good evening everyone um it is about 6:09 we're going to delay until 6:15 uh so we can get an in-person Quorum so those of you that are watching from home uh we appreciate your patience and we'll be back and call this to order uh in about uh six to seven minutes thank you off build yeah there's you'll give work that we probably need to work take s be it'll bottom I have say that was way off it's up to you guys not up to me's other cies oh there is she's proba I have muffins and I have everything in my office if you need anything we want to keep astion happy so did you unmute now yeah put are we we're live ready go now 6:15 okay all right good evening everyone i' like to call this meeting into it's 6:16 p.m. it is July 22nd 2024 is our budget Workshop meeting can I get roll call leave yes mayor Molly young here vice mayor Rick sori here council member Lori Brandon council member Patrick painter council member Jason French here Patrick is on can we recognize Patrick's here by Zoom Patrick you you hear us I think he's logging in now yeah sorry my mute button would not undo the all right with that Jeremy I will give you the floor thank you um this is our second budget Workshop as you guys know after the first budget Workshop we had maybe several i' say four items or so that were still kind of up in the air because it was kind of a very early in the process for the budget we have work through some of those items um I'll point out a couple things that maybe uh we still have to uh get through before we uh adopt a final budget um this first part you guys have in your packet but it's is really just the overview of the budget process and how we use this as a guide for for budgeting um and to work through the council initiatives these were key dates that we had obviously June 24th our first budget Workshop July 22nd we do have uh an August date I believe that we picked recently for a third Workshop if needed um if Council um has some some items still out there that need to be addressed and then of course we have the we did set the dates for the future budget hearings of September 5th and the final budget hearing of September 12th overall no planned millage increase our overall increase um in ADM taxable value is 9.5 6% uh significant portion of this is due to the new construction or other property sales uh Homestead Property is limited to a CPI or 3% whichever is less more than 90% of the village residents uh Residential Properties are are homesteaded uh non-homestead properties limited 10% commercial property that's mostly commercial property and the the chart represents U our millage rate um which shows that we have had a steady millage rate and our total increase has has typically went down every year with our other taxing uh authorities and so in 2025 we are recommending a 64595 and keeping the millit rate the same some of the changes since the first Workshop um the significant changes uh we have an increase in general fund revenues and so $74,000 was was due to the the the values being certified by the appraisal district and then we did decrease enforcement um of jic as you guys know we we had a code enforcement U presence over in JC and they were paying a portion of that salary um as of the next physical year they plan to um take that back inh housee and do it themselves um then we had decrease other miscellaneous revenues of 5,000 increase in uh general fund expenditures we decrease system maintenance and supplies uh 22,000 um Brad was able to get a grant um through the State of Florida and so so you'll see that in this fund as well as the building fund and water fund as well you'll see a decrease in expenditures uh decreasing uh transfer to capital projects due to utilizing alternating funding alternative funding sources um we were we did have this that plan um a planning project for remembrance Park to be out of the 303 fund we moved it to the 301 fund so that would decrease our expenditures out to the 303 fund we increased part-time Code Compliance uh in we are um recommending hiring a public works maintenance worker so that that 77817 is all in for that um that position with benefits and all the other run-ups that go with the salary final benefits adjustments um is $52,000 that's our health insurance um we our final health insurance was a 16% increase um and so that 52,000 is the difference between what we budgeted for and the and the the actual values that came in and then we are increasing the allocation of fund balance of 16,652 186 um the expenditures were this is the that grant that Brad was able to get through the State of Florida so we're decreasing those expenditures 2568 and then the final benefits adjusted for the building department is 9,554 uh increase in water fund revenues that's allocating fund balance um and then the expenditures that go with that is uh assistant utility director we are proposing that we have over $14 million in capital projects coming online next year uh a big majority of those are the the water utilities um we used to have assistant utility director we we I say haven't funded that position last couple years with the presence of the capital projects I am recommending we bring back assistant utility director hopefully to oversee most of the the capital projects obviously they'll have some other responsibilities but that'll be a big portion of what they do increase in capital Improvement fund expenditures um so we're increasing the the planning for membrance Park phase two and then decrease in the money that we had to allocate to fund balance from there and then decreased from the general fund $13,000 so there's some accounting going in going on with that particular project at uh for Rememberance part and then increases storm water VAR uh minimal just adjusting the final benefits for that uh budget summary for all funds um and I know that there there was um some some little bit of questions on um the vehicle replacement fund and so on the on the right it says general fund increase 11.8% overall due to mainly the startup cost for the vehicle replacement fund we do have $1.1 million out of the general fund there's another slide that shows 1.54 a million but each each out of the capital uh vehicle replacement fund each fund contributes into that fund so the the contribution out of the general fund is $1.1 million this is just a a pie chart and you guys have seen this before um just where the expenditures go um 60% of our of the expenditures are for employee benefits and salaries and wages general fund proposed revenues big majority the big green uh Arc there is the general property taxes 64% come from property taxes general fund uh this is our general fund our our reserves that we have and our Target Target reserves our 3mon targeting uh Target is uh 4,27 th000 so every time your expenditures go up which our expenditures this year are up uh almost 800,000 obviously your your three Monon Target will go up and so the unassigned fund balance at the end of this year we're projecting at the end of this year we're projecting to be $1.76 5 million um which is on par with where we last year building fund you guys have seen this this is our expenditures we are planning on using $68,000 out of the the reserves that we have for the building fund built up um and then that's our our breakdown our operating expenditure is 419,000 Personnel Service 757,50 three months is the typically the building fund they they receive their permit fees and then they expend their their funds so typically you want to have a lot longer uh Target for that to give them a chance to uh have those expenditures uh so that's why you see six months and so our at the end of this this budget Year we're estimated $463,000 capital projects fund you guys have seen this list we've talked about them a little bit I mean obviously if there's questions with those we can go over them I think a couple of the highlights that we have is we do have the Testa Park project um at 931000 that we have planned we do plan on doing the the planning phase for membrance Park um and then some the significant ones in the capital uh projects fund the 303 fund we have the $710,000 for roads plus the $170,000 for sidewalks those have been Rec uring we started that uh last year and so those will continue and then you got the water fund you know several projects that we discussed a little bit last time Miss Craig is here if there's any specific questions you have on any of the the projects she can answer some of those um and then of course you got storm water and then our vehicle replacement fund we um I can show a Excel sheet of the the vehicle replacement fund and how it's laid out but those will be the vehicles that we'll be funding in 25 if the vehicle replacement fund stays intact 301 fund this highlights that we do have Thea Park uh this is the 301 fund is mainly funded through the sir tax fund and the utility tax um this shows the qu a park at $931,000 um of which $340,000 was um approved by the state um for us to move forward with a planning phase of Testa Park our fiveyear uh Bridge Improvement plan this is really a two-year um shot the first year is to take care of the planning and some uh the minor minor things we can take care of and next year we would fund $350,000 for that the bridge improvements talk about that and then the capital 303 fund is the capital projects you said we've we budgeted 710,000 170 for the sidewalks um and then we have W the park fur Grant it's a it's a 50/50 matching we put in 150 we get 150 out a lot of the projects that we have funded through that is um is at Testa park I think all the projects that we have for that fap GRS that's Quest par and then we also have a transp transportation plan and Mobility planning 125,000 um we have had initial talks with the TPA about receiving $50,000 to help us offset the cost of that I believe that's you know that's still ongoing as we approve this this funding uh we will be applying for that for that funding to help us get through as you guys know throughout the county right now the big talk is you know Mobility planning Transportation um and so in order to um receive some of the mobility funding options we have to have Mobility plan and uh a fee structure set up with it similar to Gardens or Lake Park um which has already done that I think we've we've been trying to work toward this for the last two years just through grants we have not been successful with the grants um of course we never went the TPA option but uh Jay did have a conversation with TPA and they they do have some funding that we may be able to utilize to help us offset some of the cost for that Water Utility Fund um we are proposing a rate increase of 3.5% water treatment plan upgrades energy sources improvements $6 million Water System interconnection project 100,000 the water main replacement uh project Phase 2 Beach Road is 4.3 filter plant media replacement is 500,000 uh water main raw water main relocation County Line Bridge $1.2 million and then the relocation of concentrate disposal just to summarize those you know the bottom two are both kind of we'll say mandated projects by by the projects um the relocation of con straight disposal we've work on that for several years that's with the F Bridge the county line project Bridge Project is you know they're redoing that bridge we have two lines on there that we have to relocate um I would say the water treatment plant upgrades and the water uh main replacement on phase two of Beach Road we've been working through those for the last I'll say I know they've been on the radar for a while but we're really getting to the um to the stage where we're going to make those happen um so those been in the planning stages the last we'll say year um to year and a half uh we are in line for the srf funding that'll be a big uh a big portion of how we fund those those projects so I know we we were on the water main replacement program for uh Beach Road was on the srf funding for May uh we were not funded we will be applying back um I think it's August um for for the next round of of funding for that refu and recycling um this is one that you guys will be hearing in uh in August as we are waste manager increased to 3.5% uh they will be bringing us a um a proposal to extend our contract um 5 years they do plan on going to um an automated uh recycling Pro program like they have in Jupiter and the other surrounding cities so if we if we go with that program um they can help keep the cost down if we if if we do not go with an automated and do not renew would be likely going out for bid and or their cost will be you know super high so I think you know you guys will get that presentation from Waste Management in August and make make a decision what what's the best approach to move forward with that and then the storm water fund as you guys know we've uh been really trying to straighten this fund out over the last couple years with um we proposing a 5% rate increase which equates to 56 um 56 cents a month U the Dober ditch Bank restoration project hopefully we'll get that done this year I know it's under under permitting we're waiting for that permit uh this is in conjunction with the town of Jupiter um which are who are still committed to that project with us as well and then we have $887,000 in in storm water pipe Replacements which it's kind of a drop in the bucket for where we really need to be um but um I think obviously we're trying to hold off on some projects try to build that fund back up and and try to get to where we can be um I say comfortable in that fund this is a new uh proposed vehicle replacement fund so this uh this this slide shows $ 1.54 7 million the other slide was 1.1 this is combined so this is with with all the funds um we have just kind of give a a summary um we have 249,000 that we have um coming out of this budget from the Palm Beach County contract that we have that'll go into this fund as well as $178,000 out of the general fund to cover the the police vehicles we also plan to transfer um $500,000 plus the 249,000 we had from we've been saving up for Palm Beach County and that'll help start the fund the the funds will be separate so the money that we're pulling over from Palm Beach County um that'll be separate to large vehicles in our vehicle replacement fund and the other funds will be for the smaller Vehicles Public Works wreck uh those types the building fund will also be contributing to this fund they'll have their own separate wing of this fund um they have $10,000 10,109 and they will be seeding it with 75,000 the water fund another wing of this um they will be putting in $59,000 of operation and they will be seeding with 225 the idea of this is that way over time we will have a steady a steady flow a steady expense for cars and vehicles over time and we won't have to go year to year going oh are we going to afford this are we going to give up a park or we going to um will this it almost be like an automatic thing every year we know which vehicles are going to be replaced uh I don't know if that was the last slide it's not but um I'm going show show this for you guys um don't know how well it's going to come out on on the zoom for Patrick but um on this you'll see that every vehicle that we have is put into a life cycle so most of the vehicles Public Works Vehicles non-public safety are on a 12year cycle um we do have a the police vehicles are typically on a 5year cycle it doesn't matter if if you're leasing or purchasing that's typically the the cycle you put ve police vehicles on because they're running pretty much 247 or at least when they're on shift they're they're always on um and that way they can they can get get to their car and take off quick if they needed to so this was the general fund the vehicle purchase for vehicle fund the large fund purchases it shows and it has all of our our fire vehicles set up and when they're going to be replaced um and so you'll see that we will be cash funding even the largest Vehicles over time um and so I think in the future when we get to those point we won't be talking about you know kicking the can down the road which is I think is the easy thing to do when you're talking about a million dooll purchase uh you start talking about maybe we can get to it next year well this this way we'll have the funds available when it's time to replace those Vehicles same thing for the building the building department and then the water fund has its its own Vehicles they're also on a 12 year cycle um so I know Jeff helped put this together and I I applaud him I think uh this would be a big step for us if we can um go through with a vehicle replacement plan I know there's a handful of cities that have some some sort of vehicle replacement fund I think it's uh well overdue for the for the village so uh hopefully we can uh you guys will take that recommendation and we can move move forward with that and the last slide is just the uh the decision points I you know we're really early in the process still but this just talks about you know what needs a simple majority vote 2third vote unanimous vote um in order to pass the budget so with that I can answer any questions you have uh Mr Snider is here can help Miss Greg is here can help with the utilities thank you Jeremy Council any comments or questions I have a few comments comments and questions jump uh first thank you uh Council and staff and and previous Council as well this my first budget through the village but I've analyzed probably 50 other municipalities over the last few years for my work outside of here and it's extremely transparent and easy to read uh any Resident can go online and find the agenda packet they can look at the slideshow the slideshow actually matches the PDFs right that's I know it sounds funny but that's a huge thing um so thank you guys for putting that together because that does take extra time for staff to break it down into a digestible packet question on vehicle replacement originally we're at 500,000 and then but I'm looking at the packet and it says startup cost a vehle replacement fund of nearly 1 million so maybe I'm thinking two different things but I wanted to clarify I have nearly 1 million for vehicle replacement startup and then it looks like we have total police vehicles of 1.2 million over that to 2029 right um let me see if I can I can at least summarize that so we planned on taking $500,000 from our reserves to seed that that was kind of step one of of the process the other part of the process was we already had $249,000 from Palm Beach County that we've been putting putting aside 50% of the monies that they send us for the service so we had two years of that so so we're going to transfer that into that that's going to really help with the large vehicles and then we're also putting in the 249 that they're going to give us in the next budget cycle we'll put that into the fund that helps for the for the large vehicle so I think just with that you're at a million dollars and then we also have $178,000 in the general fund expenses to cover to start the program the first year payments of the of the vehicle so I think that's the 1.179 yeah million dollars that we're at that's just the general fund expenses does did that help or did that hurt no that's perfect because it's yeah 1.1 yeah and in this packet but that's 1.179 something right okay yeah it makes sense because we really talked I'm not crazy thinking we talk to 500 250 250 okay right but 500 I will say new money because we've already had the 250 that we were already setting aside we're just dragging that over to the vehicle replacement fund to make it official now CU it was just alloc it was in our our reserves but it had a it had a tag to it okay so and just for a record I so it's on on record for public that coming from the reserves we are this is the overage on top of our thre Monon um operating cost that we have so because I think last Workshop we were expecting a 1.5 million overage and now with the update property tax um info we at the 1.7 just want to put that on record that's not coming from our operating Reserves the three months that we worked so hard to build up this is above and beyond okay no that makes sense thank clarify that um Waste Management um I see that increase and I I felt that the presentation um there wasn't it wasn't negotiations going to happen it was this is the price and at first I didn't like that at all my initial reaction is okay we're going to go elsewhere or look elsewhere when when you're pitching us that we don't really have an option here especially in in front of the public uh but then speaking to our municipalities um they are still the best deal in town and good service and we should not uh even think about going anywhere else so it still pains me to to be treated in that manner uh how however I am seeing that maybe it's still the the best idea going forward and the last comment uh Capital Improvement funds phenomenal Shoring up the capital Improvement funds vehicle replacement makes sense uh you guys have already knocked out huge uh ladder truck engine which is is the most I do want to make sure that uh as we Shor those things up we we do focus on employee salaries also that if we are Shoring up these larger funds we make sure that we're Shoring up our employee salaries as far as being competitive um I know we're in fire negotiations now next year we're going to be in police and general employees I assume and I want to make sure we keep an emphasis on that and not just Shore up only um those Capital Improvement items I will you know just because I didn't touch on it when you talk about the capital uring those up you know I think there's still a part missing is that we you know we are not addressing yet the ctax money the loss of that and I think that's still that hasn't we we didn't address in the budget at this point um we do have $588,000 um and you'll see that in this fund that's that's set aside or i' say set aside it's left left over in the capital the capital projects fund that's the that's the remembrance Park funds so I know we talked about 650 the other part after we did all the ins and outs and and everything we have uh $73,000 that um is in our allocate to fund balance that if you put those two together we have $650,000 for remembrance Park you know in theory those funds after we do whatever we do with remembrance Park can be used to supplement the Ser tax funds so there there is some direction that we can go with that but that is one area that still needs to be shed up but I I hear you about the salaries understood thank you and I I guess I make I make that with the intention of capital Improvement infrastructure is an issue um but I want to make sure that we do focus on those employees and and if we have to give a little bit on a vehicle replacement fund that I have intentions or willingness to do so thank you Patrick um you goad okay um my comments uh is Jason mentioned you know thank you Jeremy and all the department heads tremendous job I know you said budgeting doesn't just start 90 days ago it's all year round so um we know that's a big part of your day and we don't always remember that so thank you the vehicle replacement fund I think it's a great initiative so congratulations on that the 403 the storm water fund the 5% increase I think that's okay um the 402 fund the refuse and recycle um I'm okay with that increase uh as was just discussed I think that's really where we have to go and where we need to go and based on the experience of other municipalities that have gone down and paying twice as much and getting half the collection dates uh we don't want to be there so while it hurts a little bit especially from a percentage standpoint it really looks exaggerated but I think it's where we need to be um my Jer I think it's slide 15 and slide 19 that the 301 Funda Park allocation it would be that 301 yeah I think slide 15 might have been the um you know that's the Excel spreadsheet like 15 I think 15 would have been this yeah further down yeah that one where so in that one we've got the TWA Park improvements for 931000 correct MH of which 340 is the appropriation from the state so we're in for roughly 590,000 there's the that ferda Grant and the Capital Improvements request for 150 now is that the the the appropriation is allocated just for the 340 is just for the planning purposes correct getting the plans drawn up that's right this the whole 931 is for the the planning of of the park of the park um how about the the 150 and the f app gr what is that available um I mean the list there's a there's a list some of it is I mean there's some safety lighting basketball courts it's a lot of like smaller smaller items that typically lend itself to the master plan okay um what concerns me about this um you know it's been our one of our Council priorities for the last two years that I've been involved with is getting this funding in you know we went for a million two and didn't get anything and then this year we went in for 6 00 and they cut us down to they got it in half to 340 and all this this allocation of the 931 is all for planning purposes what do we think the is it a rule of thumb that it's about say it's 10% of the overall project do we think we're going to have a a plan that's going to tell us we want we need $9 million yeah so I think so we did uh going back to the start of that we did a master plan for membrance Park and then we did like a estimate of probable cost and they came out with roughly like N9 9 something million dollar and so then we you know took and part of that there was a breakdown of what the planning cost was and that's what that's what they came up with and I forget the percentage but I'm guessing it was like right around 10% for for the planning cost and I think that's how we get the 931 okay my my concern with this is that we are going to develop a plan that's going to sit on the Shelf um and because we go back and say we it's $9 million and we ask for we ask for four and a half million and you know with us losing the with the the the sales tax sunsetting and that's about 700,000 year I mean I just don't see where we have $4 and half million dollars to go back um to do that so I just it it keeps me up at night and gives me a little bit of heartburn even though we've advocated for this for the past two years of going this and and I went with our mayor and with you and we went up and and Molly stood up in front of the legislative delegation and advocated for funding for this but I'm just concerned that we're going to have a plan that we can't ex we can't fund and we can't execute and we can take that $600,000 plus the 150 fer app Grant and perhaps maybe we can value engineer something over the next several years and keep that as a line item so I just wanted to throw that out there and see what the the feedback was and I apologize because this was on my mind at the last meeting we talked about the budget and um it it totally slipped my mind because I didn't see it specifically so I wanted to bring the reason I'm bringing up today is because I forgot to bring it up a month ago um and I just want to know if we can have dialogue in this environment in this chamber about does anybody else have that concern or I'm just worried that we're going to have a plan that we can't fully execute and we can't fully fund so I know I you know during the I think it was even before the first meeting you know I one one of my meetings with Jeremy I feel that 931 I mean that seems like very high cost for design for a park we're not designing structures like they so I almost say like we're gonna are we going to go out for multiple proposals for that design so first like I want to see what the numbers come in at with the proposals because I just think that's high for design cost for a park um so I want to see that CU I have the same question that's a pretty high number and when we were lobbying for the funding for the design we were very clear with everyone I spoke with like we will come back for requesting funds for construction if it gets that point um so that would be another Endeavor because again since it's a state- owned Park we don't want to flip the entire bill I think we should FP some of it but not all of it so we were very clear and our lobby has been very clear too like we'll be coming back for construction cost too when we get to that point um it is a big number so but but my gut was like let's see what the proposals come in at like we can budget for it see what the proposals come in at and go from there and then when it comes time for construction too I agree like you can value engineer it so you know if it's price tags too high let's scale it back a little bit and see you know where we can realize in savings so um yeah I mean it definitely cross my mind like so we had earlier conversations before our first meeting um but I think we should budget for it and again go through the RP see what the bids come in at and just kind of take it step by step okay thank you what does that look like uh post budget we come out and it's 600,000 instead do that 300,000 is coming back into the general fund you know what does that how does that actually work so these These funds are out of the capital Improvement fund so they're out of the ctax fund so you know if we if say we decide not to not to use that that 6590 of our own money it would just be in the ctax fun that we can use for capital projects and it would help stretch it out instead of ending in 20 December 25 we may have an extra you know be able to use it you know into 26 or whatever if we didn't use it um you know I think the other the other portion the second phase to it and I think we're talked about you know putting out for bid see if we get a lower price if we do get a lower price I think the part of the conversation should be you know I think a big reason why we had success this past year in even getting three 40 uh obviously the mayor did a lot of work but also being a we set some money aside to match and so then we got when we start talking about Capital Money like are we going to start setting some money aside so we'll be able to have a match to take to the state for future so I think there's that's got to be a part of the conversation if we're talking about not only you know asking the state for $4 half million dollar but are we going to put 10% aside to to match or 20 we I think we did 25% this last time so um you know that that'll be have to be a conversation that we know we're going to have to absorb some of that if we really want to have a good shot of of being successful at the state level makes sense thank you but do we the the planning process it's not my expertise where are we in that and where do we when do we think we'll get some feedback so we'll we what we're looking to if we get planning this year for the 931 nothing would happen until the 2526 budget if we had to go looking for State funding for construction right yeah yeah yeah it'll be at least one more year before we went to the state with with something like that because it's probably I think what he told me it was like a six to eight month like to get the plans you know drawn up and you know public feedback and all that and then so we'd be talking about the next funding cycle so the next budget cycle maybe in the Strategic plan we really we really talk about is that going to be a priority for us to set some money aside for matching so the 931 um our 591 but the 340 if that is available to us for how long we it was approved in this year this budget year the state appropriation so do we have to utilize that I think they I think they did put a a time limit on it I want to say it was let me go back and check I asked that question I got an answer and I can't remember what just to make sure that we that we if we have that at least for the planning purposes but for step one right mayor is just get the the RFP out for the proposals yeah design you feel that that number is a little bit high in it on your experience I do it just it seems like a lot based on what we're designing there um there's like there's no structures it shouldn't it just shouldn't be you're going to have some electrical work and drainage and stuff but it's not yeah it's just is pretty high for this I just wanted you know to throw that out there that that that's one one thing that keeps me up at night on this budget so that's a good point thank you I know we were using that rule of thumb to 10% so when you said that if we're talking two phases and four and a half million each phase we don't have enough for the first phase yeah and there's other grants too that I know our lobbyist has been looking out for for that um for construction too so you say it's not going to be a fast process like it's not like plans are done let's start construction it's going to be just like it took a what three years to get even get funding for just design so it's going to be it's a long haul kind of thing unfortunately I hate to say that those are since we don't you know want to fund it at this time Council doesn't seem in favor of funding it you know all ourselves so those are all the comments that I have at this time thank um just I'll just quickly comment on the on what we were just discussing I I tend to agree I think the number is a little high kind of caught me off guard but I I do also agree that I think we have to budget for that and just hope the number comes down um but that's the number we have right now so I that's what we need to include in the budget I'll hold my comments um or I can go now Molly if you want yep go ahead I think Vice mayor's was done okay I mine will be quick largely because I'm have a ticking Time Bomb behind me as a child um so no listen I think this you guys did a fantastic job staff everybody involved um I love you know I understand that it's going up by 6 month ion over last year but I I think what that 6 million is being going towards is are well um they they're great projects I mean the vehicle replacement fund I think is a fantastic idea which I shared you from the beginning Jeremy um you know the water fund kind of is what it is there's a lot of Capital Improvements we have to do there um and let's see what else I have here obviously great that we're with our general fund reserves love that we're continuing to hit our Target at 25% um yeah I think everything looks really good I have a few other small comments but um I I don't need to go in through all them I think they've all actually been discussed so yeah that's it all right thank you guys I'm going to mute it just for a minute but I'm listening okay thank you council member painter um I just have uh two quick things on the vehicle fund I had some of the same questions you did uh council member French so I think staff for elaborating on that a little more tonight and then one of my questions tooo that I talked about with Jeremy is you know now that we're establish this fund we need some kind of uh guidelines or policy on you know the replacement but I you know what they presented tonight which is for the most part you know the police cars are five years and then everything else rule of thumb um besides the um uh fire trucks and whatnot is a 12E cycle plus or minus so I thought that was reasonable like after hearing that and see in the spreadsheet I'm like I don't know if we really need a policy to go along with this fund um but so I'm comfortable with it you know how it is now and then I just wanted to follow up on some of my utility projects for the water fund the questions I had last time um one of them is I know the RO concentrate disposal is shown on 2025 but I think that is happening this year so should that be on 2025 or should we remove that that's 660,000 what slide was that oh I'm on page 23 of 67 of the agenda okay thank you marjerie Craig utilities director um we expect it to happen this year but just like um all dot projects sometimes there's um things get or County projects we sort of at the mercy of how the project goes so we put it we had put it in this year as well and so um just in case we'd put it in for next year um and but we do expect it to be done completed this year so you are correct all right is the contract issued for it we have the contract ready we are ready to go as soon as do says get over here and and put your concentrate line in permanently so we're waiting on them and this is the Jupiter bascal Bridge Project so whenever they're ready for us we are ready to go you guys were great he brought it to the June Council y'all were supportive we have um the contractor in place they're you know we're in uh contact with the OT on pretty much a weekly basis hey we're ready to go so I think if the timing works out and we you know they get to go ahead August or even really early September then we will remove it from the proposed budget because it'll be getting done right now so but it all depend on you know when we have to publish the agenda and budget and all that but just depends on when they started because they I think you know we thought they'd be going already now I think maror was saying they they told us August so if they get going on that project then we don't have to budget for in next year's budget okay that's correct it's just I've been doing it a long time and I've seen it stretch out you know okay no matter what our best efforts are we're still at the mercy of others a lot of times what would happen is if if it didn't happen this year the money that we had budgeted for will roll into the reserves and then it'll be budgeted for and we would pull from the reserves to fund it for the next year which is what what we have budgeted to do so it's a I don't want to say semantics because that's not not a good word but I think just Logistics probably is depends on when they pull the trigger for that project will be if we remove the $600,000 from the proposed budget that you have in front of you okay that kind of goes into my next question that I asked last time um was making sure that we were just had a high level of confidence with the 2025 um Capital project cash flow there because we have 14.8 million for 2025 and it drops down to 5.3 million in 2026 I know this year we've had 11 million plus or minus that didn't happen and is hitting next year now so I just want to really make sure we have a high of confidence that as it relates with schedule of the project including design you know planning how long you know any permits are going to take especially with others that we are waiting on often that um because then I know sometimes you said some of the pipe Replacements are like 18 to 24 month projects so I just want to make sure that we've really you know taken a sharp eye to this and we're confident that most these projects are going to hit in 2025 I do understand that some of the cost might roll over if the contracts cut in 2025 that whole amount needs to be shown there and we might have some roll over but um in light of just some of the projects that have been pushed and you know we spent a lot of time on the fee analysis and increas increasing the fees and adding that Capital recovery charge I just want to make sure we're we're really you know as spot on as we can be I know at the end of the day it is a projection but um just that there's a high level of confidence there yes mayor we We Believe that we can get those through now we won't spend all of the money um in one year sometimes but you have to allocate um in in my career we've always had to allocate all the money in one year you award it in that one year but the spend might be over uh two years it's just like the water main number four project where we approved it two years ago and it took a year before we could actually start start it because the delay uh due to requirements for the state revolving loan uh fund we got a particular requirements and then the um uh just the delay in the supply chain it took 18 weeks it was crazy I've never seen anything like it okay all right those are my only questions otherwise yeah just kudos to to staff and everything I know we have a couple more meetings to go I think we close and I said this has probably been one of the um best uh budget cycles for me so far we you know haven't really been um under the gun and we're in a good place with our reserves now so it kind of feels really good and it's really kudos to all the hard work you guys do so thank you all right any other Council comments or questions I no man any public comment okay with that can I get a motion to adjourn so move second all in favor I I thank you Patrick see you Patrick see you for thank you everyone I apologize for not being there a