[Music] okay hey actually Mr Mary before we get started I know it's not a full Proclamation but it is this town's mayor was this town's mayor's birthday yesterday and I thought we should all just you know celebrate and thank our mayor for happy birth thank you I appreciate so please continue Mr may I will say I did follow of them I think he got scared of have real business saying happy birthday 45 minutes to work cage follow that okay so first thing I thank you is U to be considered RFD foral Services um to the best of my recollection we haven't done this for all of our Professionals in many many years and so I'm recommending to the council that we uh go out for uh you know basic uh assist RFQ no R RFP excuse me RFP um for all of our professionals the return date is a you know the details Ro within the U RFP itself but we'll make uh a decision in appointments um by the January 16th meeting any council members have questions or thoughts yes please maybe you can just explain the difference between an RP and RQ so you want to talk about that sure be happy to a request for a proposal is a request for the services from either a singular individual or firm a request for qualifications is basically a request from multiple professional firms or individuals to provide a service yet to be determined so as an example um you would send send out a request of proposal for a feral attorney or a municipal attorney you could also send out a request of qualifications to create a pool of qualified attorneys to do unspecified work over the course of the 12- month period and you would assign those attorneys a particular project as the the projects advise over the course of year okay and uh so far you know there's no requirement you know you have to pick the best yeah you know I mean it can still be whoever you want to choose within that is that well the the concept here is it's fair and open so you advertise it in the newspaper you advertise it on your website any professional can come and pick up the RF they can respond to it they're reviewed in the eyes of the municipality the best qualified based upon not only price like a bid but also the qualifications the experience the knowledge the familiarity of the municipality and all with those other factors that are basically listed in the document itself so so basically there five people can I can apply okay it's not based on price it's not based ex it based on objective criteria or there some subjectiv by ordinance a committee is established the committee by ordinance is the May of and two Council people and that committee makes the recommendation to the government body to make the award hopefully on January 16 and there would be the same three people who decide on all of the so just to let everyone know the the the ones who we're talking about here are borrow attorney labor councel borrow auditor Bond councel borrow engineer tax equal attorney all taal attorney prosecutor uh public defender uh zoning board attorney planning board attorney special counsel borrow planner uh planning board engineer so these are the professionals that we're going out to you know request proposals from and you know so the so basically what you're suggesting is the same three people would uh be the ones recommending all of these positions can I jump in here yeah that's that's that's how it work yeah I wasn't sure my volume right right and and these are the professionals that were always saying we should rely on our professionals uh um so I'm just trying to get the layer for land and understanding how how this is determine you know because we've had this just real quick we've had this for for the same or certain you know firms or whatever for in here for for a few years some are you know people that U we think um I need additional that we should look into alternative you know firms something like that so I just wanted on I just say Wendy wanted to chime iny goad yeah I was just gonna there is an the proc how it's the evaluation is done criteria that is determined for it um many of these are mayoral appointments that are also selected by the mayor at the end of the the day with advice and consent of council some of these would obviously be referred to other entities such as the planning or zoning board with recommendations for them to make their appointments so I just wanted to point out that it all would coincide with the bureau's existing ordinance for fair and open uh process right so so to the extent that we're talking about a fair process it depends on how we mean that term right it's not um the fairness is still at the end of the day up to a specific person or persons well yeah I mean we have we have to appoint our own professionals uh the whole point of this is probably I don't think we've done anything like this done anything like this for at least 10 or 15 years we just kind of we've been we've been reappointing the same people who were all wonderful people all professionals um uh every year so now we're going to go out there and see uh what other fishing would to see also so at least we educate ourselves right and and as I said not objecting to it I just wanted to make sure that people understood you know what what this is talking about because we have not um in in our um and um you know so um I mean this was something that I suggested last year when you were looking for labor Council you were considering somebody for labor Council and U and I think Wendy at the time had suggested that it wasn't necessary at that time but U and he ultimately chose the Wier for for that um so okay I just wanted to lay out get well just just to clarify Wendy go ahead yeah I just I don't recall the conversation but you certainly don't have to do it at any time and you certainly may do it at any time to to go out for um RFP I just want to clarify that I don't like the way it sounded at the end there if there is an objection on a resolution does that mean that it moves any to the other part like the consent agenda or is it it moves into the non agenda yes yes yes okay um let's move on to the administra four minut you want to move that to a resolution yes oh is that is it uh it's going to be on the nth C AG it's going to be on theth yes so that do we determine we two council members will be a back time or no I thought we would do that at the January second meeting the new Council what why why can't take action because you can't take you can't meet as a committee you're meeting with each and every one of these professions I don't know we're going to have we going to do like we do anytime it we're going to go through it and decide who is going to be serving the best interest of the government okay Administration report a few quick items the RFP for the downtown revitalization plan design engineer is due tomorrow we already have one submission in our session so we're moving along quickly there the senior fan is scheduled to be delivered next week the senior van was pulled to pull off until we got the advertising from the way family company so for you know Adam if they' given the image it's supposed to go on the van side that's was holding it up sorry it's supposed to match all the um the W so it was supposed to be given to the comp they haven't received it that's the only reason I don't have our who's giving it out I I don't know that's I'm do you know you want me I send right now and then he can send it to the B I I didn't know I didn't know this was holding it back yeah to be honest that this thing has been held up for so long that what I was trying to do is get this van on our property and out of the hands of the Healer um logos and lettering and all that other is important but we figured that we get possession of it first and then we about that process we'll get that done also once we go in the v I have to okay the train station the written quote to replace the electrical service panels was sent out to three different electricians the return date for that written quote was January 3r and those firms were supp the names were supp To Us by our electrical inspector a couple of Grants the uh we're pursuing the Green Acres Jakes law playground Grant however the administration needs some direction on exactly what the work effort is going to be the Eda local property acquisition Grant as previously reported were on hold there until the deadline uh the application deadlines established so you can't apply until that's established we had three other additional Green Acres grants under consideration again um if we're going to move forward on those we definitely need work efforts scope of work we know you know exactly what we're going to put into the plant application I think just just on that one and and obviously I love the mayor's point of view there were I think there were three other ones I think there there's two of those three I read them again I think two of those three I think are worth taking a look at one is the uh the acquisition Grant which I think we spoke about already properties and then there's the development Grant like a Parks development grant that one again might be a long shot but it sounds like it's a robust set of money something like you know we've been talking I've been alive on each side and having to take it from the drenches up but that's just a good example of this development brand might so the only other one I would add the mayor agrees is that development take a look at and see if it's you have deadlines for these off the top of your head there we're ahead of the curve which is February the uh development brand actually we got to take a look the development Grant is actually December 27th oh yes but did you just say 27 the property acquisition Grant is to be determined the J uh law is December 27 you have to tell Millennium by December 27 that's the Dead Lights Millenia Grant date is due February 7 right so in that one we have for the plan on development we had discussed by the way I do think that needs some renovation but we had discussed using the square and walnut that is empty for the inclusivity um equipment which could be uh an easy easy thing we picked out most at equipment Jimmy and I back in the day we picked out a plan um we pric I'm totally good with that we're ahead of the Cur I think what we just need to do is I don't know if we need Council to agree or whatever the right word is but the local property acquisition Grant has not been uh set yet so that one is on hold but I think that's the best one yet they they're willing to give up to a million dollars I take that the second one is the Jake law that we have to let them know by December 27th that's actually up to $750,000 that Jake laws all the inclusivity which would be wonderful and then the last one I believe you should look at is the park Green Acres Park development brand which uh is Formula based so there's a cap sorry there's no cap so I would actually like uh one of these rants to be in coordination with the ten Nature Center so the Nature Center is starting a threeyear whatever it is Project to make it P A seniors again let's just we just need to tell have the Nature Center has a rant writer named elen who would like to actually work with Kevin and Millennium on finding the right rant good so can I put you in touch I have the permission to so the first question is about these two grants we talking about we have want to go ahead with that okay so we'll go ahead and then it's an Ono yes that's it thank you okay the uh American Rescue fire fire Grant application for the purchase of FK of gear in the Clos dryer has been filed and a second fire F of Grant Public Safety Foundation Grant is to be filed and hiring Millennium via resolution is on tonight's agenda uh it's anticipated that this grant is primarily for fire hes couplings valves fire Hooks and Associated equ uh moving on the recreation director and I conversed regarding the coffee truck with special events that was discussed at the last government body's meeting the concept of a concession and the borrows ordinances was discussed the matter is not and that information will be brought back to the recreation committee some really good news um employee Dental vits D to dental is providing no additional for to the borrow or the employee and added benefit which provides additional services and those meeting the definition of those requiring special Health Care needs which includes additional examinations cleanings and use of in specific cases this is uh for an off tough explanation certain individuals have issues where it is very difficult to be treated in a normal trans office uh and normal dental procedures and I think if somebody got a hold of Dent Dent Delta Dental and explained this problem and this is really a great benefit for parents who have the children of these isses as well as parents and employees have isses also so it's really great and we put out an email to all our employes informing them of this are depend that's my vision okay very good thank you any questions oh okay all right thank you all right so let's move on to um public comment time audience members wishing to speak will'll have a 3 minute time limit to address the governing body on items on the agenda large groups are asked to have a spokesperson represent would anyone here like to make any public comment I'm just going to put out there for a second the one of the items we covering of The Correspondents the only item is underground training and so the underground training uh friends can come up during that time you want me to speak right now we'll have a whole discussion about that okay if you want speak you're welcome to uh good evening mayor and councel your name you address shepher Breer 12 Maple Street ten uh owner of tenly Bicycle Workshop everyone knows me delinquent member of the down business committee as I am member and board uh of the Chamber of Commerce um I'm here on behalf of my cycling team um which is based out of tenant line um we're a youth uh mountain bike Team uh and development program uh we have um struggle to find places to uh ride ride bikes and to practice in winter time it gets very difficult we have to work out indoors we have to figure out creative ways get sometimes upwards of 15 20 kids in in a space to do some sort of cycling or health related activity um I'm here on behalf of the team because our primary sponsor is underground training um they I'll let them speak separately because it's their business um but uh we I implore you to to allow my team to practice there by allowing them to have more space and utilizing a tent outside um we had our first practice tonight um as many of you may know underground training is where all the kids in tenly go after school um it's already packed full of kids doing healthy activities um it's quite a wonderful thing to see actually if you haven't witnessed it um they were underground training got best kids gym um what was it B uh Jewish Jewish standard gave them the best kids gym in New Jersey um it's a really great thing to go witness and see all those kids getting doing healthy activities um as it is the gym is already packed um and my team needs a space um we were at one point in time 42 kids we're now down to 15 because we because I can't find a place for these kids to do healthy activities opening up the space and allowing these kids our our season is December through March um this is when we start practices the kids are chomping it a bit to be out to be uh doing some form of exercise and getting to know each other and this is a great opportunity for me to to help grow this team having that space outside under a tent and not in cold weather would be extremely helpful and that's that's all I wanted to say thank you for your time any other members of the public here want to speak in the chambers any members of the public that are online anyone online wish to speak please raise your hand all right no other public commentar you see no May okay we're going to close public comment time and um go right to um The Correspondents regarding underground training want to up to the microphone I'll just it up you tell tell tell us your story you want to Department to do this they said no andal as usual to the mayor and Council correct correct yeah so that's because you can you want to do this as a right correct then we have to go back to planning board to get approval for this process for the Deary 10 and so uh the building department there required to either send them to the um planning board with rejection or to come to the May and Council for appeal with the rejection and there's no plan was tomorrow night was can there's no appes but [Music] they what's going please now please it's it's our pleasure being having us um over Co names sorry mosha clamman um actually I'm an angood resident but our business at 31 Prospect terce and Gerard and 31 month NES business location um over we used to be at 20 chest original location over Co we had an opportunity to take more space um when the the other business went out uh so we were to move our business over there and you know through trial tribulations as I'm sure well aware uh we actually goow our business back into actually better than it was before uh and one of the reasons we able to do that is over Co we able to in a very unique way have an outdoor possibility for client not into spaces uh especially as you of whatever limitations were being provided um our business continues to grow um business is like Bicycle Workshop design sports academy uh numerous kids programs as CH mentioned we the number one Kids Gym in jersey number two overall gym in New Jersey as well um providing home for trainers as well independent trainers as well as in-house trainers over 50 independent trainers people have their space um on that note just outdoor space has become a Paramount to underground um uh um you we need the the out space gr programs into bringing these uh external vs into our space and by programs for these kids go ahead um I think it's a great idea I love the outside I mean sorry people are sick so I'm an an question thank you for doing outdoor exercise um Sor to hear me but I won't do this have you spoking with either the plaza or t rocket and do they have any issues with ex uh no they as a matter of fact they they do not they also mentioned us that uh all of our clients are love to use their parking spaces as well if there's any kind of issues of any mind U we actually work very closely with them even when our bathroom's closed down or for whatever reason they're shoving back and forth but we haven't had any issues at all with any of our neighbors very pleas experience yes Julie please actually counc point it's a question about process um so now that the the owners are come here that talk to us I understand that sometimes when you go to the planning board like you have to alert a certain number of neighbors but is that the type of thing that has to be done with this T so so if the council decides to grant them this exension to the parking lot they still have to go to the building department to get a permit for the tent construction because we don't we don't know here with going to put the side there what they're going to do and then it's structure the building department will say okay make sure you have this this this way that weighted down so it doesn't blow away that sort of thing so that the council decides it's okay that process it doesn't if they decide to go to a Perman thing then they have go to okay so then the only reason I bring it up is I remember when they were location we had different neighbors I don't have to tell you sure we we had neighbors some issues that how to work out with parking and making sure clients you know respect to the neighbors around there I just want to make sure I'm not stepping in anything where is um you know there's houses across the street on Prospect is there something I should know so I mean one of the reasons we moved over the space was because of the Standalone aspect of it understanding that the open space is was a mixed commercial residential area uh across the street from us there's already uh two businesses and two residences um on the Block itself uh so bus yeah exactly U and this uh space has historically been over the past 20 plus years has been some sort of business has utilized a lot of outdoor parking a lot of street parking as well so I think that from a resid perspective I'm just falling uh I do believe a lot of residences resents are very comfortable with or very aware that there's a business there and people are paring in the street um we've had maybe over the past three years maybe two or three instances where anybody come ask this oh one we clientele is a little too close to our parking our driveway to your mind and you know in very simple kind of way no issues when there at any time absolutely and we moved we moved our car the idea is it would be I'm just looking at a picture of it the north side is where you put the tent or yes the north side there's a garage a garage door in the back of the chair right off of that garage door how many spots would you be um I think there was only a total of six spaces Al together the parking so two so two ad in theory ad teally bumped up against the building um so just kind of depending on the size a lotted two par spes in the so from so from our for our knowledge based you're you're taking away two parking spots you're not taking no no we're not taking entire space the back is is way too big or something like that it would just be uh 18 by 18 something like we get people we have to know I don't have any I don't have any issues with this I think it's a great [Music] idea it's temporary out doesn't work out and that parking lot is completely closed in by and trees so it's not like the old spot we were really on top of like the neighbors and we had people upstairs from us we don't have anybody upstairs that is not a good location we were happy they sold the building on it few mons now the planning board is said for for the business and the kind the kind of business that you have um be required that six part or is that what they said or we don't know they sent us straight over here we never actually SP no no when first applied for they didn't fill the no you didn't have to request they didn't request all right so just is Council okay with this is everyone good yeah okay Omar hold on go away Omar we're all council is okay with this okay so what do I do have should they contact you or pass by first so [Music] resolution yeah before building department so contact with good great they'll be able to lead you the right dire great happy birthday so I'm we had people started so audience members wish you to speak we'll have a threee time to address C body any items on the agenda large groups are asked to have spok person represent so who here in the room would like to uh speak or make public comments yes you want to talk no okay all right that's right I'll close public comments and we'll go my question we'll move on agenda um I have a motion to approve resolutions R23 467 through 2377 I have a question for Susan sorry Susan is the welcoming committee um in the line item because I didn't find this um for the expenditures welcomeing committee yes for what for what this isid expenditure supposed to talk you about it oh next year no they they had something that they were doing right now for advertising and it was supposed to get into the bill list I just want to make sure if she came in after the bill list was new then I'll be on an interim Bill list for next me that's I her I think she just came in I think I saw her coming the other day Okay I thank you all right I said clarify Dayton men Michaels yes CC Dr o Conor yeah C Park yes okay I have a motion for approve resolution r37 have a second roll please this the T Library plac yesy placement this is the change for the additional 18,000 right to because of some kind of maybe before we additional materials right so maybe before a change order from construction project right maybe we exp well we've already got a vote on the okay yes Council Michaels yes council member Dr OK Conor yes part yes okay can we before we go to the next one can we just explain I'm going get out y so it was a change order because um the contract that needed to install D replac existing pre AG based layer that's group itself the amount of $17,500 so there an additional retail that be done the project yes okay all right res I have a motion to approve resolution before you ask for motion can we just talk about what these are yeah okay so who has a question about 479 so with 479 um was this uh you know Capital where would bu question well it's it was part of the capital budget this is a piece of right it's going to crush cardboard and other com material that's that's the point of this um it's prob to mixed paper materials and crushes uh and transportation and shipping cost of it is 92,000 direct to your question says whereas is available for the purch that Pur isly so I'm not asking about the the funding I'm asking about whe when we were going through budgeting process I don't recall this being you so this was an outstanding item that the rpw director was having trouble getting for many years it was um in a previous Capital plan from years ago maybe even before you were on the turn and it was budgeted for $139,000 and then more recently we did a supplemental and turned out that prices have gone down and and that's why the price is 92,000 like can cancel be M that was more recent well done thank you and thanks for the explanation sometimes we don't get the uh the problem story so I'm glad we got the story wel move I have a second second please call the C Dayton yes C men yes C Michaels yes C Dr o Conor yes C Park okay um Tak a motion to approve resolution r234 second this is for Firehouse Sub yes yes Council Michaels yes Council Dr W Conor yes counc Park yes Adam I do have a question on 481 sure okay so go ahead ask your question on 481 the W finding sment which I'm very excited about we were going to possibly um see if there's anything a little less um difficult to see you know the dark colors would they ever did they get back to us yeah so we shared with the police chief and DPW director the set of questions that we had they felt that it was right what they did identify and what this is about today is and thank you to DPW director cidy something with the do laws on the height of some of these things and that's why there's a slight 200 $3 or something change because we had a be with you do see actually if you go into they have actually updated it they made the logo bigger they made the words bigger thank you um and they think it's right they say based on how far away it is at night they they think it's the right thing to do and sorry but the dark black background that will reflect okay while you're driving at night they were they were comfortable yeah great yeah ni I I personally thought it was actually a little big the Chap's like well Adam as lovingly as he could say Adam you know be a th000 ft away as with in a car driving 30 m an hour and then tell me how big it is so I very much appreciate the education uh so I'm very thankful our professionals that help us with so the answer is yes okay any other questions I get a mo to approve resolution 2341 have a second second more please call the roll sure Yes Men yes Michaels yes Dr Conor yes C Park yes so these are this resolution 23-42 their change change ERS regarding uh the original estimate at the time was approximately 1.5 million just so everyone is aware this is the bridge oniss that is destroyed completely by Ida that we to rebuild um and the original quote from the contract was 1.5 million approximately and with these final change orders that are in the price the total cost goes to 1.9 million all of which is still subjected to um or qualifies for the 19 reimbursement proa which uh the burrow and the engineers are all in the mix of uh working through the bureaucratic process there and so there four change orders and this represent quickly from this represents the n fin number that is correct any questions from anyone yes yeah um look the reimbursement and everything normally change over shouldn't be over 20% or you know there's a certain percentage that it's allowed to go over um this seems like it's a lot more than 20% well this was done under emergency ORD so I can't answer that question perhap Wendy did you address that issue coun sure so um there's also emergency Provisions for change orders and usually those are for unforeseen circumstances so accordingly when you have a an emergency contract Al together often times the need comes in to put change orders that may be a bit larger in scope than what would generally be acceptable because of the emergency nature and everybody piecing things together rather quickly and without um you know the time that we would want to be able to get proper estimates Etc right thanks and so that's why um the government would still cover the 90% more than amount of change may I add go ahead please through you Mr Mayor um the 20% rule is a common misunderstanding the only criteria if you exceed any contract greater than 20% is that that event has to be advertised in your newspapers and when you file your uh for your budget in in the following year You Must List all of your contracts where you've exceeded by 20% in the preceding year but we're not prohibited to that 20% it is just a reporting requirement um for the Department of Community Affairs yeah that's good to know because normally we're told you know has um so I me just my concern was that the government will still publica again sure you Mr Mayor basically it has to be advertised by the administrative office and obviously we have to stve in next year's budget um a report El it and that's all it is as a report and two three and four all came in at the same time or did they get did we see two three and then four be I to be honest I think that this was more of an administrative error in the fact in a combination of several failures in which these documents were either not sent to the FOH or in fact that they were received they were not taken not addressed in an appropriate And Timely matter we all know that change orders always come in sequence they don't come in a lum suong um so each change order should be addressed appropriately to a resolution and having the Govern and father approve it and it's one of these experiences and I think there are a few more out there that we can learn from this and the fact that I think going forward we now look for change orders and we know how to hand great yeah and to the extent that you know there were a number of things that fell through the class this is another definitely asking the governing to to approve three change orders in one resolution is what I would consider nonprofit procedure but it is what it is contractor has to be paid and after a thorough review by the CFO working diligently with the engineering firm to document all the Chang ERS to identify discrepancies resolve those discrepancies uh it was a Yen's effort it's done as the mayor said this is the final result and finally we can get this contractor made and there are as I said there are few more examples to come that we're working thank you Julie I wanted to ask about this one um two things so we one is you feel that % reimbursement from FEMA is still going to be applicable with the change as well that's that's my understanding yes but I was wondering just more holistically if another emercy Happ say when an emergency happens in the future what uh what guard rails do we have as taxpayers it's a little concerning um I'm not blaming any particular person in this situation maybe the people doing the work what do I know but um so so that we're we're under a kind of a deadline Bridge has to get repaired whatever we're under the impression it's going to cost a certain amount in this case femo is reimbursing but maybe next time would be the cas and then it's a very different cost later what is to be done what can we do as a burrow when is when you can't go out to bid you can't you know all those safe guards Impossible on the emergency yeah you just right so no I I think if I understand the question properly it's really maintenance um you know you are limited by the manow people power excuse the Manpower discussion um but you only have so much people power so much uh free time or non-scheduled time to go out and start looking around at potential weaknesses within the barel the other problem is is that if you made a list of the weaknesses which I'm sure they exist but they exist everywhere um you know how would the governing body fund them any type of that event so sometimes you just have to wait for it to happen as the mayor said depending on on the nature of the failure some some failures even though they're emergencies are from a construction point of view relatively simple and therefore you could hire a qualified contractor but then there are other people who are let's just say have an expertise in that particular like building bridges over certs and creeks and things like that yeah I mean you can't just go to the local die on unfortunately out and ask them to do it so there are companies out there that have the knowledge the experience um from where I came uh sewer system was our biggest issue and we had experts and people who are totally knowledgeable not only in the general concept of sewers but in our particular municipality the sew system in the municipality so some of that is uh you know Advanced knowledge prepar maintenance those are all good things but they take time and money you were going to say about the nature of the emergency it's the nature like last night we had a situation I think it was about 2 a.m. one of our s lines got backed up and it got you know pretty ugly but we were able to handle that whole thing internally at the public works department because we have a SE team crew SC board to take care of the whole problem the home owners were involved whole 9 yards so that was relatively it's not a small emergency the homeowners that are involved but it's a it's a manageable emergency the B thank you you're welcome all right so can can I have a motion to approve R23 that second please call member Dayton yes men yes Cil Michaels yes C Dr W Conor yes Cil Park yes question3 this is the EXP of theary retail distribution license all right no question okay a motion to approve 23-4 I have second second C yes C Min yes counil member Michaels yes counil member Dr o Conor yeah counil Mar yes okay very good all right moving on to resolution R23 484 any questions about this so the DPW me you know it's been very busy the season so I actually like to hear K if you don't mind did you have a chance to speak with Michael cassid on this I'm comparing the two quotes did you speak with the director the DPW but there's two quotes proposed for the work we're picking resolution has us picking one of them sorry what 484 I'm sorry the DPW you know we go through the but we didn't you know I'm really not sure I actually spoke with director Cassidy if there's a question say but he picked the the $19,500 quote because he needed to get done quickly otherwise there would be penalties so is that your question no that's fine I just usually we discuss when you have two quotes here we discuss the differences between the two quotes so like I said we did meet as committee on this right because what happened was the other quote I believe they wanted a three-year contract we only one one time tomorrow they might have to out I think it's tomorrow it might be yeah it might be tomorrow that they're coming to do the work so he needed done quickly the other a vendor couldn't do it as quickly and then uh he's going to document that the price is slightly higher than the 185 so that when if there this is pulled by the Auditors we have a good explanation and reason why we had to get Sy done real quickly and move on mean the second quote one three years and escalating pricing so well that one's not the one that we're taking right we're taking the first one the first one but it's 19,500 IOD right okay yes all right this one for thank you have a motion to approve R23 484 move have a second pleas D yesc men yes CC Michael yes C Dr W Conor yes C Park resolution 45 that's the resolution for for the auth right okay I have a motion to approve resolution r345 I have a second second please call yes coun men counc Michaels yes C Dr o Conor yes C par thank you all right ordinates 23-29 post coverage ordinance number 23-29 it was published in December a 10th edition of the record is an ordinance of the BAU of teni County of Bergen state of New Jersey amending chapter 2 administration of government to establish article 8 subsection 2- 78 retiree benefits authorizing and directing the payment of premiums for health benefits after retirement for certaines I believe Wendy wanted to make a comment on this ordinance yes thank you Omar um I would for public commentsin 23 29 anyone here like to speak on that anyone uh on Zoom that would like to speak on this ordinance okay Omar want to speak no Wendy wanted to to speak on his ordinance Wendy yes mayor um I would like to ask that the council either uh vote to table this ordinance or vote it down it came to my attention um after the ordinance was introduced that there had been salary ordinance adopted in the past that conflict with this ordinance therefore I would highly recommend that this ordinance not be passed so you want us to table it table it or vote it down either way okay can I get a motion to table second okay so table thank you thank you okay ordinance 23-30 acceptance of the C please read the conf publication and title sure ordinance number 23- 30 is an ordinance that was published in the December 10th edition of the record is an ordinance author authorizing acceptance of De Road dedication for a portion of lot 9 block 602 now designated as forier Court in the burough tenly County of Bergen New Jersey okay um I'd like to open the floor for any public comments on ordinance 23-30 only anyone in the chambers here that would like to speak please is there anyone online who would like to speak on Zoom I see no hands man okay we're going to close public comment on 23-30 um council department you like to please Ive to pass adop on second that noce say shall be published according to law can I have a second please second please pull the RO c m Dayton yes C men yes C Michaels yeah C Dr OK Conor yes Park yes 23-3 1 Omar could you please read the confirmation and publication of the ordinance and the title sure ordinance number 23-31 it was an ordinance published in the December 10th edition of the record is an ordinance of the B tly County of Bergen state of New Jersey amending chapter 2 administration of government Article 2 General organization section 2- 47 Junior Firefighters auxiliary of the revised General ordinances of the burough teni 2004 like to open the floor comments on 23-31 only anyone CH like to speak is there anyone on Zoom who would like to speak okay we going to close public comment and uh Council would you like to motion please I move to pass and adopt second and final reading 23-31 and that notice sub same shall be published according to law that a second please omark please condu cember Dayton yes C men yes C Michaels yes cember Dr o Conor yes cember part yes 23-32 Fork please confir publication of the ordinance and the title ordinance number 23-32 ordinance is published in the December 10th edition of the record it is an ordinance of the B of tly County of Bergen state of New Jersey amending chapter 2 admin ministration of government article one mayor coun mayor and burrow Council of the revised General ordinances of the burough ten5 2004 okay I'm going to open the FL for public comments on ordance 23-32 only is there anyone in the chambers who would like to comment is there anybody out on Zoom who would like to comment looks like no one no more close the comment and um Council men like to make a motion please move to pass and adopt on second and final meeting ordinance 23-32 and that notice the same shall be published according to a second please second Omar you please conduct the roll call counc member Michaels yes council member Dr o Conor yeah counc member Park yes all right very good thank you under old business we have the 2024 meeting calendar okay so um there's um we're looking at the calendar for January and um just to keep a a better spacing of the uh the meeting dates from the recess meeting and ongoing to through the me throughout the year um it was suggested to you move the January dates from January 9th to January 16th and January 23rd to January 30th and if the governing body is uh um accepting of this change um I'll have ready in a resolution form for the reor meeting questions comments oh and one other thing I wanted to bring up just one other thing um when we made the change for meeting on um April 23d that happens to be the second day of Passover um I wanted to make sure if we going to move forward with that um date every is okay with that you should not do that relig because originally also even just for our public they and they're observing we do why don't we just do can we do it the week before the Tuesday would that be that's April 16 we changed from the second right it was the second the 2 to the 9th and then the 16th to the 23rd right so point do theth and 16 or is that one weart Noto one week apart can a different day 24th Wednesday well seven days later is April 30th when Easter ail this year each this year is probably the week of the 22nd the 21st we can do the 30th like they said or what about 24 next day is the 24th is okay government body sure well assuming there's no that's Easter is that early this year that's why school break 10 first week correct it's the March 31st is is Easter what's Passover Easter is March 21st Passover is April 22 but that's if that's the first day then isn't it the 94 no the the 22nd the 22nd and the 23rd Are the nights of the two saders 24 he's checking there's I I I can try to see Bo for th okay so there is a planning board meeting on the 24th of April 25 there's no meeting so far I don't have a meeting on 25th until the 30th it's May 7 or do we need the meeting at all like in February or we only have one can we go with just one meeting in April there just a lot no that's you want that have extrating but again that's where you're right we're already having two meetings on a Saturday two meetings on we're going to have an extra half a dozen budget meetings for you would you mind would you please Mo for the microphone for a second I keep it from different you don't sound very confused about that I'm just trying to think about you have to wait 28 days from one meeting to the next to adopt the budget and this year when the best practices it really came down on the timing of budget there's a whole bunch of questions in our so when are you backing into it when would you like the first when do you think well the had 25th it would be good what month April so then you don't first reading latest well I don't know I didn't get I have to look at the local finan but what I'm saying is those first few months were really really busy let's put the 25th which one 25th th Thursday of the 25th if you have a planning board on wed of if things change we'll change it that's fine okay that makes sense everybody good with that sure Thursday 25th Thursday the 25th okay but just Omar just a note for you and me I just got not sure our Board of Health April Board of Health is typically the third Thursday in April or or any month so it probably April 18th right yeah wait wait oh you talking about Board of heal I'm thinking about environmental commission I'm sorry of Health Board of Health yeah that's in March yeah that's in March the only thing I used doing it just to mess me up okay on the 17th why are we at 7:45 whereas 7:30 for the rest of the year I thought I made that change you don't see that on the back in the year oh you I dropped it down oh sorry but if you change that's great 7:30 your special I wish I had time to do that okay yes okay any questions about minutes of November 20th 2023 or December 5 2023 I was okay let all right so I'm going to do separately okay I get a motion to approve the 202 motion I have a second please second all those in favor anyone oppos okay coun okay can I get a motion to approve the minutes from December 5th 2023 have a second second all in favor anyone anyone having upcoming meetings January 2nd course is our resar meeting starting at 7:00 and the reorganization start at 7:30 p.m. me committee report just want get meetings okay we'll just go around start um I do the Nature Center needs a followup about the security cameras and that okay um again they're having security issues up there they have to put the fleece again this weekend so I would like to follow through on that they should we had some possibly funding in the police department there's a confusion whether that funding is going to be used for the N Center cameras or if they need to find a separate funding space so I would like to just report back again that we need to follow up on that they have no none well they have some technology I don't want to you know give it away they do have technology and and things which is have know they're having security issues but they want I mean again they have staff there there's somebody who lives on the property overnight and so forth um I would like to also announce the teni Nature Center is having both a runch in March and Gala in May they're upping their fundraising and membership initiatives I would strongly recommend that each and every council member come to these events um I believe it's going to be March 3D it's a Sunday for the first brunch and we're trying see if we can get the Mayo or something close to it for the gall um which I believe they were testing possibly the senen or night but again the donations are for the um help of our major one we go to every year like the S auction is epic it is so please no one go because I work really hard donation all there so this helps pay for literally the education programming the salar it helps run the facility it is vital I would like each and every one of our council members to bring five friends seriously and encourage them to support our Nature Center Deborah Davidson our director does an incredible job but again it's very difficult to fund raise um for this Center in a way that would benefit um a future growth of this so keep that in mind um so please you know consider joining uh I will be joining and stepping on to the Nature Center form congratulations Nature Center we get and so that's the major um I would like to also about the welcoming for a second again our chairperson next Missi goes above and beyond to wel R new residents which in the past few years has seen upwards of 400 plus new residents a year we are talking about um adding on new members that speak other languages having events that help acclimate our new families we are one of the unique um town we our town uniquely has the welcoming committee not many do and I will say again whoever takes the Thousand on they are doing a great job and the people moving in so far before December we had 350 new homes new Families how many and that's a lot happening to our town so it's not a small thing to hold these events um if anyone knows they're looking for four new members hopefully dual speaking four new members on on the um and I just also want to thank um Tac police and fire for the and of course our DPW for the storm clean up after the rain this past week um thank you capacity um all of our directors for that work okay thank you now um was the center um met yesterday and there are a couple of things they wanted us to know is that they are having difficulty St working space because uh they can have multiple events and and they're having to turn down people comeing to events and and stuff like that so this is all a Prelude to in the coming year coaching for for a senior center to use this as additional guidance for them um they also wanted to let us know that they submitted a budget to office and uh that there is a very small so they're not asking so they just wanted to let us know for the public U the um you know wanted uh people to know that they're that they are having a board nomination for the upcoming board for next year so if you're interested uh you know contact M house she'll get you in nomination comme the um and then of course they had the usual they had activities going on Sports lunches Thanksgiving lunches coffee c um and you know they upcoming have a New Year's party the 28 I think and a number of other activities coming up so um um and then you know a trip to the United Nations uh in March a trip to Broadway for to see out uh so you know for all these just reach out to Michelle house and that's it thank you Michael no update the only thing I was out of state but last Wednesday was the visit with Santa get a chance to speak to Jamie I don't know if anyone heard P get any prizes from Santa I didn't get any prizes from Santa well it's great that they did that so congratulations to the recreation to the organizing Recreation of course what's it so I wanted to say I spoke to the chief uh regarding security camera and um it is um on the they're coming but what he's really going to be doing is for this upcoming budget kind of put Al together the entire act from the from the uh templ Nature Center rather just try to buy Pete's meal so he knows about it he's going to be coming in March take some of what's already some funding that's already there and then add to it most spok seas and about it and that seems to be the plan so it's um in The Ether and and no problem um the other thing was that we are working on a third location for the conos pilot program which would be by the church all preserve uh this is from feedback from some of the families in our compos pil program that the two drop off locations are more on the this side of town so that will make it easier for families that live um you know on the other side of on the hill and then we our compost educator Dorothy Quincy she's actually going to be going a mom School speaking to some school CL student families this Thursday so we expect you know the always the bump when she gets to schools and then they bring the Flyers home to their families so it would be good for us to have a c location in different areas of town it's going really well we have over two tons of um food waste diverted already uh which is amazing um three T oh three oh oh okay that's still that's a lot 50 families awesome um the trashon date is going to be April 23 so uh I know that councilman Park was working on getting us more Pickers so uh for any of the families that have participated in the past they're worried about they don't have enough garbage Pickers for the kids and the family we're gonna have a lot a lot of garbage fck right Council Park Cassidy hasn't he's bu yeah so no kids will be fighting over the pickers so please everybody show up and clean up the town so April 28th and that's about it that's it thank you I'm just going to go back and make more comment May's remarks the update regarding the TDP the conversations regarding the St water utility and and cleaning up backo you know thanks to the work of sen Johnson's office we've got days the end of January he's finalizing up here with us and some of the other towns that want to and participate in the process works so he posted as that day comes closer thank you okay I have a motion to go into Clos please Wendy has to Wendy has to read sorry please read it resolution R23 d486 at a meeting of the mayor and Council of the bur of tenly County of Bergen state of New Jersey held on December 19 2023 mayor and Council of the burough of tly has deemed it necessary to go into Clos session to discuss certain matters which are Exempted from the public be it resolved in compliance with ASA 10 col 4-12 the mayor and Council of the burre of ten ofly are going into closed executive session to discuss the following collective bargaining police dispatchers minutes will be taken of the meeting and released to the public at the time when the matter is resolved thank you motion second second all in favor thank you everybody cover by the thrill cuz I know be running