e e e okay are we good to go thank you um good afternoon um these are the public hearings for code enforcement violations for the city of Titusville on Monday May May 13th and we're calling this meeting to order at 2:2 pm. um these hearings are Quasi judicial and I'm the special magistrate appointed to hear these cases my name is Jennifer Nicks um the formal Rules of Evidence do not apply but fundamental due process shall be observed during these proceedings everyone who has a case today will have the opportunity to present testimony you may present evidence and or witnesses to testify on your behalf there's no public comment portion of these proceedings you must be a respondent or be called as a witness in order to speak on a specific case everything today is being recorded and all testimony will be under oath when you are sworn in if you will please provide your current mailing address so any orders get to the correct address please um first the city will present its case and information will be displayed on the screen documents may be provided by the city as evidence um the city PowerPoints um presentations will be ented into evidence unless objections are made after the evidence um I will make a ruling and this ruling will be reduced UC to writing and will be mailed to you um if I could go ahead and swear in the witnesses anybody who may be testifying today if you would please stand and raise your right hand thank you do you hearby swear or affirm that the testimony you'll provide this afternoon is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth thank you all okay okay okay and it looks like the first hearing is a lean reduction request yes ma'am okay thank you yes ma'am and good afternoon and welcome thank you good after our first case is 23-2 2300 Holdings LLC 2300 Columbia Boulevard their representative Miss Carla Nettles is also present thank you uh again this case uh is 2302 it was a violation of 28364 outdoor storage used as an accessory use the originally heard January the 9th of 2023 the business owner in tenant on that property Kenneth Jacobs was President testified on behalf of the owner okay the respondent was ordered uh to correct the violation outdoor storage removing 50% of the storage owned before February 13 2023 the remainder outdoor storage was to be removed by April 7th of 2023 compliance was not achieved and the magistrate imposed a f in amount of $100 a day commencing on April 13th of 2023 and continued for 200 29 days actually finally achieved compliance November the 22nd of 2024 and the lean was recorded against the property the respondent was assess administrative fines in the amount of $128 55 and this is the property of Appraiser's website showing that the property and its fair market value I can't see what the fair market value is could you possibly 6 22,2 120 I'm sorry about that I'll make it bigger next time I couldn't see it either okay thanks this was the picture taken prior as you can see there's still outdoor storage on the property and as we continued on that was the original amount from December and here was April the 4th as you can see it still never left or reached the 50% Mark okay they called for a compliance hearing on November the 22nd of 2023 and as you can see we put in compliance that day all the materials were gone on and I took this photo on May the 1st of 2024 just to reiterate the fact that the property is vacant now and all the Open Storage has been removed um conclusions of facts were November the 22nd of 2023 the property achieved compliance and was verified by code enforcement department personnel the daily fine is $22,900 and the city's cost of recovery was 12853 uh which has been paid on April 24th we received application of lean reduction from from the registered manager owner the application is presented and provided you the copy uh the respondent H again has paid the hard cost to the city and with with that that is the city's case and if the representative would like to uh address you okay thank you if I could have your name and address please Carla Nettles 4655 C Corto Titusville Florida 32780 thanks and sorry my pen ran out is there any way I could borrow one I apologize thank you so much Excuse Me Miss nuttles please go ahead um anything you have to say please feel free about this okay um our biggest issue was that the tenant was coming to the meetings and not and we he had said that he was going to rectify the situation and like looking at that it was it's been going on a while um and we kept going between him and he said he was going to rectify it and he never did and then finally once he moved out he got everything cleaned out of there okay and so I understand um your position um are you here on behalf of the owner of the property thank you and did the um I suppose I have questions about when the owner of the property or how the owner of the property got involved in actually helping to rectify the remaining issue was it after the tenant left or were there any well we I was I was in constant communication with him and and he was assuring me that he was going to have it cleared out but by the deadlines and then the deadlines kept approaching and then his lease was the the end of his lease was coming up and so I had actually had him sign something saying that if he left there with theen that he would be responsible for it because he wasn't getting the situation rectified and then basically I think he just waited till he was moving out to to rectify it and and while um while the tenant made well you all have made a you know whatever agreement you did with the tenant about trying to hold his feet to the fire to get him to rectify it or have him be responsible um ultimately because the owner owns the property it's the owner's responsibility both and yeah trying to get him though to do something about it like to get it like we were if I I if I was making him responsible then in my mind it was going to pressure him to get it taken care of okay instead of leaving it where we are now I understand did um did you all ever try to move the things yourself prior to the deadline um because what I had it seemed that um it was stated that there wasn't room for it to go is that why the tenant was taking so long that was what he was saying was that he didn't have anywhere to put it I he was I guess for paring that where his new place was going to be and and he was it wasn't ready for him to move it there that was kind of what I was getting from him and um okay so just to ask also while the ten tenant said that he was taking care of it um had the owner come to any of the meetings or were we were lying on the tenant and just kind of hearing what tenant reported back yeah it was only the tenant okay U but the owner was aware the issues correct and I saw that the owner had received notice it said in the application yes um okay and as far as the um okay when in the role that I'm sitting in here today I need to um basically go through what factors I can consider in giving a recommendation um as to for council's approval as to what can happen okay yes may I just ask a couple of questions before we go through the criteria oh please okay go ahead um Carla could you if you recall State the dates of the lease what dates did the secure Fence Company occupy the property and they can be roughly if you know the months he the uh lease was 2018 March 2018 to February 2023 and then we gave him an extension from March 2023 to October 31st and then he didn't actually get out until November at any time during that lease did you ever discuss with the tenant early termination for not being compliant for with the code enforcement yes ma'am no do you recall when the code enforcement case began and Glenn if you have that information yeah I have it too that's okay according to the code enforcement officer the case began April 2022 that's a and then my last question is just when is was the case brought into compliance do you have a date of compliance yeah that's November 7th 2023 22nd 2023 those are the only questions I wanted to ask thank you all for your [Music] assistance thank you and did the city have a position as to um any kind of reduction of the lean I know that the agreement between the owner and the Tenant did stipulate that the tenant would be responsible for the code enforcement costs and the case and the all of the things associated with it which is originally why um the owner of the business had first submitted a lean reduction application and I'm not sure if it was really stated but one of the reasons that that lean reduction hearing did not move forward is because of additional costs that the permits for that business owner um that have not been satisfied there's a large number of outstanding permit fees and so as the um business owner that was a deficiency preventing the um code from authorizing that individual to qualify and this program was then modified throughout the course of that request to this request to state that only the owner of the property is eligible and authorized to request a lean reduction for the benefit of the property and so I just wanted to add those details um the city has had a great communication relationship working with Carla um not so much with the tenant the tenant obviously was brought into a violation status which was a very generous period of time to begin with because there was um a staggered period that was provided for in the original finding effect fact that gave him X number of months to get a portion of it cleaned up and and that didn't even happen and so there was a complete lack of um trust once that stage of the code enforcement case evolved to the next stage and it just really didn't get any better when the tenant did not come into compliance for over a year and a half because of the statements that he you know wasn't going to come into compliance here in Titusville and he was going to move his b business out of Bard County which is what my understanding is that he's done okay as far as your question has does the city have a position it's very difficult with all of those factors for us to say one way or another um anything different from what I've just commented on so if you could just go through the criteria and then make sure to include all of the points you've made in your criteria captured in the order that you will ultimately prepare in writing okay thank you and did you have anything to add to that Miss nles okay okay a lot of papers bear with me I I I know the order in front of me there it is okay okay I just wanted to verify first of all that this was for case number 23-2 which is 2300 Columbia Boulevard in Titusville and that the section of which the property was found in violation was 28-36 64 outdoor storage okay okay and just to confirm it was November 22nd 2023 that the property was brought into compliance thank you okay okay and for the record as noted earlier the city's PowerPoint presentation is admitted into evidence as is the um application for the lean reduction and the order which is being petitioned to be reduced okay so this was found to be a fine in the amount of $100 to per day which came to an amount of $22,900 and and just to further confirm the administrative costs of the city and the amount of $1 12853 have already been paid is what we had said correct okay then I'll go ahead and get through the these factors as provided for in the city code so um as to the all right so there's subsection so you know as listed in the application for lean reduction there are certain sections of the code which are found in um section 31- 71 subsection G and the factors that I'm looking at are in G1 and then it's a a through HH and I'm just going to go through them each in turn um as to the gravity of the violation since we just need to consider each one of these um so it was all of that outdoor storage which was being shown and I saw it was bifurcated to be half of the materials were to be taken out by February 13th which didn't seem to occur and then um and then the rest of the property didn't and that was February 13 2023 and then it fully came into compliance November 22nd 2023 um as far as the seriousness of the violation as to the city's position on that when we're looking at the gravity of the violation I guess kind of in Wayne how severe of a violation that is what's staff's position it's not a public safety violation it's more aesthetic right um as to the actions taken by the applicant to correct the violations which is of course you as the owner um here the time that it took to bring the property into compliance and any scheduled maintenance plans to avoid future repeat violations as appropriate um as far as the actions taken by the applicant to correct the violations um so from what you're saying miss nles it sounds like you were trying the owner was trying to deal with the tenant on their own rather than you know kind of separately in their own civil landlord tenant way than through city hall or actually removing through City Hall I mean coming to the code enforcement here I honestly thought he was going to clean it up yeah like that I feel like like just looking at the time frames and doing like I it's I don't know maybe naive to think I I I know that I won't address it this way again it won't go it won't go this way again well I think now you guys have made changes where hopefully it that won't be allowed to happen that way with the owner having to be present so but I thought he would get it cleaned up because I wouldn't think that he would want to have to pay the fines right and that's kind of a and I didn't really I honestly thought that he he would take care of it because I mean I don't know how like were we going to go in there and just like move his stuff out like I don't know how we would have addressed it we would have probably it would have we would probably had to get an attorney or something at that point right um and I can't speak to what you should or shouldn't have done as to move in it yourself and um however um the problem of course is now that the owner is stuck with this lean right right and well and I would I well now hearing what they said too is that I mean it sounded like he had no intention had I been in the hearing then I would have heard him speak in the sense that he wasn't going to take care of it and that would have put me in a different direction I understand so this was a lesson learned okay um and the time that it took the property to actually come into compliance um the number of days wise okay which is a long time yeah were you aware that they hadn't met the first compliance St no I was under the impression that it was taken care of did the tenant tell you that he constantly told me he like in my text messages I have where he's told me that it's taken care of it's taken care of and that and I was and I asked did I need to attend the meetings and he said that he had it under control and he was going to be in compliance and so I went back and forth with him thinking he was but I yeah okay I understand have how often do you guys um as the owner how how often do you see the property I guess is it something because this is a violation that's sitting outside and that can be seen right you know being outdoor storage um do you go buy the property or check on the property most of the properties are local but um I didn't know to the extent of like what was not allowed to be there was allowed to be there like at the when he said he was taking it out or or moving it then I was thinking he just had to move you know a certain amount and then it was he was going to be in compliance and then now I know that all of it needed to be moved okay and you did receive the orders correct yes okay the order okay and um as far as one of the parts of this subsection is any scheduled maintenance plans to avoid future repeat violations and while the tenants while that tenant is gone um I suppose just in you know going through these factors now if I ever get one of these again it'll be addressed in in compliance like from the GetGo like I will it will not it's it's not going to be the tenant's not going to say that they're going to take care of it it's not going to be an option okay it's going to come into compliance or you you're going to be released from release okay so presumably the owner will be involved in the proceedings in the future they well the goal is to not have any more proceedings good point okay um all right with the acred amount of the code enforcement F compared to the current market value of the property so the acred count um code enforcement fine was $22,900 um and and I think that the appraised value from the property appraiser was in the ballpark of $622,000 yes ma'am so okay and have there been any previous or subsequent code violations by the applicant no okay thank you okay the next factor is applicants prior knowledge of the lean which you've admitted that you were aware of it and as far as um financial hardship Factor was there anything that you wanted to present or state relative to that on that building we're having to go through a rezoning with the new tenant we're have gone it'll we had a tenant available in March and we are having to go through a rezoning and it won't be our meeting the hearing won't be till August so we've had the building it has this empty until we have that hearing in August luckily our tenant our future tenant is going to wait for the hear for the rezoning before they can move in okay okay and then um clearly there's no homestead exemption on this property and are there um any other circumstances that you would like to mention in regards to the situation okay um okay okay okay and then just under the city code so you're aware I cannot as a special magistrate reduce the costs which have already been paid for of the $128 and some change yes um that had been mentioned um um and this is a recommendation and then Hereafter this will be placed on the city council agenda for final action so um there will be an order that issues from this hearing of course in writing and then it'll go to council from here um as far as the I'll include in my order that the applicant shall pay the city's administrative costs of $128 you've already done that so you don't have to worry about that um can you notate that in the order prior to this hearing the costs were paid yes thank you of course I'm in again this is a recommended order I would highly suggest that you attend the council meeting and speak to them when they're actually addressing the issue with finality um as to the gravity the violation I do feel like you know okay it's fine that it's more aesthetic than a safety issue but can I kind of just talk about all of these together um you know the fact that it I'm a little bothered by the fact in reducing it by a ton given that it took as long as it did to be brought into compliance because 299 days is a very long time to be brought into compliance and the um tenant didn't even meet the first violation to have a certain percentage of that brought into compliance at that date so um so I do have an an issue reducing it greatly um both because it was so so long and while while a tenant is stating that they're doing certain things that they may or not be may or may not be doing to come into compliance um ultimately it is on the owner to get involved in some way or another um in order to get the property back into compliance with the code I know that takes some figuring out on an owner's behalf when they're trying to do that but um you know also with it being the type of violation that is visible from the outside I don't think it would be too hard to have realized that it kept not being brought into violation regardless of what the tenant was um telling you even if they weren't being truthful or entirely truthful um as to their efforts um that said there haven't been any previous or subsequent code violations by the applicant so that weighs in your favor of course but you know did the owner did have um appropriate notice under the statute and city code of the um violations and the order and what needed to be done as far as that outdoor storage needed to be gone in whatever regard um I can also appreciate the fact that um you do seem serious in moving forward as far as not um perhaps letting something fall on the responsibility of the tenant when ultimately it is the owner's thing to fix um that said I'm going to recommend to the city council that the fine be reduced to $155,000 um for the reasons that I've stated kind of weighing those factors and we'll see what the council does with that decision when it gets placed on their agenda and I will have an order that's reduced to writing and provided of course to the owner did you have any questions or anything okay thank you for your time today thank you okay just give me one second to move the stack of papers okay and is the Massie hearing the next hearing or okay thank you okay thank you yes ma'am this is case 24- 09 it is a Massie hearing for 3304 South Hopkins Avenue the code enforcement officer Jim flang is here to present the case good afternoon good afternoon uh say case 2409 I have a affidavit notice of hearing to present to you thank you thank you okay and we'll accept both of these into evidence thank you okay I guess the city's PowerPoint will be exhibit a and the affidavit will be B and the notice of hearing will be C right thank you go on okay again the responding to C cubes Landing LLC the violation address 3304 South Hopkins Avenue Titusville Florida uh the mail to address was what was on file the 5155 South Washington Avenue Unit 203 uh and the three violations we're discussing today are the general exterior maintenance the exterior walls and roof and drainage uh this case was originally heard on February 12th 2024 respondent was ordered to correct those three violations by May 10th 2024 if not corrected a recommended fine of $250 a day was to be imposed actually it was the magistrate that set that fine the 200 50 a day $250 a day per violation okay if the violations were not corrected um the hearing notices were posted at City Hall and on the property on April 30th 2024 and the certified mail was sent on April 9th 2024 um and this is just a legal description just indicates we're discussing that whole Plaza 3304 through 3310 I'm sorry 3314 thank you um this what you need to see just the picture since this is a Massie or do you want to see um the violation I think it would be good for me to see the pictures so I can have understanding of how it was I had both on here I didn't know if you wanted to see the desription or just the picture so thank you um oops um this was the exterior structure you can see there's wall damage to the pillar this was the original picture taken in December 2023 um this is an updated picture on May 8th that I took last week um as of today it's still in the same condition when I went out there today to double check it uh then the exterior walls about the exterior walls shall be free from Holes brakes and loose rotting material Etc um and this is the side of the building as well um this again was back in December and this is as of May 8th same condition no repairs or anything has been made when I went out there today it's in the same condition as last week and again December 14th uh 23 that was the condition of the property on that and May 8th last week same condition and as of today no corrective actions have been taken it still looks the same as of today were those um the first pi that you showed is this kind of moving down the plaza as far as the first one looked a lot worse I just wanted to make sure that the subsequent pictures weren't showing improvements and that was a different part of the building still this the north side of the building okay um this would be the front middle part of the building okay okay thank you um same thing I see um and this is on the south end of the building in one of the um occupied buildings there's cracks in the wall where you you can see daylight through the outside yeah okay um you kind of can't see it you can see it in the cracks unfortunately the picture wouldn't show it up too well and as of today it's it's in the same condition as the last week there we go okay I'm sorry there we go I did have one you can see the daylight coming in from I can't see that yeah it's all the way up the wall um February 24 oh there our February 24th picture and then the roof and drainage there we go um and the SS on the side you can see the damage is more towards the south end of the building um this was taken in December U and again the same area you see no repairs have been made it still has the exposure um and again this is the front front part of the building um back in February and then as of today I thought I didn't have an updated picture of that section but as of today it's in the same condition of today um so basically we're looking at the three violations the exterior maintenance uh the pillar bricks have been damaged in the corner of the building the exterior walls the walls have missing pieces on the wall and that exposed section of bricks that's on that one building and the roof and drainage the roof and flashing have been open U that are not sound tight allowing moisture bugs anything to get into the roof area um and that's the same I apologize I forgot to take that part out um this was this case was also there was two other violations on this property those were heard in March um costs were imposed back then so we're not requesting costs as of today um but the violations haven't been corrected and we're just requesting the fines to start as of Friday and the respondent is here if you need to talk to him and he has not been sworn in if you need to okay he came in like okay okay and if there's a respondent present if you could please um State come on up and then if you could just state your name and address for the record please yeah I'm Twan Le okay he en Tes View and then I'm sorry did you say an address um yeah um 5574 South Washington okay thank you and um and and what do you have to say today okay so um this is what is it I mean but what happened is um in history in the past I had uh restore a whole bunch of different building after the co happened the financials have given me a very hard time of try to maintain an all the property and things like that and especially most of my attendants are be high on any property they have they be for months and I have a hard time to get everything up to today and things like that but anyway is it's property is mine and I'm responsibility for that but um as up I'm standing right right here um we I just talked to the um General um contractor and GC and he just put in a permit um to uh um remove the front Park of the damage that you show the the the the damage on the roof where you see it that part is is it's it's a extra from from the structure so we we put a permit to remove that okay and all the pan is will be gone away so that's less stress for us so that all that fun is just cosmetic that we're going to remove it so we could keep our structure and we um we also p a permit to fix all the other area like um the the storage area and things like that to make a better phaser and um but in addition to that I I need extra time for doing that but the the guy the GC guy he on my way coming here he I'm talking to him and they p is online to put a permit for that but I need extra time for for do go get all that stuff happen and uh you know I want to get it done too but you know financially stuff like that after um the covid everybody get hurt I'm small business too so um I try to balance everything as much as I can but too much spread out it's not just only one property but I try to do it overall and most of my investment is here in tville and I want to make a TI feel better too that's why um in the past I don't know you know that not but I uh some people here know that in the past before the covid any property that I purchase I make it really nice and make it stand out but soon after that it it's hard it's hard if you can be reasonable understand and I will take time I mean not take time will try to make it done cuz I feel h to when it's sitting there without tening and I have to pay the mortgage and things like that is it's not easy but my on top of that and my tenant cannot you know they don't have business so it's hard for for for us but I'm asking for uh extend get more more time but my U um I'm already ping a permit for for all that so you will see something going on yeah did um so you're saying the general contractor did submit the permit already today yeah today did he send you any proof of that or anything um because um I was on a phone with him so I I I met him last week and we talk about it and he's um he G I was on the phone with him while he working on that so you will see something today for sure uh by the end of the day so um because and on top of that I was try to original I tried to fix the whole structure but it's when the estim has come out uh $1.5 million is way over too much and then I was asked ask for the um I mean um uh the um EDC to support and they give like 10% of it but still and that's why it still it's not it it's way over the budget so I I try to different do different way um I can have all that proof that I tried to work on it for years not just recently but financially it's it's top right now for for keep everything is moving um but for sure you're going to see stuff like that and it is not easy to to deal with um uh a lot of things going on with you economic um I I do understand that when did you um when were you able to obtain this general contractor um like what I say you you're going to see some permit Port today I mean by the end of today it should be something up there because we we're going to uh uh get get the whole thing uh removed it's less threat and then we fix what it need to be fixed and you this is just the beginning that you're going to see and I think remove the fun partk of it we um working on my uh Financial right now to see uh which section we do it first but you see it moving along so um maybe last couple week um that um the on the other side is more Messier but in the last week can a half I I push and I you know um try to get help and they start to clean up all the ver and verbus and stuff like that so uh if Jim is there and yeah there's some damage there but there's something is moving not like before I come here not just comeing here without have anything done cuz like the last few week there's there's a little bit more messy but I try to get trash and clean up and stuff like that but you you will see more coming in but uh you know honestly financially I need time to fix all that now it's my property I want to I want to look nice I mean I don't want to I don't want to burn my money and no tening so right but but it it's hard it's not easy Mr Lee do you have an actual contract with the contractor for these repairs yeah I uh yeah I have the contract with uh with the GC guy yeah do you have it with you no I don't I mean I just on the yeah we we talk and then we on the so when did you start this contract um so he put in a permit today and then I'm going uh I talked to him last couple last week I'm sorry last week and then um I'm going to get the pap what day did you hire this contractor support to be I hire him like way back have you paid have you paid him for anything no because we had have don't have anything moving yet so that's why I have no pay but now because I'm I have to get one of the over 3,000 has a permit application been submitted that's what mean it doesn't happen immediately no no no no like the issuance of a permit is not automatic has an application been submitted yeah that's what if when I get here the application is going to submit right now so not yet not yet that's why I'm just get off the phone with him and then I'm I met up with him uh last week as well so he go over everything so I'm here for this and also have to go to the um uh business department right here to get the uh the you have to get over $3,000 you have to get they yes some some kind paperwork I have to side for him so anything is above above um 3500 you have to sign a agreement to pay him whatever stuff like that yeah so I have to get it and then I have to get all uh stuff done so because um the application he can do it online so I don't have to do it but there's is a document that I have to do it here yeah I I know the document but I forget the name just right now I know what notice of Comm a notice of commencement probably yes yes yes yes yes that's right that's right that's right yeah is that permit going to include the entire Plaza or just this building uh entire the fun partk of it the whole from the from the left wing all the way to because it is a combined parcel and and there's fines running on all of them yeah I I tried I tried to fix the garage and all stuff like that too and they but none have been brought into compliance as of yet none of it's been in compliance yet though no no no but I Tred to clean up the mess and all the um trash and stuff like that uh yeah cuz I I haven't yeah been so thing is moving but it's slow but like financially honestly it's it's something is hold me back but I'm I'm trying to work on on okay and you do understand that this is a compliance hearing as far as you've already been here once well twice before because they split it with the due dates you know to where um what I'm being asked to do today is find you in non-compliance of those three sections and impose a fine um as opposed to likely I I I understand but like that's why I mean the situation is really extremely hard I'm asking for extent because the building has been there for 15 20 years and it's always be a BS mess it's just happened that's the time that I purchase at the time that you are going to push hard on that area but but that building is been really I mean is it's like that situation for 10 over 10 years and it just happened at the time I buy it's not the right time for the economic I mean it's it's it's not that something that I um had it bad from the beginning the building has been bad like most of property that I purchase is really bad like gr zero and and miss chse here know that I there are so many property that I fix it up that but it just happened in the time line that financially and econic economic B is push me everything behind but it's not that I'm not trying to do it so I'm asking to extend it and then give me more time to work on it and I'm making action on it so I'm what I'm going to do you will see that I'm doing correct from section by section I can it all the same time but I put all the permit at the one time but then I'm start to do from from the from the south end of it to the to the north end of it but it's all that is is about budgets I mean honestly if if if some bank is give me a loan for that I get have it done tomorrow you know but it's it's Happ is I mean no Bank you know I mean going to step in at this time we we before yes I can get fin I mean bank and long and stuff and that's easier than now so nobody want to invest in the test view seriously I mean that's straight to the point um okay thank you for your comments do you have any yes ma'am I was just going to remind Mr Lee that this is a mass here he's had well more than enough time and I appreciate him coming today and and providing all those details and there is the availability of the lean reduction at the end of the process um with the the violations that you have here on the building the pictures look pretty bad yeah yeah yeah I'm agree with that I mean I don't like it either it's my property I don't want to look have a ugly property but you know and honestly I me straight to the point that like financially it's it's holding me back if if if that's if the economic is normal and we not going to all because I had multiple investment and when it hit me it hit hard is is everything is get H at the same time and it it's hard to survive when you have one problem you can so the problem right away but if you have 10 problem so now and then you have only one source of the income coming in and you have 10 problem so this it's hard for a small business and then now I mean at a time like economic is bad and the bank don't come in and my tenants you mean you I had tenant just didn't pay me for months like there's tenants doesn't pay me a year but I try to help them but like it's hard for my situation too I mean I I just give you the honest answer and then of course my tenants listen to this too and they and they know that that they are behind rent and I I'm not trying to push them to get out of the place I try to help them because that's why I'm asking for the city to help me because if I'm pushing them them out it's not good for me not good for them too and they not good for the city as well so so a situation that I'm in like if people who in my my my my shoe they they would understand if they knock in my shoe say oh this guy he don't want to take care oh that guy you know he don't want to do that but the thing is the economic is bad and then it's getting worse and then but I'm trying to work on it and I've been I've been trying to do it for years that's why I appli to EDC I reach out for different or um um uh support and I try to talk to different option City have and things like that but there's nothing available and I have to find a solution for myself it's not like that I'm ignore it be I mean by the end of the day is my property so so I'm working in every solution I can but because I have so many um property that have situation at the same time and I cannot like fix one end and the other end is FSE so I have to keep maintain the other and then move along so that's is the TRU that I I'm I'm standing here is thank you for for you know for giving up with me but that's is the two like it it's hard it's it's not it's really hard with the economic I'm not the only one there's many other people too when they buy the the property after the covid they have hard time too I mean even look at a c time it's take for long time for a guy to do something you know so how long do you think that it will take you to bring the property into compliance with these three I'm just curious as to so it's been since at least before December that it's been like this as noticed from the city so I don't know how long it was like this beforehand but so the people who live here or who know the area that's building has been like that for way before I buy it um and and and of course by time it's it's getting worse but I'm looking forward to start from now to do a little by little that I'm going to have the permits done and then and then we start to work from the south end of it back because um technically we have to remove the fun uh canopy of up the the section where you see the collapse and in the wood pieces falling that part is is is not connect I mean it's connect but it's not a part of the structure it's it's two separate thing that the previous owner put in after afterward so if I remove that Park and then and then um we'll work a long way with it because I'm have to stop sou end of it because soon it get done and everything is it's secure and and and in a good um stand then I have to start to rain it out to get the money to fix keep moving toward to the end so well just as a point of mention you know with any of these um three violations it's on the whole parcel so you know even if you know obviously you need to stay in touch with the code enforcement department to keep them apprised as to when you come into compliance but just because you're in compliance with the front end of the building if the back end isn't for instance you probably still would not be found to be in compliance with that code section so I just want to keep you aware of that well that's why um another thing is I asked to um help me to reduce or work it out somehow so I can move along because this is going to it's a long uh project is not going to happen overnight because by the end of a day it's all about budget and and if you give me more um Lee wve and if you give me more room then I move down uh along down um the um the the section of it and and if because because if you start to find me on this and then it take like a year or two to get it done but moving along I improve it and then by the time I get done I have like way too much money that for on the link so that's why I'm I'm asking to have a solution to help me out this time that I'm trying to work on it and I I'm I'm in Jim is going to be in the area so after I after I get um I get the um the permit and he also going to see something Improvement and change but I mean I don't want to promise yet I'm going to have it done next month or next two month or six month because that's not true and that's not real because the cost is it a lot of money so I'm asking to do get me some good solution work it out with me somehow and give me some way of time of fixing a long down well and at the point that we're at now um as far as working with you in Solutions and things that I can craft from where I'm sitting I mean I'm being asked to you know look at a compliance hearing and determine whether or not you're in compliance with three code sections which you are already found to be in violation of and given a deadline so some of the some of the information that you're stating today as to more time and such I think I would have um probably more expected to hear and you probably discussed it then too if you were at the first you know hearing or two but um um I I completely understand I I I hear what you you say and and I know what what the um Coast inform team looking for um yes I want to do a complement I mean to the point is like I keep saying it's my property and I want to get all that compant to make it look better um but because of the financially situation that's why it's keep holding me back but there's some time I have to do what I have to do and there's some time is is it it top so uh I'm not going to argue with you and I'm not going um I'm agree to whatever you see and agree what you know um Jim had said provide a picture but in other hand I I truly uh needit the city of tid of view and Coast informant to work with me not just give me a hard time because I I live here in tville too I'm I'm I'm not Outsider I I live here for over 15 years then this is my to too so please understand okay thank you yeah um and if I could just add a couple of things um this property was purchased December 2021 and that was um significant ly long after Co had began so um I would like to just rebut the statements that Co is the basis for not having the financial resources to um take responsibility for the maintenance of this property and Mr Tuan Lee who you hear as the representative of cqes Landing does own several properties in Titusville and we do have a long history with him appearing at code enforcement because he has a tendency to purchase um buildings that either previously needed or current become a nuisance and need to address code enforcement issues but the the city has extended as much flexibility and Fa patience with this existing case as I believe is necessary and there's no cause for additional delay in this matter okay thank you um okay thanks everyone and um I'm inclined to agree with the city as far as not wanting to delay the imposition of an order on the matter um largely because you know there was half of the case was given a shorter time frame and and um heard and this seemed to have been extended a little bit longer I mean if the city was noticing that this was a problem and when I say noticing I mean sending a notice notice of violation type of thing um because they um because Mr Lee I know that you had even stated that the property was in that shape prior to your purchasing it um you know unfortunately it's in the state that it's in now but I can see that it's clear from the photographs um as well as the testimony from both parties that the property continues to be in violation of um of all three of the code sections um that we're dealing with today well 6-19 as to all of them which is just what incorporates the international property maintenance code into the city code but specifically 3041 General exterior maintenance 304.5 exterior walls and 304.77 the property is in violation of all three of those code sections um given the state of the roof and the sawet and the building walls um that are shown from the evidence on record today um that said I'm going to go ahead with my oral order and we'll go ahead and reduce this writing and it will be provided to all the parties um let's see so I've accepted and considered the documentary evidence photographs and sworn testimony relating to this matter from from City staff and from Mr Twan Lee um I do find that the respondent's the owner of the property and that all required notices were provided in accordance with the state law and the city code and that violations of sections 304.8 General exterior maintenance 304.5 exterior walls and 304.77 roofs and drainage those all being cited from the international property maintenance code 2018 um that those are all in violation and we remained in violation as of the due date of May 10th which is the previously ordered date for compliance um per day per per violation and therefore I'm going to order that a fine of $250 per day per violation is imposed beginning on May 10th 2024 and continuing to acrew daily until the property is brought into compliance and such compliance is verified by code enforcement uh the respondent shall be responsible to provide notice of the violations being corrected to the city's code enforcement department um and further all of the sided violations um will be considered repeat violations in accordance with state law for five years and a certified copy of the order can be recorded in the public records and this will be written up and provided by mail and and I would suggest that that the owner follow up with the city about a lean reduction once the property is brought into compliance if you're so inclined I thank you for your time today and that's the conclusion of this particular hearing um I think there's one more thing on the agenda yes ma'am it's case 2450 lovation LLC 51 55 South Washington Avenue Unit 203 the officer is made right in this case and Mr Lee is also the respondent for this case as well okay good afternoon good afternoon so I have uh three items to submit um as exhibits the first is the uh affidavit for the notice violation the second is going to be the affidavit for the notice of hearing and the third is the cost recovery statement in the amount of $1 14614 okay and all of these are accepted into evidence as um is there going to be a PowerPoint on this one also okay yes we'll do the power PowerPoint as exhibit a and then there's the notice of violation affidavit um that will be B the affit notice hearing will be C and the cost recovery will be D okay so once again this is the initial hearing for case number 24-50 uh the respondent business is lovations LLC Twan Le is the registered agent for the LLC violation address is 5175 South Washington Avenue suet 203 um which is also known as 5155 South Washington Avenue Suite 203 mailing address is the same uh the ordinance section is 11-31 which is business tax receipt required so um our certified uh notice of hearing and the notice of violation were mailed out on the same day that's March 7th 2024 uh that certified letter was signed for on March 29th of 2024 so we received the complaint from uh Titus Phil's development services um concerning this business that had unpaid um 2023 2024 business tax receipt um so my initial inspection confirmed that lovation was listed at the property uh the sign on the pylon uh on the front of the building as well as at Unit 203 um all listed it um on property uh as of uh April 2024 Sun bid is also had this prop or the business listed as active um I did have contact with Mr Twan Le last Friday concerning today's hearing and the need to obtain his um BTR his business tax receipt and he is here to testify um this is the code section 11-31 I don't know if you need to see that I have a copy thank you okay um and again confirm the business is still active with Mr tanley okay and our outstanding fees are $86.50 for the business tax receipt with the city so these are pictures taken on uh my initial inspection of the property um conclusions of fact as of this afternoon before I came into the meeting the BTR still had not been paid for or issued okay and we we are requesting that the respondent be ordered to pay the past D pass due fees in the amount of $186 by July 8th 2024 and we are asking that administrative costs in the amount of $1 14614 be assessed okay okay hi if you'd like to come on up and just for the record again if you could please state your name and address I'm tanle 5175 South Washington um yes I I met uh agent right on Friday and uh I'm going to take all that fee and stuff and renew by today I mean after right right after this so whatever the fee is I'm going to take care of it okay thank Youk thank you and um as far as a um I know that the city of course wants the 18650 paid by July 88th and then there's an administrative fee that the city is requesting if the fee is if it's not paid by July 8 um is the city looking for a daily fine be entered no ma'am just pay this and just just pay the amount to and cost okay all right if there's nothing further from either party I'll go ahead and enter my order okay um I've accepted and considered documentary evidence photographs and sworn testimony relating to this matter um I do find that the respondent who is here and provided testimony is the um party responsible for paying the business tax receipt for this issue um and that there is a violation of codes city code section 11-31 business tax receipt required okay and I would order that the respondent pay the pass due amount of 18650 by July 8th 2024 and that the respondent also pay the administrative fine amounts incurred in the amount of $146 14 and that is my order and that concludes this particular hearing as well and as far as the agenda for the rest of the agenda the next section seems to be code enforcement manager no report okay and any other City business no ma' okay then we will adjourn these hearings at 3:18 p.m. thank you