abely I a pro MO you're still e is the dongle in your computer I have a microphone you know I get nervous all right good evening everyone it's 6:02 p.m. I'd like to call this meeting to or order it is our May 9th 2024 regular council meeting Lori can I get roll call please mayor Molly young here vice mayor Rick Sartori here council member Lorie Brandon here council member Patrick painer here council member Jason French here thank you the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance will be led by vice mayor RI please bow your heads to your heavenly father as We Gather this evening to discuss the business and the future of our village let us invoke the spirit of unity respect and gratitude as we strive to serve the residents businesses and employees of taquesta please place your protective hands over all of our employees especially our First Responders at selflessly risk their lives to protect each and every one of us many of whom they will never meet with all the trials and tribulations in the world today let us be mindful that we are gathered here this evening to make our village Village the very best it can be for all that call it their home and as as we approach Mother's Day please lift up each of our moms whether they are with us or watching us from heaven above all these things we pray in your name amen amen stand I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America to the for it stands one nation God indis liy and justice for all hey can I get a motion to approve tonight's agenda so move second all in favor I I first up under presentations we have a proclamation proclaiming May 19th through 25th as EMS week in the village of Desta laori 50th Anniversary EMS week May 19th through 25th 2024 whereas Emergency Medical Services is a vital public service and whereas the members of Emergency Medical Services teams are ready to provide life-saving care to those in need 24 hours a day 7 days a week whereas access to Quality Emergency Care dramatically improves the survival and recovery rate of those who experience sudden illness or injury whereas Emergency Medical Services has grown to fill a gap by providing important outof hospital care including preventative medicine followup care and access to Tele medicine whereas the Emergency Medical Services System consists of First Responders emergency medical technicians paramedics emergency medical dispatchers firefighters police officers Educators administrators prehospital nurses emergency nurses emergency physicians trained members of the public and other outof hosp Medical Care Providers whereas the members of Emergency Medical Services teams whether career or volunte ER engage in thousands of hours of specialized training and continuing education to enhance their life-saving skills whereas it is appropriate to recognize the value and the accomplishments of Emergency Medical Services providers by designating Emergency Medical Services week thank you and I'm sure all Council would agree that you know um Emergency Medical Services and our Public Safety is uh vital and critical um to provide to our residents so and we know our community loves you we love you and thank you for everything you do for us okay on to the consent agenda can I get a motion to approve the consent agenda so moved second all in favor I I hey Communications from citizens Lori do you have any cards u Mark Sean my name is Mark Superior I live in the country club um last month the council reorganized and decided to switch Lorie Brandon out of vice mayor position to my view that decision was a mistake it was unjust and it does not correspond to what residents would have done underlying this mistake in part perhaps was a misinterpretation of the recent election the most Salient fact of the last election cycle was that no one challenged Lor Brandon all the other candidates who presented themselves Drew Challengers from the village most importantly Lori Brandon is more qualified for this role and so more deserving of it she has a long record of selfless service to the village and not just on the council even before serving on the council Mrs Brandon often helped the village by taking on many of the little tasks that make life and Community better for everyone even if they don't reap public recognition also she knows the village very well she has engaged for years all the important discussions affecting the life of the village and her voting record is easily one of the best in the last 10 years in the perspective of prioritizing the interests of the village sometimes that meant voting against a fashionable interest or her colleagues and that takes courage and Leadership Mrs Brandon is not a politician she has earned through her record the trust of residents I always know she is using her judgment for the interests of the village and never for a personal interest and residents appreciate that so I'm making this comment to thank Lori Brandon for her service to encourage her to keep up the good work I know that the vice mayor title is mostly honorific it was appropriate it was an appropriate honorific for her Prov and commitment to the Village regardless of titles certainly Mrs Brandon continues to have the trust and the supportive to Quest the residents to the council I would encourage you through your actions like this one to promote better in the village a culture of leadership through service rather than politics I read recently words to the effect that the mark of leadership is the ability to prioritize the common good over personal Advantage Lori Brandon exemplifies this disposition and I think it would be good for the village if the council would recognize the value in that thank you thank you Aaron actus good evening um I didn't know I would be speaking so soon I put my came in late um I'm not sure who is Lori Lori hi congratulations on that um I am a resident of Jupiter um I'm an avid vote watcher so it's interesting that that was his topic um I have decided to come to the municipal meetings as many as I can get to to break down your precincts and what it looks like for your municipality because I have noticed on your website you don't really provide that information so I was hoping um this would kind of open your eyes to maybe providing more information to your resident regarding their uh Municipal elections and also the presidential election which has happened um so as far as I know I believe you have how many precincts do you have do you know cuz I think I believe you have six um you you have three minutes to speak so just finish um okay well I believe you have six precincts and out of those the demographics that I come up with I look on the supervisor of elections website I also look at the Department of State website so all of this is all just um public information some of it is public records as well um so from what I've gathered your demographics of your uh six precincts you have 4,397 potential vter voters um in this election your vote by mail turnout you had 900 I mean I'm sorry 492 for your early voting you had sorry um I believe it's 22 or 100 102 I have to use a different font I think for my numbers um for election day you had 688 that is a to Grant total of 1,282 voters who participated in either the municipal or the the um primary which we can't really tell the difference I can't that would be more information I would have to get through public records that's a 29% turnout so hopefully with this information you can encourage your residents to improve their turnout um preferably on Election Day uh we're finding that there is the security and um chain of custody for vote by mail is very um uh it's not very doesn't have a lot of confidence um we're also investigating early voting and some of those so we we recommend voting election day of course getting there early if you can and helping some of your neighbors also attend so thank you for your time and if I have any questions I'll send you some information by email if you like thank you and I think um the clerk's office would be appropriate if you want to is the contact information on the card okay thank you thank you y than you Saxon hi good evening um public servants of the village of Testa my name is Mickey Isaacson I live in Palm Beach County thank you for letting me speak tonight most of what I have to share are a lot of questions and I'm not expecting answers tonight but hope that you can reply by future public records request or email could you tell me what your municipality has to do with the Florida League of cities did you know that there that this is a national league of cities is that tied to the crown that is a one- party rule from the top level down to the States do you Outsource all of or some of the Municipal elections and do you Outsource all of the federal elections to the Palm Beach County s soe on your website it looks like that this year you had three election seats 1 3 and five and you only ran one of them through the supervisor of elections tabulation Center the other two officials look to be tapped into positions and not elected the one selected you did run through the S soe happens to be Wendy sator Link's brother who won seat five for vice mayor is that a conflict of interest do you advertise for the village of to Quest of positions or do you tap in and select whom you want to be in these positions the sensus shows the village of Desta is 6,000 people with approximately 4,800 voters if you take, 1500 persons per Precinct you would need three to four precincts however I noticed you have six could you manage your precincts down to a maximum of four and save money do you give a clean list of your 4800 voters to the supervisor of elections so your municipality has a clean voter role since you collect the taxes utilities etc for your city you would say you would have an accurate list of legal valid citizens so you know your roles would be clean or do you allow thee to get the voter roll list from an electric site that electronic site that can be corrupted through the internet and software if you are Outsourcing your voter roll list to the soe do you verify that the voter roll list she accepts signatures on for her certificates of ballots and voters are clean do you pay a separate fee to let the S soe handle your elections and do you sign a special annual agreement how much do you pay the S soe per the agreement do you know the S soe's budget for handling elections in Palm Beach County annually annually almost 22 million for 39 municipalities besides the money she gets from the municipalities to handle their local elections and she's asking for an increase in an additional 14 million for a total of 39 million for this year for elections do you ask for annual review of her budget that the Commissioners approve and provide to the supervisor of elections uh she recently secured a new space to handle all electronic equipment voting machines tabulators vote by mails chain of custody with the ability to steal votes who's paying for this building would it be necessary if every municipality handled their own elections um I would say that you have you can take back your elections and I have a lot more to say but um I'll can email it to you and uh you should consider doing your own elections by paper ballots and Counting at your PR St level thank you and again the clerk's office is best for that so you guys can exchange information or uh you can reach the clerk's office from our website and they can get you some answers or um guide you through a public records request if that's necessary okay thank you very EXC good evening greetings Village of taquesta public servants my name is Candace roas I reside in Palm Beach County and I'm here today to put you all on notice as a sovereign American and requests for your Oaths and bonds which I have here this is Step 104 to activate the military the Constitution states that all of the Power not some of the power belongs to the people it also states that fraud vitiates everything AB anicio I'm here to boldly intercede for those without a voice defend the Constitution and restore the Republic if you've not already heard there is a changing of the Gard happening a paradigm shift is taking place all across the nation no more generation generational political nepotism no more secret societies controlling the masses no more appointed board members via a tap of a secret handshake from secret societies the facade of power and control from fake leadership is over tonight this leads me to mention your published election results from your own governmental website the only race that was listed is Wendy Link's brother seat five vice mayor sori however seat one and seat three were renewed by the tap without an election from We the People if this was not advertise this is actually criminal did you know that Palm Beach county is an illegal foreign corporation called the Palm Beach County Charter with a 200 Page home Rule Charter where you create your own own rules to impose regulations and fines upon the people and Village of taquesta is part of that Charter there's no documentation proving certification of your elections your village is a member of the league of cities which seems to be of a conflict of interest with your duties to We the People does the league of cities equal United Nations or the world economic Forum therefore each of you whether you are elected appointed or selected or your staff you have have no valid or legal Oaths or bonds fraud vitiates everything you do not follow the Constitution or common law instead you're operating under maritime law following fake statutes that benefit your own narrative to control your constituents your town leaders are not transparent and you have no accountability to the people you're not working for the people currently there are foxes guarding the hen house you charge illegal taxes fines and fees during the 2020 covid pandemic you committed crimes against humanity by locking people down closing public spaces and businesses and promoting death vaccines that restricted those who opposed them we have not forgotten the Tyranny and treason that was committed in 2020 thank you thank you thank you the clerk please thank you I'm sorry Laura with any more cards okay any other assist and comment okay moving on to Communications from Council Council uh yes I have one I recently visited uh Sarasota and um in the University Town Center I was there for a rowing regard with my daughter and I came upon the bal Harbor uh freestanding shopping that we spoke about not too long ago and I just wanted to report back to the council kind of what I gathered from there in case one day it does come back um they did a great job with the the area it was clean it was organized uh it was high in restaurant with high-end shopping that uh changed during the weeks um it was well done professionals um it's absolutely different area that it was in Sarasota it's University Town Center if You' never been there it's it's a really cool facility and uh shopping area I guess um for myself there wasn't really any uh shopping I was going to be doing there but I I could see the draw if you went to those type of high-end stores it was done very well very clean and it is a large um area that it takes up with the shipping containers and once you're inside you don't really feel like you're in a a shipping container environment of the courtyard and that was all thanks thanks for sharing no reports mayor nothing uh nothing except happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there oh thank you all right appointments agenda item 7 resolution 1024 uh providing annual board and committee appointments and reappointments turn to serve on I forgot I have a new microphone thank you um we had two other applicants as well Jessica Buckman and Marie sairi um we also have a regular member position on the general employee uh pension board that is um ministerially approved by coun it that position is the fifth member of the board and the the pension board votes for that member and they did vote to um retain Mr rhs on that board um the same with the public safety pension board this is um one regular member position appointed solely by the pension board and that person is Peter Allen so the two pension boards are ministerially approved by y'all um but you do need to decide who you would like to fill the Planning and Zoning Board position thank you all right I'll open up for discussion on the Planning and Zoning Board position I don't have any further comment or discussion on the current Teresa maio if Teresa would like to stay in her position I actually would support that this time that's it okay yeah I would agree with that given her um her record of attendance and participation um I think it it could make sense assuming she wants to stay on to keep her on but uh I agree uh keeping Miss maio on although Miss Buckman and Miss superi are very qualified candidates and very involved in the village so thank you okay and my apologies usually I know we call the candidates up I think we know you three so well by now so I that lit my mind do you do you guys want to say anything I apologize about that no you're good okay is there any public comment no sure come up I live in the country club I think I know which way you're going and I support it completely as I explained in my I would just when there's a vacancy I would like to be promoted absolutely thank you thank you were there any cards on this item no okay right Council can I get a motion to approve the appointment of Teresa so move second and and the administrative yes if you could also appointments for the general employee pension board and the public safety pension board add those two as well so moves second all in favor I I standing report Village attorney no report tonight mayor Village manager uh a couple things I know there's been there you see a lot of orange cones out there which are you know I say problematic but I guess an inconvenience uh the sidewalk project on seab Brook uh we're anticipating that that to be uh about a 30-day project the water main on Country Club that project will be ongoing through through August we're we're trying to minimize any impact on on the community uh we're seeing the skate park um that'll be closed starting next week as we're will'll be starting to upgrade the skate park it's not going away we're just improving the skate park as approved in the budget um Rememberance Park uh groundbreaking is on the 14th starting at 9:00 excited about that not too many times the community gets open a new park um and we're lucky enough to be be doing that next week so we hope they'll be able to come out um just a couple of other uh meetings come up plan zoning meeting on May 16th uh The Village Hall will be closed on May 27th um with that uh last one we do have uh we have uh received three more six more applications but three more trees that we're putting in as part of our adopted tree program so good success that we're starting to see with that you any questions or comments for manager no okay Police Department chief evening Council uh before you you have my report for the month of April just a couple of highlights I want to touch on uh the coffee with a cop and the sh rant with Lor's uh people is uh a phenomenal event a lot of people came out to shed their stuff and at the same time meet some of their officers vice mayor thank you for coming you came out that day uh the civilian firearm safety course continues we have another class coming this Saturday is filled uh we have two more dates in June which will be the last ones and we have a couple of spots open that people that canceled so if you know of anyone please have them contact Maria uh my office manager and we'll be happy to fit them in in regards to some training all officers were trained under axon taser use as well as officer Pro became a taser instructor uh background investigations detective dasta and detective rousel attended and we'll be ready for Saturday's event of bridge the gap event we'll have our officers Lieutenant small will be leading that so that's it for my report thank you thank you anything the chief right next up Fire Department chief tro good evening mayor vice mayor Village Council Mr manager Village attorney Village clerk uh you you do have my report in front of you couple of the highlights I want to go over um over the last month U first of all EMS inspections uh we were visited by both the state and the county uh the county actually completed theirs today and uh again we passed for flying colors no discrepancies no issues so I'm proud of our team that uh takes care of that for us we uh held our Swiftwater one and two class in conjunction with dive rescue International we had firefighters uh that attended from as far away as Tampa and I think some south of Brower County as well as having a couple of our members go through uh in addition to this our current Swiftwater uh team members were able to get uh renewed renewed training uh Life Scan physicals they were held uh here this last week and all of our firefighters were able to go through the Life Scan physicals so we're anxiously awaiting results but um unofficially I think we put it pretty good so we're excited about that we of course had our pushin ceremony for the new engine so that that occurred on the 6th here on Monday uh so we were able to do the push in ceremony and of course we we were thrilled with the turnout and uh everybody coming out and supporting the fire department uh of course the pushing ceremony dates back uh 150 years at least uh back to the days of H drawn fire apparatus uh when the firefighters literally had to push the apparatus back into the bay upon returnal from the call so now we use it uh as a way to celebrate the arrival of new apparatus new equipment and uh honor the tradition in the past uh I'm happy to announce I've got two members of the fire department attending Palm Beach County fire rescues Lieutenant officer development Academy so firefighters Chris wiholm and firefighter Zach wer are currently there right now actually I'm sure they're sure they're in gear sweating somewhere so we're very proud of them and then last I'm just going to leave you with this um not our favorite topic but hurricane season is around the corner so as your emergency manager we started doing our due diligence of course uh we had a meeting with the all senior staff we reviewing all their hurricane action plans and uh we also have an exercise plan for the end of the month so our exercise takes place over about a week uh basically they get pre stor of information in dribs and drabs from my office where they have to take action based on their plan that's in writing um after that we actually sit in the EOC and we do it okay the storm was hit this is your damage assessment how would you handle this how would you handle that so it's scenario based uh from this exercise we're able to do an after Action Report which uh should lead to improvements in our Emergency Management plan on own so that's what we've got going on for the rest of this month and that I'll take questions thank you Council anything for chief TR thank you thank you Chief next up utilities hi good evening Marjorie Craig utilities director um my report is in the agenda and um got a lot going on I did want to let you know we had an internal promotion Stephen massagno he was promoted to the lead Technic lead service technician so we'd like to congratulate him and highlight him um and you have your dashboard here for um the revenue you can see we're tracking along well for this fiscal year um also want to uh tag on to what Chief had said about preparing for the storm for the hurricane season and we we're making sure that all the catch basins are clean and clear in anticipation and the storm water pipelining finished up in April right before um this month and time for raining season any questions Council thank you thank you no thank you thank you okay on to the regular agenda under old business item number 12 consider approval of the 2024 2025 strategic plan Jeremy so every year uh you know Council gets together and we uh do a workshop for the Strategic plan we started this I think three years ago uh morphed it into where we we set priorities for for the council and for the for the village this year was held on March 26th Council came together put you know put everything on paper voted ranked the priorities for the village and you have that in your backup those are the listed priorities um uh I think an other thing to note would be some of the items that were on last year's you know we'll continue to work through some of those and I'll just highlight a couple just so they don't fall off but uh continue to replacement of utilities infrastructure um Advanced codes and ordinance consistent with a master plan you know we're in progress with that development of remembrance Park obviously we're doing phase one that kicks off U Monday but also there was conversation or discussion or Direction about phase two and so we will keep that U moving um the physical analysis regarding the undergrounding of of uh power lines uh I know we've kind of pivoted on that on that initiative but there is a initiative on there for undergrounding for the Strategic plan um continue road maintenance program we have an annual program that we do every year now that we funded and uh and we've continued to fund it for the last two three years now um and then I think you know one that expand the tree planting efforts you know we we just did a large uh tree planting effort we will continue to look at moving forward with that and I think the other one that uh you know we we we haven't been able to fund but we we included in the master corridor plan was the you know acquisition of Park and green space you know that one's a everybody knows how tough that is we did put it on the ballot it didn't pass but we will continue to look for Avenues even though it won't be on our strategic plan I know it's important if there is something that comes up that we can acquire Park and we we will obviously financially if we can do that so other than that you have the Strategic plan that's what you guys are voting on tonight once it's approved or if it's approved we'll put that on our website and we'll begin to you know put together initiatives for each one of those initiatives we'll put together a plan for them thank you Council open it for discussion I just have a comment on the process um for not everyone that was involved in it we took the time to have multiple steps on going through a strategic plan um not only um on our own thinking back and going through data but also a I was a three or four hour public meeting that was recorded to go through all the different items um and really decide what was best for the village uh for the next year so I appreciate that process and the time taken aside to to complete it uh I support the current strategic plan other comment supported okay are there any public comment cards no any any public comment okay Council can I get a motion make a motion to approve second all in favor I I okay under new business agenda item 13 consider approving the use of 23,00 in from um assets to start police Explorer Program evening mayor councel uh before you you have a memo to consider approving the use of $23,000 of special law enforcement fund asked forfeitures to start our first ever Police Explorers program for the village of dequest at post 357 I actually have Mr evoo Burns uh the district director from uh the Boy Scouts of America which it falls under uh to say a few words and then I'll finish my presentation hello everyone how we doing today great uh my name is eor Burns I am the district director for the boy SCS of America for our exploring program here uh and so we're excited about the program starting up we're looking forward to really molding those different things that go on within the program to help build our character for for our students citizenship for for our students as well and then also helping to give some kind of a foundation of what they want to become for the future uh any questions you guys have for me I'm open uh at this time Council or well Chief did you have anything else you wanted to add first and then okay let's do that and then we can ask both your questions thanks so I just want to talk recognize a few people that are going to make the program happen if I could have officer John puit and officer Jada deg gra and Reed stand up please those are two of our newer officers Jada has been here with us two years in June and John's been with us six months now John as well as Lieutenant Blanc who should be watching on YouTube today he's telling me he's in Minnesota but uh when when we brought the idea forward they stepped up right away like they always do both of them along with Corporal will hoad who couldn't make it today and said I want to be a part of it I want to be a part of something that helps our youth molds our kids for the future and honestly shows them that a life of service is a life worth having the five areas of emphasis that we want to teach these kids or obviously career opportunities right and I talked about that last time whether it be in law enforcement or whatever service that they may be going into we want to teach them leadership we want to teach them character citizenship and life skills So the plan the way it's divised they meet once a week every week uh right now it looks like it's going to be Wednesdays for an hour and 15 minutes 45 minutes of which will be in classroom setting which will they will learn different tactics in regards to policing and and you know crime scene anything with law enforcement and then 30 minutes of physical activity with the kids so uh the officers will be out there with the with them as well the reason we're asking obviously for the money is we want to be the ability to purchase uniforms and radios and things of that sort uh we're also going to combine that with monthly cleanups monthly service to the to the Village of community whatever it may be uh Pastor Paul's back here and I didn't mention Pastor Paul he's also going to be a big part of it uh as far as conver ation with our children our children go through so much and we want to make sure that they know that the village of Testa is not only listening but we want to help and be there for them so this opportunity I think is great for our our residents or our young youth it's for 14 to 20 year olds uh my understanding is we've had a couple of people already approach our officer puit that want to be a part of this uh we will be kicking off a uh if pass of course a campaign where we'll start actively recruiting but uh we're all excited and again I just want to thank also puit to graphin Reed will and Kurt once again they're just always stepping up and you know I I get to stand before you each month and tell you some of the great things that we do but none of that is possible without their hard work so I just honestly want to extend uh my thank you to them personally and just say uh we're excited you know we hope uh this will be a great program for everyone so I'll take any questions and youo stand by in case I need you hey Council yeah no I I love it um I actually really loved reading the introduction letter I mean it kind of fired me up not that I'm in the 14 to 20 age group but um no I love the mission particularly the character building and the the hard work aspects I think it's this is great our kids need it um I I for some reason when I was reading the introduction letter and I guess maybe it was the word youth I was envisioning a like younger kids is there is it typical to go all the way up to the age of 20 is that it is and then uh then you're allowed work you're allowed to then volunteer as an adult supervisor participant at that point we're looking to find out what their vision is they want to go at that point should gruce offure Goa okay now I I'm fully in support of it the funds are there um I think it's a great program for our village same just comment thanking you chief for putting on this program uh it's a great program and for your officers who stepped up and volunteered this um time and extra effort I know it is extra and I can tell you that U myself and I believe our residents um definitely notice uh your officer is wearing different hats uh and a lot of Village Personnel wearing different hats to get the job done so I do want to tell you that we notice that and thank you very much thank you appreciate I only have three things to say you don't mind vice mayor it's about time thank you and I fully support it whatever all my colleagues said a great program and thank you to our officers that are out there all every day doing everything they can to make our village a great place so thank you I think it's a a great program to provide I just have a a two questions the age I'm assuming this is a a tried and you know tried and true program the age span the 14 of 20 like there's a big difference between a 14y old and 20 do you break them up in like age groups to do stuff or are they all like so basic um and can you come up to the microphone just for no no no and you can come up to but just it helps to speak in the microphone so everyone can hear and recording as well hi there I'm John puit um back in the 90s I used to be an explor adviser for Boon Beach police so um the we definitely work with a younger group you know is is a totally different thing when they get to be adults they become kind of like advisors you know and they're very experienced in the program by that time so they're more of adult supervisors at that age but um we um the the Explorer Program you will see them all over the village in every different event that you have you know we'll have them there doing crowd control traffic control um it's a very professional organization they'll be in their uniforms and stuff so part of each meeting is training and then the physical fitness part of it we have them do formations and March we train them to be Honor Guard so at some events and everything we're going to start with our Honor Guard presenting colors and everything like that so it's a very paramilitary kind of thing a pre- police thing and a very high percentage of the kids end up going into law enforcement so it's pretty cool but once they reach the 18 years of age they become like an adult advisor but Mr uh birds can explain yeah so uh before I start talk how many of you in here have been in scouting how many how many how many Eagles do I have in here any Eagles in here as well okay so normally what happens is with this program a young man may start out as a scout he goes through the program he trickl up to becoming an eego or a life Scout whichever one he chooses he doesn't make it to about 18 and become finishes it out at a life Scout so what this offers to them is that they can go into another program that can allow them to stay connected to scouting as well as keeping them connected to what they're doing and again they become advisors we call them participants but they're actually used as an advisor to help the younger Scout or the younger Explorer starts moving in the right direction so that's kind of what we do and we do have a couple other other organizations as well under scouting that we do with that those kids thank you that definitely helps me understand the the age span and then it looked like was it 20 kids you'd accept or how many we will do up to 20 uh we're going to start just based on on oo's experience having done this for so long we want to start with 12 uh 12 to 15 r just to make sure that you know it's it's it's a good number but ultimately our goal would be to get to 20 what happens if you get more applicants than 20 would you consider more or would be do the program again how how does that work say what if there's a lot of interest okay so normally what we tell brand new uniters that are starting out don't go past 20 because you want to be able to have that fluctuation between your advisors and the actual uh Explorers so you want to have enough advisors to cover those explorers that you have on the on the beach so one advisor should be able to do at least a minimum of five kids consistently be able to help them develop them and mold them if you go past that then you need to bring in more advisors and so we always say with a new unit start out of about anywhere between 12 to 15 and then grow yourself to 20 and then base yourself out from there once you get to 20 if you can still do it you can add more people and you can add more more kids makes sense okay thank you yes okay any other question comment L are there any public cards no any public comment all right I get a motion so move second all in favor I I thank you thank you agenda item 14 ordinance number 05-22 which is a first reading for a zoning text amendment in the C3 District thank you mayor ordinance 0524 ordinance of the Village Council Village the quest of Florida amending the code of ordinances of chapter 78 zoning article 6 in general section 78-48 museum at article 6 schedule of District regulations Section 78 178 C3 General commercial District to add private Museum as a special exception use and article 10 off Street on street parking and loading regulations Section 78705 required number of parking spaces to to provide the number of parking spaces required for these establishments providing that each and every other section subsection chapter 78 shall remain in full force in effect as previously adopted providing conflicts Clause cability Clause authority to cify effective data and for other purposes first reading good evening J hup community development director uh this is ordinance 0524 it's an applicant initiated zoning text Amendment c not working Jeremy can you click through there we go so on January 12th 2023 the applicant presented a conceptual plan to Village Council for a private car museum at 358 Cypress Drive I think at the time only Mayor Young and and councilwoman Brandon were on the DI at the time um the properties is in the C3 zoning District which does not currently allow private car museums um because of that the applicant has applied for a zoning text amendment to create a definition of private Museum change a list of permitted uses in the C3 zoning District to make private Museum a special EXP ception and to create parking standards for private museums so again it's going to be a special exception it would not be a permitted use they would still have to come forward to apply for a special special exception and a site plan approval to do what they want to do next slide J um one one thing as well um The Village master plan suggested the implementation of a sustainability Park in Gardens West of the FEC Railway line um the applicant is actually committed to working with the village to to enhance that and to accomplish the goals that are in the master plan they' put that in the um application so um that's not something that we could um really codify tonight through uh condition but if they come forward with a site plan approval that's something that we could do during that process uh next slide um the applicant and staff have heard some concerns that if this is approved it will enable a lot of other people to open private car museums and take away a significant amount of commercial space in the village as you all know there's a lot of wealthy people around that have have significant car collections in the area and um you know if the council is concerned about this um the applicant is actually committed to or propos a condition that private museums be prohibited from locating within a thousand lineal feet on the same street a previously approved um private Museum so this way there would only really only be able to be one on the Cypress Drive portion of the C3 District you could still do one on the Old Dixie portion of it um but it would ensure that that that area doesn't get over overwhelmed with these type of uses um so this went before the um local planning agency in September of 2023 for recommendation um they ultimately voted 5 to Z to recommend approval of the ordinance as written with with no proposed conditions um like I said if if you do approve it tonight they'll still have to come forward for site plan approval special exception approval and um that thousand foot um proposal is not in the ordinance as written so if you do want to do that you'd have to make that a recommendation to add to the ordinance on second reading um I believe the applicant Mr hearing is here to give a presentation as well good evening uh for the record Donaldson hearing here tonight on behalf of the applicant but before I get into the presentation I just want to tell you how much of a pleasure it is you know to be in your Auditorium uh before you it's always so encouraging to uh to hear all the great things that you're doing in this Village it's no no wonder everybody's moving to the Village of Thea so just wanted to let let you know uh again uh Donaldson hearing I'm a land planner and landscape architect with Cotler and hearing uh and we're representing Mr Nate alers who is here in the audience uh uh uh with me uh as well as my partner Nicole plunet and uh my my good friend Curtis shankman uh who is here also representing uh uh Miss Mr Albert so uh as Jay pointed uh uh went through the petition I won't go through all of this uh the the the specifics again to repeat that uh we are looking to uh to introduce a a new use or at least clarify use uh within your C3 zoning District of course you're aware that you've got three commercial zoning districts within the town you have your neighborhood commercial District which is your C1 District which is really intended to serve the neighbors and the residents you have your C2 District which is again a little bit a little bit more intense has location criteria uh and ser serves a broader uh uh spectrum and then the C3 which is even a little bit more broad than your than your C2 District so it provide for a variety of uses uh it does provide for Museum uses uh which one could say uh what we're proposing uh would could could potentially fit into but we wanted to clarify that and have come forth with a a new category of Museum which would be considered a private Museum so we provided a definition uh we provided for a uh parking rate and we provided for the ability for that use to be a special exception use within your C3 zoning District the the physical site is at uh uh in question which will come back before you uh at a later date as a part of a special exception and site plan uh is 358 Cypress Drive uh it's a building that was built in the very early 70s uh it's a older building it's uh dilapitated it has been the subject of significant code enforcement for many many years uh Mr Alber has purchased that and is proposing to provide substantial enhancements which we think is fully in keeping with the provisions of your comprehensive plan and your strategic plans about encouraging the Redevelopment and the revitalization of these quarters and we fully believe that this use uh will will do that this this was the condition before Mr alers closed and purchased the property he does own the property today uh it was in very very poor condition there was no Landscaping so the parking lots didn't meet those provisions of your of your plan that talk about lush green landscape parking areas it literally was uh uh a parking lot of old broken down cars most of which did never uh never move so uh Mr alvers has since uh uh uh cleaned the site up he's improved it uh the building is old it requires some structural enhancement as well and we talk about resiliency for storms hurricane season coming up all those things would be addressed through what we would propose to do uh with the site landscaping and as as uh uh as uh Jay pointed out uh we have committed to uh enhancing landscaping and maintaining uh the portion of the corridor green CER which is uh adjacent to our site and we would even be happy to transition it a little bit to the north into the South uh we met out there on site uh with with uh uh your director uh a month or so ago uh and of course we'll do that in collaboration with what you want to see not necessarily what we want to see that's just a part something that we can be a part of and also creates some a greater view as you know we the bright line goes by here what 24 times a day and so they do look out and see the uses that are along the corridor so lots of landscaping we're you know increasing uh the adding landscape Islands really doing all the things that are prescribed by your code and we're also willing to enhance the median that's directly in front of our site so you've done some plantings in some of the medians but not this one and we certainly think that this median would be a great uh beneficiary of some additional Landscaping we this was the initial scheme I think that we of the architecture that we represented to you back in back in h September uh based on some of the comments that we received and in working with with Jay we proposed enhancements to that uh our architect is uh is Joe Thomas with bur Thomas we're looking at that in green Walls creating a landscaping that's very you know what will enhance the sustainability of the site lighter brighter colors that are in keeping with the colors of the coastal P pallet we have to work with the framework of a of a old old metal building so there's some things we can do and some things we can't but I I think we've come up with a great plan to do that adding a lot of glass really making it much more pedestrian friendly the the white awnings that would be added to the building would be a significant uh enhancement uh the the building would be utilized as a as a as a private Museum uh for uh cars and other memorabilia Mr alvers would utilize the space uh for his personal office he's resident here in Testa he's building a new corporate office building just over the Desta line uh over in Jupiter but he has many employees that live in Desta and so this will not only be a use for himself but also will facilitate uh his business activities as well and he's also offered to make the facility available for philanthropic purposes to the many nonprofits and and other endeavors that might be worthy of the village of Thea and that's a commitment that he I know we met with the the manager and others and stated that so I wanted to make sure that we stated uh that on the record Jay went through all the provisions uh of the code that are written uh in the uh the new proposed ordinance so I I won't repeat that we provide a definition we provide a parking rate uh and as Jay had pointed out uh We've also uh propos to incorporate a a uh a a what I call a limitation but it's very common in many other areas of your zoning code uh you Pro provide location or separation criteria of uses so we thought that this would be a very viable one which would basically limit uh other uses on the same street within the C3 zoning District so if that's a concern uh that's certainly something that could be easily added and it's and and these types of limitations are very common within zoning codes and you've got several cases in your own zoning code where that uh where that exists so uh you know we believe that this is a this is a a good a good use uh it has been uh it has been I would say d-class space Maybe E-class space for many many many years as it relates to you know the quality of leasable space within your within your village uh and we're looking at substantial enhancement we substantially increase your ADV valorum values but we we think it's a good use that will spur uh additional reinvestment on the corridor uh and so we would reques uh your support and your approval uh and certainly would like to have the opportunity to rebut any anything any comments that might come up and I'll conclude my presentation thank you Mr hering Council open up for discussion I have a few comments and I know tonight we're speaking about the um special exception but I'd like to flush out some of the other issues as well we have as much time as possible to to speak about them so they're out there I uh talked to some of the neighboring businesses that have been established there for um a long period of time none of the neighboring businesses seem to have any issue uh with changing that building into a private car museum that building is dilapidated and uh has been vacant for a while and it looks like it to those businesses would be a uh benefit to to the surrounding um when we're looking at buildings here one of the ways I think I weigh is the public good and I think this one is limited on public good I was happy to hear the um nonprofit ability if possible um I understand not there's no commitment to that but just hearing that um I did enjoy hearing that but the public good is limited however I think the the benefit outweighs that risk of the public good in that area um especially when I have a vacant building and I have a known use and I know what it's going to look like um I know the future of it instead of just having a vacant building where I don't know where the future uh is going to lie who may buy it afterwards what other business could go in there and pardon me I'm just reading through my notes as I'm taking a look I had uh one question on why the time limit since the last time it was brought up why is it being brought up now then it's a year later and let just do one more and then you can answer those and then what type of traffic can we expect on a daily basis here are we talking just some admin ministrative office tra traffic different events um events that require valet is there a police presence issue um is this collection of such value where our police are going to have added um work or planning or attention you know does that affect this at all and then in final um I would require that 1,000 foot prohibiting anything else on Cyprus very good uh counselor thank you very much for uh for your comments I'll try to answer your questions at first relative to police activity we will uh coordinate with your with your Police Department we will put in a a very high-end security system which will be work in collaboration with the police department I'm sure that that's the case so I'm very confident that uh that would be addressed lighting of course there's no lighting even over there at all we would put in lighting per your standard for the vehicle use areas and do all those things that we would do through what we call septet crime prevention through environmental design from a design standpoint not having blind poters maintaining visibility so all of those things uh we will we will do as a part of uh our plan and those would be the details that we would discuss when we come back with the uh with a site plan uh in terms of traffic daily traffic will be very very minimal uh uh you know Nate may be there with another employee so you know know one or two you know vehicular trips a day if there is an event uh it would be something that we'd coordinate through your office anything that would require any type of of uh of traffic control or any type of off-site parking those would kind of be the triggers if if if the number of people that would go there would require more parking that's on the site will apply for and seek a special event permit uh and that would be the same if there's any other nonprofit events that we we would work out whether it's through you know the lighthouse center from the Arts or some of your other great uh nonprofits that you have here here in the village so hopefully that answers your your your questions that you have yeah the only last one was just the time period between last time it was brought in front of the LPA until now right we were waiting till we closed on the property uh and waiting till we had a full Council that we see understand thank you okay um thank you Don appreciate it um I think I I fall kind of in the same uh bucket as uh council member French uh you know we always start with like what is the public good right and it's uh arguably and we've heard concern from some of the residents um about that and I hear that I certainly do um but what I keep coming back to is those pictures of what the building looks like today or what it looked like pre purchase looks like that today yeah and today I mean I Drive Cypress Drive frequently just because I I think it's a very cool area both the Jupiter and Testa side of our our uh where we live um so what I and this was a tricky one for me I I will admit because of that public good aspect but and I by that I mean like is there a direct public good that can be derived from a strictly private use probably not but do I think there's a public good that can be derived from a improving the building and surrounding property which in turn should ultimately draw others to the area I do um and that design I mean it's it's a beautiful design the the other thing is is would it be great if a private user bought the building and did the same thing absolutely but there's no guarantee of that ever happening so that's kind of the process I'm playing in my head um I also know like not to compare us to West Palm Beach love it I work there but we're much better than that um but there was an area there that was you know a little bit larger but similar to this um where Grand View Market is and one of the first things that went into GR that that Grand View area before um the Grand View Market was a very um very esthetically pleasing private garage and it kind of was the first as far as I know they were the first to do anything of that that level of enhancement in that area and in turn I think it drew others to the area saying look at that building um I see that on the Jupiter side there's been there's a few more that have done that um so I think it has to start somewhere and I think um I think there is some public good drive from that I do agree that 1,000 linear feet condition I like that it ensures that we won't see a ton of these things popping up I mean our stretch Cypress Drive is is pretty limited as you showed on the map um I would Rec recommend that that be made a condition and I appreciate you guys even offer or bring that up as a possibility love that you're enhancing the meeting out front the linear park in the back um and um last thing sorry I'm like councilman fren just reading through all my notes here so the definitions that were uh proposed I like the lpa's definition I think it's a little tighter not quite as clunky with the philanthropic language but my only question is I don't I don't want to by not incorporating that language into a proposed definition what I and I don't think it does this but I won't don't want to do is like if if they want to have a private event or a philanthropic event I don't want them to be prohibited from doing that by not including language is are we any issues there that we can think of or would that just be like a special event permit well I the draft ordinance that's in front of you has the language private and not open to the public I suppose the nonprofit event would have to be a private event mhm gen generally I would think that they would be By Invitation Only but a special event yeah I just want to make sure we're not you know depending on the definition we go with I don't want them to be prohibited from doing something because that's really where a lot of good comes I know that uh you know that the place of hope and Hannah home and others you know utilize Mr stup's place down in uh down in North Palm Beach for the benefit of you know getting people out in other words it will draw to get somebody there to donate or do a raffle and spend money and we you know those are the uses we we want to support yeah you know that are here the the great things and uh and and we can help them do that because we can bring out people who would want to see a car but at the same same time tug at their heart and get some of their money yeah absolutely that's so that's just a consideration I have I mean I think like I said I think the lpa's definition is a little tighter but I want to make sure we're not somehow prohibiting them from doing that um and you know as we've said multiple times you know the the work doesn't stop here regardless of what happens tonight you know there's still a site plan approval and a special exception so um I think all in all and I've I I've thought about this quite a bit over the last several weeks I uh as I sit here today I am I'm in favor of at least moving forward with with uh the text good Amendment okay so our conceptual design that we were shown was actually great it was a lot of changes and then you took feedback and came back and made changes but just like it's been mentioned and I agree with my other colleagues up here we are looking at the text Amendment code change to this zoning and for me I have a hard time changing a text amendment to a zoning as a whole we did do do it fairly recently but it had much more public good and services being offered as well as the museum concept we actually just talked about this from another applicant not that long ago and it was kind of the same conversation and we said no and they found a way to make it work without creating a text Amendment code change and not creating Museum so to speak with that said not going into the the conceptual design but I do know I brought up logistic concerns as far as the gate across the parking lot and parking so if there was any private event which again these are not public events these are private events you are going to have a issue with parking and I do not support parking clogging up Cyprus the other businesses because that area is so tight already and then also I go there re most if not every 3 weeks definitely monthly for a service that's over there and there are a few businesses that have since in the past few years transferred over from the warehouse area between Center Street and Indiantown Road they have since moved over to our Cyprus area some of them are inesta some are actually on the Jupiter side cuz it's tight for us over there and I like that they want to be over here because there's a lot of activity coming over there for their services so I have an issue big issue that there's no public good or Services being offered the thousand feet I have an issue as well because we already have code that says 500 ft for even like liquor license and stuff and we're constantly being asked for special exceptions just because I we're so small already I feel like if we put a footage on it it's going to be very favored looking and I don't know where the thousand feet th000 ft goes across Old Dixie if that even reaches that far but if it does we might be looking at an issue yeah it it wouldn't go over to Old Dixie so that would all the way that the what we've suggested is it on the same street so it wouldn't limit it another place in the village uh it would leave that open and fair for for you to review it would just limit it to uh a th000 ft on Cypress Drive okay thank you for that I haven't actually walked it not that I'm going to walk across raiload tracks and then and we talked about this a few years ago even before the other applicant we at the time the village had concerns with that we are our area over on Cypress for taquesta zoning is already so small so any commercial business or service that needs that warehouse kind of setup there's not a lot to offer to them and there are a few that want to be here so if we start giving it away and changing the code text amendments and making it too private we're going to lose those opportunities to have those Commercial Services like plumbers electricians another car mechanic even a doctor or another vet like we're going to lose those if we don't keep the space we only have so much commercial space that it's not appropriate to be on us one so for me for tonight just specifically for the to text code Amendment sorry I am going to be as of right now I know I do not support it as a whole for that zone thank you very much Laur um Don thank you um for your presentation um and thank you to the OPA for their review of this and my understanding was a 5 vote so we've already had five sets of eyes look at this and review the language and all that so I think our LPA for what they have done um is I just want to make sure I heard that a museum is part of our current C3 yeah a museum is currently allowed as a use okay we're creating a private Museum um is a private Museum popular or exist in other municipalities you know or every municipality defines the use differently um and so in in some in some uh municipalities they call it storage or Warehouse uh they don't call it Museum uh we think that private Museum or Museum whether you call it you know it doesn't from us it doesn't really matter which way you call it is more appropriate and more defining uh and probably a better use than a a total debt use like a warehouse because that's not what we're we're doing because there you know there there will be Commerce taking place I mean Mr alers is a businessman here and and he's got lots of employees and does things all over all over the country uh and uh so there there there are some things that that are positive that that are here and we want to be a part of the village and I think one of the things that we commit to and I'll say it again is we do want to do events with the village so that so that the community is enriched uh and we want to be a part of it thank you um there's been a lot of I've heard brought to my attention sentiment out there about uh this Z text Amendment how it's going to change the fabric you know of the village and that of Cypress Drive and I understand that that change is coming um but I don't necessarily agree with the point of view that it's a detrimental change um it's been I hear that by Mr Alber buying this property he's taking away the opportunity for another business to go in there to but Mr Alber what if you put his business in there what his normal business is if he did that versus this whole process I think there would be very little engagement with the residents of taquesta utilizing his services and I think his service his what he operates in his business would fit in there so I appreciate what you're doing and and trying to do the right thing and be transparent with this because if Mr Alber bought this at fair market nobody else was clamoring to get in a bidding war with him I don't believe um so he bought it fair and square nobody was lining up to try to buy it to open up another automobile shop or subdivide into smaller units so to say that if Mr alers wasn't using as a private Museum there would be more engagement with the public I I don't know if that's an accurate and fair statement just based on the line of business that Mr alers is in um yes we lost a auto body shop I guess we'll call that what it was um but we still have three more repair shops on Testa I'm on on Cypress Drive and two more within the village one on Dixie High Old Dixie and Bridge Road and one on US1 so there still is plenty of opportunity for people to get their car fixed and repaired here locally um the C3 General commercial District you know as a very diverse business base you know when we think of C3 you think of what this Pro this parcel used to be that's what I think of heavy industrial you know car repair things like that um but that's really not what the the makeup of the businesses are you know I mentioned that there are three other auto shops um on Cypress Drive there's about 35 businesses total there's also about six about five to seven vacancies in some of the storefront so there is opportunity for other people to come in and other parts of cyers strive so I don't think by taking this property and making a private Museum we're taking away from the opportunity for private business to still relocate there because on one of the plazas there's three or four there's 11 bays and about three or four of them are vacant and one parcel Alone um I mentioned there's three automotive stores there's a veterinarian there's two canvas providers two hair salons one dry cleaner one realtor one family private investment firm a ballistic hardening provider to make your building bulletproof and Ballistic safe uh there's administrative offices for two construction contractors there's a digital marketing firm there's Graphics there's a restaurant there's an engineering firm so I think these are uses that aren't in that traditional down and dirty roll your sleeves up kind of industrial district so I I don't see how we're damaging the the fabric of the cth this C3 District by doing this um Mr as I said Mr alers you know purchases fair and square uh anybody else could have gotten line to try to purchase this as well um and like I said if Mr alers was putting his business here there would be very little public interaction I really I don't believe that would be the case that with his the grant the scale of what he provides and produces wouldn't be used by the typical resident or a business within the village of Testa as far as that th000 square F feet um yeah we have some that say 500 but we have one that is talked about often in here and it's a th000 square feet from any CH you can't sort liquor or alcohol with within a th square fet of a church a Rec Center or a CL or a school we just went through that process so there is precedent set to have a th000 foot you know radius so I'm okay with that um there will be less traffic it's going to be an upgraded building um and I believe that pride pride of owner like in a residential neighborhood pride of ownership starts at the curb and I think this will hopefully spur other people to do something with their building because from what I've seen in the dequest aside there's been very there has been some you know we had the two-story yellow building that um is is is is professional looking uh Testa vet really spruced up their building and this will be right in the middle of our Testa area um cypess drive and and I support this building going in with with the Improvement that's it's going to be um and also remember what we're discussing um as a council are various overlays and Cypress Drive would be in the Testa Drive overlay if I'm not mistaken as presented uh which that has talking about encouraging the entrepreneurial spirit keeping um you know formula businesses as a special use no formula restaurants and I think what Mr alers is doing with his with his building and the architecture of it is going to be very consistent for what we see on the tester Drive overlay what we see at seab Brook and toquer drive and in the gallery Square North and gallery Square South uh and I think to see that whole District um really start to Blossom and come to life um I think Mr Alber is going to be a key component of that and uh participant in that so um as far as where I sit right now I know there's going to be some there's public sentiment out there about not doing this but I see the positives as I sit here right now this evening you know outweighing any of the negatives at this point so thank you um I'll Echo what some of my fellow council members said you know it's no secret that cyphus drive needs a facelift and there is obviously value into seeing Redevelopment you existing buildings being improved uh there is definitely value to that um the a couple questions I have is who came up with a private Museum classifying this and this definition was it your team was it our community development team like where exactly did that come from sure uh yeah so when we when we initially reviewed the code um you know I and and Jay could probably speak to this I mean uh one could very easily make an argument that it could be fit within the category of some of the other Provisions in your code I mean you have visions of uh you know it's various indoor entertainment or Amusement that one could suggest that this would could fit into because it's very nebulous it's not clearly defined uh but at the time uh in working with uh Neila zacharias's office um you know they felt that they wanted a better term so you know we came up with the term private Museum just kind of based on our discussions with them uh we're you know we're happy if we feel that there's a better term uh that would you know provide for our youth but perhaps be uh broader for for the purposes of the village you know we have no objection in changing that term that's kind of where we saw it fitting in like a museum was a an allowable use uh and so you know one could say this is still a museum but we use the word private and it just clarified so that you know there was no question that it would be an allowable use okay and so this is kind of convoluted right because we're here to approve a zoning text Amendment and that's it we're not really here to prove the building that Mr Alber wants to do what he wants you know to put in it um that's going to be if this were to get approved that would be a special exception in site plan approval but the plans are provided we know if this does get approved you are going to proceed with submitting for the special exception so the the definition here for private museum is it means a building used as a private display space for a personal collection of automobiles art and other memorabilia the use of the space shall be private and not open to the public so when I look at the plans that were provided there there is the area to put you know cars and art but there's also a gym and showers and a vault and a tackle room so to me I'm like this looks like a personal amenity space not a private Museum to store you know cars or art um so I don't know if this definition is is appropriate for maybe at the end of the day what the property owner wants to do here so I think that is something Council should really consider you know we're approving this private Museum but the plans that may be submitted to me are kind of outside that definition to be honest and maybe legal can apply on that too um so I do have I need some clarity there because I just don't I think it's a mismatch to be honest and and those uses are ancillary uses the the primary use you know of the space you know will be for office as well as for you know the display of of not only not only uh automobiles which will be I think you saw several automobile spots but also other art and memor okay yeah I just I personally think the definition is a mismatch based on on what um the proper wants to potentially we can certainly get with your staff between now first reading and second reading and and make sure that we have the best definition moving forward okay and the um the thousand foot suggestion um and Keith third J I know we do have you know distance separations in our code now for certain things is that are all of them like as the crow flies or radius or are some of them per Street believe it's as the crow flies but I I I'm not 100% sure off the top of my head so we could answer that the next the next meeting or unless no I'd have to look as well I don't know off the top of my head all right so for C I mean C3 is so small and um even if you do it as a crow flyes I mean I went on Google Earth and I know it's not 100% accurate but I think you no where even if you did it as the crow flies like the rest of our C potentially could be um you're not allowing this use in T3 at all I believe um so I I mean I I take issue to that because I do feel like it looks very special interest like we're making this zoning text Amendment for one person and I think that's not uh a good thing to do I I mean the Optics are bad but then it's you know someone else comes well you made this one very specific exception for this person or you know Amendment why can't you do that for us so um you know I I I don't know that that's the best idea maybe that needs to be Revisited um to make it a more you know in line with what we do and then also making sure it's not a complete special interest just to clarify though it's 1,000 ft per per street so it doesn't Encompass the entire seat3 right but even if you did though I think it I think it still would potentially it it wouldn't you could still do it on on Old Dixie no what I'm saying if we took away just the street restriction and you did like it would so yeah so the rest of our code you know is all radius well so in looking at we just uh pulled up the code on the distance separation for alcoholic beverage sales and that is measured door too in a straight line okay as the crow flies I guess you would say what about when there's like a church or something near bike is that that's 20 when you brought that up yeah that's door too in a straight line so you would the main entrance of the one use find the main entrance of the other use and draw a straight line that connects those then that's how you measure it of that door to door okay so it is okay chair can you see what gas station says too because I know that's one of the ones that has a for gas stations I think that's a similar one to yep no I'm just looking like the others looking through my notes um I know in in the application you referenced some other areas like North Palm Beach and Jupiter industrial district and I think we don't have that kind of District here because we're so small um you know our commercial space doesn't really allow to have that um and you know I think I said this maybe at conceptual when we saw that so long ago that you know when we had uh Treasure Coast Regional planning Council here for the master quter plan and then business flare did a uh economic study for us a foot traffic study before the bridge closed they both commented on how very little leasable commercial space we had which again to me says it's a very desirable place to be and I do still question and worry about taking um good commercial leis School Spaceway that actually does provide a service that's really my only comments we'll let them go does council have anything else before I open up public comment I thought of one question for clarity thank you sir um did you say that the applicant has now closed on the property yes the the applicant owns the property and yet we're voting tonight okay okay I just want to make sure you said that correctly yeah he he he owns the property so okay he bought it cleaned it up and we're working through this process just want to make sure I heard you right yes ma'am okay Lor any public comment cards yes I have several mark superi Mark super I live in the country club um first Mr saror you bought this property knowing the law how many times have you heard the council tell residents you have a responsibility to know the law here you're changing the law the way you're doing it the double standard is absolutely an issue in this case also you're wrong if you put his own business in there that would be fine he would have employees and deliveries stand by please no no we can let him do his three minutes have deliveries and meetings which are which mean foot TR the council not yes Mr super please just address the council but let him mad Madam mayor if Mr Sor was wrong again Madame mayor Mr Sor was wrong if he put his business here if you don't mind please start the the time over no continue continue please he'd have employees and deliveries and meetings which would be foot traffic the private use doesn't have any of that okay so the village leadership residents have been actively working for several years on a vision for healthy more beautiful Village a key goal was to ensure healthy space for authentically local businesses so that they're viable this is a critical issue Cypress Drive commercial district is a small commercial space in a context where commercial space is disappearing the proposed change of laws inconsistent with what we should be doing to achieve Village aspirations for a vibrant bustling Cypress Drive where residents and visitors can shop uh and meet U because this private car museum proposal offers no value at all to the Village while working against important Village goals priorities you should oppose the change of law The Proposal would remove from commercial inventory and important property moreover the proposed use would adversely impact neighboring shops and businesses by reducing Shopper fot traffic you'd be making nearby locations less valuable for businesses you should not change the law in this way to the sole benefit of a special interest and to the harm of important Village interests also the term Miss museum is a misn based on the backup description the proposed use is really just a personal garage storage it's not appropriate to refer to this use with the term Museum in any event when the applicant first pitched this proposal 12 January 2023 majority of the council opposed the concept largely on the well-founded concern of the loss of scarce and disappearing commercial space in Village it's surprising to see this application it completely ignored council's feedback so let's look quickly at the process as part of our ongoing process discussion so that you can again see this systemic skew against the public interest in favor of special interest which is a reason why so many development decisions are harmful to important Community interest first notice this proposal is for a change of law it doesn't pertain to the applicant's property only in principle there's no reason why you would favor the applicant with unlimited time to present while limiting public comments of 3 minutes there is no reason to distinguish the applicant from the public right out of the gate you see the screw in favor of special interest to make the case over the public interest also in my prior experience with these decisions correct me if I'm wrong I'm going to assume that the applicant has already spoken to each of you to make his case if so notice the skew in process to favor special interest over the public interest is there any wonder why C are so often frustrated with decisions concerning development projects that hurt communities please do the right thing protect the public interest oppose this change of law thank you thank you thank you shankman yes good evening Council for the record I'm Curtis shankman I'm a board certified real estate attorney uh here this evening representing Albert's Land Company LLC that purchased the property Mr Albert is the principal and owner and i' just like to say personally that uh two years ago a little over two years ago I moved to Palm Beach County 3406 in the court which is just outside the boundary of the village but I feel like I live and play and enjoy life in the village so I just want to personally thank each and every one of you for your public service and what you do to continue to make the village of Testa just a wonderful place to raise families and to live and to work and to play um I'm also your utility Wastewater utility attorney indirectly I for the past 40 years I've had the privilege of representing the lock of haty river environmental control district and just like the sewer system I'm out of sight out of mind but you're glad I'm working so that it keeps working and and I appreciate you as Council people uh your public service should always be applauded um and thank you for your service I know it's underappreciated most of the time for all the hours and thought that you take away from your families and your professions and your lives to dedicate so thank you very much in my 40 years uh I've always dreamed of living on the river and part of the reason is toqua is such a great place to live and work part of the reason is there's been so much good responsible Redevelopment and I think that's the bigger picture here things have gone from u a situation where maybe they're not in the best shape and constantly things are being improved progress and changeed to make things better and your ordinances have changed over the time to accommodate that and I think in the Continuum of growth and prosperity and just having a better Village this proposed ordinance is another step in a long progression of that and I think you want to encourage responsible Redevelopment in every single way possible as to the um objections for industrial I have to say that our neighbor to the South the town of Jupiter has quite a bit of sufficient industrial uh I know I have no problem getting trades that either come from taquesta or Jupiter or palach County and so I think in closing your ordinance 0524 is legally sufficient uh and I think it's a step forward and I would encourage you all to vote favorably on it tonight thank you thank you Nate Alber I'll keep it brief but I'm I'm a resident of of taquesta um I've been uh resident to Quest in Jupiter for for many years I'm building my corporate offices in Jupiter not not far from this property here and uh We've we've hired people from all over the country to relocate to this area recognize how special it is and very very honored to be here um this uh facility although it doesn't provide direct automotive services like maybe the previous tenant but when I purchased that building um it was a business in there that was cash only wasn't paying any sales tax locally um almost all the vehicles they weren't able to find the owners they had to be towed off and later recovered by the owners it wasn't a business that I would consider bringing any any vehicle I have regardless of value to quite honestly um and I don't think they're providing a lot of Public Service there now um there are about four or five similar buildings I'm not proud to say the building I B is by far the worst building on all of Cyprus and then you want to drive down there you'll see that but there's about four or five concrete older buildings that are for sale right now on the Jupiter side of Cyprus and they've been on the market for quite some time there's nobody there snatching them up I think there's four in one uh group and and maybe one or two in another so it's not as if there's this big line of people trying to get on Cyprus just for those specific buildings but um you know I always believe in being very involved in the community that you live in um I sit on the board of Big Dog Ranch out in oah hatchee I'm very involved with furry friends here in Jupiter uh Operation 300 veterans group locally and we would anticipate through the special event process having some of those events there um providing public good um very very engaged in the community and other than that I just wanted to say thank you for allowing me to speak tonight and us to be here thank you thank you I have no other cards okay any other public comment all right um Council any other comments questions no I will just say um if it leans in favor which it it kind of sounds like it might just consider the definition because I I truly feel like it's a mismatch so when thatan comes with this proposed plan like I I don't see how it aligns and and again I would need legal to aine on that I don't know if he's in a position to to do that tonight we can work on the definition with the applicant in conjunction with what may actually be coming down Pik okay I have one if that's where the council goes mayor I have one question does anyone on staff know if Jupiter has anything their coulde about museums for cyers Drive since we're so close to their line we don't know could look it up quickly discuss and then the thousand foot you know that was another one of my concerns I just I don't think that's a good look it's too just procedurally protecting one one person sorry I didn't cut you um so procedurally on the the definition or the term can how exactly how we vote tonight how is how are we going to handle that because we're voting on private Museum yeah changing term yeah if you're concerned about I mean I guess it depends what your point of view is if you're concerned about there being ancillary activities with the museum such as uh an expanded bathroom with a shower and you you know you could and you want to be comfortable that that is allowed then you can your motion could be to approve on first reading and amend the definition to address that issue would you know I I don't recommend word Smith it tonight on the day but if if that's a concern that that the maker of the motion wants to include or alternatively if if you're cons if you're concerned that that type of ancillary use is inappropriate you could make a motion to revise the definition to be very clear that that type of thing is excluded from the use so you know I I don't have an issue like we talk about private shower Vault if it was okay it's a private car museum with the auto repair on the back it's a little different but I'm not 100% tracking on the like the tackle we're talking about well there's there's a gym like I mean I don't know if you can pull up the plan again on the screen but like said when you're looking at this plan to me it's like not a private Museum it looks like a personal medic space you know there's um I tackle a gym of all showers like it just it doesn't scream Museum private Museum more private Museum SL office I don't know I don't know what's appropriate I just I'm what I'm just saying is I see a mismatch and I don't know if this were to get approved and they come this plan like legally is that would you consider this a private mum I just yeah that's my only concern I don't I'm not so to me you know any any building that's developed on the inside is going to have some type of a restroom facility that should it have you know in addition to a sink and a toilet a shower as well I you know there's it's not really a there's no legal standard that says it can or can't um yeah I don't I don't personally have an issue with that structure and layout that they provided to us with the gym in the office yeah I don't I don't either just for the record I just don't what I don't want is if we do vote in favor of it tonight and then when they come back um for the special exception I just don't want them to run any additional roadblocks as a result of how we defined it that's all I'm getting at I'm stuck on if we were to decide to change it who and what are we changing it for are we changing it for the good of the people in tasa or we change it for one applicant no I think we're protecting people not the we're not showing not looking at Aesthetics of the building yeah or anything like that just the code because the code is changing the zone as a whole yeah I think we're protecting the rest of that drive from it having five of those we're not special interest to that person lot of Museum we're protecting that that entire Street that's how I view it I disagree with the condition at least talking to the condition yeah I mean it certainly benefits I I don't have an issue with how it's sitting as is um if we need to table it to make that change that's a different story I think if someone wants to make a motion um mayor yeah I might um Miss Buckman I believe is asking to speak in the public I'm just letting you know oh I close public comment um is Council okay with having one more comment I am yes okay Mrs butman can you come up I just a question may but in terms of the definition like is there a I guess like an algorithm for that like as far as like your square footage use you know is it determined like the square footage of a museum is that 75 of the S footage that's used for a museum or used for public service or maybe that will help clarify the definition but because it's it's so tied to the poe and if it's misrepresented you're just don't want to get thank you thank you thank you I'll make a motion to approve the amendment as is a second all in favor I I I opposed opposed okay moving on agenda item 15 ordinance number 03-242 add a lean process to unpaid water service charges thank you mayor ordinance 0324 ordinance of the Village Council Village ofest Florida manying code of ordinances in chapter 74 utilities section 7482 lean for unpaid service charges revising this section to provide a process for the village special magistrate to impose delinquent utility service charges against the property's service providing each and every other section subsection of chapter 74 shall remain in full force in effect as previously adopted providing conflicts CL severability Clause author to cify and effective for further purposes this is first reading good evening marjerie Craig utilities director and um this ordinance is just first reading as he mentioned to provide a process to put a lean on property for unpaid utility bills um this item has been brought can I'm I'm so sorry can I don't know if this is appropriate they left but I think you guys just approved that without the Thousand FL oh it was approved on first reading without the Thousand separation okay I'm sorry I did usually I wouldn't do that but I that just I just had to throw that out there this will be back before the council for second reading can we change it on second well that that may require a second first reading that's a substantial change to the uh all right well we'll let you guys figure that out because I do think that was council's intent I apologize continue I'm sorry was that for the previous one that was for the previous one sorry Marjorie that was important just dawned on me it's very important so um anyway this draft ordinance just provides the process for a hearing by a village magistrate something that we already have um and Report leans against the property so in this uh staff memo it talks about the current current ordinance um and the draft ordinance so we have the draft ordinance the current or ordinances actually in the memo and the current delinquency process um and then the proposed one so um this particular ordinance was brought to council dur for two different workshops January 29th and April 1st um um attached is the um the draft ordinance for your consideration and also a copy of the presentation from the last uh Workshop which was April 1st the only difference in that presentation is I added in the light blue if you look on um the slide uh draft lean ordinance in light blue it just uh the only difference is that all of the processes will be put into the utilities department utility service policy manual so I was not planning to go through the entire presentation unless that's something that you want to go through I mean it's very really just adding a process to the lean process okay thank you Council will open up for discussion there's no comment not much we've talked about this yeah I know I'm good I don't have any comment um just two quick comments on the I I think I know the answer if I want to be for for sure on the memo it's talking about um Residential Properties and requests but this would apply to any water consumer not just residential right yes okay it shouldn't it's I think the ordinance is written right I think it's just in the memo but I just wanted to make sure and I can correct that for the second you know the memo for the second reading the intent is for for any but there is a is a long process before we get to that point where we work with the customer and you know work to get the the balance Pap okay so yeah I think and I think that was our intend was for all properties right not just so as long as the ordinance is right I just wanted to make sure um and then um can you refresh my memory so when if you're if we're doing the lean and it gets to the point of foreclosure which I think you put three years is there like a threshold amount there where we would like actually proceed with a foreclosure CU I mean it's amount uh a threshold dollar amount like I'm a great question cuz that's it's a big deal I mean to for clothes on someone so I just didn't I can't remember if we discussed that I didn't see it in the back we did um so sorry no no go ahead please you you have the answer we discussed this um with over the last several months and in the in the meeting so we wouldn't ever foreclose on somebody unless the amount was the balance you know it cost money to to put a lean on somebody to have the special magistrate to um that whole process cost money so we're really talking about we didn't put a specific threshold in there because it just depends on what the cost benefit is so you know is it better to write it off or is it is it you know $12,000 and we really need to go ahead and move forward and and put a lean on the property okay andad I can go ahead any any time the The Village would Institute actual litigation you would have we would bring that to you to authorize the filing of the lawsuit before we even did that we would look at the value of the lean we would do a title search see what we're stepping into you know the lean is on a property that is mortgaged to the hilt and and the debt is far exceeding the value of the lean we certainly would never recommend going in that in that direction but so what happens is though the lean would be out there it would be recorded potentially at some point in time the owner is going to perhaps sell the property and they're going to want a clean title so then they would say hey there's a lean on my property how do we how do we settle up with you and and and and it would be handled that way uh quite frankly you know in order to recommend an actual lawsuit for foreclosure the the Stars would really have to align in terms of the value of the property the value of the lean the condition of the title on the property council's willingness to to authorize that activity okay thank you for um refreshing my memory on that and so then from a from a legal standpoint like that's okay we're okay as written and it is acceptable to do that decide on a Case by casee basis and not have it defined in the ordinance absolutely you know it's the same way we would handle a code enforcement lean if we ever wanted to foreclose on one of those we would go through that same exercise and if the stars aligned we would bring that back to you and ask make a recommendation and ask for permission right we really want the bill paid that's not for close okay all right L any comment card no any public comment Council can I get a motion so move second all in favor I I thank you margerie thank you margerie welcome back margerie J it 16 or number is 0424 first reading of ordinance to update the uh what is this I'm sorry election section in regards to our Charter amendments and filling vacancies see thank you mayor this is ordinance 0424 an ordinance of the Village Council Village of Desta Florida amending the code of ordinances in Chapter 2 Administration Article 5 elections division three candidates amending sections 2- 273 and 2-2 74 to conform these sections with vacancy filling provisions of the recently amended Village Charter providing each and every other section and subsection of chapter 2 shall remain in full force and effect as previously adopted providing conflicts Clause severability Clause authority to codify effective data and for other purposes this is first reading uh as the title indicates this um conforms the code to Charter requirements for filling vacancies on the council it's the one thing that I would Point your your attention to is to take a a look uh especially at section 2- 273b the because the charter talks about the code uh adopting selection criteria so the we've written in four recommended criteria uh which are pretty basic but it conforms the code to the Charter and the criteria that are that were drafted be a qualified elector of the village pursuant to Village Charter section 2.02 be a resident of the village for a minimum of one continuous year prior to being appointed submit a resume and letter of interest to the Village clerk pursuant to any deadline for submissions and agree to resign any currently held board or committee position immediately upon appointment becoming effective so they're very basic criteria that really don't add um a lot to what the charter already requires but the way the charter is written it does speak to the code having some criteria so this is an our attempt to conform the code to the Charter and real quick that uh 2- 273b that you just read yeah does that does that not apply to um 2 d274 I was when I was reading I was trying to understand the wides defined there I think we put in 2- 274 uh and the it refers back to the criteria in subsection B above so yes it does apply to both I just didn't write it in twice I just referred back up catch that thank you all right Council no comment no comment more handy card any public comment can I get a motion so moved second all in favor I I last agenda item 17 the 2024 governmental assemblies appointments okay so y'all get to do this every year where you um appoint a representative and in some situations an alternate to serve on these boards um so hopefully you have read um through the meeting descriptions that was included in the agenda packet so we'll just go through each of these line by line and you can deter decide who you're going to have to serve on this so the Palm Beach County League of cities General membership meeting it's the fourth Wednesday of the month and um the mayor has been um serving on that yeah and I'll continue because um I'll be first vice president next year so I'm always there regardless but that is open to everyone to attend I know uh vice mayor goes to some of them uh they're really educational it's a great way to network with other uh Community leaders so again welcome to everyone but I you know take the lead on I'm being there every time and the same thing with the Florida League of cities the um annual conference that the mayor has been taken the lead on that as the mayor yep so you're doing both those palom County league and Florida League yeah and this is really the annual conference so that and really like I'm the voting delegate too so it's just like I'm there I'm the voting delegate but again it's everyone like I encourage everyone to attend it's it's a really really great event and that one you get to you know connect with Community leaders over over the state so it's a really great opportunity okay okay then the um Palm Beach countywide Coastal Council um Palm Beach County Palm Beach countywide Coastal Council yeah um council member Brandon has been serving on that it says it meets as needed um but they have not met in a long time that still the case thank you does it exist I don't know maybe it does it act this one okay we can reach out to Mr Weber and find out if it exists any longer um council member Brandon do you want to see on that one should they still exist and maybe meet one [Laughter] day okay um I was just informed that he's incapacitated so maybe we should just remove this and if it comes back forward then we could you know add it back on that's fine yeah sorry okay uh North County Intero governmental Coordination Committee um as needed late morning it has been Mayor Young as the appointee and um vice mayor sir Tori served as the alternate last year yeah they I feel like since I've been on Council maybe they've met like four times they don't meet a lot um yeah I mean I'm happy to continue doing it but if someone else wants to like feel free to step up yeah I'll continue to stay I'm happy to do that as well um whether that's as the primary or the alternate uh vice mayor and Council mayor painter you guys want to do that sure sure okay so who's going to serve as primary Rock papid um well Rick do you have a preference no I don't I'll I'll take primary since you're doing that fine yeah and those are all via Zoom too just you know easy squeeze in okay Northern Palm Beach is cultural Alliance um council member Brandon served as the main and um Deborah telfin served as an alternate she's not here any longer she's retired well she's actually working in a part-time capacity so that's um but I don't think she's going to be serving on that she's yeah have they have yeah so they were in the process of rebuilding it was very difficult after Co but they have now found a footing again so they meet every second Friday it's more it's actually 11:30 they they change it kind of often as they were finding their way but now they're kind of staying on the 11:30 like lunchtime is because one of them makes lunches and it's amazing for someone and they what they do is they just share all the different art activities festivals everyone that's involved is in the Arts to some degree or a municipal person it's just sharing a lot of it's nonprofits and they just share it's networking and they help each other and then they love to hang out with your chat it's all very nice people in that group so do you wish to remain the okay them daily anyway does council wish to appoint an alternate in case council member Brandon can't make it or jemy did you want to put svina in that some Stu she might like that Council if somebody proun counil wants to go that be great an alter very Arty yeah well you sound per per you're in art don't talk about government stuff I wish I had that other than when there's like emergencies going on or when we had Co and like a storm's coming it's more like what's everyone's protocol happening in town but otherwise it's all R stuff and marketing talk yeah but fun yeah so does council wish to appoint an alternate do we need an alternate do anything think not I say but if you want to ask soia she might enjoy that that's up to the manager yes and a lot of them are kind of local it might help her okay next one is the Palm Beach North chamber regular member um the these are the business before hours and business after hours and I believe those are open to um to the public to the or to the anyone's yeah um but there's always been an appoint to to attend those when they can so um the mayor was the uh for business before hours and council member painter was the alternate and then for business after hours it was council member Brandon if free and that's probably not going to become more free anytime it's fall you can keep me on for the breakfast i' I've missed several they so that they used to be the third Wednesday of the month they changed the second Wednesday and um second Wednesday has been my leadership class days but I have my last class this week so I'll be able to uh I I like going them they're again they're very informative um so I yeah I can stay on there but it's one of those things all five of us can go if we want right just I'm happy to stay on as well but I'm kind of I go when I can uh when they moved it it definitely messed up my my schedule okay what about business after hours I'm out I've been him in the past I can do I'm low man so I'll take uh what's what's left over thank you fair I got to earn it okay moving on we have the Palm Beach North chamber Economic Development Committee um the appointment was uh council member painter and council member Brandon is the alternate does anybody else want to jump in on that this is I'm economic it's fine I'm just I'm pull I'm pulling mining down if anybody El suppos to jump if you guys don't want it like I said I'm I'll take uh The Leftovers I'd prefer the next one is governmental affaires I prefer to stay on that one if council's okay with that um I got my groove there we're actually going in person they do want to see you're in person J going to that tomorrow um I take Economic Development with the governmental Affair that's the Friday morning calls typically yeah I think I thought I was on that and not the economic CU I've enj I do I do take it on my way okay so for the Palm Beach North chamber do we want to put um council member um French yeah do you want to do that I'll take it okay and an alternate or no do you want to wait I'm sorry so we're going back to theonomic devel yeah I'll take alter okay and then the chamber governmental Affairs Mayor Young and then an alternate would be maybe second Friday I typically call into these but so it would conflict with anybody doing the oh never mind never mind we're good I I've missed a small handful so I mean and it is not if no one calls in it's fine um I think Jeremy you might have even called like given the update one for me but yeah there is a backup just in case but it's not the end of the world if um there's a one month someone's not on do they record these or send out a summary or minutes or anything just put me and you want to do back up I'll you back up okay okay thank you for the government Affairs government Affairs yes okay um Palm Beach Chamber environmental subgroup sustainability subcommittee we have um vice mayor Sartor and um council member Brandon we leaving those if anybody wants to take that that's fine with me me it's every other month it's not a very and theirs are all in person too oh they and they're long they're not just an hour they have been and it's really it's usually a very small group they kind of like way we want to contribute where we can but you have to like you know time money ever yeah absolutely yeah I'll withdraw my name cuz that doesn't work with my schedule I mean I can go back to being CU my schedule changes for the next school year a little bit if that's only every other month we can try switching it back okay so put you as the primary and who is interested in alternate I'll take alternate then okay thank you and the ones that I I've listened and I have gone they talk a lot of similar things like our EAC talks about you know it's kind of Carling across the county allow these similar Concepts okay very good um the vot environmental committee actually Jeremy um has um appointed a staff member to that so that's not that needs to come off next year um the Palm Beach County League of cities the voting delegate is the mayor in the past we've had an alternate in case she was unable to attend so vice mayor is Ultimate vice mayor okay for both of those uh Lega cities as well yes okay and and I will say this year I don't think the conference lands on our council meeting week I've always been taking the meeting for my hotel room there everyone else is out having fun I'm like in the room eating dinner strange that they overlap that like you think they but no I think it's uh it's doesn't lay on that week so that makes it a little easier does that mean we're all going should Jeremy I know every time I'm there the manager like where's Jeremy I'm like he's at the council meeting just so the record is clear do we have Council consensus on all of those appointments that you just discussed yes from me yes sir yes thank you and is there any public comment okay that's all I have for there um but mayor I wanted to ask if I could um while you're going into any other matters here if I could make a a a um a recognition that was not on the agenda tonight um so this is uh municip Clerk's week and I would just like to point out that Maryanne and Diana are the treasures in the village to me and they make our office shine and I just wanted to publicly recognize them awesome thank you so much and you I did see that this week so I apologize and not bring it up you guys we couldn't do it without you do we need a formally vote on the assemblies or is that not I'm okay with the that's why I asked if there was Council consensus it's not a resolution so as long as everybody's in agreement okay I a quick point on that assembly I know I think I talked a couple you guys you know the idea is that you know one person can't go to all of them so if you do go to a meeting when we do have Council comments at the council meeting you can bring not share what was talked about just so that the the rest of the Village Council knows I know we've talked about it in the past in a workshop format you know sometimes we get reports sometimes not but I think that's the the council comments and the perfect time for that so future agreed okay on to any other matters I just have one one question for and please correct me if I'm wrong but and especially this is I think more true inesta I want to hear M any citizen or Mr sairi has to say it did seem to me it was in a a negative directive manner to Vice May sori and that's where I cut in just to say hold on we got rules with the Cor here please we want to hear and share your opinion but it seemed a u an attack an attack it it was not communicated as just professional and it was directed and I don't want any of the counsil up here for anything negative to be directed it should be as councel um that's why I spoke up to stop them because I I don't see the benefit in that and um well I don't see the benefit in it and it's it's not professional it's not the question um and whatever the opinion is fine but it seem like a a direct attack with some uh angst behind it yeah so our resolution for that says they are to address Council as a whole through the president officer which would be me um and I am not going to be lie and you can watch on video Keith was saying in my ear a code thing from the previous item so quite honestly I was listening but he was whispering my ear so when he spoke up I was sorry it happened they were giving update from the previous item um but yeah I mean I there's a fine line there like you said we want to um public needs to be respectful but we want to hear what they have to say and I think it's you know my best judgment on if I think it's getting a little out of control um so I appreciate you saying something especially since I was my and honestly that happened so rapidly that it took a couple of seconds for the whole thing to happen and and you know sorry we were talking about something uh the only other thing I I I would um say to the council uh and these we have these rules they're they're very clear but they're very hard to actually enforce and and at the end of the day it's always the responsibility of the chair of the meeting to do that so I appreciate uh Mr French what you what you did but that actually uh added another layer of complexity to the situation we've had this happen before and it did not go well and he had to address legal letters and so uh yeah try to keep it through me because it just keeps keeps everyone and I try to be really fair and consistent across the board I know everyone's not necessarily a fan of that too from but you know you can't give one something and give another so I do really try to follow the rules of form and keep it there and like I said if there's someone else I'll counsil is do you all agree that we so would always ask for council's permission if we're going to go outside of those bounds too so so um yeah I try try to play fair the best I can that was tough position I appreciate the the explanations right anything else all right can I get a motion to adjourn so move second all in favor I I