e e e e uh if everybody can uh please take your seat thanks uh good evening this is a heeing of the titin Falls B Council being held on April 16th 2024 this meeting is hereby call to order would the clerk please read the open public meeting statement pursuant to section five of the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by posting on the bulletin board at Burrow Hall and by notification to the Asbury Park Press the Newark Star Ledger and the new coaster at least 48 hours prior to the meeting and filing with the bur clerk all on December 19th 2023 thank you may I ask the clerk to call the rooll Miss Buckley here Dr Doan here Mr Manelli here Mr Nessie here Mrs clay here at this time I would like to invite everyone to join me in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under godible with liberty and justice for all uh there is one set of meting minutes for approval may I have a motion to approve the March 19th 2024 regular meeting second okay may I have a roll call Miss Buckley yes Dr Doan yes Mr menelli yes Mr Nessie yes Mrs clay yes at this time our business administrator Mr Tera fenko will announce the promotional Oaths of office for the bur of tinon Falls Police Department so good evening ladies and gentlemen I'm Charlie administrator and director of Public Safety it's my honor to introduce uh now Captain Joey and lieutenant John po Rico and I'm going to ask Chief to come up and say a few words and we're going to get them scorn in new positions great thank you sir good evening everybody uh I always start off saying it's a great day in TI Falls when we promote or hire somebody the guys plus my chops over there I've used this speech probably four or five times but it's actually not a great day it's a great night anytime you get to promote two officers as me being the chief uh it's a great day or night uh first and foremost we wouldn't be here without the permission of our mayor V Brill thank you so much sir for allowing this promotion to take place director Public Safety Charles t frango and a support from the council uh this is the third year I've been Chief I don't hear word no a lot and let's keep that up please I appreciate that uh but tonight's a special night for John and Joe you know I understand all the cadidates when you go through a promotional process how stressful it could be um for for the candidates not only also for the administration you know you're you're trying to make the best decision we have a process they came out on top and I cannot be happier for them and their families uh they're already part of our Command Staff we treat our Police Department as a team uh we have Command Staff meetings every other month or as need be uh these guys bring great ideas and then we discuss this and we make decisions here as a team uh you want to talk about dedication there's no more dedicated to their their roles uh as John and Joe uh every day they come to work they give the burrow of tit and Falls 110% uh they're coming early to stay late um loyalty loyalty's been our profession no one's more Loy than these two right here so I'm very happy for them looking forward to them in their new roles and just making our Police Department better I that's what it's all about I mean as a team you want want to continue to get better and better and this is what we do I mean no one uh we serve the public I mean uh the men and women in the back look at all the support we have here our records ladies are here too um we're a team here and we're just going to keep striving to get better and better but this is not my night let's bring up first uh joesy who'll be sworn as the next Captain here in TI Falls [Applause] congratulations Jose S I will support the constition that I will support the Constitution United States United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersy of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and aliance to the same and allegiance to the Saint and to the governments established to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in the state and in the state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people I do further solom I do further that Faithfully that Faithfully impartially impartially andly perform all the perform all the duties of Captain of Captain to the to the of you got to take a picture with your for uh next I want to bring up John T Rico be swor in as our next congratul congratulations I I John John swear swear that I will support thetion all support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the constition and the constition of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey will bear true faith will bear true faith and Al to the and alance to the the government established the government established in the united states in the United States and in the state and in the state under the authority of the authority fur partially andly andly perform all the DU perform all the duties of of according to the my according to the rest of my congratulations so that's all nine nothing [Music] that's great than make sure he picks up the T I did this so many times so many this like okay um I I just want to offer our congratulations as a council uh both to the promoted officers and also to the families um because it isn't so easy to be uh a police wife for a police family member um and I'd like to just thank while we have so many officers here tonight and our chief I would just like to thank you all for your service and dedication um at this time I was going to allow anybody who'd like to leave to do so uh in case you have a celebration or another place that you have to be and then more resume from meting e e e e okay hey um uh thank you so much at this time we're going to resume the meeting um at this time I would like to ask Deputy council president Dr Doan uh to read the proclamations listed on tonight's agenda thank you so much Mr President um before I even start I would just like to say there's a couple of words that you may not have heard of or don't know the defition definition uh dysphonia is a a word that's going to come up in this Proclamation uh it's an impairment of voice production or an altered voice quality so that may be here in our Proclamation as well as parisis which is a weakening of the vocal cord muscles and paralysis I think most of you know what paralysis is and again it's no movement of the vocal cord but let me read a proclamation from the office of the mayor on this April 16th 2024 it's World voice day something that we may all take for granted whereas the human voice is a precious instrument expressing feelings personality and identity and whereas in estimated 28 million Americans have some voice condition that impairs their ability to communicate easily and whereas a diagnosis of a voice disorder can be life-altering affecting your relationships employment social activities and even self-esteem whereas there is a need for greater recognition and understanding of the impact of voice disorders both in the general public and within the medical community and whereas on April 16 we commemorate World voice day a day dedicated to recognizing the significance of the voice in our lives and understanding the challenges faced by those living with voice disorders and whereas dys fonio International tirelessly advocates for individuals affected by voice conditions like spasmodic dysphonia vocal Tremors vocal cord paresis paralysis and muscle tension dysphonia striving to educate and raise awareness Provide support and fund research to find answers for the cause of and the cure for these conditions and whereas through education awareness and support dysphonia International empowers individuals living with voice disorders for ERS an understanding within communities and advances the Quest for improved treatments and therapies through research now therefore our mayor and the Council of the burough of tinon Falls do hereby declare April 16 2024 to be World voice day we honor the invaluable work of dys fonio international and raising awareness about voice conditions and we stand in support with all those affected by these vocal challenges signed this day of the 16th of April in the year 2024 by veto Perillo our mayor veto Perillo thank you Dr K the other Proclamation from the office of the mayor is April is known as the national Child Abuse Prevention month something dear to my heart because I've been uh working with child abuse situations for the last 40 years um and our conclusion has been that children are suffering from an epidemic of child abuse and neglect here in America I'm not talking about other countries right here in America and one of the chilling uh situations that we find that children are actually dying on an average between four and seven every day to child abuse and neglect so it's very important to be aware of it and make sure that we can prevent it so I will read the proclamation whereas children are our nation's most vulnerable members as well as our nation's most valuable resources helping to shape the future of state or jurisdiction and whereas positive childhood experiences Like Loving caregivers and safe stable and nurturing relationships can help mitigate the trauma and the negative long-term impact of adverse childhood experiences to promote the social emotional and development well-being of our children and whereas childhood trauma including abuse and neglect is a serious problem affecting every community in the US and finding Solutions requires input and action from everyone and whereas children who live in families with access to concrete economic and social supports are less likely to experience abuse and neglect and whereas prevention is possible because of the Partnerships created between families prevention Advocates child welfare professionals Education Health Community and faith-based organizations businesses law enforcement agencies local and state and National governments and whereas we acknowledge that in order to solve the public health issue of abuse and neglect we must work together to change hearts and mindsets through storytelling and Sharing Center the needs of families break down bias and barriers and Inspire action from expected and unexpected Partners in prevention and whereas we recognize the need to prioritize kids and invest in more prevention initiatives like home visiting and family strengthening policies economic supports and community-based Child Abuse Prevention programs at the national state and local levels and now therefore our mayor and the Council of the burrow of tin Falls do he Proclaim April as National Child Abuse Prevention month we urge all citizens to recognize this month by Building A Narrative of Hope For Children and Families through collaboration and the creation of an ecosystem of primary prevention that does not currently exist in this country and that is also signed by Vito Perillo the mayor of Titan Falls thank you so much thank you so much Dr doberan uh before we move to reports I would like to acknowledge the tinon Falls Middle School student council members um that are present in the audience tonight and I would also like to acknowledge Dr Lisa goldi our school superintendent and um our student council president RJ sterino um RJ would you like to come up and say anything and if there are other students here could you please stand um if you'd like you can come up with RJ and and keep him company okay oh yeah right into the mic would be great um thank you a lot um as the president of titin Falls Middle School it is an honor to be here today and I'm so happy to speak to all my fellow board me or my board members from my town it was an honor to work with you guys in the school the last couple of weeks and I look forward to working with you guys in the future as I progress through my final year in middle school and high school thank you oh thank you so [Applause] much do that now um before you guys take your seat can we take a photo and maybe Dr cie you could come up um council members would you like to join me sure you want to got L one more thank you so much see you guys War 50 if just may say a few words of thanks um I I it is so appreciated by myself our Administration our staff our students that you all spent time with us over at the middle school um and that you were able to really provide us that real world and authentic connection to our middle schoolers um that's those are the things they're going to remember forever those are the experiences that are going to continue to build them as just good well-rounded citizens so I just wanted to thank you for your time and I look forward to continued commitment and continuing to work with you all so thank you so much on behalf of the school district so thank you thank [Applause] you thank you so much uh next we will move on to reports uh Mr Naf or B engineer thank you just a couple updates uh the softball fields project over at Sycamore uh continues to progress forward it's my first time working with this contractor but they're doing a really great job I'm really happy with the work that they're doing out there um it was fun at the middle school I reviewed that project is mostly what I was working on with the kids when they came around and they were really excited about this project so I'm sure they're going to be very excited uh to see this completed this summer uh also we opened bids for the 2024 Road program the other day uh the low bidder contractor that we've used to last few times um they were well under budget so we expect to award that at the next council meeting and start that project this summer as well and then the only other item is uh we have an ordinance for introduction 202 24-1 1513 it's related to the storm water management ordinance NJ DP put out new requirements for storm water that they're asking all the towns to adopt uh it's basically related to storm order volume and runoff amounts uh making it a little bit more conservative as everyone knows we've been getting killed with these significant rain events recently um so what this does is actually require the engineers to not use past data for rainfall amounts but to use the projected amounts from the year 2100 some other changes but that's the the main gist of it is to really make it a little more conservative estimates for the runoff amounts that's all I have thank you Mr Naf um uh Mr CAD I have nothing to report to thank you uh Mrs Hutchinson I have no report this evening thank you all right um moving on to council reports Miss Buck thank you council president um we have our Earth Day event coming up on Sunday April 28th um so far we have about say 10 to 15 vendors um that are coming it's going to be from 2: to 5:00 p.m. at Sycamore Park um hopefully all of you guys can attend there'll be a cleanup uh that's going along that same day around that same area hope to have a good turnout um hope to build it year overy year as we as we move along um and with that we have our next environmental commission meeting this Thursday night uh it's a slight change it's going to be in person in the Crawford house it's the third Thursday this month instead of the 4th um due to increased planning for Earth Day that's all for my report thank you thank you councilwoman Buckley uh Mr Tera Fano our business administrator good evening thank you council president no report this evening all right uh Dr to Bry okay uh the uh ton Falls Library Association board meeting was April 4th um and we'll discuss uh the library um came up with um fundraising musical festival is scheduled this year to take place August 17th at the Sycamore complex from 5: to 9:00 p.m. is that correct U and um on uh let's see a final walkth through will be conducted on Wednesday the 24th at the library with the Architects and that will be taking place uh we also at the meeting had um discussed the interviews and selection for a library director as well as for a part-time assistant director and um I think that was we all just we a lot of other plans in anticipation of the opening of the library were also discussed at that board meeting on April 4th uh so we're looking forward to uh see what comes up on the Wednesday the 24th to see what the uh situation will be with the library uh on Saturday the tin Falls Little leag opened the parade uh and the opening day of the Little League lots of parents lots of children it was a fun event uh thanks to the league president John mlki and all the coaches and volunteers for the hard work organizing this event along with Sher from the recreation department the DPW The tinon Falls Police Department the Fire Department EMS and of course thanks to our mayor and our Council and my fellow council members for supporting uh the little league as well as our Administration and uh Charles Tera Fano and of course um I'm sure uh something will be said by somebody I'm sure it's going to be our President we had a great time at the middle school thanks Dr goalie for having us we had such a good time and the students were outstanding very smart and very clever and I have to say we were all pretty much in shock how well they uh conducted themselves thank you thank you for having us and that's my report for tonight thanks thank you Dr doin Mr Manelli uh I really have nothing to report but there anyone's interested in what's going on with the landfill I'll just fill you in that uh the county is working on receiving the initial phone calls so that U there will no longer be a delay it's 247 and so I can't emphasize enough if you do detect an order call the number get a complaint number and then fill out a tit andf form if we don't do that they'll never know there's a problem and that's what I run into frequently I called them we didn't get any complaints I'm getting them all on social media so that's like preaching to the choir you've got to notify account get the complaint on and then fill out a hit and full form then we'll be able to do something about it that's uh that's my report thank you so much Mr Manali Mr Nessie thank you council president good evening everybody I have no report regarding the chicken Advisory board or the planning board planning board meeting was postponed um but I have a few other items I want to discuss um on Sunday I met with the Boy Scouts from Troop 124 and we explored the woods behind uh Mahala aeson looking for new Trails um to potentially uh rebuild because the last Trails have been overgrown it's been several years so um it's going to be several attempts to rebuild the trail so anyone who wants to help you're more than welcome to come um let's see um I did want to make a comment regarding working with the student council um I was absolutely Amazed by how well they work together um how respectful they were and that they understand that it takes sacrifice that to be on student counsil or any other type of uh leadership in town uh I saw a couple now that you know they came from baseball and so did I I came from baseball for my son's team and along with the chief and we were you know it takes balance that we were at the game and then we come here it takes sacrifice and I want them to understand that that it's important and that uh the community really appreciates it so I I had a great time speaking with the students and I look forward to uh years to come doing again that's it thank you thanks um in terms of my report um I just really want to thank my fellow council members and the borrow professionals uh who took a chance and took the risk to climb on board and and do this project at the middle school and Dr Goldie and Mr Howard for welcoming us um it's the beginning of what we'd like to see um an ongoing relationship uh we all feel strongly that uh we have to build government from the ground up that it's important to hear Young Voices um when we were talking to the kids I said look we're we're old you guys are like the the future we need you we need we need your thoughts we need your opinions and we need your involvement um so that's part of our initiative to to move down and work with the kids so that they'll feel comfortable coming up to us um and the um the only other comment I have um is with regard to World po day um I appreciate the the time of everybody listening to the proclamation uh our mayor and Council getting behind the proclamation and Dr Dober reading the proclamation it's something that's very personal to me um the theme this year is resonate educate and celebrate uh this is part of my attempt to educate um others about vocal cord disorders and also just that everybody's voice is unique and everybody should be heard today because it's World voice day and every day so don't let anything stop you um okay moving on to ordinances ordinances for introduction there is one ordinance on for introduction this evening I'd like to remind the public that when an ordinance is introduced there is no public discussion the public discussion for the following ordinance will take place when it is up for final consideration with that may I ask the clerk to read the title of the ordinance 20 24-1 1513 and ordinance amending section 4068 of the burough code entitled stormwater management requirements the public hearing will be held on May 7th 2024 or soon thereafter as the matter can be reached on the agenda thank you may I have a motion to approve the introduction of this ordinance Mo second may I have a roll call please miss Buckley yes Dr Dolan yes Mr menelli yes Mr Nessie yes Mrs clay yes there's one ordinance for final consideration we will hold a public hearing with comments limited to 3 minutes comments may only pertain to this ordinance may I ask the clerk to read the title of the ordinance 202 24-1 1512 an ordinance amending chapter 11 of the burough code entitled building and housing to add a new section to be entitled lead B based paint Hazard inspection requirements for rental dwellings may I have a motion to open the public discussion on this ordinance motion may I have a second second all in favor I is there anyone from the public that would like to comment please remember to state your name and address for the record okay uh seeing none may I have a m motion to close the public hearing and a second second all in favor I hi are there any council members that would like to comment on this ordinance uh may I have a motion for adoption so move and a second second and a roll call Miss Buckley yes Dr Doan yes Mr menelli yes Mr Nessie yes Mrs clay yes okay moving on to public discussion may I have a motion to open the public discussion motion and a second second all in favor I this is the time the public May comment on any topic of their choice please state your name and address for the record and limit your comments to 3 minutes at this time I'd like to ask the clerk if any public comments were submitted prior to the meeting via email there were none okay thank you yes Stacy good evening Stacy slinsky 755 tenton Avenue um I am here on sorry chairman of the historic commission Friends of the craford house in case you didn't know that um couple of things first I wanted to thank you thank Mrs clay in particular for getting um there's a resolution on your consent agenda about the the uh joining with the county celebration of the New Jersey 25th MTH 20 mmth 250 sorry um celebration of the 2050th anniversary of the the founding in the United States I think it's important that the burough be a part of this um Mrs clay jumped on it and found the sample resolution that they provided and they the committee we um attended the committee's meeting and they got a bunch of ideas that they're starting to put forward first of which was simply to get this resolution from as many municipalities as possible so I appreciate acting on that so quickly I guess the next step will be some kind of a committee and we're certainly um monitoring their notifications about any further meetings on from that group as well so we're happy to be helpful in any way that we can than in that regard um also just wanted to let you know about a couple of things we have coming up at the Crawford house um first on the 28th which unfortunately is the same day as the um environmental commission's Earth Day thing but we had a we had a scheduling conflict um we're having celebration of our piano we with the Crawford Family piano we spent a bunch of money and had it restored it's a changeable pitch piano it's it's very rare dates to about 1906 and um we're going to have an event where our Resto is going to come talk about the piano we're going to have some people play the piano going to have some refreshments and we're really excited that we have some Crawford family members coming um Elanor Crawford Keef who is known as Nani she is the youngest of the daughters that grew up in that house and she is the last one that is live she lives in Vermont and she's making the trip down for the piano celebration which is really exciting for us so she'll be there a couple of her nieces and nephews and a few other relatives Jill pegos for those of you that know Jill from DPW she'll be there so that's going to be an exciting day for us coming up on the 28th um also the weekend of the fourth and 5th of May is the weekend in Old Mammoth which we participate in every year as part of the county historic commission's um event the Crawford house is open for both days um and we wel visitors that are doing the tour of the various sites in the county so the house will be open we welcome you to come stop by if you're around and uh take a look at what's going on that's all I have um what time is the piano celebration 3:00 okay thank you thank you uh good evening Ellen Goldberg iy Glennwood Drive uh hello everybody I know I haven't been here in a couple of meetings so it's good to be back um I want to encourage everyone uh here everyone listening to come out to the Earth Day Festival on the 28th stop by between 2 and 5: we are looking forward to um having some wonderful vendors prizes games and um just an exciting time to be able to inform the residents about the Earth the environment um what people can do in their own community and um we are definitely hoping to grow this as the years go on we're just we're we're um making our way through our first round here so um I did have a question I saw the uh information on the burough website uh on the burough Facebook page but I was wondering about the text messaging and if that was going to uh be coming out or or come out at all yeah we can sign it out okay that would be great okay I just feel that the more people know about it the the better our chances of getting a good turnout um and I'm just very excited about the library um moving ahead and you know where we're going and a lot of people are very anxious to to have that reopen and after all these years we are looking forward to that happening so have a good evening thank you thanks yes uh good evening Frank Matula 43 Atlantics Drive um uh I want to say first I want to thank the DPW as has always doing a great job I always thank them if I see them outside they they do a fantastic job recently uh I've noticed that on Riverdale Avenue West uh they've cleared out the area down by the uh the park they took a lot of that scrub Brush by the parking lot which kind of makes that shady high school parking area in the evenings kind of like more open and and uh invisible for people to see which is a good thing um and it also looks fantastic so they also did a fantastic job back in there uh with that I did have a couple questions concerning some of the trees that were taken down um we noticed that uh that there's about eight or so trees were removed and um they were older trees uh but they seem like they were in pretty decent condition um is there a plan to replant new trees in their place uh as one of the questions um are you going to be stumping those as well or taking it down uh with a grinder and I noticed that there was also some replacement of um soil with grass uh seat put down however because of the last couple rainstorms we had it's washed away quite a bit of that into that drainage area and the grass is growing very nicely in there which is good it makes that nice too um and uh I also wanted to note that um because I do a lot of walking in the neighborhood down on Parmley there was a uh a tree that was also removed on uh in front of um one of the homes right there right off of river uh right off of swimming River Road um on Parmley and it was I guess within the a couple feet that would be the town property to remove a tree I'm just curious was that also the DPW or the township that had removed that and uh um if so is there a plan to to to take any further trees down because the tree seemed in my opinion somewhat decent as some of the trees also on Riverdale and um I'm just wondering if it's a greater plan to remove older trees um or are they going to replace some was it maybe the neighbor or the owner of the property maybe remove that I was just curious uh I can't speak for the park cuz that's under DPW the only thing I can say is regarding the other one on fle typically DPW does not remove trees in front of someone's house I can't say for certain but normally they do not do that so that was most likely the resident who did that one do when when a tree is removed that's on that I guess that easement area is it is there a requirement to notify the township yes there is a tree removal permit um so we are supposed to get a permit when they are removed and and and then with regards to an answer for the um for the Riverdale Avenue West area is there a plan that you would know or someone I can call not aware of anything out there let me Tom uh so those trees that you're talking about they were inspected by an arborist and they were deemed to be um dying that's why they were took down okay Mr Colberg actually knows all about it he's the one that kind of spearheaded to clean up there um thankfully because he said there were some issues going on um we do plan on um receding and doing things in that area it's on the DPW list to do so we definitely are attentive to that situation gotcha okay and some of the old Trees Too like if you're if you're looking into the parking lot as you drive into it off of Riverdale Avenue West there's um there's some large trees that were similar to some ones off to the left that were removed off to the right that are quite old growth and and relatively nice but they do have issues obviously um there's no plan to remove those or they would have been inspected as well that whole right typically the only time we remove trees from those areas if we deem it to be Hazard meaning they're they're no longer alive um and then we're subjected to a hazard issue so that's what the trees you're talking about were removed um over the the winter into um got coming up into they're going to be still reviewing that and doing those things in that area like you talked about right in front of the park right um as well but yeah typically we don't take trees down and West there's an issue with that particular tree gotcha all right no I appreciate it thank you thank you uh any other public comments oh right um hearing no further comments I'm just I thought I saw something hearing no further comments may I have a motion to close the public discussion motion may I have a second second all in favor I um does any member of council have anything to add okay uh we have one resolution to vote on separately this evening may I asked the clerk to read the title of the resolution r- 2456 resolution appointing a member to the Green Team advisory committee um may I have a motion to approve the resolution motion second and rooll hub please miss Buckley yes Dr Doan yes Mr menelli yes Mr Nessie yes Mrs clay yes I just wanted to acknowledge Tyler um ner is that right okay um who will be joining our cream team advisory committee thank you for your time and your and we're happy to have you and thank you for waiting for the entire meeting for this moment thank you thank you so much okay um now we're going to move on to consent agenda are there any items any member of council would like remove to be voted upon separately okay hearing none may I have a motion to approve the consent agenda motion second thank you may have a rooll call Miss Buckley yes Dr Doan yes Mr menelli yes Mr Nessie yes Mrs clay yes this concludes today's business may I have a motion to motion and may I have a second second all in favor I I this meeting is now turned 819