good evening uh this is a meeting of the titon falls perau Council being held February 20th 2024 this meeting is hereby called to order would the clerk please please read the open public meeting statement pursuant to section five of the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by posting on the bulletin board at Burrow Hall and by notification to the Asbury Park Press the Newark Star Ledger and the new coaster at least 48 hours prior to the meeting and filing with the burrow clerk all on December 19th 2023 thank you may I ask the clerk to call the rooll Miss Buckley here Dr Doan here Mr manginelli here Mr Nessie here Mrs clay here at this time I would like to invite everyone to join me in reciting the pledge of allegiance alance to the flag the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all God short uh there is one set of meeting minutes for approval may I have a motion to approve the January 16 2024 regular meeting minutes motion may I have a second second may I have a roll call Miss Buckley yes Dr doberan yes Mr menelli yes Mr Nessie yes Mrs clay yes next we will move on to reports uh first Mr nef our burrow engineer thank you uh my office has just been busy wrapping up some design projects looking to go out to bid this spring uh with things like the road program uh it's the largest Road job that we've done since I've been involved so we'll cover a lot of ground this spring and summer with that one and just working with uh our CFO and administrator on 2024 budget and I'm sure I'll be giving a presentation to council shortly and get more information on current Year's projects and next year's thank you Mr Fallon our CFO thank you council president nothing uh for tonight but to piggy back on Tom's report we will be uh introducing the budget at the next meeting uh given a presentation to council and we're looking to have the uh public hearing at the April 2nd meeting thank you thank you we'll be looking forward to that uh Mr ter Han business administrator thank you council president good evening everyone just a few quick notes uh I just like to thank the men and women at DPW for their uh efforts for the last snowstorm and for the Facebook postings anybody who hadn't seen them they did a really nice job and we paid accolades to those members um with our Facebook posting which came out very very well uh February 26th we have a neighborhood watch meeting which will be here the police department is going to be hosting that March 6th they have jumped with a cop um for the children of the community I think we have somewhere in the neighborhood of about 300 kids signed up for that event already so that's going to be quite successful that's March 6th and just for awareness if you hadn't been to Sycamore Park lately you're going to see in the um the back left corner is where our contractors are starting to put their equipment and things like that because that project is now underway and that's all I have for tonight thank you uh Mr starky director of law uh I have no report for tonight thank you okay thank you uh Miss Hutchinson or B I just wanted to make everyone aware that the petition packets for the upcoming County committee election to be held in June are available in the clerk's office the deadline for petition submission is Monday March 25th 2024 before 4 p.m. please contact the bur clerk's office at Burrow clerk's office at with any questions thank you thank you uh moving on to council reports uh Miss pck thank you council president I just have two items um first the you next envir tinf Falls environmental commission meeting will be held this uh Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in the Crawford house and on hybrid we're I think they're going to begin uh some of the earth day planning as well as a couple of other um initiatives that are ongoing um and next I just want to um express my gratitude for having served on the fort Mammoth economic re vitalization Authority board representing tit and falls for the past 3 and 1/2 years and on their audit subcommittee for the past 1 and 1/2 years it's been an honor to be the mayor's design representing our interests with fera particularly in ensuring our governing body was informed and had a voice in all matters pertaining to tinon Falls equally is important to ensure that the residents have their concerns heard and addressed and their input on important matters in ttin Falls like we held in 2022 with our public information sessions for Rob or Johnson I'd also be remiss not to thank Cara copac and her leadership of the fera board as well as mayor Taro and coffee with whom I've had the pleasure to get to know and learn from over the past few years on fera thank you that's all for my report thank you councilwoman Buckley and thank you for your work with fera uh next Dr doin yes oh yeah congratulations on your work with f uh Tracy um I just want to say as far as the library project it continues to progress there may be a little slight delay but um we're looking at only a few weeks out probably to get right back on track uh other things that U will I'm sure be mentioned during the uh presentation of the budget will be the project for the passive Park in the south end of town uh I think uh if Mr nef was kind enough to tell me that uh I think 2024 you're going to be looking at the designed for that passive Park and um certainly construction possibly by 2025 uh which of course leads me to project that um the odors from the Reclamation should be resolved by them especially if we're going to have a passive Park in the southern end of town uh so um you know it's a very serious situation of course in the um with the reclamation center and just looking into a few things I was noticing that we have 2500 at least 2500 dwellings in the southern end of town i' say dwellings we're talking about single homes um town houses condos apartments uh so there's a a large population in the southern end of town at least 25% of the residents of tin Falls are in that town titin fall southern end so we do have a lot of people and their concern of course is very important to all of our council members of course me in particular I live in the southern end so I've been dealing with it for years but I know that we and the council all want to resolve this issue I want to thank President Clay and councilman manginelli who are working really diligently to get some uh situations under control their initiatives are are welcomed by us on the council uh so I hope that these things can be resolved as soon as possible um I know that as far as Facebook goes the MTH County Citizens for environmental health and safety according to Mr Kesler that all five council members are on that are members of that Facebook um group so we're very aware of what's going on and we're aware of it on a daily basis so I I'm I'm sure that we're going to get something resolved as soon as possible thank you so much council president thank you Dr doen Mr Man well do stole my thunder uh we've done we've done work there's a lot more to do we have found companies that claim they can monitor the Y and they you set a threshold and if the threshold is violated it sends a signal to wherever we direct a signal to there are a couple of companies that do that I'm not completely satisfied that they guarantee that what they do works I'll be speaking to other landfills the committee is established we're having our first meeting with the what I call the the we want of a better word the pros the residents and the pros will be at different meetings but we're going to compare notes and I will tell you now that which I've seen in terms of How It's reported the complaints it's a broken system it doesn't work not at all and it never has and when you rely on your nose as opposed to my nose that's not the way to do it so we've got to get that solution but work has been done a lot more has to be done and I wish I could tell the residents at Fox case that I can flip a switch and it's all going to get better it ain't going to happen that way it's going to take time but I won't give up until we have a solution that's my report thank you Mr manell Mr nassie thank you council president I have no report this evening but I would like to say thank you to Mr f for the proposed 2024 budget summary I appreciate the clarity thank you thank you um I also have no report this evening um all I wanted to do is really Echo Mr Tara Franco's sentiments uh about uh our DPW workers and I really enjoyed the Facebook post I thought that was a a nice way to recognize some of the work uh that gets done in our town every day um and um I just wanted to also um mention that Mr manginelli has been doing a ton of research and um I'm going to remain cautiously up to optimistic that uh we could get something done uh in a reasonable amount of time uh let's see um moving on uh there are no ordinances for introduction this evening uh there is one ordinance for final consideration we will hold a public hearing with comments being limited to three minutes and comments may only pertain to this ordinance may I ask the clerk to read the title of the ordinance 20 24-1 1510 an ordinance amending chapter 7 part three of the burrow code to delete and replace the list of private properties subject to title 39 jurisdiction in the burrow thank you may I have a motion to open public discussion on this motion uh thank you all in favor I I is there anyone from the public that would like to comment on this ordinance please state your name and add address for the record okay may I have a motion to close the public hearing motion thank you all in favor I I are there any council members that would like to comment on this ordinance may I have a motion for adoption motion second thank you may I have a roll call Miss Buckley yes Dr Doan yes Mr menelli yes Mr n yes Mrs clay yes may I have a motion to open public discussion motion and may I have a second second all in favor I I this is the time the public May comment on any topic of their choice please state your name and address for the record and limit your comments to 3 minutes at this time I would like to ask the clerk if any public comments were submitted prior to the meeting via email email there were none thank you comments from the public yes uh I'm Bill keor 71 Edge Court here in tenton Falls um I've got a a question about the landfill and um it's sort of a com question but I'll just go ahead about 14 month 14 months ago uh DP had a public hearing here in the uh courtroom in late December of 2022 um I've had the um the clerk is very helpful to get me information about that hearing and I I I appreciate that um I've tried to contact or or discuss things with some of the the elected officials in didn't Falls and to the best of my knowledge no none of the elected officials didn't Falls were aware of that D meeting until after the fact and I I guess I've got a a two maybe a two and a half kind of questions about that the first question is can I know the the trains left the station the the hores left the burn but is it too late for the burough Titan Falls to officially request s of a makeup hearing with DP to provide the residents didn't Falls and the elected representative s Falls to present what they would have presented if they had been aware of this this meeting uh 14 months ago so that that's the first question um Can Titan Falls make a former request to De to uh have a uh an ad hoc hearing a makeup hearing um uh a rump hearing to uh sort of provide the residents with um and the elected officials with an opportunity to uh make their comments known second question is um and this is sort of a lesson learned um I'm kind of curious about the protocol inside the government that involves when information like that comes in is there a protocol to make the elected officials aware of things that are of vital interest to the residents and I I know there's a number of things that are important to the residents but I think right now maybe the last seven years the uh the landfill has been one of the most important things that um is up is affecting the quality of life if you will of of the residents um and um I guess I'll I'll I'll leave it at that if you will okay thank you Mr keer Mr tarky would you like to respond I'll take a shot at the the first the first question we ask is you know can the D hold another hearing I'm somewhat familiar with d regulations I know Mr nef is as well but I'm not intimately familiar with the time frame for their decision making on this oh yeah that that closed it closed 15 days after the hearing and I want to be clear my question is can tinon Falls make a formal request to have a hearing it can be a it can be an informal hearing but at least it provides the illusion to titf Falls residents that the state has heard their heard their input so I I I'm I apologize for interrupting you I understand what the what the rules are but I I I'm really asking above and beyond can you make a former request to have any type of hearing to to substitute for the one that was sort of uh rather stealthily held my experience with d is that DP rigidly adheres to their regulations about time frame when hearings were held and when they listen to them um um you know I suppose you or anyone can ask DP to hold a hearing any time I I'm I'm a little bit reluctant when you say to give the residents the illusion of being heard I mean I I I I understand what you're saying but I apologize for being intemperate I I I really do no but but the DP I can tell you is not going to come and say well we'll give you kind of a you know just a a a a hearing just to have everybody say something when it's not going to mean anything I can tell you like I said my experience DP just doesn't do things like that they they've got the regulations they stick to them so I I think it's um I just I don't think it's really productive to say well can you have a hearing anyway um I don't think they'll they will and if they do I think it might be misleading to people uh for that for that to be done um thinking it could be a you know I would again I think there's this is an exceptional case where some some part of Titan Falls was aware of this meeting but to the best of my knowledge none of the elected officials didn't Falls were aware of this meeting and I I think that's I hope that's exceptional in the state I hope that that's not standard practice in other other local governments where one or more employees may know about something and the elected officials are not aware of it it's one thing I I know it was published in the DP bulletin it was published in the a Park Press but we have sort of a we we have sort of volunteer me these are all volunteers really they don't have staffs they don't have in fact their staffs are actually their virtual staffs are employees so I can't fault them for not hovering on the Asbury Park Press public notice board every 30 minutes to find out if there was a if there was a meeting yeah I I I want to make clear of what you're talking about the hearing although it was held in this room was not a hearing by by the municipality but I want make sure other people understand too it it was a hearing held by noticed by published by um and you know ordered by the DP and held by the DP the the only reason it was here was that they they in effect borrowed a room to have their hearing here so we were notified I'm sorry we were notified yes they notified the public they noi didn't false they they sent a notice here they sent the notice to the Press they sent the notice to the public as I said before they've got their regulations about how they notif notice people for their hearings and I appreciate that my beef is at least one I'd like to interrupt this what you're doing is not going to solve the problem of the stink that's what I'm working on sounds to me like you want to hang somebody no that's what it sounds like no I think I think it's not going to help to solve for a makeup make up hearing that's a request that goes to the D not here if I if I may the the D we invited the D to our February 2024 meetings in part because they weren't here previously and we weren't part of that meeting so bill that I think you were at this meeting that's that's one of the reasons we reached out and wanted to make sure that the division of uh enforcement was present at that meeting so that they could specifically first person hear the residents concerns that's that's why we invited them and had them in our February meeting I any I I I do think it I think it was exceptional um and I think that that material like that should have been more broadly circulated within within tinon Falls rather than um not circulated which is again a separate issue but I I do think that there's I don't understand the cost to the government Falls to make a formal request to the uh the to uh address this deficiency but any thank you it's an eloquent presentation any other public comments I'd like to make um hearing no further comments may I have a motion to close the public discussion motion and a second second all in favor I uh does any member of council have anything to add uh now we will move on to the consent agenda are there any items any member of council would like removed to be voted on separately uh hearing n may I have a motion to approve the consent agenda motion and a second thank you may I have a roll call Miss Buckley yes Dr Doan yes Mr Manelli yes Mr Nessie yes Mrs clay uh yes however I have to recuse and abstain from item 23- 0293 5 listed on page 16 of the approval of bills resolution R 24032 okay uh this concludes today's business may I have a motion to adjourn motion and may I have a second second all in favor I this meeting is now adjourned time 752