you see your form one I have Nota juth I think it's the first yeah but there's there's like a lag we're building in that Grace for one I just did one Health District well I remember doing that when we that was I'm just glad I didn't start that's like the one one of the few times she said I bet yous okay are you guys okay waiting a couple minutes until she get seconds I would unless she gets not joining oh I think I see husband at the the race on Saturday was he there like watching somebody the turtl man Triathlon no okay somebody looks a lot like him that's funny and I didn't see you so I was like Saturday I like no he was with like AER like a younger kid so I thought maybe like nephew I don't know like very similar it's funny with a doubleganger glad I didn't say hi then yeah H what up superstar superstar outside at 6 T no we got got on the Today Show too nice witha you were in New York yeah nice you should have brought that flat with tqu I forgot to do the flag so I wore Mya hat oh I saw the Hat one point that just funny yeah cuz I have friends who when they say they some of some of them will say they go out there like in the morning we got there at 7 o' did you get on talk to you yeah the Yankees were there Yankee had Yankee hat was like what happen by the way new awesome tcca logo yeah awesome you like it are you guys ready I was going to yeah okay all right good evening I like to call this me to order it is 6:02 p.m. it is June 24th 2024 and this is our first budget Workshop Diana can I get roll call Mayor Young here vice mayor Sartor here council member Brandon here council member painer here council member French all right on the only agenda I am today is to review and discuss a fiscal year 2024 2025 proposed budget and also hand it off to jman me all right thank you uh every year we we kick off the budget year pretty early with staff uh usually at March um and and it leads us to where we are today June which is kind of the all too early version of the of the budget um we have um still have some outstanding items and I have a slide that'll highlight what what is still outstanding um but this budget process um and this Workshop today is really just to give you guys a kind of a a head start on the budget process make sure that we're aligning with with some of the the priorities that you guys have outlined for staff and our strategic plan and so with that I'll kind of fire into the slides and um if you want to ask questions as we go or if you want to hold them to the end um then we can you know do some questions at the at the end uh each year we are expected to balance the budget um and so we we set the add the maximum tax rate um to um in July and so there's um you guys will have a a discussion in July or a decision in July to set the maximum tax rate um we can always go down we can't go up and so we will have to balance the budget we aren't like the federal government or state budget uh state government we do have to have a a balanced budget types of funds um as you guys are aware we have the the general fund which is supports the it Finance planning Administration um this is primar arily funded through adum um assessments and then um we have the Enterprise funds which are should be self-supporting water utility storm water utility refu and Recycling and then this year we we do have a new fund that we're proposing in the budget which is a vehicle replacement fund um we'll uh highlight uh some of the expenditures that we have planned for this fund a little later in the presentation um then the restricted funds the capital Improvement fund which is a 301 fund this is mainly the sir tax funds that is supposed to be setting in 2025 December of 2025 is what the estimate is and then we also in in this fund have a revenue of the water utility tax estimated 234,000 the other capital projects fund is a 303 fund this fund is primarily transferred um from the general fund um the the million dollars pretty close to million dollars is the the streets and sidewalks go into this fund transfer from the general fund into this fund U we do have a couple other expenditures planned this year that um we'll highlight on one of the other slides of course the building fund and special law enforcement fund I think you guys are aware of those so items that are still outstanding uh to this point that um will tidy up in the next month or so the certified ADV valorum will come in July 1st um and so once we get those then we'll start to match revenues and expend make sure everything aligns final health insurance numbers final Property and Casualty Insurance numbers we do have placeholders in this budget for those items um you guys will have an update from our carrier at the July 1st Workshop we hope to hopefully have some some closer numbers or some better numbers at that point that we can start working with within the budget uh if contract negotiations are underway um and so as that kind of irons out that'll play piece in the budget CWA and non-union salaries and then new positions and vacancies those are still outstanding U we we go through those some of the highlights and before I start the highlights to say I think you know a big part of our success in doing project is obviously council's leadership but I think it's important to note you know the the staff that work you know daily to complete some of these items and I I think you know our staff we have really good staff that do a really good job and really care about the community and so um that should be I think highlighted before the highlights um and so the 2023 24 highlights uh the El Portal project that was part Road part storm water project U that's obviously completed sidewalk improvements I think we're finishing that um as we as we go right now really close to being completion on that of course the four-year road maintenance plan that is kicking off had a little bit of a uh a delay to try to let the the race come through um and then we'll start shortly after that um construction of remembrance Park is underway um I know I think we sent some pictures of of some grading that's that's taken place uh migration to the to our new phone system uh toqua Park improvements at the dog park and then the tree canopy improvements purchase new pump purchase and receive the new pumper truck which was ordered in 2021 added two new firefighters the fire department cardiac monitors and then we imp the clear gov uh for better facilitate transparency with our constituents uh this slide represents in July setting the max tax rate as I kind of mentioned we do have to set the max tax rate we can always go down but we can't go up um we are recommending the same uh millage rate that we have currently in this year we are not um we're not raising taxes we don't plan on proposing that so our recommendations keep it at 6.45 95 this is just a slide that kind of shows the history of the millage rate we've done a really good job over time trying to keep the millage rate at a level we lowered it last year and if you'll see over on the very right calling the total millage rate um over the time is always for the most part steadily went down as your um property values that went up we try to keep that um those costs down this slide will represent for the the homesteaded value properties at 3% there will still be an increase on the property taxes for the average home of $105 um assuming that the county or uh the school district doesn't doesn't lower which I I don't I don't believe they have any plans to do that this year that I'm aware of last year we lowered the millage rate uh 3.45 95 it really didn't change our positioning we we still find ourselves in the middle of Palm Beach County U right in the middle um and so with our millage rate I don't I don't know that anybody's looking to lower millage rate within Palm Beach County so I imagine we'll stay pretty pretty close to the middle again this year if if all things stay the same this basically is uh is a slide that represents with that that standard um or that average home price what the average home owner will be paying for services in the village so you'll see like police is 80 $81 per year on average that works out to like $2 and you know 15 cents a day um for fire service uh it works out to 252 a day so the average citizen is paying uh 471 for Public Safety a day which is less than a cup of coffee at Starbucks so I think we do a really good job managing those resources and providing a really good service for for those costs this is a budget summary just the changes from adopted of 24 to proposed of 25 um there is there is a lot that kind of goes into the the changes u meaning the capital charges some of the transfers um some of the amendments in the budget from the 24 Amendment amended budget so uh it doesn't really paint a really good picture of of the changes in the budget I think the next slide probably better represents those but um that's just an overview of the funds changing from 24 adopted to to what's proposed or recommended in the budget so this is a probably a little better slide just from from Department Department um just to highlight you'll see a big jump in general government that's 134% a big reason for that is that is where we will be transferring the um the vehicle replacement fund that those are the expenditures will come out of that account so that's why you see a big jump there the other big jump is the police um couple reasons for that obviously the um the increases we just gave to police but also the pension contributions we've been talking about the last couple years that we've been using the 175 money to offset some of our cost in there this year in this budget is 100% of those those costs so that was a big jump um to to contribute to that 100% of the pension fund and the police and the other one was that we do have uh nearly $100,000 expenditure for the new for new computers um in the cars um and that was an expens that didn't really hit the 5year capital or the CIP or the ctax um because it doesn't classify as a capital expenditure but we are long overdue for those um those computers so those were the big highlights the big changes and then this one is the U this proposed this is this really just shows the relative uh size or or expenditures overall and so you'll see fir is roughly 25% of our budget which last year was actually 27% uh big difference for that is just the capital expenditures that that we're accounting for um but you'll see the most departments stayed relatively the same we haven't made any big contribution One Fund or or another or one Department to another um and so we've kept a pretty relative uh percentage per department so this where we get into the the recommended budget for 2425 the property tax uh is up 8.7 8.73% mainly due to sales and new construction the Homestead Property increase is capped at 3% um we are expecting to increase utility franchise fees and electricity tax that little squiggly Line's kind of an estimate that's kind of a moving Target from year to year they provide us an estimate uh we we use you know the historical and and Trends but um we think that's a pretty good estimate that we'll be working off of half cent sales tax increase we're estimating additional $103,000 in revenue for that um increased emergency transports the council um approved uh a contract for a company to do collections for us for EMS transport so we're expecting to see uh benefit of $24,000 and then we reducing the $775,000 for revenue for State Grant we are still chasing a couple grants we do have a toqua park Grant but that'll be in the capital Improvement fund um which we can highlight and then health insurance is where we have a place a placeholder for our health insurance where expecting a 12% increase in the in the recommended budget and then 20% for Property and Casualty um the other change as you guys know is the police officer salaries uh $200,000 for that 11% and then we have some proposed funding for a new vehicle replacement fund we we are proposing to use 100% of the Palm Beach County contract that we get every year we've been the last two years in put putting aside uh 50% of that which is 124,00 is and change uh in this proposed budget with the with the vehicle replacement fund doing 100% of that um and then we are proposing using $200,000 to smooth out the cost of the general fund vehicle replacement fund so hopefully every year it'll be very level and we won't have the the spikes and you know the the ideas that every year we we know what our cost is for the vehicle replacement fund no matter whether we have six cars or three cars it'll be level funding every year um and then we are proposing increasing non non-represented salaries by 4% we are proposing to add uh the test Park plan that's a $932,000 uh we did receive 340 we haven't received yet but we we're told that we were granted $340,000 from the state Appropriations um and so we have a $932,000 our project um in our Capital plan for um the planning process for taquesta Park and trying to get to that Master Plan uh we are proposing to continue to transfer the the the roads and and sidewalk money so that works out to $890,000 and then we have money in the in the budget for rembrance Park $103,000 in the planning cost and then set aside $650,000 for phase two of that project ultimately we're expecting that phase two project to be $1.2 million so this would be roughly half of that uh setting aside so when we move two years down the road hopefully be able we'll have the plans done have some money set aside for that and then we have um proposed $100,000 in the in the bridge Capital Improvement plan um that was a two-year we have a two-year plan for that it was $450,000 so we have $100,000 in this budget and then $350,000 in next we plan in our Capital Improvement plan for for the bridge this pie chart just represents where our revenues come from you'll see a big portion of our revenues come from property tax I think we have 78 or 79% of our our residents are homesteaded um but that is a big chunk is the property taxes um our expenditures uh majority of our expenditures go to either employee benefits or or salary and wages um that hasn't changed that number has been pretty steady over time um and then our operating expenditure is at 26% this slide represents the the differences from year to year for personnel expenditures versus operating expenditures and then this slide is our fund balance history over time I know we got here um 2020 it shows that we were $330,000 below our two-month operating doesn't really tell the the full story we were actually $830,000 below our two-month operating We we played with I say played we we transferred some money from our emergency fund to help cover some of our cost or um to cover the two-month operating to the general fund and then we took some of the water fund and use that money to make up the emergency fund so we played a little little shell game but it what it what it did is it it um attributed the water fund expenses if we were an emergency is set aside some money for the water Fund in those emergency situations and allowed us to use some of those General funds to help offset our two-month operating and so uh got us a 300 $30,000 and then in 22 uh we 23 we switched to a three 22 we switched to a 3mon operating uh goal um and then as you see at the project at the end of 24 at the end of this year we plan to have $1.5 million above that however we are planning on using um $500,000 to seed our Capital uh our vehicle replacement fund so that will reduce um and that's obviously that's a project and so we're not sure we'll get to 1.5 but we feel like we'll be really close to that our building fund as you guys know we we have some surpluses in that in that building fund and so we have some reserves we're using to balance the budget um and then so we have roughly $422,000 in operating expenses $747,000 in Personnel expenses this uh we are transferring $75,000 to the re vehicle replacement fund out of out of this fund they also have their own vehicle replacement fund that that'll replace their vehicles over time as well um Enterprise funds water utility refu and Recycling and storm water I believe we start with refu and recycling our current contract C calls for 3.5% increase to the waste management contract um as you guys uh can recall the last meeting we had Waste Management come and they they plan on bringing us a a different rate or a different increase um as they try to go automated and as they're seeing those rate increases um across the board they're trying to level those out and so we will see that in August um and so you guys will consider that but as of right now our contract calls for 3.5% increase I think the the rate that they're proposing is roughly about $3 a month uh increase um but you guys will see that in August this is our fund for the refug and recycle and this is one of the reasons why we do need to do something with this fund um and so it'll kind of play into what uh waste management is bringing as far as increase U project at the end of this budget year that we're proposing is $119,000 in that fund so we over the last several years we've been using the reserves out of this fund to help to help cover some of the cost and when we do that we're trying to obviously try not to have a a Fe increase over the last couple years but by doing that it we're we've depleted our reserves out of this fund water utility budget uh I think a big a big key point in this slide is just basically we've really shifted our Focus from Capital plan to Capital execution you'll see several projects that we have we we feel like will be coming online this next year as a capital project um and there's a couple slides that'll illustrate um the transition from the permitting and planning process into into the the construction phase um had a um this past year we maintained that knee lab certification done some rehab to some wells and some pumps I think our crew does a a great job of really trying to stay ahead of the the maintenance uh you guys saw a pump uh come to you guys for consideration we actually budgeted two of those at like 60 something thousand our crew was able to rehab one of them and saved saved us 60 something 6 $9,000 U just by staying ahead of the maintenance and so our crew does a very good job of Maintenance in our water distribution and our Water Production side some of the highlights from this past year is uh we've got to the point where we've um you know 100% design in the water treatment plan upgrades and improvements the water main Replacements we've began uh the construction of the water man on Country Club um got to the part point where we've uh were permitting for the Beach Road Phase 2 and then we've done some uh fire hydrant service throughout the year we've also had um the EPA came down with some lead and copper rules we've been working to uh load our as builds into the gis system that is a requirement October of 24 uh we have to start uh producing that and then um obviously some enhanced safety and training U within the team that we've done throughout the year we've highlighted that so the the the budget the net position as the end of 23 was 9.1 U million dollar at the end of 24 project that to be 8.9 um there were some projects that we haven't we hadn't got to um but our net position at the end of 25 we're expecting to be 7.5 it was always our plan to use a portion of our srf funds um or portion of our reserves to pay for the The Debt Service but also using a portion of those reserves to continue to do projects in our RNR so you'll see that that that number will start to drop down over the next year or two um and we'll we'll obviously we have a long-term plan for uh our water utility these are the revenue projections from year to year you'll see a big the biggest change usually you can just kind of go across the board and see from 23 to 24 to 25 uh the capital Improvement charge is the new charge that we um implemented this past year so you'll see that's a a new Revenue that we have that's for capital projects and be specifically for that the the debt proceed shows a revenue of $8.6 million this year we are not anticipating now of receiving those those are srf funds we are still in that process we were at the May meeting they did not uh allocate the funds um they were they really focused on the lead and copper rules um and so a lot those that funding went toward that the next meeting is in August so we don't anticipate receiving those debt proceeds so that's why you see $8.6 million in Revenue we do not receive that but that we are expecting $10 million in in debt proceeds in this proposed budget and this is a a breakdown of personnel versus operating versus the debt um and then the the principle and interest and then Marjorie broke it down into Administration production distribution customer service and of course capital and I will say the 9.5 million in capital project we did not some of those we did not get to there's a rolled into the 25 proposed and so this is what the highlights are for or the plan for the water fund um the country club um drive we we're expecting completion of water main 4 the Beach Road phase two we were're um pending State Revol Ving loan we are in the process to try to um solicit that those funding options um the country County Line uh Road water main uh raw raw water line uh Martin County had that project it was actually supposed to be online much earlier they backed that project back a little bit did give us some breathing room so we we plan to partner with lrd to try to hopefully piggyback a contract and be able to save some money and then the valve replacement fund or projects that we have planned um this is just a couple of the pictures and Water Treatment Plant improvements now this this kind of meets what we've been trying to do over the last couple years this project and we hopefully it's coming to fruition now it also will help with some of our carbon reduction which has been kind of an initiative that we've had on our strategic plan um and then membrane replacement we plan on bidding this out we are bidding out train two we hope depending on the cost that we can have some savings by doing one and three as well so we have those as bid alternates and so depending on the price depending on how many membranes we do this year and then uh just some filter media internal parts and Rehabilitation um for the waste water treatment plant and then storm water fund as you guys know these last couple years we've had several water uh storm water um emergency repairs this past year which has kind of depleted this fund which we've talked about strategic plan of moving forward with uh with a storm Water Analysis a fee a fee structure and looking at our fees for storm water make sure that we're capturing our expenditures um just a couple of the highlights though as you guys know we are working through the vulnerability assessment um and and we've approved the additional $505,000 and got approved from the state for the additional $50,000 Gap Grant U we do have a meeting June 26 to get to do the public meeting and get uh kind of the first look at that of vulnerability assessment it's actually the second look but since we started doing the data Gap this will give us a chance to look at um some of those gaps that we that we were able to fill in and then the do ditch uh we awarded the grant uh I want to say two years ago or a year and a half ago uh still working through the permitting with that this is a $315,000 project uh Jupiter is m matching 40% of those funds CU part of the do ditch falls on Testa and Jupiter's the other side and so they've been a great partner looking forward to partnering with them on that um and then we've done some uh storm water pipe and re Rehabilitation of failing catch basins this is the the outlook for the fund uh 2023 we had $48,000 did some did some projects so end of 24 we're expecting $199,000 this this budget year we've really clamped down on any any expenditures or any projects uh we do have some some money for some maintenance or repairs if we if we come across them but we're not going to be doing any swells or any major storm water projects this year um but we will be doing a storm Water Analysis and trying to make sure that we're capturing our expenditures in that account in that fund um these are just some of the the highlights we we hope to come to um be able to get to an end point with a do ditch vulnerability assessment the permitting um some pipelining um we are proposing a 5% rate increase that's part of our I guess long-term plan that we that we set out a few years ago for the for the rate increase for the storm water Capital Improvement plan might be kind of hard to see but this is just uh an overview of of all of our projects the first set is typically general fund um that may may or may not class ify as as a capital project um the second second group of capital project is the 301 fund which is primarily funded through the Ser tax or water utility tax the third group is the general fund um a 303 fund that we're transferring from the general fund for and then the next page is is our water our water projects um and I apologize and I know this has came up but little the way that our our clear gov had had po brought out the report um is it broke it down and it shows the capital project but also shows the engineering fees as a separate line item and so we kind of those are kind of split out we're going to clean that up before we present that next time but you'll see like the water treatment plant upgrades it has like a $6 million but also somewhere in there and I don't I don't see it right top of my head uh think it's toward the bottom there'll also be some engineering architecture that will be involved and so you'll see seven or eight of those that have a capital cost but also has engineering that's that's tied into that as well um storm water fund these are storm water capital projects and then as you guys know the the Dober ditch um is a project that's been on there for a while and we carry that over and then um vehicle replacement fund those are the planned expenditures um for for this year for our for our vehicle replacement fund next steps is uh Palm Beach County uh will the County appraiser will certify the tax values in July July 1st uh you guys will need to set the storm water and solid waste annual rates that'll be at the the first me in August and then um we will set the the millage rate in July the maximum tax rate in July uh this is some continued consideration economy you know inflation remains High um property insurance you know that continues uh we continue to see increase in that um negatively due to the impacts of the storms over the last couple years even though not didn't necessarily affect us it affects Statewide Statewide rates um employee salaries and benefits um legislate unfunded mandates that continue to to hit us from the state um and then the C tax as it sunsets in December uh we we still have you know several in uh infrastructure needs and so that that that fund we need to continue look at how we can fund our infrastructure projects I do have one other slide um that I've showed the last couple years and so we I just want to highlight where some of the Strategic initiatives that we budgeted for that are part of this budget and they go in order um don't need to break down the comprehensive plan versus the Strategic plan I think everybody's kind of aware of that but um you guys have ranked and graded our our strategic initiatives and put them in priority order and so I'm going to go down the list you know these were the way that they came out in the Strategic plan number one um the additional funding for the state Appropriations request the park this is a total in our Capital Improvement fund of $590,000 we have $340,000 matching from the state uh so works out to $930,000 uh number two was a consider remembrance Park phase 213,00 for planning and then we have $650,000 set aside for phase two construction um identify Capital CIP funding sources we're still working through that as we uh kind of work out the the final months of this budget hopefully we can identify some of those uh some of those savings for that fund uh conduct a fee fee analysis storm water fund we are estimating that to be $60,000 we have 20 we have $30,000 in this year's budget that for engineering we have not spent we're going to try to combine that with 20 $30,000 in next year's budget um to make $60,000 so the turn of the new budget Year we hope to be um spending that forward for you guys and then the future facilities plan that's something we can do inhouse so there's no Current financial impacts anticipated at this point uh high level Transportation plan Mobility plan we have $125,000 a budget for that with a $50,000 match as you guys can recall the last year not two years we put in for a similar plan trying to get funding from the state we were unable to do that the last two years um for different reasons but this year we've reached out to the TPA the TPA does have some some they've indicated they have some funds and that they would be willing to uh to match at $50,000 for that um our last conversation that they're still um ready for that I know through Palm Beach County there are 10 municipalities through the north chamber that they're trying to as part of the resilient task force they're trying to get all 10 municipalities to be able to do a transportation Mobility plan in a long-term effort to try to improve that within the the region and so we're I think all the municipalities are trying to work on this right now or some version of this um and so we're trying to move forward as well number seven um imp imp a initiated citizen initiated petition process for undergrounding uh you know we had two versions of this on a strategic plan and the version that we went with was to try to uh start that process I know Jay has met with Mr Bradford on how they did it in town of Palm Beach but since then as you guys know uh FPL has decided to move forward with another undergrounding projects within the village of Testa we do have a meeting set um for the 26th uh on Wednesday uh to get the scope of that we're not sure where they're going you know what direction they're going um but hopefully we can see what scope it is hopefully it's a huge project that will have minimal impact on the village but um at this point there's no cost that we're expecting so it's always good to get some underground even and not cost us anything um it's quest of bridge maintenance like I mentioned before we have $100,000 set aside um this year and then 350,000 set aside next year in the CIP Coastal res resiliency aisy and planning um you know we We are continuing to to look at and partner we brought in you know Palm Beach County a couple times working with Joe Chason um being a part of the that Statewide group um just looking for some add additional advocacy I think you know at the state level if there's something that comes up in the next legislative session if we can you know jump on board uh we're we're definitely looking at those options we don't anticipate any Financial impacts at this point in the budget expand the tree planing effort U we have $775,000 in 2627 we are uh waiting till after the water main replacement before we do another F phase of that um we we do have almost 90 trees being planted remembrance Park so I think we're still checking that box this next budget year plus we have $155,000 in a tree program uh to become a tree City we have to at least have I think it worked out to $2 per per resident so it works out to like $122,000 we have $155,000 set aside um but I think just even even the money that we have set aside for members park will cover that um of course we continue with adopt the tree program I think we had like eight trees that we did this past year for the adopted tree program so I think you know hopefully that'll continue and get some more momentum and then uh when we do the Old Dixie improvements the county as you guys know the county has agreed to pay for half of those the planning process of Old Dixie median and so we'll see some some plantings maybe a tree or two in there as well uh seek initiatives to reduce the village of carbon footprint the water treatment plant I think the Capal project is a big part of that the water treatment plant is the big biggest user of electricity in the village and so I think uh obviously the tree plantings that we've done will help reduce The Village's carbon footprint as well determine the impact of proactive code enforcement still under consideration um as you guys know we've been out without a CO compliance officer for for a short time now um we do have uh a new code compliance officer starting um in the in July I think the second week of July and so um well obviously we're still looking at maybe bringing in a halftime code officer so we have a a person and a half to help with code I think you if you haven't noticed yet some of the construction sites um we've been put in uh kind of initiate some new policies for construction sites to help clean that up um put in additional fencing making them Park where they're they're out of the rideway out of the way um and so we also will be looking at in the next month or so changing some of our work hours on the on the weekends for construction I think right now it's still like seven or eight on a on a Saturday we're going to look at um bringing you guys an option to to extend that out to like 10:00 so um that that should help with some of the noise on the weekend so we're we're looking at that and this currently in this budget we don't have anything in this budget that's uh as a financial impact currently and then continue the vehicle replacement fund um in this budget year we have $500,000 of that seed money out of the out of the reserves plus an additional $178,000 and this will help seed the project and then every year we have just a Ste steady level funding uh for that vehicle replacement fund um these are just some of the other priorities they weren't the top top priorities the transition to business Le Aon position there's no impact for that continue the sidewalk plan as you guys know that's still in the budget establish safe and quiet railroad crossing um Mr Chambers will'll bring you guys U that plan or the options at the July 1st meeting um currently there's no there's nothing in this budget this recommended budget and I couldn't imagine there there will be I think it might be if we're going to move forward with that it might come out of reserves to fund fund that project um with the the impacts that we're seeing for that uh purchase critical land areas to serve maintain the village distinctive features Implement Civic open space you guys are looking at that as part of the code the overlay districts um you know we do have money for members park phase two considering this budget um so I I feel like that one kind of Teeters on the line of of what we are trying to accomplish with that um beautification of Old Dixie um we have $30,000 for planning permitting of Old Dixie um in in this year's budget not in the recommended budget 2425 so um we are working toward that in in this budget I think you'll have uh an agreement coming to you guys shortly uh to be able to sign and and we can start moving with that project um and then the current policy additional education on golf carts and ebikes as you guys have chewed on the the ordinance for the ebikes U we've also done some additional education on golf carts and ebikes and we'll continue to do that as we move forward continue to address the community recreation event needs I think our our crews do a really good job we do have some money in the budget for Questa Fest food truck events um the tree lighting kids night out van Clans holiday in the park the Easter egg hunt you know so that we and the bridge the gap event so we continue to fund those projects I know that's important to address those event needs and then um continue to develop construction impact policy that was part of the code that we talked about and the review review noise pollution and Corridor and control options and so again part of what Wayne's trying to do with the with the building department so with that uh I could use a drink and then uh if you guys have any water that is if you guys have any um questions comments um any direction to staff that you want give we're we're open thank you Jeremy Council I'll open up for discussion I'll open it with an easy one fans Clans do we know if that's always full when they do those activities or field trips from my understand we get you know 10 or so people like I don't know that we're trying to get a bus load I think we have a van of 15 so I think there you know that's about where we want to be I mean if there's more we might have to start talking about renting additional Vans but I think that's always been kind of the number I've seen pictures with a little bit more than 10 um but that's kind of right our sweet spot is 10 or so okay just curious CU I fully support that that was an easy question um I also see in the um Council section under the proposed budget there's a $25,000 increase in computers is that an upgrade in laptops or it's an upgrade to uh uh establish in a zoom room so we Mount all this system that we have down here with all the war the the wires and all that I know that we've had a concern that the people on Zoom because the mics are up here and this whole system that they have trouble here in the zoom at home and so that's our uh that's our solution to that is go ahead and just you know make this very professional out outfit and put the zoom room in so that's a big portion of that one question on the on the staff page two so on the top of the page it says staff is requesting The Village appropriate 500 from the general fund reserves to begin the vehicle replacement fund and then let's see one two three below that three bullet points below that in a separate section says expenditures 2 million net increase it says proposed funding a new vehicle replacement fund 450 am I reading this wrong or is that inconsistent let me pull it up but Jeff do you want to come up to in case you have any comment on that it's not an issue I'm just trying to figure out which it doesn't match I just want to see which one it was good evening mayor vice mayor council I'm happy to be here to answer your question uh we're starting the the plan behind a vehicle replacement fund is you basically pay forward M so each year you pay an amount the amount in the 450 that's the pay the amount each year so that's the 250 for the fire trucks and it's the roughly 200 ,000 for the rest of yeah police and the 500 is the 500 is we need it to seed that fund so that we can afford to move it forward at the 200 got it that makes perfect sense thank you okay I have a couple um miscellaneous questions the electronic nox boxes what are those for our buildings or where what are those I know maybe Chief can answer or jery you'll know chief came we might as well let him talk right good evening mayor council nice May um yeah so the electronic nox boxes uh will replace all the current nox boxes both in the buildings and our our fire trucks um it's essentially an electronic system by which our guys will will actually have a code and be able to get a key out and then that key unlocks the dox boxes in the buildings uh the benefit to us and the really everybody else's this is easily shared between other fire departments and should any of these little key fobs go missing they're simply deactivated and therefore we don't have to replace 70 nox boxes you know all the fire trucks and all that so it's a it's a big time security upgrade for us and so are we are we doing them on um all the properties in the village that have an ox box yeah if if fully funded this would do I want to say it was 60 buildings and it'll do all of our fire trucks okay so there's there's two sets of this two sides of the the system okay and then um enclosed trailer for training is that you or is that someone else no that's him that's me too uh so uh we've been able to do a lot with props uh we've got a roof prop we've got a um we've got roof props door props excuse me uh maze props uh they're large they take up an immense amount of space and um the benefit of them is uh you know we can put them up almost anywhere so if we could move them into a trailer one we would create drive-thru space in in the bay uh we would create additional space for you know say uh hurricanes and emergencies by having an open space in the bay which we currently don't have uh the other benefit of course is uh I can set the training up anywhere I want to okay so it's it's for storage oh it's for storage yes it does not say that on says enclosed trailer for training I'm like what is that tow trailer you can tow it somewhere if you want but it's mostly for storage mostly for Storage storage yeah okay I think those are my only questions that would relate to your items and let council do you have any other I have not no I do not thank you Chief you're welcome um Jeremy the remembrance Park plan you touched on this um we're saying a money this year but it like if you look at the um the capital Improvement spreadsheet the money is in 2027 the 1.2 million so can you explain that yeah let me pull it up so I make sure it's accurate I I can help with that great um 650,000 is being set aside in the capital project fund we don't expect to spend that 650 50,000 until the following year and match it with another 650,000 to get your 1.2 or 1.3 million to keep it going okay so maybe that would be in the 2026 column then not 2027 because right now the 1.2 million is in the 2027 column 20 2025 we would set aside some that's next year 2026 we would set aside more and then' be ready to start so that's making sure that we have the money it's all in and we can begin okay got it that that was kind of one of my questions for councel I know that remembrance Park is one of our top priorities but um that timing and maybe not starting construction till 2027 makes sense because I think that'll give us time to kind of assess phase one was it successful are a lot of people using it what is the actual maintenance cost for it could we projected those so it'll be nice to have that data maybe before we really commence on on phase two so this that makes sense and we're just setting them aside and then depending on phe Long goes we can pivot if we need to and yeah I thought that was the plan was kind of build the next fund for phase two step 25 24 25 26 2 26 26 27 maybe construction could start end of 26 or 27 is what it sounds like yeah I think we we can obviously have that discussion as maybe you know deeper discussion next year on where you know remembrance Park versus the funding obviously what to see what our funding is next year as well and so it could be fluid I mean as we move forward with that but I obviously that was one of your guys strategic initiative so we're obviously trying to fund that as much as we could this this year okay and then um nothing we nothing El on the budget now um nor that I'm suggesting we budget for but since you brought up the underground utilities and the FPL meeting I know um I don't know if we can be proactive and talk to them in that meeting if they've had any conversations with the communication providers that are on those polls as well and if not can we be proactive and reached out to them to see what their plans are um because I know that happens a lot that FPL underground we still have all those polls with the communication wires on them um so I don't know who like they might not be interested I don't know I'm not used to fpl according with them yeah so um we can try prce just ask the questions um I haven't heard of much success on that front but we will definitely try to do that but power is a priority right people want their power back communication is important too but power is definitely the number one priority um on the um relocate permanent relocation of the discharge pipe at the bridge is that being we just approve that is that being done this year or is because it's budgeted on here for next year yeah um we will be able to take that off so we're going to clean that up before we bring it back to you obviously when we kind of started putting this whole the whole thing together in our Capital project back in March and now we're here and we just approved that so we will bring we'll take that off um before the next time before the next meeting okay great and then um I had uh emailed Jeremy for we have a lot of water utility projects going on you know this year I mean they're the biggest list with projects and um I had asked for just kind of some schedule up updates like what what are scheduled this year like what was on time what was delayed What's um what's late and then kind of you know do we have high level schedule for planning and construction for these projects that are budgeted you know next year and the year after because um you I understand it but seeing the comment on the uh presentation that even in light of the increased fees and the capital recovery charge you know monthly charge that we enacted that they're still modifying the project due to cost increases that was a little hard to see we spent a lot of time on the analysis um and that was a big deal and you a lot of discussion to even raise the rates and do that Capital recovery charge so I was a little disappointing um I do understand those the pressures that staff's having with um cost increases and delayed projects but it looks like we've had millions of dollars uh worth of budgeted projects this year that is going to be rolling over so I just would really like to challenge um the staff to just really kind of look at those cash flow projections with the planning and construction timelines to make sure that these are are kind of um hitting in the right year because you know we have for next year 14 14.8 million and the next year you drop down to 5.3 but my gut is that some that 14's probably going to roll over possibly um depending on the timelines for somebody's jobs so I just just would like to make sure we have really uh clear picture and you know high level of confidence um the timelines cuz that might help as we look with you know how that rate increase and the capital recovery charge is really you know really working if we have a better projection up front I think this is my last question the um vehicle for the damage assessment team that was for the building department yes ma'am what what kind of vehicle what's the it' be very similar to what we've done before I think um either the Maverick or or something comparable depend on what we can get off of the the piggyback contract and what's what's the use of that same thing for our building department so we have the vehicle and so you know pre poost storm we can utilize that within the building department to do that to do you know whatever whatever task are needed either pre-storm or post storm with analysis of sending like you know our our code our um inspector our building official of course Nara so you know we have we have staff that we can send out through that after the storm okay okay I think that's all my questions um just a kind of a general comment I I think this is a great presentation I feel like we have such a healthy budget right now which is feels awesome I know council member Brandon was here times when the budget wasn't healthy and when I was getting on board they were just starting to get back on track but we were still under and our Reserve so like this was this is great it feels really good um and I I feel like this might not be the case this year and we won't have to worry about it but um I always like to bring up for Council to as we continue to have meetings if you know say insurance or something ends up coming in way higher than what we budgeted and we have to start maybe thinking of cutting some things like start to think about what projects do you personally think that we could you know I'm not saying get rid of for forever but like maybe this one can get pushed till next year year after so it's kind of good if we have those uh you know think of them ahead of time in case we get in that situation I I hope we don't this year feels like I mean it's like it's really really healthy presentation it feels really good to be where we're at so thank you to all the staff because I know everyone's involved in in making this happen so thank you thank you and we have another budget meeting mhm yeah I think July a little while from yeah it's mid July or mid to end July I want to say like July 24th or something along those lines um something like that I'll I'll get that that date and shoot it out to you guys it's July 22nd July 22nd that was really close I like it the you're on it it's on on calendars it should be yeah it is I say that cuz all the things that were said like something comes up or as we really chew on those numbers that we were presented something comes up we have a moment one more time that we at least get together yeah or if we have a resident that's listening reaches out to one of us we can share those concerns and dish it out together yeah and I think I mean there's another one scheduled in August M yep so yeah we'll have two more but I agree I think it's a really good start mhm yeah and my experience you you have the most history of that up here so gone do some different directors different town managers yep roller coaster any other Council comments or questions just a great job to Jeff and Jeremy to all the leadership of the council all the department heads please pass along the comments that have been said already I I'll second that great job any public comment no all right now was back can I get a motion to adourn so all in favor you did excent with the