really does bother both myself and I'm here with commissioner Eric Anderson and I know coming in is is uh commissioner Nick dco to follow up um he just called he's just caught in traffic there but and of course with our County Administrator Terry o Conor and then our staff here so as as we had um the last meeting here um we came in um here with the with our idea of what our next moves were going to be for the for the plan here with that I want to thank um Jeff persc here and and waste management for putting together a very um very detailed plan moving forward there obviously none of us or at least I can speak for myself I shouldn't say that about my colleagues but at least myself not having an experience in landfills or um with that taking the the opinion and the U expertise from these individuals on how most importantly we could run this efficiently but most importantly uh to keep the quality of life um to the residents of of Titan Falls and you know as much as people will get annoyed at myself and the county and at the end of the day you know I am the county um Eric Anderson is the county it falls on our shoulders but at the end of the day truly when I tell you it bothers me as much as it was bothering you and they know that because they're getting the back end of of my frustration here here but with that being said I think um I think we have a plan um that we shared with with some of you and I think I think some of you have even visited the landfill since the last meeting there with that being said we I did notice that we had since that last meeting we did have a period of time where we saw some improvement there not to where it's been where it's acceptable to us uh but I think with the present that's going to be delivered tonight with the 36 90day plan plus the investment that um financially and I I don't know if you're going to touch on that all on what that Financial uh you know interest that the county is putting out there that's we're putting in there to show that we're just not hiding behind it we're speaking with dollars to try to make this as perfect of a landfill that you could possibly have if you're having a landfill so with that being said I think the best next best move for us is to have waste management come up give you a short presentation on what that 30 60 90day plan is take some questions obviously from concerned citizens take questions from the mayor and Council and hopefully move into the right direction so at that time give you a call give everybody hear me okay sure can you introduce yourself just so they know yeah so uh from the last meeting my name is Scott parin I am the area director of dis SPS operations for wm's greater midatlantic area um so appreciate the opportunity to come back in front of the uh Council and provide an update on some of the work that's been completed today and uh where we plan on taking things over the next uh 60 to 90 days so uh we did prepare a small presentation for the group but unfortunately the power the uh projector's not working this evening so I'm just going to get right into the heart of what we've been working on since the last meeting so when we were here last we talked about the fact that this facility has two enclosed ground flares on site uh they're du flare C and flare D those are the systems or the units that actually destroy a landfill gas that's generated by the facility uh at the time when we started to have other issues flare D was the only uh flare on site operating but we've since fired flare C and what that gave us the ability to do was to basically control and or destruct uh the additional LL gas that's being generated from the site as a result all heavy rainfall that we discussed during the last meeting so uh We've increased the uh gas flow rate from the facility by about 30% which is pretty significant and it's about what we expected after having such heavy rains at the end of last year coming in the early part of this year uh we have finished the surface collectors uh we we had shown I think a map of of some of the surface collectors that were going on the very peak of the landfill uh so we put in some additional gas control so that we didn't have any emissions popping at the surface which could be uh lead to an potential offside odor um and we did a lot of work on the cover material U both the intermediate and daily cover material so we had a lot of washing from all the heavy rain a lot of reals wash outs most of the slopes were regraded recovered and a lot of that work was repaired so uh by improving the the cover surface it actually helps to reduce the uh surface emissions from the landfill gas from the facility uh one other thing we did too is we met with New Jersey D went over some of our Concepts and plans as far as what we want to try to do over the next 60 to 90 days you know I think the general feedback we got from that meeting is that they were pretty impressed by the efforts that the county was willing to to move on and and invest in so uh to Mr Arn's point you know you're looking at about 25 to 30 million dollar investment overall uh in environmental controls between final capping temporary capping gas system expansion and some ancillary work around that facility so not an insignificant amount of money being spent uh to make sure we address the issue uh going I'm just going to answer Jack real quickly and and you're going to give a time period on on how long that would take yes yes um so again the items I just went through are things that are completed as of today uh there'll be no more work really associated with those items we'll probably work on the gas system itself to refine or or tune the well field as they call so we'll balance the flow a little bit better we'll get the quality from the the well heads themselves in better shape but that's going to be an ongoing process and it's just something that's sort of routine maintenance uh throughout the operational lill um on the immediate Horizon uh We've now moved into well drilling or the drill rigs on site to drill New Vertical gas collection Wells at the site uh we're expanding the gas system by adding 21 more New Vertical gas Wells so uh pretty significant increase right now there's around 300 collection points on site if I remember correctly so there's going to be 21 more new locations where we're going to be able to extract the gas from the landfill as it's being generated uh we're finalizing a temporary cap or temporary cover design uh with the County's engineer tetr uh we have ordered all the materials to do that capping event they're actually on site ready to go uh it's about 30 some Acres 31 32 Acres of temporary cap that we're going to install on the peak of the landfill so you'll see a new membrane cap going into place uh here in the very near future probably sometime in the early main time frame uh what that'll do is it help keep the rain water out of the landfill and help us control some of the uh the cover Integrity issues that we had as a result of heavy rain but it'll also give us a good barrier to be able to pull more L for gas out of the waste itself because you're going to be drawing vacuum up against a sealed surface I ask your question on the lamp on the water um issue there so if if everybody remembers when we first had this bad issue years ago four years ago when we decided to we brought in Waste Management to take care of the facility for us and we saw a a decline in the ododa there but you were saying that basically the the reasoning for the increas that's something to do with the the rainfall and we did reach out to our neighboring uh counties to see if that was the case not that we didn't trust what you were telling us but they did also agree with that you think No Matter What by doing this this um process here will give us the ability to not allow that to happen again yeah I think by keeping the rainwater out a little bit more of a controlled environment within that waste MK itself rainfall is a catalyst for gas generation so as the rainwater moves its way down through the waste it just creates that environment where the the bugs um generate and decompose the waste at a higher or increased rate so by keeping that rain water out we should have better control uh on the the the increase in the generation rate of the gas um so couple with that we're already working on the grading associated with the temporary capping so we're working on getting the top deck in in good order so that once the capping is installed we'll have good storm water run off and control uh going through the the basins that are in on the facility uh we continue to work on wash out repairs and cover repairs so that's just an ongoing maintenance item it's just never going to stop for those areas that are sort of open and Expos to the elements uh but it's something that we're going to be able to do a little bit more quicker and better when we kind of cut down on how much open cover there is around the entire site because right now only about 15% of the area has a temporary cap on it by the time we're done with this project and a final cap project it's going to be more like 75% of the area will be under some sort of cap um so that'll help reduce on that cover maintenance item um and then moving into the into the sort of the future phases probably later this year if not early part of next year we're going to finalize the design of a final cap uh increment for the site so it's looking to be about 15 acres by the time it's all said and done um but there it'll be similar to the temporary cap which is just an exposed plastic membrane the final cap actually have the membrane the cover soil and the top soil place so uh when we're all done that'll be seated stabilized and and it'll be in parts of the landfill that have already achieved final grade by the permit and no future filling activities will occur um so that's a little bit further out project but again once the temporary cap projects installed final cap projects installed you take into account the the amount of exposed GE membrane already in place about 75% of the open area will be be under some sort of a membrane uh and that's it I mean uh along the way if we find any issues in in the with the G system we'll make the necessary repairs you know I think when we did the surface collectors we found a couple other locations where we saw elevated surface emission so we worked with the contractor was on site we immediately expanded it we think all that helped and contributed to to sort of the observe reduction and odor in and around the facility over the last couple talk about and maybe Jeff you might be the one to interject on this one our our partnership with to natural gas right so one of the uh so uh one of the uh great advancements that we're going to be taking is that we are uh having a contract partnership relationship with New Jersey natural gas uh they are going to build a gas processing plant at the uh at the landfill um to process uh all of the gas that is collected and so we're going to shift from the uh from the flares to a gas processing plant which is going to generate um well it's going to use up as much gas as we can produce uh and it's also going to generate a significant revenue for the county Plus on top of it being very environmentally sound um will'll be the only County I think we're the only County or if there might be one other one I'll I'll defer that to M dco commissioner Atlanta County ATL County Atlanta county is the only one that has jumped jumped on board on that and uh this is something that meets all the all the needs obviously hopefully to reduce some of that again any any excess odor that should occur Plus on top of it being environmentally sound there yeah and I think the only thing to add and Jeff I don't know if you want to speak to a little bit more but we we spent a lot of time talking about improving the communication using the County website to put updates out uh to the general community so that's definitely something that's on the horizon we're working through we're getting the information pulled together so that there'll be some more frequent Communications out there for community members to be able to access and see what we're what we're working on should we talk about the communications in the process from this point on should go through that so who should I have um as a result of what we're going through now we have absolutely we've been we've done some research you have a committee that has pointed the way for us to take a look at other uh uh websites for other County landfills uh we've got some very good ideas we've already started on making that a much more transparent uh uh website uh full of information we're we're designing that now uh I don't know if you recall but a couple years ago when we had those uh when we had the other problem problem uh we started with a monthly report to the council that went through the administrator's office we're going to post things on that website doing that we're also talking about a the way that we can and researching different ways that we can put uh results of odor complaints on the website and uh Nelson is uh really the uh gentleman that's that's chasing the the complaints working with the with the homeowners and we're going to we're going to have a part of the website that's going to be uh the chronological orders of how you know what the complaints are by date time and whatever else we can do without violating any confidentiality um so that people that uh have had complaints can easily go to the website if they if they remember what the time what the day was and what the time was that they made their complaint they'll be able to find it there so what we found and and this was uh new information to myself that what I was Finding and I want to thank the council for for uh providing this information was the response time from when a call was actually called in and when it was actually addressed was ridiculous if you look what which just recently I got the call data there now a lot of this and I you know I'm not passing the buck on to anybody but a lot of those calls were going to DP dp's response time was horrific on when they were coming back with with at least visiting the site and coming through there we're going to change that back and maybe Nelson you want to talk a little bit about what we're looking into um sure uh good evening everybody uh if you're if my voice isn't familiar to you um my name is Nelson Santiago I'm with the mammoth County Health Department um if you had called an odor complaint into the D and they had forwarded it to my office for inves instigation um it's either my voice or one of the seven other people um in my office that is odor certified to um uh to conduct that investigation would be the ones calling you back um what uh director Arn is talking about is um having a transparency for folks to um see where their complaints go and um there is um there there is an issue with confidence dentiality but anybody who makes a complaint can open that through our office or through the D um so for any Resident out there that specifically wants to see what happened with their complaint and I guess the issue and why that's being brought up is because a lot of the complaints that we receive we have to call the complaintant back and in order for us to be on site we we need to make sure that you're home and um that's the first step and then if you're home we will get out there soon as we can right um when we get to your property the reason why we ask if your home is because we're going to assess an odor and we're going to verify that odor with you and if that that odor is verified the next step is for you to fill out a statement of Complaint Form that statement of Complaint Form is going to ask you some questions about how this odor affected you and your enjoyment of your life or property and that is the basis for us to uh proceed with an enforcement action against the responsible party in this case we're talking about the landfill but in any odor throughout the county it could be any entity that would be responsible for that odor our inspector will then uh proceed up when to verify that the source of that odor is in fact coming from that property and we do that by doing odor assessments just with our nose um we we analyze for character severity and a duration of that odor uh we plot it out on a map we do a 360 so we make sure that that odor is certainly coming from our responsible party um once that has happened uh we could then say we have a verified odor complaint and we verified who the responsible party is which would lead us into an enforcement action can I interject for one second so I and I think we agree both John and myself agree on this um one issue I have a problem with that okay and the problem is I I have is each and every one of us in this room here have a different type of uh nose of odor what we feel is is more evasive and smelling than others there has to to be okay and I and and I'm just going to actually take a step back because I know there is because I live in Neptune City um if anybody's familiar with something that was been went on for years and years and years was the tfh plan that just really started to simmer down in the last maybe six months or to a year but for many years for when I was mayor there ongoing for many years was the smell and there was there was a gauge that they came to and tested it with the gauge I want I think the Commissioners want we want that to be the decision maker of what the owner is not John's nose not my nose not Eric's nose there um we want some sort of device mechanical device to be able to report what that owner was at what level it is I have to believe there is I I'm not sure I I look at you to ask me there is if there is whatever that investment is we want to do uh if that's possible well Tom you're welcome I was the inspector who um sent the penalties to tfh okay so you know it well so what tfh did um they they they were building and they were emitting um odors out of the roof and when you have a a stationary building as such you can control those odors and and obviously we're dealing with a different obstacle here no no I I understand I understand what I'm just trying to detect is the that there is an right CU that's where I see we seem to be having somewhat oh they're out there the monitors are out there sure there are monitors but um if anybody wants to make an odor complaint we have to follow what the state code is okay and that's an administrative code that allows us to have the ability to enforce odor for the citizens so the the odor has to have affected you at your property and caused you not to enjoy your life and property and that's the decision you make that's the decision that the state well something's wrong because something's wrong because the complaints okay I let me let me just ask let me just ask this question and and I know I know you're doing everything by your guidelines and your pass down I know that I saw this for many many years but and I think the frustrating that that John has seen with residences is you know what we constitute an odor compared to what somebody else constitutes to know what a person constitutes a quality of life disruption two quality of life disruption for somebody else there has what I'm saying is does the state have some sort of monitoring system that allows us and I know not you I know you're only following the so please not yet they don't have a a device to measure odor it it has been approved in other states it just hasn't been approved in New Jersey so I I would lead leave that up to you know the the municipal leaders and the other legislators um to explore that you know we can only enforce what we have the I I respect that 100% but John I mean I I I do believe he's telling it doesn't matter if it if if we're smelling strawberries all right just let me address a couple of issues okay and when you finish with your presentation I have some questions okay absolutely Scott in the months of February and and March how many times has either the Board of Health or Environmental Protection came to you about an impermissible odit uh they have shared the compl log with us I I can't say there is a conversation about an impermissible otor so we've been monitoring a number of complaints and uh Nelson's been sharing his his findings and reports well with us well oddly enough and there were numbers that were sent to me yesterday there were 20 in the month of February 26 complaints to the health department and 33 complaints sent to Department of envirment protection there were only seven visits and zero are resolved there's something wrong with that there's something wrong with that so for each of those complaints that results in US hearing from residents and them being left with either they don't get a call or they get a call uh so much time has passed or they have to go to work you know the the complaint system is not effective and we definitely hear that that you Nelson are following your guidelines but what we're what what we are seeing is we need another method like this this isn't working and we appreciate the efforts the the um the examination of the complete system uh you're hearing AR concerns which are the resident's concerns but the system is broken I I can't um agree or or deny to that however uh of those 27 complaints when we have we tried to call them back 20 of them did not pick up the phone so how am I supposed to investigate those odors do you make a report about that absolutely sir so you have you have you have a report that says 20 people didn't call back so I what I brought with me is the odor facty I brought it last time and I left with all of the ones that I brought and I I ask each of you to to take one it explains our process you have to be home when we call if the odor is impacting you to not enjoy your life or property I would imagine you're going to pick up your phone and what we have found is that the phone is not getting picked up now to to what you were bringing up earlier the time we can't control the time um we are working on uh something to shorten that time frame between a call and a complaint investigation and that's going above and beyond what the DP has asked us to do and hopefully we'll work that out very soon for for the residents here in tenton Falls um but the the bottom line is if you want to make a complaint this is the complaint process for an enfor action and maybe that's the language that's not being translated properly to the citizens because anybody can go outside and say I smell it hor people do go to work right people do you know they make a call in the morning and they have to leave for work they got to make a living okay they don't know if anybody's going to come out so because they didn't pick up the phone the issue is dead obviously well did that odor affect them obviously it did because they called right no no they called initially and then had to go to work I'm trying to um sure after hours obviously uh the inspectors at the health department uh from 8:30 to 4:30 go home we do have an on call duty officer as does the state when the citizens call the 1877 warn DP to to make their odor complaint um there is a threshold that that needs to be met in order for uh those calls to be forwarded to our office um you would you would imagine if there was a significant odor we would get flooded with calls and those would come so uh once that threshold is met we are then given all the odor complaints that were called in that evening um they usually come in 5: to 10: at a time and our what we do we understand that the first person might have called at 7 and we might not have get had the um the the the responses uh sent to us until 10: with the last complainant but we're calling the last person we're calling them first CU they were the most recent one and that's a that's our protocol at the health department so so let me ask you this obviously we're in a situation not maybe not a permanent situation but is there some sort of mechanism that would allow us to have somebody closer in proximity while we're going through this ongoing situation that would be closer housed and at cost of whatever it takes for us to staff that okay to have that person right here so their response time is pretty much strictly okay geared right to the reclamation center so that if a call comes in they're right there at that location or they might even be at a place where they smell it right there to acknowledge that and verify it and then we could get an accurate more data that we can then yes make sure that Waste Management knows that there's an ongoing problem that whatever they're doing is not working yes so we are exploring the idea of of shift work we're exploring the idea of having staff um located at at the landfill that's where my office is um so we would split our our duties um you know those are things that just have to get approved through well where do you approv this um so there's three of us here so we're the ones that approved that there and and I'm telling you we're approved um there so as to to give some sort of insurance to these guys were going and um checking with the to make sure that we're going to go forward this what we need to address is the time the I'm I I agree blame El issue get D the DP that that's an issue that we got to get to our legislators on that's that's a separate issue there and I think between Eric Nick and myself will get to them to make sure that that could be correct but if there's anything that invol got so so commissioner let me ask you this then if you obviously you're standing behind your word and said that you're going to make this happen as far as the possibility of ship work and things like that so why don't we couple that with a direct link to those persons in the mountain County Health Department so we don't have to wait for bat calls to come in for them and that'll cut down in a delay of the response times too um can pull off the the ship work that you're to back right if we have a direct corresponding line to them or some mechanism in place to get those complaints to you your folks directly listen the bottom line patching out right and I'm going to be front the bottom line is listen we we ran a landfill we knew how to not run a land okay we did a very good job of that um there and we got out of that business we put it in their hands okay at the end of the day your job will be much easier if they succeeded their job so we're looking at you obviously Ed in your job we pay succeed in your job and but in in the intern period of time we're going to make sure and we're going to put the resource there to regulate to make sure that everything is properly done here and respon um let me uh so Mr Santiago you saying that monitors are not are not accurate or that we shouldn't use them or should we use them because I see this nose thing is never going to work if the monitor records a violation you got the time the date and that'll send give you some information on what occurred at that time at the landfill which caused the stink but you don't trust these monitors is that it John I got to jump in just a little second on that and and to defend the monitors there and I have to tell you as former mayor of that time it was bad I mean it was it smell like a dog bone that's what they were manufactured it smell like a dog a burnt dog B um there and I was there not as a commissioner but as a a mayor there when the health department got there and I watched these devices they had and they came up no order I'm like this is unbelievable I mean it you could clearly smell it and these things were not proven be accurate um I don't know if they they been enhanced since then but I can tell you back then it was horrible well I've sent I've sent to various people the number of companies that I've researched okay that can demonstrate the accuracy of their their product I don't know if you've did any work on them unfortunately two of them are in Canada so it's difficult but nevertheless uh they're very very sure that their their product works and it's monitors that are placed in strategic areas of the landfill and when the system is violated it sends a signal someplace with the date the time and the level of violation right and and and so I've sent that information and I've done some research have you done the research well you're bringing up uh something that I don't have enforcement capabilities to do right so your residents are smelling it with their nose and not a meter so I'm going to go there and use my nose and not a meter the meter you want to put up is what maybe some of the other landfills did along their property line to establish if odors were uh going off off site and that's a completely different um thing uh and that's not something that we have the ability to promote or or enforce uh that would be maybe the through the permitting process with the landfill and the DP with their permit and what they're allowed to do we're here for the citizens making the odor complaint at their home Mr Santiago I just want to solve this problem and the complaint system isn't working it's just not working you can look at the numbers I have them right here they were sent to me last night how can this system be working you had 59 complaints seven on-site visits and no statement of complaint how can this be working right because a lot of the people didn't pick up but say the seven ones that were there I mean I gotta believe there was more than seven yeah right so we we did seven on-site investigations with zero odors detected and that's the the finicky nature of the odor and that's the the problem for more than you know a half hour sometimes it lasts longer I'm not here to say it doesn't but we understand the problem I can only do what we have the ability to do well I I if you believe the system should be changed then change it obviously because if the investigator has to agree there is an odor he's the final say that's why there's no statements of complaint he has to agree there's an Oda before a statement or complaint is made right so that inspector did not observe an odor because there was no odor so let me ask at what let me ask you this question I I'll use Sunday for example did we get any complaints on Sunday uh they didn't we did okay well that I can't help right absolutely absolutely we we had no complaints on Sunday did D have any complaints on Sunday where they not that I know not Sunday Monday we had but but that that is a breakdown in communication because maybe they did absolutely because I know there was an on um it has been good for I you know slow down I'm not definitely discount that but on Sunday there was so I would expect that there would have been an amount of calls to our system so one way or another our message is not getting out properly to go the right process calling you putting it on Facebook it's going to go nowhere absolutely it's got to go to the right and quite frankly I don't even want to go to the DP right now I'd rather it go right to us because I looked at that sheet at no fault to you guys here I looked at that sheet and I saw calls going into DP at 12:00 at night or 12:00 in the morning and answered at 7:00 in the morning well of course the old not there 7 hours later so they're detecting the loor um there that's that's a flaw in the system not you guys at at the DP so we have to take more control of having the residents know that the direct line is the county I mean regardless and we need one number and that's the key one number there so that is the direction that we're asking you when I say we Nick Eric you know I look at both of you guys um that's a flaw in the system there that you know at the end of the day if we got to supersede the the DP then we have to do they're not here there's no repes they were and there's no representative from DP here okay incidentally uh uh commissioner 33 calls in the month of February were handled by D at what time they they they got well I I have and and and what's happening is when the call comes in and when they dispatch it out and when it's answered is irrelevant but D is the only one that assigns a complaint number correct right when you call that number it it gives you the date and time to the minute you call so each number that you get is is represented by the time you called and that's by D that is by the D okay so 33 of those that's something else I'm confused by D makes a decision on who's going to handle the complaint what criteria do they use I'm not sure what that criteria is I would say that they are so the call goes into a call center like an operator and that person has to put it through to their to the DPS air person so when the on call Air person gets all the list of complaints he is then or she is calling that person are these odors happening if they don't pick up it's not being forward so a lot of those calls are and why you see they handled 33 with zero verifies is they are taking that first step to calling the resident and if the resident will either say I don't want an invest tigation or they're just not picking up the phone anybody that does pick up the phone they they kick it down to the health department to do the investigation that's just why I asking what criteria they do they use right so that that's the criteria that I know and I don't know anything else they might have other criteria that they follow well once again you could see it's not working no I it's not working we're not I don't think there's going to be any disagreement us on that I I just can't see it have an O of a monitor two number system here with call it's got to be directed us so John can I can I can I just I've heard three key things can I just summarize what I've heard what I've heard all of you guys say right one is you want the calls to go directly to to MTH County Board of Health right the current process though the enforcer the only one that has the power to issue violations to my understanding is D correct and us no you do we are agents of the D for Mammoth County okay so do we need D's approval to forward it directly like to change the Protocol no okay so so that's so that's one Avenue right change in the protocol as you indicated Tom so it goes directly to the EP second one sounds like we have to follow up directly with d which is getting them to during the permitting process whether it's for phase four or just moving forward to be able to require perimeter monitors that John's indicating with these various vendors is that correct do we need to go through d or is that something that the count ask Waste Management that question do we I'm sure in other landfills that you guys operate there do they have those systems on on the outside most do not most rely on site dedicated we're piloting a couple of the units that Mr Manelli fored through but they're not where they need to be as far as being very effective what how what at Atlantic Atlantic County do they have them they're using so I think they're using the virus suits program now they're it as well I think before that they had points where their onsite person would go visit assist throughout the day make observations with his no but I think they're in the same place we are the technolog is there to be able to detect H2S at the perimeter but no other sources of odor or or um constituents in L gas let's say you could definiely say it's a landfill gas odor because there are other sources of odor in around M County just like there are other land facilities so what it's not effective telling anyone is that so come from you try to set it up you know down into the facility so it's more effective but it doesn't always work it would be good if we could give that a shot so when you say p when you say pil I know I know what you're talking Rea about um is that so if we were to that here whether it was effective or not obviously it's trial and error to see if it was is that something that you would recommend that we should pile it around do a pilot program around here that we can pile it and I don't think you would have to do anything depart should okay awesome yeah and then the third thing is you mentioned Tom the the the night shift right most of the residents complaints um that at least that I've heard they're happening more at night of course I 10 11 12:00 at night so if the count is not having a night shift and the calls aren't being forwarded or being received until 7 or 8: a.m. the smell's gone right and then they call back and people have just left for work right so so that that's a huge issue to me is if we can get overnight shift work I think we're going to pick up a lot of the complaints and have them be responded to more timely good thank you um I had uh two follow-up questions um what is the the time frame in your estimation for the website because if we had like one central location for all of this information that would be helpful right now it like things are in multiple places um do you have any idea when that might be up and running so so we would we would want to create I would think it would be beneficial for us to create one website like you're saying mayor that um where it could be the only contact for you to disperse to your residents for us to notify your residents and and not just your residents the surrounding area residents that are affected too because it's not just hi Falls that that it you know we get them somewhat uh complaints from so that might be an idea that we we we're working on consolidating all the information to the website okay and then and then we'll disperse it to tit and Falls tit and Falls disperse it on however you feel is appropriate but we'll also do it to the surrounding areas and I'll follow it back up with my email list that you know went out to I I I will say on behalf of your residents my email that went out to them if I if I I'd like to share with you the response back from your residents you know they were thankful of it I mean they they really were very respectful to it you know not pleased but they were respectful that they were receiving the information back so that's going to continue to happen Okay fantastic um the other question I had um in terms of the processing plant that um Mr Purley mentioned um with the gas company any idea of time frame with that I think you can give some sort of timeline right likely to be at least a twoyear twoyear permitting situation we have to go through five different agencies in the State dpu Treasury uh local government services com troller so we're we're going through almost through the com controller's office um and we have uh we had a meeting yesterday to go over what the schedule was and working together with the gas company so we're coming together on that to try and expedite all the approv necessary start and my fellow Commissioners and myself expedited the process through the our our system for the approval and it's actually on our agenda the next is it next Meek it's next the 28th uh next week and the useful the useful life is like 20 years in that right was the useful life on that once that's up and running it's 40 for the gas CL 20 contract with 10 okay so that's a longterm thing my council president could I just ask a question on that yeah so you guys intro this is the this is the gas collection plant if you will that you introduced to us I think about a year ago right that longm it took we had to go through the com controller we had to go through all those ratories um so I think the question I had at the time and you didn't have the the the plan solidified yet where on the site will it be and how long will it take in the build process because my concern would be if you're going to transition from flares to this collection system is there a risk that in that transition process however long it may take to build we'll see increased smells as it's being transitioned we are building new gas collection the gas processing plant in the same place that the gas processing plant was when it was turning gas into electricity Northwest so it's as far away from sh Road you could possibly go without going into the woods behind the proper okay um in terms of their construction we have the process of constructing the the plant they're in the process of Designing it now we have we have a meeting coming up in a week to go over what they've designed and what our statistics are regarding um how much gas we're collecting what the capacity that they're going to set up that plant for be excess gas that we can sell somewhere else or they going to take it all uh there's also a connection line that has to be finalized to get gas from the landfill to your main pipe which is down on 33 so we're we're moving and we will get it done as fast as we can that means a significant amount of work but excellent thank you thank you um so in the short term how are we going to resolve this responding to complaints in the short term how are we going to do that so we are going to take I don't want to speak for for everybody here but we are going to take an active approach to try to consolidate the the where the responses go into so that the response time can come quicker out on top of that we're going to look to do more shift work in the proximity of the landfill so that your respons time is quicker so the accuracy of the complaint is obviously better um there so those things should happen and I'm going to say very timely fashion very very timely fashion so and the the problem delineated tonight was they don't call back the resident or the complainant doesn't call back well well I think that would somewhat that would somewhat go away with the the complaint the person calling the complaint use for example this building here and they're over at the landfill the proximity to getting here is much quicker so the likelihood of them still being in that location probably you know it's probably better unless they are walking out to work like you said before will never that is true Tom they're leaving for work no I believe that is I believe it is but I mean there sometimes there's no there's no way to control that I you can't except that you could leave a message could call back the answer we could could call back and leave a message we did try to call we have to set up an appointment because in your in your instructions here it tells go back and leave a card we we could definitely a message um another thing our residents mentioned is that there were times they got a call and it was like an undisclosed number and then they didn't answer because they didn't recognize the number and I don't know if there's any uh technological way to address that I've heard that numerous times um so the number that comes in is an undisclosed number so people traditionally don't answer um that but unless is there if there's a way and we're having a few people shake their heads here that and I've heard that numerous times that same that same issue so is there a way that we could identify the county lines normally have some ofid on them okay even cell phones and if they're calling from the cell phone or yeah so I think what we'll have to do is maybe maybe when that's happening it's not a county cell phone and they're calling it from their private cell phone obviously not disclosing that we'll do away with that and we'll make sure that it comes from they all have County phones so they should be using it um there sounds good okay excellent um I think at this time um I'd like to move to um our uh count our uh resident questions that are related to the reclamation center when you come up to the podium please state your name and address for the record and please limit your comments to three minutes so that everyone can be heard are there any yes Mr kler um Bill kler 71 edra Court here didn't Falls um for the website is there like a alpha date when you'd expect to have a alpha up and running I don't would there be a um a date for a date I think what we'll do is once in about a week or so we'll notify the town on on that and that would be the alpha date or the turnup date you'd provide that maybe in a week um um could we we at least provide a date on when it will be up yes and and as long as it goes the town I'm I'm I'm good okay and we would notify the the municipality there of when that date would be of when when it would go after not that it would beiss yes she do en and make that the funnel The Funnel of all questions and inquiries and and again just Daye for dat it's good and if that's a week good but but just in a week you'll have some dates for the town we'll give some dates to the town when it can go when it will be live good good but I mean when it would all be Consolidated with number yes yeah when will be completed with that we now need to look at the hotline y ex okay I've got a rain question then you better that um are you sort of planning for maybe 10 year Reigns or 20 year Reigns or average rains and and what I'm saying is it it rains here right um as I go to other parts of the US it rains more so there they they make their planning for the kind of rain they have can we make plans so that this is a problem not every 5 years maybe every 20 years years or every 30 years and yeah I think the answer the question and we I touched on this a little bit at the last meeting what we're seeing last meeting is that I was here last meeting yeah so what we're seeing is the consistency of these real significant rainfall years is increasing in frequency so it was every 10 years before now it seems like it's every five so we're working with the county to adjust the phasing and the gas system expansion like every year is like a 2018 or 2023 so we're going to spread out out the work over the entire year instead of doing like one gas project in a spring or to fall we'll do two one spring one fall that we have Crews on site we're having more severe weather or heavier rainfall we can expand the work scope and and install the controls so I take away that is more worst case planning rather than best case planning and then the phasing for the phasing for the capping will also help with that so we're okay closing down the amount of open area that's exposed to the elements where the rainfall is getting in that's a benefit we've observed at our other facil that certainly helps a lot the plan um around monitors um I know that that the folks up in Carney had a had some success with hyen sulfide monitors and um if you had a pilot program here would you be deploying hydrogen sulfide monitors or monitors that may be um more attuned to catching the uh the nonsulfide sulfur that that really annoy people is this pilot monitoring of monitoring hydrogen sulfide or monitoring the other components of Landfield gas that are really uh obnoxious well en vir suits was primarily monitoring H2S just like Curr was so their current claim is that they have new monitors are able to detect other constituents land for gas we'll be able to sort of prove that out the pilot see if they so I've been told here repeatedly repeatedly five years ago every time I'm here that we don't have hydrogen sulfide problem at the landfill um I think we should measure hydrogen sulfide but what I've been told repeatedly is there's no hydren sulfide program I mean AR you told me that five years ago yes we want okay so I think it's something it's the other sulfur stuff that is not hydrogen sulfide but also that other sulfur stuff is kind of hard to measure so if if you go down a path with us to deploy some monitoring um if you if you stop hydrogen sui I don't think that's going to be helpful so I think it needs to be more comprehensive in terms of the other nonsulfide sulfur compounds that that are really uh obnoxious yeah and I think that's the issue I don't think they have the technology to able to do that that situation your nose is typically the better indicator so but um I haven't done as much research as John has but my research tells me that that the nonhydrogen sulfide stuff is hard to measure in real time you deploy some gas you deploy some gas collection in a matrix you take it back to a lab you do U gas spectometry on it and then in a couple of days you know what it was but it's not quantitative it's not real time but I just I'm as a l person I'm suggesting that if you go look at hyp and sulfide you may not find any and they'll still going to have um um resident complaints I'm a late person um whatever you do for the health health folks it has to De with the transients and the transients are are not going to be there in even two hours if you will the other comment is um I I retired a couple years ago I lost of fair time I think whatever reports you're getting for complaints I suspect that that the real problems are are 5x or 10x more than that so as I look at the traffic in that in that um landfill group that we have um I think people have have sort of gotten frustrated about about even reporting if you will so I I don't think I don't your senses John but I think that the reporting fraction is a tiny fraction of people that are um having serious issues with with the the landfill problem thank you um so it has to deal with the the transient and I think you also have to win back if you will uh goodwi of the people that are that are being inconvenienced I agree with you thank you thank you okay thank you thank you Mr K hi Michelle Simon uh Madison Court in titon Falls I'm just really I want to reaffirm my experiences with calling in uh to the hotline so I've had a couple different experiences one is where I've called and I didn't get a return call at all and I was staying up all night and then I had to go to work in the morning another experience was I called and then I received a call in the morning on my cell phone while I was at work and I said said well I'm at work now you know here it is like how many hours later um and then another experience uh which was a little bit more uh evolved I had called I I had waited to call you know I just I just really don't even want to have to call right and I'm like well how bad does it really have to be for me to call and so this one night it was so bad it was in my bedroom and I said well I'm going to call and I called called it was a good experience I got somebody from d uh and they you know was a was an Operator Operator 126 uh he was great and uh and then uh I was told I was going to get another phone call I got a phone call from the division of air monitoring and that person was also great and went through and explained what the next part of the process was then I got a phone call um you know within a relative ly short period of time from Mammoth County um and it may have been Mr Santiago if he's still here there you are um it may have been you and uh you were very helpful and so you had uh told me I uh if it was you um to I was explaining that I had the smell in my house and I was instructed to go outside to see if I still smelled the smell outside and in fact I didn't right uh so that the smell dissipated outside but it was still within my house and so that did not constitute um the mammoth County Health Department coming out and filing a complaint so you know I waited right and finally made that call so I think that's something that the residents should know is that soon as they start to smell it they need to make that call right away um but it was there there's I can say there was only two times that actually did come into my house and the odor was really bad um so I just I think that that's really important so I think that the system works sometimes other times it it doesn't work um it's got to work all the time and and you're right I agree with you and so the other thing is just thinking about it because sometimes I'm going to work in the morning or I'm coming home in the evening and I smell the the odor so I'm driving down Shao Road excuse me so if I'm smelling it at that point and I you know I've been instructed from I'm sorry the the different people that I spoke to that you actually have to be your home in order to file the complaint so my my issue is if we're starting to smell it on shapter road and is really bad well we know it's probably going to travel I'm not a scientist but it's probably going to travel and then it does so I guess you know and I don't have to tell anyone who you know Works around that area it's it's bad right so um sometimes it might travel more than others but why can't we call you know if we're we're smelling it and and people do smell it people smell it on the Parkway right um they smell it all over so why do we have to be at our homes I understand you know somebody's maybe got to be there to you know take a complaint and for enforcement purposes I I get that but we still should be able to call in and say you know we're experiencing these odors and to be proactive instead of reactive when it gets into the neighborhoods where we live so I I I and you and I have had our differences I totally agree with what you were saying here on with with the part of being because at the end of the day yes the enforcement side going to your home yeah it's important but at the end of the day the the big game plan here is to have no odor so if you smell the odor as you're driving down the parkway which we all know a lot of people tell us that's the number one place they smell it at okay it's driving down a Parkway we should be able to notify the health department not for as much as the enforcement ju but just to be able to let the operators know there's a problem right and so I do agree with you there so I think we should work on that okay the other thing is is that uh you know there's a lot of references to the rain and that that's when the odors come but that is not always the case and that was not the case when I actually had you know called to file one of my complaints it had not been raining so why does that occur in those instances I I can't answer that yeah I you so like right now we have the the well drilling going on so that could be a potential Source voter right along sha the road while they have that open bore hole where they're drilling the well there may be some other things happening in the landfill where we're working on a couple control devices um that could lead to potential offsite odors but those many of those instances it wouldn't carry very far it would be really immediately adjacent to the the landfill property boundary right La out the road so that's kind of more but it did carry far enough I'm sorry to interrupt it did carry far enough to get to my house right and uh you know I'm on Madison Court I'm down the road I'm not too far but I'm you know within a relatively close distance so it it does occur so you know I just wanted to put that out there and that's one of the things that residents are really frustr about and if you you know were to read the Facebook group you would you know see what people write and they say oh yeah they're saying it's the rain again but it's it's not raining so I just want to put that out there and that's something maybe you know you can look to communicate to the residents as to why that's occurring maybe you can take a look look at that because they're not Believers you know they're disbelievers in you know some of the information that's coming forward um I think that this is the the best that we've ever had in terms of you know response uh from you know the county and and of course waste management and certainly our Council uh this is the best it took I seven years that I've been coming coming forward and I'm just a regular old person living you know my life so I just want to also compliment everyone on that um the last thing I just want to say is that you know just with reference to the monitors I think it's really important right so and I think we all do have different senses of smell and you there's a lot of people residents that you know are you know disbelievers with regards to you know the the smelling of the odor and I respect whatever the process is in place but you know just in kind of researching quickly right you look at the Keegan um landfill the state mandated monitors in that instance right so if they're mandating monitors there must be some value in that and there must be other landfills that have monitors and that can be placed you know throughout strategically within the community um and there are other ongoing current projects in different places not necessarily landfills that are using monitors uh to you know do the air quality so so just to point out Keegan so there is a pretty big difference between Keegan's facility and M's facility Keegan is a construction demolition debris site so that facility was accepting the materials that would have sulur bearing waste like wallboard yeah those things that would generate more H2S so in their case H2S was certainly more discernable and detectable at the property boundary and that's why they had the monitors Mammoth were primarily a municipal Solid Waste landfill it's the curbside collection from the residence there's very little construction demolition debris coming in so there's a much lower concentration of H2 gas so it's not as effective to detect right so I guess my point is is that if they they're mandating monitors right just and I and I'm not speaking specifically to what was in the landfill at Keegan but it's the use of monitors right so if monitors are in existence are there any monitors that would be specific to you know what's going on in Mammoth County and I think um councilman manganelli has been doing a lot of research chch uh as well as our council president so I just hope that you know you continue to move forward with that because I think that that's something that the residents really want um so that's that's thank you thank you Michelle yes hi I'm unie baxi I'm actually a resident in the Wayside section of Ocean Township so I'm right on the border of titten Falls in Ocean um I just had a couple questions um one for waste management was what was the time frame for the 75% cap I didn't catch that was did we say two years it it'll be probably by the summer of next year so Su of next year a year a little over a year okay and then the other question I had actually was about the complaint process and I've certainly engaging it with myself and um one of the things I actually had a question about was is there any way we could like move the process online because it seems like or and it may not be and it may not be necessarily even going to the official level of a mammoth County complaint but kind of a data aggregating process just because sometimes I smell it in my bedroom at 4:30 in the morning I'm not calling anybody at 4:30 in the morning because I'm not inviting them into my bedroom at 4:30 in the morning right or I'm not waking up my kids I'm not waking up my husband it's just I'm smelling it and I'm like oh no no there so just to let you know that's part of the process what we're trying to implement okay there we definitely that has definitely been something that we've spoken about okay to make I think it would be better for for numerous reasons for what you just said um if we're having somebody monitor the site and more importantly that we have the information stored there I think it would help for all matters to be able to have that yeah and I mean if it's not Anonymous you're not going to necessarily have pranksters you know what I mean like you you actually have people who legitimately will maybe just open up an app or open up their you know on a website and just say oh yeah I smelled it at this time and and then you know go about their business and maybe didn't ra rise till level of something that DP would say someone needs to come out for but it is out there absolutely soad oh okay and you be anous on that as but we won't get that data oh it's okay that's good to know we we will make sure that that's conveyed part of the process when we get back to you yeah that would definitely be better if um we had control yeah of that were you as opposed to the DP um where we might not capture that okay thank you thank you uh before we come back um I I want to see if there are other residents who uh have questions or concerns yes stay uh hi Colberg 21 cater place um I'll try not to take too long cuz a lot of this I think has been rehashed in particular kind of I think councilman Buckley rolled it up pretty well earlier you know just listening to everything everybody's saying it's it's a this seems like a pretty uh I mean there's a lot of facets to it you guys are doing a lot of work all that's great but there's some there's a major uh misaligning between you know government and the public right and I I got no problem with government I love it but in this case right uh you guys are working from 8:30 to 4:30 yeah guess what that's when we're all working too right so uh you know this whole idea of uh you know you got to return the call and then come out H you know even even if we answer the phone where you know a lot of these people are at work right so I just think you know that's that's something you really got to uh figure out a way to fix right um now granted this doesn't maybe rise to the same level but when I call the police department they don't have to call me back before they show up at my house right so if I uh you know if we place a call obviously this idea if you can get a second shift going and if you place a call and somebody you have somebody stationed near there like you're suggesting like some of these things are being talked about just kind of reiterating that because it seems to make so much sense right you know you have somebody you place the call somebody can come out and check it out and smell quickly uh you know clearly this these things are transient they're coming and going and so I I think that's probably one of the biggest things that in the whole multiple phone number thing right you know get that's that's a little nutty and the thresholds I mean all of it I'm sure put in place for perfectly good reasons but in this case it's it's creating a failure right so you know a single number to call somebody answers somebody comes out uh and if you're not there by the way but they may not be there somebody yeah somebody may not be there Mitch and they don't want to just come out I mean it's different when you call the police you wait for them to get to your house you know so that's not going to work either sure but it's it doesn't change if I call the fire apartment uh cuz my neighbor's house is on fire and then I go to work their house is still on fire like unrelated things completely unrelated things firefighter you smell something in here somebody is on fire we're showing up no and also um the other thing is I think we've gone through it like we have we have some positive response as to how those things will be addressed um so rather than doing a rehash I think um we've gotten answers about it yeah all right and there and we have a time frame uh all right two things that we didn't talk about well first actually uh somebody stud said 25 or 30 million doll of investment that's not above and beyond you didn't just you didn't add $30 million to well we have a long-term capital plan okay so we we the county you know we've been very um I guess proactive in planning financially for what you see down the road so we're not drastic so that's over a period of planning now moving forward with those F right and the last thing I don't think we'll resolve this so but I know at the first meeting we said one of the biggest sources of the smell in general is the uh food waste right it's all the food organic waste that's going in there and reacts with the water and all that sort of stuff um I wouldn't want to change anything we're already talking about but I don't know if anyone's considered the possibility of trying to reduce that food waste right other places have like composting or other things something where you can start to separate that out total again that would have to be an addition I don't think that's going to make this go away but just something I I you know no one's mentioned really in all this and that might help that out thank you very much thanks yes Mr tomman hi Brendon toin 5 Chestnut uh question do you still have the county swacks allay advisory Council you still have that is there a representative from Titan Falls on the board cuz I was it for years and we uh had Representatives anybody doesn't know what the swack is it was it was the town surrounding the land using a landfill that had members on the board we met monthly plus we would be liaison to go out and find out stuff it was going on um and also I think we had one guy he used to actually there is okay good that's guy used to work at the uh live at the landfill Richie I think he retired though did yeah yeah he retired he was he was there he was left but everybody got so spoiled cuz they call he'd pick up the phone and go out and handle it he actually lived there so that was dedication so I'm saying is this has been going on for a while you guys been trying to come up with Solutions and and one thing I have an issue with having lived here for so long is and having served in a community where people don't get out of their house and even come to a meeting after getting UNT false so complaining I have been around here for so many different parts of it and that's how I know what's going on here I know the dedication you guys have to doing this it's not easy it's not a lot of people bought houses on Sundays into the south end because the realtor knew they weren't going to see the trash trucks and they were specifically on Sundays and a lot of people were told oh they're closing the landfill by 2030 people thought the garbage was going to get hauled out and taken somewhere else and they fell for it and that I'm sorry don't go taken out in the county if that's what you believe that they were going to haul the garbage out that the whole thing is going to go away so you know there's a lot of it so just I appreciate what you're doing I want to give you guys a little bit of backing here because and and I have to say one thing that Eric Nick and myself we weren't here when the last came we're left with the um I guess left with it now what's that was I'm going to respect the three minute time window and I'm going to sit out all right I I do want to just say one thing before we close and I I think we're almost ready to close here um is that you know the county trul I mean regardless if you believe in us or you or you like us or you don't like us we're committed to Tin fs and we've shown that just recently even with an a total investment by the county of MTH on our MSA there that we've done here you know led by our Sheriff but financed by us and strictly titin Falls is the Hub there and you know and it's it's I think it's proven to be able to save lives here um and it's something that we're proud of but that's not it we also have to continue the quality of life that we basically know that you guys deserve and that's part of land whether you bought here after the landfill was was already here it's still a quality of life that you deserve and each and every one of us you know I would be I'd be sitting in that seat here doing the same thing to whoever was sitting in my seat if this was OCC caring so it's I'm sitting in this seat along with my colleagues to fix this problem and and you know um Char you right that's kind of amazing it's more than I ever expected he just he just pushed in front of me we have answered since we've started over 500 100 calls that were unanswered here in a ass not here the region since you started the program since we started the program here and um only two calls um went to Mutual Aid which is amazing when you think about that if you know the mutual aid process here so and you know and I want to commend and I want the residents yeah you could thank us for it but commend the governing body to be able to make tough decisions cuz not every decision is easy that you have to make and you get push back from it there but it was the right decision for the people we will make the right decision to make this better I give you my word on it I've said it before we fix the problem the problem's back we got to permanently fix the problem and make the process better for you guys thank you director thanks um in the interest of time I'd ask if there's any other questions that you email them um because we do us still have a full Council agenda um I'd like to thank uh uh commissioner director Arnon and um our other officials and um other professionals uh for tonight and also for the meetings that we've been having uh throughout the past months um I thank you for your responsiveness and your um your promise of things to come uh that it's going to improve quality of life for our residents thank you don't have to stay for the rest of the meeting oh we had no take care than see good night you're welcome thank you no well it isn't because yet thank you all right uh okay at at this time at this time we're going to move on uh to council reports uh I'd like to start with Mr Fallon or CFO thank you council president I have uh no report tonight thank you thank you Mr uh Mr terao uh I won't lab the point however I just wanted to point out um this is information we had gotten from the M County Sheriff's Department EMS uh through Mr sidley who is the operations manager there and again 500 calls were answered only two M8 calls um nearly 14 calls answer per day 10 transports per day but the key here is in the data that they've provided to us is the response time 5 minutes and 37 seconds uh in their response time on average so I think that's second I don't want to inter you me but I have to say a funny story that occurred the day we went live so the sheriff's rules and these are the rules that he established that our our ambulances are not allowed to be stationed at a location they have to be on the roof conly roaming the areas or whatever area region that they're in well ironically we went live and I forget the date Char was was beginning febrary and it it was 7:00 we went live he kicked off everything we went live I was there we kicked off everything cars go out they're roaming the one ambulance is in front of a house in Oak the Whistle the Call Comes in the ambulance is right in front of the house they got there in 21 seconds everybody thought oh my God this we had to DET that but kind of very interesting situation that Ur there but thank you thank you everyone thanks so just to finish up um and I just want to again thank our volunteers because I think with this system in place it's already showing the the fruits of the labor where it's taken a lot of strain off of the volunteers and they are doing their call services at night uh as promised so I want just wanted to thank the volunteers that are still uh over at EMS North as well and that concludes my report thanks uh Mr KY who's here from Mr sty this evening thank you I'm okay thank you Miss Hutchinson our clerk I just have a reminder that the deadline for County committee petition submissions is Monday March 25th before 4 p.m. and please contact the burough clerk's office with any questions thank you thanks uh Dr to oh I'm sorry uh moving on to council reports councilwoman Buck thank you council president uh just to have uh one reminder the next environmental commission meeting is March 28th at 7:30 p.m. um and um I think I just have a we we currently is a hybrid system where um some members and members of the public call into the meetings as well as come in person I'm understanding that we're going to be switching off of like the WebEx so just kind of a general note out there um for books to be aware of they should be able to see an update of that whenever that switches I think it's um yeah Earth day is going to be April 28th right I think we're still ating on the timing and the flyer but I'm hoping that that will be published at some point very soon so that folks can become aware okay thank you Dr do okay this will be a quick report but the uh Library seems to be coming along and um nothing new to report right now uh I know we we had another problem um on Wardell Avenue and the intersection of Shark River big accident recently uh spoke to uh Mr nef about it and uh we're going to see what we can do to uh alleviate that situation at that intersection because there's been many accidents and many almost accidents at that particular area so Mr nef is looking into it uh and I believe um we have our Easter egg hunt this Saturday and um do we have a rain date on that I don't I don't recall I thought it was the next day next okay right okay I suppose it's raining the next day no there's no that's what I just saw on the weather report so no eggs no eggs okay well that's about all I have to say and uh thank everybody for uh their patience tonight and uh you you've done a great job uh here on the council and as our business administrator as well trying to resolve this issue for the uh 25% of the residents of tit Falls thank you so much thanks Mr Manel he I've heard this song before all I can tell you they did they did a magnificent job of Defending a failing system this is all poppycock but remains to be seen then I'll be happy that's my close CL in comment thanks Mr messie you're going to have to top that okay uh thank you council president good evening uh just a quick note regarding planning board uh we the planning board members are reviewing a reexamination report prepared by our planner which is a process whereby a planning board reviews development Trends and makes recommendations on potential zoning ordinance changes a copy is available on the B it um this is not a master plan which is far more extensive and expensive there are limits to do uh that but uh doing this reexamination it helps us with a myriad of levels um in this project when reviewed it's generally fixing ordinances which contradict each other or are extremely outdated the report also confirms what actions were taken by the government body and in response to our last report by doing so uh we accomplish civil goals uh it allows us to fix technical problems in the ordinance uh by doing this or master plan we maintain the validity of our ordinances this also helps with proper cheaper and streamline notice uh requirements in the governing body implements and the recommendations and the planning board's General policy to eliminate staleness and archaic requirements which makes our plan a a contemporary document is intact uh planning board meeting uh is going to have a short discussion among the boards regarding this um Tom nef and Christine Bell are the sources for more specific questions but don't call Tom I thank him and his wife are having a baby so uh that concludes my report thanks um uh in terms of my report um on uh March 7th Mr terao and I went to the Middle School and um we introduced our uh student government and the community uh project that we're actually going to be implementing on April 11th uh we're going to have members of the middle school student council and bough professionals and several council members that are going to uh spend a couple of hours with the students uh talking about government and how things work and we FedEd some very interesting questions uh during our visit and we're looking forward to uh more from uh the kids um and the other thing I want to mention is their crosswalk is finally happening um at Atcheson and Sycamore Avenue uh all those here in the making and it's very exciting it's going up or it's going in however you would say it on it's going across it's going across it's a crosswalk but um it's very good uh and that's all I have for my report um there are no ordinances for introduction this evening there is one ordinance for final consideration we hold a public hearing with comments limited to 3 minutes and comments may only pertain to this ordinance may I ask the clerk to read the title of the ordinance 20241 1511 an ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits and to establish a cap Bank njsa 40a 44514 thank you may I have a motion to open public discussion on this ordinance motion and a second second second all in favor hi is there anyone from the public that would like to comment on this ordinance please state your name and address for the record okay uh seeing none may I have a motion to close the public hearing so and a second second and all in favor I I are there any council members that would like to comment on this ordinance may I have a motion for adoption motion second and a roll call Miss Buckley yes Dr Doan yes Mr Manelli yes Mr Nessie yes Mrs clay yes um now moving on to public discussion may I have a motion to open the public discussion motion and may I have a second second all in favor I I I this is the time the public May comment on any topic of their choice please state your name and address for the record and limit your comment to 3 minutes at this time I'd like to ask the clerk if any public comments were submitted prior to the meeting via email there were none okay yes Mr Tobin hi Brendan Tobin still at five Chestnut Court I've not moved in the last 10 minutes um couple things one there was a complaint online today about the horrendous potholes on West Park from the waha all the way down to the stop sign is what it said I don't know if they mean the stop sign a Calamity corner where uh uh Wayside comes cutting across some people crash a lot or if they mean only down Hope Road I said it's a County Road and they said they called the county and somehow it's our section is tit andf Falls Road same way parts of hob roader Titan Falls and parts of hob roader County these were deals made even before I was on councel and they don't make any sense to me um the road's a disaster and somebody's got to fix the potholes in it and I also suggest we're looking at giving it back to the county because they took from Hope Road all the way down West Park all 35 and paved it so they could have done the whole thing and we wouldn't be having these social media issues that's just one if you can look into it two uh as part of the neighborhood watch I found out at our last meeting that we no longer have a canine Corp in titin and falls for those who don't know we had the nation's number one canine unit they beat the DC Capital police and I was down in the capital after I walked up I said I'm from tit and falls and they glared at me I said I'm the Burl council president I fund the K9 team and they were Furious but they knew we had a great team 2019 one of our dogs I think it was Shadow I might be wrong Hunter it's Hunter went out to the Nationals and got was phased out because it's too expensive I heard that same nonsense when I was on Council when I was council president it was 1775 a year to have four dogs that can run faster than people that can smell things that people can't smell one dog tracked in a neighborhood where there are burglaries kept tracking back to the same spot from the houses that were headit so what they do they sat and waited the guy rode up on his bike to go with the houses and he looks what's up there's the dog guy got they found all the stuff at the guy's house he hadn't cleared any of it out yet that they know of we had a system that was fantastic it was the it was very efficient and with the number of crime complaints around I know the police are doing a great job having the canines and not having to wait for a team to come out from the county I mean how much is it if it's double what it cost me back then it's $35,000 we don't have that we had dogs donated and if they say we can't give dog like the Red Bank vet gave us a Belgian MW if we can't get that we have gone to other neighborhoods in this town they mentioned at the at the uh neighborhood watch and they've asked people we need a system to monitor cars going the wrong way on oneway Street well it cost this much and the neighbors kicked the money in people in this town I think will be willing to pay to have four dogs that two dogs one dog that can go out and do stuff that people can't do in any way to you know bring down the crime I'd like somebody take a look into that and see why we don't have it I was told it was in fiscal Conservancy there's no fiscal Conservancy when it comes to Crime yeah to have somebody going to go out there and do something and those dogs were the best I know they all get old and retire but the guys were handle them were still here the trainer was still here you know it started back with with C Rogers way back when and we went through it and these these guys we were the best and we helped a lot of people out with it and I think it' be important to go back to it so a look in that for me I'd appreciate it thank you thank you that was under three minutes I guarantee yes good job okay um hearing no further comments may I have a motion to close the public discussion motion and a second all in favor I does any member of council have anything to add okay uh we will now move on to the consent agenda agenda are there any items any member of the council would like removed to be voted on separately ah hearing n may I have a motion to approve the consent agenda motion and a second second and will call Miss Buckley yes Dr Doan yes Mr menelli yes Mr Nessie yes Mrs clay yes this concludes today's business may have a motion to adjourn motion and a second second all in favor this me is now turned 906