good evening everyone this is a meeting of the Titan Falls burrow Council being held December 5th 2023 this meeting is hereby called to order with the clerk please read the opening public meeting statement pursuant to section five of the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by posting on the bulletin board at burough Hall and by notification to the Asbury Park Press The nework Star Ledger and the new coaster at 48 hours prior to the meeting and filing with the burough clerk all on December 20th 2022 that's the clerk to call the rooll Miss Buckley here Mrs clay absent Dr dolin here Mr Nessie here Mr menelli here at this time I'd like to invite everyone to join me in reciting with the Pledge of Allegiance IED aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you we have approval of minutes uh there is one set of meeting minutes for approval may have a motion to approve the November 21st 2023 regular meeting minutes motion I have a second second I have roll call please miss Buckley yes Dr Doan yes Mr Nessie yes Mr menelli yes move on to reports we have a certificate of recognition listed on the agenda tonight for the record and recognition of Mohammed Falcons 9 you you want to take that one over mik yes council president and thank you um this is a a certificate of recognition for the nine new tackle uh boys football team uh they are Shore Pop Warner state champ or excuse me Shore Pop Warner champion Champions the mighty might cheer they're also Shore Pop Warner Champions and state Pop Warner Champions the 13u tackle football Shore pop Corner Champions and the JV cheer Shore pop Corner Champions uh it was a great year for the mammoth Falcons and titon Falls I've had the privilege of watching these these athletes train since the uh the summer uh 3 to five days a week with with meets or games on on the weekends and absolutely amazed on how much uh tenacity they put into the their training for for the sport of football and for for cheer and I'd like to thank the the volunteers because without them this wouldn't have been possible the parents who showed up every day with practice whether it be on the sideline for coaching or in The Snack Shack or showing up at games to be the Chain Gang to help out with the with the games um we we really owe it to the parents uh that volunteer in this town and the volunteers that we have so I I'm attending the uh the banquet next week there's two on the 13th and the 14th um end of your banquet for the cheer and for the PO wi football team um for I'll present the uh the certificate of recognition thank you thank you uh we'll move on to reports Mr nef Bor engineer uh thank you I did want to just acknowledge that we have been getting uh some complaints about the landfill odors again uh I did reach out to a couple of the county operators just yesterday to get an update if there's anything specific going on over there I haven't heard back yet but just a reminder for everyone if you are getting um any issues with the odors the best way to address that is to call DP directly um they have the hotline that is the best approach they have to log the complaints um so they can be addressed through DP so that's just a reminder um otherwise uh some of the capital projects going on in town uh for the softball fields we are getting close to an agreement with the contractor We Believe to get that one kicked off um the Wardell Park restroom building that design has been well underway uh we started discussions with the w company to do the utility extensions needed for that um so that one's moving along nicely and we just kicked off the 2024 Road program design so we'll be on schedule to get those roads uh kicked off for construction in the spring of 2024 that's all I have thank you Mr Mr Fallon yeah I have no report for tonight thank you thank you Mr ter FCO uh thank you council president just a quick reminder we have our two holiday uh festivities coming up uh Thursday is the manora lighting and Sunday is the holiday tree lighting and you can check the burrow website and the uh Recreation website for details as well uh and I'm sure Dr Do's going to give give us a accounting of the liary project that's all I have for tonight thank you Mr stalky uh I have no report tonight thank you thank you Miss Hinson I have no report this evening thank you this is this is going great uh Council reports Mr Buckley thank you council president I uh just want to wish hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving uh this past week um and I just want to mention that for December the environmental commission they don't meet on Thanksgiving night obviously so they have a combined December and November meeting which will be next uh Thursday December 14th at a earlier start time at 6:30 p.m. and that will be hybrid uh the Crawford house uh and online as well and that's off my report thank you Dr doin thank you um well there's many events uh schedule for this week uh Thursday morning uh everybody should remember that on December 7th uh we have Pearl Harbor day as well and there'll be a remembrance ceremony it's going to be taking place at the Earl Naval Base uh I'm going to be there I'm sure and Mr chano will certainly be there um so we're going to see what happens there I'll report on that next meeting uh as mentioned before at 4:15 there will be the manura lighting for the first night of Hanukkah um that evening we the Titan Falls libraries final Board of Trustees meeting will take place and it will be certainly a celebration because they're very excited about the library uh going to progress to getting done this year we hope uh at that meeting we'll get the details on receiving books from our County Library to be stored temporarily until the uh titin Falls Library is ready to receive them so we do get books at no cost for our library from the mammoth County Library and we're going to get this year's amount and we're going to hopefully get another amount for next year so we'll be getting a lot of books um and again that'll be fun Sunday of course will be the Christmas tree lighting as mentioned and that starts at 4 at Liberty Park 2 uh there's a you have to see those flyers they're great but there's a lot of fun things that are going to be happening I certainly want to thank Sher for the festive Flyers they really look good and um I think uh we're going to have a great time at all these events so looking forward to it and we'll report on it at the next meeting thank you council president thank you Mr nessi thank you council president um next Wednesday is the planning board's uh chairman Frank L's last meeting he's been um the chair for 10 plus years so if you want to shoot him an email I'm sure he'd appreciate it um um and that's all I have to report thank you well Friday I believe is the first day of Hanukkah is that correct that uh Thursday night I wish all Jewish residents and Jewish friends a good y thank you and a happy Hanukkah uh that's all I have there is uh one ordinance for introduction this evening I'd like to remind the public that when an ordinance is introduced there is no public discussion the public discussion for the following ordinance will take place when it is up for a final consideration with that may ask the clerk to read the title of the ordinance 2023-the to amend the payment terms for special Duty assignments by police officers the public hearing will be held on December 19th 2023 or as soon thereafter as the matter can be reached on the agenda may I have a motion to approve the introduction of this ordinance motion may I have a second second may I have a roll call please miss Buckley yes Dr Dolan yes Mr Nessie yes Mr menelli yes there are no ordinances for final consideration this evening we can open for public discussions may I have a motion to open the public discussion motion I have a second second all in favor I this is the time the public May comment on any topic of their choice please state your name and address for the record and limit your comments to 3 minutes at this time well anybody out there want to say something to the council please step up to the podium please speak into the microphone speaking my voice would carry I'm gr K I live at six pen court it's my first time just observing a council meeting uh Happy Holidays to you all thank you for your work thanks well thank you same to you anybody else uh at this time I'd ask the clerk for any if any public comments was submitted prior to the meeting via email there were none hearing no further comments may have a motion to close the public discussion motion I have a second second all in favor I I does any member of the council have anything to add um oh I just want to um is that okay uh yeah I just want to um reiterate what Mr nef said on his report I appreciate that report about the um oders coming to Fox Chase Parkplace uh I have seen a lot of people very unhappy with these smells and we certainly need to get it out there that they have to get in touch with the D and uh they must leave their names they must file a complaint because otherwise it doesn't count and if you get enough complaints something will get done and you have to let that the people know that that's what they have to do they have to allow their names to be put on record and specifically make sure that they file a complaint all right so thank you okay uh we'll move on to consent agenda before we do are there any items any member of the council would like to move they be be voted separately hearing none may have a motion to approve the consent agenda motion may have a second second did I have a second second okay I have a roll call please miss Buckley uh yes with the exception I have to recuse and abstain from one item on the bill list which is item 23- 02713 listed on page 37 in the approval of bills which is resolution r- 23194 with the exception of that I approve the rest thank you Dr do is that it Dr Dolan yes Mr Nessie yes Mr menell yes ask for a motion all oh oh yeah okay this concludes today's business may I have a motion to adjourn motion I have a second second all in favor I I I the meeting is now adjourned