e welcome this meeting on the planing and Zoning Commission of March 2024 will come to order pledge of legance please Al to flag of the United States rad call please Lori chairman Richardson here Vice chairman Aton here secretary Grant member Childs here member Gad here member fa member Moscoso here alternate member Findler here alternate member Rogers Schoolboard member Gilbert here okay we have a quorum the next item is the minutes of March 6 2024 you've been given a copy of the minutes any additions or changes you like to make them is there a motion to approve the minutes move to approve this presting member mosos o second second okay any discussion roll call please Lori member Childs yes member finer yes member Moscoso yes Vice chairman Eton yes member Gad yes chairman Richardson yes uh Chelsea will you go over the quide judicial confirmation procedures the notice on the agenda States all person who all persons who anticipate speaking on any public hearing item must fill out an oath card to be heard on that agenda item and sign the oath contained thereon these cards are located on the table near the entrance to the council chamber or may be obtained from the recording secretary this meeting will be conducted in accordance to the procedures adopted in resolution number 24-1 1997 those speaking in favor of a request will be heard first those opposed will be heard second and those who wish to make a public comment on the item will speak third the applicant may make a briefer btal if necessary a representative from either side for or against May cross-examine a witness anyone who speaks is considered a witness if you have photographs sketches or documents that you desire for the commission to consider they must be submitted into evidence and will be retained by the city please submit such exhibits to the recording secretary did you have that memorized I'm getting close to it next item uh is no con agenda uh maybe we should start adding some items under that first item under old business Eddie thank you chairman and good evening Commissioners item uh 8A easement vacate application number one 2024 300 Cheney begins on page 9 of 39 tonight's agenda packet I'll read the first paragraph of the background on page 11 a petition has been received from Rodney Honeycut applicant to vacate 0.15 Acres of a 50-ft public utility and drainage easement located at the rear the southeast corner of the property at 300 Cheney Highway the applicants are proposing to build a new 5,000 ft office building with Associated parking stormw water and Landscaping however the proposed location of the storm water Pond conflicts with the existing easement all required utility letters have been received and there were no objections to the request to vacate the easement and in conclusion I'll read read on page 12 staff has no objection to the request to vacate the southeast portion of the 50-ft public utility and drainage eement within the rear yard and again none of the utility providers presented objections to the request thank you does anybody have any questions of the staff okay this time I'll open the public hearing do we have any cards Rodney Hut good evening chairman board member Rodney Honeycut 3700 South Washington Avenue um so my client uh is purchasing this for an office building he's an opthalmologist and uh he wanted to um actually own his own building instead of renting and so um he um did a search and had a survey on the property everything looked good we put together a preap plan and when we met with the city uh Public Works uh told us that when the rideway was vacated there was an easement to be placed over the old rideway vacation area and so um they noted that uh they were only using the north portion of it though and that they would be willing to vacate the south portion if other utilities were and so um we made a submitt to vacate it uh it's been kind of slow um a lot of staff changes and then most recently the reason it was tabled is uh we discovered why the client never knew about it because the easement for the city was never recorded So the owner had to record an easement so that we could vacate a portion of it and so um that's here tonight requesting that we can vacate the southern portion that uh the city's not using or or nor any of the other utility companies uh have any objections to it as proofed in your uh package app and so I'm available for any questions or uh comments have two questions for you the first one is it the entire from the railroad track or the ement and the railroad track West to Capon road that is that the piece of property the piece um so habiscus Avenue uh was a 50ft road rideway adjacent to the railroad track it was never and so there's never been a road there the city was using the northern part for uh I think some storm water retention or or a ditch it actually discharges into the railroad rway in the North Park will it go all the way get the property we're talking about going all the way to Capron or does it end yes no it goes all the way to Capron yes okay my second observation I passed by there today and I just Happ to notice it was there are three entrances on 50 so we will not enter from 50 we'll enter from Capron okay I was real concerned about the first entrance being so close to the railroad yeah that's not a good place to enter there right any other questions any other questions thank you thank you any other cards no more cards no more cards okay I'll come back to the commission do you have any questions or anyone care to Mo make a motion M uh Mr member grod thank you chairman um I'd motion for approval of the easement vacation uh item 881 2024 motion to recommend approval yes is there second second okay any other discussion any other questions Lori would you call the row please member Gad yes Vice chairman Eton yes member Findler yes member Childs yes member Moscoso yes chairman Richardson yes and this will be heard at council's meeting next week right correct March 26th see how simple that was next item is 9A yes sir item 9A is conditional use permit number 2024 TRG Self Storage uh the applicant has requested this item to be tabled to the April 3rd pnz commission meeting and the April 9th city council meeting their uh concept plan is still being worked on I have one question where is that uh warehousing complex the property was recently annexed into the city it's off of South Street North of Highway 50 south of uh Fox Lake Road oh yeah any questions yeah um I would just say I appreciate you putting in the response from um the applicant in our packet any other questions is there a motion to table I moved to table as requested by the applicant member finer seconded any discussion Well it can't be discussed it's a motion to table anyway roll call please Lori member Childs yes Vice chairman Aton yes member Gad yes member Findler yes member Moscoso yes chairman Richardson yes okay that was real short business uh 10 minutes 11 minutes technically and the next item is you Chelsea let's see do you want to do me or petitions and requests yeah petitions or requests any petitions and requests from the public no hi my name is James Troutman address is 1705 Barna Avenue uh good evening chairman and members um we received a letter in the mail about a property next to our property being rezoned possibly uh for a community that's being that they want to propose to build there so I'm not really sure what my rights or anything are so I'm coming to these meetings to figure out what that is because tomorrow we have a meeting I guess for the uh is that a community meeting I I believe it is I we have an address to go to tomorrow um that's I don't know where that sir was was that notice sent by the city or from the applicant do you know okay yeah I'm not sure the reason I ask it might be from the applicant from the developer Okay the reason I ask it's because one of the city's requirements is that if an applicant is is requesting a rezoning uh outside of the city's process the the applicant is responsible for hosting a community engagement meeting to inform the neighbors so that could be um what you're speaking about and we wouldn't have more information about the the specifics about what's been presented at that meeting sure no that's fine I just we wanted to come here and see what that was about first and then go there and work the process I guess you know you're Live on YouTube You're a YouTube Star tonight yay so thank you but no I'm I'm concerned for the community and of course for our property as well because we're getting a lot of uh traffic and and everything so that's going to be taxing on our community as far as police fire everything so so that's part of the reason why we're here too um I would just assume it'll come before us whenever it's ready and we don't have the slightest idea when that be right sure and then we hear it and make a recommendation and it ends up at city council sounds good thank you thank you permission thanks any other CST one we heard okay item item 11a Sunshine Refresher have you got that memorized too good evening commission members how's everyone doing tonight did everyone receive the email that I sent you on Friday who who didn't get it Megan didn't okay well I'll make sure that you receive what I've sent on I'm going to go over what I've sent it was um materials that I would hope you would save in store and not include in an agenda packet so that it wouldn't get lost in the future because those types of materials and so I'll send it to you right now actually and if you want to just confirm that you received it when you can when you get a chance no rush um everyone else got it okay so the contents of the email were just two attachments and the summaries of what was attached the first was an ordinance 23-15 that recites the rules of city council and I I provided that to you so you know what those rules are most specifically because I know that the rule 13 is referenced as a tool that you can use if you want to revisit a subject matter it's not necessarily called Rule 13 and except for that that's the number of the rule that it is it doesn't exist as Rule 13 outside of Titusville as part of my message to you so if you were to say it outside of Titusville somebody might not understand what you're talking about it's specific to the rules of city council and it says that um pull it up and I'll read it to you it was slightly amended about speaking times at a prior city council meeting so I sent you the most recent version of it so you could see that as well Rule 13 says a motion to reconsider any of the proceedings of the council will not be entertained unless it is made by a member who previously voted in the majority nor shall it be entertained at any other meeting than the one at which the proceedings were had or the meeting immediately following so that's the rule city council has that rule and and other boards and commissions have adopted it as their own also and if you need to revisit a item that was voted upon at your last meeting that would be one of your methods for doing so um that was just a really small little anecdotal thing I wanted to mention the largest portion of my email was a case that I provided and I have a portion of the case on your desk but Megan since you didn't get it I actually have an extra hard copy I can give you so this case resulted um after three city council members from the city of Sebastian which is just south of us went forward with a meeting that the city manager had cancelled during covid it was in 2020 and the meeting was cancelled due to whatever the reason was but these three council members decided to go into the council chambers and conduct a meeting where nobody else was invited they had their government issued pass keys to the building like you all may or may not have you don't but the city council members here have these cards where they can gain access to the building so that's what they did they came into the building there was no public present there may or may not have been some meeting minutes kept by the individuals but there was also no notice so they failed to comply with the Sunshine Law and I thought this case was really illustrative of what could potentially happen in the event of sunshine violations so I wanted to give you this real story and this recent history I'll back up and let you know that the Sunshine Law is founded in the Florida Constitution Article 1 Section 24 B of the Florida Constitution says all meetings of any collegial body of the executive branch of the state government or of any collegial public body of a county municipality School District or special district at which official acts are to be taken or at which public business of such body is to be transacted or discussed shall be open and noticed to the public and meetings of the legislature shall be open and noticed as provided in article 3 section 4E except with respect to meetings Exempted pursuant to this section or specifically closed by this constitution so this section provides that there can be exceptions the legislature has interpreted the Constitution to then provide the public meeting law in chapter 286 of Florida Statutes so that's the background in Sebastian I told you what happened there but then there was this whole case because there was a couple of other layers about perjury and other things that needed to be decided but I think that we all benefit from the opinion that was WR written because we can use these takeaways I suggested in my email that you all go to page eight of the op of the opinion where the concurring opinion went through seven key takeaways I then copied the language from the case law and printed out a sheet for each of you to take home so you could keep it the and so um I have explained now the background of where this came from and I find these seven key takeways to be super helpful they're also in a judge's own words so that's the source of them and they're a little bit more um brief than the law actually provides for example it says there's rarely any purpose for a private meaning or communication between two or more government officials who are both subject to the Sunshine Law it doesn't really get into the Nuance here that you can talk to city council members and that the Sunshine Law is specific to your body and so that's a point that I wanted to bring out that the Sunshine Law is specific to you as a board member of the Planning and Zoning commission and it prevents you from talking to the other board members of the Planning and Zoning commission about any item that may foreseeably come up before you for a vote so that is the background of the Sunshine Law and a case example of what has happened I was hoping that maybe some of you might have some questions or nuances that you might want me to get into I know you all have been initially briefed on what the Sunshine Law is and public records law so I didn't want to repeat anything that you already understand pretty well but if there's something that you don't understand please raise that question I have one concern If an item has already been before PNC and it doesn't look look like it'll ever come up again can we informally talk about it I would definitely say no that's not recommended because every ordinance is subject to revision and there's always the possibility that one of those subjects could be brought up again in the near future or in the distant future so just because an issue has been decided I would say that that falls into the category of something that's foreseeable to come back before you member Charles so like uh this happens frequently where multiple of Us come to a city council meeting so it's not our board meeting but there's no requirement to let because we we do we don't come to the city council meeting to talk to each other it happens incidentally and it's not usually about well it's never about anything about the board um but uh is there any requirement to to tell the public that board members will be at a city council meeting so sometimes the city does post if there's a event or certain things that two or more council members or board members may be present yes we'll do that as an abundance of caution but that doesn't stop the conversations that we can't control right and so there is there is concern of public officials attending another meeting where two or more officials are in the audience and if you are weighing in on something and then The Other Board member is hearing what you're saying about something that yes that could be construed as a sunshine violation right yeah okay M so yeah I I I get what you're saying um because I mean typically it goes it comes to us first and then first reading um and then the hearing and a lot of times recently that has been swapped and so I think it makes it a bit a bit difficult so I think that was um a good question to ask I can give you an example about how that has played out in the past here at City Hall we had issues when I first got here about 10 years ago there was a lot of issues going on at the county The Bard County Commissioners were talking about things that impacted Titusville and the mayor was very interested in chiming in on how he believed that would impact the city of Titusville other City Council Members also wanted to do so our advice to them was not to have two council members in the same room at the same same times talking about the same subject matter that could come back before them per the Sunshine Law because if you're in the same room listening to what one of your council members on your body is talking about that's going to come back before you just like it says here on this sheet there's a recommendation from the judge for that exact type of situation what does he say to do leave leave number six when in doubt as to whether a meeting or communic a either directly or indirectly between two or more government officials may be illegal under the Sunshine Law the easy answer is leave because but the exception being that only if if it was posted with minutes he's going to keep the minutes between the pnz posted minutes for the pnz not because it's minutes of the city council right okay so you're all able to go and attend the City Council meetings and sit and listen but when one of you starts open opening your mouth and the others are chiming in and going back and forth then you're having a conversation about something that may come before you and but like against the law for instance though we could all watch that person say it on YouTube video after it's been broadcast though so I don't see but are you sitting and listening and commenting after she talks about it the same audience I guess it depends on like if you're commenting I mean how you determine that you're commenting on what they just said like you know like how you determine that you're commenting on what they just said the the black letter advice would be that the first person who comes and speaks would have taken the floor and then the next person you how do you know that the next person isn't commenting on what they heard you say yeah it would be impossible to determine but the cleaner way would be to not continue that conversation or cons conversation environment the communication environment okay that's going on I see all right mon ago so yeah um so yeah an example of that would be when um the live local ordinance came up um a few members did get up and speak um would that be considered a violation of the Sunshine Law I think it could be okay so so I think it's you know a good question for the Attorney General but there's no reason there's you are a citizen but you're also a board member M and you have duties as a board member that you need to abide by and so you need to consider that before you get up and speak when you know other board members are in the same room so in that case it's I mean a best practice would be to send an email to the coun council yeah they read them um thank you there's been several cases that three or four of us are at the C council meeting we choose to get up and speak are you saying that when one member speaks the other three should leave the room I didn't say you have to leave the room I said that they should not necessarily speak on the same topic as the first person has already spoken on to avoid the appearance that you're commenting and having a communication back and forth on the same subject matter that may come before you we've often are at Council meetings and disagreed I didn't write the law but I'm obligated to tell you how it has been and could be interpreted Vice chairman Aton so I just want to clarify one thing because the way this opinion's written and you kind of addressed it but I'm not sure I understood it is so under um the part about number two where there's rarely any communication where between two or more government officials are both subject to Sunshine Law would read that we're subject to Sunshine Law and a council member subject to Sun Sunshine Law but then I've also understood and I think you maybe just said it that we can have a conversation with a council member the Sunshine Law doesn't govern your conversations between you and the member of another collegial body okay as Council yeah it it governs your that's why I want to clarify because this is kind of unclear because we are both subject to the Sunshine Law but not the same conversation and I just want to clarify that out of abundance of caution yeah I think in some ways the Sunshine Law is handcuffing uh not necessarily that we'd violate it intentionally but uh if members go to city council to speak their own opinion on the same subject I think that's a fine line that it may not be a violation of sun law but I'm not going to ask you to ask it I would want you guys to be the test case on that any other questions member Gad U I just wanted to add a little bit of information I'm sure Chelsea's familiar you need to pull the mic down sorry in the same vein is pretty lack of U smartness on behalf of those folks and Sebastian Inlet the the reading the whole thing was incredibly daff but that that that's just those three people um on another one of those events was the Hillsboro County Commission when the commission was seated and then people with the handcuffs came in and took the count commission away with them for violation Sunshine they were working between the Planning Commission and the uh County Commission in an event that unfolded before everybody's eyes but the story about the being arrested off the off the dis was kind of shocking that was just one of those things that happened I worked for a person who was one of the county administrators when it happened and it was shocked everybody that it'd be like Eddie sitting there looking at us and all of a sudden the two gentlemen with badges come up here and take a group of us away just like that yeah these things do happen these things do I'm kidding thank you any other questions any other comments Chelsea do you have anything else to add I just I really thought this case was eye openening and I hope you did too and I hope that if you have any questions about anything in the future about anything Sunshine public records law agenda items that you feel comfortable coming to us to you know discuss and talk through whatever the concern may be because that's what we're here for we're here to keep you out of trouble and these resources are available there's more resources available if you need them there's webinars there's training links I can provide those types of things if you need them but my office is always going to give the most conservative advice and yes and that is to protect you um is there anything regarding the staff and are subject to the Sunshine Law or something similar um they can't be conduits we can't be used as a tool nobody can important nobody can be a conduit nobody's allowed to be a goet for any of you all to express your opinion and you can't be conduits for other members opinions you can't be talking it the same concept with number six applies in many unexpected conduit situations if somebody comes up to you in the bakery or Publix and starts talking about something and then mentions one of the other board members names then that's your key that they are working as a conduit inadvertently they don't know what they're doing but if they tell you oh Joe Richardson just said blah blah blah blah blah he's gonna d d you have to walk away you have to stop the conversation you have to say please don't tell me anymore of that or you know whatever you think think is best for the scenario but you don't know when those types of scenarios may come up because you don't plan on them and the other people aren't planning on them but you need to avoid them at all costs the point I tried to make in the last meeting is if we have these calls from the staff which I think are working well I don't criticize them at all we got to be careful as members to not let the staff know our intention to vote no Our intention to vote yes because we're making them conduits we're making them conduits remember mus go so yeah um on that thread I was um I think you mentioned last time that if we even drive by a property in question that we need to um disclose that is that correct I if you're making a regular visit or regular driving around town for quas judicial the best advice that we have is to disclose if you've gained any information that has changed your opinion on a particular project if there is a question have you visited the site and if you went out of your way to visit a site then that should be stated I think if you're just driving by I don't believe that's necess like if you're not going out of your way to drive by something then that's just living in Titusville yeah like when I told the applicant earlier uh Honeycut that I passed by on I was driving down Highway 50 and a notice has three curb Cuts I don't think there's anything wrong with that no I think it's better to announce things you may have noticed than to know something and then keep it to yourself I think that is the act of curing any defect in a decision by first telling the applicant um what you know or don't know about the property based on your perceptions of what you've seen I think that should come out so that they know what to address in their response to you and my next question would be have we ever considered doing site visits as a board I was um because a lot of times we get our packets um and um to be there visually and see the environment would be very helpful and I know that's you've got to be really careful but I know that a lot of other cities do it I've got two examples of cities and how they do it how they announce it that it's considered um um public so the public can come obviously you have to have the developers or the property owners um permission to do it and then when you're on site um you can only ask basic questions um to the owner of where is this going to be where is this going to be um there are minutes taken but I've seen some cities do it and it's been pretty it looks like it's been pretty effective it's these quick 15 minutes site uh 15minute visits and it's just so that the board has a chance to go together if they're willing and able to and any members of the public to go and actually see a visual of the property um take that in and then come back for the public hearing where those questions would be asked so it's not a chance for the public to um you know go in and go after the developer or for the board members it really is kind of like a a many field trip just to take in the environment um so has Titus ever done anything or would that be something we could consider doing because um I know it wouldn't be something we would do for every piece of property but for me I I would love to do something like that um to go out and on Case by case if a commissioner said I I would really like to go out and see this piece of property can we make it open to the public a 15minute visit if we get the permission of the owner to my knowledge there's no process that has been established for that type of activity I'm going to it's okay I've got some papers I want to pass out to the commission um I just want you guys to see um how it's done and how it's advertised if this is something we might consider in the future we have done that before it was about 30 years ago when we're talking about um well like for example the comp plan involved in downtown it was advertised so everybody would know about it and we did walk to downtown area with uh the planner explaining what was in the comp plan as far as the buildings and everything and some of the public went with us and there was somebody not recording it but at least made notes and that was advertised and that was legal and it really made a difference um and I'd say too we it would be nice if we had a chance to do that before we finally submitted the comp plan you need some more finally submitted the comp plan for approval to walk in the downtown area we did that in the past um with an an attorney I thought was conservative probably not as much as you are but uh Dwight sers went with us what year was that it was some time in the late 80s we I'm just not knowledgeable about that well some of the staff wasn't even born in the late 80s watch shmin uh now I'm trying to remember what my question was um I'll think of it any other questions okay any other questions anything anybody else wants to add okay uh staff report yes sir thank you uh I have an update for you on application SSA number 2 2023 the registry at Sandpoint uh if you remember M pnz tabled that item to the April 17th meeting at the request of the applicant since then the applicant has requested that the item be tabled indefinitely um and so just giving you a heads up that this item will appear on your April 17th agenda and there request is to table it indefinitely at that point okay uh member Gad Eddie I have a question I brought this up to the applicant Point Blank about forward I'm sorry par pardon me uh uh during the meeting I just I brought that up point blank with the applicant about why don't withdraw the application start a new being familiar with continuance to specific dates not requiring advertisement because you've specified that date where the meeting will occur as opposed to tabling indefinitely seems to me that what would be prudent is the applicant withdraw his application and make a new application which also covers the cost staff has to go through the county and I mean the city's staff in general not just the planning zoning Commission of course ourselves for meeting that is on the first dime they paid and this runs on and I I myself I I oppose that I think if they want an indefinite continuance they need to withdraw their application that's my opinion but during their discussion I'll bring that opinion up for discussion um just for the commission's awareness the benefit to tabling to date certain is that the applicant doesn't need to pay a read vertising fee every time an application uh we have to advertise it in the local newspaper so it saves them a couple hundred doar from having to um read vertise the application by tbling indefinitely the application is still active so if it in the future the applicant wants to uh pay the advertising fee to get it heard at a future meeting date they could which is different from withdrawing the application entirely which is they would have to resubmit the entire application and pay the advertising fee okay any other questions I just to followup I I understand that but just speaking from a civil servant standpoint the fact that there's an establishment where you have a fee you pay for your applications review and processing and on the other hand tabling indefinitely because it saves a developer a couple hundred dollars it expedites the aspect of its review because you're only going to advertise you're not going to go through the Litany of review that staff should do and my concern for staff is that the applicant comes in and revises the plan enormously oh in that case if the application is changed then they would have to pay the advert the application fee again all the above is true I again stress my opinion is given an indefinite postponement the applicant should take the high road he should withdraw the application start new when he's prepared to discuss the matter and I'll discuss that at the meeting when they ask for the indefinite continuance thank you anything else no sir thank you chair uh City attorney do you have any other report nothing additional okay uh did it's my report time so did any of you see what appeared on Fox 35 about Bard County Running Out of Water you should see that or read it it was also posted as a news story and that really concerns me thinking about all the annexations why we've seen so many annexations in rard county is running out of water it gave some figures and I don't know how accurate they are about Bard County growing 24% and at this point I wonder if we should follow the May of Sanford's and ask to pause because we keep getting uh numbers of customers were serving on the water they range from like 50,000 people family including families that we are serving water to and there was something we got a water report that said we anticipate serving this many customers in through 2035 or whatever it was you you all 2028 yeah and then later a couple months later it stated before city council that we're currently serving 60,000 and um you know I just want you to consider pausing for a while uh uh maybe a month maybe two months because you know it's as simple as has anybody experienced a decrease in water pressure your water lines can only serve so many people and at certain times of the day you have difficulty I have in filling up the washing machine or taking a shower it can only serve so many people and you keep adding people apartments and new developments I'm really concerned about it that's something maybe we'll talk about at the next meeting or uh I want you to give us some thought and um I don't know if we can share anything because it'll be a violation of Sunshine Law just look at Fox 35 Bard County water supply now I'm not saying that is a fact U but you should take a look at it how concerned uh this county is and people that live in this County um are of the water supply and just to clarify this meeting is an opportunity for you all to talk to each other about things that may foreseeably come up at this meeting only at this meeting when the meeting's on is when you all may talk to each other about things that may come up before you you can talk to each other when you're here the time the window of opportunity to discuss things like you've just suggested is from when the meeting is called to order until it is adjourned when the meeting is adjourned that opportunity ends before the meeting starts the meeting the opportunity hasn't begun yet but to provide other members with your your opinion on something like water supply is perfectly acceptable during meeting hours yeah but I think they should see it and read it on their own I'm just saying take a look at Fox 35's report on the water supply in Bard County I'm very concerned about that you know I think we've like I said got to pause development for a while sford has done the same thing member fin L I was just only going to ask for the Sunshine Law we're allowed to share articles and uh links with each other as long as we're not giving our opinion or anything like that right that's a fine line I'd recommend against it okay because if you're going to share resources then the best way to do that is through staff or at a meeting okay yeah you're just going to we're we don't want to set you up for failure by saying yes that's an okay practice and then you one day write a commentary one sentence in it to another board member that would be prohibited but you can't do that so we would recommend against it was it Eddie or Brad that sent out something about trees in an article about what they're doing in Canada and it says that was provided by a member but didn't name who it was um that you can place a value on the trees that was an interesting article and I guess that's a way to share it it's just forward that to the staff and asked the staff to share it with the members of PNC that's my report I'll any member have a report I do okay yes um I just wanted to let everybody know that the school board of Bard county has approved the 2024 2025 student accommodation plan and am I permitted to share that with the members through SharePoint or and I'll do that if you're all interested outside the meeting yeah you should send it to staff yeah send it to staff and they'll send it to us staff is you and Eddie yeah and then if you want us to talk about it at the next meeting or a meeting in the future just state that this is an item that you like to discuss and in regard to that article or broadcast on Fox 35 about the state of water I'd like to put it on an somewhere in the next three meetings where there's a a lack of really um a bunch of items on the agenda to talk about it can I get a consensus from the board members that you'd like to have that on one of the future agendas is there a consensus yeah yes there's consensus thank you just would it be possible to get somebody from the water Department to educate us on capacity and maybe even ask them to watch this since we're all going to watch it and you know it's it's off the internet although it's Broadcast News but it's the old you can't believe everything but I'm you know they they should have an opportunity to kind of defend themselves for lack of a better term or ex educate us you can't believe everything you see on TV yes and I do want do want to make the distinction that Bard county is a different utility provider than the city of Titusville the city of Titusville has to prepare prepare its own water supply plan and so we can provide that and go into the the details but we have seen a bunch of annexations and I wondered why okay yeah and wouldn't be bad to address sewage as capacity as well CU I'm on a a different board and there's a lot of discussion about especially on the South into the town about sewage capacity as BC yeah member Gilbert have you uh I just wanted to explain in case there are people that really don't know what it is is it's a document that talks about the school capacity actual enrollment projected enrollment um for a five-year period and that's how they do their planning so um I just think it would be helpful it's helpful for me when I hear about new developments coming through and um helps with recommendations as well well we taken member grud uh if while you're um researching in preparation for a future discussion on what I'll call what was called the water wars uh Circa 1990s uh bavar County was running out of water in Lake Washington and sought to establish deep wells in Oola County which ensued an interesting feature of comprehensive planning in which they turned consumptive use permits into a comprehensive plan Amendment and that allowed the county to make decisions based on a legislative format so if you didn't want Bard County to take water you just decided they couldn't take water Oola County prevailed in that situation bavard County's water they had a name for it it it disbanded after the unsuccessful attempt so 30 years ago the same problem was in existence because the water consumption is one thing it's the provision for fresh water out of Lake Washington that's the other problem and the other footnote is if you have an opportunity to visit Martin County asked for a glass of water because it's always going to be desalinized water they ran out of water a long time ago so that was their solution however their water rates re reflect what happens when you're having to use desalinization as a portable water method and iume you know that since you're were assistant County Manager something yes and and if you just Google uh aola County bavard County and water WS you'll hit on the Sentinel articles I just double checked it I thought it was in the 80s but it was in the 90s member Charles um about schools uh you know last year Governor de santis signed that uh expanded signed the bill to expand the the stepup scholarship um to no income cap for for applying for that and I was wondering like is has that affected the public schools in any way and and because I think we kind of saw it last year with um Lake Fern um monor School expanding their operations and um but we might have more um developments for private schools that happen because of this I think every year they're they're appropriating more money for it and I think they're kind of going in that direction of trying to fund um like more of like a voucher system and is there any is there any indication with the the numbers that they've put out of that it is heading in that direction probably not like a a decrease but a not as high of an increase every year or do you know do you know if they've seen anything like that are you referring to enrollment in the public schools versus private schools well yeah more like so probably every year you have more and more people you know more kids are you know populations growing but if it's been growing at a 5% rate every year but now that that scholarship and is throwing more money at it um is it going up 4% 3% you know is it is it affected you you think or I think it is affecting it yeah don't I don't have numbers for you but I think it's definitely is yeah and I think we'll see I think we'll see more of that in front of us too if they're wanting to build more schools in a certain place that maybe they they they can't um because I think I think private schools are going to start showing up more and some of them that are already existence are expanding I'm I have a 5-year-old now I have three adult children but I have a 5-year-old and I'm looking at schools and I'm thinking about this too and I'm thinking there's a lot of people when you're trying to look when you're going to a school um they're saying we're expanding we're expanding and it's a private school and I'm thinking it's because we're giving more money to it as a state and so I think we're going to see and I think we need to keep that in mind too of we're going to see maybe more schools trying to be developed new or expanding so um uh good or bad I think we need to keep it in mind of what what that looks like and what we want it to look like because I think we're going to be hit with it regardless and in the future so we probably need to start thinking about what we want you know what what's good for our city for in those regards so thanks any other items that any member has um did you we tried to go to your bachelor party and Eddie was driving the bus and it broke down halfway to Nashville yeah I can report Nashville was fun yeah so if we all went we'd have to have meeting minutes for it right everyone we we wouldn't talk of course we' never do anything like that we wouldn't talk anything from here any other items from the staff or from uh the attorney or any of you this meeting is adjourned