##VIDEO ID:qtF9Ip8ziKE## [Music] I just wanted toare that the only change was that there was a rep I just want to Jeff Z planning board attorney would like to address that question from Council for yes the uh the only change was the for is there a way is there a what what is the best way to uh help these these folks move a little faster than we've been moving for the past your is there something that we could do to help them along the way is there maybe a timeline that they could share with us on rough estimations of which decade they were going to address each of these issues we do have the attorney for the redeveloper provid some insight hi um my name is Lisa John with wel from shahinian and J Mii on behalf of the redeveloper um her the Redevelopment agreement there is a project schedule that is attached to it that we are required to abide by which requires that within um from the effective dat of the signing of the Redevelopment agreement that the redevelopers shall obtain governmental approvals within a one-year period so that's your local site planine approval as well as all other Outside Agency approval so that's the timeline that we intend to abide by for is there something Jeff that we could maybe on a quarterly basis which ask them to come forward and share an update on what progress is being made is that something that we so and that's already covered in the Redevelopment agreement as well we're required to give um quarterly uh progress reports as well and if you would like us to appear before the council as a whole we can do that yeah' be good so let's add that to the agenda every quarter we got update so we could help the team kind of move forward with uh I know it's been a very long time for a lot of people let's do that can that'd be helpful and a question on that I mean yes it's a one-year um outside Mark in terms of when you have to have uh state and government approvals in terms of what you want to do uh what is the goal of the team in terms of or the ambition of the team in terms of how quick you'd like to achieve that did you hear the question L his question is not withstanding the one year to get all your permits what's the goal John if I'm not I don't want to speak yes you're correct mark thank you when you could put the key in the door and it's open for business right that's correct yeah right what's the plan yeah okay so that's in the project timeline as well from uh After we receive governmental approvals we have to immediately apply for building permits and I believe it's a 24mth project of 24mth period for phase one if you like I can go through there's a period of time so within one year 365 days sign development agement developers government approvals is approvals and other governmental whatever else uh within 60 days of governmental approvals we have to building permits and then within 60 days of issuance of the building permit commands construction of the pro uh of the project okay and then within 24 months of receipt of the building you know of one with a project completely yeah and the goal of the redeveloper is to get this project constructed as soon as possible so they can start getting revenue on the project as well but this was step number one is the execution the Redevelopment agreement because you do have V as redeveloper and enter into a Redevelopment agreement before we're allowed to go to um site plan approval before the the planning board so it's the first step any other questions from the council John no I'm just I'm wondering uh if quarterly is a aggressive enough Cadence to council president Michael's uh comment I think that how we can be helpful is what we want to do I mean I think this is in our Collective interest so if you need a a greater frequency and a greater Cadence with the council I would encourage you to come back and ask for that rather than just living to the quarterly correct me if I'm wrong but I believe that it says that it's quarterly but the council has the oh no more than quarterly the developer is open to Communications with the council so whenever you reach out we can provide you with an update even if it's in between the quarterly update problem okay thank you for coming in thank you thank you Lisa John you done with your questions on that topic yes thank you any other questions from the Council on that topic that'll be we'll be voting on that to see okay next is the uh the bamboo ordinance um uh Wendy our attorney is recommending that the entire ordinance be Rewritten um with a view towards grandfathering in existing bambo and having a a two- foot buffer and then she will gather the the uh all the technical information required to go into the ordinance and do all the work uh to get this accomplished okay um is there anything Gabby you want to add to that or that pretty much summarizes it no that pretty much we can expect that ordinance to come to us for the for the first meeting in September correct okay any questions from council members on that okay all right Memorial bench donation and maintenance Trust are we done with uh Jeff s he would really like to stay tonight apprciate we're good we're good J and what about with Lisa so there'll be no one here to answer any more questions about the Clinton end we're good with Lisa also thank you thank you thank you both for being here this evening okay all right Memorial bench donation and maintenance trust a lot of well it's not public comment time yet so I think we've hopefully put that to bed though okay um Memorial bench donation and maintenance trust yeah this was this follows up on a conversation that we had at the last meeting about um people wanting to donate a a bench or designated bench more or on ear um there's been some discussion about what that feed would be so the bench itself is going it cost the B about 2500 hours to procure uh there's been some discussions of uh setting the fee in the area at $5,000 so that there would be monies available to maintain the the benches and to keep them in in good shape okay Council comments opinions so that's the Fe that comes in by resolution now or do we need a trust or how did that work a fee by ordinance yes you need to set upy ords but I would also maybe think about adopting a policy of how the parameters for the bench that you want to set um how people can come in and make donations or I think we have that right that's part we have it yeah and I think as Susan we would need to amend the dedication by Ryder right I have to figure out so so you have all various parks and then there's no place to say where the bench should go you guys should probably just make it more generic so you can put the benches and wherever you want to put them so I have to figure that out so I am going to have to call Robert Kennedy at State and tell them what the plan is that the donations and if the maintenance can be part of it and see if I could stick it in Stick this in one of the trusts we already have because they really don't want us to keep making more trust less trust the better yeah and so the goal is to make this is Broad as possible so again we could use the money however we can for these benches maintenance upkeep find out that there's a little bit of grass here we find out that we can't use the trust money because the grass is right underneath it not exactly that be right all right da no and I'll get that straight so so Susan you're gonna get that information to Gabby and and David or yeah how will that flow the goal would be that we would have action and resolution for consideration at the September 3rd meeting okay all right uh next item Davis Johnson Park seen the building so I think that we need to you want to put that onto another no problem we'll going to take that that gets table all right Courtyard cour which is looking beautiful thank you but I have had the pleasure of being my son's painting assistant as he did the mural on uh the library building and I um joyously been able to watch the community get extremely excited passionate about it from little kids to the seniors it's been so amazing to watch um I think people want to spend more time in this Courtyard and I don't think the courtyard right now is conducive to spending time I think there's tons of potential for this space it houses the municipal building the the library which by the way I just want to say that Dylan did consider the library and when he did the mural and it did take some inspiration from the New York Public Library say that outside don't know I WR that today um anyway so I think at a minimum we should put um some picnic tables um that we already have and benches that we already have so people can spend time people that come here that want to eat the library the people that are in Municipal Parks can spend some time here um and then I do think that moving forward there's a lot of additional potential that can be done this is a beautiful area it's underutilize and and in not the best shape so I think you need to how many picnic tables do you think or benches how many what do we have you want to come back with some suggestions based we some for the ceremony from since campus closed but I think probably two or three okay would be umbrellas so do you need anything from the council to do that Council have comments we'll just take a look at our inventory and see if we can put perit there if not we'll we'll look to benches and maybe some like improve the grass and plan yeah I I emailed Mike Cassidy over the weekend about spruing the area for the ceremony so we're oh yeah so can we put a DAT for ceremony of course suggest some days of course communicate with David suggest some dates and then uh we'll put it together of course I think we might be able to get some class that'd be great Wonder people in are talking good like the news has traveled so that's very exciting actually great job patience and fortitude yes that's it patience and fortitude EXA if you want him to do another one you got to pay him this one he's donating that's one he get paid for all right um administrator's report please good great job jck really well done please so do yeah yeah he's really he's been W it's been really gratify him for to see the community really getting passionate about it good okay uh on the traffic engineering part we we did award the two contracts downtown uh for the bump outs of Jane permont and the interim closure of permont Road contracts have been signed uh notice to receive has been issued um the contractor is expected to commence work on before August 19th uh Rosevelt common Sports courts we did receive a bid and that uh there's a resolution on tonight to award a contract uh I've been in touch with that contractor and he uh is set to um attend a preconstruction meeting next week and he will mobilize by the by August 26th the week of August 26 uh the sister city status of the town of Sena Falls has uh placed on their agenda for tomorrow night a resolution designating uh the burrow of tenly as a sister city uh I've taken their um their resolution and and and modified it for the burrow and we can pass that tonight if you want add that one to the agenda or if you would like to uh defer that to September 3rd we can put it on the September 3rd agenda yes sir um the Riverside Co-op Paving uh should be conf I don't know if we could do it now but I know there's something very near and dear to Council on Dr OK Conor's part she's not here put it on September 30 should might be included so let's let's circulate that to everyone Council historic yeah okay that's great job and again and Sena Falls folks are going to participate here with the ceremony that's planned for Sunday September 29th the Riverside Co-op Paving should be completed on or about August 15 um the angle Street Municipal aid grant uh that is set to go to bid um in the latter part of August with a potential award on September 3rd or September 19th and a constru period through the end of October along that line if I want me to digress through the email that we had received about the crosswalk oh sure might so the mayor received a an email tonight from residents that um are requesting a pedestrian crosswalk uh at angle and Hillside so uh we would defer that to our Engineers to see if we can add that the angle street is going to be paved so the crosswalk could be put in but we would have to see if it meets the warrants under the Federal Highway standards so we'll refer to the Chief and to the traffic Sergeant as well as to our traffic engineer to come back with their recommendations um um on that topic there's got to be a way while you're researching in for the you're going northbound on angle at left turn off hill side it's got to be a way design it so that you're not cutting you're not cutting it short but you're going north on angle and making a left onto okay people cut that corner short yeah very tight there's got to be something design wise to prohibit the so I think that would most look at John jar from bra view our traffic engineer take a look at that and I'm sure he and the chief will engage and come back with where's the crosswalk there's not one currently no I'm saying they want they wanted at they're saying H angle on hill to to cross angle or to Cross Hill I think both it's a T intersection yes it's a T intersection so um so this is a a conversation to be had with the police two okay U moving uh along um the way finding signs have started to be put in we expected they that all those signs that we currently have uh should be installed uh by on or about August 15th um the other highlights mayor can be your self-explanatory if there's any questions um I can answer them or we can oh yes I'm sorry the other note that I have we've been uh requested mayor was requested by the Asian-American youth Council to have the burrow co-sponsor the Korean hok uh uh day which is going to be October 26 at the tenly Middle School auditorium um it'll be 11 to4 preparing and the event at is 400 p.m. to 700 p.m. so then we just need the consensus of council that w sponsor this you said the 26th the yeah October 26th um there's no cost of the borrow we would just uh simply provide a Certificate of Insurance from our GIF to the school we have a consensus then everybody is everyone good with that okay in the past we've uh we' bed on um providing Insurance like for the private for for a number of different things that are outside of borrow um do we want to it to this I this is because we're doing it because it's being done inside the school right typically we've done it at hila Park which is the B's property so it was automatically covered covered by right so the school is requesting a Certificate of Insurance because it's because the school is the school is not co-sponsoring it but that responding the facilities at no cost so this is just their normal ask okay I mean just say I think in the past we you know do we start doing this because if future you know we may have yeah I guess it comes down to if we're using bard of bed facilities you know um still within the right but it's but it's a Bo but it's a it's a board facility that's the only difference here when it's regular borrow property we're automatically covered through our insurance that's the difference so you Council good with it or yes go ahead another question go ahead so um just for the you lot of residents here just for the residents the the PSG work that's being done around town I haven't seen any more out there are we done with that oh no you're in the middle of doing it in fact um the mayor received complaints today uh that work was being done on Magnolia and sisan to without notice door hanger so I just wrote a Stern email to PG and their contractor while I was out of this yeah I mean I didn't get I'm I didn't get so um there their phase two work started around the second week of July and it's expected to continue through the end of 2020 and and at the at the end of it what percentage of VES will have been done um our our B engineer indicated it would be about 65% of of the roads will be impacted by the PG work so they're phase one I think uh plan is to have those roads paved in the fall and then the phase two work uh will uh set over the over the winter and then that Paving will be anticipated to happen next spring and they're repaving anything that falls within the fiveyear moratorium they repay at fully curb to curb at their expense right and then the ones that are over five they do have they do have or we have an arrangement and correct me if I'm wrong we have an arrangement with them so if we were going to PVE X Street okay and they ripped up half of it they're going to pay for half of it we'll only have to pay for the half other half to go C to C thank you so far yeah that's all I have okay any other questions for the administrator okay we're going to open up for public comment time bence members wishing to speak will have a three minute time limit to address the governing body uh of any items onor off the agenda large groups are asked to have a spokesperson represent them does anyone want to speak good evening um Robert silver as aneni also appearing as the attorney on behalf of karon and Jeffrey c um I was delighted to hear mayor Zen's statement um because we had three speakers here tonight that will not be plenty on speaking I just wanted to open up to the council to see if anyone had any questions of either my client Karen cats her neighbor Mary who's had the benefit of having a barrier for two for 18 months on her property that has been very successful and eradicating any spread and also we have on Zoom Suzanne Lucas who's the executive director at the world band organization um hopefully you got a letter from David cabilla you got a letter from Miss Lucas on behalf of the for the American boo society and if the council has any questions no we good we good think we're good and we're all good and thank you again for reconsidering it we think it's a very practical solution to the situation thank you yeah okay who else would like to make a come please Tom come up and tell us your name don't give us your address you don't have to do that anymore okay uh Tom Jano real quick what's going on with the Clinton and Redevelopment okay tonight we're passing the resolution to approve the development agreement okay and from then that starts the clock ticking uh they go before the planning board they do all their site plans what done so we're going to have the assisted living facility and a complete renovation of the hotel which will include in addition to the 100 five plus rooms don't quote me on that they're going to do a complete gut renovation of it and then there'll be a restaurant in there that's open to the public and they're going to have catering facilities and they're required to finish the hotel U prior to receiving any sort of certificate of occupancy on the assisted living facility okay thank you real reason I came here tonight has to do with CSX railroad okay um they just completed the grade crossing at the river Ed andj and there's a bunch of debrises so railroad ties this and that you go down to Central Avenue which they did five six years ago there railroad ties there metal rails they've been there for five six years it's sitting there and I mean it looks horrible also there railroad tracks between westel and West Clinton if that was somebody's personal probably never get a summons for R weed I'm not cutting it is down trees it just it looks horrible and even farther the whole rail line CSX should have been made to come up and cut the branches down with stead trees there I think the Dani could fall on somebody I'm not mistaken the CSX is responsible for like 13 to 15 ft in the side of the track at at least some places at the 60 yeah I mean West just take a look at Wester yeah and West splint you look that you can't even see the at the jungle all right so let's open up a discussion and see SE about the MS okay another thing um while back I understand we got a grant the dredg the tend kill book yes 1.4 you want to talk about that a little bit 1.6 million so we're going through the pro feel free to jump in we're going through the process of understanding how we get a hold of the money now that Congress approved it several months ago and uh what's the priority of the spending and all that so so right now we're in the middle of we like our money please we actually get the work done so I don't have a timeline for you yet I'm not sure if you have anything to add to that so we're waiting for Grant ation from the federal government um on on the specific so once that is received we'll do a walk through with our engineer with the agency that will be administering it at the state level on behalf of the federal government um it's a reimbursable grant so once the defined area for D snagging and clean up is identified as the scope uh area um then when you move forward with a bond ordinance that will set the funding in place then fund the the cleanup work and then we get reimburse from the federal okay that sounds good um that hasn't been prob about 50 years and it's you know it's a long time it's way overdue as far as the flooding you know which the brook goes behind my house ends up feeding into this and you know it definitely needs to be done thank you with that also on Dean drive this south of westfelt is about 20 ft apart there big barricade orange fence and stuff I know that's the main SE L leaking what's going on with that no isn't that the section where CSX was doing work over there it is is a 24 in super line was down the little F treatment plant that I understand is leaking to something it's too big look down the railroad tracks in Wester bar we'll check it out yes CS between the tracks and Dean drive and I know somebody was walking walking the door there and she was told I would not work your door here okay we're going to check it out assuming there a 25 in line goes down there a transmission line goes down there treatment right so whether that's weing or not it's been months we will check it out thank you Tom appreciate it would anyone else like to make public comments no one else wants to make public comment is there anyone online who would like to make a public comment no anybody want to make public comment please raise your hand okay so we're going to close public comment we're going to move on to the public hearings thank you for everyone who is here okay okay ordinance 24-16 Omar could you please read the confirmation of publication of the ordinance and the title sure ordinance number 24-16 was published in the Friday June July 19th edition of the record orance amending chap 35 Land Development regulations of the revised General ordinances okay I'd like to open the floor for any public comment on ordinance 24-16 only would anyone like to make a public comment is there anyone online who would like to make a public comment on 24-16 Omar see no hands man okay um council president Michaels would you like to make a motion please I move to pass and adopt on second and final reading ordinance 24-16 excuse me yeah looking to change the amount I thought U we had to do that at a subsequent meeting what's wrong the I I thought it was going to be amend I apologize mayor I thought it was G to be amended for to be carried to September we were just going to open the public hearing tonight um because the ordinance would be amended oh on the con of changing okay so so what am I doing just opening it so just opening it closing it and we're g to move to carry it to the September 3 me day is the down the this the parking so what's the issue so the issue is whether the council's going to consider changing the number we changed had the discussion and and it was changed here 4,000 yeah it's in there to do the first reading no this is their your public hearing so if you intend to go forward with the 40,000 and you would go ahead and so we're going to go ahead and D okay okay all right so that's okay all right all right so all right so Adam let's just read that again make a motion pass adopt on second final reading ordinance 24-16 that notice of same shall be published according to law can I have a second please second okay Omar could you please conduct the roll call C Corsair yeah C men no C Michaels yes C member Park yes pass member Roary yes okay ordinance 24-17 amend salary ordinance for opu Omar you please read the confirmation of publication and the title sure ordinance number 24-17 was published in the July 19th edition of the record it's an ordinance to provide for and determine the rate of compensation for certain supervisory and administrative employees of the B 10i represented by opu local 32 for the calendar years 20242 2026 and 2027 okay I'd like to open the floor for public comments on ordinance 24- 17 only does anyone want to speak about this is there anyone online who would like to make a public comment no there all right a close public comment uh the councilwoman cor would you like to make a motion please sure I move to pass and adopt on second and final reading ordinance 2417 and that notice of same shall be published according to can I have a second please Omar please call the RO P yes Michaels yes Park yes yes okay thank you uh ordinance 24-18 amend salary ordinance for the non-represented Omar you please read the confirmation publication of the ordinance and the title ordinance number 24-18 it's published in the July 19th edition of the record the ordinance to fix salary wage or compensation of certain management administrative and part-time employees of the bur teni and County of bur in state of New Jersey for the count years 2024 2025 2026 and 2027 okay um councilman Park would you like to make a motion please have a second please okay omark could you please read the RO yes pass men yes M yes pass Park yes pass member R yes okay are there any resolutions we need to add here or we're good okay we're good right okay can I have a motion I just wanted to pull out a couple of sure which ones um 345 which is 345 the wireless facility no go ahead what is the subject it's the uh oh yeah yeah it is sorry it was 345 but I gave the the wireless facility I was just going to say that that I think there something that was so this is um in the in the where the third we we have blck 12 and lck two and then we uh resolution part um says block yeah there there's two blocks I just wanted to know if if that's if there are actually two blocks or just adder and then it Go ver with the yeah um I think it's just one it's just the one it's just the one but I think it just maybe a typo typ in the resolu okay um we can you know yeah right fix the resolution so do I need to pull it out and vote separately or no okay any other questions yeah 349 salaries got it y 351 you you asking for 349 separately 349 okay and did you say 351 351 yeah I mean I so we allowed um borrow to go up to step five we allowed DW to go up to step five on a new hire was that yeah that's was in the new right I just wanted you know just wanted to make sure and and I guess the question does this apply to could it be a new employee or can we just hire somebody who was a step for somewhere else and then bring them the next step for um it's it's really um um subjective to the recommendation of the director of Public Works to myself in this particular case and I I think it's it's uh it's a good story the candidate um is coming to us fresh out of military and has significant military experience um uh so he's able to hit the ground running um and uh you know I think bring step four going all the way up to step five um but to be competitive to attract this kind of talent is why we're recommending the hiring that step right I I I just remembered that when we did we talked about changing it and then it would never change I meaning it was supposed to only be one two three yeah originally it was at at step three um and uh they had if I recall the the the negotiations they had requested something that was not uh something the burrow had had wasn't prepared to u to agree to um however in the the document that was passed and was ratified by the union the step five which remained right it was the opinion of of Labor Council to ratify and leave that okay and there'ss step ones with in experience no um I believe one of the step ones doesn't have their CBL so they have to they have to get it written in the year so really it's a combination of the of military experience work experience and CDL yeah that's great um I me no objections I was just wanted some understanding of circumstances um and um I think that's it so it's so you don't need 351 PLL pulling 349 so just right y okay and 345 345 was fine just 349 okay I have a motion sorry sorry 344 okay all right can I have a motion to approve resolutions r24 324 through R 24- 343 r24 345 through r24 348 and r24 350 through r24 364 have a motion could I have a second second Omar please pull the roll Corsair Yes Men yes Michaels yes part yes R area yes I have a motion to approve resolution r24 344 can I have a second Omar please call the roll Corsair yes no Michaels yes pass member Park yes pass member rary yes okay have a motion to approve resolution R 24- 349 so moved can I have a second second Omar please call the rooll yes minut turn to C Michaels yes council member Park yes R yes um okay uh anyone have any old business anything for the good of the order any upcoming meetings all right new business what did I finish um you want to approve the minutes oh there's no minutes sorry okay all right um Dan I think you're up next right would you like to make a motion on 24-9 [Music] please 2024 soon thereafter can I have a second please second uh omark could you please read the title of the ordinance and conduct a roll pole sure ordinance number 24-19 is an ordinance authorizing the execution of a lease Amendment agreement between the B tenly and ten Hill Swim Club as to 151 gr street right C Corsair yes C Mena yes Michaels yes house nor Park yes house R area yes that's all them right yes okay um ordinance 20 4-20 administrative employee bargaining unit uh Council men would you like to make a motion please sure um I move to introduce on first reading ordinance 24-20 and set the hearing for September 3rd 2024 at 8m or as soon as do I have a second please second Omar could you please read the title of the ordinance and conduct the rooll for please ordinance number 24-20 and ordinance to amend the ti title salary wage or compensation of the employees of the administrative employees bargaining unit for the calendar years 2024 2025 2026 and 2027 has yes C men yes c m Michaels yes coun member Park yes coun member Ral area yes okay uh ordinance 24-21 tree permit uh fees uh um Council amend would you like to make the motion please oh John would you like to make the motion on this one uh I move to introduce on first reading ordinance 24-21 and set the first hearing for September 3rd 2024 at 8:00 pm or is soon thereafter have second please Omar you please read the title of the ordinance and conduct a roll call ordinance number 24-21 and ordinance of the Burl teni County of Bergen state of New Jersey amitt in chapter 26 trees of revised General ordinances of the B 105 2004 to amend permanent fees pass forair yes C men yes C Michaels yes counc Park yes CC rer yes okay thank you okay committee reports councilor men do you have anything to report um so we have um with us today Susan Turman who was one of the um the people with me on um the um the the covid-19 memorial and uh so you know if she'd like to say something she can no no no she doesn't have to I'm not putting her on the spot okay um but I just wanted toh go back to um something I brought up at the last meeting with with David about you know maybe we can I know there there are two things one um we have uh the we heard from Mike Cassidy that there was going to be work done in September to you know kind of beauy the the area um but we also wanted to see about maybe uh spreading the word um out to um the community um one to to kind of bring in trust funds you know to we just want people to be aware that it's out there um but also um um I think and as Susan had mentioned this um to me that you know we have because of hippo law uh we have no way of actually uh going out to the or rather finding out the names of the people who passed in and um what we'd like to do is actually put out some kind of a notice um out to the public either to newsletter or or something like that um to invite them to come and contact us okay um and I don't so we we did reach out I asked David and I don't know if you got any but but that we're hoping we can get this so you want to P people in to make to so that so that so they voluntarily tell us voluntarily tell us they are yeah or or that they're family member past or you know whatever that they can reach out to us so that we can start compiling okay a list of some so we need to have a sidebar venue you and I Susan about how that mechanics will work in the communication I think we were we were the goal was to put something in the newsletter for okay over so hopefully we can and I can put something in May's messages yes okay I mean I wasn't sure how because it's a sensitive yeah we'll let's talk it through so we should talk it through okay okay um and then and then the other thing and the mayor was there as well for the planning board meeting um we um at the last meeting we approved go ahead no go ahead at the last meeting uh there an application came through for 66 West Railroad Avenue and uh this was for for 40 residential units um and uh and it was approved as as West for 66 West Railroad Avenue which was the original junkyard that right off of so it was approved from from being a junkyard to having uh you know a a building there a three story building uh with a commercial space on first floor the um the only thing that the public should be aware of is a few months ago back in I think January uh we approved another 10 unit uh residential uh facility um that you know you've got 23 parking spaces for the first one the one in January and then now you've got another 84 uh or I think it may be 90 I'm not sure number but it's somewhere around there so you're talking about um an additional regular uh the 100 plus cars that are potentially going through that that area and we're with the um the cars going through Central and and going down uh towards Columbus with the with the high school and all that you have uh so the I think just the public should be aware that we're we're now going to have significant more traffic was that discussed at the planning board um honestly I mean I I don't think the parking side of it was just all the the parking is all on site no the parking is on site but the cars will eventually be the cars go on the road right and uh you know so so I think with the the the one that was discussed in January there was a lot of discussion about the about parking and the and traffic flow and the amount of traffic that would go through this time around I don't think there was as much uh discussion about the um because they didn't think it was important or the building that build the original the particular property on West Railroad came in they wanted to do a much more significant um project which never got to planning board because it never made it out of U site plan review that sort of thing because it was too big for the uh too big to the lot they wanted too many variances wasn't going anywhere did they get any variances for this one yeah they got some variances for sidey sidey yard and well so the other thing about it is it goes all the way through to Grove but there's no out there's no ESS or there's no ESS on Grove Street it's only on so it's all on West Railroad so corre people are going to have to go through and you know they either have to go around the other way if they want to go to Columbus or they you know so there's there's be a lot of traffic no I think it should have been traffic studies part of traffic studies part of everything so that wasn't an issue the traffic studies no I was just saying that I think it should have been uh it wasn't highlighted as much as U as I I I think we just have to again this gets done in the plan board when it comes to yeah I mean it's right so that's the issue so I think what we do is and I know you're a member of the planning board I think we do back about 800 years ago when I was on the planning board we had huge discussions of the Bing space specifically about the amount of traffic that was going back and forth that's a huge space this space here on 66 railroad we know that Railroad Avenue is called Railroad Avenue for a reason 800 years ago there's trains back and forth or whatever those things are it is a mess like I can't imagine putting two more cars in that space now we're putting in 100 more cars but again it's too late once again that's the purpose of the plan so I did ask a couple of questions people didn't seem to be bothered by it but that's that's the way the board works but uh but we do have an option you know when it when the developers agreement comes in uh to uh to the B into the governing body uh we are in a position to decide whether we agree with agreement not so anything else for know uh no Dan no Jamie Adam no John nope okay no mayor's remarks tonight um okay we're going to go into uh close session you want to read the uh in compliance with njsa 1041 4-12 the mayor and the Council of the B pedi are going to close close the executive session to discuss the matters collective bargaining policies and procedures the difference card B property the PAC Swim Club leas minutes will be taken in the meeing and public at the time the matter is resolved I get a motion to go into close so moved can I get a second all in favor any oppos okay [Music]