##VIDEO ID:kqNt2ezprYA## [Music] in compliance with the open publics have been meting dates for the year salute to the flag salute to the flag IED Ali roll call counc Corsair counc counc Mich par lry Larry uh s off thank you Council councilman Michael um um whereas President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation on January January 1863 deing the slaves Confederate territory teritory way for theth Amendment which formally abolished SL United States of America States of America and whereas about the of [Music] thep two and half years years to June 1965 authorities the sou andw and whereas June afrian afrian called June combining the words 19 and has been celebrated by the African 15 years years where the B of important part of nation and in particular a landmark putting an end to the of afrian afrian whereas there still significant am to be accomplished about the dispar treatment bed by the unequal enforcement of law OFW now therefore Cil in the B of tan urge all citizens tow significance of this celebration in African Aman hist and now um a good time okay okay so uh on June 18e 6:00 6:00 we're going to do flag raising te flag we welcome everyone come to come toer Park toer Park enjoy that enjoy that yes yes and bur offices the um the schedule holiday June 19th June 19th that's the actual day actual and we'll read the proclamation then then as well that's awesome graduation gr great I'm glad that we're doing awesome awesome um c c you want to continue for the mon on there just the pride committee had a flag raising and all in one week this past week we thank them for their effort for their efforts welcoming Community we as the lesbian bisexual asexual pansexual gender nonon gender byend fluid gendering and all others in sexuality and LGBT community unjustly and unfly faity preice isolation hardship harassment and disruption of their of their lives and whereas this nation was founded every individual INF and the mayor counil this municip and workp to eliminate Prejudice elere it exist everywhere it and whereas [Music] the proclamation to human equality inclus Freedom visibility parent youth initiatives and education for the LG Comm and all of our divers res and whereas the council ad resolution on April 3r 2018 establish and declar pride munity increased tolerance understanding and accept among our resents our our larger community and whereas addition education aess remains vital to discrimination Prejudice pride month is anable opportunity to recogn gain Society has Cil right jce diversity and Cate lgbtq culture culture celebrating celebrating which still are constantly CH constantly being challenged whereas Pride where PR influences influ awareness and provides advocacy LGB community and is an opportunity opport to take action and engage dialog ADV whereas Pride opportunity quiet quiet quiet the harmful LG Safeguard regard seual whereas the mayor and counil the the month of June LGBT the Ten of teni Natalie retir [Music] thanks great great thank you for that we're GNA skip so can I just come so um I Center pav if any of you been the old and but it's very all of the after births and all sort of um and they have been able fund it's gonna cost about 30,000 to to so we're asking foring match open space match what they were able they were able to ra speak much more eloquently I will they're doing their part allows res open also the prac shade Pavilion necessary so we can have have more Outdoors so without further Ado ask come on come on you guys um as Julie jul we have beening we are many classes when you go to T school have one class need they can't all fit all fit so we're trying toam we currently currently big Pavilion pavion summer camp that one complely completely so what we're looking for is trying to come up with ways to F Pavilion in our campire area camp area um we've been trying to do this for two years try to do this for two years we funded it try to get the other half we app for Grants coup small grants from different organ I reached out to asking County open space funding because funding because I had spoken with them them they said this would be totally work but that means come up with other ways finds kind of our so as I said we raised raised we just need the additional to be a to have that know that groups when theys have a place place call their Bas call they can't be in our building in our build Spates not enough so that is why I'm coming here the additional am for the addition am um and we've been TR to come with funds and which is basically B have been approached by beekeepers to give us a percentage for their hives hives um not honey sell honey found a spot not near the main tra kind of two kind of two asks in one yeah talking [Music] so so to answer that real quick answer we actually had up at the center too long ago it would just be bringing them back passed unun passed away so when he passed away when he passed away before bring before I bring any and that's that's the reason it's not the reason so it's not adding anything we didn't have um um the dog preserved a a sep I hear what you're saying and I he what you're and I and I would say that that's a conversation convers property I also can tell you I also can tell you there have been a few posts issues basic rules Curr between motorbikes isues and that's one of the reason weing me is a gooda once again I hear what you're saying I would ask what the ini int of preserve is is it for dogs or just to just topic discussion so just just want it can't come back come back to Open Stage just want to clarify and then as far as the wild isain the property for the Wilds poor species poates to be honest they're coming in honel they travel for Miles so we have these already any different in fact more concerned more stinging insects we have in the area in the area they're much anyone but I would say that of people coming on the property their theirs their J causing bigger problem bigger problem and I don't want to really and I don't drive on that I hear what you're terms saying in terms of the in terms being able to charge for that charge for that but I guess my question stop where where do we prevent wild because the other side of the coin Co like I was just going to ask you you knowas well there's there's other issues inial intent of of a preser is as a not as a park not as a park otherwise otherwise there wouldn't be the trees that we have there inial intent inial int aser and so and so that is where that is where the association follow Church also Church also I think that's I think that's if that's abely I do know that there some of them do some of them do quite a few don't we got church and then we' does greenout do we know C there are certain areas so so there are my allow the abilitys so quick I I want to explain said really quick she had initially initially to me about this was so little bit of money for that 15,000,000 so I did just want to clarify trens I mean I don't know I I don't know I would just say something like this good no thank you any question and then sorry you had a second sorry you had a second request is that that require some else isting proed reques reques may quite frankly if you want to get we're [Laughter] approv good thank you uh thank you chadad thank you very thank you very Andy HPP join he's getting a lot of feedback lot there's Andy Andy how's it going Andy how's it going yeah I got double double feedback sorry about that better know sorry about that better know no it's the same it's so you have I everybody has their mic's on so it's double picking it up but I could talk as long as you can hear me yeah we could hear you yeah we can hear you and okay so you have Omar has up on the screen the the map of tenly with the adjusted roads based on the road program and the psng proposed gas main project so p is going to disturb about 60 roads in tenly to remove and replace gas Ms they notify us of that after our road paving program went out for bid we now they've asking us not to pave those roads so we kind of have an overlap now on this map the red and green roads are roads that P is going to adjust and those roads will be paved at a later date we will negotiate with PNG to pave half those roads so they'll pave half of them full width the other ones that they on those roads they will just repair the trench and then we will pave the remaining roads as part of the 25 and 26 road paving programs the pink the blue and and the light blue are the roads we're proposing for this year to move to because PSN is not replacing any gas Mains in that area and that'll make the difference up so we're not inside a psn's uh area or away the resultant difference in cost to the program is less so we we have David give you numbers a little over $800,000 in our original Bond the new proposed project is around $650,000 all in that will also include curbing if andw directed around town Mike Cassie and I worked out about a th feet of additional curve to add around town and it also includes taking the brick papaver crosswalks out of the downtown so in the downtown uh all the brick paay crosswalks are falling apart and if they're not coming up so we're going to remove those and replace those with pavement for now with just White Stripes so for the council passend million $869,000 Paving contractor Contra Bal for for so um I believe what Andy is proposing potential 86t would be reded in theory in theory proportionately with the me what me what we're doing in they we're doing in they so the um [Music] if uh so being paid they proceed they have to R is take take green is we take care of we take so yeah so that was actuallyy know surprised that's a lot of Roads not even 12 month period they're going to do the next starting in Ju starting in July through December DEC so those Road pH two [Music] yes that's and at the end of this year large percent all throughout the town all throughout the town IND if you have that number you have that number off hand yes so let me let me just clarify a couple things on the map on the map you're looking at the green roads are roads where PS is doing a gas Main and they were only proposing to pave half the road so we're negotiating with them to have them pave half of all of the green roads which would be you know somewhere between 20 to 30 roads they'll pave in full width all the red roads are all getting paved full with by PS so when PS is all done with their project you'll have around 50 brand new roads pave that you wouldn't have done yourself which is a success story Highwood which is the dot program we're working with PSG we have to proceed with that project because we have a DOT Grant if we complete it and they decide to replace the the gas main they will repave it again that's on them it's not our cost and then the remaining of the green roads that don't get done and we don't know which ones will be exactly we'll be about half of them we'll do them under next year's Co-op program and part of the year after so 25 and 26 so everything on this map in green red blue pink and light blue will all be paved within a year well let's say within two years right that's over list yeah and then the list of Roads make you wrote in your they will be fixed what we were originally going to but they will be fixed but they will be fixed yes yes okay yes good okay okay any other questions for any other [Music] questions y that's correct yeah so the total roadal awesome I think we do it every year I think we do it every year to your to your point to your point end December and then all the final so so do they s December no but are they type thing they're waiting be kind of a Bas but we've gone over this but we've G we do and again it's a okay okay good good for the final Paving for the final Paving oh yeah they would have any other questions for Andy any other questions for Andy okay thank you Andy thank you Andy just wait one minute I think in a minute but sister city for c for okay after the amazing Elizabeth ktie I got talking granddaughter granddaughter Elizabeth and she mentioned mentioned about this idea sister stat um you know areas that are signicant all this work unal universals foral for women so so um I was putting it under to that the counil consens reach out to them to the thew then we caness do you know roughly what it you could also because she spent a lot of time there was sayoun on the road the road cemal cerem I thought could be F could be fun like kind of at the end of this journey I thought it might I thought it might be fun that we could something um so I thought that we could use it as another opportunity something else like some sort of rib cutting or some or some sort of additional to talk to talk about exact well they can charge us that they char [Music] than thank you for bring for now I'll be quiet now I'll be quiet there keep it [Music] going um um David said you any any questions any questions on give anything sanat 2 there's some requirs that posted by June 25th it also requires Contra cont ctif any questions on the admin build or the building report the pool for the bid so yeah basically we have some good progress so spawn R spawn our engine they were not interested so we sort of set them to the side we do have another cont another contractor sourcewell Source it's called American board called American Prov we're get some detail information around 755,000 so that's going to be a separate separate the bid openings for 10 o' so we'll get that open get award a on June 25th so they'll still go we were we were going to do anend um any questions on the engineer on the engineer report um I just quickly say I really like that we virtual Gant chart timing to each get we get so thank you for that um corresponden um correspondence uh David do you want to just give an update update on two lero coule request we had the chief of police we have traffic traic engineer to study the area a pedestrian circulation safet and with some specific question example the travar to over of the asphalt traveled revie the pros and cons and station Sol rad speed flash if speed apprach an automatic so John jar police chief will go out there perfect good good um public time public comments public comments audience members minutes to address the governing on the agenda repres anybody from the audience to speak up speak up you could just put your name in for the for the record just start with for the record your name the Hawkins 30o and I say as a isbb what Happ so sorry for just for clarification want to change the want to change the oh okay thought we were talking about talking [Music] about um for anybody [Music] but's watching the senors watching the seniors cut over the railro TR I think it's a CSX love it yeah I do remember actually it's in some of the maps some of the maps remember [Laughter] it because right thank you thank you thank you um anybody else in the audience anybody else in the audience that would actually be helpful that would actually be helpful Chad your name for the record um you know we have to offend we have to defend a lot of space a lot of certain things Environ our Environ lgbtq have discuss [Music] um but my point is that point is to literally create neighbors EnV envir something know as Government LGBT I just I think that's it that's I these things noton happen anyone else in the public I'd like to um Omar anybody Omar anybody in the virtual world in the virtual world I see no hands counc council president great um does anyone have any questions any questions on nonent agenda non-consent agenda do you have a particular question anything in the nonent you have a whole bunch of question on each Bunch question on each one which one would you like which one would you like to talk do you have any questions on indidual individual nonon which ones which ones but if you can't name which one you can't name which one okay I would like to make a motion like to make a motion put all the together together one certification of funds C are there ones that we don't we don't I don't know if I miss something yeah and basically we go we don't put resolutions just [Music] theor thank you for that thank you anyone can make a motion anyone a motion anyone de authorization authorization so you have com comments on each comments on each of these okay perfect perfect um um great so can I make a motion a motion to approve resolution resolution 235 235 256 256 and then 258 258 261 261 and then 269 279 to 27 try again motion 234 254 number 256 resolution resolution 258 258 uh to 261 to 261 and then 269 to 2769 to 271 rule there do 272 272 we'll do another motion that's F okay so that's good so then let's go 25 255 councilman question you have questions does yeah so from my understand to have that right that's correct so typically we would yeah yeah yeah and it's my understanding this is disagreement has been Place Serv all right all right okay so can I have a motion to approve resolution resol minut Michael Michael Dr uh resolution 27 257 authoriz execution developers agreement councilman Menor Council men doesn't this come from the plan Bo does this come from the plan board so in the backup back requiring a performance performance bond and amount to cover es requiring a certificate of liability insurability insurance and anded res approval from the that they would have to agree basically enforcing condition protecting the town sure we have perance performance receiving yeah it's my understanding stand I spoke with the plan attorne some of these projects moving along the applicants Council counil needs to come back to attorne attorney negotiate spell out [Music] the to be placed to Beed yeah but get so it's basically enforcing the planning board and protecting the public and prot protecting the protecting the any other questions any other questions marking please call please call vot we need a motion second we need a motion I'm sorry I apologize I'm sorry apologize motion to approve 27 okay Corsair cair CC minut CC minut counc Michaels Michael counc member DRC member dror yes CC parkc par council member R council member R resolution R2 purch yeah this is Allin what we approved in the budget yes it's all part of this particular Source through the bur County Cooper County cooperative and source that's correct that's correct Yes Yes actually I will add actually really I really it is really cool to on the agenda David Sean Ken has done an amazing job to awesome our town getting sign signed up so just a motion to approve 262 second second call the RO call the minute Mich R resolution r243 47x CN star uh any questions any question Madam counil Madam yes yep yeah it meets what was need purchas through protest period protest period office and to confirm it couldn't here if we didn't have the money exactly as we all by fact it's true by fact True by Susan would armor arm to not sign the certificate do you have the same question for the other we be more efficient okay so Susan all five remaining they all budg we aged the budget that we agreed sounds great sounds great okay okay s how I push for our that our that our okay it's okay r244 so can I have a motion 263 cair am Michael Micha dror council member brard council member broard have a motion for for 264 counc member Corsair cair C Parc coun member Dr C resolution 26 reports there reports there motion for 266 266 motion for 267 for 267 Council Corsair counc Corsair counc yes for resolution drance relance reler amance volunteer ambulance Court descript [Music] I have a motion for res68 there rep there um resolution R purch of ADD questions questions I have a motion ation council member porir counc council member minut council member Michaels Michael counc member Dr ounc resolution r247 part time violation part time violations any questions any questions good good motion please motion please council member Corsair CC member Corsair Mich Michael yes yes counc member Dr ooun DRC councilman Dr oor councilman Dr I just wanted to say that that um this past weekend got house open open house where they got to show the new truck might have W down down so we had this open house we had this open house was very Lov it was very Lov because these different commun came over with their old old and they W Awards and they W Awards I for sure for sure but ioun how you highlighted the ambulance I just want everyone to know that fire truck fire truck was purchased by purchased andar according to the second we gotu fire truck the old fire truck went Kut so that was a that was pery oldy old trck that's what I just wanted to say that's what I just wanted to say good um public hearing public hearing orance 24 2410 Omar do you want to uh Omar do you want to uh read that publication publication ordinance number 24 an ordinance of thee section 3544 location and Improvement fa uh I'd like to open the floor for any public comments 24410 Omar anybody om anybody virtu world the virtu world hands councilman Park uh have a second have a second conduct the rooll conduct the RO customer cor c minut c minut c Michael um 24-4 driver La driver laborers can you pleas ordinance number 24in to fix salary employes of the department C for the years2 and 2027 I'd like to open the floor for any public comments 24444 anyone in person anyone in person Omar anyone Omar anyone uh counil read the a second a second cair counc Dr Conor um anybody with old bus with old business yes I think had [Music] appr number of and I just wanted to let everybody know commun code C allow sus Department Mone thank you for that thank you for that um can I get approval to approve minutes 2 session and the May 2 mayor first mayor and Council I have second I have second it's voice V right favor all in favor um anybody have anything for the for the good of the order anything uh up me upcoming meetings okay uh new business amend police salaries police salaries [Music] um I move to introduce first reading June 25th I have aot second I have a moot second Omar can you call the RO Omar you call the RO and read the title of read the title of the ordinance ordinance number 24 police officers of the police department of the dep the county of Burgen the county of Burgen in state of New Jersey for count2 CC minut Michaels Mich drit reports s and is that at the Sunday Sunday great great anything else anything else counil counil more what color will the flowers what color will the flowers be okay after the high school school mother volunteers mother volunte very cool that's great thank you for doing that great thank you for doing that wonderful wonderful fingers crossed fingers crossed nice wonderful nice wonderful councilman menam councilman menam last [Music] appc councilman Park councilman Park speaking uh in honor skip May remarks tonight anys from the team anys from the team y mentioned it y mentioned it y tomorrow s tomor uh anything else anything else that I have a motion to adj I have a motion to adjourn you have have good n i second there you go well I need you I guess make a motion I make ation all in favor all in favor well done well done thank you everybody [Music] s