e e e e what I tell you some St here this week I told you was coming she got something to say and myat hey I for that moment all um all right um H uh this is a meeting of the tinon falls Baro Council being held May 7th 2024 this meeting is hereby called to order would the clerk please read the open public meeting statement pursuant to section five of the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by posting on the bulletin board at Burrow Hall and by notification to the Asbury Park Press The nework Star Ledger and the new coaster at least 48 hours prior to the meeting and filing with the bur clerk all on December 19th 2023 thank you may I ask the the clerk to call the RO Miss Buckley here Dr dolber here Mr menelli absent Mr Nessie here Mrs clay here at this time I would like to invite everybody to join me in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all uh there is one set of meeting minutes for approval may I have a motion to approve the April 2nd 2024 regular meeting minutes motion and a second second may I have a roll call Miss Buckley yes Dr Doan yes Mr Nessie yes Mrs clay yes uh next we will move on to reports I'd like to begin with Mr Naf the burough engineer thank you uh just a couple things regarding contracts and bids on consent agenda uh first item is the 2024 Road program we open bids uh they came in well under budget so we're in good shape on that one recommending award to Fernandez construction they've done the last few projects in town uh so we have no objections to that award uh by the time we get the award done contract shop drawings things like that it'll probably be uh sometime in July when they actually get boots on the ground starting construction out there uh we also have a resolution for New Jersey American water that is to authorize them um and fund their project to construct new water main down Wardell road that will provide water service for the proposed restroom building at Wardell Park um and related to the restroom building um unfortunately we are going to recommend rejecting the one bid that we got for that bid opening um only one contractor submitted and the price was uh in my opinion significantly higher than it should have been so we think we'll have better luck if we go out to bid we'll make some minor tweaks to the the plans and the bid numbers and uh go out to bid hopefully get more competitive bids multiple contractors submitting and uh we're hoping to award that at the June meeting if everything goes well that's all I have okay thank you Mr NE Mr palon our CFO yeah good evening I have nothing uh to report tonight but thank you okay thank you uh Mr Tera Hano our business administ trainer uh thank you council president good evening everybody I just wanted to uh thank everybody for the Earth Day event that we had I think it was phenomenal the weather was a big part in it but also all the volunteers that came out and all the DPW staff who helped in the planning uh leading up to the event as well as the day of the event I think it was uh well attended um I'm sure councilwoman Buck's going to touch on it with her her team uh next up we have the junior Police Academy for anybody that's interested uh you can go on the police department's website and our website and Facebook and see the signups for that I want to remind everybody we're going to be starting to send out save the dates and vendor information for Community day which is October 5th and a rain date of October 6th uh Recreation is posted a lot of their summer activities so if anybody's interested in attending those or having their children attend them please go to the recreation website they're up and finally the Centennial 2025 uh planning process for to burrow is going to begin to take place in shape so we're looking for volunteers for the 2025 event which will take place next summer and that's all for my report uh Mr sh frco will you be looking um you'll be looking for residents will you also be looking uh for Council representation of course okay just curious all hands on deck so okay whoever wants to help out we'll take every all the help we can get okay thank you uh Mr K nothing to report this evening thank you okay thank you Miss Hutchinson I have no report this evening thank you okay thank you uh moving on to council reports uh councilwoman puckle thank you council president um I'll start right off um picking up with Mr Tara Franco uh left off we had a fantastic earthday celebration uh this past weekend uh in addition to Mr terara fenko Administration and DPW I'd like to have a big shout out to the titin Falls environmental commission that led by our chairwoman Goldberg is here today um and um The titon Falls Green Team all of the vendors that came out um it was uh really well attended I think there was several hundred you know individuals in attendance um the vendors did really well uh were able to give out some great raffle prizes um and had some great feedback from staff also want to thank the Little League who came out and did a cleanup um all of the park during the event as well so it was great to have participation from the whole community at the event and we hope to only uh grow it and make it bigger in future years um also I wasn't able to attend it but that same day um our historic preservation committee had an event where they restored the piano that they have at the Crawford house um and they had sort of the the individual who did the restoration there as well so that's open if anyone wants to check that out um and then um finally and I'm sure um uh council president clay will touch on this as well but um we were uh happy to attend a women in a a running a women in government event this morning at Mammoth Regional High School that was was the first year that we were in attendance and it brought together elected officials of all different affiliations and uh female students that are on their student council are active in their Student Government from all of the high schools in Mammoth County uh was a fantastic event we got to just you know they they did a little project around what they wanted to do and we used examples of ideas of how students and residents come to us with ideas and how it happens and one of the examples we used was the girl softball field that's being built right now in Sycamore Park and how that came about so it was really really cool event and that's off my report thank you thank you um Dr to oh thank you very much um so uh progress on the library construction continues and and uh we're looking forward to an opening this uh at least this fall for the library I would say uh we also are planning a music festival once again this year on August 17th if I'm not mistaken I'm sure I'll be corrected if uh alen's here but uh that's the DAT August 17th so uh looking forward to participation by the town we always get a a good turnout for that it's always a lot of fun um I did want to mention um that one of my neighbors complained about an odor smell early this morning uh in the southern part of titin Falls and um 10 minutes later a Hazmat truck from the county came and responded very quickly so I'm sorry Mr manginelli is not here he worked so hard to get that quick response and I asked her what how how long did it take for them to get here she said 10 minutes so I want to tell you it's working and I know uh everybody here has done a lot of work to make sure that there is a quick response to any Auditors any problems with the reclamation center I don't believe the reclamation center was the the problem it's very possible Maza was the problem today so we'll we'll see what happens with that so I want to thank everybody for the hard work in getting this uh through and it is working so you know kudos to everybody on that keep your fingers crossed okay president all right that's all I have to say for tonight thanks so much thank you Dr Doan Mr Nessie thank you council president and good evening everybody um first planning board they uh the planning board uh members heard and listened to an application from Trinity Hall and passed a preliminary and final major site plan consisting of a two-story ,000 ft building a one-story 6,000 ft building a 15,000 ft gym further expansion of the parking lot and additional Landscaping lighting and storm water um second uh this week is Nurses Week and I'd like to thank all the nurses and titon falls and everyone every nurse that we all know um I like to say and wish all nurses a joyful nurses week filled with appreciation for the incredible impact you make every day your kindness and empathy make a profound difference in the lives of patients and their families thank you for the dedication and the compassion thank you for the unwavering commitment to Patient well-being and that concludes my report thank you so much um okay from my report um on the 25th uh I attended the Board of Education meting it was Full House the uh staff of uh Atcheson and swimming River and also uh some teachers from the Middle School uh were there to discuss the preschool initiative with the school board uh they while everybody is in favor of preschool expansion the staff had concerns related to uh Staffing and space and transportation and things that might affect the students who are currently enrolled um so that was an interesting meeting additionally there's a new board of ed member from shuberry Township that was sworn in uh her name is Sophia lent and uh the school expressed gratitude uh for the work that has taken place for the um fields at the middle school so that was nice as well um Dr Jr uh referen the reporting change uh for the reclamation center uh we're very happy with the change in the reporting not just the promise of a prompt response but also the elimination of having to make multiple calls which was something that uh we heard loud and clear uh from our residents that that was unacceptable and um very burdensome also another big change is that presidents were no longer required to stay at home and wait for the responder which was another issue that had been brought up to us um which makes sense because if you have to call and go to work you should still have an investigation uh so we're very happy uh with the progress that that has been made so far um uh there were several mentions and references to Earth T um it was really exhilarating to see such a large turn out from volunteers but also from families um and it was steedy throughout the afternoon and that that was really wonderful it it's like very gratifying to see it grow um no pun intended but so um so that was awesome and a big thank you as people mentioned administ ation DPW on volunteers and the tfac committee um councilwoman clay mentioned running and winning uh that we attended today at uh Mammoth Regional there were students from all over the county um it was an amazing event uh overwhelmingly students spoke to us in small groups about what they felt were um important issues and the number one issue that students reported on was mental health help mental health services um accessible and affordable and um I think when you hear that directly from youth you know we have a duty to respond to that um but that was that was a great um opportunity to really hear what was on their mind and in addition to Nurses Appreciation thank you Mr Nessie uh it's also Teacher Appreciation Week um and I would just like to give a big shout out to all our Educators because you know they make the world around um and they are doing important work as well and that's it from my lengthy report um moving on to ordinances for introduction there are no ordinances for introduction this evening uh there's one ordinance for final consideration we hold a public hearing with comments limited to 3 minutes comments may only pertain to this ordinance may I ask the clerk to read the ordinance 20 24-1 1513 and ordinance amending section 4068 of the burough code entitled storm waterer management requirements thank you may I have a motion to open the public discussion on this ordinance motion and second second all in favor I is there anybody from the public that would like to comment please remember to state your name address for the record okay uh may I have a motion to close the public hearing motion and a second second all in favor hi are there any council members that would like to comment on this ordinance okay thank you may I have a motion for adoption motion and a second second and may I have a rooll call Miss Buckley yes Dr Dober yes Mr Nessie yes Mrs clay yes okay moving on to public discussion may I have a motion to open the public discussion motion and a second second all in favor I this is the time the public May comment on any topic of their choice please state your name and address for the record and limit your comment to 3 minutes at this time I would like to ask the clerk if any public comments were submitted prior to the meeting via email there were none thank you yes Denise Catalano 11 Alpine Trail um I I'm pleased to hear what you were talking about I'm going to have some questions about that but um Titan Falls Community Gardens um one of the things that we're doing and you'll you'll hear more is uh having an art contest to put up the signs that we hold at at our fences we did it several years ago with the the two schools this year we're only doing it with the school that's right next to the um I guess uh water Street Garden kind of thing so you'll be hearing some more information from us about the ceremony that we're going to have at Water Street Etc so that's good news and and I I tell you last time they did it several years ago I was really impressed with the kids and one of the things we do is we we go in and we bring lots of goodies to see their artwork and stuff so uh the other question I had is I'm glad you mentioned the water uh issue with Wardell Road do you have any kind of projected time frame like if that's happening this year or next year or at the fall or uh it's definitely this year um the water company should be doing their side of the construction for the new water main um within the next month or so we think they'll be starting and then we're going to go back out to rebid for the bathroom building which includes the bathroom building and the sanitary sewer portion of the work um I'm hoping to award that if everything goes well at the June council meeting so construction would start this summer on that bathroom building will Wardell park or wordell Road be closed at any portion during during this work most likely um at least one lane we'll have to talk to the water company and their contractor to see um it may just be one lane they may be able to keep the other lane open yeah I'm sure yeah we'll send messages out to uh pickle ball Community yeah so if you could let me know I can pass it on to everybody the um the other thing I thought about is when they're physically doing the construction um it's going to be I'm going to say close to the road you know the entrance the driveway I should say so I didn't know if you were going to have to close that off too no we don't plan to close the drive I mean there may be a short period of time where they're doing construction you know running the ward main directly in front of it but not for any extended period if you could relay that information to me I can relay it to all the pickle Ballers so you could just uh send me your email engineer at D Falls just remind it's not up on your bulletin board was at one point yeah there you go okay I'll let you know thank you thank you hello good evening everyone uh Nancy Fama 36 gallon Fox Road titon Falls um thank you to all of you who serve uh and to the administration um very proud to live in this town and um you know very happy to see how um fiscally responsible um this Council and Administration has been so I'll just throw that out there as a as a big thank you um we are aware that there were some promotions in the police department um and as you know we were here before lobbying very hard and receiving the uh the support of uh Council and the administration to add police uh Patrol strength so my question is and I don't know if it's directed to you Risa to Tom to you Charlie um are we backfilling those three positions now that there's going to be promotions uh with additional Patrol strength of three a minimum of three I would say yes okay we already actually the CFO this week we already got s process so will these be uh full officers or what do they call class twos full con officers awesome okay that was my question so we expect that they will be hired in 2024 absolutely okay all right well that's what I wanted to hear and uh we we definitely um you know appreciate uh a strong police presence here and I think it's it's helped I know we were at the neighborhood watch meeting recently and I guess some of the car thefts and catalytic converter thefts have reduced um and uh I think it's a direct result of more police presence so we thank you for that if I may can I just I just wanted to let the residents at willbrook know that we appreciate everything they've done within their own community and the support that they've given the burrow and the police department in regards to some of the criminal activity that's been taking place over there specifically the car theft and things like that they've been proactive in a lot of different stances regarding that matter so thank you thank you ask good evening uh my name is Beth stman I'm from 69 Diane Drive in tit Falls um and my question to the board is why doesn't Titan Falls have a rent leveling board surrounding areas do ocean Red Bank Asberry um where rents are usually raised between 3 and 6% where in tin Falls we have nothing and I say this is a renter who in the last 3 years my rent's gone up 35% and if I sign my current lease it'll go up another 23% okay I think this was brought up what uh a year ago I think Kevin might have answered this I don't have answers on me though okay um that's why I was kind of looking in that direction I I don't know what the history of why you don't have one I'm not sure I mean you'd have to decide if you wanted to pursue one and then you could do that uh maybe we could T your question um and we could follow up with our uh Mr can is um is kind enough to be filling in for us this evening our um our regular uh burrow erney uh did address this I think I think maybe it was like this year maybe 6 months ago right um but um we can definitely follow up um Miss Hutchinson you have the address uh maybe we could get your contact uh at the end in the beginning that's fine and then we can get back with you all right thank you so much all right I apologize that we don't have the answer that's right thank you hi Joe Farm 36 gallon Fox Road Tinton Falls uh can I uh address Mr Fallon for a minute Tom yeah um how many uniformed lines are in our budget for the police department Superior officers through Patrol I got that memorized should we've had this discussion how many officers Superior officers budgeted or in the budget from Superior through foot patrol I think it's 46 I believe including the chief okay but don't quote me on that but I can you know get my uh okay so can can we get a an exact number at some point of course I mean okay give me two seconds I'll get you an exact number okay I just don't want to give you number that's okay yeah well assuming it's 46 Charlie are we at that head count when you fill these three positions so we're going to be uh hopefully for the May meeting um I didn't want to let the cat out of the bag but we're trying to push for the May meeting to hire hire two right away uh we'll be at 45 um we're working toward that 46 number with the third Personnel okay and these are fully budgeted positions you know we had some some discussion last year about what was being funded by unused funds as compared to the actual budgeted lines absolutely budgeted yes they're budgeted okay so right now it's 46 uniformed officers to the best of your knowledge and when we backfill we'll be at that full head count correct okay so um maybe I'll just if you wouldn't mind Tom give your office a call or shoot you an email to for you to confirm that number for me sure great absolutely okay thank you thank you thank you good evening Ellen Goldberg 90 Glenn would drive uh I sorry that I'm going to repeat uh after some of you already spoke but uh first of all I'd like to say happy Teacher Appreciation Day to the Educators in uh everywhere because it's a wonderful day and week to celebrate teachers and Educators who help shape the minds and uh Foster creativity and um everything else with our students um and then moving on to our Earth Day Festival I want to thank by Name the members of the environmental commission who are all volunteers and put their time and effort into to what I thought was a very successful event so I want to thank our uh previous chairperson John Cohen uh and our members Bob marov Frank Dita Barbara Colberg Tatiana Pinto swenda Michelle Simon Steve Surman and Brinn Melo every person on the commission showed up at the Earth Day Festival and helped from beginning to end and I was so proud to be a part of that group and the amount of meetings that I asked people to attend weekly um leading up to the event and almost everyone attended those Zoom meetings so I just can't say thank you enough to the members of the EC for their dedication and their commitment um I want to especially thank um our Council liaison Tracy Buckley who has been uh St at her um commitment to this town to our commission um just in anything that she touches she really puts her whole heart and soul in and we all appreciate that so much um I want to thank our um Administration uh Mr tarano was a phenomenal in working together and and uh helping us to proceed we really had difficulty at some points because this was our first attempt at putting this together but we had quite a bit of guidance and help and um I wanted to also thank Shannon and Sher in you know specifically for what they had done and their connection to the festival uh DPW Mark shaffrey and his team were absolutely outstanding um by putting all of the banners up by having everything set up for us and ready to go when we showed up there um DPW itself um vosi and Caitlyn who uh had a lot to do with organizing getting Flyers out there and um and everything that they set up and the giveaways that they had were great people were so happy to be there uh I also want to thank tremendously the Green Team uh member Laura Smith stains because she too was so hardworking and dedicated and the amount of hats that that woman wears is mindboggling with everything she's involved in and yet she still had time to get more vendors for our Festival than all the rest of us did um I would really like to also thank the two groups of students from the two high schools that came out the seal students they were fantastic and they had a great time and they were really um spoton with their you know their presentations and their enthusiasm for what they did um also I'd like to thank the council I mean our council is just there you are you're dedicated and supportive and you two are volunteer and I just can't thank you enough for for just showing up for the different things that you do and I mean I just feel like I can always count on that in whatever aspect it is in town you're there and we really appreciate that and lastly um I want to thank Mother Nature because she had a lot to do with the success of our Earth Day Festival this that on that day so thank you all so much for letting me speak thanks uh any other comment yes uh good evening Frank Matula 43 attics Drive um I also want to uh make a comment about uh the increased police force that I've seen every time I'm coming down Swimming River Road I uh pass whirl away and I see police always exiting out of there which is a good thing for especially for that neighborhood I live uh down the street a little bit off of Riverdale Avenue West um and I've noticed that the traffic has uh has increased also in our neighborhood which is also a good thing for uh the police officers you know cruising in and around our back neighborhood um I did want to make a comment uh I'm I'm sort of like the the the funk neighbor uh the defunct mayor in my little Enclave where I live and I I'm getting a lot of personal complaints and I just tell people make a phone call um of some particular neighbors who were constantly parking vehicles on the street I've mentioned this before it's it's becoming a problem nobody wants to shake the tree with the neighbor directly um years ago I had received a violation uh it was a warning um and I I was a little angry about it at first and I was thinking about it and when the officer explained to me why um I I came to realize yeah it we all have relatively large streets we have relatively large um driveways Vehicles should be parked um on a regular basis not constantly and you know weeks on end uh on the street um or making your parking lot in front of the house on occasion is fine I mean we all know that you know if we have kids coming home from college park uh Park Vehicles will be there uh if there's going to be a long-term concern obviously calling the the township for um a variant to allow that is always an option as well um but becoming an eyesore because it's it's it's a lot of egress and Ingress into the neighborhood for a lot of us who live in the back section of where I live that we have to see this it's it it's there's a trailer that's constantly parked there there's a lot of debris always on the street the trucks always parked there um I I'm not going to mention any specifics but if the police officers were to drive through there and take notice they would definitely um see this on occasion and they would pick up pretty quickly on who uh the individuals might be um I I'm going to start talking to the neighbor directly um but I've heard that individual has actually yelled at people before um I'm not afraid of anybody I'll quietly and very uh politely speak with that individual um but I don't think that's my job um it it did the job for me when I received a uh a violation or notice to to to cease and assist that behavior I think um it would be nice if the township could you know maybe drop a note I it may have already happened I don't know um I could talk to somebody offline about this further um and that's it thank you hi Michelle Simon 71 Madison Court um first of all I'd like to thank the council for stepping forward and really helping us out with the mcrc not to reiterate everything but I'm really appreciative because when I have called you know there were delays so I'm really glad that everything has been implemented and I continue to be hopeful and will bring forward any concerns that I have um but I also wanted to since we're talking about enforcement um there were several issues there were four uh trucks associated with mcrc and one actually coming out of the Maza area that have gone through lights red lights flat gone through red lights um to large like 53t tractor trailers both went right through the red lights and and then um two other smaller trucks went through um one actually made a right hand turn from the leftand lane on Asbury Avenue so they were on Shao and they were turning on to Asbury to go up to uh M to mcrc but it was from the left lane and just with two lanes of traffic coming and they just cut right over so there really needs to be more enforcement I understand it's a county road but also and Falls uh patrols that area and you know I'm concerned I mean every day I'm blessing myself going up and down the road going to work and coming back and it's my greatest fear to have one of those trucks which are you know traveling at a very high rate of speed and there's really no enforcement and I'm not really sure you know why that is the case and I feel really uncomfortable coming forward but when I've witnessed four trucks go through red lights unfortunately no one was hurt you know what's going to happen on the fifth time right I I don't want to witness anything like that so I'm just asking if there can be more patrolling of you know Shao Road um you know between the county and Falls so that's it thanks thank you any other public a comment does um okay sorry um hearing no further comments may I have a motion to close the public discussion motion and a second second all in favor I I uh does any member of the council have anything to add no uh now we move on to consent agenda are there any items any member of council would like remov to be voted on separately uh hearing none may I have a motion to approve the consent agenda motion and a second second and a roll call please miss Buckley yes Dr Doan yes Mr Nessie yes Mrs clay yes this concludes today's business I have a motion to adjourn motion and a second second all in favor I I this meeting is now adjourned time 806