yeah he's a robot but he's he's great [Music] yeah okay more stuff is a light looks like a light may not out of man sorry really candy down to some weird other matter you know what any other matters we almonds almond oh I love those I am we might be the only people keeping Mounds eny no that's me okay Mars and I'm in that was my favorite might be the only one keeping missing the Snicker say the nougat too which I don't even know what that really is but he's sneaky good it's like a Crunch bar but not hey man welcome back thank you hopefully nobody bothered him I didn't he bothered me this morning I wasn't even going to bother him and he bothered me I was tempted to send a couple things just for you know I look good I didn't not bother him maybe a couple emails but like nothing nothing but no but nothing to I Really respect people's time off you know it's family time important do I just blinded myself all right right good evening everyone it's 6: p.m I'd like to call this meeting to order it is our March 14th 2024 regular council meeting Lori can I get roll call Mayor here vice mayor BR here Council M here here here our invocation and Pledge of Allegiance will be led by vice mayor Brandon thank you mayor if everyone would bow their heads please thank you Heavenly Father for all your blessings you always provide for us please send your extra strength to those in our village that are having some health problems right now please give us your wisdom and your strength in making the best decisions we can for the village because they are long-term and we represent all of our village residents and we love all of them and again just thank you for everyone and everything that you give to us each and every day amen amen please stand I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you can I get a motion to approve tonight's agenda mayor excuse me before we do that um I'd like to uh make a motion if we could add an item toward the end of the agenda um if you remember um several months ago we hosted we sponsored a coffee coffee with a veteran with the Marine Corps League um due to some timing differences and circumstances was not able to come back uh and be on the agenda uh and U Mr O'Brien who was a sponsor could be here this evening um but they're looking to if we could see if we could support again there was no cost to the Village either comes out of my discretionary funds or my pocket um it will be March 23rd from 9:00 am to 11:00 am at Oceana on us one and this time we are including the American Legion here in us one as well to have a bigger group um and because we would be if if approved we would um advertise it if we can in Friday's newsletter so because of that that um I'll ask if we could get that on the agenda to have a discussion for okay mayor do I uh address concerns about the consent agenda now or when we get to consent agenda we can do that when we get to consent agenda thanks for asking I'll second adding the additional agenda item that Mr stori is asking for at the the end of the agenda thank you all in favor I okay moving on to tonight's presentations uh the first item up tonight is the annual Abby Brennan mayor award I'm very excited to present this to an outstanding individual in our community um considering this person service to the Village dating back to 1986 to the most recent civic duty that they've stepped up four I am extremely happy to give the award to Mr Tom Bradford [Music] thank you very much so a a little history on Mr Bradford he's a second generation native Floridian with 37 years of residency in the village he was our village manager from 1986 to 2000 where he notably oversaw the establishment of our deest of fire rescue department and he also played a crucial crucial role in implementing The Village's storm water utility Street canopies and the reverse osmosis water treatment facility he served as a consultant to the Village from 19 uh 2019 to 20120 overseeing a successful $2.5 million water plant renovation he was appointed as the chair to our environmental advisory committee in 2019 and will be returning to the environmental advisory committee after his current temporary appointment to council as we know he gra graciously stepped up uh to the council vacancy to offer his his historic knowledge and to ensure the continued smooth and efficient functioning of our government he stays informed and engag by regularly attending our pnz meetings our Council workshops and our Council meetings he's a president of Desta Pine's Property Owners Association and a president of Civic of dequa civic association so Mr Bradford exemplifies a level of professionalism and dedication and passion for his community that absolutely deserves this recognition so congratulations again and thank you for everything you do for our village thank you very much I appreciate uh you know this is what I know this is what I love and I'm happy to do it and I thank all of you for allowing me this chance to keep on helping so thank you all thank you Tom thank you thank you Mr stand here want come no I think everyone can be in it right little steps is this better she tricked me gosh I read that three times looking for a name I didn't know it was determined it's awesome thank you very much you're welcome okay moving on presentation two is a proclamation recognizing March 18th through 22nd as Florida government Finance professionals week whereas the Florida government Finance Officers Association is a professional association founded in 1937 and serves more than 3,300 professionals from state county and City governments school districts colleges and universities Special Districts and private firms whereas the fgfa is dedicated to being your professional resource by providing opportunities through education networking leadership and information whereas the government Finance professionals week sponsored by the fgf all of its member governmental organizations is a weeklong series of activities aimed at recognizing government Finance professionals and the vital services that they provide to our state and Community whereas during this week government Finance professionals throughout the State of Florida will be acknowledged for their hard work dedication and Leadership now therefore be it proclaimed in the village of taquesta does hereby recognize March 28th through 18 22nd government Finance professionals week thank you Lauren I think is Mr Snider accepting this or who's it and I I just want to say really quick that I think sometimes Finance are you know the one of the unsung heroes behind the scenes but you guys really keep the wheels on here at the Village so thank you for everything you guys do for us thank body guard I can't see the camera camera can't see me okay uh presentation item number three is a proclamation proclaiming March uh March is declared the Florida bicycle month in the village of Desta and I don't think there's anyone here to accept it so we will not read it into record and the last presentation tonight is our annual Public Safety pension board update and chair Chris cows is here to present all right thank you guys um this should be pretty easy pretty quick um those of you who have been here before we just change the numbers every year so this is a kind of a repeat of uh what we've seen before um oh I think I did that all right let's go with I don't know how to get it the other way go fair enough everyone can see that right yeah um all right so here we go um little bit of information in here is a little bit redundant so I'll kind of just blaze over it pretty quick um lot little information about our recent board meetings our last meeting was February 5th um next is is May 6th um recently had our presentation from our actuary Jeff Ambrose um our our annual evaluation um on as of September 30th of last year and uh for this year the The Village contribution for the police portion of the pension plan is going to be 12.88% so after the uh 32,000 almost $33,000 uh contribution from the reserve fund of the Village um that'll uh that'll be 12.8% contribution um can't quite see that very well um so so this year you you as as we've had a conversation in the previous years about the amount that's in the reserve with the Village um it's good to see that the number has stayed pretty steady um hasn't haven't spent that down much so as of October 1st that was still just over $281,000 um so the the the contribution is based on the the uh upcoming contribution from of chapter 185 money uh with the expectation of it being $18,800 state so if that money comes in any different just like every other year U the amount the contribution from the village would be a little bit more or less than expected um if history is any indication that number's always been what we've expected it to be so nothing nothing or always been right at what we've expected to be at least in the time that I've been here which I think is three or four years now I've never seen anything different than than what the expected was so for planning purposes you should be able to uh to stick pretty close to these numbers um um for the firefighters uh the pension uh the contribution rate 20.65% a little bit more than the last year couple reasons for that um the chapter 175 contribution from the state $244,700 is the expected so again that number is any different more or less contribution from the village um from the actuary try to make the uh actuary information as exciting as we can a lot of numbers a lot of words um the performance last year was a little bit less favorable than we we expected a little bit of a loss Market was up and down last year um Actuarial loss of $780,000 primarily due to um investment losses as of 930 um couple things led up to that um that was a 4.7% annualized return our expect our expected return for that uh for the Pension Plan has been 7% we recently brought that down um it was s and a quarter so really what that does that expects that allows us to project how much money we're going to have into the future to pay out the obligations to the police and the firemen I personally received a letter from the state at my house uh at the end of last year saying that that 7% return expectation was High um so if we think about what that means we expect to grow at 7% and the state says that's more than it should be now 7% I don't think is too far out of the realm of what we can expect they said it should be almost 100 Bas a 1% lower than that so we made the decision that we're going to start to bring that down gradually if we just said okay let's drop that assumption down to 6% that would increase the contribution by The Village substantially so we didn't want to do that um so one of the things that we did is we decided to start ring that gradually to make it to kind of smooth out that that increase of that uh so you wouldn't have some big contributions we'd have to make um in the next couple of years so you can see there goes down about five basis points every year for the next couple of years and our actuary said that they're comfortable with those numbers all right uh good news we're still funded at 100% even though uh we had a few things kind of working against us we were a little bit over 100 100% of 102 last year um so a couple things that led to that again um you'll see there you'll see in the next couple of slides um let's see um that that that that reduction is going to be kind of phased in over the next couple of years so we're not going to see any significant uh contribution requirements um that that will be added over the next couple of years the plan's overfunded our assumptions are reasonable U Village contribution has has been low and as far as our actuaries and our the folks that we work with in different aspects of the plan um they say that the the contribution for for for this plan is some of the lowest they work with and um you know in in my history working with the plan uh the contribution from the village has been been pretty stable it hasn't gone up hasn't gone down um I I I made a comment the last couple of years about that Reserve money that was that was uh uh with the village and uh I think you've done a good job of um contributing that when necessary all right investment performance uh as of December 31st the value of the plan was just over $24 million um our allocation between our different asset classes are right in line with where we want them to be um things are going okay we've made some changes over the last year or two um we had some investment managers that really weren't doing well that were put in place by uh the previous board that we've tried to make changes to um changes that we've made have really helped us quite a bit um you know you can see there are asset classers relative to what their the performance relative to what their Benchmark has done uh couple are are a little bit above a couple are a little bit behind the one that's really been hurting us the most has been real estate our allocation to real estate has been doing really really poorly um we've made the request and you'll see that in the next couple of slides to uh make a change there but with that market being so IL liquid um we we just can't get out that was that was made years ago um by the previous board so um you you can see there it's been underperforming on average by 2 and a half% per year to just The Benchmark so hopefully in time we'll be able to make that change and uh get that those dollars allocated into something that's performing a little bit better all right um a little bit more on the uh the allocation of the the different strategies relative to their to their benchmarks um back sense uh since Inception um I can go through these or you can read them however you want um you know you can see there that some of our uh our strategies have been uh performing better than the Benchmark some of them a little bit less obviously real estates are not doing well we made a change to the global fixed income um which uh which has has started to come around and started to do better um but pretty much everything else is pretty close within a point or two of what the uh The Benchmark has done uh usually we get questions every year around this time about what the total fees are are on the on the fund um so we put these slides in to just go over what the total fees are you can see our different strategies that we have there and what the funds are what the fees are so going top to bottom the Vanguard Total market index that's your standard S&P 500 Index three basis points uh active manager with MFS 50 basis points JP Morgan and Equity income 45 basis points you can see those those are are all well below 1% um and you'll see on the next slide that our total fees are our 35 basis points obviously that that real estate being the highest another reason why we're we're seriously we've requested a Redemption of that um but total fund fees 35 basis points um which is is pretty good relative to the other um Pension funds out there um and again that's a question that we usually get at this presentation every year um relative to percent uh percentile performance over the different time periods 1 three five years and since reception uh you can see that we're kind of right around the middle of the pack which is good um not taking too much risk in in any area which is any time period which is going to get us up towards the top and definitely not lagging um you know anywhere between the uh you know year 50 to2 perc tile obviously we'd like to do better um but we're just not comfortable taking out a ton of risk to do so um all right couple other things here um uh performance since September um the majority of the uh the growth in this fund has been from market performance you see about 13 thou 13 million of the uh of the value of the account has come from market performance which is good um then you'll see there that we have requested a Redemption of the ASB re real estate fund um kind of an insignificant but worthy of noting our investment consultant has entered into a merger or a strategic partnership with Mariner U which is a uh registered investment advisor which will which will close April of this year um not really that significant just will be a change name no additional fees they're not going to bring in their own proprietary products or anything I already asked that to make sure um they'll still remain independent still function as they always have um recently had the uh the sock audit um for the year ending September 30th of 2023 um just basically going over the whole you know everything the plan um Resource Centers our administrator uh just basically left it as is didn't change anything so everything should be a pretty good working order um kind of last notes Here uh interim firefighters I think that was something that came up to you all there were some interim firefighters that were kind of the equivalent of interns over time that had never had those years as part of their pension benefits that uh I think thank you thankful to you all you allowed them to use those years towards their their pension um obviously if they come back and make their own contribution so they've all been told that they can do that they must make that contribution and they're making arrangements to do so um the form one filing online I think you're all probably aware of that it's a little bit different now and then uh one minor change to the travel expense policy um just I think we just have to note it here it hadn't been revised in so long um I recently went in January up to or Orlando and went to the trustee school which I've learned a lot about these pension plans around the state I mean I'm the I've been on what four years and I still feel like I'm brand new and everybody else is I mean Rick was on there for a while and I mean everybody else is on there for a year or two and I kind of seem and I still don't know as much as I need to know and I'm finding a lot of the people that are on these boards around the state have been on for 20 30 years so uh I don't even know if any of you were around when the old board maybe Keith was when the old board they were on for 10 15 20 years years so um the travel expense policy when we looked at it we thought it was a little bit outdated um it was I think breakfast was $4 uh lunch was five and dinner might have been 12 so they they changed that so um with that um everything seems to be in in pretty good order we're right at 100% funded so that's a good thing um everyone seems to be happy you guys happy they don't know sure thank you any questions or anything thank you Chris Council any questions or comments I just want to say Chris thank you you do a great job as chair and the whole board does the legal council that represents us on our pension board uh and anco you know Chris had mentioned you know we're not leading the pack and we're really conservative so don't be concerned about that anco is a very nice slow approach to everything so don't be concerned if we're in the 51st or the 72nd um we don't want to be too much a little bit risk averse but they're very very good at what they do so I just want to say that so thank you Chris for what you guys do okay no questions thank you Chris I have a c I have a couple of questions um so in the legislative session that just finished the governor pushed for and the legislature approved uh I forget if is it 185 money that comes from property insurance or is it 175 money that comes from I don't know where it comes from but I know it comes from all of us yeah yeah it comes through so the way it works I forget which uh the police I think get the uh uh the premium money which is a percentage of all automobile policies sold in the state and then the other one is for all of us pay this when we have property insurance the uh the other commission or tax or fee whatever you want to call it goes to the firefighters and is distributed by population or something throughout state so whichever one is getting property insurance money which I think is 185 um which is firefighters my understanding is that uh the bill reduced the um took away the taxes and the fees so if that's true it may not be true but if that's true the question is did the legislature appropriate money from General revenues to offset that because if they did not you're going to get a big hit when that check doesn't come in and I just thought I you know I I haven't heard that if that's I'll just on my own I'll look into that a little bit if that's recent I I haven't heard that or seen that um we'll probably get an update on that at least in our next meeting usually when something like that does happen um Bonnie Jensen or somebody does give us an update and off cycle um to let us know that but I haven't heard anything about that yeah I understand the other thing is I agree with the state when they wrote you that nasty letter the um uh a rate of return of 6.75 is in my mind high in today's world if I was King I'd make it be six or 6.25 but I understand the impact and I see through your document that you're doing a step down which is wise but man you know it's it's going to it was 7 and a quar or 7 and a half when I started yeah on the board three or four years ago and um Rick was there when we brought it down a quarter point and um yeah when everybody if you're comfortable writing bigger checks then we'll drop you want it to be that's the problem and most people sitting in this room and listening and watching they don't understand if you if you change that number by a I guess even one basis point is going to mean taxpayers pay more right because it's not just next year it's 20 30 years from now yes and it's it's it's a it has a compounding effect right and it it becomes significant that's correct um so I saw that we're fully funded at 100% okay but if you were to break out police and fire from that scenario would one be a over 100% and the other close both within 5% they're both within 5% that's good and this last comment doesn't pertain to you so um it's really to staff well I I can't find any records of minutes relative to pinion boards on the website it might be me but I don't see them anywhere so I just want to bring that to your attention and that's all I had and thank you for your presentation yeah we we meet opposite of the general uh employee pensions just uh you know same day same every quarter we just stagger one is morning one is afternoon so we're there thank you for doing that and oh by the way they have that annual training thing in Tallahassee you could go to not driving that far you don't seem to need it but there may be others thanks oh hold on there one second Chris don't have any questions thank you for your presentation as always thank you for taking on the fun stuff I know it's super fun yeah it is I like it me I know I know it's not everyone's jamp so kids if you're watching that's where your math comes in pay attention thank for that I just have one quick question um on one of the slides uh it was the one where the actuary was saying the plan was in good condition um it there was a statement that the village contribution is low and among the lowest for Public Safety funds that he works with so if you don't know the answer now that's fine you can say that and um send it to Jeremy he can distribute or if you know the answer you can tell us but I that's a pretty broad statement so I would I want to know why that's the case and then what other funds does this person work with um and then you know how much average do each of them contribute with these other funds that he work with so I just I kind of just I the exact number for how many but I think in our when they when he presented to us um this was it thist yeah this quarter um he did make a comment that I seem to remember that was like it was over a 100 150 or something in the state so it's not a small number it's quite a few um and as far as the percentage of of um of of compensation um I don't know the exact number but he's always says and you know it's it's it's we have a pretty small village here compared to a lot of the municipalities so it's kind of a it's you know when we're comparing this to Miami or Orlando or something like that we're we're we're very very different but um you know those are the the percentage I I don't know what the overall is on average but he always says that it's very very low comparatively okay yeah I mean I don't know if Jeremy maybe if you could I don't know if you guys can maybe get um some data on that because it's just such a broad statement and I I just would like to understand because like you said if he's comparing it to other small municipalities that's you know comparable but if it's yeah if it's like all large municipalities it's not comparable so I just like to understand that better good question okay all right so thank you so much for serving on the board we really appreciate your service thank you thank you thanks Chris all right moving on to the consent agenda can I get a motion for the consent agenda mayor yes I'd like to pull the item pertaining to the special event the uh I have a couple of questions about it the Fourth of July one so agenda item seven correct I I can't see it at the moment but that sounds correct y okay so if you want to make a motion approving the consent agenda with removing agenda item 7 for further discussion someone wants to make that motion I'll make the motion to approve the consent agenda as submitted with the amendment of adding item seven on the consent agenda at the appropriate place on the agenda I'll second that all in favor hi I okay so we can I think we can talk about that one now we don't have to wait to regular agenda right okay so we'll go ahead and discuss agenda item seven now so Mr Bradford I'm sorry mayor before just I want to recognize item number six not as an issue to pull or anything but just wanted clarification on that but I didn't want to pull it um by the 6C the agreement with CRX Max Consultants um by doing that that will increase our flood rating which could mean a 25% decrease in flood insurance for property owners I that's fantastic that's true earnings and and true savings to our residents so I just want to recognize that and for spending that kind of money to save our residents money and their flood insurance is great so agree thanks mayor sorry right council member Bradford yeah so looking at my notes um and by the way I'm not casting any aspersions to anyone involved with this project I just want want some clarification about some things um the application itself says on the first paragraph first sentence it says the applicants are for residents and businesses within the village of taquesta um is this a resident I can't tell by looking at the document if it's a resident I checked where the apparent applicant uh office is in North Palm but there was a a a page in this document that we have as our backup that indicated something related to freedom for mile to Questa and I I looked that up on sunbiz doesn't exist and so I'm wondering if it's proper but you know I'm sure you guys may know more about it can can um explain it to me after I stopped the Certificate of Insurance that was submitted is only for the day of the event okay so for example if they're having setup take place on the day or the evening before and something happens the insurance policies don't apply if they take down I imagine they'll take down on the day of the event but the same thing could be the case um and then my most important thing is uh does the Testa Country Club commun Community know that this is going to happen and they're okay with having 800 and something people running through their neighborhood on that day it doesn't say that may not be required but I'd like to know it so those are the comments that I have okay I would um I don't see I don't think anyone is in the audience someone no I didn't think so I I would have to leave most of those questions to the manager and attorney to address or Wayne hi good evening everybody um this has been an annual event um so I'd be more than happy to I I haven't got no Way's here to present it I haven't got the full file with me uh to to give you all the details that you're looking for uh so at this point um n just went back to take a look at that and see what we have there to to answer those questions which are uh I'll try to get an answer for that so if you want to continue pick this back up because I have another special event to talk about we can talk about this afterwards um on the new business I'm sorry are you saying we could wait till April or are you saying you want to do it later to in this evening's meeting I I was going to try for later on this evening so I'm going going to be here we I've got a new business to talk about which is the farmers market yes so I can bring this back up at that point okay in the meantime I'm trying to get some data for you that's okay you do yeah Council Council you guys okay with that whenever they have it we'll wherever we're at let them slip in on the next okay thank you all right moving on to communication from citizens Lori do we have any cards Mar neon 94 Beach Trail I endorse the mayor on her choice of the Abby Brennan award for Mr Bradford is most worthy of this honor his contribution to the Village both in professional and volunteers are extensive from development and chair for both the EAC committee and the Testa civic association as well as president of the Pines homeowners and the other Civic Endeavors he stepped into the vacancy on the council with ease and has been a valuable asset to the council and staff over the short period over the years he has been most gracious in helping us as Village historians with research lending his extensive recall of events and uh things in the village filling in the gaps and documentation I sincerely hope he continues his outstanding service to the Village by returning to his role as chair of the EAC leading our village in ecological Endeavors congratulations thank you thank you so you were a co-conspirator in this secret business that has [Laughter] occurred look at that she came super prepared wow I wonder know who the other one was yeah I don't any other cards tonight no any other communication from citizens okay all right moving on to Communications from Council I have nothing that's quick but um I was lucky enough to attend the residence Academy last night in this room and just want to say I know it's our third year third year of doing it that um it was great to see a full class again um happened to be Public Safety so fire and police were here and um just kudos to everybody on staff involved because it's such a cool program and I guess Pastor Paul it was your grand it was oh you're both here your grandson that started this so please let him know as well but I hope that's a program that continues for a very long time because it it's really cool to see so that's all I have nothing spring break's about to start so please be kind when you're driving and to our children we need to teach them and police just a memo to you there's a lot of support for you all with the golf carts and the kids so don't be afraid to do your job that's all thank you and I'll second the the greatness of the residence Academy I have to say I um have run into some current uh uh people taking the class and they all have said how wonderful it is so yeah I really hope we just continue to to see that going um I wanted to give you all a quick update on the uh potential extension of the infrastructure ctax so the uh Palm Beach County League of cities met with the board of County Commissioners on February 27th to uh request support of putting on referendum the extension of the infrastructure C tax um I was one of the few people from the board that was at the table for that Workshop um and just some some background I think you guys know but just so the public is aware the count would have to support the uh extension of the infrastructure C tax for that to go to referendum the school board uh joined forces with the county and the cities what it was in 2016 um but the school has moved and proceeded on their own and they're going to go out uh have a referendum for a half penny so they're not going to join the forces um I'll be honest the it was Dead on Arrival the County Commissioners made it extremely clear they have no desire to support uh extending the infrastructure s tax and many of them spoke in favor of a potential Transportation s tax to go out for referendum uh timing they weren't super clear I would I would say maybe in the next couple years sooner than later um so that being said I would think Council uh we may want to be proactive and thinking about what the future of transportation and Mobility looks like for us so um just want to plant that seed I will likely bring it up at our strategic workshop for a discussion um but I just want to give you guys an update on that cool mayor um what is the historical number for The public's knowledge that we get we're averaging about a half a million dollars year yeah I think that's a good number to throw out I think you know we had a dip during Co a little bit before that 400 it's slightly grown a little bit because of the sales online sales tax revenue that the state has received with a legislation a few few years ago so I would say $500,000 is what we're going to have to fill a hold at some point that's a real big number and that's real dollars coming right at us very very quickly what within a year yeah so it's supposed to send the um when it was approved it either send sets when uh December of 2026 or when you reach 2.7 billion so the projections are we're going to reach 2.7 billion December 2025 so it's looking to sense that a year earlier so um that's you know if anything changes we'll let you know keep everyone updated but um so yeah I think of 2026 that there'll be a hole there for sure all right moving on to standing reports Village attorney um just let the to let the council know tomorrow there will be a joint meeting of the Treasure Coast and South Florida Regional planning councils and they're going to meet at the TPA offices in West Palm Beach they meet um twice a year uh they've been doing that every year for about last three or four years and they're going to this year they're going to be looking um there's going to be a panel discussion about the um property insurance situation that that do happening in the state then there's going to be uh that's going to be the meet of the meeting tomorrow uh two other uh smaller topics there's going to be an update uh um on TR rail and its future plans from the Tri Rail executive director and then finally there's going to be a um short discussion and update on what's going on with um coral reefs off the coast um so that should be U that'll be an all day event but that uh should provide some interesting panel discussions I'll be at that that's my report and real quick I forgot to mention that our wonderful attorney Keith Davis was also at the table for that uh workshop with the board County Commissioners he serves as attorney for the league of cities as well so are with me Dead on Arrival was a was a kind way to say yeah it was tough by the way right any questions for the attorney no nope Village manager I'll say wait wa right into legislation um you know the Flor the State of Florida has uh concluded their legislative session um I'll start by recognizing Molly she is a a home rule hero I think she found out today just her work up there um you know she was part of the committee floorida League of cities and so you know kudos to you and the work that you've done um some just some of the bills that we've talked about that will have an impact some good some bad um but the alter of Mobility funding uh you talked a little bit about Mobility mayor and I know that was part of my committee um it looks like it passed so we'll have to try to stand up like a Mobility plan and the mobility fee will be able to collect some impact fees from local municipality standpoint and use those versus the county collecting those uh the Enterprise fund transfers that we were worried about with the water fund um and not being able to collect the 25% sech charge those failed um so um I would guess they're going to be back for a third year because they started last year uh the increase to Homestead ex exemptions did fail however the CPI to Homestead exemptions did pass so um that will be on the ballot in November for voters to vote on the homestead exemption increasing by a CPI every year um local business tax uh I don't think this one will be dead this will come back next year but it did fail this year so we will still be able to cont uh collect those the btrs for that short-term rentals passed which is uh you know will have a significant impact we already see that we have short-term rentals in the village the state's going to basically uh preempt some of the ordinance that we already have in place we'll have to take a deeper dive into what that means for us but the ordinance that we pass the registration process we have will likely uh be non-existent or or it'll significantly change um sovereign immunity uh that was going to be a huge burden on our insurance that did fail so um I'm sure that it'll come back in some version next year uh the millage rate that required any millage rate increase to um take a super major majority failed as you guys know we already have some checks and balance in place depending on what increase to your millage rate you're going to do you may already have to have a super majority or even a you know all five members depending on what it is so uh I'm not I'm not sure the angle that was being U was going after but I think there's still some checks and balances in place for that uh the live local act which is you know as everybody knows is just a a bad bill for us for the village of taquesta we were hoping that we going to make some significant changes to that at the state level um they made a couple changes won't have any impact on us um so I think that's significant you know we were looking at uh an ordinance to mimic what the state had so we can have some enforcement at the local level we weren't endorsing live local act um we were only trying to give us some teeth we will have to bring that back we'll bring that back to you guys once uh once we get it finalized Pro I don't know we'll have to you know group group talk to see if we need to Revis revise the whole ordinance or or how we need to do it we were going to plan for a second reading but we may have to start all over again with that but um you know that live local act you know it it could have significant you know impacts The Village um more than anything we do need to have some teeth so if they do abide by the live local and go bu the buy the book for that that we have some teeth at a local level uh to hold them to that in the long term so um and then the last one that um has been brought to my attention that'll have an impact is residential building permits um you know there's a there was a bill that was passed that allows uh developers to um hire their own private provider and bypass our inspection process I think there's a lot of safety concerns with that but that's one of those bills the state thought it was in the best interest to do that and uh we'll work through the mechanisms uh through the building department on how we can um Implement that process I will say that um since I think this is officially your last Mee Tom I I appreciate you and I mean I think we've had a couple of long conversation that went over two or three hours when we were just sitting there and I think uh I thank you for you and your perspective and it's been a pleasure serving with you I know you're not going anywhere uh I know you still have a few work shops to work with you with with us um but I just wanted to personally thank you I enjoyed it thank you that that's my report any questions for the manager uh a comment Jeremy thank you for bringing those um quick summaries up um there's a lot of confusion around the homestead exemption um people were thinking that the homestead exemption was going to be abolished and go away but what it was is really the legislation to put it on the ballot is what was abolished not the homestead exemption so a lot of people will thinking they were going to lose their Homestead actual homestead exemption um because but what what did not pass is that ability to put the increase on the ballot for let the residents decide the voters of Florida decide so there's just a lot of confusion around that homestead exemption I'm glad you cleared it up yeah there was you know there's two of those there was one to increase from 50 to 75,000 um that one failed there was a separate one that was to take your current home homestead exemption and increase it annually by the CPI and so that one passed pass mean you got through the state means it's going to go on the ballot does not mean it's effective yet I would hope I would I would assume I know I'll be voting for it from a you know personal standpoint so I think this a good thing for a homeowner so any other questions yeah the last comment you made about the U resident inspector am I to assume that that means if someone takes that path that we get zero money we're working on that I asked that question about an hour before came in uh we need to dig into that because it's like a 30 page bill um but I we did not see anything that changed that however you know are the way that we have that set up now with a private provider because there's already a mechanism for a private provider what this is doing is it's you know it's basically eliminating even our ability to oversee that private provider much and so you know basically stamps that approval if they have a private provider uh we haven't dug into the financial part of it of the permit fee I'm sure sure we can still you know collect some permit um but I'll have to give back to you on the answer for that okay any other questions all right thank you Jeremy moving on Police Department evening mayor vice mayor council uh before I start just a couple things uh Council mord and your question about the for Miler uh just so you know every April before the event and Blanc actually sits with the organizer and they kind of go through everything what the plan is they do a walk through of the area I know one of the things that we discovered was they weren't notifying the churches that they were parking there so last time we made that adjustment to notify the churches I know she makes it a point to get it out there via social media uh we also put it out there in our Facebook letting people know that it's coming as far as you know uh to look out for that but I don't know if she goes door too or how she does it in the country club but I do know she tries to from a social media perspective to kind of put it out there uh you all have the report uh just a couple highlights that I want to bring out that Wen a part of it uh we have firearms training which will be our fifth class this Saturday uh once again it's it's going very well uh we're booked up until the last class in June so right now uh I think we have four or five spots left but uh the classes are full up until then uh last night as councilman painter said the Citizens Academy uh again Pastor Paul's grandson Eli with the manager's Direction you know put it together and I think it's a wonderful thing it really is just an opportunity to continue to have dialogue with our community and have a lot of things that they don't know and speaking to the department heads and having the ability to let them know a little bit of what we do so thank you councilman for being there in kind words with Public Safety uh manate season will be ending at the end of this month uh we'll be out there again this weekend so it's been a successful whole uh manate season the officers were out there on on the waterways uh conducting uh traffic and educating the public while they're out there so I wanted to talk about if some of you may or may not have heard on March 2nd there was a landing and unincorporated uh Palm Beach County uh Sergeant Kowski detective dasta and officer Franklin assisted in apprehending two of the eight people that were came in there six were captured uh two uh were not but uh they were able themselves to get two of the people along with the pomes County Sheriff's Office and Jupiter police uh they were out there so I want to commend them for their great work on that and that's all I have anyone has any questions thank you Council any questions or comments no um thank you Chief um and as we talked about at the last um meeting just the enforcement of the ebikes I mean is a proliferation of of those um where you have 12 and 13y old young children who don't know the rules of the road or on the wrong side of there some without helmets some without shoes and um it's just a real concern I I've just heard from a lot of residents about that and can is there a a real quick reader digest on vice mayor Brandon brought up golf carts can there's a reader digest real quick that you don't mind just saying in the country club and outside of the country club is there a difference what is that difference yes uh we always put that out so it's the country club is the only area where it's allowed by ordinance for the golf carts to be there what we've had in the past in the state Florida State Statute changed was it used to be and and I'll tell you it changed by the state but not by The Village ordinance Village ordinance has always been 16 or older with license or ID the state statute now reflects the same the state statute prior to that was 14 and under so especially during spring break time councilwoman Brandon knows vice mayor I'm sorry knows a lot of the kids of that age were out there they're still out there uh we've been when we see them we stop them we actually call parents have them come and get the golf cart and talk to the parents and educate them on that I will tell you I know personally uh two of the golf carts were unincorporated from the Bermuda terrorist location where we've actually had the parents come and get the golf carts and educate them on that so the though the law changed the ordinance didn't change so you know it wasn't it shouldn't be that much confusion but I know last year we had a lot of incidents especially on the golf courts uh golf course in the country club because I got called from the superintendent in regards to the kids out on the golf course out there so so you know we're going to have some additional Patrol out there and out there and educating and and staying on top of that we also have a little fly that we always give out we post it you know every so often uh similar to the bik thing that you all have before you we have the same thing with the uh with the golf C golf cards but especially at this time of the year with the kids uh it's something we uh you know we keep an eye on what I will ask counseling and everyone is I always tell people often times we'll have people come into the lobby and say hey yesterday there was a kid on an ebike doing wheelies call us when it's happening so we can get out there you know it's it's a lot easier if we get out there and the officers are out there than the day after so you know I always encourage people I know a lot of people with social media especially they think that we Patrol from social media you know we don't we'll see it but by the time we get to it it you know it's gone so I always tell people hey just pick up the phone we there 247 let us know so we can start getting out there uh I will tell you and I think I spoke about it last time we've had a couple of kids on ebikes that uh Lieutenant Blanc himself has stopped you know and we've spoken to the parents about that regard uh you know and she was quite upset about having bought especially after Christmas a lot of kids got the ebikes so uh you know and we discussed with her the rules uh Jeremy and I had discussed we've actually uh the attorney Keith Davis looked over our template one of his staff members uh to do a citation we didn't have that though we had the ordinance we didn't have an actual citation to give them so we have that now which will help us keep the numbers as far as how many people we stopping how many warnings we're given and how many summonses we're giv in that too so that's something that we we uh we just got approved through kei's uh one of his attorneys is just changing the format so we are able to do that and keep a number on that thank you thank you any other questions or comments no no questions um but since you're talking about the golf carts just you know it's it's not that residents aren't supporting our older youth to learn how to drive on a golf cart I mean we do have youth that's mature and respectful of not piling a thousand kids in the golf carts and it's a shame that the kids or the younger youth who were maybe 15 16 are getting almost punished for the seven eight-year-olds who were driving around packing on their friends and unfortunately my house is one of those Corners that everyone sees and it's on camera and it just really frightens a lot of our residents who were here for the really horrible golf cart accident many years ago I think it was about 10 years ago now so unfortunately our community when we go through tra tragedies we feel it and a lot of our newbies didn't go through that so it's it's kind of hard to really educate our parents on things that can happen and the concern just so you know is really the really young ones and I know it's very challenging to enforce that because you have to see them in the ACT um so again just with the spring break just so we make sure we're teaching Our Youth and just make sure they're safe I'd hate for to see someone get hurt on spring break and just make sure we're interacting with them too it's a great time to get out there drive around and mingle with them and try to get them to like you they love us I know maybe they like you too much maybe that's the problem anyway so yeah I know I support you guys that um and just so Council I'm an advocate of teaching our youth not just um punishing them but to some degree we have to start holding them accountable to respecting the rules and their safety we do it for them not to just yell at them that's all um I will for both golf carts and and the ebikes um I've you guys out enforcing in the country club and outside the country club um all ages really so I think it's I think we should focus on all ages to be honest because I do think sometimes you just get so comfortable and it's not that you're necessarily meaning to break the law but you know you just get comfortable and maybe forget so um I agree with youth and children but I think really all ages and I've seen you guys enforcing all ages too so thank you for your hard work out there thank you man' all right Moving On Fire Department good evening mayor vice mayor councel I'm standing for chief Tri tonight um I'll be starting uh with our retiree breakfast we had um all of our retirees come back in on the ninth so it's always good to see those guys um we had a lot of really good multi- agency training this this past month we had uh two of our Personnel attended Palm Beach County fire rescue's driver operator program so that was a twoe program um that was free of cost uh we had LifeStar training uh so we did Landing Zone training with Martin County Fire Rescue and um we actually did that again today with pomes County fire rescue in the new uh trauma Hawk so I don't know if you heard the helicopters this afternoon but I got two phone calls asking what was going on I saw I was like what is going on that was us okay good to know um we also did some facility training with PM Beach County fire rescue uh consisting of some multi-story residential fire scenarios um as you're aware our new engine has arrived uh we sent a team to Ohio for the final inspection um early in the month and then the engine was delivered to Fort Meers we sent another team over there to uh lay out the storage and install the equipment on the engine and it was delivered to the station on the 29th and our crews have begun training um doing ins service training on that um so we really appreciate the opportunity to to Really outfit it how we need and and get things exactly where we want them and have it done the right way so we really appreciate that um our non-combat volunteers delivered a hands only CPR class to approximately 40 residents and um we have a few upcoming events to mention our Easter open house is going to be next Saturday so if you could help us get the word out on that that's always a good time for the kids and the Bureau of Land Management is planning to prescribe burn on their property property next month so we'll assist them with that it's going to be a one- day burn um we'll be coordinating with federal state local uh agencies to assist them and um we'll be pushing out information to the residents on um air quality issues things like that people you know with respiratory props will probably want to stay inside that day uh we don't have a date just yet but as soon as we do we'll get that information out um that's all I have thank you any questions or comments no no thank you no thank you thank you so much all right last but not least utilities department you're already up there good good evening this is Marjorie Craig utilities director good evening mayor and Council um I I'll just hit the highlights here um we've got some information on the vulnerability Grant Sil ditch the water plants here uh and the water main project have you all seen that they're back out they've remobilized I as of Monday uh we've got a strong presence from the village staff and also with our uh outside inspector because it's an srf loan uh from Holtz Consulting and when I spoke to them today they the inspector was extremely pleased and said that BNB really has their A team out there so um looking forward to to a great project so I know that I will hear you'll let me know if they're you've got any concerns um the um we I did put some pictures in here of the ver verir vacuum excavator I just want to tell you thank you very much uh to the Village manager and to council for approving and of course the finance director um for approving the vacuum excavator they've already started using it cleaning out the fum out there with the the storm water system um and then we had a had to include the pictures of our our internal uh departmental meetings so and uh what we were doing there was just to identify uh have them identify what they saw as characteristics of leader that they really appreciated so um so we've got the dashboard also and we're tracking right along with the revenues and the water consumptions a little down uh because remember we Bill a month behind and it was had a little bit more rain in January um and with that do you have any questions Council Tom no question no I actually I actually have a question and I have a question because it was floating around on social media um with the rainy season coming have we done any clear outs of our drains just to make sure because in the past and this isn't on your you and your team but in the past they have gotten clogged and then we find out they're clogged at the wrong time so that actually was one of the reasons I included the pictures of the back vacuum excavator you can see that that is the storm water some storm water um structures and actually the manager and I just talked about this I don't know a week ago uh about making sure that those were cleaned out David always lets me know you know especially as we approach the rainy season it it they're they're cleaned out and in any storm uh major storm hurricane everybody they we're out there if we know something's coming so yes yeah just more like those afternoon rains because you know once that area over to the east starts flooding and I think part of that's even Jupiter County so if we just make sure they're on it too so we don't have to deal with that as much so hopeful that some of that work that they're doing in the county is going to be on Cyprus maybe we can help them along a little bit Yeah NOP sounds expensive no no no not do it for them but just kind of remind them are you able to park that monster indoors oh no no we you know inside the garage I should say yeah it's it's it's parked outside outside um we don't have I mean there's not even enough we're running out of space I've been corrected it has been it's okay yeah it must have just happened because we yes great as a matter of fact we are parking it inside so thank you for asking any other questions or comments all right thanks Marty thank you Mar okay on to the regular agenda old business item 15 consider approval of Staff applying for the implementation of a quiet Zone at the dequa drive railroad crossing Jeremy thank you mayor let me get to my page but I can uh while I'm working on that I can summarize it you know this has been on our strategic plan for a few years B dating back to 2021 um in December uh we looked at this because going back to 2021 the the marching orders was wait until bright line was well established and and working um and then in December we brought it to Workshop to discuss it um talk about it um and the council said let's wait bring it back in March and uh for discussion so that's what we're doing tonight is bring that back for not only discussion but for a decision to move forward with applying for a quiet Zone it will take several months um if Council gives us that direction um as you guys know Martin the County Line Road is Martin County um they have already been on record saying they are not going to apply for it until at least September if not longer um so and then uh Riverside Drive is Jupiter um and they I believe are still working through some fence issues that they W put up before they make quiet zones throughout Jupiter um and so with that as well as the conductor has an opportunity and could blow his horn at any time um we can apply for the quiet Zone but um just to temper expectations the Horn's still probably going to blow so um but maybe over time as the other uh organizations apply for that quiet Zone you know maybe we'll have less horns in in Testo so um with that we are looking for direction if you guys want us to apply uh we can do that U we probably will reach out to Treasure Coast planning Council for some assistance with that they have helped I know there's a couple other municipalities that have um um that have done this and so we'll probably seek some direction to help with that because there are there are quite a few specifics that we have to do for our Crossing which we feel like we're we're pretty far along for with some of the safety features but uh we'll work through that process if Council gives us a direction to apply for quiet Zone and um real quick just to clarify and Jeremy please jump in if I uh misstate something but for Jupiter's Crossing at Riverside uh I know Jeremy mentioned they're waiting on some uh safety enhancements fencing from what I understand not at the Riverside Crossing they have other areas throughout their dur jurisdiction where they have uh like clear like cut through paths where they see people cross the railroad tracks so I think that's what they're looking at is that yeah I'm believe I had to go back and look all the way from like Donald Ross to like past Indian town they were looking at or up to Indiantown they were looking at um several Crossing areas they were going to put some fencing up I don't think it comes this far to Riverside but I'd have to go back and look at their plans okay all right Council I'm comfortable with the safety part of it back in December you know I stated that any seasonal residents had not been here to experience a you know 100 well in our case 40 to 50 m hour train because of the bridge the slow down to 40 miles an hour but I'm comfortable with um moving forward with this knowing that it's still be blowing on the two bookends um but I do have a question are we able to adjust the timing of the lights um only because we've got uh an intersection where it happened to me as I mentioned at Riverside and at qua Drive where if anybody's going if you're going south and you turn off of uh Old Dixie Highway you know turn left so then You' be heading west on on to quester drive um it seems sometimes those lights the lights and the rails are coming down at the same time so I'd like to see if we could anything we can do to have the lights start blinking before the horn since there not going to be any horns further away is there anything we can do to kind of give our our residents any motorists a little bit more time to see the lights blinking knowing oh my gosh I either have to make a choice to speed up or just stay where I'm at at the light is there a way to to do that do we know with the FC well there's we can ask okay I mean it's going to be up to them they'll probably come out and do an analysis I me but we we will make sure that we put that request in yeah thank that's it okay will that be contingent upon any decision that you make that no I just curious if we could do that it' be nice I think it's a safe added belts and suspenders so oh good um so I'm pretty sure I know the answer this question but just to confirm if a when a quiet zone is implemented it applies y there it is yeah perfect timing applies equally to both FEC and bright line correct so this is all okay man that is really annoying um so so I'm extremely sensitive to the frustration that the horns can create especially the people that live in close proxim I mean I live you know in the club and I can hear them there it doesn't doesn't bother me because we're far enough away but I but I get it I am still a little and I guess probably the re the main reason I have any uncertainty on this is because of the accident that occurred not too long ago um with you know without a quiet Zone implemented just north of Testa Drive um and um and then you start reading statistics on this stuff and they're all over the place like I saw and unfortunately you can't I don't believe anything I read on the internet generally and it was an unconfirmed Source from train magazine which I didn't know was a thing but I saw something as and again this is unconfirmed so please do not quote me on this but said that uh the chance of a crash occurring increases 68% if the train does not sound its horn at the Crossing and you know again I can't confirm if that's true but if it is that's pretty compelling um so that said I just have a few questions so if we approve tonight for staff to apply for the implementation of a quiet Zone at to Quest to drive and the application was approved whether it's this Council or future Council because I don't know the exact timing of when that would occur would it come back for a vote to whether we actually implement it or if if it gets approved it's in does and you may not know the answer to that but I'm just curious I mean tonight we're really just voting on the application being submitted well I think you're when you apply you're you're applying and I mean Doug Doug's looked into this a lot more than I have he's really just given me the cliff notes so Doug if you want to answer that question and if you don't know it's fine I'm just more Curious he's our resident expert on quiet zones yeah once the council approves the quiet Zone we move forward with the documentation and once it's approved it's in place okay it could take between three to four months to get that approval um but just as an FYI right now I'm still working with the bright line Engineers to finish they still have an open permit here at quested for that Crossing okay so right now we meet the basic parameters for a closed Corridor which is the basis for the the arms on each side double okay but there's some signage there's some punch list items from that project that are still open and hopefully within the next month month and a half we'll close out that permit and then we if Council desires we could apply for that quiet time okay and I I read in the there's no cost to this this is it's a free there's no cost to the application or anything like that no there would be minor cost with some help with engineering to apply for the quiet Zone okay for the actual application all that okay um all right that's really those are the only questions I had and that statistic that you gave is based on actual information based on the increase in accidents and mentalities after quied SS were implemented that's nature wi wow yeah okay thank you Doug and just um real quick for a council as we discuss I do want to note that um this is under the Federal Railroad fact sheet that communities have community have the option to establish partial quiet zones restricting restricting the horn sounding during overnight hours between 1000 p.m. and 7 a.m. so I do that is another option to consider as we discuss so would that be a separate application or is that's you just sorry Doug come back up I think it's maybe you just stay here for you can just decide how you actually part of the same application process that would just be the request for a partial okay Qui its own and then if the C at some point desired we could amend that application for 24 hours gotcha okay that's that's a good point Thank You from 102 I think it's 6:00 a.m. 10: to 7 a.m. 10 p.m. so and you can't those are the hours we can't work with it like we couldn't say 8:00 p.m. to yeah you just have okay two choices either 247 or 10 p.m. 7 10 to 7 this is I guess does bright line I think I asked this question last they run do they run they don't run all night but they run pretty late right I mean they like a 9 they have like a 900 p.m. from Orlando I think that goes south really yeah oh Ma'am I I will I will absolutely take public comment so please please um just wait and when I say a public comment you can come up to the podium thank you I actually rode the 900 p.m okay so yeah from Orlando to puts you here around 10 10:30 I imagine about4 to 11: I think yeah okay okay me yes whoever whoever wants to speak next well I put me at West Palm Beach at quar to 11 I don't know exactly when we rolled through TOA I was sleeping but but yes there is a 9:00 that leaves Orlando yeah all right I know that the uh that this timeline we're on relative to us considering this is in line with what we talked about in December however I'm still nervous about it I still see crazy stuff out there not just here in taquesta but going south uh Indian town uh Tony Penna I it's it's it scares me to see it I can be in a queue and I'm seeing stuff I can't believe um so I was on the same track I think as Patrick um one compromise might be to do the uh to segue into this and do the uh uh 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. uh no train horns and then and so my question would be and I think somebody already answered it is if we did that can we just do a modification and make it 247 after that so that's kind of where I'm at right now I don't I I wish things were better out there but I think people I don't know why I don't know why they're doing what they're doing but it's somebody's going to get really hurt badly yeah what what I will add to that Tom is there as you know there's 100 fatalities or more now maybe it's 1001 yeah and what you're going to have I think just about every council member the mayor the vice mayor has called in residents have called in we get calls in a weekly basis that the timing sequence was off that one gate arm didn't go down you know somebody got stuck on the track so there are always going to be mechanical problems electrical malfunctions right that's always going to happen the benefit of having the train horn is if it does malfunction you're going to hear the train before it gets there God forbid you're stuck on a track my theory is if we do the 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. it gives more time for for people to learn the hazards that are out there today and uh the the vehicular traffic particularly in taquesta it almost disappears at 10:00 at night so uh that would make me be a lot more comfortable based on what I've seen in the in the recent past and knowing that we can ultimately make it 247 just to confirm that so if we applied for the sorry I sure I got this right if we applied for the T the 10: p.m. to 7: a.m. and then 3 months down the road decided we want it 24 hours you'd have to just amend the request okay I'm not sure the time frame it won't be as long as the initial request went through all the engineering okay thank you and also I um I don't know if this got brought up already my apologies if it did but with the Quiet Zone the conductor would still Sound the Horn if he felt they felt necessary so um if we do have a quiet Zone if they see something on the tracks whether it be you know a pedestrian a bicyclist a car they can still um Sound the Horn yeah it said the Ker's discretion yeah and I actually did my research on that one because that was my only really concern I wasn't here at the December meeting I was very sick um but I'm actually an advocate for The Quiet zone for the taquesta crossing and it's mostly because I use common sense and I I really hope most people driving or walking would use common sense and if there's anything flashing just out of caution just stop look and use your brain um I did research that they can blow the horn so if there is heaven forbid a vehicle happens to stall or they get stuck in Between the Bars they can blow their horn out of an emergency scenario I also would hope that if anyone ever got stuck in their vehicle get out of the car like you can replace the car get out of the car so I have a hard time with all these fatalities that are happening in Florida it's just really the common sense in me the way I think I don't know why people don't get the car so I unfortunately think maybe it's on purpose um but now hearing it for months and the fact that we're in this really amazing village hall building and we can hear that and then it's mostly the nighttime it's taken away from our it is taken away from our village feel it's starting to feel I don't want to say like Chicago CU I know what Chicago sounds like but it's it is starting to affect you know our lifestyle and I don't want the village to feel like we live in a city and then the other logical part I was looking at is Riverside we have no control over and Martin County side we have no control over so we're so close we're going to hear the train no matter what so why do we really need that excessive middle one and so I'm in favor of us applying for The Quiet Zone I am open to if Council as a whole wants to start with the nighttime hours and then we graduate to the daytime hours I'm fine with that as well and that's pretty much where I'm at today okay yeah it's um I would say I'm in favor of doing the uh permanent quiet zone for all hours it's a it's a tough decision right I mean sometimes we have to to weigh the pros cons and it is a safety issue so that's a really tough decision to make but um you know I think it it's been running since when did it start running October or was it sooner sooner I think was it sooner than October um yeah must have been October and then we waited through season to make sure seasonal residents got used to it and I do agree even if Riverside and County Line do apply um they're not sure about Riverside but we know County Line's a year out so they you know you would hear that train horn still um and you know we've heard from residents and it's not just residents businesses have are inconvenience by this and um it was interesting too on our resident survey this year there there were many comments that noise pollution needs addressed so I take that into consideration too so um I I think it's always going to be a a problem and we can't we can't control people making bad decisions and that you know the FC trains have been around for for ages and yes the bright line goes a little bit faster but trains going through here isn't a new thing um so I just I think we should do what we can and give the residents and businesses a break from the noise of the train yeah you know as I mentioned before you know that it slows down to 40 m hour to cross the bridge so it might be going 50 55 by the time if it's going north and it's already slowing down so it's not going 120 miles an hour when it's going across quest of drive so it's another thing to consider that it's it's about the speed of an FEC train can I had one thing before we go to public comment um the other thing because I very much am concerned about the safety school buses and any kind of Palm Tran van type bus that's coming to pick up some of our seniors they all by law have to stop for a rail or track no matter what so they're going to stop and look and listen and observe so that was something else I took in consideration okay any other Council comments no all right thank you Doug I'll open it for a public comment Lori are there any cards yes just okay Jessica I I'll I'll still I do cards first but I'll ask after the cards there's the horn again hi there's our friend again it is yeah Jessica namoth 20 Shady Lane um I just wanted to say that I have also had um toqua Trace residents or res specifically not from any of the other uh locations the other two but somebody has asked why it is every hour on the hour all night long and has complained about waking up so I you know just wanted to put that on the record also and would would be in support of the nighttime the 10 to 7 and just wanted to also encourage um I'm a mom of three kids and uh have spent a lot of time in cities also traveling and these airpods that they wear can block out everything the sound so it's also our duty to try to teach you know break habits that we might not have had to have before or or you know remind them that those can be actually very dangerous maybe to just wear one or to not wear it on the noise cancelling or something because it is scary like the cars and the bikes and the people and the trains you know it's easy to get hurt and um I think that it is a very fast train and um um I know that we need to be careful and I think that the horns help the sequencing that you had mentioned too I agree with did we Jeremy have anything looked at with that because I know I had spoken to you about this sequencing the do you want to finish the comments and I can respond well that was part of this I felt like I wasn't sure or yeah why don't we if you don't mind let's finish with comments because there might be more questions I I I I had thought that we had looked into that as the village but because I know that we had another Resident um on Bay View uh Miss Schultz who had a very very close call and was very scared as well with that same timing issue and you had said that somebody was coming out to look at that so I was just curious if that was the same thing that you had responded to him um because as long as that is safe I would be in support of that as well and just thank you okay thank you laor are there any more cards let me can I respond to her because I do have a response for that okay I mean just I know don't want to go back and forth but um you know Jessica brought it to my attention over on Riverside the resent she was talking about that there was an issue at the that the crossing uh we we alerted dispatch for that um and they came out and they actually said there was an issue at the time like some some mechanical issue they were working on as we went over there like 15 minutes later uh I think what the the request by Mr Sartori would be more for the engineering department to look at that timing to see if we can expand it so I believe it'll be two different phone calls but um we'll vet that process thank you and then um just real quick for public comment um the public has three minutes to speak if you have any questions Jeremy will take note um because we don't want to cut into your time so we can answer after you're done speaking thank you right Lori you get just state your name and address for the record please Christina band Westen 113b Lighthouse Circle to Questa Trace thank you honorable council members I appreciate you taking the time we all have choices in life I chose Thea I chose Testa Trace I live there and it's on the railroad been there 20 years never worried me I love it I grew up next to a rail road and it always reminds me of home so I had that choice but with this new railroad running up and down there blasting away day and night it is unbearable we I I sleep with it every night you can go past my place and have a look I close the hurricane shutters otherwise I could never sleep this might sound funny but every time that horn blast during the night my dog falls off the bed she's on Prozac I don't lie to you she is on Prozac because she can't sleep so we have choices and Council if you make that choice to have a quiet Zone and someone has an accident there it is their choice to race the train it's not our problems do I feel sorry of course I do I hate the thought of it but it's a choice we all make in life so I appeal to you at least consider from 10: to 8: for the people living right I'm on the Railroad and again as I said my choice I don't mind but those trains Rush past there and until they until they um frosted the windows I could see there's nobody in there so I think people complained that they're running with nobody in there and now they frosted the windows so please I appeal to you give us at least that break startop off 10led eight will help of course it would be great if it happened the whole day but I do understand that we have to take that into consideration thank you thank you thank you oh that's and please state your name and address for the record Keta pesi 113 Lighthouse Circle Apartment C inest okay my thing is the whole day long it is so loud so noisy and it's not so much the bright line it's the other train we've had a lot of trains going back and forth all day long more than ever I mean you try to sit down on your balcony and it's like impossible to have a conversation on the telephone at night same thing so if you could eliminate the horns all day long that would be great if you're going to start at the evening hours I guess that's the way to go but ordinarily it is very noisy and I just had impact Windows put in and I could still hear it go on my balcony and it's even worse I have to keep running inside because the noise is so loud and that's basically it so if you could consider all day long that's fine if you want to start at 10:00 and go with that that's your prerogative but I thank you for hearing me okay than you thank you k Mike tomes I'm uh a board member of Testa Trace uh we're a small I'm at 110d Lighthouse Circle uh we're a small community located at the corner of Testa Drive in uh Old Dixie we extend about 670 ft from that intersection we have 134 units we have approximately 450 people living there age going from newly borns all the way up to about 92 on what I'm not counting myself and we have a visitor that keeps on coming back that's over a 100 uh we have working people retirement people as you can imagine and the working people also there are those that are nurses and other people that work during the evening so they sleep during the day it's a lot of noise we understand that by going first with the uh 10 to 7 is the first step but we definitely would like to have to go all 24 hours a day just for our community and it's like a small little village inside a village uh and when we first came here I come from Pennsylvania with the main line behind my main my uh house for track system used to trains then but they never Blew as much as they do right here thank you for your time thank you sir yes my name is uh Anthony manini um I'm president of the board of directors at Lighthouse Cove which is a community uh between um toqua trace and the Futures uh healthc care recovery res uh uh Health Care Facility um the the the train itself whether it be the freight train or the uh or the bright Line running the rails it's not the problem it's the horns and now with the bright line it's not just at night when we can't sleep but it's all day long it's my understanding there's 16 trains running in each Direction every day and if I'm wrong someone please correct me but that's my understanding I've looked at the schedule that's a lot of horns there's days when it seems like the horns don't stop there's 252 units in Lighthouse Cove and it seems as though you can't escape it no matter if you're if you're to the west and again we're we're right on Old Dixie the train tracks are the opposite side of the street and there's there's portions of our community that face away from the tracks or on the other side of the complex and it's just as loud you can't escape it and um you know I see this as an opportunity for the village to to do something and and to do something that that really matters and that will really increase our our uh quality of life there at at Lighthouse Cove I think it's very important that we do this overnight would be great but I really think it should be 247 and um you know I um if if if this Council ends up um applying for this applying for this um waiver or um um quiet Zone I meant to say um you know that' be a great thing and if there's anything that we can do as a community to support your effort I I'm sure I'll have 252 unit owners out there to support you I can't imagine how noisy it is at to Quest a trace right near the intersection myself my unit and we put in um hurricane glass as well for the soundproofing and and you can still hear it it blows right through and I have I'm directly behind the library so I've got the library between me and a train doesn't matter um and unfortunately right where Lighthouse Cove is we're a quarter mile re a quarter mile REM remove from the intersection which is the two long blast we all know the signal it's to long one short two long and you just you just can't escape it so um you know whatever you can do to help us it'd be greatly appreciated thank you thank you sir Taylor Harold Taylor 13 Chapel Court years ago out of curiosity when I used to walk from my home over to TOA a park on CY Line Road it one afternoon I decided I'd walk up the railroad tracks this was probably in the mid99s if you went 3 or 400 ft north of County Line Road there used to be a sign and I'm pretty sure that railroad sign said don't blow a horns at Cy Line Road between 1 p.m. and I think it was 6:00 a.m. it might have been 7 can't remember that sign disappeared years ago and from what I understand the federal government stepped in and said federal law if you have a railroad crossing across a street you've got to blow the horn unless they modified federal law I don't see how anybody can get a w unless the federal government steps it and says Fine the horns are there for a reason you get hit at 50 m an hour by one of those trains and you're on County Line Road you're CA going to be halfway to the quest to drive you can't stop those trains that quickly and a freight train it takes probably a mile to stop it you've got 100 cars behind you in about 100 tons of car you hit the brakes and their air brakes it takes time for that air signal to travel 100 cars it can't get it stocked that's why you have horns so lots of luck trying to get it done unless like I said unless they've changed federal law I don't see how the federal government would ever approve anything thanks thank you okay any other public comment for those that haven't spoken yet okay right Council well like I said earlier um the I'm I do take a little bit of comfort the fact that a train is go coming north is going 40 miles an hour and that same train takes a little bit long time a little bit longer longer time so it's not like it's Crossing further north at 120 mes hour whatever the maximum speed is um I do agree um the quality of life issue we agreed to do for safety reasons um I would like to see us and I'm comfortable because of the speed of the trains that I'm comfortable doing a 24-hour ban so after public comment if you guys take a minute um and it's not just our residents on the east side right next to the tracks I mean it's all over again we're even in the this building that is built to sustain hurricanes and whatnot we can hear it so the whole comment that I see a lot and hear a lot is get yourself some hurricane proof windows it it's not going to stop it it's just the excessiveness and just to remind all of us we are surrounded by water and everything Echoes so even if Down the Road Jupiter decided or they even received a quiet zone for Riverside and Martin County had a quiet Zone I find comfort knowing the conductor is watching what they are doing and if they feel the need to blow the horn several times such as that unfortunate incident months back I am totally okay with that so I I'm okay with a full day quiet Zone only because the conductor does have the capability in case of emergency and we are a small village and we have three railroad crossings literally back to back so I think we we can do our part in trying to remove some of the excessiveness to start uh part of my concern is some of the crazy stuff I see out there has there is no way if a conductor blew its horn that there that's going to solve a problem I mean they are getting stuck between the uh uh they're having vehicles behind them with a uh arm in front of them and part of the vehicle is in the railroad line I mean it's it's not good but I want to do the math out loud and see was it about October 1st when bright line started approximately does anybody knower 22nd all right so we got October November December January February and March is let's say half over so it's going to take about three months to get a more or less so what does that make eight months since bright line started if if we got it in three months it'd be eight months till I don't know I'm still mauling you I understand everybody's problem I uh uh I hear it too at night um it seems however that it's and I I live further away than you folks do to the tracks but the uh it seems like the the the bright line problem uh horn wise is getting a little better at night maybe they're not making as many trips to Orlando or back I don't know but or it just could be in my head um but I I want to hear the rest of the comments I'm still torn about waiting or not waiting yeah I mean I'm I don't have a I'm only torn on whether it's 24 hours or nighttime but that being said you know I I love hearing public comment because it you know I don't like I said I don't deal with it the same way you all do so um and I I hadn't even thought about the fact I have two young kids and if you have a newborn this could [Music] be I can't even imagine how frustrating that is um I guess my I I just I wonder if if we establish a Qui Zone here and let's say just for the sake of this conversation Riverside and County Line never do are we really solving anything that's and I don't know the answer to that and if I know you guys can't get up back and talk but I would assume you know it's you're still hearing it but it's not like shaking your windows and yeah so um shaking your bed yeah yeah so um that's where I'm at right now and I'm going to have a decision I'll have to make decision here do you have anything do you have anything to add real quick I just want to follow up with council member Patrick painter it may require Council resolution um for the application process I'm still waiting to hear back from the consultant okay thank you for clarifying thank you Doug all right can I get a motion I'll make a motion to approve a 24-hour qu Z in the quest to drive tracks I will second that motion all in favor I I I think I have two people council members I haven't voted yet well you didn't say n you didn't ask for the Nay so I didn't oh hold on are there any Nays or any undecideds that need to decide yeah I'm undecided need to decide yeah um again and I just want to explain my reasoning given that no one came out here to uh argue that uh we should not have quiet Zone and that we are up here as an extension of our public and I know there are many others who maybe have different opinions on this but I'm listening to ones that are in the room right now I'm going to vote Yes on the 24-hour and really hope and I know Doug can't get an answer on this now and this isn't me you know waffling yeah it is me waffling on it but I I hope I kind of do hope that we have a chance come application time or once the application is approved if it is approved that we're you know maybe up here talking about this again and voting just because we'll have more time to see what has actually occurred so as of now tonight my vote is yes based on what I just heard from the public thank you council member painter I will uh I'll go along with the majority um I I would be great if it took four months to get the application approved but uh I'll go hold I will I I hear what Patrick just said there is logic to that I although uh uh what's his name Mr Taylor Mr Taylor he was making a case for not oh okay yeah sorry he thought the horns should remain okay so let's make it unanimous I I'll go along with the 247 with the horns out okay all right thank you Council moving on to new business agenda item 16 consider approval of a special event permit for the farmers market uh put on by Gallery Square North way before I get into the farmers market we're going to pull if with your permission um the consent agenda item number six that we talked about before seven I number seven yes do you I know there Mr Bradford's additional question he wants to have answered okay no no we can do it go ahead I don't have a comment on agenda item seven from the consent agenda I thought you said you were going to pull it you want to pull it we're they're going to talk about now they're ready to answer some what I'm saying is that on that particular item I'm not able to get you all the answers you want tonight so we're going to have to pull it and then put it on the April that's that's what I thought sorry we want to pull it from the agenda what that's fine with me but timing wise for them it's in July so I'm assuming we have enough time we have time we'll we'll make we'll bring back in April okay okay yeah the uh the the um we couldn't get a hold of the uh the nonprofit who who wants the event and they're not here tonight so for that reason I'd rather ply item bring it back in April uh and give them the opportunity to make a presentation and to Mr Bradford's question about the quest of Country Club I don't know that they have an issue with it but maybe we should is Michelle Shear house is that that's me oh that's you okay I get the emails from her I will I can make one quick comment the residents are very aware we do we send out email blasts we there's door hangers that go out we promote the race route the we have police Partnerships where we encourage people to find a new parking spot if you have to go to work that day and I mean we do a lot to we don't really get complaints no no I figured that um okay we are the majority of that race route so yeah which is fun you know for the most part and we're positive this isn't going to impact their timeline we're positive it won't impact their timeline delaying it for a month no okay I don't know what they all have to do to get ramped up for it so okay so I wanted to make clear Wayne if I may Wayne um my issue isn't with the what's it say remember me or whatever they that was clear but they they are they're not a resident they do not appear to be a business in the village but they were there was some page in that backup that said something like Testa 4 Mile something like that and they may be hanging their hat on that in order to do this run so that's the documentation I was trying to get to be able to bring it back to you currently because it's this has been approved by councils on previous occasion is so but to connect the dots I don't have the day for you and I'd rather get that before uh saying anything any further um i' rather just have it and since we do have a little bit of time if we're a little bit closer um you know to to the July date then I would be a little more Under Pressure but I do have some some leeway so I can bring it back in April we're more comfortable and then just for whatever reason if say that there is a timeline crunch um and you have the info we could probably do a special meeting before after like the Strategic Workshop or you know our a council Workshop shop in um April if we need to so we'll just leave with that okay so back on to agenda item 16 for the special event permit for the farmers market and Wayne you're presenting I think we do have someone on Via Zoom to present as well MTI for The Beauty Department good evening mayor council members and Village manager they add in front of you concerns a special event application for weekly Farmers Market to take place at the parking lot of Gallery Square North the market manager wilsong is online to present the fance market proposal request to approval and Village sponsorship and answer any questions that you may have thank you Lita are you there I am can you all hear me yes okay awesome uh thank you for having me this evening I am going to click through this I think with Nar um help so the first slide says to Quest of farmers market so I'm going to go to the second one I don't know I shared my screen but I just don't know if you guys can see it can see Council okay perfect so the farmers market is currently taking place in the gallery Square North Plaza it's taking place in the Northeast section of the parking lot that backs up to um the fire department and our proposal is um from March 16th to May 25th so we'll run every Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 1 p.m. uh we have different vendor classifications so if you can see on the screen I'll read through them really quick you have farm and agricultural vendor which is typically those who are selling plants flowers um produce it livestock so if they um if they're us um da inspected if they have honey if they have eggs then you have non-farm um which is typically um someone is not raising it but they um it's made it's food and it's m vendors um which can be anywhere from cold pressed drinks to you're cutting in and out a little bit do you know if that's on our end Lita can you hear me I don't know if she can hear I don't know let me see if I move I'm in a foreign country actually so I don't know that's better it's bad internet is this better yep yeah oh okay perfect um nope can't hear you we could go through it and then if we have questions we could ask yeah it's working still can't hear you Lita is this I don't know if we can do you want to try to run through I don't know uh we might be able to answer a few questions at least uh from a standpoint I know they've been doing this for several weeks now can you hear me yes we can hear you now why don't you just sit on sit tight and we'll ask you questions yeah let um our staff is gonna kind of run through it and then Lita will ask questions I hopefully you can answer yes okay so they've been doing this for several weeks I know they plan on going through they plan on going plan on going through May and then they'll they'll stop take a break they have been doing this for a couple weeks now now um and so this this process has come before you guys because they want to continue to do this uh they're looking for some support from the village um from time to time I'd say there was a resolution that was passed several years ago that um um endorsed or supported uh five or six different events throughout the year that's ongoing I think this would be appropriate to add them to that list um of support um I think it's a good thing we've got nothing but uh you know compliments from uh people who went to this event um I think it's always good I know we've been talking about from the village standpoint about bringing the one that we had back for many years I know there's always some Logistics issues the park the rec center um so it's always great when you know the private citizen can provide a service that we don't have to um and so um I don't know how the presentation was going to shape up but that would be my take and they can answer any questions that you may may have specifically about the vent but I know there are like 15 to 20 vendors every Saturday and it's it's been pretty successful so far thank you way andar do you guys have anything to add to what Jeremy said no pretty much as I said they've been doing the a trial for the past four weeks so four Saturdays so far uh crowd control parking everything's been going well uh so we've we've got no issues on it um so we do support the activities that's taking place there okay all right Council questions I guess I'm I'm curious the permit is for this weekend through the the 25th of May how how have we been doing it for the last four weeks go typically you know uh each a resident or with BTR can apply for four events a year okay and so in theory they have several tenants in there that can apply four at a time so they could do something like that uh or one person can apply for a permit in a situation like this that we could tag that the that the council can sponsor and we can you know have this ongoing so that's how they've been doing it we don't really want to circumvent the process by you know having one person do you know come apply for four than another person or another business um so I think this is the appropriate method if we want to if we wanted to continue want be a partnership uh otherwise they can do it the other way and it wouldn't even take councel approval we did it that way I see it's got the Fire review am I missing the police review as well yes PD is also it's in there okay thank you no other questions I don't have any question oh well actually I have one small question um right now it's just on that East whatever east side of the parking lot could it ever if it if it really got popular could it ever expand until to get ler well they do have the provision for overflow parking okay uh but if they change from the current plan that they have or if they wanted to add additional stuff that will have to bring that back they going to change what they're going to be proposing um to something else different they still have to uh uh get get get approval for it okay so the the ask at this point is to just to keep the momentum going through me okay uh as it currently stands okay if anything changes most definitely okay great and I have no idea if I have to disclose this but in abundance of caution my mom is going to be one of the vendors so I don't know if that changes anything about my boat but I just want to throw it out there so that's all I got what she said her art awesome so let me add one thing to I'm sorry just my my question to your your kind of proposal by expanding one I don't know if this adds to your question but you know my question was did the other there's another owner to that part that shopping center and they agreed I think their letter is in there they've agreed I'm sure if they want to expand they'll go back to that other owner and we'd have to make sure they came back with an approval to expand it so okay maybe that answers it but I'll let him answer the the the big question you said small and I I have no no financial gain from her what she's doing there by the way but no you don't but does that's true so that's where the conflict comes in so I'm going to advise you to to not participate any further and and uh declare the voting conflict over here mayor I'm sorry one last question um the other tenants in the plaza they're all agreeable and this hasn't caused a heartache or hardship to their business in fact that was one of the the part of the trial was to see the interaction between all the business owners uh making sure that everyone uh even the neighboring uh properties there's been no complaints no one has complaint no one has given us any objection whatsoever so it'll stay in the two rows that it currently is and in order to expand they'd have to come back and revise okay yeah if they want to expand anything that and some of the business actually vendors to in the farmers market right and they've said that they actually so they're able to benefit from from it so it's it's a business enhancement for for all the existing business owners so so I uh I I support farmers markets I enjoy going to them and um I it I I'm glad we have this inqua the U uh you know my only concern is you know I hope as it matures over time that they actually have more uh options for p Farm produce you know and uh edible items uh and I'm I'm sure they will the uh I saw a photo that appeared that a recent one event was sort of close to the middle of the parking lot and I take it from what I read that it's actually going to be on the East end of the parking lot but the the photo or whatever they sent in was unclear so I was my question is where will they actually be setting up the tents are parallel with the concrete wall which is right parallel to the fire department so that's where the tents are located and that's what the um the site plan I like that better I think it's safer it's all the way the um now I think once it it becomes very very popular that they may need a bigger place um because for example you I doubt they're going to be approved by the property owners to do it year round because you know to the height of the season that's when most retail operations make most of their money but that all remains to be seen I support it as long as I got the answer to that question about where it's actually going to be on the site I'm fine with it so I don't know how this started but whoever on their end started it I'm going to congratulate them and I don't know who they spoke to in the village to start this but thank you because in my opinion they did this the correct way they came and pulled these special event permit worked with you guys on what is needed in regulations and Logistics they did a a test run basically and for me personally I've not received any negative feedback I don't hear anything from PD I don't hear about a mess I don't hear about parking issues I don't hear and get messages from surrounding churches or businesses saying my you know clientele can't come park it seems like they did a good job getting everyone around found them involved and in being inclusive not exclusive so it's there's a lot of Testa vendors there um there's a lady many many moons ago that asked me whatever happened to the taquesta farmers market and she was kind of intrigued to start it up again my advice to her was to start with at least maybe around 15 vendors so when people go they have something to see and get the amount of vendor interest right now is amazing and actually while we were sitting here I had a vendor message me how do I reach that person I want to set up a tent so for me there's a lot of kudos to go around to our staff and the organizer of this entire event I like that there are criteria in this for us there's an end date so we can see how this goes um personally I wouldn't do it during the summer because of the heat but again that's up to them so I like that we have till May we can see how this goes um they also did in the backup have kind of like a cap for vendors so they right off the bat aren going to accept all hundred they're going to kind of pick and choose and maybe rotate them over the weekends cuz not every vendor is available every weekend I think that's smart marketing wise it keeps a good fresh interest too for visitors I do personally when I come back from my dance rehearsal on Saturday mornings I see a lot of people biking I'm assuming they're coming from that and they have bags yeah or walking and they have their eat bikes so that's kind of cool you know it's kind of getting people out I would fully support this tonight to move forward to May and allow them to keep their criteria in place such as not overe exceeding the vendors just yet let's kind of take it one step at a time and see how we go if it happens to bloom for next season we address it at that moment and we work with residents on their feedback thank you all right um I have nothing else to add I agree with all what all the uh my fellow council members said with the exception of council member pain I do not have a family member involved or have a booth there andita I don't know if you can hear us still and I don't know if you're uh the one that made this happen but but thank you for doing so it's great to see something like this come to the Village I know since I've been on counsil it's been uh spoken about a couple times like wouldn't it be great how would we you know how would we do that because couns ourselves can't really do that you'd have to Garner uh the business support and uh just you know exactly how it happened now so I just have two quick questions um if parking and traffic does become a problem uh through May how is that addressed do they does like does staff just work with them to fix it or just how would that be addressed like I just want to make sure that you know we're we would be on top of that and it would be corrected for you know the next event the the plan can you hear me yes we can now we can so we have permission from good sheeper for the Overflow and I'm sure you guys are very famili with good Shepherds to parking lots um all of our vendors park over there and we have signs instructing uh our our customers to go there as well we do site plans like on social media the week going in showing the public where they should Park if they're coming for the um for the farmers market obviously as it gets more popular we're going to have more and more people um I think as you guys have already said this is a great trial to get us through May to see really where and how how the village wants this to go forward I'm enjoying it immensely I'm there every single Saturday I run it I almost run it almost as it's a event in my own backyard I'm there I'm shaking hands with people talking to people uh I can't really think was talking I think it was Lori there are a ton of people that walk they bike they bring golf carts they bring ebikes um I mean obviously eventually it will be a problem maybe with with traffic and parking I just don't know when that will when we will h get that popularity um fit Shepard has a very large parking lot and within the main parking lot there's still about 82 spaces that are available and the only businesses that are open in that Plaza during our time is Gallery Grill scoop Shack and then annettes so I it just hasn't gotten to be a problem yet because of that last weekend the art center had a very large event and we were all very mindful of it we were out there helping with parking and it's still there was no major issues so I think we're fine for that and we'll know okay thank you for that input and uh Wayne you can answer we say we do reach it does reach a popularity before this would you know would go through till May before it ends how would Staff address that so um we we are going to be monitoring the situation just assuming that we monitored it up until this point before bringing it to you um we would then seek uh we have the Overflow parking but then we obviously seek uh Guidance with the police department in this matter so we're not projecting anything um at this point but we will watch the situation and see how it grows as as the popularity uh increases so it'll be resolved with staff and applicant and Council wouldn't we wouldn't see it again you guys would just resolve it res internally whatever uh measures is necessary to make it happen um nar's Been instrumental in this whole process she's been done an awesome job working with the business owners uh making sure that we've got the communication to to all all parties concerned to make this happen at this point so um I appreciate all the efforts and work that she's been up to and in doing it okay and then um one more question this is probably more for Lita um is obviously we're here to uh vote on the special event per application is there I feel like I heard it tossed around but I'm not sure is there also an ask for the village to to sponsor it or do social media like have it on newsletter is that ask out there that's that's yes it is I'm running both social medias so on Instagram and Facebook it would be wonderful if the village of Testa also posted it it would just help with more awareness like I said I'm there every Saturday and so I always have people oh is this your first time do you live in the village and we are still getting people that say I had no idea that there was a farmers market until I just stumbled upon it so I think the more that you guys promote it as the village the more I promote it the more the vendors promote it the more people will will realize we're there every Saturday okay you know I would I I would not take issue promoting it but I kind of maybe more of a legal um question so Keith I'll direct this to you if we if we do uh advertise it do we need to have any kind of disclaimer to or Indemnity cuz I like I I am not suggesting this would happen but there's prepared foods there I don't know what kind of regulations these people have and what if someone got sick like could they come after the village I don't know how that works maybe we don't need a disclaimer but I just wanted to throw it out there I guess you know my threshold question is that our special event code talks about Village sponsored events that are held on Village property don't have to deal with the with the so so what what do I'm not clear what what we mean right now on this when we say the village is going to sponsor it what what what what does that mean what what what is what does the council Envision the village doing it's not going to be on Village property because it's on private property so what what does this in your minds what does it mean the village is going to sponsor this I'm I'm not really clear I I would defer to what Jeremy says cuz he knows better than anyone what that concept is it may be something the bus business liaison deals with it may be something on our website I'm not sure but Jeremy would know so the the four or five other events like uh chili cook off not our event but we sponsored that event the Run for the pies was another event uh those are just the two off the top of my head that I can think of that the village sponsored meaning that we every year they don't have to come back for approval in this situation we'll do it through this year and then when they start back up we'll do another one but for the rest of the remainder of this year they won't have to come back for approval and then we will share post to that their event is coming up and that's how we've done it in the past when we say we sponsor so I use the quotation marks but that's to me that's a sponsoring because we're endorsing that event um and so like the question with the insurance I would say if they want to to do that they would have to name us on their insurance and then we could do that if if the council desires um and I think it's already it's already a part of the application anyways and so I don't think we'll have an issue from a liability standpoint but I'm not attorney if that's what we're talking about and we're we would already be we would be included as an additional insured on the liability policy I I would have no legal objection to the Village I guess for me it would be it would be um I don't I want to say perception but we've gone down this road before if we sponsor one we kind of need to sponsor all so when I think of like tbc's thing that they do we don't necessarily add our name to it and promote it on social media and smoke signals so this is kind of similar for me in the same mindset um I don't even think that's really needed right now I would actually like to see the taquesta farmers market keep going through May and see how it goes without the taquesta actually promoting it and posting it everywhere and I honestly from the marketing standpoint I don't think you need it I get amazing feedback your vendor list is growing rapidly I I really don't think you need it this time um I would hold off personally on the taquesta the village of taquesta actually sponsoring it to some degree and promoting it until later um we review it after the May Point seems to me the better word is promote not sponsor not promote that is the world for right yeah I think that's what we we don't we don't sponsor we promote or just advertise if you will what the chili cook off and and just the the two runs I is there anything else I really can't think of anything else we regularly are there more I just can't think of them well there's more I think in the past the runs um are promoted by The Village mostly because of the road safety because the roads have to close so it it helps if we promote what's happening so we can educate a residence that you won't be able to get down the roads there's be people flying by your house running and it kind of got a little all over the place I'm not getting old it's just really blurry on there I promise it's the uh fire rescue chil cook off the old to Questa Business Association which is no longer um a wildlife Across America Memorial Day veterans salute American Legion poppy day JTA holid gr bush wildlife events that are in the village and the lighthouse Center um gallery and back and School of Arts exhibits intoa so there's no Certificate of Insurance requirement on any of those that you're aware of it's a that it's not addressed in the resolution it's a um it's resolution 6117 I'm having to look at it on my phone can't for some reason get it to come up on my computer here it's very um it's a website and event sponsorship policy and it does not address um insurance requirements but um when businesses come before us like this business here you know they always ask me afterwards to promote or Market their their events and I can't do that unless Council gives up Authority but then so if they had to do a special if it's something that um required a special event permit which is I think most of those do I don't know if all of them did um they would have insurance and listing us as additional insured requirement for every application that's a requirement yeah that's so we would be covered there from an insurance standpoint I said whether we want to have any other kind of disclaimers I that would be up to our discretion but from liability standpoint point we would be covered I assume so just and this one doesn't fix it says town of Desta should be Village of Desta cor Insurance can be very technical so I they already really saw that okay so to be clear the chili cook off gives the village of toest a Certificate of Insurance naming the village of test is an additionally insured the old special events that go through uh our department requirement is for the Certificate of Insurance that names fil Testa so we plan on keeping in the future the farmers market being deemed special event um just through me that's that's that's the conduit that we're using anything afterwards it's up up to you what you want to do with that well I'm just I'm confused for example the chili cook off is annually and it's a big event and that a lot of people happy about it uh raises money for good cause so uh I guess my first question is do they turn us turn in a certificate insurance for the village of to the Village of dequest yeah is it's on the backup that's yeah that's that's that's not that that that went through the fire department so that's an event that sponsored through the fire department it wasn't it come was a special event to us when I in the neighborhood RH has insurance we have to have the village at Testa as a secondary that even for a day I'm very I'm very much aware I'm confused by your question I'm I'm wondering if we're comparing apples and oranges and I want uh where there's apples and oranges I want possibly for them all to have to do the same thing I don't disagree I think that's another issue to tackle yeah that maybe we during any other matters why don't we bring this up again if it's something we need to look into or staff can look into that and clarify and then maybe next meeting if we think we need to Workshop it but to stay on topic with the farmers market specifically we do have their additional sh it's going to be corrected so we're listed accurately um and if Council doesn't mind I'd like to just take public comment now so we can yeah goad I'm fine laor any cards hello just nameth 20 Shady Lane um and I was going to wear my EAC hat for this one as the chair of the EAC and just say that this would be a great opportunity to um recommend or suggest to vendors uh to maybe use paper and not plastic or to suggest they not uh give out I guess single- use Plastics without being asked for them I think is the way that sometimes it'll be encouraged um but it would be a great opportunity to do that or if there is any way we could F facilitate with recycling um those would be great things that we could do as a village and I would think and I'd be happy to help in any way I can thank you thank you any other cards no any other public comment all right Council I'm in favor of I'm speaking for Tom I'm in favor of the uh Farmers Market as submitted for the hear and now are you making a motion oh I make a motion to approve the uh request is it a special event permit the request for a special event permit for the uh Farmers Market as located at Gallery Square North Second all in favor can I can I clarify before you vote will that include because in their packet it does include at they ask for um us to promote their event do you want to do include that in your motion or you just want to approve just the event and not do do that so either way we're fine but just want to make sure that we're clear so we know our Direction uh I'm okay to promote it along the lines of how chili cook off shows up in the Friday news it may show up in the uh smoke signals or on the website um but if we're a sponsor to me that's a whole another ball game where I would want a Certificate of Insurance um but I'm not sure if if uh these others are being promoted by us and they're not providing Insurance well the insurance right now is not an issue Molly was right about that let's just get this approved or or whatever and move on to insurance and other requirements later but I don't really have an objection to a standard type of promotion uh subject to Future application might have to be amended for insurance matters and so forth okay so the Motions to approve the special event permit including promoting the event on our social media platforms second all in favor I thank you Lita he us still Wayne and N I'm sorry I'm just reference on the Accord certificate it's and we've got two different addresses for it says town request at 3 the address and there's another one at 345 exactly um thank you but um yeah that correction is going to be there on a second note or or separate note alog together I just want to tell uh let Council um say thank you for supporting the CRS program uh it's it's definitely something that needs to be done on on continual basis to help with the reduction of the insurance flood insurance for the resid so thanks again for supporting that of course thank you thank you Lita you can sign off now mayor before if you want you can stay on and listen too before we go on to the next item we kind of blew through uh consent agenda 7 the staff has asked that to be pulled just so that the record is clear out I'd ask the council for a motion to to continue that to your April agenda I make a motion that consent agenda item number seven regarding the freedom for mile Miler the believe with me race run gets continued to the April public meeting move Patrick Patrick meeting all in favor okay moving on agenda item 17 variance 0 1-24 an application by dequest a table to allow uh serving of Liquors wine and other beverages for consumption and mayor this is a qu judicial proceeding with your permission I can do the swearing in and exp parte disclosures now uh agenda item 17 this variance application is a quisi Judicial proceeding if you're going to be speaking to the Village Council and offering evidence regarding this matter your testimony needs to be under oath so I need to swear you in um whoever is going to be speaking to the Council on this item presenting evidence if you'll please stand raise your right hand so I can swear you in each of you swear or affirm under penalties of perjury that your testimony to the Village Council will be the truth of whole truth and nothing but the truth thank you you can both have a seat I need to come back to the council if any council member has undertaken any expart Communications or done any site visits or consulted with staff or other experts or any any anything in regarding U this item outside of this hearing those activities need to be disclosed for the record at this time I have not I have not I have not N I have I uh have been in the uh business many many times and I have spoken to the business owner about the variants okay thank you with those with that disclosure we can proceed with the item yes J hups community development director so uh to Quest the table is looking to sell alcohol and our code says that if you're within a th000 feet of a church school or Youth Center um you can't sell alcohol they're within 145 ft of we rock the Spectrum which opened in 2017 um any businesses that have opened that want to sell alcohol since then have had to come in and get a variance so mood came in I think in 2018 uh no 2021 they they sell full liquor and then bini got one in 2019 you know you might know to Quest the breweries in there hog Snappers and um the liquor store those predate we rock the Spectrum so they didn't need a variance um but with with the the fact that those all have variances um that they sell alcohol there there's been no issues from we rock the Spectrum you know I don't see any issues on my end um the applicant Victoria is here from Testa table I'm sure she can answer any questions did you get a letter of support and she got a letter of support from Weck the Spectrum so perfect okay Victoria you have anything else you want to add no okay Council um is it for is it a beer and wine or a beer wine and a liquor just beer and wine are you going to be changing your hours I think you currently Clos at 4 Victoria um could you just speak in the mic so we can all hear you thank you this is more for just special events that we do like once a month we have a we host a dinner so we just once a month otherwise it will be available I don't think I'm going to have so it'll be available for lunch it will be available for lunch and do your events go into the evening or just uh 6: to 8:30 okay just uh it's a Ukrainian dinner that we host there okay yeah i' been on record before uh voting against the liquor variants but this is beer and wine um the letter of support from Rock the Spectrum uh the fact that you're closing at 4:00 from by and large not up until midnight um I'm I'm okay with this yeah um especially with the letter of support that's great thank you for bringing that and given the amount of other tenants within the shopping center that are currently serving liquor or beer wine um I'm in support of it um you mentioned something with the word liquor in it there's a there's an entity that sells liquor what what was the name of the place a liquor store Village Liquor the liquor store tropical Wine and Spirits I believe what it's called okay so it's a liquor store but not for consumption on site off off premises right off premises okay well our other liquor mood Anders mood oh well yeah I'm okay with it then beer and wine only fine I'm okay with it yeah so this was really the only part that was missing for me and just so everyone sees it basically our ordinance or what she's asked for the backup and then it has The Rock the Spectrum signature okay um that's big for me anyone that's any ever looking for a variance to have the support from their fellow business owners right next door the fact that it is children um and then I do take in account that previous businesses in there before you as well as before Rock Dis spum were there so rock the Spectrum in my opinion chose to be there near like TBC and whatnot so it's well-rounded for me thank you for that that's a closing for me I I support didn't Russell Russell Family Inc didn't they approve it didn't the owners approve it Jay the owners of the center correct yeah they're the technical applicant right yeah yeah I think with um uh especially with a support of we rock the Spectrum and you know just right next door Mo they have a full liquor license and you know many the others noted and some that were approved after we rock the Spectrum and um like council members said they're not going to be open late night or anything so yeah I don't see a reason not to approve this hey and is there any public comment no and just housekeeping mayor so we have the application but tonight uh we we'll call the um letter that was submitted uh the applicants exhibit one for tonight's hearing okay cool thank you all right Council can I get a motion uh motion to approve second all in favor I thank thank you thank you moving on agenda item 18 resolution number 0224 uh for a authorizing a budget amendment good evening mayor vice mayor council um this is mostly uh grants that the police department has been able to get so we're asking you to amend the budget to allow them to spend the money that's part of the game that we play uh they have 20 $20,000 from BLM for or vest for their uh Marine Patrol and then they also have an FDLE grant for the you hear the the chief talking about is uh pistol shooting and those things for training and that's that's the two things there and that's $80,000 of it and then our new building director is um streamlining his operations and bringing in um some computer programs and things like that to try to speed it up and make it more user friendly and he's asking for $48,000 of his reserves which he has reserves and with that thank you Council that 48k comes from his building fund right the building fund yes sir not the general fund okay I'm fine with it yeah I have no questions no questions I'm good here I have a couple quick questions on the um Police Department one the what was the contributions donations and sponsors for the ,000 what was from again oh that was BLM they're buying the Marine vest okay and then for the Firearms um these costs this isn't cost to dat um this is projections through completion of the course correct okay and then on the um the billing and Zoning one so I know we approved the E plan on it was actually the January 11th meeting not the December 14th um these other two that are on here they haven't been on our consent agenda yet so I'm assuming these haven't you have not moved forward with the um the computer stuff the building official is working with it to do that so so they haven't been nothing's I don't know that I don't know that a $14,000 one would be coming back to the council to approve that one no we already approved that but the 23200 32 3200 32,000 would definitely come back okay so I just want to I kind of brought this up on the uh consent agenda last month we had two utility items one was rollover so it wasn't budget for this year one was over budget for this year the overall fund there was enough money in that but the individual line ads themselves were not budgeted for over budget and I know when we agreed to extending the um Contra the manager's authorization to 75,000 we did make a motion that anything that wasn't budgeted for over budget would come back to council um and budget amendment is one way to do that so this 232,000 if in fact the contracts haven't been signed yet that's a good way to do that um because I know on the E plan software when we approved on the consent agenda in January it said the overall project cost for the first year would be uh no more than 20,000 this is more than double that so um I'm all about uh efficiencies uh in any process we do I'm not trying to Boog down the process but I just want to make sure everyone wants aware because I personally we agree to something so I just want to be comfortable and make sure it's super transparent that whole process so again I'm not I like I think this is great tool it's going to really help the billing department um I just wanted to point that out do uh is it possible that the request has to do with the fact that Wayne is new and may not have been here during budget time I would think so absolutely yes sir so I it looked to me like he was he was wanting something that was in his opinion better than what we have exactly yes sir yeah okay okay any public comment can I get a motion I'll make a motion to approve second all in favor I okay and then thank you agenda item 19 consider approval of a chen Moren Associates work authorization for the water treatment plan marjerie Craig utilities director um good evening mayor and Village Council this item is for the water treatment plan improvements process improvements project it's for 4,9 uh $790 um this would be the third amendment to the scope uh the first the original one and the First Amendment happened before I got here um when I got here we met with the with the consultant we got the 90% plans and the consultant and the staff and realized that we needed to make some adjustments this is an older plant even though it's not it's not a hundred years old like I I've worked for the City of Tampa the plant was 100 years old and and um but this plant is still old and needs updating the ska system the pumps uh variable frequency drives are uh pretty standard now for adding to pumps and what it does is it makes things smoother uh and the original design did not include uh those vfds on the transfer pumps and the transfer pumps pump the water uh to out to the system so um we realized that when we got the 90% plans back and so we're requesting to add those vfds and also uh to change software from wonderwear to VT skada and that's a smaller portion of the 40,000 and the total and we were always going to update the software but the VT skada software is something that has many different a very robust list of integrators we plan on sticking with the same integrator that we have now um but he's a oneman shop and I like to have insurance policies meaning I like to have um a lot of options just in case something happens um and that particular software I outlined some of the benefits uh of a BT SK I've also had several successful migrations of Legacy systems ska systems to VT data very solid User Group there um please let me know if you have any questions I I we after this we're going to put the pencils down and bid the project but I felt it was important enough to request this of the village manager we had a very uh uh a discussion with Nate and the manager and he did support it uh and I was grateful we bringing it to you for consideration thank you Council uh thanks marer this um see the budget amount is 150 and this expenditure is about 41,000 um was this are we just putting it into this budget into this line item or are we taking up $441,000 that we're going to run short of somewhere else I'm kind of lost in that that's a great question and to the mayor's point on the on the previous item um we budgeted 140,000 for Engineering Services and architectural services and says 150 on here I'm sorry 150,000 I'm thinking the 40,000 from never mind yes you're you're correct it's 150,000 so while we budgeted money for this project it was not for this particular specific um you know and this was not foreseen right uh over a year ago when we did did the budget cycle it's hard to especially in utilities and having done it for as you know many years it's hard hard to predict everything that you're going to need in a year we do the best we can yeah you're comfortable with this and this is this is the path we need to move forward with I'm very comfortable then I'm comfortable with it thank you thank you I just real quick to because I kind of have the same question so there'll be 55,000 uh left in this fund with this change order correct there's there's 95 thou almost 96,000 left so and this is the architect and Engineering is that is there anything else that you were pulling from this year from that line item or is this specifically just for this Chen Moore design um the other project that we are pulling uh money from for this year would be for the county line road project for uh and that would be for inspection services and right now that project is delayed because of the permitting uh with the uh core and D so when we get to that point then we'll bring that forward and if we need to do a budget amendment at the end of the year then we will bring that forward to you as well as a part of the a budget amendment and so then this fund would also include I know usually once you um get to the point of construction sometimes there's change directives and the engineers have to redraw stuff so any and there's fees associated with that so that would have to pull from this fund too right it it would are you talking about a specific project or no it's like this the the one that we're approving tonight if there's any change directives down the road it it's still even after construct after like 100% drawings future it would all come from this fun yes okay so I just I'm really sensitive to the water treatment plant stuff because of the increased water fees we approved and the capital recovery charge um I am confident in you know I know you guys do hard work and the manager obviously involved and we have uh we trust we have really good Consultants working for us and Engineers so but we just really need to pay attention to that um I'm just really sensitive because of what we're charging the residents so sorry I wanted to just kind of jump ahead of everyone since it was the same topic no problems whatsoever I'm glad you asked the questions thank you any other Council comments no I'm I'm not harping on anything you brought up um this has nothing to do with you personally Marjorie um but your position has a checkpoint has a few checkpoints so I'm comfortable things you bring to me one I know you're obsessed with utilities like you are definitely unique love of that mind and the engineering part of it and then we have wonderful staff behind you that you know just make sure that we're check crosschecking and all those reference points and we are being very mindful of cost budgets and we are are very aware of what we might be looking for in the future so I'm comfortable with it because I know everything that's probably gone into it before you even get to us I'm trying not to glaze you over with my excitement but I agree with mayor I I agree with mayor like I think we we do just need to make sure we are looking at it very carefully but for tonight I'm comfortable with it my team is extremely excited about the variable frequency drives not just the three for the transfer pumps but for the other ones too and just the smoother operation I'll I'll be quiet now yeah so I agree you got a pump sequencing valve problem so it does need to be fixed but I was still a little unclear about the money thing so let me just stated clearly the way I'm looking at it so your budget amount for the project project is 150 K right and it says okay you're wanting I'm rounding 41,000 for this matter which will leave approximately 55 54,000 available so my question is this as we stand here today are all of the elements of the project have they been addressed financially yet um so councilman the the $50,000 is engineering and architectural services as listed in uh the the uh capital budget so before I got here um the Engineering Services were in water admin I person I my preference and working with the finance director is to put any cap any engineering cost into the capital budget because then you can cap capitalize it correct as a part of the project so so the the answer to your question is no this the 150,000 was not for the entire project it was for the entire activity that budget account yeah um the answer to the question is that the entire cost for the rest of the project the answer for Engineering Services the answer to that question is also no so let me know if you want to know or we can talk about it offline too well if you had 150k for engineering and now you're as a total tapping into yeah oh for the whole water department or just this this particular project for water utilities oh my goodness so which was where are enough we had there's going to be 55,000 left if we prove this and it's March so we have to do it I think I I I think it's overdue actually but the uh so you'll probably be coming back for more engineering dollars I mean with the half I will half of the the half of the 50% of the of the fiscal year hasn't even happened and we have many projects and things happen but I'm trying not to I understand I understand trying not to to your point trying to make sure the costs are kept in check and the manager goes through this with me as well so yeah I always feel bad when I I have a clearer picture this is important though I have a clearer picture of what's happening now and I feel based on my time with water you need it so it needs to be done unfortunately this is probably like still catching up with our water projects from years and years ago yeah and I just um I know we have several Consultants we use for this work um if if you ever and cuz what this is a third change directive now and trust me I know from experience when you're designing you can't catch everything something always pops up so I I am sympathetic towards that but I I just want to make sure we're you know staff is doing their due diligence if you remotely feel like um the service level isn't where it should be that you could sometimes you can change staff member within you know the use the same consultant but request a different uh project manager and or use one of our other Consultants I just want to make sure we're being diligent because again I be so sensitive with what we're you know the increased charges to the residents to make sure we're really working as hard as we can that we're budging right and not you know trying to miss as little as possible but you're not going to catch everything and I understand that we're not and Nate said it well when he when when we were you know Jeremy's the manager's like you know the third one I'm I'm might use a couple extra words and I'm like but but said it well this is you know this is an older plant and we as this evolved as we were doing the design um the need became very apparent as they were talking at you know Joe and Juan who my goodness Juan and Joe the my passion they have the same and so they're talking about it we're all talk and we're like oh my gosh we we we we really need this for our plant um and the joy that I see when I see the residents Academy and I see them come through uh they're going to be even more proud of it when when I was doing that consulting job in was it 201 18 or 19 mm maybe yeah could have been 18 I'm wondering why this never came up with kimley horn back then I mean there was some there was part of you know I'm not an engineer I was doing the the money side the money side of it but the uh I don't remember them wanting to update this skater system although they did do some software changes with the same basic platform but not like this go ahead and say I could talk about this all day and I'm just trying to I'm like trying to think okay how do I make this short so I can't answer why it didn't come up um but this was clearly something that was needed when I when I got here one of the things that is really important to me if you if you don't involve The Operators and your and your team that's going to operate it you just as well I mean they need to be a part of this and engaged and the the solutions that come out of it um and the Ingenuity that operators often have is is always blows me away the consultant I appreciate your support on that uh Wright Pierce is a is a sub to CMA tenen Moore who is a a stellar consultant in the in the area right Pierce did some major projects for me when I was a utilities director for p County they are a topnotch consultant um I can't answer why it didn't get into the first round except that it was just an evolution like Nate said and just became very apparent okay thank you as a footnote to what the mayor brought up about you know things happen and you can't but do you guys I tried not to it took us it took us many years in the town of Palm Beach to come to the following conclusion you're just being stupid and stubborn if you don't add contingency to your budget numbers do you guys do that when I got here um Jerry me was very int he's been very intent on right sizing the budget contingency is valuable it it it you know as long as the amount doesn't exceed the your or the manager's Authority it just allows the project to keep on going because you got it as part of the budget well 4,000 and I was looking at it from an indiv you know this is more than 10% of the original that's okay I follow procedure follow proc I'm just saying forward contingency is a lot easier to deal with than you know please increase the budget or give us more money you know it's it's it's there up to that cap I know they do a little bit of it because I've since I've been on Council I have I've you know during our budget workshops and meeting with Jeremy before I'm like why is this the same amount of you know and he's like well we you know I they they add contingencies were appropriate not too much you can correct me if I'm wrong but I just know from experience going through that process the budgets and asking all the questions um where appropriate and making sure they you know it's not too much I know I know that they they do look at that so all right I will take public comment if there is any all right can I get a motion so moved second all in favor I can we added uh council member sator added agenda item 20 to discuss promoting the uh coffee with the Marine yeah several months ago uh the Marine Corp League uh approached us about coffee with a veteran and we had one our first event initial event at um Dunkin Donuts um we approved one to see how it went um we learned a lot in that event that it was U people go through the drive-thru on a Saturday morning in Dunkin Donut so they don't get out of their car um and I talked to Mr O'Brien afterwards and said we really need to move this around the Village um and we're going to have they they're going to have it at um oceanana on us one excuse me with a little side room um I've also had discussions with the American Legion and we're going to have them invited and the Marine Corp League does not have a problem with that because we support all veterans doesn't make a difference what branch you're in so um again uh the Dunkin Donuts didn't cost anything and it was going to come out of my discretionary budget um this is something that I will take care of as well so it's more so the promotion on our website is what we're looking for this is not the village of Testa coffee with a coffee coffee with a veteran um this is just requesting approval to put on our Friday blast if we can squeeze it in tomorrow and if not then following Friday because it is next Saturday the 23rd and I will just add I I went to the one I can't remember what month it was um I thoroughly enjoyed it I was like when's the next one it was such a great time I just want veterans there or the stories they have and just things they have uh and there's a group that meets uh in Jupiter at the IHOP um and there are several um Vietnam ver Vietnam era um with tremendous stories that are coming so it'll be a much larger group just of veterans alone but I think the venue will lend itself more to people walking in and say oh let sit down have a cup of coffee so it would come out of my fund if it were if if there is going to be any cost it would come out of my fund or or I will pay for it personally it's one Saturday a month right well this will just be the second one that we've done it's more on the Marine Corps League it's their event you know that's why we're not taking taking this on it's just gota now I just remember the how often it was yeah they were thinking about that but I think it's been three at least three months since we've had the last one in November I believe and then um real quick before you start discussion because this is kind of what came up uh with the farmers market uh this would be an example of something that we we did promote it last time right and this would be something that if approved would promote and we would not have insurance corre them cor yeah so I don't know if that's something you can advise on now but I it came up so that's just an example so Council questions comments no it's fine with me it's great anything for me anything that has to do with our veterans or Public Safety I think Village should always back that or promote it insurance or not that's just my opinion okay so I'm fine with it okay so that makes it clear any public comment all right can I get a motion so a motion to approve councilman sartori's request for an amendment of the uh veterans event as he stated I'll second that all in favor I I any other matters none for me none for me are we going to talk about these things that I thought the promote SL Certificate of Insurance you said we might need to talk about so for that one I was thinking staff can look into that Jeremy and then um if they do the lever have the answer that they'll send to council if not and there is a gap or something needs address I would suggest we Workshop it okay very comfortable with that that sounds good to me okay I like it wait he has a list I have another list so I saw I saw some possible ways to become more efficient and save Council work relative to the alcohol approval process we just went with I I won't go into details but might be something for us to look at but the big one here that I you know I was reading these documents the other day and uh getting ready for that meeting we're going to have on what March 26 in the morning at 8:00 for blah blah blah Listen People some of my parting advice to you is you're GNA you're and Rick mentioned it tonight you got financial trouble coming down the path at the 500,000 you're going to lose you need to start working diligently through comparative analysis you need to increase every possible fee that you can justify to start building money now because sooner you can you know if you adopt it tomorrow you can start acing that money so it's there and then it'll be a regular ongoing Revenue source and if you want any help relative to the the fees that other cities are implementing for everything under the sun I can tell you where to go to get that DB so that's just a heads up because you need to start working on fee increases like $40 it was $40 for the lady that wanted the event at the thing that's outrageous it should be $250 minimum minimum I'm just telling you the way it is in the rest of the world so I I hope are you attending the Strategic Workshop yeah I am be a great place to bring it up again for sure d so I was going to say my goodbye to you but I know we have a couple more meetings but for your last official public meeting formal meeting we we B you farewell but I know we'll see you again you're not done you're not done yet I know it's kind of like a weird farewell CU not really going away I just don't sit on this table anyway I'll be back there with Mr tayor I do have one thing to throw and I've kind of thrown it at Jeremy in the past um it has to do with a resident Academy and it keeps getting mentioned how great it is and it's such a good casual fun way to learn about your government and your town and where your money is going what what you can do you can't do um my son as long as if as well as a few others they're not in the older teen yet as like as far as like student government in high school but they're mature and they they like government and they like learning how things operate so I had asked him could they attend the resident Academy but then there were some hiccups because there's so many Wednesday and we have sports and school nights so I just want to throw it at them maybe in the future we could look at doing a scaled down version of residence Academy for mature tween to teens and somehow find a way to creatively put it in a shorter time span so it's out of season from Sports and school nights and just start working on that for the future I know some don't some municipalities do like a youth Council I don't is that something you guys want to Workshop we already tried to stand that up and it didn't go very well so happened okay that was before my time never mind well just recently I mean last year we tried remember we tried well we did it from a staff standpoint we didn't bring it to council we were trying to stand it up and it never happened so I mean there's no reason to bring it to council since we couldn't get anybody from the schools so we had contact with them and they just basically said they weren't interested you know schools and we have a national problem here okay all right anything else NOP that's it okay I just uh one more thing uh I know Jeremy recognize uh the home rule hero award I received from Florida Lega cities but so did Jeremy so oh yeah hey it was my job I didn't volunteer like she did I would have been up there if I wasn't told to do it no truly I feel like um I feel like we share it with everyone here because you know I know I couldn't Advocate throughout SE before you know leading into session and during without the support from Jeremy and Lori and I'm sure other staff members that um are helping and then you know Council supporting the resolution and initiatives for us to support so I just really share what every I think we do a great job advocating on behalf of small cities and um you know this is just it's it's amazing to see every year uh you know I'm on the finance committee and every year we have stopped bills so it's cool to see I'm a small part of a large team that is really making a difference that's helping cities out so um let go St some of the worst ones I think we try we try I think Jeremy you know he does lots of emails and letters i I think he does an excellent job uh not just the frequency but the content of his letter content is good point Tom thank you well Lor's helped formulate a good majority of those she should be one of the heroes too but oh okay I don't know how to maybe I can still get her in on what those but we'll see if you're if I just want one more since we're talking about the appropriation requests we are since we are going to a state we are trying to ask for organizations friends anybody you know I'll send an email out to you guys um that as a template if you can get anybody anybody that wants to support our cause that we can send a letter to the governor we we will need it by the 1 of April that included in a packet so um we'll be send that to email to all the counil as many as you can get as far as organizations I'll give you a list of the ones we already have so we don't double dip but right now we've got already got North chamber um J jic Jupiter uh working on Martin County um JTA JTA and they've all already given us letter support I think we um the mayor's already got a couple citizens that have um gave us a letter so any and all would be great including HOAs yeah oh yeah I was going to reach out to Treasure Coast Regional planning Council too I know there's some people there big on Parks maybe they'd be willing their meetings tomorrow you said though I don't know if that's something they have to vote on the meetings in the morning well it's that joint Workshop oh it's a joint so it's not the on I well we'll figure that out when I talk to them um and then Jeremy maybe remove the Senate to the governor's office because we're collecting them um so from there's that page from the template and then when you do send it out um I know the lobbyist had suggested like tell people to edit it don't just yeah it truly is a template please personalize it because it'll be more effective so okay all right with that can I get a motion to adjourn so moov second all in favor that's awesome doing though I am I I didn't give any tacos I didn't try good punch we had that night we had we had last night dinner house