I have seen going what's that oh really right Mak sense then you put it in English good evening everyone it is 6m I'd like to call this meeting to order it's July 11th 20124 it is our regular council meeting Lori can I get roll call Mayor Young here Vice mayor Sor here council member Brandon here council member painter here and council member French okay I will be leading the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance tonight father as We Gather here tonight let us take a moment to reflect on our recent celebrations and the importance of the 248th anniversary of our Declaration of Independence may we appreciate all the blessings that surround us and the responsibilities we bear for our village grant us the wisdom and discernment as we deliberate the matters that will ultimately impact our community may our discussions be filled with respect understanding and a shared commitment to serve in the best interest of our constituents for the betterment of our village in your name we pray amen amen please rise for the pledge I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible withy and [Music] Justice can I get a motion to approve tonight's agenda so moveed second all in favor I I okay we have two presentations tonight I'm going to go a little out of order um legisl uh we are supposed to have a legislative update from Senator Harold but she is not here yet so we will start with a presentation from executive dor of the reef Institute lenita fix and I thought yep you can come up to the podium uh The Reef Institute is the uh nonprofit that receives a proceeds from our bridge the gap event that we've had two years in a row now so I've gotten to know lenita over the past year I thought would be nice for our community to understand a little bit about what the reef Institute does so lenita the floor is yours thank you so much so as uh Mayor Young said my name is lenita fix I'm the executive director of The Reef Institute um we are the only Coral conservation organization in Palm Beach County and um our primary focus starts with Palm Beach County and then moves to Florida and then the Caribbean so we're going to talk a little bit about who we are what we do um there is I want to thank everybody for the um a measurable um effort that it took to get to this video tonight um and uh the confusion that you're going to be forced to just sit here and watch a video with a human being here so uh no I just find it's more interesting to see things than to just have a PowerPoint in the background we've all sat through so many meetings with long PowerPoint so there is um about there is sound in the video for the first two minutes um well not even that like 30 seconds um and then what's going to happen is I'm going to just explain a little bit about coral a little bit about who we do where we're going um as Mayor Young said the bridge the gap event has now um the proceeds have gone to us for the last two years um and so then um then what we'll do is I'll be able to answer some questions so it takes me about 15 minutes to get through the presentation um and then we'll we'll answer some questions um and then hopefully the senator will be here by then so all right if you want to just go ahead and hit play this is the only part that there sounds if we can't hear it that's okay A a group ofs make up a colony that all share the same DNA and genetic and this is a CO colony and a p consistently cared for by our biologists and clists here at the reef Institute at The Reef Institute we care about each coal from poip to coln and we are on a mission to save the even if it's one Coral at a time so the reef institute's mission is coral conservation through education research and restoration um we've been around primarily since uh 200 18 on this Mission and I always like to start with what Coral is um nobody really knows what it is so and we live in an area with all of these Chara charismatic creatures like turtles and manatees and it's hard to get people excited about an animal that doesn't even move so uh coral reefs take up about less than 1% of space in the ocean but 25% of all of our marine life species rely on coral reefs um for their survival um coral reef help produce some of the world's oxygen and um they um and they are incredibly important to Florida's economy and the economy across the Caribbean as a whole I like to call it the selfish statistic um there's a statistic that comes out of Stanford University that says that 97% of all wave energy is first absorbed by a coral reef so the reason why I call that the selfish statistic is that if we want to look at all of the reasons why Coral is important to us um on the very basic level it keeps us from being underwater and Florida's coral reef runs 365 miles from the Florida Keys all the way up to Port St Lucy but the problem is is that Florida's coral reef and coral reefs across the Caribbean are in extreme trouble due to um lots of factors but primarily disease and coral bleaching and this uh part of the video right here kind of shows you what's going on when you look at everything out there it looks kind of Stark there's not a lot of fish there's not a lot happening it looks kind of dead and then you're going to come back around and you're going to see um the one Coral Head in this space and you're going to see where everything's living that shows us just one of the minor reasons why coral reefs are the foundation of the ocean and so because they are in such a dire place um our Florida's coral reef is estimated to only have about F between two and 2 and 5% of its original Glory left so what we do at the reef Institute is a mechanism that we call rescue to Reef so the first thing that we do is we hold just like when you go to the zoo and you see the little sign that says these are the last two endangered animals left on the planet they're here we have um Coral species that are the last um of their kind the coral that you actually see in the tanks right here is pillar corals um it is estimated in August that it will be the first Coral to be uplisted to be an act there are four corals that are considered threatened but it will actually be uplisted to be an endangered species um so um we hold four species of coral that um are almost extinct in the wild and the rest of the coral that we hold on the rescue side of things is for is to be able to um keep it safe so if it all goes sideways in the ocean we at least have some left here on land I like to call it Groundhog Day so if everything keeps happening the way that it is in the ocean we can keep starting over on on land we primarily hold corals that are rescued from disease like you just saw and last summer we had the hottest July in in history and the hottest surface temperatures in the Florida Keys in the in the history of the nation and so um what happened was that corals began to die um because of something called bleaching um bleaching happens when um a the coral animals live in a symbiotic relationship with a type of algae that gives them nutrients and produces oxygen something happens for that algae to become under stress begins to overproduce oxygen and it starts to go white and that's called Coral bleaching so um we rescue from disease and coral bleaching and if you want to know what you're looking at that's Coral having babies when a mommy coral and a daddy Coral love each other this is what happens it's quite exciting everybody should you know hide their children um but no the second thing that we do is um we conserve through Coral reproduction um so the goal of the rescue is those corals will always live with us but we want to reproduce them to get their babies back out in the ocean so what you saw um at the beginning there under conserve was a um a coral actually giving birth a corals primarily as a whole give birth about once a year some of them in April and most of them in August um and then what happens is we work with a couple of different organizations and um their Coral reproduction and the only time Coral um moves through the ocean in its entire life is when it's first born um it's really interesting Coral while it looks so simple and it looks like a fuzzy rock is actually one of the most complex creatures that you'll ever meet um it has a very basic nervous system and yet it's been proven by science that it both listens and smells for a healthy place to land when it's swimming um those little polka dots that you see on the surface of the water there is not um is not dust it is not hooville you know um if you've ever read that book um those were baby corals swimming through the ocean then they find a healthy place to land they look like that under a microscope and they grow in our facility for about a year to two years till they're about 2 cm and then the goal for all of these baby corals is to get them back out out in the ocean um if you saw under um Florida D um Governor DeSantis um awarded some grants this year um for the expansion of uh of coral um propagation and restoration and we were one of the organizations one of the five organizations to receive one of those grants so um the next step is to grow them to about this size and our goal at this point is to get them back out in the ocean um we are the only organiz ation piloting putting um baby corals back out in the ocean um here in Palm Beach County so we have now um out it's called outplanting we've now outplanted corals on four occasions and um we have done that on three occasions with um Palm Beach County Environmental resource management and their help so um some of our baby corals go to the keys but when we put corals back out in the ocean we want to focus on our own backyard so this is kind of what the process of coral outplanting looks like so no one else has wanted to tackle it in Palm Beach County because for our divers in the room our natural reefs are 30 to 50 feet and they are in a ripping current so um we were told by several other agencies nobody's wanted to give it a try um but we wanted to give it a try because this is our home and we want to save and rebuild our reefs so the process is we lay transects down um in a spot we kind of avoid the healthy life that's around we scrub the spot down we use um a type of marine epoxy that you see there we secure the coral to the reef and then the goal is for that Coral to overgrow that epoxy continue to grow and then the reason why we want to approach it from this perspective is so that these corals can eventually grow big and strong and reproduce for themselves so that we can create a reef that is actually restoring itself um right now it needs some help and it needs kind of I call it a both and approach it needs us um to get Coral back out in the ocean um while we are allowing it to grow to re to rebuild itself so you'll see one of our S I always like to point out that um when you look at um outplanting in the keys it looks like this like beautiful dance and this you know really easy 20 ft of water notice my divers are upside down and um holding on to the reef to be able to uh even uh function to be able to to move um then at the end of this you'll see all those transects actually come up they collect data um and then we go out once a month and we monitor these corals to see how they're doing um like I said we have two outplanting sites right now we've outplanted four times that's what the coral looked like um after 6 months and you're about to see that it doubled inside size after a year so um that that is um so we we go from Rescue to um to reproduction to outplanting then we have a couple of innovation projects um that was panut Island if you didn't know and we affectionately refer to Peanut Island as the Cesspool of Tourism um it is not a well-treated area um and yet you will notice that um due to all of the Limestone that um environmental resource PM Beach County Environmental Resource Management laid um there is coral growing there that Coral was not put in place by anybody that Coral when I said that it swims and it finds a spot to land it has found a spot to land in Peanut Island um there's about 19 different types of coral living at peid island and we monitor it and we monitor its Health our other Innovation projects are in the Caribbean um our goal is to help the Caribbean do what we do to be able to fix the reef in their own backyard so we help them with rescue like you see here um and then we help with education um my background before I ever did this is in Community Development and so my goal one of my favorite mentors puts it this way you've heard it said if you give if you te if you give a man a fish he eats for a day if you teach a man to fish he eats for a lifetime when a man knows he owns the pond it changes everything and so um our goal in the Caribbean is to help uh local stakeholders understand that the ocean um is their Vitality it is is their Pond um and they have the power um to fix it just like we do and so that's what you see here are three different areas our last Innovation project is we built a spawning lab in a shipping container and the goal of this um originally was for us to create extra space um we're currently in about 3,000 square fet of space um in West Palm Beach um but what we came to realize um pretty readily was that this space that can that is solar powered is a great option for the Caribbean the last Innovation project that we have is with an organization called um Michael Singer Studios uh they're a design studio out of delr beach um they've been around since the 70s and the goal was to create a modular ecologically engineered Reef um that um was made of mostly recycled materials so you'll see that this is made out of 70% recycled materials um it's made out of oyster shell um recycled Portland cement and um glass and it has a higher PSI than uh cement it's strong but the goal was for us to create something that would recruit and be able to have coral outplanted on it um that one that you see right there is off the coast of sugar Sands I call it the other side of Blue Heron Bridge um we're currently working with grants to that was our pilot phase it's a little bit different shape now but our goal is to create a modular unit that when it's large can help with that wave energy um and when it's small can help connect areas in dying reefs the final thing that we do is education um we our Mo model of Education we call building awareness to stewardship me giving you this presentation today may or may not inspire you but I would call it an awareness type activity um but then we also work with um knowledge building decision-making and um and then finally stewardship um in lots of different ways and the final thing that I just wanted to share that's really exciting is that we're moving a half a mile away um I actually really wanted to move to taquesta but that couldn't happen so um we're moving a half mile away we are expanding from 3,000 square ft to 23,000 Square ft we're growing by six times on this entire facility that you see here um the floors are now fixed um are um will be filled um with coral um and it will be one of the largest Coral facilities um in North America by the time it's done um and that is largely due to um Governor desantis's Grant so um we would love for you to get involved there's a couple of ways that you can get involved with our work you can volunteer um you can learn more about us I have more information with me tonight if you'd like to learn a little bit more about what we're doing on August uh 23rd um at the Cox Science Center we're part of a documentary called with and without a coral store um and if you'd like to learn more about that just let me know thank you lenita council do you have any comments or questions I I absolutely love what you're doing so cool um I had a question about the the bleaching sure so you had said and I'm G to probably I had 15 minutes so I was like you a whole educational part where I tell you about coral no because I've always heard that term of like Coral bleaching and I in my head had always thought like it was this malicious act someone was out there b just the way it sounded I never understood it but what is causing what in the water is causing and I think you said the bacteria gets off and that ultimately leads to the sure so there were there there has been bleaching not here in Florida but um years ago people were literally putting bleach in the water um but when we refer to Coral bleaching we're referring to a process so Coral is an animal that lives in a symbiotic relationship with a type of algae um that that alal what they call it an alal symbiant that alal symbiant um the type of alal Symon only lives in corals giant clams and some Nutter branks that eat giant clams that's a sea slug um and so it's not it's not algae like we think of seaweed that's free floating or toxic algae or blue green or anything like that or red tide it's literally living in the tissue of that of that animal it provides it nutrients and it's um photosynthetic um so it's um producing oxygen what happens to that Coral is that something happens to put that algae under stress um last summer it was heat um and so it begins to overproduce oxygen and just like if you get something stuck in your throat and you'd want to spit it out the animal coughs it out and so now it's called bleaching because the animal itself is clear and you can see through to the skeleton and so it looks bleached it looks White the interesting thing about coral is that if it has the time if it has the opportunity to adapt that's why we actually study the coral out at Peanut Island is that it's highly adaptive is that it will um it will bleach it will go to that lighter color it will look white but if it has enough nutrients it can actually feed itself for long enough to to come back from that what happened last summer is it got too hot too fast and it couldn't adapt and so we did lose a large portion of our Coral um one specific species called um stagghorn was hugely affected um in the keys um and we lost um we were already hugely affected by a disease called Stony Coral tissue loss disease um and the thing to understand about Florida is when we talk about our corals that build our reefs in the Pacific Ocean they have hundreds of different types we have 45 so we have we only have 45 rebuilding species so when things are affected um it moves fast and it affects us on a large level okay so we're left with very little Reef left okay so you kind of answer my my next question was so if when Coral has reach the stage where it's bleaching it's not necessarily dead yet not dead yet okay so it could be brought back okay it it it can come back but it really depends on if it uh Coral is slow adapter so if it's living in an area like Peanut Island where it's forced to adapt every year it will learn how to adapt um the the the coral and the keys last summer was wasn't used to it so it it we it did not come back so it's it's nothing human inter us doing anything in the water this is just the environment heat things like that or ours is or human interaction so that so yes it's our fault so um um so here it's a it's a harder question to answer so here's how I like to put it is that we haven't treated the ocean as in general as a treasure we've treated it as a commodity and when something is a treasure uh we we treat it like a treasure we we treat it special when something um you know it's the difference between um wearing um you know a piece of jewelry that you bought at the five and dime versus wearing a piece of jewelry that's an heirloom you're going to treat them differently so if you lose a pair of earrings that you bought at the five and dime oh well I'll replace them and so a lot of times that's how we've treated the ocean in a lot of different ways um I would argue there isn't a lot of people like like to say there are singular I people ask me so is it this is it this is it this is it this there is no singular reason why the ocean is in trouble and why corals are in trouble but because we haven't treated it like a treasure it's created this environment in the ocean um where I would argue that most animals in the ocean have suppressed immune systems it's kind of like when you go out and um on a rainy day and your mom says put on a coat because you're going to to catch a cold in the rain it's not the rain or the cold weather that's going to make you sick what it does is it makes your immune system weaker and so that you're more likely to get a cold so what we've done is we've created a situation in the ocean where they have a suppressed immune system and so when something comes along like a disease or a bleaching event or a virus um then what happens is that it's it moves a little bit faster um I work with a scientist who would argue that the disease that has taken out most of our corals she thinks she's been seeing um versions of it since the 90 s um and it's just similar to other viruses like we get a flu shot every year because the flu changes every year that it's changed and it's it's kind of um changed its its Pathways so so when you say what what can we do we need to treat the ocean like a commodity we need to do the things that we know to do um obviously the lowest hanging fruit is single use Plastics you know I'm looking at reusable water bottles like that's you know something easy that we can do um there are good sunscreens and bad sunscreens um I will tell you the good sunscreens are the FDA has come out and said are better for you not just better for the ocean um it's what we call a mineral or physical sunscreen the easiest way to tell if it's a reefs sunscreen is the only two active ingredients should be zinc TI zinc oxide um or titanium dioxide we always tell kids does it start with a z or a t if it's anything else in the active ingredients don't put it on um I was actually teaching a camp today that these poor kids were like throwing out all of their sunscreen they're like I have to tell my mom I can't wear this anymore I can't kill the ocean um you know those things um I I would say this sometimes we think we we don't do anything because we think the small acts won't won't um compound to make a big act but if we all come together and make and do the small things that we can do it compounds to to a big solution well thank you again I really appreciate what yall are doing and I would love to get involved however right awesome I can leave some information I mean it's sad that this has been happening since I was a kid growing up here um you know I support artificial reefs but obviously anything that's living that's replacing the actual animal is better so thank you because it's such a timec consuming dedicated very long process like you said a year or two for one of them to kind of get established what is your annual Financial need as of right now just to put it in perspective perspective that it's not an easy process and people I don't want people to think this is just like a we could throw money at it it could be fixed but it's very expensive to take this time and dedication I would love for people to throw money at it I know but it's very expensive to keep tanks running and yes so our annual budget up until two years ago was about um $500,000 a year um but we are severely underst staffed and we do things on a on you know with duct tape and a prayer so I would say to do things like you said the scale that we need to be doing at it um we should have about a $2 million year budget at least okay um and it needs to continue to scale okay I just like that being known so we know how to help no that's a good question yeah and you're right I will say this that um one of the reasons why there's been a lot um there's been a lot of being of holding back from um different um agencies in Florida up to this point to really do work with coral online has been because the belief is that there's not a large enough Workforce um to be able to um move it forward it's so specialized it takes scientists um it takes people who are passionate and willing to learn and one of the things we do at the reef Institute is we work with um undergraduates and um a lot of our Workforce are trained by us to do the work so yes it is specialized but it's something that people can learn how to do okay that's good to know thank you thank you again for number one creating awareness um I was not aware of your organization born and raised we're not really good at marketing ourselves that's why Mayor Young was so nice to bring my entire life so almost 60 years so thank you for what you're doing to bring it back and creating the awareness I mean I wasn't fully aware of how important and how critical it is to the whole ecosystem so thank you and um thank you for again anything that we can do in the future but thank you and I'm glad be able to partner with you in some form and fashion help you out along the way thank you okay thank you again for the education tonight and um you know Greg thank you for bringing the re Institute into our community with the bridge the gap event um you know it's great to hear the state is actually noticing too and is giving funding for that and um it's quite I I've I've been to the the current facility that you're currently moving out of but um it's a tiny tiny staff tiny operation they're tackling a huge huge uh Endeavor so amazing work and again thank you for your time tonight and then any materials would you mind leave in those with the that's what I was going to say I'll leave who should I leave materials with all right so I'm going to leave some materials with you um I have some booklets that kind of explain who we are um I have these we affectionately call them the fish card um they're fish ID cards so when you snorkel they're waterproof you can snorkel with them um and then I have some magnets if anybody wants to take one so thank you so much thank you so much so much and with council's consent we can put their link on our website like we do some of the nonprofits as long as sure you guys are good with that y all righty um we'll move on to the consent agenda can I get a motion to approve the consent agenda make a motion to approve consent agenda second all in favor I I right Lori any Communications from citizens tonight yes I have one from Dave Smith I think you just walked out just left okay any other citizen Communications all right any Communications from Council none from me I have none nope no I just want to say um on July 24th Desta with Jupiter Inlet colony is hosting the Palm Beach County League of cities General membership meeting so you guys you know everyone's open uh it's open to attend and I think it's great that we get to be able to showcase our community that day what was the DAT uh July 24th thank you I think oh I get 10 for the board meeting I think the lunch starts at 11:30 okay 11 yeah oh it's right here yep at the Country Club he moving on standing reports V attorney thank you mayor um so the United States Supreme Court this month was like it's like the day after the last League meeting and I was hoping it was going to happen so I could talk about it then but I'll talk about this will sort of be a sneak preview of my league report um um Supreme Court uh rendered an opinion in a case called city of Grants Pass Oregon versus Johnson and this has to do with um homelessness and um whether or not a local government can prohibit homeless or anybody from camping or sleeping on publicly owned property and you know the Florida legislature passed a bill that will go into effect October first that addresses this and the Supreme Court opinion basically says yes you can do that and and it um will allow the Florida statute to to go into effect and to happen um Florida statute creates oh in my opinion all kinds of issues uh basically it it prohibits a municipality or County from authorizing I think that uses the word authorizing camping or sleeping on public property in general and then it gives the county an opportunity to designate some publicly owned property within the county as a temporary place for outdoor sleeping or camping if that happens to be in a municipality that the municipal governing body has to approve it as well so like if the county said Paradise Park you know or or Constitution whatever you would have to approve that and then there's a certification requirement DCF has to certify that um and the county has to establish that there are not enough beds in homeless shelters in the county to house the homeless population how they do that is a great question I don't know you know where the where they'll get their data from they have to establish that the publicly designated property is not adjacent to property that is comp planned for residential use and they have to establish that the the designation will not negatively impact property values of residential or commercial properties um then if they get that certification and and they County wants to move forward then they have to jump through a whole bunch of operational Hoops they have to provide water and and bathrooms they have to provide mental health Counseling Services they have to enforce no alcohol no drug policies on the property I mean it it's a lot um the the thing that that we need to keep in mind and we need to understand what if anything the county is going to do is that if a local government basically turns a blind eye and does you know you know you find out there's sleeping or camping on public property in the village you don't don't do anything about it a resident a business owner or the Florida attorney general can file a civil lawsuit against the village for not complying with the statute that civil lawsuit of course has uh implications for attorney's fees and and and costs of prosecution um you know the statute doesn't go into you know what happens on the first day of year two you so when you get to that oneyear temporary period and that expires what happens the next day I don't know um what do you do if if in fact someone is violating the statute and camping or sleeping on publicly owned property if the county adopts it or designates a place are we supposed to take them there do we just send them along to Jupiter and let Jupiter deal with the problem and then Jupiter will move them to North Palm Beach again I don't know U seems to me that this this uh statute creates a lot of questions I don't have any answers but I need to make sure you're aware that this is coming the statute goes into effect October 1st uh so I think this is going to be on a lot of Municipal managers Minds uh on a going forward basis and um it is coming so um I always hate being the bear bad news but I do want to make sure you're aware that this is um this this will be here sooner than later so I wanted to report on that tonight and that is my report for this evening unless you have any questions thank you Keith and um just uh real quick the uh palmach County mayor saxs um held a mayor Symposium in June and it was pretty well attended I attended um and it was to really talk about this new state law that is going to be in effect soon and I think when can the law the lawsuits can't start don't start happening till did you say that there's a grace period um I don't remember exactly how long the statute starts October 1st but yeah that you can't just Tee It Up on October 2nd yeah there is a period that don't recall what that is off hand okay so there um we you know it was kind of an in initial discussion not there wasn't really too much action from it per se um but you know the county seems to want to work together with the municipalities for us to collaborate and come up with Solutions together instead of you know everyone working in silos on this matter um so you know at the end of the of the Symposium uh they had a bunch of different community services that assist the homeless uh so we got to you know get information from them which was helpful I think there's another meeting it's not officially scheduled it's planned for probably August or September so I'll keep everyone apprised as we make progress in that meeting as well any other questions for Keith no All Right Moving On Village manager all right thank you um Doug gave me a tour of remembrance Park this morning it's pretty cool to see that that um that project moving forward um they're getting close to starting some of the undergrounding work so no doubt that that be a great addition to the Village U we are installing some school zones at Willow um at the church school over there and then the SE Brook U right in front of the SE Brook Church school here um supposed to start Monday the we're supposed to do some water water main open uh cuts across Country Club Drive at starberg way benam B Ben me um and Windward Avenue um that's supposed to start the 15th through the 7 supposed to be the 15th through the 17th however there is a permit issue with Palm Beach County so that may get delayed I'll give you guys an update on that um then fpnl is supposed to be here July 29th talk about the undergrounding project that they're uh moving forward with in the planning stages that's still probably year out but at least we'll be able to get more of a comprehensive presentation from fpnl and then our code compliance officer Frank seato started uh Monday so we're looking forward to him he comes from us um to us from Palm Beach Gardens um and so and we'll also be doing some additional part-time hours on the weekend so um look forward to just the that increased Patrol for code July 17th the galona property and the BLM will be hosting a ribbon cutting for the new trail entrance off US1 and uh it's pedestrian and bicycle entrance um for the new Trail there Council and the community is invited to attend um look forward to that the planning zoning meeting is July 18th we are having our second budget Workshop July 22nd and then of course the council workshop on July 29th um with that you have my report thank you any questions or comments for the village manager no ma'am no no okay all right Police Department good evening Council mayor vice mayor City attorney Village mayor manager I mean sorry and Village clerk uh Council you have the police department's monthly uh report in front of me so I'm just going to touch on highlights of the month of June uh our nautical Club registration was a great success we had the most kids ever at 44 so it's amazing it's going very well they matter of fact the past several days they've been fishing we've been getting pictures of them catching all sorts of fish even some sharks while out on the trip so it's been really fun just watch him um progress through the day catching fish uh we had our explorers post 357 recruiting Fair we've had several uh children sign up for that children and young adults we have several uh believe over the age of 18 which will be very good for our uh for our club to put some maturity and for also give give the younger children a someone to look up to in the the explor post we had or boards for our open police officer position uh we decided to hire Matthew schn Sher uh sorry for the pronunciation he began Jun uh J uh July 1 we stoen from Port St Lucy Police Department who stole him from New York city py so we're he worked there I believe for 10 years in New York City so he's turning out to be very good right now uh we've been addressing the parking issues on Beach Road for June we rote a total of 12 parking citations for June since May we've written 59 citation parking citational Beach Road for illegal parking so we're keeping an eye on that and keeping the roadway open for our pedestrians and our residents uh for meetings Corporal will hores rat was honored at the 36th annual traffic safety awards recognition for all his work for enforcing traffic safety laws D DWI and speeding uh for training we've had sent Corporal hores rat to advance Patrol tactics officer puit and officer Franklin to Glock armor school officer PU Franklin to uh the red dock training for handguns and a sergeant detective uh YZ for Glock instructor workshop for June our marine stats were 10 hours of patrolling on the water to help protect our residents out on the water and help slow the boats down through on the inter Coastal Waterway our BL BLM stats we had 24 hours of foot uh Patrol hours we had 134 contacts on the BLM property so we're out contacting uh individuals making sure they're not doing anything illegal such as drinking alcohol open Flames or any s things like that and once again you have the 12 parking citations for the month of June so that ends the report thank you Council any questions comments thank you I just have one it's um it's on the calendar but is it next week or the week after uh we're having a little event for the Firearms uh safety course isn't that this month we're still discussing the event for that right now okay well maybe there'll be an event so we'll send out the information it's official official okay all right thank you one one quick question the um the Beach Road the citations is it people parking in where they're still doing construction it's parking on the rway on the north side of Beach Road that's actually our rway and they're oh okay I got you okay thank you I think it's it's a lot because that parking's Clos long yeah yeah so people do Park in that even though it's ConEd off I was wondering if is that actually allowed the parking place the parking lots on B in property especially on the North side is fairly small so with Fourth of July weekend Memorial Day weekend they overflow real quick and the people were just parking on the edge of the roadway people uh individuals running out in front of cars so we had numerous complaints on all the par okay just curious thank you okay thank Youk appreciate it and it does not look like we have anyone from the fire department no uh Chief dreo we uh we let him go on vacation this week so um if you have questions i' be more than happy to answer you do have his report thank you and utilities good evening Council um I uh I just have a couple things to add to uh director Craig's monthly up um we completed a well Rehab on well 20 which is one of the toest of Park Wells um and that that's a normal um maintenance procedure that we do about every three years on uh the surficial wells um I talked to one of the contractors for the uh the Jupiter drawbridge and there's no tentative date yet yet uh for us to move our concentrate line um but we're keeping in contact so we'll be ready to go when that needs to be done and that'll be the final step uh in the bridge construction um let's see um the um contractor doing our uh Telemetry radio system they'll be installing the main antenna on the water the water planet self that's the uh Central Area uh the central point that controls all our Telemetry on the remote sites and just two other things in um uh distribution the distribution side uh most of the water main is complete on the country club project and um they're doing the service lines excuse me they're doing the service lines and the final tie-ins next month so that project should be done uh in late August and one other thing yesterday we had the meter replaced in the um the Jupiter Island South Martin Regional utility interconnect that we have so that's been up upgraded to a radio read so um you might see a increase in the revenue coming in next month so that's all I had thank you any questions questions com have one quick one and um if you can't answer that's fine we can Jeremy can email me the answers later on the um vulnerability assessment there was an update and report for that do we know uh how many people attended that public meeting it was end of June um 20 on the 26 or something the public meeting that we just had a week or two ago yeah yeah we had one one okay one person came I don't know how many were online because I know I think we I think we streamed it but I don't I know how many watched it online but I know only Mr Bradford came was the loan attendee for that okay and then on the um and our inter Nicholas he was here too so we can count him so and then um on the asset inventory list there were symbols that aren't on the legend so I was just wondering if those could be identified that was it thank you all right thank you moving on to the regular agenda under old business item number eight ordinance number 0524 which is a second second reading of adding private museums to rc3 zoning District thank you mayor ordinance 0524 ordinance of the Village Council Village at the quest of Florida amending the code of ordinances at chapter 78 zoning article 6 General 7 section 784 definitions creating a new definition for the term private Museum article 6 schedule of District regulations Section 78 178 C3 three General commercial district add private Museum as special exception use with distance separation requirements and article 10 off Street and on street parking and loading regulations Section 7875 required number of parking spaces provide number of parking spaces required for these establishments Prov each and every other section subsection chapter 78 shall remain a full force in effect is previously adopted providing conflicts cause severability Clause Thor to codify effective data and other purposes this is these second second reading thank you and then Jay there was some minor changes do you just want to State them the minor changes was what was discussed at the last meeting um creating a five 100 foot separation so there can't be another uh Museum within 500 feet of of an existing one um also want to point out that um this was a 3-2 vote at the last meeting um councilman French who is one of the yeses is not here so um with that in mind I think the applicant is already mentioned the possibility of wanting to defer this to the next meeting unless someone is going to change their vote okay true thank you I think I mean well if if it's a tie doesn't it there's no action 2 two means no action taken correct then could it be brought up again it would it would need to be at some point because it doesn't a two to two vote does not mean anything happens it right it's like it wasn't here at all so some point it would have to still come back for second reading okay so we can still vote and then it would just come back okay any public comment for the record Dunson hearing was hoping that maybe one of you would uh uh go ahead and move forward with us so that we could uh not have a third second reading but uh I think our preference would be to just to defer to a date certain to the next meeting save all the advertising USS and uh move to the August meeting when we can uh have a full benefit of a full Council so that would be our request if we could I guess what would the t's recommendation be I mean because if a council member is absent what is what is typical protocol for something like this when it's can be a tie vote I mean want to make sure we're being fair across the board with what would typically be done far be it from me to assume how anybody's going to vote that being said uh if the applicant has made a request EST and then this is a privately initiated application for this ordinance the applicants made a request to defer based on um what has happened in past uh readings um so in order to defer it the council would need to make a motion and vote to table this to to a Time certain and that'll eliminate advertising issues um you know again I I I know how you voted the last time if nobody has changed their position then this will be a two to2 vote and that means no action is taken and it'll have to come back um so if nobody has changed their position and if each of you believes you're going to vote the same way you voted the last time that would be a two to2 vot vot and you it's just an exercise because uh then my advice would be to reschedule this for a whether you do it before your Vote or after your vote set it for a Time certain at the next council meeting when you're going to have all five of you present so that there can be some action taken right so I mean I'm not going to assume everyone's voting the same so I think we can vote and then address it after we vote yeah I just one thing with the new online noticing system we're not risking paying any money for for notice so there's really no no risk and and having to re advertise that it's free okay all right not free we pay for it on an annual basis nothing's free okay can I get a motion do we want to have any comment or oh I'm so sorry public I I did public comment but get Council comment I have have a comment would you like me to go first sure okay um my advice to my fellow council members is I would advise us to vote tonight um I think that's very cautious if we were to start removing items at the request of applicants because their chosen council members might be missing up here we could have that left and right throughout the year then um it's unfortunate and there was a year where I had the flu and I missed a meeting and I missed some votes and I apologized to the residents I mean I was debt sick but applicants couldn't sit up here and say that one council member is not here so I I just want to caution us not to maybe go down that road it's a risk if we're missing someone up here um but again I don't want to go throughout the whole year with applicants left and right because they're chosen council members are not up here for the vote so just putting that out there thank you thank you I don't have anything else to say um I stand in favor of this I I think it's the building itself that we're talking about um what the applicant is going to do to that building is going to be a tremendous Improvement for the south end of the village of Desta when it comes to Cypress Drive um we saw we got some correspondents today that the North End building on the North End of on the north side of tester Drive is going to be enhanced and improved then we the beach house vet has done that so the north side of of Cypress Drive is I think getting to where we want to see it and I believe that the Village of toqua has invested all the money that it could invest to we've done medians we've done Landscaping we've done everything so it's going to come down to the private sector and somebody coming in here who bought it at open market and anybody could have come in here and done this and tried to buy it uh I believe that this applicant's going to come in and hopefully give a Kickstart to some of the other people surrounding that building that um really will bring the quality of what this what this neighborhood looks like in that neighborhood so I'm in favor because I I just there's going to be no more public investment the buildings that have been there and the owners have been there for years and it's continues to be downtrodden it continues to be somewhat of a of an eyesore in various parts of that of that Alleyway or that that uh that that street and I just think this applicant and in this uh this applicant is going to do a tremendous job improving this property and I hope that pride of ownership will begin at the curb and neighbors will begin to see this and we can get this Cypress Drive at least on the Questa side looking to where I think we should all all could finally proud of the entire street so I'm in favor still yeah no I I 100% agree um I've you know we've seen the renderings the conceptuals I think it's a beautiful design I think that property could sit how it looks today for a very long time I think we would all love to see um one of our you know local businesses go in there but there's no guarantee that that will ever happen and then we're just going to be left with you know a um an aging building and property um where we could have a very aesthetically pleasing property people drive by take notice and you know maybe it the the council member I'm sorry vice mayor satori's point it could stimulate some some uh positive growth and development on our side of Cypress Drive so that is why I am in favor of uh of this thank you my opinion and comments have't changed from last two meetings so I'm not going to restate them all so can I get a motion public comment I already did public comment ior motion to approve yeah I'll second that do I yeah all in favor I I opposed all right so that motion no action is taken strictly speaking there could be another motion but I presume it would be the same result so um we can announce a Time certain for this to the August council meeting alternatively we can read vertise it if it if if you're not comfortable that it's going to be on that date and we're not sure I think we try to do time certain and do it that way make it and then you know obviously for some reason we're not going to have a full Council we can always defer it and then re advertise August if that's the council's pleasure this would this would be continued to August 8th at the regular council meeting at 6m in the council chambers good with me that's fine thank you we can move on all right moving on agenda item nine ordinance number 06 d24 second reading of uh allowing changing our ordinance to allow electrical bicycles on sidewalks thank you mayor ordinance 0624 ordinance of the Village Council Village of the quest of Florida repealing Chapter 46 motor vehicles and traffic Article 1 in general section 46-4 entitled electric bicycles on sidewalks prohibited providing each and every other section subsection of chapter 46 shall full force and effects previously adopted providing conflex Clause s ability Clause Authority cloudify and effective data and for other purposes as the title indicates this repeals the electric bicycle um section that the Village Council adopted um last year and puts the code back the way it was before that and basically defers to state law thank you Council comment nothing any public comment can I get a motion so moved second all in favor I agenda item 10 resolution 3-24 to establish a discretionary fund policy for Council thank you mayor resolution 3- 24 resolution of the Village Council Village of the quest of Florida establishing Council discretionary fund usage policy allocation of funds eligible uses ineligible uses accountability transparency amendments compliance review and evaluation and setting an effective date thank you there was some uh revisions to the policy based on our last discussion does council have have any comments questions on that I have Noone no covered it any public comment thank you any card Lori all right can I get a motion so moved second all in favor I I under new business agenda item 11 resolution 13-24 to amend our slight Amendment on our billing department fee schedule thank you mayor resolution 1324 resolution of the Village Council Village dequest Florida adopting revised building department fee schedules provid by chapter 14 article 6 of The Village code of ordinances providing this schedule of fees and charges shall be available for inspection at all times at The Village Hall during regular business hours providing publication of the schedule of fees and charges and appendix C of the code of ordinances providing effective AA and further purposes this um clarifies current practice really um when we collect building permit fees those permit fees can only be used um to implement the the Florida building code so it can go to the building department and go to plan review inspections permitting um building department needs um can't be used for anything else so we generally um the way we've the way we've split it up in our fee schedule uh is uh building permit fees are 1% of the construction valuation except for finished work for you know mechanical electrical plumbing and mechanical is 2% now the way that um so with the 1% for the building fee there's another 1% that we collect on the Planning and Zoning side and that's called out in the fee schedule for for the um for Community Development for Planning and Zoning the what's what was always intended and the practice that that's been implemented and and this clarifies is is that in addition to the finish work for any building permit project that does not require Planning and Zoning review that is also 2% so cuz that one otherwise that 1% would be hanging out there with nowhere to go but it's it that's been the practice and the building officials here you can verify that if I've misstated that but this really is simply writing a clarifying sentence into the fee schedule along to to show where that 1% is going so Keith you're 100% on point it's just a question of clarifying the uh funds that's being collected and where it's being appropriate accordingly okay thank you Council any comments questions nothing here any public comment can I get a motion so moved second all in favor i i y agenda item 12 ordinance number 0724 first reading uh to uh adopt the affordable housing live local act State preemption into our code thank you mayor ordinance 0724 ordinance of the Village Council the village of the quest of Florida amending the code of ordinances in chapter 78 zoning article 6 schedule of District regulations creating a new division 3 entitled affordable housing and live local act to provide and Implement administrative procedures and requirements for development of affordable housing projects pursuant to the Florida live local act providing for enforcement providing for penalties for violations providing each and every other section subsection of chapter 78 shall remain in full forcement effect as previously adopted providing conflicts Clause separability Clause authority to cify effect if they for other purposes thank you Kei good evening Council Jay Hub community development director so as you recall the live local Act was before you in late 2023 and early 2024 at the time there was some Talk of the state legislature relooking at the live local act and um possibly making some changes during the legislative session so you um ended up at second reading opting to delay adoption until the state updated the the Liv local ordinance so the revised live local Act was passed by the legislature in 2024 signed by the governor on 516 24 um they really didn't do too much um and in terms of what affects taquesta there was one section that could potentially affect us um we really don't think it will but just on the you know side of being cautious we we decided to put this in our ordinance and that is that in in the new live local act it says if a proposed development is adjacent to on two or more sides a parcel zoned for single family with at least 25 contiguous homes homes the municipality can then restrict the height to 150% of the tallest building on any property adjacent to the proposed development or the highest currently allowed height for the property provided or three stories whichever is higher um so that does give some some places the ability to limit height um unfortunately I don't think that we we've kind of looked at it we don't think it really would apply anywhere in taquesta but just in case we put it in the the draft ordinance at the June local planning agency they voted 4 to one to uh recommend approval of the ordinance with the following recommended conditions um one of them is to create a semiannual reporting requirement to ensure that the affordable housing units actually remain affordable under the state's guidelines that it it's pretty common to um have a reporting period for affordable housing palmach county has a very robust affordable housing ordinance um it's typically an annual reporting process so uh Keith and I have spoken and and we would agree and recommend that that making it an annual reporting um requirement is is probably more appropriate um but you know we're fine with it either way it's burdensome on staff and the the property owner to to make it semiannual um another recommendation they made U that Keith and I both you know agree is good just to codify is to to make it clear that the fines for violations of if someone is violating those affordable housing um criteria right you have to have 40% of your units have to remain affordable so if they were for some reason in violation uh the the the planning local planning agency wanted to ensure that it was on a per unit basis and as strict as possible so if there were five units each unit that was if there were five units in violation each unit that was in violation would be a separate fine and it would be to the maximum extent possible and Keith and I spoke today and he he we both agree that it's a good good thing to put in and he has some language that he could Craft um between now and second reading if if you support that and that's all I've got happy to answer any questions thank you Council no ma'am nothing here I just think that I agree with the annual reporting versus a semiannual just for the reasons that you cited I would hope that we can move forward with that annual reporting requirement um a couple questions some I asked I think when we saw this in the first reading last December but I can't remember um does the does a lot preempt our conceptual plan process requirement I'm sorry say what so we have in certain areas we have a conceptual plan process does a law preempt that does it preempt us from or not allow us to do that we talked about I know we looked at that I'm trying to remember where we landed on that um I mean I it's it's a tricky one right because the whole idea is to avoid public hearings to make affordable housing projects go through the process more smoothly and so I also don't know what the point of a conceptual would be if if they're not providing a final rendering on an application I'll defer to Keith yeah I I want to say that I that we looked at this when Liv local first came out and we analyzed it and I either have a written opinion out there somewhere and and I I I I believe that that's where we landed but I I would want to take a look and make sure that because that makes sense that you wouldn't have a conceptual if it there's nothing that's coming back to the council for action there's no point in having a conceptual because you're not you don't get to act on it if it qualifies for the administrative approval I thought was since but I need to again I I I think I rendered an opinion if I'm I'd like an opportunity to look that up and make sure I'm not contradicting myself okay my my thought was we don't take action on it so maybe it wouldn't count and I think that would be our opportunity to at least comment on um architectural aesthetic considerations you know they probably wouldn't have to listen to us but it'd be nice to have the opportunity to comment and you know hope that they'd want to work with us and you know from athetic standpoint at least you know make sure it it's it's a good fit here so I mean that was kind of where my head was at with that so if you could double check between now and second reading absolutely certainly will and then if if not then does sta is Staff able to comment on aesthetic considerations or not so maybe you can answer that would that would go through manager and Community Development I don't see any reason why they couldn't yeah there is some fortunately there are some criteria for aesthetic considerations when we're looking at site plans so we would be able to apply that it just would be more of a staff level versus you know the council or the Planning and Zoning boarding board providing input but but we would have an opportunity to do that and and would certainly look out for you know the public good and try to ensure qu you know the best quality design okay all right and then can you just explain the the penalties and fines again I did like I think um is is all Council in favor with the the I know vice mayor is but with the annual reporting and then the making the uh fines clear that's per unit yes everyone was good with that so with that I guess I wasn't clear what the penalties and fines were is that from is that state statute or do we have something well it goes through it goes through our code it would go through our special magistrate process we've already got language in the ordinance that talks about um seeking the highest penalty possible which under the statute if it's not a repeat violation it's the maximum is $250 per day per violation so if you had five units that were involved violation that would be five Code Enforcement cases five separate cases if each of those was in violation of five different code sections that would be five Code Enforcement cases with five violations so the the ask of the magistrate would be a finding a violation and a daily fine of $250 per day per case per violation so five cases with five that would be 25 time $250 per day is is how that would would go but in all honesty that is what that is the way I would prosecute that regardless of but but I think it's not a bad idea to to be very clear in the ordinance and say this is what we will be seeking um but that's how it would work it might because I mean we don't have anything about affordable housing anywhere else in our code but it just defers to the like the fines the fines no matter what the code violation is and so they' be violating this ordinance that we may or may not pass right okay got it that makes sense but yeah maybe just clear that up when you do the language um and then I know uh with a live local building that um the bill states that with density far and height they're excluded if it was given an incentive for development what if it was a is a variance considered an in you know in to or incentive too or because variances carry with the land correct so would all would variances always carry and would apply to a live local I don't think so I think that in terms of the height that you're using as the comparison for the local development it doesn't include a property that got a height variance or an incentive or or some other reason it it it's really limited to your standard maximum height in your code that's that's how I understand it I do too yeah so if a property got a variance for like reduce parking that would carry because it has nothing to do with density or fart or um height so I'm just trying like other variances would carry over with a live local building except I I don't does the live local address parking that's what I'm I thought it was height and it's just height height and density height and density uh they would still have to comply with our parking requirements so no I I don't believe so if somebody got a a variance they would we would still bring to bear the code requirement for off street parking there's some language in there about getting a parking reduction if you're within 500 feet of a of a Transit stop or something like that um which doesn't really apply to us so I don't think parking is really relevant in our in our case okay if we could just like confirm for sure that other variances wouldn't carry over as well that would be great okay thank you any other Council all right any public comment can I get a motion so move with the uh edits recommended by LPA the annual reporting and the I I would make the motion um with annual reporting not semiannual and the the penalties is that would be crafted penal language great second all in favor I agenda item 13 approve setting the proposed maximum Ador millage rate so tonight um you guys are considering saying the proposed maximum ADV millage rate for the village of Testa for the physical year 2425 at a rate of 6.45 95 per thousand of assess value and setting the public hearing dates as follows September 5th 2024 5:30 p.m. and approve the proposed budget and September 12th 2024 at 5:30 to adop adopt the final budget um this maximum tax rate is establish at the mean this is the rate The Village Council cannot exceed The Village Council can always reduce the millage rate if desired as we get further along in the budget process um but you guys would be setting the maximum rate of 6.4 4595 per thousand um and so staff is uh recommending the 6.45 95 and the two dates as mentioned um that would be your guys' motion thank you Council any comments or questions no I have right any public comment can I get a motion so moved second all in favor I I right last item 14 annual performance review of The Village manager Jeremy Allen so this one's always fun because I can't imagine as comfortable having your uh annual review done publicly but um uh we do this every year and I'll say I have uh some recommendations on uh salary and any additional compensation but I would love to get Council feedback first on the uh performance expectations so I'll open the floor so this is just on performance we're not getting into the um compensation okay so man I love doing this this is great um uh so all positive um you know that I was obviously my first time um I shouldn't say obviously this is this is my first time sitting on a council first time being this involved in any municipality um but I have to you know Jeremy is always available to answer any questions we have um you can call them anytime I try to text him before but sometimes I'll just call them out of blue always pick up text me if he can't pick up gets back to me but even beyond that um and this is of course with assistance of Staff e you and I guess I I can talk right too you always ensure that we have all the information we need to make informed decisions up here even when we don't ask for it and um so I appreciate that because sometimes we don't know where to get that information whether it's from certain staff or or outside of the Village um but it really helps us up here to do our best job to make those informed decisions um whenever I'm in the village uh which is at least you know at least one or two times a month and I mean like back in the offices at least from my perspective it it seems like there's a very positive culture within our village among staff it really seems that people enjoy working here um and I don't know if you know all local governments can say that but um you know I I know for you know being in in the private sector artwor you know putting that that big emphasis on culture it it really just makes everything and everyone stronger and I I like to see that we're there is a focus on that you know there's that the wheel you guys have in there I've been in here when you've done it before that's fun you know keeping things light keeping things fun um I think you have a great outside of the box approach to all Village matters obviously we have certain confines we have to work with in but I think you do a great job of um really what what helps me when we're meeting is kind of playing that Devil's Advocate a little bit to kind of stimulate our thoughts sometimes you're going through the agenda and it seems very clear and you're like oh yeah I get that and there's been multiple times not in any way to sway my decision but just kind of that Devil's Advocate approach of making sure we're thinking about everything we should be thinking about um and in the best sense of the term you know I I I find you to be a somewhat Progressive Village manager um and that's kind of that outside of the box approach I don't mean that in any political sense just just the way you think uh the way you act and with that I'd say all in all we're extremely lucky to have you I look forward to many more years um whether I'm up here as a just a regular old uh resident of the Testa many more years of success uh for our village under your leadership that's all I got all right stand up let's take a look at you just go and go g no I know that orange that orange tie has got to go plus it's not November I didn't I didn't realize why you wore it until just now but I got it you do love playing double avocate don't you I appreciate that though um I think most of us either are married or been in a marriage and that's pretty much I find how you find success is balancing ideas thoughts making sure we do consider all angles especially for the resident sake I had the pleasure of being a part of your interview process so I think we don't go super way back cuz you've been here a few years but I think you've grown a lot I think you definitely have your feet tightly dug into our sand here um I've seen nothing but going up of course there's always little tiny tiny things and we lose some employees here and there that's not always due to the manager there's other life circumstances in that if anything I mean again we could go nitpicking if anything I'm very hopeful for your next year because when he first first got here it was a lot going on we had some crazy storms come through that really threw him to the waters we had a couple department heads that needed to filter through and so I'm actually not going to jinx ourselves knock on wood I I really hope you have a rest good rest of the year cuz I know what you went through in the first couple years here but keep your feet solid in the other thing I really actually like a good Pro is Mr island is constantly in communication with other managers in our County and like Martin County which I really appreciate cuz we don't want to be like everybody else so I think he can listen to what they're doing maybe find some creative ideas but then also make sure we're doing stuff for us unique and make sure it's Village fitting so I appreciate that you're not too much in the bubble but you go outside the bubble to make sure we're keeping our bubble what our bubble is so thank you um I I don't want to repeat but it's already been said U but what I one comment I will make is that we always have like Patrick had mentioned we always have more than enough information and you provide information that um I never thought we needed but you're ahead of that a lot of times so you're anticipating what and I think you know each of us individually now and you know where we're coming from so I think you're very good at least in our meetings where you tailor our discussion to the questions that you know that I'm going to ask and so our meetings are very efficient they're efficiently run there tons of information and I just when I I've always said that um you know we've got tremendous department heads and leaders ERS ship here um and it makes perfect sense when we look at the Village manager um we are able to attract and retain um Quality quality people I've always said for a village of 6,100 people and 2.2 square miles we have unbelievable credentials um I will stack up the resume of our leadership and our staff against any municipality that's out there um and I think that's a compliment to your leadership and your vision and can keep it up the great work I want to like Patrick said long after I'm up here when I'm down there I hope you're still here because you're a tremendous asset to the village and and I think you know what you don't know and you're good at going out and finding that information uh and and that's a that's something that a lot of people don't admit and I think that we've never had had conversation Jeremy but I think that you know what you don't know or you know where you need to improve and you know the information you need to learn more and you do a great job at at anticipating that so I thank you for that and I wish you nothing but continued success thank you I agree with everything that's been said already and I will just say um uh for the years I've been here you have just continued to improve and Excel on all the performance expectations and I I'm going to read them in the record because they haven't been spoking at that's leadership fiscal responsibility creativity community and public relations and Council relations you every year you get better and better at all those and I agree like you you anticipate what council you have at the time is going to be asking and so you know what's presented to us in our agendas and during our me conversations and you know from staff at the podium continues to get better to help us make well-informed decisions because you know we we're not the subject matter experts in a lot of the stuff that we're you know approving we really rely on I mean we have our own level of due diligence of course and I know we all do that but we really rely on you guys to bring us that information and it just gets better and better every year so thank you for all of that and I do know um not only is Mr Allen well respected in our community he's very well respected and known throughout the county and the state which is really asset for our community as well so keep up the great work really appreciate it and you're never allowed to leave so with that um I would like to propose that um Jeremy gets the same uh right now I know the budget's 4% as the rest of the non-union employees if that changes that would change you know with it he'd get the same and then I also like to propose a $115,000 bonus so Council any comments someone ingredients what did we uh I don't know this is relevant what did we do last year was it the same on the bonus we yeah it was around 15,000 and we last year I know was it last year the year before I think they split split the bonus to increase the base salary and then he had half the bonus oh that's right okay we did do that yeah n we asked his opinion last year as well about that or I can't remember okay I did not watch the video either well I I am an agreement mayor with your recommendation and um perhaps if we did I thought we asked Jeremy last year about the splitting of the bonus some salary some um in the form of a bonus but I'm in favor with the with the percentages and the total dollar amounts 100% likewise I will agree and I think I think we can do this I think is what we did last year the um salary increase starts October one but the bonus would be received immediately that's doable and everyone's good with that too absolutely okay all right any public comment no speechless J do anything to say I mean I'm just you know flattered I guess to say the least I think you know the the strength of an organization comes from having a Clear Vision obviously the council has been able to provide that to us and so you know from that point the other the other strength of an organization is the is the team that's here and you know our team you know like Mr sori said I mean I couldn't ask for a better team you know we I think we're always striving to get better and so uh you know I just thank you guys for the comments and and the support I mean Council not only provides a vision but you guys do support us when we do um you know run across issues or we're trying to find our way so I think I just appreciate it great thank you right with that can I get a motion so moved second all in favor I I and lastly any other matters Council no ma'am I got nothing nothing no no fast meeting all right Summer's been great can we get a motion to adjourn so second all in favor I