we're 79 goodness 78 79 that's kind of how I grew up in in the KE if we set it below like 74 like that not happen everyone be in like sweatpants I put that additional in my we need to replace our back windows those are the only on like gold at huh but I couldn't believe how much such a difference in theity bet it did it went down 30 bucks so it's pretty good payback that's good okay it's 5:30 on Thursday of February 15th 2024 uh it's time to call the meeting of the planning and zoning board for the village of dequa to order Lance can you do roll call please Dasher here teres magio here elth shower here Sher Ambrose here Jean magad here Mar per here marcoz here and Jared Gard okay we're all looking okay and we'll call the mystery man oh yesst and we'll call uh we will ask for the approval of the agenda I'll make a motion to approve the agenda I'll second it all in favor I all opposed agenda is approved and approval of the previous meeting minutes from November 16th 2023 I make a motion to approve the previous meeting minutes from November of 2023 second why never mind might we approving December did we have a December meeting no we did November November 16th I thought we didn't have January there was there was no December P my apologies yes two meetings yep so the December LPA will come to the next one yes good question you scared me for a second though you scared me too already January one we didn't have I got sorry yeah Pete sorry yay it's Planning and Zoning not not LPA did I have a second on yes second yes okay and all in favor all opposed minutes are approved okay we'll move on to our agenda item our only agenda item is SPM 1-24 and now do I read this Dylan um you can go ahead and read it okay application from 236 US1 Highway 1 LLC for a minor site plan modification for new paint colors on an existing 3,544 foot building in the C2 zoning district and J are you Mr chair if I may take over SPM 124 this is a an application quasa judicial in nature if anyone's present this evening and plans to give any testimony regarding this application I need to swear you in at this time if you could please stand raise your right hand repeat after me do you swear to tell swear or firm to tell the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth very good you may be seated at this point I would ask the members of the board to provide any expart communication they may have had regarding this application including uh disclose that as well any site visits anything of that nature now is the time to disclose I drove by thank you drove by I drive by it all of the time but I didn't really look at it but okay thank you very much we can proceed with the application okay you'd like to go to the podium and give us your name and address for the record please uh Jonathan Moda 112 inter Coastal Circle Testa Florida 33469 um so you we uh moved into the building very recently just opened last week really excited to have a store in our my hometown uh been living here I guess it's been 36 years now I moved here when I was just one um in the local town you we moved around obviously in that time uh so um you know really excited about the spot I think the the colors are less than appealing and a little inconsistent with the general uh feel of the town with all the improvements that have been done on US1 for the over 30 years that I've been here and you know went from a pretty standard looking strip mall to a beautiful area and I think uh a more Key West uh flare colors that we're proposing are going to be better fit for the town and more visually appealing appealing and really that's it okay and now I noticed that it's two businesses yes it's a joint business so we have our uh my business adventure sports uh so it's a water sports business uh particularly a Wind sports and a buk House Cafe um which is really a a plantbased um kitchen um they do serve some other things like coffee and things but it's a plant-based menu okay I was just curious not not on the agenda but I was just curious about so yeah it's actually quite good I've never been a plant-based the irony that it used to be as you all probably remember Park Avenue barbecue back in the day and I I do miss the barbecue but I do too uh but the plant-base uh is pretty good mhm kind of different and different yeah I have a quick question and if I can just I'll just jump in real quick too so um I just have a real quick presentation so um this requires a minor site plan approval so this you guys will be approving it or denying it tonight does not go to council because it's a minor site plan Amendment um this is the existing site and you guys are all familiar with it um I think we could probably all agree that colors could could use it in upgrade so um this is what they're proposing right here uh kind of a three-toned color scheme um we have some some um code sections here um they were in the staff report but it's kind of the criteria for review when you're looking at these things so you want to make sure it's harmonious with other buildings harmonious with the surroundings the facades are appropriate um you know various things um in the code here so um that's all I've got okay we can open the floor to public comment Marie you'll come to the podium and give us your name and address please for the record marcei I live in the country club um I would so I would would would recommend approving the paint colors um but I would suggest that we add a condition of approval that the fake grass in front is removed um the code did not allow fake grass on Commercial properties previously and it requires a special exception today also I understand that this business prioritizes being a good Steward of the natural environment which is excellent and consistent with The Village's objectives um however fake grass is not it's not good for the environment and it's not Florida friendly for the University of Florida and our code prioritizes Sor of friendly Landscaping um in addition if we um not requiring the removal of the fake grass means that we have a pretty bad example for the community um and that's how fake grass ends up spreading people see it and without thinking about the ramifications of it the whole life cycle of producing the plastic to the landfill eventually um is how without thinking about it people put it in their spaces too but there is always a better alternative and I feel confident that this business would find that um so accordingly I think we should have a condition to remove the fake grass if that's possible um and on the paint color I definitely would not deny this application for the paint colors that the applicant has suggested or selected but since we're in a forum with the purpose of Aesthetics to try to make the village more beautiful I think it's worth thinking about what the what colors work and what don't um driving around the village and us one in particular you can see that paint color selection is clearly challenging and we are not I don't think achieving beautiful colors that are cohesive with each other and the natural environment into Questa so I think we should try to develop an understanding of what works natural colors make sense as a good starting point and this project I think has those in its Coastal color scheme but one point that may be a problem for this project is using different shades of the same green or sea foam green one of the reasons tone on-one color schemes often do not seem to work well might have to do with the masses of color um that are too much when they're all together I think we've avoided that in in this particular one so again I'm not proposing that we deny um but I think we should start to articulate some principles for everyone to think about especially as we look forward so that we can provide good guidance to property owners in selecting colors because the examples we have in the village and nearby are generally not great the V vast majority of colors do not work um and I think we can do better in finding a framework for selecting colors to that end one principle should involve harmonization of colors which we have in our code um it looks like one of the colors here is from the Williamsburg collection and Williamsburg is beautiful um but the other colors in this scheme I not saw I don't believe are um and I think we should consider that if paint developers put their pallets together so that they harmonize it might be a good idea to stick to those pallets although paint makers's opinions obviously are not the final decision not decisive here but it is something to think about because presumably the paint makers are attempting to have cohesiveness in their individual Collections and another principle is that it's notoriously difficult to get a good sense of the final result in real life from photographs um as a result I think we want to air on the side of caution in the selection and it would be great if we had paint um larger paint examples in the future too um the chances are the the experience we have of buildings around us um is that risk-taking is especially in paint color is unlikely to work Green in particular seems to be an extremely difficult color to pull off well on buildings and I think the problem is that green paint shades tend to clash with the natural um plants that are around them um so one of our guiding principles should definitely be visual cohesion and to that end I highly recommend requiring that the fake grass be removed thank you Marie any other public comments okay the floor is CLO oh please is it okay yes please do does he have to repeat his name or anything okay yeah firstly I think I mostly agree with all those comments um you know one of the suggestions I was thinking before I came here I I I've been living uh recently uh well in the process of finalizing a move from Key West Village down the street um still inesta um but in our community we have a a list of colors that are sort of pre-approved um you know and and I actually am enjoying the process of coming here and meeting all of you but you know clearly if a if somebody had a building that was looking for a minor uh color and there was a pre-approved LIF list maybe that would be worth considering obviously you know you folks know a lot better than I do and that it was just a a thought uh the other day um but I I certainly agree I think these colors are more uh cohesive with with the town I think the the greens and stuff that we have there right now don't really work very well they are clashy with the plants um unfortunately the um the the turf um uh was there when when I got into the property um I'd certainly be open to um doing something else with it in the future um I can't afford to do that today um wouldn't be willing to to put the money down for that but um certainly in the future um you know it's definitely open for any anything like that and I agreee that you know it's not a an ideal thing for the environment so no no uh other comments there thank you okay if there's no other public comments we'll close the floor to public comments and open the floor to board comments um Teresa Li well I I like your colors I like the palette I mean um it's it's a nice combination and the reason why you have artificial turf is that we approved that years ago when it was supposed to be a restaurant during the pandemic and they were going to have outdoor seating out there and that was good for the children to play and things like that so that's why your artificial turf is there and we approved that years ago thank you and Sherry no comments uh yeah I really like the color I have a question is this exactly the same palette as lenora's I'm not too sure I I doubt it um it looks exactly the same so I wondered we um my sister who's an artist she's an art therapist um she I can't you know colors of me okay yeah I'm more of a math person um but she selected those based on we originally had um I believe the colors were one was called kilo something whatever um and from her experience to another buildings that they never she thought these colors would look what we were trying to get toward so she was pretty convinced that when you actually see the colors on the building they'll look a little bit less bright see I think that's why I asked if they are it looks the same I went back and forth a couple of times today and looks like the same exact palette but I don't know that for sure um but it's really pretty and I love the coastal I also had a a question about the turf and I know that's not up for discussion really tonight um I just remembered we just said no Turf um didn't we a couple meetings ago or yes well but there it's putting green but it's been approved in the way that they adopted I'm sorry to interrupt they um did create a caveat that commercial properties can come back to um Council into planning a pzb for a special exception to have turf so there is a path where people can request it but they have to go through the special exception process to do it but if it's still there it's left is that how wefa grandfather in and this one I think was a part of the the previous site plan approval so yes so we're kind of yeah it's the previous stuck with it okay very nice thank you and I my only comment is I'm I don't want to see a homogeneous color scheme throughout the town I think that would not be good but so I I I enjoy seeing people's choices yes for colors and we did um Liz be I can't remember if you were here or not um there was one business that did try to change the color scheme and and um it was denied oh yeah we yeah yeah yeah there was one it was horrible it was it was Deni I remember that one yeah so um so we do deny things that are really just yeah don't fit but I I kind of like to see different I kind of like well I agree I like a variety what I like about it is when I first moved here everything was that clay color right the clay it's like now well that was the code then that was the whole us one Carter popularity and everything but it is changing so and as things change you're going to have some things that look kind of out of place but then others start falling in so I kind of but it's it's bringing the Old Town feeling and and it it just it just makes it more harmonious and it's you know and it's it's a nice color and it it'll stick out and you know it might attract people to yeah and there were a couple of the buildings on us one that were um some of the some of the people oppose them because oh they're much too modern looking and they're built now and they look fine you used just I guess it's cuz we're used to seeing them yeah well that's just it you know somebody has to start out being a little bit more deive exactly I have a question the sign colors what will the colors for the sign be do you know the current sign or the I assume you're going to have signage like that's not on the rendering I haven't actually been by in the last yeah they do have a sign yeah I haven't been back in I only was by Rec like yeah I don't remember it's been a couple weeks we have we have sign on the road we don't have a sign currently on the front of the building we've been we haven't made any decisions we were thinking of actually not putting another sign of building we feel like thereit redundant um we'd like to put something up there maybe a surf board or something like that I don't know what would what we'd be allowed to do what we'd have to get approved for but that's the currently I'm thinking something uh unique out there not just another sign oh so you do have a sign no sign so there's a sign on the road on the road like a monent sign kind of they replace the existing sign face the L sign face with that goes to show you how much I paid I just assume something's going in the Triangle eventually right so it's actually not uncommon people miss that it's at a bit of an odd height right behind a few trees so oh okay you do miss the sign I will tell you that yeah okay are there any more board comments I would like to make a motion to approve spm-1 d24 I'll second that all in favor I all opposed okay motion passes thank you good luck good luck we look forward to seeing you opening running and all that good stuff and I think you told me you're goingon to have a grand opening March 1st tentatively your opening now but we'll see the mayor there probably doing like one of the grand opening review we just saw the all right thank okay are there any other comments before we do I have a motion to adjourn adj yet coms you don't want to miss out on my great legal presentation do you nope this one good nice nice try nice said I wanted to be home by six not getting out that easy I'm sorry I was thinking it was def needing but you're right you're right okay okay Dylan sorry I'll call my own item number item number three on our agenda this evening is a yearly overview of ethics and procedures from your legal council Dylan Brandenburg this is my one chance to rant at all of you for however long as I like so you should all be nice to me I provided each of you with a a memorandum regarding an overview of your responsibilities as the pnz and LPA board uh I'm not going to go through all this uh I'll I'll leave that to you there will be a quiz on it at our next meeting so I expect each of you to thoroughly prepare for it uh what is the Planning and Zoning Board you all are the the local planning Agency for the village of taquesta so as you are aware you are responsible for reviewing any changes to the Land Development code or the comprehensive plan uh by Statute it's required to go through you first before it reaches the commission uh you also uh review things like site plan uh site plan uh modifications uh that came in front of you this evening uh you are the final decision maker for site plan modifications for things that don't exceed $50,000 that do not modify footprint lock coverage density height number of stories or things like aesthetic modifications like changes to exterior building color and finishes like just came in front of you this evening uh you also hear and decide appeals where it is alleged that there is any an error in any order requirement decision or determination by an administrative official in enforcement of the zoning code uh or any ordinances adopted relating to single family properties and structures in the R1 or r1a zoning District you hear uh request for variances from the code and things like special exceptions so how do you all make your decisions and again this is review for a lot of you but I think it's nice to do every year uh just remember that if you're going to discuss any business that may foreseeably come in front of the Planning and Zoning Board it has to be at a public meeting that's been advertised uh that doesn't mean you have to be paranoid uh you don't have to shun each other and walk quicker when you see someone come down the road or anything um if you see someone at the grocery store you can ask them about the Super Bowl and ask them how their day is going uh you just can't talk about that uh property that you heard is coming in for a special exception from the board and what does that other member think about that that would be an inap appropriate conversation to have um so it's just most of this is just common instance um sometimes we have quasi judicial proceedings that come in front of us these are kind of like miniature Court hearings right this is when an applicant shows up and is requesting something from the village whether it's an approval of a site plan or a variants from our code uh it's important you know it's important to take these seriously and and um understand what's going on right we're creating a record so when an individual comes in front of the board they everything that they I swear them in everything that they are saying is verbal testimony which goes into the record uh the application that they fill out becomes a part of our record uh the comments from the board become a part of our record and if a decision of the board is ever challenged and is reviewed in a court of law what that court is going to do is look at everything that was entered into the record and determine based on what was submitted did the board make a decision that was uh in line with our adopted code and procedures So speaking of which you know what is it that you are looking at when you're making your decisions our constitution for the Planning and Zoning Board is The Village's comprehensive plan you know every decision that is made has to be in line with our comp plan any Land Development regulation that is adopted has to be in line with our comprehensive plan yeah it's it's a big document but I would encourage each of you to regularly take a look through the comp plan review it uh and when you're making your decisions I encourage you to base those in the comp plan and the Land Development regulations the only time you're going to run into problem as a board is if during an application hearing you start saying things like you know I really just don't I don't like the color purple and I I don't think that that's right for the village and so I'm going to deny your application that's not how your decision- making should be based your decision making should be based on you know the comprehensive plan says that um harmony with other structures in the village is an important precept of the comprehensive plan and I don't think that what's being presented here today meets that criteria and that is what I'm basing my decision on so I would just encourage you all to reflect and always remember that the comprehensive plan is guiding all of our decisions here at the board and really the only time you're going to run into trouble is if you start making decisions or basing things off of criteria that is not in the comp plan or not in our Land Development regulations moving through this uh general rules of procedure during me meetings um you all are have been on the board for a while now and you're familiar with the way things work um the chair person is in charge of running the meeting you have a level of authority over how to direct the meeting and and um guiding the conversation you um you know people are expected to conform to our civility code which is part of our code of ordinances um in that code it outlines we don't um we don't allow things like personal attacks or uh you know people getting out of line and it is incumbent upon the chairperson to enforce those rules and you can do that um generally we our board is is open to public comment and members of the public have the ability to come up and speak and we have a three minute uh you know public comment period uh and if it is incumbent upon the board to the chairperson to enforce that uh if you were an alternate member of the board you are and you would like to give public comment you are giving it under that three minute time period unless you were a seat on the Dias uh you are treated as a member of the public uh me see what else Florida's public record act um anything that you are creating uh with regard to your service on this board is a public record and is discoverable uh this includes emails text messages social media posts so I would encourage you to uh not do those things I would encourage you not to be sending text messages regarding uh your business on the Planning and Zoning Board um I would encourage you not to be making posts on social media in your official capacity as a a board remember uh these are things that could lead us uh into trouble um let's see what else we have here uh Palm Beach County Code of Ethics we're within the county we conform to their ethics code uh you can find that just by Googling Page County Code of Ethics it's 13 pages long it's not a particularly long document and most of it is common sense um it too goes over things like gifts right should not be accepting gifts from indviduals I don't know if you know anyone is really doing that uh but any gift from a vendor or lobbyist that exceeds an aggregate value of $100 is prohibited under the Palm Beach County Code of Ethics um and if you receive anything like that you need to report it to the state as well this doesn't mean that you need to turn in all your relatives around Christmas time uh this is limited to you know individuals who you know we're talking lobbyists vendors people who might foreseeably come in front of your board uh another item voting conflicts um any item that comes before you in which a decision would result in a benefit to uh a a member of your family a spouse a principal or a business associate uh creates a conflict for you if anything anytime something like that happens you should abstain from voting on that subject matter um if you're not sure or have a question about it give me a call before the meeting we'll talk about it and we'll figure it out beforehand um and the way that you do state that on the record is simply when it comes time to call for a vote address the chairperson chair I'm going to be abstaining from this item uh I have you know this is the relationship I have with this person or you know it doesn't have to be a voluminous disclosure just you know I have a conflict on this item for this reason I'm going to abstain from voting on it today um as the staff we are here for you as a resource to answer any questions or concerns that you have so I encourage you to not hesitate each of you have my business card uh give me a ring anytime you have any concerns about anything um remember that Jay and myself are as much as I hate to admit it we are human if you have if you do have a concern or about something that you think is coming up you want to ask a question I encourage you to reach out to us in advance of the meeting if possible just give us a heads up that you have a question or concern that way it gives us a little bit of time to address that before we go straight up to a meeting but um I I I have really enjoyed my time here with all of you at the pnz board I think this it's a great board um and I'm I'm happy to be here again I'm a resource and and I'll leave it at that if you all have any questions anytime please reach out and I know why your yours is thck hers was doublesided is that right yes ours was doublesided and yours is this for you just F just FYI and only Liz would notice that I wrote I know I I refer to it yeah I have mine at home that's and we will email copies of these to the alternates so Dylan didn't print enough copies I was one short for you sorry I owe you one I'm pretty sure I still have mine at home also so I'm happy to share it if you guys want to review since you're name okay okay um thank you Dylan and we'll move on to item number four update on Land Development regulations recommended as part of the commercial Corridor master plan is that Lance okay thank you okay woohoo it's probably out of order good evening everyone I'm sure you know who I am but I'll say it for the record Lance Lily um representing Community Development um you may have remembered this we did this last year um this was based on the treasure Coast's um commercial corridor plan that they adopted I'm just going to go through it briefly if you're not aware um we also have been going through this through several workshops with the council so some of these things are probably going to be a little bit unfamiliar so so just to start in 2022 Treasure Coast Regional planning Council conducted a 5-day charette which they received feedback from the residents as well as on the business Community through that process they came up with that report on the left- hand side um in 2022 of November November 2022 they adopted the master plan day being Council and then we had follow-up meetings with Mr Dana little villager village manager Mr Allen and then we uh talked about the next steps we also brought this before this board um last year March of 2020 uh 2023 three and then at the bottom as you see we had several workshops with the council which one was in May July December and actually one last month as well so what was discussed in this this uh master plan it was uh District centers which is kind of like overlays um Frontage standards Civic open space the measuring of height drive-through buildings gas stations location of parking primary streets dark sky nightlights and Green Design so if you're familiar this is what they actually put together before which was like three circles with the different overlays one of the circles was the Village Center North which is that Publix's area and like north of County Line Road or north of us one when it gets to County Line Road then they had the southern portion which is the Town Center which is more like your Paradise Park um area and then you have this area which would be the Village Center so since then we've been working along with Jay and and um the rest of the staff um we have changed it to three overlays similar to what they had before but we changed the name just to kind of fit the village a little bit better um to Quest a drive overlay which would be this area all the way to the railroad tracks then you have US1 which would be pretty much any parcel that fronts US1 for the most part and then you have the Village Center which is um similar to what they had before but it goes up Old Dixie and goes to Village um Village Boulevard and includes Bridge Road and some of those other areas so this is the village uh to Quest to drive overlay so the overlay would include C1 C2 and C3 and as I mentioned it' be this area as well as um CBR Road um the Cypress Corridor and also the um it goes to the railroad tracks so what would the intent of this be the intent would be to preserve and protect the neighborhood character Aesthetics um use permitted within the corridor while providing opportunity for limited retail detail and services so and I'll go over some of these in a bit the reason why we're actually doing this presentation is because at some point you may see an ordance come before you which will have more detail of this but this is just to kind of give you a briefing of what's to come so formula restaurants will be prohibited and I'll go over that shortly um formula businesses would be permitted up to a square footage of 1250 Square F Feet Again that might change when you see the ordinance at some point we're still working on different things based on Council feedback um small scale character charm facades closer to the corridor parking in the rear and we'd have some type of Civic open space landscaping and Street canopies in the ordinance so what's allowed currently So within Testa Drive overlay or that Corridor you see that it would be C1 which allows a front setback of 20 uh 15 ft um C2 has a front set back of 25 fet and then C3 has a front set back of 15 feet with this overlay we're proposing that it have a maximum rather than a minimum so essentially you can be closer to the road rather than you being required to be further than from the road and then these Frontage standards were based off of what Treasure Coast put together so essentially depending on where you're located in the corridor you're allowed to have different fronted standards so for example if you're on toester Drive West then you're allowed to have a porch however you can't have a bracketed balcony for example um and same thing for the other streets that are are mentioned they also mentioned primary and secondary streets so the primary streets in this overlay would be your main streets such as taquesta Drive Seabrook and um Cypress everything else such as like you know your Willow Road and things like that would be your secondary streets oh there we go so formula businesses what are formul businesses so essentially in short it's a commercial business that has like a trademark or or a bigname business so like for example Staples or Home Depot or Trader Joe's They're not your normal mom and pop businesses um so those would be more of a formula business so those include like you know you have a employee uniforms Decor it's pretty standard they'd have a trademark and things like that um at the moment a formula business would be allowed for up to 12250 Square ft if that if they exceed that then essentially it requires a special exception use meaning that they would have to go to council for approval for the use itself and then they'd come back to this board for site plan and everything else that you um are used to or accustomed to so what we actually did as well is for formula businesses we kind of put another layer onto it so if someone were to come in today although the use would be permitted or special exception use they would have to one abide by the special exception used criteria which is the first um bullet that's there so they'd have to abide by that special exception use criteria which is Aesthetics and that it's um not a nuisance and things like that but also the other bullets that are on here which would be that it won't alter the identity of the Village um The Village zoning District um contribute to diverse and appropriate blend of businesses so something that's not out of place essentially um complement the existing businesses in the district be compatible with the surrounding neighbors um and everything else just kind of reflects with Aesthetics for the most part so Frontage standards as mentioned so we essentially are trying to encourage buildings to be closer to the road um there's a lot of benefits behind it but also they can still be a little bit further from the road which I'll explain a little bit later um but really the purpose of this is to bring facades closer so we'd have you know instead of a building that has 100t behind it or 50 ft behind it with a bunch of parking you'd have it closer than parking potentially in the rear so hidden parking essentially so us one Corridor so in the US One Corridor it's the C2 zoning District in mixed use which currently the mixed use zoning district has a residential setback of 10 ft and zero feet so actually the mixed use already accommodates being closer to the road if necessary and C2 as mentioned before it's 25 ft so they can be as far back as 25 ft as the maximum or the minimum setback sorry now we're saying they have to be 20 ft and this is also a topic of discussion at some point we might change this we're not sure yet um at one of the council workshops they mentioned that they would want one side of the road of US1 to be potentially closer and the other side to remain as is that's a topic of discussion I'm not sure how you guys feel about that but we'll change that possibly depending on the feedback of this board as well as counsel you seem confused Liz I'm thinking yeah because the only way you could change that is if the business or like the shopping plaza goes under like major construction and yeah and then but you can't do it to existing so the purpose of this master plan when it came through was not only to think of today but to think of 10 20 30 years from now so let's say hypothetically I don't know Marshall's HomeGoods that whole Plaza gets knocked down for whatever reason then how would the vision how would the village Vision that Plaza to be so would you want it to be closer to the road would you want to remain as it is that's kind of the purpose of this so okay really how close do you want to the road um to the road do you want parking in the rear do you want particular Aesthetics like all of these things are things to kind of ponder when you're going through this process Okay so so for example US1 as it is right now in the code drive-throughs are limited to the US1 Corridor so we left that the way that it is so nowhere else in the village will you allow be allowed to have drive-throughs um as mentioned it says that it's limited the gas stations and mixed use in C2 zoning districts along US1 um commonly gas stations are used use um these drive-throughs as well as fast food however they're fronting the road so what we proposing if you see at the bottom is we're proposing that those drive-throughs essentially are on the side or the rear of the building rather than being to the front and that they'd be screened from the public with some type of landscape or um vegetation that makes sense we've been working um and then drive-throughs would be prohibited in the front of the building except for fuel stations which still in that case we'd like them to be screened So within the us one Corridor what would the purpose and intent be is to encourage and provide um an enhanced physical appearance um increased Landscaping clustering complimentary uses and construction of pedestrian oriented facilities so formula restaurants for example as I mentioned formula restaurants would be more like your Starbucks or McDonald's or Burger King things like that or even you could think of an Olive Garden or TGI Fridays or something like that those are formula restaurants rather than like a gallery grill or something like that um where they're like National change in a sense so those restaurants would be permitted up to the square footage as mentioned we're still tweaking that potentially um of 1250 Square ft similar to formula businesses we still would encourage that the parking would be to the rear except for those that are um essentially west of US1 um facades would be closer to the um the corridor as well as we'd have Civic open space landscaping and tree canopies which I'm going to go over some of these other things that aren't aren't here yet can I ask you a question absolutely a formula business or restaurant under 120050 square F feet it's really hard to imagine so the intent is really that there are no formula businesses Subway we're so we're still doing some due diligence on that we're yeah yeah we're looking to see what kind of makes sense um at one of the council meetings it was brought up by one of the council members that they'd like to see some type of square footage implemented and it was brought up of 1250 but we're still tweaking it based on this past council meeting in January they mentioned that they'd likeed us to do a little bit more due diligence so that's why I keep saying it might change oh that's I'm saying like Walgreens and CVS right what are those 3,000 square feet like okay thank you but to your point though it wouldn't out what we're doing is not outright prohibiting them they just have to be used by exception right so it's just another layer essentially so we're not saying you can't do it but it just requires them to come to council and say Hey I want to do a I don't know a star Starbucks can you please you know approve my application based on the information I'm providing to you got so and then they would still go through the site plan process and just just for scale kind of going what's the size of the Starbucks like 1250 doesn't really mean anything it's more than 1250 oh yeah I can't recall but it's a lot more than 1250 it's it is a lot more than 1250 how big is this room well how yeah is this room how big is your house you know close to 1250 like yeah we yeah we're going to do some research on the the size the the 1250 number came from a council member but we we still need to fact check it a little bit more why I not trying to take us off I just was immediately was like 1250 small for for a restaurant I mean really I mean Publix is what 30,000 but like I heard Subway is one of those that is National yeah and is Tiny I mean probably that's that's square footage right and we have we have one which I didn't even know we did in the uh can we do cuz it's so small where where is I still can clet there's a Subway over yeah okay go ahead Lance yeah just get public the frontage standards for this would be obviously since us one Corridor it's only US1 would be the primary Street as well as Thea drive because there's there is that portion that kind of um intersects US1 but the uh Frontage standard for this like porches for example wouldn't be allowed on US1 but but maybe a um bracketed balcony or something to that extent might be depending on how the development's put together it could be potentially on that road some of this is kind of this is the part that I want to get to so formula restaurants so we put a definition in the code and essentially what the formula restaurant would be is that a restaurant that would be a chain or group of three or more restaurants in the nation and then they have this particular description so it'd be uh same or similar name trademark trademark of others in a chain or group um standardize or limited menu with ingredients food beverage and preparation um it offers offers characteristics and style that are distinctive and um standardized among the chain such as exterior design um architecture interior design um or uniform so essentially that that business if you go somewhere else in the nation it's going to look the same that's what it is and that would be limited to us one front standard just went over and then we get into the last overlay which is the Village Center so Village Center and I'll let you look at this map one more time Village Center is on the East portion of the railroad which then it stems from Bridge Road goes up past the old Paradise Park um and then goes up Old Dixie all the way to Village and still kind of um goes up even to the water plant so what's allowed there currently C2 C3 and mixed use the front standards I've already gone over so I'm going to actually just just for sake of time go through that so what's the intent to encourage the architectural character and um diversity of uses such as residential commercial Civic spaces while providing pedestrian friendly um environment connection between tester Drive Bridge Road and Old Dixie so in this zoning District it's kind of similar to the taquesta drive overlay where Formula restaurants would be prohibited um formula business up to 1250 would be allowed parking in the rear would be encouraged as well as facades closer to the road and Civic open pieces Frontage standards for this would be um essentially to Quest a drive would be a primary Street Bridge Road Old Dixie Main Street as well as Village Boulevard and then these would be the allowable Frontage standards that are there for each one of those roads I have a question yes thinking you know me going to the Future yep and on Bridge Road you're saying that the building could not have a porch okay now we don't know what's going to come in and the design of the building thinking ahead like that's what we're supposed to do not only today but to look for 25 to 30 years ahead of time buildings change and like you know porches and then little uh patios and stuff I mean that might be something that would be enhanced on Bridge Road because some of those buildings are so old that somebody could come in and just change the whole thing and have have something that would be I wouldn't want wood yeah you make a good point typically speaking porches are really associated with like a single family home in a sense yeah but I mean you might have to change you know but I wouldn't want it like on to Quest but Bridge Road is unique it's a small the business is there and they're going to change somebody's going to come in we already know that a developer is going to come in and just boohoo the whole thing so that's something that you really kind of like need to look at you brought up a great point and we we can also touch on it with the waiver process so we created a waiver process where people can because you can't design a code to to fit every potential development right but there's a waiver process where this is our kind of this is the set code but you can request relief from it but you have to prove that there's some public benefit to it which is you know is it a better design so it become it gives it gives pzb and the village count Council a little bit more leverage to you know if they want that relief then they they have to provide some sort of better design or public benefit so we'll get into that later but um there is a way past it I know I'm sorry because you're fine ask the question Lance Lance and I have had many arguments not arguments you shouldn't say arguments discussions it's a debate but I mean but Bridge Road is unique versus like Main Street and Old Dixie h i mean it's it's Unique I agree so we can so this was originally tailored off of the report that Treasure Coast put together and that was through the charette process and getting everybody's feedback um so certain things as you mentioned if it's if it makes sense and or we can include it in the waiver then we'll we'll do that um which I will touch on the waiver I think in a few slides okay so these are the types of front standards um so you have sh front you have Stoops you have porches um you have Four Courts bracketed balconies and then you have an arcade they could do one of those little balconies just as an artistic thing there the structure which and we're saying no that they couldn't the balcony is allowed though okay I was looking at the porch and what's labeled as a stoop is also what a lot of people would consider a porch right it's it's what you'd see like a brownstone in New York or Boston I grew up in New York I we had Stoops I had to wash it every Saturday yeah we did I know Stoops okay so just what type of landscaping we'd like um I'm sure you guys remember this was give or take I believe the be beginning if not the end of the end of 2022 if not the beginning of last year um we actually did a code update which included landscape changes so we beefed up the Landscaping which required the landscape buers to go from 10 ft in certain areas to 15 ft and from 5T to 10 ft so we're trying to kind of encourage more Landscaping um also to have some type of street trees for to separate the public from vehicular Lanes um and have some type of canopies just for shading and I know that a lot of people keep talking about um Old Dixie so that's kind of what we were thinking at some point maybe Old Dixie gets beautified at some point and they'd have canopy trees and things like that desperately needed but that's the intent whole purpose of this is as I mentioned the years to come um 201 10 15 however many years that that um that comes up and then Civic open space so I mentioned a few times about Civic open space so essentially what Civic open space would be is you have a property and that property would then designate a area which I'll show on here designate an area that' be for the public in a sense so what the way that we would do this is that if you have a new development or Redevelopment that um is equal to 20% or more of the existing building square footage then they would have to provide 5% of their lot to have a Civic open space or Civic benefit so that can be and I'll go over the different ones that are there um but for example that can be a water feature or it can be a bunch of benches um there's a bunch of different avenues that you can use um actually right here so like green for example is one of them plazas um playground so like for example if you happen to have um I don't know Village Center for whatever reason or Village Square decides that they want to include some type of Civic open space where they want a playground for whatever reason they can put it there um a square or attached green four quarts um and public p uh public passageway so we included four quarts and public passageways just because if you do happen to have a development that can't really accommodate some of these bigger specific Open Spaces they should still provide something and it can be a small square footage of 250 or less so just as a reference so as I mentioned vill square and then you have the parcel that's right here off the taquesta drive um the one off toquer Drive is approximately a quarter of an acre give or take which is about 11,000 square ft if they had to go through the process of a new development then they' be required to have about 578 um square feet of Civic open space which would fit under that four Court area if they could and then you have Village Center which is a shop Center and they have 5.5 acres of land which they would be required to have about 12,000 ft of Civic open space so that' be an area that would be designated to whether it be a water feature or playground or something instead of concrete yes um and then parking in the rear I know I talked a few times about um rear parking um just these are just examples of rear parking so instead of you having um parking in the front where the buildings pushed all the way to the side or in the back you then would have it more closer to the road and the parking would be behind it just to kind of get that aesthetic closer to the road and then these are just examples of different rear parking um options that you can do so for example if a road if a building is fronting um two primary streets you'd have the one on the left if it's fronting um primary Street and a secondary Street you'd have the one in the middle and then if it's fronting a primary Street secondary Street and an alley then you'd have the one on the right I know this is a lot to absorb but that's why we're doing this today so you can ask and kind of get familiar with it so when the ordinance comes in you have a little bit more I guess knowledge on what's going on go ahead Liz I know you have a question no I don't why don't you have so we also included this into the ordinance which will be um kind of building facade facade transparency so essentially what it is is we're trying to eliminate these blank walls so you might see see an application come before you in pnz and it's you know it has Windows on all sides except one for example so we're trying to eliminate that so they have to have some type of facade treatment there whether it be a window a door something that would just provide some type of aesthetic interest to the um to that wall and then we get into waivers which Jay mentioned or alluded to earlier so essentially what's a waiver so an applicant or a property owner May seek a waiver if they're unable to meet the site or landscape requirements um and the waiver can be essentially requested with certain regulations so the waiver has to be granted by the um the Village Council and it has to be in conjunction with the site plan review and what can they not request so they can't add uses so if for example if a formula business is I mean a formula restaurant is prohibited they can't say well I kind of want to do a formula business in this area I mean a formula restaurant in this area so can I request a waiver if it's not allowed it's not allowed then we get into the portion that we talk about um allowable densities or height we're not increasing that either you're not allowed to increase your density or your um not height um your density or intensity so um essentially if the code says that it's only allowed to have 18 units per acre for whatever it is or or um it's it nothing more um and then Building height so if the code says you can only go up to four stories four stories or whatever the height would be you can only do that um we still can't change it huh no can't make it less no and then um unfortunately there is um required criteria for this similar to a variance which I'm going to talk about right now so what are the differences between the two so you guys are familiar variances you get them for single family you get them for docks for example or fences or different things like that variances on the left hand side is a um relief from the code so they're usually associated with land hardship so for example um every everyone's lot for the most part is a square or a rectangle but for whatever reason this particular property is a circle then usually that's like a land hardship because they can't meet the same regulations that you might have um typically they're granted based off hardship um physical characteristic of the property um and strict application of the zoning code will result in the hardship of the land owner and that is approved by elected officials which is either this board or the council now waivers are similar where they are released from the code but they are typically used with puds and when I say that puds are plan use um unit development so let's say for example you happen to have I don't know like the reserve that came in a number of years ago um and they can't meet particular requirements but they can provide you know a Tot Lot and things like that that would be a benefit then some cases a lot of municipalities will grant certain waivers to them because they're providing a public benefit so that's what Jay was mentioning earlier where if for example a porch is isn't allowed maybe we could include that or Encompass it into the code and say all right if you're putting a porch how are you meeting those public benefits are you um you know providing better Aesthetics or are you giving some type of pedestrian oriented connection between one development to another who knows um and as I mentioned you cannot request variances for those criteria that are there and in this particular case the waivers would be approved by the Village Council so this is what would happen if we happen to when the time comes that you get this ordinance it would come before this board as the local planning agency or and then eventually it go to council for the first reading second reading and then potentially adoption and I know there's going to be questions so this slide will stay up here that's it I know it's a lot ask away that's where we're here no I've already asked my questions don't jump up all at one time when you give it to us then we can yeah and that's why I know it's a lot right now but when you get the actual ordinance and you can kind of you know dig your teeth into a little bit more then I'm sure a lot more questions will come through but oh yeah it's I know it's a lot to throw at you at once I guess just one quick so the the public space requirement it is only going to be a physical space requirement not an investment threshold that's required like some other communities have so we we me so it's not on here but we also thought about the idea of let's say for example person can't provide that Civic open space then they could potentially do a payment in lbe so a lot of municipalities would do that for whether be this or um art in public places or things like that where you can essentially invest into like a I guess a bank in a sense and then the village or city or whoever it is can use that those funds to acquire property orful y um Parks or something to that extent so that's not on here I didn't want to kind of throw that in here I know comes up a lot when we deal with businesses in other jurisdictions so I was curious yeah yeah so that was an option that we did talk about was a kind of like a payment and loop okay so and and you basically you've made it harder to get a I mean you know tightened it up for the variances you know we don't like variances yeah so we made it so variances would be strict variances and waivers or waivers so it kind of gives a little bit also a little bit more wiggle room to the council in a sense instead of them granting variances that run with the land this would be something that would run with the development so hypothetically speaking they build something tomorrow and then a new owner comes in says I hate this building I'm put something up something else up that waiver would then essentially go away it wouldn't be with the land right in that case yes well and we don't do commercial variances no here anyway so yeah I'll go through the council yeah Teresa thank you Sher Jean no questions okay no I hope it made sense yeah thank you Lance good to know thank you any so let's say shops where TJ voting if I got bulldo and redeveloped you're saying like TJ something like TJ Maxx wouldn't would be able to go back no so you they could go back in but and honestly just just to be completely honest with you so that already is for the most part if it were in any other area in the village it'd be a special exception use because it exceeds the square footage that's allowed um in this particular case it would still be a special exception use meaning that it's allowed but it just has to go before Council for the use itself so meaning Council would approve the use and then they would come back to this board for the actual ual recommendation of the site plan and then it go back to council so it's just another hoop it's just another hoop so like for example um we had the vet last year the vet went to council first yeah and got approved and then they came before this board and then they went to council I tell my wife TJ Max be a to come back she home home yes thank you I'd like a Panera Bread better be I don't oh this is Jared everyone who Jared this is our new alterntive oh he's new okay he's it okay so the new ordinance does not contemplate it's already in the code that actually was added in 2019 if I'm not mistaken and that was more so we don't want to I guess keep including these large parking lots if we don't have to so you can still have um alternative parking so for example you can do shared parking or um uh parking accumulation study um and that would be conducted with a traffic engineer and then provide it to the Village so that's already an Avenue that a developer or whoever can can use or um take advantage of okay any more questions we will when we get it yeah we'll try to send it you a little bit early um as probably as soon as the ordinance gets drafted we'll try and send it ahead ahead of the agenda going out so you have some more time to chew on it okay it's a homework assignment Jay that's right thank you Lance thank you thank you okay and any other board comments and Jared did you want to introduce [Laughter] yourself hello everyone I'm Jared I'm an alternate um the third I believe so I'm an attorney up in Hope Sound and I do a fair amount of real estate transactional work I also do a little bit of uh land use work within the town of Jupiter Island and also in South Martin County although I don't to be honest know to quest's code that well oh you got to talk a little bit louder I don't know to quest's code really at all so I'm okay just here to see what you guys have and hopefully have fun and sit on the other side of the dis we we we learn about the code AS it comes before us so that's and that's why I just wanted to kind of sit and listen so thank you thank you good to meet you nice meeting you okay no further staff comment okay then um motion can I move to adjourn yes motion to adjourn please I think we should stay I'll make a motion to adourn I'll second it okay all in favor I allst okay we're