clay he Dr Doan Mr Nessie absent Mr menelli is absent at this time I would like to invite everyone to join me in reciting the pledge of allegiance iance of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay uh there is one set of meeting minutes for approval may I have a motion to approve the December 5th regular meeting minutes motion may I have a second second may I have a roll call Miss Buckley yes Dr Dolan yes Mrs clay abstain uh next we will move on to reports uh we're going to uh to begin with a proclamation uh for the record for um commissioner Lillian Murray um next I would like to invite Mr Joseph nappy to come forward for the presentation of the certificate of recognition that I have for him and I would ask you to bear with me because I have uh some words that I'd like to share with you about Mr nappy good job you um I wanted is this yes I I can tell yes okay um I wanted to introduce you to uh Joseph nappy uh Joe is a social studies teacher at Mammoth Regional High School the town where he spent many years uh of his childhood attending Swimming River T Falls Middle and for a brief time Mammoth Regional uh he's the Key Club advisor a member of the equity Council and the chair of Mammoth helping its own chable committee which he co-founded um since his Inception he's raised over $75,000 in staff donations for students in need um he's also an Alfred learner fellow with the Jewish foundation for the righteous a member of the center for the Holocaust human rights and genocide education known as change and he serves as his District's leaon to the diversity council at Kan University all while teaching this is all while teaching a full load I have to add that because sometimes people don't recognize that um he had has helped his students to pursue campaigns and human trafficking he's infused Holocaust and genocide education into the curriculum Nationwide and he's raised money for Refugee resettlement just to name a few of his accomplishments Joe is the kind of teacher that puts students first he focuses on getting to know each one and he helps them address issues that they're facing in and outside of the classroom he ensures that all of his students see themselves reflected in his lessons keeping education relevant through his distinguished career he's received numerous Awards including but notlimited to the Ida and Jeff marolas medallion for excellence in Multicultural education the teacher of the year at Mammoth Regional in 2010 and 2023 a United States Navy distinguished educator in 2010 the Dr Frank Kitz human rights educator the Year award from Caine in 2017 and this year in 2023 2024 Joe nappy is the mammoth County teacher of the year and the New Jersey state teacher of the year and we are so proud to have this state Teacher of the Year from Titan Falls from Mammoth Regional and it's an amazing accomplishment and we wanted to be sure as a town and as a council that we recognize Joe for his achievement this is your certificate thank so much congratul [Applause] I'm usually pretty loud to go through there that's it I was say my mom moved to Tin Falls in 1991 so I spent some time in Winding Brook uh went through Swimming River we went through a whole renovation there was in tin Falls for a while and even started in M Regional before I moved in with my father and so it means a lot to me to be able to represent this community I know it was a big part of my upbringing uh so I'm very pleased to be able to shine a spotlight on all amazing things that happen over at M Regional I know some of you know you've had your kids come through this District um so we really are a Hidden Gem in MTH County and I'm really glad that we get an opportunity to highlight that uh you know I've loved it here I know you love it here that's why you're still here uh for all those things so I'm really happy to represent kitten Falls not just in the state but as we go on to the National level so thank you so much to the Town Council for having me out here tonight thank you for all the work that you do for our community we appreciate that um and thank you for this award I really appreciate that have a great thank you thank you [Applause] [Music] um we'll continue now with report U Mr nef or B engineer thank you I just want to touch on two resolutions uh related to the softball fields project that we've been talking about um we were able to come to an agreement uh under some State contract co-op programs with a contractor so we are excited to potentially be awarding that tonight to athletic fields of America for the main site contract as well as musco Sports lighting for some lighting upgrades so again we're just excited to uh get that one rolling I know the little league girls and the program are very excited to see that kicking off in the near future that's it thank you Mr nef uh Mr Fallon our CFO yeah I have no report this evening but I would like to wish everyone a very happy holiday thank you thank you so much Mr Tera hanko our business administrator thank you good evening everyone and I'd like to Echo Mr F just said happy holidays I just wanted to uh mention that we had our manure lighting uh and our Christmas tree lighting and I think was very successful so kudos to uh all those who helped uh support those Endeavors um from the police department side tonight is Shop with a cop and they also had um some other Christmas events where they were supporting the kids of the community and also our far EMS with their um Christmas tree fundraising events and also throughout the holidays please remember them they're out there they're most of them are volunteers they're out there um to support the community and I still believe they still I saw the fire the fire department still has some trees left if anybody needs a tree last minute please go visit them they're out there and it's a big fun are for them so happy holidays everybody thank you Mr tarao uh Mr Stark here director of law uh yes uh we just had a meeting of the um the tinon Falls Board of Health I read a statement from uh the council president I'm not going to read it again but just so it's I want to make sure it's in the minutes of this meeting um council president couldn't be here tonight but he is aware of the issues concerning the reclamation center um and he uh is in touch with commissioner Thomas arnone uh to have him come to a meeting in January hopefully to hear those concern turns directly and to explain to people what is what the county is doing with regard to the landfill uh that's all I have thank you thank you Mr sty uh moving on uh to our our clerk Miss Hutchinson I have no report this evening thank you thank you Miss Hutchinson uh Council reports Miss Buckley thank you Council Deputy President Clay um I have a couple just couple things uh first just to piggy back on what Mr Tara feno said um uh upcoming happy holidays I was uh glad to be able to attend the manora lighting um the Thursday before I left her vacation um and that was awesome I had a really good crowd um at that event um and then uh as uh as Charlie had said the shop of the cop by the police department was last night at the Jersey Shore Outlet Mall had the opportunity to be to 10 the beginning of that I think they said they were something like 5 52 children um there's it's always extremely popular um Santa was there our kids were having a great time it's uh it's a great thing to see um and that our police department does also want to thank the fire departments for the Santa Drive buys um I live in the Winding Brook condos off of shoebury Avenue and all the kids are coming out on W Brook Way seeing Santa getting the candy they loved it it was awesome um we had a good day for it as well um moving on to just uh some uh business uh tomorrow night is the Fort Mammoth economic revitalization Authority meeting it's the last one for the year um we had on on this agenda a proclamation for uh commissioner lilam bur for the record that will be presented to her tomorrow night at the fera meeting she's served on the fera board since it was the planning Authority back before the fort actually closed um and so she's uh finally retiring and stepping down um she served for something like 30 35 40 years um and so we'll all be all three towns ocean port uh eaten toown titf Falls will be presenting her with that tomorrow night it's an open public meeting it's at 5:00 p.m. um at 502 Brewer Street on the Ford if if anyone would like to attend from the public as well um and we had our last environmental commission TT Falls environmental commission meeting of the year last Thursday December um we talked about some upcoming initiatives for next year um and I'll just general shout out um there's a potential opening on the environmental commission there's I I think a number of openings on the shade tree commission so if anyone is environmentally conscious and wants to get involved there are volunteer opportunities for members of our residents to get involved uh the volunteer application is on our website or you can email any of us or the clerk uh if you can't find it that's all for my report thank you thank you councilwoman Buckley uh Dr T PR yes thank you um well it's been a great year for the Library Association as we all know it's um certainly um coming to fruition that uh the library will be opening up this year so we're very excited about it and tinon Falls Library Association Board of trustee members Brian Perry and Ruth santulli as well as Heidi Ami from the mammoth County Library will be doing a walk through as uh soon as early January if I'm not mistaken uh she and I know Tom nef is uh going to address that yep yep early mid January we'll be doing a walkr with the library folks so they can come in assess the building again see what needs they have as far as equipment and material to get ready for opening uh potentially sometime this spring that's wonderful yeah so everything is definitely progressing with the construction we're very excited about that uh certainly um I am well aware of the situation with the mammoth uh reclamation center I've lived in this for 36 years uh so I've been through some of those situations I do live in the southern end so I'm well aware of your concerns and I know we're going to address it I've talked to the council people I've talked to our business administrator and we're all on top of it so we're looking forward to getting something settled with that um very happy about the dpw's new calendar uh just came out yesterday if any of the residents have gotten that and uh some of the comments I've seen online best one yet and it certainly is if you've seen it it's a very excellent job um what else the fire department yes that was a lot of fun very exciting for the residents of the town I know my grandkids were out there and having a lot of fun with it uh we have to thank the fire department for their every year coming out with a better and better situation that all the Town members can see this fun event uh happy holidays to everybody a great New Year and uh we hope that tinon falls will continue to be one of the best places to live and once we resolve all these issues I think it's going to be right back to uh as far as the you residents who are having some problems in the South uh once we resolve that you'll realize that this is the best town to live in in the state of New Jersey and that's all thank you thank you Dr do br um moving on for uh to my report I do have some additional um comments regarding education and our K8 District um in terms of our staff members that um were awarded um for their exemplary performance either as a teacher here as at service professional year or support staff member I would like to read the names of these staff members so that they could be entered into record for their exemplary performance uh for aters school the teacher of the year is Mrs vulpi the ed Service professional is Miss eer Mrs eert and our support staff member Mrs Kowski at swimming R River School the teacher of the year is Mrs plaque um Mrs Ello is the ed Service professional and Mr Shan Fain is our support staff member and for the Middle School the teacher of the year was Mrs Deborah Goldman the ed Service Professionals of school nurse Mrs nans and the support staff memb is Mr Bishop these um these awards are done in conjunction with students staff parents and members of the community that nominate and vote on the staff members that win the award and it really is a big deal and I think um it something that we should recognize and continue to recognize as a community um along the lines of uh keeping in the topic of Education um I attended the first prek expansion committee meeting on December 11th the K8 district is in discussion with the state in the possible application for grant funding for prek for all um it has wonderful benefits it has some obstacles that the school district and the committee are looking yet but I will keep you posted um I also go last everything's kind of been said but I do want to um give a shout out uh to the town for the wonderful holiday events that happen here um everything that the police department does for the community and for our kids everything that our fire department does in terms of um all of their volunteer service the Santa runs Santa runs in between answering calls it's a lot um the uh DPW for the amazing calendar that we just received it really is an upgrade looks terrific um and I'd like to wish everybody a happy holiday and a very healthy New Year okay that wraps up reports um moving on to ordinances there are no ordinances for introduction this evening uh we do have an ordinance for final consideration um at this time there is one ordinance for final consideration we will hold a public hearing with comments limited to 3 minutes and comments may only pertain to this ordinance may I ask the clerk to read the title of the ordinance officers thank you may I have a motion to open the public discussion on this ordinance motion may I have a second second all in favor I I is there anyone from the public that would like to comment on this ordinance please remember to state your name and address for the record okay um seeing none may I have a motion to close the public hearing motion and may I have a second second all in favor I are there any council members that would like to comment on this ordinance may I have a motion then for adoption motion and may I have a second second and may I have a roll call Miss Buckley yes Dr Doan yes Miss clay yes okay moving on to public disc discussion may I have a motion to open the public discussion motion and may I have a second second all in favor hi hi this is the time the public May comment on any topic of their choice please stay your name and address for the record and please limit your comments to 3 minutes at this time i' would like to ask the clerk if any public comments were submitted prior to the meeting via email there were none thank you uh may I have a motion motion and may I have a second second all in favor hi hi I think I did that twice good evening Mitch Colberg 21 CER Place good to see everybody uh happy holidays to the the whole team here thanks as always for being here uh throughout the year doing what you do uh uh very sad to hear you know about the reclamation center I live at the North End so I don't smell it but it's it's stinks right you know uh they have this whole big thing it's so we're going to fix it now you know M County comes by everything looked like it going to be okay it's unfortunate to see it uh problematic again uh I would just like to ask uh when you has have this meeting you don't have the date yet for January right yeah when you when you set that up in addition to the uh County Executives uh please try to have uh like members of the Department of Environmental Protection or or any other people for that matter that might have even oversight over these guys right because it's all good to come in here with with their promises uh but there are also laws and things like that that need to be obeyed so I it would be great if you can have some of those kind of folks here as well all right is that doable we can ask we can ask you know he doesn't like to get political anyway that that was really it thank you all have a great uh have a great holiday thank you Frank Matula 43 L Drive uh tin and Falls um I did want to say that uh Santa coming around was very exciting um I'm a big kid I got out there I was waving to Santa I watched uh Santa actually get off the truck which he hasn't done in the in the earlier years when my kids were were younger um and I would understand if that's for legal legal legal reasons but they actually were getting out and talking to the kids and I thought that was just awesome um so kudos to the uh to the fire department and the and the fellows and young ladies that that do that um I did want to ask uh we have a we have a sinkhole that's forming um at the very beginning of Riverdale Avenue West um at the very entrance when you come in off of a Swimming River Road um I know that somebody from the DPW I think has marked it out with uh sort of a box and spray paint uh the sinkhole seems to be getting a little bigger at some point I'm wondering if it's going to engulf a car but it's not that big but it it is getting bigger and I Noti it's that it's it's an issue I know that um New Jersey natural gas in our development uh off of Riverdale all the areas Lennox Leland uh Neville Street they've been doing all the um upgrades of all the uh the pipes and I understand that at some point they're going to come through and pave the entire Street when might that happen I I'm just kind of curious when that might happen um um and then last this is more of an observation I I don't know if if uh tin Falls Police Department can can do anything about it if they're doing anything I've noticed sort of a Brazen behavior of people who have license plates that are obscured and masked they they tend to be the individuals that really uh take advantage of doing things that are illegal because people can't read their license plates and I've been sort of making making note of people in town just in general I don't I don't write license plates down I don't write how down where they're coming from but I noticed there's quite a few people that have these mask license plates they have one license plate typically um when you're supposed to have two on a vehicle and then they got that masking which I understand is maybe to prevent people from having uh the ability to read the license plate when they do something silly or Dopey uh but I noticed that those people that have those masked or darkened plates plate covers are the ones that are usually doing silly and Dopey things so I don't know if the police is actively pulling people over and taking that in consideration I know that New York has been doing it um I've talked to friends who are state troopers uh within the uh you know the higher level of the State Police uh and I know that they've had a lot of discussions about what they're going to be doing with it but I'm just wondering if tin Falls has actively been doing it and that's it thank you thank you else okay s it's creaking again Mr Klein 13 horseshoe Court Fox Chase in reference to his his comment just now um as we know there's been a lot of uh speeding unsho Road it's a speed zone coming down Asbury shooting up Asbury um the other night I happened to be trying to go to bed for two hours that's all I heard was racing up and down chef Road where's titin Falls besides me having to call him but where's titin Falls supposed to be monitoring that road because there's already been there's already a woman that was killed this year right at the bottom of of shao Road and Asbury a she didn't stand a chance she was killed by somebody speeding in an Audi to the point where the engine became dislodged from the vehicle and mounted into a tree across the street there's racing again Chef the road is not supposed to be a racetrack there are deer on that road they're deer on Asberry a I've I've I've gone I've come home and I've watched cars whiz passing if you do the speed limit you're fine but the minute you're doing 80 it's a problem so in in reference to what he was talking about you know hidden plates all St what about the what about whoever is racing some is something going to happen with that are we are they waiting for something to happen again that's that's that's a that's a big thing that happened to me once already when I when I lived going into Fox Chase before they put the traffic light in I was going to make a left-hand turn somebody came across the road from my development missed me within inches if he would have broadsided me he would have fli me I don't understand I have family in law enforcement as well they have their comments and they're like don't get it don't understand but again you go you go you go Shao Road and it's a racetrack they'll race up Asberry a and my house backs to Asberry AV they'll race up Asberry a they'll race back down Asberry AV and all you hear is racing and Sunday night was two no excuse me Saturday night was two hours of it I didn't sleep I'm a heavy sleeper I like to sleep my window open but that's all I heard so in reference to this statement maybe it's something that Tinton FS can do maybe can maybe the police can Patrol it a little bit more they Patrol it during the day because I've I've gone by and I wave at them but at night it's it's it's it's it's a free-for-all so somebody wants to address that or at least bring it to their attention please do so because honestly I don't want to see anybody hurt killed anything so thank you again thank you any other comments okay hearing no further comments may I have a motion to close the public discussion I just may I mention um something on the uh on the public discussion after okay that's fine we can close it you have a motion motion to okay okay all in favor I hi okay miscellaneous business for the good of the order does any member of council have anything to add this is my chance uh first I just like to say that um I want to say that it's been a great year in tent Falls and uh we want to thank the leadership veto perill our mayor uh certainly a great business administrator Charles tereno I think one of the best that this uh Community has ever had in my 36 years anyway uh so we do appreciate that we have great people in this um Team our Chief Financial Officer Tom Fallon does an excellent job our burough engineer Tom nef uh and certainly our director of law Kevin starky I also want to U commend and uh give praise to our burrow Clerk Michelle Hutchinson who you know each time comes up with everything that we need to have done she's an excellent individual she has an excellent staff and um I i' just like to recognize her as well so thank you Michelle thank you thank you so much Dr Nan that was excellent uh now we will move on to the consent agenda before we do are there any items any member of council would like removed to be voted on separately uh hearing none may I have a motion to approve the consent agenda motion and may I have a second second may I have a roll call please miss Buckley yes Dr Dolan yes Mrs clay yes this concludes today's business may I have a motion to turn motion may I have a second second all in favor I I this meeting is now returned time is 8:00