e e e e e [Music] n welcome to the March 12 2024 city council meeting we do have a quorum so I'll call this meeting to order would you please join me in a moment of silence and the pledge to our flag i al to flag United States of America the stands na city clerk would you please read the rules to speak yes sir individuals wishing to speak on on agenda items must complete a signup card prior to the item being introduced those wishing to speak on quasa judicial public hearings must complete a signup card and sign the oath sign up and oath cards are available on the table individuals wishing to speak on non-agenda items May do so under petitions from the public present this opportunity is offered twice in the meeting and individuals may speak at either the first or second petitions but not both no signup card is required citizens shall not comment on any issue more than once during the meeting all comments except petitions and requests must address the pending issues and citizens will be given three minutes to speak on all items citizens wishing to speak on the consent agenda must submit a signup card identifying the items of interest each speaker shall be limited to three minutes to speak on the entire consent agenda all signup cards and Exhibits being submitted to city council shall be placed in the box on the table as always thank you so much um I need a motion to approve the minutes from the meeting of February 27th 2024 5:30 p.m. meeting so moved second I have a motion and a second all those in favor say yes yes opposed minutes are accepted city manager uh good evening mayor vice mayor and city council um a housekeeping item staff is requesting to table item 9A which is easement vacation number 1-22 we'd like to table that to your next meeting which is 26 March 2024 can I get a motion to table that so moved I have a motion to table it from vice mayor a second to table it by member Nelson all those in favor say yes yes opposed table C man we have no uh special recognition or presentations we are on boards and commissions item 6A which is the north Gard County Hospital District board semiannual report it will be presented by Mr Billy Speck thank you sir thank you good evening honorable mayor Diesel and members of city council hello sir um I'm Billy spec 3230 South Casper place and a member of Parish Medical Center board of directors want to recognize fellow board member Herman Cole and uh thank the senior leadership uh George and Natalie for being here Natalie's going to advance these slides for me um it is my honor to present Parish Medical Center semi annual report um a written report has been provided that summarizes the outcomes achieved by Parish Medical Center since our last report uh my presentation this evening will highlight select announcements Awards and recognitions Community involvement new providers added to our medical staff and an example of Parish Medical Center's mission in action there's lots of incredible developments that have happened since my last report here at Parish Hospital but I would like to First address the elephant in the room and that is House Bill 7 39 with respect the legislative to to the legislative process uh we are pleased that it worked out as intended We Believe House Bill 739 would have had profound negative consequences for both Health Care access and affordability in North Bard we will of course continue to operate transparently and look forward to working collaboratively and in partnership with our legislators while remaining steadfast in our commitment to advancing affordable highquality Health Care in the community that we serve and we're honored to serve furthermore we are sincerely grateful for the outpouring of support we received from our fellow heal healthc care colleagues and the community at large Parish Medical Center Administration will provide the public additional information in the coming days outside of today's meeting with that said I'd like to share an exciting announcement that is not within the written report you received on March 7th 2024 Cleveland CL and Parish Medical Center jointly announced that Parish Medical Center has become the first US member of Cleveland Clinic connected after many months of discussion and passing a rigorous review of Parish Medical Center's operations quality and service Excellence Cleveland Clinic welcomed Parish Medical Center as its first domestic member of the Cleveland Clinic connected program Cleveland Clinic connected is a robust program that provides members across the world with access to Cleveland Clinic's wealth of knowledge to enhance patient care safety and outcomes as Cleveland Clinic's first US member Hospital Parish Medical Center is again at the Forefront of building collaborative relationships with like-minded organizations that are focused on future of patient care reducing health care costs by creating operational efficiencies and providing exceptional patient experiences through program membership Parish healthc Care's integrated Care Network will also benefit more information about parish and Cleveland Clinic connected partnership is available on our website Parish healthcare.com parish is also pleased to welcome Lisa Dickerson to its executive team as Chief nursing officer and vice president of nursing Administration Miss Dickerson is a results and purpose-driven nurse executive with 23 years of experience she shares parishes focus on providing exceptional quality and healing patient experiences Lisa replaces Edwin Lofton who retired as parish's Chief nursing officer after more than 17 years of loyal service Lisa is already becoming active in the community and we look forward to her contributions to parish's continued growth and success extending the reach of the parish Mission through measured and strategic growth initiatives is something with which par Parish continues to excel last report I had the honor to share that Parish added the new Da Vinci robotic surgery technology to expand its surgery programs and services today I equally honored to report that Parish has again expanded and enhanced its surgery Services Parish group Parish Medical group's orth uh orthopedic surgeon Matthew Musto and Parish Medical Center are at are the first in Bard to offer the velis robotic assisted joint replacement this groundbreaking procedure uses digital technology to precisely and accurately implant joints that are tailor made for a person's own Anatomy patients who have had joint replacement with this new technology are usually recovering in the comfort of their home the next day it is clear that parish's focus on the future of healthc care is unwavering recently we also introduced the mag View technology this technology further advances mamography care and North Bard the combination of the mag View and the 3D mamography means greater Precision to support early detection and to significantly improve patient outcomes all of these technology advances assure that North Bard citizens have access to the very latest surgical techniques and treatments right here close to home parishes focus on continual Improvement goes beyond techn technological advancements it extends to continuing education and professional development we are pleased to recognize Dr Nike and Dr Patel for earning National professional distinctions Dr Nike was named a fellow by the Infectious Disease Society of America Dr Patel earned two Health Care Quality and management certifications from the American Board of quality assurance Parish also continues to recruit new providers to the community in support of growing and expanding Health Care programs and services in North bravard I won't read all the names but you can see that since our report in September Parish has welcomed 26 new providers to its medical staff representing a range of Specialties from primary care OB uh obstat obstat thank you emergency medicine Critical Care surgical services and more the list of Parish accomplishment accomplishments continues parish's Joint Commission certified primary stroke center was recently recertified Parish was first certified as a primary stroke center in 2004 every two years since then the Joint Commission which is one of the nation's leading healthc Care accrediting organizations conducts an on onsite review of parish's stroke protocols and patient care outcomes it's a rigorous review of hundreds of stringent quality standards your Parish Care Partners earned a perfect score from the Joint Commission this year that is an incredible achievement and speaks volumes about the level of focus on providing the highest quality care for stroke patients as expressed by Nancy Brown CEO of the American stroke Association Parish also provides Bard's only Commission on cancer accredited oncology program as such Paris is also recognized by the American College of Surgeons as a surgical quality partner surgical Quality Partners like Parish Medical Center are recognized for their focus on the future of patient care reducing health care costs and the Improvement of Health Care outcomes overall accomplish like accomplishments like this take a lot of hard work and commitment by everyone through the Health Care system on behalf of the Parish Medical Center board I want to extend our gratitude and pride to the parish healthc care leadership and the more than 1300 Parish Care Partners for their commitment to our community however my report doesn't stop here in addition to constantly enhancing and advancing Health Care programs and services Parish Healthcare is equally devoted to community involvement as your public not for-profit Community Health System every dollar earned is reinvested back into creating access to a Affordable Health Care programs Services Technologies education and other community building initiatives for example Parish invested 42.9 million in charity care and other uncompensated care in fiscal year 2022 and another 31.7 million in fiscal year 2023 and although parish is a special taxing district the parish board who are locally appointed by this city council and Bard County Commissioners have not taxed the community since 1994 zero taxes since 1994 and still hundreds of millions of dollars invested to address Community Health Care needs everything Parish does is focused on address addressing the healthare need priorities identified from our community health needs assessment it's important to note that since 2016 Parish since has at its own expense engaged a third-party organization to conduct a community health needs assessment every 3 years that is specific to North Bard there is a countywide assessment performed however the north Bard population is not well represented in that assessment we wanted to make sure that North Bard had a greater voice in identifying needs specific to our community the next several slides I will go through quickly however they are meant to provide a small sampling of the many ways Parish engages with the community Through Outreach and support of charitable Community organizations from September 23 to February 2024 9,350 community members attended one of the many pth parish Healthcare supported Outreach programs in this six-month period Parish offered nearly $57,000 worth of free programs and services here is a sampling of parish's community outreach involvement supporting student athletes equipping North Bard youth athletic leagues with life-saving aeds technology and CPR training supporting North Bard Public Schools track enhancements and supporting our local YMCA youth programs building Community Partnerships to address mental health and addiction providing Health Care screenings to Bard Public Schools the city of Titusville The Great Outdoors Senior Center to name a few working with American Cancer Society to make strides Against Breast Cancer coordinating a toy toy drive and donating hundreds of hams and turkeys to provide holiday meals and gifts to benefit hundreds of North provard families in need annual supporter of the MLK par parade and event benefiting Boys to Men support of area charity races like the Space Race benefiting United Way of Bard supporting our space coast Economic Development initiatives as well as our city of Titusville community events such as the annual ride it down event Community Support of our Women's Center to provide provide needed domestic violence prevention resources to our community I could go on but there amenity Char many charitable organizations and Community programs that we support but in the interest of time I will conclude by sharing this quote from a recent grateful patient martiza she had a heart attack in fact her heart stopped three times during her medical emergency martiza said that my whole experience was outstanding that EV that the way everyone worked together was Flawless the team at PMC saved my life for that my husband and I will be forever grateful I would recommend PMC to anyone martz's full story as well as many other incredible patient stories are available on parish's website please take a look uh on our website this concludes my report I'm happy to try to answer any questions and I got the senior staff here that can also answer questions I don't know that I have a a lot of questions member Cole certainly might well it's not a matter of questions it's just the fact that if you notice the last few slides with the community involvement those kinds of things would not be possible if we were not a public institution good point and I want to make sure everybody understands that if this had gone forth the existing board of directors at the hospital would have the nine would have been vacated and they have would have been placed by five members that would appoint be appointed by Governor D santis and they could have been from Tallahassee Orlando uh Miami so the the local interest would not have been there so the news that you gave in the beginning was something that was was exciting news for us for the whole city for the whole norf Bard area so thank you and I am proud to be a part of the board of directors of Parish Medical Center thank you thank you member Cole I would uh I would say that we certainly were keeping up with the uh legislative movement and don't want to get into a whole lot more than that it was disappointing that we had to keep up with that movement um you know the VIS visual I get is you know you got that block game where you pull blocks out until falls down well you're a block that if we pull out it's all going to fall down there's just too much um you know and then you do all this with uh 30 years with uh zero tax lovey 30 30 plus years 94 yeah incra incredible uh every year I talk about and you kind of hit all that so that's great but every year I talk about not only is it a a great Wellness uh place to be and uh you've if I got the numbers right you added uh more than 30 Health Care Professionals just goes on and on um but that being said you do so much in the community and I'm one that always talks about the little things like the uh I don't think it's a little thing actually but it's compared to what you do it's probably a little thing but the uh uh Christmas uh lighting of the tree that's a that's a fan favorite and that's getting bigger and bigger and then uh certainly breakfast with Santa has made a come back and as a grandpa is a pop pop I get to go to both all the time uh I I was out of town this last one and I appreciate you noticing that so anyway uh very pleased to have you guys you're you're certainly part of a backbone that keeps us City moving in the direction it's moving and I couldn't be more pleased I moved here in 1965 and not a lot of stories but I can tell you um my mom had major surgery the first year we here in 1965 and a one story you look like Riverview Elementary School I mean it's one one story and uh from that point I actually was in the hospital and doctor Story the first doctor story um my parents always say saved my life at u ms and sephtis at age nine that's a big deal in in 19 whatever 60 something um that was a real big deal just you know it just so you're part of the family I guess as it hits me that's just what it is you're part of the family and uh I certainly hate to see anyone uh dispel that we'll leave it at that thank you guys for what you do it's beyond words to me and uh we're blessed to have you here and we're not going to pull that block that Block's got to stay uh anything else thank you guys appreciate it very much hold up hold up this is uh I believe this is a presentation with no need for anything we don't have anything here you'll get get in a minute all right uh you guys good thank you all right thank you guys very very much city manager petitions and requests sir oh that's doing hospital if you guys want to listen uh I very much uh think that we're going the wrong way if we convert this to a private hospital and I've been here for 50 years and I saw us look like we lost the hospital during those times and it was a it was a touch andgo situation and uh I appreciate the uh long presentation uh because uh it's a big deal I mean I think we' be crazy to not support this abut continue to being a public hospital and what's going on in the in the Press is not enough to support us uh certainly hope that we will be successful and just just do it because this is this is an important decision so I know this is part of my three minutes but uh thank you very much for fighting to uh keep our Hospital public it's a rarity and thank you okay so are you ready to hear me now about your three minutes is out you missed it okay guys La last time I um uh I was here I got a letter from uh uh it's a letter written by Mr staer and I was talking to you about it at the CRA meeting so I think so you you you have this same same handout and the thing is is there's there's gag orders on employees and uh I'm going to the governor's office and so forth to see what you can do investigate what's going on because it's it's it's a horrible dishonesty heinous crimes by our Water Resources Department it's terrible and you know when I talk about U spraying women children and babies with with uh SU is just how in the world did our water resources allow this I don't think EPA is going to give me any help but I'm going to the governor's office attorney general office and so forth like that so I'll be copying you the correspondence as I complain about this and ask for investigation of what's going on in the city of tville something that I I think that you should do also this is crazy what's happening through the support of our our U our city manager how in the world he can support this guy kind of stuff and how in the world you can support to I don't know I mean I'm telling you about you can you can go and and talk to the Witnesses on Greenwood Street they saw the sewage there for months a big puddle of it and the city denies it not only did deny it they went ahead and worked on it and removed the manhole where the sewage was on top of and I did see one sign of a sewage spill but there was only one sign and you even deny that's one sign this is crazy what you guys have done what resources has done I think you should look into it investigate self- investigation right here from the council say what has happened because it's not true when you had a sewage spill a big one big one and I said I I and and Laur Lee was one of the witnesses and you guys are are are fighting the Tec commission and they're asking you to respond so good luck thank you next up hello hi it's nice to see you all again I was going say the same about you thank you yog I don't I don't do yoga that may surprise you guys but anyway go ahead okay uh the city has a very lovely and popular Park at the south end of town I'm speaking of the linear park that's across from Ellie and CA Oh yeah at on the east side of the intersection of Cina Street and US1 uh the park has never been named uh a few years ago a small portion of the park at the North End was named uh to fulfill a requirement of a sales contract uh some of you that have been on for a while remember that and Mr um Mr lce will remember if you have questions but the bulk of the park 75% of it has never been named um when the city was in discussion with the residents of Indian River City uh historic neighborhood uh about the creation of an in River City neighborhood plan the residents proposed some names for that park because it was was in their area of course uh Indian River City Park was the most popular but there were some objection to that um from the council um two others that were proposed were coina Street Park and uh referendum park because as you if you'll remember that Park was created by the residents of Titusville for the residents of Titusville through a ref referendum that they agreed to um but it's up to you what you call it but it's too beautiful an asset not to have the Dignity of a name and I'm asking if you would please proceed to name it and put some kind of sign on it thank you thank you M Nelson well being how smart alec I suggested we name a Robert's Park but okay the land originally belonged to my dad so oh okay yeah and the land that elano sits on was my dad's but it would be nice to have a name for the park and uh referendum Park kin Street Park they sound great so it would be nice to have I don't know what we we would need to do to name I don't either I I guess I always for that sort of thing um I'm the kind of person I was a big part of um getting uh the Dorothy W the Dorothy wise building at Titusville High School Al wariki field I mean there's just certain things it's um I I think it's a good point and I guess we'd need guidance on what kind of steps do we take to do that yeah I think what we would need sir is uh for you to do advisability and vote on that that you'd like to bring it back as an agenda item so would I need to make a motion okay so I make a motion that uh for advisability on naming the park across from elano that's 75% or so um to come up with the name second I have a motion in the second all those in favor say yes yes opposed good idea well thank you very much thank you thank you good idea I'm not not moving on without you I spoke at the wrong meeting May I you may you absolutely May because and and and truthfully I we're the same people but this is the official one that can hear it anyway so that's exactly right and thank you for I appreciate your patience thank you no worries thank you for your patience as you know the residents of Royal Oak strongly oppose the placement of Apollo Garden's entrance along a local Road section 1.4.6 of the comprehensive plan stipulates that a multif family development must be adjacent to either a collector or an arterial Street however de Merit Drive does not meet this requirement as it is neither a collector nor an arterial Street despite our repeated requests the developer has yet to find a solution that aligns with the city's comprehensive plan I live in Spanish Oaks on De Merit Drive which is a private road on my side and a local road on the South Side running through Royal Oak car Force Supportive Housing the developer has also failed to address another significant issue concerning Spanish Oaks although Apollo Gardens owns the property at 2727 to Merit Drive orb 1564 987 indicates a 50ft easement area granting Spanish Oaks control over that easement how will Apollo Gardens access de Merit drive if there is an easement owned by Spanish Oaks these are questions the developer has yet to answer as negotiations proceed with Maria Hilton it's crucial to acknowledge that the residents of of Royal Oak Spanish Oaks and Village Square who plan to stay in their homes are not inclined to settle and are actively pursuing further legal action considerable time and effort has been invested in a project that contradicts the comprehensive plan and overlooks the easement issue with three neighbor neighborhoods now involved support for relocating Apollo Gardens to Melbourne is growing we strongly urge you to adhere to the comprehensive plan if that proves unfeasible relocation of Apollo Gardens is imperative and Billy Joe Clayton of De Merit Drive thanks you for your time again oh thank you so very much well read again by the way next up petitions requests no you start to stand up no stand you can't go again okay city manager uh on to consent agenda items a through G city council are there any questions of staff for consent agenda um I see none city council do you want to pull any items off of the consent for further discussion I've see none city clerk are there any cards for consent agenda items a through G yes sirard mayor I'd like to read the titles for the record thank you sir consent agenda item 8A approve the student advisory Council scholarship policy expenditure consent agenda item 8 B approve the agreement for financial advisor Services consent agenda item 8 C approve the purchase of vehicles for Public Works consent agenda item 8D approve the valve replacement for the morning dove Water Treatment Plant consent agenda item 8e accept the public utility and drainage easement at Hibiscus Avenue consent agenda item 8f uh accept the clean vessel act Grant CVA 24- 002 and consent agenda item 8G approved change order 1 and two for the blue herring Water Reclamation facility thank you very much councel any comments on any of those I see none call the card please Stan Johnston for 8D and 8G 8B and 8G is in d as in dog D is in dog okay thank you Stan Johnson I'm a registered professional engineer as you know and I'm not a homeless person as uh uh as one of the police reports that has of me when I was arrested said I was homeless a homeless professional engineer living here for 50 years homeless yeah homeless and and what was running for city council several times and even okay anyhow so that was kind of unusual I find that unusual but anyhow 8D and 8G have to do with water resources department and I just talked to you about at the uh petitions and requests about the um gag orders and dishonesty that's issuing from Water Resources Department it's a serious matter and and and uh a serious matter of my trust I want you to understand if I was employed by the city of Titusville I don't think it could happen because I would complain about it the city manager and they' had to fire me or do something but but I just don't see how it could possibly happen what's what's going on right now I was uh I was given all employee good employee Val excellent employee valuations and this is so much against engineering it's so much against truth and so forth what the city has done um what I expressed to you not only what I told you at petitions request but for example the four log virus complete dishonesty on that the um sewage spills that's dishonest and the um the U not turning the fountains off in the uh public park ponds it's unbelievable what's going on so uh I uh do not uh have a trust for Water Resources even though you got Professional Engineers there who are silent they won't support they won't support staer ask them they won't do it you got a problem you need to do an investigation before somebody someone else comes down here and does it I'm calling for it now and you know what what's going on is what fdp does they don't respond to my emails they don't respond to my phone calls so I'm now I'm calling the utsman who whatever that thing is for the governor so uh you guys are um uh uh what we have is horrible corruption heinous crimes done in the city of tville and these are as far as professional engineering concern and you need to do something about it and I do not uh I cannot support what's going on in Water Resources today even though Mr staford is gone his legacy lives on Legacy of dishonesty I wish you were here to hear that so uh I'm asking you to to to do something about it because it's it's a uh it's horri it's horrible I'm embarrassed as a as a citizen of this tville and a former employee of the city thank you any questions none um motion on the uh any there no M of the cards right yes sir motion on the consent agenda move to approve consent agenda items 8 a through 8G second got a motion for member Nelson a second for member stokel roll call vote member Cole yes member Nelson yes mayor diesel yes vice mayor Robinson yes member stokel yes consent agenda is accepted uh City Manager on to uh ordinances first reading we're on item 10A which is ordinance number 7 2024 development fee review um and the City attorney will read the ordinance for record ordinance number 7 2024 an ordinance of the city of tville Florida amending the code of ordinance by amending development review procedures manual section 17.2 Land Development fees by including an expedited plan review fee providing SE severability repeal of conflicting ordinances incorporation under the code and an effective date on March 6 2024 the Planning and Zoning commission recommended approval of this item 61 Mr parish is here to answer any questions you may have on this first reading any questions on the first reading uh P curiosity go ahead I'm sorry member Nelson go ahead Brad have you talked to any of the cities that are using the AI yes um we received information from a few counties in a few cities that have been using this um specifically Hernando County Pasco County Simo County um and just give you one example Pasco County they did a pilot study of this and they liked it so much it really helped them reduce the time frames site plan reviews that they decided to go all in with it so um are we going all in with it we're doing a pilot study what this ordinance does is allows us to pass have a pass through fee or charge in addition to our regular site plan review okay um and it really covers the cost of submitting a site plan through the software for this company so we just needed to establish this ordinance this fee structure in order to do this pilot program that we're going to do right now if it's successful we'll continue with the contract with the U with the software AI intrigues me and scares me so dying to see how it turns out m stel y um just to verify or clarify um with this fee schedule um we would be getting our all of our costs back from the application fee to do this correct we won't be out any money as a city so we do have to put up something up front at least for the first three months and that's going to be our trial phase and then after that then we can cancel it if we don't if it's not successful but with they the consultant does or the uh software company does need um that upfront cost in order to help work with the city staff and to establish it and then get it going but to allow to submit these app or these site plans through the process there is the fee uh with the company and that's what this ordinance is supposed to establish so it won't be in the end um there will might there will be some upfront but it's not going to be it's going to be minimal okay um what we've done though is we've already gotten before you um an upfront cost of what we've budgeted about $50,000 is what we think if we are not satisfied with this we're not going to utilize that entire amount okay okay yeah I think that's my um thing I just want to make sure those that would use this um are actually the ones paying for it because as I've talked to developers um I think they are more than willing to pay to have their uh application expedited so I think they won't mind paying and then I just want to make sure that they're the ones paying and it's not going on our taxpayers thank you nice thank you very much um member Cole just a quick one Brad now in a three-month period for the evaluation if developer comes in and we put his project in that do we charge him that expedited fee now or do we wait till after 3 months that we decided we have going to use it before we do it so all the the nuances and the specifics we haven't nailed down yet um I suspect it's going to work this way there will be some cost to the city to start do this no matter what what we're trying to do is start a process if we like it after 3 months we can add on and pay uh for the next month and keep going like that and that fee over time eventually gets paid for by the applicants so we pay up front a little bit but then that gets offset over time alonger with with them um so yes this again this fee we've structured here is the pass through fee to the applicant M mayor yes Brad how many man hours do you anticipate this eliminating so the anecdotal evidence we got from um Pasco County for example uh they were estimating 78 days or so of Standard Time to do a site plan review and when they worked with this software it brought it down to about a third of that so our site plans uh I think earlier today was a list of site plans that were submitted to we have about 55 projects where so every time we update this list we have more projects added to it um it depending on the complexity of the site plan it's very complicated and it takes time um so I would think that if we're successful we'll probably see the same results that Pasco County did or some of the other jurisdictions but everywhere's going to be a little different I I'm hoping that we can at least bring it down to half well if with with 55 I think that that's what we got in the email was was 50 55 55 development projects right and it just would it's just boggled my mind you know you can take that and you can cut the time in had you know but somehow If U if it takes 55 and with men hours just say that that takes we just use an arbitrary number of eight months for the current process uh processing and uh an AI can do it in four months is that I'm just using those arbitrary numbers sure so the way it really works is we spend a lot of time looking at Sheets of plans and we have several staff members looking at this and quantifying a lot of information what the software will do is allow us to be able to submit these plans through the software which can then read this information against our code and then do the quantifying aspect of a review that would cut back immediately A lot of the time that we spend on some of these and it's not going to take away the human review of site plans we still have to review what the results are of this great to give you you know evaluate and give you a a summary of everything yes sir what it will do right what they demonstrated to us is that it'll mark up a plan and show comments or uh markups in another report that could be compare compared with the uh markup of the plan itself what that does is really just it eliminates the time that we spend maybe counting parking spaces um measuring the distance of separation of of setbacks things that nature where we can focus more on the nuances that we see in the code and the software can ALS actually help us find uh conflicts our code as well that we can try and resolve good um member stoko oh sorry just one more comment to uh member Nelson's point it is very scary um but I remember sitting in on a presentation and people were kind of fearful of it and like is AI going to take away our jobs and I remember the presenter said not necessarily but you'll see a demand for people that know how to use Ai and leverage that appropriately and and I just I mentioned this in my briefing I think we're the first one in the county that's looking at this and I appreciate the proactiveness because I do think this will catch on and become the future so I'm really excited about it and appreciate you guys doing it I I would agree with uh Sarah I think this is a unique opportunity and I know they're using it a lot in the medical field and they're saying the AI picks up stuff the doctors Miss so I think that's great um a little apprehensive but I think it's still great so I think Mr Honeycut will be happy he'll get his stuff back faster and I think the other Engineers will be happy I think you guys will be happy yeah yep you won't be crossy long before any of this even came about um being on the council since 16 I can tell you I've had many a developer even proposed to me um you know let's have a FastPass line that I can pay more to go through so I think that we're you know this AI is going to certainly help us move in that direction so I I don't think it's any issue is anybody going to be willing to do that absolutely they are so um you know and as far as AI coming in and taking some jobs over Etc I I mean that's part of technology I mean well I mean I just go through the uh Walmart checkout line now all of a sudden I can't find anybody who's doing a checkout I have to do it myself and rest assured this old guy not quite as old as member Cole but this old guy does not necessarily want to check my own stuff out but um I look at that sometimes and I think and there are people standing there to want it but it's one per maybe three or four or five so there's definitely a that issue but that's kind of part of how it works so I'm excited about it I'm excited what we can do for our customers and um our citizens and uh that's exciting that's the exciting part because let's face it to me and let's and I'll go back to something we say at a lot of meetings in 2016 when we got on I we because there are some Weis up here but when I got on Council uh we averaged seven projects on the board at any one time we now average 55 projects on the board at any one time time that makes it very difficult to have the same speed to or to expedite like we have in the past so that being said I just think it's thinking ahead of the curve as I call it good job on that um this is a first reading we won't have any motion or vote a call card one card is danan Johnston Stan Johnson I'm a professional engineer and and I welcome some intelligence I wonder what the AR icial intelligence would talk about is to say it's is why does the city of city of Titusville why would they uh uh not turn off the fountains and spray women children and babies with you talk about it in another way we already talked about this artificial you already talked about that this is for about five minutes I'm I'm going to use your time because it's my time too so go ahead and talk about artificial intelligence and what you think about that program thank you took 10 minutes 10 seconds of my time I don't appreciate that so anyhow uh what is going on is I'm give you an example SNJ Oaks SNJ Oaks has got a problem with water flows downhill I hope artificial intelligence will be able to solve that uh the city of Titusville has a trouble with dams dams they built dams and didn't even survey what they flooded down down stream and didn't send them to FEMA I think artificial intelligent would recognize that yet we don't have intelligence here in the city of tville that does recognize it I know I did uh the same same thing goes goes for uh uh uh cons compensatory storage all these dams the City built none of them have compensatory storage all of them violate all all of them violate the law why hope hopefully artificial intelligence will will wake some of you guys up so uh you don't like me talking about FEMA but by goly FEMA is is we've got a whole bunch of uh Not only was Baker subdivision affected but there's a number there was numerous other you've left stop you youve left the topic on here you're going to talk about what he's trying to decide he's going to do or or not are we going to do this okay why don't that's what I'm talking about you're talking about artificial intelligence I'm talking about water we're talking about dams and those are site plans talking about go go okay well the thing is you my time I'm talking about site plans and I'm talking about reviewing them and that's what this is talking about talking about some people don't have the intelligence and all that stuff so keep stay to the AI well what do you think ai's talking about ai's talking about intelligence versus human intelligence and we have that's what we're talking about okay so where are you where's Mr Diesel playing football or what he's right here he's he's trying to hear you you're the one that missed the $58 million so you're the one that missed the $58 million okay you can tell them later about that that's not funny but but anyhow uh uh uh uh let me read this to you let read it to you it says one encroachment survey overlaps Witness by me and vice mayor Joe Robinson and number two independent finds by city employees Brad parish and Mark Jones that the rideway of Elizabeth and is 53t wide instead of 50ft wide as it is and you what the city continues to improve it what would artificial intelligence do approve something that that that's not not approved my goodness so uh you're talking hey I'm supposed to have the floor Mr we're listening to what you're saying we're discussing I thought it was very worthy of no but but uh okay so do something please so thank you you're wel you think that if the AI was around I would have handled that more properly the 58 million move on we're going to confuse yes I think so I agree with you I'll explain it to everybody later thank all right but um where were we so you got me all swirled up here you're good any cards that's right no no more cards and this is the first reading so we move on yeah I hear the internet is a fad too that's probably going to go away just don't don't confuse me anymore we're we're on to uh item 10B which is ordinance number 8 2024 golden kns Boulevard City attorney will read the ordinance for the record ordinance number 8 2024 an ordinance of the city of tville Florida amending chapter 28 zoning article 6 zoning District standards of the code of ordinances to require additional setback and buffer requirements for properties owned industrial M2 abiding golden Lot B Boulevard by amending section 28 318 industrial M2 30- 332 required landscape yards and 30 339 visual buffer and screening requirements providing for severability repeal of conflicting ordinances and incorporation into the code and an effective date on 6th March 2024 the Planning and Zoning commission tabled this item to the regular meeting scheduled for 3 April 2024 to allow staff time to revise the ordinance based on the discussion and having more definitive guidelines for the type of screenings to be used the vote was 70 Mr parish is here to answer any questions on this your first reading what is pnz looking for in that tabling what are you supposed to bring back to them that they didn't have some members of the airport Authority came to the meeting and asked for more clarification of what that buffer or screening is supposed to be they specifically asked for something that is more opaque uh the ordinance was generally created as a result of their request during the uh this kind of generally came out of the issues and discussions that you had during a conditional use permit that was brought before you related to the Concrete Construction facility right one of the conditions of that required a bigger buffer than what we normally have the ordinance was created at your request so we we created a general ordinance kind of to find a bigger buffer that we just have to meet our minimum or current U screening standards which is just a line of trees or vegetation uh the airport Authority came and asked they could clar for that some more there was some general discussion by the Planning and Zoning commission members as to what that could be there was even a discussion about requiring a burm which is a raised Hill or fill there along there to try and create some kind of opaque screening against from the uses that potentially could be allowed in these properties adjacent to Golden Knights Boulevard which is the main entrance into the airport those properties are zoned M2 which is heavy Industrial in the city and allow a plethora of types of indust heavy industrial uses there so that was part of the concern that was brought up by representatives of the airport Authority and um generally discussion of the planning zoning commission they asked for it to be tabled so that we can come back with some ideas we can certainly propose in a revised draft uh more specifics of what that screening is uh maybe a raised berm with vegetation on top of it that is something that is acceptable and as a screening mechanism an example of a raised BM if you remember where Titus Landing is over by the parish complex that's a raised BM and landscaping that's on that as well and they put out sea grass on it right uh vice mayor yeah it's just about they they want the airport to look like an airport and not a uh a debris debris collecting uh uh when you go into that uh road so the the Aesthetics making sure that it looks good and um it's pleasing to the eye uh as you go along and um and I know that you guys are going to do your best to come up with some ideas of what you can do to hide as much of if anything is put out not hide it but you know just make sure it has a standard it must have if you're going to uh if any debris or anything is stored in out in front and so forth if I could say in the draft ordinance it talks about 50 ft so but the vegetation requirement minimum will be the same as we currently allow or require in a 10t line wide buffer so the question really to the commission um is how much of a screening is necessary there are many ways that can be done a 6ot high fence might not be necessary might not me meet their intent uh if we're just going to increase the buffer what's a 6' high fence going to really do there are other ways to do provide screening such as a fence in conjunction with canopy trees so that you have six foot high fence or whatever height that might be plus the canopy trees and over time that creates a linear screen there another version is What U was just discussed or brought up as an example bringing a lot of fill on the property in that 50ft buffer creating a BM whatever maximum or minimum height that has to be plus any addition Landscaping you want to put on that those are the two main ways of providing night screening and I think that that's probably something that you know they cover is a burm that uh keeps everything for the most part blocked from the visual eyesight very good anybody else nope call the card please we have two cards um Tony Shuff all right and then Stan Johnston hello Tony good evening Shuff Tropic Street in um the ordinance under question 8 2024 the extent language that's there already says to review Land Development regulations to ensure that Industrial Development in the areas of the airport is compatible with Aviation related uses and promotes an attractive Gateway into the City and airport so you're talking about 50ft landscape yard buffers on properties that are zoned into heavy industrial and still wanting to have industry compatible with Aviation and an attractive um gateway to what's going to become Titusville Spaceport so this is my moment we told you so about the concrete crushing Factory and as a result of push back by citizens which made City staff and Council aware that a cement crushing Factory is not an acceptable use for any reason at the entrance to a Spaceport and near the Indian River Lagoon so I appreciate the fact that people are trying to reconsider the uses around the totico and I hope that something Spacey comes out of it thank you you had to think of that one didn't you took you a minute on that one I would if nothing else I would I would uh say that the communication and that the staff is hearing that and that's kind of a good thing they see sometimes from up here and it's a good thing to see all the time um any other card yes we got another card um Stan Johnston Stan Johnston and uh I'm a professional engineer and I'm supposed to have when I speak have three minutes but uh I don't know how you all uh or let's say Mr Diesel figures out this three minutes when he's talking and disagreeing me with me about when I'm talking about artificial intelligence and and uh that which is done to review I I really didn't understand my interruptions and taking away my time so right now I'm I'm using my time time the 3 minutes I have here to say is that well you know here's something that that uh I'm not sure makes a lot of sense it'd be nice to have artificial intelligence say well why are we uh making all kinds of special exceptions for something that's out of the airport area and applying it to areas that are away from the airport that apply within the airport and and I think when I take of the airport I think of you put BMS there and when when a plane gets loose it's going to hit the BM I mean I look i' I've been to to many airports and I don't see any BMS because you got to tie down the airplane it's over with my my dad used to fly planes and uh I don't I don't remember any BMS anywhere in in the uh area of these airports that that I've been so uh I'm not sure if that's a good idea but there are some other good ideas you got maybe BMS are right for some other places so I'm not going to say anym even though I've got about a minute and a half left I'm going to let you have it Dan this this minute and a half you're welcome I might talk during your time all right um and that's a a valid thought that I hadn't had I don't think it's a real problem and clearly that that's been thought out already right BMS are not an issue as far as an airport goes this was brought up by a representative of the airport Poss probably not okay thank you can I yeah absolutely right there I like canopy tree that's my that's my boat trees trees canopy trees it would provide a sound barrier it'll look good burms are okay but yeah yeah that's what I thought all right any other card City Manager on to item 10c which is ordinance number 9 2024 uh soil amendment the City attorney will read the ordinance for the record ordinance number 9 2024 an ordinance of the city of tville Florida amending the code of ordinances to require soil amendments prior to installation of landscaping and specified situations by amending sections 30303 standards 30 372 planting standards and 371 definitions providing for severability repeal of conflicting ordinances incorporation under the code vote and an effective date on 6th March 2024 the Planning and Zoning commission recommended approval as presented 70 Mr parish is here to answer questions you may have on this first reading give me a quick summary of um what this means in English terms I'll be honestly I thought I got a pretty good understanding in the uh agenda prep meeting but I i' kind of like to get that reminded to me what what uh what's the history of this this kind of started out because of the uh project where they were replacing trees over at the Windixie parking lot uh there were questions about the replacement of the soil as the trees are being replaced there um and this is true of a lot of projects where there is a replanting effort or Redevelopment especially of a site that has been developed for a long time and it has a lot of compact concrete and everything or soils on the property that are not suitable for new plantings so Amendment requirement would mean that our staff would work with the developer and the landscape architect and Planters on nurserymen on the property to make sure that there is proper um Amendment to the soil itself in a different landscape islands for example or in Perimeter landscape um plantings to be able to make sure that the trees and vegetation that is required as part of a approved landscape plan survive uh so it's primarily that's that's the main reason for this and is to help back our staff up we discussed that with the with the Landscape Architects and other professionals on the St site well I heard it then I hear it now I think it's a good initiative that basically saying you can't just put a tree in any kind of soil you can't just put a tree in sand you just can't put a certain trees and certain soils there's got to be some study and understanding of where you're going to plant that tree that I appreciate um Council anybody want anything else to that cards please Tony Shuff okay I'm for this but I wanted to point out that in section 30-33 of the standards number one native vegetation is preferred and encouraged to be drought tolerant newly installed plant materials are encour encouraged to be drought tolerant species areas to be preserved in their natural state shall meet the requirements of the regulations for other areas a listing of said species is available for reference in the landscape technical manual that's being worked on and I think that it's important that the listing of species in the technical manual is a correct list not the inadequate and incomplete list that's suggested by the um consultant that you're paying so much money to work on the suggested and recommended list compiled by the Titusville environmental commission your Advisory Board is specific to location that list list trees that would be proper to plant in parking lots and they're specific to location and they're drought tolerant native and sustainable so when you consider adopting this ordinance which would help in a lot of areas I mean look what they're doing over here at the Burger King they've got all that concrete torn up um the list in the technical manual should be a correct native species oriented list and and plants that are dedicated to rard County there's a great list so carefully consider the list that's going to go into the technical man ual to um further enhance our efforts to improve our tree canopy and our ground you know I agree I think it's a step in the right direction as far as taking the next step of thinking you can't just put a tree down right I I truly appreciate that so and certainly the the um the native plants would certainly be the Natural Choice for survival and go from there but yeah I I when you said you for like it I can't necess say I'm for because first reading but I like it okay thank you um next card Michael maack long time no see sir hurry up had to get here at the same time got wait that's right you got there at the same time Michael maack Alpine Lane usually I get up here and I rail on you guys about one thing or another this isn't right or that isn't right right true well okay here's the change I think this is a good thing uh we really do need to consider the soil types for plants in fact the um uh the native plant list that that we're working on uh with the help of the Native Plant Society our local Club is uh it's really astonishing we've got over 300 native plants now identified that we can use uh here and so I'm hopeful that uh when we have our meeting tomorrow uh we'll be able to settle all that out but the soil types and the tree types matter and that's something that we haven't got in the in the listing right now we don't have the soil types that go with particular types of landscape material we just have the material itself and where it's suited but not necessarily by soil type so that might be something to consider when we go to what exactly that soil amendment should be for the species that you're planting so but I agree with this one this one's a good one thank you thank you I I think it's pretty refreshing to see I agree next card the last card is Stan Johnston dropped something yeah Stan Johnson I'm not against this uh uh ordinance however uh here's what I've seen happen mysterious things I had uh someone who uh built a development uh it was a bank on Garden Street and they had all these beautiful oak trees and so they they decided to save maybe about 10 of these beautiful oak trees and they kept uh traffic construction traffic off and so forth like that and even though they kept them off several of them died they just died a few years later maybe five years later they just died I don't know why they died but they died and and then uh I had a o i I was up against that and I had I had uh uh oak trees that were over 100 years old and they were maybe a foot away from my driveway you're not supposed to do that and I had one was about should be well over 100 years another one big one mive vuk trees and it was just about a foot or so off and you're not supposed to do it because they lift up the the concrete and so forth but I was glad to save those trees uh it was already there when I bought it bought the house so uh uh I'm conflicted about what is and what is not right for uh trees and what people can say because uh I've I've tried uh help people save the tree and then it dies then I tell I told my brother-in-law he's going to lose a tree he's filling around it an oak tree and it just had all kinds of suckers coming off of it on the around the trunk and up high and so forth like that and it's still living now uh 40 years later 50 years later still living so I was wrong on that too so um that's all thank you perfectly stayed on top that was awesome thank you good good information too uh next card all right uh no motion no vote first uh reading onto new business uh item 12a which is AD theum tax abatement for uh the bricks Brewing project LLC orance number 27 2015 granted an adum tax abatement of 100% for a duration of 8 years to Bricks Project brewery LLC based on 2015 projection staff has reviewed and the uh project does continue to meet the requirements staff recommends approve the economic development ADV valorum tax for tax year 2023 and the continuation of ordinance number 27 2015 for bricks projects llc at 100% thank you very much staff anything add to that nope Council any questions uh member sto yep is this the last year for this one yes okay I just want to clarify thank you anything else from Council call the card one card Stan Johnston thank you sir um motion motion to passing I'm sorry sir pass your microphone yeah motion to accept the uh tax ad uh ad valarian tax abatement yes abatement for 2024 23 23 23 okay brick and for bricks Project brewery LLC for ordinance number 27215 of bricks Project brewery second 100% there you go I've got the motion from vice mayor second from Member Nelson roll call vote member Nelson yes may diesel yes vice mayor Robinson yes member stokel yes member Cole yes passes unanimously City maner on to 12b which is advore and tax abatement for tax year 2023 for Paragon Plastics ordinance number 23 2015 granted an Ador tax abatement of 60% for the dur of six years to Paragon Plastics based on its 2015 projections staff has reviewed they do meet the qualifications to continue ordinance number 23 20 2015 for tax year 2023 and recommends approval of the economic development avalor tax exemption for the continuation continuation of tax year 2023 to Paragon Plastics at 60% very good staff I would assume there's nothing there uh council member stoko sorry just to clarify on the duration so is are we extending it an additional year because it's already been six years is that what this is doing or is this the sixth year this is last year yeah so this will be the last year as well okay all right thank you any other things from Council call the card Stan Johnston thank you sir uh yes thank you sir uh member Nelson move to approve the uh aalum tax patment for tax year 2023 for Paragon Plastics second have a motion for member Nelson and second for member Cole roll call vote mayor diesel yes vice mayor Robinson yes member stokel yes member Cole yes member Nelson yes passes unanimously City Manager on to item 12C which is landscape trust fund advisability on 26 October 2021 city council indicated report for tec's recommendation to amend the city's public landscape trust fund resolution number 30201 to require at least 50% of public landscape trust fund revenues to be used specifically for the purchase and installation of high quality canopy trees only which did not include the purchase of in or insulation of other vegetation with the understanding that the Gateway project would be complete before this change in policy was effective staff is um seeking advisability on the preparation of the amendment to this landscape trust fund established in res resolution number 30 2021 2011 Mr parish is here to answer any questions and to give you a little bit more of an update on this one Mr Parish so this was brought up before the city council in 20 2000 or just a few years ago and you made this or the council at the time made this uh comment it's on page 371 of your packet you'll see in highlight uh this was a summary of what was stated by city council at the time it wasn't clear direction to us to do anything it was more or less support of a recommendation that TC had brought before you uh we have not implemented this statement uh so we're coming back to you tonight to see how you would like to go forward with this is this a I guess we're asking for clarification is this a uh advisability for us to move forward on a particular action another reason I bring this up is because the Tec has brought this topic up several times at their meetings and before you and so we would just like to have some clarification member Nelson first question do we know where we are on the Gateway projects I believe the plans are still in permit review with f yeah the under permit review you have approved the signs themselves remember we went through right right um and once the because a lot of those are fot approval they do take a little bit of time and we do have allocated funds out of the landscape trust fund to do that and like we said in the presentation this is independent of that particular project understand that but I was trying to get a sense of when we're talking about maybe moving ahead with that project fot permitting takes a while yeah okay sounds like we're waiting on the bureaucracy yeah so my thought was I I I like the idea of using some of the money for canopy Treats but I don't want to tie our hands where if we have a project and it doesn't require canopy treats where we go no we can't do that project because we can only do canopy trees but do like the idea of increasing in total our canopy trees in Titusville does that make sense and I'm not sure how to do that I don't know if anybody has any suggestion I I agree with that that's kind of the him and Hall of it yeah we want to do this but how much you know if I may I just want to if you take a look at page 369 of your packet it's the original landscape Trust fund resolution that established a fund and you'll see in the bottom there section two it says there right now that all funds received in accordance with this code requirement this fund that goes into this fund would be used to beautify publicly owned or publicly maintained property so it's a very it's it's limited to only public purpose but it's flexible enough for you to be able to utilize how you see fit on an annual basis with the budget what if we said something to the effect that um well this does go back maybe I don't know how to say this attorneys are never you know at a loss forward maybe help you a little bit Yeah if we had if we had a project that we were going to use this fund for we would bring it before Council to show you what the project is and at that point so at that point if you wish to add or take away whatever in the Landscaping that would be your opportunity to do so okay the flexibility we're talking about okay because I I want the flexibility um and you know where we can yeah I'd like to add canopy trees because I think it sort of Keeps Us shaded and cool I agree but I think the key is that you'll look at each individual project that we bring before you with a proposed Landscaping using this fund and if you want to adjust it that would be opportunity to do so okay than that I can live with yeah I'm glad you brought that up I agree vice mayor yes you know I um I like the uh the ability to not lock up lock down money yeah you know so that you know if if there something that needs to come before us uh we can decide at that particular time but right now it's just you know setting back to be spent on trees and you know canopy trees or or whatever vegetation that is that is needed to do the work uh that we need to get done but if we start allocating the percentage of monies over here that money can stay locked up for a long time yeah and that is not a good I've had to deal with that in other positions as well so just you know uh just give us the uh let us maintain stewardship over what what the money is used for y member stoko yep um I think Brad and the city manager kind of said what I was thinking already the resolution I feel like makes it so we have to use it for those public purposes so we are making sure that um we are using those funds appropriately and then to the city manager's Point all the projects will come before us so I think at that point if we are in agreement on the canopy being important and we're not seeing that and it's been a while since we've done some I think we need to have that discussion say you know what this is what we're looking for um because I don't want to Tire hands either and is the city manager I'm sorry goad as the city manager said we we did use some of the money for the trees around the splash pad which are the canopy trees that's good and some Palms so yeah anything else from staff or counsel yeah so so what I just to summarize what we're hearing is uh you do not wish staff to take any action on the current uh resolution correct yeah yeah we need that flexibility at this point and so yeah I agree okay and I I believe that um probably have to take some cards on this one as well that's where we're going next uh call card please we have three cards Tony shiff tell they are tell cards are Shame Shame Shame Shame Shame Shame on the city council that sat with mayor Ronald Swank in two December of 2001 and changed the tree mitigation plan stealing the funds putting it over in public landscape trust fund where all the funds received from tree removals would now be used to beautify publicly owned spaces properties I'm outraged that the city of Titusville claims to be a tree City USA which requires the expenditure of $2 per capita planting trees while for years this fund has been misused for the and not used for the required expenditures and even a couple of years recently the city planted no trees at all zero zero trees with the tree fund so the tree team pushed back and we requested the Tec the agency that is designated by Tree City usas to be the tree board we pushed them to function as such and get this errant policy reversed let me give you a little history sir the tree mitigation fund originally was 100% for trees until Swank and his gang took those funds and diverted them so by keeping them there to be used for beautification is against what originally was established so the Tec recommendation to require at least 50% to be used to replant trees come on you know that that's the right thing you know it's wrong to be using these funds these tree mitigation funds to paint signs and make a little electric displays the money raised by losing our trees should be used to plant more trees next card please Michael maack that does go back doesn't it I mean that goes back to the previous previous previous mayor um when I mean when this all went down yes sir two Mayors ago Tully and he was before Tully yeah yeah I was here then and I can tell you Michael maack um still at Alpine Lane by the way um the tree mitigation fund was started in 96 because of some reports that came out of St John's River Water Management District talking about how overdevelopment is causing excess runoff which is causing poisonous amounts of freshh water to enter our Lagoon so we recognize that and when we saw how much trees we were cutting down we started the tree mitigation trust fund in like 96 five years before this one and the reason for that was to try to put trees back in the environment that we recognized were taken down so it was for trees and trees 6 in in diameter and larger that were Native we counted and we took a penalty against that and that went into that trust fund and that's where that money came from not to BU concrete but put the trees back in the city because we were trying to build an urban forest and we still are and so that's what I want to talk to you about today because we proposed this years ago this 50% minimum trees you know the other 50% you can plant stuff that's not trees doesn't have to just be trees but the 50% minimum was to try to save some of what we started so we've realized that most of that is not working you guys made a decision years ago had never really got implemented by staff and so we're back to square one again on the Tec and that's why we're now focusing on Native Plant and we and I have proposed and we're going to talk about it tomorrow so this is a free advertisement to tune in we're on the radio and I'm the TV tomorrow okay we're going to be talking about what I'm proposing as a native landscape trust fund and it's act the long form is a native landscape canopy uh tree and maintenance trust fund because not only do we have to solve the problem of putting the proper soil in the ground when we plant trees have to maintain them have to water them they need to be pruned we would never have had to lose those trees in the wind Dixie parking lot if they'd been maintained once a year or two even if it was by the city you know and I think we can pay for that using this native landscape trust fund to one help pay back developers who are using liid to pay back the developers that are planting 70 80% Natives and if they're not natives in Bard County as vouchered in the atlas of native plants Regional Florida natives they get a half a discount but Exotics get no discount they get no reimbursement and so what wouldn't be reimbursed what wouldn't be reimbursed would then be going to putting in the kind of landscape that we need and the maintenance for building the tree canopy and Forest that we need throughout the city it becomes a cyclic process if we're going to continue to tear up native lands we should be putting native plants back in the city and take this hard impervious concrete City and make it a little spongy here and there yep good thoughts seriously good thoughts matter of fact the little history there too uh this is kind of a new thing want to go back and put the this on hold until we figure out what we're trying to propose from the committee side for maybe a month or two um that's what I my recommendation will be table this so thank you I'm not quite sure what that does for us what does uh BR what what what's your thought on that what sounded like you where do you see this right now is this something we can can hold on or we we kind of are like let's not do anything on it different right now um it does go back away I mean this is uh some changes that heck I don't even know how long ago long time ago it's at the discretion of the city council how you'd like to go forward so it's colle get that that's why I'm asking you for what you think because you're supposed to be my expert over here I think I think what we're after is do you want to encumber half of your landscape mitigation funds to tree can I think it said uh yeah high quality canopy trees do you want to encumber 50% of your landscape mitigation fund for that or not or do it by project by project basis to which you would each one of our our projects we do a project by project sounds like we can call that kind of on hold I mean it's not like we're if we're going project by project we're not saying this is what it's got to be we can look at a project by project so I think that that's a a happy middle so uh let's stay with that and we'll talk more I'm learning things uh eight years and I'm still learning I didn't realize go back to uh two three Mayors ago and I'm not blaming the mayor three years ago by the way I'm just I'm using that as a timeline so all right buddy um vice mayor yeah uh both the city manager and Brett do we out of that fund can we go back five years and find out how much of that many of those dollars has been spent on anything other than trees it's Trees and Landscaping yes in each one of the projects we we do know exactly how now now remember this is only on public lands right so as member Nelson suggested we did use landscape mitigation funds for the splash park and we we did landscaping as well as trees on that particular project um the Gateway project has uh landscaping and trees as part of that as well so yes we we certainly that's how we're using it now but um I think question at hand for you tonight is do you want to encumber for high quality canopy trees 50% of your fund I'm still in alignment with just keeping it right keeping it open and we make the decisions as we go and that allows us the flexibility and that's what I said I think by doing that we're not really we are kind of not on hold but we're holding till the next project yeah so I think that's uh reasonable Nelson but I think we also ought to recognize or people should recognize this money is not going for signs is not going for concrete is only going for landscaping and trees that's the way it I understand that we might use other money for those things but that really needs to be an absolute I agree um anybody else uh Council no card uh last card is Dan Johnston uh Stan Johnson I've been following this somewhat uh I know that bill Klein has done a lot of research on on his findings are something to the effect is that is that the money disappeared and it wasn't spent uh on on trees and I've been here for 50 years and and I and I'm reading this ordinance and it sounds like it's it says that it's a fund for mitigation efforts and and I I know that Kevin Cook was talking about a number of times he said that he's used this that the city has used this for Public Works to even trim trees but the thing is is that before this ordinance for fund mitigation is is it it was taken care of by budgeting from General funds so now it's it's instead of General funds the same it's it's used it's they're using the the money from the funding for mitigation efforts which I I see that's that's not right that's not right when you pass a law and you and you and then you just give it to what was for General funds that's not fair it's not fair for the people who who uh prepare the ordinances anything so um uh I I right now it's not it's not done right I'm going to ask that uh because I don't know that much about it I'm going to ask that you listen to what Mike majack said and he's he's asking for you to to um table it so that Tec can can get their heads together more on this and discuss it so that's what I'm going to ask for what Mike asked for that's all thank you thank you I think we're in a good place right now though we're not tying ourselves down to one thing and we can move forward and uh I feel good about that uh no more cards anything else from Council okay one more thing yeah absolutely I I will say that I agree with Tec and that they were discussing um we're using it for tree maintenance and none of it for tree planning and I think we need to be careful to make sure that we're using at least the part of that for Trees and Landscaping as opposed to using it to supplement our general budget for tree maintenance I agree that's the way it was intended and I don't think that's very controversial I think it was intended for U planting trees right and um and Landscaping and Landscaping and I've got to say I'm thinking about it Landscaping downtown is absolutely gorgeous I've heard that over and over and I agree but I don't normally hear it I'm actually hearing it from citizens along the way that's uh been that's a first for me that's awesome congratulations to i' like to shout out to Chuck who has really done a phenomenal job of planning and executing whoever yeah whoever that is we probably need to get a get him up here for something because that's pretty awesome yeah okay um remember Nelson this where you or we don't need to do anything do we I I think a consensus of council just as review is just to do nothing yeah right right now and um as projects come along and but I think there's a lot to to be learned here this has got a history to it that's and most things don't so I move on city manager uh onto item 12d which is development standards on February 27th 2024 a city described issues related to the city's development standards specifically landscape buffers versus setbacks requirements for small M multif family projects small lots and otherwise meet the minimum Dimensions required by multif Family zoning District may not be able to meet the landscape yard buffer standards variances are required to encroach into landscape yard or reduce the width of the yard city council requested staff with the citizen and report back to them the findings at a future date so enclosed are the staff's findings and Brad will update you on the direction that we are requesting you to to go forward um you want to go talk now you want to talk now um if we got some yes go ahead vice mayor vice mayor go ahead yes um this is a this is a difficult one at the time that we are spending now because there is a a big push on uh affordable housing and so forth and uh a lot of the lots of older days or time in uh time pass they don't fit the standard uh that we have right now without zero lot lines and so forth and as as as we move forward with the need for housing that that's going to continue so my thoughts on on this we should take I would I don't want to say take every every uh proposal uh at its own value depending upon uh the scale that it was built on or used years ago but we're going to have to evaluate uh uh some of the uh proposed projects as we go forth based on a different standard because we need housing and how do we incorporate that in the in into the process but uh I don't say that we just put in a zero uh um um lot line or anything like that but everything should be uh evaluated now uh uh consideration should be given to the need as we move forward on this as we go as the things happen because we know that uh the land in 1947 was laid out a little lot different than we lay out things and one and we can don't have to go back that far we can go back to the 90s we had the U uh the uh the opportunity and the privilege of of demanding uh a lot of more space between houses and so forth we didn't have the housing need that we have now uh I understand then it was a presentation uh did to the leag of cities left last night by the home uh Homeless Coalition I mentioned this to the uh city manager that U uh they passed the Senate bill that would go in effect that uh we just can't go out to the park if the homeless families are out there we can't just go out to the park and run them off anymore as of January 1st 2025 we have to they have to go to somewhere where they can have housing and so that's going to be a difficult thing so as we move forward with this uh and uh if we set up some consideration especially when the these These are small Lots give them some extra consideration and uh do what we can to make it work and that's the attitude I think that we should move forward with it and now that we've set the table up here with vice mayor give us what you got there Mr staff no um he's going to give us um feedback vice mayor pretty set the tone I mean you you brought up you touched on a lot of things I was going to bring up already um the the citizen that brought the issue up to you at the last meeting brought up things that I had presented to a previous Council a year or two ago related to infield development we we have a lot of policies in our comprehensive plan related to infield development identifies what they are uh these are properties that are skipped over the infrastructure is there they're ready for development but for whatever reason there's some issues related to zoning zoning doesn't allow what's being proposed there so a lot of issues that a property owner would has to go through as far as getting variances waivers whatever you a lot of Hoops basically in order to get a proper Development I've included in your packet that same presentation I gave the previous Council about this particular topic uh there are two case studies in there um one of them has to do with uh a property that um was simply trying to use an existing piece of property it's actually a hope Bard has got the affordable housing project on here right now um it had to go through a lot of variances a lot of Hoops in order to get this developed even though it already had a multif family development on before the city destroyed condemned transferred this property over to an association that was going to or col or organization that was going to rebuild affordable housing units but they still had to go through a lot of Hoops in order to get that approved this is just one example and there are many others like this that have to go through a lot of Hoops and I think there a lot a lot of times they're unnecessary Hoops for example landscape buffers which is what we brought up to you before our code requires has a blanket landscape buffer 20 feet along any public rideway period That's the minimum a lot of properties can't meet that especially in areas that are infill such as this example and I'm just I'm looking at an example on page 375 if you're pack it you'll see a slide there that I've um presented before and you can see that aerial though aerial of that particular property it had a also an old paper rideway going through it so a lot of issues I had to go through had to vacate that rideway had to go through slew of variances to get something properly done our code also required the development on that particular property make sure that all the backyards Orient out towards the street and in an area such as this neighborhood we have this this block pattern of development it made more sense to be able to have the front doors facing the street and have on street parking in this particular case and that's what they decided to do and we're able to get the variances necessary to allow that kind of development and also share the the storm water system on the property itself without having to put swailes or drainage ditches between the building and the street and then the um on street park or on off-site parking it what did not in this particular case they initially proposed a um an a parking lot on the property which was going to take up a good half of the property and because they were able to get the flexibility through variances they were able to not have to use up the entire half the property just for parking so that's just just one example uh another one is further down on that in your packet um it's page 377 of your packet it's Town Home Development it went through a series of variances in order to allow this as well and this is just a 28 unit Town Home Development town home developments and the previous example I showed you are what are called The Missing middle and a lot of these properties that are not really large to create a giant um multif Family apartment development or large enough just to plat a 200 unit single family subdivision they're small they're between these T of developments but they can't be developed on because they're not big enough or they don't have enough buffer room for for the required buffers in other words our code is generally designed to accommodate uh very large developments it does it's not designed for small developments and so a lot of these small Parcels or these infill Parcels that are in between already existing developed properties have a hard time being developed because of our code requirements even though the road the public infrastructure and utilities are there so what we're asking you tonight is uh some direction uh from you to allow us to go forward and explore ways where we can make things a little more easier uh even underneath the current densities of our code so the first example I gave you there I think they had a lot of they are only able to get um 10 residential units on that property and I believe the existing proper development that was on there before had twice that so our current code only Max them out to 10 but even at that number uh they still had to get I think about six or seven variances uh so we just want to have some get some direction from you to be able to allow allow us to explore some opportunities where we can make things a little more flexible on some of these infill Lots member stal so are we talking about um you wouldn't be changing the zoning necessarily it would just be if it's already zoned multif family you're wanting to make sure that they can build multif family due to the certain correct standards already yeah so not we're not asking to look at resoning pieces of property but rather look at the development standards that a developer would have to adhere to in order to utilize that property work under that current zoning yes okay yeah I know I'd be in favor of that especially considering you know what was last week it was already zoned that way because of certain things like there was it was just was not possible um what I don't want to have happen is um where there just like even looking at this picture on 377 I think I remember seeing this from uh a couple years ago when you did this presentation like to me it's just sad when you see the house on the right which looks like single family a yard for the kids to play whatnot and then you see on the left it is nice but there's no yard there's nothing there um I don't want us to just maximize every space we have um I get it for those that are already zoned certain ways um I just don't want to be too LAX so know this is a cons this is consistent with what um Canon Associates which is now with kimley horn has presented to you in various presentations related to making the code a little bit more flexible and our comp plan a little more flexible on the Gateway quarters in our downtown and even in the area to the neighborhood just immediately to the West which these two one of these examples is located in m okay good anybody else oh no absolutely um uh cards Rodney Honeycut good evening Rodney hyut 3700 South Washington Avenue um recently I'm here because recently I've run into two of these situations they're infi Lots they're already zone for multif family they're less than half an acre and um so both of them um I did a pre-application plan and the uh buffers on one site take up 60% of the site and on the other one it's 67% and so therefore it's about impossible to develop it and um so I'm in favor of on small infill Lots being able to do this I'm not asking for large Lots I haven't done anything the small recently and on the large Lots where you have a 20 foot landscape buffer or something that works out fine but when you have uh something that takes up 60 to 70% of your lot in the buffer then you and and you only start started out with a third of an acre you have nothing left and so you have parking requirements also and the code does recognize under half an acre you can you still have to have storm water but but you can do it uh in swells and have a have a less area so we're looking for something in the buffers I know one of these sites is in the urban mixed use and so you can have commercial or multif family or single family if this was a if if my client was looking to do a commercial site the uh land the buffers are are allowed to be the same as the setbacks but since it's not it's multif family that's not the case and so in this case if the multif family was allowed to have the same Advantage as a commercial then this site would work uh and remember when you do these sites you have to have a handicaps parking space and handicapped parking space don't sound like much but it's 17 ft wide with your 5 foot and it's 20t deep and you got to have a 24t drive a behind it and when you 60% of your Lots gone for buffers it's just about impossible to do and so I'm in favor of looking at this um and certainly I'm talking about infill lots I'm not talking about large tracks um and so if you have any other questions about it I would just say it sounds like you're going to have to start looking at tiny homes because as you talk the more you talk though the less place there is it's like wow so I appreciate that input from somebody who who's out there but uh yeah I'm thinking man tiny home is all you got so if there was a kind of conclusion so if there was a way to do it through the code it would be much better than having to go through variances the more things you do the more money it costs and the more that means the rental is going to be on apartments or something so I appreciate good input thank you yep I agree uh next card Tony Shuff Tony shiff Tropic Street no no no while not directed um specifically to West Titusville this concern about City development standard is not a concern for existing homes and established neighborhoods as it should be but in a way to en enable developers of small multi-unit projects of enables them to avoid spending time effort and money to get variations to setback requirements and buffer zones in order to cram more units onto small pieces of property um that we're designating as infill there's a lot of infill property in West Titusville and for homeowners in established neighborhoods of 20 years or more this is directed at this will eliminate their ability to remain single family units with consistent setbacks and buffers up and down the streets so you'll have that situation like you see with the single family homes and then the multi- apartments right on the sidewalk and um it this uh this ordinance that's being suggested doesn't allow Builders of single family units who own um infill property perhaps it doesn't allow them to defy zoning regulations and ignore setbacks and buffer zones single family units will still have to adhere to those um zoning regulations flu policy 1.7.9 is especially bad for homeowners but good for developers as it wants to amend Land Development regulations to provide flexibility in site development which as Mr Honeycut is uh pointing out would be to push to the very limits so that you can get a maximum amount of profitability I'm not a fortune teller but one doesn't have to be one to see where this kind of legislation will lead and I don't know why staff is so adamant on destroying the quality of life for owners of single s Le family homes all over town but especially in Titusville old 20 year or more established neighborhoods especially in West Titusville I'll need to have an appointment with you sometime Mr Parish so you can explain this to me thank you for listening to me thank you next card the last card is Stan Johnston yeah Stan John I don't want to really dis disagree with Mr Honeycut but I want to disagree with Mr Parish on a particular site that I've asked all of you to to visit and that is SNJ Oaks that he's mentioned about the 28 home townhouse is that it was given all kinds of of uh waivers and and uh and REM changing of setback and so forth and buffers a buffer that on the where they have the Mockingbird Lane they got a fence no buffer that's it without a fence nothing and and and where where they had 26t uh uh area for for traffic now it's reduced down to 12T and none of that is I counted over I stopped counting oak trees on their tree survey at 80 it's called SNJ Oaks count the oak trees they have on now Mr Robinson Mr Diesel I counted them there's zero 80 oak trees are all gone count the pine trees count the trees there's over 200 trees easily how many trees do they have left now I see one in the back which way do they they uh position their Town Homes the back of the townhouse faces the street just what he said they're not doing you know they shouldn't be doing back the town halls this is a horrible project a horrible project SNJ Oaks took all the Oaks out oak trees out I I think all of you should go see it uh and and you probably know I'm in court about this thing before a number of reasons that they violate the law survey law and everything else so uh uh you've created the city has created through administrative resoning a number of these problems that that uh Mr Honeycut is is um uh is perplexed with so uh uh think of what you're doing because right now is that when I go some when I went to uh I told you just recently or last council meeting not CRA is that I'm I'm I went to 50 about noon time and I had to wait two times for the stoplight to get through the stoplight and that's what's happened other places so in other words our planning planning department is saying everything's fine with traffic and we can go ahead and start doing 20 units per acre you've got to be kidding this will be just like Orlando soon with all these planned units and so forth and resoning to more and more units per acre 20 units per acre what do you think the traffic is going to be like in a few years look what it's like now before we do that so uh uh uh as far as I'm concerned is is is planning department whether it's Orlando what the city of Titusville has got problems thank you uh Council we are on 12d vice mayor yes uh Mr Johnson I I toly understand what you're saying I I understand what Tony is saying but I also understand that there is a need for housing and we have to look at things uh uh to the best that we can to make it fit we don't want to uh overcrowd people we don't but we do want to make sure that every option that we have is looked at and sometime in looking at those it cannot be the ideal uh you know four bedroomroom house and two acres it's going to have to be a a small lot that tailored to to uh meet the needs of the community and everyone deserves housing and we are going to have to do what we can in and not to make people uncomfortable but to try to make sure that everyone sleeps under a roof every night so I understand that it may look like we're trying to crowd people out but we're not we understand that God is not making us I know I'm on in a government position but God is not giving us any more land so we got to make doe with what we have to the best I'm not saying put people packed up like sardine but I'm asking the staff to look at it and see what we can do and what we cannot do member St yep question um Brad do you know the history of were these properties zoned multif family and then these buffer requirements came on and were applied later so they could have originally been built out just fine until these new stipulations were on or how how did we get in this position to begin with was not just the buffers but yeah what the requirements the 20 the properties have been zoned multif family for a long time okay the buffers have changed off and on over the years and amended in different ways current standard is along a property public RightWay has to be 20 ft and that's just it they have to demonstrate the distance that starts that's just that's an addition that's an addition or or actually um overlapping your setback requirement so let's say your setback for the building is 25 ft but your buffer is 20 it's not in addition too it's they can overlap with each other uh sometimes the setback is 10 ft but the buffer is 20 um the buffer is is fixed along a public rideway right now in some parts of the city it's up to it can be 30 and like we heard earlier could be proposed to be up to 50 but the minimum is 20 and that's the the public right away then for residential development the perimeter landscape buffer is supposed to be 20 as well but other uses require are only allowed U they can go down to 10 look at dust Ro commercial what that buffer is when you look at the code it says it's really the differences uh of all the different types of uses it's just the width of that buffer the actual vegetation inside that buffer is the same so the space the types of trees and the spacing of trees and shrubs or whatever else it might be it's the same the dist the difference is the width it just um seems like there maybe some Alternatives that we can look at many other communities look at things such as well if this this use is going to be next to an incompatible use these are the types of screening you should put in there not necessarily 20ft buffer and these are the the the performance standards you got to put in there such as these types of trees should be close to each other or and should grow at certain time or you have a fence or a wall or whatever that might be depending on what that adjacent use is so there a lot of things we can explore especially I was just going to say so it sounds like we're in this situation what we're discovering because of current standards we have properties that can't really be developed because of current standards they may have been able to be developed prior but with current standards so if that's the case I feel like I'd like to move forward with trying to see what we can do to help these properties specifically for um I what I'm looking for is to try this is tough to do I feel like but if they were to go through the variance process they would probably get approved like I would like to remove that that extra time that extra money for them if if there's things that we kind of know and I think with Council how we would feel I I like to respond to the variant so the variant the board of adjustments been very good at reviewing applications against the criteria so they deny a lot of things uh in these particular cases they brought what what they saw was no matter what they like the first example no matter what they did what they proposed there was a number of variances they're going to have to get so so it was it's a hardship to be able to use whatever they do and that's what they saw and so what they try to do is work with the applicant to try and minimize the number of Varan as much as possible they could not eliminate them all no matter what the applicant try to do those are the kind of scenarios we want to see if we can fix because there are a lot of uh good properties that are out there are currently properly zoned that could be developed but because no matter what they want to do they're going to have to go through some kind of hoop like this okay y That's my thoughts on it member Nelson I agree with there I think we ought to see what we can do see if it's workable um and I understand what Tony's saying that you know we won't don't want to shove you know 16 people or 16 units on a tiny little piece of property but on the other hand we also don't want to deny people the right to use that property for some somehow or other uh so I would like to see what what you come guys came up with I would too and I'm can kind of echo almost exactly what you said I and I said this all the time I live in a 1965 neighborhood and uh I don't know how you how you do it and Rodney I don't know how you do it and I can see these pictures are kind of illustrating that um but I certainly don't want a a comp complex across from me that's got 13 people in it I get that but we we need housing I it's you know sort of like yes go Ahad it's sort of like you have a single family house and you don't want necessarily 16 Apartments next to it but maybe if you had a building that had four apartments in it that would be that would sort of fit in I guess you know as as I I think of this and again I see that developing side the private property side that you have a right to do blah blah blah but I also see that when you've been in a uh because you seem to deal with older communities and you have uh you you you've been there for in my case UH 60 years and then all of a sudden it changes and kind of an analogy that I have is you know you kind of chose a a college to go to that's got six or 7,000 people in it and the next thing you know they decided it's going to be a 52,000 person campus that's not what you bargained for when you got there there it's a very difficult thing so I I definitely can see that but I can also see especially you know when Rodney's talking about the situation he's dealing with with you got this you know what was 37% of uh um anyway 67% of property whatever it was you didn't have room to build anything yeah so I I get that as well so so uh Brad could you fix this for us I if you're okay with this I'd like to come back with you with some more information okay and see so you can understand this situation I think what I'm kind of hearing is everybody gets both sides of this and I'm again I I'm living in one of those neighborhoods that that could happen and it's like wait a minute I've been doing living like this for 60 years and all of a sudden we changed it but then again we're running out of places to go so uh I kind of like what he said there what do you think yeah look at that's why I want to just look at it come back with some ideas and I just wanted to State my concern I know that thank you I just wanted to State my concern I I know that the the problem this is happening in a lot of places and we just want to prepare for it as we go forward and and still try to meet the needs and the requests that but we still want to make sure that we want to keep our city the best that we can you know in the decision that we so what do we need to do right now I think we staff has sufficient information we have input from the the citizen a couple cards here so um we're going to come back to you with that would be good some more information and see if you'd like for us to proceed or not that is a tough one I literally I get it both ways um city manager uh yes sir we're to petitions and requests second time so that means that anybody hasn't spoken yet that means we're there Stan's going to take off you can't get in speak anymore I see none so we move to uh mayor's report um I'll be short because there's not a lot to say I'm actually looking at my calendar here because couple interesting things um tomorrow what's tomorrow's date tomorrow is 13th tomorrow I will go to my first um I've been appointed to by the uh I guess County Commission I've been appointed by the County Commission to be on the sports uh committee for the tourism development um cool yeah I thought so um you know and I I you know if you're going to ask me to be on a committee Sports is probably a good place to put me um and there's some exciting things happening that I'm not going to really get into especially since I've not been to a meeting yet so I don't know how solid they are but there are some uh Sports coming here and and certainly you've seen what sports can do to a place like uh Vieira down there at the uh UA uh complex and we'll go from there but I'm looking forward to that and then uh the next day city manager and I city manager you're probably going to talk about that uh our event that we go to on uh I think it's Thursday yes sir uh why don't you say what that is it's the Chamber of Commerce about three or four years ago created a economic output it it's primarily towards real estate and other developers but it gives the opportunity for the area to talk about um development and what's happening and so you got an EDC speaker coming and um I believe that the mayor will do an introduction for that and um it's a probably about a two to three hour meeting it was it was a long time I was actually the main speaker last year I must admit I didn't know I was the main speaker until I really didn't I just thought I was going to be kind of you know doing a little talk and then when she gave my intro bio it was like I stood up and I said your bio's going to be longer than my talk but in fact it wasn't we had a nice nice presentation but tomorrow no Thursday um I'm the welcome but I can't possibly give the welcome without going over some of the things that are going on in tius so I'm not going to try to make it long but I'm not going to get up there as the mayor Bill say you know we got things going on well I will tell you my my my start off is going to be because it's going to be at the Space Center with astronaut place over there and I'm going to start off by saying that um we're at the proper place for this uh economic uh development event because we are soaring like rockets over in tius Cel y y' got that huh you just gave away I gave it away nobody's watching we're good to go anyway so got a couple good things coming up and uh I'll leave it at that like I said I think getting on the uh the uh tourism thing with the sports uh committee is pretty cool I I look forward to seeing how that works out uh member Nelson really nothing except I've gotta say we all got the email from the city manager about the pipe the sewer pipe and I hope people realize uh that pipe was cast iron pipe is probably from the 50s most of them are I think we have what 227 I think miles of sewer pipe and I'd be willing to bet half of that is old old pipe and we've been working furiously for the last eight years trying to put in new pipe so that we don't have pipes that break um but it's expensive and we're slowly getting there and this one wasn't half as bad as some of the others no that so doesn't even get that League no didn't even get out there we were sucking it up as it came out and so we're I think we're doing good and I think and I hope people realize that having those old pipes impacts the Lagoon um as well as everything else it's yeah pipes that leak are going into our soil and eventually headed to the Lagoon so we are it's a mess it's a mess it's U Statewide so I just hope people appreciate that we're trying to get somewhere slowly we're trying to get there fast well if they saw and city managers talked about it if they saw the construction going on or the pipes being moved uh Along by cross me old Titus Bowl I don't know may people know where that was that's moving the pipes away from the Lagoon yeah mov the the sore pipes away from the Lagoon and that was is a major project and I will say when you said that I'm glad you brought that up um I won't get into any names or anything but an economic economic environmental um I don't know if you use the word activist but an environmentalist who's very active in our state kept up with our minor situation but she sent an email that I've not seen from that likes it was very complimentary of uh our effort our openness Kevin um she was communicating with Kevin and and Kevin gave her the rundown step by step by step I can't believe how uh she sent us just a wonderful yeah you know Kevin on to put that in his file it was just outstanding um the she loved the how U candid we were and how open we were how transparent we were and the job that we did now obviously she doesn't oversee us but it it's nice to see that from somebody of that area uh Herman I'm going to give my time to the vice mayor because he always has a lot vice mayor you know maybe in the Herman category and don't remember as much as I used to excuse me uh but you know I have I have been um very very uh I think the uh city manager put into my box about the uh a uh a seminar over in Orlando or in the last part of April I think that or and they're trying to find come up with ideas about uh this homeless situation and what's going on there tough one I I've been involved uh with in several aspects over the last couple of weeks with with the homeless situation uh I think it came up that we have uh uh on the uh the homeless count in January I think we had approximately a, 1100 homeless in bavar County uh that number is increasing uh because people are are getting put out of their apartment uh the Housing Authority uh I uh I see what's going on in some of that um they are uh having to let a lot of people go because um they don't they can't afford to pay the rent or for what they uh they had rather pay the doctor bill than pay the rent so it's uh you know they meet the income requirements but they having to make some decisions about how they're using their money uh uh the school board uh uh last night and I let uh uh uh the Vice uh president talk about that uh at the U leue of cities uh meeting a lot of the good things are coming out a lot of things is going on a lot of things are uh are being legislated into our city that that we have we need to be concerned about as a they go we not going to have a whole lot of control over so that's kind of my update uh as they go forward thank you member Cole for deferring your time I don't remember I did um a member soal yep um to Vice Mayors Point um we had someone from the whole Homeless Coalition speak under public comment at the Space Coast Le of cities and she gave out a flyer um and so I just pulled it up because I took a picture of it with some numbers on it it was their point in time count so if you're able to access that um from them I I can probably send it to the city manager so you guys can see the graphic but um it was interesting highest homeless count since 2015 right now um so I thought that was interesting get but also knowing that our population has grown um but also the unsheltered veteran homelessness is up as well um as well as unsheltered female homelessness so I I'll pass this on to the city manager to send to you all but I just thought it was interesting to look at to give us some context as issues arise um in addition session is now over thankfully um right before the meeting I did forward to the city manager a summary of all the bills um and there were a lot I'll just touch on a couple highlights there are some changes to live local so I assume that we'll probably have another ordinance come through um addressing those changes sovereign immunity did not pass um but they which I was surprised by honestly but I do imagine that they'll bring it up again next year um building permits did pass so I'm that will impact us some um cyber security was actually a good thing um what they did um within that bill is kind of take some of the liability to the state level and away from the local level so there were some good things that they passed um Mobility plans was a good thing um also some issues related to storm water uh short-term rentals which again I think we're grandfathered in um but I would just look through that oh also the increased um homestead exemption um to include the C PPI that could potentially impact us with our um mill rate and our taxes that we're getting in um as well don't forget March 18th so next Monday the form six seminar in Coco um so just make sure if you have an RSVP to do that I will attend and then I think as city manager had informed us because of the lawsuit going on right now um we may not be filing that I don't know if there's any updates on that as of now but I think there's over 100 cities that are part of that lawsuit currently um and then last night yes we did have the superintendent speak at for Space Coast Le of cities um it was very interesting just to hear some of the new things that they're doing one of the cool things um they're working on Space megatronics up here in Titusville um so I thought that was really cool considering the industry and he did a good job of explaining how they kind of space out their different career and tech programs throughout the county as well so trying to give options to all the students and then also trying to have a program in the summer if you want to get busted to a different school to see kind of what they're doing he really stressed a lot of the CTE programs um which is the vocational programs so that was really cool to see um and then he also gave out a lot of statistics on how well BPS is doing right now as far as grades and the ratings of the schools um just seemed very involved and engaged he brought some of his staff with him um as one of the school board members was there as well so it was a great meeting and that's all I have very good city manager yes sir I have one action item it's a summer recess and traditionally you have implemented uh summer recess during the month of June so um we're requesting that um that you um cancel the presentations and regular meeting scheduled for the 23rd of June and this provides Council the summer recess from the 10th of June to the 8th of July I can't believe that's already here I mean good good luck say June what was it June yes sir it's the the actual cancellation is for your presentations and city council meeting on the 23rd of June so that'll provide you a recess from the 10th of June through the 8th of July the wrong year here no 24 no I I know we do did you say the 23rd of June yes sir I have 23rd of June is Sunday that's what I said I mean hang on it'll be stand by it'll be the SEC second meeting so let's get that right thanks thanks for catch Mr Mayor how about that I can go home saying I did something right then I okay so let's go with the 25th of June me too the 25th of June you're hey you're off Sunday no meeting Sunday remember vice mayor would say that we should not have a council meeting on Sunday I'm recess okay mayor we do have one card too on what I say who would that be Stan what you got f as long as you get fed just like I I proved you you're getting fed when when you went oh thank you I apprciate that app Nice Guy s you got more angles coming lately I don't know we got to think about these things and you even smile once or twice a day um move make motion I was gonna make the motion sto go ahead move to cancel the presentations and regular council meeting for June 25th 2024 second I got a motion and a second all those in favor say yes yes opposed it's cancelled I just want you to know the only motion that me memb St made tonight was a cancel meeting all right just some uh information items the tisv tomorrow community meeting is scheduled at the Moore Center on the 28th of March at 5 PM uh this is another one mayor I know that you'll be shocked that it's coming around that quickly is the student award ceremony is at the Titusville Performing Arts Center on the 29th of April at 6: PM the community survey strategic plan review is scheduled for 30 April at City Hall council chambers at 5:00 p.m that'll be a Workshop a facilitated workshop and uh 4th of July we're working on that right now at Chain of Lakes uh from 7 to 10 and mayor I don't think you're going to speak until 8:30 this is time according to what that plan what event is that we pushed your speaking oh yeah yeah that's right we did back it up Co so sub subject to your questions that completes my portion okay I'm just checking here Tu Thursday special me okay um yeah just for the record we get there for the Fourth of July thing I don't know six whatever and I'd speak like 6:30 and there a there's nobody there I mean no no no no no I mean as far as like when you first get there yeah and then I'm walk you know I'm going around I went with the police in the cart and it's like man we need to do this later because it got packed and uh so we're just going to back it up a little bit and have more people and I I shouldn't say there's no people there on 20 whatever year it was after the co whatever year we went 2021 maybe there was nobody there I'm literally I can hear people out in the woods basically and I'm that was you were there it was wet too but yeah so it'll be better to back it up so whatever time tell me and and sir I I I am remiss I I do have one additional um calendar item just for Council is a student leadership seminar that we coun participates is uh next week on the 21st so it's enjoyable and that's at parish and it it runs all morning it actually begins at 8:30 and runs all day so you don't have to stay there the whole time but I think several council members have gone in and and gone out so um that's always I was actually a presenter at one point but from that point you just walked through uh the 21st it's you just go in and they'll be doing projects you kind of sit with them and then when you got to go you go that's what I do yep enjoyable all right City attorney uh yes Council I have one item that's in your agenda under my report uh as you're aware the city of Titusville is a named defendant in the case of uh Hilton versus city of tville and Apollo Gardens LLP we in the plaintiff Maria Hilton is Seeking a declaratory judgment from the court that the development proposed by Apollo Gardens is proceeding in a manner in violation of the comence plan in the ldrs plaintiff attorney has advised that the plaintiff and the defendant Apollo Gardens have entered into a settlement agreement in this case however their settlement agreement is conditioned upon the city of Titusville agreeing to pay plainist attorney's fees in the amount of $2,448 the plff has now tendered a proposed settlement agreement to the city offering to dismiss the complaint if the city agrees to pay her attorney's fees again in the amount of $2,448 I provided a copy of the executed settlement agreement between the plff and Apollo Gardens and the proposed agreement for the city of tville in your package I'm required to advise you with the settlement offer and to seek your guidance as to whether or not you would to accept the offer to pay those attorneys fees in the amount of $220,000 council I I mean I would say no I mean quite honestly um you know she brought the the case and wants us to pay the uh the attorney's fees I am not for that member Nelson I would agree and um as we were talking earlier it wouldn't stop anybody else from coming in and be back taking up the cost and we we pay their fees and then pay the next people's fees this could go on forever so so you card we do have a card I'm not surprised card Stan John my court expert I have a strong opinion on this my opinion is I don't know thank you thank you sir um can I have a motion to um I mean tell me what the motion is of course but vice mayor motion to S I mean to not approve it not approve uh have a second all those in favor say yes yes opposed we do not approve City attorney you good yes sir I'm good C maner Brad council's good with that ready break