##VIDEO ID:uMd34qIQ8ko## [Music] 1975 chapter 231 the notice requirements have been satisfied the meeting dates of the year are confirmed at the annual meeting are posted on the public golden board in the lobby of the municipal center published published and directed within the first 10 Days of the New Year notice of this meeting be of July 11th 2024 Sunshine notice has been sent for the record and Northern Valley Press and has been posted on bden board and B website published in the record within the first 10 Days of the New Year okay salute to the flag please I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy Justice okay we have a roll call please okay here Mich here here CLE here before we get started with to be considered I just want to make one quick presentation for everyone so our friends at the community at Green community center uh donated this uh watercolor painting by the artist Christine SEO who also runs their um all the uh art performances over there in the exhibitions so this of course is a watercolor of the train station that's beautiful so we so can the public see let's see there it is thank you Korean Community Center okay all righty next property acquisition grants okay that um is in reference to the buron county open space fund um and obviously the 2024 process is is ended but for 2025 which coming out spring there are property acquisition grants that are available through the open space fund and this was in reference to a previous discussion about some properties downtown dets that would be a close session so this is just to let us know know that there's a funding source that we could utilize if you were to BU properly okay we can put two separate yes your usual Grant application foring okay let's move to the senior Transportation program utilization all right um as I uh have noted to you in in email I've been speaking with John suvin who is our senior transportation coordinator um and he has told me that uh the utilization of our senior Transportation uh program has been increased steing um and what I'm passing around to you is a uh is a report on report on the statistics of the of the program along with uh a monthly breakdown in in 2023 and a year8 in 2024 um is this allowed for any seniors seniors that are only part of the senior center no this is any senior that wants to that is need a transportation and register um so over the past three months they've averaged three to five new residents registering yeah within 10 so come pick somebody their house take hospital they take them to doctor appointments and I One wonderful Serv I wonder if we should talk about it in the uh Friday message so on the on the third page it basically talks about Riders toal they go to doctors dentist to Senior Center rehab hospitals shopping down town uh because of uh we only have part-time drivers from doing number of vehicles there have been weekly denials of 3 to five issues uh John Solin has requested that we allow him to hire a third driver and um you know if we can also find a way to add an additional f for the program one of the things that Susan and I are going to be looking into is looking at Old Bond ordinances that have uh that have been fully funded that have not been fully extended that we can reappropriate I think they probably funding in in one of those B that be fund um in addition with Cil we just got one last this past year right yes just that the numbers are going down by the year like question we considered that we have one two days three car dealerships in this town that offer services for their customers that maybe they would be willing to help with this with a vehicle or or donated vehicle donate a vehicle or you know lend us spare hours of some of their employees I mean Hond runs people all over town and right H 11 right why are we not using BMW I know of why we could certainly ask them of course I mean would probably I mean that's going to be an issue right asking for a vehicle oration might be advantageous like the top part um as far as using our employees to drive our seniors I think she probably we should really have fingerprint history background inter our res probably better off having but we get a v donator from something that even sponsored by them right part looking for yeah we have the one CDL driver U and one vehicle but I think where he really wants to head is that as we add Vehicles one CDL uh drivers or just one and one we have two drivers of which one of them is yes and then John will drive what just general magnitude what's that 50 60 proba but the passenger 73 that's seven passenger probably could end up six and then they don't CD in terms of also low our bodies so they arec I can look into that and um actually the Count's has just recently Jed for driver that's part of the [Music] that good with the senior yes the next on the agenda is the Clinton in which we're going to pull off the agenda because our friends with the Clinton in are making change to the uh develop this agreement so we'll be back next month with that okay the Billboards um actually this more on the agenda so the political world in terms of voting has changed terms of early voting starts sometime in early September now which means campaigns yeah right so campaigning starts differently and right now uh political campaign boards are allowed to go up 30 days prior to the election so the question I'm raising is should we not be changing that the 60 days PR to the election so that people know there's actually an election when they're able to vote and just a question does the ordinance actually separate out in political S I mean I thought like if we wanted to put a political sign in the middle of you know December that right so we talk about the Billboards Billboards we're not talking about the lawn sign okay so just keep in mind as we noted at the last meeting um we're going to be doing a holistic overhaul of all of your sign ordinance because of content neutrality issues and so we're moving forward you're not going to be distinguishing political nonpolitical Etc that being said um with if the language and and I apologize that I don't know off the top of my head what the language is but if the language is for 30 days before the election right it has become somewhat standard to presume that the election now starts with early voting correct but the billboard is only allowed to be up for 30 days that I have to double check as far as the time signs or something no talking about one at time the four big boys go specific SP but no yeah I I just don't think that there's a distinction between political versus non-political and the thing is I think you know I don't know if there's a um if people are allowed to do the 30day and then do another 30day meaning like reapply technically you can't so right so maybe that's the solution let people just uh come to reapply why make it hard yeah because then you're technically though then the signs have to come down or be put up again so so I think that I think so but what you're saying is you're okay with them staying up for 60 days the mechanics are questionable right and but the thing is uh I guess the question you know we've had um you know what's stopping somebody from just you know constantly doing this you every month that's why which we've had a couple of course so wait Ju Just to come back to a little bit also what Wendy was saying Wendy are you are you thinking that the language of the ordinance is actually answers itself you're saying the 30 days prior to election election being recognized as only voting now is that what you're going for that is except that from from what the conversation is happening right now um I believe there's just a time limit of 30 days perhaps at these four locations they're not geared towards they actually are content let's put it that way that part of your but here's the thing that brought this up this week right so the Board of Ed has a special election September 17th okay they wanted to put their billboard up August one and we're just working through that administratively but the first response from the building department was well then it has to come down September 1st well that's that's crazy right because the election the early voting Batts go out in second week in August right so so Wendy that's the sort of thing we want to change so we're not talking about the general election in November are are we're talking about all the principle early voting the beginning early voting has changed the campaign season it's extended it earlier I think from I think but I think from a practical point of view it's going from 30 to 60 days basically it doesn't clutter the community this this is voting it's in four defined spaces I don't have an issue with people delivering their message timely fashion so do we have a consensus with the council and move on this and then when do you be able to work on mechanics come back to the council with propos the maximum number of signs that go up you get one sign location hold on no there's no the ordinance reads that the public form for temporary signs is 40 days not 30 okay so 40 days is still not off and then if if such signs are posted in connection with a specific event the signs will be removed within seven days after the advantage is f so it's 40 days we want to go to 60 how how much does aot is different I mean like the actual early polling locations open talking about mail mail Val by mail right vote by mail so when do the vote by mail dolls go General um the last week was September Maxim so it's approximately 45 days before so we have consensus to make recommendeds so what what I'm going to recommend though is we are overhauling completely in coming weeks your sign or right do you really want to make a change do it all together so that it's effective in the selection season for whoever's you have a special election for the board of that well we'll handle that we won't be able to get that done in time but we'll handle that administratively but if if the special election is 17 if they put it up the first week of August there would within the 45 anyway 48 okay will this will this be revise in time for September 5th uh going up for November 12 highly unlikely because you have one meeting in August so there's no way for the ordinance so we do and then when's the first meeting in September September September 3rd so we can get it done I'm saying it wouldn't be done before September right it be done on September 3rd right so if people wanted to they can use September 4th I don't know that we'll be ready to introduce but um on on the fifth because still have to for the school board Mar two but again and nobody says just we just if we have consensus to do it just make if you can't have the whole thing ready for everything yet just want she's done for the next year okay but again nobody you know where does it say you have to sign down to and then put it back up let me ask do that anywhere so you could you could have somebody you know just right to the building and say you want it for another 30 30 days I guess technically you could do that right now so what's stopping anybody from doing that now I mean you know that's what I'm saying another ordinance other words in other words you just apply for a second permit just but you're charging people double for the election season no they don't nonprofits don't pay for anything no campaign campaign they don't pay campal they're considered not profit all right so what we have a consensus for the council whether it's get another permit or expended days we'll figure it out while come back to the council what makes the most sense okay yeah and and just just to be clear this is only for the four burough appointed properties corre yes I additional is if you're doing this 30 days you know 30 days and then additional 30 days U if it goes any more than that that should come to third the third the third shot side right and it's 40 days right it's 40 40 days okay all right okay very good thank you uh next item on the agenda is Special School district election so um the school board for proposal in um to the county and to myself to hold the school board election on um Tuesday September 17th um apparently that day is also a council meeting day so I'm praying for this item for the council to see where they would like to switch the uh council meeting dat from Tuesday to which day of the week for that week um I recommend um th just to let you know why because runs the election so you won't have a clerk plus the chambers is aing location yes days from 6 a to8 what did you say jam we were recommending what we were oh Thursday uh Thursday September 19 all day sleep in your office all right so it sounds like Thursday September 19th is dat why ref okay sounds like you've got consensus for that Council 19 19 of September 7:30 okay next administrative report please David yes okay so you do have some action items on the agenda tonight finally for the inter closure of Road Ting again last GR 23 Street U the bid phase is targeted to between July 17th and August 21st contracts contract is Target for September 3 it the angle Street ping project have we not already approved where are we talk Department of Transportation provides us with the money to do the paving we have to do the paving they pay for us after they pay us back after it's Stu that's why it's a do uh Grant initial W Grant are we and are we still talking about I would uh that's for the 2024 2025 which one those are we' approve 2020 okay 100% paid [Music] um then the old spring club uh we received one B on June 27th it was significantly above the engineers estimate there's action for reject and authoriz administra negotiate contracts um so I'm hoping that we'll have that completed and ready for you the contract one just make one of the important things about that wrong is we're able to break up different projects amongst different contractors that special that particular trade R Comm Sports sport cour bid is uh out on the street the opening is Tuesday July 30th so if you get bids uh for that have that agenda and if you get vids that are acceptable on a start that would uh anticipate to start in the end of August or September and suceed then you said if we get bids is there a risk that we don't get bids well I'm just going by the lack of bids for the C so sometimes we get no bids yeah that's it happens I line on a blackp you could you hire defense Council now uh the library will'll be talking about in close session but the remediation work is been completed the library has been reopened um way finding signs the contractor has started their process this week hopefully that'll be wrapped up in about a week or two the latest um light poles for the east side of the road tracks um should Beed for the August 6th meeting and they will also be to Electric infrction necessary that one worries me just because whe end of year just long because it really takes six months to do and just the risk of the later gets more snow on the ground there reason why it takes so long uh well the the lights have to there's going to be some infrastructure work there uh in the area that be required the lights can actually installed so that's a part of it the main here because it's make sure that contract C if weather doesn't cooperate the action we you stand top that I do want to say thank you and hopefully you guys have seen the D town all the light posts are painted dramatic Improvement flowers everywhere that's part of this so just it really that the the big flower pots are all filled so it's really legit so thank you guys please than cassid thank you so much and that's all I have very welcome all right thank oh yes I'm sorry so the EV schedule I have to pull that email up they are um yeah I just had I know I have out ofes Riv fast charger ear soltions thank you so much David and um over here that's that's where the fast charges are going uh they need to be close to River Edge for the Elric coming in so are going to take those first four spots just move everything down the line where we have right now we just move well that's wonderful thank you so any other question for David on that the new um d so I I heard from somebody that the 19 Memorial um it's getting shot okay okay you done David yes okay we're going to move on to correspondence we we received a very very nice letter here from um Denise Simpson whose parents lived in Teno for 60 years she wants to donate bench or flag which is wonderful what uh yes you have a question yes so Mark I wanted to hear um from both Wendy and sus on this one because and it's a wonderful offer and it's actually quite a lovely letter uh about her family um but just so we know and to educate anybody online we we've done a lot of codifying of um donations and you know naming so I just wanted maybe if if Wendy you know should is this worth maybe a pulling up of our naming ordinance and then also maybe Su and just to you know because we had certain areas that the PE we've redone our donation form where she could donate specifically to a certain area and I just wanted it kind of all getting into one spot so to couple Fabrications one Miss Simpson uh she her her father I guess spent the lot of time the library so there's a bench by the library that's she first two I'm asking not telling the naming stuff that we did yeah I thought what's different was like when we want to honor someone we have as a council side that's separate I think I'm asking that telling from the we just got 12 new benches we we look at this as an opportunity that one to offset the cost of the Benes and then two make some money to get into the fund so I want so I want to make sure all the arms know what we're doing because I want to make sure that the naming is is that way and then we didn't have you know I think we also had some additional language uh regarding we we have a few constraints not that this person would ever fall into that but we have some control over I can't name it after anybody I chose to so let's just make sure you know and then the additional case was we did a lot of work on how the person's going to donate specific to a trust and that related to the tax the pools of the trusts so when the when when this woman wants to say okay bench and she might have a few choices to say okay it's a bench in this park or I think Municipal might be one of the spots right correct me if I'm wrong but we need to be very specific where she would but we we're gonna put into separate truck you get collect money for specific purpose it has to go to a TR dedication by rer resolution have done so we have to make sure that there's a trust what can we use that money for well one of the trusts is various Parks so and then we named all the parks that were in the various parks and then there's other trust that have been established over time so so my thing as long as we do everything legal I'm of the place I know and we've done such a better job in the past year leveraging all these trusts yeah when we first started together we had 8 7,000 different trusts and you couldn't put the money into it so for instance instead of doing I'm making this up H Park my preference would be a trust for Parks just so we it's very specific well I want the oppos I want the opposite so what happened was I had to call the state SP to the person Char the last budget cycle they told me 102 get get rid of some of these then they also told me which so they I went through all of our TR we res resolution sending some them other ones like DJ Park they wanted me to keep some it separate but we also have it's segregated by the Rose Garden and just the park and down so it sounds like we have consensus for this but we need a resolution not for trust for other donations I just want to make sure again that we don't use this money for stuff and get stuck yes so generally speaking when somebody donates something to the B such as the beautiful piece of art the mayor just showed us earlier this evening there should be a resolution accepting it so that'll be on for the next but um so what what council woman Dr o Conor is referring to is naming um honorary naming and Memorial policies that's a a section of the code that was added in in the last year year and a half or so and there's policies and procedures for monuments or plaques around the bur separate from that you also have the um the the form that that was being referred to to donate items toy parks in honor of somebody that is a separate dedication by trust fund that that is there if it's going into one of those parts if it's a bench it would go through that process instead um so if it's going to be in the municipal building by the library but that kind of fall more into the ordinance procedure where they have to come and it's a little bit more honorous l so yeah let's do whatever we have Okay so let's let's make it less honorous so we don't have to repeat that honorous behavior okay and I know this this resident said either an existing bench or we just got 12 new benches that should be coming at some point it the library all right that's it with the administrative report and correspondence public comment time audience members wishing to speak will have a three minute time limit to address the governing body items with for any items honor up the agenda large groups are asked to have a spokesperson representative Omar is anyone on Zoom help on the public that would like to speak see no hands mayor okay any members here of the public in the chambers no no okay we're going to close public comment time and we're going to go to the consent agenda super just super Sly question on uh resolution 307 the uh the one about the uh resident parking did I read it right that on June 27 they said can I please have my money back and then you write down that as long as the request is received between January 1st and March 31st they can get second we and I think this SAT test you guys yeah no you're right 400 and you get 200 back you it sounds like we've just passed the time halfway through you don't any money back it's June 27th the yes so I think we're pulling that way we're also pulling 23 right yes which one uh stre we say we we an explanation of just why it's the amendment and all that stuff and what they're doing you know that that's cos 62,000 so for 3 I believe it's just amending a prior resolution because the address of the vendor was incorrect right got project safy because there was like a I believe Dave that at the last meeting it was for um pedestrian safety enhancements for the crosswalk bup and and all I got that I was just one at a time I was just trying I was trying to remember why it was 62,000 and then now number 319 is is that a separate additional amount there's a 62 that's the bump out and all right but bump out and and uh the stop signs and and all that that's that's a 62 yes what is the 89 and why is 89 lower than S 89 what do you mean 89 oh it says whereas zaro uh was found to be the lowest responsible fitter was foggy not responsible no so so that's it's it's a saga we've done this a couple of times but um this one the apparent Pro B ended up being labeled the the resolution to reject non responsible not having PC certification and apparently so so they're the lowest which and what is this project this is the inter closure Pont [Music] it'll it'll uh go through probably hopefully starts at some point be Place August before school traffic starts and we go throught if the timing redirection mostely but that's what stud okay the um the lights at the game Drive uh traffic light is that are we changing those lights to be now the stop lights that are what so it's not going to be red on one side and red on the other so that it's because somebody had told me it on that we just received um traffing engineer just received comments from the county engineer uh so that hopefully should be going bid uh by the end of August this the goal on that is that we reward a contract until the end of the year funds the manufactur traffic see that where end's paath speaking to people in the county on like supposedly it's really hard to actually get the traffic doing planning for you know worst case scenario I'm always pushing okay any other questions about the resolutions um is it just for cl appication uh I think there's discussion to be had on the 2416 do we want to have a discussion on the amounts this is for the Downtown parking the resoling so we can make changes to the new business 100% we're not voting on that we're going to have that conversation soon as we get to that so the consent agenda isent um we're moving 307 323 okay can I please get a motion to approve resolution r24 d304 through R 24-36 and r24 308 through r24 322 have a second please yes yes Michael Yes member Dr yes Park yes yes okay thank you U we have some old business sen fall sister city update Julie yeah um so a few meetings ago uh I brought up that U this is a follow up to our our train station rededication foron we had her descendant a great great grand daughter Colleen Jenkins had spoken that day and and um Colleen Jenkins had mentioned that Elizabeth Katie Spanton is not only so Associated of a ten but obviously also senica Falls New York and she brought up this issue of us being a sister city and exploring this idea of connecting our two cities in suffrage uh history so she had a lot of connections up there and I was able to have Omar forwarded you a little article that there and excited about this uh this connection um which he forwarded today um so I've had some conversations with her and I just uh wanted to kind of get everyone in the council up to St because the League of Women Voters had wanted to use this as a catalyst for a larger celebration of the 19th Amendment so I was hoping that um with everyone's permission we could use the uh council chambers on a day in uh it's the last Sunday in September to do a program about not only you know read the proclamation of the sister city but also just some programming more generally about the 19th Amendment just a little modern history we were supposed to have a very ni a big uh women's Amendment women's rights of vote Amendment celebration what was supposed to be a right of Co and so that did not happen uh so the League of Women Voters uh would like to connect you know what we're doing and we can have it as a day of program where I'm hoping I could get some of our local schools to promote it as well we have a capacity here of over 200 seats and in that way if uh if everyone's on board I we don't have to worry about uh arranging or anything like that I know it doesn't um have a problem with the October Fest C the calendar so as hooking just uh to to make the sister city status a little bit more uh promoted and we can celebrate you know kind of little bit larger umbrella that where it all fits in within women's Sage so that's what I just wanted to bring up just see if everyone it would be on a Sunday just want to know if everyone's okay with use of they don't do any fundraising right they don't do any fundraising in fact League of Women Voters has a a budget for these 199 celebrations which they weren't able to use back in20 and um there go they can hire the person for the uh AV Equipment uh possibly any sort of custodian should be made at we're gonna make it like a celebration okay it's a downside Association affiliation otherwise something go somewhere are we sister city with a place in Korea a everybody go with it great idea so so that Sunday September 29th yes please and David I know will be in contact us the language great thank all right good job Julie all right minutes to be approved any questions about the minutes anyone sorry you said what what time you said one 1 o' okay can I get a motion to to approve the minutes from June 25th 2024 mayor and council meeting and the June 25th 2024 close session I get a second second all in favor any opposed okay for the good of the order Julie did you have something did you John also okay go you first okay so I would like to uh reach out about something that came up from a few residents wondering if we could establish a a tree committee uh in the past we've had shade tree commissions uh but this would just be a shade tree committee not a commission but for residents who would be interested in meeting couple times a year with a a group of people like sort of like green team under environmental commission this would be like a committee without trees just to talk with DPW director see that how we're doing on the delivery of all the trees that we are able to plant that come from that fund that come from when people forfeit their uh you know esel so uh this would be just we have a few Tree Experts in town we have people very interested in this it's an opportunity for us to have a committee for them to meet uh with interested parties so everyone's like looped in on pushing that agenda forward objection to just collapsing to the team you know and so my so what I've seen with the green team and they seem to be really um mostly focused on the community garden they they're really the gardeners wouldn't you say so they would be part of the environmental like a sub commmittee that would be a tree committee a shade tree committee well we could make it its own ad hoc committee but I mean I guess it's not that doesn't give it any additional because environmental commission is a commission so generally speaking you can have a shade tree committee which is not a commission but you would establish it by ordinance and it would have certain um functions that would be assigned to aide the orance so is that maybe the better way to go it's own ordance and then you want to put some thought to that well first of all we haven't gotten consensus in the council that they want to do that let's have that conversation first before we like really summarize it though it's for people who are interested in this issue of you know trees going up around town and and where we put them and just communicating with the so what will they do report to the council or do homework or make suggestions what is the purpose right so all of those above so right now the the DPW director is in charge of of it and it's more of a communication with residents to to talk about okay maybe there might be areas he doesn't know there might be trees you know that they know of and how about we do that make suggestion yeah perhaps it out with Wendy a little bit just to get some ideas about like specifically what would they what would the goal what would they what are the top three things you would want them to accomplish is it planting more trees planting less trees planting different types of trees in other words what's their goal okay why can't they do it just as a club on their own without well that's that's that's I think it need a little te so to say okay they're going to need two times over here with Mike I just want to make sure it doesn't become the committee what people call the complain about their neighbors like go there help in the delivery of putting up more trees than and the building building because they are also part of zoning oh okay I I thought that Mike usually does the all things with the putting the tree back himself I didn't know I think I think the building department gets involved if there's couple years ago off to D completely because it's still in the ordinance that the buildingart right DPW handles everything with trees but that doesn't sound like that's not what you're talking about we we're talking about we have this tree fund and that there are people who want to get more involved to make sure it's um exended each year and you know I'll give you just a very quick story as it came from a resident the idea of hey why don't we approach the Nature Center that wasn't something that was thought of and then the Nature Center said yes we absolutely want the trees and then and over a 100 trees were able to be planted there from the shade tree fund so it's you know it's that idea we do have some people in town who have expertise they want to make recomendations want to make recommendations want to you know Drive the topic F so it's essentially creating an advisory committee to give guidance for where burrow owned trees can be planted or recommendations to where they might be planted ADV advis mean it's like a perfect okay so why don't you have an offline conversation with Wendy this way we develop a purpose so that the council can you guys the council can have conversation and it could be its own ordinance that which doesn't have to be under that correct we don't want to complicate it question is why does this need to be cifi do now so the only reason it needs to be the only the only purpose of codifying it is because that's how we have all of our committees right it's also advisory committee that's going to be advising on expenditure and funds right so it's just an aside something that you mentioned about putting trees up in the Nature Center um I don't know in my opinion the you know taking money from sh tree which is collected you know from people that violated whatever throughout the town and then taking all that money and then putting up 1003 to the major setup seemed like kind of in mind what they would ier that to actually be more so just an answer to that is one of the problems that the challenges you always get is there's not enough spaces throughout the town to plant trees that need to be that's something that people don't know yeah I it was surprise to me when I found out that I could call and get a so that's something that we put in the newsletter each time to promote it that's another example of why the advisory committee can also help with that because I agree that that needs to be but elar will tell you I get that almost every newsletter and then you'll see it in the new newsletter but I just want to say to council m menance point I make it very clear we have a lot of money in the shade tree fund and because of the of the challenges of planting the trees which is they have to be in places that they will succeed so it's not just oh I can when you know Mike goes and visits every single location and says this is where a tree will be viable and the time that it takes for him to plant the tree it really reduces the only reason the Nature Center was able to take a hundred trees if they had their own people planting them or experts ad so I'm just telling you there's a lot more to it rather than um you know than let me also clarify that um burrow trees planted from the trust fund monies are burrow trees and they would be planted in burrow right place you can't questione for your backyard just public that listening so that they understand that it's the strip of land in front of your house with the idea that it creates a shade canopy Street okay and obviously you don't really want to plant more into Parks because then you're creating a hazard into the park play area so to be careful on the selection was saying so I'm just saying that in future maybe we should not focus on like on a website like where you can like request well so interestingly enough when you have a shap committee they have a page on your website where people can put in for the request for j3 home okay moving on thank you Julie upcoming um upcoming meetings anyone no by now new business have conversation how you brought it up about ordinance 24-16 the amount of money for the PIP Fe yes where did this come from where what come from the number right here that was the number that was put in when we started the year and a half ago down the the numbers now and vote on right right so because essentially even though you have a draft of the ordinance it's not a public document that you can produce it so you can change that number now and it'll be introduced with that number fill in the blank well wasn't a bracket around no but we will note that what the number will be so that it's adjusted before being to so the question becomes is what's the appropriate number uh for the the pit fee and so it's a little bit of an artform David has done oh excuse me Wendy has done some uh you know research on the numbers they range from what 10 $30,000 35 10 35 okay uh between 8 and 30 between 8 and $30,000 and that's for public that's for private companies using public that's for folks that need a variance from the standards of parking when they're building new residential un that's not for the monthly or annual feach parking it's it's one time the other ordinances I have reviewed it was a one time and the most recent one was one time no sorry the most recent one what would part be Fe used for the most because obviously 50 years ago the higher the higher ones were the 2530 um the 30,000 was was fairly recent and it was for redevelopment area G Lake near public train station so it was a a very specific you focus so I mean look I'm happy to put a first pass out rationale so again just a reminder for everyone the idea is to today developers are encumbered by using wrong word the fact that hinder even better a big part of their land they have to use for parking so it's taking up space whatever the you know 10 by end spot is for your car we are providing an opportunity for them to add that 10 x10 space as sellable space and instead buy more space for uh for parking spot so based on feedback that we got from Wendy Wendy thank you very much on the parking stuff you know I see stuff like pressf $1,500 Ridgewood $1,700 for the permits correct yeah so I think there's reminder there's two things one is the resident every month right based on these numbers here I just put out brought a round number of $100 a month $1,200 that would actually be under what crille and R are doing um and then I would put in a number of if it's 30 you know4 to $50,000 again for me this is you're giving them salable space reminder this is over basically P get and use that space for sellable space and again just as a reminder this is over 20 years right so what is the payment schedule over 20 years no no it's one time but they don't have up front get paid up you know for 20 years they don't have to pay any so there are two different cons bases the town you want to see happen I agree with you it's a land acquisition slash you know approval of of a variant um so I think we should talk about them I I don't disagree with your numbers but I think right so number one 30,000 I think you know someone of an aging background we have very valuable and very scarce land in down so very difficult to require there should be a bit of a premium y um so I I support you an authority number on that sure um I think higher we might be at risk that we could you know really go away um but I think we should you know put that out there and have that comption also support 100 a month I don't think it's you know seene or or hurt somebody but again that hurts the landlords of sorts that are going to have the burden of renting these places right so I can rent a place and you can charge me $33,000 a month but now it's 31 or they can absorb it themselves and it with but that that's the other balancing so just a quick thing on when the monthly fee that John just refering to is that in this ordinance it is not so that's a different reference made without but I think we should I mean again we do at the same time and as a council we should we update the other the parking ordinance right we got to be talking about both just to John's point I like the way you said it again to me you're getting extra space so if a someone that owns a house I'm making it up has a th000 square feet of space 100 square feet of that th they have to use for their car this person you know a a renter gets a th000 square feet of space and gets to keep all thousand square feet because they're also getting a in a premium spot with a very limited amount available U build off this point this I would believe we should do a scale M because basically you are buying variant SC what do you mean scale cheapest first and then you build it to encourage so the first one's 25 and then it goes to 30 35 40 get involved early because this is gonna get more expensive I don't want I don't want toel thing oh I can buy VAR many I can Out Hold On Let's answer that question six let's it I can buy Six box you can variant could be granted for 50% of the parking required correct that's that's that's fine but if I can get SCM in eight eight more units by you know just try making small units I'm going to go for the 50% I'm going go for the other d Department spots I'll pay for it whatever the first five spots should be whatever number that's not how it works you can't get a variance for all eight you only get a variance that's that's the half problem I used to be at I'll cut my big units down I'll make two more units I want two more spots so how many total units you have 16 how many 16 so you can only get eight parking spots right but you got to limit the ability for developer to buy preparing how you going to do that first five spots is 40k the next five spots are 50k in the same building yes you got to scale it you got to you got to build in you can incentivize development so so that's that person would be building 20 units then let's say 20 unit is dense really dense that he's going to pay oh I can afford 10 units at Fourth G got because I'm doubling my occup here I'm doubling my unit makes sense so if you had if you had two if you had two different developers and one had 10 units in that building and the other had 10 units and they're right next to each other they get four and they'd still get the lower P five so what what's the greater purpose there so the developer was making a three units why would it be why wouldn't he build six units well he might not have the space for the land to build six units but if you but if you cram in more if you if you can cram in more units because you know there's an option to for the variance so so whoever is building is going to put the maximum number of units that can fit on that lot 100% guarantee it wouldn't do one inch less they're already doing the parking spot you're incentivizing it but can't give away the F yeah I don't think anyone's looking to give away you know questiones but I think what Dan saying is the I make two bedroom apartments I only get one parking spot but if I made two one bedroom apartments I get twice the number of parking spots but keep in mind that there's also affordable housing set aside requirements they when you H certain numbers and require one two and three how do we make sure those units get it's the same rules appli the variant no no no that's a different question what what Dan is alluding to is what if then the developer decides to overburden the affordable housing spots by saying you have to go get a permit while folks that are doing market rate then get a parking spot and those are the ones that are Reserve so so I guess my question to that is what does it matter it matter what matters is that now you have somebody that is being income qualified for a certain rental amount and now you have if you add in that extra cost of the parking it may be beyond what is allowed by law for that income qualified individual so then the landlord would be doing something wrong so it's something that the the boards the planning or zoning board would have to address in thetion appr it make sure that a spot is associated with the affordable units at least one spot based on the r no just based on on on the 50% numbers that they still have to meet that there would have to be a requirement to make sure there's at least one spot for every family init now you're also realistically speaking when you do it um when you're having a project downtown we're getting one to two affordable housing units yeah it's every six unit has to be affordable so it's not we're not talking about Grand numbers either right right so put the affordable one aside back to what Dan I think you're saying that the extra incentive would be that that the while the mayor's points well taken if we have they're going to want to have as many apartments as they can and given space but perhaps if they can't guarantee the parking for the renter and maybe I think Dan's saying that's an extra way or I don't know that any anybody's going to make it a you know a difference in their thought process for apartment for an extra10 cost um right unless you were going to liit them right so I mean I I get the idea I just don't think that so is it fair that no matter what we it could always be the numbers could be amended up or down based on the results if all of a sudden tomorrow you pick number X today and there's a run on the bank and everybody wants it okay the number is too low if it turns out nobody wants to do this we perhaps the numbers too high so we can revisit this one way or the other I would caution against trying to at the end of the day trying to over complicate what we're trying to accomplish here I just wanna I just want to keep where we're at we' have been talking about W develops downtown and think it look like other towns that we think we should look like and you know we need Investments for that we need people to come and invest in in our town and and I and I think by using these parking space is kind of like a way to take advantage and make a you know slightly little more money I think it's kind of defeating the purpose on on getting people to want to come and invest and and we're not talking about we're not we're not talking about 12 Brothers we're not talking I mean we're not talking about we're really kind of talking about I would like to say Mom and Pop invest that really want this town to be better and I I just think being on a higher end of the scale I could get but going really above that scale I I don't think it's the right decision no if the 30 30 is the higher end then you know maybe then maybe we demand 30 but going up past that I don't think it's the right decision but I'm just wonder yeah couple things to keep in mind the goal is to develop the downtown okay to help the downtown the goal is to also so to raise some money to help with the parking lots and the paving make it all quality uh and also big thing here is this is limiting it to 20 parking spots very purposely because like we're a little bit Uncharted Territory we do these 20 it turns out to be a nightmare and the World falls apart the program goes away and it's limited to 20 if it turns out it's working and it's fine Council can come back and now say add another 10 let's see where we go add five more let's see where we go so we we've limited the risk so we to set a level for the first yeah that's what we're doing 20 is what we're that's what we do well I support councilman Michael said and I think councilman was talking about this idea that we do premium property so we should have that in mind it's all the balancing out you know you have premium property but we're talking about downtown we're not talking about the a you know we're not talking about the land on you know in our town we're talking about our downtown which is not necessarily premium property it's the single most premium property we have pick your your fanciest Street you think in town that you're going to put in your head is premium pales in comparison on the the linear square footage of look I I'll tell you I buy every piece of town this is this does go away it's reason why you know New York is what it is it's an Island New York but no no I'm saying work the prices that Ridgewood or Westwood or the town that we want to but it's your point so ridgewood's actually higher than what we proposed we proposed 100 ridgewoods about I'm on board with your 100 you have 100 so you know what that's great but see this is where fundamentally Poss you and I differ I care about our residents first right all so yes I appreciate you looking out for me right so I would rather any any singular our residents also want a better down been heing about that for non how do we get that we get that by using funds by you get that for investing investors coming into our town and So Jamie this J this saying you need an incentive to grow right I think Adam is coming from a perspective of you're an early stage investor in that which we expect to grow so you have this as a permanent allocation of land F so that while V feel expensive today you as Builder should be building something you think this is be a creative in its value and ultimately that 40 is going to a clown show in 10 years when you've got a Starbucks and event how much how much you pay for a building I make it how much you sp the long term I hear you not saying's guys keep in mind this is for 20 parking spots we have hundreds of them that are empty every single night right right so who's got what's your number number so what's your number5 35 I think you started at 50 yeah it was 50 number that's right guys this is honestly this is real money so $40,000 this is over 800 this is $800,000 think about what we can do as a team said differently it's $800,000 ination this incentivizing money to do up course a dozen different investors again someone buys a $5 million property I'm making up a number you're talking about 100 okay so he's offering you can buy yes should it helps right so why don't we split the difference to 35 and call it a it's real money I actually think it's real money right value of that property every single property is different right no no I'm saying the theater sold for approximately 1.2 million but that's what that's what sold for square so probably about by the time they're done with what they're building there it's about 20,000 Square ft maybe 25,000 25,000 yeah just per square foot so what's 25 so what's 1.2 million divided by 25,000 no no I mean if it's 25,000 Square F feet how much does it take to develop that about $250 s with the bill residential and $5 million not including the land right what 250 sare foot Alo 5 million plus the land so 9 650 I mean again I just this is a small amount I think you have the votes for 40 yeah you want to put 40 out there and you're good with it we should go so go around the table 40 sure we're g to change this 10,000 to 40,000 but in parallel this I do think this is connected and I think I'm asking not telling for the the residential spot among mon 100 everybody let's just put that in let's get do we need a resolution for that or ordinance that's going to be part of the um CL fees ordinance that's gonna are you here for the council meeting it's fun that's gonna be part of what that'll be part of the ordinance that's going through all of the purp piece so you guys take care of that we'll do the next meeting okay and and I just want the the public to to know then for this $100 a month Fe for future residence that the effect it's lower than Ridgewood so I think we are we are trying to have people get stuff okay all right so um Adam you want to uh so we're g to make a we're g to do an introduction here Adam this talking about introduction of ordinance 24-16 downtown overlay District parking lot I don't want don't you make the uh motion please I move to introduce on first reading ordinance 24-16 and set the hearing for August 5th 2024 8m or soon thereafter a second please second read the title of the ordinance conduct the ordinance number 24-16 and ordinance amending chapter 35 development culations Revis general or yeah uh yes coun Michaels yes counc yes Park yes okay thank you everyone okay we're GNA make we're going to amend s ordinance for opu 24-17 councilman Park would you like to make motion please I have a second please thank you uh Omar you please read the title of the ordinance and Dr R ordinance number 24-17 an ordinance to provide for and determine the rate of compensation of supervisory administrative employees the represented by op local 32 for calendar years24 2025 2026 and 2027 okay Pass report yes yes Michel Mich yes yes yes okay we've got ordinance um 24-18 we're amending salary ordinance uh for non-represented employees this is uh specifically for the minimum and maximum ranges not for individual people's salaries um Council Dr please make the motion I move to introduce on first reading orance 248 the hearing for aug 524 at 8:00 P.M there I have a second please second omark would you please the title of the ordinance conduct the rooll for ordinance number 24-8 an ordinance depicts the salary wage or compensation of certain management administrated and parttime employees of the bur teni in the county in Bergen in state of New Jersey for the calendar year this 24 2025 2026 and 2027 yes yes yes okay wonderful thank you everyone committee reports um avue how we start with you please um so we didn't do committee reports last time so I'll just so there were two meetings for the Ard adjustment uh one on June 3D uh there were two applications two us one was for to the Second Story Edition um and side minimum of 15 ft 9.8 was was proposed and then there was a combined side 36% required and 30.1% was and it was granted second application that was for a anround swimming perious coverage was 3783 maximum the existing was 4,54 um existing and then proposed 437 there was a a significant increase um full equipment sidey yard setback which ft required uh 8.5 ft proposed and uh generator side said that was 15 require 11 it was right um so that was from June 3 there was uh there were two applications that was Rec and for for one of them there was a swimming pool in patio and the we uh they allowed the uh the request for pool equipment which was uh 15 ft required and they got toing uh but they denied the request for impious coverage um and then there was another one M our drive that was requested to put it an allev lator um that was so that's uh that's on board adjustment on Senior Center uh there's no meetings for the rest of the summer but they will have a couple of activities um they have on August 23rd uh B sale and uh and brage sale which a lot of people end up coming to sorry that's on oh sorry it's it's actually on 24th which is Saturday what date is it September 24th August oh that's true and then they have a couple of other activities um they have a patriotic on June July 16 uh cruising lunch they have a number of these different activities throughout the summer people who are interested can reach out and have contact show the seniors or CH thank you and the side issue I did speak with David about a covid-19 so wanted to make sure right we right want keep that Council corer I nothing councilman rer councilwoman Dr Julia con all right so uh Board of Health um there they want you to be aware of eliminating all the places in on your property that mosquitoes might breathe around your homes so look for any containers that hold water because they can be home to mosquito larvae and after seven days the large larvae becomes adult mosquito so remember to stay vigilant and keep containers free of standing water all year long um they also talk about the importance of color rectal cancer screening because that is a cancer that is becoming more um prevalent and doesn't have as much awareness so they they want to pass that along we had very successful insect repellent giveaways that were already uh T so in the library we had in their little Lobby wig we had some these sprays but seems like they've already been taken so they are looking at trying to get more insect repellent and Omar if you can just tell me I don't know if we if your office does have any more containers of insect propellant if people wanted to come have three more can so so been very successful people need to be careful um the Ten of line Nature Center has started planting Partnerships with Right View facility in town now have pollinator Gardens that are planted with people from the Nature Center and they're starting to work with the graph Center at the Inwood hospital to plant more poinado Gardens and they're going to work with them on some holistic medicine and the you're going to see some advertisement about you know using the Nature Center as a way to fight lonel epidemic that has become U more ref focused the ten Nature Center now also has a retail store license so we can look forward to their merchandise that they will be ordering with the tenifa nature logo a save the date uh for cocktails under the stars on September 14th September what September 14th that will be outdoor Nature Center um nighttime and Rain date of September 21st they also will have their Trail race on September 29th that's a five mile race and and a 10 mile race that people can register for the our uh the thing we talked about earlier on September 29th sister city and women suff celebration will be a little bit later in the day one uh lastly um the environmental commission mayor if you could announce that the park donation form is now found on the bur website uh we do get that question fairly frequently like we saw actually with the uh letter from a resident earlier uh but people want to a lot of times say I want to donate to this park donate to this thing we have a number of locations on our uh on our website that they can find the donation form they'll F they will fill it out print it out fill it out bring it into our uh tax department and she and Susan or CFO they have special codes where the money will go to okay so if you could make that announcement um the green team in the high school just want to point out that last name because it's rather important and then lovely story they started planting a pollinator Garden in the high school Courtyard anybody here who has had kids in the high school at that K dead space in the middle uh it will be complete it's May done in stages and it will be completed by winter they're planting in in sections and stage two is going to be in September some of it's already planted it's really really quite a lovely thing what does that mean when you put pollinator so these are particular plants that attract pollinators which would be butterflies beans P we're attracting beans in the school the in the courtyard FY butterflies butterf we're talking about mosquitoes now we're talking about be be are very for all right let's keep it moving and then uh just a reminder everyone that um we do have a helium balloon coordinance so I've reached out as a reminder for people organizing our community night um just telling everybody we should not be having helium balloon giveaway on community so just spre the word but it is in their agement and that's just environmental commission wanted everyone to remember we do have helan balloon ordin don't believe it's in ordinance part per process it's part of per but we don't have a helium all right Julie keep going Julie uh okay uh at the last meeting uh I had mentioned uh this is an environmental issue about garbages in the Stop and Shop parking lot just wanted keep throwing it out there I don't know if we've had any um investigation between last time and now but if we could maybe in time for next meeting yes so we did look at the U planning board resolution and it was not uh something require to approvals um so the next step is really having to see something that would Beed so you're you're taking care of that yes okay thank you so you just Lo me on that I'm on for any oh because they serve g go meal quite quite a lot suit so you have celebrity there you have a few eating establishments and there's no no garbage so okay so just m me in thank you thank you very much El Michaels uh super quick we had a joint use committee meeting today spoke about all stuff work together Little League field tennis courts you know part of the f referend is tennis courts and working together on how we could be more efficient with that just a reminder for everyone the have referendum for the school September 17th August F there's a virtual Forum then September 9th there is a in person uh Middle Street for the downtown uh again thanks to uh ppw director Cy on all the vication stuff that we're doing um way finding signs are starting this week is Big prioritizing the uh 9W location and then a reminder for our uh Fall Festival Sunday October 20th Park everything okay the only mayor's remarks we going to have this evening is we had our first uh resident through their engineered contacts contact today uh they want to potentially take advantage of new coordinates changing grade garages changing so there engine here I put touch for David David's working with building departments and our engine and it's a house that's at lot of so that's okay um we're going to gost session um Omar should I change the resolution number until 323 yes okay so it's resolution r24 d323 and a meeting of the mayor and Council T County FG in state of New Jersey held on July 15 2024 resolved in compliance with njsa 10 4-12 mayor and Council the B to close executive session to discuss the following matters B property swim attorney P privilege potential litigation uh two matters and Public Department of Public Works no that do I have a motion to go to close please have a second all in favor any opposed okay word Clos [Music]