging them uh for that and then on the HR side we have uh we're in a a trial period with a few people for a solution for HR which will feed into the payroll company that uh that that actually does our payroll great so hopefully we'll have that positive report to on June 11 do you have the vendor name off the HR part the HR we're looking at bamboo not intended with bamboo but bamboo HR that's too close keep that's it that's it okay thank you all right we're going to move on to the consent agenda could I get a motion to approve go ahead uh can we um just get an explanation uh of the developers agreements there are four of them 209 210 218 and 219 did you say 20110 answer no you said 20110 so these These are these are developers agreements that were approved by the planning board for projects that were approved right developer agreement would just um ensure that the planning board uh requirements the board memorializing and also set whatever is this a new new thing that no we just happen to have a lot at one time no they've come before you okay um well I mean is there any way to kind of explain each one just so that the public can these are all from the planning board but these are things that were happened last year or two years ago you know things like that so um I don't them prepared by the planning board attorney so I really don't have that level of knowledge otherwise I'd have to go in and look through the I've read as much as you have okay I'd like to pull those four out and uh vote on them separately you want to vote on them separately okay can I get a motion to approve resolution 24-7 24-28 24-21 through 24- 217 and 2420 D 20-20 through r24 d221 so moved have a second second uh please call the R Jean yeah yes yes yes yes yes did I get a motion to approve resolution R2 24-29 so moved can I get a second second jie please call the rooll yes counc Michael Yes Council you were speeding it up there H yes yes yes I get a motion to approve resolution 24 4- 210 so moved I get a second second U genie please call the rooll council yes counil Benny abstain councilman Michael Yes Council yes yes yes yes can I get a motion to approve resolution solution 24-28 so moved I get a second genie please call the rooll yes councilman men yes sorry AB councilman Michael Yes councilwoman yes councilman Park yes and councilman rary yes can I get a motion to approve resolution 24-29 so moved I a second please call the rooll counc yesc counc yes counc yes counc yes and Council yes yes can I get a motion to approve resolution r24 d222 he resoltion we did that with the first group one oh okay I'm sorry my numbering is off okay can I get a motion to approve resolution r24 d221 so moved have a second please call the RO Jan sure par yes take your time Council yes Council yes Council con yes councilman R yes yes that's it okay can I get a motion to approve resolution r24 d222 so moved second please second please call the RO councilwoman yes councilman men yes counc Michael Yes Council yes councilman Park yes and councilman rier yes can I get a motion to approve resolution r25 d223 so moved I get a second jie please call the rooll counc yes counc did we do 223 already or is this this is 223 okay right yes Council Michel yes Council yes Council Park yes and Council yes I get a motion to approve before we4 is this you say a part-time code enforcer is this what department will that work with uh like is that buildings right so is that possibly is this like additive is this something where going to help us the position was open I guess we we have a theme generally about code enforcement and I'm just wondering if well if we if we won't if we don't fill the role you don't have people to enforce codes so pretty saying this is a this is a good thing that we are authorizing addition no so this is replacing somebody correct without Cod enforcing people you can't do any code enfor how long has it been empty since November what since November since November so public we're going to have code enforcement get in line all those Lawns well now Susan and the people know okay I know I know I have a motion for res to approve resolution r24 d224 so moved second second Genie call the rooll please counc yes coun yes Council yes Council Park yes Council yes yes can I get a motion to approve R 24- 225 so yeah there's just a a disconnect between the uh num the numbers better on because I I see 225 as the qu for no no that's that screen I'm talking about the actual resolution yeah there's the numbers on the pr resolution were what Genie Genie resolution r24 d224 can you read the title Please on the agenda we have authorized purchase of Le 329 residential real load body and Associated equipment y what's your and what's your last resolution number on the agenda is 23 so we're missing three what do you have is oh so that's not the resolution to go and close is not on this right of course so we just have to add that as 234 but the rest of the numbering I I was correct on the printed agenda on the printed agenda but people are looking on the screen on the link okay maybe we just add the the the title in just so it's in the okay yeah this matches the res this matches the actual resolution like [Music] r24 in my consent agenda was part 24221 yeah authoriz authorized to refund the raffle application ra12 that's later on so that is that is just read out the title and now we all know so you start from so so you did the authorized the purchase of 25 Western Star right you authorize the purchase of the Monroe plow and power unit all right so I think you need to authorize the purchase of the Le two R three so we have to we have to go back and authorize the 221 which is the raffle for gy and Mckay school that wasn't included in the consent not on the screen it's on the packet not on the of the screen okay so need [Music] all all of these Okay match whatever was aware this one was okay can I get a motion to approve you ready jie yes a motion to approve resolution r24 d221 authorized refund raffle application ra1 1292 so moved have a second second uh G please read the role counil yes coun yes coun yes coun counc yes andoun yes yes okay can I get a motion to approve resolution r24 d226 appoint the part-time violations clerk that's 226 yes so moved can I get a second second juny please read the role yes yes yes Council yes Council Park yes counc yes can I get a motion to approve resolution r24 d227 authorized expenditure of funds from the affordable housing trust fund special affordable housing planner so moved I get a second second please read the role Jan Council of H I mean I'm sorry yes Council men yes councilman Michael yes coun no yes councilman par yes councilman yes yes I get a motion to approve resolution r24 d228 authorized purchase of furniture for the rec department teen center so moved I get a second uh genie please read the role Council yes Council yes coun yes councilor yes Council yes pass yes can I get a motion to approve resolution r24 d229 authorized execution of collective bargaining agreement between the team say local 125 and borrow T FL so moved I get a second second uh jie please read the role councilwoman Council yes councilman Michael yes councilwoman Conor yes Council par yes councilman yes T get a motion to approve resolution R2 24-230 approved contract 2024 Riverside Co-op Road Improvement program so moved I get a second yes second uh jie read the rooll please Council yes Council yes Council Michael yes councilor yes Council par yes Council yes okay I get a motion to approve resolution r24 d231 authorized purchase of roll off containers Department of Public workers yeah what are they for is this for the composting or whatever or something else what the purp let's see what it says so it looks to me here that it's just for the general use of the DPW which we have rollof containers that we replace on and off again you know it's not the truck it's the actual containers themselves that WEA just right and so so we're purchasing six of them looks like about $6,200 each which is where you come up with the number of 38,000 so the the they use these regularly they carry leaves they carry debris they carry garbage they carry a lot of recycling this is what when you put the cardboard in you throw the cardboard in at the recycling center you're throwing it off through a roll off container a lot of times um sometimes at the box containers that's but this is not this do nothing to do with the Le composting no he may move leades in them I don't want to say he's not but it's not part of the greater plan that we're still working on I correct with that that's correct y thank you you're welcome did we have a second there we didn't okay can I have a motion to approve resolution r24 231 authorized purchase of rolloff containers DPW department so have a second second jie please read the role s coun yes yes yes coun par yes Council yes could I get a motion please to approve resolution art 224-232 reject the bid inter term closure of Pont can I get a second I thought you said yes sure that's also right but this is something that was just added new so I don't know anything about this we rejecting a bid 232 or 233 232 okay so 232 we had advertised uh bids for the interim closure of Pont the bids came in um over the engineer's estimate the Traffic Engineers estimate the Traffic Engineers recommended that we reject and authorize a Reid sorry a rebit a rebit yes theme of the night s so this is 32 sorry these came in after they were they were provided to to the clerk last last week but yeah so 232 is the reject the the bids and authorize a rebid for the inclosure of Pont and 233 is the same for the J and Pont pedestrian a rection ofs there only one that one that came within and it was above the yeah so for the interim closure of Pont we received one bid from a general contractor so the traffic engineer was also concerned that it wasn't a an electrical contractor so he he wants to um revise the the specs bit and when we get this out it can get well if it's authorized tonight if you can get out probably by the you said the second one was J is that the one was that g be the four-way stop sign so you say that's been that's J and high the fourway side and that that was that's different than this one is the Mr Walk corner fromont of Europa oh okay this is a safety bump out oh okay and that and that's for the bids seem too high so they want to reject these bids and start again and on that bid we did receive five bids but they all exceed the engine yep and so this this uh resolution gives you authority to go out and rebid also yes okay that should be part of the resolution if not part of the motion just okay I will make it part of the vote okay so could I get a motion to approve resolution r24 d232 reject the bid regarding the interim closure of Pont and authorize the B administrator to Reid the project so moved can I get a second second uh genie please call the RO counc yes councilwoman Conor yes Council par yes and Council yes could I get a motion please to um can I get a motion to approve resolution r24 d233 the rebid of the J Pont pedestrian safety reject the bid of the J permont pedestrian safety and authorize the B administrator to rebid the project so moved I get a second second please read the role Genie Council for counc aboun Mich yes councilor yes um just super quick question this then this location the J and Pont is is what exactly so by Mr Walk remember the whole idea was it's so wide it's very dangerous two cars come in people are walking and get hurt yeah the idea of the engineer was if you put these bump outs in it creates only one way to get in and drives you know where the angle Starbucks is you know where Ang angle Starbucks is yeah it's the same thing they bumped out into the street okay so that that's not I I know I have to vote in a sec but I just I want to make sure that that's the I thought I already saw people doing um work there like railroad work that was CSX so we took out so the over the railroad was a mess CSX came literally re toed the entire area that's what you saw them doing and there's still some stuff there but I also saw that at the fourways which I was eventually be a four-way stop sign I've seen uh workers do where you could take like a wheelchair like they've they've redone those for with their PNC Bank that they they've been work yeah they did stuff there different area that's a County Road Project [Music] okay so it's nothing to do with it and you're saying these are the bumps that look like the angle with Starbucks and it would be uh the idea is it's going to be by the Mr roin she make that more narrow yeah you know come off the railroad and take it left or you take it right in by having those bump because it is so wide multiple cars could literally go at the same time they walk over to get hit IDE is all right yes uh yes I just want to make because there's so much going on there no no totally totally okay and again just a reminder this is just we already approved this oh yeah we got bids that we don't like and this is Reid stuff we already just to clarify not that we didn't get bids that we like it's that they exceed leg leg legally yes the area yes okay all we're going to move on to U public hearings did you do the Clos session we don't read that okay all right um councilwoman let's see what we got here okay we're going to do ordinance public hearing ordinance 24-11 jie can you please read the confirmation of publication of the ordinance and the title sure ordinance number 24-1 ordinance to amend the salary wage compensation of the rank police officers of the police department of the bur of T in the county of Bergen and state of New Jersey for the calendar years 2023 2024 2025 and 2026 this was published in the May 12th edition of the record okay you're done right yep thank you um I'm going to open the floor for any public comment on ordinance 24-11 only are there any members of the public on the chambers that would like to speak I don't think there's anyone here Janie right no anyone online who would like to make public comments about ordinance 24-11 only no online we're going to close public comment time uh councilwoman cors like to make a motion on this please could I um have a second please second jeie can you please read the role sure councilwoman yes councilman men yes councilman Michael Yes councilwoman Conor yes councilman Park yes councilman rary yes yes yes okay ordinance 24-12 amend the bus stops um Genie can you please read the confirmation of publication of the ordinance and the title sure ordinance number 242 ordinance of the B County of ber state of New Jersey amending chapter traffic of the rances of the B of 10 2004 to amend bus STS this was on May 12th in the edition of the of in the May 12th edition of the record okay I'd like to open the floor for public comment on ordinance 24-12 only any members of the public here in the chambers doesn't look like it right anyone online with their hand up no one online we're going to close public comment time uh councilman Michaels would you like to make a motion please yes Mr Mayor I move to pass and adopt on second and final reading coordinance 24-12 that notice of same shall be published according to law I have a second please second um Genie could you please conduct the roll call councilwoman cor yes councilwoman men yes councilman Michael Yes councilwoman o Conor yeah councilman par yes councilman R are yes yes okay the next ordinance is 24-13 removal of Taxi spots uh Genie can you please read the confirmation of publication of the ordinance and the title ordinance of the B of T County of state of New Jersey amending traffic the rised General ordinances I'd like to open the floor for public comments on ordinance 24-13 only are there any members of the public and the chambers here that would like to speak doesn't look like there's anyone here uh is there anyone online who would like to make comments about this ordinance No Hands okay we're going to close public comment time uh councilwoman um Dr Conor would you like to make a motion please sure I move to pass an adopt on second and final reading ordinance 24-13 and that notice of J shall be published according to law could I have a second please second uh Genie can you please conduct the counc coun yes councel yes councilor yes councilman Park yes councilman R yes okay moving on to Old business is anyone have any old business they'd like to discuss okay let's move on could I have a motion please to approve the minutes of May 7th 2024 the Clos session and the May 7th 2024 mayor and council meeting so moved have a second second all in favor any opposed okay any anyone have anything for the good of the order I do Mr Mayor um this is uh related to code enforcement um I had been contacted by a resident who is talking about the the noise of the leaf blowers again um you know just to let the public know that we do occasionally hear from residents concerns about noise of leaf clovers and we do have an ordinance about hours of operation and so it was requested by the resident that perhaps we can do a reminder call like on your Friday call just to just to re-educate people about the the um the hours of operation leaf blower hours yes leaf blowers I mean obviously more ma landscaper hours yeah and um if if that could if we had time before so I know that David you might have to just for our edification maybe just pull up that Ordinance one more time to remind us all I mean I know we had some email problems today I I don't know if you had the chance chance to but maybe in time for next meeting hopefully I'll be able to get this stuff out tomorrow plus it's also on the website so you know right so I I was wondering is it too late to possibly U put down a newsletter I know that not too L newsletter is in draft form so we can we have if we can I'm not saying put the whole this just to highlight you know and um and also this I'm not not say this to my um to my committee report but related to that if you were able to discuss with landscapers that live in town just just to remind them they probably all in compliance there's so many types of landscapers so many places but just it's like good a reminder and I know that Mr Mayor we talked about this idea of seeing which landscapers also offer the service of mulching or shredding leaves correct and was going to be something that perhaps we could uh have a list of landscapers that could do that for people who want to do that for their own homes okay thank you thank you all right so that was so if we could so we're gonna David will put that in the newsletter and the may put that my probably also part of my letter in the newsletter okay any news about upcoming meetings no um okay new business there it is it's hiding over here okay next is under the new business introduction of ordinances 24-14 DPW driver labors uh councilman Menan would you like to make the motion please sure thank you uh I move to introduce on first reading uh ordinance 24-14 and set the hearing for June 11 2024 at 8m or as soon thereafter yeah if I if I could just um uh bring you uh your attention to section four on page three uh the mayor and Council May in their sole discretion Place new hires as high as step three based upon experience and expertise I just wanted to to to bring to your attention that um labor Council had kept into the redlined agreement that was ratified by the Union at step five so the council does have the authority if you choose to include it in the ordinance to change this from step three to step five um there's no requirement to do so and even if we were to uh recommend someone to be hired as highest step three that would come to you by resolution because it's in your sole discretion but you can leave it in the ordinance as step three but the CBA does reflect that you could uh make this step five what did um what did the Union sign uh the union ratified step five so I guess we should just update this to five you through the of introducing it be introduced with up to step five because you more correct ability to approve that by resol and I did go through Labor Council to ensure that this wasn't a scribers error that it you know was left in by by error and he confirmed that it was not and that the Union uh was clearly aware of this voted to ratify you want me to read that with that comment re motion okay I'm going to not let's um sure read through the motion noted change section four I move to introduce on first reading ordinance 24-14 uh with the uh amendment to section four uh changing uh the language from step three to step five and uh set the hearing for June 11 2024 at 800m or as soon therea thank you could I have a second please second um Genie could you please read the title of the ordinance conduct the roll call number 244 ordinance to fix salary wage or compens of employes of the Department of Public Works represented by local 125 International Brotherhood aflci for the calendar years 2024 2025 2026 and 2027 Council yes councilman yes Council yes Council Conor yes councilman Park yes Council rary yes yes okay committee reports uh councilman Park you have anything tonight uh no councilman men um just one um well two uh the senior senator um did their their votes for their new board of directors and and they with uh with a number of new people on the on the board um I won't go into the names or anything but um you know so they had to V on that um and then in addition the mayor's message um also mentioned this but um U the Fire Commission wanted us to uh you know and you're seeing the signs throughout sorry throughout the town um talking about the uh the openhouse and Equipment muster on June 8th from noon to 400m at um at the fire department um and uh the the in the event is meant to promote residents interest in um in volunteering to serve you know to bring more people in to the fire department so that's uh that's purpose but also to Showcase old old fire truck and new fire trucks um interesting uh you know when I was coming um today and passed by there were actually uh would looked like seven or eight fire trucks I didn't know we had so many but I you know maybe maybe there aren't I they all show but uh but on uh June 8th they're going to have U all these old fire trucks from different uh communities and from kind okay very good thank you Council woman Dr o sure so the Board of Health the cans of the chck repellent are in the library Lobby so anybody interested please take a a can of that uh just with the environmental commission we talked about just trying to promote people to mulch and Shred uh I just wanted to give a little bit more information on that very successful trashon that had over 90 participants spending over three hours and it was able to clean about 16 green spaces throughout our town and hundreds and hundreds of pounds of garbage were collected and among the garbage that's collected just you it's interesting but you know there's plastic water bottles plastic food containers um pieces of rubber bottle caps d a duffel bag you know this is a lot of stuff you find shards of broken glass of homework papers a lot of DK pens um cups straws um so everyone just uh you know be aware of what we have cigarettes of course lots of cigarettes discarded um so we are GNA on June 14th have another cleanup with the T High School Green Team and hackin River Keeper smaller in scale but U very exciting to do that so um just want to everybody know keep our community clean okay thank you very much councilman Michaels toight there was just a request from the library um committee that BS that are a library or kind of in the alleyway if they could possibly be moved in more of a central like more L location find people would be to lock up their yes Council was that it okay thank you councilman rer nothing tonight thank you nothing tonight okay so then all we have is oh I'm sorry I was just going to ask Council if she wanted to talk about the HBC event over the weekend [Music] unone come able to go pictures great success well very good thank you um in mayor's remarks I only have one comment um Ralph Cho longtime member of the board of adjustment um resigned and um so we thank him for his years of service if you're listening Ralph thank you very much um and we're going to going to appoint Boris Pasco to the board of adjustment so uh he'll be a welcome addition so on um so this [Music] Saturday councilwoman asked me to talk about this I'm more than happy to because it was actually exciting I got to do the unveiling of the naming of U the Elizabeth Katie Stanton railroad station in tenly so it was it took a long time HBC congratulations to uh the historic preservation committee for all the work they did on putting that together um all the research they did actually they had quite a nice crowd there y standing room only it was all about it was all about the cookies right with the logo no my son was oh you missed out it was stand only it was very nice to see for a community event so thank you to all the members of the HBC for all the work you did on that and how cool is it I think the coolest of the whole thing was a young gentleman from New York is the guy that kicked this all off oh aie yeah aie Inc his grandmother lives in town he's he's a great kid yeah walking tour afterward so that was great I learned a lot Thor and T is very very knowledgeable yeah very much it's good we're lucky to have the whole team okay um can you read the resolution to go into closed session mayor is I believe resolution r24 234 at a meeting of the mayor and Council of the B of ten County of Burgen state of New Jersey held on May 21st 2024 he resoled in compliance with njsa 10 colum 4-12 the mayor and Council the B of teni are going into post executive session to discuss the following matters police Administration potential property acquisition and policies and procedures and the Personnel minutes will be taken of the meeting and release public at the time that the matter is resolved can I get a motion to go into close mov have a second second all in favor I okay let's go into close session thank you [Music]