e e e e e [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well welcome to the 5:30 p.m. March 12 2024 CRA meeting we do have a quorum so I'll call this meeting to order would you please join me in a moment of silence and the pledge to the flag the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands indivisible andice all clerk would you please read the rules to speak individuals wishing to speak on agenda items must complete a signup card prior to the item being introduced signup cards are available on the table individuals wishing to speak on non-agenda items May do so under petitions and requests no signup card is required citizens will be given 3 minutes to speak on all agenda items all signup cards and Exhibits being submitted to the CRA shall be placed in the box on the table thank you very much can I get a motion to approve the minutes for the January 9th 2024 CRA meeting so mve got a motion I got a second all those in favor say yes yes opposed minutes are passed city manager uh good evening Mr chair Vice chair uh NC members um I would like to move item 8C which is the Titusville Playhouse Incorporated proposed expansion update to the first agenda item this evening I would like to do so also uh can I have a motion to do so I have a motion I need a second all those in favor say yes opposed moved a presentation will be presented on the Titusville Playhouse extension plans expansion plans this is an information item and I think Stephen you're up well thank you so much hi everyone I just want to have one question before you get started are we going to have a raffle there is no raffle no R but season tickets are available now if you'd like to all right let me stop interrupting you're good thank you I have prepared words so it's it's a new thing I'm Stephen Herring the executive and artistic director at the Titusville Playhouse I want to thank you all for allowing us uh time to present for this evening our exciting plans of the future of the Titusville Playhouse over the past two years we've been working with theater industry leaders to guide us on our growth before 2020 we were busting at the seams and I'm happy to report we are nearing our 2019 numbers again as an economic impact to our community I'd like to give you a quick few numbers our latest season we saw over 41,000 people through our doors this past show beautiful which closed just a couple of weeks ago we welcomed nearly 6,700 people through the doors with 65% of them coming from outside of North Bard and in addition to that 34% of them were outside of Bard County alone uh I'd like to acknowledge some of our staff members are here tonight Nik Stamos and Mara gki are here uh also this entire site over here is our board members and they're all here uh to support us in our presentation tonight with growth in mind we've selected HKS Architects to guide us and I'm happy to introduce Matt clear from HKS who'll be presenting for the Titusville Playhouse this evening thank you thank you mat thank you just a moment to bring up no problem got to bring those props on the side do you want me to move them or you good afternoon Mr Mayor members of the CRA thank you for inviting me uh through Steven to present the uh some new Concepts some Design Concepts for the Titusville Playhouse uh as Stephen may have mentioned uh I had a a a 15-year event with the uh Dr Phillips Center for the Performing Arts I was the U executive architect the lead architect over 26 Consulting team members a huge team and over 15 years it took that long to get it from design through to completion of the Stein Mets Hall and uh uh just saying I don't have 15 years left so we've got to do something quick about this this project man what we're going to talk about today is really Design Concepts you know this is not final design we have explored some new ideas uh with the Titusville Playhouse and we want to present them to you uh just to get your feedback and to show you where we are in the overall process so the very first thing I'm going to is to learn how to work your remote everybody does there we go so you don't need to know but you are here and this is the downtown Titusville where we are located uh the playoff looking from east to west and the reason why I show you this slide is because uh when this investment is complete uh that slide is going to change and not change just because it's got a new building or a new opportunity and in the middle of it it's going to change because these projects like the Titusville Playhouse like any other project like it are transformational you know what happens uh around it tangential development the investment by others uh is significant and this this picture will change but change also for uh for the better because it's going to have some really cool ideas and new development that's going to occur around it looking west to east uh you can see the picture here um I think if I can point laser pointer is the green button doesn't doesn't work okay uh but uh what we're what we're looking at right in the in the bottom of that screen is the shoer uh and right underneath pad 40 uh is uh the Titusville play Emma Parish along with the uh along with the administrative facilities but what you really get I think this was a 60 ft this uh this this picture was captured what you really get is uh the view the view corridor off of this if you can incorporate that into uh the new design you can you can capture that and you will capture it for your patrons you capture it for everybody that wants to be a part of the Titusville Playhouse so let's zoom in a little bit on on the site uh what you're looking at here is a site bordered uh by Hopkins uh by Julia Street uh by Palm to the west and by Pine and Emma parish is at the bottom along with the um along with the administrative complex next to it uh the site that we are talking about is about 0.52 Acres it is uh approximately 22,000 Square ft in our trim down program for the uh for the playhouse for the 500 superum the in that trim down program we're about 85,000 gross Square fet so if you do the math you know just in a perfect world you know that's a four-story building and performing art centers are not perfect world you know they have requirements for planning that put pieces and parts in different locations and I'll show you that what you'll see here is that white box is essentially the footprint of a uh of the hall itself with a stage tiered seating what's behind it uh would be the requirements for a back of house to support the great production that happens at Titusville Playhouse and what would be in front would be the square footage associated with a front- of house Lobby if you look at this section there's two sections here the first section is if all of that uh square footage was sitting perfectly contained on the .52 Acres what's in the in the back where it says back of house is not even close to what we need it's not close by a half uh so we actually looked at this diagram both of these diagrams in the context of you know there's really two learnings here number one in the width and I want to go back in the width of the uh Hall meaning from uh from Palm down to uh the administrative complex we we can fit uh the 5 to 550 seat Hall in width in that location it's the depth that we're challenged with and even in the width you know with with a u uh we would encroach a little into uh the the um walk sidewalks as well as into the pal the palm area or Palm Avenue uh parallel parking um wouldn't encroach into drive Lanes but a little into the the um sidewalk itself so in these two sections you can see and the length is really where we're challenged but also where we're challenged is in water table and what I think these Investments uh really require is for us to be very aware of our um our responsibility associated with resiliency you know sea level rise or uh or storm surge associated with hurricanes and and that sort of thing really we don't want our building particularly the stage floor and what you were looking at on on that first diagram the stage floor is actually below Julia uh that first diagram really from a resiliency and sustainability standpoint does not work so we looked at lifting that out of the water table out of Harm's Way so to speak and what that does for us if we lift it and move it over Julia it creates a opportunity for an elevated Lobby it creates an opportunity for a covered drop off for our patrons and it gives us uh the much needed room in the back of house to support the production U so that and of course it also gives us some ancillary covered parking along with covered service so let me take a side trip you know we've talked a little bit about the the use of the site as you can see we're using every square inch of it uh and we're using a little bit of the parking uh that would be Associated underneath that back of house space uh but what this diagram sh uh shows you is that where the intersections of the green the red and the purple that's where the Titusville Playhouse is and inside of each of those squiggly lines contains a total of 900 18 spaces this is building upon the uh the work that was done to identify parking spaces in uh in and around downtown just looking at this even closer to the Titusville playoffs we're looking at a total of about 373 spaces that are within a three-minute walk of of this uh of this new opportunity and most of those spaces 250 I believe are on uh on the west side of Hopkins staying with the parking for just a minute uh working in other jurisdictions we have uh worked with a restriction of three seats per car and you know where that number comes from is people typically go to the performance with someone and you know that extra seat really represents either staff count or it represents you know a ride share opportunity like Uber or Lyft uh that would also be contributing to uh bringing our patrons to the front door so what you're looking at here is from Julia Court looking towards uh Emma Parish down Julia and uh keep this picture in your mind for just a moment because what we want to show you is really the opportunity uh for creating a a Performing Arts Corridor if you will I'm going to flip this around wow that is the same picture and what what you can see is what we what you really get out of this first blush is energy right you're not going to pass by this it is going to be attracting people to this Performing Arts Center you all of the assets of the Titusville Playhouse and the energy on the elevated Lobby the energy to the roof deck where you could actually see and that roof Terrace where you could use that either as observation for the uh for launches to the east you know it is could be rented out as as party opportunities or almost anything when you're thinking about Performing Arts in and of themselves you look for Revenue opportunities and that is is something that really smacks of Revenue opportunity for the playoffs for for years to come it also so you know if you look at this it also is uh you know using Julia as a pedestrian way it has a drop off opportunity for uh for patrons under a covered um you know the covered entry if you will but we really want to orient and use this as uh an opportunity for an entire Arts Corridor along Julia okay is that glass along the facade you can see the lob yeah this next rendering if I can get it to go ah there we go this gives you a better idea of the uh sort of the energy on a on a weekend right you could the the entire Street being uh blocked off for uh this Arts quarter you can almost see you know not just Performing Arts but and music included you you can can also see this used for visual arts you know you can see this for any types of gathering around uh the Arts theme and you're looking at you know food trucks in there and you're looking at you know the activity that the the draw to this you know is is almost endless you know and the ceiling for it is endless what you can really do for it and then the night time looking East you know we we uh uh symbolically took the lighting you know and and made it similar to you know the track of a you know of a rocket going up you know so the lighting on the on the U uh front of that Lobby you know has the same kind of you know trajectory just to again make that symbolic connection between what we're trying to do and what what really is happening just to east of us uh so these are just a few images of we're way early in the design process we're trying to see how to use this uh this site in the best way uh for Titusville playoffs where actually you know from a programmatic standpoint I think the opportunities are endless and I think the the U uh it just smacks of something that you know I think the energy and Titusville would really benefit from thank you all for for giving me the opportunity to present these uh these to you and I turn it back over to Stephen thank you very well done thank you beautiful thank you Matt we are not asking you to make a decision tonight but we are excited to get your comments and feedback uh we're also eager to start working with City staff on on a development agreement that we can bring back to you for future consideration but I'd like to leave you all with a hard copy of the Design Concepts that you've seen tonight and we're all here happy to answer any and all questions mostly Matt well first of all um the presentation was excellent excellent anytime you can get a visual that is very helpful secondly I appreciate the Pres presentor stating that you know this is preliminary where you know sometimes you get people okay we want to do this next week now I realize we got some birthdays coming up and we got to move fast but uh uh I'm kidding you'll be around a while what are you talking about but um clearly you know I'd have a hard time looking at this and saying well you need to do something different I mean it looks great but uh you know as far as the finances the economics the all the stuff that goes with it um a lot to a lot to take in I'm sure member stoko yep thank you um no great presentation and I appreciate the proactive I feel like you guys thinking in the future of what we can be um I mine's more of a logistical question with this new covering are do have you guys looked into are we allowed to do that over this particular Road when I've seen these like in Orlando or whatnot I feel like it's on their property and they'll have like a drive-thru can is this actually something we can do or have do we know yet no we we can actually do that I mean physically you can certainly do that there's utilities there that need to be relocated okay U and I think it it will probably involve certainly development agreements that uh that would you know dictate how you know the the property is conveyed uh to do that which is not unlike what we did at Dr Phillips I mean that's that sits right over top of Magnolia and it was the same situation in that I think the difference here is that you know the the requirements to do it you know are so incredibly important uh for the success of the you know of the project as a whole and I think you know it also becomes a great portal for that you know pedestrian you know uh Arts Corridor if you will through through that area because we're also trying to connect from a uh you know a visual connection if you will to the Shuler which is west of you know the uh um that site if you will along so it's it's really using that as a overall sort of organizational element and it it serves multiple purposes yeah and I think that's the one thing I really do appreciate about it is that pedestrian area because I know we've talked up here about trying to get more walkability and closing down for Street parties and it's hard to do on the main road but if we can create that over back in the Julia area and have some movement there and parties there all the way to the railroad track yeah that would be that would be nice so okay thank you a festival Street yeah correct remember Acer um I'm sorry apologize for being a little late two concerns would be you know number one parking which I know you address but we we would have to fully address that because you're you're talking a big impact into the downtown probably doubling the uh stress on the parking that's already there and of course storm water and did I miss the storm water you didn't miss storm water storm water is a concern uh we're looking at uh a couple of options uh the very first uh option would be considering potentially a vault in the service area uh that's that's in that back of house section underneath kind of underneath that covered parking you mean yes correct underneath there so that's one area but I think also incorporating stainability uh initiatives uh green roof you know to mitigate the amount of storm water uh that might be uh you know incurred by that development I think I didn't know you could do that pardon me I didn't know you could do that you could with you own the property to the South those two buildings to the South already y yes wow yeah yes correct um and in regarding parking you know what's great about these facilities in every location they're developed is that the the need for parking usually occurs after 6:00 p.m. after businesses are closed so you're taking advantage of Resident parking you know capacity that exists you know throughout the uh you know the perimeter of of you know where this this building would be and and that's kind of how we approached it and it's not unusual to you know every Art Center I've been involved in they don't like it because it again for philanthropy reasons it's hard to raise money for a parking garage so you know we don't typically try to focus in that direction we try to focus to the art center itself do you have any land that can be dedicated to parking north of where you are now we we do not um we we've had some preliminary uh conversations about um Vehicles going to the government lot and like shuttling people back and forth if we needed to do that and I mean we think there's options to to bring to the table of course all this would be addressed in the development agreement that we as we develop further and further yeah so what comes of the old playhouse it's still there it still has programming um is it open for civic use for dance recital and stuff like that yes of course although they're going to want to be in the new new building but yeah but you're going to be you're going to be using that all the time but our concept really uh our education program has not been ble to grow and prosper because there's no place for the kids to put on the shows so the the Emma Parish which is currently we would probably put three or four Productions that we produce and then the rest of the time would be part of the education program uh use and really make that the education home which is pretty exciting this just blows me away just you think bigger than anybody I've ever met yeah good call you done sir member Nelson I'm with Greg i'm blown away it's beautiful I feel like I'm uptown you know um it does remind me of Dr Phillips but one of the things that we have said and I just said to the mayor every time we have an event we have to go to Indian River Preserve and it would be cool to have something of our own correct where we could have it events and I like it and I really like the idea of pedestrian walk white so good luck thank you yeah absolutely the member the member um I just saw member Cole pop up with the thing I'm reading it um the uh tough part's always in the details and I think that we've already seen that even in the presentation uh I can't imagine anybody looking at this and not saying wow I mean just incredible um you know and again they're talking about being blown away it's like you when you I didn't expect to see all this I thought this be this would look cool this look cool you know move this but my goodness gracious I mean the whole glass see through over top of the road oh my gosh that's amazing remember Cole yeah I had to go to Google Maps and make sure I was still in Titusville when I saw that presentation what kind of uh timeline are we talking about 10 15 years let's hope more 57 I might still be here no I mean I I am as everyone else has alluded to I I am completely blown away with this and I I love it yeah I really love it man okay uh any other comments questions I see none I can only take my hat off to you on the presentation the vision uh obviously you got to have a vision before the presentation and and that's where it all starts and that's again that's beyond anything I I never would have thought I'd be seeing this kind of presentation great thank you so much outstanding thank you guys very much appreciate the board being here appreciate the support that you guys do appreciate what you do now with what you have I said uh I said about another organization recently and it hits me with you guys you guys do more with less than any group I've ever seen just imagine yeah imagine imagine more more Sten what my granddaughter says all the time more more do hey go minute yeah yeah yeah um we're going to um take a short recess because all you guys are I'm sure not going to want to stay here and I think some of our some of our folks I think want to have a little interaction so we'll take a f minute break thank you e e e e e e e e e e e e e before I do that let me make sure I know where we're at here all right call meeting back to order city manager yeah yeah mayor i' just like to remind you and I have had a conversation about koll King of the be beautiful and I think both of us and many of us went back and saw twice because it just incredible with again they do more with less I just can't believe what I see on that stage yep I couldn't get second tickets second time I I got a second you got it I got a second no you pull you pulled rank no did you pull Rank and I was [Laughter] upstairs K me hey may mayor mayor when you when you zoom in on that picture that shows the glass and the people stand on the other side you're going to recognize yourself well that my first time or my second time hey just for the record I went and saw Margaritaville three times so I I love that stuff all right so man we're back to uh new business item 8A which is the FY 23 city of Titusville Community Development agency annual report Florida Statutes requires that each community redevelop vment agency to file an annual report of its activities and a complete financial statement for the preceding year the the the attachment is in your um your your presentation is in your packet staff is here to provide you information about it and our recommendation is that you approve the FY 23 annual report for the community Titusville Community R development agency and approve the transmitt of the report to the craa creating the m Municipality of the city of todville to meet the 31 March deadline after the financial audit information has been completed it will be added to the report posted as required by Florida Statutes and courtesy copies will be sent to the taxing authorities in the county Sue is here and Brad to provide the presentation and answer questions that you may have very good presentation sir and ma'am um you have in your packet a a 50 some odd page P report of the annual report that is required by chapter 163 371 of the Florida statute we file this annual report and complete the financial statement for the preceding year the report includes all the financial information and all of the information that is required by Statute of 16337 one you'll notice on a lot of them down below you'll see the Five Points of everything that needs to be included I'd like to point out to you um another one of them is the agency uh needs to be pointed out that the CRA agency has achieved the goals for the past year and um it was it was a pleasure actually compiling this together because your goals actually changed last year in your plan and it was very interesting to see how those goals were being met already at this time so um I commend you and I'm here for any questions this will come back to you in a ail okay so obviously transmittal is just that transmittal correct all right uh questions comments I see none call the cards one card Stan Johnson pass thank you sir appreciate that uh motion move to approve the fiscal year of 2023 annual report for the city of Titusville CRA second oh approve the trans metal sorry of the report to the CRA is creating municipality city of Titusville to meet the March 31st Deadlight second I have a motion from Member Nelson and second from Member Cole roll call vote member acre yes member Cole yes member Nelson yes chairman diesel yes Vice chair Robinson yes member ball yes member St yes and we will have that done I appreciate that City Manager on to item 8B which is the downtown business directory kiosks the community redevelopment agency board directed staff on 13 December 2023 to research signs and cost to replace existing static downtown business directory ke osks with digital signs and the same conceptual design that was recently approved by the city council we're here to uh give you a quick presentation on it but the approximate cost for two signs is $21,000 and Sue's answer here to answer any questions that you may have about the kiosk and your discussion thank you good evening again um a lot of research was gone into this when we were directed to research them first we wanted to confirm that they were within the scope of work that was um negotiated with Don Bell Signs these were in included in within the scope of work went out to um look at them uh on several occasions the total and what comes about is the total cost of the two digital signs that's in your packet um include and what includes engineering manufacturing software licensing and installation is approximately 56,500 there would be a cost for Public Works to break up the concrete at both locations and also for electrical to be run along with permitting fees for both sites that is approximately $2 ,000 so the hard cost is approximately 76,500 there will be an additional monthly cost to operate and maintain and I can explain on that a little further if you like the static sign cost is the approximate static is 21,100 for the with the new design um so the display area is and I gave a matrix if you'll refer to that I think it's the first one of the first items on your t M ments that gives the pros and cons of both of them so I hope that you consider that and with the c staff reviewed both options with the city of Titusville IT staff community services staff Public Works staff and building department staff the CRA is recommending static signs for the purpose of replacing the existing signs and I'm here to entertain any questions V mayor yes uh I understand if we were within um two years of the uh performance art theater coming uh to downtown Titusville I would suggest kind of upgrading the kios but right now I understand that we do have visitors reading it and and trying to but I I I'm just as pleased as I can be with what we presently have you know if it uh if rain is beginning to change the coloring or something like that but let us stay my recommendation is we stay kind of where we are for now because with where it's located and those uh really nice canvases over I think it's a great look for our downtown pres presently member stoko yep um what is the monthly maintenance cost on the digital ones that's going to depend currently with the cellular and the electric we're looking at approximately $250 that's a guesstimate is that similar to our welcome sign out front of City Hall that I don't know because it's a different kind of sign um with a different company that was with a with another purchaser um what will happen is is what you do with this this has the capability this LG has the capability to live stream what for the purpose the reason why staff IND indicated recommending static is because we're replacing a directory sign this has much much more capability which will involve other staff which is why staff spoke with community relations it and all those other departments so if if the sign were utilized for other purposes other than the directory which it can can be then there would be additional cost for staff as indicated in the in the um bullet points and I don't think I would was looking for live stream I think what I was thinking because I pref I do prefer the digital ones I was hoping that and if like just Googling you can see kind of how they have the colorful maps that somebody can click on like almost an app and click on events and it could list events click on restaurants you could have a list of your restaurants click on uh Trails you can see where all the trails are our entertainment um that was my hope I do appreciate the current map structure I think it's useful um you can only show one thing at a time which would be but I just feel like as we are progressing I would like to see if not this year um I don't I don't know I'm in favor of the digital ones I know I might be the minority here but um I just feel like we are finally getting in my opinion some movement in our downtown we have restaurants that are staying restaurants that are thriving um um we see that what the tyo playhouse is hoping to do I would just I feel like this would make an impact um I would hope that businesses would be on board and see that we're making the investment as a city to try to help them and support them how we can um to get us there so that's my opinion can I respond to that please please and I understand exactly where you're coming from I staff asked that question of different companies and basically Don Bell um the inter active ones the a lot of companies are not happy or pleased with their performance and don't want to put their names behind the interactive ones yet so again I think it's like you said maybe a timing issue uh member Cole while I agree with both member stokel and vice mayor Robinson although they have differing views uh the static sign is approximately two half to three times I mean the digital sign is about three times as much and we could always if we stuck with the static we could always put a code on there because everybody has a cell phone and you can go to a site that would direct you to something else and as uh vice mayor Robinson stated uh if the Performing Arts Center was there I could probably be in favor of doing it but I think I'm old school and I'm still with the static with a barcode on it member ball um yeah I I I see the merits of both and I I think as as a person um that's obviously very oriented towards towards the theatrical presentation of things I I was I was drawn to the idea of you know what could you do with a digital sign um I hadn't even thought about it as much detail as you you raised and that those are really good points uh M stokel uh raises there um uh uh I also found myself thinking it on the static sign if the primary purpose is for wayf finding for people to stop look at it absorb it try to figure out where they are in the downtown and where to go uh something that was rapidly changing would would inhibit that you know I I've in situations like that and bring the map back I I'm not done you know I want to try to find where I'm at so in that case a static uh has um more greater Advantage um I I don't like the way that the current ones are laid out I think they're hard to read and they don't really get you so I would hope we would get a chance to maybe uh take a GL a glance at what the proposed um uh uh graphics and such how how static sign is going to be an improvement over what we have um and one other question maybe you you did in your research is I'm just looking at it now is is it possible that these s the signs are of sufficient um commonality and size that we could make a future decision to trade the static ones for a for a um U for for for an electronic one and use the same frame and the same investment in the infrastructure I'm not sure I'm not sure of that I believe that the frames are a little bit different by the dimensions that I saw but I thought is because the digital ones are more than what we're looking for for a directory sign that if given thought and fleshed out what else could it be used for because it has that live stream and that's that's a whole another whole another issue you good sir member Nelson one I don't think we're quite there yet for the digital so I would vote for the static and city manager brought a point up the other day vandalism and apparently periodically these kiosk are getting vandalized and I think the static sign is going to be much easier to deal with if there's vandalism so that's my thought and I'm you know and again I was a facility AP for years and so vandalism spray painting all this stuff is not new to me and I get it um I certainly want to be aware of what the cost would be if vandalism took place is there some kind of a program that you can get with a company that you know not guarantees but there's a warranty and if this happens we'll do this otherwise you know that can be a Perpetual you know money machine as far as that goes I don't want to look at the worst side of things because had we done that at Titusville High School we'd still have a sign where you put the letters up manually we now have an electronic sign and that that's actually our second electronic sign and uh have no problem as far as the vandalism it is out front where everybody can see it um so you know I want to say well we got to wait for the theater to get here before we can do that I don't think that has to be the case but I can say that I think not just yet I don't know that um I've heard any real um big concerns from people downtown that I can't read this I don't like this or whatever um could it be better I you know I don't think we need to wait very long if you if you guys feel like uh we can make this better or but we don't have to go electronic um we don't have to go to the 21,000 we can you know hey we can fix this and look really good for 5,000 or whatever um we did a lot of that um at tidel high school when we wanted to get a new electronic sign the first thing we did was we got one that was already used and then the second thing when we had to repair it we took out the guts and put new guts in we we couldn't afford to do the whole thing so I'm I'm not trying to compare but I'm saying that there are other options so with that I I think that ultimately down the road the key word is yet maybe not yet do we go to the full 25,000 Electric and um and that too um and then ultimately uh it'd be cool to look and again it doesn't sound like we have the technology exactly right yet people aren't real happy with some of those but I'd like to think that we could get to the um M stal thought about you push this there's the trails you P this here's the restaurants that'd be really cool but if it's not ready for prime time yet I don't think we need to you know spend that kind of money on it so ultimately I I'm not overly concerned about moving yet but I think that we don't need to wait and say we got a big theater and then we'll do it so somewhere in between um anybody else member acre or is that old no I want to comment the um so we're still looking the static signs are going to go in the same location that the moving signs would yes sir that's the proposal so we're still going to have to cut up concrete we're still going to have pull in the um electrical for the static signs no there won't because there's no electric to it and um the current wayf finding signs are you talking the the the green ones that listed businesses down this street and that street are you talking the covered awnings on the back side of the buildings with the informational page 46 and we're talking about the ones in the the green signs where people look for businesses okay because I know you know the the the signage out back never that hadn't been updated did you know as far as the current events coming up they don't okay or or maintained um I'm kind of agree I don't think I'm I'm kind of I'm really there to spend that kind of money at this point in time for the um electronic signs that sounds like a not yet okay anybody else all right um what do we need to do with this right now um probably do cards and then vote right ultimately we yes sir uh call the card one card Stan Johnston that's why I said call the card I'd go along with what what Dr Aker said Thank You Stanley Stanley Stanley um okay so we need to um M Nelson what do we want to say probably moveed to approve the static sign for now for the downtown WF firing SS what I heard that's what I heard as well yeah and again she used it I now I think she used the term first and I wanted to grab hold of that the term is yet it does I don't think anything we say here tonight is no we don't want that okay the but not yet the motion will change to not yet well I'm didn't know have to do that I'm just saying that I just want them to leave here feeling like this is a just a not yet second I have a motion and a second roll call vote and before you vote sir just to after we get a contract and all that you we'll be coming back to you with the actual amounts and right approve thank you very much uh roll call vote member Cole yes member Nelson yes chairman diesel yes Vice chair Robinson yes member ball yes member stoko yes member acre yes s that would reluctant just say not yet all right that passes where the petitions and requests yes sir all right petitions and request to end Emily gave me a thumbs up so this is where I get to come up um I had I didn't come this address please I'm sorry name and address name and address I'm father Rob Griffith um pastor at St Gabriel's Episcopal Church 414 Pine Street anyhow um I I didn't come I have any intention to say anything but I heard that there was open mic for a few minutes so um say again sing s are going to sing a song no no no no no um I came to this evening to support my friends at Titus full Playhouse first of all um I came to sit in the back and give thumbs up and pretend I was on the board I'm not on the board um and uh I love the project I'm really excited about the vision that they have not just for TPI but for downtown Titusville um and for being their one of their closest neighbors um hopefully that says a lot um I'm looking forward to what um a new Playhouse would do to transform downtown Titusville because it means a lot and it means a lot for the city which it means a lot for me because um this is my city now it's my parish and I want to see downtown Titus Thrive and I I got a whole lot more to say about that um but like parking yes we've been talking about parking um actually I got big plans for the church and it probably more than 30 spaces that we can talk about down the road that I'm hoping for so that's the first thing I want to say yeeha um the second thing I wanted to do is uh and I started to grab you all during the break but I thought no no no that's their time I want to say thank you thank you so much um you all approved a grant for St Gabriel's to help us put a new roof um on our sanctuary and it's a beautiful full roof and we couldn't have done well we we'd have had to do it without you but youve you've definitely made this a whole lot easier um for us to take care of you've invested in a gem of downtown tville and that means a lot to our congregation and I just want to come here and officially say thank you and and thank you guys too very much um got to know Brad and Sue uh very well during the process I think there's a couple times Brad wanted to kick me out of his office but um it was a great it was it was it wasn't painless but it was fun and I enjoyed getting to know all of you in the process so again thank you so much for investing in our congregation in our Sanctuary God bless thank you thank you for at that church uh the historic gem that it is it's awesome very nice thank you okay yes sir okay Dan Johnston I want to thank uh Mr dael and Mr cook for uh uh this letter I finally got it's just dated December the 16th 2022 I didn't get it until just after uh just about I don't know two weeks ago or so so it's it's an unusual letter signed by Sean stoffer regarding the sewage spill that that you have a handout on these these two two right here and the the thing is is that it says it says in here from Mr staford it says uh the lift station ran continually throughout the event however the thing is is that I was there there when the lift station wasn't running and so was the um the neighbor next to the lift station who who while I was there turned off the noise that was coming because in other words there was this there was a beeping siren and red light and and she couldn't sleep so she contacted water resources and they showed her how to turn it off but it's not mentioned anywhere in this letter interesting and not only that is we got all kinds of uh photographs and so forth and photos by other people of this of the sewage and it's even on the front page of the floor today at least twice article front page so this letter disagrees with the laot and signed by Mr staford and as you know as I've told you is that is that if if you got in a PE that's going to sign something that it's not true I'm reporting him to the board I don't know if any of you read your your your correspondence from me recent on this but uh I'm busy right now I've got income taxes I got court issues and all kinds of things so it'll be a while but I'll get around to it and I'll I'll make a formal complaint to your stoffer Mr staer who has got a number of people who are what do you call them um employees who uh are under the gun but to keep quiet because they know and n of that is what I did was I even went out there with a broom and and Clorox and well from from a swimming chlorine and and clean the the uh the black stuff out of the uh out of the gutters storm the curb people saw me doing that so you had a sewage spill and was and was I even went to Mr Diesel's house m m Dr stokel and U over 13 churches two times at least to to your church and put a warning notice up 13 over over 12 over a dozen churches that hey you have a sewage spill so anyhow I'm not sure what's going to happen but you know that there's going to be a complaint against your water resources and Mr Sofer for dishonesty any questions thank you anything else we good uh yes sir just the executive director's report if you have any other petitions in request anybody else please do I'm sorry normally when stand gets done we're going home hello thank you my name is Billy Joe Clayton I live at 2898 de Merit Drive in Titusville Florida May I give you a copy of my statement so um get to the clerk please as you know the residents of Royal Oak strongly oppose the placement of Apollo Gardens entrance along a local Road section 1.46 of the comprehensive plan stipulates that a multif family development must be adjacent to either a collector or an arterial Street however Dem Merit Drive does not meet this requirement as it is neither a collector or a notarial street despite our repeated requests the developer has yet to find a solution that aligns with the city's comprehensive plan I live in Spanish Oaks onto Merit Drive which is a private road on my side and a local road on the South Side running through Royal Oak car for Supportive Housing the developer has also failed to address another significant issue concerning Spanish Oaks although Apollo Gardens owns the property at 2727 de Merit Drive orb 1564 987 indicates a 50ft easement area granting Spanish Oaks control over that easement how will Paulo a Gardens access to Merit drive if there is an easement owned by Spanish Oaks these are questions developer has yet to answer as negotiations proceed with Maria Hilton it's crucial to acknowledge that the residents of Royal Oak Spanish Oaks and Village Square who plan to stay in their homes are not inclined to settle and are actively pursuing further legal action considerable time and effort has been invested in a project that contradicts the comprehensive plan and overlooks the easement issue with three neighborhoods now involved support for relocating Apollo Gardens to Melbourne is growing we strongly urge you to adhere to the comprehensive plan if that proves unfeasible relocation of Apollo Gardens is imperative thank you very much for your time well said um yeah first I'm going leave that alone this is certainly not the board the CRA board that would do anything with this at all the council wasn't do anything to it unless it was to come in front of us and it's not scheduled ever come in front of us and thirdly I believe it's in court so all that said we got nothing we can add to that and I apologize for Stan got done and Stan aren't you normally last you're always last never mind so thank you uh anybody else guys want to go twice oh I had something where who's something that's me over here I thought I heard it over there now um I had mentioned this to the city manager in my briefing I wanted to see if we could potentially get advisability from staff especially as parking is mentioned numerous times I think um by our board um to see if staff could look into public parking signs um so maybe visitors to the area uh may know of where they can park um I think we kind of know where to park if we live here but maybe just trying to see and come back with some ideas of maybe um Banner or sometime I don't know I just did a quick Google search on some images and there's some cool looking signs I think out there that would make downtown feel more welcoming and visitors know where they can park where would you put those I mean I I first that's where I want staff to kind of see because mayor if I could if I could as an example the Julia Street parking lot has public parking signs there that says public parking available so we could take a look at um potential what the signs would look like and where we would propose to loc I telling myself a little bit give you an idea whenever I go to the play I park at the church across the street that's wouldn't be called public parking that would it no not necessar no so the point I'm making though is either and believe me it's always packed right either got church going on and nobody knows it or they're all going to the play um and but that's kind of where I want to see what staff comes back because I I don't know either truthfully um but I'd like to see and as we've done parking studies we do have plenty of parking so I'd like to just yeah I think that's a good idea I just thought maybe you going to be able to school us on we should put one here put one here put one here but we don't we're not there yet I don't think we're there yet no we're yet yes okay um M motion I I'll make that motion I like that idea thank you second Mo the motion is I like that idea for advisability to look into potentially public parking signs in our CRA area yeah okay member stokel has a motion I'll second and member Nelson has a second all those in favor say yes yes opposed okay we'll pass that on thank you all right now we good all right we're going to go back uh 6:45 yeah right 64 6:45 we'll be back ready break for