[Music] listen what a that's a monstrous Yeti water thing you have there Pat no it doesn't fit in any cup holders either so it's I know I have one like that that's the only one and it rolls around the front seat of the car so they make this goes in the cup holders that that cost probably more than that yeah I know I didn't mean to order such a big one but I like it for days when I'm like I'm like an event or something or and I know like I just have an aqu for agree it is pretty aggressive though yeah but I let me see my text real quick yeah man she's on way it's going you're getting close we getting there be March JY okay maybe introduction what when Lor gets back start okay you sorry you see these pictures of jup Island the houses like getting ready to fall in the water I think it's Kid Rock's house so give you some perspective there's the inlet there's the house there I me look at that it is literally just piling those are old pilings yeah somebody sent me that I think it's somebody said Kid Rock's house it's um all right good evening everyone I'd like to call this meeting to order it is 6:01 p.m. February 8th 2024 and it's our regular council meeting Lori can I get roll call Mayor here may brand council member P here Council M here Council here thank you and I will Le the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance tonight so God as we converse tonight I want to thank you for the respect we have on the dis and in our community which is the Cornerstone upon which our interactions are built let our words be guided by the appreciation for the different perspectives that enrich our discussions with each exchange let us honor the uniqueness of every individual and through this invocation of respect let us Foster an environment where every voice is heard and valued amen amen you could please rise for the [Music] pledge I pledge ALG to the flag of the United States of America the for it stands one nation indivisible liy and justice for all can I get a motion to approve the tonight's agenda so move second all in favor I right uh presentations tonight our first item is a proclamation proclaiming March 3rd through 9th 2024 as National Association of women in construction week I do not believe is anyone here to accept the proclamation so we won't read that one into the record right and the second item is a proclamation proclaiming March as lit move Palm Beach County month where the village ofce andal organ that work andur vies was found to out to techology and arts whereas digital Vibes partners with the Palm Beach Foundation annually toost the let's move commit to change physical activity challenge countywide initiative that focuses on physical activity nutrition and healthy behaviors whereas digital Vibes Inc the Palm Health Foundation present the annual challenge which takes place annually from March 1st through 31st and encourages individuals within and Beyond Palm Beach County to take charge of their health by participating in fun fitness exercises whereas the let's move initiative was introduced on a national level by First Lady Michelle Obama in 2010 with the goal of decreasing childhood obesity throughout the United States due to the fact that nearly one in three children in the United States are overweight or over and if the problem persists onethird of all children born in 2000 or later will suffer from diabetes at some point in their lives or will face other obesity related health problems such as heart disease high blood pressure asthma and cancer whereas digital Vibes in the Palm heel Foundation invite all residents to take the challenge to move by forming teams registering online committing to exercising for at least 30 minutes a day throughout the month of March and logging their minutes on the let's moov website in 2012 Palm Beach County logged 100,000 minutes in the first year of the challenge and we have met the challenge each year since rising in 2023 to over 100 million minutes long now therefore be it proclaimed by the village of Testa doeses hereby recognize the month of March as let's new Palm Beach County month and urges all citizens to join us in moving to improve their Fitness mental health and overall health thank you Lori and I believe the village of Desta is going to participate this year and create a team so everyone can be on the lookout for that information um on our social media platforms once it gets set up all right moving on to the consent a genda um any Council comments on the consent agenda I just have um two quick things for really just for transparency I know we had um agenda item seven and agenda item 8 one was um not budgeted for this fiscal year it was a rollover from last year and then another um potentially could be over budget and we might need to do a budget amendment in the future I know when we had agreed to increase um the manager's authorization from 25,000 to $ 75,000 that if it was over budget or if it was uh not budgeted for that it would go on the regular agenda but um but for I mean Jeremy maybe you can elaborate but I think since it was rollover we decided not to we discussed just one just for transparency I want to get that on record so so none of these are over budget we have $800,000 in renewal and replacement um that first item the $58,000 for a tank is we have $800,000 we spent $443 at this point out of that $800,000 um so uh at this point it's not over budget if we get to a point where we're over budget we will um so it's under the 75,000 threshold and the number eight was U you know we we started out the budget process 18 months ago or give or take a little bit and we estimated $220,000 it came out of $33,000 that's pretty um I don't want to say normal but you know with with inflation and everything that's been going on trying to lock down a a price is is tough so um right now we've only spent $110,000 we have $120,000 budget in that account and so uh we're not over budget on that line item either okay so maybe I know on the um on the wording maybe next time could help a little bit because it does say a budget amendment may have to be made later in the year so again I think we talked about it um before I just want to have it on record for transparency because we did have that agreement and is there any public comment on the consent agenda bless you all right can I get a motion so moved second all in favor I I all right next up Comm Communications from citizens Lor do you want your cards tonight how are you good good your name than you for listening um I'm here today um I live at 30 East Wind Circle Testa across from the Testa Country Club and I'm here with some neighbors to um we have some concerns of Pardon I'm sorry your address again I didn't hear where you're out 30 East Winds East okay thank you yeah my concerns are for the lots that um the country club owns are 176 177 178 and 179 they're proposing to develop their country club bigger and they're going to they want to move their pickle ball courts to that side of the property and our concerns is the noise it's it's concerns of property values there's a lot of concerns and I I I don't know if they've came to the town yet for their proposal but I'm hearing it all and I'm just want to voice my opinion that you know we're not in favor at all because of that and and even there there's four Lots there are four residential lots so it's got to be really considered from Council when they do come here of our concerns and with that that's that's why I came here today is to my concerns of what's going to take place place here in the next few months thank you thank you than you and just I know um have we received application for that project yet no ma'am okay so uh if and when we do there will be uh a public NOS for that and so I you know encourage anyone who has interest in that to attend that meeting as well you have the planning and zoning and then a council meeting thank you very much thank you any other public comment okay all right moving on Communications from Council um yes thank you mayor um nothing specific about the the the village but I just want to take a moment to address those that are here in the chambers and those that may be watching online and just reemphasize to them one of our roles up here on the council is to monitor what happens above us things that take place in Tallahassee and our mayor has been fantastic about being up there and advocating at the state level with this leue of cities with Palm Beach County I attended this year um but there's a lot of things that are happening up there that will that tremendously can impact our ability to raise revenue and to to have revenue generated here you know there's things that are happening where um they might take away our ability to surcharge extra territorial Water Service which to the tune of over half a million dollars uh an extra uh homestead exemption impact us to about $350,000 the ability for Enterprise funds to generate excess money to go back to operating fund which some of that can be pledged for Debt Service and bond service so you know we could look at a million dollars that could just come out of our budget based on what's happening in Tallahassee so that's a concern and I want to thank Jeremy um Allen our village manager for being on top of it on a daily basis but those are the things that that happen behind the scene that we don't talk about up here but I think it's important that our village residents need to know that you know we fight every day for you not just here within the village but at tallah and and and Beyond cuz the things that are happening up there right now are very very very scary so I just want to let you know that we are fighting for you I appreciate what our our village management team does to to keep us informed of the stuff they do so thank you AES can I add can I add that Lori McWilliams does a a great job of helping put together letters and things too just for the rec yeah thank you Lori nothing for me tonight I would just take this opportunity to let everybody uh remember that we have Arty gr on the 17th and 18th and it would be a good uh family fun thing to do if you're interested I'm good mayor okay thank you moving on to standing reports Village attorney um thank you mayor just to I know the mayor knows but let the rest of the council know I had the privilege of speaking on the opening night of uh our third um residence Academy last night looks like a really good class and I always have a great time talking um to those folks who show an interest in what we do and this year one of one of the class uh attendees is Mom of one of my old high school friends so made that reconnection last night and that was nice too uh other than that I don't have anything else for you unless you have any questions for me so I see some of the uh class attendees in tenant here tonight so thank you for being here all right moving on Village attorney I'm a village manager okay sick uh we offered them extra credit and they came tonight a couple of them so um just a few things the I know we've talked about the tree canopy replacement project that's that we issued a notice to proceed for March 4th uh so we'll see we have put out some notice about U what's going to be taking place with that project um and then we have a couple new business that did ribbon cutting today uh spy glass Dermatology and Nemo um in the josos um spot there and then we start we'll in the budget process we um approved a parking study for the R3 R2 and mixed use that will start next week so hopefully by the end of the month or early next month we'll have the final results of that and be able to decide what action to take after that with that you have my report thank you any questions comments all right Police Department good evening Council mayor vice mayor manager City attorney and city clerk uh for the month of January you have our reports I would like just to highlight a few items uh this past January 20th we had our civilian firearm safety course once beginning went very well our next uh two courses are February 17th and March 2nd so uh which are already full so we're uh looking at filling classes into April and May now we've had a lot of sign up here late recently so we're very happy about that for training uh we have Sergeant YZ he's currently in San Jose California training with their Police Department with own firearms and our we will continue to have man manate Patrol up until the end of March so besides that that's things I wanted to highlight this month any questions Council no question comment I think I should address it here versus some other because I don't want to take any action on it um I've been talking to a lot of people for the process that I'm going through and um a big concern are the ebikes that are out there I know they're here to stay um and I want to applaud our Police Department because it's a comes into Enforcement issue uh and somebody here in the room this evening um did did the right thing pulled over these young children that are about 10 12 years old that don't know the rules of the road that are riding these ebikes that go faster than motorcycles uh and it's dangerous and I think it's going to continue to be dangerous and I just want to I wanted to bring up the enforcement of it and it was very happy to see on my street that it was happening um so thank you for that but it is a concern that I think that we've got 12-year-olds that don't know the rules of the road basically riding a motorcycle yes sir we're continue to enforce the ebikes and try to educate our resid thank you for that I mean it was very it was and it was the right way the way it was approached and he said hey let me just tell you what how you have to do this and it was very good so thank you to your team for doing that yes any other Council comments or questions no all right thank thank you next up fire department good evening mayor vice mayor Village councel Mr manager Village attorney and Village clerk uh you do have my report for January again I following in the footsteps of the PD I'm going to highlight a couple of things uh first of all we did send three three of our Personnel to uh fire rescue East Conference up in up in Orlando uh they were able to go over some rapid intervention training there which I think was is highly important for fire rescue and our firefighter safety uh we also started fire hydrant testing so if you see our guys out testing hydrant it's something we do every year uh one it assures a a sound water supply and two uh there's nothing better you know as far as learning where the fire idn are than be an outstanding next to one so I think it helps uh in both cases uh upcoming training we have two of our members firefighter Trotter and firefighter pal attending the Palm Beach County Driver operators course that's part of our Emergency Services agreement with the county they provide the training for free so we'll be sending two of our firefighters there for two weeks and that's going to tie in very well with the arrival of our new truck and I'll get into that here in a second before I get into that though I want to announce that we're going to have our first CPR day that's going to be at the community center this is being organized and run by our non-combat firefighter training train or non-combat firefighter program so these are primarily former firefighters that still want to give back to the community so they come in on their own time and they they work the desk and they help us out with special events in this case they're organizing it they're running it they're providing the boots onr at the event we'll provide a little bit of oversight with one of our instructors and that's it but we expect to uh do this every year from here on out um now on to that truck so we went to Ohio I think you guys know that and um we'll just say the truck did very well it's in excellent shape it's it's beautiful um it is already here in Florida it's on Fort Meyers our team is going over next Thursday and Friday um to meet with the south Florida emergency vehicles team and at that point what they're going to do is they're going to talk about where all the brackets go that hold all the equipment best way to lay out the trucks so that when the truck comes to us it's completely done you'll notice on some of the pictures there um you don't see logos or Graphics or anything like that that's where the graphics and the logos go on as well so we make sure everything's done right and um they've got a an excellent team over there I think we've got an excellent team going over um one other thing I will point out our team that is going out over is Captain Gary Harris firefighter Chris wilh home and firefighter Caleb Preston U I'm going to point out Caleb Preston's only been with us two years uh much like we did with the ladder truck this is an eye on the future uh we took a young firefighter that was up and coming and we asked him to go to Ohio with us and then in this case we're also sending them to Fort Meers so um we're we're looking at we actively try to groom the future so with that I'll conclude my report you have any questions Council thank you Chief thank you okay thank you right next utilities department so there's a lot in the report um but we'll move to the pictures pictures worth a thousand maybe in this case a million words so you can see that that the those storage tanks look like they have need a haircut um but the very last picture they're all clean so everybody's very happy about that thank you very much for your support um we also have just so you know for the water treatment plant project or water treatment plant water main project number four with B&B and constr construction they did the directional boore uh and like the first week that where they mobilized um um and that was December 22nd and it's going to be probably at least another week but their project manager has resigned and so we're meeting with them tomorrow to have another precon with a new project manager and um We'll advise in the weekly blast when they're going to start um with the hand digging and and the the rest of the project as well but we we have started and they've submitted their their payment for that work um so moving to the dashboard um you see the monthly revenue and the cumulative we're moving like right along um consumption the cross connection control is bumped up just a little bit and we are going to bring uh our little our plan and what we're recommending to you in a workshop within the next few months and then uh also uh we brought the accounts receivable draft ordinance to you in January and I believe that Finance is going to bring um a new protocol for accounts receivable and then we'll bring our ordinance back the month after that do you have any questions I have none I have none thank you a quick question on the Beach Road water m one of those was that the one that got delayed wasn't there one that got delayed last year on beach show or or was there not want to be show delayed so where we are on Beach Road is that we did uh put it in for request for inclusion with the EP and was supposed to go to the February meeting for D and D said this was not on the list of projects for the original submitt for that was the business plan whatever was submitted to EP yeah for the srf and looking at what was submitted it it wasn't specifi which whichever one it was like a link of pipe and we should have been able we should have been able to do that because it was almost the equivalent length of pipe we're just going to go ahead and submit a new application we're going to do whatever they're requesting us to do okay and it appears you're maybe there's something that the County's holding up I guess my question was is that that if it um the next meeting is in May if we if it gets pushed to that do you think that project I know that's it's really out of our control is that project still GNA happen this year you think then or we can bid it that was a discussion that I wanted to to have with Jeremy we can go ahead and bid it um I mean there's a low risk that the EP would turn the project down for inclusion in May after we've revised the documents it's pretty low risk um I my recommendation with be that we do bid it uh and within a few weeks from now if possible I think we need to get the project done it's not only the the replacement project but it's also a hydraulic uh project um with the change in Project managers you know I'm I'm just I'm trying to make sure that we're moving along with everything and okay that would be my recommendation all right thank you for the update on that one thank you all right and then moving on to the Reg regular agenda under old business item number 17 which is ordinance number 19-23 a second reading of some amendments to chapter one to uh amend them to the Florida building code thank you mayor ordinance 1923 in ordinance of the Village Council of the village of taquesta Florida amending the code of ordinances at chapter 14 buildings and building regulations Article 2 buildings section 14-32 to adopt chapter 1 administration of the Florida building code AS amended and ordance with the requirements of section 55373 Florida Statutes providing findings of fact providing for transmission of this ordinance of the Florida building commission providing direction to the Village manager to assure that this ordinance is made available to the general public in a usable format providing each and every other section subsection of chapter 14 shall remain full force and effect as previously adopted providing a conflicts Clause s ver ability Clause authority to codify an effective data and for other purposes thank you and I don't think no one's here to uh present anything from the building department we don't typically do reading but here can help answer some questions if there are but typically we don't present on the second reading so and there are no edits from what council approved on first reading it's the same I have no comments no comments no comments any public comment right can I get a motion so moved second all in favor I under new business agenda item 18 consider approval of a contract agreement with Johnson and Davis Incorporated for emergency utility repairs for Water waste water and storm water Doug good evening mayor vice mayor council this item is a request to piggy pack the City of Lake Worth emergency utility contract Johnson and Davis was awarded a competitively bid contract with the city of lak worth uh if this contract is executed this agreement would be utilized for essential services in the event of a hurricane or some other disaster executing this contract is not a guarantee of work it's just to have a contract in place we have uh several other contracts conts in place we have mutual Aid agreements with Palm Beach County and we also have um debris hauling contracts with three separate contractors as well this is just a good contract to have as a placeholder if we need it y Doug I have a question for you yes in regard to both of these uh you know items 18 and 19 I have piggy backing one uh for Johnson and and Davis and the other in regard to Johnson and Davis for Martin County um are these um in addition to or in Li of piggybacking a Palm Beach County similar type of uh uh contract that they may have yeah this is an addition to in addition to so yeah for for example let's say we have a major storm event in Palm Beach County or multiple counties everybody's going to jump on a list excuse me on a list with Palm Beach County for services so for us to have our own independent contract with another local contractor know Johnson Davis lives here in the community in taquesta that's a nice contract and a nice contact to have yeah that's great I'm all for you and Margie and Jeremy having maximum flexibility I was just curious if this mint Palm Beach County didn't have a competive document anymore for no we still have mutual Aid agreements through um Public Safety with pach County thank you I'm there right just a quick question I know that I I believe they've done emergency work for us before some emergency repairs I mean have did you compare the cost to that was it comparable to kind of work they've done in the past I know I mean econom is a skill I know lots of times with stuff like this we piggyback because the pricing we get is going to be much higher than uh larger municipality I was just curious if you check like pricing from the previous work they did yeah yes absolutely like like you said it's competitively bid so it is a fair price and if you take this contract and align it with another contract we have with wining Sons for Construction Services it's right in line with that pricing and that's a Palm Beach County contract as well okay yeah right thank you you're welcome any public comment Council I have no can I get a motion make a motion approve I'll second that all in favor I moving on agenda item 19 consider approval of piggy backing Martin County infrastructure construction and maintenance contract with Johnson and Davis Yes again this is a separate contract not necessarily for emergencies just for construction services and maintenance contract with Johnson and Davis this was comp compatibly bid as well with in Martin County um a contract like this would be very helpful for us for service serves that are needed possibly at Testa Park in Martin County a lot of our Palm Beach County contractors do not want to go over to Martin County and obtain permits through Martin County so this is a contract in place we do have some work coming up at um Testa Park and we would utilize this contract for those services for those projects and again this executing this contract is not a guarantee of work it's just to have a contract in place okay thank you Council no comments thank you com thank you any public comment can I get a motion I move we approve the uh piggy backing of Martin County infrastructure construction and maintenance contract with Johnson and Davis Incorporated second all in favor I I all right and with that I think this is about our fastest council meeting ever on any other matters Council stret no nothing for me no I'm good thank you I have nothing I'm good mayor go all right and with that can get a motion to adjourn so moved second all in favor is it like for those in Academy they're always that quick they never this quick is that technically less than 30 minutes yeah the 11:35 meeting I was like oh God scr yeah