e [Music] [Music] no all right Council we are ready to go welcome to the 5:30 p.m February 27th 2023 presentation city council meeting we do have a quorum so I'll will call this meeting to order would you please join me in a moment of silence and the pledge to the flag to FL of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation God indivisible with andice for all city clerk would you please read the rules to speak yes sir this is a city council meeting to hear special recognitions and presentations Council will not take formal action on the agenda items all individuals wishing to speak may do so under petitions and petitions and requests no signup card is required citizens will be given three minutes to speak all signup cards and Exhibits being submitted to city council shall be placed in the box on the table thank you very much city manager good evening mayor vice mayor and city council we are now on item 4A which is the update of the current annexation strategy Titusville annexation strategy strategy was established 25 years ago and is now outdated and adequately addresses current city needs the city confronts challenges with annexation agreements that have not been enforced and lacks an annexation strategic framework for property annexation the revised strategy aims to implement a robust site suit suitability analysis prioritizing properties based on utility infrastructure proximity location and areas of critical concern and potential for uh significant tax revenues with minimal service burdens this approach is designed to guide Titus fi towards an informed strategic annexation decisions aligning the city's Economic Development and sustainability goals Brad and Nicholas are here to give you a presentation on this there's no action required there is an item at your 6:30 meeting that will require action thank you very much gentlemen good afternoon Council so I wanted to cover with you an update of kind of where things are with the annexation uh and some proposed solutions kind of moving forward for your advice later first thing as stated the annexation strategy was implemented in 2001 it was adopted with a 5-year Horizon so obviously that time has passed since then there's been several changes um new statutes uh Land Development regulations have changed since then expanded boundaries and also uh we needed to do the update for the economic development Strate strategic plan so these kind of go hand in hand with that as well so we have numerous annexation agreements that have already been signed where people voluntarily would Annex in in order to get access to water with the city so this you we have several of these across the city that we can enforce and obviously this would help increase uh tax revenue for the city as as well this map here is just an example of one of the areas we do have them for all the different areas across the city but any of the areas here you see that are highlighted in green are areas that do meet the requirements for us to be able to enforce the annexation into the city limits so as discussed as far as site suitability analysis goes we're talking about using different parameters to determine best fit areas to look at these are the criterias the the future land use industrial commercial areas would obviously generate more uh revenue for the city proximity to existing City infrastructure if we already have the infrastructure in place in those areas proximity to to the area of critical concern uh enforcing those existing annexation agreements and then also looking for areas that would have lower impact to city services so our recommendation is to prove approve advisability to evaluate and develop a long-term annexation strategy using those priority areas potentially uh looking into any incentives that could be offered for that um and potentially also an option for an interlocal agreement with the county that's everything I have here for you guys if you have any questions um member Nelson the interlocal agreement with the county what what do you think it' look like what would we expect I the one we had before was primarily just a a joint agreement with the county to help us be able to share information as far as developments that are happening along our jurisdictional boundaries okay what we could do is is the same thing so we have that communication back on forth but also it could include a component in there that says these are the land uses that we think are appropriate in agreement with the county as we Annex properties so it's something that would really help us in the long term as far as guidance whenever we get these annexation requests would it cover areas where you have say County property surrounded by municipal or the other way around yeah one of the strateg one of the priorities of would be those areas that are considered enclaves that are surrounded by the city boundary that are still unincorporated okay yeah that seems more efficient than running a d a truck through to pick up garbage past you know two miles of County property it just uh that seems to be the main reason we do Annex things uh I just make it real clear when people hear the term Annex it's like you know we we had an area to our North at one point I think I think I was still a council member that uh thought we were going to Annex them um I don't think most of them almost every time we Annex has got nothing to do with trying to obtain that sort of thing it's got to do with access and and those sort of things right of ways um and normally it's not a from I'm just saying from my experience it's not a big chunk of you know miles of land it's you know what we need to do to get the job done member stoko yeah I a question about the map so the green area are these um properties that are currently using our water through an agreement correct so they're considered unincorporated but they're using our water what about um sewer it could be one or the other or both okay okay so okay yeah if they I feel like if they're already using our water and using some kind of City I I would like them to be included in our tax base I guess is especially I did not realize that about the whole kilargo street area in that uh neighborhood over there how there it's like every other house it looks like um okay yeah I appreciate you guys doing this I did not I was very curious to see this map and I to see what was already happening um so I think a good strategy is starting with the ones that are already using our uh utilities and then kind of going from there so I'm definitely I mean that happens at the next meeting but I would agree with an advisability uh first of all I would agree with that uh member stoko and since kilargo is a drive in my neighborhood I drive every day back when we got here I remember my dad saying how crazy it was um and we go back they used to back in the 60s um shoot more radar 70 shoot more radar on kilargo because that got to be a bad problem but it was where a Sheriff Deputy could line up was different than where a police officer could line up and of course uh city manager tell me all the time you can tell by the color of the trash containers and every time I go home on trash night it's like man that is how do the trash people even keep up Solid Waste keep up crazy um vice mayor yes I I understand uh that in annexation we are uh trying to look at out in the future which would be what will be best for the city as for as revenue and also you know um looking at the water situation if we already given them water or if they've signed that agreement that that we have with them how much consideration is given to uh in this process as we go through to try to where where do we go from here uh the citizens of Titusville how much input or are you going to seek from them as far as where the citizens of the city uh want the city to go how uh how are you going to do how's that incorporated or if it's Incorporated in that process we can certainly as far as the strategy that we want to present to you eventually uh we can certainly make it or include a a public component engagement component or conversation component to this yeah and that's what I wrote on my notes because I think that that I know that that's we we looking for the future and we don't know what our expenses are going to be down the road or what we going to have to what we're going to have to do as the governing body but also uh get some inut what uh what the citizens want what do they see in the future uh and I think that when this process come before us uh it was cut down on some of the arguments and and some of the displeasure that that may happen if we have to do some of those things and give give them an opportunity to know that we're look at I know it's you know we advertise all these things in the paper and so forth but still if you just have um in my lifetime if um if you include the people that are going to be involved you have a a a greater percentage of success in the things that you do any other comments uh staff anything from us where you where do we need to go with this so if we go forward with the advisability if you approve that later this evening uh we'll come back to you it's going to be a staff-driven uh strategy uh we weren't going to consult this out so it'd be very basic we'd like to bring this back to you as far as what we believe will be um the priority areas and we just bring a lot of recommendations back to you with next allow us to maybe do some additional work after that uh one of them could be resurrecting that joint planning agreement with Bard County um but that won't be the strategy that is be probably one of the recommendations that comes out of this policy that will'll bring to you for your support or not okay uh member Cole yes I have a quick question now when you look at this in depth you may find areas that you think need to be annexed that are not being annexed is there a way to work it out with the property owner to negotiate something so that they can because it may make more sense for them to be a part of the city just as the mayor talked about the kilago area are there other areas that have that same type of thing going where one side of the street might be the city and the other side of the street may be the county so the statute has three main ways of annexation well two main ways but there's three ways that can U strategies of how to go about using those two tools the first one is called voluntary and so we'd have to knock on the door or ask or send a letter to someone and say would you like to Annex into the City and there's a process for that and then it has to be an ordinance that's to be adopted surrounding our boundaries around that property that's purely up to the property owner uh to petition the second one is a referendum and that's a really long lengthy process where that's part of an election cycle where you have to identify a large area where you're allowing everybody there that's an incorporated to elect basically or to choose that's the two that's second main way um so the second option is really difficult the first option is the one we've been utilizing uh our policy and our our code right now says that if you want to connect to our utilities for development we're going to require you to either Annex into the city or if you can't Annex immediately that there'll be an annexation provision in a in a utility agreement with us so that in the future we can then Annex but that process is utilizing the voluntary annexation process so you think about it 20 years later we're using voluntary annexation to tell you you now have the annex that's mainly what the city that's the tool that's the way the city has been going about for the past few decades um I think with this uh we come back to you in a few months and uh list out some of the recommendations um one of those recommendations could be a a public Outreach to say to certain areas would you consider annexing into the city here are the advantages of doing so and that would be part of a more of a different public engagement Outreach after the adoption of the policy thanks M Nelson what would be the fee for connecting to city sewer water have any just a rough guess so I won't I won't hold you to like the pennies you know um you can save $5 instead of $495 I mean there is an impact fee basically to connect to your city's utility um you know and if you want and if to develop the way it happens right now we're annexing a piece of property or sub property wants to develop but they're in the county they need to get into our utilities and they are able to Annex they will Annex in the city and we will review that through our own process so they'll pay our own impact fees they'll always pay our impact fees as far as utility connection regardless of whether they're inside the city or not but all the others once they're inside the city then they pay all the other impact fees that are relevant to the city of Titusville if they stay in the county then you have other fees that may be associated with the county that they have to pay in state but always in either scenario it's going to be some kind of hookup fee to our City Utilities because we're The Sole Provider so would it be sensible advantageous to turn around and somehow lessen some of those impact fees for people say like in Imperial states to get them it's something we can look at I know there's some limitations on what we can do as far as our sewer okay um but as far as the strategy we can explore all those options okay great thanks any other comments from the council I see none staff you good all right we'll see this again shortly city manager petitions and requests are requests I see none hry stand you're down to a minute and a half I should wait till you get those oh different color pink same car pink yep okay are you ready to welcome me you're welcom you welcome thank you okay uh you've heard this before uh I'm going to say it again this is at least the fourth time or at least the fourth meeting that I've done it at or maybe the fifth meeting or sixth meeting but uh so I'll read this to you again it's a a motion passed by the uh um Tec by Council to respond to and uh what happened it never got to the council so I'm bringing to the council because I know the Tec is concerned about it and and there's a number of people in the public that are concerned about it so uh here's what I'm going to read to you is the motion was uh it has to do with this this is not word for word so I'm reading it to you is anyone in city council going to acknowledge the sewage Bill September through November 2022 that was Hurricane Ian and hurricane Nicole uh coming out of manholes ponding in Greenwood Street took photos of it videos of it uh in and into nine city streets as witnessed by me and La Lee Thompson the person who turned off the alarm and red flashing light at the lift station a that was happening um photos videotapes of sewage flowing out of manholes many witnesses including those on Carol Avenue I believe the uh the Diesels on Carol Avenue and photograph on the front page of the Florida today well actually there was two articles on the front page of the Florida Today on this so this so FD although they were notified of it probably I don't know maybe 10 times or so by me maybe maybe not 10 times maybe seven times and uh cville police department was notified of of it and uh I I took put a notice on over a dozen churches and on City Hall and police station and so forth read notice saying hey there's a sewage spill over here take a look at it send it to the Florida to today and so forth put it on their door and the city denies it you guys deny it I uh sent you today a a notification from uh FD that I not from but to FD because they don't want to fool with it either I have probably about uh 15 different notifications went to FD so when I send them a notif some I sent them these emails starting February about February the 1 or fifth or something like that they don't respond fact is there I I've I've called the uh the person who I'm talked to about the sewage spills talked to them left message on their phone over seven times at least seven times they don't respond just like you guys you don't respond either thank you you're welcome I um I'm sure there's no more petitions request because there's nobody else out there um Council anything you want to add before we make a move so with that we will uh see you again at 6:30 meeting atour trying to get away from saying dismissed like I